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us edition

>Bloodgames Season 1
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.



>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
PREVIOUS >>200644668
>thread is dying
but why?
Yeah, I’m thinking Ella mogs
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Is this the Josie thread?
fish r sleepin'
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Anyone know who the brown girl is yet? Lex? Jimmy’s crush?
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baesie mogs
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That's hardly an excuse. There's so much to discuss. The huge event form yesterday for a start.
i could barely follow wtf was going on. i had it on in the background
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How would you rate last nights stream?
Tayleigh Pendleton (22)
Happy American coalminer ca 1849 (Colorized)
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Guys this is literally me... guys...
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i hope the wiggers humilate her
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good boys. and remember nobody is paying you
how’s jancucki taking the latest bitty fiasco?
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why do turn a blind eye to pic related Josie? someday during one of your interview vids some stranger is gonna call you out for working with that nazi pedo
Taylor voice-mogs every other girl no wonder people watch her streams
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the chosen one.
It was disappointing for me. I was expecting some more surprises especially after it was done and they had to defend the shrine. A bunch of people in here were speculating on who the generals would be and that ended up being nothing. The “fights” were entertaining I guess but that’s really all it had going for it.
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Jet said he'd pay me in you's for Josie-chan posting
TJ still has more subscribers than her and he hasn’t streamed in like 3 months or something. Really shows the reality of the situation right there.
die in a fiery car wreck. fly through the windscreen. splatter into chunks on the road. traumatise your loved ones who survived the crash.
sun has been out since 5:15

i think they are pretending to sleep out of embarrassment
Women with deeper voices are the least crazy
what? thats not true
look it up
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This is why I like Josie. She would never say such a cruel thing.
its going to rain almost all day lol
he has more followers on twitch, thats about it though

not bad considering taylor was on the show for as long as octavius thunder
I looked it up and it's not true apparently
I came here to make fun of januki and watch the fish and the fish are asleep soooo
asmr w
It's amazing how she takes these catfish pics where she looks Japanese when she's actually a straight nosed brown injun.
Josie poster needs to go the fuck back to /bant/. These threads are for people who don't obsess over 2/10 girls well after the show even ends.
me too kek
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She is spiritually Japanese
He’d steamroll her if he was consistent, even as a guy. I just don’t understand why she’s even there and he isn’t.
Is it true he posts fishtanks on /bant/ to get Betty’s attention when she doesn’t reply to his DMs? and he did so a couple days ago? That’s so fucking funny.
who tf is januki
First day of the season Jet was like "Well it just rained so we're probably not gonna have any rain for the whole season" lol
So what does josie do all day? Drink?
betty’s top guy
TJ is dumb for not being on 2.5, letting your gf go alone to hang out with wiggers for 2 weeks is crazy
actually she hates beer. almost threw up yesterday trying to drink it
Ella needs to show up as town bard with her guitar
QRD on last night? Anyone turn into a vampire?
Bettys top simp and it’s looking like he’s the main guy with an interracial cuckolding fetish. All the dildo videos she’s posted the last couple days were filmed prior to her shooting it. So she was making videos like that for someone. It also looks like she leaked them herself. Betty was raped by black dildos because of janucki basically.
Bbc cuck poster
Remember when Josie said she's going to get blacked on stream
41:41 on the "Here comes the rain" stream
There's a connection between the Japs and Injuns. The aboriginal Japanese were very similar to the natives of Kamchatka, who were related to the people who crossed the Bering strait. You still get Japs in the north with her precise nose and eye shape.
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Josie tried to make a ranch and beer steak
yea mr beast
No i think she made them after shooting it. In fact, she’s been on a goon sesh for a few days
>banned from the park at age 10
it was destiny for him to take this path.
she looks like Brian in this picture
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now THAT would be kino. she could come as an elf too like here <3
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tayfags are ruining this dudes life because he fucked the 1488 girl they are all in love with
The bandage on her face in the dildo gifs was last seen on her face a month ago. Her most recent stream she didn’t have it. The dildo videos are from prior to the vixen bra. She had a black dildo before it became a thing to make fun of her for. So why did she have it?
>4:20 AM
>The sun is up
this is why winter is infinitely better than summer
Why not wake up?
The bandaid isn't because of an injury, she just puts it on because she thinks it's cute for some reason
>alt right simps getting their waifu to do interracial porn for them
many cases
Whatever the timeline, she still has the dildo
The best part is the birds all wake up 4-5 hours ago
this spurned cuckold storyline is quite neptunian tbdesu
Did she say anything about it on stream?
does she have the vixen bra?
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>mogs the entirety of bloodgames
Total dogshit tats
Can all the fish stay in bed until I finish work in like 6 hours thanks
He’s balding unfortunately
doesn't betty follow a bnwo porn account or something lmao
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u mirin' brah?
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Nick Mullen confirmed appearing in World Peace season 2?
RV needful
I’m mature enough to assume there’s a modicum of professionalism bts at this point. It’s just from a viewer’s perspective I don’t understand what the point of having an entire season where the only time your previous winner in brought up on twitter or the chat it’s about cucking, hate, or how much he sucked and be completely cool with it. All this but have his girlfriend out there and barely mention him is puzzling. They’ve barely given him props for winning and after that ending last season, it’s ridiculous.
It just seems like the TJseethers won. Just sad the wiggers were fooled by the same 5 guys on twitter replying to every TJ post about how much they everyone hates him.
I donno. Here’s the story from /bant/

>She was doing great in May but went completely bonkers at the end of the month. Recorded herself insulting an unknown person and the next day posted a photo of her face all bruised up. Then went on to appear on stream on a kinda trashy outfit (picrel) saying that she needed to become "more respectable" while laughing about it. She bought the black dildo and recorded herself sucking it while she still had the the face patch, and then went on to post the Vixen-top photos on June 7th.
dont think he had much of a life to begin with if he was willing to fuck her
what is she supposed to fuck a millionaire?
how are we still talking about betty, jesus christ
I wanna go down on that so bad
What is it about fishtank that attracts "odd" fans?
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Near the end of the tournament Jimmy started randomly mocking Tai, what the hell was that all about anyway?
Yeah and she said people DM her AI interracial porn of nazi girls having sex with black dudes. She’s never had public dm’s turned on so it’s her mutuals (which one was a major bnwo account) or no one sent it to her and she found it herself. Personally I think her simps were sending her that stuff.
He looks like a white trash druggie piece of shit. Great match for Tayleigh. The only thing I don't understand is why tayfags expected her to do any better. Didn't she mention she did heroin on S2 or something?
It's a dogshit show that nobody normal would watch, but it's made by Sam Hyde

It's a friend simulator for weird people to form parasocial relationships with other weird people

A normal person wouldn't spend more than 5 minutes on it
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Betty is a good person, mentally stable, and she's quite intelligent. Betty has made good life decisions, isn't disgusting, and does not have a plethora of mental problems.
She is brave for being so open about her life struggles and she deserves respect and should not be sexualized. Betty is an exemplary model citizen who's upheld moral values and made positive contributions to her community. End of discussion.
No this is normal for big brother like fandoms
jancucki is real...
He gets in moods where he randomly insults anyone he thinks he can get away with it. Another weird tic of his I’ve noticed.
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my favorite beaner :)
betty sucked what!? anyways… are we gettting (you)’s from tjaylorcels or seethers today? because I could go either way.
How was the tournament? Anyone eliminated yet?
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>jet it up
Her boobs are not up to par.
this + she services mean black juicy cocks
God I love her
normalfags spent an unhealthy amount of time gossiping about reality shows or about celebrities. this show attracts odd fans because no one with an ounce of dignity would know about it in the first place.
Why is Letty thriving while Betty.....
Yeah, it was confirmed last year
Tasha from Redscare has also made a cameo
Do what you feel is more fun for you, anon. These threads are going to keep going anyway.
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grim thread
Big Brother and other big reality show fans are way worse
why hasn't anyone had sex or masturbated live on fishtank yet? :/
Betty is being interracially eraped in discord by her cuckold simps. We need to get in touch with Letty to help us save Betty, I know she has experience with such cases.
Does she have any friends in real life
brian ate trish out
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betty is unironically a based, redpilled, tradcath, conservative, natsoc, and epic e-girl.
No they're fucking not. /bant/ is a mental institution.
Good morrow, when’s the wet t shirt contest start today?
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Would josiegang still like her if she cut her hair like this?
are they in RI or masschu?
Just a reminder that season 2 was terrible
never heard this before. clip?
She has her cats and a gay brother.
They are in NEW ENGLAND.
I can't wait for Jon to yell all day and act like a literal 8 year old
Seriously. I kept a tab up until yesterday thinking I’d get the highlights from here or something but it’s fully devolved into something really gay that only low-lives are into.
its the same as here, people are just less helpful and a lot of anons have superiority complexes
Calm down David Lynch
Who pays for her
That nigga from Montana
Brian fucked Trish, about 70% sure
Need to see this bouncing on a long melanated penis
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> there used to be fans that actually watched the thing they they're fans of, don't see that anymore
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Watching tdf until they wake up
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Tayleigh's new bf looks a lot like a certain winner. That's just a coincidence right
I really, really love Betty's tits. And legs. And body. And lips. And eyes. Betty is a tight piece.
Haha yeah sure
Are you black?
Not really but it is a similar type.
>Not really but it is a similar type.
i was in these threads all of season 2 and was watching the show daily. maybe i just don't remember. I remember them fucking in the bathroom and in the closet and when they slept together like on day 2 but i don't remember anything about him eating her out.
He looks like TJ but jewish
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Peter fucked/ate Trish out, the black dude that Alex Stein brought with kinda fapped with towel, more like whip himself with it and Shinji nutted into a waste bin for some pointless challenge. But you raise a valid point, with how degenerate this show is you'd think there would have been some kind of sex happen on cam by this point.
i should've specified i meant on camera
Or TJ doesn't want to be in the eye of the public anymore and the rest is just fishtank fans being fishtank fans
It's MDE related. Why are MDE fans odd? Idk.
I rooted for him to win but the lubecooch thing was 100% him. So avoiding the spotlight and any other attention is his best bet
yes yes, i did mean on cam. it is kinda weird it hasn't happened yet isn't it? especially with how clearly sexually deprived some of these people are. idk

you forgot about Jimmy jerking himself off while watching Cole and Trish from the goon cave
2008 shane dawson ass pic
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Ah, yes. He has the phenotype of an winner.
kek that shit had me rofling
thoughts on his family?
True but even then production should give him some props. I’ve never heard any mention him post s2 besides ben saying his faces made him laugh the most. I know it would shut most of the seethers up of more of them said something.
Sam can only work his paraphilias through many layers of camouflage, if he has people fucking live it would trigger his """christian""" guilt, in order to survive he needs to pretend to have high morals
>Tayleigh's new bf looks a lot like a certain winner.
not really, you have autistic face blindness.
>but the lubecooch thing was 100% him
You weren’t rooting for him. How can you honestly say 100% after taking in his personality?
Betty flashed her tits, whore. Bliccy celebrated the feminine form while resting softly and savouring the finest suburban New England cuisine, queen.
white trash
Oh man that was funny. Wonder how Taylor feels about it
hmm.. good point. like it was weird how he stopped jackie from doing anything sexual and even kicked her for it.. strange.
Up to your old tricks again this morning, Xavier?
Hes a little pervert. I didnt care he looked at weird porn, I just wanted him to win over the others.
He said that he felt embarrassed watching himself in clips and with the edits coming out he probably is going to stay low for a while
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they gay like sam
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if i ever get on fishtanklive, i WILL be fucking live and on camera, don't worry bros. screenshot this
Do you think Brian and Trish fooling around in the bathroom that night pissed Sam off or not? He seems selective in what sets him off.
They would shoot and stab whoever is fucking with him
Why is Jimmy allowed to be in the spotlight despite his tranny chasing posts that are way more of an indictment than anything on the r34 account? Because people didn’t psychotically share it and try to humiliate him on a show viewed by thousands? What kind of shit is that?
tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet tts on jet

i think the fact it wasn't on cam made it okay
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>Why is Jimmy allowed to be in the spotlight despite his tranny chasing posts that are way more of an indictment than anything on the r34 account?
Because Sam Hyde lives for that shit
They relate to Jimmy so they leave him alone. Lamo.
I paid good money for this.
As long as it doesn't taint the image of self help guru mister hagakute the way of the samurai he manufactured all these years it won't matter to him, nobody's gonna fuck on camera
When he got that onlyfans cosplay chick (not Jackie the other one) for the livestream he apologized to the audience on twitter, he never does that
Even Dr. Disrespect chases trannies bro
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>b-but m-muh jimmy!
The two time gock sucking champion
Yeah he never apologized for blowing tranny hookers despite it generally conflicting with le based and trad youtube advice giver either
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where can i buy one of these?
fucking troons is gay. just accept that you like dick. end of
aw yeah its another mde thread about gay sex and interracial porn
yeah so what lol? I like femboys too
Everyone knows Jimmy is a weirdo including Jimmy. We pretend that his stutter is the only thing wrong with TJ
not shore srry
you're a pedophile like sam hyde too
I can’t be associated with this shit anymore, you’re all degenerates
I'm sorry Dallas uwu
ohhhhh so it's just because he's a FUCKIN NERD. and in his eyes taints his legacy. got it
gucked and throatfucked like an hour outcall at Edie's (male)
AoC is leftist feminist belief tbqh
>one week in
>someone loses jim's meds
That whole self help guru thing was a bit, because some retards were willing enough to send $25 for a single TTS asking how to fix their life in his streams.
I think the TJ victory was also a tie-in homage to that, since he basically helped a complete loser get 50k and give hope to all his self-inserts.
What even is the full name? Edward? Edna?
Dontarius did in s1
tj reacted to loobcooch tts the same way tayleigh reacted to jordan tts and tjmaxxers still say its fake lmao
dont care didnt ask
anybody know where i can buy one of these?
who's snoring?
the side of the road
There’s nothing wrong with TJ despite maybe being a gooner like many his age. I’m not convinced his haters aren’t just more psycho.
>That whole self help guru thing was a bit
It stopped being a bit after Creative Aspirations 1 or 2 (2017), yes it is a grift but he's being bullshitting people for so long that he hasbullshitted himself in order to believe that, it is part of him now, it's his brand
the lie detector test was right for every question
It doesn't help that his entire reason for disliking idubbbz is that he has an onlyfans girlfriend. Didn't stop him from having Sylvia on the show tho (and having her talk about/advertise her onlyfans multiple times while on the show). He doesn't really have morals he just does whatever seems more convenient or profitable at the time.
Built for bibisi
bance batta
this kek who cares if tj's a gooner, taylor literally goons to furry games on steam I bet they do it together
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8:54 am Fishtank Time
Why aren't you working out anon?
Nobody's disagreeing they're just showing his hipocrisy
stfu fag
That s2 edit is going to make you commit suicide. You guys trying to read into his reaction to it still are boring now.
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i'm cradling my balls rn

did you even watch that stream? he mocked her for being a hoe live she was uncomfortable
thats what i’m saying
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is 11pm here sar
It's true that sometimes he did genuinely give his own opinion and advice, but he reverted to the bit whenever he felt like it. The way it was framed most of the time It was crystal clear that it was all part of a strategy to simply print money.
The streams were ditched as soon as Stand up became viable so that is telling as well. If he thought himself as some sort of Guru, he would not just stop it out of the blue.
his friend literally said it was his account on twitter then people say
>no, he meant the twitter one
cope, all of his socials have the exact same name and tj knew exactly what the horse shit was
They have the same smile.
chill the fuck out.
no, he didn't
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actually ella has a good relationship with her father, nice try tho, bettysimp bantfag!
yes he did, dawson admitted tj would send him weird shit all the time
"weird shit" is not r34, tranny fucker
quick question! how is ella at all related to 2.5?
So when's he gonna mock Sylvia for being a whore live? When's he gonna mock Letty for posting her hairy cum-filled snatch on discord and having it leak? He's not consistent. He protects whores if they generate money for him.
>asked about the lubecooch account
>said tj sent him weird shit in response
the timing nigga, stop being retarded
What happened last night? I fell asleep just before the tournament.
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He didn’t say it was his r34 though, that’s cope and misrepresentation of the facts. He didn’t even know about the r34. There was also a reddit account asking about truck parts when TJ was 9 years old. It’s been debunked as inconclusive by all means we have but jimmytroons won’t accept it.
not at all. now i expect you to ask the same for anyone posting josie, betty, and the other contestants irrelevant to this season. don't let me down!
no, that's not what he said, he said he sent him weird shit as jokes before so if it were him (he had no idea) it would be a joke like the other things he sent

tj, on the show, without any knowledge of these tweets, talked about sending absurdist paintings to his friends
I did chest today. Good pump but it can get better.
i dont think any of them should be posted. you're sub 100 IQ basement dwellers.
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They could've both saved each other from their own demons.
In the end of the day they are running a production company and if TJ isn't willing to participate there is really no point in bringing him up.
> I’ve never heard any mention him post s2 besides ben saying his faces made him laugh the most.
Sam and co have been liking stuff relating to TJ after the Show. The rest is just TJ being reclusive i think.
>I know it would shut most of the seethers up
it wouldnt lol
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> He said that he felt embarrassed watching himself in clips
So much for the "hero's journey.
It was a hollow victory.
> kentucky fried FAGGOT
state of gaytriots
Gee, thanks for the help! Real nice! *slams door*
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9am no tts
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>leaving someone waiting at your door for 5 minutes
Don’t be daft, it’s like watching home movies x1000. You try being on the show.
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don't slam my door! get back here!
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>yeeeesss, quite
i was just referencing charles. wasn't actually mad
TTS box is either dead or the tts box at basecamp is not on. Production needs to get their lazy asses up
keep lurking youll find it eventually. its very funny, he just sort of paws at his limp dick in the dark
This is my first and last tayleigh post the fact that her bf was instantly outed as gay as hell is kinda sad for her ngl anyway fuck her
>kinda sad for her
anon.. she's a carpet muncher. feminine men get her boyclit hard.
I feel bad for Tayleigh. Everyone makes fun of her for being a cringe and they're absolutely right.
Jimmy Downsyndrome
Tayleigh Penis-ton
Nina Vagaska
Vance Ladder
Jon Cutwrist
>early S2
>contestants had to pair up and get to know each other
>Tayleigh acts totally creeped out by TJ picking her
>months later gets Kentucky Fried™ by a TJ lookalike because he bought a plushie from her
I wonder if they would've hit it off if TJ had been a junkie like her.
shouldve just given me pussy instead. when will she learn
Tayleigh is a little boy
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Why is one of the Ella posters mad at Betty
who fucking cares fag just end it
i do not give a fuck!
Well that's what I feel bad about desu
She'll literally be thinking like oh you're gay? Does that mean I look like a male? Idk women brain can't handle it
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didn't mean to come off that way, champ, my b.
Someone ran off with her boobs?
i wish we could ban any talk about betty and ella
Mad she taken bbc
>feeling embarrassed watching yourself on a show tailored to embarrass oneself
Yeah dude that proofs everything
how have we not seen ella nude yet?
shut the fuck up
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this is ella. and you've been. MOGGED!
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jesus christ!
between alex jones, fuentes, dr disrespect, and mde, im starting to think conservatives love sucking tranny cock
Nah he's just gay anon
no-life faggot buffoon. fuck off
season 1 fucking sucked man, all these people were nontent
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hey, be my guest.

stop projecting
>believes in Christ
>shits on carpenters
What did he mean by this?
>So much for the "hero's journey
Yeah Sam trying to be his father figure was retarded
Should've given the money to Shinji so he could develop VR eroge
lol teej so based
Double triple spoiler that shit
sorry I know it's spooky
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Why is the morale so low?
huh? im honest about my tastes, i like feminine trannies because im not a psychopath (attractive trannies like ella hollywood abd remigumi). meanwhile sam and alex jones and doc are all into 6 foot tall fridge mode brazillian men with bolt on tits. YUCK
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just because ure degenerate coomer doesn't mean everybody else is
Maybe it's just inverse lesbianism ?
She has styled this period-accurate peasant boy look this season and she acts extra pissy every single time she's on camera.
Acts disgusted with everything that goes on, it's as if she thinks she's "above it" and somehow better off by not participating or appeasing the RP.
Similar to the teenage girl vibe of "Eww you're playing video games? Grow up!" but applied universally. It's extremely annoying
Why not tomboys anon? Genuinely asking. There are 3.5 billion people without penises for you to lust after
yes yes im sure your search history is perfectly clean
jontent would 100% fuck ella hollywood
I need that strawberry blonde box on my mouth NOW
One thing it does though is debunks his own much hyped "ugly painting" monologue, i.e. "I am so brave and beautiful to be here".
Bro cooked a painting he's embarrassed to look at
Chris will have Letty by the end of this.
i love tomboys too, i was just focusing on my tastes in trannoids
The boys caught a whiff of Nina's coochie stank...
Oh she's just genuinely not funny so that's all she can do, especially since her Basedfacing bit got called out
your brother will die tomorrow evening
Recent show journal was great. If that mean-souled faggot from a few threads back is reading, Don's genius comes out in his non-fiction. "worse than mike ma" my ass.
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>it's another episode of pajeets astroturfing Ella because she is on the show already
you guys didnt figure out how sus Tayleigh is the moment she sucked up to Charleston White after he threatened to rape her that one night?
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Did all the cameras get destroyed in the rain or something lol.
wtf is this shit theres like 3 cameras, only one of which ever has anything going on.
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post this qt cat!
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Love that cat
yee i geddit im a fuckup ye i know i know you've been fair to me i know im a fuckup i geddit ya i mean i did work hard but ya no i geddit i know i fucked up plain and simple
is there any pornstar that looks like abi?
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back when she wasn't evil
the schitty can is annoying because the audio is too low and the alternative is director cam which makes me dizzy.
He's an indigo child. We can all see the fruits of matching Sam's ravenous appetite for slop with such marvels as Fishtank, Daughters University and that wretched Israel video.

In any case he's healing and frankly? It's beautiful, something MDE hasn't been for a very long time.
1488! Le Hitler did nothing wrong!
coombrained faggot you will never reproduce. you are fucked.
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I'll never get tired of the absolute epitome of ugliness picrel exudes;
What type of wretched sensations have to be trapped within oneself to contort one's face to this state, I'll never know
That was a genuine look at how submissive women are to the most aggressive male in any situation. If Jimmy wasn't so funnyjunk he'd be drowning in puss
hi dom
Please educate yourself
why is morale low
don't be weird anon
fatty peed in the plankway
I know more about Don than I know about myself at this point.
jimmy's shorts are ripped :(
jawn shat himself
oh he mad cryinglaughingemoji
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Betty Mega Collection. Includes rarer than rare
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Stretching before arms workout.
jet followed abi on insta last night so she is probably going to be on 2.5 soon
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they have lost their minds
Who cares?
Jesus christ need an actual trigger warning for the rekt content wtf
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we're back!
I hope she faces the wrath of Jimmy's hammer once more.
They're getting jet arrested? I hope they don't check out his hard drives lol
jimmy's nontent and won't do shit
i hope jimmy finishes the job this time
kek that's based tho
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Gonna need a QRD on even Kevin and how he was able to get on through a Charity Foundation? Did this foundation really pay for Kevin to be on this show? What's the deal?
What's the overall impression of S2.5?

race-traitor whore
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Jet ran out of ideas again
I’m surprised how boring he’s been but I’d give it another day or two.
A lot of anons seem to be masturbating to Taylor.
65% neptunian 45% goranian
Taytriots are better than Josiecels only for the sole fact that they're way more funnier fucking with people they seek vengeance upon
I want to suck on Sam's faggot toes and stare into his eyes as he jerks off his cock to me sucking off his toes. Then he'd bend me over and give it to me good.
Then Abi won't either, since her entire bit is acting like a brat and trying to get others to rage. Either way she's going back to streaming to 10 people and trying to pick fights on twitter for clout.
Jimmy is on his meds. He was off them when he tried to rape/kill Abi in season 2.
t. former cucktriot
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Xavier is amazing/10
Highly rated by fans, probably too bizarre to bring in new people tho
this is going to make great content.
Just imagine the police sending search dog and a helicopter to looking for Jet in the woods while production tries to continue bloodgames
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positive, brian, sam, xavier and greg all shine
the actual contestants are kinda boring apart from jon who's just annoying
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havent been able to watch since around the time they were building the fatty shrine
Anyone up and gooning right now?
Whos weed is it? I don't watch Fishtank as I'm not retarded.
xayleigh's cockbudy
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Taylor is a cute, Xavier is the real boss nigga, Tay sucks, Jon is still retarded, Brian redeemed himself, SSRI Jimmy equals nontent, Fatty is on ozempic, Vance is still boring, Cole quit, Jet still hasn't gotten paid.
If it's not a character in Dr.Manslave or another true blue MDE production I'm not going to know who it is.
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When will negotiations on
sag day rate +
costume pay bump +
make up pay bump +
overtime +
for the Emperor of this realm, to grace the lands in troublesome times?
basically they're trying to get tayleigh's boyfriend arrested for possession by tipping off the police. that's the gist at least
Scared to mention Princess Letty?
I mean tbf Josie was never engaged in /bant/ drama. Tay made it a staple of her streams and she was always interacting with shit that came from there - she knew the posters and all the resident memes.
She most definitely enjoyed being thirsted over, and put this facade of disgust when acknowledging it to mask her genuine reaction like she does live now.
Why not just ignore them ? or ban them ? "if you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas" .
That is incredibly gay
our king shall also require his own separate living space from the peasantry, two (2) petite taiwanese women, a magazine of tasteful busty redheads, and an ample supply of beer
That's a shame I was hoping for a definitive end to jets reign of terror
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Me on the left
>when a girl goes on the internet, she has to accept creeps and stalkers pursuing her. that's just the name of the game.
invert this and it's based
Wish I could feel Sam's tight twink ass.
Fatty and the glasses guy aren't funny
Jon is fucking hilarious
Duke is funny as always
>he buys a chicken
>she sucks his cock
>he likes cock
>tayleigh looks like she has a cock
man it just works, what a nickname
Oh wow, he really does look like him.
I pray every night for Ben to not be a massive faggot yet each following day he defies God's will.
Imagine fucking Ben's ass and havimg Jet and Sam both netx to you in doggy and you're fingering them both, taking your cock out and switching between the three lined up for your pleasure. Fuck.
Fishtank is such a regression of MDEs content. Totally paralysed shit, a complete inability to grow with MDEs audience in a natural way. It's disgusting and everyone involved, including all of you for watching it, should be ashamed.
fishtank is way more entertaining that most of MDE, you're just old
Ben, clean up on Aisle 3!
I don't tell people irl that I watch fishtank. That would make me look sad and unattractive.
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Can I Get a quick run down after the blood games ended?
I saw that Xavier got the crystals back but how? Did Tay give them to him? Was there a betrayal? And why is morale so low?
that's not the point of the meme. Just that both low IQ retards and high IQ will find the show funny.
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unironically this
i don't tell people i watch Scott Sullivan train people in MMA
it's hands down the worst image ive seen of her
Then once your deep into the fuck and there's some cream you make thhem clean off your cock with their fucking mouth, and you line the three faggots up put their faces together and bust evenly for them, one spurt each and you make them cum kiss and clena off your cock again.
So what happened? Who won?
>Fishtank is such a regression of MDEs content
And you don't think they know it?
Sam knows. Same for the stand up shit. Same for the podcast.
He's just trying to fund Joyride.
Sam hates his fans, retard.
>regression of MDEs
MDE was always cringe retard shit for chuds. Get fleeced nigger. Lmao!
an irl friend is the reason i know about fishtank
wish i could hear what letty and jon are talking about :/
Not at all what I said. The point is clear: Whenever anyone, (especially someone who has acquired an online persona) actively interacts with creeps and the stalkers they're bound to get targeted eventually.
If you're sane, you know to protect yourself and stay away from retards online, by staying anonymous and keeping your privacy.
Think of it this way; Most people will walk by a bad neighborhood or crack-house and either speed up their step or try to circle around it / avoid it. If you however, show up to that place everyday and ask what's cookin', you're exposing yourself to an inevitable conclusion.
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anyone remember tayleigh freaking out and crying on stream after being compared to taylor?

lmao, ugly dyke gets fucking mogged
He's trying to fund his next luxury sports car.
>He's trying to fund his next luxury sports car.
also yes. But I'm not his paypig so wtv.
ikr (i am samefagging)

about an hour and 29 minutes in
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They know, they're playing with it, messing around and having fun on their own while scamming gullible idiots.
Stand ups are an escape out of the fringe humor "Nu-MDE" sphere and into a public audience and a stable future. Sam's ideal is Norm, that's what he's going after.
what were your favorite memes from /ftl? I honestly missed production 'leaks' posting, strike 3 and squaw were fucking hilarious
She's makes the show much more bearable.
Literally everyone else is hideous.
>Sam Hyde's hero's journey, where he dies of tragically avoidable health complications before he ever starts joyride
>He's just trying to fund Joyride
Kek retards still believe this after all these years?
He's also trying to fund his game too right?
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trish delish too
I dont care about MDE
What's Joyride?
The purpose of Fishtank is to make Sam, Jet and a few investors a lot of money. It's doing extremely well for that purpose.
Who's the girl playing the "creature" anyway?
>He's also trying to fund his game too right?
that's joyride.

hey jet, give the vampires some aztec death whistles to scare the fish in the middle of the night. they sound like guttural screams like someone getting eaten alive and they're pretty loud and if you all had one and ran around the Basecamp blowing on them it would sound hellish.
yeah im sure bill ottman is thrilled sam and jet built an airsoft course that loses money
>that's joyride.
that's the movie
trish's 24 hour stream was great, her family are entertaining
Where has Letty been this whole time?
shes prob gonna quit
this highlights the problem with her stance. Instead of focusing on doing what she likes, and just going live to share that activity with others. She obsesses over audience interaction and makes that her main content driver.
and should bill ottman be thrilled that sam and jet built an airsoft course that loses money, that's money laundering
do you think they keep making seasons because it loses money?
She left basecamp about 10 minutes ago.
I think there's fairly sophisticated money laundering happening beyond what Sam and Jet could conceive but have to run for others
It sounds based until someone tips off the IRS

being coddled by production in the basement
Sam never paid any taxes on crypto he swing traded. Needs to launder it now or he goes to jail
does xay still have the crystal?
No Xavier Ravenblood has it.
Money laundering tip for next scam: the catering service
You're welcome Bill
she Loves the drama so fucking much holy shit lmao. if she really didn't care why'd she go and cry about it lmao. and she really just catastrophized the whole thing it wasn even that deep. man, some people just aren't meant for streaming. she's inching more and more into lolcow territory
Nothing rare there btw. Everything you see has been posted already.
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what? if not sam and jet then who would be money laundering? donators?
Agreed, it's a matter of time until she becomes a lolcow.
A couple more years, 25 is the tipping point
Peter Thiel's gay mafia
Sorry you didn't notice this, it's pretty obvious
yeah but the piss and blood has always been too excessive
this is horribly made
Tayleigh gets pissed getting compared to Taylor because Taylor stole TJ away from her so it stings even more
There are some stuff there thats extended or higher res. I dont remember the fuck machine vid having audio
>Tai complimenting Bex's ass

Lmao Bex wins again
I need to see this. clip it
it’s a real picture
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Insider here. Unfortunately Jon has died from exposure.
letty had a premonition
inside of tay's head here, all I see are cocks
In these inhabited spaces to escape is necessity
Qrd on what happened after the arena last night?
why is the morale meter down
faggot man
>faggot man
faggot man
>faggot man
faggot man
>faggot man
faggot man
>faggot man
faggot man
>faggot man
faggot man
>faggot man
Duh, she prays to the moon after all
>Tay is the only one providing content again

Just give her the fucking win already
vampire, raccoon and didgeridoo attacks
It shouldn't take long for them to get the archives up for this season since it's just two weeks right?
you all are fucking losers watching this shit lmao, not even mentioning the retards who spend their money trying to get the attention of their favorite barely relevant e-celeb
he's in schitty neggah
I hope I get a scoop of taylors poo in the post season mystery box sale.
Why would they choose Sam? Why would Sam submit to them? Genuine question
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Tay is painfully autistic
Vampire clone.
>David Brent face.
anyone got that pic of tayleigh where she looks like a 40 year old medieval english farmer?
have people figured out the Duke is actually the good guy in this story?
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Tayleigh still has fans. Good on her for getting rid of the
cuck-schizos posting in bant.
She will still have an audience after 2.5, probably bigger than before since she gets this new exposure.
Also, her beanies are ready to be shipped as well.
She has a boyfriend too that makes her happy.
So what, a small minority of less than 10 people hate her now, her true fans will still support her crochet business and streams.
Things are looking up for Tayleigh.
Protect Tayleigh
Kill Frank Hassle
Tayleigh love <3
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my working theory is that sam was compromised by the marky shit (edie doesn't really help either) and at this point you're for sale to the highest bidder and Peter Thiel has a lot of fiat currency and a demographic to target with his agenda.
tl;dr substantial fed management
You are going to have to be more specific
ky oats
Do you think we might see Charls since this is friend tank? Or would the vampire larping be too demonic for him?
Ranjeesh detected
no because it's gay and too evil
people who can feel it feel that the energy of fishtank is not right and i'm sure he knows
no it's from this season and it's not a drawing

she's making a kind of scrunched up face and looks even more haggard than normal
jesus christ
They'll auction off the porta pottys
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this one?
kek i hate fishtank

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Ugly grotesque freak
People call "aids" "exposure" now?
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1488 chudwife somehow also knows how to throw up the blood's gang sign
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>racoon attack
kek, did this really happen?
KEK there it is
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It was a wigger in a raccoon costume not a real raccoon. Also fail RP because Vance shot him 20 times and he kept running around knocking shit over
Yeah it was pretty funny
NSFW that shit got dayum.
unironically based
It was a though cookie that racoon
once the most simped woman in fishtank btw
So him bringing Adam Friedland, Dasha and those LA guys to the podcast and always reposting/supporting people from the BAPsphere isn't him trying to fit in into Peter Thiel's circle but actually promoting people from the circle + adjacents to his audience?
not even close
No but they are getting annoyed with Xavier
This would explain Alex Stein's involvement the last 2 seasons, only problem is that Sam is homosexual enough he would blackmail himself before letting gay Peter Thiel maestro him like that.
They don't even know Xavier is cole palmer yet

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