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Jimmy is king.
last >>200655639
comfy jimmy sidequest
Based homeless Jimmy has his bottle return skill maxxed
I think Blacksmith's wife is one of the only people who hasnt broke character
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thread claimed by nifty's niggers
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Kevin was raped and killed in the summer of 2024 on Fishtank 2.5
the event last night was so scary. I had to smoke so much weed to calm down. my mom screamed at me because I was yelling a lot
if this takes place in the future, why do they pretend airplanes are "dragons" lmao
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I still maintain that Jimmy is probably the best contestant the show ever had
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Trish delish
she's a pro
Brian has been constantly roleplaying and it's great. >>200658068
I didn't know Dunyae appeared, what did he do?
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LMAO Letty has to build a table again
>making a table without giving them any table pieces

The dragons return from their slumbers in 2083 and doubled in numbers within a year. Also do NOT watch season 3
t. time traveler
I think Brian or Xavs havent broken character yet, could be wrong tho
>jon strolls into town
>immediate tard rage
verification not required
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...my favourite fish
link to the tierlist?
they call her Trish "the Dish"
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Jimmy's retardation is endearing 90% of the time, but god damn I want Jon to fall under a moving bulldozer.
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Your move Xavier.
>letty attempt to build a table again
oh no no no
What's her class? Bar Wench?
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>wood salt
>heated nails
we're so fucking back boys
Lazy Letty never gonna build a table
I like them both :)
This ends with the Duke demolishing the town doesn't it?
can anyone go back to when taylor came out of the merchant shack and jimmy sexually harassed her?
yeah jon constantly thinks he can outsmart the game but jimmy at least just goes along with the production
taylor CANNOT stay away from jimmy
Gone off that Jimmy dust
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On the final day they're going to pay 100 black people off Craigslist to invade and loot what they can
>jon butting into conversations that don't concern him
Sex with Taylor
Sex with Bex
Sex with them both
Jimmy drinks potion of non-consent
jimmy just wasted the charisma potion

never put the pussy on the pedestal
Submit to the Charisma potion, you sex bunny skank!
I fucking hate this fetal alcohol syndrome ridden retard
kek jimmy trying to use rizz potion on taylor

>jimmy with the uncanny ability to not be creeping
water is wet
>I don't want to snort your Jimmy powder
do it yourself on flowstreams
why the fuck is taylor even there. She doesnt play along at all.
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I like the way you think
>even with a charisma potion jimmy still doesnt have enough charisma points to pull a female
he got offered 2 gold if he can get Brian and Taylor to come snort his Jimmy powder with Sodaman
you cant rewind on flow anymore, its all good ive moved on
Jimmy failed the speech check and wasted a potion
eye candy
but you can tho
You can but only on director cam
jimmy you fuckin weirdo
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Letty looking so fine
I can honestly can see why he hit her with the mallet now
did soda man just confirm tjs coming?
Oh they just spoiled that TJ is coming lmao
https://x.com/vin_deeznuts/status/1807110895929114949 poor guy
Jimmy's not a homewrecker, bros.
TJ confirmed. By soda man. He’s being resurrected
>Sodaman in awe of Jimmy's rizz
yeah and she won't
Jimmy walked away from that Taylor conversation thinking he fucking nailed it
The prince returns tonight based TJ W
Because she is cute?
Because she is pure?
Because she is beautiful?
Because she is sweet?
Because she is pretty?
Because she is nice?
Because she is perfect?
Because she is lovely?
Because she is the best?
just watch on youtube. Being able to switch cameras is pretty pointless for this season.
"He will probably fight you when he comes back, later, from the dead."
TJ confirmed?
Jimmy getting fleeced out of his money
rizz potion says otherwise
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>The Goldstriker character is played by Sam Hyde and is a caricature of rich, arrogant television production executives. Sam has broken character several times during the show, most often during eliminations.
>In season 1, the character was initially introduced as Jonathan Goldstriker, although his first name was changed to "Jason" after the first few days of the show without explanation, likely due to potential confusion with the contestant Jonathan.
>"Gormedeous" being part of the Duke's full name in season 2.5 is a reference to a vampire character that Sam Hyde introduced himself as to iDubbbz during Sam's taunting interactions with him in The Truth About iDubbbz and Getting Away With It.
TJfags are sad to see man, they're like abandoned children
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Don't worry guys, Josie is here!
it was never established how much Jimbobux are actually worth
>All of Jimmy's nicknames are just about tits
She has to say yes…her no actually means yes
Its a part of the rp
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>assemble the army
anyone got a reupload of the betty gofile?
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>she would realize "oh it's just jimmy joking around"
LMAO Sexual Harassment Jimmy
based letty
little red bouncy tits
he's literally me fr
What was the nickname? Mary Melons? Little Red Bouncy Tits? How many has he got?
Sodaman based
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He’s literally a Taylor cuck poster
>we're not gonna be friends anymore

letty should've said "we're not friends now"
Taylor looks like the mormon who abused jimmy and his sister at summer camp and he almost headbutted her but he likes her now?
Jimmy getting his penis nailed to a 2x4 confirmed?
Merry Melons is Letty
Lil Red Bouncy Tits is Taylor
haha nigger
>waaaaah sexual harassment waaaaah
go cry to production again ya stupid ugly cunt
LettyxJimbo power couple
Says the colefag
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Taylor WAS sexually assaulted by jimmy
Taylor WAS raped by jimmy
is jimmys meds wearing off? hes getting more unhinged every day
she's obviously joking you autistic incel retard
When was this said and whats the context?
that's Seaman Jimmy, ya tard
She had to find another autist to stick her tendrils into after Top J cast her out.
Letty is going to try to get Jimmy to build her table isn't she
What's Jimmy's beef with Tai?
Letty owes Jimmy sex
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He literally threw bread at him. And you’re upset at him for calling her little red bouncing tits. malarkey
hes gettin high whenever the camera gets on him
Xavier is looking for Letty. Kino incoming
does anyone have a clip of him calling taylor little red bouncy tits
>jimmy quoting rugrats as if everyone else around is a twisted freak like him who watches rugrats
she's been stumbling and stuttering around Jimmy this whole season, she completely loses her edge whenever she's near him
>that smile Jimmy does every time he thinks he said something funny
she was obviously pretending to joke when she was actually trying to expose him, you fucking gay fat retarded poopcel
>what's the proper technique
>for hammering a nail
fucking USELESS cunt
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>merry melons
what did jimmy mean by this?
kek. That's a good name for her.
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I approve of Letty being sexually harassed and made to feel uncomfortable.
Letty obviously knows how a hammer works. She asked Jimmy to show her because she wants him to hurt her
Jimmy fucking RAPED Taylor after he already tried to ABUSE her
Rugrats was disgusting to watch, even as a little kid you can notice how fucking perverted that show was
Jimmy in high spirits today :)
>says something in a monotone voice
>looks away
Jimmy needs to go crank one out before he kills someone
he's seen the leaks
kek based
Alright, Jimmy needs to stop with the homewrecker shit
I remember their jew episode where they went to temple or whatever
Even as a kid i was disturbed
i have no clue how or why the blacksmiths wife has stayed perfectly in character this entire time, even when the director cam is nowhere near her
Jimmy is being very creepy right now
Kek Jimmy
Letty is too smart to fuck with Jimmy, he's starting to get unhinged, even the manipulative bpd pisswitch fears him
Literally him.
TJ really earned it. He was bloody. He overcame his fears
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>i just saw the opportunity to say your gf has big tits so i told her i noticed her big tits
jimmy what the fuck
>little red bouncy tits
that's gold Jimmy, GOLD
Jimmy talking about black porn...
>blacked jimmy
>Jimmy saying Taylor sounds like a chick from a porno where she fucks a black dude
Jimmy kino is back on the menu
>laughing at his own jokes
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It perfectly sums up people obsessed with watching her during boxing AND her having a red dress.
they hired real renfair larpers, this is their dream come true
Jimmy is so unaware when his jokes do not land and are not funny.
Why are sam hyde fans so obsessed with bbc
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Jimmy's brain is absolutely cooked, and i'm here for it
>camera man sprints away
Jimmy is getting hornier by the day
RapeTank is back baby
this but totally unironically
They're Americans
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blacked jimmy
this gay buck broken nigga scared of TJ
how tjKEKS gonna cope?????
Jimmy is owed sex
ah ok thanks
hornier and crazier.
Brian had to break character specifically to explain something to Jon at the basecamp.
TJ probably got an ok from the doctor to participate in 2.5 so they are more loose with mentioning him.
Jimmy really is an actual fuckin weirdo lmao
you have to not be a salty tranny to get it
Healthy thought process
Maybe he has a Sam hyde diaper fetish
They both like trans too right I think I saw something dug up on that
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Main character time
Is that creature or letty?
why is viewership much lower than yesterday?
how long until jimmy touches a woman without her consent (as a joke)?
did you miss how he assaulted all the girls he was attracted to?
>"Day 4 of nofap, considering murder-suicide"
was that really what he called her?
I'm seething and screamimg I hate Jet I hate Jet I hate Jet. Dircetor on faggot Jimmy and Letty when Xavier is in Schitty lifting weights. Why the fuck does Jon not have his camera on anymore I would be getting more non lore hot Xavier content. I'm being denied my rights.
When was he mentioned?
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You guys weren't kidding about the NPC pathing cute bit
>Xavier vs Jon Yu-Gi-Oh battle
The kino we didn't know we needed
gotta love him
>jimmy masturbating furiously to a three little pigs interracial scene. Big black wolf blowing little white homes down ie cucking their husbands.
Every day I flip flop on who is more unstable between Jon and Jimmy
>Megumin picture
cry more faggot
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How long till Sam takes Jimmy aside and tells him production made a new rule that he has to crank one out at least twice a day?
no you don’t “gotta”
wtf is "pathing"
you know what's even funnier than yelling? when the videofeed gets interrupted you cant even hear what they're screaming and it's just loud noice
I'd rather watch her do something else
Hopefully the s2 basement tapes get leaked by vance. It's the only way for him to conquer his ptsd from all the sexual violence on dirty wet mattresses
>still talking about rugrats
this is a bad sign
Blacksmith's Wife's crying animation always cracks me up
Sodaman told Jimmy Taylors dead husband will probably fight him when he comes back to life
they're like an unholy yin yang of "that kid"
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This is objectively correct
>brian not dropping character
brian stocks are rising
>I cast my rewind time spell, woo woo woo woo woo
Kek, everything Xavier says kills me
>cut, reset, back to one
the actual fucking absolute state
sodaman is a good man
considering how close he was to raping nifty on s2 it may be soon
Is this a bit or does he really like cartoons for children idek
>Tarantino biopic
i feel like blacksmith's wife is one of those weird NPC streamers
The King has abandoned his people....
>peter in S
i havent watched 2.5 at all. just catching up on recaps on youtube now.
who is this xavier guy?
>YWN suck on Brian's lactating gynecomastic nipples
why live
Elliot is literally incapable of not jimfacing
He thinks he's a cartoon character himself from watching so much of this stupid shit
Exodia time
well I suppose if you're a gay tranny you wouldn't
his cowboy voice gets more exaggerated each day lmao
seeing a blue eyes in defense position hurts.
Tea would duel circles around this girl
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the only good character finally showed up
tayleigh looks like edward norton
100% correct. Only people who hate Brian or love Taylor would disagree
>Jon holding up the plot again
Even as a kid I hated that show
Doug was another white boy humiliation ritual. He wasn't allowed to be cool or get the girl.
cope, subhuman
He's just in a food coma, he'll be back soon if he doesn't die of a cardiovascular event.
>I have business with the b- witch
Tayleigh's the real energy vampire.
He's a hot sexy vampire that mogs the Duke (Sam) and for some reason is forcing a relationship with Tayleigh (Letty would make more sense and be more entertaining I hate Tay).
I thought Doug was jewish and the cartoon was self deprecating humor for goys
>Inserting her into the shower scene in American History X
Xavier - Letty kino incoming?

Stay tuned
Bex status?
>I have business with the B..Witch
Ed Norton is more feminine
i can't believe Sam would sign off on something this unabashedly nerdy
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By far the best and most talented person on the show.
former Brian hater here, he's redeemed himself with his commitment to saying in character and being funny.
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Charls won.
fatty has been kind of lame this season, also i like jet idgaf, good list other than that
>Sam hired a random mde fangirl to follow him around with out speaking and suck his dick off camera in his new mansion
Sam is a secret nerd
I just wanna play Duel Monsters with Xavier...
Sam loves this shit
Tai almost got away with the gold
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The main character.
seethe and dilate, troon
fatty is always lame unless someone is baiting him into having screaming elmo rage
children don't know what jews are
Eric bugez doing dead lifts midday on Saturday is getting more views than last nights stream.
Sam fucks trannies to be fair
I'm not sure I don't remember any Christmas or chanukah eps
Jimmy should be contained and studied in a lab, find out what makes him tick
Now that I think about it how much did they involve judaism with rugrats i also remember some hanukah episode and the jew grandpa. The blonde white gurl is the bitch bully…. Oh no……bros what the fuck….
That anonymous mask guy is S tier. His performance was a mixture of Sam Hyde and Xavier Ravenblood. Masterfully done.

Copy and post that to /tv/
Xavier's walking around with the script
Lol what? Sam is a huge theater kid nerd, he can't get enough of this shit
>me an my big mouf
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He lost by coming back to work with the fucking nerd paymaster.

it's not a secret, he openly says his goal is to spend 10 years making that video game lol
Xavier is Simmons, screencap this.
get him in the tank
yeah kek
>chanukah eps
looking back in retrospect there were so many cartoons with chanukah episodes holy shit
This needs a bimbo tits ai edit
Schizo brain fried
They for sure did a jew candle holiday episode
I for sure remember it
Tommys family is jewish
I bet he makes his bitches rp in the bedroom too. They probably get all kinky and shit. With big purp.
is yugioh as gay as it looks
blonde, blue eyed, white women because he’s a latinx incel
Can I get a tldw so far?

I know Jimmy was being a prick
>tranny salty that Sam won't fuck him
ahhh, it all makes sense now
inb4 jon dies on the bench

the Mask Guy is actually good RP and intriguing[copy and paste in the /ftl/ thread and delete this part]
modern yugioh is
>Brian actually just walked away
this shit has unironically gave me the urge to play skyrim and yugioh
lmao wtf no way
What about Doug. I hate any show that makes whites look lame and dorky.
Why is Trish so alone?
If Jon dies on the weight bench because he called his spotter "a bitch" and then died, it would be entirely justified
seriously tho Brian should spot him because he will die
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why did she do it
No, people here are just sexless virgins and they think funny nicknames are equivalent to rape. Jimmy has been kino all morning.
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He knows to much about gay shit in Harry Potter to not have been a fan at one point.
This is literally based on the lore from Sam's video game. Its like a dry run.
you landed on one of the most Jewish kids shows ever. Did you really not know?
it was great before they added link and syncro stuff
I will say I was extremely skeptical of this bloodgames Fishtank season 2.5 thing but I've been enjoying it far more than seasons 1 and 2 overall. The director cam is great and they've put more effort into this than the last two seasons combined.
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Sam is weird
he presents himself as being this super pragmatic very masculine dude while also clearly into the arts including this roleplay stuff
you could say there are 2 wolves inside him
Yeah she's been real antisocial
Men used to be manly on TV and in movies
I am so uninterested in yugioh its unreal.
is that the one they're playing
Jon's fighting for his life under that bar
>cameraman just standing there about to film Jon's death
She's like that often. Even in S2 she would go up to B2 and just stay in there alone a lot.
is Jon just going to wear the same exact clothing for 2 weeks straight? what a dumbass
Brian trying to handle Jon's retardation is fun to watch
Has Brian said "that's fair" in the cowboy voice
shit made me really anxious
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>jon is roiding just to be fat
It's kind of cute to see Jon actually trying to get into the RP.
Emo flip. But she is one of the only few without cutting scars
What was said?
He went to failure on his warmup like a retard
kys kiwitranny
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is this rizz?
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Jon is about to tear his pec off the bone
I think he has a bunch of those tanks
A conclusion that any real man comes to is that he’s able to channel both at appropriate times. Sam is a late bloomer, that’s all. Big reason why it can be so uncanny to observe.
did jon just casually confirm that he's roiding?
>it needs to be accessible
this dude is great
damn xavier just benching 185 with no warmup
Xavier's mission is to demoralize Jon
>I'm not even touching the bar, the graphics are just dogshit
Lmao Brian is great at this
Wow, Jon is actually roiding up. Someone better euthanize this retard before he Benoits the whole camp.
She’s just as weird as Charls. Skin bleaching plastic surgery addict
Jon is so fucking loud
>they’re fishing twitter for ideas for 2.5
How the fuck is this dude even real
>I did not mean to deadname you
Oh no Xavier :O
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>Xavier unironically strength trains
They got lucky finding this guy
Yes, her pussy is literally drooling down her thighs there.
I'm shocked how much he's redeemed himself. I hated him in season 2.
he is just blasting out baby weight reps. its nothing
He wants to be seen as alpha manly guy but he's still a nerd y theater kid on the inside
>Xav called him brian
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>Xavier calmly talking shit while benching
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He has been around for years
with a mask over his face KEK
>take your penis out of my face
>xavior making brian curl that shit
Too based for this show. What a gem
>Not immediately flexing around Xeyleigh
easy bit missed
>hey little red bouncing tits.
>you sound like a girl from one of the pornos I saw
>I am not a home wrecker I don’t do that shit
Okay okay Xavier is SS+ tier then everyone else ranked below him
S2.5 IS Xaiver
that was just an optical illusion, he wasn't even touching it
Is Letty drunk?
sticky ricky del hagen always has my vote
Xavier is Tobuscus right?
xavier strength mogged jon
Looks like it
Yeah man did a total 360
and he wasn't even trying
makes me want to go back and watch The Great War again
no shes doing her awful flirty voice
Xavier is Jace from Deagle Nation.
Doug's family were white Christians, the neighbors were jews
Trve but there are many such cases. One shouldn’t spend so long inhibiting themselves as something they’re not.
nah toby isn't that based
Xavier is a god, it's not even fair
Fucking lmao
>The ones in the small hats
What happened between Xavier and Trish? She gave him the herps?
Hope they hire him in the future as well. Even if they don't do RP good actors are always useful
Oh right I remember those purple kikes
Damn nick was super jewy back then
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"I was talking with someone more intelligent than you so I'll proceed with that"

>only muslims can unlock explosion magic
>for explosion magic you need to convert to Islam
Fucking hell
>in order to unlock explosion magic you need to convert to Islam
holy fuck my sides
>You may want to unlock explosion magic if you convert to Islam
Xavier is the best
Layla inbound
had he not been banned from the park we never could have gotten this kino, he would've lived a normal life.

based park child banners.
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>the last time I used explosion magic I cost production over 27 thousand dollars
>allahu Ahkbar
“Nah nah nah that is just one of their battle cries” xavier
he's just naturally better at being entertaining and also antagonizing people plus he's likable. better than Alex Stein and Frank. he needs to have some presence in every season moving forward.
>I'd be willing to wear a burka
feminism is so flimsy
It it time to have a conversation about Xavier replacing Sam as the host of Season 3?
his name is still brian in the RP

oh wow, only problem is toby might be taller than that? idk but good call
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qrd on this morning?
I know it was "nothing" but cmon gimme something
He should replace Jet as the guy from production that regularly deals with contestants. They must have him for S3, hopefully it’s not some ancillary role
Why did The Great War filter so many people
Something is just off with 2.5, I'm not even talking about the quality problems that come with shooting outside. That creative spark isn't popping this time. I think Jet and the gang are worn out, 3 seasons in 14 months is too much desu
Jon and Xavier's relationship is carrying
He said the N word
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Jon has gone full roleplay
you are gay
There’s been lots of funny shit happening mostly due to the NPCs
>my folder of anime women
fucking kek. Xavier is too funny.
we just need new blood, characters from previous seasons aren't engaging anymore
fuck jon always blows out the mics
Never seen it. No ruse no watch.
I fucking wish
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Damn, I was in the other side of the apartment and I could hear Jon peaking my headphones sitting on my desk.
Don't worry; S3 will be starting in like a month
How has Jon lived this long?
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>Something is just off with 2.5,

Yeah the cams
This gay 2.5 LARP might change people's minds on it now in retrospect
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jimmy got couple tennis balls to cast magic on vampires that turn them gay
taylor will probably sniff jim dust with soda man later
letty is supposed to build a table for the merchant
now in return link me a kino webm on last night or just tell me what xavier did
>watching anime is gooning you incel!
Fucking lmao
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it has a real dark, satanic energy
chilling vibes
blood. blood! blood.
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Xavier can riff
Damn they've got to have a mixer in the "tent/basement" right ? They can't allow this sperg to constantly fuck audio up
>xavier is a gooner incel

kill jon, total jon death, do it king!
>I'm the biggest cock here
xavier pointing the gun at letty's head
he follows the teachings of andwew tate
Will we get Xavier face reveal at the end of the season?
I know what he looks like but it would be funny to see the fish react
He's walking around without a shirt all bloated and out of breath without even really doing much. He could barely speak the first night jon sperged out on the vamps. Kids in bad shape.
Look up Jace Connors/Parkourdude91/Deagle Nation, that's him, he was The Commander in The Great War, real name JAN (Yahn)
They need to get Jon one of these.
>Letty also going into the horse stance
>that anticlimax
Penis peeking
Letty is the best really
Sometimes old blood is better, bring back Don Jolly as lead writer
Out of all the contestants, who gives you the most fomo?
For me its Jon.
Im convinced anyday now jet will decide to shoot himself in the foot and bring frank on to shoo him off.
xavier > duke
goran you need to fire sam
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Could this be Xavier?

zoom zoom tier anime pics
the only one of those i know is Rem because of the Nikke crossover
Based taste
None of them really
Those channels like TurkeyTom really should get out a video about DeagleNation in preparation of the wave of people who are going to want to learn about Jace after this.
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and the drvnes crashed kekekekek
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>where is TJ
>I wish TJ was here
I don't think anyone will leave given that it's in the woods and if someone gets too pressured they can just hide and sleep in a bush. That's not that easy to do in a house
this is him 10 years ago.

is this a persona reference?
>that's like three syllables
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TJ proposal at the end of 2.5 confirmed
you wanted to listen to xavier and letty? too bad have some annoying tts
I hope they make Letty dress like Megumin.
please give letty some conditioner and makeup.
she said she requested an anime girl outfit from bex
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Why does Letty wear those ugly fucking glasses? they look awful
Dude just realized the blacksmith is a Shinji reference, remember his aluminum ball??

I miss S2 even tho It was stillbirth
and a jaw shave
Jace was ahead of his time. A trust master troller
Americans like jimmy are so cucked because they dont like teenagers
>smacking the gun while pointed at her head
I too like to live dangerously
very disgusting, very disrespectful. jet has no business walking around with his shirt off
>Yes, but no one would fuck her in wolf form
>I'm not familiar with the last few kanji in that sentence, you see
HAHAHAHAHA, Xavier is unironically making this entire show
xavier singlehandedly carrying this shit
Letty is such a chud
Xavier is 100% Toby Turner lol
Letty is less employable than Jon.
It's a filter so hot guys don't come onto her
Fuckin nerds.
Dude had an entire fucking kiwifarms subforum dedicated to him and no one even suspected him of it all being a troll job. He's the GOAT
>guys I'm deebly goncerned
shut up fag
That power stance
She's marriagable though
This. Greg comes in second
xavier rules. I wish they would tell john to shut the fuck up while hes talking.
For me it's adult women.
his aspergers has prepared him his entire life for this moment.
literally this and it's not even close
Imagine defrosting this ice cold bitch with her tongue
That's him, we've been repeating this for three days
Why does Letty never close her mouth, even when making sounds that require it? She uses her teeth as "lips" to make the sounds of a B, M, P, etc
The fact that Xavier has managed to adapt to a bunch of low RPing tards is commendable
holy shit xavier is so based
>I wish i was in michigan
>I want to play dark souls
I also like women in labcoats
Honorable mentions
>blacksmiths wife
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I don't know what Arkknights is
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power stance
mondomegatroons seething kek
Your tongue*
Bundyian slip
great taste
the only kind of women
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Two hour Taimanin loredump incoming?
Do people know Frank and Xavier are friends IRL?
Xavier sometimes sounds like the Jim Carrey Grinch
It will be really cringy and way too soon but somehow she still says yes
>admitting you're a tranny shill
ya hate to see it
it is impressive, and not easy to do
Jet groomed Sam (lol) on /r9k/
>Xaiver is asian

Xavier has so many poses
PLEASE bring xavier on season 3 as a freeloader around the normie wannabe reality tv people they're getting
from the close-ups, he was clearly brown
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Yes. All of Frank's best videos are edited by him and the videos that aren't are noticeably more terrible.
no he's not
he has a blond hair idiot

xavier is not asian
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Kill Frank
Hire Xavier
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whatever they are paying Xavier it isn't enough
>he didn't deny bag holding for Scam Hyde
the absolute fucking state of nuMDjeEt lololololol
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Choose wisely bitch
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Did that dope as house get swatted yet? Would be funny to see the police reaction to their larping.
>cop sees pellet gun
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xavier looks half asian
This. Also I hope theyre just as neurotic and not normal members of society
He is too powerful
You saw his eyes; if you weren't forewarned it's your own fault.
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It's Jace from Deagle Nation. Toby is too fat to be Xavier and Tayleigh has already met him.
why isnt the camera guy going behind letty so we can see her crouching
Yeah normie was wrong word, they will all be extreme narcissists hopefully
Kek What A Bagholder
Would Charles be a good freeloader?

Dont give me the usual hes above this crap, blud is a bum. He would be an even better xav
no he doesn't

his eyes don't look asian, autist
I feel like he’ll be the real plant that everyone knows about
rough 30, to deliver such kino has it's costs.....

god bless this man.
>real gun
That be so fricking edgy and epic! We are legion! MUAHAHAHAHA!
he would be amazing
I self-insert as Xavier and I've already started assembling the outfit.
Cloudsprout go knock on the door and marky post again. Wear a disguise and pretend to be one of hasan guys that will fight in his name
i think he actually would be a good character after watching the dr manslave live events
Frank has connections to pretty much anyone online that has trolled or is a lolcow
he has those irish slanted eyes, he's white he's just descended from siberia
They do well together, if it was Xavier-Xayleigh she would be 'jakking at the camera 20 times per minute by now. Letty is respectful.
tay seemed genuinely scared at the end of this lmao
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its jace, dummies
seriously, this is way more entertaining and they're just talking about anime girls
this director cam rewinding and pausing and dropping is absurd. do they even care to fix it
Don't pretend it wouldn't be kino
Not that I want random people to get hurt
Just Sam and jet and only in a video game
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He has chest hair and red toned nipples
is it me or is Greg getting noticeably fatter everyday
Letty daisuki kokujin desu ka?
>tay seemed genuinely scared at the end of this lmao
Trish wandered away and asked her chat what kind of drugs they thought Toby was on. He was fucking blasted out on something.
he snuck in food
works on my machine
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his name isnt jace. jace connors is a character

his name is jan rankowski
Wait is this legit Xavier lmao? The guy who did the bit about fighting airplane highjackers?
I want Xavier to ditch Tay and train Jimmy
Chuck would never associate with something so unclean. Jet groomed Sam on r9k
I'm just kidding they're in the woods so they probably have security with real guns incase of bear or moose
he spent all of his season 2 paycheck on food
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that duelmap is pretty nice desu
he's fatmaxxin for when frank shows up
IN MINECRAFT AMIRITE? TROLOLOLO. Le epic bacon gunshot murder!
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Letty is bestied with Effina
yes, the gamer gate guy, he's a MDE OG
He scammed his fans out of $600 and spent it all on food
Charls is not funny around people. He’s skittish and reserved in public. He isn’t like Jon or Jimmy that will start ranting to anyone who would hear.
he might be the singular best character on fishtank up to this point. consistently clever and witty guy with no misses. he churns out great one liners. i hope they include him on all future projects
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How the fuck is he uploading
Threads are slow do the shills have weekends off or something
letty needs muh dick, i wanna make her squeal in ecstacy

that isn't happening
it's possible, these guy are just guessing though
I'm starting to believe fatty put a curse on them all. Everyone else keeps any weight he loses.
Ten days will pass and people will still be asking if Xavier is Tobey
they should all be in costume like greg
All these Letty close-ups with the director cam are great
She has my ideal figure

Also, in the event that the jannies ban us there is a thread over on /bant/

well... is he?
no, Mortal Kombat my seething anon friend.
>cumbersome fantasy outfits that require constant adjusting
>lawyer tier arguments over the intricacies of fantasy game rules
>add more gothic features, werewolves, zombies
Effina is the main reason Charls crawled back to Sam, maybe you're right
KEK whoever is running the music right now rules
he scheduled that a week in advance
Yeah they need to give Letty more opportunities to fuck around with NPCs. She’s out of her element with PVP and other shit.
I'm completely giving up on talking here if we get sent to /bant/. It's already bad enough here
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Frank's original youtube where he credited people in the About section is gone, but basically if the edit has Yakuza music or is just generally over-the-top it's from Xavier. That video where Frank and Sam catfish a pedo is also edited by him iirc
Running list of birds I've heard in the background:

>Chipping Sparrow
>Pine Warbler
>American Robin
>Northern Cardinal
>Black-capped Chickadee
>Tufted Titmouse
>Red-Bellied Woodpecker
>Carolina Wren
>Eastern Wood-Pewee
>Wild Turkey
>American Crow (CAWWWW)
>Blue Jay
>White-breasted Nuthatch
>Red-eyed Vireo
>American Goldfinch
>Eastern Towhee
Don't be upset I've just been watching too many police bodycam shootouts. It's more fun then whatever they have going on now.
Letty looking mighty jewish dancing like that
>I was thinking of outsourcing the table
We all knew you were, Letty
lettys tits are yuge now.
You can set videos to release at a certain time. He probably has discord jannies edit his clips for him.
Yeah this is a miss. Takes it out of the fantasy larp. maybe it’s too hot? Would be fun to see them in random costumes that have nothing to do with the setting
a couple drinks is all it takes to unlock Charls' schizo charisma
Imagine Chuck talking to the TTS lmao
they always were, have you not seen her nudes from years ago?
based birdanon
Are you one of those pricks that traps and kills cats because they fuck up the bird population?
You niggas found out about MDE through Fishtank? All this shit was always out in the open jfc
Gigachad bird enjoyer
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abi is a princess
Wait, you're telling me Xavier is this guy?

He would be great in a setting like this, but I couldn’t imagine him hanging out in a house like a freeloader
It's the Jew in her, they don't do handy work.
did she actually cheat on charls? can't find anything about this.
She is a hohol after all
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Get charls liquored up and have him play a priest or a shaman. Guaranteed kino.
>there's retards in this thread and in the site's chat AS WE SPEAK that think Letty's tits aren't real
it is on flow here. maybe its on flows end?
They're all reddit/twitter tourists that discovered Sam from the idubbz videos
least annoying cat lover
He would immediately shut down.
I swear If they dont reference metal in the wood
keep it up man
ben tard wrangling
Ben is acting, but he's channeling his real frustration and anger over this dumbfuck retard.
>I was 4-5 when i first fired a gun
Thats a fucking cap
My dick head neighbors did that to me one time and then called animal services so I had to bail it out of the pound. They acted like they didn't know it was my cat.
Yes. Watch The Great War he has the same figure and calves.
plenty of people in the south have done that
they are absurdly big for her frame
Who said that? Sounds dangerous if true
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>Jon paid irl money to npcs to give him alcohol and items
Jon reacts like a child to that shit
hardcore disagree with everything you said. wow. the read i've gotten is mostly the exact opposite
>Thats a fucking cap
He said it waa black powder, so yeah there was likely a percussion cap
Why does Tayleigh's laugh sound like a Subaru ?
Lesbians drive outbacks and foresters
Be careful though, get him too wet and he'll start calling Sam a fucking nerd
kek on point
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fuck off to bant and never come back you fucking gooner freak
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His meltdown was the most kino thing he has done thoughbeit. A repeat of that on fishtank would be amazing
>That video where Frank and Sam catfish a pedo is also edited by him iirc
Fucking legend
Deus Ex music in that one too, expert taste
The most unbiased opinion and true. Big ups
Nta but
>you must be on the defensive and deny everything i acuse you of your you are that thing
Not how reality works

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