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https://www.youtube.com/@bigolmtwndew(Daily Taylor content)
Don't forget to subscribe!
josie is a ghetto nigger
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josie is a top dog

do you guys think she’ll actually return
lmao how did this even happen

god i love fun
ummm fishtankgroupies???
wtf does it say after the word dude?
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>cockbuddy...... lore
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I can't believe people simp for this greasy mexican guy
"dripping over a dude wearing black forces"
it was when she got pissy at trish for flirting with oliver
greasy mexican guy vs greasy fat pig
Who do you think Jet guaranteed wouldn’t return? When he was letting the fish guess who the guest was, Jimmy was referencing someone to Tayleigh and Jet, Jet said no and mentioned he gave Jimmy his word
forgot how weird she got about that
Don't do it. Taytriots started beef with Josiebros and now look where she is now. Don't tempt fate.
yeah we know abi hates whites and only likes fat beaners
>hasn’t streamed in months
>hasn’t appeared in 2.5
>deleted his twitter account after barely using it
>still the most talked about contestant
How does he do it?
thought she had a crush on trish for a good bit
Definitely Abi. Jet said he promised him before the show, and when Jimmy heard Duanyay say Abi was coming, he quietly told Soda Man "somebody is coming who's not supposed to be coming"
so true taylor doesn't need beefs
He is based
I’m straight
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Comes with the territory
oliver was a great foil to dumbgay, countering his tay favoritism by buddying up with the other three
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How's my girl Sylvia doing? She must be due soon.
funny how most of girls connected to ftl has a crush on this lil nigga
watch out!
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First for TJ is a sexual deviant creepy little weirdo who shouldnt be allowed near children or small animals
>people say he's nontent
>produces content when not even trying
> tjseethers gave some meth head texan hick $15,000 to try and cope with tj winning
unfortunately it didn't lead to much, I liked when Oliver was trying to make them team up against them
Because Reddit loves him, and theres more of them than us
>his faggot groomer fans spam him here
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Female TJ simps are far worse than male Taylor simps
Yup I didn't realize until he said it but it's def abi
TJ won.
yeah oli kept trying to get shinji activated
it’s just one eternal seether saying that kek
Love dat lil nigga mane
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based. hes a disgusting little freak.
Epstein Flight Log Challenge Status?
Rice and Milk Bucket Challenge Status?
Importance of contestant T-shirt Status?
Golden Scarab Status?
Tuition Late Fee Status?
Sgt. Pendleton's Hospital Bills status?
Tayleigh's beanie backorder status?
Bex's Bandmate Status?
Don Jolly Status?
Betty Status?
Taxcin Status?
King Thaddeus' status?
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so this shit is really jet's summer camp sim
lol its the same useless copy pasta image that has been used numerous times throughout the show , he won , got the girl , humiliated creepy jimmy and is living a good life
> here's how we beat TJ
> we give her another $15,000
get to donating
their bromance was underrated too
>no refunds
shinji was too polite/sick to do anything and tj/trish were too nice. was very frustrating
>people say tj won
>but hes legitimately low iq and cant stop shaking or stuttering
wow great life! he won! so glad his low iq parents were meth heads!
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Jimmy got rocked by this punch. If you watch the live footage he does a little chicken dance too.
Pussy pal
Reminder Jet needs your money BAD
>cant even use a comma right
based ESL! keep defending the pedo. AOC is probably 12 in your shit hole country so you dont care.
Tay will never have a job, squandered her fanbase, is fucking a methhead, and will live in a trailer the rest of her life. tbf
yeah, oliver seemed to really want him to win but he wouldn’t do anything
Its surprising it was the dwarves who outlawed alcohol I thought their kind loved it.
EPIC and HILARIOUS recurring joke about not having any money!
Literally because of Taylor and by extension her editor. Green shark giving Taylor a streaming career let's her not have to just fade into privacy with TJ and do things like 2.5 which forces him back into the spotlight
Why couldn’t Jimmy beat somebody he had at least 20 pounds on?
s2 was fascinating and i wish i'd downloaded the flowstreams archives in full so i could compile a mega autistic highlight of all the minor storylines that only the neets could keep up with
let me break it to you something bigger charls wife effina is a tj simp
lol i forgot about that dumb bit of lore
this tweet is hysterical
average face of the ftl viewer wannabe ip2 streamer
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TJ is lubecooch. Lubecooch r34 had fantasies of molesting kids as a babysitter and fucking your own daughter.

He leaked his fetish into his letterbox. Same overall fetish as the porn acc.
He went to the basement after a horse cock tts.
The ""female"" reddit account's only activity was a sexual fantasy about getting fake boobs. It was owned by a man.
good. her and tj both lost. raped jimmy lost too.
look at the weirdo head on him plus the long hair. Whenever you see pedos getting caught its always effeminate looking retards with ponytails
That's the thing that makes me have so much fomo. there's sooo many little things that are gonna be left out of the edit and basically lost to time. Just earlier I saw some season 2 clips that were some of my favorites but I completely forgot about
Jet wants you to think it's a joke but we all know deep down it isn't
Is that true? I don’t follow Charls.
im more offended by how shitty his jokes are.
>dude i cummed???
great one teej. kek.
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TJ won. You lost.
aww keep posting the same image buddy and keep crying , someone need to check you harddrive you definitely seem to hide something , project much
based shinjifag/trisha militia
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aw man
Some of them are genuinely funny. I think midwits get upset with the joke Letterboxd format, it’s not that deep.
he got the money AND the girl.... how can we compete?
nta but you tjmaxxers can barely even string a sentence together and just "no u" all the time. Why?
Cole won
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at least i have my 1,600 screencaps
This is the gayest false flag ever
I am surprised Sam isn’t fucking parading TJ everywhere considering he is actually the poster boy for the self improvement garbage he is preaching. TJ is his only successful creation.
i don't know if TJ is lubecooch or not and i don't really care if he is or not, but i wonder if there are TJ fans out there who would turn on him if it turned out to be him. like how much of TJ's support base is contingent on him not being into weird porn?
who we bitching about today?
when is jet going to start the raping again?
for being a top dog she sure doesn't treat them much with respect!
yeah if you go to tj's insta effina has liked some of his old posts
Who are the best fishtank people ever I'll start in no particular order

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why you keep bringing up hard drives lil guy? nobody mentioning anything about that.
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>Fuck off to the Taytriots, the fat faggots, chud, racist, incel bitches
because tj didnt actually change at all you fucking retard.
nice, I have like 600 caps and webms, and a bunch of clips on the site. If you're autistic enough you should try and get your hands on the archives so you can save those little moments from obscurity
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it was the best of times
I noticed Bex did that too which I guess makes sense since she was interested in his wardrobe too.
Stupid fucking face
They all know its him and like him anyway
I want a gf like her so much
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TJ literally has the Faustian spirit
Suprised people still talk about TJ, he was the winner and had the most supporters because there was no one else to root for.

Tayleigh sucked. Shinji boring.

Jimmy kamikazed, Cole was kicked, Summy was also kicked.

Peter well nobody liked him
Btw I think I figured out who The Creature is, its @voidxway on Instagram (not sure if it's been mentioned already or not).
that's because she was the main one who chose their wardrobes, dummy
you literally type the same in every post cant you try to make it less obvious that one guy is seething this hard?
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as someone who despises TJ, I'm over this shit
I know he's a weirdo
you could see on the show he's a weirdo
he's just an autist that they forced to win the show
it's fine, it's done
he's a weird little 5'5" guy who already has an uphill climb in life, I'm done hating him
our country is run by jewish pedophiles, I'm done talking about TJ
no more TJ talk please
let me rest
yep. theyre all weirdo coomer spergs too. thats why they look up to him.
You got it wrong. Sam corrupts people so they join his wigger crew, TJ couldn’t be corrupted so I am pretty sure Sam hates him. Sam is inherently an evil person.
Look at Jet and how sleazy he became.
Yeah with how many of the superchats on his streams are just asking him how to get pussy you would think he would always bring up TJ because he got him a big titted girlfriend. Maybe it’s because she liked him before all of the self improvement stuff.
People liked Brian, that's why he is back in 2.5
yes, but you tried and failed to prove it
very cute!
Hell yes.
sir , i use comma , i are not , me???
This is Fatty now
Yeah TJ was clearly Bex’s favorite even before the show started. She was crying during his victory speech.
Damn, nice. She's been on camera a bunch but I'd only seen like 5 seconds total of her face
was Tayleigh choosing to fuck the first person who reminds her of TJ her way of coping about how he got away?
I think I know who you are on twitter.
Jet… you know what you have to do.
Whatever dude. This guy will always be known as a creepy little weirdo whenever someone googles his name. And thats besides the fact that he cant talk properly or sit still. He will never live a normal life and that makes me happy
subconsciously, probably
u r a pedophile
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cockbuddy, your girlfriend, WOOF!
what do you mean i tried and failed to prove it? the only person i've doxed from fishtank is tayleigh within minutes of the cast being announced lol, i really don't give a fuck about TJ and never have, i'm fine with him winning season 2 and i'm happy he got the girl but he doesn't interest me at all.
you don’t sound happy
you’re an evil little person
Why does TJ cause this much steethe?
yeah all the production loves this lil nigga. Vance in his recent interview Said before the show started both he and the crew thought it was either tj or shinji gonna win because he thought tj seemed to be the nicest and honest and shinji would excell in all the challenges
holeh moleh OwO
nice projection FAGGOT. you worship tj because hes just like you.

>hes a twitterfag
KEK. go back there cunt.
this is still the funniest part of the whole cockbuddy thing
TJ won cope and seethe.
Remember how he was telling TJ that they would get Taylor’ boyfriend to make out with her in front of him? He is truly evil.
It must have been a huge ego blow for Tay to have rejected TJ only to have a much hotter girl immediately fall for him.
I’m convinced you have to have a screw loose to hate TJ now.
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I just like her
i'd be HER creature
Ugly scribbled on whore. Hope she kills herself.
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hey cat
yeah, production. jet just about got down on his knees and sucked his dick on the last day of s2
dam, creature, chilllll
Hideous obese freak
xayleigh the pup
I hate pedophiles and sick people and dont want to see them succeed. I want bad people to go down, and im evil for that? This is how backwards the world has become.
nice, shame about the shitty tattoos and face and personality
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that guy is norwegian common norwegian fail
kek I've had gay sex and you're gayer than me
ok now you're just getting lazy, anyway here's another (You)
We'll never understand them, because they're unknowable.
I think I do too lol there's a dude who is aggressively anti-TJ there and I see him in fishtank related replies all the time
>It must have been a huge ego blow for Tay to have rejected TJ only to have a much hotter girl immediately fall for him.
I know we're all memeing on how Jordan looks like TJ but I think TJ managing to land a hottie like Taylor was a huge blow to Tayleigh's ego, especially since TJ was her main rival in the show that her trying to secure someone like Jordan was due to her belief that she can't do any better so she might as well get the first decent looking person she can get as to 'get back' at TJ.
Who is that?
And yet you defend Simmons all the time.
speaking of tayleigh, this reminds me of the very first thing i found on her that gave me insight into her personality. before anyone knew who she was, my introduction to her was seeing her confuse ted kaczynski with jeffery epstein. truly a brilliant mind.
Tayleighs dad looks more like TJ than cockboy but still.
letty has EXITED via the bottom-left, likely to urinate
la creatura (creature, the duke's right hand... pet? )
I can tell you've gotten pussy before because this is 100% exactly how women think and you're 100% correct. She probably did it subconsciously too
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https://youtu.be/XEH9Lxi9Vw8 Full Footage of the Official BloodGames Tournament on Day 4
you are mentally ill :)
Who is it? Post him. He might also be on KF.
Who has ever defended Simmons ever
>he doesn't know
I think you've a rotten brain and you definitely thinks of lil kids and want the same to be projected on other people so you can feel good about yourself, you're sad man
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despise this coddled negger
People on KF do. They think it was all just a misunderstanding.
Tayleigh is fucking dumb holy shit, how old was she when she made that post?
He’s not a pedophile. It’s sick to just continue to condemn him and hope for suffering over something you have no proof or reason to be so invested. Seek God or something, it’s unbecoming of a man.
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I hope she's going to be alright, at the end of the day she wasn't soulesss and evil enough to be a good streamer.
thats even better than her talking up morrowind for weeks until greg brought up specific NPCs and she could only flounder "yeah man haha"
I agree with the sentiment but holy fuck this is the most obvious samefag ever. It's okay though because it made me laugh.

Disgusting pedo defender.
I know, it’s insane. He’ll get his soon.
there was one time tay joined shinji radio and told him about something and i got so mad because she was so incorrect but i cant remember what it was
Sam hyde fans are fucked in the head, ignore them.
"no u", again with this? how about you just address what I say? Imagine that
that was october 2023, two months before season 2 started.
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cockbuddy, lore!
So did Tayleigh like TJ but shot him down as to make it seem not too obvious or was she not into him until Taylor came into the house and made her looked stupid by hooking up with TJ?
You sound like a miserable and resentful person pretending your bitterness is due to taking a stand against (potentially imagined) immoral character flaws and not just that you can't understand why someone you perceive as being beneath you has good things happen to them.
You. Your only mad at TJ cause he got the girl.
pretty good
Nobody is into that retarded pedo sperg other than gold diggers like taylor
If she made that when she was like 16 or 17, I can excuse it but how can you be that retarded at age 21?
As someone who liked all of them and wished for the best outcomes: I don’t give a shit.
TJ gave her the ick nigger, youre retarded
letty has returned to her comfy comfy bed
aww a 35 year old retard is mad that a nice autistic bloke won the show and got a hot gf and you're still drooling and seething over him after 5 months
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lol that IS pretty funny now that you say that, but no I'm just the second guy. thought it'd be funny to do the opposite of what people usually say to posts like that
She said that he had a good face but was turned off by his personality. Maybe subconsciously she liked him but who knows .
is Jon actually getting pissy from alcohol withdrawal or is it a bit
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Charls won.
Damn I wonder what Mr. Jordan's personality is like then
>pedo defender tells me to seek god
I have God, why do you think im fighting this fight?
>they really brought back jan to get old fans to watch this garbage
she sad that about oliver not tj
she is just not a very smart woman at all, and not in an endearing way like letty and taylor. i would say i'm at least happy for her that she managed to get some simps to financially support her but...yeah.
probably has more so to do with the hormones related to getting huge inorganically
also if you're ever wanting to find who any of these people are, just go through the following list of people on the show. I found this girl via Taylors Instagram following. I also found the blacksmith and his wife earlier via her Twitter followings.
she has middle school projection of shit like that. She didn't want it to be awkward that she thought he was cute so came up with "his personality bad"
Isn't lying soulless and evil?
She lied that she needed a mental health break when she just wanted to get fucked by jordan and do drugs. She lied about making beanies. She lied about being le nazi to get on the show with the swastika. She lied and cheated to try to win fishtank.
someone's mad that they got caught , the feds will get you pedophile ass someday
giga cope
you faggots don't even know what "cope" is anymore
Tj is Lubecooch
she only likes faggots
>its the ESL faggot that cant use a comma again
KEK. keep projecting you pedo faggot. you and tj are both pedos.
You guys remembered Chip? you think hes involved in this season?
lol lmao even
Damn this is basically a real life vtuber.
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Scolded fan schizo headcanons, you are like the bad guy from incredibles.
this isn't season 1 anymore, letty is popular now.
Polygraph debunked it. TJ is pure in Fishtank canon.
brap bra brabraabraapp brap braa braapabrabrrbrbrbraab brraaaaap
ponder the aroma if you will
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Obese scribbled on hog
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Post best week 1 Taylor clips with actual activity
you're a retard coping by making embarrassing headcanon.
I'd pay her half my years salary to take a BIG BLACK COCK in her ass and pusse

>I dont wanna be a wife, i miss my husband!
You’re cruel and ridiculous.
"Nobody " lol , yeah literally most of the ftl girl were into him , how mad are you ? when methhead tay was asked to choose btw th and jimmy she choose tj even when she was aligned with Jimmy that tells you the everything
Does anyone have the clip of Taylor putting on Mauro's hat
Lubecooch defenders are by far the most deranged group of people on ftl. They strawman, deflect, and adhom at rates that are only seen on /pol/. I swear these pedo enablers are jidf
>the ESL that cant use a comma is still ardently defending tj
KEK. get a life faggot.
TJ liked Tayleigh, not the other way around. He hit on her a million times then she would always tell the camera "ew he's an autist".
sex with soda mans cystic but oddly alluring acne face.
>Does anyone have the clip of Taylor putting on Mauro's hat

culture status?
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Even Jimmy wanted to fuck him
>TJ fags projecting their homosexuality again
You niggas love your cuckold fantasies too
Trve, you should go to reddit.com with the rest of you tranny chasers, where they take debate very seriously!
Oh please. You attack TJ while defending Simmons. You're the one that's crazy.
Your'e all psychotic niggers
If only he were a gay hillbilly methhead living at his grandma's trailer in Kentucky.....thats how you really win the heart of Tayleigh.
it seems crazy because production sweeps for TJ right alongside the fishtank cultists, a true double wammy
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While you seethed about Frank, he smoked a cigar, he couldn't care less about her.
jon getting a quick lil workout sesh with creature
As retarded as it is these fags are genuinely making me dislike Taylor. It's like the Josie and Tayleigh simp shit all fucking over again.
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>jimmydefenders attacking lubecoochs online past while ignoring Jimmys hunts for traps on /soc/
i'm sorry it wasn't you, taytriot.
>he thinks being a pedo and a tranny chaser is the same shit
That choosing challenge was specifically "who makes women feel more safe" which no one was gonna choose jimmy for
People who dislike TJ are the ones who do the cuck shit by always insinuating that Taylor must be cheating on him with all the wiggers
same wavelength
TJ and Jimmy are meant to be
>b-buh jimmy!1!
You're legit mindbroken and an actual faggot.
pedo enablers, you are all going to burn in hell
That's how they squash the beef. By becoming faggot lovers. Like Sam and Jet.
The main difference is that Taylor is actually hot.
go after a real one not one you imagine
After he got rejected.
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I can't disagree on that at least.
Be honest. Your just mad that he's with Taylor. Who is an adult btw.
>he's not even involved with this season.
He will be soon
all the tj cuckposting after she talked to jimmy was really rich coming out of that freak fanbase
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we gottem case closed
Cockbuddy kek
nice digits. pedo enablers are rotting in hell confirmed.
I wanna see her in a bikini but I don’t trust any of you idiots to be fucking cool. Sucks. At least lettychuds know how to handle their waifu getting a lil lewd with it. I guess trial by fire for them.
debunked, find a real one
if you produced this in court, you’d be laughed out
Spiteful coalburner bitch. Her simps have no idea how much she would hate them. Then again the probably have humiliation fetishes and like that.
is this show preying on neets with fomo?
holy fucking 7th heaven quads, tj bros i don't feel so good
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Man of culture
That’s not a picture of Betty.
Even if she was at a beach with TJ people would still freak out if Taylor did something like that. Taylor fans want her to wear a burka at all times.
It's Hyde's little secret. One of many...
stop replying to yourself
I remember when he returned during the last few days and all the TTS were just abusing him lol.

That said the other fish sans Cole and production liked him.

He is more likable during 2.5, but he was an energy vaampire S2
There's probably an overlap of fans.
oh why won't tay choose jimmy who is respectful to women and certainly don't reference porn every other second over tj who is a creep and remind you jimmy was her closest ally lol
soda man sexo
>Who is an adult
With the mind of a child, tj bros...
Anyone have the clip of Taylor putting on Mauro's hat
I see the opposite. They were all jerking off to Jimmy banging her earlier.
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They couldnt give the simmons treatment to TJ bc they were too far along in the season and too many contestants were gone. If it was found out before first elim, he wouldve been booted.

Honestly TJs was worse than Simmons. Simmons was a funnier character
Anyone have the clip of Sam putting on a collar and being led around by Letty?
Why does Jon attrach girls with femcel phenotypes like flies to honey. This girl, Letty. Bring more femcels so we can test this theory.
yeah it’s become pretty clear that the large majority of tjseethers are taylorcoomers
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tayleigh is an evil treacherous witch
there's a reason clayton beat her ass
this thread is more deranged than usual
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aww the little pedo enabler was hoping those divine digits would be ignored. it's over, God has rendered his judgment, teej is lube
stop projecting you pedophila onto others
taylor is so lucky
Where is the clip of Sam eating dog treats out of Letty's hand after rolling over for her?
kekekekekekekekekekek saved
This image has been posted, compressed, and saved among so many devices that you can't even read what his comments say.
He is loobcooch accept it
Late American hours.
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this thread has taught me that all tj loobcooch/pedo accusers are just (you) addicts fiending for their fix.
I forgot. Who won season 2 of Fishtank Live? I
case closed we gottem
Did anyone save the clip of Sam pissing like a dog on all fours after Letty told him to "Go potty in the bushes"?
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Does anyone have the clip of this
Never thought I would miss the Jolly posters but here we are
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It's about that time. Post your favorite Josies.
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Remember the stream clip of Sam on Letty's stream where he unboxed the BDSM gear Letty bought for him? What did Letty mean when she called Sam "Letty's little plaything"?
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Love won (っ˘з(˘˘)
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It's unironically probably a total of like 3-5 guys at any moment just replying to each other saying the same shit over and over again
Is this the reason Sam became (quoting Sam directly) "Letty's little sissy fag boy"?
you need to stop lookin up lil kids on internet and clean your fucking brain get into the real world
Reddit and Twitter, they won
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I'm an artist guy, any moments worth memorising this season?
cool lubed up cooch cope, pedo enabler
there are a total of maybe 7 people here at night and probably 30 during the day
hes loobcooch
Was pretending to be Letty's leg rest with a ballgag in his mouth for 2 hours an "Artistic endeavor? What did Sam mean when he did that?
would you employ this gentleman?
The spastics are very easy to tell.
they picked an autistic retarded pedo as their self-insert and are now coping
He should be the warden of a psych hospital and it should be filmed
Did Letty advance the culture by pegging Sam?
this doesn't even prove anything and actually shows that there is something very sinister within you that you've been hiding and feel guilty every fucking second of your life that you have to accuse someone of the same to make you feel better ; stop gooning to lil kids ya pedophile freak
>Should've known you was trouble from the first kiss
>Had your eyes wide open, why were they open?
Was funny when he dick pressed Sam
Put him in charge of running complicated heavy machinery with no training and leave him to it
What did Sam mean when he lived under Letty's bed in a cage for a month?
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
TJ is lubecooch
>lubecooch is TJ
Its 100% him. All the evidence points to it
>He posted that months before fishtank
Wtf I thought the controversy was that he was being criticized for year old comments
>they gave away $15,000 and are now coping
why do they always live in squalor?
Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Sam has whip marks on his ass cheeks that are the exact size of Letty's BDSM whip?
severe autism, they seem pretty tight after half a year , who cares? good for them
gooners are an epidemic
lmao he even kisses with his eyes open.
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And TJ should work in daycare for young children.
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tfw you get the 50 dollar ifunny sponsorship deposit
wow that contrast with the "qt stimming mystery meat autist" character she played in S1 is jarring. She doesn't even have to pretend anymore, she's got the cucks by the leash. I'd say that's where they belong but I think those degens would just get horny. Hopefully a couple of them spend all their money and commit suicide. Based josie doing God's work on the sidelines
Why did Sam yell (in a fake gay guy voice) "Yes mistress Letty you give it to me so good" while she was pegging him?
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He enjoyed this moment with her "daughter"
production too, they knew teej was a pedo creep and still went with him because they know fishsloppers are goycattle ready to tow the line
why is he smiling like that
this is why her panties were so creamy
Highly experienced with a farmboy mindset AND he is funny? I'd make him manager.
I unironically enjoy this better than the main seasons. Production actually giving them shit to do actually leads to entertaining moments and the music/sound effect cues add a lot. Xavier is the best part of the show, along with Tai.
who's the shovel faced slag?
Is it true that Sam brings in newspapers for Letty with his mouth like a dog?
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so precious
creepy motherfucker
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Darwinian >>>> horse shit > neptunion > goranian
no the female body is just that disgusting
sure buddy , stop gooning to lil kids you freak
I’m just not sure about the future of fishtank being this. I think they’ll be pretty burnt out by July 4th. 6 weeks will be a slog.
dont post this ever again
Blame letty. She lowers the quality of the camp by having issues with cleaning.
She makes it a personality battle to clean up, therefore no one wants to do it.
TJ is a pedophile
I know I would
Season 3 might turn out pretty good
Stop gooning to Taylor. She’s a good girl and I will save her from lunecooch.
Letty isn't used to cleaning up. At home she has Sam cleaning all the floors with his mouth.
Frank said to him later that he seemed to be really enjoying the moment.

"hummm like huh noo like huuuh no"
post this at every opportunity
*these messages have been brought to you by ifunny
why do you guys hate it so much ahhah
oh now I get it its not that you're just a pedophile it also that he got the girl is what keeps you alive at night , kiddy diddler freak
Sam Hyde fans don't care that he wears dresses for Letty and calls himself "Letty's little doll"?
>I’m just not sure about the future of fishtank being this.
There is no indication that the main seasons will become this, nor any indication they will extend the in-between seasons. This is just them having fun between seasons. And I'm sure they'll change the mini seasons up. I really hope they do a summer camp slasher theme.

Haven't you posted enough?
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What is Sam and Letty's relationship?
He's such a creepy fuck
Time for a power ranking


Power Gap


Power Gap

What kind of brain dead wigger shill are you?
Just want to know what's going on between the two of them. Care to elaborate?
Im just looking forward to the reset desu
let her cook faggot
Are you just here to troll?
digesting in Bex's belly.
move Tayleigh down and maybe move Tai up but otherwise on point. Vance has done fuck all and Letty is underwhelming.
The investor stream. Jet said this is a test to see if it would work for season 3. Which starts in about 8 weeks.
How did Sam become so pathetic? What did Letty do to him?
what's sam's endgame?
Tardleigh has nothing cringe puke dyke
be a version of Channing too lazy to turn on him. Trish is the stupid version.
shut the fuck up fag
He's jewish, this is the lowest of the low
Would Don put on a collar and start sucking on Letty's toes?
I'll be shocked if they make the supposed August timeframe they've set.

September or October seem more feasible but idk, their staff for this thing seems massive compared to previous seasons so if they've got an army of wiggers working on S3 maybe they'll pull it off.
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September is in 8 weeks.
You piece of dogshit, sucking Letty's toes huh? Getting pegged by her?
Don would have Letty suck on his toes instead but hes far above such degeneracy
>there’s more than 1 gnostic faggot Jon supporters among us
Why is everyone in this thread such a degenerate nigger?
The more you love Jon the closer you are to God
How much did Sam pay mistress Letty for "Pup training?"
the more you love Jon the gayer you are, therefore the further you are from God.
Jon drives a stripper bus and tried to pimp out a girl to jimmy.
The default state of humanity is homosexuality, and God loves his all his gay children. Accept this truth into your heart and be free.
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ive been asleep the last 7 hours what has happened during that
Night 1 season 1 of fishtank Jon admitted to worshiping Y*hweh and Sam had to pull him into the basement and tell him to cut it out. He spends his time fucking (having sex with) male papists. Do a modicum of research before you blindly worship some MAN.
8 weeks from now is late August which is when they claimed S3 would air, I'm saying I think they will delay it to late September or into October. So close to 12+ weeks from now.
He's an unapologetic sinner
We as a community have decided that anal sex is the only divine sex.
>watching last night stream
>finally a good convo between xavier and jon with interesting plot
>jet: we have to wrap this up like now
Don? not sure. i would give anything to be owned and collard by Channing
>The defawt state of humanitee is homosexuawity, and God woves aww his gay chiwdwen. Accept this twooth into yow heawt and be fwee
I won't be shocked at late august. They probably already have a house. They claim to already have a cast. The tech is figured out.
Does Sam get a warm fuzzy feeling when he gets pat on the head by Letty after completing all his daily 'tasks'?
it’s crazy no one brings up jons gnostic shit. i fucking hate those kikes. i think numde /r/the_donald 2016 tourist niggers are just too stupid to even know what a gnostic is.
Nothing, just like the other days.
Lazy 'Leigh.
wtf letty killed the king
>pics of tj in high school
Oh no wonder people are talking about tj. His faggot friends are posting here.
>shout out my COCK BUDDY yeahhhh gluk gluk gluk
>knows all her family and friends are watching
trailer trash
Need clip of Taylor putting on Mauro's hat and also of her target shooting earlier
I dont even notice tayliegh most days. Except when shes jim facing
is it just me or has fatty been a lot less annoying this time?
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You know what this tank needs?

Fogive me fo I am a sinnew
He gets a lot less screen time and people aren't actively trying to fuck with him or vice versa.
Jon is fake christian.
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It's wild that there's a handful of people still seething about this goofy lil nigga.
He's still really annoying but since everything isn't centered about him this go around he's not nearly as bad, I actually like him in small doses.
>page 9
quick jet we need a new ip
based moderate tj fan who doesn't really care but saves and repost images of tj
its cuckolded taylorcels
What fish did they ask to come back along with stein?
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You guys know Jon and Letty will get married right. Jesus forgave Magdalene
anything notable happen during the night?
Jon retardness is so overpowering that all the annoying fishes from past seasons seem chill
>crew have their head down in shame
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Why is Jon your favorite
I thought so when he was the king but he's now fatty's a yapping stoner character that's super annoying so no
Because I’m a retarded nigger faggot also.
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not even close
I like Jimmy
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wrong choice but its ok
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fuck I used the wrong one
why does all the cool shit happen at night
I'd swim through a river of shit with my mouth open just to suck the dick of the last guy who fucked her.
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Tayleigh, Josie, Betty and Cole are the only fish I ever wanna see supported in here. They are the only ones who aren’t niggers, faggots, kikes, pedos or cucks.
t. Taylorcuck
>isn't a nigger
she's the poster child for white trash meth nigger
She’s based and you’re a pedo lubecoochcel
She's fucking shit and you're a white trash dyke chasing nigher
i like taylor and i like tj but they're both gooners
I’m the only one telling the truth. Go back to /bant/ where you can keep sucking tj dick with your friend bensleaks. Faggot.
betty and cole are addicted to bbc
Hi Lance. Having a good afternoon? Faggot. Keep lying bitch.
The threads are so bad this season
does anyone wanna be my cock buddy?
Yeah you an tj and jimmy and bensleaks.
i'm so glad ben died
looks like letty is shitting in town, been in there for 5 minutes, definitely not a pee.
Litteral monkey with shit tatts
She's mexican mostly, but Mexicans are dirty SO SHE'S NATIVE
Why is she so fucking pretty here.
she has pretty thoughts in her head
3 hour thread
Loves to hate her masochist simps.
Wants to quit the spotlight now that she found her prince charming.
Needs a lobotomy
Fuck 'em. Only King Cole deserves our support.
Betty is jewish and posted herself sucking a black dildo
I want TJ and Taylor make white babies
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Betty is gross and has a BBC dildo
Is this who you simp for?
great job guys. you managed to look worse than the /bant/ thread with this one.
Each season is a sanity filter and by the third pass you wind up with the worst people watching and posting
lmao what is this cope? Betty is the most degenerate person to ever be on this show
euros cant post well
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kek real
She's a spic named martinez from a phoenix nigger ghetto but let them pretend
He's ugly and I feel bad for him but he looks like he's having fun
Honorary Cherokee
who fucking cares you no-life melt
stop posting your ugly noggin
I liked Detective Cole
He went the distance
brian was a rat nosed Jew. Death to Brian
bake. NOW.
>>200686591 migrate

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