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Simply a Sword bearer edition
Previous thread: >>200647148
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Lovely wives
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>Innocent Smallfolk of Westeros
What mental retardation did he have?
a) autism
b) Schizoid personality disorder
c) BPD
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>scared Blackwood?
why is she using Kaikosen on Cersei
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Jace love
What's with the icebag? Did she burn herself on a candle or something?
And are they filming in Portugal? that coke can seems to be in portuguese.
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Autism. Couldn’t be BPD since he was never truly nice to Dany
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Team Black's jewel!
The people of King’s Landing are sweet innocent angels.
Dunno, but he was crazy enough that Barristan Selmy would rather work for the people that killed everyone he was sworn to protect than follow Viserys.
>Otto wants to send westerling to kill Rhaenyra
>Otto hangs highborn lords in full view
He was treated as an ignorant but apparently memorized several texts on dragonlore so that might be more accurate than we think
Looks like a wrist problem. You wouldn’t ice a burn stupid FUCK.
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cute Aegon
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As they should. Tick tock mysaria
He looks like he’s taking a shit, always making this face
He was 8 when Barristan made that choice.
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Didn't Dany say he got worse after he had to sell their mom's crown?
>We need an actor to play a seething cuck that wages war for decades in a foreign country
>We need Henry
Sorry Cavill this is fantasy, the magic skinny nerd gets the girl
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He bore the sword. Simple as.
>An eight year old orphan boy is crying
>Must be a symptom of awful mental health
>I better abandon him to raise his infant sister for thirteen years, what could go wrong
It’s Cáceres in Spain where they film some of kings landing, the rest is done in Watford.
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muh rightful king
Little too Zesty
2 for the price of 1
It was the last time the dude ever smiled. Also apparently he hit the wall then, she keeps saying how he "used to be beautiful" before then which is a fucked thing to say about your twenty-something year old brother
>which is a fucked thing to say about your twenty-something year old brother
normal Targaryen shit
This show is fucking terrible
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>Cannot win a battle without the darkest of treacheries and cowardly tactics
>A kek
>Lost to the night king because he was essentially a fungus growing on tree roots
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>you're pathetic, Daemon
Maelys kino when...
You all sound like women
Bro, she was like six
I'm gay, he's gay. It's fine.
while that's very reasonable for someone unarmed and probably untrained I can't help but imahgine young Rhaenyra being less of a wimp there
like at least move around them and run away
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>You posted something on topic again!!!!
>*Ignores all the faggy pedos*
And? Still completely shitter shattered from the banter, I see.
>he doesn't know
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>gets the girl
He gets to listen through the wall as she gets gangbanged by singers and mummers KEK. Aegor would never
So do we think the Henry Cavill rumour is true.
She grew up thinking she'd marry him.
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You are an idiot.
I feel bad for his bros
They seem to be genuine friends
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Damn. Still crying, girl? Here search this one in the archives you lifeless pedo
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>The wall
>It comes for them all
what the fuck are you talking about you retarded larping spammer
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>Scouring the archives like a loser
>Doesn't even have a point to they/them's wailing

Definitely a Blacksissy.
I bet he smells good
Still. Some people joke that that's really when she decides to have him killed someday
I don't think so, I think before he got really mean to her she would have been fine marrying him like your average Targaryen would without thinking about it. After that, who knows.
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You sure have bitched about me simply pointing out that you post the same picture too much, huh? How sensitive!
>>Scouring the archives like a loser
It only took a single click you projecting retard looool
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>Get called out for being a lifeless faggot that cries about mundane things that also ignores unironic pedos to hound a GreenCHAD/CHADfyreGOD
>"What are you talking about?!?"

Search the archives for this one too, faggot.
Dany sort of preferred him to Drogo in the first chapter we see her but that's I think because they are her only options
Honestly I'm assuming they're the kind of shallow hangers-on that are always there for status/money/influence as the king's followers and the fact that Aegon can be a bro is just a bonus. Note that he didn't have any friends before he became king.
Why are Blacksissies so weak both physically and mentally?
>11 year old girl prefers her brother over the gigantic sand nigger she just met
Many such cases.
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looks like I struck an enormous nerve lmao
they are losers from the reach leeching off the king
How many such cases are there
Yeah and I think up until she starts being able to manipulate Drogo, if Viserys ever changed his mind and was like, let's get these dragon eggs and run away, buy an army and marry each other, I think there was still a non zero chance of it.
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They're from Reddit and Twitter, their opinions stick out like a sore thumb here. Not much more needs to be said.
They stayed with him as he was sperging while he destroyed the valyrian lego set. They may be leeches but I think they somewhat like him
One is from the Westerlands, another is a Stormlander and the black one is a bastard from the crownlands.
Winds of winter when?
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Well, we survived the week at least.
Daenerys would abandon Viserys the moment another man tought her about life.
Blacksissies, our cope?!?
I wanna be carried by Ewan like this
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Too much onions consumption
When I was watching the episode the CC said one of them was a redwyne, was that wrong? You can't say which one because it was the scene with Aegon walking into the throne so the camera was following his ass.
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Yep, I kind of like the idea of Daenerys sneaking out even by herself actually
It is a bit weird to me that she falls in love with her brown abuser, like something out of a bad cuck erotica novel
But Daemon doesn't look like this in the show. He looks like a fucking eggplant because for some reason bitches are attracted to that circus freak from Doctor Who.
I think it was wrong yeah, one is a Reyne from Castamere and another one is an Estermont
>>Yep, I kind of like the idea of Daenerys sneaking out even by herself actually
Won't make sense unless her personality changes a lot
There's an alternative world somewhere where Dany's story is just about her trying to ditch Viserys
Probably but depends on the context. If Varys/Illyrio/etc gave them an army, let them marry each other and helped them go to Westeros I could see Dany being into that.
but somehow Viserys always ends up finding her in increasingly comedic ways
An early draft features runaway bride Daenerys I believe
Blacksissies, we need to regroup on the cord. NOW! Searching the archives like a lifeless faggot doesn't seem to be working!!!
Was the nigger the Reyne? Would be great if they established Tywin purging niggers.
>let them marry each other and helped them go to Westeros I could see Dany being into that.
Maybe, if the faegon's plot failed
nice, any links to read it
Each time he is overjoyed and does not notice she is disgusted
Your reaction proved that my scheming capabilities are superior. I would win the game of thrones easily if you were my opponent.
It was a pdf I saw floating on /tg/ many years ago and was mostly just point form notes that Martin sent to a publisher. He wanted to write a story about a young girl with a mentally ill brother who is forced to marry a savage but runs away.
One thing that's always annoyed me about Dany is that ok, she gets Stockholm Syndrome or something, but she never snaps out of it and still carries on thinking Drogo was her true love. Yet never makes the connection that she's claiming to be against slavery and Drogo was a rapist and slaver and the only reason she isn't dragged along by him being forced to obey most of what he wants as they murder and enslave people is that Mirri got him killed. Mind you in the books it feels like Mirri's death subconsciously haunts her and her thoughts on Viserys change from disliking him to viewing him as a victim and buying into everything he thought about taking back the throne but she never realizes it.
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He thinks she's disgusted because she lost again
RIP to what that place used to be.
......and by the game of thrones i mean crying like a faggot anytime someone slanders my soon to Dragon shit Queen.
I actually preferred the version where she kills Drogo as revenge for him killing Viserys.
Except the only one crying is you after I posted two archive links, also Rhaneyra sucks dicks and is reddit. As if the curator and creator of the Chadfyre meme is a filthy Black, lmoa, accept your defeat with grace.
Anon that’s daemon blackfyre
aka the true king
The Reddit Dragon house? Merely laying the groundwork for Azayra Ahayra Stark and the King of United Westeros (except the North, which is ruled by Sansa Stark) Brandon Stark. Dragonshits are simply not relevant. This series is merely a tale of how the Starks rose to prominence.
>Azayra Ahayra Stark
you could do way better, I am sure of it
I'm guessing they like that he's usually chill and they can joke around and drink together. So they're your usual fairweather friends which is still cool that Aegon has (had) someone to have fun with but they wouldn't give him the time of day if he was some rando.
Yeah, I think its odd that she keeps calling the man her "Moon and Stars" and does not recognize that there was something fucked about her marriage. Jorah even tells her that Illyrio sold her and her brother both to Drogo at one point (an interesting take, did Drogo interpret Viserys and Daenerys as being his slaves?) but Dany never acknowledges it
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Azorya Starkahai
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> dem folks need My Savings
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When your only argument is searching the archives to prove I've held my opinion steadfast, that means you lost. Your Queen turns into Dragon shit and all her bastards that you pedos keep posting and obsessing about are worm food too btw
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What was the audience for the episode?
did they fall like with the 1st?
>did Drogo interpret Viserys and Daenerys as being his slaves?
imagine loving a slave so much that you call her your moon and stars
no wonder Drogo jobbed to a fucking cut he was a pussy deep down and definitely not worthy of having a khalasaar
Fate keeps bringing him back to her in convoluted ways
I figure it's either GRRM not getting how fucked up it is, or that the cognitive dissonance is how she deals with the trauma and it's part of a long running plotline of her starting to lose it.
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B-but muh special bloodline?? Muh daemyra offspring??
Based; but that's just what White women do to an Asian mf
>When your only argument is searching the archives to prove I've held my opinion steadfast, that means you lost.
there was no argument, I simply posted a link to show how much you were posting that pic and then you coped by random projection
>your queen
Ok bro whatever you have to cope with, you are still a sensitive womanly bitch
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>t. Khal Jhaqo
Would have been interesting actually
A toast. A toast to the comfiest place on /tv/.
>implying Azorya Starkahai could defeat the Night's cuck without Jon bringing most of westeros together
come on
You can tell this guy got cucked hard by both his sisters. Lmao SISSYgon.
I don’t get what the problem is with ritual posting, it’s comfy if even you disagree with what the anon is ritual posting about.
I despise all rituals because I am an atheist
Her autistic reaction is what people would consider a problem I guess?
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What a strong toast anon. I couldn’t agree more.
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Strong toast, from a strong anon.
wow I wonder if it's possible for me to be that strong!
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>Prince that was Promised is finally born
>finally get a Dragon
>finally goes North
>The entire Prophecy only serves to transport a Dragon to the Nights King who then brings down the Wall

You could argue it is meta commentary how a self fulfilling prophecy that dooms the World instead.

Then again, it is double hilarious how the Chosen One from that Prophecy murders Aegons last living relative(Jon is undead) and destroys Aegons Capital+Throne

Retardaryens werent aware it's not a prophetic Dream, it is a Warning.
how many of these do you have kek
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You need to have a strong father in order to be strong yourself.
>Viserys was also a slave, though he did not know it
Would be dark humorous
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>there was no argument
Exactly, faggot. You're a weak willed bitch that obsess over 12 yr old boys and gets angry at the most mundane shit imaginable.

They/them is from Twitter or Reddit. They don't understand our way of life.
That's because they D&D just pulled random shit to rush the ending of the show
And they ignored his fat ass just to exit the shot for star wars.
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I don’t get it, there has always been ritual posters. Why are we weaponising it against each other all of a sudden?. Making me paranoid over what pics I post now.
With those strong trips I’d say luck is on your side anon.
Blacksissies, we're getting called trans pedo tourists from Reddit......again.
>Exactly, faggot.
That wasn't as good a gotcha as you think it was.
>gets angry at the most mundane shit imaginable.
how ironic and womanly lol
You will never belong anywhere when you are that sensitive
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Based King Aegon, a true communist king who cares for his people. Fuck the fascist team black, team green is the team of the people.
You're a week late anon we are no longer pretending Aegon gives a shit about the smallfolk and they are irrelevant anyway.
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>Why are we weaponising it against each other all of a sudden?
I am extremely bored and I have nothing to do for the next 13 minutes. Might as well sow some chaos, which is a ladder.
That was in the heat of the moment, when he was mourning for his son.
He does care about them, not even Daeron the GOOD would give the sheeps back or attempted to
aegon is just too angry thanks to how his family "raised" him and some times he can get a bit upset and do mistakes like the rat catchers
And thanks to George’s lack of motivation, it is likely the only ending we’ll ever get. A tragic tale of hubris
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Anon you know very well I’m genuinely retarded.
A warning, I'd say.
To be honest, he never really cared much for the people of King's landing, innocent or otherwise.
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>Look how epic I am posting leaked screenshots I had no hand in acquiring!! Yes I’m a useless retard but I am spreading the word about leaks!!
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>"I hate ritual posters."
You're not welcomed here.
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I havent slept in two days I get you
The women in this show are too ugly but thankfully we have Jace and Aegon to look at.
Which side would each of the keions take?
i'd love to fuck both rhaenyra and aegon but only after they fuck each other and whoever cums first gets to be devoured by my cockfyre
>Muh ratcatchers
Fuck off otto
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He was grieving the loss of a child anon, I assure you he IS a man of the people.
No point on finishing it now, people will only remember the show.
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this is a lie
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Two Sluts
poor baby if only he had someone to hug him and love him very much
Black 100% (she'd be Corlys's concubine).
>blood and cheese
>Normies focused on the dog and Alicent sex

>jaehaerys funeral
>Normies focused on the twins crying and Otto crying

Helaena just can’t get any love.
it's the voice that does it for me
>potential shiera seastar in the dunk & egg show

Alright who are we casting as the most beautiful half targ ever? She would be in her late 20s, early 30s unless they show first blackfyre rebellion flashbacks.

My pick but i think with her recent successes i seriously doubt the show could afford her.
Aegon is going to be disfigured very soon but I'm sure the scars will fit him well
Cole will take care of it don’t worry.
People shit on GRRM for not doing anything for Elden Ring besides letting them borrow his name, but the conflict beteween the demigod siblings and step-siblings is too much like the Dance of the Dragons, both having disastrous consequences, also the whole incest/selfcest stuff.
Also, Messmer is ont targaryen looking motherfucker, but that's likely more of a homage the japanese did, and not direct input from Gurmy boy.
and then he will have sex with alicent
Too derpy looking, she should be a Lyseni whore
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If you don't like Mysaria you are a faggot
jfc her boobs are fucking enormous my god
shiera seastar doesn't even appear in the first dunk and egg does she? Like bloodraven and bittersteel that might be a more season 2 cast thing
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She’s already been cast. Tamzin Merchant (the original Daenerys) is Shiera. Jamie Campbell Bower (was in the original cut of the pilot but was cut, got cast in bloodmoon and it got cancelled) is bloodraven. Cavill has been cast as bittersteel allegedly.
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On July 12th, it will've been 13 years ever since ADWD was released.
kino autism attack
>becomes entirely irrelevant 2 hours into the DLC he was the posterboy for
Yeah that sounds like a Miyazaki decision
>Bringing in actors from the original awful pilot and the "so awful it cancelled the show" Bloodmoon pilot
Those niggas are cursed, keep them away from Dunk and Egg.
>Tamzin Merchant (the original Daenerys)
Original Dany but now a whooping 14 years older.
Shiera Seahag more like.
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Cast Maekar!
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Is vyke a hint from George about the lore of Asoiaf?
>destined to be the chosen one for the frenzied flame
>refuses to sacrifice his maiden
>imprisoned in the evergoal
>has ice blue eyes pale skin and white hair
So azor ahai aka the last hero was a twisted version of the real story, he refused rhollors(frenzied flame) order to kill nissa nissa (maiden) and for this reason he was imprisoned in the weirwoodnet, creating the others inadvertently
He has already been cast, this nigga is playing Maekar. He does not look at all like i imagined but Sam Spruell is a good actor though so i have faith.
holy shit, wtf is on her chin? food leftover?
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I feel bad for both of them. They deserve to be in a GOT project for how disappointed they must have been with it falling through for them the first and second time around.
a white wig goes a long way
can you even find people who care at this point?
whos the girl with the red sox cap?
Bloodmoon was cancelled because HBO is run by retards, that on the wuest to be anti racist made a really racist episode. The targs are all white due to being family, so all the diversity was in the children of the forest. So you have an all white royal family who lead a civlisation who are the heroes fighting a bunch of minorites dressed in monster costumes that live in the woods. HBO axed it when they realised their mistake. I'm sure if you ignore that its a great pilot
based Messmer is super cool
>Sam Spruell
not bad
This is what I imagine Maekar to look like after he tries and stand up to the Peakes.
>13 years ever since ADWD was released.
13 years since the release of skyrim!
Pure cope and seethe
I still care, no matter how much I tell myself I shouldn't. I can't just betray my heart like that, I love these books.
Elden Ring is basically the bastard love child of ASOIAF and Berserk.
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>mfw a leaker kills himself IRL
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What ya doin while waiting for the next episode?
Personally I'm going to play House Dayne and see if I can rule all of Dorne
>outta i's blood gon' come de prince dat was promised, and he gonna brin' de song of ice and fire wit' him Wazzzzaaaup
Happy birthday anon
Criston x Gwayne homolust soon
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i want her to tell me in her Yi Ti accent that she wants to suckle on me bollocks
Last time I played CK3 I was controlling the Starks during Robert's Rebellion. Had an event with Ned vs Dayne which gave Ned a high chance of victory and he got murdered leaving me with a new born baby as the head of my house. Fun times.
How does it feel to be young, attractive and surrounded by women?
Does Kings landing have Rap battles?
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Seriously what did he mean by this?
that would be a funny ending for cole
>We’ll ride on whoever’s bangin
Night King, I take the juice out the dragon
Might swing, and make a human a cabbage
Nice lines anon, but I don’t see how that’s relevant to anons question he asked you.
>Cole and Gwayne rowing their boat to Essos
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Is that actor who plays Jace, biracial?
>we want to create a female Varys
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nah he is just bi-winning
Yo,My bad bro
varys is illyrio's wife
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Most based character of the books desu.

>valyrian steel armor
>can see the future
>only reason why Stannis one was because he was exiled
>walked upon hell

He’s the modern Aegon the conqueror
he is pretty reddit core donut steel
not much info in his wiki, it just says British
he is pretty badass but is he based? he follows the ironborn code to a t, but because of that, he can't be based, can he?
Craster is based, the wildlings are based (out of necessity), the white walkers are based
just watched episode 2 and Ottobros... it's so joever...
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>Tortures warlocks and mages and wizards and other holy men
>Does it to steal their magical esoteric secrets
>Also for fun
>Developed an addiction to the shade of the evening (hence the blue lips and licking it the spit of his brother after he made him drink some)
>The Crow's Eye had taken Lord Hewett's bedchamber along with his bastard daughter. When he entered, the girl was sprawled naked on the bed, snoring softly. Euron stood by the window, drinking from a silver cup. He wore the sable cloak he took from Blacktyde, his red leather eye patch, and nothing else. "When I was a boy, I dreamt that I could fly," he announced. "When I woke, I couldn't . . . or so the maester said. But what if he lied?"
> "Perhaps we can fly. All of us. How will we ever know unless we leap from some tall tower?" The wind came gusting through the window and stirred his sable cloak. There was something obscene and disturbing about his nakedness. "No man ever truly knows what he can do unless he dares to leap."
How much time passes since the start of the war between the blacks and the green and Jaime killing the mad king?
i assume i can google it but probably one of you knows that by heart
Brazilian king!
Euron won't amount to much, my guess, most of his tales are lies, he'll either die or have to flee, and his armor will make it's way to the battle of Winterfell, where Jon will probably use the valyrian steel scales as arrow heads against the Others, so just like Daemon Blackfyre, Criston Cole and probably Arthur Dayne, the great Others won't die in a badass duel for the ages, they get shoot to shit by arrows.
don't forget
>incestuous gay pedophile
170ish years
It's the books, everyone is an incestuous gay paedophile.
GRRM confirmed he’s set foot on Valyria so that’s gotta count for something
So much better than the GIRLBOSSYASSKWEEN ending we got
I think he'll get one of Dany's dragons with the Horn instead of the Dany forgot about the fleet meme.
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>what do Ewan’s friend call him?
Tom had given us a clue already for the upcoming episode.
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Bad pussy?
>A finger in da Bum !
Otto turned into a dimwit for ep 2 just to give the writers their "Tywin scolds Joffrey" moment.
Can someone compile a list of the writers so I know whom to direct my ire at?
>curly hair
>big lips
>tanned skin
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>He's a leaner, Daemon. I always liked the idea that he sort of leans
GoT animu soon? Even LotR is getting one
>western anime
no ty
dunk and egg soon tho
For what purpose? At least do a time period that hasn't been done before.
Yeah, because Tolkien's grandkids are somehow bigger whores than even GRRM.
>Blame the writers
Literally another part of the book
>The delay did not sit well with the young king. Aegon II had run
short of patience with his grandfather’s prevarications. Though his
mother, the Dowager Queen Alicent, spoke up in Ser Otto’s defense,
His Grace turned a deaf ear to her pleading. Summoning Ser Otto to
the throne room, he tore the chain of office from his neck and tossed it
to Ser Criston Cole. “My new Hand is a steel fist,” he boasted. “We are
done with writing letters.”
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That 'anime' is about as Japanese as house Valeryon are pureblood Targeryans rumao.
Also it's the Jap animation studio involved also worked on the Starship Troopers 'anime' movies so it's going to fucking suck.
Apparently there was a plan for Yi Ti animation
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Is the AGOT mod still bare bones? I've been personally playing the CK2 version, it has way more depth and detail.
Which is the most retard idea HBO ever had, there is no way modern producers and writers can make fanatsy China without making it incredibly bland or incredibly racist.
It doesn't have essos, nor dragons (hence the start dates go only as far back as the last blackfyre rebellion)
It is indeed a beta compared to ck2 but I like the 3d characters and the new mechanics like feasts, tournaments, or the royal court which is unique to 3

Of course, all pirated
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Just like in Elden Ring!
Should have had more Otto vs Aegon in the show
>Ser Otto also reached out to Dorne, whose ruling prince, Qoren Martell, had once warred against Prince Daemon in the Stepstones, but Prince Qoren spurned his offer. “Dorne has danced with dragons before,” he said. “I would sooner sleep with scorpions.”
>Yet Ser Otto was losing the trust of his king, who mistook his efforts for inaction, and his caution for cowardice. Septon Eustace tells us of one occasion when Aegon entered the Tower of the Hand and found Ser Otto writing another letter, whereupon he knocked the inkpot into his grandsire’s lap, declaring, “Thrones are won with swords, not quills. Spill blood, not ink.”

>Other blows followed: the Vale, White Harbor, Winterfell. The Blackwoods and the other riverlords streamed toward Harrenhal and Prince Daemon’s banners. The Sea Snake’s fleets closed Blackwater Bay, and every morning King Aegon had merchants whining at him. His Grace had no answer for their complaints, beyond another cup of strongwine. “Do something,” he demanded of Ser Otto.
>Otto finally scores the Triarchy
>Gets fired
Just can't win
so nothing about the audience ?
the feud between Otto and Aegon makes more sense in the book though
in the book Otto's attempts at gathering allies fail one after the other, his attempts to gather force through diplomacy before the fighting starts turns out empty handed while the Blacks are out in the field preparing to fight
in the show Otto's failure to convince Starks or Tullies or Martells wasn't shown and it's framed as Aegon just being an idiot
Well they show the starks following the blacks during the first episode and the riverlands this week.
They're trash. Outside of the street of steel and the street of silk nobody else is shown to do anything but laze around the streets waiting for something to steal. King's Landing is consistently described as a violent shithole over centuries.
You mean the audience stats for viewership?
It's also that Aegon in the show is a different character, I can't imagine show Aegon constantly bullying Otto like book Aegon does. Instead show Aegon is more sympathetic and pitiable and there's a history of Otto and Alicent treating him like shit so I can buy that show Otto is more likely to get pissed off at Aegon going against him.
yep, did it go up ?
or did it continue to fall?
I can’t find any info for episode 2, maybe they won’t release the numbers until episode 3 airs?.
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My short king in armor
>Towered over by a cripple
How does the chair not cut his ass to ribbons?
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Daemon chilling beneath the weirwood
A steady diet of mostly alcohol since childhood will stunt your growth.
He looks like a sad kitten
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>still no Aemond stills
What did we do to deserve this?
Because believe it or not being tall is not a prerequisite to being a good king
Miquella reverse pedophiled Mohg though. Damn brat
I think Larys is just really tall
>really tall
Mathew is 6’3, Tom is 5’8.
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>Tom is 5’8.
someone has the pic where grrm gets redpilled in the comments of his blogpost? about the hound
can't put full frontal in preview pics
That's some poorly made fucking armor, I'm guessing the producers aren't expecting him to wear it much.
well he should because he finna boutta get it melded into his body
they're hiding his power level
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I had hoped he had more screen time than just the full frontal scene this episode.
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>hair is not silver
Shitty artists have only one job and that’s to follow a description
Aegon sounded like flashback ned when he said he hanged them.
>nouuuu nowtends
>ouuuuu I haddemhanged
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Is it just me, or does Criston Cole seem so dimwitted? I mean, look at him. It feels like all he's thinking about is Alicent's snatch.
I can't believe how much they've character-assassinated Criston Cole. There is not a SINGLE redeeming thing about him after episode 1. He gets his ass-kicked all the time. He comes up with braindead plans. He's petty and bitter and dishonourable.

Above all, his actor just has an incredibly low-iq and dumb look.
Where's ma fookin' sista?
Nah he’s sexy.
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I figured, good idea to not have any bookmarks for anything with dragons alive in that period. CK2 static portraits are shit compared to the full body moving portraits you get in 3 and all the other little things you can do in 3 that you can't in 2. The Dragons are the only reason to play 2 over 3.
He looks like a mouth breather during s2 but he looked good during s1.
>Ser Criston wasted no time in proving his mettle. “It is not for you to plead for support from your lords, like a beggar pleading for alms,” he told Aegon. “You are the lawful king of Westeros, and those who deny it are traitors. It is past time they learned the price of treason.”
First to pay that price were the captive lords languishing in the dungeons under the Red Keep, men who had once sworn to defend the rights of Princess Rhaenyra and still stubbornly refused to bend the knee to King Aegon. One by one they were dragged out into the castle ward, where the King’s Justice awaited them with his axe.

>The pretender princess had made use of stealth and treachery to kill Prince Jaehaerys, Cole said; let them do the same. “We will pay the princess back in her own bloody coin,” he told the king. The instrument the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard chose for the king’s vengeance was his Sworn Brother, Ser Arryk Cargyll.
>Once clad in white, Ser Arryk should be able to move freely about Dragonstone, Ser Criston suggested; any guards who chanced to encounter him would surely mistake him for his brother.

To be fair, he looks like a genius compared to book Aemond who rejects Cole's basic strategy tips because he figures he'd win any fight because he has Vhagar.
I don't think there's someone in this general that could give you a satisfying to the question "Why and how does Criston Cole still have a job in the royal court?". At this point, not even Alicent's thirst for Stormlander cock is convincing after Cole's numerous fuckups.
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>Of course, all pirated

Based, fuck Paradox for charging $200+ for all the fucking DLCs they have for each game they make. After awhile they should bundle them all together for a more reasonable price. I'd be more inclined to actually buy them.
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fuuuuck this shiiit
why aren't they filming already?
it's going to be what, 6 years until the show is done? more?
I hope in the coming episodes Criston is able to prove his metal and win some glory.
Well the CK2 AGOT needed a decade to be where it is now and all the other mandatory sub mods.

Least in CK3 your characters can have big fucking tits
That’s just for Spain which is just for some kings landing scenes. Matt said they are starting to film season 3 this year, but that will be at Watford Studios. But I don’t believe that as normally the location shoots are first…
>6 years
It shouldn't take more than a full year considering all the work of writing the plots and story are already finished. All they gotta do is write the lines and film it and usually all the best lines are from the books anyway.
Yeah that's true. Everytime I play it my game spirals out in me banging everyone's wives because of the coomer mods I have installed.
Laenor's son...in many ways ;)
it's at least 2 more seasons both of which have big battles and set pieces
>million troop Dany invasion that ruined every single playthrough
I still have flashbacks of the CK2 mod beta
I'm dumb, i miss read what you said. I thought you said it would take 6 years to make the next season lol
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>He doesn't marry her for the dragons and Targ/High Valyrian blood
>Tom is 5’8
Who is shorter, Tom or Harry?
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Zoomer Tullys
That cute Aly
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>Our Kingsguard, about his duties to the Crown
>Lucky trouble didn't jump off earlier, eh Criston, might have found you mid-thrust at other business
Lol this guy is 5'6
Harry I think
fucking adorable
I like guys that are only a little taller than me
That armor looking so awful might actually be on purpose. Like the showrunners want it to look like the Conqueror's armor does not fit Aegon at all.
Harry, he is 5’7.
It looks functional without also being /fa/ which admittedly other Targaryen armor is.

I think it is supposed to look like his fathers Armor.

I dont think Aegon had the time or drive to have some edgy Dragon Armor made yet, and it would suit a younger Viserys who is nominally Balerions Rider very well.
>Bring Westeros together=the north and a handful of Southerners

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