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What will his role in Bloodgames be?
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Neptunian Kino
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Enjoying it so far?
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https://x.com/cryo2052/status/1806926030462132260 FULL VIDEO of the BLOOD GAMES on DAY 4
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my baby my baby you're my baby say it to me
>miss day
>ask what i missed
>repeat every day
nothing of value was missed
He could be airsoftfatty now since he's the fat one now
some boss that gets killed within a few minutes because the combat makes little to no sense.
>Friday night
>going to bed before 2 am
>going to bed before 4 am at all

No more outdoor experiments
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getting gassed and sweaty and being mean to taylor
obese grocery store employee
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What would you say to this man if you had the opportunity?
village rapist
puerto rican fag
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Good morning I love Xavier
>cryo and that massive fucking cock of his
why TF does the audience keep sending loud ass messages to the fish? there trying to sleep
sfx is funny
it never does newfag
Probably "you da boss baby nigga aaaaaaaaaa" followed by "Fire Wes."
Sup hack_blastard, nice cock
People are very rude
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fix the site, Jet
i'd be fine with it if they actually woke up in the morning.
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I don't give a fuck. As long as he humiliates Tayleigh again.
bear kino inbound
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evening all, how we liking the season so far? loving it, personally. today was fun as heck
i wouldn't say a single word to him. i'd listen to what he has to say. and thats what no one did.
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>Literally nothing is stopping you from having a baby with the girl you simp for on /ftl/
Don’t give up hope anon
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me too

youre cute
>tai magdumping
Frank won't show up, he'd die in 2 minutes.
Wait maybe Frank should show up
this one was funny do it again
holy shit
Does anyone have a link to an upload of the bloodgames? I missed it.
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he's coming
we don't sign our posts here.
You call yourself neptune but I think ur anus
racoon attack and no one says anything????
lol there's a guy in a raccoon hoodie trying to eat their trash
Yes we do fartmaster
they should just tackle that nigga
why arent these pussies fighting back
i'll be honest i turned it off because tts was loud, regretting that now that i have it back on
woop woop
betty would befriend the raccoon. her class would be dancer with beastmaster sub-class.
>newfag uses newfag joke
never change
they're afraid. raccoons are very scary
that very specific thing was just posted either in this thread or the last very recently
happy hunting
>nobody cares enough to get out of bed to stop the raccoon
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lmao this is kino

>when does josie show up
low energy living on grits no vitamin d please understand :(
cryokeen posted in on twitter.
>die you dirty subhuman nigger scum
what did he mean by this?
This bitch better be gearing up for 2.5. If she isn't, Jet better make the call.
just heard Vance drop the Y bomb twice
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What is Shinji thinking as he's watching this?
It's 2:50 pm in Osaka right now
>captcha tan00ki
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Conspiracy theory: Jet deliberately coddles and rewards Jon because he knows it riles up the tts paypigs who will send tts harassing Jon to vent their outrage.
where is bitty uploading these?
He will rape someone
take the L
fucking kek I miss the vance saying nigger posts (I was the one posting them in every thread actually)
Damn I should've read the thread first its right there thank u
>welp, that was, uh, somethin'
TRD (Total Raccoon Death)
twitter and deleting after a few
The TTS speaker is right where the cam is (despite everyone complaining about it last season). They're like 20 feet away and and just ignore it if they're talking or trying hard enough.

Oh cool, snore kino
tayleigh just said something racist and redpilled
we're so back tayleighbros
i know everyones gonna make fun of me but keep posting more of these betty i like it a lot
The AI SFX are fucking crazy. what a bizarre idea. it's completely fucking with them
Were the blood games kino? I was outside for once.
what a creative way to mew. gotta love Betty!
>production dresses up as a raccoon to steal food and mess shit up
So I'm guessing they're gonna have someone dressed in a bear costume come in a couple nights to beat the fuck out of them
suck my balls
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>nobody is eating the refried beans

these plebs don't appreciate mexican culture
her discord. but you need the bettybrug role to see it.
eat the cum from the portable toilets
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>Pharmacist stall selling advil during the day
>Gay Bear at night to rape everyone
they already fought a bear earlier
is this another tj fangirl?
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I keep thinking this is Tayleigh from the thumbnail.
Jet get her off the show NOW. Call Cole.
AI SFX? what do you mean?
jesus christ spoiler that shit dude how could he even consider doing such a thing
the gibberish and screeching and music are AI prompts
wowie please more!!!! i love being a bbc (betty bro cuck)
I'd tell him to stop disrespecting his father and change his last name back to neptune. The man is a r9k legend.
This is exactly what I was thinking. That would be perfect for him
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they have an option on the site to generate your own sound using ai
it sounds completely busted
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frank knew better than to fuck with the s1 money maker
who's got the discord invite
Xavier has to be a random professional larper they hired. I want him so bad I need his doxx.
imagine having to do this stupid bullshit for ten more days.
seriously though do the tts speakers HAVE to be touching up next to the camera?
he was in the great war and a few frank hassle videos.
jon would've tackled it
world boss the fish have to avoid
out of all things they should've learned from the last seasons, it's to test how the mics sound against the tts
>Vance gave up concerting
>Jon gave up his political aspirations
>Jimmy gave up good money in the boiler room
>Letty gave up her vacation
>Tai gave up his stand-up routine
>Tayleigh gave up her streaming career
Was it worth it?
not when u do like that one
when you do like this one \
benchod bloody basterd
He tried to get a reaction out of her. He attempted to destroy her plushies and some other shit. He moved on to easier targets.
It looks like she's rubbing her pussy
im pretty sure they do it on purpose. the tts will sound loud as fuck on camera so paypigs will think they're getting their money's worth but in the room itself it's super quiet
literally. that's the ONE thing I would ask them to change for next season.
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She has to. It's either goon or die.
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What did we learn today /tv/?
Cant be him. Doesn't sound like him and looks more youthful/ripped. Also bulge doednt match.
Vance did a concert right before he left for the show, and I'm pretty sure he has some stuff scheduled immediately after it's over. Same with Tai. Those guys are basically just taking a camping trip vacation.
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she wore the pelts of the fallen like a true navajo warrior
but they can hear it just fine, they always have unless somebody is yelling over it. the audience could hear it just fine too if it was just slightly further away
my poop schedule is synced with letty's
What I wrote was verbatim Indian nonsense. Do not ever question me again you dumb ESL nigger.
Letty's life is a permanent vacation
The only vacation she's on rn is one from ketamine
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ella mogs <3
im not even a josiefag but she is one of the few people to ever defeat frank hassle. he was defeated physically (too agile, couldnt be caught, also couldnt be reached under the bed, she played outlast on him), and defeated mentally (plushie destruction had zero effect on her, immune to insults)
it was so funny when he was trying to comfort fatty in season 1. talking about how people on the internet want him dead too, failing to mention the reasons why which are completely different to chris. Cameron is a massive faggot I would not mind watching die slowly
There must be something addicting about being in the tank and co that unless you're a fish, you'll never understand. People who quit calm down after a while and then wish publicly that they were back on the show.
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my poop schedule is synced to any time something big happens
vance is crying
damn looks like i cant make fun of him for this anymore, just kidding of course
so betty is actually into it? honestly weird.
wtf was that one lol
>fidget spinner
cant even stop being a retard in public for a few hours
keep crying butch babie
s2 basement footage
They told him not to fuck with her too hard obviously
If you're an artist or content creator it's basically free publicity. Unless you have some serious skeletons in your closet, there's no reason not to do it if you can afford the time off.
Obviously. Why else would she wear a vixen bra
It is Jan Rankowski
seems like it. but if you ask me she has had a mental snap
how long have they been blaring shit over TTS for now? someone is going to snap, i think everyone was expecting friendtank
it's more of an act of hate. she hates niggers so much she wont ever suck their real penis just a fake one
its too bad vance isnt very good. his music and performances are exactly like his personality. muted and dull
she just gets off on the attention. she only amped things up after she got banned from 4chan and when bloodgames started
its 100% just because jimmy was getting snappy about his beauty sleep
roaming boss
Jimmy and maybe even Tai will eventually
It was easy to "defeat" hassle in S1 because he did nothing. In S2 he was throwing people around the house.
The first part was hit and miss because they only had 2 cams and only used 1 for most of it.
Couldn't see anything .
Cameraman was trying his best running from one fish to the next but they take needed chest cams (guess the didn't test that before they started??).
I think jimmy and letty got 10 seconds each.
But the 1 vs 1's after that are a must watch.
Xavier carried.
I'd put it up there in the top 5 /ftl/ moments of all time
or because they've literally always done this
she is very clearly mentally ill and coming on here and bant is only amplifying her depravity
i wish she'd send me vids and let me give her attention.
The tts is one of the funniest parts of fishtank it’s supposed to be annoying ear rape, it’s also the only thing thematically tying fishtank to classic irl cx/ip2 content
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Anon's it's literally The Commander/Jan/Jace
Are you assuming or know for sure
It's AI
>I'd put it up there in the top 5 /ftl/ moments of all time
that's an insane statement
Nothing, because we're still on 4chan.
i dont give a fuck what or because. i said what i said and it may as well be right. die.
the SFX needs to be this weird and unsettling in season 3
>so sad when he cries like this
>wow i can't believe he's crying right now
>what a gay guy
>keep crying bitch baby
there are screencaps of her instagram account replygirling black horrorcore rappers from 2022. lettycels would spam them, surprised they havn't turned up again.
Yes she is a slut for BBC!!!
does he perform with anyone else or is it just triple cuck vance on stage by himself awkardly
she's into getting attention at any cost
i was thinking the same thing
jon is dead
attention whore behavior. it's her current phase, she'll get over it in a month and move on to scat play or something.
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So what the fuck does he actually mean by "lore reset"? No more returning fish or freeloaders?
the morale meter makes this pretty funny
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I want to hit this ugly dyke with a crowbar. Seeing her greasy thinning hair, receding chin, and beat wrinkled face is like hearing nails on a chalkboard. I can't fucking stand it.
His voice, mannerisms, eyes, how Sam talks to and about him.
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they're gonna have nightmares for months after this
there's no way they won't reuse any of the freeloaders
she didnt need to do the dildo stuff. she could have just kept wearing adjacent weird shirts
>tee hee i just thought snow bunnies were cute little animals! like me!
but she's just straight up sucking black dildos? such a jump
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it means whatever you want it to mean as long as it makes you excited for Goran's next slop
Interpretive dance crying, reliving his trauma of being forced to film The Rape of Summer
Even though the end of s2 universally sucked.
There are benefits to contests who are fans.
Frank did pretty much anything he wanted to contests.
Erm... fuck taytriots moment?
And he got away with it.
It's wild.
His brother does drums for him. I thought they were both pretty decent when I went to his show.
love this little drug addicted freak
this is fucking junk
just fucking scrap it
this one's no good
(^^what i hope he's thinking^^)
he played with a drummer and the rest was whatever track he came up with to sing over. more post-punk slop that sylvia does and has had a recent comeback. dont hate the guy but god damn hes never not a bore. he needs to start drinking or SOMETHING to liven himself up
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Yes she could have TJ-with-long-hair but sam ruined that
man tayleigh shut yo bitch ass up
Don't give her any ideas
>AI jimmy screaming
My god kek
>what are you didgeri-doing?
What's she saying?
him and jan were on bad terms after the great war last time i checked, but if he can get charls back on board i guess jan isn't much of a problem.
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These sounds are so fucked
okay the weird moans turning into a tom and jerry scream was pretty funny
This is terrible news
Not an argument.
It was fucking hilarious.
Greg vs. Xavier was the best shit so far
based blacksmith
see >>200642810
people saying they aren't looksmatched because she's hotter is so funny. he has the largest female fanbase of any other fish but like 30 times.
It just means they're using a different method to fill contestant slots this time around instead of Craigslist where the entire house gets filled with people aware of the game like last season.
I get the same exact Caillou response from her too. I thought everyone simping for her was just /ftl/ being ironic until she actually fucked a fan. Hopefully Jared goes full Clayton-mode on her and posts videos.
Why were they on bad terms?
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>Strap the fuck in. Shits about to get crazy.
must be weird for vance to have been on both sides of the camera
What time is it for them?
I'm not a big fan of his vocals, but they're not bad. If he could sharpen them up and increase his range a bit his stuff would get 10x better. I trust his creative intelligence but I'm not sure he has the skill yet to execute it properly.
Jan donated to Sam’s streams last year idk
>Why were they on bad terms?
the reason everyone else is.
>"you owe me more money"
>"no i dont"
weasel bitch ass vampires
motherfuckers can't kill, assimilate, and vampirize their way out of a paper bag
fucking fail
u suck
6 pm
Classic Sam
Almost as if he was always on one side, even when he was holding the camera
2:10 am
it seems weird for ben and stuff as well. when they pulled him for his interview tonight it was super awkward.
It would be funny if a shark came out and dumped a trash can out near them like previous seasons
They tried using a legit talent agency for early S2 casting and the only person ignorant enough to sign was JC.
He got don jolly'd
452835741838362394237458234923452345:835723591204120 APZM
>I'm not a big fan of his vocals, but they're not bad
Yes they are retard
>I trust his creative intelligence
The creative intelligence to cry about someone stealing your epic le therapy lizard idea.
5 jcs and 5 coles is the recipe for success
the raccoon is the new shark this season
he's addicted along with the other returning members
nothing in their life will be as interesting as this
screencap this post.
thanks bruh
Did anything happen with the shrine tonight? Did any oof the fish turn into a vampire?
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It means we have to pretend everything he repeats next season is actually the first time hes doing it
just some money thing as far as i can tell. you can find his posts by searching for "!VGGwl.PbJI" in this thread.
its a borderline cult like environment where you are all struggling together, experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions. same reason so many people actually grow to enjoy military service and to a lesser degree, being on things like sports teams
won't this just make them even more lethargic tomorrow
that's honestly an interesting point i never thought about it that way
ijnust sent you 50 in bitcoin dollars can i get the solution to the season now you fucking hacking blasterd bitch!!!!!
Jan is a Compsci major, I think his writing/acting for Sam the last decade has always just been a here and there fun sort of thing
that combined with warm fuzzy feelings of constant internet attention
you're a faggot
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Imagine how much more unbarely schizophrenic these threads would be if Josie was there.

Can we get a quick "thank you josie" for her not going?
>That guy with the gong on his back was one of Duke's general
Take it from a Lettyknight she's totally getting her phone and seeing Tax when she goes in to shower from the garage everyday.
I think they keep Vance out of the loop (but he has his phone for 20 minutes a day shitting before he showers, so he sees twitter shir)
At the same letty gets the inside shit.
Idk I've seen her lie so much you know all her tells at this point.
Don't hate the player. Hate the game.
Sam being a jew? I don't believe it in fact we should hear sam's side of the story here
And? I love cock just as much as your dad does.
i posted his account of working with sam a few posts above yours, i'm like 95% sure that's him because who would LARP as jan rankowski on /mu/ of all boards. sounds like there was some sort of dispute involving the funding of a podcast which is why they stopped working together for a few years.
Frank should be the bear
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yep, that combo is like a drug to someone who hasnt had either of those much, and is now getting both to an extreme degree all at once
i was raped my entire life
they are all getting there phones at various points. tay has mentioned multiple times needing to win her fans back over.
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smartest josie hater
the exact moment Sam got the ick
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>it's another Jet reads the threads and steals our ideas episode
her doing pic related type stuff make me instantly hate her very early on
god she sucked so much
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i know a lot of you hate to hear it but this project has been wildly successful, they'll all keep coming back as long as they can (maybe not josie, she made $800 pretending today's the 4th of july)

do i need to get more unhinged? i've got an 8 of blow and a ton of free time this weekend
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Erm josie is great
such an entertaining night
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It's either that or they have to ask twitter
seriously what the fuck was she thinking here
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You feel like a tough guy bullying a dyslexic person?
that stream was the funniest thing to ever come out of mde
How many ideas did they steal from here during S1?
>she made $800 pretending today's the 4th of july
i was only watching for like 5 minutes and i saw a $100 dono and a $500 dono
i wish cole went on 2.5 so he and peter could finally be friends
Interesting. I’m 90% sure that’s him since his first appearance this season. Seems like money is a nice motivator, and Sam must have had some small modicum of growth to be able to apologize and mend things with people like Jan and Charls.
S3: no phones: for real this time
lots of weed
(no kratom) (kratom is illegal in RI and if the police knew what they were doing Sam Hyde and his merry band of miscreants would be LOCKED UP
i do miss cole, in retrospect i dont even remember why he was kicked off. like he said nina or something? who gives a fuck
no one cares faggot

dyslexia isn't real, you're just retarded
stole the entire willy wonka ending from here
Cockbuddy kek
he wasn't kicked. he walked, and they wanted him back
Those two legitimately hate each other. Actually, I think pretty much everyone but Jimmy actually hates Cole.
Cole quit
Kratos is retarded and just makes you constipated
it must hurt Jet knowing if even he made Josie a full time production member. Her donators would still wait for her to comeback before they give money to fishtank.
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basically any time any thing funny happened it was from here or twitter, everything else was from the devious mind of jet baby-new-year neptune
The willy wonka ending was perfect, it's good of all they things they decided to take it was that.
tj liked cole. would like all his tweets, sent him a DM. cole ghosted him.
they were just trying really hard to stray away from the season 1 shit, cole was already being a whiny baby, had to be talked out of quitting RIGHT before that, and then he just quit. I loved Cole but it's pretty obvious that he actually quit
I really hate that the day is so boring i have worked the last two nights so I have missed everything that happens.
>brian comes back end of s2 and tells the fish cole is streaming, they all react in total disbelief that anyone would watch him
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Chuckbuddies wwa
seriously.. where is jon?
i thought i remember ben telling him to get his shit before he had even made his decision, also i think i remember sam really going hard on him with the bag work for some reason? didnt they have it out for him for some reason
he came back to camp about 5 minutes after vance did
Classic scam hyde
Nobody hates Cole, he’s just a whiney faggot who thinks he’s above everyone.
When has she ever said that? I don't believe tay has had her phone or she would be in a terrible mood with all the shit going on with /bant/
made me want 2 puke m8
fucking low gradse poison init
tay knows theres some fan shit going on from the TTS about losing taytriots, shes probably underestimating the gravity of the autistic backlash
literally all of the fish like cole
Really? I remember TJ shit talked Cole a fair bit while still in the tank. It seemed a bit irrational and baseless so maybe TJ realised he was just going along with the crowd after the show ended and tried to patch things up. I don't think Cole would ever stop seething after a bad word though.
I'm glad you finally figured out how to work that captcha peter
his bed is open
I’m pretty sure the entire idea of an outdoor summer Fishtank was from here, though I think it was originally a summer camp theme.
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fujk you
I watched a Cole stream and he was actually pretty funny to watch. He reminds me a lot of my friend with Asperger's. I probably gave him a big pass because of that reminder
thats because hes a gay slut
he deserves to die for shilling his shit here

hes really tough
you are more autistic than cole is
I honest to god have suggested things in the thread and they happen. I remember telling them they should have revile as a sound effect for the s2 house and some other minor suggestions.
So is recreational ketamine use (thanks for the tip betty)
he sent a dm? did either of them ever say what it was?
what do you not understand?
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>decide to upload video clip to Twitter under fishtanklive tag instead of a silent webm here for once
>Go play vidya for awhile
>eventually check my phone
>Clip has been liked, bookmarked and reposted by all these strange people

This is crazy
How much clout do I need before I get egirls hitting me up in my DMs?
Josie simps started this whole trend of the entire show being about simping for average or below average women, forming a parasocial relationship with them online, being mad when she has a boyfriend, etc.
Instead of talking about the acutal show.
It's like onlyfans light at this point.
And that's sad.
It attracted so many desperate mentally ill men that these women do not feel safe.
Case in point- look what's happening to Tayleigh rn. Letty was smart to go AFK.
I pray Josie never stops streaming, has a change of mood, or reveals she has a bf.
Next thing you know she'll be getting grinder faggots to her mother's door.
It isn't normal.
The only solace most of these girls have is that these mentally ill individuals live in foreign countries (for now).
yeah they all talked shit about him, i got the impression trish and tay really didnt like him and tj was as you say just going along with it
cant remember how shinji felt
that nigga feels like he was from 50 years ago now
The only time I remember TJ shittalking Cole was when Sam literally forced him to during the dogpile for his gay poor vs rich bit.
just got back from the bungalow. anything happen?
cole having aspergers is cope for him being a lazy narcissist
Sam is a cheap jew.

Anytime you ask yourself "why did Sam lie to this person regarding monetary compensation" just remind yourself that Sam is jewish
almost feel bad for her. had fucked up relationships, decided to hook up with a turbo faggot and is really paying for it now. its her fault but normal people get to make those mistakes silently and move on. oh well. fuck her
He was under the assumption he won a runner up prize
TJ told Alex Stein that he admires Cole
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she made $530 through superchats and i was actually off, she got another $364 through streamlabs so she actually made $894 today
To troll him. Sam only likes Asians with tits.
Sam gave him an xbox to play with and spent pretty much all day with him but when he went to his room he went right back to whining and said Letty's real name so Sam got pissed and came into his room to tell him to cut it out then kicked a hole in the door
Ben came to tell him to leave after that but I think he was already packing his bags before that, I don't remember for sure
weird gookslop
cole didnt say what it was. just that he ignored it and didnt "trust tj"
>i dont even remember why he was kicked off
The actual answer is that it was retarded miscommunication.
Cole spent the whole day saying he wanted to leave until Judge brought him the Xbox and then he was fine.
He was then perturbed by how he was treating doing the boxing practice with Sam and Sam fucked up his wrist pretty hard. It reminded him of Jon getting kicked in the head with Sam in season 1 and he thought they were trying to turn him into Jon so he expressed that thought out loud and mentioned a few other things about season 1, including Letty, calling her Nina but not in a malicious way.
Sam then kicked the door down and acted very hostile to Cole. Important to note that Cole was still not interested in leaving at this point but the hostility between production and Cole was in the air at least in his mind. Ben then came in 10 minutes later and told him to pack his shit up and that his replacement is coming. Production claimed much later that they meant this as a "joke" (how that's a joke idk) but obvious how it came across to socially autistic Cole is that it was time for him to leave. At any point in this time production could have told him that they weren't kicking him but they didn't.
Presumably things got weirder after that as I'm sure there was a dialogue open after Cole was gone trying to get him to come back which amounted to nothing.
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i would be spooked if i heard this stuff in the woods at night
>Hops around like a penguin to distract you from her ugly face
Clever quirky girl.
but that's my job (even tho she cute)
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your inexplicable hate for cole is pathetic you fucking petermuncher
give up now faggot
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if he believed that then he's just as retarded as you are
i thought it was explained pretty succinctly
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I was a day 1 diehard Coleburner and even I've come to admit that he quit
anybody have the archive for that stream and the tierlist stream
that you are a peter puffer?
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It's a
>"Jet Neptune sends sound effects through th speakers only to the wievers episode" while my little fishies sleep in oeace and the neighborghs hear nothing but the grass and the highway edition
err what was the original audio?
ya i feel like the biggest mistep here was sam trying to dominate cole or something by uppercutting the fuck out of him while he held the bag, like he was trying to put cole back in line or something. sam's tren-freak nature really comes out sometimes. emotional fella
all u have to do to gain followers is just steal webms and screenshots from here and post them there. that's how half of the grifters on twitter gain a following. u don't even have to watch the show
tay's bf deserves it for being such a arrogant cunt
quit yelling ffriendo i dknt nuvn hr tht sht
>it's a "jet stays up all night to personally entertain us" edition
based as always. keep it up, sir.
jimmy was raped
Yeah he absolutely has aspergers. He's almost Jon levels of socially retarded. TJ tried to be his friend and Cole got weirded out, both on and off the show.
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i just have some images, i remember he said he was going to do a dinner date ASMR vid, we missed out on so much kino
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How would Brian react if she came back?
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She's in for a very rude awakening. I think she's going to leave the internet for good desu
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They gave him the scarab before they crunched the numbers and realized that S2 lost money
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>What would you say to this man if you had the opportunity?

More Taylor close-ups
He'd been wanting to quit for days prior to that, he had to be talked off the ledge by TTS numerous times. the dude was in shambles after JC left. A girl finally gives the dude attention and he got lovesick. You hate to see it. He was like Jon without all the confidence and even less tolerance. Humiliation rituals are gay but that's kinda the nature of the show. Cole just isn't made for this environment.
damn tj and jimmy are guys that cole could 100% trust. a recurring thing with him is overthinking every little interaction. he’s his own worst enemy more than anyone else.
hilarious thing to happen to him. hope he gets run over too
who fucking cares cunt
How did she transform into voldemort?
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living goddess CK
scuba stream too
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>Yeah he absolutely has aspergers
thats not a secret or a debate
cole rejecting the cake and going upstairs was the peak of the season
If i were sam i wouldn't pay shinji either
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Brian shattered her soul into 7 pieces over those 7 years of pain and sacrifice
He really sent TJ flying a couple of times kek
Sam is legitimate sociopath. His solution to almost every problem is to punch or brake something. Like when he crashed his dad's Lexus on purpose cause he was mad at him for some reason.
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josie would take any of you in a fight
nosejob because peter kept looking at all the other, browner girls.
>tears up
>takes a deep breat
>when i was on fishtank, i thought everybody hated me...
she should dump that guy and leave the internet. it's not going to be healthy for her.
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What did he do?
Make one video as a shout out for her sending him a plushie?
Is that why he was an arrogant cunt?
Am I missing something here?
You can see her moose knuckle
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i wish I still had the pov shot from scott of josie and jon sparring with sammy boy on the stairs in the background
My proudest achievement was convincing him to do this stream. This dude was goofy, but madly entertaining
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the nurturing CK
koreans, plastic, you know how it goes
I’m gonna kek if Frank is unnaturally nice to Tayleigh just to fuck with (ex) taytriots again.
he spent 12 hours flinging shit water at letty. he then attacked her as strong as he did tj when he took her sisters bracelet from her hands. letty won though, pillowtalked her way into him liking her like everyone else who tries to get one over on her.
what did it all mean
This whole tayleigh thing is simply incel rage
I run a big fishtank account and have only been hit up by 1 tranny.
>letty does your pussy smell like wendy's?
Yea like a car get it
for being her bf. everything else is just schizo shit to justify it.
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what did it all mean
it means what yu thik it meanz to you
(total co[out)
He wrote cuck in the chat of her streams one time, taytriots are genuinely just mentally ill faggots.
Benji predicted all of this
They want her to be an incel like them
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she's dangerous. she'd give a good scrap, more than most people. Don't know why they didn't convince her to fight Tay or TJ in S2.
she really is retarded. holy smokes lol
I started watching S2 a couple days late and they had
>Tayleigh Taylor
I had no clue who was who
Damn. Jon really is way bigger now.
women are pathetic
Yeah I retract my words, I can't really remember it now.
I do remember there was a time when some others were trashing somebody who had left and TJ sort of refused. I thought it was Bryan but maybe it was Cole.
I can't remember, that was years ago bro.

>Production claimed much later that they meant this as a "joke"
That was obviously spin, they clearly just lost their cool because they felt Cole was ungrateful. He was ungrateful because they didn't understand what made him tick; in Cole's mind getting a few hours of xbox funtime is not going to pay for being made the Season Retard that everyone sarcastically eggs on, it would have triggered flashbacks to high school peers seemingly inexplicably turning on him (autismus)

Maybe he'd quit in his soul or something but he was physically staying, he was getting ready to sleep and see how the next day turned out.
it's wild that glass case is still intact, it's a disaster in wait
letty should have known after she lost boxing the first time she'd lose mud wrestling during the finale
It's all the same guy. He spams these threads relentlessly.
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click on me!
Because she is not retarded enough to do that
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Odds they do more boxing shit next season?
yeah I pity this dude. All he did was fuck Tay after buying a beanie which is cringe but many guys wouldn't have passed on that either. They probably would have been more private but people make mistakes
i remember posting that they should do DnD theme which is what we got despite being half ass
10 billion to one
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new shit has come to light. he's actually from 4chan and when it was found out he made a twitter space that tay accidentally joined to try and bait people into seething on it while he pretended to not know what ft or tayleigh is. then he posted a trollface. he might also have called her fans cucks on her last stream. then he had his femboy friend try to run damage control for him (yes, really) on /bant/. he acts tough but really innocuous posts get deleted for doxing.

basically people are really just fucking with him, not her.
He hosted a Twitter space that she joined where he was basically being retarded and playing dumb, then trying to get spurned taytriots to join and rage so he could dunk on them but nobody joined
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Reminder that Green shark once said he has a 100 TB synology. He probably has the largest Taylor collection by far including rare shit we've never seen. Still no source on pic related from the channel trailer he made for her Twitch. He's hoarding.
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>I run a big fishtank account and have only been hit up by 1 tranny.

He acted like a huge asshole and above everyone else. Its no surprise everyone thought he was a spergy faggot with a chip on his shoulder. You could have chalked it up to him thinking he was the only plant but he got worse after the reveal
Thomas Jefferson
Just Chinese
sensei Scott isn't going anywhere any time soon
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oh man lol. hopefully she will find a slightly more capable autistic guy to take care of her and quit feeding these internet freaks
It's time for us all to say that this is all bullshit and isn't entertaining at all and is only a step better than total silence as background noise
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I miss cole so fucking much
Cole also said he quit under his trip a couple months back. The whole situation make me think about what would happen if a fish simply didn’t leave when they were told to. With the retards they’ve had on I’m surpised nobody has done this.
He's roiding
qrd on bensleaks? i do look at /bant/ occasionally in the offseasons but not enough to know his deal. he pretends to like contestants and disarms them by being a trannie? he got into josies secret discord lettyseething and josieposting and turned out to be a josieseether who now endorses letty? he says he loves cole, tj and taylor and hates tay?
you cant trust trips we all saw ben tell he was kicked
sounds like the issue is that he's petty and cringe.
you donky speek those wordsdl e here
Greg hopping around on the pogo stick fucking ruled. the sound alone was hilarious.
s2 fish respected sam too much to disobey him other than shinji who wouldnt shame himself like that
based /bb/ bro
I don't remember this from season 1
benleaks is a different breed i'd stop looking into him if i were you
He was already packing his stuff before that
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This is the only TV worth watching in 2024.
Basically. He's a clout-chasing worm who will autistically rage about you forever once he turns on you.
cucks LOL
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josie is POWERFUL when she punches proper and uses leverage/weight

fatty's voice was cracking after this, i felt bad for him
lol he's clearly not. he's just eating.
histrionic tranny that you should filter. doesn't always work since he'll take the name off and hop IPs when he doesn't get attention.
instagram live when season 2 was still on. she was laughing about how far she drove so no one would location dox her.
God I wish Simmons barricaded himself in a room and refused to come out.
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cole said he wouldnt quit BEFORE getting the xbox because noble 6 wouldnt quit
What is the context of that picture
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jmy fks dgs
He confirmed trip on twitter iirc
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she honestly was very pretty in some of her old pics. im starting to think her relationship with brian really did destroy her soul because she looks like a fucking cryptid now
she did know dumbass, that's why nobody wanted to do round 2
you seem to have a pretty good idea. hi benji.
She did but the challenge wasn't up to her.
That's not it, I checked that.
>might also have called her fans cucks
And this justifies a crusade? Its really sad how far gone these people are. But the fact that they simpped for that ugly dyke was evidence enough
An attention whore
his shirts were just cut up and he was sorting through it

i dont believe you
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Will he ever be happy again?
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I spend most of my day doing fencing.
No shit.
(I started when I was 13)
It's basically my version of going to the gym.
I read a lot of fantasy (all jrr's)
I am eloquent.
I watch a lot of anime.
I've played every Resident Evil.
Used to play darkrp
This is so up my alley, I'm scratching my skin and leaving marks.
I want to send Jet a message to be a freeloader or whatever but everyone that joined fishtank had had their lives ruined.
On some real- no one here is good at swordsmanship. If Xavier had the capability to be good at RP and good at game, count me out.
But he's pretty bad with his foam swords.
Tayleigh vaped in the goon cave
get real
he got unfollowed by taylor for sending her pictures of himself cutting lol
Is Jimmy just going to spend the entire season walking around with a huge hole in his pants?
It's in her channel trailer, just a 3 second clip of her walking through a parking lot
nobody asked faggot
if i were hypothetically ever on fishtank i always aimed to do this in the event that that happened
minor autists are incapable of happiness because they cant go full bronie retard and attain social fulfilment
fatty has the lowest pain tolerance known to man. all you have to do is tap him on the wrist, and he screams.
private stream, sucks you didnt get the invite
i would kill you
Do the fish get their laundry done? Or is just the same unwashed outfits for the entire thing.
Yeah its seems like he just kinda goaded ftl simps which was retarded.
nearly everyone agrees that it wouldn't have went that bad if they handled it like adults btw

if he does this, who knows what tay thinks of people who liked her? reminder she took a huge vacation before leaving for 2.5, leaving the amazon wishlists and the youtube memberships up.
Sounds like a really nice guy!
Sam would physically throw you out of the house. He wouldn't want to look like a bitch by calling the cops
No because he’s pussy ass keyboard warrior that lives in bumfuck redneck state
Summer moggs him
nigga u got a u (uyo)
He used to pretend to only be into Asian women. Now he simps for taylo
letty stews in the same ragged panties all fortnight
Those punches could've stopped his heart. He's at almost dying as a default state
Has anyone found Blacksmith's Wife's socials yet?
your life isn't that good if you are watching this shit
go for it I will root for you u_u
It's from when she drove up to Michigan, the channel trailer came out pretty soon after that
So true. Although I wish the cameraman spent just slightly less time on that
god i need to lose my virginity
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no. hes too self pitying and self important to change to be normal enough to fit in where he lives. kinda like how jon is right at being retarded and equally arrogant. jimmy too
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Benji holds a number of bad opinions like still being a cole burner in 2024 and being a josiepedo

He blindly sucks off the wiggers and acts like a faggot for male attention. If I ever run into him he will be molested for the third time in his life
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Jokes aside, you think she's gonna make an appearance?
i'm not even a simp, i just think he deserves to be fucked with.
no, keep it. it's valuable and rare, wish I still had mine
Sensei Scott is killing it this season. I was worried he wasn't going to show up, but holy did he blow away all expectations.
no it's not, greenshark is one of the failstreamers that dallas, ethan and her were friends with before fishtank. he was scraping her instagram stories (knowingly, for his edits) and got one of her close friends stories. speaking of those kinds, does that girl who visited letty when she was in rhode island after season 1 have any social media presence? the one who would stream on twitch?
letty is a bug who eats dust
Her face is weird. You can tell she's gonna get real fat soon
this is a bit right
>stealing cumtown bits is funny when i do it but bad when brian does it
>This is the only TV worth watching in 2024.
unironically this. I've always hated tv shows but nowadays there is no reason to watch any of them besides having annoyin friends recommend them to you nonstop. not to mention everything nowadays is fuckin goyslop and has to have some sort of political statement. it's all fucking garbage.
that means it's unlikely, which it isn't
>enters a hell house to save her boy

>owns a synology
Doubt it, no way he knew her before fishtank
yeah i felt like killing myself after hitting submit

kill yourself
This Sensei Scott guy is so cool and handsome. I wish I was like him. He's got a great sense of humor too!
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shut the fuck up peter
i'm surprised nobody has found lex or that brown chicks socials from the other night yet
Is GreenSimp actually a Dallas/Ethan plant and not just a random fan who did TJxTaylor edits? I feel manipulated.
i hope not

I remember 5 mins into S2 she was sent up to interview Shinji and it was such a sad state she was moved to shit bucket duty, USELESS,
Dallas controls all
new and improved
i don't miss Sam's seething season 2 that shit was hard to watch
dallas won is not just some stupid meme
No, the reddit account that posted the edits first had shit about him living in Atlanta. No connections to any of them. He was TTSing TJ before Taylor was even on the show too I think
the mental illness you have to have to know these things and type these words
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Make Joi JC then it's perfect
maybe next time they'll actually kiss :(
prod is doing target practice in schitty
letty turned into betty
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Wiggers in Schitty. Do they even sleep?
who's this ghetto greg heffley nega?
they were raped by the celtics dude
>letty pulling back twice
what the fuck
These hoes that were simping for him weren't even ugly either, this little nig had real pull
I think this is why Chris Chan and similar characters are so hated by some spergs
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Absolute gem
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i hope you're backing up your data. someones backing it up. it aint you. you got to monster dot com you'll be a monster.
i wish
Is that Xavier with the flannel shirt?
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Reminder that even if you're a Cole fan, a Brian fan, or a Fatty fan somehow.. At least you're not a Tay fan! Imagine endorsing someone because you thought you had a chance with her, then sperging out so hard you get a boner at the idea of ruining her life forever because she got a boyfriend. It's like idol fags who rip their hair out when dokidoki-chan mentions someone named brad on stream once. Maybe if you send another TTS message this one will get through for sure!... Or try sending cops to her boyfriend's house, that'll accomplish something!
Will we get a season 3.5?
of the 20 total cams the sold us there are 5 cams available with 1 of them being "the downs where literally nothing has happened and 1 of them is the merchant potato angle that nobody watches. the town cam is so far away its like watching through a potato and you cant hear anything. we basically have 2 cams, the basecamp and director as viable options

2 cams
I became a Tay fan in the last few days because she cucked /bant/
Taylor mogs them. They weren't bad, but they all look like someone crossed Letty with Abi or Ella.
too fat to be xavier
gulch gang. gulch it up.
I'm pretty sure only maybe 3 of them were fans, and it's mostly the same people who have been seething about her nonstop for 6 months
Either way it's incredibly pathetic
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the ridiculous amount of clips i made s1 are exhibit a for the dangers of stimulant abuse. i'll never make a dime from this
letty said he never takes his mask of even in the house. he takes his food to his room and eats then comes back out with the mask
Based. I'm endorsing her until I'm able to endorse Xavier (never gonna happen)
another gulchbros L
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Brianbuddies how we feelin?
god damn it jet bring out the females
fat cunt
it's /lit/anon. tjaylorcels are in control. trust dallas's plan.
at least Chris seems to be genuinely having fun for oncve instead of being exploited BY CERTAIN WASHUP FAILED INTERNET COMEDIANS
You're such a cool contrarian
Fun fact: I need to fuck The Creature
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What is this nigga
the brownie is gone, she is never coming back

rip sweet swarthess, ye shall be missed
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i got you homie
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>Jokes aside, you think she's gonna make an appearance?

So you really think that Josie would enjoy spending two weeks living in a tent in the woods with a bunch of sweaty, smelly white men and drugs?
Playing Hotline Miami and trying to pass of Nick Mullen bits as if they're my own
she's super cool if she responded to the:
>mid weird skinny girls
instagram ad
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Will they actually be able to pull off getting non-fans for season 3?
this but unironically
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Your beanie still not arrived cuckbuddy?
Not a chance.
how dare you mistake JC for the ugly squaw
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they already did the casting months ago through some casting agency. pic related
o(>ω<)o gulcci gang o(>ω<)o
i miss her :(
Nice get, but no fucking shot. Anyone with a brain applying will google 'fishtank' and see what they're in for. The only option they have is doing casting extremely early or extremely late and pretend they're not fishtank. I can imagine how it'd go.
they wont even try to get non-fans. they just say that because half the audience in season 1 wanted sam pranking normies.
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>Quit without saving
These fags could instantly deliver effort free kino by simply taking the merchant camera and turning it back towards where everyone congregates and turning it on. It's already there. Just turn it on!
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bring him in
strike while the iron is hot
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>yes no
she is going to become the ella of 2.5. a forgotten soul
What is the deal with Evil Kevin? I work 9-5 on the west coast so I've only seen muted clips looking at twitter at work.
Reminder that the drone cam has been real since day one, but they fucking crashed it after testing it out for about 20 minutes. Jet it up
Agreed. He landed the best among them it seems.
non fans means an entire season of jc's, boring normies who will leave the second things get a tiny bit crazy
Fishtank will never surpass Trish and Cole making out with Jimbo in the cuck cupboard
its on they just have to rotate it
Still a bit melancholic over losing this swarthess......Jet Neptune, you son of a bitch.
I unironically think it's /lit/anon. The letters read just like his copypastas

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today he:
>alternated between indian accent and hood accent
>called everyone a faggot in the indian accent
>said he wanted to rape everybody
>let it slip that he's damiel's friend
I forgot about Cole cucking Brian lmao. The first week was insane
I have faith they'll rope them in like season 1 using a sunk cost situation. In an ideal world season 3 will have a fresh cast like season 1, but the experience gained after running everything so far. Knowing Jet it'll still be full of technical difficulties though.
cool i hate him now
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theres a reason people say cole won season 2
>Cole: Were you watching us from the closet?
>Jimmy with a big wet spot on his pants: What do you think retard?
>pants down
>cumspot on his pants
What the fuck was he doing in there if NOT jerking off, seriously. Did he have an explanation?
Some cringelord that Jon is fascinated with for some reason
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lmfao that retard's downfall needs to be studied. he's in his 40s, 6'8, has a wife and kid and STILL couldn't resist his urges making 6 figs a year playing video games
there was metal in the wood
She was told that. She said "apparently he goes into his room to eat"
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reminder this is still the most famous person to appear on fishtank
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they have a lot in common, him and Sam
Sam could give him some real advice
damn I miss the S1 house
Who is Lex? Will she have sex with Bex?
He did literally nothing wrong. I dont get what everyone is so mad about.
Him being let go of that shitty game company is a blessing in disguise, the game is going to flop so hard
>Tayleigh fawning over him, despite him saying he wanted to rape her.
I mean, if this wasn't the smoking gun for her being trash, I don't know what was.
It's /lit/anon lmao
letty never appears in this
we are so blessed to have the gulch cam... even if it only works 30% of the time. gulch the fucking planet.
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>Season 3 gets a nice big house
>Season 3.5 mini season comes around
>Fishtank: The Shed.
she looks 14
I wonder if Sams strategy of aggressively ignoring all allegations and drama is the best one in the long run, if he never publicly addresses it then it never blows up in his face but I wonder if it silently loses him opportunities since basically everyone knows about it
Who the fuck is lit anon? The 1 that spammed the tj / taylor thing? Doubt it
I legit forgot jc even existed kek
you're retarded
TJxTaylor poster who wrote multiple huge ass copypasta series that were like literary analysis of TJ and Taylor comparing them to shit like Crime and Punishment
but he saved s1 with his funding. Wonder if Sam is gonna denounce that
Why do you have so many images and gifs with this same cock in it?
fueled by pure hatred of josiecels
Those were so fucking retarded that sped definitely isn't Xavier
Would be fun if a tts asks him to denounce dr. Disrespect.
>hey duke did you hear what dr. Disrespect did? I know he saved season 1 but you have to denounce him, whar he did was disgusting and horrible!
Do the graveyard shift wiggers get free Adderall or generic modafinil while they hang out in schitty during the night?

They're stealing shit from the merchant store lol
you can see more of xavier's writing on wardragonxavier dot tumblr dot com
it's not some anon from these threads lol
Kino, I want true cabin fever to set in.
Does that dick pic hold some significance to Josiecels? I don't understand
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He wrote a bunch of these on different books, they were all like 5-6 posts long kek
but you're basically making dick pics all day. How are you owning them?
confirmed. apparently her parents called and made threats and they had to let her go
i don't think so. i think that he HAS to have some script for it.
What the fuck that sounds just like the letters
Are there any RPGs where they pay attention to NPC currency count and they can earn money or spend gold on food and stuff? I know plenty have programmed schedules.
Yeah i remember him. Thought it was someone new from bant or something. He sucked. Worse than bonsfag from early bant days
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I say, who ist this lovely maiden I do seen with me own eyes?
when does fatty sleep wtf
there's more to it. he would interact with tjaylor and a couple more public taylorcel names in a way that hinted he knew/was in contact with production during season 2. they also started shilling him on twitter right away this season. im not in any taylorcord but he comes across as one of them.
letty said jimmy implied he had a crush on the girl in the green dress named frankie who doubles as a vampire
@4ankii on insta
Did anything interesting happen with the bloodgames tournament thing or after? I tuned out right before it started.
I mean he was doing a bit with the copypastas and it seems like the exact same bit Xavier is doing
Would plow until my machinery broke down
Whatever happened to Jimmy's goth mommy dommy?
This season taught me how low standards you all have. There were weirdos who lamented over Megan after seeing her before fat pics but now you are all thirsting over fat larper lady and blacksmiths wife.
i think its meant to be unironic, anon
i dont
Why would they hire an obsessed parasocial schizo to be around the contestants
>i think its meant to be unironic
his point exactly
he acts like a cross between /lit/anon and qnanon. im pretty sure jet or ben just read a ton of /ftl/ lately. or had tay and taylor submitting ideas to a googledoc or something.
it's neptunian
I'm on 4chan on an FTL thread at 3:30AM, I'll take what I can get!!

wait, i mean ironic. i dont even know anymore
Because they vetted him and confirmed he wasn't an obsessed parasocial schizo, just someone who knows how to do the exact bit they were looking for
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he ever get a times square billboard?
they hired lance and he was just some vaguely christiantwitter sub 200 view youtuber who liked mde and looked like vance. i'd hire qnanon or /it/anon in a second if i was jet.
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didn't think so
megan weighs about 130 more pounds than the blacksmiths wife
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I hated Josie in season 1. I like her now but I fucking hate her fans even more.
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You guys are so goddamn retarded I can't
>page 9
Its over
dear lord in heaven
I am Xavicooch
oh cool, letty was on a times square billboard
don't let me influence your opinion of her, i'm just a stressed drug addled student that spends too much time on 4chan. i'll mix in more trish and malia
If Jet actually does a lore reset, you'll probably never see Josie ever again.
just remember they went to bed so early cause when the sun rises at 4:30am it will totally wake them up. you only have one more hour to wait
clip of what delaney wrote in the doghouse?
>I can't
Go back
bring him on.
why is he so funny
mix in more laney, bliccy, taylor, trish and ella thanks
Johnny deserves the absolute worst
recessive genes
i made a new thread. hang on and i will link it
He made literally the worst song I've ever heard it makes Bitty I'm fitted sound like a masterpiece
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goth taylor reminds me so much of an ex it pains me but the others, sure
No you didnt
i got the 3 minute cooldown

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she looks better now but i love that picture because it was the first thing i saved from season 2
who's snoring?
I just searched ftl and theres only this you bloody bastard bitchman
can i get a quick lore rundown of yesterday?
Which one is snoring loudly?
jimbo for sure
why is fatty shitting in the portapotty when he can shit inside? just to make it more stinky? kek
Blacksmith's Wife
Brown Girl

NOT tier
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told you to wait
notice how this bitch never takes a selfie from the front
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Now both of us are looking at dick pics
Makes us even
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honestly thought I was the one and only Ella chad

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