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Goth Taylor edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous >>200771332
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Wait, so is Jon a vampire that's still working with the team?
>new house, same mistakes
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tjsissies what can we do besides stutter and bob our heads???
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xavier mogs
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i want to protect his smile
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I think fatty, scott and trish are supposed to be energy vampires.
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JET make this happen!

but trish is just a carbohydrate vampire
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I leave to go get some pizza, I come back and Taylor has been injured?
Jon got his eye fucked up now lmao
The makeup is supposed to be invisible I think

But still it doesnt add up cause they killed Jon in the afternoon, Sam just retconned it
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>benleaks has to make all the /ftl/ threads on here and /bant/
btw she was never goth. just a whore with a different coat of paint.
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Lol Jon not wearing his eye gear and gets hit in the eye
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>jon didnt have his goggles on this whole time
put your goggles on jon you retard
>jon's eye got popped
>jon is down again
this retard can't catch a break
jon must wear an eyepatch now. it’s canon
Wow Jon, if only you had some way to protect your eyes. Like a friggin' force shield
jon at this current pace
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Jon is less than 10 endorsements away from overtaking Tay
jon is getting so hurt lol he's gonna be in a full body cast by the end of this
>Jon’s too retarded for eye protection
>Jon with no goggles
What a genius
Did a vampire hit jon?
Are they fail RP?
focused eyes-letty looks weird
>Jon injured again
He's a mod and broke the rules.
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jon must be forcibly confined to a hospital bed at base camp
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Nobody gives a fuck about endorsements after the whole Shinji retardation in Season 2.
why is this shit allowed on /tv/ when it's not television or film?
>Jon comes back with a grand entrance
>gets injured again
>bug life
Why does jon need to be revived? Isn't he a vampire with unlimited power?

Why is he helping his team? Is he not supposed to be killing them and turning them into vampires too?
Absolutely based #BRG
cant wait till a month or so after the season when jon spazzes out online denouncing fishtank and sam and jet when his campaign gets destroyed cause he was dumb enough to come back on a show where people call each other nigger and faggot
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>now I gonna have a bwoken weg and a bwack eye
>he said laughing
Kino knows no medium
ur mom
goggows aw for faggots
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Jon is sacrificing his body for this shit my fucking sides.
Go on?
they didn’t kill him, he was downed, but it shouldn’t even count cause they never said pvp before attacking him
Idk are you gonna cry about it
get it GET IT
So who was that skinny bitch Duanye was teasing earlier? It’s not abi and most definitely not Betty.
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Make that 9
what is she doing with her hand?
nothing about this kiked troon shit is kino
Jon is falling apart out there
your whore mother
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Me eating Trish out as she eats greasy pizza and the oil drips on her gut and slides down into her pubes.
I love her so!
How can you not love this dude.
I guess Netflix isn't television either because it's on the internet
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>Why are streaming services that don't produce vhs or dvds allowed on /tv/
Mental illness
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Q won
same but jon
you are a wild one feederanon
Didn't Fatty not used to drink?
Shinji was complete fucking nontent for 4 weeks and had like 20k endorsements. Like literally standing in the corner of any camera frame not talking or sleeping yet was regarded as "the most popular fish" the whole season.
shut up biiiiiiitch
Oh alright, even still they should be trying to kill him or was it just a warning
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He's wounded and running this shit
Pudgy Trish
Netflix is prerecorded
on season one he said he’d never drank before
Because Mauro is like the life of the party, man. He's so quick with his jokes and always has a smart comeback ready to go. Seriously, without him, the show would just be a snoozefest. He's hands down the most entertaining character on there, no question.

Mauro's got this way of keeping things light and fun, even in the middle of all the craziness. His humor just adds that extra spark that the show needs to keep viewers hooked. Plus, he's not just all jokes - the guy's got brains too. His strategic thinking and ability to outsmart the competition make him a total game-changer in the Bloodgames.

And let's not forget about how Mauro's positive attitude and infectious laughter bring such a good vibe to the team. He's like the glue that holds everyone together, you know? Without him, it just wouldn't be the same. So yeah, Mauro is definitely the MVP of the show, no doubt about it. Tune in and don’t miss out Mauro.
imagine if that greasy pizza was 14 years old
Bro, YES
kek gottem
Jon having too much fun
Japanese good. Everything else bad
he was annoyingly opposed to it even in season 2 idk what happened
Mr. Beast is literally getting an Amazon show and threads about his content get deleted. Complete double standard that proves there are janny plants and paid off mods.
They do live shit retard
Saitama vs the Fishtank-verse. How far does he get?
i'm watching on my film reel right now in my private theater stay mad faggot
>tele- + vision; lit. vision at a distance; an electronic communication medium that allows the transmission of real-time visual images, and often sound.
>See also: CCTV; Initialism of closed-circuit television; video surveillance.
yep, it's definitely television
Hi januki
Trish has been a spell vendor for Letty this entire time but didn't tell her. She is fail RP.
Charls would make a great vampire. Such a shame he won't be on this season.
I'm pro Fat Trish but come on now mayne....
but anon!
>shinji radio
>whatever gay shit
His nightly podcast while most people were asleep propped him up bigtime
he had his first drink in season 2

Vance untie me :DD
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Adding a Director cam was such the right move
One punch.
Jimmy can see booba
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>they sent grindr dates to my dying grandma's house
>there are janny plants and paid off mods.
Shut the fuck up
In ses 1 he talked about how booze isn't his thing.
did Jimmy say one of the vampire girls had a see through shirt?
Umm.... see through vampire shirt?
Just endorsed Jon
not me, learn my file names
Its upsetting that none of them but xavier decided to even play a character. None of them decided to be a low int dummy that gets fooled by everyone.
I know jon IS this person but it would be neat to see someone purposefully filling the dumb role
Gets low diffed by Fattius
Jimmy mentioning Sams "children"

She shouldn't have said the V word.
sam here to disarm jimmy for breaking taylors wrist
it was scott
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE RELICS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
A COUP occurred and the HUNTERS have slain FATIUS. This death was NON CANON. Now, the kingdom held an ELECTION, the new KING was chosen. XAVIER is now KING.

>Daily Quests:
The SOLDIER has been granted a RESTRAING ORDER against XAVIER.
The PALADIN has been slain, and has become a VAMPIRE. He has also learned XAVIERS true name!

The crew has ordered an ABOVE GROUND POOL. The pool will be used for something called the ‘BLOODBATH’ and, sources tell me, will be full of water dyed red.

Regular men all over the world call each other these things every day and nobody sane cares
Idk why that is sounds like mods are gay and should allow both
Jimmy so pent up he's hallucinating tits
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Would be based if true, but Jon is strictly gay.
Mr. Beast is on this show, faggot. Cry moar or start watching.
i'm sure he's being true to his roots and cleaning out the toilets
>4chan mods don't have integrity
Jimmy has never said or done anything funny besides freak out at women or lose a boxing match to a weirdo he had 30 pounds on
they had it on S2 too
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>uhh yeah I won’t hurt any girls again jet you can trust me
It is tv. And it's kino. Tune on in nigga.
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>hey jon open your eye
netflix produces television series and hosts movies and tv shows. Fish tank is z-list eceleb kiwitranny livestreaming. The only "actors" in fish tank have like 2 credits on a failed adult swim show from a decade ago... fish tank is not tv.
>Jimmy mentioning Sams "children"
Was it member-only? I never knew that
Why does sam always get sick during fishtank?
Occasionally there are very brief seconds where I confuse Tai for Taylor and it makes me laugh every time.
This is the best season by far. There needs to be a .5 between every season from now on
>I would have hurt them already if I was going to, silly
hi januki
i'm watching it. it's tv
imagine being a backseat janny LMAOOOOOOOOOO
He's always sick because he doesn't bathe.
Mr. Beast needs to pay up, that's what it comes down to probably.
>fish tank is not tv
it's the literal definition of television
He has HIV, he's always sick
Thats Grand Canyon homie str8 vertical bar
It showed up later in the season and wasn't used as often.
It's television.
that's so creative, is this the standard nowadays or does tayleigh attract madlads?
He's always sick.
hall monitor behavior it's fucking pathetic
you mean his coughing? that's tren-cough
TJ was the one in the see-through shirt

Then why is Mr Beast banned
"director cam" was the flowstreams name for the "autocam" in s2
original anon meant the handcam, which was only for specific nights of s2 and carried by fish or worn by greg
did chris just sit there and piss himself?
Consider it the new modern equivalent of sending a pizza to somebody’s house. A super pizza.
They didn't have one that worked like this. There were some brief stretches where they had a shitty box camera/chest camera they carried around but it looked like it was being filmed on a phone from 2009.
Absolute fucking kek because I did the same a couple times when the director cam passes over the back of his head.
I'm pretty sure it's just the mods being gay and having no real rules for this board.
what network/streaming service is it on?
jon is in so much pain but he keeps trucking. heart of a lion.
I haven't seen a single decent argument on why these threads shouldn't be here besides "I don't like this"
The fish, the crew, and the extras he's banging on the side bring to many pathogens to him. Sam is on average 10 years older than anyone else nevermind the gear he injects
It's gunt sweat
Fatty's crotch is soaked
am i allowed to say nigger here?
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Not to be a numberfag, but Tayleigh is now the least endorsed contestant, beating out Jon who was previously the lowest for the entire season
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doing a ridiculous accent at the top of his voice is probably tough on the throat
plus smoking cigars while talking, not good to inhale cigar smoke
>original anon meant the handcam, which was only for specific nights of s2 and carried by fish or worn by greg
Yeah that's what I meant
unless your mom browses /tv/ anon
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>tai 1488
He has sex with trannies. He's probably got several sti's and std's.
jews always have the sniffles... poor immune systems from inbreeding and such
They're both like 5 feet tall and with this shitty lighting and their hair color it's an honest mistake
because no-one here watches that shit
I bathe once a week and haven't been since in so long I can't remember when it was, before 2018, never got COVID either (unvaxxed because I'm not retard)
>tai's number
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Yes of course.
>and tai is at 1488
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im putting a warn on your account
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>His nightly podcast while most people were asleep propped him up bigtime
Tay did crochet hour in the bunk, Jimmy did schizo rants in B1 each night, Trish did her talks in B2. Shinji was not unique with his podcast hours, the S2 fish were all very receptive to TTS conversations.
kicked off because of some perceived slight he made against tay
Its highly illegal actually
There you go, faggot

Now what?
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It was an accident
Who ?
That's good, but I need to see Vance dethroned
what do you mean? Brain/Blacksmiths Wife/Blacksmith have all been in character 24/7.
>nontent vance has the most
this nigga afraid of the vax AND soap foh
Paid mods. Blame gookmoot for selling us out.
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based and taipilled audience
Bettycucks might report you if it relates to her being a coalburner.
>recoil damage
it's fucking crazy how much heavy lifting long hair and the shitty cameras were doing for tay
that's not a television service that's just a website. is twitch tv? is kick tv? is instagram live tv? what abbout twitter spaces? zoom calls?
I wouldn't risk it
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Soda man is a Nobody General poster on /x/
it was literally the same thing. there is a "director" who is switching the cams to where the action is just like they are doing now

now if you guys want to say them adding live shots from the handheld cam i will accept it but there literally was a director cam during s2 and you spent half the time laughing at how retarded josie was running
bad luck is upon sam
Cigars make me hack up shit like crazy
ok mb i wont do it again
Xavier for overlord
Yeah but he pulled the latest nights at the bar compared to most of them and was very receptive to talking to the TTS’s
Huff more
Are you a pajeet? because typing that out is something a filthy, double digit IQ pajeet would write.
Ill ask again, why is Mr Beast banned here but fishtank isnt when it's literally the same shit? And again, Mr. Beast is getting a show on Amazon later this year.
i would have sworn this morning that the show was dead
but it keeps coming back
absolute KINO
leave those goalposts alone
Does anyone have Minions Instagram? I need to goon.
God I hope someone falls on a glass shard
wow sam broken glass all around the area they're supposed to sleep that is truly peak comedy surely nobody will accidentally step on it on the way to the bathroom tonight
you probably don't fucking leave the house if you shower once a week. that's why you didn't get covid dumbass
7 years bad luck to sam... how can he sink any lower
The /tv/ defender has logged on
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Where does he get these ideas???
You could tell from Sam's face after Letty said it's bad luck that he realized he kind of semi-believes that's possible and seriously just fucked up.

If Sam's career implodes REMEMBER THIS MOMENT.
seethe harder mate.
yes but you retarded nigger they werent talking about the concept of a director cam they were talking about having an actual camera on site to see non-fixed pov footage which is most of this seasons director cam footage
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I say this and look like this
>fatty dies from zipp shrapnel
Last night we had vet jon. Now we have vamp jon
Yeah, I think he's a tard though because I just went back through the director cam footage on Flowstream and the only one with a see-through shirt was a dude
>sam silently seething his break thing bit got instantly overshadowed by fatty retard bit
They're relying on fatty improv it's so over
did he make a livestreamed tv show?
Tay and Jimmy are mentally incapable of role playing.
I missed the last couple days, had no idea Chris was such a good LARPer, I'm impressed
Mr Beast videos are prerecorded. Does that satisfy your definition of television?

The Blair Witch Project isn't a film then, since it wasn't made with "real" actors
Did he break a mirror or something
Jimmy's starting to get uppity
They aren't doing react slop or streaming Pal World. It's a Big Brother type of production. It's film, and it belongs lil niggy.
it's literally all he does
>Jimmy now almost permanently tilted
How long until he breaks?
this, I've been tuning this fucking shit out with it playing in the background since he started and only glanced back when Sam broke the mirror.

yes he shattered a mirror
naw its just another retard like you
he's getting a show on Amazon
Mr. Beast is on Fishtank, anon.
this is his bread and butter man his youtube is like mostly star wars larp pre-fishtank
Yeah right where people fight and fall down nonstop. So fucking based love watching everyone get slashed up by glass every season.
you are a retard
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Oh God. SEXO. Hard vaginal sex for the express purpose of procreation
Telepathic vision.
When the camera stops and does a close-up we get a really high quality image
The foliage absolutely murders the image quality if there's any movement though
Where did you pick this up from? I'm not getting this at all.
nobody with a functioning prefrontal cortex watches that shit, you utter fucking loser
if you want to talk about mr. beast go to reddit or some shit
get incoming to take jimmys weapon
Are You Afraid of the Dark flashbacks
You said a streaming service. You got a streaming service. A streaming service can be a website, retard
tonight or tomorrow when jet comes to dismantle his sword
Coping subhuman vaxxtard
i swear he has forgotten what this is supposed to be
because he was the only one who wasnt a cringe 4chan MDE fanboy
Impossible, his medication prevents him from feeling anything
It wasn't really a vaccine tho, it was an injection.
take a shower
>nick at night
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sir this is a fish tank thread there is nobody in here above a double digit iq
where was the laugh track stupid wiggers
jet is a comedy GENIUS!!!!
Bot it up
>once a weak
fucking disgusting beast
> i apowogize wowd fattius for my fouw tongue :|
I'm not the same anon, retarded vaxxtard
Would not be the first time a vaxxtard can't read scientific literature
The jannies banished all fishtank threads to /bant/ immediately after season 2 ended
jimmy probably thinks he's still the main camera from last night lol
So him being angry about being called fat during S1 was an act?
It's crazy that they're going another week with this
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why would i want to do homework
Jet really struggled to get some kind words out for tay
Based Jimmy
How the fuck does the ER keep saying Jon is OK? Lmao
was the show extended?
To know how fucked up you are, vaxxie
Tick tock
Gimmy W
alright, idk why threads would be banned after the show has started.
Jimmy stinks
congratulating jimmy for beating women
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The gay a little strong for Jimmy
hamstrings look horrible but arent that bad apparently
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>encouraging Jimmy to get more violent
no way this ends badly right?
>Utah flashbacks
This isn't gonna catch on
how's he bending like that
I think there should be a blue board for online media that includes YouTube, other video streaming sites like twitch or kick, podcasts, etc.
But people just bitch about /tv/ allowing/not allowing certain threads.
Red letter media threads are allowed but corridor crew are not.
It's arbitrary bullshit.
If you want it to change ask for a new board.
Damn, Jimmy leaning like Michael Jackson
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What can I say about her?
I've jerked off to her feet 19 times since I saved tis screen shot.
look at these feet and toes.
they're perfect.
french tips.
wide sole.
high arch.
what more could a man want?
I would suck them daily.
You ever seen that video of the dude putting his wife's whole foot in his mouth at the traffic stop?
that'd be me with Trisha's feet at a family dinner.
don't put anything on my plate. I don't need it.
I have my meal in those shoes.
slip em off and take a deep sniff.
Those toes are fine dining.
I'd suck them until they wrinkle like a California raisin then I'd suck them some more.
God almighty.
look at her feet.
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the samsungs on their chest is the go-pro of s2 but keep trying to act like something was being said that wasnt

the director cam is not just one cam
Sam is worried already lol
>jimmy level up

they always try to "satiate" the people who are liabilities and it just encourages them and bites them in the ass

he injured multple people today lol
>Jimmy finally managed to attack Taylor and he's on the verge of a temper tantrum so he gets to level up
anyone who didnt support Jon from day one S1 IS A retard ass faggot. even when Sam and the Crew were againt him, singling him out and torturing him with tts, he brought up hitlew and said that he had good idewas like day one or two. Fuck you all 89% of you
Based Sam determined to cause a lawsuit one way or another
kek almost exactly the same frame
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le epic expression
I had a similar type injury on my hand. Bent back all my fingers, hand looked like John and it was just fine structurally. Trauma can do that.
Tayleigh, you.. uh. Yeah..
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>give jimmy a weapon after he violently injured one of the vampires tonight
Shinji is a Japanese pornstar and prostitute. He's inherently more interesting than some trailer trash from Bumfuck, Texas and a schizo, hence the popularity. S2 sucked and so did all the fish except for Shinji and Cole. Most people stopped watching when it was clear they were scripting a TJ win. I don't really understand how these things eludes those of you who could stomach finishing it.
Probably pajeet doctors. They are told to say everything is fine, even when it's not. It has murdered people.
patch just dropped
The band kid lunch table is gonna epicly T pose when he does that!
>Utah flashbacks
he looks like he kinda wants it tho
I thought Chris was autistic and crazy and not capable of larping
How did Jon get a wound? I didn’t tune it yesterday and today
you are a literal retard
the guy said "director cam was a good idea i wish they had it in s2"
obviously he didnt mean "i wish they had an auto cam in s2"
he meant "i wish they had the handheld camera in s2"
you are a literal actual total retard
>muh trauma
Why is that cool but when Tay does it she's cringe 1488 chudwife?
>Yeah I was shot by Kyle Rittenhouse who is known for shooting a pedophile
What did Jon mean by this?
I wish they had a drone in season 2.
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>hurts another woman
>You sprained her wrist
>Well done Jimmy
>You finished the job
You can be autistic and larp
Based Jimmy destroying Taylor's wrist
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Jimmy giving cunnilingus to a fleshlight
>give jimmy a weapon after he VIOLENTLY killed two of the vampires tonight
>I'm leveling you up because you injured Taylor's wrist
Is there video of Taylor getting injured by Jimmy
trvke, this fag is arguing just for the sake of it
>tries to apologize and act guilty
>can't hide gleeful expression
life is a larp for autistic people
Jimmy can't stop hurting women
Kek get fucked Taylor
>they always try to "satiate" the people who are liabilities and it just encourages them and bites them in the ass
Sam always gasses them up before he lets them rope themselves on unwarranted self-confidence
RLM is commentary, corridor crew is reactionslop

he didnt say they wish they had it in s2. btw its director view not director cam but you are like really smart and stuff and you probably already knew this
Jimmy is a professional woman beater
there's a difference between being good at playacting and being upset when you're getting abused by TTS and the fish
The whip swords were stupid OP
no half measures break the whole thing off
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I'm really sorry Taylor...
I'm just trying to think when it happened... :)
>jimmy used his retard brain to create the most op weapon in the game
i kneel forever
Giving him a shout weapon lmao
>levels up
qrd on the taytriots & whythey are trying to dox jimmy and his friends now?
He got it the first night he was there but kept walking on it
Yesterday he got an X-ray
Today he got an MRI

How did he get it? He went full force
>is not allowed to have weapons because they're afraid he's gonna hurt some woman
>they give in and let him have a weapon
>he hurts a woman one day later
Tai still has his
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>Can you show him the Jimmy shout?
>Also can I get paid now
Good shit, Jet
tf are you talking about retard
He's physically incapable of not hurting women
Fleshie /vt/ lol
lmao tard strength is real
>they reward him
thats fair
what he said was "Adding a Director cam was such the right move" alongside a picture of the handheld camera footage
draw whatever conclusion you want but rest assured you are a literal actual real genuine retard
>i didn't mean to LE HURT HER!!!!

it doesn't matter faggot, that's honestly worse, if you're this destructive without even trying or being aware of it
this little 10 min segment got me giggling
thats not taylor that is sodaman but it shows his tard strength for sure
that's not Taylor
Production never gave Jon shit for talking about Hitler but they roasted Tay multiple times during s2
he's still got that crocquet swing i see
Letty better use this against him tomorrow
What did Jimmy do?
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well that didnt last
The shout should've been
Cringe and seethe kid.
the waterhorn after fatty's nonsense is killing me
He doesn’t have tard strength. He’s very weak. BUT he does have yard aggression. Which can hurt women
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>Jimmy has to shout a gay pedo phrase to attack
if all the vampires were small women Jimmy would have this wrapped up in a couple of hours
damn you're so concerned for the well being of a retarded goatboy's whore girlfriend!!!!

i hope she sees this and lets you watch her suck off a retard while he looks at lisa simpson porn (only way he can get hard)
Jimmy is gonna have a melty after this. He already thinks production is against him and now they've taken away his only fighting ability and defense kek
People have been asking for such a board for years. Gookmoot will happily make a billion videogame boards and an MLP board but wont do this, simply because ecelebs pay to shill here and a containment board would hurt that, and it would expose the corrupt mods that let it slide because they'd just let the shills spam both boards instead of moving threads.
t. 12 year old
btw there is no director cam
>Now we're getting autistic jimmy shouts
oh man, tomorrow is going to be something
no, he's gonna be high from the attention he got from sam
Nah he was wallpaper and barely knew what he was supposed to do 99% of the time.
i fucking said these useless wigger idiots dont care about taylor and let her get injured fuck these guys
in the flowstreams m3u playlist it's just "Director"
How's Taylor doing
he's not going to like this at all if he finds out.
How old are you baby kiddo?
Jimmy might reach his final form this season.
go enroll in hustlers university you faggot retard
Yeah why even put chicks in there
Quit being a whiny female.
Uhhh what?
based. fuck off simp.
this soundtrack has been living in my head rent free
dog she didn't have to fight you're such a faggot
oy vey
how's taylor going to relieve tj after getting a sprained wrist?
you might be finally onto something
They should just let him shout whatever he wants
Ok Chris's act has worn thin as it always does and the show is better when Sam isn't on camera.
>barely knew what he was supposed to do 99% of the time
yeah because the wiggers were retarded and kept doing challenges that he didn't understand
>"hey shinji we understand you're an ESL so we're gonna try to keep that in mind going forward"
>immediately makes TJ, shinji, and tay decide who to steal money from out of each other and debate about it
holy reddit
he was sneak dissing TJ
armpit time >:) !
The fuck are you talking about? Corridor have specialists that WORK on the movies they review. A list Hollywood blockbusters. They have directors, producer, cgi and color artists, audio engineers etc. review and explain how the movies are shot and made. On top of that they actually make movies and work on legit movies that go the theaters. Rlm is mike with his film school knowledge and rich cackling.
You have just been btfo get fucked retard
Did Jimmy hit anyone?
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The lack of a shield will cause Jimmy to get pissed.
Hey Jet, give Jimmy Joker make-up next time he levels
you fucking retards taylor isnt injured its another bit so she can put on a wrist brace like TJ
He'll just shout nigger over and over and it'll get old fast
Jon was cut off by the plant Damiel when bringing up hitlew, then singled out and tortured by tts.I didnt watch S2 btw and it sucked compared to S1 bc Jon wasnt there. And thats on no cap!
>hey jimmy you injured a member of staff so we're giving you a tard weapon and taking your weapon away
>"ok but did you know that penis penis sex incest pedophiles sex penis penis"
>cutting away from fatty sam kino
>TJIDF cucks crying over Taylor getting a little bruise in a light contact game.
lmao pathetic. She will never see your posts.
it is an example of him not "going light" as instructed though
ive been onto it from the start of this wretched conversation and you just couldnt tell because youre a literal actual authentic bona fide dribbling special needs retard
cry is free
she'll make him a gooner slideshow of lisa simpson porn
counterpoint: corridor is gay slop and RLM is kino
>fatty making letty cum
he’s so powerful
theyre mentally children its pathetic. explains why they like tj so much!
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She died for our Sin papionanyooooos
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I can guarantee she doesn't really care and is having fun frolicking in the woods and play sword-fighting
This. All the best bits are organic.
I've seen this video before
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Yes that's correct, he was a shit casting. Was that supposed to be a defense of him?
Her head is the size of a grapefruit
she's so horny
>mewing doesn't wor-ACK
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why does he shave his body
Lay down in the broken glass letty!
Why don't you ?
>jimmy yesterday nutshot one of thr vamps for no reason
>jimmy today sprained another vamp's wrist
>jimmy cant fathom why women are afraid of him
>que 5 minute monologue
what do you call this body type
looks like another species
i will repeat my original post. there was a director cam in s2. you can try to feign superiority all you want and split hairs but you cant refute the facts. i dont even know what you are getting mad about. im the only social outlet you have. you need me so keep replying if it helps you make it to tomorrow
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he's a gay pedophile
it stawt wid a j
cuz he was molested
I despise Jimmy, but accidents do happen.
homo downie
it permits him faster movement through the woods
TJ has issues. Those odd vacant staring is probably mental issues. He did it right when they was introduced to the fish. No hi or hello just a weird stare. I'll upload a webm when my fucking Australian internet completes.

In say this, he is pretty good when doing lines/acting.
>shaving your back and belly instead of bearmaxxing
tj? YEP.
they told him he couldn't have a weapon for a reason
It's not about it being an accident, it's about him genuinely being happy about it
KEK, I love this show
I shave my body because I don't like body hair I imagine top jimmy does it for the same reason
They're swinging foam bats and shooting airsoft at each other, there are going to be some minor injuries. Everyone involved agrees to the risk. People have been getting welts and even bleeding since day one. The only reason anyone gives a fuck about this particular incident is because muh S2 mallet throw memes.
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Oh Father, please forgive our sins.
>They have directors, producer, cgi and color artists, audio engineers etc. review and explain how the movies are shot and made. On top of that they actually make movies and work on legit movies that go the theaters.

oooh wow how to make lightsaber in after effects very good video sir much like thank you for tutorial....

it's slop
Nice reading comprehension. They didn't give him anything to do because they were too busy remote operating TJ from the basement and forgetting to feed the contestants.
>the fatty torture finally begins
the season is saved
fuck off
How is Taylor doing where is she
jimmy's getting sleepy!!!!
please give taylor a huge cast as if jimmy destroyed her entire arm
What the fuck was this about I wasn't paying attention
>gOH oHN
go to imagefap
She’s fine. She’s laughing at her simps.
QUICK someone get an adult so we can dibby-dob on him.
no clue
if we don't get his comedy audience torture set I'm going to be pissed
good idea
I forgot that vance was here because that faggot does nothing but be a backstabberr
He was one of the few people that were actually likeable as a non retarded cringefaggot. Everyone else might be interesting for a bit but then they get really fucking annoying when you realize that's it.
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Fatties doesnt give a fuck
i really want to see sam rile jimmy up into having a fit before this season ends
First real based thing he's done.
jimmy's seething monotone is music to my ears
fatty is getting annoying, tickle the king
do you guys like sam hyde and think he's funny? or is this a hatewatch thing? what's going on here?
im gonna smoke some weed
Fatty is insanely skinny, it baffles me looking at pics of him during s1 compared to now
I was paying attention and have no idea unless it was fatty fucking with the fire pit
sam only riles up women
fatty was stomping on the bonfire pit thing saying its unsafe to hold my weight, as like some kinda rp thing
jimmy was insta-triggered and told him to fuck off and that it was necessary for them to cook food on
then fatty did that smug stare and egged him on
fatty was fucking with the grill and jimmy got upset because tending the fire and heating up hot dogs is the only thing he can do without fucking up
Is that Dallas as a centipede?
The sound effects are so cringe and mistimed. You can tell who ever added them is an ADHD fuck, who is too impatient to wait for the right moment to use them properly
jimmy too mad to speak
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I hate Sam, but like Jet.
Rape victim shit
Being a complete boring piece of nontent is as bad as being a tayleigh tier cringelord. Tayleigh was only worse because she was also a complete shit human
>tickle the king
Jimmy being autistic about the fire pit being broken or something?
>Taylor gets a slight boo boo from playfighting with fake swords
She's fine, faggots. You simps are so fucking pathetic.
Jimmy started getting uppity and having an attitude with everyone right after he injured Taylor during the battle. He recognized her and felt satisfaction for finally being able to get his revenge. That compounded with buck breaking Letty basically means he feels invincible. Now that Jon has become part of staff Jimmy is going to become a big time shit tester
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the cast iron pan is the new toy phone. if someone were to destroy it he would freak the out
That fire pit is jimmy's new phone. He's going to be seething over it forever
what is there to like about jet?
Thanks fellas. Maybe he sees the fire pit as an extension of himself like the phone
>he doesn’t know
incel alert
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Half of us hate all the contestants and want to see them suffer, the other half watch for some 5/10 white trash girl that has a very minor role in the show.
Jimmy is going to spin this off as it replicating another bad event in his past to explain his inevitable sperg out that gets him kicked off.
Did Jimmy just shit talk Horderman? Wtf.
They are children who are complaining.

Go to bed little boy.
>hoarderman mentioned unprompted
i cannot understand anything fatty is saying
Jimmy wipes his ass with sticks!
that's why I asked
pretty sure I remember sam going on a rant about this exact thing weeks ago - like using slide whistles at the wrong time and too often
Are they all tired or something why is there so much tension?
they need to leave chris with them all night.
Fuck him uppppppp Jimmeh.
to be fair, fatty doesn't know what he's saying
Who is mother cana?
>production knew what they were doing
the fire pit is Jimmy’s knew telephone btw
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he's jealous of hoarderman's wife for obvious reasons
Remember how much Fatty hated Shinji
I feel anxious because I cant check on her in the cameras. I just need to know she is going to be okay…i feel sick my stomach is hurting even….:
Fatty is a phenomenal actor, he could be in a real production. I’m sure Hollywood could cast him in some furiosa type shit
jimmy alert jimmy alert smash it levels rising. they took his toy and bent his fire pit.
>please I hope she see’s this!!1!
The obsessed anti fans like Sam too much. They think abusing him will get his respect in a meta way or something. There's no other explanation for their behavior.
Taylor's boring, even as a guy she would be.
Fatty with the good tiddies
Fatty knew shinji did nothing
take a hit of the gas, calm your nerves lil nigga
they already PUT STICKERS ON IT!!
he has lost a lot of weight, look at those skin bags.
I think its mainly they're all trying to sleep and Chris can ramble forever and they know he won't stop.
he's funny and he seems to be getting better at finding talent (e.g. fatty)
Rlm is made for gen x failures
God yes fatty titties
is jimmy a secret tranny
hes obsessed with his own breasts
>no but yeah it's like in Utah there was this fire pit that they fucking stepped on right in front of me worst fucking night of my life and it's like I don't like being angry but that fire pit was all I had
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>laugh track after every jimmy joke even though nobody is laughing
why is tay and vance so cucked silent now
Did anything actually happen tonight besides the gay LARPing?
Kek you know if a rematch was to be called, Jimmy would be more afraid of fighting TJ. His faggot fans should remember that.
he is secretly everything he hates and constantly talks about
Tay came back, Letty started messing with Jimmy, everyone turned on Jon... It's a 180 from yesterday after Tay blew up.
Jon back
Depends if he got tricked and sam gassed him.
Vance is always silent. I think letty realized she’s dealing with a true psycho with jimmy. Not even one she can have fun with
Good addition Jet!
Tay worships Mother Metha
there was a big base attack but other than that not much happened today besides Tayleigh and Jimmy seething all day
vibe killer tay at it again
oh its a dude weed lmao bit
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>highest iq btw
same as his schizo fans
same as any right wing faggot. so many pedophiles in the american right
Jimmy and Tayleigh suck so bad. They unironically thought this was just gonna be friend tank.
odd vibes right now
jimmy got a hard plastic mic to throw at people
>being this mad over a bruise on a e-girl’s hand that he’ll never get
He's even fatter and more out of shape now kek
personality of a brick wall
tayleigh having meth withdrawals
vibe vampire
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If it was shit casting it was shit casting for most of the show. The only good fish were Shinji and Josie. Vance was alright and then there were the retard jesters that were amusing for like a week aka Jon and Jimmy.
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>odd vibes right now
fatty was fascinated by shinji, it was shinji that hated fatty
getting pretty fucking gay ben
put your assless chaps on and do something
just saying
she’ll be alright
I cant believe everything thats gone wrong can be traces back to tay. She is the root of every failure this season has had. Jet should have never let her back
season 2 is so inferior
>Jimmy and Tayleigh suck so bad. They unironically thought this was just gonna be friend tank.
They do but tbf so did most of us.
weirdpilled post
haha he said the word
Update the morale meter
ifunny status?
ya true.
based jimmy
>hey stupid we're talking about weed
>yells niggers
>nobody laughs but him
Tay loved that shit
knew that was going to happen
>jimmy so cringe sam has to dirtbike away
Jimmy and Tay suck so bad Sam had to bounce lmao
Jimmy is so fucking lame
> he doesn't want to see two tards fight again
why even watch faggot
That has be to trolling anon. No one can be that obsessed.
Letty will try to break it and Jimmy will try to kill her.
>tune into director cam on flowstream
classic jimmy...
Tay was shit human and cringe but not as bad as Jimmy being a shit human and Jon being a 1 dimensional iqlet. You don't want to see these people for more than a week.
A year ago when fatty walked into the tank on S1 for the portrait painting challenge I thought “oh shit this a funny dig at idubz” and didn’t expect him to stick around for long or be an integral part of the show but I honestly can’t imagine fishtank without him at this point. It’s cool seeing a freak like him find his niche and be appreciated.
that's a man
He said da sacred word that should never be uttered
yeah but they sucked at doing that too
We are in the PTSD section of the Fishtank season where Jet thinks its funny to bring up everyones autistic traumas and make a joke out of it until they completely check out.
At least RLM viewers keep the products at your local grocery store in stock... fish tank viewers on the other hand... I shudder to think of who these people are tbqh
her being invited on and then humiliated by xavier into leaving in less than a week would've been the perfect ending honestly
They don't know wtf they're doing. On the verge of forcing rp and wanting to do anything else
Tay has been ruined by streaming. Literally every other fish has improved in some way since their last appearance while she has regressed entirely into an irritating attention whore.
>sam simping for letty taylor and tj by humiliating jimmy
Every time. Why does Sam worship beta cucks and whores so much.
Jon IQ mogged everyone today including production
Based Jimmy pissing off Sam and Fatty.
How is this not friendtank? They both blew small jokes way out of proportion and torpedo'd the show
How old is Tayleigh?
I've just been thinking and I'm pretty sure my life starting getting really shit about 22 years ago.
Start a quest and get everyone to dump points into it. I’ll help. I’m sure many others would too.
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The minion is hot, I can tell by her neck and chin
Like model-tier
why is jimmy so agressive at fatty
I mean yeah theyre retarded
Wow he said the epic pol word and brought up trannies for absolutely no reason based kino Jimmy
jimmys apology fetish
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Oh NO! HELP! He said the American no no word! HELP! HELP!
Wanna know how I know josie is your favorite fish?
how is this your read of the situation
How does he know he fucked up Taylor's wrist?
with every passing second and every word that comes out of her mouth she cements herself more and more as a lolcow
Fuck off Jon is kino
>Jimmy pretending he cares about Taylor and it's not because he lost his sword and shield
Relative to his lolcow status, he's actually fairly eloquent and a decent actor.
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>me whenever jimmy says a joke
Can anyone tell me what the fuck is going on? why is Tayleight acting like that?
Can someone give me a psychoanalysis for Jimmy's violent obsession with certain objects?
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>woe is me i hurt a woman again poor me
Because they told him.
It's just a sprained wrist
>you will never be able to scream “NIGGER” in the woods of New England.
Fuck this gay earth.
Production, I know you're reading this.

PLEASE put Taylor in a full body cast and wheelchair or some ridiculous shit
awww little widdle jimmy pity party awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww man SHUT yo bitch ass up nigga
He is upset they got rid of his sword and shield and gave him a gay toy instead
nigga just rewind
Why do you support a weak retard with no self control?
their traumas make them way gayer and they’ve actively ruined the game, prior to all this drama, with their bullshit
why is Jimmy being so beta about fucking up that slut?
they need to put taylor in a cast
>oh no I hurt someone else i feel SO BAD about it I FEEL LIKE a peice of shit I'm gonna go be sad
Has jimmy ever been honest in his life?
Tay is the only one smart enough to not be a cunt. But she can't help it because she is inherently evil. Jimmy is too dumb to know what he's doing is wrong.
He's not sad he hurt Taylor he's sad that Letty has more ammo against him
Love that Jimmy somehow severely injures women without even trying now
Just let Gimmy get some rest already
make taylor wear the same cast as TJ
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>me whenever jimmy says a joke
Jimmy should just double down and laugh when he hears he hurt a woman. That would make him more likable unironically.
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>Jon is still pissed
its the best way he has to make it about him
thats just how she anon
i keep your crawlspace rodent free anon show some respect
Yeah I have no clue. Seems like she just no-sells any of Sam's bits out of spite
100% injury isnt real
He’s sad because he knows something will come of this and he’s a pussy.
Did Vance say or do anything today?
>severely injures

Go to bed little kid.
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>Chris, a retard, is responsible for counselling the other Fish to prevent them from having a mental illness spiral
I don't blame him
wouldn't you be
there's a reason traitors were in the deepest layer of dante's hell
The white man walks alone Jon, leave them
>jon still upset about vance and tai betraying him
hope this retard keeps them up until 2 am
Because she thinks "errmm that just happened isn't this weird" humor is funny

kek the echo
I think he's legit having a mental break and hes wondering how many times hes hurt/killed women without himself knowing. He probably thinks he blacked out and did that to Taylor
>he could just be gay
simped his way into shooting jon and has been spending all day trying to justify it
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down but not out
>jon has to rp being gay to keep his vampire cover
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Fatty’s underarm has become even more disturbing while stretched outward under that camera light..
>Talyeigh and Jimmy having a gay little whisper party
I hate them so much
Didn't Sam say something about a familiar face coming or did I mishear?
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Get Taylor on a full arm cast to play up the injury!

What exactly happened to Tj? He has nerve damage in his hand too and can barely move his fingers.
Make Taylor a tetraplegic
Jimmy is a sperg but Realistically I doubt he sprained her wrist by whacking her with his sword flail it's probably just a bruise. You can see in the pic the ice is on the back of her hand not her wrist anyway. It's a common injury you get fucking around play sword fighting.

She'll be fine, white knights. Don't let it keep you up at night.
>2 hours after Letty worrying about Jimmy hurting her and him saying he wouldn’t, he hurt yet another girl
>especially if I give my wowd
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>tay immediately retreats and shuts the fuck up
Mormon nigger agent ""Taylor"" pretending to sprain her wrist just fuck with Jimmy
fuck this bitch
same god damn I hate them now
Jon has every right to be pissed. Dude actually came around and was playing the game and everyone fucked him.
They literally changed the rules of no friendly fire without telling him and then attacked him, all for terrible reasons. He deserves the grand prize
Broke his arm while hiking
Jon is riled up by Sam and Fattys acting chops lololol
>getting injured from a toy
Women are a meme
white water rafting, hit his arm on someone's knee
he’s a diagnosed emotional empath
if i ever did something like that and didnt get a single laugh it would haunt me for days. it would be one of those moments that pop up in my head when i got to sleep for the rest of my life. but jimmie has like dozens of these every single day. how does he handle it?
some arm breaks will stretch/damage the nerves that run along the arm, they heal eventually but only about 1mm per day
Really wasn't expecting production and the cast to actually put this kind of effort into roleplaying. Jon's been great this season, sucks he hurt himself moving while fat.
the angriest i ever got at fishtank was s2 when tay and her pet nigger whispered for like 2 hours in front of the bar at 4am
TJ. He didn't say hello and looked lobotomized for 10 seconds.
He broke his arm and because of the surgery/cast his right hand/arm are atrophied.
pretty sure most of them were people Dante didn't like and wanted to shit talk
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she always look so smug
I don't fucking know, don't ask me. I'm the one asking, how would I know
I hope Tai just shoots all of them in the face
He had the most retarded assassination plot for the stupidest reason on his own teammate
It's some sorta gay trannie meth personality.
Vance acting like he's too cool for this. He's an even bigger fag than Jon.
kinda bummed we didn't get more Xavier action tonight
Xavier raped her to death on Sam's and Jet's orders
>"and I'll tell him to his face!"
he unironically is too cool for this
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>Jon you look like hammered shit
Totally missed that.
he fills the awkward silences with more jokes
funny how that keeps happening
>trying to reason with little kids

They don't care bro. he SERVERLY INJURED Her. VIOLENTLY.
>restraining order!
jon and jimmy stocks shooting up, taylorchuds seething atm
blame the dyke for neutering all xavier content
i will never forgive jet for keeping her on instead of having xavier kino
Jon did nothing wrong. They should let Jon shoot each of them as a measure of good faith.
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Jon is right. He's the only one playing the game
I don't care about Jon vs Vance right now I want to see Letty make Jimmy cry strike while the iron is hot my princess
any time you think Vance is cool recall when he tried to take someone from Frank and it literally looked like a child wrestling his father
most embarrassing thing I've ever seen
Vance is playing 3D chess right now, it's a big step for him.
you always say the same thing its not that bad you dont need a laugh track in your life
that foam sword that bopped against her shoulder sure did a number on her wrist
could anyone please catch me up on just the last half hour? i had to leave right after the vampire attacks at base camp after jon came back as a vampire.
Makes sense. Poor guy.
We could be having kino Xavier content right now but instead we get Tay!
beat dyke
cringe beat dyke
beat dyke
>vance making up reasons why he betrayed his brother
my estimation of vance as a man just plummeted
Remember it was Tayleighs fault and if he is low energy/ does not last it was because of Tayleigh.
We get jimfacing and some cunt schizo over some real kino
Blame Tayleigh
>earlier watching jon argue about why they killed him
>take several hour break
>come back, they are still arguing about it but jon has KISS make-up
I see i didnt miss anything
Because Jon mogged them and they are jealous because Jon is entertaining and has personality while they don’t. They also both think they’re smarter and better than everyone else so they act above the others
bro jon has a staph infection bahaha
remember when he and sylvia followed frank around the house for the entire first night he was there trying to impress him and make him laugh
Im a Tay loyalist but I dont want Jon to go hard on her shes a woman
last hour* i mean.
It'll happen soon. They just gave Jimmy a toy weapon. Something will probably lead her (quest) to stealing and destroying it.
She thinks she's hot shit
GOD i wish that was a real gun
Which Fishtanker deserves a lifetime of eternal suffering the most?
During the Jon x Josie collab he said he regretted how little he tried s1 and he's making up for it well, I think.
Kek I love Jon
Loving this jon conversation with the makeup tbqh
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remember when Taylor arrived at the S2 house and Jimmy immediately thought she was a spy sent by his sister?
>grand prize
lmao there is no prize dumbass
I like him
I'm not a fanboy or anything but some of the stuff he has done has been funny and I like WP. As a person, he's flawed like anyone else. I don't really give a shit, i'm here to be entertained
His parents would take away or break objects he cherished as a punishment during childhood, probably.

It's usually as simple as something like that.
Didn't Tay say something about having 200IQ or some shit on season 2
>3D chess
this season mogs the other 2 so much
No joke, if he does, he got it from the hospital. FUCKING DIRTY STINKING DOCTORS NOT WASHING THEIR FUCKING HANDS.
I understand why Vance got so many endorsements now. I forgot how annoying the rest of these people are.
righteous jon holding all these rats to the fiwe
How did Taylor get a sprained wrist from a foam sword to the shoulder?
It being outside is also in Jon's favour.
Poke her Jon. Get her to attack again.
>toy weapon
ah... good observation anon, they definitely are planning something
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>The king got neutered for a methed out dyke
He was just at the ER. I doubt it.
Jet send TJ out to get Letty. Have him say that “Taylor really needs to talk to you”
Evil Kevin
Safeway mentioned
Vance fake falling with those bedframe pieces to get back at Frank will always stick in my mind. Guy was frames away from having punctured lungs. What a dork
No, anon's right. Vance is too cool for this shit. He's borderline normie in the way you could find someone like Vance standing at the watercooler in the office while none of the rest of the fish could ever set foot at an office job
I didn't even see it happen on camera, why do you think she was hit in the shoulder?
I can't believe Vance wanted to be on a fish tank season with Jon AND Jimmy at the same time.
Is Tayleigh a junkie? She looks like she's withdrawing.
They should have to pose at the same time like theyre one big team
This is the only season of fishtank that is meant to be friendship tank. Instead what we see is the same dynamic from season 2 where the group gangs up on one of the fish
If that were the reason, then Tai would have the most endorsements right now.
Jon full green morale LETS GOOOOO.
Bitch ass jimmy in the red.
lol ok sam
True, he's in his element.
Genius lol
So Sam hired Tayleigh's psycho stalker (who ended up being the best character)? crazy shit.
Jon looking like this.
lie made up by production, never happened
jimmy depwessed :(
>tai depressed about his climbing ability
need to take her to bucky
it wasn’t on camera so idk what you’re talking about
this would be fucked lol
i just need jon to keep pressing tay and make her freak
Nah, Tai's sounds he makes when he eats are more annoying than John, Tayleigh and Jimmy combined
Kinda fucked ngl kek
she unironically confessed to doing bumps of meth

(her methhead trailer trash fan turned boyfriend who fucked her for 50 dollars got her into it)
Let that cunt have it Tayleigh
being a normie doesn't mean he's not a total beta male
>there are people here who enjoy vance and find him entertaining
frank and letty were chilling in a room after a long day of trolling vance and he stood on the other side chiming into their convos like a 3rd wheel lmao
Imagine if Big Boss/Snake had a lisp kek.
Good :)
are you as retarded as she is
ngl this is Neptunian
Letty felt the way the wind was blowing and started defending jon. She knows he is right
i like that letty and jon actually love each other, and she defends him.
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I'm not Sam, i'm an autistic NEET sitting in my bedroom watching Fishtank and browsing 4chan. It's true
Shut up, self-inset Vance faggot
Who else loves Taylor!
Fatty pissing Letty in the face.
ngl im getting neptunian vibes rn
My bad, someone asked for a clip of her getting injured and the response was a webm of Jimmy throwing a sword at her, I assumed that was legitimately the moment she got hurt.
It might just be a bit to fuck with Jimmy
He's literally a vampire though
yeah he’s also a pedophile and into CBT. Taytriots amirite???
that would be too much content for jet to handle
Where was this version of Jon in S1?
unironically just mauro that fag is insufferable
>Tai you gonna try anything again?
>I'm gonna try the new menthol cigarettes
kek, Tai is unflappable
they have a cute brother/sister dynamic
She was the same way during S1 until Damiel turned him against her.
50% chance Jimmy tries to attempt some type of performative suicide on the show
>jimmy threatends suicide
Holy fuck please never breed.
>ugh i'm gonna kill myself :(
>ugh me too jimmy :(
i hate S2 faggots so much
Why is jimmy in his feels? Did I miss something?
Staph is all over your body, you interact with it all the time, this type of staph is harmless. The type that harms you is only found at hospitals.

>T. Biochemistry major who did a project on it.
lol thought so, what a silly bitch
>s2 fish completely buckbroke
season 1 mogs again
Didn’t watch much of S2 but is in character.
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looks like someone used the liquify tool on his body
awww i feel so bad for him. poor guy. awwww jimmy. he must be so sad right now. aaawwww jimmy
Yeah, Fatty just reassured Jimmy about Taylor and didn't break character the whole time
Literally any side that doesnt have jimmy and tay on it is right
Xavier OR duke winning are both better options than the fish
GR8 B8 M8
isn't this actually grounds for immediate removal legally?
im gonna try anal porn
If Jimmy and Tay are against you, you're on the right side
it developed the moment he first left the S1 house and saw how many followers he had and boosted his ego. It's only gotten worse
he made letty cry and injured another woman and needs to fish for sympathy
Good thing Jon hasn’t been to a hospital then, right..
>jimmy: im gonna try suicide again, fuck this
>tayleigh: i feel you, jimmy, i feel that

Guys I feel sooooooo bad about hitting a woman :( the thing that I've based my entire personality on after leaving the show :(
He is so effortlessly funny. It's unfortunate he seems a bit checked out recently.
I've been taking CBD gummies for the first time and they are giving me the worst farts I've ever experienced. Is that to be expected?
Vance is notoriously quiet and "nontent"
Tayleigh has nothing going for her, she is just boring
Sadly, he injured a woman
Unforeseeable !>>200776024
>take jimmy's retarded weapon away
>he immediately picks up a gun and starts playing with it
>says he's depressed and gonna commit suicide
kent hospital it the fuck up
>looks into camera to make sure they're noticing him
Theyre fated to get married
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normies do renaissance festivals and dress at music festivals all the time weirdo, vance is boring
ooof two in one baby
>we gave jimmy a weapon
>s2 fish are THIS weak
Tts better ask him if he feels depressed about actually attacking women
Those 2 completely derailed the conversation with that shit
I am already in a world of shit
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Good fukkem
i like the music :)
Bro your a little kid, shut the fuck up.
Jimmy was all smiles about hurting Taylor until he got his toys taken away.
they are the complete polar opposites that strongly attract
Literally the only thing that even bothered Tai was when they made him think his actual IRL career was over. Everything else has never affected him. He just shits on the whole show until he gets bored. He might actually be the strongest contestant they've ever had.
S1 fish mog s2 so hard it's not even fair. Jimmy and Tayleigh shouldn't even be here.
>normies do renaissance festivals and dress at music festivals all the time weirdo
No we don't lmao. We laugh at you guys for thinking you fit in with us though.
jet it up
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That whole saga was frustrating to watch. I was rooting for Vance but he’s so conflict averse that he wouldn’t stand up to Frank.
Jon so into the RP he's willing to not deny the gay allegations to keep his vampirism a secret. o7
yeah it was humiliating
A nigga that willingly has that haircut can't be fucked with
Something like that. If theres a mandated reporter watching they can call the cops for a wellness check on him, it would be up to the cop to decide to bring him in or not.
Im guessing they would bring him in it he started talking to him but not for suicide
Jimmy hurts Taylor but HE'S the injured party! Hate this dude
Canceled Tai night was very funny
Depressed drunken Tai roasting the crackas here
Letty self conscious and afraid they are talking about her unwashed pussysmell
Big difference between a middle aged comedian and a group of 20yo’s maturity
He's not sad about what happened
He's sad that there were personal consequences for him
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>ruins your show
jet is a faggot for levelling jimmy up
Jon & Letty winning would be the best ending.
the night ben boxed TJ, tai was belligerent drunk but i cant remember why
wtf jimmy has a weapon now?
Jimmy is a fucking weak minded coward. That shit he brought up about Letty has so much worse real life problems than not having your way and freaking out on Fiahtank.live season 2.
>you know what i hate the most?
>tts earrape
build them up to break them down
>jet is a faggot
you could have just left it at this
its a good thing that tts is 500x louder than the camp mic
>Jimmy is so fucking butthurt
You uberate chipotle and accidentally ordered extra beans instead of meat… you don’t remember?
*made S2 bearable *
Not enough TTS heat on Jimmy right now
classic narcissist
A brief possession, cut short by a shocking event
fuck you people and fuck sam for putting her in that situation with that fucking freak
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>season 2
Charles manson cult
>season 2.5
I'm so glad both him and Tay are getting humiliated
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unbearable you mean
jet you have to
As Vampire King and Queen and theres a ceremony and a kiss and then a baby is made
no you faggot
how the mighty have fallen
we are now going to be seeing vampire fights where jimmy's only means of attack and defense is screaming NIGGERS
hahaha i can imagine this loser gets kicked out of the club one day for being weird and sitting alone and thinks "pfft those guys aren't normies like me" fake ego fag
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>jimmy is going to kill himself because he sprained a girl's wrist
ok now full female-only vampire ambush on jimmy
Jimmy is so upset they took his super cool weapon away

that was Jet
She's coming...right?
It was incredibly poorly thought out, they needed letty and tai there to have any chance of making it work but the best way would have been to let vamps weaken him down then deliver a coup de grace. Anything else was doomed to be no sold and argued for an hour into some sort of stupid compromise.
yes but fishtank isn't a real show ran by professionals so who cares?
they were drinking at the bar. that was part of why tj fought ben
Tay did the same shit attacking xavier then getting a restraining order on him. They are perfect for each other to feed into eachothers delusions
so let me get this straight... a bunch of mentally ill people are livestreaming themselves playing with what may or may not be fake firearms (how would we as viewers really know?) in the forest and one of them who has had a previous history of domestic violence and mentally unstable outbursts has just threatened suicide... sounds like a legal justification for swatting to me...
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full female-only vampire ambush on ME
>jimmy: im gonna try suicide again, fuck this
>tayleigh: i feel you, jimmy, i feel that
*inhales* AHAHAHAHAH
well maybe she loves him no matter what he is YA EVER THINK ABOUT THAT
Jimmy running off into the woods to cry because they took his toy away
he's pretending to be butthurt because he knows exactly how this loosk
Everyone who posts this retarded Idi Amin quote is a homosexual
Jimmy fucks off Jimmy fucks off Jimmy fucks off
i like letty but her laugh is super fake
i think she said she wanted to give other fish a chance to win
all according to plan
>jimmy wanders into the woods
KWAB he really thought people would care
The witch turns out to be a run away princess who's been cursed, and Jon has to blow raspberries on her princess tummy to lift the curse.
De-armed and humiliated, punished Jimmeh.
comfy campfire stream without Jimmy or Tay holy based
>sprained a girl's wrist

Emm it was Taylor? How is she supposed to jerk off TJ and his massive cock with one hand?
we live in a 3ft world
yeah that annoyed me in s1 but now that i'm a s1 nostalgiafag i dont mind it
jimmy: "i want to commit suicide"
love that nobody cared about him wandering off into the woods after saying that
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this time Brian cried
i wanna be the greatest chudwife of them all
Is the ISO level fucked on the "director" camera? How can it have such a bright light and not pick anything up
Crocket Mallet Style.
Exact plot of Vampire Hunter D bloodlust
talk about making it all about him
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it really seems like it's "break s2 contestants" day and i'm loving it.
Letty being a shitstirrer as always and with Jon on her side makes this kino
Jon looks like if The Comedian had down syndrome
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Defending journalists is worse then being a journalist
Aww how cute they'll have matching casts now
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Still my girl
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These AI-generated topic headlines are neat
Did Greg actually do anything earlier today? I wasn't watching
Jimmy is going to some performative AJ Soprano level bullshit and leave
1000 post bake
Kek he does
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good one. jimmy was 100% a kekistani faggot
He was man handling xavier
>only shouts out one sister
he was drunk and wrestled everybody. he only lost to brian
is that where shes hiding her meth?
Holy shit, Jon has a big ass family.
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What did Jimmy do? He HEEM'd Taylor? When did it happen?
god willing
jon hates tayleigh so much
Greg got drunk and was raping the townsmen
jimmy's gonna try to commit suicide with an airsoft gun
Vance could never fully commit to the bit, not sure if he was too self concious, but he was better off as a crew member
Jon and letty are the neptunian power couple paired against the goranian jimmy and tay
He remembered he hates TJ and Taylor by association so he broke her wrist
Jon wants nothing to do with tayleigh. Absolute vibe killer
have you seen how aggressively he's been flailing around his sword and how hard he has been hitting the vampires? he finally hurt one
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you can't even kill this nigga
He's gonna try choking himself with his own hands and scream and cry and pretend to pass out
vertical bar is funny
>vance back to being nyquil nontent
>page 9

it happened off cam
TTS just blew the vampire bit lol
it’s over
>wooks wike a wackoon
Anyone remember when he nutshot a downed vamp for literally no reason and he said "jimmy what the fuck man" and walked off mad
Jimmy is a threat to unfortunately everyone but himself
I thought jon was just slicing his leg with that mirror
they should make a pact where if neither of them is married at 35, they'll marry each other.
Kino mirror shot
opening square bracket closing square bracket is way funnier
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>broke her wrist
Bullshit, is there an actual injury or did she just get a bad bump? When was it? How'd everyone react?
>bush medicine with jon
kek'd at that.
>page 10
worked shoot brother
it's a sprain
new >>200776475
by the way... sorry if i nutshot you earlier brother... its just... okie... ye...
Is he mentally ill enough to actually cut his wrists across the street for attention?
>TTS playing over each other
nice goran
I hope season 3 will be goontank
she sprained it, not broken. nobody reacted because she was a vampire and i dont even think it was on cam
I'm pretty sure she just got bruised up because Jimmy hit too hard.
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kino from every angle
No yeah so it's like he got charged by a five foot tall vampire and was in fear for his life.
When Tayleigh came back, what was up with the wheel she kept spinning? Probably a reference to Josie's fidget spinner, but why?
good, that'd be very funny
No matter how many oddballs they find for this show, these threads will always be packed with bigger autists. Watching you faggots do mental backflips to turn mountains into molehills and invent headcanon drama that just isn't there is fucking fascinating.

I've been watching some spergs go camping and have a few minor arguments. Also a guy with a speech impediment hurt his hamstring.
I wonder if Trish is as much of a loner at the house they're all staying in as she is when she's out in Schitty. She would spend a lot of time alone during S2 in B2 and she does it here too, sitting for a long time without ever talking to anybody.
the dude play puts a toy gun to his mouth and smiles to the cam
Just a sprain, if that. I wouldn't be surprised if it were just a bit.
she's got tj and taylor and seems friendly with duanyay now
IT was the wheel that got broken off of Jon's wheelchair. She probably thought it was a power move or something retarded.
it's becoming increasingly clear this is a way for production to say they loved s1 and hated s2. look who is still standing and who is broken
Latinas were only made to look pretty in the corner, the second they start yapping everyone gets soft
you wouldn't expect someone that looks like her to be a loner, but I guess autists come in all shapes and sizes

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