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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Andrei Tarkovsky Waifu edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Prev. >>200626789
Good job with the thread title, retard.
was just about to make a thread. anyway I watched Three Crowns of the Sailor today and it was fantastic, as expected from Ruiz. he is quickly becoming one of my favorite directors
Can someone redpill me on stalker and why it was better than the sacrifice (posted it again award)
>ANOTHER /film/ thread without subject

you fucking retards can't get anything right
lowest IQ general in all of 4chan
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Are there any other art films that concern immigration and cultural clash
is this a serious question? that's like every other festivabait film
Only because this is the only film that actually paints immigration and demographic replacement in a negative light
Far From Home, about Turks in Germany. Wish I could see the remaster and not the shit VHS rip though
does it really? I don't trust Ostlund
I'm watching arthouse right now
Italian cinema is insanely shallow for how acclaimed it is. It is always, whoooa this girl is HOT, damn I am so sad. Duude life is crazy.

Meanwhile Japanese cinema cuts right to the core of the human soul, with none of the unnecessary gibberish
GOOD, I missed you guys.
Downright filtered.
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Made a thread about a topic I wanted to discuss 30 minutes ago but probably the janitors got ass mad an immediately archived it even though they allow meme and actress tits threads stay up despite having no user engagement. So my question for all the film technical aspects appreciators: let's discuss

Why did James Cameron, a big time filmmaker who had a huge responsibility of sending the wrong message to the audience by leading women in the wrong direction in life with the morals presented in this movie succeed so well by showing the arrogance of people and their trust in technology to lead them to utopia, while at the same time failing so hard by telling women to be pretentious, dramatic, emotionally volatile about every little problem in life? Why did he not worry about enabling women to make the wrong decisions in life ? Is there no honor no duty no sacrifice ? Is lust and momentary ecstasy the only way he thought women could live a fulfilling life? James Cameron, after all, did a huge amount of LSD, ecstasy and MDMA by his own admission in the 70s and 80s. Was he advocating degeneracy even if it meant cusing people's values to decay or was he just an out of touch gifted hipster pussy lost on one of his delusional daydreams born to a well off Scottish origin Canadian family whose ancestors migrated to Canada because they wanted more individual freedom and fought alongside the settlers against the natives to claim vast tracts of land for themselves?
Watch Nanni Moretti's movies
I like artistic movies but have been burnt out of them badly by the european, especially the french. If you distilled the essence of a midwit into movie format you would end up with something like Le Samourai. The contemporary hacks are terrible too. Guys like Noé, Matthew Barney or Von Trier couldn't make a decent movie to save their lives. Anyway, I didn't come in here to complain or argue my point, just wanna know if you guys can recommend me movies that would help me get over this burnout and reawaken my passion for them. Not necessarilly related but I've been thinking about giving Rohmer and Wenders a try. Marienbad seems interesting too. Dunno if that helps but I enjoyed everything I've seen from Koreeda.
>Why did James Cameron...
off topic-
For me it is all intellectual counterfeit compared to a good kung fu film.
>Classic cinema
>James Cameron loved and praised even by Andrei Tarkovsky
Thread looking grim
You can't even name five kung fu films, fucking parroting clown.
>Classic cinema
>James Cameron loved and praised even by Andrei Tarkovsky
Thread looking grim
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praise toad
I fucking love Ruiz and never see him discussed anywhere it know anyone that's heard of him.

You should try Manoel Dan's l'ile des merveilles, I've only seen a VHS copy but imagine seeing that on TV broadcast back in the day
One of the few good things in Mirror was the waifu. I bet she had a big ass
Hero is kung-fu-kino but I wanted something deeper, the kind of movie that would make me feel glad I've seen it.
You ask for too much from chinese people.
Yes I'm not kidding, I know ostlund is a bit lib brained but this is surprisingly raw and while it puts it negatively it's not forced or artificial. Highly recommended watching
Le samourai is great, as is Marienbad. Just watch b-movies bro, I'm not trolling. If you can't apreciate b-movies, maybe you can't enjoy kino anymore
It's what I've been doing. I just wanted something I could really sink my teeth in.
Oh please. 80s to 2000s China is some of the best cinema around
>I just wanted something I could really sink my teeth in.

My cock. Anyway, I'll give you some esoteric recs from my life:

>The Ascent
>The Departed
>A Short Film About Killing / A Short Film About Love
>A Brighter Summer Day
>Cannibal Holocaust
>Fucking Amal
it's on my list, but I haven't seen it yet. so far I've seen City of Pirates, Mysteries of Lisbon, Hypothesis of a Stolen Painting, and Three Crowns of a Sailor, and they are all 9 or 10 out of 10 for me
AFAIK, they might be coming soon
Ultra low iq post. JC did much to push the boundaries of cinema even more so than the pretentious pseudo intellects of european cinema. That kind of cinema is for teen hipsters who have never left the states and want to be desperately associated with exotic culture similar to the chan dweebs.
Cameron is an auteur.
>80s to 2000s Hong Kong and Taiwan is some of the best cinema around
FTFY. mainland China wasn't doing much during that time. they only really started making kino in the 2010s
Yes, chef.
Very much so. These kids make me laugh because JC may make popcorn movies but that's only because his auteur status comes from the special effects and technical leaps that his films always make. He happens to live and make movies in LA "the mecca of filmmaking of the world" in his own words, which means he has to make some profit or else he'll end up making b-movies in Europe lol.
Braindead opinion. The fifth and sixth generation directors from the 80s and 90s are the peak of mainland Chinese cinema.
maybe I just haven't seen enough. do you have any recs?
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Lmao he made the same mistake I did with the Suspiria edition a few days back
meant to add, HARDMODE: no Jia Zhangke or Zhang Yimou
>whoooa this girl is HOT, damn I am so sad. Duude life is crazy.
Sounds like they got it right, honestly.
The Horse Thief
Murder in 405
Old Well
Yellow Earth
River Without Buoys
Hibiscus Town
The Big Parade
King of the Children

Black Snow
Rainclouds Over Wushan
The Blue Kite
East Palace, West Palace
In the Heat of the Sun
Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl
A Soul Haunted by Painting
Postmen in the Mountains
don't know most of those, so I'll check them out. kind of related, are there any 7th generation directors yet?
Sure. There isn't yet a solid consensus as to when exactly it began, but younger filmmakers who started in the 2010s or 2020s usually get called seventh generation. For example, directors such as Bi Gan, Xiaogang Gu, or Wei Shujun (one of my favorites working today)
Good list. I haven't seen a ton yet but I would add Sacrificed Youth, My Memories of Old Beijing, Evening Rain, Suzhou River, Black Cannon Incident. Horse Thief is amazing and probably the 2nd best film about Buddhism after Boddhidharma (Korean movie)
enjoy your avatar slop you uncultured porkers
How do you guys know so much about the gens of chinese cinema?
I just watch the films and read about the directors and films afterwards. Simple as that. Do that for years and eventually you'll know plenty.
If I get really interested in some country or period of cinema I try to read up a bit on the background of the whole scene, the directors etc. Regarding China the 5th and 6th generation are the first acclaimed filmmakers after the cultural revolution was over
The Sacrifice is boring. Worst Tarkovsky film in my opinion (only one I haven't seen yet is the Mirror). Stalker is kino.
Ruiz deserves to be mentioned with the greats
Solaris is his worst, even Tark admitted it was a failure.
Time to watch some cultural revolution kino then
You all know what to do. Reporting for off-topic posting works.
Midwit loser probably spending your days in a darkened cave watched "Le Arte" french films.
Actually just rewatched Sombre lol, I liked it even more now than when I first saw it
James Cameron is allegedly a Masonic CIA government agent. His ex wife was in the chick version of Freemasonry. I know it sounds like bullshit but look it up, some dude wrote a manifesto about this shit.
Living the dream
well look at that, how interesting, however this topic seems fit for /x/ and not for this thread so you can fuck off now
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>Of Akira Kurosawa, Toshiro Mifune said, "I have never as an actor done anything that I am proud of other than with him".
What the FUCK did he mean by this? He worked with so many other great directors, including Kobayashi.
What are you guys into nowadays? i've been watching 70's japanese cinema, every film is at least a 7/10, it's fucking amazing

even pink films are great
Solaris failed as a total film, but I still preferred it, good and bad taken together, over the incomprehensible Mirror. At least the plot, characters, themes, etc. of Solaris all made sense and could be appreciated.
I only went on there once back in like 2013. Just wanted to throw some interesting shit out there since apparently James Cameron isn’t auteur enough for /film/ lmao
I watched Django (spaghetti western) like 2 days ago. I like b-movies and horror films, also been getting into "arthouse", with mixed and mostly bad results. I guess I could watch Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola one of these days. I liked Lost in Translation, but The Virgin Suicides was an insult to kino. Her sibling Gia also made a terrible film named Palo Alto, that was a topkek
Do any of you use a projector to watch movies? what's a good one?
>I guess I could watch Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola one of these days.
>implying we watch movies
Wow, I always thought I was the one who thought this.
I mean, besides Mama Roma, and a few little gems here and there, most of all the Italian films I've watched are complete screwballness that doesn't make a bit of fucking sense. A guy going after a girl while talking about the inner workings and philosophies of bicycles, walls, house plants, and the love of family and life--all in the same scene, mind you--when he's supposed to be trying to get the girl. I've call it schizo cinema.
Binging documentaries at the moment. The stack of films to watch has gotten so big, I needed a break. I think the last thing I watched was "Jonny Vang", and I just got done watching "Obscene".
Yes. I recommend buying an Optoma UHD50 and you'll get a better image than 99% of movie theaters.
Italian cinema is brilliant. There's no denying they reached the very peak of cinema as a nation, slowly developing from the 30s through the Neorealism and inevitable decline of the old masters in the 70s. But, unfortunately, it was shackled to the rowdy, inhuman, animalistic, shallow nation of the Italians and so every story has some stupid dance scene and an ironic boop-boop musical theme that acts as a leitmotif through the movie and their melodramatic social problems. But, again, that doesn't change the fact that, seen from a purely cinematic position, they have one of the greatest film cultures.
Tomorrow, I have set to record La Pointe Courte by Agnes Varda.
>including Kobayashi.
Samurai Rebellion was mediocre, thoughever.
I’ve got a 75” TV and atleast while I’m still living in apartments it’ll have to do… so I guess that’s forever :(
Always wanted a projector for the “theater room” in the imaginary house I’ll never own
You my kind sir lack some taste in motion pictures. I'd advice to compromise yourself o a permanent end.
60s and 50s Japanese cinema is just as good. Fuck it, 80s too
For me it's Andrey ruble as it's the only one where I felt asleep midway
Then it sounds like you’re not “getting into” arthouse and would probably do better posting in other threads
Mirror is his best, followed by Nostalghia. I enjoy you getting to watch it for the first time
I don't care for his first and last (Ivan and Sacrifice), everything else is good to great. Solaris might be mediocre but it always gets a strong emotional response from me.
I don't like Kurosawa.
No and No. Solaris is shit, mirror is a masterpiece.
Mirror has barely any coherence if you're not Russian and relate to le secret anti-Soviet messages. Sure, it's stunningly directed, but that doesn't justify watching a film. Meanwhile the stunning direction of Stalker is clearly serving a narrative purpose and communicates something very affecting about the characters. Mirror is too autobiographical.
Ivans childhood is a masterpiece what are you on about and also the sacrifice is amazing too but my problem is with Andrey rublev and Solaris. Andrey rublev, great movie but so underwhelming that I fell asleep midway through it. Don't think I've ever fell asleep before while watching a film.
Exactly what those words meant.

Kurosawa was a master, like Ozu and Mizoguchi. His films, because they seem "dated" are looked at by those without any film history as being bland or predictable, but it's because he evented most of the form they've seen five-thousand times before they got around to watching him. It's the Orson Welles phenomenon.
You fed the troll, now pay the toll
Then it sounds like you shut the fuck up and suck my dick.
Mirror sucks. Just a nothing film that means nothing. Only good thing is the blonde's ass
>Mirror has barely any coherence if you're not Russian and relate to le secret anti-Soviet messages
I’m not Russian and I found it coherent and had no issue with it at all

>Sure, it's stunningly directed, but that doesn't justify watching a film
Yes it does

>Meanwhile the stunning direction of Stalker is clearly serving a narrative purpose and communicates something very affecting about the characters
I don’t need direction to serve narrative, I don’t need narrative at all

>Mirror is too autobiographical
I found a lot to personally relate to

Isn’t cinema wonderful? We each can have different subjective experiences and your attempt at making objective, blanket statements about art is naive and useless.
Tarkovsky filtering embryos to this day.
Ivan's Childhood is a decent war movie with some nice cinematography, but there's better Soviet war movies to watch. Sacrifice is just non stop talking, the concept is good but executed in a dull way. I get he was trying to do something different and it's a real shame he died afterwards, but it's just so uninteresting compared to the style in Mirror and Nostalghia. Only the dream sequences feel like that, the floating woman and the one where he's pulling some shit out of the ground and there's snow and junked cars everywhere outside
>Barely any coherence if you're not Russian
>Secret anti-soviet message
What the fuck and what the fuck.
It was a personal film you can't dissect it with anti Soviet message or anything he(tarkovsky) never meant to portray an anti Soviet message, idk how many times you have watched that movie before arriving on that conclusion but I can assure you he never implied that at all and if anything he is only addressing his mother through 'mother Russia' if that's what you are referring to, the movie itself cannot be studied, Tarkovsky never wanted people to study it and he himself never did. In his book Sculpting in time he addressed this point that he made this movie as personal as possible and it's about his mother and his father's poems, it's something that you can only feel not dissect. It's a masterpiece in that regards so 'barely any coherence' thing is just bullshit regardless of being Russian or not everyone can relate to mirror. Not understanding and hence not liking a movie is subjective but if that's the issue is advice you to not try doing that for mirror and just let it sink in and only then can you fully experience it.
Tarkovsky's approach towards narrative and dialogue is why I've never liked his films. I'd enjoy his style much more without any storytelling, or at least with very minimalistic storytelling.
>His films, because they seem "dated" are looked at by those without any film history as being bland or predictable
You mean “retarded filtered pleb faggots” who think like that.
Honestly can’t even grasp what the fuck people mean when they call something “dated”
>Ivans childhood is a decent war movie with some nice cinematography but it's Soviet.
>Sacrifice is just non stop talking
Yeah arthouse movies are just not for you buddy go watch your Michael Bay and be happy.
No thanks - I'll just keep watching David Lynch, Gaspar Noe and Apichatong Weerasethakul and be comfy :)
>/film/ finally responds to the “mirror is shit” troll
>effortlessly BTFO him
Hopefully that retarded faggot commits suicide now
Back to r/truefilm in that case.
Smelly obese american who has never left his own flyover town pretending to be "Le cultured"
>I’m not Russian and I found it coherent and had no issue with it at all
You're just bullshitting, or you've deluded yourself into thinking you understand it all perfectly. And no, understanding bits and pieces but being confused about major chunks of the story is not understanding it, that's just a testament to its lack of understandability.

>I don’t need direction to serve narrative, I don’t need narrative at all
If you have any characters at all you have narrative. Narrative is drama. And drama is at the heart of all of Tarkovsky's movies. Of course not the drama of theatre, but it's still character driven.

>Isn’t cinema wonderful? We each can have different subjective experiences and your attempt at making objective, blanket statements about art is naive and useless.
Can you stop with your faggy pleb appeals to subjectivity? Sure, we say it's up to taste when someone is being extremely finicky in their judgement, but you don't bring it up just when someone is casually criticising a film. Real criticisms has a basis in reality, whether or not that leads to a devaluation of the artwork. Only retards shout 'ITS SUBJECTIVE' from the rooftops, because they need something to replace their utter incapacity to think about and understand art.
He was just born gifted my friend. Gifted people tend to process everything faster and develop skills earlier in life than the rest of the popular. That's what happened to him.
Check out Mike Leigh's Meantime. It's about relationships, not plots, but it's great.
>In his book Sculpting in time he addressed this point that he made this movie as personal as possible
Exactly, so what dream-images have an effect on him just have almost no effect on me. Some was beautiful, some did, but as a total, unified work, I was not affected by it. It felt like a total waste of time. I just found the emotional-world of it underwhelming. Whereas I didn't with Rublev or Stalker, or even with Solaris (when it was at its best). For example, take the famous fence scene. Nothing interesting happens, I don't care about these characters, they don't appear vital, the conveyance of mood is not as potent as in any scene from Stalker, the scene itself is uninteresting. It is a template that allows Tarkovsky to personally project his subjective feelings onto it, because I'm sure that type of image, or that type of nature, has a lot of significance for him, but it doesn't for me. I don't have this problem with any of his other movies. His other movies all are completely successful is conveying an emotional world from Tarkovsky's mind to my own. I don't care about his parents.
Try watching Melville's other films with Delon. Like Le Circle Rouge. I love their movies, and it allowed me to appreciate Le Samourai much more. It's slow pace but it's not trying to be pretentious. Nothing midwit about it. Melville is one of the least pretentious of French directors.
>being confused about major chunks of the story
I wasn’t confused about major chunks of the story. Im sorry you’re mentally retarded

>If you have any characters at all you have narrative. Narrative is drama.

>casually criticising a film
The only thing casual here is YOU with a freshman highschool level idea of art and cinema
>gets mad, has no counterarguments
>I was not affected by it. It felt like a total waste of time. I just found the emotional-world of it underwhelming.
>For example, take the famous fence scene. Nothing interesting happens, I don't care about these characters, they don't appear vital, the conveyance of mood is not as potent as in any scene from Stalker, the scene itself is uninteresting
Everyone, take note- is a textbook example of “being filtered”. Should be added to the OED as a perfect definition of the term.
how is he wrong
I’m not mad at all. I feel bad for you though.
I am forgotten
>I wasn’t confused about major chunks of the story.
It's quite literally designed to not be entirely sensical as a plot, even aside from it being non-linear. Just admit that it being partially non-sensical, call it 'dreamlike' if you want, is intentional, instead of pretending that it actually all makes sense and can be understood as a plot.

Not an argument.

Just explain to me what the worth of that scene is. I could understand it if the rest of the film justified it, which there was a potential to do, but it just doesn't happen. You can appeal to art-cinema and intuitive comprehension all you want, but if you can't analyse something as an artwork outside of it being inexplicable art that is purely intuitive then either you never understood it or it's garbage. Every artwork can be analysed.
He'd look a lot like Bresson if grew the same granny hair style.
Casey Affleck.
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Iranian New Wave is pure kino. Why is it talked about so little now?
>it being partially non-sensical, call it 'dreamlike' if you want, is intentional, instead of pretending that it actually all makes sense and can be understood as a plot
>if you can't analyse something as an artwork outside of it being inexplicable art that is purely intuitive then either you never understood it or it's garbage
Oh shit, I just remembered you’re a troll, nevermind.
A lot of it has been quite badly distributed and promoted. Most people only know of Kiarostami and Makhmalbaf.
Then it sounds like a 'you' problem nothing to do with film being bad, it evokes a certain mood, it has a dream like quality to it which resembles a dream or memory not everything is perfectly placed or have a meaning much like life itself, it just happens and it's those moments that you cherish and other parts fade away.
>it has a dream like quality to it which resembles a dream or memory
Except for the fence scene in Mirror...
No anon you're a faggot who can't resist searching up movie ending explained videos not everything has to be absolutely precise and perfect movies are about subjectivity which works both ways there is no obligation for directors nor audience to appeal to each other and mirror as a movie is certainly not meant to appeal to any demographic it's a recollection of memories, the essence of his childhood, his father's deeply personal poems and writings which certainly won't appeal to a dimwit like you who thinks you have to be a Russian in order to enjoy Russian cinema and I am not gonna waste my time on some fuckwad who can't even tell apart the difference between narrative and drama.
Any BW noir with actual nudity? Or at least more erotic than usual classic hollywood. I saw Bob le flambeur recently and oh god my olchap was twitching.
You sound uneducated and you have to read sculpting in time if this a bit too much for your comprehension as it seems like I've certainly failed to make you understand the importance of a scene or the movie as a whole so you might wanna hear it from the man himself, just give sculpting in time a read and perhaps then can you stop spewing out this 'objectively' bullshit you're on about
He might have Parkinson's then, but if he liked Bob le flambeur I would recommend This Gun for Hire. My dad had twitching spasms like that in his hands and it just got worse and worse. Hope he gets better.
>Then it sounds like a 'you' problem nothing to do with film being bad
Yeah, no shit.
>it has a dream like quality to it which resembles a dream or memory
I didn't feel that way about it.
basically the western powers, including israel, have sought to block out iranian influence by taking control long ago the production, distribution and management of mass media. this includes limiting the reach of iranian media.
To be fair, the iranian government and its censorship hasn't helped. Panahi has to smuggle his movies out now.
>western powers
meanwhile the iranian government is actively imprisoning their directors
should i watch bad lieutenant or new rose hotel tonight, watched king of new york and want more from ferrara
How did japs become so good at making movies in the mid 20th century? Was it because of the atomic bombs? If yes then I guess we need to hit a couple of nuclear bombs in america, russia, japan, uk, france.
How do I "get" Zerkalo? I feel that either you have to be Russian or be middle aged to truly appreciate it. Maybe I'll rewatch it after my mother passes away, 20 years in the future.
Sovereign states have a right to defend themselves from agents of subversive foreign influence. The necessity of harsh and seemingly unfair measures - no doubt embellished in western media with usual tyrants vs democracy pop politics tropes - is an indication of the severity of the threat.
But of course you as a wectoid wouldn't understand. And there is no need for you to understand, your only task is being a component of the outrage media complex, an upvoting button of the propaganda machine.
Heroes of the East (1978), The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978), The Eighth Diagram Pole Fighter (1984), Clan of the White Lotus (1980), Dirty Ho (1979)
Are these the only worthwhile shaw brothers production films to watch?
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I like Farhadi and the Dardenne brothers, what other directors would I like?
Pity Lake's career went to shit shortly after.
i deleted a seperation from my hard drive because of its connection to iran. where i come from (the u.s.) iran is unmistakably a state of which war must be waged against.
Retards + faggots
this shot is kinography undiluted
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I hate this ending so much. It's like Kobayashi just didn't know where to go or how to finish his movie and gave up.
>And then he died I guess lol
It ruins everything because it shows he didn't actually have an answer to anything and instead took the lazy doomer route.
agreed. hate his bullshit philosophical christcuck garbage
Any movie with an unsympathetic main character?
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all of them
shave your neckbeard
>an upvoting button of the propaganda machine
>defending a government that has banned filmmakers because their movies weren't sufficiently propagandistic
not Kobayashi's fault, its based on a book
I legitimately don't know what shitty "italian movies" have you guys watched desu, sounds like you stumbled upon commedie sexy from the 70s which is the lowest form of italian film
Boring commie slop, do yourself a favour and don't whatch it. Go for Mario Monicelli instead. Now that's good black comedy italian style
More like
>whoooa this girl is HOT, damn I am such a petit bourgeois scammer. Duude life is unvoluntary funny
What's the name of that restoration lab that makes all French films look exactly the same? Ritrovata?
i want dirty whoores to dance for me
This looks like a child ate a 1960s sci fi novel and than crapped it into the toilet and then reached into the toilet and said "movie"
Syberberg's Our Hitler
The lowest form of Italian film is contemporary Italian film
That doesn't even qualify as film
Based Nostalghia appreciator but Andrei Rublev is top 2
the pinnacle of kinema
>when the west does it, it's evil and despotic
>when the 3rd world dictatorship does it, it's rightfully defending itself from foreign subversion
how ironic. especially since you're contradicting yourself by suggesting these movies that are being 'censored in the west' are subversive propaganda.
Memories of Underdevelopment
The Emperor's New Groove
Everything with Meryl Streep as a main character
Many of us think that Mirror is shit. I haven't seen everything Tark ever did, but I guess it will suck ass just like all other overrated / canonic works like Don Quixote, the Mona Lisa, Hitchcock, etc.
What films do you like? pleb!
Terrible takes. You guys desperately need to feel above others by "liking" a terrible film that no one would care about if it weren't for it being famous, so you resort to saying whatever just to try and preserve the ego that you have put so much effort into building. TLDR: You are the reason life sucks in 2024
A lot. I've always rec'd the same shit on here.

The Ascent
The Departed
A Brighter Summer Day
A Short Film About Love
A Short Film About Killing
Eyes Wide Shut
Vampiros en La Habana
>Mario Monicelli
He was even more of a commie, dude.
Might as well suggest Pasolini as a non commie, next.
He was kinda based desu
Everyone was a commie, but they didn't roduce commie slop like fucking Moretti. Damn, I want to cut my balls off just thinking about that guy ranting about the party and shieeet
/film/ is a leftist general. Go watch The Sound of Freedom or the new Gibsonslop if communist politics in cinema bother you.
Onions oozes from this post
Political radicalism in art is good because it fuels aesthetic/formal radicalism. See Godard and Eisenstein
Knew this was coming. Just end your life
If you could read you'll understand that it's not "lefty politics" the thing bothering me about Moretti. It's just his BORING circle jerking about it. The man is a hack
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You're right, see Griffith
Finally seen Beach Rats. Love it.
No pink sky
This version’s a lie
Why would the sky be pink when it clearly isn't early morning or late evening? The DVDs had the correct sky before the first Blu-Ray release raped the film.
>lazy doomer route
compared to the lazy happy ending rainbow route
lmao I hope you freeze to death
Sky is white
Somethin ain’t right
Itis a memory, it doesnt need to be accurate
I do not endorse digitally raping the colors of classic films, sorry.
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the only lie here is your life homie, this is the original mosfilm version. the pink sky was from a later bluray rerelease
watch Herzog's bad lieutenant
Not really. The Love Eterne, Vengeance and Hong Kong Godfather are also good. They have tons of horror and martial arts (sometimes combined) stuff that is entertaining if not exactly /film/ quality
I don't even like this film and the pink sky looks cooler

Aesthetic choice
The Mosfilm Blu-Ray was released later, but it is indeed the correct one. It matches the DVD more closely and was approved by people who worked on the film.
No pink sky
Don’t give this version a buy
A choice not made by Tarkovsky, but rather some faggot in a color grading booth. Thankfully the mistake has been rectified.
It was a cool mistake then
>A choice not made by Tarkovsky, but rather some faggot in a color grading booth
You’re describing the white sky version, yes.
Proof? Why would 5254/7254 film stock show the sky as pink on a regular day?
Lol I didn't even notice the pink sky the first time I watched Mirror. I just thought "why is this nigga doctor walking around so late without any real means of transportation lol"
niggerific cope
I'm gonna believe the people who worked on the film and not one seething retard on /film/.
>obviously has a filter over it
>color information for pixels destroyed, lots of pixel crushing and missing detail
>bright luminance for sky, clouds faintly discernable because they were overexposed to begin with
>color grading in a state where it is literally impossible to go from that to here>>200691071
without nuking every frame's luminance
>niggers think this is the original
You're making too much sense for the deluded pinkskyfags. Bet they're all big fans of Ritrovata as well.
lmao like a filmmaker/cinematographer wouldn’t approve an absolutely horrid “restoration” YEAH that’s NEVER happened before topkek
kys and go to the great pink sky in heaven
Isn't it just that the image used in OP has ass quality while >>200691071 this one looks banging? When I saw the film on Bluray it had pink sky and it didn't look bitcrushed as fuck like it looks in OP
The pink is obviously a digital filter, no need to keep coping.
you can like the pink sky version, no one's gonna stop you. but don't go around saying the original is a lie again or I'll dislocate your jaw
/film/ arguing about sky color again, a tale as old as time
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This is straight from the old Blu-Ray. You don't get these results on film stock, obviously a pink digital filter. Not to mention the sky has been overexposed and pulled down in post for this release.
Yes, these people don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, like usual
are you literally fucking retarded?
i'm not sure if it's a filter over the sky, but the whole shot has a greenish filter over it. look at the shadows, they all have a green hue. this is quintessential late 90's early 2000's digital color grading.
This shit looks super blurry, my Blu-ray looked super crisp EVEN with the pink sky "filter" or whatever
Go outside sometime, autist, that's not what a sundown looks like. Besides, it's obvious from the scene itself that it was shot earlier. There are no long shadows in the environment as there would be if it had been shot late.

>look at the shadows, they all have a green hue. this is quintessential late 90's early 2000's digital color grading.
Yes, and what is green's complementary color? Magenta. Turning the low and upper ends into complementary colors is the earliest trick in the color grading book.
I take it you have sharpening or some other retard setting cranked up on your TV. That's what the release looks like.
Yes, and it looks so cool

NTA but I've seen a thousand sundowns where I live that look just like they do on Tark's film. That exact same pink color every time
Watched it on my PC monitor, not a TV, just used default settings to watch it
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What did Tarkovsky mean by this? Same sitting pose. I guess the easiest possible explaination is that he has the reminiscence of his mom once sitting in this pose with one hand holding a cig, and he thought it'd be cool to express it in the movies.
The light in the environment shows it was shot earlier. As well as the people who worked on the film.
just watched Aguirre, the Wrath of God
holy shit it's terrible
actors are literally reading lines from a sheet, completely void of emotions
the whole movie could be reduced to 5 minutes of Kinski staring menacingly into a camera
Another plotfag filtered.
what if Aguirre said he loved the smell of napalm in the morning?
Pinkskyfags: Nostalgia and cope.
Whiteskychads: Facts, history, and logic.
I guess, I was just referencing the idea that sundowns "don't look like that". they do. Also, I'm pretty sure you have never seen a sundown in Russia, in that time period, in that season, in real life, therefore, we can't know for sure
Tarkovsky would've been a pinkskyfag then.
Aguirre is the shit, wtf take
Where are the long evening shadows then, huh?
Do you have a single shred of evidence that the people who worked on the film are lying?

I accept your concession.
Germans dude, Germans can't act, their whole film scene is really held back by their inability to be human inspite of whatever creativity they display at the conceptual level.

So, I watched the Mirror years ago and one thing really stuck with me. During the war flashback the firing range commandant guy had a spot on his head that was pulsating almost like a wound. Why? It was inexplicable, no mention, but why? I don't grasp that meaning.
Thankfully he died before he could've gone senile and started digitally raping his own films.
Just watched the Exterminating Angel. The concept was interesting, and the first third of the film kept me engaged, but sadly the whole premise falls short of keeping my interest. It would have worked better as a short film.
>never experienced a soft evening sky, beautiful pink hues overhead, no long shadows anywhere, just enjoying life
I just pity your existence
makes sense
it could have been a good movie, but it wasn't
I blame the acting, or lack of
>Do you have a single shred of evidence that the people who worked on the film are lying?
They don't.
You’re not Russian, you’ll never understand the film even slightly, it’s literally impossible
What is the meaning then?
>Do you have a single shred of evidence that the people who worked on the film are lying?
I have seen people who are still alive, the filmmakers themselves, destroy their own films over what they think is “correct” or “right”
Even if you showed me a quote where Tarkovsky himself said “the sky was so fucking white that day we filmed the fence scene in the middle of the day” (which you obviously DONT have) it still wouldn’t matter because we’ve seen time and time again they ruin their own films with these horrid restorations/rereleases the fact
Now, please, shut your fucking mouth and stop talking on shit you know nothing about
No one ever referred to the sky in the film as pink before the Blu-Ray raped the film.
>hurr durr a handful of filmmakers ruined their films so therefore everyone who ever worked on films is wrong
Retard tier logic. You have zero evidence that would be the case here. The older DVD releases had a white sky. The pink sky version was a dogshit "restoration" that has now been corrected after knowledgeable people complained about it.
But how does the original film print look? How do older VHS tapes look?
>The older DVD releases had a white sky.
They always conveniently ignore this part, kek.
ive read bulgakov, turgenev, tolstoy, and pushkin but haven't bothered with tarkovsky. don't reply to me.
How do you guys feel about restored / remastered films? It is like in music, where remasters always fuck around with the spacing of the instruments / dynamic range, making it preferable to stick with OG versions of classic albums?
>You have zero evidence that would be the case here.
Show me the quotes about white sky

>The older DVD releases had a white sky.
Old DVDs look like shit from primitive scans and technique

>The pink sky version
was finally restored to the beautiful vision Tarkovsky originally intended. Braindead faggots like yourself can’t understand pink in the sky unless you’re Russian, so you try to ruin the beauty for everyone
Older releases of thousands of DVDs look like garbage, horrible color timing all over the place.
Why do you retarded faggots actually think this is remotely a good point to make? It’s actually the opposite you dumbfucks.
How so? Yes, the film is imbued in the context of Russian history, but to me it spoke of universal themes. Remember for instance the "Death does not exist" poem that is narrated during the war footage of soldiers carrying artillery across a frozen lake.
the truth is that we need more remakes. less whites, more blacks and women in leading roles would be a boon to creativity while imprinting equity on the coming generation.
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It's great when actually done well.
>Old DVDs look like shit from primitive scans and technique
Old scanners could scan pink, lmao. Don't be retarded now.
>was finally restored to the beautiful vision Tarkovsky originally intended.
Just the fact that this looks a million times more natural is enough proof these are closer to the original colors.
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Older Kodak film stocks have colors that fade away over time, even when stored in ideal conditions. Restoration are genuinely needed in many cases.
>scanning film
>HUH???? the sky is PINK??? I can’t comprehend this, I’m not Russian, something must have gone wrong, guess I’ll just retime it to pure white
This is what happened, then everyone just copied the dumb fuck

Tarkovsky came to me in a vision and told me
>This is what happened
Can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked outside and saw a nice, pure white blown out sky completely devoid of any color

You are literally fucking brain damaged, just like all the other pink sky deniers
A white sky? Thousands of times.
>Thousands of times
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nihilist gen x garbage
>mofucka where my cheeseburger nigga i'm a black ass nigga wearing sunglasses mofucka
this is high art according to their poisoned minds
Don't expect any. He'll justify anything with his own fantasies.
trash just like the child toe sucking director it came from
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you wouldn't get it
Move to a country with clean air, highly recommended.
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I trust the white/blue sky on the DVD because there's a pink sky in later scenes when it's ACTUALLY evening.
Holy fuck, that green print looks so psychedelic and shit at the same time lmao
NTA, live in Latin America, I've seen both pink skies and white skies a thousand times in my lifetime. Also orange, red, grey and even yellow and brown sometimes
Movie is very good and entertaining, but it's just a Hollywood b-movie, one of the best b-movies of all time, but still a b-movie. The retards that pretend that this shit is "deep" and the "best movie of all time" are just delusional and brainwashed at best
I live in a third world country and I saw the exact same sky colour a couple days ago don't know what anon's on about, he prolly never ventured far from shithole to experience what real world looks and feels like and there's smth called seasons
This is sarcasm? If so, terrible attempt at it, and ignorant as fuck
>shut in spergs on 4chan making embarrassing comments about what color the sky should have
it's all so tiresome
how do you even restore damaged frames like this? do they draw over the blemish?
Just leave then
>You're not Russian so you'll never understand mirror, it's impossible.
By that logic
>If you're not American so you'll never understand pulp fiction
>If you're not french you'll never understand breathless
>If you're not Indian you'll understand pather Panchali
>If you're not Japanese you'll never understand seven samurai

What a fugging retard.
Russians like to think of themselves and their culture as somehow special, I see it in here all the time
NTA, but it is a reality that we will never fully understand these movies. Emphasis on the word "fully"
>a sundown in Russia, in that time period, in that season, in real life, therefore, we can't know for sure
This is the true answer
treat the film like it's all stuff the director thought up and wanted on screen. I'm familiar with the pulsating head sensation, I've experienced it before and it seems not many people did. maybe he wanted it in. the movie is like a stream of consciousness and random thoughts melting into eachother, with barely any coherence like what you'd find in other movies that take after it.
I love it, classic /film/, way better than the last few threads
>Pulp Fiction
the lulz here is that he was ripping off French new wave and other foreign films, so wouldn’t being American still mean you won’t understand it?
One thing is to not be able to FULLY understand the movies. A different thing is to not be able to understand the film EVEN SLIGHTLY.
Unless that anon was making an hyperbole.
I have seen examples of the opposites too, those that say their movies are shite and foreigners love them because they read the subtitles, but if they understood the language and the actors speech they'd realise how lowtier those arthouse movies are.
well, yeah. language barrier alone means you'll miss out on a lot of stuff. culture barrier means you'll miss out on a ton of the subtext. even people from those countries won't fully understand the movies; it's art, full of subjectiveness, half the time it's not meant to be 'understood'
Meanwhile the FNW ripped off American cinema. Time is a flat circle.
If it's a static shot, they can copy-paste parts from adjacent frames that aren't torn.
If there's motion, some digital painting may be involved.
I see Swedes say that about Bergman often
remember when this piece of shit won palme d'or lmao
no, I wasn't alive back then
>if they understood the language and the actors speech they'd realise how lowtier those arthouse movies are
I’ve had this thought every once in awhile. Reading dialogue is much different than solely hearing it recited. Dialogue that sounds cringe when spoken comes across better when read.
I bet some english language films could work better if they were subtitled and in a foreign language too.
Well, the dialogue in Persona wasn't it, to be fair with you...
This is why AI needs to redub every film in whatever language preference you choose
I remember it getting boos and protests when it won, those heroes stood up for what was right
Which were the runner ups?
The pink hue of the sky in some versions of Andrei Tarkovsky's "Mirror" is due to restoration errors, particularly with the early Kino DVD release. This alteration was not present in the original 1975 version. Recent restorations, like those by the Criterion Collection, have aimed to correct these errors and restore the film's natural hues as Tarkovsky intended [[]](https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/7453-mirror-all-is-immortal). For more detailed information, you can visit the [Criterion Collection's article](https://www.criterion.com/current/posts/7637-mirror-all-is-immortal).
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this is already a thing
So why did they go full pink with the bluray release? Did they just say "fuck it" and go with it?
>This alteration was not present in the original 1975 version

>trusting anything Criterion says
Still a dumb logic
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Explain yourself
*falls off the fence*
Anime is seriously underrated on /film/ circles. Bastards will never know the truth
I've noticed that voice actors are way better than the actual actors. It could also be that the audio quality of a studio recording is better than the direct drive one. So when you watch an original is always worse and cringier than the dubbed version
Watched it and didn't like it. Nice visuals though and at least it's better than the rebuild abortions.
It was the last major art movement before everything gone to shit and no one cared seriously cared about art or intellectualism anymore.
it needs a very strong critical revaluation but it doesn't matter. There are no more genuine /film/ or intellectual circles.
I guess the easiest possible explanation is that he likes the actress butt and wanted to include it in the frame
>So when you watch an original is always worse and cringier than the dubbed version
Any time the sound doesn't match the movement of the lips it becomes gigacringe tho
Well, it depends. I think some languages work better than others
Did you see the show before seeing it? Mindblowing take to be honest with you. Perfect movie, 10/10.

Rebuild rankings:

1.11 6/10
2.22 7.5/10
3.33 4/10
4.44 9.5/10
What butt? He needed a black actress for that role I'm afraid
The issue with dubs is that they almost never bother to do proper impulse response mixing. Too often the voices sound like some retard in a recording booth, and not like the character in the environment they're in. Can't stand it.
is this actually good or is it another case of Brazilians overrating everything that comes out of their country, magnified by the fact it has a heavy leftist tilt
>Did you see the show before seeing it?
Of course. Thought it was good, not great.
Other than the technical skill of the animation and the music choices, I didn't like much else about the film. In fact, I'm half convinced that most of the appreciation towards the film is because of the superb soundtrack.
Probably yes.
The contrary is true actually
I like everything Eva related. I can see how thinking that the show is good but not great is a reasonable take, but The End of Eva is actually a masterwork. But to each his own I guess. Most people like that film because it has a lot of love and passion imbued in it, it's great.
>The End of Eva is actually a masterwork
What makes you see it that way? I'm curious.
I'm baking the new
Make it a good one!
Don't forget the fucking title.
Maybe your country has shitty voice actors

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