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Evil Scum edition
prev: >>200666316
MADE to play olive oil
sex with alien from species
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This is great, I recommend it
sex with aliens from A Quiet Place
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for me it's Touch of Death
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before the thread gets cancer can someone post lists doesnt have to be tiered
Great movie, quite deranged and original. Filmed in s house that's famous bc it was used in several giallo/horror films
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I never liked the design of the Species aliens. They have a cool concept but they look like something out of Power Rangers. They should've gone way crazier with it

What kind of horror list do you want?
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>Toxic Avenger
When the fuck is the new one with the evil midget, Kevin Bacon, and Frodo, supposed to come out?
Distribution hell apparently. Sad.
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As in, just a list of horror recommendations? Here's a chart of my favorite horror films, you've probably seen most of them but there might be a few you haven't seen yet.
Kill yourself
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Giger was a genius. we need more actually visionary artists as the basis of horror and not some design slaves just paid to pump out generic content.
watched grave encounters
not that bad
watching the second one now
yeah it's about as standard as a found footage gets, but charming for it's budget
What's the image resolution limit on here?
It should tell you. Filesize limit is 4mb though.
/hor/ meta
>cabinanon has apparently been doxed (Elliot Sawyer)
>negro piss man posted in a thread I made hours ago and didn’t even realize it

I still think it’s hilarious there’s absolutely nothing online about the new Toxic Avenger outside a single Reddit post consisting of a fan freaking out about no news while updating the post every month since February.
It doesn't. It'll tell me the video resolution limit, but for image it just says image too large even when it's under 4MB because it's referring to the resolution.
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This one’s just for you!
Actually I think his name’s the other way around. I warned that guy he’d get doxxed for posting his face and befriending the baskintranny
>file.png: Image too large (image: 9966x18000px, max: 10000x10000px)
That's why I get. Testing just under it now.
Onania Club (from the Human Centipede director) seems to be on a similar situation. Just release the movie on PVOD/streaming already
That's weird since the image I tried to upload was under <9k and <4MB, and it still reported it being too large.
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I love horror, but I haven't been feeling the genre lately. Part of it is more recent films don't emphasize the elements I like in the genre (atmosphere, moody cinematography, creative and complex creature effects, creative gore effects) and generally since films have switched to digital, the cinematography in horror films the last decade have looked cheaper and cheaper. I shouldn't be watching some cheapo, Italian schlock from the 80's and keep thinking about how it looks better than any movies from the last decade. Any comfy 80's spook-fest or creature features that aren't talked about much that are waiting to be re-discovered?
>the cinematography in horror films the last decade have looked cheaper and cheaper.
Competency crisis. 2 exceptions: In a Violent Nature and 2019's The Lodge.
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have you seen Evil Dead Trap? I watched it yesterday, good looking film.
Why did Kubrick treat her like shit?
He demanded her to do her best. Making a movie isn't a playground activity to pat ppl on the head and give them attaboys for doing the bare minimum
Anyone seen Joko Anwar's Nightmares and Daydreams recently released anthology series?
trailer for new Hugh Grant kino looked boring but the nightmarish surreal maze of death Mite b cool
Can movies like pic be considered /hor/ related?
To get the best and most realistic performance out of her. Shame she's a shit actress and you can't get blood from a stone.
It worked bc she was excellent in The Shining
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I will watch it for she, and for the cool maze.
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Haven't kept up with the /hor/ threads in a while, what's everyone's thoughts on Eggers' Nosferatu based on the trailer now?
this movie is dogshit though and is the most tonally weird movie i've ever seen. doing a balancing act of a story about schizophrenia and a murder mystery is the most mismatched combo i've ever seen and the fact that the movie is barely 90 minutes just makes me think the whole thing was half assed

I need some good found footage movies

Quarantine, cloverfield and late night with the devil

Are my favorites

Gimme something good pls
It looked a lot more modern than I expected it to... kind of just another horror look. But he did a surprising job of making that 5head nepobaby Lily Rose look good which is impressive in itself.
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I dunno I thought it worked

Everyone thinks it looks good. It won't be bad, that's for sure. Might not be a great movie, but it won't be a bad movie either.

I also didn't think it looked modern at all, in fact I was pleasantly surprised with how nice the sets looked, especially the exterior ones. Though there were a few shots where it was difficult to not see the miniatures for what they are (specifically the castle zoom and that hand shadow one).
I thought that ayyfu was going to be in it but apparently she isn't :c
She was supposed to be Mina/Ellen, but ended up having scheduling conflicts with Furiosa and couldn't do it.
Movie looks ok but trailer is misguided bc the "pls come", "he's coming" etc can have a double meaning that takes the viewer off it and, even worse, there's a satanic vibe to it (supplication on 1st scene seems dubious, as does the tagline/Christmas release on the last panel). It's as if someon tried to conflate the sacred arrival.of Christ during Christmas with a vampire's.
Eggers wouldn't do this so I guess (((who))) did this malicious trailer
Seen the original REC already? Also recommend Host and Incident at Lake County
>Though there were a few shots where it was difficult to not see the miniatures for what they are (specifically the castle zoom and that hand shadow one).
Miniatures are kino though and immediately remind me of Murnau's other films, specifically Faust.
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modern scholars agree it's most likely that jesus was a vampire
Ugly looking garbage
>>200686734 is right
I'm pretty sure her saying "come to me" is her addressing Jesus in a prayer. I've not seen the original Nosferatu but I don't believe she ever asks Dracula to 'come to her' in the original novel. If anything, the novel is quite pro-Christian.
No she's under the spell of The Count (whether they go with Orlock or Dracula is still unknown) this is an element from other Dracula adaptations and the original Nosferatu and Herzog's remake.
>that post
>ugly AI slop for a picture

can't make this shit up. fucking imbecile
totally saw the ending of grave encounters 2 coming way before the twist
This just makes me wanna see it even more.
>I'm pretty sure her saying "come to me" is her addressing Jesus in a prayer.
Perhaps she is (or it could be what this anon says >>200687909). Ultimately, the trailer's devious editing/montage makes it seem to be a satanic arrival since the other characters saying "he's coming" are referring to Nosferatu and the trailer goes into that path down to the scene at the door w 2 wolves and Willem Dafoe saying/announcing his name.
He's literally right
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my prediction that the street trash remake was gonna get released before it looking like it will come true
also still no news on Uzumaki so skeptical it will actually come this year
I wonder if it will still be a shakespearean drama on hard street living or if it'll just be a straightforward gore fest.
Probably getting my hopes up. The original has something special to it.
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I have one reason I'm optimistic for it, it's being made by the director of Fried Barry which was a great black comedy/splatter type film. Also in conjunction with Vinegar Syndrome for some reason but that doesn't hurt.
Something deep in the TMNT part of my brain just wants to see slime and toxic ooze.
Oh right I meant to watch that. ty for reminding me
So is Violent Nature actually good or is it slop?
50/50 reaction on that so far. I enjoyed it.
I wouldn't even necessarily call the original "horror", it's more like "transgressive", just trying to push the boundaries of what's acceptable to depict on film.
Tedious but worth watching. It has a theoretical approach to slashers but most of the tropes are there
I thought Joko Anwar was the guy that did that awesome VHS 2 segment about the cult and The Night Comes For Us. Turns out I was thinking of Timo Tjahjanto. I'll still check out the anthology, but first, I'm going to see all the other VHS segments Tjahjanto worked on.

>80s Creature Features
Do you consider a caveman a creature? If so try Memorial Valley Massacre. It's this low budget schlockfest about a short caveman murdering a bunch of campers. The chicks are hot enough, the tank tops are thin, and the kills are zany.
Joko's Queen of Black Magic (remake of a classic Indonesian horror) is good, I recommend it
Just watched this. Romero's short was meh, worth a watch but I'll probably skip it when I re-watch this for Argento's one, which is kino.
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Which segment has the gnarly looking corpse in it?
Argento's short
I just watched The Watchers, if you feel like watching a recent movie where 95% of the dialogue is expository maybe check it out but you should probably watch something better.
I thought Romero's one sucked but the one with >>200688733 was amazing. Harvey Keitel did a great job and the twists and turns kept you on the edge of your seat. It could've been a whole movie.

Another "interesting" 80s creature feature you might enjoy is Nightbeast. It's about an alien coming to Earth and ray gunning the fuck out of everything around him. It's sort of Predator before Predator except it's hillbillies, cops, and hunters versus a trigger happy bastard. There's some cool fights and the chicks are hot.
>>cabinanon has apparently been doxed
Smh, people need to leave the GOAT poster alone.
anwar did impetigore and satan’s slaves which rock. the netflix show wasn’t that great imo
How bad is Mother of Tears? I know it's not going to be good as Suspiria and Inferno, but is it worth a watch?
Just saw in a violent nature
The kills were super fun, but it kinda dragged at the end
>>cabinanon has apparently been doxed (Elliot Sawyer)

fucking why lmao he was chill
I doubt a man who posts that many images of himself online would care.
Co-opted the baskin roberts meme. I’ll admit a few of his songs had me in stitches but it was only a matter of time.
The same scholars who are afraid of the Cross?
Wtf jesus was a blood sucking jew?
Good, I hope autists call up his place of work and get him fired. Fucking nigger.
>his place of work
Lmao good one.
She sang this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTxMtTYjXPQ&ab_channel=PamAriasGallardo
>like horror
>every person I've met who also likes horror is some level of degenerate, many extremely so
man, I just like spooky movies
My parents like horror movies and they seem pretty normal.
Definitely not my experience.
Some of the most kindhearted people I've met irl are horror fans.
Comes with the territory I guess.
Based anon posting this in both Shelley threads currently up
>movie is rated PG13
>there's a high chance the theater will be full of teenagers, making the whole experience miserable
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Sex with MILF Natasha
What was the ending of Late Night with the Devil trying to imply? That he was arrested for murdering the little girl? Shouldn't he be treated as a hero? The bitch was clearly possessed and blatantly murdered cast members live on television, I'm supposed to believe the public were sceptical about whether or not there was demonic activity going on here and whether or not he killed her in self defence?
what. because there are sirens? I don't think that implies anything other than emergency services tend to respond to emergencies.
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101st for Spring
Is that actually good? I liked Resolution/Endless.
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Got to this one day earlier than planned and I enjoyed it. It wasn't slow at all, kills were spaced out well enough, and the Yoga kill was great. Hope to see more people play with the slasher genre and the narrative used to tell it.
Yeah I really liked it. It's one of those movies that's unpredictable and hard to pin down to one specific genre. I'd definitely recommend it. Everything those two guys do is always something worth checking out.
>Evil Dead Rise showing
>shitty adults, teens, kids, EVEN BABIES

I doubt anyone is looking at the movie rating these days.
Also, "stroller" showings are a thing now
Go to the first showing that's usually before noon. Eliminates all the retards, and you get a cheaper price some places.
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How do you rate "Digital Video Editing.."?
I don't really rate things, just a Like/Dislike, but I'd give it a 6/10. It's above average, but 90% a comedy.
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>me every single night this month

mosquitos are fucking me up good, man
>going outside
It's already 90-100+ every day. I go out as little as possible. Having bad social anxiety doesn't help either.
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but anon... I am inside
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I've watched 5 episodes so far. I wouldn't recommend it to the average anon here because most of you are hyper-critical plebs.
The first episode directed by Anwar is pretty good def watch that. I'm 2/4 on the others, more like light-horror speculative fiction ala Twilight Zone, but the premises are intriguing enough if you can tolerate the foreign language/culture barrier there's enough production value there. Some just would've been better suited to 30m instead of 50m, all seem to rehash a plot point to fill it out.
Last 2 eps sound promising
Yay. I've been waiting for this. Time to update my watch list. Most of your recs have been great.
How are mosquitos getting inside every night?
it might be OK but a lot of us care more about Eggers than Nosferatu and are disappointed feeling he's compromised on his signature vision and style to CG and familiar homage
Thanks, glad you like them. Some of those might not be horror, but my program labels them as such, mainly Low Season & I'm Thinking Of Ending Things. I update my charts once a month with all the new stuff I've seen. Also, just created a 2024 one, although it has 8 movies so far.
I'm Thinking Of Ending Things is definitely surrealist psychological horror.
Possibly, it has that horror tone to it, but mostly I see it as a psychological drama. It's also a bit too real for some people, with the tale of missed opportunities, fear of rejection, etc.
Definitely. It's a dark romance similar to Thirst. Watched it a long time ago but it has an interesting mood to it, ambiguous and ethereal. Reminds me in some ways of Let the Right One In.
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You guys like analog horror? Here's something I just watched.
The exorcism and a quiet place day one are the only horrors in theater rn. I'm assuming they're both trash
I'm thinking most films put out post 2013 are going to be trash.
The Watchers is still out in some theaters.
And how come nobody mentioned it's on torrent? Going to check it out tonight if I have time.
You're part of the problem. If you're interested in a current film, you pay for it at a cinema like a White person. But, all modern movies hate the people who pay for movies.
>he doesn't know
I have a job
Looking for a movie like JeruZalem
Day One is a solid action horror flick, Lupita and her cat carry it
>The Watchers
I just watched it and it was really quite bad. Imagine a Shyamalan movie with even more leaden overly explanatory dialogue and less visual style.
Pulse (1988)
This movie looks slicker than any 10 modern horror flicks. Story's a bit weak but it's light enough on grue that I'm surprised it isn't a modern kid horror classic like The Gate.
>featuring music by JJ Abrams
Lol wtf
The most incompetent directors/cinematographers in a low budget production will make something better looking than the most highly skilled cinematographers today. Film just looks good naturally no matter what you do with it.
she was so beautiful
I remember seeing that in a list once and thinking it was a shit post 100%. Someone really went and named their film “Digital Video Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro: The Real-World Guide to Set Up and Workflow”
Nta but I leave my patio door open too much kek
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The Pope's Exorcist sucked, but Laurel Marsden was hot as fuck in it.
Kekekek, I only noticed the timestamp now, 10/10
Same, which is why I'm curious if it's worth watching. I'm not a big fan of reading subtitles so it's already at a disadvantage for me. If it was something exceptional and noteworthy, then I'd be inclined to give it a shot.
Saw this yesterday, fun shit.
Chuckled when I realized the creepy stalker was Mac's Dad from Always Sunny, when I realized the mall was the same one from Chopping Mall, and any time Pauly Shore was on screen.
Also, Ken Foree and Morgan Fairchild.
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Based. I’ve posted that probably a dozen times but you’re the first person to point out the post date
I have 2 months of NEET left, and then I'm trying to get some WFH job, so I don't have to interact with people in person. I'll just do it when my parent is at work. Much easier on me that way.
I "discovered" that 9 out 10 times, more than one of the actresses you see in a random 80s horror movie has artistic photos online showing full, unkempt bush
Sissy plays a cute retard in The Straight Story (1999).
Not horror, just wanted to mention it
>I have 2 months of NEET left, and then I'm

Thank god this ended on a positive note.
It's what happens when Adobe funds your movie. If AVID funded it, would have been the same shit.

I can read subtitles very quickly and once you fall into the groove, it's automatic. If anything, it's good to watch just so you can say you saw it. Imagine actually related that title to someone in person. They'd be so fucking confused.
Thought it might be me going an hero or seppuku?
Not horror either but her and Redford being an old couple in love in The Old Man and the Gun was cute af
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Based Sissy appreciators. She’s a top-tier horrorfu needless to say
Her and Harper are both in Phantom of the Paradise come to think of it
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Jessica starred in Phantom but Sissy was only part of the film crew. Some trivia from IMDB:
>Sissy Spacek worked as set dresser for this film to assist her boyfriend, Jack Fisk, who was the film's production designer.
>According to Spacek, she did her job so poorly that she ruined a day's worth of filming. Spacek had also auditioned for the role of Phoenix but lost out to Jessica Harper.
What's that movie that came out in recent years about ancient humans being haunted by a dark entity?
I wanted to say Out Of Darkness, but there's no dark entity.
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heard good things about this
Oh yeah I didn't mean it to be taken like she's on screen. I just meant de Palma was doing a horrorfu mash up at all levels on that one, including everyone's hausbando
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Can't wait for this to come out in 5 days just to see the shit show reaction. Spammers, piss man, trolls, industry marketing, etc. will all make for an interesting thread. Get your popcorn ready, sit back, and watch the fireworks.
incredible how a single scene in the very first movie ruined any chance this franchise had to be successful on /tv/
She's hot
Personally I can't wait to actually see it at the theater and enjoy it, but that's just me, I love movies, not drama.
It weeds out those that are too far gone. I can unironically call it a good filter movie.

I'll watch it when I can pirate it. I liked the previous two, and I'm 90% sure I know who the killer is already. Should be a fun watch either way.
The nigger was in more than one scene.
True, everyone loves a good horrorfu mashup. The first time I heard Sterling’s narration I thought “shit, is this gonna take place in the Twilight Zone?”
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>a single scene
Did you even watch the movie?
are you a woman?
No, just not a mentally ill person who spend 90% of his life thinking about black men. You people seriously need help.
>Movie literally shows not one, but multiple interracial sex scenes
>"No it's just YOU thinking about them your schizo!"
Maybe Ti West should stop thinking about black men?
>it's from this super-old movie from like 2012 or something

Any movies about feeling old?
You know what a normal person does? They don't focus solely on black men and simply watch the movie. I'm actually serious anon, you need help. I hope you get it and can better your life.
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Anon, the movie is literally an interracial porno
You're still focusing only on black men. You have ~50 years of awake life before you die, and you choose to spend a large portion of it thinking about black men. Get help, you need it.
Are you retarded? The movie is a fucking interracial porno. There's nothing else to focus on, it's a shitty porn movie made by a retard with an interracial fetish.
So there's no killing in the movie? There's no mention of a backstory for any characters? No preacher on the TV? See how I can name things from the movie that have nothing to do with black men? That's because I'm not mentally ill like yourself. You're wasting your life thinking about black men. Fix yourself and do better. Either admit I'm right and get filtered. Your choice.
>Dude, this movie may have multiple scenes of black men fucking non-black women, but there's some wacky backstory and shitty kill scenes therefore it's great!
It's an interracial porno, it literally has a black dick shown on screen. The only mentally ill people here are the ones who enjoy watching that shit.
I'm gonna watch it at the theater. If Ti has a black musician who's probably gay fetish (this time around is a guy called Moses Sumney) that's his problem, I won't focus on that
>I was born too late to fuck her
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>here you have the famous Rörret coffee table-
Thanks for admitting I'm right. Filtered. Keep replying and talking about your obsession of black men. I won't see any of it.
That's evidently what you chose to focus on. You're embarrassing yourself
Well, there's still time for both of you.
I thought /hor/ was into gilfs?
no thanks i'm not mentally ill
>It's the "keep replying I won't see it" schizo
No wonder why you are retarded
Do you also eat expired food and try to eat around the most expired parts? Watching X and "not focusing on the bad parts" is the film equivalent of that. I want to watch a horror movie, I don't want to see black dicks on my screen.
what's the most masculine horror?
False equivalence. Again: you're embarrassing yourself. Disliking a scene and moving on is ok but you're still weirdly attached to it 2 years after the movie was released. It sounds almost like a homoerotic fixation
>Disliking a scene
>a scene
Did you actually watch the movie, or are you just mindlessly defending it? That's not a false equivalence, the film has multiple interracial sex scenes, and not just implied either, they are fully shown, they even show the black guy's dick. Again, I want to watch a horror movie, not look at black dicks.
>they even show the black guy's dick
And that's what you apparently can't get over. Let go already
Ted Bundy
Is the anon with the illegal IPTV around? Want to know if it showed the UFC PPV or not.
Those who disdain want to buy.
Anon, I have said this multiple times and I'll say it again. I want to watch a fucking horror movie, not look at black dicks. You are making it out to be as if it's just one scene, when there are multiple graphic interracial sex scenes in the film.
Only the mentally ill would want to watch that shit
should I watch the watchers?
Haven't seen it, but you should. Never know if you'll like it if you never watch it.
It's all kinds of everything, like a greatest horror hits of the past couple hundred centuries with a side of light entertainment
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Army of Darkness, of course
>watch a movie in 4K HDR etc etc etc
>can't see the difference from regular 1080p

What a waste of time, bandwidth, time and drive space.
>Dressed to Kill
What are some more horror films that make Letterboxd faggots seethe?
Hills Have Eyes is all about different fathers competing to show they're the most manly.
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Back in high school, our teacher told us to pick an adaptation of Dante's Inferno and some guy showed up with this DVD to watch in class.
I rewatched it yesterday and I still don't know how teach didn't turn it off immediately.
She aged perhaps the worst of horrorfus. I like to remember her pre-2000
Is your TV bright enough? The vast majority of them don't get bright.
Shouldn't be assigning reading that is terrifying and fucked up if teach can't handle imagery that is terrifying and fucked up.
I don't go on pozbox'd, but I assume anything with an all white straight characters would qualify.
To give her the impression she was really stuck in a Mansion with a crazy person, she was, it was Kubrick
Not sure how it works in america, but it's mandatory reading around here. 3 years, one cantica a year.
Why are Japanese posters always so badass?
Hitchcock and Kubrick really understood the importance of forcing method acting on their victims/stars
Unless you're James Stewart, since he is the acting GOAT.
I'm not up to date on the current required reading but when I was in school there were definitely things we were required to read that we wouldn't be allowed to watch if they made any type of film/animated version of. I'm merely pointing out the weird, nonsensical double standard in "education." "Normal," "educated," "well-adjusted" people in society are some of the most terrifying versions of human beings that have ever existed.
True. Along with Carrie and Blow Out, Phantom’s in my top 3 De Palma because he nor anyone else have made anything like it ever since. It’s like an improved not-gay version of Rocky Horror (same could be said about Shock Treatment)
And also like 6'3, a ww2 vet, and deeply traumatized. That might have played a part in nobody fucking with him
>on a twitch discord channel
>ummm ackshually did you know Kubrick was ackshually baaad
>Kubrick was literally an abuser of Shelly Duval
Guess zoomers are taking aim at him next.
Dude is legit one of the best people hollywood has ever seen. He was extremely devoted to his wife as well. Never divorced, cheated, or remarried after her death.
>nobody fucking with him
Except his best friend who had a fist fight with him over politics until they realized that's stupid and to just to never discuss politics again while staying best friends.
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>Except his best friend who had a fist fight with him over politics until they realized that's stupid and to just to never discuss politics again while staying best friends.
They really don't make guys like Jimmy Stewart and Henry Fonda anymore, do they?
Everyone's know Kubrick is a fucking madman for years. He pulled Clockwork Orange in the UK because someone sent him an angry letter. He held up Strangelove because he wanted a specific colour of felt on the table in the war room, when they both read the same in b&w
So I watched The Watchers (lmao "who watches the watchers" me I do) but yeah nah it wasn't very good
He started a feud with Rock Hudson because Rock Hudson got more applause at a Bend in the River screening. Part of why he's great is because he able to be both intense and absurd, but a lot of that is coming off the back of combat
>the movie is genociding me again!!
Lmao, fucking pathetic faggot
the what?
I rate Body Double higher, but i'm also one of the anons raving about Jimmy Stewart so I may have inbuilt biases that stop that being my top 3 too
Are they acting like this is revelatory news or something? It’s always been known. People only remembered again when Dr. Phil interviewed her in 2016.
Anyone current would either have to conceal how great they are or just retire early because they can't stand how hollywood is. You could say Rick Moranis since he is a devoted husband and father, choosing to semi-retire for 2 decades and spend time with the family after his wife died.
I’ve actually been a fan of Jimmy Stewart since I was a kid. Given all the classics he starred in, I get why someone would call him the GOAT.
If you don’t know, consider yourself lucky. He’s one of the worst posters on this board
don't make em like that anymore
Some stereotypical zoomers are just mediocre whiners. They have accomplished nothing and assume life is handed out to them instead of being the result of effort, education and discipline. This, needless to say, is mostly a Western/American delusion, in Asia people will ridicule and mercilessly bully snowflakes because Asians are realistic and think longterm.
>Everyone's know Kubrick is a fucking madman for years.
Wrong, Kubrick was a serious professional devoted to his craft. In this vid he concisely explains why he did several takes:
>Making up things nobody said again
Lmao, fucking pathetic faggot
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Watch Slither. It's the BBC of your horror fantasy.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You know they're getting really desperate for someone cancelable when they start going for people, long dead, who were known to be crazy or exacting..for 50 years. Yawn.

I generally agree, but let's not suggest that the leaders in Chinese dynasties historically were real, galaxy-brained long-term thinkers. Or Japan, or SE asia for that matter. Asians are good at replicating but not creating. Thats why they can be disciplined, but not as creative.
Brilliant British Cinema? But Slither isn't British?
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For me, it's BWC.
Any cool upcoming found footage movies? Or anything upcoming you're interested in.
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Horror films with this sort of feeling?
> let's not suggest that the leaders in Chinese dynasties historically were real, galaxy-brained long-term thinkers. Or Japan, or SE asia for that matter.
Compared to, say, Lyndon Johnson (1965 Act and its destructive effects on American cohesion) they were because they were all focused on the essential: a nation and a culture are predicated on racial cohesion, solidarity and effort.
>Thats why they can be disciplined, but not as creative.
They're more uniform and traditionally focus on perfecting a formula. But nowadays this has been expanded into growing creativity, from cinema/series/manga to, say, patents and innovation. While the West mopes, Asia works.
Kubrick and other directors such as Nolan, Fincher etc encapsulate a similar hard work ethic which is the only way to achieve great results.
I'm still waiting for Horror In The High Desert 3: Firewatch. Whatever streaming service already has it, just waiting to release it.
British Broadcasting Corporation
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Is getting fucked by a werewolf the ultimate white woman fantasy?
>Pajeet post his strange fetish content
>It always involves dogs or blacks
Why are they like this?
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Hopefully Trap will redeem clan Shyamalan. I think a new trailer will be out tomorrow.
Where to find a gf like this?
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Is A Clockwork Orange horror?
No. It's a dystopian scifi
Genuinely, what was the point in that scene, other than just the crew fucking around for their own amusement? Or that scene where the cops bring in that not-Gene Shalit to explain the Marx Bros? It doesn’t amount to anything, and does nothing to advance the plot. Devil’s Rejects was a decent throwback to 70s exploitation for its time, but that shit always bugged me.
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>what was the point of that scene
To be fair, you need at least a 120 IQ to understand the brilliance of Rob Zombie's films and music
Yeah, I thought the whole thing was going to be about the expired liquor that melts hobos, but it barely even qualifies as a subplot. The movie kind of reminded me of that episode of the Simpsons where it jumps around to different characters in Springfield (the one with “Steamed Hams”).
Horror to some, comedy to others.
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>white knighting for literal dog fuckers
>White knighting
What? All I was saying is that you should keep your dogfucker fetish bullshit out of here. What exactly was the reason for (You) even having that webm saved?
Art the Clown is a hook-nosed kike.
non-whites that can't get a white girl go full sour grapes and want to prove to themselves they aren't worth it, as you can see, they can't
Where does the quote "She screamed good" come from?
>Little hat
>Hook nose
>Ugly grin
What did Damien Leone mean by this?
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That Jews are psychopathic evil clowns?
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Have you guys bought the Terrifier deluxe Art edition blu-ray yet?
The outtakes of the plane scene in The Dark Knight. You can find it on the DVD extras. That was the original line before Nolan switched it at the last minute to "He didn't fly so good."
Does it also come with the glasses and figurine?
Why do you call yourself "Garlic Salt"? What are your top 10 horror kinos?
hot. what movie?
Reddit: the Post,
>Get your popcorn ready, sit back, and watch the fireworks.
You mean, get your dildo, vibrator and butt plug.
but not late enough that you still know what she looks like after she has hit the wall.
Good morning Roastie Piss Man
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It comes with a 2000 Reddit karma points.
Nobody asked, brownie
>>cabinanon has apparently been doxed (Elliot Sawye
Reddit makes me sick...
What scene?
MaXXXine's audience will be mostly male. A lot of women will watch it as well, but pretending sexy genre movies are made for women is a severe type of social cluelessness/cope.
Number 23?
About to watch "Get Out",.
What am I in for?
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wtf???? i love kittens now
The sequence where the white cameraman's gf tells them she wants to shoot a sex scene and gets on top of the porn actor-- who's black. Some anons have seethed hard because they see it as 1)interracial propaganda (which is pointless since irl women vastly prefer white men) and/or 2)cuckoldry (which is also irrelevant since if Ti dreams about his wife getting fucked by black men that's on him).
Again, it has multiple interracial sex scenes. And I don't see it as le propaganda, it's just gross.
If you let your girlfriend star in porn and film her getting fucked by other men, I'm sorry, but you're a cuck.
This poster lives in the third world where it is the morning. kek.
>Pajeet doesn't understand the joke I was making
Why are pajeets so low IQ?
India is a third world country too, Rajeesh.
>turning down good money
communist and unamerican tbph
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saving this
Where do you think you are? /hor/ might as well be /cuck. The following posts are cucked af.
>The pajeet is mass replying now
Holy fuck, you somehow just got even more retarded
Yeah I know, it is some dude defending interracial sex scenes and trying to project onto others that they are the problem for not liking it and trying to frame it as "stop thinking about black dicks then."
"cuckolding is the thinking man's fetish"
- moot
Lol probably. or the /hor/ autist's.
its almost 9 am in signapore thoughbeit
Nobody asked how you felt about them and yet once again here you are to seethe out of the blue and remind ppl there were "several" interracial scenes in X
Nobody asked Ti West to film those scenes either.
Pornhub disagrees
Of course they do, they're Jews
I think on pornhub, most BBC porn is viewed in India and USA.
Nobody asked you to watch the movie. Nobody asked you to be obsessed by them. Etc
Why do people tripfag? Serious question.
According to >>200716887 that's just Israel using a VPN
Art is based and funny.
uhh.. uhh.... indiabros???? wtf i thought we better than USA????
>Art is based and funny.
>Art is le based & funny xD uwu
No, Israel is making the porn, India is viewing it
Okay but when does someone step out from behind the shower curtain and stab the qt in the boobies?
Nobody asked Ti West to insert his fetish into a horror movie
[stares in Cronenberg fan]
Lots of redditors asked.
You likely asked too, as you are a pajeet
[stares in Clive Barker fan]
They asked Ti West to insert his black dick fetish into a horror movie?
Nobody has to ask him: he's the author, he puts whatever he feels like in his scripts, movies etc.
He isn't beholden to anyone's expectations, art is take it or leave it
Interracial sex isn't art
Guess I’ll do the honors again and switch it up this time.
You don't define what art is, you're just a random person. You can only choose what type of art you decide to experience.
Okay but interracial sex literally is not art, this is an objective fact. Black dicks are not art
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Dude, you are such a cuck.
this is (you)
Correct. It's disgusting propaganda.
Fuck off pajeet
No, it's not an objective fact. Anything can be art or approached as such.
You're just evidently obsessed with black dicks and flustered by them, which is a psychological-- probably homosexual-- effect, not an artistic assessment.
>Yeah I like looking at black dicks and I think it's art but YOU are the homosexual!

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