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Tetty Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.



>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
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Good morning I love that hot piece of ass Marky
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summy needy kissys!
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me and the ellacord boys heard word she was appearing as a judge for something?
CREATURE with a shotty

Was she actually on the opposing team for the bloodgames tournament?
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tj is no longer in the picture. lol
Whatever happened to the Pomni avatarfag
yeah dickrates on onlyfans. $20 for text, $40 for video and $100 for video while masturbating.
that niga gay anyway
It's been like 8 years since jet has talked to his dad, it would be absolutely kino though, johnny would destroy jon.

Maybe on /erm/
she looks like someone who will be poor forever
Hey guys Jet here

What would you guys like to see on Day 4?
dook cosplay
Summy needs Big Jeremy Cock!
she posts a ton of stuff from her very upper middle class (for florida) parents house
Oldtroons really be posting goatse instead of 'cados
Why couldn't we save Betty from becoming such a vile whore?
as if throughout all of this tayseething, no one has hacked her or KFJ's IG or twitter. step up your game
you're a massive fag
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evening, today was josie's 4th of july celebration

good murrican tunes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNlC2aoEkGw
apparently some brazilian got his passwords but they don't work
she was before we met her. she was recording fuck machine videos in august 2022. whether to sell on fetlife or do god knows what with. she was always a freak.
Can this bitch not read a calender
fucking lmao
Based Summy
jesus christ what has become of the /ftl2/ thread on bant?
wosy is epic random and special xd
Taken over by mentally feeble tayseethers
Made for big millennial cock
You can't just post that without a gofile
she's injun/mex. them browns have a ton of senpai and they're gonna be partying and setting off a ton of fireworks. this was just a chance to have fun with the fans kek. second, third gen beaners in general are oddly patriotic
markysexual anons are based
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A reenactment.
Hi jeremy
Marky will be avenged
Bring cockbuddy Jordan on. It will be like Brian and ck but more cringe and actually funny
hey guys ben here
there was a communication error, microkini contest later today
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Love Trish <3
God I want to see her bush.
it's nothing new, it shows up in every betty gofile, i just never changed the source name her webcam gave it and she didnt change when she put it on discord. when she posted the full version with squirting on telegram she changed the name lol.
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TJ gets TWO fish queens! Lucky!
Damn I thought they were gonna kiss Taylor is just taking a whiff of her buttery teeth
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So cute!
I wonder if anyone from bettycord even looks at /ftl/ anymore. I saw januki was posting fishtanks on /bant/ (his calling card for betty when she wont respond) yesterday. But any of the other simps, maybe some of them that are a bit better adjusted?
What happened here
Why is Letty looking straight through her like she has dementia
Tayleigh is carrying the show and you all shit on her

I’m about to go to bed but I’m the Taylor is not an actor guy. I was the one who gave him the idea to compare them TJ and Taylor to Raskolnikov and Sonia from Crime and Punishment. /lit/anon is absolutely not him. The prose it nowhere near his and if you think it is your just exposing your own stupidity. He used to argue with people who would make fun of his copypasta and was kind of pissy. It’s also very obviously Jace Connors. Maybe /lit/anon is also him but I doubt it. /lit/anon replied to a post of mine saying that “my ideal scenario had happened” and said he couldn’t elaborate more on that. He then completely stopped posting. My personal theory was that it was one of TJ’s friends. Also, /lit/ misinterpreted why I compared them to the characters from Crime and Punishment in the first place. In the end of Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov confessed to his crime after his whore with a heart of gold girlfriend moralfagged so hard he felt bad and confessed to the murder he committed. I thought that TJ would confesses to Lubecooch and Taylor would stick with him like the characters in the book. Taylor was the one who started his arc and would lead to his redemption. Anyways if anyone cares I’ll respond tomorrow because I have to sleep.
Yeah she was on S1 for like 3 days or some shit and flashed tits more than once during that duration. There was never any reason to suspect she wasn't like this.
TDS Mostly
anyone who has joined a betty discord really should be run over with a tank
She’s BEAT!
let Q and jordan battle
i created an ifunny account tonight
Dallas and Greenshark confirmed to be producing on season 3, don’t ask how I know
i know he's loving these webms
my ugly neighbour wont stop singing what do i do
>Why is Letty looking straight
This is the power of AI
Get outta my Swamp
Just peaked there after being here since 2.5 started and damn it really is an insane asylum. I mean it was always bleak but there was quite a bit of humor.
turn your speakers up and blast puke sfx and bloody bastard
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Summer said that she needed a health break and privated her Instagram
Must be brutal seeing all these people brought back for bloodgames and all this positivity
Like even a relatively unpopular character like Mauro is back
it's feces
im too retard social anxiety for this
all the normal offseason fishtank fans are on /tv/ so its just the freaks left there
In one of the /bant/ threads not too long ago and during that collab stream she did with Sylvia last year, Betty claims that she had no nudes online prior to Fishtank.
>ugly idiot bitch whore lied
stop the presses
>tayleigh, your head is more fucked up than letty's bug eyed face
Take that back Betty is beautiful and wonderful
Last night was a complete shambles. Jet really needs to pull it together.
maybe not publicly. but she made a video with a fuck machine in 2022. maybe for a boyfriend, probably to sell.
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This is the doxbin for Xavier that wasn't accessible earlier, not that it was made the same day of his appearance.
Also note that it is Xavier's canon that he was banned from the playground as a child due to autism lol https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Parents-of-autistic-boy-10-fight-for-his-2686889.php
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Blacksmith's Wife
Green Dress
Brown Girl

Did I miss anyone?
>mental patient uniform
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This was a fun collab
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trish will be the best aunt for malia and i's several children
bwuild a bweahr
she made the fuck machine videos for idubbbz or jet
tayleigh is a man
fuckin draugr bitch
blacksmith wife
brown dress girl
I wonder if sam or jet ever tried to get trish to bring her sister along. I bet they've tried
Betty's body, mind & soul are rotting
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stay strong cockbuddy
>hehehe...you didnt pay us back... now we will le dox you!!! >:)
>phone number: coming soon
>address: possible
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>I bet they've tried
sam did definitely
They tried but she was worried about stalker fans.
she's addicted to benzos
Taylor’s video today was her getting a $100 donation and doing a Cleveland from Family Guy impression. It was funny and cute!
yes its peak internet faggotism just posted it because it had been brought up earlier but I hadn't seen anyone able to actually view it, also its clearly fake/not the same dude.
TJ liked it also!
how tthe fuck does anyone know his identity?
What compels someone to spend years obsessing over some 3/10 that made a short appearance on a niche reality show? I'm genuinely asking.
i dont blame you for the contents of the 'bin--i only lament that i had to see it
Fuck TJ, he doesn’t do shit for her
josie is so fucking disgusting. no wonder she made those drawings with her tits cut off. tranny freak.
top link doesnt work
I’d say Xavier, Jon, Sam, and Tai are carrying - in that order

Tay is only involved in anything because Xavier forces her involvement
topless bex itty bitty titty slapping challenge.
she's forced down a chair with her back arched and ass extended and everyone takes turn slapping her cute little bexies.
there is no losers to the challenge, everyone wins.
that was probably the best fishtank collab we'll get. jon was so polite and normal the entire time, even when his youtube was banned he wouldn't let josie use hers because he didn't want her to get a strike so he sacrificed his twitch
There's anons out there who have every second of fishtank footage saved. It's their life now.
she showed her boobies and apparently made a discord from where i assume most of the powerful mental illness emanates
Jan is Jace’s real name. Do people not know this?
Love <3
>lettys ghost hand already on her shoulder while shes still holding her stuff

my witch
The more people here seethe about him, the more I like that little sperg
josie is turning into cory spazkid as she ages lol
pathetic parasocial nigger nobodies
This is instagram right? He’ll be on soon!
see second link
>that avatar
Half of Fishtank discussion has always been investigation of contestants lives outside of the show
nta but thats the half i can do without
I saw it but the doxbin has nothing about it.
You’re a faggot
vance has gotta lose weight or sleep at a different angle or something
Ty Mr. Shark!
Shut up jet
cus it was made by some discord faggot to muddy the waters
Not buying a pass Jet. Maybe spam some more vertical bars and carrots and you can trick some 14 years olds to give you like 120 bucks or something
he is sawing fucking LOGS right now, i dont remember him being this bad in season 1. i hope he doesn't interrupt letty princess rest.
Nobody's losing weight except Chris this year.

tai is AWAKE
tai is leaving
tts stopped him snoring kek
bliccy got russian ozempic, rip her perfectly breedable body
Isn't Chris just on Ozempic?
fatty W
itinerary winston status mondotranny egregore safeway synanon yellowy satanic rape

tai is back in his cozy wozy bunk
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awww, taylo making michigan frens
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Januki was cucked by an old dude that brought her to a Trump rally in nh
i hope chris and jon end up switching places with Jon still bulking 10 years from now with a gut and fat flabs and Chris at a healthy weight
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>(his calling card for betty when she wont respond)
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i miss this,
best ftl era
2 ugly mentally ill whores
i think they're just artsy!
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so anyway

ive seen taylors paintings she aint artsy
Hey guys, Sam here

How would you feel about a task which is to lock Jet in a portapotty and then tip it over?
i didnt say talented you nigger >:)
They’re good
So what if there was a scissoring challenge. Where tay and letty need to be make the other orgasm 5 times to win
Friendtank is so fucking boring. This is what you want? Z list "celebs" just walking around and doing nothing?
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She's just mostly mexican don't be mean
i would buy a pass to see this
then set it on fire? Hell yeah.

Just kidding.
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sex with xavier.
inject all of the fish with TRT whilst they sleep
Love this nigga like you wouldn't BELIEVE
and dress like a chocolate man
blasting huge pozzed loads on jordans pretty boy lips!
ah yes the modern day richard prior to fishtards
Mauro did such a faggot thing by suckering Vance and Chris into letting him slap them.
He was a good guy character
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i hope they're paying that xavier guy well, he's been doing a really good job
Make sure to cut him up first so there's open wounds for the doodoo feces to infect
kek this is fucked up
>Make sure to cut him up
how much?
>Must be brutal seeing all these people brought back for bloodgames
all she needed to do was chill out kek
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damn ngl it would ruin the character quite a lot to know xavier is a huge piece of shit irl
gay meth infused sex with jordie wordie!
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would it tho
Mexican most mexicans are part native but they claim Spaniard because they think indians are ugly. They say, "Face of Indian." But since Americans hate Mexicans.
Dude she's so evil
I wanna sniff Tay's knickers
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2.5 needs more Bex gyatt
I just got home. How was the blood game?
I didn't look so nothing has been ruined for me. Get owned
tell kiwifarms i dont care

>teara goes live on twitter (audio only, sorry)
>she's listing off shit in this old house she inherited
>she's going to start a site to sell it all off
female jimmy
Is every /tv/ thread like this? Just a bunch of retards flipping their shit over middling to unattractive women?

I guess nothing else is going on and fishtank is a shit idea that is dead air and boring as fuck 99.9% of the time. There has to be some draw. Still, though, it is genuinely sad this is what you fags spend your time doing. There is not a single woman on this shows entire run worthy of the praise or adulation heaped upon them here. This is why women are repulsed by you and you will die alone. You are a simp.

For the TTS guys, if you go to a strip club and spend that kind of dough the women will pretend to like you and even touch you! You can have the same parasocial experience irl with a flesh and blood woman.
I love Betty and Betty would love me if she knew I existed
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day 4 of meth and resin bongs with cockbuddy
you’re posting in a sam hyde thread lol
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>There is not a single woman on this shows entire run worthy of the praise or adulation heaped upon them here
factually incorrect
She was abducted by Gay Aliens
Hi Jet, this is the next part of some bullshit ARG that will go nowhere again I’m guessing?
>implying any woman will ever know i spent friday night on /ftl/ trish, tay, taylor, ella, delaney, betty, letty, josie posting

>Appears on screen
>Literally every comment becomes about her or her bum for 2 minutes

this is a male
It needs more me sucking on her little titties
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*the cutest girl on earth
she also knows and doesn't care. based.
I'd literally suck logs from that.
There's a longer version of the very short fuck machine clip?
damn you're right..
but at least with sam its a widely known and cemented fact,
i thought xavier was better than that
>not sperging out for hours about josie wosie on your first date
if she can't handle me at my worst she doesn't deserves me at my best
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bex > lex
fishtank is neither television nor film MODS
Most Mexicans from northern Mexico have Spanish roots but in Josie’s case she’s really dark so it’s probably 3/4 native
why is the morale low?
sweaty coitus with bex
slapping bexes little bexies!
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who is lex, btw? i see the name in the group chat but i've never seen her
they kept getting attacked in the night and jimmy the pissy sissy is out of heals
are they feeding them? i've only seen them eat once on the first day
it's just a part two she posted on /bant/ where it's obviously not "hurted" because it's fucking the shit out of her and she's pissing everywhere. she posted it on /bant/ i'll look and link it. oh she didnt change the file name. it also has the 2022 date
jon shat his pants and forced an npc to wipe him with his tard murderhobo "RP"
>You wake up and you're Bex

What do you do?
QRD on the last 12 hours? Please please please
also tay gave xavier their crystal and blamed it on fatty so they went out fruitlessly looking for him

jimmy cooked some bullshit today
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that was a meme our girl is not actually going to take ozempic
jew face and jimmy has better tits than her
this is her
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This chick in the white who appeared yesterday
Unironically what the fuck is wrong with 95% of you people
do not read
bloodgames, sfx spam at night, nothing filler bs
internet and porn addiction since very young age

Oh, Lex is the brown girl, that makes sense
>please be patient
>tard murderhobo "RP"
wait, he dropped the evil indian RP he copied from kevin?
thank god
i just wanna see ella's hairy muff bros and also force betty to suck turds out of bex's asshole
slapping jimmies perky jim jams!
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Can we stay on /tv/ after bloodgames is over? The season 2 episodes are gonna be coming out almost right after and should be allowed to be discussed on /tv/ like the season 1 episodes were. And then season 3 is meant to start not that long after
I went to a get together at a friends tonight and as an experiment I pretended in was on fishtank and thought “what would the audience want to see me do if there were cameras live streaming this party?” It made me realize that I’m Vance, and I noticed a lot of the other people there were a lot more entertaining.
don jolly if you can hear us, save us
my goodness, she is cute

we need more of that one
stopped watching after the first five minutes of this season, did I miss anything?
wheres that betty dildo gag webm
the /bant/ thread
Jammies are only paid for the period that the season is on
freaks that care about this shit when it's not on should stay on /bant/
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you've missed theater kid sam hyde having the time of his life
Hey guys, Jet here

Unfortunately Sam and I have mutually agreed to part ways after Fishtank 2.5 and I will not be involved in season 3. If anyone feels this is wrong, I urge you to contact Sam and tell him otherwise.
I haven’t seen a single piece of OC or art made for this season. My 2.5 folder is literally all screencaps and stuff I made right before the season started. What the fuck went so horribly wrong
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Why do people hate jon so much this season?
The larping is shit and hes the only one keeping the show entertaining.
>despite her posting them publicly recently, the black dildo videos were recorded before the vixen top and everyone saying she was into interracial
lmao jesus betty
what about the AI kissing art?
People like Vance are too afraid of looking like idiots so they just stay quiet and stick to saying "yeah". Don't be boring, don't be a Vance.
they still hold a grudge
For 10 minutes at a time before he goes back to sparring with Scott you mean
Thanks. I wish she'd just do a proper longer video with sound.
The people that also hate on Jon are just other autists, but they're all either scrawny or fat so he makes them seethe.
Post ass pics with time stamps on /tv/
people began to hate jon in season 1 when he didnt participate in the disability challenge. he then went on to piss various groups off post season 1. he would talk shit about sam and mde, beef with jon, sylvia, letty, betty, etc. i think he's garnering fans again though. i disliked him but like him again.
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how many of the 2.5 women do you think this badass has a chance with? trish is likely already pregnant
I would have sex
Jon is fat
The fans hate content. This was established by their autistic hatred of Jimmy.
supposedly they exist. i think she leaks them when she wants attention though, not some inside agent we have. so it's up to her wanting attention, or to degrade her altright fanbase.
People said the same thing during s2
Dm me Delaney ass
K thanks
Which person involved in S2.5 do you think's had the most sexual partners?
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pretty sure he already inseminated every single girl involved in S2.5 with his aura alone
im surprised taylor can still walk
she's live on twitter you can probably just ask
see >>200646262
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based xavier
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Look at the time! Time for /ftl/ to take their daily dose.
that's literally just /lit/anon
Ella mogs
we're barely a quarter of the way through
I want to see her nude not talk about shitcoins
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I miss the rage
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>he's not playing a character

Sam is lucky he's able to afford to bribe his friends into hanging out with him again otherwise he'd be stuck with bic flame and jet neptune all day.

What if we did our own fishbowl. Imagine all the cute femcel anons who'd show up
Is he into trannies like Sam?
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>start of darkness origin story

this nigga really is the best thing about this season
>bribe his friends
He pays them to participate in the podcast, which is a production. That's called a healthy partnership.
I literally want to have sex with this guy.
Wtf I love Xavier now?
He's sexy
>Now imagine getting rich one day without having to lift a finger
You guys REALLY owned this xavier dude...
So TJcoded lmao
this season's gone so well even my bitchiest friends don't have shit to complain about. 2.5 is nearing s1 levels of kino
Yea I know he had to pay them to hang out with him again after he screwed them over by tanking everyone's tv career
sex with xavier
I like him even more now
It's him
>t. I'm him
lol no he's not.
Is he goin zesty?
it's 4:20 central
When they wake up?
people always post shit like this when everyone's asleep. rolling my eyes
1-2pm est
Bout 1 dawg
Welcome to fishtank
wiggers around noon. fish within the next 3-4 hours. letty seems to have moved into the garage though so probably around noon for her.
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Any Tayleigh updates?
still ugly and unliked
still a cute cat and beloved
Its really starting to reak
scuffed tj
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i hope we make it the full 2 weeks, i want to test my body and mind now that i have few interruptions
Tay should just make videos like this and everything would be ok
>letty seems to have moved into the garage though so probably around noon for her
taxcn been in heat?
my cock is hard
it was just a joke ok
waw eggs
Taylor is chaste. Tayleigh or Trish are the ones with the highest body counts.
still beat dyke that lost all her fans for meth infused kentucky fried cock
She actually doesn't like them very much at all.
Bullet killer BTFO.
Also xavier scamming retards means he fits in really well with jet and sam. He might become part of the wigger crew
the RP is great
She only thinks about nigger dick constantly. What do you think?
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>looksmatched couple in 2024
Tayseethers and blacked folder posters always show up at the same time. Hmm
My ugly Indian broodmare josie would never do this
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beat dyke
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do you guys eventually ignore me altogether because you don't like me or you think it's best i go to bed. combo of both?
is that you xavier?
just kill yourself
Tay you stupid bitch
>detective Cole is on the case
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don't listen to him
Take your seething back to bant you obsessed fucking losers
This clip is fucking crazy actually. all of 3 them saying they hate animals and want to kick dogs across the room.

Ironically I actually agree with it and I hate animals but I feel like this would drive normies furious
Bro imagine you being on the pod. Classic
Idk. There was that one stream she kept talking about drake's pickle
Really? I see that shit in every thread
>squaw injun turned out to be 1000% right on tayleigh

I apologize.
I could see nick doing that. Lots of mass holes hate pets.
Yid and benleaks I kneel
Creature is Marky. Not kidding .
lmao I knew she’d make and post more
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why can't you people just humor me? what do i have to pretend to care about?
>the first fan that Tayleigh chose to fuck is the one that resembles TJ the most
the fuck is this bitchs problem
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>when swarthy ass xavier is talking and you gotta give him that aryan stare
Anyone got the Betty bbc discord?
Why did that walmart girl get a tattoo that makes it look like she has a fucking rash on her neck lol
Malia needs to understand that Jet would make her a star
I bet tay makes really unappealing grunts when getting slammed. Monkeydog shit itkwim
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here's your (you) please enjoy it friend
sex with tayleigh= crime against humanity.
The archive link won't open. That just a me thing?
>jon beefed with himself
just how powerful is this tard?
Who’s blacked betty bam ba lam
Niggas really wake up angry at Tay and thinking about black cocks and rush to their phone to post like spastics
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i always skim these threads before i come on late night and it's pretty easy to tell this is a very small community, is what i'm offering really not good enough to contribute? will you josiepost with me this hour if i chime in and start gossiping about the other fish throughout the day like i have nothing better to do like retired old ladies?
There's literally a different thread for each miserable whore on bant pls take it over there
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>to their phone
fucking disgusting plebian normienigger cattle
How many hours a day you can listen to autistic retard screaming over everyone before it stops being entertaining?
Go to rehab, son.
Pimp game a1
why aren't you thankful you have someone to talk to outside your creepy little friend group? i'm on a ton of drugs and even i feel bad for you
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Josie :)))
Stream was at 10k yesterday you can die in a ditch I would be happy
You people are fucking freaks and should be shot.
anyone got the pic of ben and jon kissing?
It never stops being entertaining.
>only like your girlfriends posts when they include guys giving her money for nothing
tj more redpilled then jon tbqh
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I'll join u fren
Josie <3
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No shit, I've been digging the season and have been saying as much. 2.5 has been good shit
I hope you find the right combo of meds so you can really appreciate what we have here
have they given up on levelling fish up?
Is that why hes coming on to tayleigh
josieniggers are always like
>I am a broke drug addicted alcocholic and I don't have any friends and I'm better than you

Letty went in the basement to be coddled by production
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Guess who censored the guy is
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Josie :)
is the uncensored pic around?
Xavier is a rat controlling a human body?
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Is it Josie?
i just looked and she is back in her sleeping bag
Woke faggot
goddamnit they're already breaking. i really hope they can make it the whole teo weeks godamnit
can you grow so you won't need to be baited into interacting with people outside your creepy little bubble? good lord it's like you think i have a vagina or a job application, i'm just trying to be friendly, not shake your whole little world up
Not wanting to fuck trannies is low T actually. This is backed up by peer reviewed data.
Least gay millennial
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The desperation coming of Josiefan posts smells like terminal brain rot.
Do you think they know what the world sees them as when they leave their pathetic bubble? I think they know, and I think it drives them insane.
One of them is a drug addict and an avatar tranny. Very grim.
>Jose when she sees my white ass bent over for her to rim
>coddled by production
is this codename for getting dicked by taxc?
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I am a broke drug addicted alcoholic and I don't have any friends and I'm better than you
you are genuinely fucking mentally deficient. you are one of the biggest fucking no-life losers in these boards.
they should have told them that RP is about good acting and stories and it's not about winning or losing. the only "winning" is good RP and that's it, but they take things way too personal
kek Xavier gets better and better
how old is this image? I'm guessing 2+ years?
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so this is the angle

it's like zoology but stuck up terminally online retards
They're mindfucked by gaslighting. They have absolutely no reason to believe anything production or prod affiliated says.
instead of being nice and one of the few people in your life that treats you like a human i'll bait you with what you're used to from now on. miserable faggots
From like around 2015 iirc
This seems like some shit Jan would write.
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i hope you beat your addictions brosie even if you are not even trying/want too
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>there are people in this thread at this very moment who don't love Josie
You can report them for flooding / avatar use now. They've hit the threshold.
>josiepedos woke up
time to leave the thread
you'll still be here in your little bubble regardless of what i do, i'll just be a little meaner when i want to have fun with my terminally online friendsies
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Taytriors report in
fuck i thought it was only day 4 today. at least this shit going quick
i thought frank started working for sam post world peace
Jesus you fools can’t even spell it right anymore.
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>there are people who legit hate on this cutie
/f1/ again until the josie pedos leave if ur and artist guy remember this
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>tetty op
incredibly based
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it makes me sick
No, but he's in many MDE videos and he has his face censored in Frank Hassle videos

2018-19, this is during KSTV2/HWD days
you're a grown man calling out to 4chan mods like they're the closest thing you have to a father
It's 5am here was thinking of John pelech being 15 when he helped write 2070. That pic is most likely from 2017-2019. I don't think frank was even making shit in 2015
Josiefans just love projecting don't they.
i'm glad you're embarrassed
That voice is definitely him kek
I went to sleep a bit early last night, did Josie ever have her big fireworks show?
Insider here. Tayleigh only came on so she could Marky post during the finale.
You have your own fucking thread
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You freaks drip so much self loathing and desperation it stinks up the place. Put yourself out of humanity's misery already and make the world a better place.
This is her
Make me go there.
He was a big player in gamer gate.
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why can't people just get along
Will Fishtank get boycotted if it comes out that Xavier is a gamer?
I literally saw her on twitter calling herself a mexican 5 minutes ago lol
The struggle
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Hell anons friendly reminder that there is a comfy and sane /ftl/ on /bant/, don't use any of the other weird ones

you sure it's not you since you live here and bleed from your wound like you're paid for it? how about you double the dose so we can can have a kinder interaction tomorrow or better yet you find something that makes you so happy you don't have to be such a miserable piece of shit here all day?
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Josie would not stand for all this hate. Sad!
God Damn it the centipede smoking a cig is a huge throwback
ahhh they posted 5 pictures of the spicy girl from s1 im going insane!!!!!!
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>he thinks mexicans can't be natives
Is that code for ugly child brained mutt?
>lettycels ended up being the most normal
weird how that worked out
sent your worst tays
Based Xavier.

Go back to your containment board
Fail rp
Gamers Rise Up
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ok, so from now on instead of being nice and josieposting i'm gonna just act like i have a vagina and a mental illness and talk about tj and taylor's relationship and be super angry grrr. i'm so glad there's zero chance you breed
Why are autists so entertaining. Jon and Xavier have been the funniest people on fishtank. Tai isnt autistic but hes funny too. They should stay away from BPD and get more autists
Thank you Jesus christ
Autists + girls like Taylor I agree
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>you can bbc post about Betty but don't you DARE post pictures of the s1 winner
She wishes she was asian. Ugly brown freak.
You're the same people posting both
Here's some lore
taytriots are the bbc posters actually, always bringing attention to it
for the love of god stop thinking about tabloid bullshit you bloated freak
said noone ever
LOL blockhead Joe just had to get an interview with him
Now you're really telling on yourself.
do you guys think Tayleigh got the ick from Xavier not winning the tournament even though it's rp (woman are dumb)?
not wrong
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I hate betty. You've officially gone too far with this post.
>working with sam all the way back then
Damn. The lore.
you're acting like a woman asking this
Don't ask a Josiefan to type bl into their address bar.
Tay has had the ick for Xavier ever since she met him, she just agreed to everything he propositioned for some reason (while jimfacing her displeasure to the camera and whispering "sorry cockbuddy!")
wdym? i’ve seen the same guys that used to fawn over tay on /bant/ do the exact same shit
How do we exile josieniggers from our thread
bad ideas? i thought you guys were tired of gossiping about that one
its so fucking over
>Hyde told BuzzFeed News that over the past two days he has also been harassed. “Some kid stood outside my window throwing pebbles. And someone knocked on my door — it’s a closed apartment, you shouldn’t be able to get in. And then there was no one there.”

This has to be trolling, I can't imagine giving a serious statement on being stalked like this, specially in 2015
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Don't even know what you mean. I think this says more about you than anything
has there been any more jordan shenanigans over the night?
I kneel.
Yeah, I’m thinking the Don jolly, Sam, Jace, young Frank days were the best. At the time, everyone was sad about WP being cancelled. So we didn’t appreciate what we had
theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNOP2t9FObw
Nick loves doing unfunny cumtown millennial humor and wishes he was a gay jewish man. Sam is an aging washed up sell out grifter. Charls' schtick stopped being funny 7 years ago.

stop projecting
jet neptune mogs all of them,
its time for the old guard to rest and pass the torch to the real talent.
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who the fuck is jordan, what does this even mean
who are these people, how bored do i need to be to find out

how is this faggot shit better than me josieposting

Charls needs to leave the others behind and ascend to the Godhood that awaits him.
I would choose Ben over boomer Nick and schizo charls any day
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what the fuck is a brianna wu, what is cumtown

what the fuck, are you people just old as shit, what the fuck is this
yyuuuuunnnngg leeaaannnn up in the club
for some morphine (morphine)
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>Yeah, I’m thinking the Don jolly, Sam, Jace, young Frank days were the best. At the time, everyone was sad about WP being cancelled. So we didn’t appreciate what we had
Charls is a low IQ schizo. There's no ascension for him.
she has girl autism. And the all autistic girls have giant knockers
you're not the only one. half the time i feel like I'm reading another language with some of the shit going on in these threads
If you don't know about gamergate or cumtown, you're the one that's old as shit. Or you're like 15
Ive switched my loyalty to the Neptune. May he lead us to a better future
what does this mean wosie
>who are these people, how bored do i need to be to find out

>how is this faggot shit better than me josieposting

Anything happen after Bloodgames ended
dedass neptune era MDE is so much more bussin than that lame old grandpa crap
tayleigh is beat
You have to be over 18 to post here
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this but unironic style
Untreated sadly too so his super high dopamine bursts have fucked his intelligence. On the downward spiral. Though antischizo meds fuck you up longterm too. Cursed
Brown girl and bex started twerking in schitty
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Erm, if anything she gave him the ick for losing the tournament and letting him down.
you don't get to talk this way when you spend that kind of time you do gossiping on your fat ass, faggot
how do I join betty’s bbc discord??
nigga shut up and get yo racks up stupid silly ass nigga
Tay is a narcissist who hates herself. To think she has standards is kinda crazy
Can a josiecel explain why so many Josie avatars love Taylor on Twitter? Cause I don’t ever see that here. It’s seems like lettycels really like her here. But I never see them Taylor post on Twitter. I suppose letty is participating and Josie isn’t. So if it was flipped I’d maybe be asking the other way. But still.
can you pretend to be under the age of 35 while you keep my fishtank discussion thread active like it's the closest thing you have to a job? that's all i ask. if you're gonna bully me for posting pictures of women, can you at least pretend to be less old women while you gossip all day?
new thread someone
i was gonna but fuck you
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i genuinely have no idea who argues with who and about what with all this shit flinging at this point
terminally online FREAKS raised by goyslop media instead of Loving parents
Just go to your local res and grab your own josie bro. Bring a 6-pack. It's really that easy
Fax. Anyone who disagrees is fail rping
there's a huge crossover between Josiefrens and Taylor simps because they're both cute and nice. Same with Letty even though she has the false reputation of being a bitch
neptune crawled so sam can walk
You have to be black or a cuckhold like januki
shut the fuck up and bake you 30 year old boomer body
Sam is friends with the cumboys you're the old one if you don't know what it is
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It's lovers of cute brown girls vs the world
Or some weed and meth
i'm 22, your gay bullshit doesn't interest me. bake you dumb old bitch
>i'm 22
you have to be over 18 to post here zoomzoom
see, i had a nice bake planned out but you had to be old and cranky. i could've saved your achy joints the trouble
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You white incels don't realize how bad brown people smell
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Dead thread, post your favorite Josies
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ella! <3
>these pictures of the s1 winner aren't interesting enough for me, i spend most of my day in bed on 4chan googling cum boys, i'm above all this

bake. now
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>me inhaling josies brown musk
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Then not knowing about cumtown or gamergate has nothing to do with your age dumb nigger they're both zoomershit, Nick Mullen is also funnier than anyone in MDE
shut the fuck up and bake, it's your purpose
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i hope so! smella foreva!!!!!! <3
dont bake
please let it die, this thread was 100% waifu faggotry
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more for me!! SMELLA FOREVA!!!!! <3
you really don't want to make it this easy for me, you old fucks have completely lost touch
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Josie won this thread btw
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this is ella. and you've been. mogged!
Fuck you do it yourself
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smella mogs
i once spent a saturday morning automating josieposts in 3 threads at the same time for the fuck of it but felt bad

let's make a truce and do your fucking job
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Ella won this thread btw
Are the fish going to enjoy the rain for like the next two days?
goated moggess. ella forevaaa

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