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i need an illegitimate source for prodigy S2 right fucking now.
"What's the Meta?"

Oh no this is no joke, I'm really trying to hit the PHRASE trigger via this item on Meta AI.
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Go get it

Finishing up my TNG rewatch.. should I just skip Sub Rosa?
>talking to yourself about nutrek
fuck off
Post favorite episode
>The Defector
i was hoping for a stream. havent torrented in a decade
storm front
you'll have him to answer to
T'Pol is too distracting. My hand is always holding my cock when I'm watching Enterprise.
Look deep up your ass, it's right there.
>> 200741494
I feel like ent had better episode.
sub rosa is a must watch if only to highlight the greatness of wolf in the fold
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The Ro Laren Trilogy, where a character tries to integrate with Starfleet but becomes disillusioned and leaves to do her own thing. Shows the Federation at its best and explores the conflicts between aliens that can't be resolved by Starfleet. It's a nice tour through the Trek universe that tests the franchise's ideals but still shows them in a positive light and encourages the individual to make their own choices.

Ensign Ro - introduces Ro Laren and the conflict between Bajorans and Cardassians
Next Phase - shows Ro as an outsider who tries to integrate with the crew
Preemptive Strike - Ro leaves Starfleet to join the Maquis
storm front is ent.
Good set of episodes anon. Superb taste.
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Do you feel like Ro Laren would have made a better commander than Kira? Perhaps both would have their own charm in their own way?
Defector is one of the best.
I don't think it would have worked as well, she couldn't have that many ties to the Resistance/Bajor considering she left so long ago.
I watch it from time to time to remind myself to not be loyal to anyone or anything except my family and very small circle of friends.
Also for the amazing talent by James Sloyan.
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kys faggot
I liked the episode where archer resorts to just punching shit to get his way.
I also very much enjoy any episode with the andorian dude I forget his name.
Continuity be damned, I feel like lo would have made a great commander.
Chain of Command

(Worst episode Sub Rosa)
I would like to know what she did to cause the deaths of so many people on an away mission, and why. Feels like something they had planned and then Forbes left the show.
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She betrayed Picard.
Is that the episode with
Great episode one I feel doesn't get enough recognition aside from memes.
What ever happened to her after trek? Why did she leave?
Computer, load RoLarenDommyMommyBallWalking
increase foot size 200%
disable safety protocols
ro did nothing wrong. picard is a 5 light seeing faggot who should have been left with the borg
They should have kept Ro on DS9. Make her a maquis leader or something.
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>when an officer betrays their uniform near me
>more Ro but no Kira
Not a choice I'd want to make, but I'm glad we didn't have to watch Odo and Ro hook up. Imagine the scene at the finale when Odo is going to join the goo and Kira is about the cry. I can only see Ro crossing her arms and saying, "Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, faggot."
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Nearly done on the next Faith of the Arse, chaps. Should have it ready for tomorrow.
Kek, did odo give kira space aids?
>Kira was supposed to be Ro, but for reasons, they couldn't use the character again
>Paris was supposed to be Locarno, but for reasons, they couldn't use the character again
Any other examples of this?
Data was supposed to be Spock
worf was supposed to be on DS9 but they replaced him with a dishonerable cowardly clone instead. even picard had enough of his scardy cat shit by the end of first contact
doctor who season is over
I'm back, geezers !! seething much?
I've been watching LODE s3 again, it is pretty good, you all are jaded fucks
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god damn
If it's so good, why did it get canceled and put up for free on YouTube?
I'm watching Prodigy S2 on Netflix right now. Turns out you can make a good Star Trek cartoon after all if you don't hire a team of agenda-driven mongoloids to write it.
Still shilling this shit? kys
nobody wants to watch it
Any major changes in staff? Or is it just a move to a different studio?
it got cancelled first, removed from P+ and sold for peanuts to netflix
I watched 4 episodes and thought it was ok, just needed more janeway.
>nobody wants to watch it!
But enough about your show, Dykefag.
>no memberberries
>no good
isn't that your argument against LODE?
forced marketing by the loser author
>muh airplane banner
>put up for free on YouTube?
Yeah, and still no one wants to watch it. Imagine makings something so putrid that people refuse to use it as background noise.
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>3,800 twitter bots have retweeted their scripted shit
Fans rejoice, etc etc etc
Lower decks bases their entire episode around a certain part of an earlier trek episode where they then go,
>Oh man, remember x?
Yeah, but that was dumb. I totally would have gone with y
>I I thought x was cool....
And it goes on for fucking ever.
If Prodigy does it, I don't know about it yet. I've only seen 4 episodes, and they had their own ideas and their ways of doing things hardly any memberberries in these 4 episodes.
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Ensign Sito is CUTE!
She reminds me of Famke Janssen. I think she was never too into Trek - quite similar to Colm Meaney who was doing lots of movies at the same time but he was lucky to get a flexible contract. She did a great role in BSG as captain of the Pegasus though. I liked her more in that role than Ro Laren to be honest.
can't stand on its own
needs janeway, you said it yourself
Whose Twitter bots, though? Netflix's or Paramount's
Wrong nerd, that's not even remotely close to anything I said. I didn't even know she was in prodigy till she showed up.
who gives a shit it's all spam or low functioning retards like you who advertise for them for free
They're all owned by jews, it really doesn't matter.
so you are in season 1?
tons of memberberries
including a pathetic holodeck with kobayashi maru with all star cast
There's a fine line between memberberries and continuity. Having a character appear that makes reasonable sense within the world is just continuity. Whenever a character from a different show appeared in Old Trek shows, it was treated with zero fanfare. It wasn't written like they expected you to know who that person is. Prodigy uses the same approach.
Lezzie Dykes treats cameos like events, they're never integrated seamlessly into the story. It's always like:
No, the only thing close to a memberberry was janeway just showing up. Every episode so far has had their own unique take on stuff.
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What would your perfect mate act like?
just wait
bait and switch full with hypocrisy
>Every episode so far has had their own unique take on stuff
No, really. Prodigy's lore is centred around a new planet and culture they came up with, and that's neat.
If it happens it's gonna be lame, but I'm only on episode 5. I'll watch eventually but I'm kinda exhausted and need a break from shows.
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I had no idea who the old guy in the TNG pilot was until I watched the TOS movies.
I miss bones. He was always a great character.
They don't expect you to know who these people are and they don't treat it like a big deal when they appear. Again, continuity ≠ memberberry.
>continuity ≠ memberberry.
based in your gay ass flip flopping desires
it doesnt happen and it keeps getting better.
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'member the gangster holodeck episode?
It's pretty clear you're just mad nobody cares about your show. You can stop being so mad and enjoy a good show, like prodigy.
Thank the lord, I was really starting to think it was gonna bait and switch.
Haha, sure! Whatever makes you seethe more.
>mentioning the Romulan supernova
Dead on arrival.
>It's pretty clear you're just mad nobody cares about your show.
could be true, but it seems even less people care about yours.
the problem with this scene is that they didnt follow dals order when he wanted to leave. the kobayashi maru is a no win scenerio. retreat is not only a valid decision it is the best decision short of cheating
That's fine, I'd much rather enjoy the company of a small group of fans, instead of having to listen to Twitter users pretend to be fans of trek.
Huh so some nutrek show released a season on netflix today and the only reason I know about it is because one autistic faggot keeps shilling it here
Yeah sounds like it's doing really well
I enjoy my small groud that enjoys LODE
That's great, I'm happy for you.
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Yeah, go watch it on YouTube for free (LOL!) and fuck off.
I'm the other one that pretends to seethe to help the first one
netflix is the close to free tier, every gay normie has it and is included in TV packages
P+ is for a seletive group of high payers
>shows outright canceled
>seethes about it
I'm gonna go watch the show that isn't canceled.
ever thought about not being an obnoxious bitch?
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>on YouTube
So how many people actually paid to watch it? Was this just a money laundering scheme?
I'm inclined to believe that this show never had an audience and all engagement was just smoke and mirrors to justify renewals.
do they show refugees or pretend that the romulan empire isnt as strong as ever? because i can forgive a few passing comments to placate kurtzman if the result is a story that otherwise ignores his nonsense.
all shows are cancelled
this is a backlog dump
I'm on EP2, but they do mention a "Romulan evacuation." We'll see if it goes harder on the Kurtzman shit.
>some nutrek show released a season on netflix today and the only reason I know about it is because netflix spent millions of dollars to acquire it
>because netflix spent millions of dollars to acquire it
zero sauce
its almost easier to get P+ for free than to pay for it
For real. If you try to cancel it they offer you a free month. And if you try to cancel that, they'll offer you another one.
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Fans are rejoicing, idiot. Everyone loves nutrek. It isn't just one retard talking to himself all day. You think they would just blindly spend billions milking an IP for half a decade to prop up a streaming service? You think they're just doubling down on franchises they own to make shareholders think they're investing in some kind of cinematic universe exclusive only to their service? You think they use bots to boost hashtags for children's shows that were cancelled? That's crazy talk.
most of them do that
I got 6 months free with my mint mobile account.
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I like the new Vulcan waifu. She's got a nice voice.
>Fans are rejoicing
3/12 of them OTT
prove it larper
digits of shame
you can also get it free with tmobile and walmart plus and if you actually manage to cancel the free trial resets and you can do that forever.
basically the only people who pay for P+ are retards and richfags who sign up for everything. so i have to give paramount some credit for realizing that price increases are free money
I bought 100 discs including entire ds9 and voy in region 2 dvds for 7 pounds.
Nice find anon. What's the rest of that 100?
geezer gay porn
I buy 101 discs for 6 pounds, no rot
I hate Bones. He's a shit doctor. Like damn nigger quit complaining and raise some people from the dead you lazy fuck. Why are you even in a scifi show if fucking Spock has to do your job for you.
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If Riker doesn't want trouble, he'd best keep walking by
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What's the most discs of star trek you ever bought?
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>buy some discs
>already have those episodes
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As expected of countries that use pounds as currency.
>it's now spamming AI slop
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disc trek
I'd take bones over most other docs in trek.
seethe quieter
go play with carpet, stupid geezer
ENT recurring characters are pretty comfy
how to avoid disc rot?
my Toshiba can stop any day! I am worried.
I'm sure he's fun to talk shit about other people with like a woman but he's the worst doctor so if you ever got sick by some space gonorrhea you'd be fucked.
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>It's been a long road
Inner light.
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all trek is dead
They all do the same shit for treatment regardless of ailments except for phlox he did some weird shit.
Every other doc immediately just goes for a hypo spray.
>Post favorite episode
The one with the crazy geezer admiral
Inner light was amazing.
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if you are gay, yes
Too Short A Season
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Under which rule?
"It's all the same to me, friend. Im a fine union man."
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>Ensign Sito, you are a disgrace to the uniform and if you don't volunteer for this suicide mission I'll have you kicked out of Starfleet.
Well they gave Bones the hypo with the placebo.
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imagine that!
why are the geezers the ones that need a safespace the most? weren't they the ones that would explore the galaxy?
Anybody think Sisko could have done picards role if he was in the enterprise instead of ds9?
Benjamin Sisko was the first closeted gay captain, and I can prove it, first of all because he was awesome but secondly because we were so unsubtly reminded by him of it in the form of his son, Julian. It was so obvious that was something going on between the two of them that a lot of people thought that Captain Sisko was his son, when they weren’t actually father and son. He’s also pretty much my favorite captain, which is all you need to prove that he was awesome, and a really cool dude, but I just wanted to make sure that the proof was solid. I feel like I’m always hearing a new show has a gay character and then I look into it and they’re not gay, they’re just bi, which is a whole other thing, and usually not a whole lot of fun. I was all excited that Supergirl would be having a lesbian character, and then I realized that she was bisexual, so that’s something, but it’s not as much fun. I’m really hoping there will be other gay characters on that show too, but I digress. In the future we’ll have less of a shortage, and I’m sure it’ll be because of Star Trek and the other things in it’s orbit like Dr. Who. I’m sure it’s happening in other places too, but those two are both on really big channels and are more mainstream than anything I’m watching (but that’s a whole other topic), so that might be the most reliable way to see it right now. I suppose if you count the other stuff I’m watching, there are other characters in other shows, but there are always so many of them and they’re not the only ones, and there’s so much more pressure, so I really want to celebrate the first gay captain and hope we get a lot more gay captains and characters like him in the future. And I guess I can start watching more shows too, that’s always a good option, especially if we get some gay characters there.
Poo in the loo, Rajesh.
in 1987 no
in 1995 maybe
not an answer
typical geezer feelings
Ideal crew:
Captain: Kirk
Commander: Riker
Doctor: Bashir
Science: Dax
Navigation: Sulu
Engineer: O'brien
Security: Worf
Sisko without facial hair was a chump
and america was not ready for a black captain in 1987
Social issues aside, I think sisko could easily do what picard did. What do you think would have changed?
>Science: Dax
More than Data? Really?
The character of Sisko grew during the seasons, s1 Sisko did not have the gravitas to be the captain of a flagship.
Unless you are talking about alternative universe scenarios.
Data has an off switch. Dax is immortal and with enough time will know everything in the galaxy.
So you like trannies, interesting!
The crew of the USS Slutfuckers
No, I wanna keep things simple. I do see what you mean about s1 sisko. Would he have punched Q on episode 1 of tng?
sisko is a wormhole alien rapebaby without free will. he is easily the worst captain in all of trek.
Well, I was speaking without the worms but I see what you mean.
Doctor:Sylverter McCoy
Science:Hologram of Stephen Hawking
Navigation:Louis Hamilton
Engineer:Alexandra Ocasio Cortez
Security:Mirror Universe Sulu
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At least get his rank right
Nah, Archer is the worst. He's a dumb bitch.
Q would not accept that in s1 as well, Picard made Q a simp
>Dax is immortal and with enough time will know everything in the galaxy.
What about Seven?
Those fucking barrels always pissed me off
Best Captain
Alan Ruck
how the fuck were there zero active ships near the sol system?
St Patrick's Day
this small galaxy shit pisses me off in general. for example how is recently promoted captain sisko a top military strategist for the dominion war? there would be thousands or at least hundreds of more qualified officers. and i dont want to hear any bullshit wolf359 excuses. if the ranks were decimated they wouldnt have waited 3 years to promote him.
Real Ideal crew:
Captain: Me
Commander: Holo Dr. Moriarty
Doctor: Nomad MK-15c
Science: Q
Navigation: The Prophets
Engineer: Supercharged Barclay
Security: The Squire of Gothos
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8472 boothby for navigation for fluidic space shortcuts and escapes
nagila for security
data brain inside the ship computer would do any and all jobs
and use Holograms for physical repairs
>Using a non-linear entity to navigate
I'd say that's a disaster waiting to happen but from their perspective it already has, already is and forever will be happening
Worf is a coward on DS9? This is the first I’m hearing of it. Outside of the abandon ship discussion in First Contact, which isn’t DS9, are there any other examples of it?
Vee from The Owl House.
He's just making it up like a typical trump fan. He hates lower decks even though it's the best trek since ds9.
>intentionally corrupts all your favourite holodeck programs
Heh, nothing personal Commander
worf was afraid to lead the high council so he tried to talk martok into it but martok was a coward so worf killed gowron and installed martok the coward as chancellor because even after killing gowron worf was too much of a coward to lead the klingons.
also worf wanted to prematurely abandon ship in first contact. picard even calls him a coward and worf just takes it like the little bitch boy coward he is.
Klingons are the worst, most boring race ever. They made a huge mistake focusing on them so much when they had a whole galaxy to choose from
holy hell shut the fuck up already
there are two good Star Trek cartoons and the lesbian one ain’t one of them
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it's pretty funny, not the best thing ever but it's fun
I never wish death upon anyone but I’m willing to make an exception for yurishitter shills.
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I don't even know what a yurishitter is
Great, you love Family Guy rip-offs. Thanks for the tip.
Also, nice of your clown ass crawling under the rock it was hiding under.
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>mogs any other ensign
>reminder to report all cosplay thots as they are not actors or tv related
>no fun allowed
>you love Family Guy rip-offs
No, he doesn't. As evidence above ITT, no one actually watches the show even when it's released for free which is why it got canceled. Trektroll knows it's horrible and he mines it for trolling material.
>No one watches the show! It's all Somalian pirates conspiring against us
Nta but I gave it an honest shot and couldn’t get past about three episodes. It’s just not very funny
>No one watches the show
Yeah, it got canceled. With fewer episodes than Enterprise might I add.
>Somalian pirates
What's this schizo shit now
This is a wild interpretation of a selfless and honorable act that stays in line with Worf’s character going back to taking blame for Duras’s father’s treason in TNG. Worf consistently shows that he will put the good of The Empire ahead of his own personal gain. This is no different. He would have just been another power grabber in a long line of illegitimate actors who played the part of the noble leader, but were in fact more concerned with the politics of the council and maintaining the status quo than bettering its people. Martok has the position, family name, and service record to unquestionably be accepted and provide stability to the office. Worf’s only legitimacy in Klingon society is his adoption into the house, and since he isn’t the head of the family and he’s been labeled a traitor on two different occasions, he might have gained power until the Dominion was defeated, but it would have just led to another civil war later.
This shill is still around? Jesus that's pathetic.
>With fewer episodes than Enterprise
Not a fair comparison at all. Enterprise produced almost 5000 minutes of content in total. The lesbian toon produced about 900 minutes of content, which puts it at the very bottom of NuTrek. In animation terms, it got roughly two seasons worth of content (22 episodes per season). It's not five seasons, it's actually two seasons split into five.
>roughly two seasons
How embarrassing
why couldn't they use Locano?
The only good post in this thread.
Never get tired of Cause And Effect (ironically, given the repetition), so maybe that. Or Tapestry.
>A Penny for your thoughts?
The writer of the episode would have gotten royalties for every episode of Voyager featuring him. He apparently wasn’t in the club. You’d think that would be something your work colleagues would do for you if you were somewhat close.
Nice trips but you should kys
Murf gang still rockin'
Do you agree with this question; DS9 did more world building for star trek than every other series of ST combined.
I feel like tapestry is a bit under rated.
It's more of a statement, not really a question.
But I do somewhat agree with the statement.
That’s not a question, but yes. The Ferengi were neat, as were the Cardies and the Dominion. Fuck Bajor, however, like Dukat fucked Kira’s mom
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Maybe, compared to The Inner Light. And it's an uncomfortable watch if your life isn't everything you wanted it to be.
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>when the murf hits just as the bass drops
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you will live to see McMahan made horrors beyond your comprehension
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I am Tosk
Is the enterprise series any good?
Funny, I halucinated something like that when I saw the last episode of Evangelion with a very high fever.
It's short, 3 seasons. It's a mixed bag, I dis enjoy what it tried to do. It's one of those watch once and appreciate what it is kinda show.
S1-2, same as VOY
S3 intersting ideas, but Berman is still at the helm.
S4 Good, but too little too late.
Missed Opportunities - The Show
At least the vulcan tomboy is hot
its very good but its quite different from the others. a lot more UPN flavor
i think obrien episodes make up half of the good ds9 episodes
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Calling T´Pol a tomboy is a bit much, but yes, it is Missed Opportunities - The Show.
murf is eternal in all animoots
>What ever happened to her after trek? Why did she leave?
Apparently she was offered what would become Kira's role in DS9 but for some reason didn't get it/take it. So they remake the character into Kira and cast Visitor.
>Do you agree with this question; DS9 did more world building for star trek than every other series of ST combined.
Yes. TOS and TNG was episodic. DS( fleshed out the universe, Federation and Humanity quite well. It's why DS9 is my favorite trek.
Michelle Forbes always turns down roles as a regular cast member. She prefers to be a recurring guest, which is fine. So they invented Kira Nerys.
>Michelle Forbes always turns down roles as a regular cast member. She prefers to be a recurring guest, which is fine. So they invented Kira Nerys.
>not wanting regular work

Kira was a better character anyways. Would've been weird seeing Mirror Ro.
This is also why she stops appearing in TNG after the first two minutes of Rascals. Which is too bad because there would have been lots of opportunities for Ro Laren kino in late s6 of TNG when DS9 premiered
>This is also why she stops appearing in TNG after the first two minutes of Rascals. Which is too bad because there would have been lots of opportunities for Ro Laren kino in late s6 of TNG when DS9 premiered
yeah not even a guest appearance on DS9. Weird.
>>not wanting regular work
idk, I guess she just doesn't like to commit full time to one thing
her whole career is mostly bit parts
guests can make more than stars with steady work
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243rd for BKC
star trek
>TOS Movies
Search For Spock
The Quickening
Latent Image
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the virgin "oral hygiene" vs the chad "intimidates women into sexual submission via halitosis in enclosed spaces"
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biblically accurate orb trip
this is how transitions between realities should have looked in the episode tbqdesu
>no good star trek games
>no good star trek toys
>no good star trek shows
Why do I still love you?
good choices except for that fag bashir, i'd even take the hologram over him
I thought Armada was good. Mind you that was like twenty years ago. Where has the time gone?
based as hell
Piece of the Action
Who Watches The Watchers
Nice, I like the city on the edge of forever just a little smidgen more though.
I honestly don't remember that episode very well. I just remember the aliens worshipping picard.
Excellent picks
>Single black father who raises his son while holding a steady job
>"It was real in my mind"

I have seen 1 and a half episodes of Star Trek in my entire life. One was a time loop episode, I watched it because it sounded interesting. Then Frasier showed up for some reason. The other half was one where Whorf? gets his spine crumpled to smithereens by a falling barrel or something. I wanted to keep watching but I had to go do other shit.

Does the guy stay permanently mangled or do they fix him up with some bullshit space magic?
They fix him up. Not before he went around asking people to mercy kill him because it's tradition.
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Also, welcome to /trek/
damn hard to argue any of those picks
>two /trek/ threads up at the same time
We're so back.
I like how they used a blackface romulan to replace geordi
It was a different time!
>paint him black bro
>they won't even notice bro
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I thought it would've been cool if they committed to a permanently crippled character but hey it's the future so I get replacement spines are a thing.

You know what they should do? Use the teleporter beam to zoop out busted old bones then an instant fabricator to craft a new one, then beam it back in. Goddamn, I should be a writer for this show.
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the random blackface romulan used to weird me out, and still does
I love how stupidly racist this is.
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It's ok, he comes from a long line of slave owners.
They don't do that, they do have like remote sized phasers that will cure just about anything.
One time a ferengi got shot in the leg and it had to heal the nor.al way for reasons? He got ptsd and hung out in the holodeck a lot after that.
I mean you hoomons do all look pretty similar
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There are black Rommies though.
>undiscovered country
First 6 minutes are P E A K K I N O!
poop trek
>ayo (smacks lips) hol up, you be sayin’ you can tell me how to get our replicators to make, whatchoo call it? Fried chicken?
>demilitarizes the neutral zone
Would peace really have been this simple?
The fuck they need a lift for a 4 deck ship?!
A lot of the people in Star Trek are over 30, when climbing stairs starts getting difficult.
zombie vulcans
I feel like the TOS Romulan ship was bigger than this.
Cargo, people, convenience

Half Reman
No, boring as fuck with bland forgetable characters (except the doctor) until the last couple of interesting eps of the last season.
Most ships are smaller than we think.
>except the doctor
I won't accept this Porthos slander.
Sorry bro, but that one ep where Archer was being a dick because he couldn't believe that some aliens objected to his bringing that dog along soured me on that mutt. Dumb and a good example of why Enterprise sucked, captained by some self-entitled prick.
A veruul born in a barn doesn't become a cat.
He's a purebred Beagle.
Voyager is comfy sized
make new
Voyager is perfectly sized. It's the fuck-huge Galaxy-class and also the variable-size Defiant that don't make sense.
Nowhere to put the Delta Flyer
This one is older, while that one is troll bait.
Vaughn from Burn Notice vibes, though he came first and though Vaughn's actor was the Butcher of J'Gal in SNW. But that quiet menace with a veneer of affability is kino.
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This is a Romulan now.
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The attempt at romulan world building was valiant, but it was a swing and a miss. Perhaps they need to hit the cages.
The holodeck has gone too far
Wtf I love ai now
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Ten forward bartender: Data
Honestly, the best bartender would be Chakotay, and you know it.
>a redskin bartender
little on the nose
Comfy. Although they just reused the Runabout interior.
Got a blind helmsman, but you know he has the personality for it
How many times do you think he'll spam his late duplicate thread for trolling purposes? Why does he spend his time like this?
Not happening

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