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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Italian cinema mogs the shit out of Japanese cinema edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Previous >>200668437
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Does /film/ love Hong Kong action films? John Woo and the like.
is this actually good or is it another case of Brazilians overrating everything that comes out of their country, magnified by the fact it has a heavy leftist tilt
I don't. Never cared for them. The fights are usually overly choreographed for my taste and they go on for too long to retain tension. Their action films are also very often action comedies, and that Hong Kong sense of humor doesn't appeal to me at all.
You like any action films at all?
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The few I've seen I've liked. I should get into them, they seem right up my alley. Still, I think even A Better Tomorrow isn't on the level of Kung Fu Hustle for me
Based Kung Fu Hustle enjoyer! it's literally peak cinema.
Is Kung Fu Hustle peak cinema?
Few anime films, hell I'd even say few films in general, have reached the heights to be considered "art films". End of Eva has it all: amazing animation, subtext, themes, dialogue, pacing, emotional engagement, coloring, soundtrack, likeable and memorable characters and a lot of iconic moments including some of the most referenced stills in the history of anime / kino. The only anime film I feel has reached the heights of End of Eva is Akira. Not even OG Ghost in the Shell does it for me.

Acclaimed anime film ranking (no Ghibli):

1-End of Eva 10/10
2-Akira 10/10
3-Ghost in the Shell OG 10/10
4-The Girl That Leapt Through Time 9.5/10

More acclaimed anime film ratings:

Angel's Egg 8/10
Spirited Away 10/10
Devilman OVAs: 1 - 10/10 2 - 10/10 3 - 4/10
Perfect Blue 9.5/10
Ghost in the Shell Innocence 9.5/10 (need to rewatch, sometimes I feel it's better than OG)
Millenium Actress 7/10
If you know you know. We are in the club of true /film/ lovers


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Have you even watched it?
I'd say yes, having watched just Teorema and Salo. Salo based, Teorema sucks / overblown. I think if he'd have made the film about Gilles de Rais it would have been a massive banger and a classic. Thinking of his death makes me sad because of what we lost.

Antonioni's based as shit, have just seen La notte, Blow Up and Zabriskie by him, but all 3 made an impact. Blow Up was my favorite film for a lot of time, I feel a connection to the main character hehe
Thanks for the reply.
My personal top anime (excluding Ghibli) would probably be:

1. Night on the Galactic Railroad
2. Angel's Egg
3. Perfect Blue (or pretty much anything by Kon)
4. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

>I'd say yes, having watched just Teorema and Salo. Salo based, Teorema sucks / overblown. I think if he'd have made the film about Gilles de Rais it would have been a massive banger and a classic. Thinking of his death makes me sad because of what we lost.


>Antonioni's based as shit, have just seen La notte, Blow Up and Zabriskie by him, but all 3 made an impact. Blow Up was my favorite film for a lot of time, I feel a connection to the main character hehe

oh and
5. Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise
Cool reply, I will see Vampire Hunter D and Night on the Galactic Railroad then, starting RIGHT NOW

I love A Taste of Zen but haven’t seen it in a long time.
Ninja Scroll is the better Kawajiri kino imo
It's pretty good. Too long for what it is and the story is moderately interesting.
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Nice. Hope you enjoy them.
>Watches the film three times
>Isn't capable of admitting to himself that it was kino

The absolute state of /film/
I will, this looks based

>contrived cliche fest tranime
/a/ is two doors down, bud. don't forget to finish your cereal.
Keep in mind that there's also an earlier Vampire Hunter D film from 1985. It looks nowhere near as beautiful, but it's a good introduction to the character.
Who said it was arthouse? We off topic in this bitch
It's classic tho
Yeah I'll see it too
daily reminder Pasolini got killed because of this
A masterpiece, but it's Taiwanese instead of Hong Kong
He also loves Petronius but calls Fellini’s film version “Felon’s porn film” which shows how stupid he is because the book is just as bawdy, even worse at times. A 7 yr old girl gets deflowered.
How was I supposed to pay attention to the subtle connections and themes about fate when your lead actress looks like this?
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Frederick Felon's «Eight and a half».
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is this /film/?
Hell yeah
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Angels Egg is the best one out of those listed
Sexdawg, that you?
Galactic Railroad mogs.
Weebime will NEVER be /film/. Don't post again unless you want me to call the police on you.
Wicked City is clear
I much preferred the live action version.
Same. It even had Tatsuya Nakadai.
>ghost directed by tsui hark
Ok, I'll watch it.
You're just jealous that Cumgenius speaks multiple languages and has better taste than (You)
It's just alright for me. I like my anime with more substance and less contemplation. Kinda like with Texhnolyze, I found it boring so I turned it off. Lain mogs them all anyway
Vlacilbros... our response?
/films/ like this?

>t. beauty-hating tranny
Any Romanticist /films/ to rec?

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Why does he wear the shades?
Good film but stole the ending from The Holy Mountain


is that kiyoshi i can't tell east asians apart sometimes
Imagine having this smug of an attitude to parrot the Letterboxd/reddit consensus on best anime’s. This basically confirms EOE is a complete piece of shit. Le Akira is life changing, holy fucking shit lol.
Unironically Mirror. Virgin Suicides, though it's an insult to kino. Apocalypse Now for the negative version of said image.
Doesn't look like romanticism to be honest my dude, more like impressionism. Romanticism is more like gothic shit and dudes crying over the suicide of their lover, etc.
Slack Bay
Room With a View
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What's the consensus on Tess (1979), /film/bros? Romanslop, or Polanskino?
As I just said, true romanticism is gothic shit or dudes crying over lost love. I recommend the biopic Edward Munch, kinda has the touch of a romantic film even though Munch's ouvre was expressionist. Unironically, The Dead Poets Society is a romantic film, and very entertaining too.
Wants to show the world that he's based and a alpha male

The only smug attitude is yours, bro


I been to one of Ken Russel's infamous sex parties in the Lake diatrict when I was a young man. Even met Roger Daltry
Everything from Jean Rollin. Vampires are peak romanticism
Please take your time and give us a long post with lots of details about the party, genuinely interested to read
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I like Asghar Farhadi, but this was Lifetime-tier
Let's ask the poster what was he referring to
True. Based b-movie appreciator. Also watch out for Les levres rouges
Please do
>I like Asghar Farhadi
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A while ago I watched pic related. It was interesting, I don't want to shit on it because I'm not sure if there's something there I didn't quite get. At the same time it was kinda comfy and peaceful to watch. I don't lurk these threads as much as I want to but I want to try watching more filme
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No one talks about Kieslowski here. Do you guys like him?
Pasibus arthouse
Rivette's films are improvised. They're not deep stuff. Just enjoy them for their atmosphere and tiddies.
I love Dekalog.
What do Bresson fans like about him? I'm not trying to be vindictive, i want to understand. I thought A Man Escaped was fine, Balthaszar a miserable Godless bore, and Pickpocket was also just alright. I thought I would like his films more with how much Tarkovsky loved him
What does this mean?
Polish version of McDonald's arthouse
When I saw Pickpocket I didn't know of his vision of acting, and I thought the dude doing the main role was either trolling or the worst actor ever. I liked the movie, but sometimes I laughed at the things my eyes would see, like the scene where he gets confronted and gets "angry" with a blank stare in his face. I think I'll give Bresson a chance.
Amazing then. I love Big Macs
Dude developed his own system of cinematic language that continues to impress and inspire. He had a better grasp of camerawork and editing than any other director in the narrative space. If it doesn't work for you personally, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe read his book.
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What do we think of Harmony Korine’s company EDGLRD?
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They made this vid by Bladee. Alright I guess, more interesting than most Bladee vids imo:

I also have to add that while alright, it doesn't show signs of growth since Spring Breakers, same aesthetic pretty much, they could do something different sometimes
I would if I had time. Long time ago too, lotsof drugs so its hazy. But it was out in Borrowdale, 1978.
Did you see the beach bum? Does seem like a continuation of Florida aesthetic but with gaming tech unreal engine shit mixed in
fuggin ell is thatwhat he looks like now?
Yeah, I saw it. Imo, way worse than Spring Breakers. Just kind of played out by this time. I've yet to see Aggro Dr1ft, I hope it's something different. I also hated that blonde fuck's acting in Beach Bum, Snoop saved the film to be real with you
Korine is a conman not an artist
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Yeah he’s in his 50s now
Aggro is different, should be on torrents now since they released it to stream
His autistic view of acting holds back his films. Aside from that they're great
Can you explain? I thought jdb and mister lonely were interesting
Guess it's time to get autistic myself, to truly understand him
I enjoyed it, but the entire ending scene is ridiculously bad almost to the point of parody
I am autistic myself and I love the films of Bresson because that kind of "acting" is close to how I am irl all the time
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Anyone know where I can find the full Blossoms Shanghai series to download with english subs?? Supposedly its out there.
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Are you watchin'??
Literally on Reddit. Nigga did you even try to Google? Shit took me a minute.
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how much did Östlund rip this off?
I tried and could only find the first three episodes there...l-link to thread please?
Oh yeah it was just a small number of eps. My bad. I checked every private site I'm on and no one seems to have subs for the entire show.
Force Majeure came out before this.
hell, I'll take unsubbed at this point if it's actually every episode. I'm desperate.
avistaz has the whole show, but no english subs
r8/h8 the last 10 films you watched
/film/ has been too fast these last few days. Please slow down a little guys, I have not been able to keep up with the threads. Nice to see Aristakisyan being mentioned yet again, he has to be included in the new /film/core chart whenever it gets made.
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redpill me on Palms. I watched it a couple weeks ago, and thought it was good, but nothing amazing. I felt the voiceover really detracted from the film and it would have been better if it was more similar to those old city symphony films
>Mind Game - 8/10
>Twenty Years Later - 7/10
>Three Crowns of the Sailor - 9/10
>Scenes from the Suburbs - 7/10
>It has to be lived once and dreamed twice - 9/10
>Dr. No - 7/10
>Exhuma - 7/10
>Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes - 7/10
>Palms - 7/10
>Saw X - 5/10
Manchester by the sea, but better
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Bartholomewian oneiric style rocaille
Sexdawg is currently in rehab
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I ended up watching both of his films in the same day because of how interesting the style is. It's pretty grim stuff, reminds me of other Russian depressioncore like Lopushanski a lot but maybe even better
Yeah the voiceover was kinda overbearing and really pretentious at times, but I kinda prefer these type of films to have some kind of narration instead of being silent. A Place on Earth is about the same topic but it's a fictional feature rather than documentary
I saw this mentioned somewhere. Any good?
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Finally watched it- it’s fucking great. A much needed course correction after Beach Bum. Voice over dialogue and performance is hilarious, the scenes have a repetitive drug-induced nightmare feel to them, the first great use of AI computer effects as well. Can’t imagine any other 50+ year old making a film like this, he’s back!
based, its certified kino
best film of the decade, easily
this looks incredible wtf
it was. would highly recommend
It's an embarrassing display of ebonics and pathetic appeal towards teenagers from an old man who's lost touch. Dated already on its day of release.
I enjoyed it too. Just feel kinda burnt out from watching it idk
bro 50 year olds dont look like that
what is this?
i dont catalogue every bloody film i watch so can only be a bad guess

>the end we start from - 7/10
>nowhere special - 7/10
>american beauty - 7.5/10
>oppenheimer - 7.5/10
>aftersun - 8/10
>bonnie and clyde - 7.5/10
>tenet - 2/10
>the assistant - 7.5/10
>triangle of sadness - 7/10
>tar - 8/10
have no desire to watch manchester by the sea again so a firm no from me
Teenagers would absolutely hate this.
I don’t understand people with this take or saying “it’s for TikTok”. It moves way too slow and almost hypnotic for teens or TikTok crowd. Seems like he’s almost making fun of that crowd, videogame crowd, etc.
>Seems like he’s almost making fun of that crowd, videogame crowd, etc.
Seems the exact opposite from every interview he's given in the last few years.
>tenet - 2/10
absolutely based. i hated triangle of sadness
Yeah, Korine has NEVER been sarcastic or straight up lied in interviews before….
Happy End
last travesty Haneke inflicted upon the face of cinema as an artform, hopefully his last period
There's not much difference between pretending to be retarded and actually being retareded.
Pretty big difference, you’re not pretending
You tried.
i found it tiresome. ugly and awful sounds as well.
this american black rapper culture is not for me.
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yes watch this kino if you haven't
Hardly an action film.
ostlund has been ripping of haneke since he saw Code Unknown
yeah that shit was retarded, his best is about elly
not an action film but great nonetheless.
the entire trilogy is woefully underseen, considering how good the films are.
Django (1966) 7.5/10
Martyrs 7.5/10
Evil Does Not Exist 1/10
Yi Yi 10/10
Mirror 5/10
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant 7.5/10
Persona 7/10
Stalker 6/10
Dirty Harry 9/10
Pale Rider 8/10
In the Mood for Love 5/10

Not the last 10, but at least the last 11 that I clearly remember.
I'll add Benny's Video 6/10
>some of the most referenced stills in the history of anime / kino
not a positive thing given the existence of the internet and god-awful NGE memes
>likeable and memorable characters
ppppppppffffffffffffffftttttttttttttttttttt holy fucking shit what a lie. as someone who saw all of NGE here's what i remember of the characters

rei - quiet. not a lot of lines. robot autist girl.


shinji - quiet sullen raped boy who feels the weight of responsibility on his shoulders! his father pressures him so!

captain dad - very serious. knows how serious the situation is. this looks bad. he's like a chess master!

older purple haired girl - acts like a big sis to shinji

there was also blonde haired milf in lab coat. she seemed to know some stuff...

fucking defy anyone to name other characters or even name all of those stupid characters

>Spirited Away 10/10
>Devilman OVAs: 1 - 10/10 2 - 10/10

hahahahahahaha devilman is some gay hyped up fucking garbage animation nonsense that the internet has tricked many a kid into watching. that 4-rating is more like it

spirited away is mainstream disney stuff

>Ghost in the Shell Innocence 9.5/10

oh come the fuck on lol it's worse than SAC which is significantly worse than cowboy bebop, trigun and paranoia agent

this is why people can't stand anime because you weebs ALWAYS direct 'em the wrong way towards internet list bullshit
How strong was the feeling of catharsis after watching YiYI?
1-I like Eva memes

2-This part of your comment is "top" bait

3-Both Spirited Away and Devilman are the shit. Spirited is Disney if Disney was good and wasn't Disney

4-Never saw SAC, never saw Cowboy Bebop, never saw Trigun nor Paranoia Agent
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/film/ noob here. Just watched, so much better than Breatheless. Came out only 2 years after but the caliber of filmmaking is night and day.
The use of music, that shot film, this is really ahead of its time cinema. Feels so fresh!

Anyway that kwab Godard sucks, surprised a foid could make such a good movie in the 60s.
There was none, I just felt I watched another Yang banger, as usual, but not on the level of A Brighter Summer Day
>SAC worse than Trigun

this is not a matter of opinion, this is a factually wrong statement. This just shows that you can't interact in any meaningful way with the stuff you're watching.
Your opinions on animated content are all over the place, you shouldn't talk. I don't have to dismantle the rest of your "argument".
/film/ noob here. I also watched Cleo some time ago, it was cool, I liked the dude from the military and the anxiety themes, reminds me of myself in a way, a beta guy on the one hand and an anxious woman on the other, very relatable lol
Damn. Then you guys hand out 10/10s so easily. I don't give out 10/10 unless the feeling of Catharsis lasts a few days.
I give 10s to movies I find perfect, I don't care about catharsis, in fact, my anxiety probably makes catharsis imposible atm
Watch Tokyo Twilight, best Ozu movie imo. Gave it a 10/10 despite not being that cathartic, just off intellectual and aesthetic merit alone.

But that's weird because to me art is all about catharsis. It's all about chasing that film that after watching, it's a very physical experience, like you've taken drugs, levitated from your body.
I never liked drugs to be honest, just alcohol. I tried pretty much every kind except opiates and cocaine / crack. For me art is about enjoyment, so I don't really care about films that I can't enjoy, even if they are technically very good or even perfect, that's why I gave Persona a 7/10, I just feel that on a technical level I loved the film, but the dialogue and themes made it unenjoyable to me. I don't usually like long monologue like films, a exception to that rule was Un homme qui dort, very good film
>this is the original mosfilm version
What is that even supposed to mean? It's just one restoration among the others.
I never even tried drugs. I would agree that to me it's also about enjoyment but that enjoyment is wildly variable.
"That was okay" "That was fun" "That was great!" "holy shit, I have no words...".

I don't really try to delve deep into technical aspects or why something works or doesn't work. I just watch the stuff people say is good and try to give it a chance, see what happens!
I watch stuff that people say it's great and also stuff that is supposed to be bad / controversial. I often find myself enjoying the second kind of movies more than the first.

I don't rec drugs to be honest. They don't feel that good imo, weed gave me panic attacks
her first four narrative features were quite good, with La Pointe Courte being the most inflluential and groundbreaking for arthouse cinema, her later narrative features were a bit subpar but at least she made a lot of kino documentaries to make up for it
>also stuff that is supposed to be bad / controversial.

Like "so bad it's good!"? never understood the appeal of that sort of stuff, I really can't think of anything people say is bad that is actually good.
Like a lot of the stuff people say is good is overrated Shawshank Redemption, Star Wars, half the shit on IMDB TOP 250.

But I find that if it even has a modicum of quality. People would say it's good. The would rate it like a 7/10 and you have to go in and go "no you dumbfucks it's not just a 7/10, it's a masterpiece of cinema" like Prince of Egypt.

>I don't rec drugs to be honest.

I have no interest in trying drugs. As Fedora as this sounds. I've tasted the high of intellectualism, I don't think anything can be as good as a really good film.

Which is why I find it interesting to talk to people about how they feel about films and the meta conversation around consuming films. Like 1-3 days of catharsis after watching a really good film, that's not just me guys right?
She mogged Kwab-dard all his life. That whole debacle when their friend died, I don't what it really is about, I couldn't watch outta of cringe but it's clear Kwab-dard was in the fault.
>when their friend died
You mean her fag husband, who died of AIDS.
I don't remember the details. She came to Godard with a letter but Godard refused to come out of the house and act like a proper adult.
Maybe Godard would've come out if the inconsiderate hag didn't drag a fucking documentary crew with her. I don't blame him for not wanting to be filmed for that shit.
Not really like so bad it's good. I sometimes watch films supposed to be bad to see if they are really bad, or if they are overhated / misunderstood, happened to me with Cannibal Holocaust, a movie many consider straight trash and is one of my favorites from the horror genre. Also happened the opposite way with Star Wars, as I've seen 7 parts of the main saga and I think all suck or are just mid, but I still find them entertaining every time.

>I've tasted the high of intellectualism, I don't think anything can be as good as a really good film.

I don't know if I've tasted anything; to be real with you, everything feels meaningless around me, and art is one of the few things that still makes sense to me. If it wasn't for this shit I would probably had died of sadness ten years ago, and every day kino and other forms of entertainment are what keep me going forward. Drugs never felt like something special to me, I don't condemn them, but I feel they are dangerous and pretty unpleasant feeling, at least in most of my experiences with them. I feel sex is higher than drugs and almost on par with art, but art is even higher than sex to me
>they are overhated / misunderstood, happened to me with Cannibal Holocaust, a movie many consider straight trash

Yeah, stuff like Cannibal Holocaust does garner a reputation though, It becomes a cult classic, not bad but offensive, it's an experience polarizing.
Not many movies like that. I would be interested if you could mention more examples of films that have a 'bad' reputation that you thought were good.

I think that most people have shit taste (and little exposure) but it's also the height of arrogance to assume only you can discern quality.
There are many people out there who see it too , so you just have to find your way to the correct circles, see what they care about, watch it and form your opinions.
Ok, I'll give you more examples:

-Beyond the Valley of the Dolls - Russ Meyer's work is cult, but is also seen as trash. This movie is kinda unironically great imo, nothing to really complain about here
-Pretty Baby - Nothing bad about this one, the obvious controversy comes from the supposed CP angle in it, there's none in my eyes. The movie is just a very nice period drama film
-Thriller - en grym film / I Spit on Your Grave - both rape and revenge films, both very brutal, I enjoyed them a lot, they're not for everyone though
-All of Cronenberg's films I've seen post-2010 - controversial picks, I feel Maps to the Stars and Cosmopolis were really good
-All I've seen by Harmony Korine - underrated imo, not a hack, just misunderstood. I think people don't really get Harmony's sarcasm and bizarre sense of humor
-Movies by Nic Cage / Denzel Washington / Keanu Reeves - Interview With the Vampire, Constantine and Training Day were all great. To be honest with you, I watch all of the shit that these actors make because I love them that much, specially Nic, truly underrated. He acts in shit movies, but his acting is always so passionate and real
-The Neon Demon - many people say it's dogwater, I say it's great

>I think that most people have shit taste (and little exposure) but it's also the height of arrogance to assume only you can discern quality.

I really don't care about arrogance that much these days, I just talk my talk and that's it. I think I'm as entitled to my opinions as everyone else, so I don't have much of an ego to begin with, in the case of my film taste. What's more, many people probably think my taste is ass and I don't give a fuck. I accept all and any opinions, but I don't share them unless they are something that I truly believe in. For example, I feel Hitchcock's overrated, as is Tarkovsky and Kubrick (I like Hitchcock and Kubrick though).
I'm going to sleep. Watch Ninja Scroll if you haven't it's seen as shlock but I genuinely think it's a good action movie. Might be up your alley.

Or even Wicked City it got that Refn neon look in crisp animated form
Sleep well anon. I'll check Wicked City, never heard of it
Good morning /film/
Live-action Wicked City >>>>>>> Animated Wicked City
agreed, I liked when he was obsessed over the poor white south rather than the rich weed florida. Don’t know why he switched but it’s definitely not as interesting
>Varda-fags still in shambles
Based GODard
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Watched the 4K disc of this, hadn’t seen it for years- Jesus it’s a masterpiece. Hard to put into words. I’m going to do a rewatch of Mirror soon but as of now (recency bias of course) I think this might actually be my favorite over Mirror.
Andrei Rublev is his best imo, followed by this
They're not really that subtle. And each film in that trilogy is a masterpiece. I rank Kieslowski top 5 directors of all time for eternity.
After Brakhage and to some degree Kenneth Anger, I think all of the films I once thought were "arthouse" are no longer. They're just unconventionally structured films--that good or bad has nothing to do with.
Bresson fans can be likened to Lynch fans in the sense that very small percentage of both groups understand, accept and absorb the directors' visions of cinematic form and instead focus on appreciating content of their films, "feeling the vibes" as memers like to say. Bresson is first and foremost an experimentator, incredibly important and influential, but ultimately a curiosity that stands very far apart the others - this uniqueness is also a big factor of his appeal. It's also very important to mention that Bresson's vision is unique even compared to other experimentators. In this context it's always convenient to compare him to Robbe-Grillet because despite vast differences in the theories of their visions the end results are curiously similar. Robbe-Grillet is epitome of modernism that approaches cinema with very articulated, formalized modernist theory and produces films that embody it by excising elements that are traditionally viewed as crucial: story, characters, editing flow that constitutes a clear structure, in short, removing reality of narrative and leaving only film that is concerned with itself. Manipulating filmic reality is, as everyone knows, the habitual premise of modernism. What is as astonishing about Bresson is that he does exactly the same thing but from radically different direction, different not just from cinematic point of view, but metaphysical. The best single epithet to describe Bresson's vision is Heideggerian, a vision that is concerned with ontology (being) without any mediating elements, and Bresson approaches cinema by flatlining reifying filmic elements - most visibly not only characters, but actors - and producing films that are grounded in their own filmic reality. Yes, I'm repeating myself on purpose. Bresson intuits modernism without articulating it, embodying his own purisitc approach in himself. That's why Bresson's models - conduits would be a better word - are identical to RobbG's dolls. Comment too long.
wouldn't it be por
No, es "para"
porque maricon
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Is Rohmer considered ''arthouse''? This movie just felt completely pointless
>film is supposed to be good
>doesn't end in a dance party
He's champagne bourgeoisie arthouse for people that are too lazy to read Chekhov. His films aren't bad though and are more or less consistenly excellent; the worst thing that can be said about him is that he never improved after his first few films.
"Por" indicates cause
"Para" indicates use
if the imbeciles had created Pasolini as a mockery to Antonioni you would have to use "por"
but here the imbeciles use Pasolini as a stupid substitute for Antonioni, so you use "para"
I don't care that much you know
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Metaphysical masterpiece status?
what movie
newest excrement from one of the central enemies of cinema (Hackmont)
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yikes...filtered...the images are of Brechtian complexity...
>They're not really that subtle
Good. I hate overly subtle movies for the same reason that I don't like overly subtle people. It seems like they're trying to be sneaky and refuse to communicate their points directly. This style is a sure way to make me become hypercritical of your movie as I WILL start to look at every detail closely.
he did The Great Escape!

he's a big guy
For you.
Father-daughter bonding.
You lack artistic sensitivity.
Tuesday best day of the week
Anyone who makes generalize statement is stupid.
Okay give me the non-meme, 100% unironic explanation for how Stalker is supposed to be a good movie.
The fuck did i just watch
if you need the film explained to you in order to think it's a good movie, you didn't like it. it's ok to not like critically acclaimed films as long as you can justify why
judging by the poster, I would say Showing Up dir. Kelly Reichardt
Looks like arthouse garbage
You can't make a good arthouse film today because you know you're making an arthouse film while back then, they were just making films.
i was expecting some usual indie fare, but this was much slower paced than i expected and much more opaque thematically than something like Noah Baumbach
i actually liked these elements, it was better than I expected, and I usually dislike mumblecore type stuff, but this had a very neat ambient aesthetic
One of his better films.
>Rivette's films are improvised
Not really.
Terrible movie btw
Is there a better version of Aggro Dr1ft out yet?
have you never seen a Reichardt film? all her films are like that. I'd recommend you watch Wendy & Lucy and Old Joy. those are the two best I've seen from her, although I haven't seen her last three films
look at this bullshit
Too much talking
what's the best film of the decade then smarty pants?
Might as well be Furiosa if you think Aggro Dr1ft it is.
Redpost on Escher Street
>no argument
I bet you haven't even watched it yet
Annette and Pacifiction.
the eventual 2030 vote for the "/film/'s Guide Through the Decades - 2020s" chart is going to be a shitshow, and it's going to be hilarious
Memoria, Fairytale, Annette
Sokurov did Korine's digital hogwash better.
Guys, he was only asking >>200739508. pls stop
We are currently in 2024 and not a single movie that has been released this decade is worth watching
that's not true, but I'm tired of having this conversation. every other thread just devolves into "best films of the 2020s?", "best films of 2024?", "best films of 2023?", etc, and I'm done with it. go read previous threads for your answer
His vision is augmented
Il Buco
Buck Breaking
/film/ embryo here, I liked the second half better.
I found La Pointe Courte more charming, am a big fan of docufiction me.
what's the film in your image?

First half is better. That short film is the pinnacle of the movie. The solider guy is kinda boring.
the short film was amazing, but I think the crux of the movie lies in the encounter with the friend model and the soldier guy.
>what's the film in your image?
Gesualdo: Death for Five Voices
what are some underrated films from the 80s? I feel like I've seen most of the popular ones, but I want more
Doc's Kingdom
Unironically Godard’s 80s output
Yes, Kieslowski is infinite man, he was on another level.
Moon In The Gutter
Overrated imo. Just philosophical Indiana Jones without swag
Vampiros en La Habana
Santa sangre
Ms 45
Cannibal Holocaust
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Don't say nuthin my man!
those are all highly rated except cannibal holocaust but that has cult status
what do I watch next?
Autumn Sonata
Kung Fu Hustle
already seen it

Tale of Tales. Nice and short.
Still underrated
Short Film About Killing
Then do:

Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Every John Hugues comedy
Wall Street
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
ET the Extra Terrestrial
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Dead Poets Society

some of those are overrated, none of them under
>much slower paced than i expected
give me a year
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Fat Girl
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any of these worth watching?
El Dependiente is pure kino.
You'll tell us.
maybe in 20 years. I've got around 100 other films from 1969 to watch, as well as similar numbers for just about every year before I even think about watching anything from that screenshot. UNLESS someone convinces me to move one of those films to my watchlist
That kind of reasoning is why they're underrated
off topic. you know what to do
where'd you even find this list, i have a few films from there on my watch list - the beauty, the cow, and honeycomb. i'll probably get to watching those three this year, in that order priority
it's a list I've made over the years that mainly consists of films I see mentioned either on /tv/ or in other letterboxd lists that I want to look more into before deciding if I want to add them to my watchlist or not. the problem is I just keep adding and never actually going through and looking at the films again, so now the list has ballooned up to 6,467 films
Celebration in a Botanical Garden, Eika Katappa are underrated kinos. The Witness, Honor and Glory, The Icon Stand, The Cow, Cemetery Without Crosses are good too.
can sci-fi be /film/?
Yeah, Zardoz
Zardoz is shit
Solaris exists, so yes.
No reason why not.

Tarkovsky said Solaris failed precisely because it was sci-fi
Never thought I'd see Zardoz being rep'd here. The plot is good, but the execution sucks. I still kinda like the film
>can sci-fi be /film/?
sci-fi can be boring too
Stalker is sci fi too. Didn't like it, personally

>Tarkovsky said Solaris failed precisely because it was sci-fi
So? Shitloads of people still find it to be a great movie, and Tark's movies are /film/.
Stalker isn’t sci-fi

If Tark rejects his own film then I reject it too
>Shitloads of people still find it to be a great movie
lmao no
>If Tark rejects his own film then I reject it too
Doesn't change the fact that it's /film/. Someone like Dumont is certified dogshit, but his works are still /film/.
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Dumb movie. What happens after the end credits roll. Does the rich capitalist decide to share his wealth and improve working conditions? But I really want to interface with the machine if you catch my drift.
After you
Dumont used to be /film/
Not anymore

Making a new thread.
It is sci-fi, just low budget sci-fi. "Imaginative" sci.fi
It's fantasy. A wish-fulfilling room. Come on now.
Yet I proved my claim.
I accept your concession.
>weighted average of 4.24 based on 133,768 ratings
pick literally any review site and check the consensus of the users
no need to cope so hard after being BTFO

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