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Q Edition

Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200717912
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good evening, I love jawn
What happened when Jon was yelling about equal rights!?
I hope rays plane crashes in the way home
Sayonara - Xavier Q
kino music moment
Jon and TJ are the ultimate duo
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This pathetic pussy bitch is 24?
Two tards
What did you think he was, 14?
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TJ is pretty handsome desu.
Total tay humiliation. Back to hicksville and meth!
hes repeating his job interview shit to a retard
>i heard you bwoke yous awm from white wata wafting
>I could've saved you
fucking lol Jon is gold
I like to read books….
Jerk off to horses fucking my mom…
TJ is such an energy suck, he is trying so hard but it isn’t any good
One tard and one pussy
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Imagine jon being your white water rafting guide
he behaves like a small dog, following his gf like a loyal puppy
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I just came back to check the generals after a day and everyones saying Tays left, what happened? I read she freaked out over Xavier but its not clear?
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE RELICS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
The great KING FATTIUS has been bitten by a vampire and, according to MAMA JUJU’s prophesy, will succumb to the evil influence of the vampire’s curse.
A COUP occurred and the HUNTERS have slain FATIUS. This death was NON CANON. Long live KING FATIUS. The returned king has implemented a new IRS system. Taxes have been raised in a very SUBTLE joke about VAMPIRIC INFLUENCE. REFUGEES now require that contestants pay daily TAXES to the KING.

Daily Quests:
The SOLDIER has accepted the role of XAYLEIGH RAVENBLOOD, and agreed to serve her dark masters. Today, the SOLDIER took enormous psychic damage from a sorcerer known as Q.
The wandering samurai, DANTE (DJ), has returned - saved by XAVIER - and has joined the party in their battle against the evil king.
The PALADIN has agreed to become a thrall of THE DUKE in order to learn XAVIER’s TRUE NAME.

The crew has ordered an ABOVE GROUND POOL. The pool will be used for something called the ‘BLOODBATH’ and, sources tell me, will be full of water dyed red.
based Xavier fanart
>jon and tj
showtime/piss break kek
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im enjoying this season a lot, i think it will age a lot better than the other 2 seasons
Has Jon been cool with TJ? haven't been able to watch for the past hour or so
>you would've stopped my friend's knee from hitting me?
this is pretty much their first interaction
TJ might be the least interesting contestant of all time besides Megan
tj and jon are oil and water. grapes and dogs
Is it just me or does Bex have a Lady Gaga face?
Jon does not respect TJ at all but TJ kind of seems like he knows how to outmaneuver him. This might get interesting
This is the first time they have talked
best part of the night
when a person smiles all the time it means he's an insecure awkward fuck
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jon is the sort of retard to rock the boat over
>Jon hitting on nurses at the hospital
>i was at the hosipal
holy shit hahahaha
>Jon was wizzing people up at the howspitaw
>i wuz at the howsipal
Damn he really does have the Alucard glove
>today I was at the hossipul
at da hossipal
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Betty Mega Pack V2 now over 2gb.
can we please get mirrors to stop the Bettyfags from reporting the link?
PW: BettyLove
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>tell me about these women that you rizzed up
Jon does for sure, you're autistic. He knows TJ won and loves people who have what he thinks is "power"
This wholetime we were mixxing the xavier spice. Season 3 is saved
Tj walks around like his name Igor or some shit
I unironically thought they were Fullmetal Alchemist gloves.
what a vile ghoulish hag, no more bbc for you anon
tj is so funny man
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Nice try bitch
>deaw diwwawy, today I was at the hossipul
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Post this during season 3 when half the contestants are gone by day 10 and the show is even less popular than it is right now
IS he?
Shit sense of humor
TJ and Jon together is funny as fuck
he's the sidekick, not even his gf respects him
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>hey sam so you remember tayleigh right? that girl from last season that's a known powder keg who flies off the handle easily and resorts to violence? she punched trish in the face and almost stabbed frank with scissors?
>yeah so i thought it would be a good idea to bring her back and do a bit where we pretend xavier is her 4chan stalker because it's such a preposterous idea that there's no way she'd really believe it
>well uh she was retarded enough to believe it. she assaulted him and now she's having a psychotic break
>and now she has her phone and she's seeing she really did lose all her fans cause she fucked some gay meth head from kentucky and her simps are actively doxing him and trying to fuck with his life so she's having even more of a psychotic break and trying to call up the stalker we pretended xavier was
>anyway can i get paid now?
>telling tall tales
Jon is pulling a jimmy.
Something about Jon and TJ together is so inherently kino and I cannot name a reason why
she's also italian-american
you know it's compressed and encrypted right?
Their autism collides in a weird way
>I was at the hospital and this girl starting telling me how into Andrew Tate she was
of all the things that never happened, this didn't happen the most
TJ could take a diarrhea shit on camera and you fags would applaud him.
tj's a nice guy
surely this is strike 3?
TJ is not autistic he's just socially awkward
calm down virgin

Taytriots were always going on about how "strong" and smart she is too.
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Compressed and encrypt these nuts you bitch
>Jon implying he wore the flag into the hospital
>Mr. Beast, did you watch traumatizing videos online when you were growing up?

why does he make you so mad
yeah same lol I got like 3 good clips from that
yeah... funny lookin'
I don't mind him when they're not pretending he's the main guy or having some fake arc.
Dude's a genius spaz and fits in with the freakshow
TJ is hardcore on the spectrum, he's borderline retarded
Wasn’t something like this on the bingo board
tj's a BORING guy
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i hate friendtank but i can't deny this is extremely comfy
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TJ got hot.
>cut back to Evil Kevin
>he's now Indian again
This dude fucking kills me.
>anyfin for yew
Jimmy wants to fuck Jon confirmed
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Friendship won. Jon, TJ, Taylor and Josie stream collab when
How do you end up with a lisp as severe as Jon? I can be a bit or a marble mouth myself but I don't struggle with words that have a fucking R or T in them constantly
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He literally attended retard school
Oh dang no way, no wonder.
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LUMP that whole interaction was JONTENT
That was like a first date for Jon and TJ.
How did Tayleigh’s gamer strategy work out? Did she come off as a stoic badass like AB said?
why is TJ sitting behind her like that
he really is her little puppy dog

i have mixed feelings about tayleigh but this feels like karma for getting cole ostracized
>letty unironically drove tay over the edge

damn lettybugs were right she would btfo tay and the show is not even halfway over
>look man I wasn't scared of you or anything, you were just being super creepy. Like it's fine but acting like my stalker is totally fucked up, but I don't care
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Is Xayleigh still dead?
It’s not a lisp it’s a speech impediment from his neurological retardation
Ben is killing it on the camera tonight
if you were watching tj and jon over letty and taylor you are gay
What did she do?
Thats what tay gets for calling Letty a whore
I'm going to start posting statements like this just to farm the retarded responses from people who don't like him.
would be hype seeing these two WINNERS interact together, maybe playing arcade games or something
A lisp IS a speech impediment r tard.
Account banned for harassment.
>TJ and Letty time now
lol they're whoring out TJ to everybody else
letty please ask him why he liked and unliked your cleavage pictures
literally waited for the exact right moment and baited tay into attacking xavier
Not all speech impediments are lisps you bigger TARD freak
fed tays delusions that jace was Q and goaded her into attacking jace
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Yo just don’t have TJ be in rp and no more dancing. Just redo the whole TJ man up arch thing through side quests but have it be the fish doing things for him and telling him what to do and have Taylor ignore him for the rest of the season.
so much nicer without the dyke
"trying to do something interesting listen... America, these scumbags watching us right now they don't care if you're a good person okay take this to heart think about this when you go to bed tonight. I don't care if your dad was a doctor for 40 years. He helped people in Africa fucking jerk me off okay I don't care the only thing people watching this care about is are you interesting. at the end of the day that's what matters okay so I think we're off to a great start I see some interesting people here I'm excited Okay. WHO’S HUNGRY FOR RICE?" Words TJ should take to heart.
Someone else is going to have to start keeping track of the bingo card. I'm too depressed since Cat died.

>TJ edie posted and still won the show

How can one kid be so powerful
he's a loyal chihuahua, nothing dries a woman's pussy more if you have like some sidekick towards her
What exactly is up with Jon's speech anyways? During S1 I thought it was a bit but I never really followed up on why he has such a strong speech impediment.
teej would have been a wealthy landowner in medieval england
>hearing Jon yelling off in the distance
Music to my ears
I'll start swinging on you if you speak to me that way again you pedantic shithead.
when's my nigga tayleigh coming back?
poor letty
this vertical bar shit is painfully unfunny
>TJ and Letty are looksmaxxed too
Damn TJ just looks good with short big titted bitches huh
how would you know nigger you're posting in this thread while he's with her
Taylor must shut it down tonight because I give Letty three days before she exploits a weakness in him.
You’d think some prime goblin pussy would fix TJ up a bit but he’s still a rare
>Barry Lyndon
Kino taste
Who tf doesn't like Jon?
She's at the airport, her clone Bailey is on the way
>barry lyndon
my nigga
honestly more interesting than whatever the fuck TJ is talking about
letty wouldve eaten tj ALIVE if he was in season 1
>they're having TJ talk with every member of the team because he's replacing Gayleigh
90% of the tts/fans are completely unfunny
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josie actually did a stream with jon, it was great. jon got strikes on both his youtube and twitch that night
Letty seems soulless next to TJ, but then again who wouldn't
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>when I play the laugh track then the audience knows the show is good and they'll spend more money... right?
you're confusing the lore, jimmy went to what he called "retard school"
TJ went to a normal high school and had normie friends
TJ is so uncomfortable now.
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letty won effortlessly you love to see it
>soooo.. your into movies right?
i have a fuckbuddy, you're not special worm
A speech impediment always stems from childhood speech habits that if not corrected will follow you for life.
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SAUCE: https://x.com/etherealfleet/status/1806780054120399329?s=46&t=83PSub1TYrp-TGzCc6GPPw
Has anything at all happened since Tay left? I've been watching wrestling.
Letty gonna get into lubecooch
TJ is a true cinephile and mogs /tv/
>Letty is into TJ because he has a gf
for those of you here who don't know, this is how it works
Tai sitting at basecamp alone coughing his lungs out
I hope so, but also because they're milking TJ and he's popular so they want to see him interact with all the old fish he's never met before
TJ has had a major glow up since entering the season 2 house.
They brought back Jimmy, you think they give a fuck about psychotics?
tj has psycho eyes
There’s no war in America either you dumb whore
His attempt at having an interesting quirk
yeah “Barry Lyndon”.. I’m like a film connoisseur or some shit idk haha
tj is not only a retard but also a hipster faggot.
Would make sense
They still have like 10 days to fill and the assulter is not coming back
It's so over for the coochers
I'm not reading all that but I hope it's true just because I want Tay to suffer
What does that have to do with her family moving from Ukraine?
>we're gonna end it soon
death cult confirmed
New class unlocked: Hipster retard faggot
i think jon is saying "yous" instead of "your" because it's one less R to pwonounce
Get this BONEHEAD away from TJ
Jimmy is heavily medicated this time. He's got the gut and the SSRI stare
She knows. She knows. She knows.
He knows that she knows.
We all know
>her clone Bailey
oh man imagine if they got a Tay clone, brought her back, and then passed her off as Tay for now on
when will torture fatty take place?
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Can I can some Trish pics to expand my folder? Even from season two
holy mountain is hipster trash

I think the fish talking about movies is even worse then them talking about music
Is jodorowsky the only director letty knows? She brought him up first season

Every frame of that film is like a late baroque - or "Rococo" as me and my colleagues call it, painting. it's quiet the refined experience.
watching a bunch of disgusting retards is only fun when their stuck in a dreadful situation doing demeaning things. This is just friend camp with a bunch of unlikable people :(
>jodorowsky's hipster trash. two boneheads on a stroll is a better movie
that was pretty funny desu
Let’s have another failed TJ arch where we pretend he did something and he cries and breaks a bone
Has anyone kept count of how many times King Fattius has died?
lynch and guy ritchie
>Chris rizzing up Letty
S1 vibes
Wait what happened with Tayleigh? I haven't been watching all day
Cockbuddies not like this…….
tj is our c-uck
Letty will unironically target him now just to fuck with Taylor
Can't even read this dumb shit but I hope it's true
hes got chrizz
i hate tay as much as the next guy but this is a nothingburger
He said she complimented him about it, he doesn’t care.

Actually, the stylings of that film are early romanticism, not baroque or rococo
attacked xavier because she convinced herself he was Q
As an essential NPC, he’s immortal outside of scripted cutscenes
Hold up she isn't a dyke wtf
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another psychotic break
holy filtered
Knows what? TJ did nothing wrong
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When did Chris switch from this character back to king fattius?
I'm too retarded to even read this shit
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So close
EVIL WITCH but God I want to lick her tummy

it literally takes place in the late 18th century
>tj doesn't have a life outside of taylor

this give the girls the ICK!
Watch this guys i'm going to pull out the camera... to show them we are FILMING A MOVIE no one will ever see this coming... so meta...
Did she actually physically assault him? lmao
I've been saying this for ages, he's such a fucking pseud. All he does is consoom but he doesn't actually engage with anything. Taylor's letterboxd reviews compared to his actually show that she gets the dumb arthouse movies he shows her more than he does.
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she always was a high strung sour faced acid tongued battle axe of a nonbinary
I think we just gotta accept it when it comes and goes
This afternoon. See >>200721019
why does qnanon sound like nick fuentes
What's even funnier is that she probably is continuing to spiral assuming she is back online and figured out she's down to 2 Taytriots
What fanbase lmao
Tayleigh GONE
tayleigh aint comin back
>she didn't attack no one.
ofc Jimmy thinks that lol
he is a celebrity and that gives girls the yum
what did they just say about tayleigh?
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What did Jimmy say? All I heard was Letty say "Oh shit"
Oh they've finally addressed xayliegh

Anyway back to having fun
and you dont have one outside TJ
Jet is the one who told Xavier to mention Q, it wasn't us, fuck these faggots
that she is probably not coming back
keep believing that virgin, letty wanted to run away from him
Fuck I only caught the end of Jimmy talking, what all did he say??
thats the shit tayleigh fed to jimmy and jimmy bought it
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Jimmy: we ain't gonna see Tayleigh tonight. Some serious shit on the outside
how did she manage that? was there any buildup today? i remember her squirming last night while doing cigarette donation reads from people with usernames like "i am xavier's sub"
>Jimmy's sad Tay is gone
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the rewind feature on the flowstreams is always broken
Fishtank fans confirmed based?

And? The point of a film is to observe it in a post-hoc manner. The events may take place in the 1780s or whatever but we're seeing it through the lens of a director in the 1970s, whose specifically chose a romantic style of portraying the story.
Time for yugioh!

And everyone laughs and carries on without dyke
The good end
I just get so much second hand embarrassment whenever TJ talks. He acts shy and retarded but whenever he opens up he always talks about some pseudo-esoteric topic.
Genuinely serious question: why are some of you so bitter and aggressive in a thread about a retarded internet reality TV show?
She must be pretty poor mentally because it would be easy to make the “take his mask off” as easy RP
Jimmy mentioned something happening to a family member
"probably"? wtf does jimmy know? nothing
So, why did Tayleigh leave?
thanks for your seething
>The last glimpse of Tayleigh ever seen on the internet was attacking a fake Q
watch it on youtube
Tayleigh just had her Summer moment.
No she tried to pull his mask off everyone is overreacting. The woods aren’t for everyone
Edie mentioned?
That Tay is leaving I believe
>TJ appears
How have the TJseethers been handling it?
No, she left because she found out her "fans" were doxing and buttblasting her bf
the fanbase, thanks fanbase
the party girl will chew up the little gooner virgin and either spit him back out or dominate him idubbz style
Cole Won.
Tayleigh wishes nothing more than to have a man steal her underwear and molest her and stalk her. She is crying because it’s never happened.
Jimmy and Tay's friendship is really wholesome
it's so fucking funny that is what caused all this
>cole really should've been here...poor guy
put yourself in a real ones shoes tho
She got trolled and tried to see who he was and the dumbshit retard 16 year olds who hate her want it to seem like she was trying to literally kill him
the term "post-hoc" is not necessary in that sentence lol
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not well when he first appeared they had a melty
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‘Cole is convinced everyone hates him, but everyone loves him, I wish he was here’
-Jimmy, just now
you both share that in common
No more Tay means Jimmy lost his only "friend." Wonder if we watch him spiral next. Maybe Jon will save him
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cup cup girl will come to rescue tayleigh
Taylor has TJ like a loyal puppy
Cuz fuk u
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Jimmy is one of the biggest Tayleigh simp there is. He's basically her beta orbiter. After this shit show she might actually have low enough self esteem to fuck him.
I fucking hate Tay but it really was.
Kek excellent
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Holy shit I bet I know what this is, she found out the /bant/ fags were sending people to Jordan's grandpa's house from grindr lol
Xavier went shoot on her

(broke kayfabe)

lil bit
Because it attracts the type of mentally ill middle aged men who obsess over podcast hosts and comedians and think they are their friends along with typical 4ch schizo horny psychos

Genuinely serious question: why aren't you?
>TJ sitting behind Taylor like a loyal C-uck

This isn’t a competition, there’s almost no reason for any of them to snap. It’s all mostly RP and chill..
Thank you for saying this, I cringed when I read that.
What's a fake Q?
>"Sadly, we probably won't be seeing Tayleigh tomorrow. I'm not allowed to say what happened."
>"Due to the fanbase. Thanks fanbase. Poor girl."
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based wholesome jimbo

The entire point of a film is to watch it with the acceptance that the events that transpired are done and unchangeable, and that the audience is only there to understand what unfolds. To indulge in film is definitely a post-hoc experience.
Is there any legitimacy to the speculation that Minion is Sam’s gf?
Is Tayleigh officially gone?
Why did Ariel plagiarize a bit of Totty without crediting her later?
in english please
Jimmy talking about Tayleigh not coming back clip?
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>family doxed
>grindr account discovered
>mother exposed as a meth smoking, fireball guzzling whore that drives your little brother around while under the influence of both
>horny grindr fags sent to your grandmother's house
>calls placed at your job (you actually gave away you work at KFC by your hat and screen name because you're a fucking drugged out retard) trying to get you fired
>people trying to give police tips on you because of how openly you say you smoke weed (illegal in KY)
>now pedo allegations on the cusp
I'd feel bad for him but honestly, he deserves it for thinking bagging someone as fugly asTay is worth acting like a smug dipshit about.
he didn't say that
i am utterly bewildered that women are impressionable enough to go through a scripted reality tv romance and come out believing they are attracted to a guy who probably ate glue as a child

> wow the crowd love us together this is so romantic
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yeah but as opposed to what?
Our boy is absolutely lit the fuck up off those tylenols
Jimmy's not wrong. If Cole humbled himself, he's still popular and could come back, but Cole is unable to do this. All you have to do is take direction from Sam and not be a bitch. Even boring fish who have quit have come back to the show.
if that's what you want to call his current cocksleeve, sure. but he's also still banging Letty and Trish on the side.
Tayleigh resorting to violence so easily and quickly is crazy. She really is a lesbian.
What a great day. Tay returns to her meth hovel. Our friend TJ is back and glowed up
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benleaks wins again
Yeah. Production greenlit her cause she got rid of her fanbase.

It was some real greaseball shit. Im a taytriot tho not that retarded like the /bant/ dudes
God it feels so good now that tay is gone for sure. I feel like I can relax
Yes he actually did
He also said ‘no homo, I hope Mauro is ok’
you're so jealous
why does q sound similar to cole
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Taylor Alpha
tj beta
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extremely cozy rn
We're cursed to watch Mauro leave over and over again
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>she has a blue eyes
"I'm not schizophrenic. I'm actually based in reality." -- Q
are they really selling cigarettes for $20 a piece
It's more that she's high T and TJ is basically like having a fob Chinese girlfriend who just kind of follows you around like a pokemon
No more jimfacing :(
>teejers try not to be cringe for two minutes

Fishtank. The events haven't fully transpired and we can freely interact and change the course of them.
Jimmy's not attracted to Tay, which is why their friendship works so well
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always makes me smile
Fucking kek forgot about this
Seriously why are you so mad? shes wasnt that bad imo
Someone's going to tell you you're coping/seething/whatever, but you've completely nailed this relationship. Taylor is a clearly impressionable young woman (as most are), and was basically gaslit into believing she was into this guy. Very strange dynamic.
5 times
He literally did lol
its boring as shit
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i haven't watched any of this shit and i'm not going to but let me know if there's been any letty/trish interaction. i hope tai wins the little caesars pizza
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Letty is now smoking cigarettes more often. I hope Jet suffers greatly in life.

It's so over.
>she didnt attack nobody
yeah dindu nuffin good boy
Who fucking cares.
The level of cruelty you people show towards this poor woman is insane. Having a stalker when you're an anxious, frail woman is traumatizing in a way that a man cannot understand.
This thread just seems full of people who hate their lives. What the fuck haha
this is how reality shows are always made to be watched
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>>>of me
self inserters are so pathetic its crazy
if your point is that films are finished and then shown to the audience after they're made, i don't know why you felt the need to say that, everyone is aware of that
an ersatz 2A2W
a phony CS major
a simulacrum bicyclist
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>panders to /bant/ for months with no problem
>someone else does it
>has an immediate nervous breakdown
lol hi tayleigh
Theyre women bro, most of em are


It wasnt about the twink it was about Xavier
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get off the phone and back in front of the camera, tayleigh you nigger
I almost agreed with you but then I remembered all those Jimfaces into the cam and now I want her dead again
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Taylor is the Alpha
tj is the beta
He says that
If she pulled down her granny panties and threw some skeleton pussy at him he’d accept immediately and without hesitation
I know this is bait, but this is her fault for even entertaining this whole /bant/ shitshow in the first place.
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>beatleigh lost again
>Jimmy: She didn't attack no one or nothing but some serious shit happened
>Letty: Like at home
>Jimmy: Yeah, due to the fanbase
Someone may have doxxed her, her parents or her meth head bf.
tayleigh would never use words that big
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holy kys
Greg said Tayleigh's coming back tomorrow

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Can go you go back and tend to your potatoes or whatever you waste your life on and maybe, if you want to speak coherently with me, take a film or art history class?
i would have to be attracted to taylor to be jealous
it's just a new dimension to female shallowness that i didn't even know existed
i think you could just pay a girl's friends to tell her she likes a guy and she would end up believing them
i guess this is why women are so worried about "gaslighting", it works on them very well
maybe she shouldn't have entertained her stalker so much on stream and used him as content? just an idea. if she's not coming back because of "family stuff" then it's the fault of the psycho doxing fanbase that she fostered and encouraged
don't fucking urge her back on, fuck her
Jimmy BERATING viewers for being mean to girls
>Jimmy: Sadly, we probably won't be seeing Tayleigh tomorrow.
>Letty: Seriously?
>Jimmy: It's bad. I'm not allowed to say what happened.
>Letty: What?
>Jimmy: Outside stuff.
>Letty: Is she coming back tomorrow?
>Jimmy: ...she didn't attack no one or nothin', but uh, something serious had happened.
>Letty: Like at home?
>Jimmy: Yeah, due to the fanbase.
>Letty: Oh shit.
>Jimmy: Thanks fanbase.
>Letty: I hope everything's okay.
>Jimmy: Poor girl.
Lmao then why did she have him on her stream multiple times if she was so scared
someone else is a grown ass man creeping on a tiny girl you cock sucker
Oh n-
This retard doesn't know how to smoke a cigarette lol
>whiteknighting for a ftm
Sometimes your so online you mentally enter the web and when you can't express yourself to the people on your screen you seethe and lash out. It's grim but seems like that's how the majority of people here consume media
he has plenty of friends irl, doesn't he?
people sent a grindr hookup to his grandma's house where he lives yesterday
yep. dudes mind just aint there.
God dammit
100% hes a fraud. there's nothing to him but an empty facade.
lol the panty sniffing accusations to the schizo xaiver is my stalker attack arc for tayleigh is so fucking kino
What a crazed dyke….
nothing better than two girls with massive naturals giggling together
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yet another FLAWLESS josie VICTORY
Yeah wow a 22 year old doesn't know how to properly deal with a stalker I guess she missed that day of school and deserves all the punishment you decide to inflict upon her.
he almost choked on weed yesterday
>wrote all that

now the vibes will be shit and everyone will walk on eggshells around her
>didn’t attack no one or nothin’
Funny fella
that's the perfect end to her stupid fishtank character arc. BYE BYE
Hello betty
srs why you hate her ? s2 was the tay show why are you even here?
But that's just a normal afternoon for him
so True, Just unbelievable that even WOmeN could like that little freak.
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>girls playing yugioh
the fuck are you talking about?
The only thing that makes any sense is that he's talking about the gay dudes being sent to Jordan's house
doesn't seem so from the show, he barely interacts to people besides taylor, that's why the production has to forced him to speak with letty, tai and jon
So true
where's the bard
It makes my peener feel nice
Shut up, gay ass nigga
That lighter flick from Jimmy cam back to Schitty was genuinely kino.
She’ll return tomorrow
Source: Greg

All Tay haters BTFO
Rule number one is don't talk to your stalker. You must be a moron like Tay
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Rayleigh left because she couldn’t stand to see TJ and Taylor flirting
>I've been saying this for ages
lol ur obsessed with tj
>He says that
It's one of the few things he says that's real.
He does kind of remind me of Cole lmao
She is the vibes, respect your protag cocksucker

Dude im starting to think theyre not even that they may be gay men shits disgusting
Yeah if you're a catty wine aunt
I wonder if Letty realized she's stuck on the Fishtank limbo along with the other undesirables. Josie broke the mold after wasting two months of her life doing grunt work for free. Sylvia is lucky enough that revisionism didn't make Jet call her to be whatever pregnant golem dog of a critter, she's free now to take care of her crackbaby and make noise music until she dies at age 46. The tank is the purgatory for deadbeats to rely on forever.
it was based earlier when both Jon and Xavier told them they couldn't play with them
Tay will ne coddled harder than ever now. I look forward to her losing what few fans she has left.
>doxxed a "loved one"
>someone doxxed a loved one of tayleigh's and she's really upset
said jimmy lol it's definitely jordan
not just that. it was qnanon and tj showing up together
Tayleigh was raped.
I can't imagine being anything other than indifferent on Tayleigh
There has never been a fish more perfect for fishtank than Jimmy. You cannot deny this.
even Cole has more personality than tj lmao
*Jordan was raped
Tayleigh literally had to be given an iv the first day or whatever lol
jimmy's idea of someone who has their shit together is tay. kek
>/bant/ actually won
What a tweeest
I care about the show bro thats it

Was just asking why you hate her ? she just basedfaces no malice about her

True cringe is Brian and TJ doing Cumtown bits IRL, and for that matter Letty basing her personality on Dasha
keep director on taylor and letty yugioh duel no one cares about jimmy walking around in the dark
I want to watch TJ use his big retard dick on taylor
>She is the vibes
she kills the vibes

boring bad RP and brings nothing to the show

the show didnt miss a beat with her gone and now it will go back to being shit when she is on cam
>they shut down jimcam as he started talking about tay
And you'd kill to be on it weirdo
Shoutout to the whales for keeping this shitshow profitable
they cut Jimmy's feed as soon as he mentioned that somebody doxxed Jordan goddammit
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>Jimmycam is talking about the drama? PULL IT
"Loved one" AKA Cock Buddy
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no shit....
They cut Jimmy's cam so we can't know what happened
very much so
You are a creep
>just two girls pretending to know how to play the monster card game
Letty doesn't care about that. As long as she has simps and doesn't have to work for anything, she's fine.
She sucks and is boring. That enough reasons for your stupid ass?
Theres a weird disconnect going on where they're pretending to have a sense of ironic detachment from the things they're aggressively seething over throughout a thread. Thinking it might not be good to spend a lot of time here.
Then make them take their clothes off and kiss
late, who is Jordan?
You'd suck a dog's dick to be there for 60 seconds, freak!
you're gay
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Jordanbros i kneel and will never cross you or speak ill of you.
jimmy cam is back
I hope Jimtard is Letty's next target
thats not true he has close knit group of friends
He chain "smokes' without smoking at all outside of the occasional french inhale. He chokes any time he inhales normally. I imagine it's due to 12 years of cigarette smoking experience.
every day of her life
Sorry cockbuddy :(
Yes anon you would know because your friend in 7th period lets you hit his pen sometimes in the bathroom during lunch. Obviously we all know Jimmy shouldnt inhale
How does Vance have this many fans? What is going on
Lung Cancer Latta
Oh her BF nvm
glad they smoked Gayleigh
there are no jordanbros. only jordan seethes
revisionism? what
After her meltie they gave her her phone and she saw the chicken man situation and that /bant/ has been sending Grindr guys to his door
He's a normie
She has her own Twitter following now that's not fishtank-related
he's the dude everyone clowns on if that's trrue
/bant/ can suck a dick for all i care

No. Bro she brings balance to the force. Physicality and femininity. I understand you thinking shes ugly. Quoting Richie from the Sopranos "to each their own "

and dont give me the Jimface shit, MDE universe is gayer than the office
They should play precolombian ritual music so Jimmy's ancestral memory awakes and he starts to fuck shit up
Jimmy simp arc
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Up to your ole Q Form tricks again Xavier?
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I like his stealth ability
It's going to be TJ.
This show has completely collapsed
I'm not a Tayleigh fan but her hate does feel unwarranted. Your points about TJ, Letty and Brian are very true and undertalked about.
Jimmy is such a fucking pussy
Simping Jimmy
My bad I dont know what they call themselves I just want to show my respect and reverence
God Jimmy is such a faggot for Tayleigh
wearing a motorcycle jacket because he's badass
high confidence
Thanks for alert

He’s threatening to send his ‘niggas, real motha fuckers’ off whoever doxed KFC
I simply enjoy the poetry of the strategic intricacies of a Yu-Gi-Oh duel between two worthy opponents
Jimmy simp
WTF is Jimmy talking about? If Tayleigh had been doxxed, it would've happened in this thread lol
Jimmy is such a try hard faggot.
>Jimmy pretending to have a personal army
Here we go
>production said I cant talk about it
>so they doxxed her loved ones
Jimmy shut the fuck up lmaooo
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lmfao jimmy shut yo bitch ass up nigga
When I'm mad, my niggas are mad.
Uh oh, Jimmy's mad
Jimmy gonna get the mallet out
Skitzo breakdown incoming
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Taking Jimmycam down would break the JDA
>uhhh yikes you care about a friend.... cringe much?
Jimmy changed class to White Knight
>playing cardgames with taylor
Uhhhh that's way more erotic than I imagined
Classic bets orbiter.
Have fun tomorrow ;)
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Does she really need an entire day to calm down? Was it that bad?
Jimmy thinks his discord handlers will doxx the /bant/ shitposters
Jimmy is desperate for a damsel in distress that he can hug.
see: Meg, Nifty (non-consensual), Tayleigh
Dude I like Letty as a character and as a fish on the show but that girl is legitimately a fucking loser. Lives with her parents and hasn't even had a job before. Like how is that even possible to not have a job even in your 20's?
I dunno man I guess I grew up knowing that if I wanted to buy something, i'd have to get a job to get money.
Pretty sure he's talking about Jordan getting doxxed lol
>when I'm mad, my niggas are mad
Jimmy I'm sorry to tell you but I'm really not mad about Tayleigh leaving
Her boyfriend is being bullied by /bant/
I wish someone would bitch slap some sense into him
>inb4 it's a part he's playing
jimmy is nothing without his violence towards women
You had to be there for s1. If you were then he was too complex of a character for you.
jimmy gonna have a schitzo freakout soon against xavier I can feel it
>my bf was doxxed
welp! THAT just happened

Hilarious that you call anyone boring when Vance, TJ and Jet himself are there.

Again its the Tay show since S2, you cant stand the heat stay the fuck.
he has 10 mde twitter orbiters that follow him everywhere and suck his dick, that's about it
Jimmy is painting a target on himself eh
Jimmy is a cringe whiteknight
>Bro she brings balance to the force
she brings nothing everyone was able to RP freely and xavier was still as witty as before and yes she is a shit RPer who constantly makes a face at the camera because she has nothing interesting to say fuck off
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>Jimmy recording his manifesto
Truly neptunian
So they let them smoke weed, use cellphones, and go outside (obviously) in this. It's like anti fishtank. I don't get it.
he has to have a group of irl friends back home doing it
Tay was Jimmy's only real friend. Surely he will attack someone this week
/bant/ niggers did this to Tayleigh :\
They sent gay niggas from grindr to his grandmas house lmao
You goobers got Jimmy thinking he has fans that'll go to bat for him and Tay lmfao my fucking sides
dont even know what that means, loser
Nah it's gonna be Letty because she's a woman.
hes just a chill guy
Found out the few people that like her now hate her enough to dox and harrass her boyfriend and family.
I'm goin to mallet for you, jimmy
Jimmy may be retarded but he seems like a good dude, outside of the mallet thing
also trish the first time was non consensual
they're faggots, but I'll give em this one
it's an intermediate mini-season for old fish to have fun before a reboot for s3 with no veterans

any paypigs here? send some TTS to jimmy cam that make him snap
>have you watched my vlog
Yeah I'm out
It's not that bad if Jimmy simps if he directs all of his anger and frustration directly at Letty
he DID mostly learn his lesson from season 1 and stopped trying to force humor.
she did it to herself
Hes the MDE fan self insert.
I hope you like what you've done
hilarious that he's calling her cock buddy a "loved one" lmao
She was the one who shouted him out in the first place and the reason why all that shit happened. her psycho fans are fucking retarded but it's entirely her fault all things considered
that's why it's 2.5 and not 3 retard-sama
lol why is production letting us listen to this
dammit jimmy's tts is broken
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>good dude
>hugs women and cuddles next to them without consent
I'm not your slave. Tell me what to type specifically and i'll think about it.
so is his mind
>i don't think anything badder than a doxing happened
Oh no, Jimmy... oh no...
>maximum comfy yugioh game going on
>directors on jimmy
it's not even tayhaters who did it either. it was literally her own fans
*her cockbuddy
>attacks them with mallets when they get out of line (mildly annoy him)
if you call the wiggers "production" you're a nufishtank fag
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Jimmy Disclosure Agreement. If they gag him there will be severe fines and punishment for production.
If Jimmy can't hug a girl he gets mad and attacks them with mallets
they're likely all getting denied
Tayleigh and Jimmy = star crossed cockbuddies
If you haven't noticed, she was only brought here to be humiliated, just like the creep taytriots warned her about
put on lettycam it's very cozy
>gaze into the abyss
>the abyss gazes back
welcome to the internet
so a great dude non ironic fully fucking serious get over yourself mormon whores
no he doesn't, he's overcompensating
kek this
>babe they sent grindr dates to my grandma's house
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>see everyone from season 1 get everyone doxxed
>decide to go on anyway
>start fucking a fan
>be shocked when he gets doxxed
really crazy i feel so bad for her being so retarded
>they doxxed my fuckbuddy?
>whatever man you know that's the cost of fame man, y'know. I'm not gonna let it get to me, man, of course not cmon, y'know it's just one of those things y'know i can't let em win, man, c'mon, y'know
>lol why is production letting us listen to this
because it's funny
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>eye funny
He sticks up for women he wants to fuck. How are you falling for this?
if tay comes back it's not brave, it's retarded. she should just go dfe and smoke meth with cockbuddy
The only person who’s used their phone is Tay and that was following a brutal PSYCHIC ATTACK

Jay’s social media accounts are posting but that’s because he gave his login info to the Bend Oregon Republican Party in order to shill a crypto currency scheme
That would be amazing
I seriously hope he tries to attack ANOTHER woman on fishtank. That would be KINO
Scott fucking with TJ and Taylor on lettycam is pretty comfy
a likely story
fully justified bitch correction was needed
bant won
q won
the mde zoomers have managed to win over the fanbase in the last few years, especially people like ben and joeyy
wtf is that

yugioh is gay and boring but you can change to whatever camera you want retard
that's this season's equivalent of
>he sent nudes to my dying grandfather
TTS jimmy with THE TRUTH to make him tard rage
this drama gets discussed on twitter like crazy giving fishtank more exposure
So the yugioh game is just the trader playing Taylor via letty proxy
wtf is jon doing
hi, cole

Stop being 24 bro. Again shes a high T refined taste.

Every single thing she says and every single reaction she has is what she brings to the table. The production bullying her was part of the gimmick. I like that imo. Many did. Shes no fucking clown shes a woman no woman has anything going on in their heads. Except Letty but shes a discount Dasha which is waaay cringier than any Jim face.
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I can't believe there's all of this drama over fucking Tayleigh. I'll admit I was a Tayleighfag until the panties thing but how autistic do you have to be to care she fucked some AIDs riddled hillilly How retarded is she for fucking a guy who bought a $50 chicken? I fucking love this show it brings out the biggest autist.
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>gives Tayleigh her phone back
What did he think was going to happen?
holy kek it is hahahaha
>outside of the time he attacked a woman with a mallet for messing with the show's toy, he's a good guy
Letty sounds kinda retarded sometimes
Jon climbed up on the camper
digits confirm goron is a retard
>I'm in a twee
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>tayleigh is looking at twitter and /bant/ right now knowing it's all over
if you want high T refined taste get a passing tranny like daddy sammy
Many such cases
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TTS jimmy to make him tard rage
well other than the obvious
nontent TJ is here. a fish tank champion! Truly one of the greats of the game, definitely not carried to the end.
inna twee
>He sticks up for women he wants to fuck.
idk man, Jimmy sounds like the kind for sticks up for women he doesn't want to fuck
like the kind who beats his gf every day but guys groceries for his sister and his mom
Relax bud
jet is the perfect example of how you dont need to be attractive, intelligent, educated, charismatic, hard working or talented to be successful
She has no tits or ass. Calling her a high T taste is gigacope. You’re just undersocialized with low standards
Princess is innocent!
if josie was on 2.5 they could've got a guy to pretend to be bad ideas too, stalker tank live
Tayleigh Fairplay
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mother of God
cwimbin' twees
Hey Tayleigh, hope you're reading this thread
nobody likes you anymore, except Jimmy. imagine Jimmy being your only fan lol
tj mogged
found the last remainin taytriot. his limbs have all been blown to bits and he can't hear, speak or talk, and is being fed through a tube but here he is typing with assistance using morse code tapping
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>that transition with the violen sfx
When I first started drinking beer I liked IPAs and stouts and things with lots of flavor. Lagers and pilsners were "boring". But over time I ended up craving something simpler and drinkable. I still like IPAs and stouts, but at the end of the day, nothing beats a nice crisp lager.
He’s finding his nightly sleeping location
If Nina and Xayleigh had any brains they would appreciate the basement wiggers exposure therapy as preparation for the inevitable feedback they get from the real world.
It requires insane levels of narcissism to think you can be a reality tv star while having complete control of others perceptions of you.
The child between Jimmy and Tay would be extremely powerful (deranged)
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>they sent grindr dates to my dying grandma's house
i don't even like that nigger, but he's better than "loyal puppy" tj
Lmao fucking synconicities man
Holy shit his leg is FUCKED.
No I saw them going hard for him during season 2. Stop thinking like an actual nigger.
Jesus, Jon's leg is FUCKED
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TTS does not effect Jimmy.
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>taytriots when they hear jimmy say "loved one"
jons leg is mangled lmao
>win this for her
nigga still thinks he has a chance
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>jesus christ
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what the fuck
>Before I reveal my identity I must say: I'm a bad idea. You know, to have around. I'm not right in the head.
>he's gotta make sure the house is sturdy
wtf did she mean by this?
can i get a god dang quick rundown? i am hearinga bout stalkers and all sorts of crazy crap, i havent watched since season 2
Has he slept in an actual bed for a single episode of season 1 or 2.5?
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Jon has a fucking hole in his leg, wtf.
Goranian 'jak>>200722353
Someone gonna die
Surprised that shit isn't infected
nigga gonna lose a leg
TJ got mogged by a car when he was a child. And now his brain no work so good no more
How did Jon hurt his leg?
yer a pussy
Jontent bros... I don't feel so good
that is gnarly af
that looks fucking septic holy shit
other than tay suicide and jon amputation complications, how many deaths will there be before s3?
dude what
>doctors did nothing for him
nigga turning into a zombie LOOOL
I finally send a tts and it doesn't send and no refund, knew I shouldn't have given these fucking wiggers any money
Despite a destroyed leg, he’s still by far the best tree climber on the set
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>my loved one... my cock buddy...
did they really send him to the hospital and they didnt do shit for him?
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What the fuck dude how is he not at the hopsittal?
Look at that fucking hole. Jon deserves a break
Tits or ass everyone can have that you can get tons of whores like that.

Cool chicks like Tay are harder to find. The innocent cringe. The mental issues. Its cool bro, just admit that your taste is basic and dare I plebian.
Guys that's just a torn hamstring, Sam's leg was also like that back in 2021
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What the FUCK go to the hospital bro
Yer a nigger fag lol
Jon needs to rest his leg or he's gonna get tendinopathy.
>she has is what she brings to the table.
which is shit RP and a bad jim face, great. she is about as useless as vance. its good they bullied her so she can leave. mood was much better with her gone.
>tj sitting behind taylor again

dude, have some self respect
so he definitely just left hospital on his own right
Holy SHIT at least wrap that up what the FUCK
Why does it say "a bard is coming"? Is TJ the bard?
What the fuck that looks like it needs to be amputated...
>jon is dying
>xay is dead
>jimmy is mourning
>letty's eye is fucked up
stardust never had a fucking hole appearing
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so uh the doctor gave him an X-ray, that's helpful
>the vampirism is taking over
he's fucked
>Cool chicks like Tay
shes a woman bro of course shes retarded
>shit bad retard idiot fucking fuck shit ass shitty retards
4chan is so worthless lmao. are any of older than 14?
>two big macs
>chicken spicy sandwhich
>large thing of fries
this nigga forgetting to cut after the bulk
They should just end it and make tai the winnder.
letty's eye has always been fucked up
>retarded itches in the hospital gave me an xray which doesn't do shit
He's more retarded than I thought
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>Jon walks back into the show like he's fit as a fiddle, high on painkillers or something
>his leg now looks worse than ever
>I ate a shitton of McDonald's

yer a nigger gorilla faggot

i won
good morning saar
joeyy concert
I’d pay money to have the full recording of tay behind the scenes after she lost her mind
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ella is coming with her acoustic guitar to do covers of college dad rock. hope you like pavement.
that leg would be more useful getting lopped off and thrown on the fire
Holy fuck save Jon
>trish's ass is fat
>fatty has become bulimic
>vance has a hot sister
>how is he not at the hopsittal?
Jon has the right to walk out AMA
seriously Jet should drive him back
Is there anyway to just show the tts messages in chat? I think you could do that last season
God this bitch is ugly as shit
I'd pay to watch her get gaped
no because hes already there. he came.
Rizzed up a few bitches before the rot set in
What the fuck? He needs to go get medical care in a hospital.
They X-ray’d
His skeleton is intact
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>everyone is dying of burnt pallet fumes
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>I'm in pain but I'm having fun that's all that matters
>to all the people that lost their houses in wild fire...that sucks

classic jon
TJ doesn't deserve taylor at ALL, I will draw his blood upon my blade and brutalize that little retard in front of her then have my way with the victor's spoils
can someone DM this to jet on instagram, or something? this tard is going to get fucking gangrene
everyone remember to vote for Jon for city council
>omg taylor everyone thinks my nose boobs and lips are fake they looks so good!
t. letty just now
Yo fax
bro someone save this dude, he leg looks like its going to fall off
Jet needs to pay Jon reparations
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if they captured this on cam they'd get $60 from me every 6 months for the rest of my life

on a real note tho someone could def bribe one of those low level wiggers on set to start secretly recording shit, they need that money
That silent hill tts was pretty good.
So how did John's leg get injured
Too busy rizzing to get a wound dressing applied
>I’d pay money to have the full recording of tay behind the scenes after she lost her mind

Season 2 has the Summer voicemails
We need an equivalent
Jon literally cannot say hospital to save his life. Do we have a list of words he is incapable of saying?
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Maybe it's like Cody Rhodes. He tore his pec but the doctors determined he wouldn't be able to damage it any worse than it already was so he was able to wrestle a match before getting surgery.
>Cool chicks like Tay
you're fucked lol
I think the hole is a secondary injury though, it's not like he got the hole first and then an infection spread, this looks like a muscle tear or something rather than an infection
Jon needs some preserving boluses, he has been afflicted with Scarlet Rot
>the last statements of Jon before he dies in his sleep tonight
Jet catching a charge for this one
this shit is rotting off, godamn
Wrap his leg ffs. Theres like an open hole
he hurt it while sprinting in the forest at night
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dude its bad
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Tay should of hooked up with Tai instead,
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Beanie orders status?
Holy fuck I just saw jons leg for the first time, send him to a new hospital not this pain pill shit
Is Jon just built different?
Jon just needs to pray to god and it'll be fine don't worry
A list of words he's capable of saying would be much easier to obtain
My balls look like this all the time bros..
Tai and Jimmy cams pretty comfy rn
i want to hear jimmy seethe some more
Jon hasn't adjusted to his recent weight gain and pulled a muscle attempting to run. Fat people problems.
Jon ain't making out of these fucking woods
Maybe because im mexican like her ex
Don't they have a nurse there?
I have new respect for Jon, he must be on some serious painkillers
nah its cool. doc gave him an xray
Give Jon some MSM (natural sulphur) and gigadoses of thiamine
Did Jon go to the hospital and refuse to let the doctor see his leg because it's gay for a man to do that?
What actually happened to Jon? That shit looks gnarly.
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Jet please hospitalize this wetawd before he loses his fucking leg
I sent a tts about Tayleigh having no fans left and Jimmy said "of course she has fans left, if she didn't I wouldn't have people in my dm's asking about her constantly"
Jon's gonna need to get his leg amputated FUCK
lmao it just occurred to me that those people who ordered from her will go unfulfilled forever
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love how the cameramen always turn jimmys light off
He would've taken her to Buccee's
Night 2 he was sprinting around in the woods at night with Jimmy

Given the seriousness of the injury, he’s hardly complained at all - it wasn’t until the footage right now that viewers were able to see how serious it looks
Makes the most sense honestly
None of these people are interesting or entertaining. It's a damning indictment that any of us are even watching this.
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The color of Jon's injury isn't a big deal, bad hamstring tears look like that, the part that kind of concerns me is the hole, I don't know why that's there, if it's related, or why a hospital wouldn't wrap that shit
Which makes me wonder if that only appeared after he got back and was on pain killers
>it's cool, I don't even feel anything *pops another pill*
this is criminal negligence
Think back to the kino of the 1st season. Now think of how much better it wouldve been if Jon didnt leave early
For those that can't stream the show, his do you keep up?
Just 4chan?
Jon just going to sleep in some dirty tent with that fucked up leg hole tonight
>he sent nudes to my dying grandfather
whats the context of this one again
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she just showed up for Tay's iv, she's not on sight
They monitor these threads post to post
This, it's a tear not an infection, tears can cause massive amounts of bruising like this
I would bet they wrapped it and he took it off (because he's retarded)
letty talking about jeremy to betty off camera in the bathroom
He has point.
I thought it was from the airsoft guns
Yeah they need to bandage that and force Jon to light duty
I don’t understand it. If it’s actually a hole it would be oozing pus
Its un bandaged just waiting to get an infection from Fattys feces
A branch or twig probably stabbed him when he was running at night.
Good old days

He tore his hamstring pretty bad, literally nothing he can or should do right now other than R.I.C.E protocol

Hospitals aren't miracle workers and If you show up to a hospital with 106F fever during flu season they will maybe offer an I.V. after a few hours then tell you to fuck off.
If you die you die.
This is US hospitals specifically, but people need to learn basic healthcare for themselves.
shouldnt you stay off it till it heals
he definitely didn't go to the fucking hospital because the first thing they would do is sterilize and either wrap or more likely stitch that hole
how the fuck did he climb a tree with that hole in his leg. crazy mf
i love how tj is the c-uck in the relationship
Losing Jon and going straight into the camping arc was painful
It's impossible, the only way the show has ever been remotely enjoyable is following the stream nearly 24/7. and even then it sucks
I think the hole is from when he fell climbing on Friday.
jon's going to lose his leg
>taylor scritching tj's head
it's a bruise. not an infection.
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Why does this go so hard holy shit
Is it normal for a torn hamstring to have a hole like that or did they stab him at the hospital?
Why does she look so unhinged?
i was going to ask why he thought sprinting around the woods at night was a good idea but that logic only works on normal people and not jon
Yes he should lol but he's too retarded
Jon literally could not function at that point in s1. he was incapable of playing along in any challenge. he's fine in this environment because there's no competition
yea the hole is the worrisome part
No vampire attacks tonight?
Ay wise guy, where's the vampires in dis joint?!
wow bant is proud of themselves
He has a hole in his leg. It can get infected if they don't bandage it.
>Is it normal for a torn hamstring to have a hole like that
nothing about that wound is normal
no screenie?
>Pic related
Jimmy 100% wants to fuck him mom
4chan and kiwifarms
jimmy man
If you shoot BBs at it

vibes nukes
she will steal his soul and move on to the next chump
i called it last night. vampire attacks at night are over. they dont wanna force them to keep a guard and shit.
how did this fucking happen? wtf
TJ and Taylor is proof that good things happen to good people and what's going with Tayleigh is proof that karma exists.
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Name one time he’s even complained about his injury
He was doing push-ups in the rain afterwards too

Watch a daily recap on YouTube (a b)
Jon was losing it being inside all day. He climbs trees and runs around all day naturally so being inside wasn’t good
this NEEDS to be on the OST
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The freeloaders carried the weight that jon left
sorry tay is freaking out about her cock buddy getting grindr fags sent to his grandma's house. cams down and pizza and beer to restore vibes
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>caters to parasocial schizos
>acts shocked when they act like parasocial schizos
I honestly don't understand her

send fags to his house via grindr
fishtank exposure
uhh wrong pic?
The hole is what is intriguing... Maybe it's a wound from the airsoft guns, maybe it's not that deep, maybe he hurt himself when he fell and a faggot went through his thigh... Who knows? He didn't even address this shit, he's just playing though guy shit instead of feeling pain and complaining about it like a grown adult
i think jim just admited it was coke and not caffeine lol
if they kick him out because of this it would be the gayest shit ever
woman moment
3 foot world
he specifically asked if he could be let out to walk in the woods during S1. they should have just let him, and disqualified him from the grand prize.
touch fire, get burned

should have learned a lesson from everyone else and acted aloof. its criminal that jet and sam dont have a sit down with the contestants about acting aloof after the show.
if he's got an open wound the entire thing could become infected
at the very least they need to wrap that shit up
they should be honestly, very funny
Excellent post AND a cute poster
Probably got shiv'd by a branch or twig while he was running around at night.
I don't think Tay is a terrible person but this is largely true in many ways and this simple explanation eludes people who'd rather make it more complicated than it is. Being an aggressive resentful prick will fuck your shit up.
Xavier was a grown ass man creeping on her
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Christ I wasn't a Tay simp or even a fan of hers really but this whole Tay cuckery bullshit triggered bad experiences I've had where girls have pulled the exact same hat trick with me and it's legitimately making me feel super depressed remembering times I've been lead on and consequently dumped
3rd place world
wait what did he say? he got drug tested earlier
hello tay
>creeping on her
fail rp
nigga its in the lore. its canon
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why are these TTS pussies so afraid of fire? omg ur gonna inhale fumes ur hecking lungerinos studies show its not good for you!!!!!!!! shut the fuck up trannies
Tai is so savage
TJ is a pedo THOUGH
xavier is a 19 year old computer science major. or /lit/anon.
im putting a warn on your account
She didn't respect xavier's 3 foot world, man
3rd world feet
>Xavier was a grown ass man creeping on her

Also no he didn't, the whole thing is larping you tard
join us
>Q doxed Tay's gay boyfriend
its woman behaviour bro lesson lived lesson learnt
Switch to a dead camera is the best you can do.
>walking away from Tai dunking on yugioh nerds

It's the equivalent of keeping a wild animal in a cage. Jon thrives when he can roam.
if women lack agency that badly then they shouldn't be allowed to vote
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Jon's leg earlier for reference
It's too late for the damage control, Tayleigh
"grown ass man" as if she isn't a grown ass woman, and as if it wasn't a bit. You are either braindead, or tayleigh herself
>grown ass man
nice shitpost
What "hat trick" did Tayleigh pull? What?
Three women who share memories of the Hiroshima disaster try to uncover the hidden family ties that may or may not bind them together.
His plan tonight, before they went to check up on him, was climb into a tree and nap until the musician arrived

I kneel, he’s so fucking based
They would know immediately if they shorted a line of coke lol
He implied he was the twink stalker all this time

+ Tays gimmick is age gap hate you casual redditor
>jimmy thinks he's being called a tranny because he's sticking up for tayleigh and not because we can all see his giant titties with the milk dud nipples
yeah i agree with that. they should give him neosporin, bandaids and soap. i'm just saying the bruise isn't from any sort of infection.
She doesn't even care about the Xavier stuff anymore she's just crying because her jackass boyfriend got doxxed
This has nothing to do with xavier retard
>and now I'm getting called a tranny and shit
just like on my /ftl/ threads
no he didnt
she had sex with a fan in kentucky and all the tay simps are irate over it
the exterior skin could be broken but the inside of the wound could be healed over
men are grown at 18. women are grown at 35.
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>i have no doubt that you truly believes this
Tayleigh was kicked because Jet,Sam,and Ben know she has a track record of assaulting ppl & assaulting xavier(the 3rd time she has assaulted some1 on this show btw) was the last straw because they don't trust someone like her in that enviroment jimmy is coping by acting like she's leaving on her own because her bf got doxxed
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22 years old, just a fucking kid...
>He implied he was the twink stalker all this time
Obviously a joke, retard

>+ Tays gimmick is age gap hate you casual redditor
That doesn't matter
What bit?? bringing up her stalker?? (as weak as he is lol)
bex has her sex with tj hat on again
everyone would know if it was coke. everybody has been doing it. taylor has been doing it
she thought he was 19
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ok retard
>Tays gimmick is age gap hate you casual redditor
*unless it's daddy Sam
i love jimmy hahaha
you show up to give some girl an iv and it's pouring with rain at night, everyone seems to be living in auschwitz bunks, some guy is dressed up like an anime protag giving a long speech, some shirtless guy with a speech impediment is running around doing pushups during all this
Then he should have gotten stitches, right?
>tay's gimmick is age gap
you keep posting this but sound like a literal fucking retard when you say that, it means nothing. she just didn't like nifty because she thinks you're a pedo if you fuck somebody that's not 18
rumors spread fast, but nobody seems to have any details on this supposed dox, so idk what to believe
There's no way that Tayleigh is coming back unless they police TTS hard
this but unironically
New thread



??? Except it does you imbecile

She got extra angsty at the idea of a grown ass Manchild creeping on her and implying he was Q all along you complete fucking casual
That's not a "trick"

>What bit?? bringing up her stalker??
Yes? Also how is Q a stalker, he has never even attempted to find her in person
Wasn't she already forcing them to do that?
it's obviously not coke, he already got like four different people to snort it
it was posted more than once in this very thread retard
tayleigh LOVES throwing herself into the middle of a fire just to prove she isn't bothered by the heat.
she deserves to crumble to ashes.
That and tricking her into thinking xavier was him. Which she started btw, she was convinced of it like day 1
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>One of his passwords was is full email address

Jimmy is given free reign to produce kino
Jon won
you can find chicks like her at your local methadone clinic
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I wanna suck on Tayleigh toes like a normal man would but this beyond retarded. She should by now understand she's constantly being gaslit and fucked with.

Whole sequence was mean. You cant read social cues imbecile
>unless they police TTS hard
they already do
>Yes? Also how is Q a stalker, he has never even attempted to find her in person
Nigger he out looking for the 2.5 set to camp out until it starts. He still has the video up on his twitter.
No it wasn't, which is why you didn't link to the post, extra retarded nigger
This is like everyday on /vt/
bad bait
>Not treating John's gangrene before it takes his leg
>Airsoft Fatty almost decapitating trish when her neck was off the bed and body was on the bed when he was gonna sit on her as Santa Clause
>Ozone machine poisoning
>Jon almost burning the house down
>Jimmy trying to feed someone painkillers and ice
What other close calls with death has this cursed show had?
posting some random person's info does not mean tay's bf was doxxed. need some sort of evidence of a connection between the two people
you're brown
>Jimmy asked to say more about Tay
>he does
>instantly told to shut up by somebody off cam
Think about the situation for a while

yeah i know

I means nothing? She did it to put Sammy on blast. I bet you dont remember the first 2 days 3 am chats between Summer, Med and her
>lets TTS through
>he answers
>yell at him for answering
you're retarded and still a nigger, that is just some random person's information and there is zero connection to tayleigh from it. Gullible fishtank fans continue to be gullible.
gonna need to run defense harder than that bud
>Ozone machine poisoning
kek I forgot about that one
Wow the show that flew Brians ex out on christmas day to argue with him is...LE MEAN?!?!?!
Being mean is ok untill they quit
Frank about to get stabbed and Xavier about to be smashed with a rock.
i truly don't give a shit if someone kills the meth head, i am mocking you for being a gullible retard. also i easily got you to spoonfeed me the supposed "dox", another example of you people being easily manipulated
This fucking soundtrack is AI generated isn't it
jon is going to die in his sleep
>with no veterans
I'm going to miss them bros...
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almost gassed the entire cast with methyl bromide treated pallet fire last night
i can't imagine how dumb you feel right now lmao, thanks for the ezpz spoonfeed. Gonna be funny when it comes out this was a fake dox
>ask for something
>get it
this tayjeet is a bit of a freak
>Jimmy making everyone inhale chemical fumes from burning trash

Bonus points for cooking their food on that same fire
>60 seconds apart
yeah, you're seething LMAO
If you tear an abdominal muscle your dick turns black and purple like that btw
Classic juicer injury
im not gonna add that one to the list but it was a funny false flag concern troll that made them take the pallet off


Why would anyone want to do that faggot?
Wasn't referring to that

I was talking about Jimmy making breakfast at basecamp on a fire that contained styrofoam and other trash in the fire pit

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