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muh prince edition
previous thread >>200631170
kid looked so anxious
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Is what Tyland did genuinely a sign of autism?
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No, children are annoying.
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Phia is such a goofy Airhead.
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He's here....
will they also kill him like they killed luke? I WANT LUKE BACK!
sigh....somehow Jaeharys has returned...
Please don't make him cringe
I feel you lukebro
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He is already dead, ya dunce.

lucky all things considering
Do you think the kid had fun doing all these scenes?
Fuck she's hot.
if anything his parents coerced him
>just lay there absolutely still with all this itchy shit around you
I am certain he did not. Children dont like playing dead.
Only OP’s pic is the real child actor, the dead one is prosthetic. You can see how they made it on The House That Dragons Built on YouTube. There is one for each episode.
Lukebros.. Would. You pull a Preparez vous Mouchoirs on him??
what would have happened if viserys wasn't retarded? like what if he was competent and actually pretty cool? and he took dany as his sister-wife as he should have.

to be honest i don't even remember why illyrio and the dickless wonder were sponsoring both them and faegon.
>He is already dead, ya dunce.
i stopped watching when they killed luke and i will not watch again until they bring back luke

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Hopefully they disposed of it or gave it to the parents as souvenir later...
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thats a he and you pedos stay away from our prince
A couple of the crew members had prosthetic heads made of them for the hanging of the rat catchers. They kept theirs, not sure if a parent would want to keep one of their kid though.
bet you no one made a bracken pepe
oui, mon ami
oh. thank you for calling me jahaerys. he's icsh.
>Allows his friends sit near the throne
>Hires a prostitute for his squire
>Wants to give free sheep to his people
The one true king
The day you were born, the very forests of Westeros whispered the name...
>hugs you
awww thank you I really needed that my lord
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For me it's Jacaerys Velaryon, Prince of Dragonstone and rightful heir to the Iron Throne.
>have dragon eggs you could buy whole armies with
>have guy and girl targs
>have another possible targ guy?
>have arrangement to marry dorne princess to targ dude
>have plan to get mercenaries
>have various plans to sabotage and influence westeros politics to help targs win
>hurrrr let's waste the guy and girl targ and the eggs on plan to try and get horde of savages to westeros
fuck it that was dumb
even if you go with but viserys and the savages were meant to piss off everyone so (f?)aegon can rule that's stupid, it just makes people hate targs and there are too many things that can go wrong
why not just wait for westeros to start imploding and then get vis/dany and use the eggs to buy them an army? or vis/arianne and use dany for a real alliance in westeros? or if you want to get rid of viserys why not dany/(f?)aegon and get them an army/mercenaries or even get all of vis/dany/(f?)aegon/arianne in whatever combination and manipulate them?
it just makes zero sense
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How am I supposed to continue watching the show if they killed best prince who ever lived? Such a joke.
What was his tax policy?
>Prince Lucerys Velaryon if Rhaenyra actually wasnt a whore and had Laenors children

What could have been.
to get eaten by an enormous female
Can we do a poll on what kind of poster each anon is? I’m curious to see how many jaceposters there are now.
Shoujo looking mf
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yeah i do agree. maybe they just wanted dany to do her training arc so at least one of them would be worthwhile. and wasting the eggs on them, i don't know. maybe they were supposed to have the horn. maybe they thought the blackfyre fucking shit could wrest control of them with some magic bullshit they'd teach him.
>meant to be SS'd all along...
godfuckingdamn he's extremely icsh
impressed that fanartists havent made any vore art yet
Few pictures make Valyrian supremacists seethe as much as that one
>half black Jace and Luke
Not feeling it bros
i doubt this because normally dany would have been stuck with the dothraki forever, almost everything that happened was unlikely and unplanned
Why? He's more Targ than most Targs after this era and his dragon egg hatched.
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I love Jace and ship him with Cregan, Baela, Aegon and hypothetical older Luke.
>Rhaenyra sneaking into KL disguised as a septa
What are they thinking
Blackfyre show into Faegon Blackfyre is real into season 8 retcon, when?
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Nothing. Thats the whole problem with this show.
it was an accident
fuck he's hot
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Vaemond was such a rude bully... He could help Luke to be a good lord and get preferential treatment from him instead of this farce...

She put on Daemons cape, duh
They should had yaoi'd >>200647858
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Apparently it’s the best episode so far other than that scene.
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>muh alicent friendship
>muh I don't want war
They should have kept pic related to show how fucking stupid it would be for Rhaenyra to do anything but want to win that war. The idea that she'd still do this after Luke's death is insane and I'll be 100% on Jace's side when he gets angry at her after this.
Anyone remember what was filmed first for season 2, it was the location stuff in Spain wasnt it? Looks like they are going into preproduction in bong autumn and shooting in Spain at the beginning of 2025. So possibly early to mid 2026 for a season 3 release date? But then Matt smith said they are filming this year… make it make sense.
Unironically he would be a great King but who would be his Queen? I'm not feeling it with Baela, there's something off.
I can't fucking stand this forced relationship between Rhaenyra and Alicent. It completely ruined the show for me and they keep pushing it. Who else even care about these two other than Rhaenicent shippers?
Nta but Baela would be great for him, definitely book Baela at least.
>Who else even care about these two other than Rhaenicent shippers?
Yup. And Rhaenicent shippers are mainly Alicent fans who want Rhaenyra to be Alicent's prize and hate Rhaenyra's family.
>just let your bloodline die out and lose all land to a bastard bro
Baela would have been the heir if it wasn't Luke
and Luke marries Rhaena so it doesn't matter
I thought it was the other way around? Like they think Alicent is a damsel in distress that needs to be rescued by rhaenyra from her evil family. The show seems to set her up that initially her dad had power over her and she had no say. And now it’s her sons with the power and she has no say again so she goes to Dragonstone in the final to beg rhaenyra for help as she can’t control her sons /
Helaena of course.
If only he wasn’t a bastard they would be perfect together, Jace would be the most patient and gentle with her out of anyone.
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No, from what I've seen most Alicent fans take Alicent's side on everything and hate everyone from Team Black who is close to Rhaenyra. They also treat Rhaenyra like an idiot who's only good points were caused by Alicent and who needs to make up for making Alicent sad. They'll say shit like how Rhaenyra is so stupid and only learned to read because Alicent made her and the only reason her children learn to read (but they're still stupid too!) is that Rhaenyra is pining over Alicent and making them read because Alicent read with her, wow Alicent is so smart blehhhh
Apparently in the JP dub Daemon is played by Seto Kaiba and Rhaenyra is played by Yor Forger. Time to pay for U-Next. Funny enough even JP fans seem to fear that ((they)) might ruin the show. Not enough shitposting about it exists though unlike Ruski bros who were arguing about Cole for weeks and making memes about him.
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He is the true winner of that quiz and I’m tired of pretending he isn’t.
After showing what a coward she is in the last ep, very consistent
he has albanian genes
That explains why he looks good.
Who voices Aemond? He's practically an anime character already
Goku's VA
He was publicly legitimized by Viserys at least twice. He's not a bastard.
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Ewan is a Scottish name (there is an Irish spelling of it too like Ramsey Boltons actor), Mitchell is an English surname. He’s probably half Scottish half English.
Shun Yuki. He's a minor voice actor, but he does voice a random Yeagerist which is based.
>character from mediocre anime is acting in mediocre series
what fun!
>Aemond you activated my trap card
>accidentally trips while on Caraxes and drops his sword into Aemond's eye as he falls belly first into the water
I low-key wanna see how they make them sound. It would probably be hilarious.
jap voice actors are usually very good
>Aemond executes Martyn Reyne and Aegon's Estermont buddy, alienating the Reynes and the Estermonts from the greens
100000 iq plan from aemond
He gives strong eastern euro vibes, certainly not albanian, but polish or ukranian
Welsh* I mean. I don’t think Scot’s Gaelic and Irish are too far away from each other to change the spelling a lot.
maybe croat?
Yeah I know. Which is why I am surprised that they choose Saori to voice Rhaenyra. She went from mom carrying for a 4 year old to participating into decapitating of won. That's some range.
Criston, Alicent, Rhaenyra, Jace, Otto and Helaena are really good. I don't know much about Aegon's or Aemond's.
Does rhaenyra have a deep voice like in the english dub?
I claim him as a Bulgarian.
Maybe but most croats look like normal european people not eastern even if they're slavs
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I don’t see what you guys are seeing at all. Maybe I’m biased for knowing him as Osferth before anything else but he is the most Anglo-Saxon man I have ever seen.
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i'm trolling because i am still pissed about stannis
I'm ready for this guy to be a no-name extra.
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Here's the Driftmark scene dubbed into Japanese
I'm really sorry for the pl*bbit links but I can't literally find this anywhere else https://www.reddit.com/r/HouseOfTheDragon/comments/1auy5ar/driftmark_scene_with_japanese_dub/
And here's the toast
I can't even last 4 seconds
this is too anime
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>I'm really sorry for the pl*bbit links
at worst you will have a couple of anons make fun of you
it's ok
Please tell me Otto is voiced by Norio Wakamoto
I am willing to get U-Next and stream the jp dub. It's illegal but I am Balkan, those laws are not meant for me.
Looks kinda like Jay from the Inbetweeners
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Well anon what else did you expect
also I almost got everything he said and I haven't watched any anime in 2 years
He's voiced by Yoshitada Otsuka aka Jiraiya from Naruto
Young Griff is legit so no. And stop calling him fAegon.
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I call him Fagon

What was Ser Otto’s problem?
That he can't control Aegon the Magnanimous.
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Why do they call him The Elder? He doesn't look very elder to me...

oooooooo elder ring
just for that joke alone grrm will delay winds for another 5 years
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Best Boy
Its a big cape
They really don't know what to do with these characters outside the source material aside from giving them sex scenes huh
coomer writers
Probably because they let the king go to battle
Is Aegon's face going to be burnt where the crown is casting its shadow
Oh sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt your CUNT CONFERENCE
Good catch
That they did a PR stunt with the kid and Aegon kinda ruined it hanging random people. Otto was frustrated with his king not getting it. He's also mad because he should've expected this, why would Aegon know anyhing about politics? Nobody, Otto included, bothered teaching him.
But Otto's actor was misdirected so it comes up as if he's genuinely angry at the atrocity and not at Aegon personally for being hotheaded.
they were having sex
I’m excited to see what he’s going to look like afterwards and just how gross they go.
typical Aemond
Imagine being a child actor who is 4 and some scary dude says to you
>You hear that? Yer momma wants ye DED!
Rhaenyra's baby that barely got any screentime is the younger.
>he's genuinely angry at the atrocity and not at Aegon personally for being hotheaded.
i think they slew of insults he threw at aegon were enough
why are there no scenes of Alicent going shopping
or of Dameon Targaryen getting his chest waxed?
fix your shit HBO
Did you forget that he literally hits him in the previous season? Otto is your classic boomer with zero parenting skills.
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I can't wait for punished Aegon personally. Hope they don't force him wear a mask.
I thought it was supposed to be Otto finally losing his shit at Aegon disobeying and undermining him and he doesn't actually care about the ratcatcher as much as losing control over Aegon. Kinda like how Cole loses his shit at Arryk but doesn't actually think Arryk was the traitor, he's projecting his own failures on him.
I didn't say that otto wasn't hypocritical af
at least we got to know that Corlys likes getting fucked by Rhaenys with a strapon
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Think of all the baneposting opportunities though anon….
I was hoping they'd give him minimal burn makeup so he could still be expressive, have screentime and not be kicked offscreen for the rest of the show.
It's exactly this. But suboptimal direction (or acting, but I believe Rhys Ilfans to be a good actor) can make a lot of people give the impression that Otto does care.
>total global saturation
The only person with hobbies is Helaena of all people
If he's not kicked offscreen (unclear by now) the burning will probably be minimal. At least on his face. Remember Tyrion's nose.
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His burns don't look too bad in the official illustrations.
Yeah something like this would be nice. Love both the character and actor and hope we get as many Aegon scenes as possible.
How much would you ask to be paid for your kid to go through that?
one handwritten note from GRRM telling me how the books end
He breaks half his bones apart from being burnt and that's cheaper to represent, so I have hope that they will be sensible enough to not fuck it up.
drinking and whoring are hobbies too
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Where are Jacaerys' sex scenes then?
That's worthless. It will be a lie. Whatever he tells you will change once he actually writes it (lol, lmao even) due to his bullshit "gardener" writing style. He projected Tyrion and Jon to be in love with Arya in game of thrones.
the source material to this stuff is not very compelling, is it?
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in the show he's pure and untouched and it will remain that way
most of it is better than the show but it varies
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Not even as worse as what Blackcels were spreading around for previous Jaehaera actress. I hope the mother sued them.
It is if you like reading historical sources like Herodotus or Procopius but you're not autistic enough to dislike fantasy written by a boomer with a very basic grasp of history.
Honestly I'm surprised in 300 years some king didn't just decide to get rid of the shitty throne for a more comfortable one
>Otto: He (Jaeharys) was my grandson
Did we already discuss this gaffe?
Watched 2 episodes of season 2. Too many niggers, probably won’t want anymore of it
Well, in the show they got at least rid of the bonus swords.
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I'm going to believe things happened offscreen and no one can stop me.
They were bombarding the mother’s Instagram page calling the child actress ugly. It’s why she didn’t want her daughter to play Jaehaera again this season allegedly.
oh.. definitely, there was chemistry for sure
They were harassing the actress to the point of her mom pulling her out of the show. The current actress is the sister of baby Helaena.
lol I missed that
They should replace her with a child of color
Corlys isn't the father
no, that's going to be daenaera at the end
I don't think we'll get to the toddler beauty pageant
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>humiliates his sick cousin who geniunely loves her
>sides with the woman who publicly cucks and murders her own son and the man who gets her daugther killed in a foreign land
>gets his brother in law killed by giving her husband's inheritance to some random bastards
>kills a bunch of innocent bystanders but refuses to kill the greens when she has the chance
Is she supposed to be retarded or is she the victim of retarded writing?
I think the best stopping point is Aegon/Viserys reunion so they should do the Daenaera plot too. I just figure it's going to be very rushed compared to the book, maybe just Baela & Rhaena bringing Daenaera without all the pageant stuff.
Simple, the USA is 98% shitskin / 2% white.
So the majority of the population don't want to be reminded that white people still exist here and there.
Is their any evidence of this true or just a meme. She looks super cute here but isnt she too old to play Jaehaera
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I want to hug her.
Stark/Targaryen sexo
Daenaera won’t exist in show canon
All the northern/riverland characters in the book are already cringe as it gets
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this is new Jahaera
green cope
I think the writers don't know what to do with her, which is why her lines seem like trailer meme sentences
You know it’s true deep down
Daenaera will have to be fully black, being the granddaughter of Vaemond. So they will absolutely add her in.
And the BLACKfyres will be half BLACK.
I saw alleged evidence of it on Twitter a few weeks ago, but I’m unlikely to be able to find it again.
I hated that head chopping scene, unnecessarily graphic and sickening with the uncensored version shown here.
you know they won't resist making a Velaryon queen
and that they want to do the Blackfyre rebellion and make the Blackfyres at least part black
Daenaera’s mother would still be white, making her half-black. She is Daemon Blackfyre’s grandmother, meaning in show canon Daemon would be 1/8 black. His wife is Tyroshi, meaning all his children are 1/16 black.
like when aegon dies? are they going to show them in the afterlife?
>Sorry I wasn't a good king dad
>lol neither was I loooooooooooooool
Yeah I think they hit the jackpot with this actor, he's perfect for the role.
Hugh Hammer is a middle aged irish cop.
they must have very big brains
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Fat Gurm the Slug is like:
book Rhaenys made more sense
>angry over her and her kid being passed over with the council thing
>Laenor got killed by some dude, the Daemon connection was only a rumor
>Laena was extremely close with Rhaenyra, there was a clear sense of Rhaenyra, Laenor, Laena, Daemon and Velaryons being Team Black and against the Green side
>dragonpit scene not in book
>book Rhaenys was more warlike and wanted to fight with dragons while Rhaenyra and Daemon were more cautious
Aegon and Viserys, the children of Rhaenyra and Daemon.
no, the Aegon and Viserys that are Rhaenyra and Daemon's children
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played like a mummer's puppet
The show canon established that mixed children can get blacker than their parents
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>the blacks have black characters while the greens don't have green characters
holy fuckign shit guys it's RADMUREEEEEE I AM CUMMINGGG
it's fine because they are green with envy
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Riverlands part of war is such a shit written garbage
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Is George hinting at the Hightowers sinister origins?
I wonder if she will have a different fate in the show, its implied she kills herself after learning Maelor is dead, but he isn't in the show (is she pregenant?) I kind of wish she would survive somehow, maybe shell die trying to protect her dragon
would that explain why their tower has that weird oily black stone as foundation?
it's possible Larys pushed her
Aegons arc on dragon stone has the most potential to be so good, I hope he doesn’t disappear from the plot just so they can make his reappearance more shocking
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Listening to Phias interview about Episode 2, I think they are building up a Laenor 2.0 for Helaena and Jahaera.

She's gonna take Jahaera and escape from Kings Landing to Essos, and everyone will just agree "yeah she killed herself" and later claim the fake Jahaera they brought in to marry Aegon also killed herself.
Maybe she even leaves on Dreamfyre.
If they do that they may as well have fisherman Luke and make Jace survive the Gullet. Make Rhaenyra fireproof and retire with Daemon in Essos! Make Aegon II less injured and run away on a ship like he planned! The sky's the limit.
I thought they were one of the very first settlers from old Valyria considering their features.
Can they please stop with the retarded move to Essos to live peaceful life shit
Yeah that is the risk with not daring to kill off Laenor.
If killing Laenor is bad because it makes Daemon and Rhaenyra look bad, then having Jahaera and Heleane die in Black Custody is also not in their interest.
speaking of Laenor how will they reconcile him probably being alive with Seasmoke getting another rider? Im sure the show will just ignore.
Poor Dreamfyre as well the whole dragonpit masscare is awful it would be nice if they both lived, but I think I prefer a more noble death for them both
Essos is a shithole anyway (excepting Braavos)
They were too craven to kill off laenor cuz of gay, and I could see them retconning Haelaenas death with their whole “ violence toward women in television is le bad” or whatever philosophy, the same way they’ll retcon mysaria death and probably rhaenyras
>and probably rhaenyras
not a chance
Can't wait for Daemon, Bloody Ben and Baela scenes.
any character deaths they avoid will be to make sure the character deaths they do use have enough impact. actual tragedy porn is dull and the death pileup towards the end of F&B is going to need to be carefully handled.
>Alicent has Rhaenyra in KL
>Alicent can have her imprisoned, taking one grown Dragon out of the War and have a Hostage that will force Jace to surrender immediately
>lets her go because she's a kind hearted woman

Most retarded writing decision in the Show so far. I am curious to see how much more retarded it can get before the end.
He probably just died offscreen recently because they said that Seasmoke is suddenly unusually restless now.
They can have Larys push Helaena to cause the riot and Jaehaera was killed by Peake a green supporter.
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Are half of hotd’s normie audience unironically special needs?, I don’t mean to be mean, but Jesus Christ.
This this thread in tranny section.
From a culture older than Valyria, the same ancient empire azor ahai came from
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>This this
nah shes a pedo, she ss Aemond
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I’m takin heads like I’m red Ned ain’t no redemption
the people saying she abused him are ridiculous
she's a prostitute, she's the one who had to fuck him
just pretend a lot more stuff happened off screen and this was the final straw for Otto
I've listened to the audiobook and never even remember any riverlands parts except Aemond burning them all (based, fuck fishfags) and the Sunfyre stuff
They don't have Valyrians features

We don't know where R'hllorism originate in Essos.
Also Azor Ahai is religious interpretation of the Last Hero
i mean it did
>turns council meetings into a joke
>muh sheep
>muh blacksmiths
>usual aegon drinking, whoring and acting like a fool
They are said to have silver hair anon same as the Daynes.
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I think it’s just a way of coping over them not liking where Aemond’s arc is going to what they imaged season 2 Aemond to be. Assuring themselves Aemond wouldn’t possibly go to a whore, he must be in an abusive relationship and is forced to be there. They will tell themselves Rooks Rest was just an accident too.
not enough to justify his behaviour towards Aegon who just lost a son, hasn't had time to rule yet, and who just killed some fucking ratcatchers (remember last week when Otto hung a bunch of nobles????)
Riverlands lads, we'll get our last laugh.
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>team, form up on me!
>kermit, you take the vanguard
>oscar, you command the archers
>and ben?….you just be Ben….
>Lads….roll out!
don't forget all the girlbosses
Untrue, only one Hightower woman, who had 4 kids, is said to have silver hair.
In the Vale, ser Vardis have silver hair, Oberyn and Littlefinger also have some silver hair, are they all Valyrians? It's just how sometimes George wrote grey hair.
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God I love them
>Aegon who just lost a son
Otto doesn't care about Aegon's feelings
>hasn't had time to rule yet,
Otto doesn't want him to rule, wants him to do as he's told
>and who just killed some fucking ratcatchers
which went against Otto's latest pr strategy (yes it's fine when Otto did it) which triggers him
Consider that Otto hated Aegon since he was a kid (see him kicking him in the Vhagar episode) and basically treating him like garbage he has to prop up so he can rule through him. Basically anything Aegon does that's not shutting up and meekly doing what Otto asks is adding to Otto's anger until it finally spills over. At least that's how I can make that work with the show version but it seems consistent with how Otto's always treated Aegon.
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>army of little kids and women
>it works
I never doubted.
Alicent also looks Valyrian in the book, Jaehaerys mistakes her for his daughter
*spawns yet another army*
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It's so dumb given that Aemond wastes half his time burning the riverlands (well burning fishfags is never a waste)
You'd think that'd help
Alicent has an illustration with dark hair, Jaehaerys probably would have mistaken anyone for his daughter
She has never been described as having Valyrian features. And Jaehaerys was very old and sick, no longer in his right mind.
>It's so dumb given that Aemond [...]
that's everything Aemond does
That’s why we love him. He’s a based retard.
Dornish hide in the sands, fish hide in the streams, you will never kill us.
Helaena's death is plot relevant and they haven't retconned Laena or Rhea's death, also Rhaenyra's is pretty unavoidable.
rhaenyra will accidentally trip into Sunfyre's mouth 6 times
Based. Corlys gonna be her "guardian" while at the sea. Guess the "Aegon sold her to Corlys" rumors is gonna be true.
I'm not sure what they want from Aemond' arc exactly. Does he look too vulnerable? Didn't they like the show invention that he was bullied? That he wants the throne and looks down on Aegon? We know that from S1. That he's impulsive and violent? I thought they liked that when he chased Luke.
>also Rhaenyra's is pretty unavoidable
Alicent will be begging for her life, won't she.
they're going to ruin every important scene with Rhaenicent shit
bet they won't even have Alicent tell Aegon to chop bits off Rhaenyra's son
Rhea's death is pretty much a retcon, in the book she dies a few days after falling off her horse. In the tv show she died getting rock bashed by Daemon
yes but there was no retconning of it the way anon said women's death would be retconned
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Jacebros, I think they're right. Where is the anger? Where is the rage?
Can you faggots stfu about Jace already? Such an inconsequential character literally just there to stand and look pretty
Jace has a hot loving mother, thats why hes a meantlly stable young man. If I had Emma Darcey dotting over me I'd be mentally well to
What should he be anrgy about exactly? Also isn't that the person who said that Jaehaerys is young Sheldon of Westeros.
Average Jaceposter
Why came here then? It Hotd thread and we talk abiut hotd characters...no like? Then use the fuckign filter
got your period, femcel?
Why would he be angry? One guy was a loveless political marriage his mom had to do, he was nice but mostly absent. One was his real dad who had to keep it a secret but was nice and supportive. One is his mom's new husband whom he's starting to take after because they're at war and Daemon is a cool dude who fights for his mom.
Green kids being ignored or treated like shit by both their parents and their grandfather understandably have more of a problem.
I love her
After I read the books for the first time I think Viserys might have been literally retarded
The character sounds like a mean little kid sometimes and he is supposed to be in his late teens at youngest
Jace is important because in a happier timeline he would have made a great king and he contrasts the dysfunctional clusterfuck in the greens' family while also showing how Rhaenyra's hesitation to fight will end up hurting her family.
But yes he is very pretty too, seethe.
Cap but even then, jorahs Hightower wife has silver hair and looks like dany. The point is It’s not just the one instance of a Hightower being described with Valyrian features.
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fuck you
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get rekt
just read the book already it's a couple hundred pages for the dance part
Dotting is a real term anon
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Quite the opposite, they want soft Aemond. They are basing most of Aemond’s character off the child version of Aemond. They were expecting a veneer of darkness, a front, with softness within. Aegon was supposed to be the evil one to them not Aemond. Because they view him as such a crippled broken boy they remove his agency. He couldn’t possibly be visiting a whore for both pleasure and comfort, because their soft boy Aemond wouldn’t. Aemond does show some vulnerability to the brothel madam sure, but he’s still far too gone to be fixed. There’s still too little screen time of Aemond for a lot of people to actually understand where the character is going, but then with some, their head canon of him is clouding their judgement a lot even if they see the writing on the wall.
There was an early draft where he was a nice person to Dany but he died anyway so I guess he was just meant to be a parent figure to her
This is what happens when you have been raised your whole life as if you were some kind of divine being.
Aegon is also a little annoying kid sometimes, but I feel like people around him put much more effort into him.
Holy ESL
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I think he's broken inside but we barely see him to get to that conclusion since they completely cut his storyline.
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>not only does he flood the generals with the same pictures, he uses the same jokes
>soft, broken, nice Aemond
hoo boy, they're in for a ride
Aegon/Griff also seem kind of spoiled to me. And Viserys is an odd one because he actually did experience hardship, orphaned at young age and apparently a brief literal homeless arc, but he still acts like such a brat
Nah I think they should have kept book aemond, he would have been a peak meme character now he’s just an aesthetic sadboy for alt girls
>Where is the anger? Where is the rage?
Wait until episode 4 if the leaks are accurate.
>just protect yourself from spoilers by…READING SPOILERS
Any more ideas genius?
I think Laenor was a great father
There are more femanon jaceposters than other kinds of femanon poster anon.
After meeting some real albinos they look so weird to me. Like the hair is correct but not the eye
Does he probably know Laenor is alive? Kinda awkward otherwise because Rhae and Daem are suspected to have killed him.
Felt like he really got broken by his shitty circumstances too, combined with feeling like he had to get the Iron Throne because it was his birthright. Though it's funny how he's treated as stupid for buying into the "westeros secret supporters sewing banners and waiting for him to return with an army" and then it turns out that it's basically true and Dany also starts buying into it.
The writers turned Rhaenys into Hillary Clinton.
>"My nephew Jorah brought home a proper lady once," said Lady Maege. "He won her in a tourney. How she hated that carving."
>"Aye, and all the rest," said Dacey. "She had hair like spun gold, that Lynesse. Skin like cream. But her soft hands were never made for axes."
Gold spun hair, like:
>Joffrey moved into the sunlight in response to Rodrik's summons. His hair shone like spun gold.
>"Did he tell you to fuck her too?" Look at him. Not quite so tall, his features not so fine, and his hair is sand instead of spun gold, yet still... even a poor copy of Jaime is sweeter than an empty bed, I suppose.
She had blond hair.
Nope, but we do so that’s good enough for the writers
Fujos are obsessed with Aemond..
There are 10 pictures of Aemond this season my hands are tied anon. What joke?
That's hot. I think I like Jaceposters even more now.
I don't think so, there's sadness but those are all ultimately people who cared about him and his mom loves him and is always there for him.
that's perfectly reasonable anger at rhaenyra almost getting the entire family killed with her alicent stunt
>his mom loves him and is always there for him
Leaks confirm she likes Alicent more than him since she's going to share the prophecy with her first.
>What joke?
I had a theory that Viserys might actually have been smarter as a youth but got dumber because he might have had syphilis. There's no way a guy as dumb as he was in AGOT manages to raise a child and keep both of them alive for almost a decade
It also just makes sense because he is homeless teen who has no fighting skills in a area of the world where rape is common; later he visit brothels
That wasn’t a joke I just wanted you to be excited over thinking I had a leak only to be disappointed.
that would cause you to laugh and guffaw a lot at my expense
Femanons are weird. I remember one from the GOT threads who wanted to spank Joffrey and Viserys. Is that a pedo sexual thing as well (at least for Joffrey)? Wtf are there so many female pedos on this board?
>Rhaenyra's is pretty unavoidable.
Can't wait to see her death. It's her fault
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Mayhaps it was a jape after all.
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That is weird. I'd fuck Viserys though, he cute.
I guess they were brat-posting before brat-posting was a thing. And every Viserys so far has a fun actor
>Wtf are there so many female pedos on this board?
Unironically some of them are troons the rests are legits mentally unwell. The remaining few only like the adult male actors if they watched their other shows.
They need a good raping to get them acting right
by me
They seem to travel back and forth between claiming that the brothel madam was abusing Aemond and wanting to abuse the negative male characters themselves. I wonder if they would have a meltdown if it was revealed Joffrey was psycho because his parents were diddling him or something
I think they're the same who used to post about "omega slutty waist" Aemond too.
>Try to watch house of the dragon
>It's neurotic reddit woman messaging every scene
>Try to watch it again, maybe I'm crazy
>No, it's still resentful lesbian rage seeping through at every turn
How do you retards tolerate this?
This reminds me, there hasn't been much Daemon x Aemond posting even though Aemond is canonly acting like some Daemon fanboy and Ewan said Aemond found Daemon wanting to kill him romantic.
> claiming that the brothel madam was abusing Aemond
Have any Aemondposters had this take though? It’s just people on tumblr and Twitter. I don’t remember us discussing it. If anything the interaction between them in season 1 had flirtatious undertones.
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I watch for he
I ignore the peaceful Rhaenyra and Alicent silliness and like it for Daemon, Jace, Aegon and the dragon scenes.
Femanon/Gayanon... we speak of Joffrey
>joffrey is multiple people
>Daemon, Jace, Aegon and the dragon scenes
I think we're the same person my friend
Nah, I kind of get Aemond and Viserys but wtf do people fap to Joffrey
The lore. We’re too deeply invested.
I thought valyrians were very careful with who they married to keep their blood pure, but then what the fuck happened ? Daemon was 100% and rhaenyra was 75% targ, how much non valyrian pussy did they fuck because in the current timeline dany is barely a targ, and yet she still looks like one, how does that even work ? is george retarded ?
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