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Cwimbing Twees Edition

Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200720092
what did he do to his leg??
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>they sent grindr dates to my dying grandma's house
>people keep repeating that tay's methhead bf was doxxed
>zero actual dox info
seems like bullshit
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New creature inbound
>tj tts
>he's off in the woods chasing a fucking frog
literally how did that happen
It looks fucking bad
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sex with jet neptune
one-legged Jon soon
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>tj didn't hear the tts asking what happened to his twitter
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Jimfacebros....we're BACK
I wouldn't I've seen his cock, it's not impressive
Production needs to push the Jimmy/Jon pairing. without tay, jimmy is going to feel like he's all on his own
Was the hole always there?
letty cheated. taylor W.
unless they coddle the fuck out of tts shes 100% gone by sundown
shut up
cwimbin' twees
What happened to Jon?
Somone posted it in the last thread actually
fuck off
you're that kiwifag aren't you
Honestly just sitting around would be fuckin boring, if you're in the woods you might as well go explore. It's based that Jon set up a tent away from everybody else lmao
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>they sent grindr dates to my cockbuddy's grandma's house
classic cheating letty
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>le MEAN
what show have you been watching this whole time

we already know where it is retard
>loved one
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Does anyone have the video saved of tay's gay boyfriend mocking taytros
Good. More time for letty to ruin her permanently
>letty is falling in love with another member of production
jet set that up, it was on camera day one
he's the c-uck so we all win in the end
Jon's gonna fucking die tonight from sepsis because Jet's a retarded ass
>Shut up
kek Scott
I hate coddletank
Jon fell out of a tree and got stabbed on Friday. It didn't bleed much
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>they sent grindr dates to my dying grandma's house
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>get humiliation ritualed by production
>schizos out
>sick the first two days
>butt of jokes
>NOT having a fun time
>chills around and talking with NPCs and meeting new people
>gets to train for free and treat this like summer camp
>now her boyfriend is here and she gets to hang out with him both during and after the show
>IS having a fun time
the two dualities of fishtank, ying and yang

goranian chemo.....
Why bother? She'll just be coddled to all fuck and will be even MORE boring to watch.
Did one of the wiggers tell Jimmy to shut up
>Have sex with a guy for 2 months
>Loved one
Jimmy please shut the fuck up
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>7+ hour breakdown because the parasocial schizos she actively courted and pandered to doxed the degenerate literal faggot fan that paid $50 to fuck her
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This season is far better than season 2 already, or at least the end of S2
Fishtank has recovered
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Do it Tayleigh! Do it Tayleigh! Do it Tayleigh!
>shut up

hes just autistically repeating the phrasing he heard
>Not treating John's gangrene before it takes his leg
>Airsoft Fatty almost decapitating trish when her neck was off the bed and body was on the bed when he was gonna sit on her as Santa Clause
>Ozone machine poisoning
>Jon almost burning the house down
>Jimmy trying to feed someone painkillers and ice
What other near calls with death has this cursed show had?
fuck this
Yah that was Ben
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Scott is tardwrangling
Taylor can’t stop winning. She’s cute and everyone loves her
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He hurt it sprinting in the dark on Night 2, with Jimmy, to kick vampires
He was limping the next day but I give him props for never complaining


The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE RELICS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
The great KING FATTIUS has been bitten by a vampire and, according to MAMA JUJU’s prophesy, will succumb to the evil influence of the vampire’s curse.
A COUP occurred and the HUNTERS have slain FATIUS. This death was NON CANON. The returned king has implemented a new IRS system. Taxes have been raised in a very SUBTLE joke about VAMPIRIC INFLUENCE. REFUGEES now require that contestants pay daily TAXES to the KING.

Daily Quests:
The SOLDIER has accepted the role of XAYLEIGH RAVENBLOOD, and agreed to serve her dark masters. Today, the SOLDIER took enormous psychic damage from a sorcerer known as Q.
The wandering samurai, DANTE (DJ), has returned - saved by XAVIER - and has joined the party in their battle against the evil king.
The PALADIN has agreed to become a thrall of THE DUKE in order to learn XAVIER’s TRUE NAME.

The crew has ordered an ABOVE GROUND POOL. The pool will be used for something called the ‘BLOODBATH’ and, sources tell me, will be full of water dyed red.
in all seriousness. she's making a mistake.
it sounded like scott, the chat said it was vance
does anyone else think it's hilarious that they're now referring to the one she called "cock buddy" as a loved one?
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why does the trader sound so much like cole
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The undefeated mastermind.
Unironically: why did Tayleigh decide to fumble so hard? she had a decent thing going and she basically intentionally sabotaged it. Is she just retarded or did she genuinely not think it would matter to the simps she's courted over the past 6 months?
>They're going to police the TTS even harder to keep her from having another fit
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Tay is getting the Goranian experience
Taylor is being treated to a Neptunian vacation
>sets up a chain of events that mindbreaks tay just by egging her on, fully aware that xavier is not actually her stalker
I kneel to Letty.
evil witch
frank slipped and fell on the back of his head towards the end of s1
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How true is all this. I don’t follow the bant lore
It's always something with a girl and her boyfriend. It completely collapsed the show AGAIN
>jon is dead
whats this song from it sounds so familiar
Production always coddles her, after she assaulted Trish and almost stabbed Frank with scissors. However since it’s coming to light her new bf is a oedo crackhead I think they may just drop her from fish tank entirely. Hopefully give her like a Chris Benoit treatment.
sperg voice. Q has similar vocal patterns too
There was always 5 contestants, why are you guys trying too force this tayleigh meme is she some bitch from Twitter
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why did betty do it?
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The queen
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What did we learn today /tv/?
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>I'm just a wittew sweepy right now
this nigga drifting off to death
>Collapsed the show
Nobody even noticed she was gone lol
>Wow the show that flew Brians ex out on christmas day to argue with him is...LE MEAN?!?!?!

Its a fucking woman you idiot. That stalker shit is always go away heat. They coddled Letty so much in S1 and did nothing to Josie.

Legitimately, it's more humiliating if she comes back after we know that her cock buddy getting doxed was real and that's why she disappeared for the whole night.
>simping for a whowa with a chain smoker voice
do simps really?
Some points to think about:

-The infamous stream where she bitched at like, two specific people in chat is overblown. They were being assholes and paying the stream's TTS to insult her over and over again. In the same stream she lamented how S2.5 fucked over how she scheduled her life over the next two months. Compound the stress from having to rearrange your life with the loudest of your fans making fun of you endlessly on stream, I'd be angry too.

-She didn't take anyone's money and run. Artarded simps literally mailed her free shit for the chance that they would... I don't know get a thank you on stream? Streamers making money by not doing real work is a given, Taytriots are fucking weird for expecting her to stay out of a relationship.

-On that note, wtf who cares if she's finally getting some dick? Good for her, I'm sure getting piped down feels a lot better than getting hassled by your own fans. At the end of the day, this isn't about about Tay fucking her audience, it's about Tay not fucking her audience.

-It's easy to say that she overreacted to the Q bit, but she dealt with it for 3 days before the paranoia set in and she tried to remove his mask. I don't think she overreacted to meeting her potential stalker when the dude vowed to get on Fishtank just to meet her. Putting someone's stalker on the show would be some shit that MDE would do and I'm sure it didn't help how TTS kept spamming her with messages that everyone supposedly hates her now.
You don't have to like Tayleigh. She's easy to make fun of and thinks she's smarter than she is, but that's the nature of Fishtank right? No one claims to viscerally hate Jon just because he's a fucking rart, so why put effort into hating someone who's a silly billy in their own right who actually put in effort after the show to entertain fans?

I urge you to look deep inside your blackened hearts and forgive Tayleigh for the crime of being Tayleigh, even if she wouldn't forgive you for the same.
To be fair Trish hit her twice before Tay swung on Trish.
>"we're just happy to entertain"
actual quote from tay after tts called them lolcows.
she really has no self respect.
Comfy as fuck music
So we all agree Letty is trying to fuck the trader yeah?
>Is she just retarded
yes anon, did you watch season 2?
Tay is going from withdrawals. Lack of meth sex. She's going insane looking for dick
What happened to Jon he's sleeping alone
even girls aren't immune to princess Letty's thrall
you're a faggot
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if tayleigh is really gone for good then i kneel
nah stupid and annoying boring nontent

good riddance
Are they going to sleep already? These motherfuckers have done NOTHING all day
season 1 leaving the gas stove turned on and vance nearly scorching his eyebrows off when he lit it
piss witch strikes again
I forget how fucking unhinged season 2 got. Watching it back makes you wanna vomit
good morning saar please defend the tayful saar
completely. and honestly they have more chemistry then we saw with her and tax.
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So fitting that Season 2 ended so abruptly
Letty seeing tj/taylor got her jealous
does jon sleep alone because he doesn't want to wake up and have an erection like on season 1
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>Xavier makes one tiny joke about shit that you've joked about before
>starts crying like a pussy
>go to Jet and start asking to get coddled
>ask for your phone
>see that you have no fans left and your bisexual methhead bf got doxxed
When he gets sleepy he climbs something and just falls asleep looking at the sky
I think he’s on top of the bus right now
I actively avoided her when I could throughout most of it. I never watched her streams so I don't know what she's like outside of the show.
tay wrote this with production to try to get bant to stop

Xavier went to far bringing up her Stalker, implying it was him all along too. Any way he brought it up.

That guy is annoying and creepy and toxic. Tho not really dangerous.
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it's already pajeet time huh
Looks like someone TKO Scott Sullivan again.
>No one claims to viscerally hate Jon just because he's a fucking rart

jimmy trying to help drunk tj is one of the funniest things to happen on this show.
this is one of the gayest things i've ever seen here
Great way of spending the last moments of your 20s, Scott
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I don't know if they've said who did the original soundtrack, but it has vague cboyardee vibes... unfortunately I think he disavowed Sammy boy at some point.
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Letty preys on the weak minded in general. She put forth more effort with Sylvia tho
Does Tay have HIV now from her fag fucking methfriend? Would explain needing that IV....
some points to think about:
beat nontent coddled dyke
I'm glad I'll never have to see that sweater TJ is wearing again
Who knocked him out?
What I gathered from this is that Tayleigh is a giga tard who handled all of this in the worst way she possibly could have.
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>i'm pwetty tiuwd guys, good night
>never wakes up
I could forgive all this if Tay were funny or entertaining in the slightest, but the only humor that comes from Tay being on the show is pushing her into paranoid delusional breaks
Xavier and Xayleigh interactions were entertaining, but she took things too far by trying to forcibly remove his mask. She confused RP with real life.
Shut the fuck up before I heem you man drama faggot
>I actively avoided her
good call, but yes she is that retarded.
>went to far
you're a bitch
shes got lil freddy durst lol in the oven
he fucking hates sam. since the standup thing in brooklyn that fucking virgil texas hosted. cboyardee was how sam got on it.
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Princess is innocent!
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must've been the wind
You should stop punching people in the face, tay
he's a good guy. dont mind the hammer throw
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Josie massive W
Im not but whiteboys are insane
Can't believe this fat faggot is the same age as me, it makes zero sense
Is Tayleigh pregnant?
virgil texas hosted that? wtf
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he was defending himself. she raised the hammer at him
Letty needs to get chin checked
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Tayleigh is equally as mentally ill as Summer
>I was taking a shit
I miss shinji
citation needed
Shouldn't you be smoking meth or something rn?
Enjoy the humiliation ritual
It’s being revealed her new bf is a child didling crackhead. Idk if the MDE boys are gonna want anything to do with that desu. They may do to her like what they did with Simmons.
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Letty should use her scroll of soiface to summon tay back one last time

Wouldnt that be entertaining? I guess TJ will have to do!!
He's in the start of the video bringing sam out.
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Bitty is a good girl and hasn't done anything
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If it had been Jon who told Tay to take off Xavier's mask and tried to do it himself you'd all be praising him and calling him based be real.
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Some lessons learned:
>Don't pander to 4chan
>Don't date a retarded 20 y/o who antagonizes 4chan
>Don't date druggies
>Don't do streaming if you don't clamp down hard on idiots
>Don't call your stalkers
>Don't go on a reality show that previously humiliated you for round 2
>Don't do drugs
>Don't tell people you appreciate them and care about them and then have a druggie bf call them cucks
Yeah, Mr. Does Nothing All Day except a Filthy Frank impression and maybe mug it up for the camera.
This has become my favorite screencap of the season so far.
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so rate his day 1 on a scale from 1-10

id say a solid 7 did good with the RP he was given and played his role well enough
Meth baby arc next
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why is /bant/ like this?
gonna cry?
Yeah... he was awesome
wicky wicky wah
I disagree, but I think she's even stupider than Summer.
>she's like, the kind of girl who only fucks black guys who want to fuck a fat white girl
>you have an eating disorder and you're still that fat? like, try harder bitch
Letty is fucking savage
>That stalker shit is always go away heat.
that is not a coherent sentence, and i don't understand the point of your greentext, i was the one already sarcastically saying that
point 1. she could've just banned them instead of pretending they weren't getting to her.
point 2. these simps really thought they had a chance. (which they did, see next point.)
point 3. she was adamantly against sex work and OF whores as she called them yet had the most nudes out of anyone both seasons and fucked a fan after he bought a $50 chicken
point 4. there is a very low chance she actually thought xavier was Q, she was just freaking out because a she finally realized how dumb she was to cater to banttards and got a rush of regret which made her freak out in a burst of emotion.

she did it to herself.
Ok I hate tayleigh but watching summer constantly switch from "they raped me" to "I'm sorry" like a hundred times on twitter weeks after she left, and the voicemails prove that she just might be the most mentally ill person of all time. She genuinely belongs in a home
true. based.
Does anyone remember the season 2 TTS spamming "Summer is weak. Summer is weak. Summer... is weak"

Imagine if Summer and Letty were on the same season. Nina would convince her to cut her own face off or something.
thats a pathetic obese brazilian obsessed with one of the ugliest white women ive ever seen.
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TJ being back reminds me why I could never get behind him. He feels so passive. Even though he puts effort into stuff, it always just feels so bland. Literally his claim to fame is dancing for a sound effect TTS and that's it.
>Let's whack the hornet's nest full of schizo autists and see what happens!
What the fuck were either of them thinking?
Who's the cooler asian? Tai or Shinji?
He'd better watch out, Jimbo is coming for him
real shit
Jon respects Xavier he would act out such an outrageous farce
>learning lessons
that's a good one
>eye funny
letty BTFO
for me its this
I'd have called him a retard, but it would be less pathetic
Tai and it isn't even close
everybody's already doing that with letty you fucking retard
She said brasil was a shithole and now he cant stop seething
the smelling salts in the gooncave incident
did letty find the thing fatty hid
TJ is a puppy who I hope can grow into a big dog one day
Taylor is going to lose interest in him if he doesn't evolve
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This huemonkey needs to get a grip already.
Tai, shinji is cringe
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take the thong out yo bussy playa
>Don't pander to 4chan

She didnt

>Don't date a retarded 20 y/o who antagonizes 4chan
Muh seekret club

>Don't date druggies

>Don't do streaming if you don't clamp down hard on idiots

>Don't call your stalkers
He wasnt a stalker he was interesting character

>Don't go on a reality show that previously humiliated you for round 2

You gonna pay her bills?

>Don't do drugs

>Don't tell people you appreciate them and care about them and then have a druggie bf call them cucks

Bro they fucked its not like shes his mom
Bro, Tai all the fucking way.
>shinji is cringe
They also sent accusations that he was.a pedophile to his grandma and employer

Has Jimmy had any season 2 tier freakouts yet?
And are Dunye and Trish cool now?
Nina has not earned the right to be smug until after they let Jezzaposts through TTS and she doesn't cry.
good morning saar
holy shit is this real
7, it was cool, i hope for more in the coming days
>Taylor is going to lose interest in him if he doesn't evolve
its been six months and she has seen him do far worse stuff

if they break up it wont be because of his passive ways
Tai. Shinji is a genuine moron and is cringe.
Scott is 29? HAHAHA
Thought he was older than me.
No one is as mentally ill as Summer.
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How is it fair at all that Tayleigh is the only one who is psychologically tortured by production?
not even close, and everybody seems cool with each other. Jimmy was smiling ear-to-ear when he saw TJ.
I've seen it posted multiple times go through the previous threads or head over to bant
doesn't take much

I thought I heard Tayleigh. She doing the cigarette deliveries?
TJ, is that you?
They've already let toesucking tts through multiple times
this dudes insane talked to him a bunch of times

tried to take him under my wing as were of the same ilk but hes unstable

yeah sorry I was responding to many schizos
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>oh wait. what the hellllll
Goblin alert
she should have went along with the RP instead of playing
>production told me
production isn't the 1 who pandered 2 parasocial freaks on 4chan nd doxxed her bf?
>Don't pander to 4chan
>She didnt
stopped reading there because you're entirely full of shit
She's a legitimate crazy person. If she wasn't a cutie she'd be homeless.
that's bex dummy
Vance nearly impaled himself on a pipe in S1

also last nights treated pallet fire
she psychologically tortures herself.
Shinji had gay sex and Tai is straight as FUCK
Josie falling on the stairs backwards
>>Don't call your stalkers
that was hysterical though, her total bafflement, jimmy playing wingman, the guy continuing to talk for minutes after being disconnected because he only knows how to monologue
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Tai, but I like shinji too
shame he got fucked over by the wiggers
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>they sent grindr dates to my dying grandma's house
some random dude's info has been posted, but no connection to tay afaik. i don't really care either way desu this is uninteresting drama
>it's real
>we already know where it is retard
I'm saying he went there to wait for her, retard.
she's the most lolcow of all the fish it opens her up to milking for content. just dont be a lolcow
tayleigh delivering cigs
Cole and Brian almost breaking their necks during gator squats

Jimmy almost choked on the pepper
the goblin is Cole, right?
Fair. I was in the other room and heard it.
>jet painted his whole body for this bit
a for effort
she worked herself into a shoot by making herself believe xavier was an autistic 19 year old computer science major
The goblin is Josie
it's bex, they have a similar vocal tone
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Cringe ass whiteboy no wonder why youre a woman hater


Love white chicks its just what it is
How can Jimmy be portraying himself and the goblin at the same time?!?
>this is mine, i want it

goblin confirmed jewish
Guys Tay here please leave us alone, we don't want any trouble. Jordan's a nice guy his mom was messed up but you guys don't know what he's like. Please just calm down I will stream about it when I get back. I can't deal with this going on it makes me feel really sick... please just stop.
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Literally just went to the bathroom and now I come back to a loot goblin
they really haven't done anything to her this season. the xavier bit was supposed to be lighthearted fun at her expense, it wasn't supposed to fuck with her head. any of the other women on the show would interpret it as a joke, she was unable to for some reason and it made her have a mental breakdown.
>its a real goblin
Taylor would probably say yes if TJ proposed to her live on the show. She would kill for TJ.
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Tai. Tai. Tai. Tai. Will always be Tai.
He's maybe one of the best people who's ever stepped foot on the show.
>Love white chicks its just what it is
yeah so does everybody, this is next level you dirty pajeet
tai gives zero fucks whatsoever
Prove that your Tayleigh
no he didn't, RETARD. he's basically over it
i mean /bant/ which are the ones that punked her
>A wild goblinstein appears
he stole the secret of fire
1488 white power
>all the /ftl/ posting manifested one on the show
No :)
lmao nigga i wrote this and i stand by it.
how is it fair that the rest of the cast gets loot goblin while tayleigh gets phycological torture

you guys are fucked up
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this is real btw
i dont think thats jet
fuck off
were full nigger
Genuine good bit
nevermind it's not jet...the jet w still eludes us
I fucking Love this movie. it gave me one of the worst nightmares I've ever had as a kid that i still remember but damn it's a good film.
this bass goes to 11
I read goblin slayer, just give him Letty and he'll leave them alone
shes there right now stealing shit from the camp?


lmfao this guy is great
you have a funny face
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I was unsure about this bit at first but it's silly, I like it
hi ben
Im mexican like Abbi's, Tay's, Taylor's exbfs

Im still mad about how yall did Summer btw
You guys remember in season 1 when the entity was such a big thing that kept people up all night to watch, and the only time it ever amounted to anything is when it showed up with vance while he was schizo and he played along with it still?
anyway, do you think they'll finally bring it back for season 3? if it's unsuspecting randos it might finally work
need more bits like this in season 3
play stupid games nigga
it's stupid af but the guy is selling well
okay, if Frank isn't executioner he should be Goblin King, and also painted green with a massive club. he could command a hoard.
Goblin's Theme is going pretty hard
She didn't learn shit
I want to go to Jet's summer camp.
Yes he did, watch the fucking video and check his fucking trip fag posts where he said he was looking for it to camp there.
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She could have gotten loot, if she didn’t have a victim complex.
who is this
why hasn't he done it then
the goblin
Because the context is different
Jon would've been doing it from an RP perspective of trying to find out his identity or some shit
Kay did it for personal reasons, so not only did she attack someone, it was also a failRP lamo
Trish living her best life
The techno track is the actual Goblin's theme
Serves him right
Taylor wants a kid. Hope TJ realizes before the moment passes
one lesson to learn is never address your stalker (if this really is you)
literally just ignore them they feed off attention
so showing any sign that it made you upset only encourages the behavior
the new guy who showed up at the lobster dinner
>Chimping out is cool !!

Its so tiring

the goblin
>I will stream about it
>bites the coke can
>the goblin has his own ways but different
>do not touch the goblin's tims
this is fucking based
i'm not sure but i'd bet he's related to letty. just something about him
I'm convinced Cole is the shop keeper
The only reason I knew this wasn't jet was that the RP was actually good and not spite-filled
the goblin
>cropping out duanyay
Alright, time to end the goblin bit. It has run its course.
Goblin Shekelberg
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>vance mogged by random green fat guy to the point one legged jon has to rescue the camp
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>eats trash
Oh now I'm starting to get the jewish comparisons
Tim Robinson
Jon has also attacked for personal reason to be fair.
>pouring trash out on the ground
just like season 1 and 2
did he just chomp on an egg shell thats been sitting in the trash?
the goblin has a death grip on the loot
reddit might be more your speed
Oh good they're littering up the forest now very cool
this bit is kinda funny mainly because of how into this guy is
Johnny Neptune
dik how he did it but jet found a way to make dumping trash funny again
>Jon wakes up
>cackles the whole time about the goblin
fucking kek
the goblin wants letty
The shop keeper is clearly irish
10/10 bit
I want to have real hateful sex with Tayleigh, as like a power thing - not sexual
Guys where is Greg
Racoon >>> Bear >>> Gob>> Guy Fawks mask >>> TJ fans
Who's gonna add the baby Yoda robe on this
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Is he related to them?
it's someone's property faggot
He said he checked and "couldn't find it" but he didn't leave the sidewalk, he took a picture by the same power lines and had it in the video. He has posts saying he tried and biked for miles to do it, had a tent in his basket.

The shopkeeper is Synthetic Man.
>goblin is so powerful the morale meter is changing during the encounter
it's their son
he cackled cause he gave him a wedgie when he cant fight back
/ftl/ personify
This is mullet man
She unironically does it to herself
If she was genuinely worried that they brought a stalker to the show, the proper thing to do is to go to the prods off camera and ask for the truth, and say if that if they don't tell you the truth you're leaving because you don't feel safe
Instead she had a meltdown and got physical (i wouldn't call it an attack, it was pretty tame, but it was pathetic and showed how mentally weak she was)
damn imagine if tay were here
>looks at camera
>pulls face
Pretty sure that's The Goblin.
This has been so good I'm gonna be disappointed in s3 if there's no larping and goblins.
>The Goblin is terrible he ruined my mood

you think /tv/ or even 4chan is a place i respect or want to stay in?
The director POV live is so good, they need to do it S3
and i swiped it nigga i had to
Watching youtube streams or something, he commented that Tay is coming back tomorrow.
the egregore
How do you know? I think Tj would want kids too.
please understand that guy is a european who can't conceive of this not being a public park owned by the state and funded by tax payer money
Fake and gay and if for some retarded reason this is Xayleigh, even more gay
Is Jon trying to kiss the goblin?
sick RP Jon!
maybe they need to dose him on some more painkillers
>jon thinks it’s a real goblin
>he wants gay shit from us
>do you know what failing rp is Tai?
sorry I don't know what to do at this point i just want it to stop
This is trash without Tay and you know it
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I'll be pissed if they don't
why isnt jon tied to a bed yet
based jon
Gay Jon rubbing his cock on the goblin
He's looking like a british college professor who found out some ancient forbidden book and Taylor is the witch luring him for a sacrifice
and yet, here you are
Laughing like a villain past few days watching tays downfall has been awesome.
Jon is terrified of the goblin gaying him up.
jon DESERVES drenched goblussy
the goblin said that
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mullet man on staff, dont know his name but he's shaping up to be the best staff member thus far. Especially when he called Jon a fag when he first arrived.
This show has only become more kino with Tay gone but now they just need to get rid of Letty
She's useless
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>Jon enhancing the RP once again
Top J never fails
Jon comes back from bed to mog while he's injured what a king
Imagine how many Jim moments we could have had form her so far
:O the goblin :O
It’s actually been a very interesting day, especially after Tay left.
Fuck that cunt
The way they humiliate Tai calling him a downer every chance they get is awesome

man on a mission
Xayleigh receiving karmic torture was kino, I'll give you that
you are a homosexual
>gimme back the bwug spway
BJJ moment
jon is hard and rubbing his gay retard dick on the goblin's fat thigh, humping him like a horny pup
>Jon tard rages so hard it breaks the goblin mechanic
Bitty is a dirty nigger whore who sucks on nigger dildos
>please just let the goblin go
holy shit i am in tears laughing
nice shot actually
can you blame him?
Would on that goblin
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Why on earth are they bringing her back tomorrow? Jimmy said she was "devastated". She's going to be extremely coddled and everyone will walk on eggshells around her. There's a good dynamic right now without her and it's going to be ruined.
Jimmy should be next to prove once and for all that s1 is where the true kings were made
How can you be so based at the beginning and devolve into complete retard at the end?
I can't fathom somebody who hates both Tayleigh and Letty. is that just an gay guy thing or something??
Jon was trying to torque his wrist to make him let go of the goblin bag
That was a well timed laugh track
>Goblin Letty
yeah man i really wish she was around to look at the camera with the same stupid fucking expression she always gives it and not rp at all

TJ peter gazers.
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the only goblin here is her
His mask came off earlier, it isn’t
jon too OP
perfectly timed laugh track at jon saying "i woke up fow this?"
The show's been much better without Tay, everyone agrees. Classic addition by subtraction.
It's like an album cover
>even while dying from sepsis this man brings jontent
why is he the least endorsed again?
If a woman looks like that at you 6 nonths in then she's signaling she wanted to be breed
Top J kino
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>i hate da goblin
all i'm saying is we've never seen tayleigh and The Goblin in the same room together
They should add gnomes next
lol yeah right retard
yep. savor it while it lasts.
Im a Cole and Jon gazer
>Jon feeling up the trader
You keep posting this so matter of fact but your shit is wack and retarded
>...is that a gun?
I genuinely hope so, don’t even warn them about it.
Jon defeated the goblin with his penis
This is so dumb I wanted to go to bed early today but just amazing stuff
Who’s going to be the legend that slides the morale meter to the red when tayleigh wanders back to camp tomorrow
I Didn’t expect him to have any muscle tone. I thought he would just be pure skin and bones
That was great.
Jon used that as an excuse to fondle a man
TJ really looks very handsome now, a little facial hair suits him. this is a great pic. Unfortunate that taylor wears that terrible bull ring.
Reminder that Xayleigh is NOT an actor and is in love with Xavier!
What are you even talking about? Everyone seems to like Tai
Not for long. She suffered the goblin bite
Now she can upgrade her class to piss goblin witch
What the fuck, why are they bringing her back
>squat and cough
Letty is there to look cute
Post goblin webms I missed it bros
> jon and letty laughing together like s1
You sound like a fag but are 100% correct. It's gonna go right back to being gay as fuck and have Tay as the MC again tomorrow
jon and letty are cute together
that is cole isn't it
>Everything I dont like = Fail RP

I can't believe I almost went to bed lmao
why don't they just get the 19 year old guy on the show, he seems harmless
we get it, Jet. she's coming back on the show. we don't care.
will her skin turn green or yellow
damn.. rip both my serious relationships
fail rp
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Frank is needed to complete the humiliation ritual
Endorsements aren't real. Vance isn't the most popular at all.
cole would have mogged jon
she really has a thing for that retard
I ship 'em.
>jon has the least endorsements
pearls before swine
>Tayleigh gone
>morale maxed

Funny how that works
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i can't bitch, i put it out there to be cheered or jeered.
holy shit please tell me somebody clipped that
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Requesting the most fucked up lazy eye picture of Letty you can find
Full clip here
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agreed, then they should eliminate all the rest methodically until they bring Josie on to to summon rain (native american summoned rain is the only thing that can defeat the duke) and they get a sprinkler system set up after 20 minutes of rain dancing and the duke's makeup melts off his face and he's healed of vampirism and everyone claps for 10 minutes straight then they give her whatever prize there is and they blast japanese city pop over the loudspeakers while she dances like an anime girl and the credits roll superimposed over the cams
Casual. They been putting him on blast about 3 times today
no, the bull ring is nasty and that doesnt make me gay.
i genuinely hope they have many kids and stay together forever <3
He lives with his grandma which is even funnier
>muh socio economic factors
Letty once again illustrating why women should not be allowed to vote
>Jon is COVERED with goblussy juices

He couldn't hide from his gayness forever. At least he use bidets now.
this bitch needs to get her ass beat
jon always maxes out morale whenever he can
who said that?
letty being the only girl is such a good energy. she thrives in this enviroment. coomers do not (you) this im not talking about that way.
That would be fine if she also didn't talk, like one of Goremedius' minions
I love this retard
>he was immune to atomic wedgies
he got that goblin grip
Green and yellow Vitiligo
Jeremy ruined their ordained marriage. We're getting the bad end...unless
Classic backpocket Judo right there
nice that jon and letty were able to bury the hatchet
or am i reading the vibes wrong
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Staring at Taylor's face in this slightly blurring my eyes to imagine her without the septum ring and also contemplating photoshopping it out I realized holy fuck she's got a flattened nose bridge and like no philtrum in this picture

is Taylor a FAS baby?
She's still laughing, it's great.
>letty says the word "come"
>camera turns straight to jimmy
Jimmy is the only one with the balls to do something like that but unfortunately he's attached at the hip to her
havent watched any of blood games
what the fuck?
godamnit. :/ was actually enjoying the show her gone
fishtank fans are ableist
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>forgive Tayleigh for the crime of being Tayleigh
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>taylor is lurking this thread RIGHT NOW saving all the shots of them together
#nooticing how the fish seem all happier with tayleigh gone and also #nooticing how except for jimmy they all watched TJ spaz instead of checking on her kek

Sam humiliated after he was supposed to be a zombie, then i dont remember then this
Why us Jon obsessed with climbing shit?
Didn't notice that, just sam telling him to be a better zombie
do you guys think anything else is happening tonight or did they blow their load on the green jew bit?
these two mfs are cute as fuck anyone hating on them is soulless
the majority of midwit fishtank viewers always hate the most entertaining character every season
tayleigh is awkward negative energy
I think Jon still firmly knows she's a snake and takes some joy in her getting put down (like when he fist bumped Xavier for saying her pussy smells like tuna), but as far as hate goes Fatty is the one who still lowkey really hates her.
the tree falling the other day
The cast has all been pretty chill with one another, the only one to take shit too far and ruin the vibe was Tay attacking Xavier like a fucking retard.
I was reposting this as a joke but I remember that her mom was an alcoholic. I looked up some of the non physical symptoms of mild FAS and holy shit she definitely has it.
Most nudes out of anyone???? Impossible to top bitty
They somehow think that she has literally anything to add to the show.
They've seen the seethe that she gave everybody season 2
they've seen that she doesn't even make them money in this season
they've seen how happy everybody was that she was gone
they've seen the negative reaction to her being the protagonist for this shit show
and they still want to bring her back
hes just high on painkillers
That means you have adequate test levels and a healthy father figuere
>then this
then what? the goblin calling him chinese?
honestly the more light hearted tone of 2.5 is better than the hellhouse stuff though i understand that the point of the main seasons is to get people to leave (unless they try leaving too soon then they beg them to stay for hours)
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>lies to everyone for a month while fucking and doing drugs with some hick
>zero beanies shipped
>shout out my cock buddy YEAHHH
bf rubs it in everyone's face, calls taytriots cucks

cry more piece of shit
unironically liking jon is different from finding his retardation entertaining, and endorsements at least imply unironically liking someone
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Bex is currently pregnant with our child, idk how I feel about her delivering cigarettes desu.
Fuck no
They'll never truly hate each other, but it won't be like it was back in S1.
It’s already 12am there, usually they wind down and sleep 11-2 so far
They always have been, their back and forth was so great in season 1 also
I want to slurp the sweat out of Bex's asscrack
Is the bard still coming tonight?
Oh I remember now, Jet sent him a TTS telling him "why are you playing pretend with a bunch of kids bro"

Shit was too mean imo
jesus can't imagine having this small of a brain. what the fuck is a snake in the context of this show lmao
tai's the best fish there faggot
who’s the bard
What bard
Ugly failed normie quirky bitch turns into a complete cock hungry spiteful cunt slutwhore moment she gets a little bit of attention

many such cases
"unironically liking" oh shut up retard you aren't going to be friends with any of them
has noone really gotten their beanies?
>honestly the more light hearted tone of 2.5 is better than the hellhouse stuff
always was

the show would be much better off as love island / big brother online weirdos edition with a little bullying from production but no full blown hellhouse stuff
Hi jordan! Did you fuck the grinder guys?
This was 100% her. She totally saw all the schizo posts about her.
complete non sequitur, retard-kun
So Tayleigh is brought on as a contestant to provide entertainment but instead she has to be looked after and coddled whilst providing nontent. And people simp this bitch?
They said that a bard would be visiting tonight and told Jon not to go to sleep
It is getting pretty late though
nah Scott I think

yeah but hes been a bitch to Jet since s2 lowkey obviously
That's something Tai would say himself
>"why are you playing pretend with a bunch of kids bro"
>sam gleefully larping like a gay nerd when he actually takes time out of his day to show up
>jet larping as the anon which isn't only nerd shit but poorly done nerd shit
Frank got one lol
how are you posting right now, jon?
Whoa, wait a minute, I had no idea Bex was there. We DESERVE more Bex.
>Shit was too mean imo
nope, that was just tai's turn to get his balls busted. Everyone there more or less have to go through some level of humiliation
You had to be there it was super mean
if you enjoy the content you enjoy the person, simple as. unless your enjoyment comes from parasocial relationships
>ying and yang
Wtf he goes to the s2 house?
not used to feeling wholesome in a ftl thread
she's a snake outside of the show.
>waifu has a boyfriend
>boyfriend insults you once
>try your hardest to ruin his and her life
erm... epic much? I'm thinking.. EPIC
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Giving Jimmy a keytar he could be a bard as his advanced class
Real. I don't even like TJ, but they're a sweet couple. A lot of people are just jaded.
they been questioning his manhood too
Ty's so lazy he doesn't want to do shit lol
If Tay comes back they need to bring Frank back to teach her a lesson for assaulting Xavier. She's a bully and needs to be taken down a peg.
no way... what a dumb bitch. that's actually the worst part then. by far.
>Taylor could be in these threads baiting tjseethers as we speak
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Post kino shots from today
>simple as
are you british? if not, why are you talking like a limey faggot? No, it's really not that simple. I like different people for different reasons. Sincerely liking someone in a wholistic sense is completely different from being amused by their retarded shenanigans. I find TJ to be an endearing kid. I think Letty is witty and cute. I find Jon to be unhinged and retarded, and it's funny to watch him make a fool of himself over and over.
>yeah but hes been a bitch to Jet since s2 lowkey obviously
the absolute state of zoomer faggots watching this show lol
i just want more pictures of CREATURE and MINION
Incel rage not even once
>85IQ manbaby manlet retard coomer pedophile with no spine mysteriously fawned over by women viewers apparently (also pedophiles?), now with hot new ratboy goatee
>fetal alcohol syndrome so le quirky husky voiced literal e-girl slut

c-cutest couple in fishtank....
Go to sleep, we're out of ideas for tonight.
>Making fun of Tai
Jimmy that salty that Tai doesn't want to clean up.
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Dallas made sure Taylor and Taji know the proper mating press technique.
take her to bucky
The longer this season goes, the more apparent it becomes that Sam is just not funny and there are people far more capable that deserve to lead the show.
Jimmy knows he'll be too grumpy to clean in the morning very self aware for him
What about the bard, faggot?
unironically the based and winning move in roblox

I wish the Josiecels had the spine and the schizo wherewithall to do this shit, but they didn't even answer the call, and remain pussified simps
who does jimmy mean who's been doing "fucked up shit non stop since the season ended"
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she was a spiteful cunt during the entirety of season 2
we tried to warn the taytriots but they didn't listen
i mean, i think jon is funny but i wouldn't want to be around him at all. plenty of the other fish would be tolerable to be around
And? Nothing's stopping Tai from throwing shit back at them
>zero beanies shipped
She ran away with the money? ZAAAAAAAAAAAAMN
KiwiFarms posters are all pedophilic losers with FAS. Including you.
I think the most egregious part is she isn't even hot.
Xavier being the obvious favorite between him and Sam, and Sam not having the presence he's had in previous seasons just because he only shows up every once in a while makes this obvious
True I think he's on strike 3
Who is that asian? She's my type.
>van, we should go to bucky. yeahh
How much of a loser do you have to be to have ordered a BEANIE from TAYLEIGH???
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I deleted my /ftl/ folder but I had the .webm from s1 where Sam and Letty were talking in front of the bathroom cam and her eye went wonky mid sentence and Sam almost choked laughing while drinking a redbull. By far my fav Letty eye wonk moment.
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>the goblin is my most hated character
another jimmy assault
so this is channing right? Sam's barely been in this season, yet I've seen this exact post almost word for word every thread, right when marky/edie posts mysteriously stopped
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Who knows what random retarded inside joke bullshit he's ever referencing?
Sam really hates Tai.
Yeah Sam seems mostly reliant on reusing old bits over and over while Jet, Ben, Xavier, and the rest of the crew are constantly doing new shit (like the goblin encounter)
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There is no bard I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. It was the Goblin who cares. Send us ideas for the rest of the week btw what should we do tomorrow?
Her eye is my favorite fishtank character
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Are we all going to bed now?
love that he is wearing fox news boomer sperg sunglasses. dude is so cringe he actually makes tay seem okay lmao
>doesn't even make them money in this season
Is that what you told yourself after you and your 15 discord friends spent thousands on those tts messages?
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scott really hates jimmy tho
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there's plenty of Creature, where the fuck are all the MINION PICS
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>Josie (toddler-brained): entire discord of schizo faggots trying their hardest to disrupt her streams and get a reeaction from her
>never break even once

>Tayleigh (134 IQ): literally called the first /bant/ creep on stream that came her way
Abi I guess?
she would have mind raped tay and jimmy would have tried to kill her if she was in season 2
yeah but you are a viewer, right? you are never going to meet any of these guys. if endorsements had any impact on the show, you wouldn't be putting Tay over Jon, for example.
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that's getting infected in a day or 2
Bring Frank as an ogre and have him follow Tayleigh around
2.5 has been a total successs (besides tay)
>on his way to do nothing somewhere else
>spend 40 minutes setting up goblin bit
>synchronize cameras, actors in costume and makeup
>jon fucks up through overpowering him
Did they end up making a deep fake of Andrew Tate telling Jon to sleep at base camp?
What does she do? Not forgive him for assaulting her?
nigga that shit is gonna fall off in a day or 2
you could spend your time doing literally anything else and you choose to be a bitter fag online
Staff meeting with Jon... are they gonna call him out for his sexual assault on the goblin?
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John might have staph
why do people portray tay as smart? shes a lukewarm IQ trailerpark white-nigger
Holy shit
He definitely gets annoyed with him because Tai is the only person in this entire production who has the balls to just talk shit to his face like he's the nobody he is lol but I think he respects it a little bit
134 is still midwit tier if the person has zero self respect. josie is 60 iq and moves like a genius because the bell curve meme is real
he just pulled a ham string

sam did the same shit and was showing his massive fucked up bruising on PGL way back
i think people take "endorse" to mean more than just "this guy is funny". it's really that simple, not sure why you aren't getting it
They should do OF together desu
Unironically frank as sasquatch, but dont have him do his normal hassling schtick, that's boring
no... please god no.. just let her be gone she sucked
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the day was so much better without tayleigh it's unreal
Bring frank on as an ogre and give him free reign to throw people around. Turn the nights into slasher horror.
This isn't exactly normal healthy behaviour...
Goblin was the funniest bit since the black hooker in season 1
there's a gaping hole in the skin, why is that not covered up at least? jesus
Sam was kinda cool right when this season started but as soon as Xavier showed up, yeah it just makes Sam look worse and worse. Also no WP2 and the clips of his standup being bad are kinda the beginning of the end for him, at least being in the limelight. he's probably still a good writer, though.
some people fell for the fake IQ test Sam did that said Tay and Jimmy were the highest IQ fish
Jon is such a sperg that he's incapable of resting his leg or keeping a bandage on an open wound
They probably gonna send him home
what exactly did the doctors say again? did they just give him an x ray and go "yep, that's bad." and charge him $250k and let him go along his merry way?
Hopefully they're cleaning his leg and wrapping it
Tayleigh fans aren't people
Today improved without Tay
>this is real and the actual state of these stupid wiggers to come up with ideas
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what did the blacksmith mean by this?
1. 134 IQ isn't midwit tier
2. Tay is not 134 IQ lmao
No, beanies were pay-later, but she made false promises.
She did make thousands from lying about being single.
They're probably gonna talk about his leg looking like it came straight from the upsidedown
Tardscourge RadJon
sucks, the vibe is better without her
The goblin had me laughing my ass off for the first time today.
hope they don’t bring her back
Someone put bestgore or documenting reality watermark on it, brazilian rainforest crime scene type shit
what was the funniest bit in season 2
my nigga nifty maybe
the blacksmith is a... Ju... je... jjj.... *vomits*
fuck, bros, not like this
wtf dimension are you in lol
I don't use discord and I haven't spent a cent on tts. also, she's barely gotten any ttses this season. are you okay, faggot?
kek, I forgot about that and yeah you're right.
Perfect for fishtank
Agreed. If Tay comes back the coddling will be off the charts
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Amputate Jon's leg before the rot spreads. It's the only way
Hopefully they didn't send him in alone... Jon would probably tell the doctor he's wrong and can go home without any further help
>No, beanies were pay-later
Well, at least there's a silver lining
why is tayleigh so retarded she even takes roleplay seriously. seriously how is somebody so retarded i cant stand reading about this fucking retard i cant stand seeing this retard making the same 2 faces on my screen i cant stand hearing him say "no i know i totally get that" i cant stand seeing that retard smoke i cant stand his simps i cant stand his cringe pandering how is there any likeable trait in this faggot

it's a bunch of autists roleplaying and she managed to make it unfun somehow
I want to press my breasts against Vance's hairy chest
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Look at me Charlie up and about.I haven't seen tay stream in 20 years i feel wonderful
baby challenge bliccy night?
post breasts or gtfo
of course not
I just can't see that being a good decision for her and I don't even like that foul bitch. She needs to quietly defuse things and go offline.
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Peaked early when Cole got mad at Jimmy getting modern clothes
cuz I've got a golden twinkle in my eye!
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i want to lick xavier's hairy chest
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he tore his hamstring/pulled it

Sam did the same thing and showed the same gnarly ass bruise on PGL

it's literally healed by rest
Please have Xavier ride his back into battle for the final boss
you know the rules
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her twitter is right there "celescynt" use your eyes bro
tits or gtfo (unless you're a troon)
the hole in his skin is what i'm more concerned about
>Jimmy begging people to give him money for more clothes after this
>Jimmy is literally completely out of pants/shorts
Hoardermans doesnt have any vintage denim or anything?
I just don't see how her coming back will help at all in terms of fish interaction or storyline. It'll only hurt 2.5 and Tay's rep.
>wears a kippah and the cross
This nigga being confused aside, he has nice eyes.
So Jon is going to make it worse by being a retard?
He's already climbing trees for no reason
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>they sent grindr dates to my dying grandma's house
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Xavier's body is amazing
i couldn't stop laughing when they brought greg as mrbeast in season 2
>5am gmt
TJ doesn’t rp hes just TJ and he gives them sidequests like working out or public speaking and he pretends like he somehow became more manly and mature because of it.
You're not supposed to be using the phone right now letty
it's a BB wound same as what Letty has you're just associating it with gnarly death causing gangrene infection because it's on his bruise

yes that's another matter entirely though, it's not fucking gangrene
anything organic there has been eaten by moths or fungus
Jet at least give him a bandage to cover the open wound
jumpin jesus! shit. is. gnarly.
Vance is starting to settle in and have personality, anybody who doesn't just hate on him notice that?
Yeah, production needing to step in and further censor TTS and pander to Tay will just make what's left of her supporters/the audience resentful. It'll ruin the immersion.
Fuck off tay, you're a retarded dyke.
sniffing letty's used socks...
The Trish hair debacle, not the actual cutting but the aftermath with her grabbing the jug of water and scaring the shit out of Sam and then later fighting him for the electric razor. Alternatively Medic Jimmy treating blackout drunk TJ.
Because with Tay it's not fun role play, she thinks it's real life
Her whole attitude with Xavier was disgusting, she clearly wasn't into his advances, but she also refused to make decisions that reflected her own feelings. She seems to be convinced that she had no choice in the matter? Like, bitch it's role play you can make your own decisions you didn't have to go down the Xavier's Pup quest line
I can't believe Cole ejaculated on Tayleigh's panties, wore them like a mask, stalked her ever since, then doxxed her cockbuddy.
What a creep. I'm not saying he did it it's just fucked up if he did.
kek I get that reference
that was pretty good when they were chanting and conga lining to make him ring the bell with no explanation
Vance has fan girls?
How did I sound like a fag
hoarderman has nothing of any real value
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>they sent my grandpa to my dying tindr dates' house
He hasn't denied this
i can't believe cole fucking left the show because he couldn't handle obvious banter from ben lmao. what a legacy for this fucking dweeb.
it was cathartic hearing xavier call her out on this right before she attacked him
There's only like one anon who straight up hates him (in a weirdly tsundere manner). Everyone else either doesn't care or likes him.
OP here. I'm going to bed so someone bake a new thread when this hits page 9 or 10

I'm actually worried about Jon. They need to treat that hole in his leg properly. What sort of 3rd world country are you yankees letting a patient out like that?
her xitter is @chinkyshovelfacegookzipperheadretard
The way Sam was treating Trish when he was cutting her hair was very mask off in regards to how he treats and manipulates and engages sadistically with women. It was both interesting and morbid to watch.
>Goblin is so physically strong he overpowers Jimmy, Jon and Vance at the same time

I couldn’t breath
I can't put my finger on why, as she wasn't even that involved, but this has been so much better without tay
I've been a fan since day one, donated a couple times to his streams as well. He's fine. TJ is also fine.
tayleigh made jimmy sad that stupid fucking bitch.
>Vance is just starting to settle in
Anon... it's been over a year
This is unironically the type of thinking that was going through Tayleigh's head as soon as she noticed her panties were missing.
Imagine being that ugly and still thinking in this schizo way
Damn Tai is really pissed about the goblin
>all he ever did was yell and throw a toy hammer at the wall
I'm not the anon who called you a fag but i agree. just sounded like a fag, man, don't know what to tell ya
Tell either Jon or Jimmy that Taylor and TJ are having marital problems and that they have to be their marriage counselor.
Jimmy's discord TTS scheme being discovered and him and Sam playing cat and mouse with each other.
This is the real Ben, he told Vance was coming 10 min before Vance posted he was indeed coming
... yeah
>2.5 has been a total successs (besides tay)
2.5 has been a total successs (because they removed Tay)
Somebody please give them alcohol
Damn this is a good one. Trish delish. We need to make her bigger. Trish and Letty need ample calories.
blacksmiths wife twt
my favorite part was actually when tayleigh nailed fatty into the goon cave. he acted like he was going to die.
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>Gaping hole in Jon's leg
>Not bandage
We're literally getting our first amputation on the show and that's pretty based
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blacksmiths wife's streams
that reminds me, shinji stealing everything from the living room
Re-read your post from an outside perspective and hopefully you'll understand. if you don't, sorry, you're a fag
it's actually crazy. it seamlessly became better
I wish he didn't stay in the background so often.
today was good :)
what's jordan's discord?
I think they have ptsd from the goblin attack
The dwarves outlawed alcohol in the 3rd era
Did anyone level up today?
she is the textbook definition of mid
Ben browses these threads. He was in here during S1.
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The NPCs this season are completely mogging most of the freeloaders
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best day by far. especially since that dyke left, what was her name again? eh, don't answer that, don't care.
genuinely hope they send her back to kentucky. she offers absolutely nothing positive to the show and you can really feel that effect today with her gone
It's 100% why the Goblin took him aside, they have to get that shit covered.
Any else think Tai kind of has a weirdly feminine body?
I know, I was being unironic. I remember the tripcode and he's posted here several times this season already, it's pathetic. Ben is one of the funnier ones and he's posted faggy shit like that
Need to see the last effect and attack/defense to know how good the Duke's card is...
Send Tay home, how about that?
>What sort of 3rd world country are you yankees letting a patient out like that?
If they just sent Jon alone into an ER, there's a high chance Jon just sperged out at the nurses and ignored everything they said to do and possibly walked out before they could help him
go jork off nigga
sci-fi character that teleported in from a different game.
I think it was less a formal release from the hospitals care and more Jon just being a wetawd tough guy thinking he can just pop some pills and sleep it off.
>ctrl + f tay
>117 results
Good for her
another big step up from previous seasons is that they actually have shit to do during the day and into the night which makes the friendtank hangout moments feel much more special
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whats jordans dox?
It was odd, Jon was actually funny too, it's like the cast collectively improved. The lack of gay PVP shit was good too.
>bex impaler
literally me
the fish find a stranger lost in the woods. it's cole.
It's really not a coincidence that Tay was kicked and the show got better. Besides Jimmy's rant they barely seem to give a shit.
impale tay's limbs with dinner forks and challenge the fish to make the cleanest cut with the forks without removing them from her limbs
>bex impaler
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Anyone have a full goblin scene webm?
>Jon was actually funny too
Jon is on painkillers out the ass right now.
She's cute but I'm not going to enter a parasocial relationship with a married woman
That was like the one night I got good sleep and completely missed it, it was awesome. Does anybody have the gif that fades from all the hoarded shit to shinji sitting back and relaxing next to the pile of shit he stole?
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Was my favorite so far desu, I wonder if we're getting some vampire shenanigans or is it done for the night.
She was one of the worst parts of S2 more annoying than the nigger in my opinion
Guys I’ve been watching blood games for 2 days straight and I really don’t feel good. My neck hurts and I have diareah and it’s really hot. Anybody else? What should I do?
not fair because that includes people talking about taylor
Tay therapy session with the fish competing on who can cure her first
He wore the number 23 and played for the Chicago Bulls.
sexo con bexo
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Betty got facial feminization surgery! Thoughts?
Betty as a dancer/beastmaster
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make the call
She's just a massive buzzkill, even all the way back in S2.
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Monday morning. Why are you here?
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introduce alex stein as a crucified heretic
cleanse the demonic energy from your spirit
Whats his endgame?
Yeah? A significant event happened, Jon has 82 results and he was just retarded all day like usual.
These fags don't understand, when he's there, he's kino. It really is unironically true. He's just a passive pussy most of the time
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>Ah, alas for you, you see, I summon Duke Gormedious Von Geldstraven III, his effects make him completely impervious to both your effects and destruction through combat! Woe be upon you to have faced me here today in this duel of the dark arts! I end my turn!
>draw for turn... I summon Gemaciel using your Duke as tribute
Jimmy, calm down please.
nobody reads bant
Vance has big puffy nipples
drinking white claws and slapping retards
disc: jorkinit.dd
Vance going shirtless gave him an instant 20% more charisma.
Jon sleeps in that camper he was on top of earlier btw
tay is so unfathomably uninteresting i truly cant understand why you retards are talking about her all day. jon is consistently retarded and funny
>they bring back tay tomorrow and tell her they're gonna take it easy on her
>bring back frank to hassle her an hour later
would be kino
needs bbc
john with a wheelchair and slave is fantastic
>wheelchair is in the woods
it's actually weirdly masculine for him being a small asian man. You are definitely just a gay man
We control the narrative nigga.
Jon is 100% going to pick Letty as his slave
jon is now handicapable
>Jon finally forced to do the cripple challenge he got eliminated in
keep in mind guys I have adhd and I like to go lots of places, and I like to get up EARLY in the mowning to steal coffee... from the main house
no, Bitty wouldn't like that.
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>and she gooned to them
He looks like a vietnam vet KEK
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>being revealed
>by the biggest group of lying sociopaths on the entire internet
holy fucking kino you're right
Am I going crazy? Is the show actually getting good now? I suddenly like all the fish.
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>I activate my trap card, don't worry about the text on the front but the secret Japanese on the back. I can read this easily with my kitsune form. My card does 8000 damage directly to your soul. Fu fu fu
cringe. le wrong generation zoomer.
holy fuck I love this retard's big grin so much
this wont last an hour
She had a freakout and left the show, of course people are gonna talk about it, it's drama
Too much hrt
Ginger ale with some honey and some chicky nude spoop, and take her easy Anon.
it will get worse when tay comes back
lieutenant dan!!!
Jon is so awesome this season lol I love him to death, he really is the ultimate fish
Tj won and taylor is his gf seethe bitch
is this the closest we got for s2.5 turning into goranian chemo from neptunian kino?
anon you're suffering from a spider bite like jon, you need to find the bite wound and ask your grandma (who you live with) to suck out the venom
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TJ should level up today
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i have it on good authority she does and there is nothing wrong with that!
Did Vance even do anything for a level up today?
How come Tayleigh isn't in the level up poll? She won a 1v1 against Xavier the most powerful character in canon
Vance looks kinda badass ngl
Yeah, interesting that it happened once Tay wasn't there to influence Jimmy and Letty and make them annoying too
Hey guys Day One Taytriot here
Just got home from camping and saw Tay was on this!?
Where is she at? Hows our girl doing!?
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You're not crazy, this is comfy as hell. It's like a dark cloud has been lifted and the vibe is off the charts.
Sorry, Tay's assault on Xavier was Fail RP
a BBC would never fit in her petite peach.
You need to up the roleplay cringe
Make Letty develop a RP voice and keep saying it's not good enough until she is doing a really cringe autistic voice
Do it with Tay too if she's still there

Also if Jon is staying, put that fucker in a wheelchair for his own sake (an electric on if you can) and give it armour plates and some big weapon. Make Jon a tank
yeah I don't even particularly care about the tay shit either, but it's undeniable
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I'm afraid it's been...

9 years.
He's the last one to level up, they're obviously rigged or else there would be overlap. retard
the Duke is more powerful than Xavier (in canon.)
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i used to be an xavier fan until i found out he's a goober gator who harassed brianna wu and other women. why do all the funny people have to be the shittiest?
Feels like that first few days of S1&S2 right now. Actually comfy.
also the paypigs were obviously going to vote vance
That made me an even bigger fan
sick. I need his workout routine
he asks
while sitting in a wheelchair
smoking a cigar
contemplating who he's going to make his slave
What the hell are you talking about idiot, she literally tried to kill him
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>no offense but let me say this very offensive thing
she does this all the time. one of my top reasons why i dislike her
>watching an mde thing and being offended over gamergate
nice bait
>Jon ruining Vance's moment
What a bitch
>Jon is just faking the spider bite for attention
I cackled
let me guess, it happened in a dream? in your head maybe? lol.
I should of never posted this :(
>vance and tayleigh gone in one day
Brothel simulator. Letty Trish Bex Taylor. 5 silver per hour
brianna wu is a worthless tranny who should be killed
Bro she fucking flipped his car
that's metal as fuck. makes me even more proud of her.
>people try to troll you in real life
>run them down with your car
Chaos magic at work
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smella?.. :3
jimmy shut yo bitch ass up
The let them eat cake with Cole in white face
how can u stand der and be wetawded whiwe we're suwwounded by monstaws?
2.5 has been great, sam sticking to his goofy character even if its only for ten minutes a day, xavier, jon of all people is having fun now and RPing, vibes comfy . been real good.
This Brianna Wu is a killer on the lose
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FOREVA!!! <3 >:3
You will never be a real woman
I highly doubt anyone who seriously uses this word is a normal person with nothing to hide
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Can barely fathom how much worse it would be without Xavier. You'd be getting a lot more "uhhh who wants to footrace soda man" segments. As it is, everything is working together great.
Burn every single yu gi oh card on the property
there was already a new thread retard
a new thread was already created, you dumb nigger !
we're already using another one
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smella forevaaa <3
Have the fish go bug hunting or something of the sort, maybe frog wrangling.

Make up a treasure map with a quest of some sort, with battles along the way.
It's the stalker and his discord orbiters just feed into it. Nobody's gonna tell this dumbass the truth and get it through his FAS eyes to penetrate his brain
That's probably because at this point he actually knows her and doesn't base his reality off a curated webseries

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