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brokeback mountain edition

>Bloodgames Season 1
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.



>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200648815
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letty is shit-testing vance

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I didn't really notice how bad tayleigh chin situation is before now, she really benefitted from top down cameras in S2. Tay is cute, but she should get surgery to fix her receding chin.
Fuck the schizo haters.
when was the last tick check
Betty Mega Collection. Includes rarer than rare
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We're all gonna make it, anon
It's crazy how big a difference glasses and a haircut can make holy shit
dont click link, it's a keylogger
It's going to be alright
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Up to your old tricks this morning, Xavier?
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Why does Betty gag on nigger dildos?
Waiting for the Januki super secret blacked collection
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>Tay is cute
this is crazy, she's always been a junkie, how do you have a crush on someone like that...
No one wants to see this shit. It's fucking depressing. Get that skank off my screen.
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why doesn't Sam just pay her more to "shut up" so to speak?
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I love her so much bros
we know she hurt you. it's gonna be ok anon. your past doesn't define you
she's built for bbc
garbage dumpsite tank
>Tay is cute
If you don't think Tay is cute you are gay.
this chick tried to call letty a whore lmao
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Can I Get a quick run down after the blood games ended?
I saw that Xavier got the crystals back but how? Did Tay give them to him? Was there a betrayal? And why is morale so low?
>no hush money
>no ndas signed
>ushered in a golden era of Big Purple posting on /tv/ just in time for ftl ad spam
what is really going on here
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it's going to be alright anon, it wasn't your fault
Did anyone get a level up last night?
>if you don't find twinks attractive somehow you're gay
the absolute state of /ftl/
xaver ate xay out so goo dthat she returned the crystal cluster. morale is low because jon wondered off the map and they can't find him and there is no food bc mauro ate it all
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>this chick tried to call letty a whore lmao
Why did Betty do that?
tayleigh also called letty a whore and slut
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sex with Xavier no homo.
awesome mde culture guys
total letty vindication
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Saturday, 10:36 am Fishtank Time. Why aren't you at the gym anon?
>4 cams
>nothing going on
thanks wiggers
He's more powerful now
jon is off scween so he can go on gwindor to meet some gay mayous
>roger stone and peter thiel aren't trying to exploit gay fatherless retards on the internet
/tv/ kindly asks you to reconsider being a fatherless gay retard
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What's this Peter Thiel thing, is Sam really getting money from him or is it the scorned women and men he banged 10 years ago trying to start false rumors again, like the marky thing?
i had 4 hours of sleep and don't wanna bother
i know i'm making excuses
mondoniggers get better material
>men he banged
say whaaaaaaaat
Isn't Bliccy associated with Thiel?
No more of this grotesque whore. Her family doesn't even give a modicum of a fuck about her and neither should you. It's too late for Ariel/Betty, she belongs in a mental institution.
Hey Januki, Upload the new BBC collection.
this is so fucking bad, jet should just bring TJ in so that tay and jimmy can at least have someone they can go after without any fear, ANYTHING to get one of these fucks to show any emotions and passion
>500 posts
>page 10
I don't know If I'll make it bros...
It's unironically a good thing Tay's fans hate her. I've never watched her streams and don't like how she is on Fishtank but it's objectively a good thing to sever "people" who act like /bant/fag schizos.
If /tv/ can help rockystream we can help you
>Bliccy associated with Thiel?
Idk, but if she is , it doesn't mean Sam is.
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Ben throwing a fake tantrum over this was hilarious
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Like it would have been pretty terrible had rockystream met up with his hero sam so he could be drugged and raped by roger stone and i'm glad that if we couldn't save jon we at least saved rocky
What are we drawing? A dream?
don't care, still would
Did Vance make a good drawing?
This is advanced markyposting
It's worth a hell of a lot more than $7500 rocky
yeah Jon got coddled
but im still waiting for my beanie, two months ago Tay said she would start shipping them and so far only frank hassle and sylvia have gotten one, but only because they were beanies made before she was on S2
I don't hate Tay, but I want my fucking beanie
Anybody have the clip of OP's pic? That was a funny bit
is this day 5 out of 14?
i think we all got coddled last season
the creases on her chin make it look like she has a smaller chin on her chin, this she jimfaces and forces a double triple chin.
I like seeing Vance and Letty being friends since I last saw them torturing eachother for the elim challenge in S1 :)
>why doesn't Sam just pay her more to "shut up" so to speak?
asking the real questions here
do you think Tay would rim if you asked?
>do you think eating shit is cool and should be discussed all the time? should people that laugh at you for eating shit be charged with hate crimes?
thanks peter thiel
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You read the Xavier doxbin right? We put a lot work into my TrollSec Mikhail story.
How to fullscreen? and no f11 doesnt work, and you cant rick click on it and show controls like the last seasons either
chill vibes status?
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Betty I'm praying for you during these difficult times
have you not seen Sgt.Pen and Melinda? her future is grim.
If it was in the name of the game
By watching on flowstream instead :')
You use flowstreams and press the fullscreen button
you just walk around with shit on your asshole all day? how fat are you?
she probably would lol
Sam stole from Dr. Fred so steal from Sam
For 50 dollars she would
>have you not seen Sgt.Pen and Melinda? her future is grim.
I've seen her mom, but not her dad, her mom's chin is worse, I don't have the picture.
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If you aren't just using flowstreams then you get what you deserve
It's not your fault. You didn't deserve to be hurt and now it's time to move on. I believe in you.
Actually a genius move by Betty to start doing racebait shit right before S2.5 so retards obsessed with interracial porn keep talking about her instead of letting everyone forget she exists as they should've by now
someone flush Jimmy's meds, I miss his morning schizobabble kino
does anyone have a webm of chris doing his victory dance
she do be a whore thobeit
>Betty I'm praying for you during these difficult times
He doesn't know no one tell him
People who love S2 hate Jimmy but they really spent weeks basically just listening to the Jimmy podcast, the whole fucking show in between Cole getting kicked and him getting kicked was just him babbling about how mormons raped him in utah or something
Cute bangs
>betty got all the mde bbc lovers to come out of the woodwork
Woah based betty bamlabam
Leave Tay alone. MDE niggers hating women, how original.
Remember when this ends it's another "what the hell do I watch now" moment, so enjoy this moment bros
>using flowstream after it got sql injected and became an ip grabber
How does Jon keep surviving hits? He must be really good at this game
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people who hate Jimmy hate themselves, deep down
Have they done anything with "quests" yet?
Yea... idk about that one lol
Sam's part of the talmudic network
Ip2 and kai cenat will do it way better and make more money lol
hiiii jet *winks butthole*
S3 next month so not too bad.
Just got back.
Feels good.
There’s still plenty of time to go before the day kicks off guys!
donjolly.com don't get it twisted fool
>being a terminal mondotranny
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JC’s Taylor whore arch.
>it's a family heirloom
IDK why that made me kek
Blacksmith raised morale
>you can call me Al
what did Jimmy's jacket mean by this?
Where is Cole?
damiel lookin good
why is the blacksmith dressed like a minion
What happened with Jimmy losing his last life last night?
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why are those turtle sandboxes so ubiquitous? I've seen them my entire life and they're apparently still making them
they are cute
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Anon with the $50 says
>Sam, I'm 27 years old, $100,000 in debt and I just became homeless after arguing with my parents about getting a job, I'm thinking of trying to get into sales but I don't know if I have the skills to make it big, what do I need to know?
> yes anime waifu!
>yes anime waifu!
>ahh wtf a JC
she stands out so bad,weakest fish.
just get a jewish mother
Anything interesting happen past 12 hours?
more rhymin'
pure diamonds
raw limon
tore hymen
poor timin'
Paul Simon tourin'?
I'm in
Me except I'm 43k in debt
they woke up
>*Stares at screen while playing Fallout for 5 seconds before respond*
>Yeah, uh...*Insert the same generic advice he's said for the last 10 years*
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I want to go back.
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Tayleigh is done after this right? She won’t be streaming or doing anything any more after she realizes her fans doxed her boyfriend and sent gay hook ups to his grandma’s house. Enjoy Basedleigh while you have her guys.
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I can say I'm genuinely not surprised that Sam hates his fans considering most of them are fucking losers like this type of person.
So that last Betty dump is from someone in her inner circle, and the videos in it are sourced from a secret lewd Telegram she has.

Interesting development for sure.
Turning vamp
Tai gave him one of the wristbands so he could get back up. Nothingburger.
I think I remember this from VH1's I Love the 80's
I'm not Jet, and I have no diddly idea what a "mondotranny" is.
Jon unironically seems like the type of people who'd take those videos of shitty clips put together of Sam giving out advice by channels called the red pill or something seriously
You gave yourself away there, Sam. We all know you're still seething from Tai mogging you every step of the way.
Low self esteem and cut marks make her prettier then other pan faces
Where’s Jon?
Dasha, my beloved

I love you
turn your monitor on
Isn’t he supposed to get an MRI for his fucked up hamstring?
Why didn't Josie come back?
>Jon unironically seems like the type of people
Anon with the $50!
>Sam, I'm 29 years old and I'm starting to take money seriously, I could always rely on my parents to bail me out whenever I spent more than what my job at Walmart would pay me monthly but my Dad has recently passed away and my mom is starting to get sick and might be able to continue her job as a schoolteacher anymore, any ideas? BTW loved Fish Tank, shout out to Tayleigh
4 days in the wild and Jon already has a debilitating injury.

Dude is a self-proclaimed outdoors type...
For januki's twp
kek, I thought the same.
Even the mondotroons are putting in effortless shitposts.

Is it really over?
boyfriend didn't let her
Would skullfuck
which of the videos are new? i
You guys never gave Sam $50 for obvious advice, right?
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I used to like her better than letty but now I'm not so sure.. They're both evil women that drain the life force of autistic men thoever.
it was over for you the moment you joined discord, and then again later when you cut your dick off

stop signaling that you are poor, nobody cares
Is Soda Man really Spencer from those Twitter Spaces people do?
Those bags must be REALLY heavy. Hope you didn't invest too much.
>evil women
*stuffs face with Chinese*
Just be born tall and wealthy bro!
lgbt icon sam hyde
Director cam is always quieter than watching a given cam directly, annoying
mondotroons have never put in effort their only advantage is time
Letty does that for free based on her vids
did they give up on mondo? havent heard anything about it in a while
Are you retarded
They sound nothing alike
Any more bbc ones?
I've never given Sam any money, and you're a pathetic faggot who will inevitably kill himself. Those two facts aren't mutually exclusive.
Tayleigh made one small mistake in posting an image of her exploring the caves in Kentucky and now her streaming career is over. And all this for a guy who now might be having second thoughts because his family is getting harassed. I feel bad for her and I don't even like her.
I don’t understand why he seems to attract drug addicts in particular. His fans are barely even autistic or socially adverse but just burnouts and man whores
Fucking hell that pussy is tiny
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Proper medication fucked up my boy a little but you still get glimpses of Jimmy tard rage, and whenever he talks about pedophilia or shadow government stuff.
He's still King to me.
why did you say "people do"
This is the first real down time this season. This would be 90% of the show for an average season of fishtank
did sam ever sell the porsche? would you like to buy the porsche sam wore diapers in?
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He's Jewish. All this could have been avoided if he just gave them the 20k he owed them for the work her and James did.

It's 2024, nobody is falling for NFTs anymore. The only ones still trading Mondo are bag holders.
oh man, someone did a poopy in their diapie
You’re the type of faggot that changes his mind on something after seeing a tweet
shooting a rifle
she actually has a pretty puffy vaj
I've never actually listened to them, just that Soda's Twitter [or the Twitter acting as him] has the name Spencer on it so idk. Just a coincidence
>This is the first real down time this season
false nuke
another classic straight to sam's diaper vault
I like jimmy. He’s like a cool slightly creepy uncle
>Actually a genius move by Betty to start doing racebait shit right before S2.5 so retards obsessed with interracial porn keep talking about her instead of letting everyone forget she exists as they should've by now
Where is Brian?
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I would never forget about Betty
This is is the first time they’ve literally been saying nothing
Talking with Jon
what a weird and worthless post
>retards obsessed with interracial porn keep talking about her
seems like theres huge overlap with the mde audience here
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Who fucking makes these videos?
and fattened him up, a shame, do the needful and destroy his meds and jons bible.
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reminds me of Nicholson at the end of Cuckoo's Nest smdh, we want the old Jimmy, the bad Jimmy, the all-or-nothin' Jimmy
>genius move
nothing genius about degrading yourself and being a disgusting whore for zero money
Sure but goddamn it'd have a mighty grip too.
Tiny and cute but very puffy. You'll see in some of the lewds her pussy being swollen and purple from over masturbation.
you already said that

it's still not true
6 things that will destroy you
>child rape
>tranny hookers
>improper accounting
>alliances with gay mafias
>lacking a father's love
Who won the gay 1v1 tournament
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kick jimmy in the teeth
>427D black dick sucking chess
the copes from Betty's last fan are unreal
>Jimmy making Letty laugh
nigga got that autistic rizz fr
these channels are the gayest thing. All they do is reclip like months old podcasts. And then they all use the same segments.
You have to be the most horrendous of creatures to make this shit
honestly wouldnt be surprised
I didn’t want to know that
cave Abi's face in with a croquet mallet
>constant excuses for mde spammers to post about bbc
lmao betty won
it's nervous and/or polite laughter
love how people on here like to shit on the season 2 cast Vance and Letty have sat around doing absolutely nothing all week.
these retards are lighting plastic on fire and throwing green leaves ontop of it
I keep telling you guys Big Jim has a harem of bitches he keeps under wraps
Take out as much additional credit as you possibly can then declare bankruptcy, it's erased from your credit after 7 years.
call me a fag but they're not all bad, the newpill one is shit because the editing sucks but there was this one channel which posted segments from sam's hydewars episodes with the titles being quotes from the videos. the best one was the vid where sam was smoking a blunt talking about how important time was and how time was more important than money
dudes who are 6+ ft. don't know how easy they have it
She didn't win anything by being a disgusting whore.
what did a smoll cyte sweet innocent pure little girl like Abo do to you that requires such a violent vitriolic hatefilled rage post like that?
Just be cute?
No one is actively antagonistic this season because they have all had sex before.

Bring in virgins and narcissists that haven’t been exposed to the public opinions of them
Shes a Misa Akame fan
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I am debating checking off Tai bweaking the fish tank because his fighting style of not treating his sword but treating it like an extended arm that he's playing tag with is too op
jimmy is barely 6 feet tall, he's probably 5'11 without shoes on. stop being such a blackpilled faggot, it gets you nowhere
>and styrofoam, that's how they keep warm
being a "whore" entails having sex with people
When did they not talk for extended periods of time the past 4 - 5 days? Shit is always happening this season
Abi is built for ryona
I can mathematically prove it on an etch a sketch
No one is antagonistic because its friend tank this time and they all got paid a flat appearance fee.
she's a cunt and you're a simp and you should both die screaming
words matter
no, she's literally done nothing wrong
What was she doing?
Lmao he has old man posture
TJ won retard
Potion seller is my favourite character so far
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I'm giving it time. I bet he's trying to be a good boy not to get on productions bad side but once they push him into a corner again, the sparks will ignite a fire.
No she is sweet and nice and I wish her a long and happy life. You as well anon, you just need to see the warmth an Abi could have for your life.
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He cute
S2.5 has been infinitely more entertaining in the last five days than S2 was in 42 days.
Yeah but what's $20k after inflation?
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Lmao Jimmy is so fed up with Jon
it's excruciating how openly insecure you losers are about "BBC"

you've probably made betty want to do it, just by talking about it so much
I don't get the tay hate, are you all really that mad she's fucking an actual taytriot, a fan?
She hasn't done anything wrong and she's not doing drugs, neither is Jordan, that's all made up.
There are not really that many people who dislike her. She still has a big fanbase.
Manlets got really upset at that post huh
I find it hilarious that they keep bringing Jimmy back. Are they gonna act surprised when he mollywhops Letty?
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feel free to believe that just know you're wrong
It has the only thing is that it’s harder to find out what happened because there’s a lot going on. Recaps don’t do a good job
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thoughts on these cameras?
I don't about that, I honestly found the first day of the Swamp Olympics and the first week of S2 to be peak Fish Tank. There was something special about TJ, Tayleigh and Shinji going at one another and then finally spending the last night together shooting the shit and reflecting on the fact that it would be their last night in the house.
nobody puts Jimmy in a corner
Jet likes it with the lights turned off

Helps him feel more secure
Vance was appointed leader but was so passive that Jon took control again, so you can check off that box
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This nigga been on my MIND

nifty cams
Its for sure made me look it up
Idk it wasn't that long ago. But I agree now that he's buying mansions for fishtank they should add on some interest.
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Did her bf actually get doxx? What happened
>completely unfazed and moves on effortlessly
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>these channels are the gayest thing
that may be, but it's a full time job for them and they make good money doing it (which is why Sam shut them ALL down the first time, now they're back)
can somebody sum up Sam's advice so I don't have to spend $50
Big booba Kam
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Chantriots in control. Trust the plan.
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straightest man on fish tank
yes. tayjeets are the worst. they would have forgiven all she did if she was single.
They had to nerf him because his original revolver was too strong so that probably counts
I know a lot of you guys don't pay attention during the offseason so you don't know this , but at one point a few months ago the satanic witch Betty started talking about how she was planning on visiting Jimmy in real life. People started messaging Jimmy explaining to him just how crazy she is, then suddenly Betty started saying "we mutually agreed it would be a bad idea because of how the fans would act" lmao
>Did her bf actually get doxx?
yes and he and tay were being smug about it and now he's reaping what he sowed.
Everyone get ready to mute the stream, Tai is about to make disgusting eating sounds

>but in east Asian cultures, it's considered polite!

If they said they consider it good manners to walk up to a guy and kick him in the ball sack, they would be WRONG about what is and isn't polite. It's not a subjective cultural difference. It is objectively incorrect.
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So Channing was going to walk to Sam on stage with a sign that says he fucks kids then leave. What was her plan exactly?
did Sam really take them down?
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Why is Sam so afraid of little cup cup girl?
Get skills instead of wasting everyday doing the same thing which amounts to the same nothing
Is that the one which the thumbnails were bad photomontages of Sam and Nick's head on different situations, related to the video?
>newpill is shit
Nigga that channel belongs do Cryokeem
obsessed discord troons spreading lies, as is their custom
Does Tay have gray hairs?
Dude Tay is a fucking weed junkie

No wonder why shes simple not there at all mentally.

Thats true self harm if you ask me
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I actually believe Jimmy when he said he gigasperg'd in S2 because he was trapped in a stressful situation he had no way to remove himself from. Spergs here analyze the behavior of people in the Fishtank house as if that's what they're like IRL. Jimmy probably is just a chill guy under normal circumstances, same with Brian or Letty
yeah niggas were sending grindr hookups to his address, his grandma answered the door
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Sam would know all about that discord troon thing. He has very intimate knowledge.
That's actually him Sam doxxed him by accident a year ago
>cryokeen with the 10
>yo that's the new pill sup man
do americans really never clean after themselves?
I hope a b gets the Rockystream treatment
obsessed discord troons spreading truths, albeit everyone already knows and no one cares
Jimmy is a full blown retard, Letty is an autistic NEET, and Brian is a normal person
this pic gave me many more questions than answers
Him eating shit then reversing time was kino
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What are Sam's skills?
I don't fucking care I want them all fighting to the death
hard to believe that jimmy older than vance
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I'm getting tired of Sandra's bullshit. All she does is rattle on and on and on
Imagine her down at you like this when she’s riding you.
Goddamn Jordan why?
Jimmy has very little impulse control, especially off his meds.
Its pretty obvious that's the case. He definitely has anger issues either way but I don't see him straight up violently chimping out unless he's in a pressure cooker like the fishtank house is.
Hi jordan
Jon tore his hamstring KWAB. It's not a surprise that the lazy bloated roided autist forgot to stretch
he got a mean 1-2 combo (the only boxing related thing he trains)
Thanks king, wish I could give you a $50
>Brian is a normal person
Brian is just as much of an autistic sperg, you're just blinded by his height.
I didn't see Jimmy was wearing a glove and nearly had a heart attack when he just put his entire hand into the fire to grab the pan lid.
>extended arm that he's playing tag with.
Rapier chads win again.
Why didn't the Jedi and Sith just activate their lightsabers into their opponent like the final boss from that one SW flash game from years ago.
>Jimmy is a full blown retard, Letty is an autistic NEET
Yes but violent outbursts probably aren't standard for Jimmy and being a walking biohazard probably isn't standard for Letty. I'm not saying their whole personalities were informed by the situation just their extreme behavior. Same with Brian, he played the manipulative social engineer in S2 and he's probably a little bit like that irl but not to that extent
Brian looks like a normie compared to other fishtank people but if he was on survivor or big brother he'd be their verison of Jon or Jimmy
Brian's also retarded like Jimmy, Letty, Tay, Vance, & Jon
I hope we get more town hall kino in S3
he put on like 50+ lbs in 6 months, that makes it very easy to injure yourself
>youre just blinded by his height
im not american, i dont worship height like you guys do
When did Jimmy get violent?
Jordan would kick your ass. So don’t even fucking try him, okay?
If he truly believes this why would he go back on fishtank
Lel anyone have pics of what the guy looks like? Im guessing 40 year old orbitor that has an anime picture for his discord account.
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Times you acted like Xavier Ravenblood stretching.
Same. Why simp for just one when loving them all is much more easier.
He posted a picture of a cat coming out of a bag so taytists are gonna try and ruin his life and get his family fired from their jobs. I'd say it's very normal behavior, extremely normal
it's so cringe when foreigners attribute shit like this to "americans"
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>medium-rare, or just rare
the true patrician choice
A couple nights ago he was trying to sleep and got pissed because Jon woke him up so he yelled and threw some things.
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>tfw jordan was a wosie bro all along going for the long con to expose tayleigh for what she is
Id be willing to bet Jimmy had a lot of violent outbursts in school
>Sam really take them down?
yes, it was the year before the idubbz video.
He found out those channels made 20-30k a month uploading edited clips from his paywalled podcasts, these clips often had 300-500k views on average.
He then sent a cease and desist letters to all but the most popular one, which he hired the editor for. That channel was called "lil shitpost". It was later renamed to PerfectGuyLife, which is Sam's main youtube channel now.
This killed the momentum Sam had on youtube, clips never reached the same height.
The channel "New Pill: Second Dose" is a new channel from the guy who made the original New Pill channel that Sam told to fuck off.
So far it seems like Sam understood what a mistake it was to shut down ALL the channels making those clips.
Trust us, this is an americam thing
>t. french
Because S2.5 is just chill larping
this nigga limber
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Channing creager former employee of Sam that he allegedly fucked over. Has made it her life mission to expose Sam as a scamming tranny fucking pedo (he probably is). She’s a retarded drug addict that can’t help getting in her own way. Hilarity ensues
kill yourself
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You don't know the cup cup girl lore?? Where you been man
He looks like tj
jordan would suck you off so good your soul would leave your body with the nut, so don't fuck with him
it really is american though. Are you american or not?
Channing or Spice Bear should be shortlisted for S3
Its sort of gay to say this but I find Tayleigh and Jimmy's relationship to be extremely wholesome.
>He posted a picture of a cat coming out of a bag so taytists are gonna try and ruin his life and get his family fired from their jobs.
kek what a kwab
The cost of not making your #1 orbitor your bf
Is jordanposting better than winstonposting?
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I bet he spent a lot of time in in-school suspension
t. spent a lot of time in in-school suspension
thats a hot fyre
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Channing is definitely retarded and bpd but she's a pretty funny troll
Sam fucked her plenty of times but she wanted a relationship while he wanted just fwb. I know Sam has done a lot of questionable things but all he did with Channing was tell her he didn’t want a relationship
When I saw this scene I wished I was Tay
no, the people who were actually funny aren’t here anymore
>t. french
a salam alaikum
Next secret quest is for whoever pushes Tayleigh into the fire pit. 2 gold
Jordan would kick all our asses in here.
DON’T fucking test him.
that's not all that happened, jordan.
petition to bring johnny to S3
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And betty. Come on jet. We all know you'd rather be in those tight holes than pey's fat rolls.
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>Lel anyone have pics of what the guy looks like?
he bought a plushie, made this video and he and tay started talking, became a couple a week later.

He is a taytriot, he watches fishtank and wants to be on fishtank season 3

The rest is history

I have a very bad feeling that the /bant/fags wont just stop at harrasing Tay's boyfriend's family, the Brazilanon is literally thinking of flying out to the states to do something to either one of them
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Kevin was brutally killed and raped in the summer of 2024 on Fishtank 2.5. Vance cried.
According to him the channels were driving little to no revenue to the gumroad and he was between New Pill and Lil Shitpost, but NP fumbled the bag by asking for more money Sam offered him to to work as a fulltime editor
That was so retarded because back then the reupload clip channels were the only content "creators" who would post anything related to Sam without getting shadowbanned, who knows how much bigger would be his audience if he was just patient and not a greedy jew
Ok, who's the cinnamon skinned goddess?

i believe this woman with a restraining order
I'm not saying I endorse what the scorned retards on /bant/ are doing, but what the fuck did she expect was going to happen? She was straight up pretending to be 4chan's girlfriend for like 3 months. Posting on twitter that she's /ourgirl/, using our memes, straight up saying she'd be willing to date someone from here.
I am going to make my daily double cheeseburger
no it isn't, the dutch are always bragging about being the tallest country, east asians and latinos certainly "worship" our height, most african countries elect their leaders based on height and testicle diameter

your gay country's culture probably discourages people from expressing their actual feelings about these things, including women openly saying they want a tall man, but it's definitely still how they feel
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her name is Josie
condolences for TJ placeholder
She has a face like a fucking catcher's mitt. Moisturize your skin anons.
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rather small amount of food for an average-sized man, no...?
Jordan or Chuck Norris.
Who you taking in a fight?
I do too. Sam's gay charls and E D confirmed it. Doubt the diaper stuff is real tho.
I don't understand german
has kevin done absolutely fucking anything since he sucked on jimmy's forearm?
A man's face is his life story. A woman's face is a work of fiction.
He’s also white trash like tay
LOL hes pretty cute though I'm jealous
how to win Tayleigh's heart:
>be taller but no too tall(5'10-6'0)
>have long hair
>be a sperg so she could relate to you
>have some money so that she can leech off you
>be a druggie
>be into Ween unironically(yuck)
>Oh, he might've gone on livin but he made a fatal slip.
You're right, he wrote cuck in the chat of one of her streams one time.
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You can watch one of her incoherent interviews she hates him for not paying her and her white knight jame price and for evicting her while taking her family’s Knick knack collection and a kick ass Herman miller chair.
jordan would suck the life outta that bad boy
LEL i was thinking the same thing
She was so slutty before Fishtank
go dilate faggot
The dutch brag about their height because they're the tallest people lol. Do you think Americans are tall in general or something lmfao? Even in the anglosphere youre not the tallest.
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>tfw line of methhead faggots from grindr knocking at your door because you fucked some ugly haggard bitch
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>I have a very bad feeling that the /bant/fags wont just stop at harrasing Tay's boyfriend's family, the Brazilanon is literally thinking of flying out to the states to do something to either one of them

The thing in the bottom right is what made them start going after jordan, he and tayleigh were mocking taytriots in a xitter space
That's definitely not "all" he did lol
How to get Pendleton Pussy™ Tutorial
>Have 50$ dollars in your pockets
>Buy a chicken plushie
>Be into psychedelics and other drugs
>Hail from a methy family
>Post a vid of you smoking a cigarette thanking her for the plushie

Enjoy, you now have unlimited 50$ Pendleton Pussy™ at your disposal
Just dropping by to say I don't care about what you guys do lol. Im just so happy to make so many of you seethe
>the tank girl there in Texas had an incel on her hip
>incel on her hip
/bant/ niggas be like
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Last seen walking through the woods with a serbian looking fellow
>The dutch brag about their height because they're the tallest people lol.
which means we aren't the only people who "worship height," as you falsely claimed

>Do you think Americans are tall in general or something lmfao?
i never remotely implied that, ESL retard go home
Taycucks are such faggots jesus christ. Jordan won, kys
I thought he just pretended to not know what fishtank was then tayleigh accidentally joined then left immediately, what else did he say in the space?
He has that one physiognomy where the guy is whether a truly good friend or a full blown sociopath
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You forgot the part about being attractive tho. Looks like tj without the 'tism.
The diaper stuff is the only thing he openly admitted to. He even made up a story how he only found out his live in girlfriend was wearing diapers after they broke up.

no one would've cared if they weren't so flippant about it. she also lied about what she was actually doing.
>Tayleigh sold her body for $50
$50 jesus christ, you could get advice from Sam for that money
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lol enjoy bro
Her stupid fucking pretty eyes man
>the Brazilanon is literally thinking of flying out to the states
It’s Plac. There’s definitely something wrong with that guy just going off the way he replies to shit-talking. What did he say?
I would say S2.5 is more consistent. I doubt we'll get any highs like SMASH IT or those moments where the house descended into utter chaos with everyone hating each other and Dumgay bullying Trish for an hour straight without pausing for breath, but every time I tune into 2.5 I get a laugh. Can't say that about S2.
I think she's a bitch for lying so much but this is a massive exaggeration. That twitter space was basically him just playing dumb and pretending llike he had no idea what was going on. The cat is out of the bag post was actually sort of clever.
so how long until we get that tayleigh turkey tom video?
jordan flew too close to the sun.
he pretended to not know who tayleigh is, what fishtank was and what 4chan was. laughed at tayleigh's viewers.

He said that and the brazilian guy started his war against Jordan.
He's only got himself to blame desu. . .
What happened to her? Is Sam actually checking IDs now before he bangs the young fangirls?

His baby mommas is hot idk why he has to cheat on her
Plac won
I will thanks bro. How does it feel knowing youll never get her even tho you want it so bad?
>i-i was never attracted to her that's why im seething so hard she got a boyfriend that wasn't me
>His baby mommas is hot idk why he has to cheat on her
for the same reason any man does: because he can
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hasn't sam made fun of white guys fetishizing asian girls?
I don't think Plac is truly even a scorned Tayriot. I think he's just an agent of chaos.
Hey plac oo oo aa aa you stupid fucking monkey person fuck you
>all Filipinos know is how to be comfort women
how could you hate on this nigga?
you'll do better on the /bant/ftl2 thread vs here
>have people figured out the Duke is actually the good guy in this story?
Yes but it's clear they have no actual plan for any of this so all anyone can do is take everything the npcs tell them literally, any creative larping is punished. Jon figured it out but everyone told him to stfu since that's not the storyline they're doing right now. They can't really do any storyline with the duke anyway since Sam is too lazy to show up 90% of the day
Sam a contrarian doing contrarian things? Noooo never.
She floppy
>have some money
He doesnt have a job and cant even pay 50 dollars for tts
tayleigh has a bolt action rifle wtf
>Sam being a hypocrite
wow who would've guessed?
They brag about being the best in the world at something, like anyone would. You said other races worship "your" height, as in american, as if you guys are considered tall or something.
I guess. Might aswell increase the family.
Go full Muslim Mormon anime harem hentai
Sam projects a lot
that's not contrarianism and your post reeks of reddit
Has he sent any since plac got grindr hookups sent to his house?
how you niggas simp for every 5/10 that wanders into your field of vision, I will never understand
Maybe this was his plan all along? I mean he's gay and hsd to have known that would happen
Yes. He also did a pedo hunt with frank hassle going after a guy they baited into meeting a 15 yr old.

You mean just like how he publicly humiliated an asian sperg on his show, despite being a sex pervert himself?
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when does Reptile from Mortal Kombat come in the tank?
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Serious question: does Fish Tank make anyone else's internet cut out? Like, not just the stream chugging, but actually makes my wifi drop off. I've never seen anything like it before.
Being hypocrite is a byproduct of contrarians. Mondoniggers are room temp IQs.
>They brag about being the best in the world at something, like anyone would.
does anyone brag about being the shortest? no, because everyone "worships height," not just americans

> You said other races worship "your" height, as in american, as if you guys are considered tall or something.
no i didn't, fucking retard, when i said "our height" that obviously referred to westerners/foreigners in general

kill yourself
Wtf, this is real?


I don’t know how you can be fucking someone and not realize they wear diapers
They don't leave their house. This is almost like hanging out with real friends in the woods for them.
>just pretended to not know what fishtank
no, he said:
>"tayleigh, who's tayleigh"
>"4chan? I don't know 4chan"
>"fishtank, never heard of fishtank"

Said in a sarcastic tone. And obviously he knows because of the video he makes where he tweets at tayleigh and says he wants to be on fishtank.

He also talked about minecraft and said "just because two people are in Kentucky doesn't mean they're dating" and laughed.

He ended the space by saying he wanted to waste peoples time and shortly after he tweeted a trollface.
He later deleted all of it, the cat tweet, space and trollface.

If he wasn't so smug he would NEVER have been in the situation he is now.
dunno why Sam and Jet need to go looking for people to cast for S3, they have a gold mine of freaks waiting to be unleashed over at /bant/, Q and Plac would make an amazing duo
Letty's already there.
They need women
That's just the crypto miner
Don't worry about it -wes
Btw check out all our season viewers! Whoa!!!
>Being hypocrite is a byproduct of contrarians.
no it isn't

>Mondoniggers are room temp IQs.
*have, not are
*contrarianism, not contrarians
*being a hypocrite, not "being hypocrite"
tfw no MDE superfan chocolate gf.
It's obvious that he thought he was an epic troll so we showed him what an epic troll is.
hang 'im high!
that would be based. make it happen jet.
trolling is a art
they can get channing, edie and spice bear on
oh, adding
The space itself was set to public, meaning the default setting if you don't switch to anon, is joining as a speaker.
Tayleigh forgot to switch and started listening to the space public, but quickly left when she realised.
She's fully aware.
>They gave Tay a 98k
1488 much lamoo
>*contrarianism, not contrarians
a contrarian is one who subscribes to contrarianism, fucktard
my correction was correct
Xavier asking her if she denounces 1488 yesterday was pretty funny
Is there anyone restreaming whole days I can go back and skim through? I missed everything from like 8pm to 10pm est last night.
Why is bex so flat? Is she a detranser like summer?
Vance is so fucking boring holy shit
it wasn't :)
>It's obvious that he thought he was an epic troll so we showed him what an epic troll is
lmao, wtf is wrong with him
>She was an actual pedophile
Perfect girl for sammy
Didn't see that, sounds funny.
>the first killing thats linked to Fish Tank is entirely due to Tayleigh thinking that her fans wouldnt be able to figure out what state a fucking cave is in
Fucking stupid yank. Being proud of genetically being superior in one regard doesnt equate to judging someones character off said regard. Which is what you claimed when i said Brian was a normal person. "He's not a normal person, youre just fooled by his height!"
>he talked in a sarcastic tone
I bet Tayleigh would have really loved you if she met you instead, you definitely don't sound like a mentally ill freak.
Link. I think James price thing was afterwards she recruited him after he fell out with Sam
she never got a chance to answer, she was too distracted by Xavier examining her feet
DFC delicious flat chest
Her ass makes up for it. Plus big tits sag eventually and deflate after pregnancy
What was her response?
Probably right after Planet Jupiter comes in
imagine killing your gfs creative business and streaming career at the same time, slashing her income, because you had to gloat
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bex is back?
Q is currently on his bicycle traveling through the Appalachian mountains. By the time he gets to Kentucky, Tayleigh very well may be there again too.

no, you can either say "being a hypocrite is a byproduct of contrarianism," or "being a hypocrite is a trait of contrarians"

trait could also be "characteristic" or "hallmark"

what you said was incorrect
It was revealed that the actor who plays Xavier also likes tranny like Sam and Rochefort does.
Is America the new Thailand?
THIS! We need more info. Her and the other brown cutie who waved at the camera
Is scott some kind of charity case? Painfully unfunny. Extremely tryhard. Only video of him fighting on YouTube is him getting knocked out. What gives?
I only go at 7-8 am or 10-12pm so I dont have to wait for equipment
lol they'll never let that go
I'm so glad my cringe moments in life weren't recorded on a life stream like that
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She needs to get RAVENBLOODED.COM so he can seethe
didnt Q went all the way over to where the bloodgames were taking place but wasn't able to find anything? if he actually did that, hes fucking nuts
calm down jordan
deputy Brian on the scene
>Which is what you claimed when i said Brian was a normal person. "He's not a normal person, youre just fooled by his height!"
i'm not the one who said that, retard

for the umpteenth time, kill yourself
I doubt very seriously he made Tayleigh repeatedly shout out COCKBUDDY. That's what truly nuked her career.
It's an interesting strategy to mobilize one's entire fanbase against oneself.
it is really wasn't but okae bud

Go at it
Not sure where they found this joker. Maybe he's friends with one of the wiggers.
I don't know, but he's treating this show like it's his shot at the big time.
really digging Sam Hyde's bbcdiapertank this season
hey, can you fuck off back to your discord and livestream your suicide already? thanks bunches
if you filter the troons and waifu drama faggots these threads are actually enjoyable and amusing
He's lowkey Sam's most loyal yes man, he repeats everything Sam says like they have never made direct contact and he only watches reupload channels, so weird
He pedaled over to the season 2 house and did a tour of it and then went to the address that has been posted where 2.5 is supposed to be but he was too scared to actually go into the woods and look around
its almost like we live in 20 fucking 24
its time to move on bigot, the rest of the world surely did
bantnigs have unrivaled autism
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>Oh Jordan, doth thou mind if titilate myself with thine cock buddy? Worry not, I shall return that little pup.... IN DUE TIME.
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hes the only one whos actually taught any contestant anything of value in both seasons
hes in my good books
yeah he went to the old leaked address
taytriots got cucked
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jordan, you're so lucky to be with the beat, alcoholic junkie dyke.
Do you view bagging her as a win?
Are you getting tired about hearing her talk about drug, david lynch and shit she heard on the joe rogan podcast ???
kill yourself faggot
english isn't your first language, stop acting like an authority on this subject

(note, i'm being charitable to you, if english actually is your mother tongue, please don't embarrass yourself by admitting that)
>if you filter 95% of posts, these threads become good
she likely saw the posts on /bant/ and she does it out of spite. has she got any positive tts recently?
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You can't work for MDE unless you're into trannies and lgbtq+×yz
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Dont talk shit about scott he can murder you with his bare hands

unironically yes
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>they're unloading workout equipment into schitty
this is true
Curious how much you're being paid.
T pose kino in schitty rn
What are you arguing then? because my point still stands kek. you got btfo, just fold. Tay has a gun
>Are you getting tired about hearing her talk about drug, david lynch and shit she heard on the joe rogan podcast ???
You certainly didn't, so why should he lmao
I think she's genuinely autistic and retarded. She's still shouting out her Taytriots lol
did you reply to the wrong person
>Rochefort does
is this true?
quit replying to your own posts and go kill yourself you fat, balding AGP faggot
He went to season 2 but was too docile to enter the bloodgames
It's the real address, we've seen the same location on stream multiple times now
He just pretended not to see it since he didnt want to get blacklisted
Will big purple be making an appearance soon??
Based nuMDE expanding into modern audiences
>Still no body cams
Remember to buy the season pass everyone
How many hours left of the Taylor alleged "48 hours >:)" post
>What are you arguing then?
someone said it's only americans who "worship height," which is wrong

no idea why you asked me why i'm arguing, it's very clear
I recognized Bex just from her ass
I love that they are leaning into the part where Frank Hassle molested a drunkTayleigh in season 2.
Asking her consent all the time and she can't just say no for some reason.
Wiggers are evil people, but they really don't care.
Don't like her but she doesn't deserve fans like these. I guess she could have nipped the problem in the bud... But she's young and stupid can't blame her too much
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please no
whos that in the yellow dress?
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Allegedly 4chan post a vampire got sent to the ER from Tai's gun, which is why they had to swap it out. thats "medical emergency from roleplay weapons" if true
>I wonder if this faggot is going to still be so smug when eh realizes he destroyed tayleighs streming and crochet career
Lmao, written like a true faggot. We tried to warn you retards, UGLY ON THE INSIDE, UGLY ON THE OUTSIDE!
What's the verdict on Tayleigh's day 1 sickness? Was it anxiety, drug withdrawal, or just a failing body?
no it's not the location he went to was near a conservation area in north attleborough while the new location is wrentham
oh i thought she stopped after being told she doesn't have any taytriots left through tts
why would anyone pay me to correct someone's grammar on 4chan
Wrong it’s the other way around. Joining MDE requires you to be humiliated by them. new Hollywood same as old Hollywood
>Mauro: >:(
>Mauro, cape: :o
Everything thats coming Tay's way should've gone to somebody who deserves it like Trish.
My future wife
Tai might be funny sometimes but he's kind of a dumbass about basic things.
it automatically switches me back to director cam after a few minutes even when i want to watch another camera. anyone else?
After yesterday, I already gave up lmao
I don’t see them doing anything of note with her
>is this true?
Yes, Nick revealed his search history on his stream. This is Nick's computer.
Being a zoomer shut-in that doesn't get any sun or exercise
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Ahhh, up to your old workout tricks this morning, Duke?
If you keep making this /bant/ then Jet will revoke your /tv/ privileges with the jannies.
tay is an ugly woman which means she's the worst person who has ever been on fishtank
but he was the only one who could use a shovel
anything happen this morning?
Channing wear Grimace merchandise to Sam's next show, I hope he apologizes this time instead of getting violent because you mentioned his homosexuality
troon post
Lol gayest reasoning ever. Not to mention untrue.
jon is going to fuck up his shoulder trying to OHP 150lbs with no warmup
>vance: says nothing >:(
>vance: says "yeah" :o
you are schizophrenic
does that to me everytime I click on the tab after i leave it in the background for awhile
He's the silly fun uncle that does silly things to your kids buttholes while talking about SpongeBob and makes them promise not to tell
Is that really much of an achievement?
well if you read the comment chain you'd see that i said "worship height" in regards to judging a mans character from it
By who? when? what?
this is a rockystream false flag don't believe it
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Has tayleigh shouted out Taytriots once after being told to stop because there are none left?
the show would be even more dead without these threads going 24/7
not that i like scott, but who else taught them anything of value
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Enough of Taytriots being cucked and trannies Taylor on screen
Yeah i don't know what the fuck she was thinking saying that out loud. It's not funny, ironic, or endearing, would've been better off just saying the dude's name. she completely drove off whatever was left of her fanbase. Imagine if Josie was shouting out Winston as soon as she got back from S1 and started streaming with him and making references to his dick all the time. Her career would've been dead on arrival. I'll give the injun credit, she's smart when it comes to business.
pure sex
>shemale on cis female
this is literally straighter than watching regular pornography
Jordan is a lucky guy who gets to fuck that. Wonder if he uses something to cover IT up
how much food are they cooking
That's the bit. Xavier even said if she stood up for herself she wouldn't be out in these situations. Everyone's been saying this to her.
Tayleigh has no fans left. ZERO fans left. She has so little fans left that no one even bothered to screenshot HD clear footage of her bare feet and soles.
hey can you fuck off and kill yourself already?
Yeah, on Planet Faggot
The video has post op dude
>more gay excuses brought to you by mde
thanks peter thiel
no, here's what you said, worthless faggot:

>im not american, i dont worship height like you guys do

we "worship height" to the same degree that everyone else does

kill yourself
how far are they going to take it? as far as she'll let them? that's probably pretty far
She fail rp'd and got booted.
No Sammy. No. Bad Sammy
Her fans would tell her this on stream.

tts this lol
Nick Camino
I feel bad for her, it's why she's been in abusive relationships, hopefully Jordan isn't another one.

Tayleigh needs to learn how to say no and not be a pushover.
Ermm in Kazakhstan you can be short and respected as man

>watching a man have sex with a woman is... LE GAY!!!
No. Kinda just hope she turns into a bigger lolcow so everyone can laugh at her.
Grim. Not even the foot fags want her now.
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Don't feel like summing it up again but yes, he looks the type.
read the post i replied to faggot, you lose. Nice reddit spacing btw
>hopefully Jordan isn't another one.
it is. marks like tay glow in the dark to abusers. that's why the wiggers cast her in the first place
It is especially if the dude cut his dick off and has a pussy
Tays feet are fucking gross.
he seems like a nice boy, taytriots should support
his name is cominos and he taught them nothing of value, also he wasn't even on the 2nd season
Oliver gay
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oliver mentioned
>dude just mutilate yourself over some gay judeomasonic kabbalah bullshit lmao
Tay is 22 and Jordan is 20.
I thought women didn't go for younger men?
Xavier is continually hitting them where it hurts and calling them out on their shortcomings and hypocritical bullshit, it's pure kino to witness. The nigga did his research and isn't holding back at all. If Frank's fatass can't make it for S3, Xavier should be a mainstay for fishtank.
Tay is a man though
I would love to grab Abi's pigtails and spin her head off like a 2 liter cap
he made jon into the wildly successful businessman he is today, he has 40 staff working for him and is going into politics anon
Can you imagine if she lets him kiss her? I wouldn't be surprised at this point lmao
they do he's hagmaxxing
I think they're cooking up all the food that's been sitting in the cooler a day already
not an argument, go back to plebbit with that le epic gif

>read the post i replied to

i made the most you replied to. everything you say is wrong

troons don't have pussies but even if they did how is that gay lol, are you gay if you watch lesbian porn?
This. Jon is literally a millionaire thanks to the dude.
It's only 2 years bro

My ex was 2 years older than me dated her when I was 15 and she was 17
Huge titties fat ass cute giggle

you guys suck so hard at transliterating john's speech
>when I was 15 and she was 17
that's literally rape
thats not the girl. the “11/10 scifi character” girl was a legit space alien (in an admittedly hot way) looking girl with dyed hair.

she modeled some MDE shirts on their old website
i own you reddit boy yank, go back
Start with big purple please
She turned down the courtship of Q a well adjusted gentleman and true romantic to do drugs and get fucked by a hillbilly.It is looking grim for tayleigh she will be on police activity crying holding lil fred durst as Jordan is tragically gunned down.
The video Nick had on the computer had a post op tranny. They had an artificial vagina they cut off their penis. Get it through your head they had a gaping wound between their legs. Dilate faggot
no it ain't
Wtf omg that makes you a pedo and you should be locked up in jail for the rest of your life. Sicko!!
reddit space harder
not an argument. i win

we're all aware of that, no idea what you think you're explaining to me

it was a tranny and a woman. i wouldn't want to watch that but how is that gay you fucking retard
Cock withdrawal
>lil fred durst as Jordan
I forgot about this
Sylvia and Tayleigh both started fucking a fan.
Guise cool it with the transphobia plz
We're still in this fight
It's a mindfuck watching her live being all happy and carefree while her entire former fanbase is having a complete nuclear metldown lol

like how the fuck would you even begin to explain all of this to her
You will never, and I mean NEVER, be a woman
will be funny to see how tay reacts to all of it.
it's harrowing in a way
Tay will be the first Fishtank Alumni to commit suicide...
>shemale on female

degen but can you honestly say that youre any better?
I think she's just going to stop streaming for a long time, which will make the Tayfag seethe even more hilarious
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need more Jimmy+Fatty kino
i won like 3 times over, to the point you resorted to pretending to be a different anon lol. Now im gonna high road you and stop replying. Incase youre wondering, im aussie. get fucked yank
My passport says otherwise. Are you really about to disagree with the government,??
Jon will be a human sacrifice for Roger Stone
I wouldn’t doubt that we never see her again unless she comes back on fishtank
make sure there are rip roaring flames on your cooking fire. if you don't see chest high flames for even a second, add as much wood as possible to replenish. 15 minutes later when you inevitably have to leave the fire, pour a bunch of water on it to create a smoke cloud and drench all of the 1/4 burned firewood you wasted.
Tayleigh is an astronaut in outerspace that has no idea her home country was destroyed by nuclear hellfire
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>Are you really about to disagree with the government,??
she's fucking stupid but i don't want that to happen :(


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>Still can't send "beans" through TTS
yeah that's how Bear Grills does it
it's pretty crazy that Jon is gonna be turned out by Stone and Fuentes and the secret gay wing of the republican party only to lose his election in Bend
Tai is cremating that bacon
Do you think she's gotten her phone and seen the fallout?
No she was the pedo not me
>mary melons
Uhhh yes? I don't have to look at dicks to get off. I like vagina
>i won like 3 times over
you won zero times, i've been right the whole time

>you resorted to pretending to be a different anon lol.
that did not happen, you are schizophrenic

>Incase youre wondering, im aussie
literally no one cares
It's especially important not to move your pan directly over existing flames where it's already hot, expand the fire around the pan.
She probably doesn't care. She thinks she's owning her trolls on /bant/ and she's getting pretty boy cock and meth
>She probably doesn't care
That's what she always says. It obviously gets to her

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