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How do you respond without sounding mad?
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Would you let him on?
im hack_blastard
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What was that about? I couldn't see shit but he made someone give something back to him?
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sure boss what up
stop posting yourself
Hey it's Jet. Check your DMs
Worst personality in all the FU(Fishtank Universe)
Fighting record
Nigga wasn't even at the right spot
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Logging into 4chan for the night. Time for Josieposting.
sippin on a hot michelob
>warm even
I think Jet's planting the seeds for some meta-drama where there's a rogue NPC. The one that was beefing with Jon.
Jon looted a sword again, despite being told countless times that stealing weapons is failrp. Scott paused RP to get it back from him.
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Did somebody say Ella?
Scott is the biggest douche. Non of his cruelty comes off as humorous.
jon looted a hard plastic sword
smella foreva <3
Colefags, this your boy...?
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>peek a boo
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>when jon is fully committed to the RP
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>tfw methhead faggots from grindr knock on your door all because you fucked some haggard bitch
What did I miss tonight? Just got back from doing a gig where I got paid 10K to sing half-assed depeche mode vocals over a generic synthwave beat.
hell yeah
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Was this real?
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You just can't grasp his intelligence, nihilism, and wicked sense of humor
>If you want ORDER in the Tank, TJ must appear in bloodgames. Oh, and for every day they don’t, I will send in a Marky TTS. Starting tonight. I’m a man of my word.
jimmy gonna freak out on jon KEK
you guys who post random nobodies as if anyone was supposed to recognize them need to be shot in the face
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>mfw I missed Josie tonight to watch this gay larping
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I don't know what people are complaining about, so far this is leagues ahead of season 2
Jimmy gonna fight Jon lmfao
can't believe that retard in the other thread thought that was real
File deleted.
This Laney leak will delete in 30 secs.
ngl he's pretty fucking lame
we need a bell
leading these lazy faggots into content whether they like it or not
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>watching this over Josie
What's wrong with you?
I hope so
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Was lightning in a bottle like many have said. The threads will never not be shit again, and you should expect threads dedicated to watching autists all day to be angry and schizophrenic, early S1 was just a fun /tv/ event before the real target audience of Fishtank showed up
beer is good
delany body is sad
Jimmy's smart enough to realize what a bossy retard Jon is.
based Crispin enjoyer
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god I wanna whiff
thank fucking god
It's Incredible Andy AKA andyjackv AKA tankwatching.
why post this at all?
dont you EVER
I want to see her bend over.
whats been happening for the past 2 hours I was playing vidy
over 50% of fishtank females have nudes available (allegedly for ella.) it's already been goontank and you guys just never noticed
ngl warming up to you killing yourself
speed that up
this night has been one of the best.
I think sam relaizes while his character is great this is the fishes show and its almost better when he is offscreen letting his and jet speak through the medium
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>sound goes out during critical moments
fuck you Jet you deserve to fail
Just assume its some bant faggot and forget you ever saw them
they wandered around in the woods with no clear objectives
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Seriously what made him this way? Was Fishtank really that traumatic for him?
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The threads were shit from the get go when spergs fell for Josie's fake autism act
Whats with Jimmy shaving his body? Is that some rape victim shit?
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ella! <3
>I shave everyday
TJ not looking great here
>I shave every day
Jimmy is such a homo
>literally noone remembers that xavier has a servant amongst them
jimmy was so on it in s2
laney always was for pawg respectors. this isnt a dissapointment.
summer nudes please
Me rn
I don't know, I thought it couldn't be this worthless
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It's part of his arc, don't worry
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jimmy shaves his genitals everyday
laney looks like the hills have eyes guy
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In my mind, we're still in s1.
kek i thought it was TJ too
asspurgers brain couldnt handle being at once hated by everyone in the tank and loved by the audience.
Post the humming ella i didn't get to save it
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Post and good screencaps and shots from today. Has a day 4 kinogrid been made yet?
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Still waiting on thin Meg nudes. I would die.
Suspect for sure
the highs are high but they are so few and far between and the lows are painful which is pretty similar to season 2 but at least season 2 mostly had working cameras from day 1
this nigga legit just lies cuz he's bored
This was peak S2. Watching Cole go around and investigate was so comfy.
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evening all. today was KINO, yet another day of pure fun

>not having at least two monitors so you can watch both with only josie's stream unmuted
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How do we fix Betty?
>shaves his pubes every day
>definitely not a response to being molested
>Has a day 4 kinogrid been made yet?
yeah it has soap opera taylor on it
i refuse to believe those dont exist. she's just fat letty.
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Dumbass cameraman with a head lamp shining the shadow of the camera on the subject.
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seriously it was one of the best and its been giving but they're going to bed now so maybe over?
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you forgot tayleigh
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How on earth do you guys watch this on mobile?
I'm tempted to install the VLC Android client and load the flowstream playlist
Jimmy making excuses to sleep early
Nah that's when they were fun you just take wiggerslop too seriously which is why the threads are gay now
i dont watch anything on mobile
I’m choosing to believe this was real. She was clearly lurking that night and it has the same name she used on /bant/. If TJ isn’t here by the end of the weekend I will finally rope.
He's not lying. He showed off his shaved chest and poorly shaved back earlier. It's weird.
piss >>>> s2 >>>>> horseshit >>>>> s1 >>> fatty's shit filled ass flaps >>>> whatever this is
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watch a youtube restream
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here. glad someone is saving these
why is this faggot here again?
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Yup, definitely one for the books of Fishtank history! Good job all around guys!
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just do it now please
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I don't know how but I am certain you need two of pic related.
kys josiefag
It's 1 in the morning nigga
stop posting this shit bitch, my last warning
flowstreams works fine :)
i look like this and i say this
tayleigh and bliccy it was by mistake technically
>fucking Danimals for dinner
We lost Cole for this?
Vance wanted a chance
Taylor is so beautiful <3
>during sun hours fish are all energetic, doing things and shit
>sun goes down and they start not talking as much
>production isn't as active
>sam doesn't show up at ALL
wtf is this
I love her broken
mentally trapped as a little boy can't have pubes
in Jimmy's defence the sex for the man is always better shaved.
hes a weak little spoiled rich mamas boy. what do you expect?
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First 10 days of season 2 were peak fishtank desu
I'm picturing that awful shit where dudes buzz their pubes but it's just a bare perfectly defined square surrounded by thick thigh and gut hair.
I hate how she tries to look so bratty and above it all in this
vance just yawned kwab
sleepy boyyy
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Thanks for making them
Any cute taylors from today bros?
patrician taste

peek a boo

pretending like this isn't the coolest show online only makes it cooler trans-nigger
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Never heard of a little thing called kino?
what's up cole.
Anyone got videos of the Xavier fights?
Jimmy getting grumpy >:(
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dont kwab him. he fought hard today.
she doesnt lurk but ethan does and he gives her updates. it's why the tjaylor fags need to chill and stop worrying her.
Flowstreams has a popout player in the bottom corner
piggy bitch has never been cute a day in her life
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These are both shit. Kill yourselves.
try sleeping in when the sun is shining on your face at 5 am and it's almost 80 degrees already
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is this real?
He's so sassy
best tayleigh moment so far?
I'm gonna fall in love :3
>checks cameraman out
now this i can goon to
ill never understand cole fags
Nigga they just had an entire blood games wtf are you talking about. If you're gonna shit talk at least watch the show
There is literally no reason to be up early to collect the pouches
nick el camino
They woke up at 8am and did shit all day. They're gonna sleep even if we don't want them to
this, actually. I remember when I thought everyone was just being ironic, in the early days
Not if girl is on top. Hair guards against friction
Letty needs to burp him and rock him to sleep
let's see yours then
lmao yeah
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She’s posted before on /bant/
i said it last night. but fresh air and not sitting at a desk all day tire you out as well
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Jimmy is Mauro of this season
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probably. you can click on the link at the top of iFunny and watch w/o an account this time.
Betty's fixing herself! she just needs our love and support and maybe me as a boyfriend
Being this angry over the borderline retarded subjects of wiggerslop reality TV is what I mean about "the real target audience of Fishtank showing up"
enough of this shit
i tuned in this morning and they were all sleeping like babies
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wild thing about bliccy's nudes was that it happened live. one of the few good things to come out of s2.
>shaves his pubes every day
>8.2 inch dick
>fucked 27 girls
>never came from sex before
>12 years of martial arts experience
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I <3 Taylor
No one was up before 9:30, most were still in bed at 10
yeah i remember. i wasn't saying that's not her. im saying you guys need to stop getting baited. cause now tj has to respond to 30 fucking snapchats while he's just trying to rest before being on season 2.5.
Her losing in s2
kys josiefag
I hope both that they never let Jimmy on again, and that once again he leaves the show and has to find a new job that's even worse than the last two.
Tayleigh I also don't like but I hope she's happy with her new boyfriend and her simps move on and leave her alone.
id let him suck on my member
s only jacket
cute cute cute
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She was extra cute today.
>what's weddit gold
the one girl who got hotter when the camera quality got better
he was a /tv/ poster just like me. saw a lot of myself in him especially the negative characteristics but seeing him be funny and entertaining made me smile
She does lurk sometimes but most of it is probably relayed to her. She posted on bant like two weeks ago and I'm pretty sure her tweet from yesterday about her streams returning in two weeks was due to a shit load of people here speculating in these threads that her 24hr stream was this weekend (since initially that's when she said it would be). Also this reminds me of the time she said 4chan theorizing about things stresses her out right around the time she moved to Michigan.
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more like TITLER
Effortlessly mogging everyone around
you sound like a pathetic simp faggot. kill yourself.
Legitimately needs to be locked up in a mental institution away from all online access. That’s the only way to help her.
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Its over
>deviantart full of poorly drawn hug fetish hentai
>molested by mormons
>jerked off to trish kissing cole
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please clap
id let he slap my penis
>please clap
kek alright Jet you won me back
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>please clap
Kingdom hearts AHH nigga
>please cap
Why the fuck did Jet say this? It doesn't mean anything if you have to ask people to clap..
Red suits her
okay JET ihave a 7 day 42 point plan to fix this disaster. i can fix this entire thing and it will be amazing.

send btc here: bc1qpuw3shyz9j9nwutguqd68dfsw9jjy4zkx69ak3

and once i get the amount required i will send the docs to jet ASAP!

THIS IS REAL i can save this shit and the fishtank as a whole.
not a tj seether, but holy fuck she could do a lot better
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This video lagging is my library of Alexandria burning
All women should be forced to have bangs
Perhaps controversial, but I do think Letty got hotter as long as she's not looking directly at the camera.
cole suffers from depression because people bullied him too hard on the show and especially afterwards
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18+ site
it shouldn't be dry enough there to begin with anon...
You must be 18 and up to post here
wow jet, way to be a faggot
drops turtle out of pocket
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this man is deceased
>Jet bombing in front of his paid friends
Yep, it's neptunian
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE ITEMS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
The BLOODGAMES is a tournament to earn the CRYSTAL CLUSTER - a component for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. The blood games was won by GUNSLINGER.
>This night, one of the HUNTERS will be slain, as prophesied by VOODOO MAMA JUJU, and join the VAMPIRESS.

Secret Quest:
Tayleigh has accepted the role of XAYLEIGH RAVENBLOOD, and agreed to serve as bait for her dark masters plot against THE DUKE
By donning her patron’s mask, XAYLEIGH can cast BAT FORM. Tonight she has stolen the CRYSTAL CLUSTER for her dark master.
quick make this funny
my first thought too
and....tonight..... we give da weetawrd a consowation pwise
he has his family's money to make him happy, he doesnt have to hang out with the dirty poors. who needs friends and gfs and bullshit like that. based stoic cole christ. amen.
i find him funny and i hate myself for it
Jon is literally going to murder someone over the gay jokes. Neptunian Kino.
coddling jon is a good thing
send btc for the real lore
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Jon did try much harder today, and should be rewarded. they should get abilities instead of one shell or other dumb shit though.
Who was it he kept telling sex was overrated and that he couldn't cum from it? Cole? Jimmy is out of his mind.
>contacts on
>glasses on
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>"It's okay to be a faggot" -Jet Neptune
Doesn’t matter how much lubricant there is, natural or otherwise, stubble rub is uncomfortable
Jon has a crush on evil Kevin lol
the paranthropus god returns and he (You)'d me!
>not a tj seether
>posts quintessential tj seethe
Coddling Jon is a strategy to make him not quit early I guess
>let's inflate Jon's ego some more
If this were legit Tai would already be level 3 or 4
Whats wrong with being a faggot though
It took him 4 days to level up. How is that coddling
low energy post
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i remember seeing rage comics on /b/ when they were popular
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better than fucking pubes being tugged.
I'm not wrong shes a 9, hes a 6
I do too, he just stinks at making a show sometimes
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twin peaks got ruined by reddit. but it's super cool how taylor is just our own laura palmer.
>they're figuring out I have nothing planned
Classic jet
omg she stole it!
the first few days of S2 was the most fun I've had in my entire life and everyone else ruined it
Greetings Mr. Tanzania explorer
Warming up to her ngl
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>Jon only pouted a little today
They fucking over jon again
Even Jon isn't retarded enough to fall for Jet's scam
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>they're figuring out that i didn't have anything planned
definintely not the first time he's said this
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>coddleposting has begun
good times
fuck off fake cole
Why did Jon randomly ask about evil kevin kek
more than one person should be able to level up per day, and jon should definitely level up from xp gained through kills.
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Somebody reminded me about the cardstand during S2
john is being a faggot right now
Give Jon healing twice a day he can read a Bible verse to restore lives
They need to keep him around until Frank shows up
coddled jon x 24
He has a BWC though
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>Jon did try much harder today, and should be rewarded.
I like how you sound like a certified tard wrangler or a preschool teacher, probably both
they should give out little gold stars next to motivate Jon
youre stupid as fucking shit and a redditor. kill yourself.
Did they really not have anything plan for the level ups? Why not just give them a extra health band or whatever
>jon congratulated for becoming a better RPer
>immediately starts munchkin spergout
what a sick fucking weirdo
>"I haven't made any plan."
It’s been 4 days and there’s only been 2 levels up because Jet loses track of all the systems he makes
Good idea
being a faggot idk
She was a 5 until a year ago. She probably doesn’t have very high confidence.
yeah cole is living in a $10M mansion and working on creaing his own friendtank where he is his own jet and he can play autistic friend simulator
Greetings! I'm moving to France this fall for a postdoc analyzing early Levallois technology from Orgnac 3 :) technology of early neandertals and the direct ancestors in europe
a daring synthesis
confirmed ong
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It went so bad so fast, and for them just rehash S1 was so pitiful and creatively bankrupt.
Some of the CK stuff a little later on was funny though; making faces into the cameras while alone ect
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i lover her here
Pack your things and leave the thread your replacement is coming
hahahahaha die fish die
What’s your honest deadass no cap opinion on cheddar man
It took all his mental energy to not tard out today. Let him rest
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>more than a week left of this slop
TJ regularly plows Taylor with his BWC, making her big titties jiggle. You have never had sex
still Vince
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>uhhhh i dunno you're just stronger
>they're figuring out we have nothing planned

bravo jet
he's not wrong about perks though. should at least get an extra life.fuck this hotdog and a handshake bullshit.
kwaboty. cry more cunt.
He would probably like that, maybe buttons he can put on his shirt
true but she got around in that year
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what the fuck
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>come on yaw caw it a night
I hope you fuck Jimmy's Mom. Sorry that was harsh I take that back

Fwiw only Tai and Jon have been remotely funny this season and I would never give either one money, so...
it's so lame that the vamps just get up and walk away and then come back as "different" vamps.. they should just stay there dead for the whole game, imagine actual pileups of corpses like in ww2 movies.. THAT would be cool as fuck
girls that are a 5 have at least 3 guys she talks to regularly that all want her
10 wah eggs in the bwendo fo bweakfast
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>got the whole week off
I'm gonna watch this shit til my eyes melt
It sounds like Summer has been mega KWAB this year but I had only been checking the /bant/ threads once or twice a month
first one to make an OC ragecomic wins the intranets!
this is outlaw mudshow bullshit what the FUCK do you expect
We didn't kick him
We want him back
Jimmy gets tired way too early for a game based around nighttime combat
Apparently she had super messed up teeth all throughout middle school. I don’t think she’s really cognizant of how hot she is like other women are.
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>been neet since just before s2 started
>yeah she's just about the ugliest dyke you'll ever see
prepare for intense boredom
did anyone capture smiling princess
he is a money machine like it or not
yeah pwincess Jimmy needs her beauty sweep
who? tay?
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S2 ran while I was defending my masters thesis and a team of top chinese scientists called me a retard
Cole was my solace and Jet stole him from me….
ben you piece of trash
looks like she's in tears just from looking at that dyke
Jon is too funny
>the cigarette in his mouth while making his escape
she's like a 6.5 now, which is perfectly fine. I think she's cute but I think people way overstate her attractiveness lately. Also TJ has some sort of weird power over women because he had a shocking amount of female simps during the show.

I think being attractive is more important for women and men can make up for appearance by oofy doofy maxxing and other things unless you're straight up grotesque.
He’s content embodied
Jon's favorite part of the day involves another man's dick, shocker
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Taylorc won
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>do you know how fast you where goin son
>move camera to Vance
>first thing he says is "Yeah"

this makes me laugh so hard
at least I'll be able to enjoy the intelligent conversation in these threads
Flowstreams just turned into a slideshow for me. Is there some trick to make it work better?
how would anyone know that?
what was it about
is this real

According to VOODOO MAMA JUJU’s prophesy, a fish will die tonight
But that plot point may be delayed since people are sleepy
idk with the photos she posted on instagram she 100% knows shes hot, tj isn't bad looking or anything but god damn
She cute :)
ngl I just get lost in this niggas eyes nah mean?
No. It is a picture of a man goatsing

To give a little more I don't think europeans stayed black for 35-45 thousand years and then turned white only 10 thousand years ago it doesn't make sense and the genetics are far from concrete when it comes to ADNA
Yeah i have a friend who knows taylors ex bf and he got a pic of her tits>>200641276
>that plot point may be delayed since people are sleepy
pizza and phones and chill vibes, please understand
hey its the oofy doofy maxxing paki uber driver, no one knows what the fuck you are talking about
hell yeah dude
She has low self esteem and TJ is a golden retriever male. She’s the type of gullible girl that will date any guy who is nice to her. They are a good couple and I wish em well
why does jon talk so funny? did his elementary school not teach him how to say words good or some shit?
>doesn't shave the middle of his beard as short to give the appearance he has a chin
Top secret
(I’m not proud of my work and think my conclusions might be wrong, but once you’ve done all the work and it’s sort of right there’s not really time to do another set of tests)
Women who thirst trap like that are insecure themselves and that’s why they seek validation.
You don't understand he's waking up early to hustle (opening the 2 loot boxes, off camera, providing no content, which literally any person could do at any time of day but he's insisting it has to be him to do it so he can mention it multiple times a day and act useful)
niggana tesla
vibe repair
>is that werewolves?
>no, it's real coyotes
fucking kek
Damn banksy really worked on this season? How did they afford him?
plus, the first europeans came from the middle east 55-45 ka, not directly from subsahran africa they were already becoming whiter probably in the middle east
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Call jet man. He will let you back I guarantee. Do it or you will fucking regret it, Cole. You know this
more content than kwableigh and vance

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Can they redo S1 with all the same people (except mauro) and no ones allowed to leave before finale
tay misses listening to coyotes with clayton
The famous ‘he was black’ depiction comes from somebody who didn’t even work on the project and his religion may have biased his judgment
>someone is ACTUALLY gonna die
bit zesty, no...?
With how loyal she is I wonder how how here previous relationships ended. She would join isis for TJ at this point.
hi my adoring fan, I was raped. I'm not going back even if they paid me
He hasn't done anything for them but he's supposed to be their theif they can use. Perfect setup to have him lift the crystal back from Xavier tbqh
>jimmy pretending to be sleepy
prancing around like a little faggot KEK
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who /ott/ here?
Yeah kind of but I think my work is for a good cause
why are you below 6'
they're not wolves, they generally avoid people because you can kill them with a swift kick
Anybody who has ever interacted with people outside of an image board knows exactly what I'm talking about. It's the most basic observation ever.
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you were a huge fag when the cards were down but you should come crash season 2.5 because you vs jon is what I imagine jimmy vs jon should have been
>attacking a group of humans
>let alone one human
yeah that's the joke
i swear you don't give cole enough credit
he was one of us
he posted alongside us during s1 and has been a 4chan resident for 10 years
Loved her in Juno shame what happened
Loyal? Didn't you see how she stalked Greg's stream to watch for people saying anything bad about her just to ban them from her Twitch? Who would find that attractive or want that? Some girl who's obsessive and stalkerish?
He should be doing speech therapy, I think he said he's done it before too but I actually think he too mentally retarded for it to work

0 impwovmenn fwrum seezon wun
I love the Vance and Jon interactions. They've always awkward in a hilarious way.
>Jon: "autistic motherfuckers make the best forts"
>Vance: "I don't have autism"
>Jon: "Everyone else does"
If you really think about all the male contestants they've had on Fishtank he's one of the least zesty
Tayleigh is KWABOTY
lol they actually did this? i missed it
Coyotes are like a foot tall bro
coyotes play with you and nip at you and before you know it, you are being eaten by coyotes
yeah most of my colleagues are fags but some of them are based thats why I'm moving to france with my advisor cause things in the US are getting way to gay
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That discord groomer "asexual" freak deserves to be destroyed
that aunt who drives a Subaru wears lots of plaid button down shirts and has a roommate named Carla
they might get letty if she’s alone
cole is not like jon though
he was playing a character
Kek this is the one
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I believe a group of coyotes could slay Letty
One of us needs to go to the set and protect her
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nah still Vince
If you saw where they actually are on google maps they are next to the highway and still in city
yeah cole was pretending to be an alpha on fishtank. meanwhile hes a pathetic little whiny docile faggot irl.
After today sleepy useless Jimmy is out and party leader Paladin Jon is in.
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>Tayseethers Revenge: Death of the Taytriot

Score: NEPTUNIAN / 10
sure but jon wont know
look at that faggot pose
they would only get letty and the wiggers/fish would have to fail at extraordinary levels to not reach her in time.
? Cole actually is very alpha, but I can understand how someone like you couldn't see that from a mile away.
not with my size 10 1/2 carbon plate timberlands crushing their skulls they don't
a strong breeze could get letty
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does anybody else have the problem where it keeps switching back to the fucking directors cam
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kill vance, murder vance, kick him off the show, pull his pubes out one by one, put itching powder in his sleeping bag, poison his goyslop, remove the bullets from his gun
see also
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Sam is upset because TJ was supposed to propse to Taylor at the end of 2.5. The two of them have talked about getting married but they want to buy a house first and move to the rocky mountain states. Play Taylor said she'd want to proposal to be a surprise. TJ backed out of it because he doesn't think he should do it on the show as it would be too public
Sam is upset because it would have been a good moment and brought in money from the attention
But he doesn't want to force tj into it since he's like his pseudo-kid. Same with Taylor. He's a big softie on the inside and wants them to get married, but he doesn't want to ruin things by insisting the proposal be on 2.5
>she stalked Greg's stream to watch for people saying anything bad about her just to ban them from her Twitch?
taylor is whore. this is fucking awesome though.
jet it up
you can hear letty and jet arguing over letting losing to xavier on the schitty cam. apparently she was NOT in on the joke
It's not cole holy fuck how gullible are you retards. This is the dumbest fanbase on the internet.
>he was playing a character
yeah he was playing a gay little faggot, very method
that's just fucked
They've been together for like 2 months why would he propose lol
Tay has been forced into the plot by Xavier’s love
Jon has been actively involving himself in everything, even when it’s not about him
Letty is sort of involved and may be the parties best yugioh player at this point

Who has done the LEAST today:
Vance or Jimmy?
cole posts are the only ones that are actually real.
Only interested in Summer and Abi.
yes desu
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no shit fag
Yeah that's the joke retard
Thanks Jet!
Thanks iFunny!
realizing that letty is crazy narcissistic to think that she couldve put up as entertaining of a final fight
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i like cole but he was scared to go the the bank dawg
did Betty write this?
i can 100% see jet and sam forcing this on tj. i dont blame him for staying away.
>jet explaining to letty that her loss to xavier was preplanned so she can stop seething
hey everyone, it's me, dave. will take any questions you guys have
Somewhat unrelated to your post kind of but I still don't get why people find it so weird that they're together. If you just took a look at some of the couples around you when you're out you'd notice there are way fuckin weirder ones than theirs.

I can't tell if it's trolling, legit seethe, or just autism from rarely interacting with people. People on here get legitimately hostile over this lol.
that bitch hasn't changed at all this last year huh
just making sure everyone else got it
if only the fat minion would fuck off
hi dave
>uhhhhh peek a boo
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rare josie incoming
non zero chance jon and letty get married
Pretty sure that was a joke he was trying to make
it's tony and it's not even fucking close
ask a question or fuck off
hi dave
I'd be lying to you if said I sorta did like when I dated a girl that obsessed over me, once we broke up she become a psycho bitch
suck your mum
are you that crypto fag who was on earlier??
bunch of elliot rodgers lol
>why is she not with a perfect gentleman
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Surely she isn't that retarded. Like the bit was obvious, she's not that stupid... right?
Yeah josie is fucking retarded and so are you
6k viewers rn btw
no i dont do crypto i just watch fishtank
who is talking with letty and jet? also letty coughing. weed confirmed lmao.
Nah sorry, still Vince lil bro.
Can you be a dave I know?
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6K in chat, less that 1k watching on the site.
100%. Pure envy
real jontard hours dont you groypers have school in the morning
failed show
2.5 will not turn a profit
3 will not turn a profit
3 will be the last
sam and jet will go back to playing skyrim on stream for $20 chat reads
he sure is a dave
those trips tho
based but for me it's terriers being my favourite dog
I find the microtransaction minigames shallow and pedantic.
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Someone give me the doxx I want hurt Tay
its the weekend you retarded fuck kek.
I meant to ask who that guy was sorry
you wish
Yeah that's not cole, what of it?
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>the man who thinks everyone and everything is gay doesn't think this is gay
tay seethe TTS got thru
too lazy to check past threads but did anyone catch when jimmy was asking letty and tay if they had lost a necklace and kept insisting that it was jets. tay whispered in lettys ear that "jimmy has your necklace" and letty says "I know"

Hi jet!
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KEK that gay little fucking pose flentes is doing
i was listening to the hot mic, what was it?
Jiri or Alex tomorrow?
Jim Norton?
exactly my feelings lmao maybe I give her too much credit
bitty status?
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jontards are so easy to troll you can literally tell them "im trolling you" and they unironically take the bait, incredible
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what up it's me jet ironically replying to a meme
Insider here
A major fan favorite is coming back tomorrow but in order to see him you'll have to watch the skies. That's all I can say for now
crowgang runs this shit
i prefer "circumflex" to "vertical bar"
but youre nor a troll youre a human bean
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>force vance to talk
>steal his shoes
>break his sword
>glue his combover back on
>deny him breakfast
>rip his teeth out of his head
>remove him forcibly
>have sam fuck his mother
>put squirrel shit in his bunk
you bald bosniak faggot i hate you
hi dave
post the vocaroo. i lost it.
her power level is severely weakened when she's not the one making the narrative with production
Imagine simping for Tay of all people when there are countless perfectly attractive egirls that pretend they don't like cock around. You literally saw her make out with FRANK HASSLE. NTR tag much?
see? incredible.
what info u want?
said her head was more fucked up than (something about) letty's bug eye head.

in response she said, y'all don't say that when i have my wig on
I like that the text to speech is teaching people how to pronounce rarely spoken grammar symbols
i only simp for my irl wife
Through sheer contrarianism and dislike for Tayleighcucks I've decided I like Tayleigh now
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you actually love me
Favorite Vance moments so far?
i just downloaded ifunny
Alex = Tai
Jiri = Xavier
>i'm just testing what TTS sounds like
>ok intern
How many people you think are actually younger than 18 or don't work and post in these threads? I'm in my thirties and get paid good money, $22/hour and pay my own bills, don't got shit to do this weekend except watch Fish Tank and relax, and live the dream.
peak a boo easy
tai having ptsd from the vampire sounds
im split between "yeah..." and "...yeah"
What Kentucky Fried Snot Snatch does to a mf.
>then press "send"
Why hasn't "greater than" (>) and "less than" (<) completely taken over TTS since S1 minute 1?
It is even the 4chan meme arrow. This way, you can say two words comparing things with only one character.
Letty is so silly sometimes!
bashing a vamp with his shield was pretty metal.
>there are people who this garbage is the best season yet
Wtf is wrong with people?
you make 45k a year before taxes you’re poor get out of here and work some overtime broke ahhh
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downright begging for somebody to post this rat
>get paid good money, $22/hour
weirdest part to me is seeing people upset about someone NOT being with a Chad. Usually people are bitching about the opposite of this lmao. It comes off like they're trying to plant doubt and it reflects pretty well on her that she doesn't listen to the retarded seething.
whoa bro ur so smart
Sorry, there's no "shrine cam"
Wtf are they talking about??
I can't imagine anyone over 21 paying for a pass to spam vertical bar. I'm sure fishtank permeated to whatever is after zoomers.
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Would you kiss Letty's boo-boos?
What was it?
30s here as well work remote full time and am a hermit. I think there’s quite a few kids here during the summer. Baiting is too easy to suggest otherwise
it doesn't exactly have much tough competition
You're asking people who spend upwards of $40 on a TTS message to think rationally.
kill yourself califaggot
it has nothing on vertical bar, jjjj, and circumflex at this time. everyone forgot about curly brackets.
hot mic?
You're poor
Can't believe I'm saying it but Jet finally get it together for this. It's look like tank kino is based on the menu. That Bloodgames fight at the arena was a certified kino moment. Can't wait for s3.

Copy and paste on /tv/
same. plus her stuff with xavier is good. it's nice enjoying a female contestant i dont have a parasocial crush on.
What if I told you there a combination of symbols that go on for over three minutes for 1 superchat and these retards haven't discovered it yet.
>t. I used it once last season
>veteran ip2 stream ruiner
Why hast any spam TTS been Filtered yet? Because it's revenue.
Where my nigga Jeremy at???
Pretty funny u guys haven't noticed the Synanon plotline is being continued here yet. Pay attention! We want this to be a fun game for u guys to play too
muh america only country
jimmy dies tonight
>said her head was more fucked up than (something about) letty's bug eye head.
in response she said, y'all don't say that when i have my wig on
What did she mean by this? Sounds like she thinks it was from an ex taytriot
>admitting you're brown
jet, letty, ben and someone else were talking production at the barn and smoking weed. chat blew it up and someone came out and told them we could hear them and jet addressed us listening in.
>poor person
>in Europe
this takes me back
you are so unbelievably fucking retarded faggot
hahaha the brown is mad
cool thanks
fix the site
Because he literally rocked back and forth like a schizophrenic whenever he was around her and couldnt say a single sentence. Everyone else was offput by his rocking
Who has been the most boring fish?
>m-muh Tayleigh
No Tayleigh. She's too tainted by /bant/'s hurt feelings.
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>Yeah, they're still watching!
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>in Europe
again, retard. look at a map.
damn are those her panties.
letty has done absolutely nothing all season
They've kept Wes hired for over a year they think the site rocks and isn't unusable noise.
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Coyotes hang around populated areas sometimes
AI SFX kinda kino
Not really. We already know jet and more specifically BEN is going to burn/destroy all the crucifixes. Probably Jon's Bible (or at least a decoy for stream purposes) and everyone's going to die and become a vampire and then Sam will step in and rewind that part even though it happened.
Black Mass might be in the cards too.
I'll give Vance the benefit of the doubt, since he just got there today. It's definitely Tayleigh.
>not in europe
proven brown
What is that?
it straight up doesnt work on my laptop. i get audio but no video.
Letty has an even worse understanding of whats going on than the audience, which is saying something
i'm going to watch the new biggest problem in the universe..
It's tayleigh objectively
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wish we could go back bros
she does the stim shit too just most subtly if you pay attention or watch any of her streams, she also has a noticable lisp that can be heard on the better mics. they seem pretty similar
#fishtanklive #fishtankbloodgames #ifunny #BLOODGAMES #SamHyde #JetNeptune #RealityTV #Gaming #Games #Gamer #GameShow #Puzzles

FULL 1.5 HOUR VIDEO: https://x.com/cryo2052/status/1806926030462132260
i want to give her babies and drink all her milk myself
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someone bake RIGHT NOW or you're getting 12 josie ops in a row
hehehe sniff my panties frank
hehehehe yes ill marry you frank mwah
Vance has actually gone out of his way to try and understand the game and try and discuss tactics and organize defenses with people like Jon. Letty and Tay basically just sit around and occasionally mug the camera.
What is even going on rn, nothing happening on the cameras
all letty was good at was dumping trash and having trash dumped on her, or arguing with jon. she had like 1 good argument with jon on day 2 and thats it.
Hate to say this because Letty was my no. 1 in s1 after jon left but it is true and factual.
same reason your penis head is shaped like a scoop, genetic conditioning is telling you that the retard breeding with peak stock like taylor is a bad thing.
tayleigh is fun to hate so it can't be her. i'm biased towards letty because she could be doing literally anything and she would have my full attention. i'm going with vance, he has never interested me and never will.
>I still don't get why people find it so weird that they're together.
do we need to spell it out for you retards? it riles you all up because you've parasocially projected your insecurities onto fucking TJ AND TAYLOR and it gets us (YOU)'S!!!!
deadliest spruce in the west
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This season wasn't as good as 1 and 2, and I think the only people saying otherwise didn't watch those seasons.
I watched the clips of s2 on youtube and had the distinct realization that production coached him to be like Josie and rock back and forth and stuff because he grew out of it pretty quick.
Not really, she makes me want to stop watching. She ruins every bit
peek a boo!
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FOREVA!!! <3
season 2 was dogshit
>Everyone else
name one other than tayleigh
it is funny to me how much she lacks self awareness and constantly says and does stupid shit that turns the audience against her. i was more sympathetic during season 2 but at this point it's on her, she's had more than enough time to get it together.
>around me
they're cucks plain and simple
suggested jon get fucked in the ass to calm down
Obviously not if chinks can see it's stupid. Pathetic nigger.
you got a weird ass dick faggot
He got less anxious when he got to know the others a bit, and when he was drunk. His twitch and stammer never totally went away
broke ass nigga
Hi dave
old thread much??
I don't have insecurities which is why I don't farm for (YOU)'s like you retards, that's the point. You are unhappy in life and that's why you are mad about it.
They met six months ago. And they were at least e dating since February.
whats a good bod?

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