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Edition edition
>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous >>200778616
*mogs your season*
samefag post again and again
The only way to save the season is to have vampires kill Tayleigh
they should do jon's storyline to her but have sam actually tear out her jugular with his teeth
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Some things never change
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JET make this happen!

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imagine missing out on S1 SOVL
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Will fatty be less funny when he's normal weight? Looks like he's heading towards that.
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looking 4 porn where the girl looks exactly like Betty and the guy looks exactly like me...
its one of those weirdo obsessions the crew have where they coddle tay by censoring randomly, but blow every load they can on trying to get jimmy and jon to freak out
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Josie was raped
if you call something a .5 season you can just write it off as and experiment instead of taking the heat of being a full season failure. you are all being bamboozled into shiling for them for free
Are you a black guy?
and isn't the archive missing like the first 2 weeks or something?
Can Xavier kill Tayleigh?
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bro if i was sleeping and jimmy was talking about this shit next to me...
no, and since i'm not, maybe Betty and i can make our own video some day.
>anyone who's watching this...
>can you please use a fishtoy to buy me some shorts?
>i dont really have any left...
>size 34 shorts...
I was about to say this, for fucks sake its 3 am
It just seems obvious that Jimmy and Tay are going to whore their mental health for attention or viewers or cash or whatever it is and that's a mistake. I think people like them who don't really cope well with the humiliation, mind games and torture should learn their lesson and get out before they embarrass themselves further. It's been 6 days and they both are coming off like they did at 3+ weeks and they're breaking down. This just wasn't a good idea for them right now.

I don't really like the pettiness and inflated egos on them but I figure one of the lessons they'd take away from S2 was just how much your sanity, dignity and overall health is worth vs. a middling sum of money.
what's he talking about? i turned it down and turned on a podcast due to jet faggot ear rape
jimmy fucks wild randy
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>maybe Betty and i can make our own video some day.
Not happening. She only likes BBC
s2 nostalgia fags watch against their own interests
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i think jimmy's fine, and only being brought down by tayleigh via his dedication to her.
Im 6' 180lbs and I wear 34, he looks way fatter than me... wtf?
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Is it true that Letty, Jon and Vance were all lucid dreaming earlier tonight?
aint no way that tubby fuck only wears a size 34
shoulda recycled the Oliver thread.
i meant to type s1, my bad
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no, she doesn't, actually. that is fake news.
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pretty sure unless jimmy gets pulled to the side he's going to sperg out tomorrow. he's doing his schizo wandering, except they're doing actual content during the day, and letty has routinely voiced her concern that she doesn't feel safe

which is absolutely not reassured by the fact that Jimmy has dead eyes and is throwing grease everywhere. And now he's gotten into his head that production is against him with the girl getting hurt tonight
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No girls have gotten hurt yet
thanks. man, somebody get jet to bring him some shorts...
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O Holy Spirit, descend plentifully into my heart. Enlighten the dark corners of this neglected dwelling and scatter there Thy cheerful beams.
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Damiel mogged
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How would you have handled Letty in this situation?
(You are Jimmy and cannot control your emotions)
They said Jimmy sprained Taylor's wrist during the goblin attack
yeah that made no sense because who would be nostalgic for s2
i meant to type s2.5, my bad
he wears his shorts halfway down his ass so maybe
The dichotomy of seasons.
my interest is content and season 2 had more of it
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people distribute fat differently
so the exact same thing he did in season 2?
yeah, i wear a 36, but i sag, and he's bigger than me.
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It was a simpler time.
Is violent rape an option?
jimmy hurt one of the female vampires because he decided to use rope and sword and actively try and swing it as hard as he could
I'm gay
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everything about this is awful
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i can't control my emotions in your hypothetical so i probably poke her boob.
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but in record time
That's called a haymaker bitch
tai is really funny why hasn't his comedy career popped off. does he need to hire an expensive jewish agent to make connections for him?
>Jimmy why didnt you win s2?
>Couldnt handle the pressure and fucked up
End of conversation
If someone seriously fucks with the cast iron pan he'll go off like it was another toy phone. His tone is so pissy and he's seething all day long. He's fine in that I think he can tolerate the environment enough to stay, but how he's acting and coming off to the viewers is not going to be positive. He's becoming more and more of a pure lolcow.
he's wearing them almost at his knees so it makes sense
>all the fishtank clippers this season are active mods and chatters in Taylor’s twitch streams
>taytriots are currently trying to dox jimmys friends
Jesus Christ are you guys just gonna let Dallas win everything?
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I would've backhanded her most likely but I have no self-control
whats the point of keeping the fish up all night??
josie really got into the gangster larp she wouldve done good this season
Extremely based.
somebody PLEASE post the summer goon pmv, I'm bout to fuckin bust
as if she could be thwarted
she's ten steps ahead
why jimmy's friends?
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Princess tummy!
There's a kill tony video on his youtube where he performs stand up in front of joe rogan. Joe rogan has shit tastes and didn't really care
nice filename you subhuman
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NIIIIFTEEEEYYYYYYYY GOTTA WAKE UP STIME FOR GROUP MEETING NIFTAAAYYYYY MY NIGGAA that's what's up that's what's up keep going let's go uh huh, uh huh, NIFTAAAYYYYYYY Gotta wake up
lmao i did notice this. i see some lettycel clips but they just clip letty, the taylorcels clip everything.
Hey guys, Bex here

What we thinking?

i fat fingered s2 instead of s1 in response to all the s2 nostalgia fagging going on ITT
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S2 was miserable and awful but those first few days were really something special
wifebeater ben is the preferred option
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Not that it makes a difference but I didn't name it that.
flip tummy
Sex with Bex
oh no hell house was actually hell house?
Haven't been watching this at all but i heard tayleigh had a mental breakdown. Can I get a qrd??
S2 had higher highs and lower lows. S1 was special because it was the first run of the show.
Season 2 is for the thinking man

Only true intellectuals can understand the incredibly subtle humour of it
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None of this is true. Jimmy's handler (Mephisto/Goon) is threatening to doxx the Taytriots. No one is trying to doxx him because his personal information is already in the archives.

The terms are simple. The Nigger Who Sold Out Downey either fucks off and leaves us alone, OR he can be the one to blame for Jimmy's felony charges and eventual suicide.

The choice is his.
Did I mention that I'm gay?
Jimmys friends are trying to dox taytriots who turned on tayleigh (all of them) to help team chud. So taytriots are fighting back. They’re trying to dox “mephisto” it’s all in /bant/
>soda tent and arena a come back
>town is down

bravo jet
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Why does production always push his buttons?
>. S1 was special because it was the first run of the show.
Glad you made that point. We needed that one cleared up.
S1 was better all around because the friend tank aspects were genuine, and there was a healthy balance. also jet was more hands-off, and acted more as a producer than their buddy jet.
Did Shinji deserve everything that happened to him?
>it's also blown out of proportion
You should look at demographics sometime. The issue is that this compounds.
I'll respond to you in the next thread if a pic of London to show what I mean.

"quiet quitting"
This is caused by low wages (due to immigration, it's known that immigration decreases wage growth, in EVERY field of work, various banks have said it even. Wages haven't kept up with inflation for ~27 out of the last 30 years)
College not amounting to getting a job in the field you studied in, so people get in a lot of debt for no result.
And of course DEI/diversity programs, which act as a multiplier for the others mentioned. These programs are in the process of pushing out Whites, and not creating jobs for them, in middle to upper income jobs.
Lack of religion plays a part, as well as the enthralling lure of modern media (TV/Games etc)
Lastly American culture is broken, so is the United states society. There is no longer an unbroken chain of history going back in time and projecting into the future. You see this with Whites no longer wanting to join the Army, why risk your life? National pride is a proxy for social health. Why struggle for a future you are told overwhelming by media/culture AND education, that you shouldn't exist in?
There is a Greek proverb which I will rephrase into a question: Why do old men plant trees for which they will never sit under?
He has his moments but he doesn't have enough really good material.
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S2 is for people who watch Turkey Tom videos about lolcows and leave detailed armchair psychology comments analyzing the behavior of people only slightly more retarded than them. S1 is for chill dudes with chill vibes and A10 eyes
Fishtank works best when its 50% hellhouse and 50% friendtank. S2 reached 95% hellhouse and they ditched the cult plotline because it was not fun and really hard to watch.

I would say 2.5 has perfect ratio.
nothing bad really happened to him, so... yeah i guess so.
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lol we're halfway though the season and I've never even used the arena cams because they're down so often I've written them off.
how much does the average fish make from the tank?
recency bias. you wil change your mind when s3 airs
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Whats the issue with TJ?
wiiillllllllllddd randy
Betty was right about the Taytriots.
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well it was also 95% friendtank at first. production was too involved, and the fish really had no idea what to do.
I kneel.
Oliver not getting a good nights rest was the funniest shit for me.
what'd she say? i used to be a taytriot.
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S2 was more hellish and that was a GOOD THING

DESPITE THAT it is still inferior because S1 was much more unscripted and well paced. S2 peaked around day 32 and everyone, viewers, contestants and crew, were burnt out by the end. S1 achieved hell house right when it needed to in the final few days and had a satisfying conclusion
They just made him the main character of a shitty season with the most retarded fanbase of anything on the planet. I don't see how anyone could actually dislike him though he's just a chill sperg
They ditched the cult stuff because sam hyde had a christcuck fit about an infograph calling the show satanic
Was this the first time too for anyone else which made you suspect Tayleigh as a person? Here you have Charleston White threatening to rape her and Tayleigh spat at all over people who had sympathy for her by sucking up to him the next day. It was infuriating
Hey give me Jimmy shout “ I’m labrodorsexual “ for every basic strike and more Xavier this instant
nothing about this appeals to me
Because his buttons are as big as a house and you can press them by breathing in his direction. Hes a grown man who has a 12 year oldest level of control over his emotions, its pathetic to see. He shouldn't be in the public eye at all for his own good
based. ruin the dogfuckers life.
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Something along the lines of them not actually liking her or not being real fans.
>day 32
the day mr beast became greg. pretty good choice
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It's not hellhouse imo. It's nice.

The issue with S2 is there was too much fish vs fish action.
2.5's action has been a lot of Fish vs vampires and fish vs audience. Which makes it fun to watch. Pic related.
when i heard her "think it dream it do it... and fuck idubbbz" chant echo through every room of the house on day 5 was enough for me but the
situation didn't help either
S2fags go 5 minutes without trying to ruin a mentally disabled persons life challenge
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also the Machine
an underrated bit because it was always past the normal peak viewing hours. Everybody watching the next day had no idea why he was acting so fucked up and miserable
They ditched the cult theme, because half the cast was gone in 10 days
Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you the sanest taytriot.
He's quick.
Season 2 plotline fell apart because the fish wouldn't do anything on their own. It got to the point where Sam and Jet banned the phrase "production told me to"
It had me in tears. Too bad it ended like on night 2 or 3 can't remember atm.
i feel really bad for these /bant/ fags who are this invested. take it easy, its just a "tv" show
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Where were the fucked up Schizo Fans of S2 when S1 was airing? Why did S2’s cast drew the attention of the absolute worst of society?
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You must not have been in the threads
Both seasons had a similar pace of losing contestants pretty early then turning it into the fatty show.
They shitted on them for saying that, but retards like jimmy would physically attack them if they didn't
production told me to call you guys faggots
oliver arrived on day 28 (pictured)
Season 2.5 when Tayleigh wasn't there > Season 1 pre Jon leaving > Season 2 pre Coal and Summer leaving (Uh and JC and Meg I guess) > Season 2.5 > Season 1 post Jon leaving > The rest of season 2
Every other girls simps spend their time online going
>check out this cute gif!
And infighting over who gets into the super secret special server where she posts an extra photo a day. It’s actually incredible Tayleigh simps managed to end up in some fucking online proxy war with Jimmy.
thanks for enlightening me, anon. I'm not super into politics so i appreciate you sharing more info with me.
and what is that quote originally?
Those are from that Lemon Plantation website.
i meant day 24
the sleep deprivation lasted until the 28th, which was bliccy night
TJ and Trish had the best friendship of Fish Tank
Everyone in those threads was shitting on Jet and calling him Goran for fucking up season 2.
a group of josies most schizo fans are planning to stalk her at anime expo this week
It wasn't S2's cast it was just the energy of the show. The audience is just a reflection of what the season was and now even when we get another chill season like S2.5 we have to put up with these retarded faggots in every thread telling eachother to kill themselves because they like Retard A more than retard B and doxxing their chudwifes bull
>tai playing xbox
This is not a challenge for me, nor is it a challenge for the S2fags.

The challenge lies in the hands of Mephisto now. Will he ruin Jimmy's life for a kentucky methhead? Will his nigger handler be the one pull the trigger?
keyed. fuck tyrone gon do?
yeah and season one was joker posting making fun of jet
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they were cute
oh i see. i don't think i relate to the majority of taytriots. i just liked her in season 2, for the most part.
Funniest hour of tts in fishtank history
i don’t like how i haven’t seen them together on feeds so far. jet should let us buy treats for trish so she doesn’t get lonely.
The reception to S1 started strongly and consistently declined as it went on
The reception to S2 also started strongly and consistently declined as it went on

Anything else is cope

Goblinchads, are our bitties fitted?
>jet should let us buy treats for trish so she doesn’t get hungry.
Damn bro you're just like a movie character with the high ground in a mexican standoff because you're threatening to leak some fat retards shit over a mid egirl you never had a chance with or something
Somone TTS him to do an Asian accent as DJ
>Why did S2’s cast drew the attention of the absolute worst of society?
just jimmy and tay because they are scum. trish and brian fans are more normal and people generally like TJ.
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She said they were more interested in online lynchings and starting feuds and drama within their group and other groups than actually watching and supporting Tay.
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she needs treats even if she isn’t hungry
plushies for trish, i would actually like, and i think they'd make her happy.
ah. i'm more the... interested in tay nailing fatty into the crawlspace kind of taytriot.
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That was Bensleaks. Betty just said she was Tayleighs only fan during season 2 or some retarded shit.
How would you rate Tayleigh's return after her wobble? Is she still your top fish? She is for me.
The cult stuff ruined the contestants dynamics of the show, it wasn't well thought out as far as its effects on the content were concerned. It was just in there as a nod to the 70s and a kind of edgy Easter egg. It backfired.
Jimmy... lost?
kill tay
They all got really fat. Almost like fatty has put a spell on them to absorb his fat
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only good post itt
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TJ and Summer are still skinny.
aww wtf <3 you can't script this shit. top 3 clips of s2 imo
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i have this saved. thought you might like it.
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>Whatever happened to the taytriots

Your looking at em
fund the quest
Jet Instagram story meaning?
Cole was being set up to be the protagonist and uncover the mystery of the cult but ofc that never happened and it messed up their plans
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jesus christ I forgot about that
The term "Jet Instagram story" can refer to a specific type of Instagram Story content featuring private jets or luxury travel. This type of content is popular among influencers, celebrities, and people showcasing a luxurious lifestyle. These stories often highlight:

Luxury Travel: Images or videos of private jets, the interior of the jets, and the experiences of traveling in them.
Status Symbol: Showcasing wealth, success, or a high-status lifestyle.
Aspirational Content: Inspiring followers with a lifestyle that many aspire to have.
Brand Promotion: Sometimes, these stories are sponsored by brands in the luxury travel or aviation industry.

If you have seen a specific "Jet Instagram story" and are curious about its context, feel free to share more details!
>30 seconds of techno music
>Dead silence

This is the funniest shit ever idc, 2.5 best season
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Xavier vs Duke has been ruined because the fish are all retarded and trust neither. The season 2.5 plot is going nowhere.
The only tangible culty aspect was the attack therapy which didn't take away anything from the show. It probably molded tayleigh into more of the villain they needed.
>selfie of jet with the subtitle "comms mad quiet rn"
no idea
His new one. About com status. What mean? Something happening or I can jerk off and go to sleep?
It’s not xavier vs the duke though, the plot is the fish gathering the 5 magic items and having greg helsing slay the duke
trish and oliver were also cute. this was a very will they/won't they night
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Why did you delete that vocaroo you posted on bant
It sounds like you're referring to a specific Instagram story posted by someone, possibly about their current status or situation. If this story contains information or updates that are important to you, it might be worth checking it out to understand what's happening. Without more context, it's hard to provide a precise interpretation.

However, if you're not particularly concerned about the content and just want to know if it's something urgent or important, it might be helpful to quickly review the story. If it turns out to be nothing significant, you can then relax and proceed with your evening plans.
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abby mentioned
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It's me, sir; the last taytriot... I come before you today, humbled and humiliated, to ask you for one thing..... I want you to kill Tayleigh Pendleton./10
>meg, summer and betty were the only 3 not invited back for 2.5
are sam and jet racist against white girls who like black guys or something?
She just not interesting and ruins the flow/vibe
>meg, summer and betty
Asylum crew
considering the extreme insanity of summer and betty it must be depressing for meg to get blacklisted just for being so fucking cringe and boring
Please tell me this is some taytriots case worker
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post Taylors to RESTORE the vibes
What happened to summer after season 2? Does she still think she got raped?
she's probably blacklisted for wasting their time
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so why does creature have jimmy's piss?
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>tfw you get your daily good morning blessing from betty
Feelsgoodman :)
what's your fave #MegMoment? mine was when she wrote "JUDGE HAS AIDS" on the wall #MegItUp #Meg
She is Jimmy's old caseworker.
I may be misremembering but didn't meg do a whole stream shitting on production right after she left the show?
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2.5 has retroactively made me dislike S2 more.
In S2
* Sam was too involved in the day to day
* Ben was insufferable
* Jet lacked authority
* The initial plan for the show failed almost instantly
* The plan was bad and created an environment were so no real comradery could be made between fish
* Elimination felt targeted and arbitrary
* Plans for the fish could be seen a mile away
* overall meanness without humor or rebound

I seriously went into S2.5 hating Ben and disliking Brian having lost a lot of respect for Sam.
When he is put in a proper environment this all changed. Ben is funny when he is playing off Brian (who is doing an awesome job) or chip or random NPC's breaking the rules. It's good natured.
Jet interjects over the speakers when needed and he appears when needed. Not being an active, therefore impartial, person in the story is 100% correct.
Sam is exactly where he should be. Aloof, authoritative, interjects from time to time to progress the story or to simply be entertaining. He's not an extra fish to just hangs out with them, getting slowly more aggravated with the fish and the audience. Having another person, Xavier being the more active agent of chaos which plays off Sam is just good and entertaining story telling.
This mini season has been a massive creative turn around.
she got a bf
She’s still at the hospital. No one picked her up.
imagine how kino that could have been
>checkee the twitter
>its real
maybe, i didnt watch any of those early streams because they were all in her fucking mario kart discord or brian playing games to 6 people
Honestly? A lot. She claimed jon consensually raped her ass. But she might have just been fucking with some Meg orbiter who had a crush on her. That’s the main thing I feel like reminding people of though. There’s other stuff.
Give me a quick rundown fren
2 was too experimental without anyone following the LARP of it being the 1970’s. It really went nowhere, and honestly most of the cast leaving in like the first week was crazy. 2.5 works so well because everyone’s fully committed to the bit, I mean for fucks sake Xavier and the Goblin are so good. I hope for 3 they scale it back and go back to no theme, just Fishtank like season 1.
It was like a baad feedback loop with Sam staying. Contestant leaves early > TTS drops > Sam has to stay more > Doesnt like staying that long > Contestant leaves early...

Cole was the nail in the coffin considering the drop in TTS and how miserable the Judge was. That was when Jet was at peak Euphoria and dropped the ball.

Season 2 was just a big casting mistake. Glad they fired Jenny or whoever is in charge of that for S3
I did not delete it. The vocaroo was reported or removed.
She got on some Lance stream and markyposted.
Season 2 had so much potential but it was squandered by a shitty cast and an incompetent production crew
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how do you have all of this? dated 2015, did you hack him?
>the attack therapy which didn't take away anything from the show

It killed their personalities and initiative to do things because it made the fish scared of getting dog piled and harassed during the sessions. This has been discussed a lot. Sam doesn't seem to have been aware of the purpose of these sessions within cults and was just doing it because it was cultish.
i agree with a lot of these points. I think the framework of 2.5 is the way to go, and allows for more pushed storytelling instead of screaming at a bunch of sunlight deprived fish to do content as Sam breaks stuff

plus goblin and xavier are absolutely terrific. being outside helps motivate the fish to do daily tasks and remain to an extent as mentally healthy as a bunch of spergs can be.
Jimmy lost, Taytriots are in control.
I don't know if she's blacklisted or not but given how things went down it's just not worth it to take another chance on her, she's not mentally strong enough
do they even call themselves that anymore?
yeah 2.5 mogs 2
2.5 also works because they picked 6 beloved contestants who are all in on the joke. 2’s cast was a shitshow because you had faggot fans like Brian and weirdos like CJ and Summer Destroying every bit.
I have 12 more screenshots of their exchange with one another. I'm sitting on this all unless Mephisto continues to act like a typical Memphis hoodrat.
You already disliked s2 from the get go and everyone thinks 2.5 is inherently fun. Worthless analysis. And I've never seen anyone who hates ben on any season. Ben is a prince.
Jimmy's nigger handler probably saw it.
Hoarderman? Is that you?
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>6 beloved contestants
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I agree i like with 2.5 being the way to go, and I think a lot of people pining a return to season 1 don't realize that it was lightning in a bottle

my only concern is that I don't think 2.5 has made as much money as 2, since the whales spend the most amount of money pandering to their favorite waifu or self insert, which means even though 2.5 is creatively more entertaining, shekel hyde and goyjet will try and nickel and dime the audience as hard as possible
if he doesn't retaliate, will you ever give us the full story?
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This EVIL bitch is trying to control him just like the Mormon niggers who raped him and his sister!
You should just leak it all soon. No one will care who Jimmy is in 2 weeks time.
seriously trish is great, you can tell they both genuinely like each other. where's my trish/tj kino
inb4 taylor gets jealous
dirty nigger dick sucking whore princess who needs to be put down
I would not call 2.5 cast beloved except Tai and Vance. Beloved would have been Tai, Josie, Vance, Trish, Shinji and I know you hate him but he has less seethers than anyone I left off, TJ.
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nigga got up in go mode
still makes me laugh that tay trying to mock and pick on greg to make herself look better got super memory holed
she doesn't suck niggers, so...
I mean Trish and TJ are in 2.5 lol. Josie would never survive a wooded area. Shinji also literally lost his mind.
People do really like Letty and Jon (mee).
No. I only plan to retaliate and leak everything if he or any of Jimmy's orbiters goes after the Taytriots. I'm indifferent towards Jimmy. If I choose to ruin his life then there will be good reason for it.
> I hope for 3 they scale it back and go back to no theme, just Fishtank like season 1.


Personally it would be cool if it alternative between a mini during summer and a full during winter. Have the winter show be the house show. Have the summer show be more planned, like this is.
They could do a lot of roleplay shows for summer. I am thinking like Black Adders seasons. A WW1 themed summer show might be neat. there are a lot of possibilities.
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dude gets up, fires up the roam_house animation then goes back straight to sleep ilke a oblivion npc lmfao
>If I choose to ruin his life then there will be good reason for it.
Leaking his old DMs isn't gonna ruin his life lamo.
Ben was fucking disgusting about half way through season 2 until the end.
these two make me miss feeling completely whole and at home by just looking into my significant other's eyes
>I mean Trish and TJ are in 2.5 lol. Josie would never survive a wooded area. Shinji also literally lost his mind.
NPCs dont really count because they dont really do much, even Brian. Brian is doing his best RPing but in terms of things he does, it isnt much. I suppose thats for the contestants too but thats more on them wanting to brood all day.
she cancelled his plane ticket because she didn't want him to go after his family because of their cruelty towards him
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>you now remember Brian regurgitating cumtown bits and forming cliques
It was so bad they eliminated Brian with an audience vote to get rid of him early
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she sucked on a nigger dildo nonetheless
is this what you simp for?
I know but that’s who would have been “beloved” fish to return as fish
Jon popularity was at an all time low coming into 2.5 and Letty was more popular but I still don’t think “beloved” describes her.
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He has confessed multiple felonies to me which he has committed in the last six months.

Now ask yourself, where did the "Jimmy was raped" meme come from? It was being posted before the Summer incident.
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>deliberately antagonizes somebody with a history of mental illness and violence
>suddenly scared that he'll hurt her and plays the victim
i think its time to filter this webm
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she bought that dildo to shoot at with a bb gun as a goof (documented.) she found a second use to use it to continue with her mewing.
The purpose was to convince those gay s1 fans not to josiemaxx and it worked on some of them.
can you really be at home with someone you unemotionally refer to as a 'significant other'
Yeah, what's up
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>He has confessed multiple felonies to me which he has committed in the last six months.
Okay fair enough. Were these crimes of a violent or sexual nature?
Based content queen
YES! because they refuse to acknowledge that she's mewing!
Answer my fucking calls
I really like the ironic LARPing of this season, I wouldn’t mind more of the same just with alternate casts. I imagine in a few years time as certain fish pass into legend we’ll have a kino cast of all stars
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Ying and Yang
Love and Hate
what fucking felonies? i smell massive amounts of bullshit.
Not true in the slightest
Sammy!! you're lookin kinda small lately bud.
Here's to hoping that Mephisto pushes to go after /bant/. We shouldn't have to force your hand, but so be it.
They should've created some more fishtoys that mess with the fish. Right now they only have cigarettes
have a sci-fi character teleport in from another LARP game.
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NOT okay
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It means Cole, JC, Summer, and Ella are coming back at 12 pm tomorrow
Incels always want hellhouse until the girl starts playing hellhouse back
Slay Tay
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what's the context there
You poor foolish simpletons. You know not of the power I hold. Reconsider your choices before it's too late...
Tai’s reaction to the goblin is the funniest thing in the show. This second attack he just sat there and did nothing
Did Dallas make a tshirt for Taylor that said
>big mama juju
That Taylor wore on a stream in Florida or am I remembering wrong?
It's not you, but if it is. You're here because of the Jimmy allegations right?
im thinking jimmy revenge raped someone
Violent, yes. Sexual, no.

He has alluded to assaulting Hoarderman in a fit of rage, whom is a senior citizen. I can without a doubt confirm a second assault on a gas station employee, neither of which he has not been arrested for.

He's shown me logs of him harassing a local politician as well, but I'm not aware if that's a Felony charge.
hiiii xoxoxo
Who's the new fat guy (cameraman)?
had a jimmy moment to myself, read this as "reverse raped", and laughed out loud
Jimmy is my best friend
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tai mentioned something about Taylor, I forget.
They NEED to introduce Frank as Wild Randy if he comes on 2.5
Alright pay pigs we're not making any money this season and we need your ideas so Sam doesn't beat us. Go
impale tay's limbs with dinner forks and challenge the fish to make the cleanest cut with the forks without removing them from her limbs
pretry thoughts vs ugly thoughts
Nah, from the stuff being posted it seems he's more embarrassed about whatever he did than scared. He probably tried to fuck his therapist. Might have confused her interest in him as a therapist for affection, as he has severe mommy issues.
it's not a dallas shirt, i remember looking it up when she showed it and it's just some online merch
paint everyone green and then have a fishtoy to let the contestant wash off the paint
Bex should teach Letty and Taylor to twerk.
still "muh lightning in a bottle" posting when s2 already mogged it, s3 is going to mog it, and 2.5 is good too
The only friend Jimmy has is the nigger. That you g00n?
>He has alluded to assaulting Hoarderman in a fit of rage, whom is a senior citizen
jesus christ what the fuck
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wasnt it something she bought for her?
what does this have to do with the case worker?
Christ, the larping bongs and eurofags are up.
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It might be for the best to expose him before he kills. I mean I'd personally have guilt over my head if he killed someone when he could've potentially stopped him. Maybe I'm being dramatic but I'm almost certain he will do something horrible once this season is over.
But was it the name Trish is going by now?
>that bounce
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Can anyone who's been watching nonstop fill this out?
dont worry they were all mormons
> and I think a lot of people pining a return to season 1 don't realize that it was lightning in a bottle
S2.5 is all I wanted season 2 to be. S1 was a one time thing that'll never be recaptured but bloodgames is still in the same spirit, S2 was just slop
Don't worry about Frank
this is probably hot ass-air but fuck, it sounds belivable
fucking boing boing fucking melon fucking boob fucking love your nice breasts girl
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tomorrow somebody needs to tts jimmy why he beat up hoarderman
fucking tj?
If this is true, you're worse than him
>He has alluded to assaulting Hoarderman in a fit of rage, whom is a senior citizen

that sounds exactly like jimmy honestly.
i have actually zero doubt jimmy won't end up in prison for assault at some point, but he only targets people he perceives as weaker than him, so it'll probably be really bad
Has Betty killed herself yet?
they're probably gonna make him a miner or a farmer a la bud searcy
he's literally introduced as a freeloader in this video kek
>completed within first 6 hours
Omg omg, is this realli Sam??? I'm ur biggest fan fr fr.
Jimmy is beating up hoarder man? LMAO
jimmy beat doug page in a fit of rage
Love you more than you know. Let me take another sip here
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Not even kidding
lel it'd be perfect
she has more QoS customs to make first
midwit take
god imagine how stinky everyone is, especially the girls.
I believe it. He's made some weirdly out of character negative comments about hoarderman this season. I forgot who he was talking to, but he expressed that he was frustrated with hoarderman because Doug isn't as invested in fixing up the house and the collapsed roof. Also, when Chris was talking to him about weed, Jimmy said "hoarderman and his wife did too much mother canna, and look how he ended up"
Cole mogged production so hard that they will never recover
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ones i specifically remember:
today monologued about how weed fucked up hoarderman's life
>toilet wine
today talked about drinking toilet water as an unsupervised 3 year old
today talked about an episode set in the future as pretext for adult diaper talk
today compared season 2 to utah rape camp
>solution to world problem or conflict
said some shit about employment
>talks for >5 mins uninterrupted
every day
>youtube poop
dr rabbit and morshu bombs references in past 2 days, explained what youtube poop is to jon a few days ago
>scares the hoes
see above
brought up some old ass "stunning and brave" talking points the other day
>calls someone a fag
called jon a stuttering faggot when asked to revive him
Sam, where do you source your hot girls that you yell at on the show? Do they just message jet on Instagram? Are they that desperate for attention?

Not hating, just genuinely curious.

Be harsher on Minion tomorrow she definitely deserves worse.
Yeah the real high iq take is that it mogs seasons 1 and 2
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iirc he put an instagram ad out for "skinny ugly girls"
unironically keep him away from letty, trish, taylor, the creature, minion and bex
Oh shitttt
bensleaks could never
Brian confiscated it earlier, there's a clip somewhere on Twitter.
Ok on my mark send in the Goblins. Vampires push from the downs once you hear the goblin yell, then raccoon come from Schitty entrance. Vampires, use fire magic, let’s leave the bows until second wave
Don't really care about that kind of stuff, but if there's a cute girl that's on board, I don't mind having them be a part of whatever I'm doing.

Minion is a sweet girl, why would I be mean to her lol
lol. Lefty was right, he is a poser and a tedious one at that
i thought he got that one from jon
Minion is a literal model from Beverley Hills.
your mom is a literal minion of my dick
what did Goran mean by this?
Real Sam here. I pick up the chicks from this BDSM club I frequent.
Factually correct as determined be true american patriots and academicists.
god DAMN jimmy is so based
She’s friends with egirls who you can connect to MDE
vance just CLEARED his throat and TURNED over
The best things about S2 were the outfits and Bex bending over when she fed the fish or worked out

Bex was responsible for both. Coincidence?
Brian said something about "the two people who shouldn't have knives great" or something like that
None of those chicks are cool enough to frequent BDSM clubs Sam, they're just trashy egirls with low self esteem
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your dick is a literal minion
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If season 2 was the fishtank debut and season 1 came after, it would have been considered a joke. A disaster. There wasn't lightning.
Her fur outfits at night are this season are the hottest shit she’s worn
Can't wait for S3
The new crewmembers not being a team of 6 braindead wiggers with no plan is what’s reinvigorating the show. Xavier seems like an actual actor they hired. High hopes for season 3 with these new additions.
Just the small recent clips on youtube blow season 1 out. I really can't wait for the full series.

You all had to cope that "j-jet edited it bad! my josie plushie simulator wasn't that lame right?" and you'll have to do it again. all novelty.
They have to bring xavier back
Anon, Xavier is has been in other MDE videos. Most notably The Great War.
Hey guys Sam here

Thinking of doing a diaper challenge next. Maybe I could wear a diaper as well?
kevin is great too and he doesn't seem to be one of the wiggers

Copy/paste this on /ftl/. Remember to delete this part and the username
Oh no he pushed the old hoarder schizo what a monster
lol that weird synthesizer flute sfx just rocked Jon's shit
Big space, open bar....
You guys like 2.5, right? We got big things for S3
No he's too drunk and pretty basic.
I mean Kevin, the black smith, his wife, mullet man, etc, Xavier should have always been involved if he was this good
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Xavier is from the OG MDE days and the other guys are just outsorced assets (you're right)
Now imagine if it was Pelech writing the lore and Trappped with the camera
they’re not exactly outsourced when they reached out to help
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this role is also perfect for frank hassle because he could easily play into the role of overly friendly neighbor that visits just to eat all your shit and "borrow" stuff and ask for favors all the time and he could take it further like stealing/breaking shit or whatever and then just being like "i thought we were friends!" and keep it in the lore like that. would be fun to watch how the fish try to deal with him within the lore that way
based bextremists
Requests via IG stories are the new craigslist, the dynamics changed grandpa
Oh I agree. Even Brian has been doing a good job RPing as the deputy. Dude has stayed in character 24/7 while on camera.
Can goblin Taylor eat out my pathetic asshole?
this nigga got bacterial gastroenteritis laughingcryingemoji
>All fishtank needed was people who knew what they were doing added to production

Season 3 might actually be good
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getting fucked by trannies isn't very Christian
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they're all mde crew, not hired guns
you're doing the lord's work, thank you, anon
Hey guys what's up? Be on the lookout for a new Bounty Hunter NPC today you may be surprised
Rocky status?
As much as I like Jimmy, he was a massive bitch when it came to defending Tayleigh from Jon.
No, this show sucks. It's only fun because of people who watch every second 9f the show and can give play by play. If it wasnt for 4chinx i wouldn't even care after the first day
i would not be surprised at all
he still thinks tay would slob on his knob(and he's not wrong)
ok who actually IS hoarderman?
nigger, you’re dumb if you think they’re randos
>I'm on my le heckin period you guys
>targets jon and nearly starts civil war
>targets jimmy
>extra beat.
see >>200783627
I am hoarderman
Good morning I love Betty
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I've never understood how Tay can LARP as a 1488 self-described Neo-Nazi "for the economic parts" and sing racist tunes during Season 2.. she is a druggie dyke living off of her father's disability checks, no job, can't drive.. literally provides nothing to society.. she's actually worse than the minorities she looks down on? Is Tay a useless nigger?
No one does that's why I have a webm of her passing on the floor. Sad and true.
I have no idea wtf this means but everyone involved is severely mentally ill
Windex mdma $300
are you black?
>sam can make z movie tier content because it's ironical different from troma
I don't understand what kind of person can view this show without the live experience, additionally the main camera dies and lags out constantly during clippable moments so the final cut isn't going to be comprehensive or faithful to the actual events
Sam prays at night to be considered on the same level as Troma
she legitimately 100% serious no joke for real needs to seek professional help. immediately
some old man that has property with a ton of junk on it that jimmy sells
>people consider the Great War OG MDE days
I have to be missing something. Did he used to write for MDE pre world peace? Is he in the Dr. Slave video or something?
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I just watched the Jon transformation, it makes that scene of the nerd transforming into Toxie good
Yes you are missing something, Xavier was on the Inconvenient Anime video from like 2010
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he doesn't exist, there's no proof. he's just a figment of jimmy's imagination
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Nice seeing Jon and letty get along again.
Sam hates Troma
@ 27:27
>neither of which he has not been arrested for.
Double negative? He was arrested for both of them?
Sam is just an unbelievable miserable faggot.
Based, I think Delaney is in it also right? Or is that the college speech one (not the Ted talk)
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does she? I tune in here and there and Tay is typically just kind of there. I don't really find her annoying, or anyone except maybe Jet and the wiggers to be annoying. tho I found Josie's fake stimming in S1 pretty annoying but both her and Tay are off in the looks department and both their respective simps are pathetic beta males that deserve hellfire
You have autism
he helped write college cunts and 2070 paradigm shift. he also wrote this video.
This was my introduction to MDE, good times.
its unbelievable how much sam has changed in the past decade
I was just looking for that video, thanks
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Not a tay simp but you can do better
Pretty sure he threatened a celebrity. I forgot which one but he yelled at the camera that she knows what she did and she should kill herself
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Did you miss the part where she immediately started sucking up to the gay nigger? It's all a LARP anon, she was never actually racist. She even admitted that she purposely out the nazi armband in the background of her audition to increase her chances of being on the show.
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Jan is the real autist on MDE and he does something extremely difficult which is the rare skill of selfsampling (it requires a high level of selfawareness, it's impressive an autist is able to do it)
How is that threatening you people do that every hour
I had a feeling he might have already done that but I missed it.
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This whole anti Jimmy thing strongly smells of people who haven't left the basement in a decade
The duality of the Basedjak female
The BINGO card isn't about us genius.
Maybe a challenge where the girls cut their hair
fun fact: jan and channing wrote this video together
>the rare skill of selfsampling
what the hell is selfsampling
Most people that call themselves nazis are just white niggers
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So it seems he did.
dawn of the seventh day. what are they dreaming about?
>the season is halfway done
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What the actual fuck are these people saying? Use full words.
I think the real reason the threads havent fully disolved into hate echochambers is because there isn't suppose to be a winner.
If there was going to be eliminations and a winner there would be so much shitflinging by people for their chosen fish, and all would refuse to acknowledge anything good other fish did. But since theres not a lot of people can relax and enjoy every fish.
jimmy killing somebody who is 0.7 times his size doesn't seem far fetched. "I didn't mean to do it".
Delaney is in the Rutgers one.
He's actually into all this weeaboo and military shit but he's self aware enough to make good parody of it (self parody is an example of self sampling, you recontextualize and resignify something from yourself)
I'm not fluent in niggerspeak either. You'll have to read between the lines with anything he says.
yugioh is for pedos and you're old
"Yo—these internet niggas are hilarious! LMAOOOO! What the fuck are they on?"
"They are on the stimulant known as Vyvanse!"
"They've got to be, because my reaction to their behavior is 'what the fuck?'. LMAO!"
bro is the Acronym Antagonist
urbandictionary.com exists, grandpa
Yugioh is japanese Invader Zim, just like Junji Ito
wat, no she isn't
i hope i don't get too attached to any of the fish in season 3, i kinda ruined seasons 1 and 2 for myself by worrying about letty and tayleigh so much (with tayleigh more so because i felt bad for her being autistic and not having the social skills to navigate that environment). it's more fun if you don't really care who wins and who loses.
In other words he uses sincere irony and isn't irony poisoned and incapable of showing real interests
your inability to use contextual clues is worrying
it's impossible for me not to form some parasocial bond with the contestants, i legit didn't watch the finals in s1 and s2 because i was too stressed kek
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yeah she is
>sincere irony
Why are you here, iDubz?
i felt bad for tayleigh cole jc shinji and trish but it was much easier to root for the latter four. once it was the final 4 i was pretty comfortable just following shinji and trish and oliver around
this is a man
It's easier to read full words than have to remember shit like "the fuck"
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please say "it is". it does not take much additional effort to type and i can never remember what the "s" is short for. thank you
Ive never watched a single thing that dude has ever done. It seemed like a real thing to me when i popped into my head just now.
fuck you, lil dude, laney is my bitch u she gets me my money on time every time and gives me the Lovin like no other and i give her it back in return like she deserves
lmao nigga u dumb asl for this. pack it up unc on god.
Hard to follow
Thats delaney? I always thought that was a low res of TJ at the start of the season cause his tits looked like that
>shit like
Sir, please say "such as" as this makes your sentence easier to read.
That isn't him retard, he would have been like 10 years old when that was filmed
twoon awert
she pays the bills with those tits, lil homie, that's all that matters at the end of the day
she looks better not in this photo if im being honest
He's not that young
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She’s in an inconvenient anime.
mmmmm zipapi no whateverthefuckfattysaid
Born in '95
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Hey all -

I'm looking for something like this for my son (20M). Does anyone know where I can get something similar? Thanks in advance :)
you know lil man i agree. I tried to tell her take better pics but she told me to fuck myself and give her her rocks. i said aight bitch whatever and laid the pipe down hard that night
>tfw I'm a year older than him
That's quite a cock, buddy
how's your wife and kids?
>tfw I'm only a few months younger
>people itt think Jan/Xavier/The Commander is a zoomer
Spaceghostpurrp is right once again, gen z is retarded to the point of thinking that everyone they don't know the age is also a zoomer
Is this taking place on Fish Hill Rd in West Greenwich lol?
Same. Turning 30 is gay
Breaking news: Vance is a huge faggot
You mingling with the ladies or just sitting on 4chan all day pretending you won't end up the same way as me?
speak for yourself
jan is definitely a prodigy. dude was writing for sam when he was 16 and he did the deagle nation ruse when he was 17-20. i kinda wish he had committed more to the wizdumgun thing, but he chose to pursue a normal life while occasionally helping sam and frank with their stuff and i respect that.
Mindbroken zoomers who think that abbreviations like "tf" are equivalent to contracted words.
it's not a contraction, retard, it's an acronym. god, you're old and retarded
could you possibly avoid the use of slang derived from hentai for the sake of those unfamiliar with it? thanks
Same here, thought he was mid-30s based on his appearances from 10+ years ago and how sharp his writing/acting is
He didn't call it a contraction retard
>dude was writing for sam when he was 16
To be fair take any 16 year old and chances are they are probably better than the wigger crew
a "contracted word" is not a contraction? wow, my bad, i thought this was earth and we were speaking english. clearly, I'm mistaken.
good one, although i will 100% not be single when i am 30. just in a socially retarded slump this year.
Sir, what is this "mindbroken" you allude to? See for I only speak the King's English!
I thought it was in MA?
>zoomer doesn't know the word "equivalent"
It's like the = symbol as a word
You unironically are not literate. He didn't call it a contracted word either.
>shoutout to me cockbuddy! me ma, me daddy. sorry I ain't been home all that much lately!
Damn turning 30 in 3 days. I guess it's time to start sucking cock.
Well if you really want to get into it just just FlightRadar24 and listen for planes. I think more North Situate
One thing I love about season 2.5 is the random bits of Skyrim/Elder scrolls lore thrown in.
Manifesting Summy transparent and oiled try-on hauls
it is inevitable
Zoomers are fried since such an young age, it's insane
i gotta hand it to jet, the seasons fun as fuck
except tayleigh, she should get ejected immediately for ruining my Xavier kino
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Nothing changed
Memorize this

So are millenials. Eminiem pushed drug culture into overdrive and caused the whole gay pride thing.
1. Him doing the whole thing with Elton John realy kickstarted the pride movment
2. He rapped about pills. Up until him no teen knew wtf a valium or a klonipin was until the song Purple Pills came into existence and they heard eminem. Lil Whyte too
holy shit lmao
Maybe he already has a career writing and he didn't hang it up early, we'll never find out though
>if he or any of Jimmy's orbiters goes after the Taytriots.
Okay I was with you until you said that actually kill yourself you retarded fucking faggot
Seeing Sam on facebook is weird
But yeah if you listen to the drunk charls turkey meltdown you realize that Sam was never really the creative ideas guy
They should get Dico from CKY to Join MDE.
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smella?... o.o
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foreva!!! ^-^ <3
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ella forevaaa <3 <3 <3
∩( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )∩
ella stinks (figuratively and literally)
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