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Fat Peter edition
>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous >>200773841
take her to bucky
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>ruins your show
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE RELICS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
A COUP occurred and the HUNTERS have slain FATIUS. This death was NON CANON. Now, the kingdom held an ELECTION, the new KING was chosen. XAVIER is now KING.

>Daily Quests:
The SOLDIER has been granted a RESTRAINING ORDER against XAVIER.
The PALADIN has been slain, and has become a VAMPIRE. He has also learned XAVIERS true name!

The crew has ordered an ABOVE GROUND POOL. The pool will be used for something called the ‘BLOODBATH’ and, sources tell me, will be full of water dyed red.
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We out here yeahmaxxing
best vance line this season?
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>ruins two seasons in a row
This will be Jon by the end of the season
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Jon and letty are the neptunian power couple paired against the goranian jimmy and tay
I can't wait for the coddle jimmy show tomorrow. They going to make him into a super vampire with immunity to all damage?
We just found Jimmy hanging from the noose in Schitty. Seasons over, sorry guys.
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Chud Gang status?
Jon has been super cunty to Tai and Tay

They should have killed him for real earlier
she seems very introverted
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My favorite line is when he said nothing
In shambles
>spend 60 dollars on a tts
>it plays at the same time as some loud ass song so nobody hears it
I'm chudgang.
Why did Jimmy pick up a piece of the broken mirror before heading into the woods?
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>Tay cúcked all the Xavier content for the rest of the season
things were so good once upon a time (2 days ago)
to look dramatic. he won't do anything
I wish Lance was here
Vance could have saved the eggs if he were a man of action.
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Jet, please get Jon a pair of these
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Please tell me he actually did this
both are treacherous worms that need to be punish
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what about ifunny? how do they fit into the lore?
um... yeah
With the restraining order now we can get RP stalking
permanent residence at Kent Hospital
Inb4 Taylor didn't actually get hurt during the LARP fight and they're gaslighting Jimmy
isn't he in the outback getting raped to death mr hands style ?
break the restraining order
>S1 cast only
>suddenly stream becomes comfy
Wonder why that is...
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He's gonna cut himself for attention
>boo hoo I feel so bad I hurt the vampires for real. I'm SO sorry about hurting taylor I'm SOOOO sorry about nutshotting a downed vamp for no reason I'm SOOOO sad about it
He's like a teenage girl
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Trish won
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he's been through hell
thank him for his service
Lance doesn't deserve it.
Need to get my CHUD GANG knuckle tats removed
basedjacks and their variations are the spiritual successors to Reddit rage comics and are extremely lame
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why can't xavier just annul the restraining order as is his rightful duty as king
the s1 and s2 parts of these 6 really show the difference between neptunian and goranian
so is Jimmy killing himself with the mirror piece right now?
>my sister was famous for a bit
Jon's sister did porn?
trish is cute
no I mean since day 1
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Tuesday morning, why are you here?
just cut your hands off
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Jon was waped

this day was so good , feels like yesterday
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Do you see the fucking problem here production? Two different cameras, same shot. The handicam ISO levels are fucked beyond belief. Do you see that big ass LED light? There's no reason why the footage should be this dark.
Season 1: J
Season 2: Circumflex
Season 2.5: Vertical bar
Season 3: Opening curly bracket {{{{{{{{{
Jimmy is too much of a pussy to do anything with that mirror besides stare into it longingly
Have they checked up on Jimmy yet he might really kill himself
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just to suffer
Nah just the fingers, get paws
hes gonna use it to apply joker makeup and challenge letty to a boxing match
God I hope so
the jewish cops got me fired from my doordash job
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>Hey uhhh, so did any of you guys worry about me while I was gone?
She does this weird deranged giggle all the time that’s always out of proportion with what was said. It’s creepy
letty is so alluring
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So there's no footage of Jimmy injuring Taylor?
he has been too rude towards tai but tay had it coming
I wish circumflex
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Abi is watching fishtank!
She is providing relevant commentary and analysis

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you're right, ifunny is where it's at these days
>Jimmy suicide baiting 4 attention
him and Tayleigh are the definition of KWAB
abi is a cunt
Xavier status?
pickme behavior
yes look at the old thread

no fuck off with this advertisement
>abi viewbotting again
jimmy fucks dogs and should kill himself
nah he doesnt know her like that
my inside person who isnt dumgay says they are installing a beef bell tomorrow
she said the picture on twitter isn't her. i think everyone got messed up by the flail swords to varying degrees
Jon sucking on the huge ass cigar is cracking me up man
Vance: Yeah...
Jon: BWO
Letty: teehee
Tai: ughh
Tayliegh: [cringe face]
Greg: Fricken
letty looked!
The truth is, if fishtank torture and fuckery is really as ptsd inducing and traumatic as he says he shouldn't be here. It's not healthy. Certain people (like Chris, Summer etc) do not handle it well and it makes their mental illness worse. People just can't admit that they aren't cut out for it and have too much of an ego to walk away. At this point both Tay and Jimmy should, health is more important than the couple grand or whatever pittance Sam is throwing their way.
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>the fires of heaven
Reminder that even fucking Jon isn't getting TTS censored for him while people that send negative Tay TTSes are getting their accounts banned.
THE most coddled Fishtank contestant across both seasons and it isn't even a question.
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JET make this happen!

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Developing his plan to win Tayleigh's heart even with that whole pesky "restraining order" getting in his way
jimmy kills dogs and should fuck himself
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i hope jimmy can get his hands on another croquet mallet
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>Jimmy and Tay shouting out their twitter orbiters
hate this
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>Jimmy seethers in full force
Shouldn't you be simping for Gayleigh instead?
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>jimmy is getting worked into a shoot
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Faking suicidal idealization is womanly behavior
how long until jimmy realizes the broken mirror will work as a blade
Letty giggling at the Vance TTSs give me life.
How was Brian such boring nontent in season 2 but kino in 2.5?
now that the dust has finally settled, is tayleigh the worst fishtank contestant of all time?? you can say mauro but he never cucked content and his argument with jon was funny it has too be tay
>pay $60 for tts
>Jimmy speaks over it
i think all of them should die
Letty needs to be taken down a peg
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>Rose's are red her armpits are hairy, why don't you get out those milkers, mary
>makes entire persona based on toy phones, mallets, being a based schizo
>might have hurt a woman and pretends to kill himself only to come back like nothing happened
What the FUCK did he mean by that?
We better see a head shaved. It's not fishtank without this ritual.
I need that strawberry blonde pussy on my mouth NOW
so no reason to even bother watching tonight since little chud dyke is gonna be coddled and jimface at the camera all night while tts shits on everybody else.
The handcam is so fucking dark like 90% of the time lol. Even during the day.
I was in the last thread and also went through the twitter hashtag. It doesn't seem to exist.
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the thought will occur when his sworn enemy Abigail arrives
Her giggles in general does that to me.
It was established she is an autist.
An introvert simpleton that just wants to draw and have people treat her kindly, but she's been passed around her whole life.
She was anti-content (except as a victim) but I kind of wanted her to win the S2 prize so she could get tattooist training and just be left alone. Everyone else would waste the money or not really need it.
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>"I'm kind of glad that my airplane got canceled and I couldn't go there. It probably wouldn't have been a good idea for me to go."
what happened to jimmy, i missed everything after vance and tayleigh shot jon
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Kent Hospital is calling to claim its next victim
he was being himself in s2
he was also competing as a fish
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it's becoming increasingly clear this is a way for production to say they loved s1 and hated s2. look who is still standing and who is broken
>s1 cast standing strong
>s2 cast relegated to the background, buckbroken
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>Guys, did you remember that I said I was gonna kill myself? Were you guys worried at all when I went into the woods, or...
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who is it, bex?
Jon's gonna crack any moment
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>That's fair.
>Press ( X ) to JON
>letty, vance, and jon all chilling by the fire. Even though they had some beef they seem like they've gotten past it
>tay and jimmy in the shadows seething about themselves and their situation
The N/G dichotomy is on FULL display again
She was buckbroken by Gimmy earlier
>no but yeah it's like I was totally thinking about doing it guys like I'm being deadass on all that I hold dear
jimmy male breast fetish
fucking kek letty
This woman is clearly a sociopath and is terrible at hiding it. I sincerely feel sorry for anyone who is such a monumentally poor judge of character that they can't tell that she is utterly incapable of feeling basic human emotions or empathy, they're going to be preyed upon by people like her their entire lives.
jon actually took the time to study tay before going on the show
s1 cast was built different
If Jimmy actually kills himself in the woods that would be so fucking kino.
Goodnight FISHTANKMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks
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You had bad taste in season 2. Coal is an alcoholic nobody now lmao.
how much is 1 tts?
She said the video of someone being hit (sodaman I think? ) wasnt of her, but the picture with the ice is her though.
The dead silence every time Jimmy makes a joke is beautiful
Shit that's bad. I've been watching basecamp and switched. They don't have their operators do some testing and training filming at night and in the woods beforehand? I mean even a few hours would be enough.

I know the answer, lazy wigger dipshits of course.
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that's her
she means the clip of jimmy whacking someone wasnt her
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his NPC personality is better than his real one
>cameraman got scared of a moth
the jimmy fatigue is real
What's wild is that s2 is being coddled as hell. S1 isn't having filtered tts and they're having fun
this guy can live tho
jon x letty vibing HARD. jon still has a crush
what kind of insurance do you think they have?
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>This woman is clearly a sociopath and is terrible at hiding it. I sincerely feel sorry for anyone who is such a monumentally poor judge of character that they can't tell that she is utterly incapable of feeling basic human emotions or empathy, they're going to be preyed upon by people like her their entire lives.

but she's cute though
'bout tree fiddy
>both letty and tayleigh were afraid of toilets
I didn't like Coal either. I didn't really like anyone except Greg
man jimmy shutcho bitch ass up
Sigh... guess I injured another woman. Time to mope around so everyone knows how bad I feel about it.
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they censor all this other shit and not a peep. They censor [thing I currently hate] and it's some line being crossed. You guys were always muzzled and cucked. either you're a cuck or you're not there is no middle ground.
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A lot of retarded anons don't know better, sadly.
The new plot line for Jon & Letty.
obviously, that was clearly a guy who he hit in the shoulder. you guys are fucking blind come on
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Why are all the non-meth addled s2 contestants getting fat? Did the starvation they endured fuck up their metabolism?
why is the hand cam so fucking dark do they not know what shutter speed is?
You'd think after 28 years of having nobody laugh at his jokes he'd get the hint that he's not funny
why is letty flirting with jon?
heh friggen based
jon? if anything it's letty lol
It's 225 tokens, and one token is basically 10 cents, although you can get them for a lot cheaper
we were robbed
how the mighty have fallen. I once repped chudgang...
i think that's just a coincidence. they tried to hand tayleigh a main storyline, and she chimped out.
ok ok
Why is Jimmy still alive and breathing?
nah mate, he did suck on s2 bc he wasn't himself he was playing the game too hard to be fun like on 2.5
Name a SINGLE time someone got banned for sending a negative TTS before S2.5.
That's fair.
Letty’s giggle is cute
Too much of a coward to do it
Letty is crazy lmao
There are plenty of cute women who won't hide your body under the floorboards when they're done with you. Dudes who simp for her are in the same league as women who got wet for Ted Bundy.
Amazing. Kid Kino
Where's the lie? We're seeing it in action right now.
I can’t see shit on director cam
>s1 cast riffing off each other
>s2 cast think saying nigger is the most cutting edge thing in the world
The divide between the s1 and s2 cast is on full display here
The starvation combined with what little food they did eat being awful quality didn't help. Plus the poor sleep, smoking, etc. They also had some disposable cash afterwards so probably ate a lot of slop.
Jet should kick them out and ENTER Season 1.5 THE FINAL WEEK
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He loves himself too much
stop you're making me see jet as an actual person instead of a retarded faggot
God hates us
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A year later....and so do I.
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Why did production make Cole delete all his socials?
trisha boobies
trisha nipples
trisha milk
trisha paizuri
trisha loving cuddles
trisha kissing
trisha hair stroking
trisha creampie
trisha sumata
trisha light bdsm play
trisha failing to cook
trisha drawing
trisha tattooing
trisha sleeping
If Letty didnt do all that porn, they'd be married with kids rn. Its not too late to get back on the golden path
It’s his internet friends and he had a Facebook profile that was popping off before the show
letty only gets demoralized by getting ignored its how josie debuffed her in the final s1 battle
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>s1 cast in the light
>s2 cast in the dark
why are MDE fans addicted to meth and weed?
Pudgy Trish
Anal leakage child
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Extremely so.
TJ looks fine at least
Is Jet/Goran like Jekyll/Hyde?
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>Letty was afraid of toilets
>so afraid she frequently pissed and shit her pants
>that how she realize she loved pee pee and poo poo
It all makes sense now
Jon is actually fairly handsome, his speech impediment is terrible but I could see how it might be endearing
holy fuck
God she needs to be inseminated
trisha imitating ghetto black women
Jimmy is so fucking abused. Born to be abused.
>other fish talk about their pasts normally
>jimbo bring up his past and immediately talks about how terrible his parents and childhood were
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>trisha drawing
Whatever happened to Trish's art? She wasn't that bad.
How does she have a fat ladies face
Jimmy is the most molested man of all time
Jimmy need the money. He's unemployable.
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Trish delish my favorite fish rolling through this thread like make a wish!
so is Tay, they are meant for each other
duanye was right about her needing to stop pretending to be ghetto because she clearly isn't and just embrace being a nerd
Shinji status? maybe the food is better back in Japan but if he's depressionmaxxing it could go either way. Starving himself or stuffing himself like those fat Koreans.
they brought the wrong 2 s2 cast members in as fish
Jimmy trauma dumping? News to me
Had enough of jimmy at this point nigga went to a 50k tard college he acts like he struggled fucking mentally ill faggot.
Mouth made for sucking cock
Frank physically threw her around B3 and destroyed the art book.
Do you think all 6 fish will feel fulfilled with their time on fishtank once this season is over?
What happened with Taylor and Jimmy? I wasn't watching for that part

And does Tayleigh actually have a restraining order out against Xavier?
Vamps forming up at downs
that was a clip of sodaman getthing wacked idk why peope think it was her, she was wearing black top and baggy green pants
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>Wasn't himself
>Is fun on S2.5 while being one of the most committed to RP
Which is it? You just got psyoped by /tv/ threads.
Jet can we please balance the audio a little bit? its loud as fuck on the basecamp cam then you cant hear shit on the mobile cam. I'm sick of turning the volume up and down.
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i've seen fings uw wouldn't bewieve
Jimmy raped her
>Jon leaves the second Jimmy and Tayleigh starts talking
I wonder why?
She use to be a chubby girl but the real reason is just her facial structure.
jimmy has deserved every single bad thing that has ever happened to him
tf that nigga go to college for?
>And does Tayleigh actually have a restraining order out against Xavier?
Its fake RP shit that Xavier will ignore when he wants to start RPing with Tay again.
I think they have nothing better to do.
jimmy laughing as hard as possible to show hes not mad
fuck the audio they need to fix the god damn ISO levels so we can SEE
The basecamp camera should NOT be better than the handicam
letty is going to rape vance
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>my dog pretty much raised me
sucks cuz he was opening up to letty about his family for a second
>Jimmy shit outside like a dog at age 8
i want her so bad
Tay does the same thing too lol
Cant rape the willing
Did he answer her question of if he's single?
to satisfy his rich parents who wanted him to be normal and snap out of it
>Shat outside as a kid.
Jimmy is a Ted Kaczynski Heroic figure.
no... she's going to marry jon, and then they will have consensual sex on their wedding night.
Nothing that other anon was wrong. The alliance metagaming he did fucked up the tank (gaming too hard). But him being here role playing has been amazing.
To try to make him a normal person it failed that's probably why his dad doesn't talk to Imagine you spend 50k and you still end up with Jimmy.
Cole, JC, Summer, Trish, even Brian would probably be better
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Just 10$ a month could keep Jet bittied up. Without your help, Jet will surly die. Do the right thing, make the choice
there is no real restraining order its just a bit.
trash picking
>jimmy starts hitting people instantly
ugly bitch
disgusting creature
revolting wench
manipulating maggot
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goblina gyatt
Fuck yea
Go ahead, post the lanklet bitch and say she's hot.
That's not a jew. Nobody say that's a nasty fucking Jew.
A contestant literally got kicked for saying something he was told not to in S2 lmao. why would chat be above that?
god damn that blonde goblin is cute
Wow s1 cast sucks at protecting the camp
>jimmy yelling failrp every time he's faced with any threat at all
please someone shut him the fuck up
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>dude we're getting ambushed by animals and goblins and vampires..
HELP HELP ADULTS!!! Taylor is looting when she had a BROKEN WRIST!!
female goblin is the minion I think
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Do they have a fire extinguisher? Someone's going to fall into that fire
goblin sniff
i think cole, shinji or brian would have all killed it but jc and summer wouldnt last another week and trish is to retarded physically to do this
female goblin is ella
jimmy came
>female goblin but you cant do anything about it or you get kicked off jimmy style
“It’s a bit”.. bits are supposed to be funny. This is just a way for her to cope for how sad things are going for her now
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>party wipe

oh noo that's terrible guys >:)
>tactical bear roll
Wait, did Tay say she was afraid of flushing toilets? What in the world
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they can't even survive a RACCOON and GOBLIN raid without JonGOD
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Right, Brian was too meta for the tank. He was the only one who really played the game. If the wigger producers were consistent, he would've won.
They are immune on the bed flooring.
Learn the rules little boy.
>like that's valid like it's part of the game and all but it's kind of creepy dude like ya'll are really disgusting trying to rape me like that
>Jon disappears
>Attack happens straight after
goblin sexo
please throw jimmys cast iron pan into the woods
damn these niggas could at least pretend to be interested. why would they come on the show and not larp?
well I guess they have to start over at day one now
They gave Minion more screen time. Creature status?
what a fucking dumbass
its the second minion without the costume
Absolutely ZASED.
so... so ugly
aww dese moments wiw be wost
wike teows in wain
that counts as a body.
>jimmy actually using the flamethrower to shoot real fire everywhere and burn down the basecamp
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kek fag
lets start a fire
Please let Jimmy set the forest on fire
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it's been a week. why haven't these morons made any rudimentary defenses at the basecamp? where's the trenches? where's the poorly constructed palisades? there's not even a bottle/tin can alarm system set up. grim.
oh jimmy
fucking lmao, kino
Hassled by Coons and Goblins. Jimmy forest fire. Ya did it Jet. Ya delivered kino.
Someone post the goblin basedjack plz
One more Jimmy weapon they'll have to take away
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That was pretty cool
peak comedy

that thigh gap...
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The goblin can't steal anything if it's on fire. Good thinking Jimmy
Bex? Minion?
they should do a diablo style treasure goblin and drop a bunch of loot as they run away
who caught the gobby basedjak pls
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>Makes a REAL flamethrower

these niggas are so checked out
Funniest crewmember my fucking sides help
is this real??
Cheers kek
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Squad wipe, bring on the real players
Jimmy made some trip wire behind the camp but Thaddeus tipped the vampires off
>May the Christian Lowhd Guide My Hand Against Your Wohman Popewy

it tayjak now now
>party about to get wiped by loot goblins
lol these niggas got WRECKED by the whole damn forest
ive been hating jimmy all day but he really knows how to ride the line between accidentally funny and extremely dangerous liability
>Jimmy pissed again
good lord man..
Qrd on Jon? Did they kill him. Last I saw was jet taking him off to get an MRI
his smile and optimism status?
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this is what retards were made for: film
>idle town music immediately after chaos
>have a taste of the forbidden fruit vance
Wtf did they mean by this?
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minion backshots
Goblin coming back
This is so over they lost everything lol
He cane back tonight as a notvamp
The fish looked so fucking defeated that raid
They didn't even try to defend themselves
based trans gobbo
KINO, bravo Jet, 10/10 season
Flat chested gobin waifu? I kneel Jet
waiting for that as well
He came back, was put on the vampire team, and given mod powers
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>Here Jimmy, here's a flamethrower
The female goblin stole all of Letty’s spells kek
Now she’s completely useless
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bog goblin
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Jimmy was raped.
Tayleigh was raped.
Letty was raped.
Jon was raped.
Vance wept.
Tai fucks yo mahm's pussy
She's weird-looking desu Creature is hotter
H-he's fast!
This green jew bit is great and you know it
It's so over, I'm going to tune out before the sadness overtakes Vance, causing him to weep.
fukken saved
thats a dude
Put your phone away ella
thought i was going fucking insane and he had an actual flamethrower before i realized what was actually happening
The goblin running away from Letty clip please
Trannt looks like benleaks/rexpolaroyd
Let the Karren Policing... begin!!
This fuckin rules
Is jimmy ganna hurt another woman?
that part right after this where he started shooting real fire at one of the goblins was totally fucked
I mean there really isn't much they can do against the goblin anyways
Goblin > Xavier
jimmy flame thrower

>vance lost his gun
>tai lost his pistol
>Letty lost her magic
>lost the ammo
>Wasted a bunch of lived
retards got mogged
Gimmy status???
Hunter shafer? Luna?
>all she had to do was just leave me
jimmy lives in a permanent state of self defense against women
So that femGobbo was minion??
So... they just have jimmy shouts?
This is why we need Jimmy around
thought the whole place was gonna go up when i saw that
Only Jimmy with his 125 IQ saved his weapons by making it a real flamethrower.
This should've been enough to scare all the enemies away the fact that they just kept looting after was some fail rp
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meanwhile jon
Jimmy almost started a forest fire and burned down the owner's mansion. I have to admit that's pretty based
jimmy munchkin whining
xe looks like dasha
Jon, the "firefighter", off somewhere comfortably sleeping in a dirty tent covered in fake blood with spiders crawling into his necrotic leg wound
Which he can't even remember
thank you
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Jimmy has to hand hold Letty constantly
kek, things like this is why I keep watching this shit
and he'll wake up tomorrow stronger than ever
Starlight is looking rough, they really need to end it after s5.
>give retard a useless weapon to keep him from hurting someone
>retardation so powerful he still finds a way to destroy everything
Never mind I don't like her
sick digits. checked
he could've just spammed it there too they were all melee
Not her and not even a her

Just how he prefers it
>jimmy already blaming someone else like he did killed right away too
it was custom tailored for him to use the mic and he just took a sword and started retard bashing lol
Not her. Creature is not blonde and she has a fat ass.
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based as fuck
wheres jon
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fuck off newfag
getting leg necrosis from spiders
lol he had a sword there? after they just took the other one?
maybe she should be called creature instead
He prefers to sleep outside of beds
Same as S1
Why are they all assuming the scroll of Judaism effects the goblin in any way? Wait a second... are they racist? Sorry I'm done with this show
It really is incredible, Jimmy's a retarded fuckup savant kek
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>They didn't get the meme?
He sleeps in the tent in the campgrounds.
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joker posting is back on the menu boys
Whoever plays the goblin is a kino machine, that bit with him running from Letty was an all time clip
>take away his weapon because he hurt someone
>basically imply that he's not allowed to use weapons anymore
>immediately picks up another weapon
Sick digits bro. And 69 too. Fucking NICE!
Deserved. These twaitows don't deserve his help
Did someone clip it?
Instead he got out the FLAMETHROWER
>tay admitting her laughter is usually insincere
Hunter Schafers brother?
Haha so true he’s the best and so was Mikhail!
I HATE Tayleigh!
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Dallas won
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Sam just popping in to say cause I know you're lurking loved the goblin thing I got the message I am shocked you remember that life. We've been joking about it recently in my circles it's funny surprised you didn't make him shovel shit like he did back then before he joined up with your troupe. Funny stuff message received really appreciate it today was rough lots of change as you know. Fucking tired man but glad I cut it on for a second a saw that
no shit, she's insecure as fuck and her entire life is a cope
jimmy is gonna remind everyone of the flamethrower for the rest of the season because it the only genuine laughter he's gotten
it's Xavier likely.
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>so was Mikhail!
Do you guys think Jon already forgot Xavier's real name
>tay actually thought jimmy leafblowing the fire pit was the funniest shit
how does she exist
it was Josie
>she’s blaming Jon for the attack
it's crazy how common it is for women under 30 to get multiple botox injections now
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jimmy mad jimmy mad jimmy mad jimmy mad
kek holy shit
100% not Xavier. Completely different bodies. Xavier is hot.
>see bright colors
>laugh and clap
baby brained retard
Sleeping in a nice /comfy/ bed.
>they now have matching injuries
not a shippingfag but these two were fated to be together
jimmy is UNHINGED
God I fucking love Jimmy in his angry retard form
Do we think jimmy make another 7 days? He is already spiraling.
She exists, because we need something to hate
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If you're not endorsing jimmy you are crazy
so close
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>everyone thought letty was going to mindbreak tayleigh
>it was actually jon
They cant let this retard have anything
Take me to Kent Hospital then
Goblin is a kino MACHINE
Based post glad it wasn't wasted on this shit.
>Joe Rogan would never watch this
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big smiles
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>bible study
awwwwwwww fuck
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Based Top J
>implying Letty isn't using Jon as her golem like she did with Jon and Mauro in season 1
I'm fucking psychotic
b-but he is le s2 bad and cringe cast!!1
Jimmy is beginning to show powers somehow...beyond human...
nobody wants 2 endorse Tayleighs lapdog nigga
The Karren Police are here.
punk ass nigger mormon
Jesus christ he's already doing it
File downloaded.
Same, I'm left dumbfounded how shit has just aligns for them.
Jimmy is going to keep bringing up the flamethrower thing, and of course that'll make it even funnier each time
it's like a bluebewwy it's gonna pop any minute
he's extremely simple and predictable
the flamethrower clip wasn't impressive, tayleigh and jimmy hyping it up like it was is proof
It's one of the highlights of his life
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>yeah we'll give jimmy a leaf blower, i mean it blows air how could he turn that into a weapon
wow rude :(
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Kent Hospital hungers for its next victim
Probably looked better irl.
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>letty offering to rub jons leg
my my, how the tabews have tuwned
dysgenic freak
the voicemails... kek
It was cool, stop being a SEETHING faggot.
I'm amazed he didn't immediately march down there and throw a fit.
It is funny that Tayleigh is treating Jon like Cole, she's hell bent on blaming everything on him.
them growing 2 like each other again has been pretty cool, hope they can stay friends
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>doesn't go in for the kiss
tj needs a lot of learning
Jon had sex with this?
They don't want to use Xavier as a companion. The guy who is more powerful than a God or a Demon and has access to console commands...
Jon x Letty has always been a thing. The flirted quite a lot during S1.
Yeah I'm pretty over Jimmy but that was objectively cool
It was but like, shut up now, the moment pass
Delusional Troon.
ARE YOU SERIOUS? you have autism hardcore you stupid fucking retard LMFAO
Jimmy and tay are the same person
They both need someone to blame for everything cause it CAN'T be themselves
jimmy makes the most of his weapons
>lets take his soft sword away and give him hard plastic microphone
next time you do a cool thing, dont bring it up, it makes you look like an insecure faggot
xavier is thinner and has chest hair
Hey guys remember when Jimmy did that epic flamethower moment? That was so cool and kekpilled
As a Jimmy hater i have to admit that leaf blower bit was fucking awesome
Show pussy with time and date
>This morning WDAM News is here live at the sight of last night's tragedy where three local firefighters gave their lives to stop a wildfire that seemingly came out of nowhere in the early morning hours
How is an autistic pyromancer desperately trying to scare away jewish loot goblins not the funniest shit?
It's literally the "dont look at explosions" rule
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Trish has entered her fat Flip trophy wife arc
smokey the bear wept
Based on the voice and movements.
Who do you think it is?
Jon, you must stay strong. Do not be deceived by this wicked witch
Hearing him retell the story multiple times in a matter of minutes was really frickin' sweet as well.
why didn't jimmy tell them he can talk to the creature?
>jimmy phoneposting
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did jon really sodomize her?
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hot take: Dallas is cuter than Taylor
It's jet himself
what's even crazier is that these people are allowed to vote
Qrd on this schizo post?
That was based kino! I just can't get enough of his silly shenanigans. Bright colors!
Brah you're a Karren. Just accept it. You want to police people.
Literally nothing better than someone asking Letty if she's Jewish. It's the best Fishtank tradition
They need to just start supplying Jimmy with inoffensive baby toy weapons. Make him blow bubbles and shake rattles.
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>yes well you see you're fucking autistic anon
>i have more important matters to attend to
>I didn't know!
Oh Jon.
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Jimmy is the weapon.
The flamethrower was cool in the moment but Jimmy telling Jon "watch the clip when you have your phone again" and how him and Tayleigh were talking about it has ruined it, they should've let it pass, nobody is saying it wasn't cool
Letty is and always was in love with Jon, he's too autistic to see it
>he can blow a bubble into a woman eyes causing her to slip backwards into a ditch
Too dangerous for him
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serious lack of xavier today
she was going in to psychosis, it was an emergency medical procedure that saved her life
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Why has the ticker been stuck at Day 6 for TWO days now? why am i the asshole for pointing this out? i got clips to post and I DONT KNOW WHAT DAY IT IS CANONICALLY!!! is this Jet Neptune Simulator where we are in ground hog day now?

people were yelling at me for not buying a season pass. if you cant get the fucking day right why should i pay you money, love you, no homo
Blame the chickenfucker
Jimmy is such a cock sucking faggot, that cult school taught him well.
Thanks Tayleigh
>we gave jimmy a weapon
who cares
arena a cam up
i wonder who's fault that is
He's in love with her as well. He spent an entire year talking shit about her directly in dm's, phone calls, and publicly.
>restraining order!
>hey guys remember when i had the flamethrower 10 minutes ago?
>haha that was so funny
>s2 fags ruin another moment
what else is new
>tayleigh laughing at that is the only viral thing shes done all season
brought it up again
correct take: theyre both ugly dumpy white trash
>The Goblin is thick and strong

Kek he literally overpowered and mogged them two nights in a row. Stronger than both Jimmy and Jon retard strength combined
>he's still talking about it
This guy can only be cool by accident
He was literally elected King of Schitty earlier
>Jimmy brought it up again
She doesn't deserve him. She's unstable and will destroy him
majority of season 2 fish were always obsessed with "content" and referencing season 1
i'm surprised that Sam's not even one of my top 5 favorite characters this season (and i really like Duke.)
imagining the inflated version of Jimmy's epic flamethrower story as time goes on
>no yeah so it's like I was shooting like ten foot flames out of the leaf blower and one of the vampires caught on fire and production had to put him out and then everybody clapped
jimmy only mentions nipples, porn, mormons, niggers, gays, jews, trannies, or childrens cartoons
letty needs to use the baby poop scroll on the goblin
it's the guy leaked on the flowstreams cam before the season started. he has a zoomer haircut. seems to be a producer. once again, you're a fucking idiot and i'm franky ashamed i'm the only one to realize this
>the goblin works out quite regularly
and DIAPERS!!!
kent hospital is calling Ms Pendleton, will you be picking up
For me its:
Blacksmith + Wife
you can give jimmy anything and he'll find a way to turn it into a dangerous weapon
>production said we need to work together as a team to develop a plan
>jimmy starts talking about tommy pickles "pulling out a gat"
>no one laughs
>continues anyway
>jon joins in, then tayleigh
truly an assembly of exceptional individuals
his brief performance today was really good i just wish he was around more to do more besides lifting weights or sparring
Hating on Letty is fun because she likes to be annoying and aggravating but hating on Jimmy doesn’t even make sense in the context of the show
so random!!
for me it's:
blacksmith's wife
(then duke)
They need each other, 2 lost souls who won't make it without each other, jet needs to make this happen before it's too late
I never jumped in on the Tayleigh hate but I am starting to dislike her presence on the show because it does seem to have a negative effect at times. This day really proved that.
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be honest bros, will the vibe from day 6 ever come back?? they were all so happy
this is so good
jimmy's my fuckin hero this season. i hated him s2. he's SO much better when he's medicated and not drinking.
Jimmy is a rapist who should be locked up forever
>i'm surprised that Sam's not even one of my top 5 favorite characters this season
to me that means the season is largely working out to be a success
last season having sam always around to tard wrangle and keep up the energy was depressing
It would be cool if there was an adult version of Rugrats but I was wearing the diaper
Christ Jimmy and Tay are so fucking cringe literal high school behavior
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im starting to think that the toy cocaine is really cool actually
Not until tay leaves
why does tayleigh already seem more out of it than the end of s2 where she was in the same house for 42 days
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stay outside smoke weed
Why is there no good tiermaker for season 2.5 yet
jimmy can consume so much caffeine thats so fucking bad ass remember when he made that flamethrower
tayleigh lookin kinda beat today ngl
Jon will destroy himself if he doesn't find love soon
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Tay needs to go
>it's a transfer of energy
dam, jon with the deep answer
no, you see, they need each other. Jon is the one man capable of telling HER what to do, and she's capable of soothing and potentially domesticating Jon.
What Jet needs to make happen is >>200776788
she is having withdrawals they had to literally give her 2 IVs the first 2 days she's a druggie WHORE
you're a massive faggot for using the wigger site
dude...get this... He's.He's... He's.. SNORTING CAFFEINE LIKE IT'S COCAINE, HOW EPIC IS THAT????!!!!
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where’s collagefag we need a day 7 one
Snorting caffeine at 1:30am after a long day. Make it make sense.
She's trying to keep up appearances, but she was on her phone and knows that her entire fanbase was decimated by her actions. She has nothing to go back to after this and it's probably not fully set in
the inability to realize everyone hates her because she can't comprehend team cooperation and stop being paranoid + withdrawals
We need a goblin basedjak icon for the fishtank site
>fucking up your nose for no high
Vibes are back man! Did you see that super cool flame thrower?
>tay bragging about having been so fucked up she saw the hat man
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>you rang Jon
>Be me
>come home from work
>Find creature on desk eating my bandwidth
Flowstream sucks because you can’t see the chat
thats just so random
hes always down for some silly shenanigans
Damn, guess I just have to get both of the pregnant ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jimmy's been on meds since childhood most likely. He's just wired different
she's addicted to kfc
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this nigga illuminatin
it's all she thinks about is getting high, that's why her new bf is a druggie dude younger than her.
she was actually excited about her white trash tripping lmao
What is Jimmy waiting for at 3:00 am?
I'm just gonna put a paper bag over her head and look at her thigh gap
hey guys remember that snortable caffeine i have it's totally not cocaine but like what if we pretended it was. also that reminds me of that episode of this children's cartoon that had BOOBS in it which is actually really cool and also sorry if i sounded mad for a second there i was raped by mormons did you know that let me tell you more about that
the worthless jew chat you need to pay for? faggot
qrd I'm not clicking
erm that's Minion ackshually
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She would be really pretty if she didn't have the cheek and lip fillers, sad
I could tell that she was a model almost immediately though, she has good proportions
didnt see any kino screencaps today tbqh. not hating on today, just saying i was on all day and didn’t save anything.
fuck tayleigh
would you eat out Tayleigh for $100,000
Xavier Chris Brian BSW Duke are the best in show. Jon is best fish
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An evergreen gif
The chat for supporters. You know, the ones allowing you to watch this thing? Retard
when letty mentioned the iv making her feed good, tayleigh latched on to that idea going so far as refusing to eat unless she got it. weird addict mindset
hell no
He was trying
Hey make sure when you get home to check out the clip of what I did with the flame thrower it was so sick and funny i just hope it looked good on camera
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damn bruh, it was definitely a weak day but there was a few good ones I saw
>tay gets 2 IV bags
>jon gets a bandaid, percs, a wheelchair that breaks, and some crutches
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Only thing i saved
depends on how much the medical bill is
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i would but there really wasn't much besides a few pics when sam showed up desu
imagine being this retarded. retards are very easily separated from their money
I think all the kino today literally came from Jon
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I don't care how annoy she gets, I will never be convinced she's not hot
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i've been away...
Why did tayleigh attack Xavier???
no but yeah its like i know it looks like cocaine but i promise its a real company this stuff doesnt even make me get hyper i could do this whole bag does anyone want to watch me do this whole bag and its like hey watch me do this remember when i made that flamethrower
If Jimmy's weapon was a pool noodle, what would be the most damage he could do to a person?
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>That faint black bar below the middle bottom pic
Glad my shitty cap made it to the collage :^)
I het money and to eat out her sweet pussy? Yes please
sfx was never funny
>Why did tayleigh attack Xavier???

She thought that he was her stalker, and that Jet had invited him on
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Cweature ate Tay's snackies and blamed it on him.
Please get some fucking standards dude, holy shit.
Are they actually gonna give us less Xavier So they can keep TAYLEIGH???? She's literally not even being a villain like Letty she's just cucking content and entertainment
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this was pre-bender she's BEAT and aged 10 years in 2
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>watching on fishtank.live
for all of you greentexting >she this is basically tayleighs body with a prettier/bogged faced. you are jerking to the same thing
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>hehe funi scream
it's that time of the night where you might as well close the stream because it's going to be nothing but obnoxious sound effects blasting in your ear for an hour
You don't get it I can use freakin AI to make some epic kino sounds that'll totally annoy the fishies
>the screaming sfx could have been Bex, Taylor, Creature
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the true choice
Prolonged exposure to fishtank TTS will trigger any underlying genetic schizophrenia
jon & letty <3
Film campfire conversations with hearable voices, film the night looting session, no, farm tts and disrupt any interest of viewers.
Heck House
sfx so funny le funny le jimmy loud funny le reddit ha ha !!! LAUGH!!
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The "ear rape" SFX only works if the speaker is near the contestants, not the camera
Tay makes nuMDJEET shitskins and roasties seethe
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letty fallen hard rn
i agree. it's a pleasant surprise.
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You don't think the esteemed young Tacxin is good enough for her?
lack of sleep
god forbid i could hear the fucking conversation
>basically tayleighs body
in what world lmao
she clearly has model proportions
tayleigh has the body of a marooned sailor
Dude AI is so freakin kino you can make it scream or you can make it scream or you can have it be freaking INDIAN (the funny country from the dank memes)
hope they kees
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Mauro is leaving the season one house again
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THE 2nd GOBLIN/BANDIT/MONSTER Attack VIDEO: https://x.com/cryo2052/status/1808012753812312249
and for my next trick, i will spam noises that annoys the audience more than any of the fish because they're outside so this isn't nearly as loud to them
Why is the representation 4 season 2 so bad??? i wld rather they have Brian & Shinji replace Jimmy and Tayleigh at least we get a that's fair and an OBAMNA SODA every once and a while
rubbing trish's hard nipples
was he?
she's asking him about God.
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she was raped several times??? did you miss that
why do they think noises are funny
KEK, Hi Jordan
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I will tell you this: I will lick the sweat from the crevasses between Trish's hips and thighs. I do not want her to shower or even rinse herself off. A man of my taste requires the full flavor of a chubby filipinas essence. So it has been said, so it shall be done.
>Jon x Letty kino
>SFX spam

bedtime i guess
Hey Jet can we hear Jon and Letty please?
Gimmy won today
brian is better on the production side, no one wants to do the ESL shit with shinji anymore (and he was boring)
this time she's working with professionals.
>literally unable to hear their convo
Jet you little bastard I love you
The Indian guys arguing is so freakin kino they say weird words and they're from the funny country
this but jon
This season just proves Tai can survive in any environment
They're funny and I don't have the energy to pretend I'm above them
>what would be entertaining?
>fish talking?
>nah, nonsense earrape AI sound effects for hours
Jimmy's doing great when Tayleigh's not bringing him down.
he's been completely checked out since day 3
if only i could fucking hear
Hey guys the conversations are irrelevant right now. We are at a financial deficit. Please consider donating.
We live in holes mother fucker
Joe Rogan would never watch this
Fuck you for Vietnam
jet you're a colossal faggot, just wanted to let you know again
Xavier cam immedietly
seriously who is paying for this shit... insane paypigs..
Keep doing more Goblin shit we like seeing you in that fit little bruh
soooo....today was shit
she use to love asking jon to read the bible to her
whats the difference?
im white so no

new bake
Remember when everyone said s2 cast sucked? They weren't lying. Tj won. Let that sink in. That no charisma retard won
>how terrible brian was already getting memoryholed
Production said to check out the fishtank wiki. This is the cool conversation you were missing out on.
Just turn it down so it isn't ear raping.
>no charisma
>every female on twitter wanting his child
Its like week 1 fishtank never ended. Take me back bros
No one is watching or donating because you keep spamming unfunny sfx. Get cancer asap.
>Jimmy's doing great when Tayleigh's not bringing him down.
You must have missed Jimmy's insane ranting when he became aware of what Tay was going through last night, Jet and Bex were berating him over TTS and cut his POV cam during his psychotic ranting in the woods. Jimmy always goes into a rage whenever Tay suffers, he has no interest in Fishtank without her.
The last 8 hours have been kino incarnate
day 6 was when it started going to shit

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