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True Love Edition

Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200709089
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Total Tayleigh Death.
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>these are the people calling this cringe larp kino
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When is Varg arriving?
>jon and tay gone
>zombifying people as a way of eliminating them
>jimmy is taking a piss test
it's ending tonight, huh?
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miss this pup
2.5 is better than season 1 and season 2
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Jimmy getting piss tested.
>"The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive."
Cage is such a cunt
Letty is fucking dead
I would love this so much
What happened to Tay?
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE ITEMS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
The great KING FATTIUS has been bitten by a vampire and, according to MAMA JUJU’s prophesy, will succumb to the evil influence of the vampire’s curse.
A COUP occurred and the HUNTERS have slain FATIUS. This death was NON CANON. Long live KING FATIUS. The returned king has implemented a new IRS system. Taxes have been raised in a very SUBTLE joke about VAMPIRIC INFLUENCE. REFUGEES now require that contestants pay daily TAXES to the KING.

Daily Quest:
The SOLDIER has accepted the role of XAYLEIGH RAVENBLOOD, and agreed to serve her dark masters.
The wandering samurai, DANTE (DJ), has returned - saved by XAVIER - and has joined the party in their battle against the evil king.
The PALADIN may have torn his HAMSTRING due to being RETARDED.

The crew has ordered an ABOVE GROUND POOL. The pool will be used for something called the ‘BLOODBATH’ and, sources tell me, will be full of water dyed red.
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when is "he" arriving?
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Dude I hate when Tay looks at the camera

I love the Duke hes to Epic!!!
So I'm guessing they're testing Jimmy for coke? Because they know he's smoked weed, it's on camera.
>jimmy failing a piss test and getting sent hom
friendtank incoming
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Best NPC
no caps of her cam pointed at the trees?
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>Wait the show where the point is the lean into the cringe of larping is cringe, this sucks.
You're point?
Who the fuck is Tay
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We need some Brazilian women on the show
who knows
Mindbroken by Xavier
Tay attacks Xav kino
Please don’t post all the pics you have of my rock hard pokies in this thread ok guys?
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give sam more money faggot
attacked xavier and walked off hasnt been seen since
i cant believe just how hard tay got BTFO today. theres no way she can even come back now without it being a big deal
lol he won't get sent home
Can i get a qrd on the Tayleigh situation?
seething discord troon
she was mindraped
comfy diablo discussion
whats with the piss test
but why? who cares if he is doing coke?
no you don't
she literally broke down and attacked Xavier and ran to production to cry (literally), she was bawling and crying on Schitty cam.
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decent gimmick
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Buck broken by /bant/
He has been on camera smoking weed, there is zero way he is passing any test. He wont be getting kicked but they probably do want to clear the legal potential that he actually had the cast sniffing cocaine from that jar of "caffeine"
>Sam is charging these idiots $30 to send a single cigarette

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TJmaxxxers are so back baby
ifunny probably kek
hey this is a blue board buddy
my family goes on this board
xavier came back, made it obvious he wasn't Q, she was convinced it was, tackled him and tried to rip his mask off, then started sobbing and ran away
What kind of car is that?
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is that canon?
When did TJ come back? What was his entrance like?
It is impossible to suffer in Brazil
no he'll quit lol
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Pup status?
>Thought Xavier was Q
>Attacked him (non RP)
>Ran to Jet and broke down crying for everyone to hear
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Dude I hate Tay

I dont even know who she is

Now letme watch TJ sexy twink ass dancing
dont worry guys someone will post a pic on twitter of tay hanging out in the house like nothing happened any minute now
oops D:
sorry bro!
why are they giving jimmy shit
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I dont care about fishtank tbqdesu
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Why are they testing Jimbo, there is no way they actually think he brought coke on the show.
thought this was tj
What a fucking chad
Is it just me or has Jimmy lost weight since his initial gutmogging reveal?
I haven't paid for a single season lol
Good bait
Xavier referenced the event when he returned so it's canon
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>it's the drug test bit again
So what ideas do you think they will carry into future seasons? NPC's? 'Xavier' playing a different character along side Sam?
sadly our pup has bitten her master and ran away
she's live on taxcins onlyfans rn
This but unironically. It isn't interesting to watch people "have fun."
clip of TJ arrival / tay breakdown please
Testing him for coke would be pointless because multiple other people snorted the same thing he's snorted, so it's obviously not coke.
fishtank would be 4 times as fun if we could get the crews reactions and point of views while it was filming. seeing them giving jimmy a pissjar is literally nothing. seeing them give him a pissjar while we know what its for is exciting.
to prove it to ifunny I reckon
must be a bit or else theyre actually retarded lmao
it was on director cam for a reason, probably will come back positive for aids
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She looks happy
Xavier pretended he was her irl stalker.
She experienced schizo rage, attacked him, cried and disappeared.
they are checking to see if hes been taking his meds like hes supposed to
Abi is on the sidelines waiting to join
the last seething tayjeet
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Who the fuck is Q
Is this real?
Hopefully they add Xavier somewhere, guys too good

why didn't she go to Jet first instead of attacking Xavier Ravensblood (@XavierTheRaven on XdotCom)
Charls looks cool here
Did anyone get a clip of TJ's dancing?
Letty encouraging it in the background. She is such a manipulator lol These season 2 retards had no shot.
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He may have de-gassed at some point to reduce bloat
So has there been a confrontation between TJ and Jimmy?
>morale goes up once tay leaves
probably because he's exercising constantly and eating less, amazing how that works
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Xavier will almost certainly return as a new character. Maybe bring back a handful of the NPCs too.
Otherwise, probably nothing.
maybe the sponsor is pissed off or something over snorting powder
Silver/cold currency will be reused
Xavier is the obvious breakout character of the season
If I had a girl who was this happy to be around me I could do anything
He has. Being outside and doing regular activity is good for you.
I care about the realm, Aegon.
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No need.
this is not your safe space looser
its been friendtank since the start. literally the entire purpose of this .5 shit. how can you not see that?
Xavier needs to stay

This boss guy too he honestly was fun to watch
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Jimleigh gang
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based, i agree
Yeah she really loves him
She's been following him around since he arrived. I need to start tardmaxxing.
I don’t know how, after all this time, she came to the conclusion that Xavier is ACTUALLY Q. Is she retarded or did something else about it bother her? The questions leading up to it seemed kind of confrontational so maybe that started stressing her out.
Insider here: Tay ratted him out in an attempt to not get kicked off. They aren't going to drug test him, Sam will pressure him to confess and then remove him. Tayleigh isn't coming back either, Xavier threatened to press charges if she wasn't booted
A reliable source told me that Tayleigh has been submitted to same hospital as Summer in s2.
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>builds entire brand around catering to /bant/ simps
>proceeds to lose her mind from something related to /bant/
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Its so funny that anyone not from /ftl/ is probably so damn confused why tay freaked out so hard.
It's a bad look for wholesome larp friends tank
It's definitely gonna be for a bit. They know it's not coke. There's about 6 or 7 other people that also snorted it.
is there a clip of tay's meltdown? i didnt see it, and i was watching
lada niva
Overshadowed by Xayleigh's schizo meltdown, then he danced to La Bambo Dominican for like half and hour and it was really cringe.
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Honestly, ass is too big
Irish lad W
didn't even think about that lol
Fact :)
>>200710865 #
His character is an evil vampire trying to kill his brother by allying with the fish and building a shrine to Christ that will be powerful enough to kill The Duke.
Do you yell at your tv whenever a bad guy comes on screen?
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>no tits
>average ass
we can do better
hugfetish jimmy never misses an opportunity
Lmao I forgot how funny the fish trying to use the oven in season one was.
they've got months of lore to catch up on
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the jimmy piss test is a bit holy shit

they gave shinji an aids test
they gave trish a pregnancy test
they gave tayleigh a piss test

im going to ask a serious question and i dont meant to be rude but are you guys fucking retarded?
I hope she gets raped twice as much
the sponsor is a dead meme app i dont think they give a shit
Is there a clip or video where I can hear those cries
I..i skim it! :(
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>just now realizing how jewish he is
Leaked Tayleigh voicemails when
>is there a clip of tay's meltdown? i didnt see it, and i was watching

Last clip you can hear her crying loudly

>Q card
>19 year old CS major
>Crying to prod
Yeah that's actually retarded. What did that idiot even think would happen ? She was interacting with him actively for a couple of months - to the point he became the staple aspect of her streaming
It may be that she finally realized they don't like her and are against her
Are the fish aware of the music?
yeah twitter is going crazy calling her a crazy bitch and shit
Fatty is actually the strongest enemy that doesn't use spells
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She's trying not to cry
It is pretty funny that they booted her and just dumped her at a psych ward
She then claimed the medical records supported her allegations but they just said ‘PSYCHOSIS - NO PHYSICAL INJURIES’
he hesitated and she went in for the hug.
In the thread ctrl f clip
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>they marred Princess Letty's perfect tummy
dont think so, haven't heard them reference it
Did you get a clip of TJ dancing?
If you press charges for getting shoved a bit you must be a huge bitch
Whats with americans and always suing eachother
If you're not on director cam you won't hear it.
it may be she took way too badly and they feel fine about her
You mixed up attack and q card
You jest, but we are going to get leaked dm cringe posted soon from everyone dming her for her side.
All the cuckposters should take note on how she acts around other men vs how she acts around tj.
No, it’s not audible on any other camera
>tfw /bant/ was right
quit exposin' the damn business
I'd pay money to shoot Letty with airsoft guns

its going to be hilarious when taylor breaks up with him just when his hair reaches its original length again
begone tayjeet
Thats why she attacked him you retarded asshole
>TJ dancing, everyone's having a good time
>No no no, we need to break up the fun
Thanks Jet.
jimmy has become 5 times more reddit and unfunny today, or did I just never notice before?
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told ya so
doesnt matter as soon as she laughs around the presence of another man she is actually thinking about getting dicked down by that man

just ignore them
>vance doesn't know how to ash a cig
These whales are getting milked hard
I'd shoot you for free.
they wouldn't be aware of it even if it were audible on the other cameras
Is there a video of this? How does he not know how to Turon on a stocevwith a lighter?
>Letty putting on bugspray
but... she is a bug...
Yeah probably the reoccurring bit since Stein is meant to be coming at some point.
I hope they don't medicate Jim, you can't neuter my dawg like that, him and abi should just fuck and make up.
If somehow this ends in Jimmy and Tay dating I will fucking kneel to goran
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he's always been like that desu
>>Crying to prod
>Tay still not back
I wonder if she REALLY really left, or if she's still sobbing and begging xavier to take his mask off behind the scenes
>Insider here
Yeah, fuck off kid.
probably because he's having fun
>How does he not know how to Turon on a stocevwith a lighter?
I'm not sure I know how to do that either
reminder: when jimmy tried to get jon to snort the caffeine on the first night, jon put some on his tongue first to test if its cocaine and he confirmed its not

confirmed jon has done coke before kek

god I love her
Tayleigh status?
>You mixed up attack and q card
yeah, sorry about that.
Tai is so effortlessly funny
oh shit, TJ's back?? havent been able to watch today
whats his role?
Fishtank really convinced me how crazy fucking chicks are man. Letty with her baggage is at least normal. Tay just sucks
Insider here, nothing to report at the moment but I will keep you posted.
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The show would be way better if Tayleigh was gone for good
most people in their 20s have tried coke
its not a big deal
only sometimes
it would be funny if they're committing to the RP bit so hard that they won't even give her that reassurance. cruel but also funny.
Tay hater here

I need to see that tight TJ anus OMG
Why is Bex the embodiment of Sex?
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Thank you insider I will blindly believe everything you say from now on
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misting herself
All the fish are going to get cancer. The cigarette thing is really retarded.
>Tay ratted him out in an attempt to not get kicked off.
makes no sense lol

>Q card
>19 year old CS major
>Crying to prod
Guess no more TJ dancing for the night? Back to nothing happening.
His main job is working for a limo service
He needs to entertain the bachelorette parties somehow
>Tay dead
>Everyone still talking about Tay
I hate this bitch so fucking much god damn it
He'll be half naked soon, he hates wearing clothes
He's DJ, Xavier's protege
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he's joking
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Obsessed fan that had a whole scheme to get with Tay. She read his posts on /bant/ and talked with her through voice calls moderated by Jimmy. Been going on since season 2 ended. It never got to serious with no actual face to face interactions just unhinged posts by him. She seemed to think it was weird and creepy and gave her usual onions face reactions.
TJ is fucking rn give him some slack
>most people in their 20s have tried coke
source: my ass
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they should have either did queen of spades or added a 4th leaf to the clubs making it a 4chan clover
The outsiders thank you
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I really hope they didn't give her phone back.
someone tweet @xavier or whatever and tell him to BRING LEX BACK
>mutant letty
how is she able to buy herself cigs lol
now that Tayleigh has been dealt with its time for Xavier to use Letty's ass as a parkour platform
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the only girls that would even consider going on a show like fishtank/be MDE fans are retarded BPD hoes
Is this real?
Holy shit I didn't check today and apparently I missed
>TJ coming back
>tay meltdown
>jon MIA due to breaking his leg
Why does shit always happen when I'm sleeping
Dude in season 1 they tried to reheat pizza by sticking the cardboard box in the oven
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What do you huys think of Xavier Ravenblood if he were to start streaming? Will he be successful?
I like him, but sometimes he acts too cool for something which ruins the fun. You can tell Sam gets pissed at that.
All the fish that smoke them already smoke or have smoked in the past.
happened to me to desu
You also missed TJ dancing! Hopefully someone clipped it.

Now anyone else misses TJs long luscious hair?hahah

hes to entertaining :)
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Is Tayleigh mentally ill?
any smokers here get jealous of seeing all these free cigs get handed to the fish?
there's nothing wrong with that
>jan cameback for this zoomer hangout shitfest
theres been a tay meltdown????
Please copy paste this one, I mixed up the clips in my first post, this is correct.

>Q card
>19 year old CS major
>Crying to prod
uh if you zoom in on the basecamp you can see all of tayleighs stuff is gone out of her bunk
is this true? could i get a quick ab fact check on this??
This theory doesn't make sense anyway because Tayleigh wouldn't recognize this guy irl
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Case closed we gottem
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The cool ones he meant
I think the lack of eating and being outside is getting to her.
>pure genuine cocklust
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she's a retarded drug addict
she's probably having a summer-level break with reality and they're giving her weed to calm down
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i would watch Xavier's streams if buying a $50 chicken plushie gave me the right to fuck him
pretty sure everyone involved in this shitshow is in some way
cowboy medic came and got it all awhile ago
She went schizo mode earlier after Xavier trolled her super hard. She tried to rip his mask off and they fell to the ground
Just joined where the fuck is Jon?
which bunk was she?
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>he has a GRINDER account??
>they sent gay guys to his GRANDMAS house??
That’s makes her schizo breakdown so funny. Because she would have just thought it was Q even if she did take off his mask
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did jons leg fall off
I think her exist was a work, she didnt want to stay there longer simple as.

Im sorry for jimbo thats all
Yes. We are getting an in depth view of the weird chick from high school. She can't handle the heat.
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New girl? Xayleigh? who is next to duke in schitty?

middle top
They let this nigga babysit children?
Tayleigh asked if they were "still in RP" and didn't get a straight answer from Xavier. So she had no choice but to assume he was telling the actual truth and that Jet intentionally and maliciously flew her stalker out to play the main character in a two week larp scenario. All as an epic prank on Tayleigh. It's just common sense!
Cute butt.
TJ won the money and cums inside Taylor every night.
shot to death by an unhinged MDE fan that went to the location, its everywhere on twitter
You’re all wrong and only I know the truth: Q and Jordan aka Cockbuddy are the same person, look at their pictures a they have the same hair and eyes. It’s an elaborate larp meant to toy with tayleigh.
Bye bye 1488 cringe

Never come back!
>the dumb niggers in this thread dont even know who jan is
mde is dead
mauro took him to the clinic. his hamstring is completely torn. with tayleigh leaving they'll probably bring him back on crutches.
She punched Trish and threatened Frank with scissors in S2. She gets violent quick and often kek
eh I'm not buying it, she thought he was someone else
Where does he rank in the seasons so far?
>Tay gets cut as soon as TJ comes back
This is pottery
so who is jets favorite fish anyways
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>mfw michael scott says the thing
this is why you don't get bitches
def not tayleigh she was walking like a woman not a dude
Theyre no better than the girl they love to hate so much
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you can get a bant fact check on this. its not him.
She's so happy now
why is it that whenever i watch theres 18 hours of letty hammering the same nail into a table, and when i look away, there's fights and tj comes back
Do you think he'll having a streaming career after this is over? Maybe he could dance like TJ.
That’s creature
From the bottom to the top everyone involved is mentally ill. including you anon
If she had a real gun on her she would 100% have shot Xavier
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that's disgusting anon, please don't objectify her
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What could she possibly be doing? Seriously. She might be gone
tj retardidly trying to stick to the xavier is good story while tay was melting down over him and everyone was concerned for her is top tier tjkino
You are retarded
the one daddy Scam likes aka the one who brings in the most money
>season ends with one of the fish accidentally setting the woods on fire with a cigarette butt
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So why hasn't Tay come back out yet, it's clear Xavier wasn't 'Q' or whoever she thought it was, like is she afraid of the verbal abuse she will get from TTS?
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Decoy Channing wins again
Who cares, fuck Tay
Nice crts
ok faggot
Guys, I'm nervous. It's been almost an hour since TJ has danced. Maybe he's not coming back?
imagine if production bent a knee to tay. the entire season would be over
Either jon or josie
i dont think thats creature she never wore a short dress and she looks taller and has blonde hair
what if KFJordan is an elaborate trickster who got Tay to travel hours to suck his dick pretending to care for her but really he just wanted to make the bant faggots kill themselves and once that's complete he kicks the haggard dyke to the curb
Gotta clear this up: Tayleigh WAS kicked off the show! She assaulted a member of production... We don't want her back!
but enough about Jimmy
My 300lb sony xbr died the other day
hi Benleaks
>too much ass
people have been crying no one cares i love TJs package for hours now that shits pathetic
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getting a free bj
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no shit
>those teeth
New reddit Jimmy reaction pics
Jet here

I just shoved Tayleigh in an Uber to the airport where she needs to get on a plane with three connect flights.
suddenly remembering how much of a disaster S2 was
I’m sorry to hear that. They’re hard to find nowadays.
Jordan is out of her league if you only go by looks.
zamn, those are NICE
Taylor has the mind of a child, that's why Jet and Sam chose her for lubecooch
Jimmy got fatter in less than a week, this can't be only water retention
Sam just having fun
>Anyone got a phone flashlight?
i expected the teeth to be worse desu
they did this exact bit with trish last season
honestly not as bad as I'd thought theyd be
nigga floss your damn mouth
what the fuck is that purple spot
i'm glad someone got it
Theyre so CUTE
jimmy has zero social awareness
Tayjeets were all over these threads at the end of S2 and now not a single anon speaks in her defense kek
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If she gets her phone back she's leaving for sure. People have been fucking with her cock buddy HARD. Sending people to his house, calling his work, etc
fuuuuuck shows over without Jon just like season 1
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does this man have a humiliation fetish?
It's pretty simple. Tay knows her simps are mad about her doing them wrong and lying about having a bf, so naturally she freaked out when /bant/ shit was brought up by Xavier
In my parasocial relationship I put Bex's A cups in my mouth, then flick her nipples hard with my tongue, if you know what I mean.
honestly, jimmy's teeth could be worse for a smoker
eh, mine are worse
my teeth are worse
little dancing boy
Where's TJ? Did they say if he'll be dancing later?
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>the writer’s barely disguised fetish
she looks so much fucking worse than she did just 2 months ago. she is seriously sick
she probably got to use her phone and saw all the people hating on her
he's got more than that
>just putting lobster on her shoulder
>they didn't have to carry Letty everywhere for the rest of the day
there are actually a few left in /bant/ somehow
Jimmy is 100% gonna get kicked. Remember the dui. If he fails the drug test, which he will because he smoked weed, it's over.
Those are just normal smoker teeth desu
brush your teeth that's disgusting
but enough about huggin' jimmy
i think he genuinely doesn't care
yeah thats not creature its a new girl
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yeah his teeth aint thst bad tbqh
Who cares dude I just want to suck TJs dick and post on reddit
best case scenario for her is if she just disappears forever. i don't know what other choice she has
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That's why he's great
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She hasn't been seen in 2+ hours

Quite something

Fucking why?
shut the fuck up, retard
its funny the response is always the same from you sperg. TJ legits sucks, and taylor is a mid cum dumpster. no one cares this whore is getting railed by anoyone. TJ sucked, still sucks and will continue sucking.
what is it with josiepedos always callling other people pajeets while their waifu looks like mogli from the jungle book?
Her leaving wont stop that
So cute. Do you have a webm of him dancing right after this?
This is literally starting to happen to me. I tried to floss but it felt super weird
Sam loves fucking with people about their teeth lol
minion titties
dj got girlfriend vietnam
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What are Mauro's thoughts on all of this?
He has zero social redditness
Yes, now can we just forget this fucking meth addict
jon is laughing with the production. there is no way he's going back to being a normal contestant again. look forward to special treatment for the rest of his stay.
>Season 5, Jimmy gets implants
they're not kicking someone off for fucking weed
TJ won, still won, and will continue winning. You however will continue seething.
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where the fuck is this from
Sam appreciates Jimmy
Hooded bitches are hot
top j stays winning
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The show has been floundering without Mauro.
DAYUM those are PLUMP
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uncle fester lookin mf
she does have her mouth and she was kind of tall right?
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I'm a colechad actually
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after this
Kevin is in a new outfit yet again.
lol they aren't even bad
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it's just smoke stains, you can get them brushed off. mine are like seven times worse
>Jimmy's been arrested 3 times
Imagine my shock
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Sam loves Jimmy because he can do whatever to this retard
floss and use mouthwash every night
>cock buddy
Speaking of him, has he donated anything else recently? KEK
tockceaser was her account name? no mega or anything?
>the lore of Jimmy
fucking based
You know drug tests are for different drugs, right? They probably got a cocaine 1 from walgreens.
Time for yapping jimmy
they look fine imo
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top j rizz
man jimmy shut yo bitch ass up
sex with new girl
Is this real?
Jimmy bullshitter.
better shot of new girl just now

its not creature or abi
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Season 5 Jim gets veneers and grills like oliva gay
Jimbo rants repair vibes
Joe Z
Jimmy lore is my favourite part of s2.5 unironically
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I NEED a creature
i'm hoping for some sort of wheelchair bound vampire
Sam's expression whenever he speaks lmao
why does tj sucking so unbelievably hard be so crucial to your life. kys.
I tried to blow the audio levels but could not hear something substantial.
Only Jet saying something about (someone? him ? her?) not finding the bit funny and saying sorry and her whimpering after.
>Should I leave again?
turn your monitor on
same reason he loves Jon
Its just nice to see him be able to talk to her without mumbling and swaying
it's not abi abi's hair is way longer
anyone got the clip of tayleigh freaking out and crying
that's sam's cocksleeve
What if someone tried to put themselves inside her. Would TJ be man enough to stop them?
This question was about why Jimmy was arrested, and all he said was a psychiatrist gave him some medication
>So basically I got raped by a bunch of Mormon niggers
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la creatura
My teeth are way worse than Jimmy's because I have shit genetics. I don't even drink soda, just water, tea and coffee (only a teaspoon of sugar in both). I'm probably gonna have false teeth by the time I'm 40.
Has Jimmy ever told the truth in his entire life?
Zesty nigga
Im drooling like a retard rn
how brain damaged do you have to be to think spamming nonsense on tts is funny?
Jon should just be downgraded to npc.
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this but also S2
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Pimp Kevin
she needs blood around her mouth
>tattoo of Killua holding guns
certified nutcase
Its the tea and the coffee
>the schizo would scream into his toilet and it'd come up in mine
I love this little retard like you wouldn't believe
hoardermans is true. i mean he lies about any of it being valuable but the trashheap exists
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damn thats a very interesting question my TJ brotha :)
jimmy looks like a porno store owner from the 1970s
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>exact moment xavier said 19 yr old CS major
>Jimmy lore dump
fucking BASED
I think he's certified MDE crew after this
Zoomer tats are cringe
>jimfaces into the middle distance
probably would ngl
Jimmy reminds me of Homer Simpson
>why did you get arreste?
>have you heard about the crank yankers?
I dont know bro, he doesnt even dance around
>Letty just said "I didn't think production would make a joke like that... but they did"
>Tai says "they probably didn't know the extent of it"
>"yeah so tayleigh told me before she was worried that was him and thought it might be"
I do not care for jimmy lore
>Jon is back
>Tay is still gone
today is a good day
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I think I finally see what you guys were talking about
Is it a lie if he truly believes it?
Blacksmith's Wife>
Random Highwaymen>
Random Vampires>
Massive power gap
Massive power gap
Whatever the fuck Jet is>
i still don't know why jimmy was arrested
>A lot of kickboxing
based Jon saving the show
They must be stalling

>have shit genetics
Keep telling yourself that. Dont learn how to take care of them, just blame mommy and daddy
So let me get this straight. Arrested once for punching shit at a mental hospital. Arrested for a DUI like a retard. Arrested one last time for.. stealing copper wires from houses?
Jon is in love with gay kevin
it's all made up anyway
>Jon's walking fine
I'm never listening to you fucking faggots again
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>hello yon....
Jon saved the show again
does anyone have a clip of Jimmy last night screaming "OH BOYYYYYSSSSS" while he was swinging his rope weapon through the air? That killed me.
Jordan did this to her.
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mah nigga jon back
kek jon just walking back completely fine
im sure hes tried to sell some of that crap and been told to fuck off
theres no way he doesnt know its all worthless
Taylor's are worse.
Did she actually think her stalker would go through so much effort just to be close to her ? Like seriously, how dense is she ?
they only did an xray? well if he actually tore a big ligament he wouldnt be walking.
Its not just smoke stains anon
common /ftl/ L

I love Sam just shooting the shit and giggling in full costume for some reason.
You're a retarded.
I wonder if Sam discards the creature and gets a new one whenever we find out about her real identity
does anyone have the clip of tay running to production shed?
So who is creatura banging? What is her relation to the cast and who is the new hooded chick behind Sam?
Nah he was telling a story about "the Steeplechase" I assume he sperged out because they were making him pay and he got arrested. It sounds like he was on some sort of youth probation type thing for the copper wire incident so thats why he went to prison for DUI instead of just getting a fine.
Just got an indirect kiss lmao
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i mean, it kinda sounds like he was considering he was riding his bike around trying to find the place
He is pushing through the pain
>Jon is back
Okay, now we can continued. Was worried we'd go off track but we can lose Tay and nothing would change. Jon was a deal breaker for me imo

I am surprised by how likeable Jimmy and Jon are this season. Really makes me consider the HELLHOUSE actually was a HELLHOUSE.
>its an anti-vaxx retard goes to see a doctor episode
>that hells kicthcen sound effect as soon as jon walks in
KEK someone clipped that?
> I wonder how Tay's doing, did she actually have to go to a psychiatrist after this situation ?

he's just havin' fun maggle
Girls love drama and attention, so part of her probably wished it were real, which is why she reacted the way she did.
because his real life sucks but its not really his fault and you wanna see him happy
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What are they doing to her?
>John McFurry
Jon is back for less than 5 minutes and he already made me crack up
comfy day
glad tay is gone
hate that fucking bitch
stupid ugly hoe
enjoy your micro plastics.
Is it me or is Jon less retarded on pain pills?
Whew lad. Neurons really activatin' right now.
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the one man that can save season 2.5

he's just a malingering hollywood ass fucking retard looking for an excuse to have a break from the show
Tay needs a psychiatrist, but not because of Xavier
not a bad strategy
Summer treatment
Vance is already crying
>jon smoking
this place is a bad influence on him
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kill yourself
All the mde guys are starting to get hot girlfriends. It’s over. Time to pack it up cels.
>John mcflurry

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Tayleigh thinks Xavier is her stalker, attacks Xavier and cries afterwards

>Q card
>19 year old CS major
>Crying to prod
this is like an autism fever dream
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tts king
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She's getting the Summer treatment and then she's getting sent off to be reprogrammed at Kent Hospital
jon was even more obnoxious than before until he hurt his leg and got put on pain pills
what a freak, they need to put her in jail
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damn i didnt know jon could suck it like DAT
all im saying is you cant trust doctors dont get mad
The ONLY person on the planet that doesn't look cool smoking a cigar
that bruise on his leg is huge dude. i wouldnt have been surprised if it had a bad sprain
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pipe pipe pipe pipe pipe type shit I like
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jimmy's back tattoo is kinda cool
Can anyone make out wtf anyone was saying?
The s3 basement is a much nicer place to be sexually assaulted than s2 one.
>m&m plushie on the billboard
holy shit thats so fucking random.
we need tay as an easy punching bag who constantly cringes in the camera
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i nevow dowded
Fishtank in general. You start to get numb to weird shit like Jimmy crucifying stuffed animals everywhere
I don't see Vance crying yet...
fresh air and sunlight
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So that just happened. :I
wait was that hot chick actually the creature? she looked different
this will be a great ad for his opponents when he runs for city council
>jon back
it’s over
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2.5 is the only season so far that hasn't needed saving at any point.
wow jimmy that's so funny dude what a great bit
this poster is literally me
just HOW retarded do you have to be to think production cast your stalker (who's clearly a paid actor) as the main character of the show
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>oh yes yes, so as I was saying, you see ...

Your gay bro we get it. It's okay
jimmy is so random XD
Oh god, Jon's doing his terrible Indian accent again. I'm so glad he's back.
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>Continue my legacy, Tayleigh.
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he should bring back some of these gems!
there's two creatures. one with a ton of plastic surgery and another who is just an arthoe with an onlyfans.
looked different to me too. taller and thinner
He's smoking the cigar too fast
That's why it's burning uneven
Look at sam to see how a professional faggot smokes a cigar
>if you don't trust a rushed injection that was rejected for human testing on multiple occasions, you can't get an MRI or X-ray
literally and unironically go kill yourself you worthless fucking faggot
its not like that. she realized she was the butt of the joke after days of playing along. she was RAPED
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Low IQ posting. fucking retards
she has permanent psychosis from meth and drinking windex
Is Jimmy starting to sperg again? lol
when you have no real world experience you think the world revolves around you
yes. i need jon to suck me like that.
>the cross
>the lighting
>Jon's pose
>Taylor's red dress
Unironically a very kino shot
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>Tayleigh... it's time. You know what you must do
KWAB of the century desu
>both Xavier and Sam doing Bane's voice for some reason
Can't rewind letty cam on flowstreams.
At least I can't.
Guess you had to be there.
2 more weeks you really intelligent hard working heterosexual
disgusting mentally ill freaks
>yeah i studied youtube poops to develop my style of comedy
I look like this and say this
i'm shocked production didn't bend a knee to tay and kick xavier off. uncommon production w
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If Tay leaves I hope she's able to bequeef her pup form to Jimmy
He has. He auditioned and went to the set but ran away.
You ain't getting an MRI on short notice in this country, Sam and John should both know that.
And Sam taking anti-biotics for a fucking bladder infection like a pussy then wonders why his balls don't work and he has to go on TRT at 35.

Don't take advice from or mimic any of these people.
why is jon speaking like that
why does jimmy insist so much that he isnt white but hate everyone that isnt
I think she definitely classifies under a slew of similar anxiety related and paranoid delusions - but this is not it. She was calling him ffs and making fun of him on streams.
This is just her getting scared shitless of fafo and being unable to think straight (if at all)
>implying Jet doesn't have shit teeth.
Jon's back and Jimmy is still unsettled by Tay's freakout. Jimmy needs to release it all now
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>Goes out of her way to nonsensically antagonize people like TJ and Jon who would be much more helpful to her as allies
>Sam told her the key to winning season 2 is an uplifting character arc but instead she doubled down on debasing herself and abandoning her morals
>Physically assaults another contestant despite knowing someone else was just disqualified for this same behavior
>Thinks letting Jet and the wigger crew attach an IV into her is a good idea
>Was consistently outwitted and outperformed during the Swamp Olympics by a mentally challenged person and someone who can't speak English
>She took Xavier's blatant bullshitting as truth and subsequently had a full mental breakdown from it
>Mistook the NPC that is an homage to the RE4 Merchant to be a Minecraft reference
>Thought the reference to HAL from 2001 was a reference to the Kirby dev HAL Laboratory
>Looks up to Jimmy during times when Jimmy is being an idiot
>Starts to gain the audience's respect by defying Frank and then immediately switches to become Frank's bitch and kisses him and talks about fucking him
>Finds the simple act of streaming to be a mental challenge
>Fails to understand how angles and mirrors work together so everyone saw her naked on the bathroom cam
>Thinks dressing like an edgy ten-year-old boy is cool
>Thinks making stupid reddit Jimface twenty times a day is funny(?) or something
>Easily gaslit into shaving her head for no reason
I am torqued
Donkey kong has gone bananas
the creature's tumblr:

The toilet wine bit is pretty funny
It's his "RP voice"
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it was a worked shoot brother

which confirms Tays sadly not looking to improve IRL
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name my band
you're anti-anti-biotics? lol
TJ inspired him to RP
he's been rattled ever since the prospect of TJ coming back came up last night. i wish i'd seen how he reacted when tj showed up
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>don't scare the hoes
it was doomed from the start
she already gave it back to xavier because his asian girlfriend likes it
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Avenge me Tayleigh
they genuinely have a nice friendship. Its cute.
>hate everyone that isnt
where the fuck did you get that from?
>Jimmy lighting the wrong end of the cigar
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>Come home Tayleigh. Back to Kent Hospital where we belong... together
The Tranny Fuckers
anyone know what happened to all her socials?
“Jimmy’s Body”
What.. what's the point of all this?
What are they even saying? What does it all mean?
respect the gimmick bro
Honestly how many fuckups have production committed so far?
It genuinely sounds like the jon tts when it's having trouble with what was typed and I thought it was until I saw him on screen.
nig lipped it?
what in the world
best post of the season
That's MY POST
What a massive slut holy shit
She wants to he pump n' dumped so hard
>i wish i'd seen how he reacted when tj showed up
He looked genuinely happy to see him
smoking on that Tay pack
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I dislike Tay as much as the next time but no one cares bruh none of these people know you faggot this is cringe and obsessive.
Exactly. So what, did she think a stalker would have an entire script, suit and immaculate improv just to drool over her ?
By just looking briefly over her streams / content you would know about her stalker and it was prime material to use in a bit.
The Q bit wasn't even his idea. Jet convinced him to do it.
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Jon on percs is something else
You've never heard that? It's when you slobber all over the end.
nigger lipping, also known as monkey lipping, is when you get spit on a joint or cigarette that you're sharing with someone
Jon is utterly zoinked on painkillers
>only if I knew how to read this
he's so much more likable when he's high lol
Add JordanBlueFlame to known user names.
Are you 5? We use to say it in high-school. It's when you get saliva on the cig
It's a stoner thing
>thwank you fwor dis cwigawette
most of us are, anon
what does niglipping mean
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My gums look worse than this and I don't even smoke, I brush and floss every day. Gingivitis will fuck you up.
>if only I know how to read this
fucking Jon kek
>a bundle of faggots
I'm completely lost at sea here. What's the structure to this? Has Jet lost his mind?
Jon cannot help sounding gay with every thing that comes out of his mouth.
Also he's definitely on percs or something right?
not me. i talk about how high i am when i'm high.
when tayleigh's fans were sperging out about her going on season 2.5, i don't think any of them knew it was gonna be this bad for her.
The show really fell apart today and then the threads regressed back to shit flinging but I think it's all a work for Stein to show up and repair the vibes
i weirdly enough dont feel like killing jon right now
drooling on the cigarette
jimmy sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex haahahahahaa sex sex sex sex penis hahshahshsd sex esex se xex e xeanal sex gay gay gay sex penis butt ass sex
we did lol
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mine now :)
Getting a large amount of spit, due to overuse of lip, on a joint
Joints are often shared, and nobody likes getting one covered in spit
You posted it again tayfag! I will keep posting my own thing from now on, thank you for the encouragement
they were right
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>Finish the fight, Tayleigh.
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The worst part is she has talked to Q multiple times and he's a stuttering autist with a gay voice, there is no way in hell that he could ever act like that. I think what made her break down was it finally dawned on her that her fans were right and she was just there to get humiliated
Packwatch only Jontent from now on, we will win without having read the 12 page pdf of the rules, watch and seethe Tayfags.
yeah he needs to Pep talk Tay but TJeets will disagree
Didnt he say they DIDNT give him painkillers
do zoomers really?
She was warned it would go in this direction.
>Jon actually being genuinely funny
Man maybe he should be high all the time
i think the creature girl is regretting agreeing to this right about now
imagine simping for that ugly bitch kek
you expected her to assault a production member and get walked off the set crying, possibly to leave the show altogether?
i see, thank you

i don't like drugs
/ftl2/ redeemed
jon is being intentionally funny? I can't believe it
Any minion pics?

The only thing he's been given was ibuprofen
did jon actually get better
he did. the posters ITT are literal retards just like him
That’s Cole
I have to stay high all the time to keep you off my mind
no and im 100% sure when his meds wear off hes going to become disabled
No, they gave him an X-ray even though it’s not a skeletal issue and put him on pain meds and sent him back to work
That’s the American way
He said they didnt give him pills and i believe him, they didnt even give my mother good pills when she got knee surgery (i live in the area).
Jet probably gave him something like when he gave tj pills
Who is this new guy with the American flag around his neck? Is that Cole?
we did though
she keeps fucking standing behind duke
>Xavier is more sinister and primeval than a god or a demon
His powerlevel is off the fucking charts
no but we knew it would be really fucking bad
yo loyo sojo
yo lowzew sozew
it's the cameraman's fault tbf
he literally said on cam THEY DIDNT GIVE ME ANY PAIN PILLS

rewind the tape
loyal solzuh
is minion that blonde chick from s2?
No, Cole is the hooded girl following Sam
>that will be $120,000+tax+tip
this is the price of freedom
He's already disabled.
this is kino fuck all of you fags
>tell Jon Xavier's name
>he cant pronouce it correctly and it doesn't do anything when he tries to say it
We expected her to break. She broke.
theyre probably trying to keep her out of shot
Wait... is this roleplay shit? I've only just started watching.
resurrected jon is fucking awesome
Jontent bros, we're so back
>"The kitsoon" lol
>Jon on perc 30s smoking a stoagie and becoming a vampire
Her fans are fans of the show.

She should have won S2, people telling her to stay home were just redditor simps
poor minion.
Yea it's really gay now unless you have cancer or a broken bone they won't give you any Opiates
minion is JC
so did everyone die and become a zombie in that last fight
whats happening in the rp
>doesn't even tell him his name anyway
his real name is Rory
dunno why but it cracks me up
twat cweam
twat cweme
twart cweam?
youw twat cweam is weady for pick up
no rp here. its all real
Kek that would be fucking great
Minion is Cole
Back from the tomb
new thread?
The first two seasons were a reality tv show contest
The next season is a reality tv show contest

This ‘season’ is just the producer larping in the woods with his employees/friends
how do you niggers actually hate jon hes always fun to watch
>they raped me
What the fuck is Sam?
Jon is being way funnier than usual
>q is a spencer chud
>it finally dawned on her that her fans were right and she was just there to get humiliated
Fuck off chuckbuddy it was a fun and harmless storyline
Letty just shouted me out
shut up nigger, you're responsible for this.
>Zooms in on Vance's bald head
>Kitchen Nightmares sound
He got to hang out with production and look at memes so his spirit is restored
Is your name a reference to the comedy central show?
you paid $30 for that?
Old man Xavier
>they fucked me
Yon actually leaning into the gay bit? No this cannot be.
Tay was raped
Vance cried
People died
Will there be a "winner"?
elder god at war with his half-vampire brother (Xavier), this season is a lot more lore-heavy than the others
bigolmtwndew on schitty cam
why is jon actually being entertaining now (without having to tardrage)
even if he didn't get any pills, he's acting not-as-retarded right now
>Tay leaves
>Jon returns and is instant kino
Fuck yes
>old xavier
>resurrected jon (on percs)
what a kino day
For what? the nuked vibes? Its Sammys fault he hates Tay thats why we love her
xeyleigh still isnt back?
new thread NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW.
Lol are they really pronouncing Kitsune as "kitsoon"?
what did I miss today? where is tayleigh?
Xavier sounds more tired than usual.
Is Xavier Joel Haver?
This has nothing to do with the show but I love sucking on big fat latina titties
Q won
Production gave him some percs
he aged 300 years
i would love to do that but unfortunately i am an adult virgin
Tayleigh had a mental breakdown
Currently getting raped in the basement by production whilst Vance cries
Well he aged himself 300 years to activate his trap card, what do you expect?
it's charls
No, because no one wanted her to go on 2.5 aside from the mentally disabled MDE fans in her chat telling her that being molested while drunk was just part of the game.
>scroll of no clip
This show was nothing without jon
he's the chessmaster from the great war
re lax buddy

Xav implied he was her irl stalker and she got heated
Let this be a lesson to you all. Just do drugs and people like you more
>if you were a cool guy, wouldn't you be...cool?
good point jon lol
No it's Simmons
unless your tayleigh
are they setting up in town for stein appearance/show?
fail rp, Jon.
ok, that made me laugh, jon
>Jon wrecking RP even though he's high as fuck
Some things never change
how do i get this cool guy scroll
> Weeew was she twying to gwope u
No, season 2.5 is a strange improv larp
Tune in for season 3 for the actual show
>Cool guy scroll
Sorry negga Yon has the coolest guy on his side
jfw jon is already trying to alpha male everyone and is completely shutting down everything. fucking retard
Taylor having a lot of trouble avoiding the wet seats lmao
you jinxed it
Where's TJ?
I'm not sure this 8-sided dice tossing sport is for me. Where's the bullying?
Do these faggots in chat really think Jon sucks? Like what the fuck do these retards want to watch?
You should be close to sepsis before you take anti-biotics.
Central medicine throws it around to keep patients coming back for the long term, cause dependency.
Only works a certain type of person though, for example Tay.
Production would unironically get her life on track

her simps drove her into that faggot meth head

"theres an announcement for the realm"
"the doctows wooked into my bumbum-"
based jonfag xavier
Does anyone else get tricked by Letty's sickly sweet voice even though we know she's pure evil?
even jon thought it was hilarious
receiving head scratches
Jon can't stay in character because Xavier making him laugh too hard kek
Fishtank chat want friendtank
He sucks but in a funny way
Production has arguably derailed her life.

Hes not "there" ever
>Production would unironically get her life on track
Hi, Jet.
new thread?
Women shouldnt do drugs
I missed Jon coming back, was it kino
>Where's the bullying?
it was focused on Tay but she's gone now thankfully
Most times people take them for like 2 weeks because of an infection or something. Who the fuck gets dependent on them unless you have some serious illness?
did we get a new creature because the other one is a sex worker?
By going on a crazy online reality show
dumb nigga
xavier fucks dog girls
Was she trying to steal his mask in a playful way or was it out of anger? Can't really tell from the clip
>sam destroyed stuff again to ruin an actual funny moment
It’s well known that he has 50k and a huge dick
Merely a bat pay me no mind
>Starts the Sam breaks shit bit
Time to break shit in peak comedy
These are the same losers who blackmailed Sam into making a 21 year old nontent girl with the mind of a child winner of season 1 or else they would never pay him again
So everyone is trying to out-Jimmy, Jimmy? This is surreal.
only because he walked out fine after hysterical faggots in this thread were claiming for hours that he'd never walk again
Why can't Xavier detect the Duke's aura while he's in bat form?
sorry chad, the sperg gets the qt
They seem to hate him, chat was full of "TTS W" when that TTS came through about the show being better without him. they're faggots
Without her tank fame she would still be a battered wife suburban trash
This. Letty was the real winner. Fuck josiepedos
yeah dude i dont fucking get it either
its pissing me off so much
Well I want to see him sperg out and lose his retarded little mind
I like how whenever Jon hears Kevin do the indian accent he's like "fuck that's good, I gotta try and do that too for the next 3 hours"
they're just making shit up as they go along
Yeah, he's been kino from the second he returned
horse cock
She was in a depressed slump but no longer had an abusive bf before it started.
same reason some women like to have submissive low self steem boyfriends, to have power over the relationship

and if the woman has the power, that means she doesn't respect her boyfriend and just see him as man-servant
put that minion bitch in her place
lmfao poor creature
jon is hanging out with the townfolk as if he is no longer a fish
she's got some big ol pupils
So Xavier is definitely Tobuscus right
Tobuscus is not that thin anymore
that's not creature, that's minion. two different characters
do you retards actually still think this?
Nah she was doing better before the tank. The only thing left was for her to eat, but I wouldn't be surprised if she reverts back completely to bulimia and drugs now
you can see on his instagram he is that thin
Letty is so insufferable
Is that Trish Delish on the right?
The stronger the overall immune response to an illness, the better the Immunological memory and anti-body response for subsequent illness or infection.
Cutting that cycle short with patented anti-biotics because you're scared and don't know how the body works is not a good idea long term.
>average ass
you are 400Lbs
a whore yes
>you see... this is why noone wikes you xavieuhw....
Does anyone have the video of Tayleigh attacking him?
my favorite fish, trish delish.

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