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Blue Eye White Dragon Edition

Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200722931
Been down bad. Glad I can get my dose of Tayleigh to cheer me up today. Where is she at?
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who goes in the square hole today?
Season 1>Season 2.5>>>>Season 2
Real thread >>200725605
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I haven't been watching much can some explain wtf happened here


Why did Tayleigh have a schizo moment? "You look like a 19 year old computer science guy I know" then wrestles him to the ground trying to rip his mask off
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Monday morning, why are you here?
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rip TrAnnY
>Fishtank with tay :(
>Fishtank without tay :0
What causes this?
Im sure Xaiver is cool but he should press charges honestly.
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It occurs to me that the Yu-Gi-Oh isn't so much from Xavier's weebness as it is just a reference to RPGs with card games.
dumb nigger thread, post here >>200725605
Xavier was alluding to being Tay's IRL stalker named Q who is a 19 year old computer science guy
Tay believed the bit was real because she's retarded and doesn't understand role play at all
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projecting much??
thread made 9 or 10 minutes after the other one
what is OP's excuse?
Tayleigh is such a dumb bitch. No everyone's not trying to fuck you relax
my bad, anon, i didn't realize inwas tabbed into the wrong thread.
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We love and support Taylor and Tj dont we fellas
Letty told her to.
Okay normie.
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what's stopping betty from killing herself?
Her pet cat Poncho
Clayton won
why doesn't poncho kill her for being gross?
just saw some clips, tj and taylor seem really intense with each other sheesh, much more than a few months ago
She brings him food. Otherwise he would have to eat her, would you eat her anon?
yeah id eat bettys corpse if i was a cat
Just me or Goblin > Xavier
Makes sense, TJ in particular always seemed embarrassed/bashful about their relationship in any public setting but now they've had 6 months together so I'm sure they're both used to it and more comfortable with it. Its nice to see the cuck posters btfo
ugly bitch with a huge ego
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Holy shit, my asian girlfriend.
Yeah people would say he didn't seem into her because he would always just say "I guess" when people asked about her but you could see him initiate a bunch of physical affection with her in the background shots of Schitty.

Think dude was just shy about it at first having hundreds of people asking all the time.
Jokerposting please come back
tj revealing himself during this is so too funny. she didnt even acknowledge him?
All the TJaylor doomers and cuckposters are either disingenuous or have very little real life experience with relationships because it makes perfect sense for them to be hesitant to put their (at the time) brand new relationship on public display for 4chan posters to analyze. Im happy for them that they made it this far and seem happy
A lot of females on set this season .. how many do you think we're drugged and raped by the crew?
If I have to watch another yu-gi-oh game tomorrow I'm going to kill myself.
All of them, bex is running a prostitution operation

You can see it in her eyes, she's a ruthless trafficker madam. Every woman you see on the cams can be bid on and bought through wayfair using the right search term codewords.
and then we did boxing when they were trying to sleep AHAAHHAAHA
The break up is going to brutal, if Tayleigh's current situation is any indication.
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for the love of god scott, please tell her to keep further away when throwing punches
Naw, TJ is already very private and Taylor apparently doesn't mention him or their relationship on her streams (judging from posts here, I don't watch) so if/when they break up I'd imagine we just won't hear about it for the most part. Tayleigh is retarded and doesn't understand how to manage her personal and public lives.
betty is a valued member of society and has potential and talent
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Tayleigh's ITT

Post some stuff to cheer her up!
on planet retard
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What do the neighbors think?
Tay also directly antagonized the people she knew were unhinged schizos towards her. I don't know what her problem is aside from just being retarded.
Scott is such a shitty coach
You saying there's a chance of a Council Tank 2?
Just woke up and my main questions are:
>Is Tayleigh back
>Have Jon interacted with TJ
He fucking sucks, but Taylor is also not exactly the most athletic/explosive person either so he's kind of just going through the motions for the bit
It's a 13 acre property and the nearest neighbor is a quarry, I think they will be ok.
They talked for a bit awkwardly while walking.
Ben pulled TJ and Jon aside to introduce themselves to each other on director cam. He did it for TJ and Letty after too
that the woods are haunted
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Tay lost.
Jordan lost.
Q lost.
Xavier Ravenblood won.
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yeah but surely there is someone nearby who goes on his back porch and smokes a joint and listens to the woods every night
all cams offline

jet it up!
works on my machine
>even when taylor and scott are in normal clothes training boxing Mrs. Blacksmith still acts in character with them
actually bizarre how good she is
Who's the anime faggot on the mask?
fuck off brown
Letty megumin cosplay when?
Suck my dick you dirty nigger, I mistyped on instead of in. I want to know if we've found out who the fuck he is.
She'd already ran to Jet in the house by that point
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Sexavier mogs
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his ptsd dreams must be insane
>tj still making incels seethe
>letty still making incels seethe
>everyone makes fun of jon to his face
This season was made for me and I love watching you worthless faggots cry and have schizo meltdowns over it, this is for real fans not retards like you
if letty is megumin what is taylor gonna cosplay. it's for their yugioh story i assume right?
any clips of tj letty introduction? i only caught the tj jon one
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cozy night boxing
Jordan were you a top or bottom?

Also are you picking up extra shifts at KFC to support Tayleigh after destroying her streaming career and crochet business?
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What is going through her head right now?
Betty is so pretty
wasnt there supposed 2 b a 6th cast member??? can't think of their name, maybe I dreamed it though
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Xavier won.
Based Jimbo hallucination
Are you black?
>this is for real fans not retards like you
Go back to your containment board tranny
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>what is taylor gonna cosplay
>...jwimmy what are you twalking about?
I actually did a spit take
he's so good
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Meth, cock, windex
some skinny guy was there but he kept looking at the camera so they asked him to leave
Everything, all at once
what tv show is that the theme for?
Hey guys, Bex here

What we thinking?
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>Xavier still insulting Tayleigh on Xitter
did vance deserve to level up?
Nah but he's the only one that hasn't so far so it's only fair I guess?
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im actually surprised theyre still fucking with them this much
.... yeah
holy shit I love this guy
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here's that wholesome boy next door I was telling you about
Jordan Won
Xavier won
Taycucks lost
prob not but might as well balance the levels. the only thing i remember him doing today is forgetting his goggles and gun
we really do be living in a 3ft world, huh
>Jordan Won
correct, he won HIV
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The basecamp is somewhere close to the red arrow, they're pretty far away from the neighbors and blocked by a lot of trees.
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still nothing has topped this night. they need to unleash bliccy on schitty.
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would love to see him try a brand new character in s3. everything he's done with xavier is shockingly good
He did good in the bandit boss fight, he said he got six hits with his new rifle
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A sick vault
qnanon should k___ him
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>less than 5 percent of the fishtank audience were aware of the Q and cockbuddy lore
>goes into hiding
>people wondered WTF happened
>they ask questions
>they find out
>now everyone knows
he actually started to let his personality...happen?
plus it's obviously weighted to let them level up evenly, and vance was last
If Xavier was Q, why would Tayleigh walk up to him? This would just allow him to enter the 3 foot world. Does she have Down Syndrome?
How long do you think the wheelchair thing will last?

And does he even need it? There's a hole in his leg and it's fucking infected but it seems like he can walk fine
I hate bliccys ghost nipples
You fucking freaks got satellite images of camp but can't tell me who the fuck Xavier is? Amazing.
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So trve
>Xavier still insulting Tayleigh on Xitter
>Tay is undoubtedly sulking and stalking socials rn and saw this for sure
>but tomorrow she's supposedly coming back
I can see the fallout happening already. I'll give Tay two days before she explodes again
>yeah sorry Tayleigh we actually hired some unpredictable creepy internet dork who’s obsessed with you to be the main character of this season and he just happens to be really charismatic and good at role playing and everyone loves him
>anyway, can you ask Sam if I can get paid now?
you're so gay
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GOBLIN ATTACK HD FOOTAGE https://x.com/cryo2052/status/1807653775861289239
...everyone knew who Xavier is on day one, guy
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Everyone knows and has been posting constantly about who Xavier is
nope just don't like ghost nipples
These threads are full of fags.
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anybody else getting a 230001 error on flowstream?
I love sucking cock man, it's really good
QnAnon is based and Jet should get him on, but for real
gay guy alert
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evening all, how we doin

(the war is so over after today i'd feel bad rubbing it in josieposting. condolences, taytriots)
if they haven't been keeping up with this stuff they aren't real fans
order more jimmy caffiene powder so everyone can get addicted
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Redditors are such fags lmao
Xavier is clearly not Q. She's even been told by Letty. She's fucking withdrawaling from something and her mind is fucked, she's talked about seeing shadow people before.
Dude... Tell me. I literally only watch from the site I don't fuck with social media and this board is fucking gay.
Why the fuck do they get all that land and the other houses don't lol
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Q would never do it in front of daddy Sam! Self defense situation much??
Everyone should kneel to the TJmaxxers because we were right that having him show up would instantly fix the show. Tayleigh even left right as he showed up.
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How the fuck did Tayleigh lose and TJ win again? It just keeps happening.
I think they actually need the money. Cigarette delivery for instance doesn’t even make sense in the storyline of this season
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Case closed we gottem
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You are a faggot!
No one cares about your nonsense that makes legit no sense. lol the fact these shills advertise their ridiculous retarded shit (whatever the fuck this is?) is hilarious. Just tells me to never even look into whatever the fuck this is because when I went to the website it looked like some kind of discord type weirdo shit. Sorry, not sorry, but I'm not gonna try and figure out whatever the fuck it is your trying to advertise. Make it simple and explain it or get the hell outta here you nerd. Fucking sheldon ass motherfucker HAHAHAA!!.
redditors are so fucking stupid it's unbelievable
these people need to be tortured worse than Tayleigh. also the whole framing of this was disingenuous because Q said he would only go on 2.5 if he was invited, he was never planning to just show up
entrance was kino
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Trish delish!
haha yeah and if Sam was in the room with my JERK dad he'd beat him up too!!
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kek everyone look at the normie
>brain damaged tv golem
Because TJ is a natural protagonist and Tayleigh is a natural antagonist
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kino day tbqh
Will Tayleigh start censoring her chat now the next time she streams?
Seriously wtf is this thread even about? Are you all just shill bots or what? Nothing you say in here makes any sense what so ever. Are you all just low IQ retards that explain nothing or are you literally all legit autistic nerds?
It really was. TJ is good for LARPing.
>next time she streams
morale meter at 100% following today's events
i don't think she should ever stream again unless she wants to become a permanent lolcow
I posted it first you niggers >>200728485 give me (you)s now
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Taylor :3
even when I tell you it's not going to mean anything unless you've seen his shit before. it's not like he's a AAA hollywood actor, just someone in sam's sphere
it's the deagle nation guy, if that means anything to you
I sense that these two are projecting about something
they need to keep jon on opiates, he's so much more enjoyable when he's laughing at shit.
FACTS, my nigger Q did nothing wrong
he's a narcissistic incel like cole on steroids

he wouldn't last and the experience would just humiliate him and ruin his life further
tjaylor fag fucking die
It is pretty crazy that within minutes of his arrival she KWAB'd herself without even knowing he was there.
Then fucking explain to me in one fucking sentence wtf this shit is about? None of the links make any sense and I am sure as hell not registering into anything to figure it out. So tell me nerd. And fuck you you, don't you have some talmud studying to be doing Ari?

>green text
= shill bot or 4chan brain rotted fag bot.
gotta put these all into one big image after it ends
They're all twitter trannies. The new MDE audience. Never anything of value in these threads.
Trish delish!
gonna cry dumb nigger? I took your (you)s!
creature has bolts ons and is airbrushing the scars around her nips
They pay more money?
how the fuck do you lose a season where the only goal is to have fun and there are no winners or losers?
Q should sue Tayleigh for defamation
Yup... I knew it. Bot detected.

Seriously if I got any smarter I would have to jump off a building to prove this ride never ends. ;)
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>Tayleigh gone
>TJ arrives
>moral maxed out
It was the lighting in the attic making her nipples hard to see
Xavier is cole
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Jon coming back from the hospitals extremely high on pain pills in the happiest spirits ive ever seen him was the best shit ever. dude was on it today
I hope TJ and Jon interact more. They’re brief interaction was great and I think they’d actually get along.
That's a man
you need to go back
(and explore the OP)
you're lucky, this OP has lots of information this time
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tj is looking more like a man now, taylor must be a good influence. he still desperately needs his mane back though. also it's hilarious how much faster tj's hair is growing back than tay's, all them vitamins snd nutrients from eatin right
and also roasty dykes from kiwifarms who think they're collecting epic milk or some shit, i don't remember their lame lingo
Bliccy just has light nips
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her tits are obviously real man
It's honestly even more embarrassing and humiliating to go back onto the show with full knowledge that you really did lose all of your fans because of your cock buddy that got doxed and had Grindr dudes sent to his grandma's house. She'd have to go the rest of the show with full knowledge of it happening AND continuing to happen.
Tay should just leave tomorrow and disappear from the internet. No good can come from maintaining any kind of presence.
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>Welp- I didn't see THAT coming
can someone post that letty screencap?
:O :/ :| :C
What's really sad is that even JON caught onto the RP faster than Tay did
Jon engages with the RP and makes his own decisions
Tay just let the RP happen to her and went along with any proposals thinking she had no chose in the first place
because she's fucking retarded and mental. she did the same thing last season where randomly, some brain worm got into her head and she lost her mind until she punched Trish

she's crazy and incapable of having a good time. the xavier plot stuff is clearly for fun, and most sane people would've thought nothing of it
instant shift in energy
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Tayleigh ain't coming back, Jet

Peterphiles, now's our time.
those are more acceptable than bliccys almost invisible nips
FACTS, today was easily the best day
If /r9k/ tripfags decided to huff whippets and make a reality show
you're a pedo for putting this prompt in, i hope you die tonight
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it's crazy how locked in he looked after taking the mask off
why did tayleigh reject her fans for a methhead, she could've at least been nice to those of us who stuck by her after the show :((
don't forget every time any RP is happening, she has to do a onions face at the camera, even if its not centered on her.

heaven forbid she pretends for a second she's not too cool for this
Look, production raped her for days before she realized. Of course she became emotional.
Dude what in the gosh damn fuck is this nonsense? My god, is this some type of trans show or some shit? I don't get it and no one seems to be able to explain it to me. I see these threads all the time on this board and still have no idea what in the gosh damn fuck it is about. I swear this entire website is faker and gayer then even reddit and twitter combined. lol holy shit its insane coming here and see how these fake shill bots type. I'm convinced this website is 90% shills and bots and 5% 4chan autistic weirdos brainwashed to type like said shill bots and about 5% real people. Therefore if I lurk on here for 45 mins I am lucky to see 1 or 2 real threads or even comments under a thread by a normal high IQ person that actually knows how to type and explain shit like a normal human being.

Her refusal to even feign attempts at RP was so annoying. Always fagfacing at the camera like she's above it all while everyone else fucks around and tries to at least have a little fun with it.
HahahahhahahababababhHahahah >>200728741
>1488! Zoom in on Tayleigh. 1488!
At this point it would be both in Tayleigh and production's best interest for her to leave the show. There's nothing left to be gained by keeping her around. I don't even know what the fuck she would do if she came back, seriously.
This was ultimate retribution for the TJmaxxers after the tayjeets frantically spent the last half of s2 insisting that tayleigh deserved to win and TJ was nontent. Look at that, another season where tayleigh had a psycho woman moment meltdown and TJ lifted everyones spirits. Sure seems like that's just both of their natural dispositions and not that there's some elaborate anti-tay conspiracy forcing her to act like a self-obsessed, short-sighted retard.
obviously real, fag
yeah maybe so desu
you're literally gay
prolly true
Yes this was my main issue
well THAT just happened!
nigga they gave him a couple tylenols he didn't get any meds from the hospital

this is a guy who was crying drunk and passed out puking off like 4 beers
look at how green that water is from her asshole alone
Fuck you bot boy fag. I see you. lol how ridiculous and obvious can you be? I have no idea what your posting. Holy shit this website is the fakest and gayest shit I've ever seen in my life.
Agreed. Also with TJ as Xavier's student and Jon as The Duke's soldier we could get some great moments where all four of them are really into the roleplay
I can't imagine the MDE crew isn't exhausted with her at this point. Everyone else in the cast are having fun, in good spirits, and has a fanbase. Even fucking Jon, in a wheelchair and incapable of understanding RP, caught on to the show and is having a good time now.
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lucky for me that your hopes and dreams died before they were even born, pedo enabler
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>gone for 12 hours
>everyone still talking about her
You love her
She never recovered from this.
I said this a few hours after she left, theres no coming back, theres nothing she can say or do to make it no awkward when she returns.
The only bright side of her coming back would be xavier fucking with her more
Jon, Sam and Xavier antics this season has actually inspired me to lift compared to when they were trying to force it in the other seasons. Larping works
Bot boy fag says "retard"

Doesn't explain or reply like a normal person. Another bot boy fag or autistic weirdo detected.

Yet again I'm too smart for my own good. lol still no one has explained to me wtf this shit is!?!?

Seriously that is all i am asking. And the fact no one has yet to explain this thread to me in one sentence has convinced me that I am right as always and this is just all shill bots with 1 word replies to my (you)'s.
I'd wager that you're a bot. You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and
i dont think trish is autistic but shes a shy sweetheart and i always loved her
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How does Tayleigh feel that they only brought her on to fuck with her while everyone else gets to have fun completely free from harassment?
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can we just take a moment to appreciate how well letty's done this season? tay was already dying two days in and jon injured himself moving while fat while letty's been bullying xavier and doing everything she can to be eye candy. this is the closest she's ever come to working and she's KILLING it
>The only bright side of her coming back would be xavier fucking with her more
unless they cut that plotline since the show is halfway over and its not worth the trouble in finding a replacement
The hospital only gave him tylenol but remember when tj got hurt and came back high out of his mind? Jet has percs on set and probably gave him some
yeah they look weird desu
The best part of this night was Jon laughing at the goblin.
blicc should dye them, maybe a nice shade of pink
Where were you when you realised Tayleight was never a femcel and you were fooled?
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absolutely devilish, /bant/bros
Letty is a moron and lazy, but like a fungus she hangs on
Fishtank facts you learned from 2.5
>Tayleigh was the biggest vibe killer and kicking her after she hit trish would've saved the swamp Olympics and people would've enjoyed TJ vs Trish vs Shinji
>Nobody actually finds Jimmy funny and his jokes leave everyone in silence from how bad they are
>Sam likes roleplaying
Can someone explain wtf this vampire thread bullshit is about?? Or are you just gonna post some random picture with no context that makes no logical sense? Or maybe you'll post a gay ass pepe the frog like a alphabet meme boy?
She was hiding in her bunk for like half the day today
Just say you like junkie girls that look like boys.
He dont think he would stop. Like he would give an item to someone and say
>"this was originally intended for someone else in your party but they couldn't figure out how to role play."
>Camera pans to jimface
Nah, use your brain and figure it out like a big boy or fuck off retard
all three of these were clear from s2
bro did this himself
say hit to reddit from me
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Seeing her social manipulation in real time has been kino. Tayleigh definitely wouldn't have gone off today if Letty wasn't there fueling the flame
I'm not gonna write a dissertation for you. Sign up on the website so your email gets doxxed and watch with the rest of us. It's free.
it's about the live internet show "Fishtank" (this season is called BLOODGAMES it involves an experimental format themed around vampires and LARPing) created by "SAM HYDE" of "Million Dollar Extreme"
Only kiwitrannys like Tayleigh and Jimmy

I learned that shit by christmas eve last year
Jimmy absolutely demolishing the vibe while Tai, Greg, and Sam were fucking around during the shrine building quest was insane. I genuinely could not believe someone this retarded was allowed to be in social environments
Minor spelling mistake
>Brian should have been a freeloader or production
Tardleigh is coming back today btw. Prepare for even more Jim faces and coddling.
>this is the closest she's ever come to working
you're right. I think Sam is the only person so far to have twice tricked Letty into working
Yes that bug has done well, and I want to see what she does next
day 1 of season 2
This actually has made me appreciate the Shinji/TJ vs. Tayleigh S2 finale even more because it reaffirms beyond a shadow of a doubt that she brought her punishment on herself and has a noxious personality. Shinji KWABed out since, but him and TJ killing the witch was kino.
shut up faggots no one cares
how does that have a remote relation to nipple shade lol
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>mind break
it makes sense for tj's character to fill the role of a xavier proxy now
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the alliance was kino even if it didnt amount to much
Dude seriously. What the fuck does that even mean? Why can't you just explain it to me in one or 2 setences? I don't get how hard that is.

On another note Nitrous oxide is some crazy stuff. I have an entire dentist chair set up in my basement from my friend with medical grade N2O and the whole setup with oxygen and gauges. Whippets are for poor fags. A real nitrous oxide experience can only be experienced with a mask over the nose and 50% nitrous and 50% oxygen. Sense it only goes over your nose your good to go. Just gotta make sure to only do it once in a blue moon and when you do take your vitamin b12. Like I said I am too smart for my own good.

Who wants some free bitcoin? Who wants me to ruin their life with free money 4chang bot boys?!
it needs to be someone in the main party though
ok but he was in a mormon prison
Tay's reactions are so funny, reminds me of the Office! (fav show)
Its like if Trailer Park Boys thought there was good money in putting on an internet television show and made everyone at the park play a character but they didnt plan out a single scene.
i like jimmy as a contestant, we need retards but moments purely focused on him are so hard to watch. you bring up any subject and he'll start whining about his life/upbringing. the 15 min dedicated to jimmy's fucked up teeth were kino tho and i hope sam actually buys him implants s5
They will have to disable all tts directed at Tayleigh, and it will be too obvious. There's not way they would be able to keep track of all the sneaky minor references to her man and what's happened and have them on a banned list.

Just say family emergency, or she's sick again and needs another IV and quietly see her off then get on with the rest of the show.
moontroons like to hate Jimmy and Tay, they like and self insert as lubecooch
for me it's when she goes :O
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Yes, we're all bots. The shadow government is actively gang stalking you, anon. You should rope to avoid them!
this. people will all be actively roleplaying and jimmy will just chime in and say some random bullshit like
>oh hey so you guys know that obscure fetish where people jerk off to green chicken corn feet penises
and everyone would go silent
seeing her get destroyed into the ground and production having virtually no sympathy for it still makes me smile
It's suppose to be a reality show where contestants get "tortured" live for our entrainment, the term hell house is used alot. It's kinda gay but it's funny and has its moments. https://www.fishtank.live/
jet has pills
she was good tonight. tayleigh was holding her back.
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that’s reddit nufag
only a redditor would point that out
>>Nobody actually finds Jimmy funny and his jokes leave everyone in silence from how bad they are
*lowers voice*
shes so silly!
first it was one sentence now it's 2
I was able to watch the director cam in incognito mode yesterday. there are youtube live streams and pirate streams available to not give the wiggers your email for data mining
yeah i guess. letty would probably be the most entertaining pick then
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>jimmy will just chime in and say some random bullshit like
>>oh hey so you guys know that obscure fetish where people jerk off to green chicken corn feet penises
>and everyone would go silent
This is utter kino, so is Tayleigh jimfacing at the camera
Its still funny to me that she tried to beg production to allow her to double curse because it was clear that she was screwed if TJ and Shinji both cursed her. Sorry loser
Especially when she's very likely not going to be invited back to MDE stuff. Why bother keeping her on if she's just going to make trouble for herself and the show?
"So your email gets doxxed"
(Yup not gonna do your guys stupid green text)

>Yeah that is a no.

lol why would I sign up for something after you said that, why not just tell me what this show is about? I seriously don't get it.
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Can we get a campfire cooking class with jon tomorrow?
>Josie gets doxxed in the cell on tts
>doesn't care
>Tayleighs bf gets doxxed
>disappears for the entire day
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JET make this happen!

Name 5 moments where Tayleigh RP'd
TJ’s black queen is SOPPING right now.
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*starts seethe whistling*
$50 Dollar Tay
moontroons and redditors are one and the same
when she said production told her to give the crystal to Xavier
>it’s canon
well there was the time she pretended to be a Neo-Nazi while also being BFFs with a literal gay nigger
it's fascist right wing hate content
50$ Dollar Tay and the Cuck Buddies
oh and when her best friend was a fat mexican
I think it's funny as fuck that no matter what Letty does the Lettychads are vindicated and don't seem so bad.
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We never even left, assuming you're a real one.
I still wonder how the dumbgay and Tay friendship happened. I can only imagine its literally because he's so incredibly vindictive and simple minded, seeing Tay punch Trish caused him enough joy to have her as an eternal friend.
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three foot world status?
Ok I know who Sam Hyde is, i've looked him up on youtube, hes not that funny. Anyways you still haven't explained to me what the fuck this FishTank show is about or how to fucking watch it. Also yes I do know million dollar extereme was an adult swim show. I worked there on Williams Street in Atlanta during that time. I 75 is right next to it and theres a bunch of stupid owls in the lobby and I know Mike Lazzo and his weird ass paintings in his office too.
the custom sfx are kind of funny
full video of Xavier implying he's Q before Tayleigh attacks him? this one doesn't have it

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this dude got necrotizing fasciitis
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Tayleigh isn't an ethical Nazi?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Tays white children
Why is she like this
Are these ai posts?
We live in a 3ft world.
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Anyone see the Matan Sam Hyde interview? Sam was running laps all over this zoomer kid
This clip is very cute I love Tj and Taylor and Letty also

The custom sfx are infinitely preferable to "VOMIT BLAST" and "MARIACHI BAND" spammed over and over and over
There's a 400 page pdf document documenting all the lore written by a real life renaissance fair larper out there. No one gets it but him.
now that tay quit name her top bloodgames moments
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larp girl pusy sex
Seriously ive never seen an injury this bad in real life. What the fuck happened for it to bruise that much?
jon losing his leg and suing sam for everything he has would be kino
she lurks these threads
when fatty's stoner character appeared she got REALLY into character! oscar worthy!
matan is like 16. if sam wasn't running laps around him that would be worrying
marky when
Holy shit wtf is kiwitrannys? I see you guys talk about that too back in the day. Kiwifarms or something? Like wtf is that? Do these "tranny" people even exsist? I've only seen one in my entire life. And it was an obivious older middle age man that was obviously probably brainwashed by the internet.
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i've decided i'll never post another letty nude after her performance this season. she's earned my respect
that or a troll, this OP has an extreme amount of information. A human would go do some research or something if they were so interested.
/bant/ is insane

/ftl/ has a huge female population (tay haters )
im fucking broken i dont know how to fix this
for me it was her talking shit about jon cause she thought he was gone but he was actually behind the bunk and heard it all and when he called her out for it she backtracked and said she was trying to help him
so tayleigh still hasnt come back?
friendtank won
Why does he have a scuba tube next to him
letty is lowkey hot as fuck it took all of this to make us see
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>problem, tayleigh?
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If they end up having a pool party and all the girls wear cute bathing-suits/bikini's would you still complain?
Kino lighting

I linked it and everything you stupid nigger>>200729133
he wanted to suck him
>Letty also
Literally why
yeah yeah sure sure. so what did you think of the interview
solid take from my pov
She looks good if you catch her with her eyes in sync
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Yeah you'd love that wouldn't you. Too bad this is real life where everyone associated with MDE hates 4chan
>ruins your internet grift
It would be kino but i like Jon and he already has enough disabilities
they still haven't explained who the fuck the guy on the right is
Only things I can think of are that they admired how reactive each other were to changes in challenges and how they didn't mind being hated for the sake of creating content.
Also the classic gay guy plus trashy woman alliance.
bex in a micro kini when
he had a johnny depp thing going on today
think he said it was during a vampire attack and he slipped and fell, im guessing on something sticking up. also mightve pulled hamstring
>he'll start whining about his life/upbringing

how new are you lil bro
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true letty only browses sharty
is he going through the arc in zombie movies where one member gets bit and hides it from the rest of the group?
love how jon and this dude were instantly boys for no reason
please stop posting twitter links they are so irrelevant now.
his iq was confirmed 82 so not surprised
Jon won so hard this season
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fake trishcels fuck off
thought it was nothing
just telling someone "sam paid homeless indian guys to stand in the room" is just as funny as watching it play out for 45 minutes
he looks like that ginger streamer who blew his brains out live
Literally just makes them grifters majority of their comedy is copy and paste out of pol
is it more or less depressing if she's behind the tjaylorseethe in here?
Matan is in his 20s
And again you still fail to explain to me what in the g0sh damn fuck this FishTank show is about or what it is or how to even watch it. And yes I know what Trailer Park Boys is, its a dumb comedy that takes place in Canada in a trailer park with that stupid guy with the ridiculous big glasses and shit. I found it quite un-funny and cringe, but then again I didn't watch too many episodes for that reason I just explained.
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Lubecooch, whatever happened there?
wow shes so quirky! im gonna pick her!
>Wake up
>You're the blacksmith's wife

What do you do?
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dude you are a robot or indian
what was the outcome of jimmy's piss test?
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the whole season has made me realize how great jon is. there can be 20+ people gathered at any given place and jon will somehow be driving the conversation
It would a shame if Letty were to go into hiding again
I'm not fucking retarded like you. Only person who would be even anything close to "gangstalking" would be a very important person or very wealthy person. Try again bot boy low IQ brainwashed nonsense picture poster.
Why is there a garbage bin in there
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Theres of chicks posting in this threads for example


And they all despise Tay and love TJ.

Being a pedophile pervert is ok but being a girl is not to mde.
fuck up AGP faggot nigger
godamn, 2 anti-hydsters in a row, sounds personal
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TPB is supremium kino, you got filtered
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yellowfeverbros y'all watch marigold?
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is this a threat, that would hurt her tummy
imagine a 41 yo trish
Nah she’s cool she stopped thirsting over TJ during s2 after Taylor admitted she wasn’t an actor.
oh im not anti sam hyde he just really does look like that suicide fag in that pic
hi benji
beating people in her house with a spatula
lose a bunch of weight
>when she looked at the camera that one time
>anytime she said "cock buddy" out loud
>any time production made fun of her and she didn't understand that she was being made fun of
>ruining rp by saying she had a boyfriend
>any other time she completely ruined an rp moment with xavier
>any time she didn't understand what roleplaying was at all
>going along with xavier's storyline despite genuinely believing he was her stalker
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As soon as Jet realizes how much money they'd make if they give us a fan service day. It's summer after all!

Just don't tell Sam about it Jet, because he's low key gay when it comes to women showing off a bit of skin.

Yeah cuz girls have cooties retard
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How are they "tortured"? Also I am not gonna pay or register to watch it so I guess fuck it. Sam Hyde isn't funny anyways, some other anon said hes the one who made it no?
failed so hard even jimmy dropped it
Joshipedos get the rope
go to bed benji
ok bye then. no one cares about your train of thought.
All jon needs is games, outdoors and a way to work off all his energy.
we dont care

why don't you namefag here, we need the help
It's sad that Jon caught on to how to RP faster than Tayleigh did
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kek based uve got 2 luv the miraister uve jst gotta
I highly doubt that if its made by Sam Hyde like some other guy said. Still no one has told me wtf this show is.
here biggest crimes are being a giga mde fan and staunchly pro white, really makes you think about sellout Sam and his nuMDjeEt fan base
you got the gift bro, luv yur wurk
you can watch with no account on the site
they are playing music at them while they sleep rn

Audience pays for text to speech that typically taunts them or starts shit between them. Staff is constantly fucking with them
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>How are they "tortured"?
they get raped
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i love komomo
remember when tayleigh leveled up for being hooked to an iv
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ok so here's how trish can still win this
>he doesnt know how to click the flowstream link
Seven-six-two millimeter. Full. Metal. Jacket.
I'm saying matan needs an editor
his videos would be doing huge numbers if they were 10 minutes instead of 50
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The prodigal son returned.
Well Jet did say his bank account went in the red and that was weeks before the air date
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reminder this is the guy who was explaining to the npcs how the game isn't real
jimbo sleeping with his head the other way now that xay is gone
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he's going to be on Smiling Friends season 3, Zack was at his parole hearing last week
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she's gonna b the waka of marigold nd nvr win a match
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happy bettyday everyone!
If these are AI posts then I am the best AI known to man kind as I type and speak like a real person unlike you fucking weirdos. All with misspelled w0rds @nd typing lik3 thiz
nvm i'm wrong
the vibes shot up after tayleigh left
Rossy lost
I thought the same, he should lean into growing the mustache/goatee combo thing if he can. Facial hair saved Sam unironically nigger looks like a giant worm without it.
/bant/ figured out that she's so dehydrated and needs the IV because she's been abusing fent with COCKBUDDY
One girl literally got raped and people don't care cause they hate her
Careful now anon. Asian women have hairy pussy's and fags here don't like that.
MDE has been around since like 2007, anon.
>cock buddy
truly wtf was she thinking there
Everyone look at the brainwashed 4chan bot boy who doesn't even know how to communicate and type in a logical way. This anons brain has been turned into a 4chan GTP-4 bot by the way he types and communicates his ideas.
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>I type and speak like a real person
it's just one gen x guy
even worse, she got raped her entire life
vance wept
Jimmy lost.
He also sucks.
And is annoying.
And gay.

This bitch needs to log off, she's burned her bridges and is blatant coomer bait and an unfunny "provocateur". Literally 1 step away from sucking dick for crack
>partnership with WWE
>Giulia gets 2 bring the marigold title 2 nxt nd the nxt title 2 marigold
Rossy won, okada lost he's 2 bz cucking out 2 tony khan
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And raped
That wouldn't be allowed to be shown. What do you mean? Wtf is this some dark web tv show you gotta use TOR to watch?
Rossy is a pedo and Marigold will fail without Giulia
If she was going through fent withdrawals she would not have been walking around or have any energy to even jimface at the camera. Those retards have never done a drug in their life i wouldnt listen to them
>Literally 1 step away from sucking dick for crack
enough about Tayleigh R Pendleton
the beautiful CK
plus her face makes me sick
holy shit betty is such a fucking gross degenerate whore i cant wait till she rides that bbc dildo its going to be so fucking hot
There's been 2 separate 10 page pdf update patches since then. Check your spam folder.
What did he get in trouble for?
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the more bug bites trish gets on her body the hotter she gets. why do brown people get blemishes like that when so many of them are third world and they're constantly eaten by bugs
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kek a real hero and real human being
Failson hasn't released the basement tapes so we'll never know.
>I green text and just copy and paste the person comment like a GTP-4 bot.

Nice try. Or your just brainwashed to type like that, for your sake I hope to god your not a real person. If so then our bots have destroyed your psyche and your typing skills.
to this day i still dont understand this arc. she was being a total sport and then sam sperged out and basically kicked her out. what was he so aggro about?
wtf is basedkak party?
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Reminder to not feel bad about Tayleigh

For months, people warned her to stop pandering to /bant/ and everybody dismissed it as just harmless fun. Now look at them.
falsenvke zellig is aryan
I think he either attacked or brandished a knife at a cop, or something like that.
stop embarrassing us e-pig, this isn't the time or place
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oliver gay having the time of his life on the left
i tried 2 tell them
>oliver corpsing
incredibly based
Will do.
what is wrong with these people
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Benleaks predicted all of this
So glad they involved his character with Xavier lol
KEK I forgot about this
nobody reads bant
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So whats the explaination of why taylors husband is back alive? Like wouldnt you be freaked out if some dead dude came back and was talking like nothing happened? I would think hes evil
>copy and paste
This newfag doesnt even know how to quote, what a retard.
it's a hamstring tear, it looks a lot worse than it is. This photo was taken on the rough of a camper he climbed up on, so it's not really affecting his mobility that much.

It's probably a minor tear he got from running while being too fat that he made worse by falling out of a tree.
also crack possession
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The football player from the Steelers?
he got revived by Xaviers magic
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Xavier found him and resurrected him using wolf magic or something idk. His introduction was ruined and hard to follow because of Tay's schizo meltdown
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>So whats the explaination of why taylors husband is back alive?
xavier resurrected him to help defeat the duke
>wouldnt you be freaked out if some dead dude came back and was talking like nothing happened?
not if he's your husband you miss more than anything
We control the narrative nigga
drugs and taking out your rage through acts of antisocial behavior
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based trish
tfw no frank this season
He's not an artist guy
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imagine being a robot AND it being your first day on 4chan AND choosing /ftl/ to do your research. We should send him to bnat. It doesn't even know that the initiative group can make people levitate and be happy at the same time.
id breed bex
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wtf i don't remember this
Yeah its embarrassing to go back
Yeah i figured it wasnt that bad when he came walking back into camp today but it looks like the incision a few days after surgery.
i wish xavier had been on season 2 in the attic explaining badideas to summer
indelible to the hippocampus of all artist guys
>still calling it football in 2024.5
In your containment threads and nowhere else
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i still nut to this moment constantly
I don't remember this at all
they were trying to steal stuff from eachother, he wanted her shoes. it got heated. shinji was a dick.
all this has proven to me is that s3 needs Jan involved in some capacity
bex rapes me (and i dont press charges)
these threads suck at this hour. its just turbo autists making single posts and no actual discussion
one of shinji's last attempted content gasps
you mean like you're doing?
JIMMY JIM JIMMY!!!!! JIMMY!!!!!!!!!!!
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According to me, the keeper of OFFICIAL LORE, the story is that he was presumed dead because he was mauled and had an arm torn off, and was drowned in the river
Though near death, it was XAVIER who rescued DJ from his demise. XAVIER also gave DJ an accursed arm, created through dark magiks.
Now, DJ has sworn fealty to XAVIER and rescued his WIFE from the BANDITS/IRS.

He’s actually explained this a couple times, once when he first arrived and then again during his walks with Jon - but people were initially distracted by XAYLEIGH shit
For real
webms are funny
NYPA, newfag
>"does this look like the face of a man who's scared?" through the hole in the door
an unparalleled moment of cinema
full time show host for s3
licking abis brown poor butthole rim
i got 2 replies
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the energy in the tank was honestly never the same after this. the way she goes from laughing to ugly crying in seconds is haunting to me
trish was raped
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I'll do it myself then, gosh!
This season is actually pretty good but I miss all the /ftl/ Jet Ineptitude shitposting
>can't greentext properly
ftl shouldn't be on /tv/ at all desu, bant is their established home now
He would go above and beyond for sure
seriously he would do it so much better than Sam and he's clearly willing to put more effort in
id rather kill myself than post on that board
>XAVIER also gave DJ an accursed arm, created through dark magiks.
He's pregnant and has diabetes
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Fatty has lost a ton of weight, good for him.
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tj actually looking good rn
Sam will be busy on his tour anyways
>it's /bant/ fault for existing and not kwableigh's fault for lying constantly
I swear this man is never the same shape day to day
it's like his mass moves around on his misshapen body
Goran did a good job this time actually
yelling retarded shit and being the but of jokes is different to driving the conversation

it's hilarious to watch him embarrass himself from the comfort of my home but I'd be sick of him within 5 minutes in real life
he's certainly irish. taylor is full of shit that she's irish though.
>the way she goes from laughing to ugly crying in seconds is haunting to me
What's fascinating is that Sam stops cutting after that. As in he's got enough to fap now he can leave.
this coming from the niggers who literally out of nowhere fabricated a complex meth plot 4 hours ago
The Alpha doesn't care if you're sick of it or not.
it's bad enough posting with these retards here, i couldn't even imagine the level of despair that takes place in the bant threads
Tayleighs demonic satanic drug addict energy is what made the contestants not have fun so them watching TJ dance after her meltdown basically exercised that energy out of them notice how the only angry person is jimmy who went to check on tay he still has her aura/energy infecting him like a parasite
her grandparents did live in ireland. maybe she just doesn't look irish, i can't tell personally
He has. Whatever he's learning and taking from Xav he needs to keep doing it.
She was warned ad infinitum by her fans but she's a fucking idiot
Jan did you dox yourself just to post here
When TJ told this story to Jon, Jon asked how his arm actually got hurt
TJ told him it was from a white water rafting accident and Jon told him ‘if I was theya, you wouldn’t have gotten huwt’
‘You’d have stopped my friends knee from hitting my arm?’

Allegedly down 100lbs
He’s got visible loose skin on his upper arms
Still ~400lbs though
she's never been in hiding, she's just lazy as fuck
I get so tired of Jimmy, he's such a tryhard when trying to be funny. Tai on the other hand does it so effortlessly.
Let us cook. kfc was a schizo theory too until it was true.
TJ has a luck demon
I got BORED without access to my friends on /TV/
What fans? I thought you niggers hate her
Jan how much is Sam paying you for all this shit?
i hope he’s still lifting
that guy is a moron, taylor looks Norse-Irish
people saying tay cutting her hair during season 2 was satanic were actually feeling her drug addict demonic satanic energy through their screen and not sams or from the house Tayleigh was always the problem today was the longest I've seen sam stay and not just to box with pot belly ginger her satanic energy was even bringing him down Tayleigh was the satanic part of season 2
I do it for FREE
kek massive respect for the grind.
is it possible to sleep through this or are they just pretending and hoping it will stop
bex put that beautiful cum belly on display
love and life
>I still wonder how the dumbgay and Tay friendship happened. I can only imagine its literally because he's so incredibly vindictive and simple minded, seeing Tay punch Trish caused him enough joy to have her as an eternal friend.
Dumbgay liked Jimmy, Brian, and Tay because they put effort into the show even if they looked like assholes while doing so while TJ, Shinji and Trish mostly floated along. The singular focus Dumbgay had was being entertaining and he felt the other three were halfassing it, hence his absolute fucking seethe with Jet and Ben when Jimmy was getting kicked.
sam actually talked about wanting jan involved with fishtank in his very first idea pitch. i'm sure he's really happy he finally got him onboard, he seems to love getting to bounce bits off of him.
What's Tayleigh thinking right now?
Not everything you dumbasses invent will end up true. How many random things has this site said that ended up true? I'm betting less than 2%.
It really suck to be in this evil worldwhen good people like tay get stabed in the back and psychologically tortured by others. I am in the same situation but I still hate it happening to others.
>Still ~400lbs though
Better than 500. Maybe he can get below 300 in another 6 months. It may be stupid to hope but I love seeing people make it
While others defended Jimmys actions on ethical / friendship grounds, I remember Duanye (and Shinji) being the only two who opposed Jimmys expulsion because ‘the show will be so much more boring now’
Sadly, high Duanye is also a energy void
i know you're just schizo posting but it seemed like Sam was on screen actively doing something way more today than the past few days. hopefully Xavier mogging him hard will make him step his game up
Page 10 here we come, don't even bother with season 3
He hurt his arm so unfortunately he hasn’t. He was before he hurt it though.
>fuck im gonna have to get a job, i also don't know how to drive
How bad she fucked up
I wouldn't call Tay a "good person", maybe a "troubled person" who needs to find God
Are you the only person in your group of friends that know fishtank? I talk to alot of my friends who never seen it and they say it sounds insane.
we live in a 3ft world
Is everyone just going to ignore the fact that Xavier just posted ITT
i have friends who like MDE but they dont give a shit about fishtank
Fuck me I want to be Letty's pet. I want her to pat my head and lead me around in a non sexual way. My mom doesn't love me
they still haven't sold the S2 house yet. it's still on zillow for 900k flat. pretty large investment they made there that they haven't been able to cash in
>Have all these good ideas and then use none of them on the show
dumbgay didn't like Brian he was shit talking him during the cell and in group
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Yes, I don't bring this shit up in real life cause I'm a closet autistic
high duanyay annoys me on s2.5. he’ll just spoil reveals on twitter and phone it in when roleplaying. overall way less energy than s2
friends got me into fishtank, got me addicted to josie stimming, still watch together and i'm still here today waiting for you to bake right years later
>dumbgay didn't like Brian he was shit talking him during the cell and in group
Dumbgay just hurled shit to start drama. He liked Brian but knew the tank was way too fucking stable and needed fracturing any way possible.
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You're laughing at her tournment and you think you are with God?
Sadly there is some karmic justice in this because she is into "lolcows" and did some stalking/harassing herself. This is possibly the worst way to learn that lesson, but I hope she learns it nonetheless.
Name one thing we were wrong about!
dope he should keep at it
very bad bait, which in fact, makes it good maybe? because it's silly. either way it's bait
I have friends IN MDE... Not that anon
i seriously i hope they never bring him back idc what anyone else says he is just an awful presence and never funny
most know of it and like some bits of it but i'm the only one that's all in
The only people I know who are into it are people who were already MDE fans to begin with
I tried showing some other people and they're just immediately turned off by TTS spamming circumflex and vomiting noises
yeah directly involving yourself in that shit is inviting it
He would probably unironically need to slow down on losing weight if he wants to avoid needing massive amounts of skin surgery to get rid of all the excess skin flaps
Yeah and if I told them I was here talking to you fags this late at night they’d think I’m retarded
me too. and i actually have more than you, so...awkward
dont make another thread, let this shit die
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i wish she was straight
good riddance
Tay should have never punch Trish in the face
I have a couple friends who were mde fans but got filtered hard by fishtank and now hate Sam and mde. It’s very divisive. It requires a lot of time to fully appreciate as well.
Yeah these guys are fucking nuts, dude
Yes. They'd i'm a freak if I mentioned it tbqh.
Where's Weck?
>Name one thing we were wrong about!
You fuckers spent all month shitting on her for "helping the wiggers out prepare the 2.5 site instead of streaming"
This was peak fish tank
god I love whores
how would you know that that's him
Yeah straight to my cock
You don't even know who I was referring to! Raspian hoe. I think you're a liar.
She only called Cobra, and send chris chan a letter. Nothing compared to how trolls who tortured chris chan in the 2000s and get praised for it.
What a stupid question. All my friends know about fishtank because all my friends are ON fishtank.
she only fucks teen boys
Gf doesn't watch pgl, scuffed, or mde with me but her fishtank acct level is over twice what mine is
its simple, social dynamic + women and normies watch
even this nerd shit is fine although none of it is better than hearing how many dogs nick would fuck in the ass for a nice house
>It requires a lot of time to fully appreciate as well.
True, you have to be work from home or NEET to get the full experience
And to be honest these threads add to the whole experience as well, and normies just have reddit kek
Her fat pussy looks like someone fucked up trying to split a coconut
I dont want Tayleigh to leave just yet, this is too entertaining
I have a few who are pretty big MDE fans but they don't pay attention to Fishtank. I'm curious how much genuine overlap there is between core MDE fans and the FT fanbase. I imagine it's smaller than you'd expect.
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>xavier only follows one guy on twitter and it's a guy who retweeted shit about tayleigh's cockbuddy being a pedophile
i'm starting to think the Torture Tayleigh session isn't over yet
I see your trips and your call of bluff. However, I shall not tell.
I don’t talk about mde or any online stuff I consume to people irl but not too long ago a guy I’ve known for a few years let an mde reference slip and we both realized we were secret fans. It’s funny most people keep it secret I assume because it’s edgy and possibly shameful.
all you have to do is go to a dj set with coke or x and pretend you like her music anon. YOU can be the next kfc
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I love this pup

the kind of tough love like kicking the pup across the room until she cries type abusive love
what was sam's character named last season, i need it for fun
Anyone got the webm where digs around in her pussy?
Give me 5 or less moments from season 2 that you feel felt satanic and if two or more involve Tayleigh than that's all the proof you need that the energy/vibe she brought to this and last season was satanic or demonic today proved it for me
you fell for my MDE-style troll. test failed!
Sam is fucking Damiel right? Why the hell else would he be bringing him on podcasts and letting him open for his standup when he has no actual comedy skills, I don't understand why he keeps him so close unless bummy bustr is his boy wife
I will pray for Tayleigh and her sould even though she said things blasphemies against the holy trinity and Jesus God.
Jedidiah (Judge) Goldstriker
When easily irritated ninnies like you make yourselves known its tempting to go along with the freaks and their delusions just to get to you specifically
You think you trolled me? Well, check your mailbox in six hours and we'll see who wins this battle.
Scuffed has grown stale for me, I don't give a shit about real estate and there's too much boring to wade through to get the good Nick bits
Damiel is funny online and having him as an opener probably makes Sam look a lot better by comparison. Sam also is weird about trying to develop protégés and I think damiel expressed he was interested in standup.
Not possible. Damien and his babymama are raising their miscarriage together. It's a very committed relationship.
Is it confirmed that twitter is actually him?
Not being the worst of the bunch doesn't mean she is innocent. Calling up these people is a form of harassing, in part because she knows she's not the only one doing it. Didn't the stalker who caused her to freak out and attack a guy "only call" her? So is it fair game?

Also, again I don't know who is "praising" the people who fuck with Chris Chan but I can guarantee those people are losers.
Greenshark is good at pacing, under appreciated skill in online content tbqh
I have no friends, but have my fuck buddy and girlfriend and 1 of them knows of fishtank, but she's a NEET. I watch this shit at work while I collect $45/hr plus OT pay for my 12 hour shift and I have not given a single cent to Jet or Sam.
Jimmy is good whens hes attacking people and psychotically implying harm. Thats all hes good for
It was genuinely better when Jet was the cohost. There’s only so many times you can hear John stupid and Dominican guy before it gets boring.
If he was a guest on season 3, I think it would be interesting. Imagine the seethe and all the publicity.
god you moontroons are so unfunny and gay
These AI SFX are great
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Apparently I do
i wasn't that anon either. you just condemned an innocent person to die, which is... yikes. and i won't forget that in a hurry
yes he advertised it on fishtank
Yeah, last night he came out and plugged the twitter and said he was taking suggestions for content from the spirits
yeah he showed a piece of paper to the camera with the @ on it. someone here probably has the screencap
No. It was probably the exact guy posting all these twitter screencaps
Damn i wish it was real
is tay back yet or is she still scitzoing out?
understandable desu
I'm a landscaper so I fuck with the screeching about people's rock walls and driveways
moontroon? no one knows your discord tranny lingo and I wasn't joking
I was going to leave him some taco bell. You're a sick man, you know.
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>This is Sam Hyde, he's an aspiring comedian guy
holy shit bill clinton elden ring kid fucking rekt him with that one
kek if I were on fishtank that would be a top concern of mine, I'd probably stick my whole hand in my asshole and wipe it on my pillow or some shit and then sniff it
In fact they really fucked up not putting me on
He was friends with Jimmy first, and since Jimmy and Tay were close, they became mutual friends. They got closer once only Tay was left.
there's a real darkness in Big God, he hides it well but it's there
in the 10 years I've been programmed to hate trannies I've only ever seen 2 in progress IRL total
this video was insanely funny, when the homeless fat guy said bevis and butthead my face was as red as sam's
Sam tried so hard to rattle this kid, but nothing worked
moontroon here, there are women on that website, that should explain everything for you
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lets remember the moments before shinji became a stereotypical whiny asian dude
the guy he follows seems like a schizo in his own right haha
Sometimes when he streams with Sam he seems like he gets genuinely annoyed when Sam interrupts him or does other obnoxious shit.
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Just use a burner email retard
also yeah sam isn't exactly comedy gold, just his archaic existence attracts funny things more than anything. His stand up is cringe, his skits are good.
What happened with Shinji post-tank? I heard he dropped out of school? Did he never psychologically recover?
Someone needs to ask him about the playground ban
I think Sam and Nick should do a variety show like the date show that was running during fishtank season 2, I'd take that over more fishtank
where is tayleigh sleeping?
everyone on twitter has two names and has to be famous and twitter screencaps are always upside down
he seems to have fallen out with his white friend crash who may have misappropriated his donations, causing him to get fucked by university late fees. he had some recent tentative content comebacks indicative of extreme mental anguish, but it turned out he was just parodying viral japanese videos. not sure what hes doing now, some kind of joker thing
that's because I just made it up, moontroon
Probably in the S3 house
Kent Hospital
World Peace 2 should be out by next year. It's just sitting in a vault now waiting to be edited
>the Marky schizo has returned
Dog house
whom did your gf root for in s2 anon? for some reason gfs usually tend to favor tj
Tay looks like she smells like mustard, and not a nice one like dijon
Tell josh to stop doing the tranny voice on MATI, it's mad annoying
>zero news about tayleigh still
Sam said during S2 that WP2 would hopefully release in Spring but evidently not. I think the editing is mostly done but they're just sitting on it for some reason. I heard that a pre-release screening of it got a lukewarm reception at Skankfest but that might be complete bullshit. It's just weird that WP2 was at the time being hyped as their next big thing and they've basically just stopped acknowledging it.
He's gonna be a very handsome grown up one day when that 2nd puberty drops
Im just a donhead baby
She's back in a few hours
letty has EXITED directly downwards, presumably to urinate
So is everything I'm hearing TTS? some of it sounds like it's production talking through a mic.

also who the fuck is snoring so loud?
maybe the alcohol is Chris' problem
AI-generated SFX
probably vance
Probably to keep it from conflicting with the tank
jimmy said she's probably not coming back at least for the night
greg said on some youtube stream chat that she's coming back
my sources tell me she's currently in the psych ward at kent hospital and she'll never be the same but at least she'll never remember this horrible experience
She loved the cole x jc storyline but eventually I think she favored reddit joker funnyjunk jimmy because she was empathetic to his mormon cult child rape
I would give anything for dialy bossmanjack updates desu
If you'd seen the pathetic joke that was his las vegas/austin/phoenix livestreams you'd know just how much of an "alpha" he really is.
you can use the power of elon musk's ai to generate any sound you want to play at them
I feel bad for summer too, she also didn't deserve it. Tay being mean to her is probably the only bad thing she did but that was do to homophobia. Summer have found peace it seems I hope Tay can do tge same.
if true you have no hope left
>Jet and the crew seem to have the ability to consistently plan content during a day

xavier do you like tenchi muyo
Tay fucked a paypig? Josie would never
is TTS disabled at night this time? why has nobody woken them up with 10 gay guy alerts yet
Yes I'm the freak friend that brings everyone something interesting they'd never find on their own. They don't have the time to watch it but they enjoy hearing me describe it.
do you always have to wait 300 sec to bake? i always pretended i baked but never did, am i being punishing for phoneposting
Josie is intersex and has fucked up genitals
not even

she fucked a dude who brought a 50 dollar plushie from her. She sold her pussy for 50 dollars to a KFC worker.
>You control the show
They're a fascinating and unsettling insight into the thought processes and actions of real mentally ill antisocial loners. And they all bounce their insane nonsense off each other so it snowballs, I haven't seen anything like it before. There are a lot of sick minds on the internet, but these ones stand out even compared to others I've seen.
None of this is interesting or funny
imagine being this new
Xavier wrote the script
letty has RETURNED to her comfy comfy bunk
====TAY UPDATE====
reply to this post or your mom will die in her sleep tonight
It is serviceable, though I honestly prefer FLCL. You see, FLCL is a nuanced approach to both parodying Evangelion, and criticizing its displeasurable fanbase--ALL the while maintaining the emotional and esoteric core of the original production. It also just has a superior pacing and visual style.
Did anything ever come if Jimmy's drug test?
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>punishing for phoneposting
why you do that?
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very good. you can leave now.
>so sad when he cries like this
>wow i can't believe he's crying right now
>what a gay guy
>keep crying bitch baby
so they're definitely retconning the Xavier's GF plotline right
I wonder if they did a psychological deescalation with Tay and Jan behind the scenes
Like show her that Xavier is in fact not her 19 year old stalker
It would take the fun out of their interactions but Tay is too retarded to continue otherwise
At that point she can fuck off forever though, have TJ replace her or something
based boss bro
>missing the few seconds before she goes from fast asleep to lightly gyrating
TJcame back yesterday and everyone hated his stupid dance and shit.
Lmao he wants her so bad but she keeps friendzoning him
Depends on how the private conversations went. I only know a little bit from my connections.
i would like you to know that i've been seeing these posts since first using 4chan in 2015, never once have i replied to any of the 100s ive seen, and my mom is sleeping soundly upstairs right at this moment
We need to examine the jimmy hug fetish next thread
Id on minion
He seems to prefer the lone wolf path anyways
it helps when the contestants dont just give up and ignore the challenge/task within 15 minutes
>yfw the "bill clinton kid" stunt was an OP to muddy google search results for "The Clintons" and "Kids"
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gz me
Since logic is reversed with you, doesn't posting mean your mom finally will die in her sleep tonight?
Maybe she will come to here if Jordan fucks iglt up, but I don't think he will. They both sacrificed so much that it will get them closer, with is ironic cause /bant/ schizos who caused it wanted the opposite.
NYPA, newfaggot. How many times do I have to tell you?
It was already planned to end when Jan decided to build up a fake reveal that he’s Q

Now it’s Frank and Abi turn to fuck with her
Does anyone else feel like they see Faggot used as an insult in /ftl/ way more than anywhere else on 4chan? Like by a lot.
>psychological deescalation
What are they psych now? Just tell her Xavier was fucking with her and be done.
At this point they need to recruit an ex psych nurse into mde if this happens every season.
that's not really how attraction works
shut up faggot
>literally living in his mom's basement
>2015 ellection tourist
are you nooticing?
kpop general on /mu/ is very reminiscent of bant ftl
cool. never watched FLCL but i always liked the look of those droopy eyes for sure
TJ is the best role player out of every contestant in both seasons.
I thought the Tobuscus bit was hilarious

they should just move us to /trash/
>At this point they need to recruit an ex psych nurse into mde if this happens every season.
That's not a terrible idea lmao
Yeah and honestly I see cuck used a lot less. Nigger seems about the same.
>playing osrs in 2018+6
the moontroon pedo enablers do that
Plebeian. From now on I shall disregard your questions. You have GREATLY disappointed me..
It is how relationship works, the more you suffer and sacrifice for a relationship the stronger the bond will get.
yeah if you're a normie, but dating fans and customers online was dangerously stupid of her, especially given her fanbase
there’s a bunch of agro millenials in here who got called faggot all the time in high school in 2006
I think being outdoors and free to roam makes them want to actually do things compared to being stuck inside which sucks, then add all the dumb reality tv show shit onto it like TTS, cameras, lame bits/challenges etc and I can see why they burn out and don't want to do anything.
the people in fishtank threads are definitely not a representative sample of 4chan users, and I would say these threads capture many of the dumbest posters on this site
>calling someone a faggot means you support pedophilia
You're a retarded gay pussy, Duanyay.
just realized the ai sfx can probably marky post really easilly
someone with money make it happen
sure for platonic relationships, but I don't think you become romantically attracted to someone over time like that.
yeah i know, but all vidya sucks and at least osrs is relaxing
If this is really you I love you and please humiliate tayleigh more. Ask about a chicken pluahie
shut up niggerfaggot. if you think faggot isn't a common word here you're the most obvious tourist i've ever seen. take your homosexual consensus crack elsewhere.
Easily. I embarrass myself with the fact that I browse here.
Go back. You won't be missed.
It’s been done. Nick said they are negotiating with networks and have multiple offers
nobody on 4chan has EVER used the word faggot in any context
wow you really showed me lol
whoa who let old school iDubbz in

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