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>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous >>200778616
real previous >>200781441
i gotta hand it to jet, the season's fun as fuck
except tayleigh, she should get ejected immediately for ruining my Xavier kino
She really just needs to fucking go home. It was so nice without her.
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The beautiful C.K
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Reminder that Josie made more than $10k from one of her streams recently. She not only won, but she's the only fishtank adjacent person to ever win.
Sounds like cope. Not every millennial listens to eminem
it's the jim&tay purgatory season and we're all loving it
shes so unlikeable, and not even in a money making way for jet because the hate tts is censored

just please get rid of her and get greg or another npc to replace her
I'm too scared to watch it, can't bring myself to for some reason.
Who's more retarded and delusional: Jon or Jimmy?
what scares you, i felt similarly at first
it even feels as if Jan (the actor behind Xavier) is a bit shook and isn't sure how to act near tayleigh anymore
it ruins the kino so much
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Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
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Hey guys, Bex here

What we thinking?
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No one (sane) cares about this or the marky shit.
I care about Marky being a hot piece of ass
Jimmy, he still comes up with weird copes to justify his past violent acts.
No one cares about this child brained wigger mutt anymore. Her thread is the same 10 guys posting the same pics and going JOBIE WOBIEZ
>Why are you shaking?
I think that's the craziest thing about the guy. He feels justified in anything he does .
tj won actually
You're a tranny faggot. Kill yourself.
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Vance cried
Sam wept
You literal faggots are obsessed with that sperg
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300-500 consecutive viewers after a year and a half since fishtank s1 ended btw
Always playing victim and never taking accountability is quite pathetic when a man is nearly 30 years old.
>your homework: watch an awful jewish movie about being a jewish turbocuck who can erase his memories
weird rec sam
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Tai, Jimmy and Jon should've fucking teamed up and went against Letty, Tayleigh and Vance the worm
Letty is a vindictive psychopath witch, Tayleigh is a spineless ugly skank and Vance is just a boring coward
Jimmy and Jon may be retards but at least they're ABOUT SOMETHING
Tai is checked out but he's a good man
That isn't a lot lmao
Goran better have something up his sleeve that will make tayleigh quit before this is over
tj was good on season 2 but he is unfunny and uninteresting in every other context
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>never streams
>even when he does he gets no viewers or donations
He's gonna have to work a wagie job as soon as the 50k dries up
but enough about josie
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what about 40?
>It's all JOE'S FAULT
Cole lost
what even is this?
I told Jet to eat my ass out, and do you know what he said? He said, "What's for dessert?".

What's for dessert. Like my asshole was some kind of main entrée before the after party. I couldn't believe it.
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Every other fish struggles to crack 100 including the s2 fish who have a recency buff. Also she makes like 1k in 3 hours every stream. She won.
Sam Hyde's letter to his 15 year old rape victim when they wouldn't see him anymore (and had found an age appropriate relationship that cucked Sam who protests in the second letter that he is not in fact some FUCKING NERD [lol])
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have they killed jon yet?
Benji is off his meds again
i've hit a stumbling block at a very early stage in my self-insert s2 fanfic. i wanted to make my character a man so he could compete with cole for JC, but the only fish it makes sense for me to replace is meg (sacrifices the least of the existing storylines). keeping the gender ratio in that case means making my character a woman, but that would mean either making JC a lesbian kind of girl or making my character rape her, which is not the kind of story i had in mind and something i really don't want to resort to
water is wet
When Letty asked about why he lost s2 Jimmy should have said "Couldnt handle the pressure so i fucked up and got kicked from the show" and the conflict would have stopped there. Instead he went on very esoteric ramble about dms and revenge porn and NDAs and such.
We will see where she is in 5 years. Streamers have a shelf-life, especially ones with such a small audience.
for season 3.5 they should do a cyberpunk RP
why are the pages cut up and torn? hoe did sam meet marky?
Why is replacing a fish necessary
greetings from india, i still love tay
She's boring to watch. Her fans only like her cause they're creepy and she acts like a child and goes to child play parks.
so her fans are pedos?
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Hey guys... insider here... with
Betty is
>supreme talent
>superior to Taylor Swift in every way imaginable
>the GOAT
>cat enthusiast
>good pet owner
>hard working
>great butt
>great gardener
i guess it's not really necessary, but i didn't want to mess with the structure of the show too much by changing the number of fish. the beauty of writing, though, is that you can take an ambiguity like this and run with it to see what happens without having to commit
nigger dick sucking whore
No lies detected
shut up nigger
i got to "JC" and stopped reading. whatever this is is probably stupid..
Marky ripped them up before posting them online
tldr? i'm not reading that shit.
you're a stupid ugly bitch with the discerning taste of an old milk cow
Read the last line
He tells her to go to r/redpill
she doesn't do that.
i'm not that.
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Just write in some lore that Meg had to drop out last-minute and they called you in as a replacement. That's what I do.
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We call them josiepedos
>Please don't let any of this ring true, this should all sound like a sad joke to you... and I know it's not.
>Do you trust me with your life? That must be your answer...
what? just sum it up, brother..
>doesn’t have to stream to terminally online 40 year old virgins for a living
>has an actual future ahead of him
>beautiful gf
tj won, cope
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faggot tomdark is lying because literally everyone else said that Chris didn't really smell like anything. tomdark is a fucking faggot..
i believe you
You want me to translate Sam's bpd schizo groomer babble to his underage gf?
He's not. Brown people stink real bad.
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The image that permanently btfo /ftl/
you're really angry cause he said josie smelled like a foot lol
trvthnvke but we ain't ready for that conversation
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i kneel
I just jim faced to my bathroom mirror and pretended I was on Fishtank.
This reads like some roastie on Twitter thinking she's "oldschool" for trying to write like the Sex in the City chick
he’s right you know
get the fortune teller (trish) to shrink you to 3/4th of an inch tall and try and get swallowed by taylor.
This season drives home how completely unfit for society Jimmy and Tay are. They're on a fantasy LARP camping trip with their buddies where they're fed red bull and carbonated water and chips and lobster dinners and protein bars, they get to shower every morning in a huge beautiful house and drink coffee and hang out, and they play around with airsoft guns and foam swords all day with no real stakes whatsoever -- and they're melting down. Nigga you are getting paid (minimally, granted) to go on a novel camping vacation, what is your problem?
who left the review?
i'm talking about Chris, you retards! of course josie smells bad! everyone else said chris smells like nothing. only turkey tom and the lying hooker said chris smells bad. turkey tom lies like a nigger hooker actress.
We need money
This has been debunked. She's just entertaining, funny, and cute. Any claims that she acts like or looks like a child is projection.
>actual future ahead of him
he has no skills or education
Channing won
>sex IN the city
That's how you know this post is from a straight guy
I get like 5 on a good night. Hard to break into streaming man.
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forgot pic
>he has no skills or education
And Josie does? Don't make me laugh
Who is this
since they are not renting a big house and are in the middle of nowhere they are actually more profitable than previous seasons
>xavier crashed his car on the way to fish tank.

>production still sending 90%+ of tts
Its on the property of the house they bought for s3, so this isn't technically accurate. They just didn't specifically spend money on that space for this season.
Josie is crap. Shit, even.
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Doesn't need to, she makes a good 6 figures a year from streaming. TJ doesn't even try to stream while also having nothing to fallback on
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based leakingbenji with the FACTS
TJ did won tho
Also she's a college graduate. Top of her class even
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imagine the smell
>the hundred or so actual non-bot viewers just steal it from flowstreams
Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that she's human diarrhea.
And in 5-10 years? When she hits the wall? What then? Notice how there are very few popular 30+ year old streamers.
Tick tock goes the clock, the wall approaches.
fat annoying neighbour is singing again
Whats the deal with her body? Is she like a legit hermaphrodite?
Smells like feet
>/ftl/ perma seething about tay
Let me guess, Letty 2.0 and next season you'll be defending her too.
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kind of cute.. i guess... if you're into that. :/
but.... lemme counter with:
is that what it was? someone could have just said that.
give it a rest you niggers
>muh muh in 20 years il totally be vindicated and proven right!!
nigga ww3 is right around the corner and AI is about to replace the world as we know it.
you suggest her to stop streaming where she makes 1k+$ in like 3 hours and go to bust her ass in a minimum MCwagie job?
what's even your point?
Letty didn't demand that the main star of the show can't come near her anymore.
i'm white as the driven snow, and Betty is princess.
she's strictly reserved for BBC tho
you're brown, and betty is degenerate
If you unironically believe the first part of that you're a moron.
And I do suggest she takes the longevity option in the background whilst she streams. So she has some skills to inevitably drift back into the workplace when her already fading relevancy finally kicks the bucket. It's basic future-planning. People who aren't capable of this are homeless and deserve to be.
Not him but neither of those two things in your first sentence are going to happen and you are a child if you think they will.
Are they going to acknowledge that they levelled Jimmy up 2 levels?
corn tortillas and carne asada. ¡ay mamá!
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most thirst trap twitch streamers are in their 30s but it doesn't even matter because that's not her appeal
Hey, so I've never posted here, but you guys know Josie is intersex, right? I went to high school with "her" and I knew a couple guys who were weird enough to try to hookup with her and they said she has like, a half dick half clit thing. I saw someone call her Jose and that's funny because that's the name she was born with lol. Don't get me wrong, I like Josie although she's a lot more mean/antisocial than I think you guys understand, but it seems like some of you are interested in her sexually? Lol. Nigga you gay
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Charls won.
>still waifufagging after the dildo incident
you’re possibly more pathetic than Betty herself.
post the josie nudes pmv comp NOW please
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>they will never replace the horse and carriage and you are a child if you think they will
You know Josie is pure shit, right?
this nigga lookin like a super saiyan lmaooooooo tf he be on cus wtf fr
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i missed the sexy ass goblin
what about Sam's dildo incident with Big Purple?
Fuck off, third worlder. We don't need you shitting up the threads.
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pure being the keyword here
>only interesting story arc is Jon
can't wait for another week of nontent faggots sitting around doing nothing
Lets not forget Letty has been involved in both of the most dramatic incidents so far.

She instigated Tayleigh to physically assault Xavier.

She went full force, low-blow when given the cue to roast Jimmy for his season 2 performance, and then acted like she was the victim.
>unironic namefag josie masturbator itt
Dr. Fred was certainly not impressed by his son's incident with Big Purple.
>She instigated Tayleigh to physically assault Xavier.
that was based. tayleigh is such a suggestible retard
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wosie is perfect
seethe about it some more niggers
For me it’s the Jontent
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>actual Josie hater itt right now as we speak
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Josie W
>Faked autism in S1
>IQ of a 3rd grader. Fucked up all of the bits she was in charge of for S2
>Ugly depressive face without make up on
>Zero talent, outside of making autists gigglesquee at her toddler humor
Anything else I missed, or do you want to respond with le epic irony response, you faggot fuck?
Betty only goes for nigger dick and a coal burner can't be a princess
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Listen for the planes, make Jet go crazy to censor out plane sounds
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ponder the aroma
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Betty is a snowbunny princess.
Props to Betty for successfully getting people to actually talk about her while the new season is on by racebaiting /bant/ schizos when no one here would remember who she was otherwise
>le attention whore girl... DID SOMETHING FOR ATTENTION???
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>faked autism
proved you have no idea what you're talking about in the first line. didn't read the rest.
does anyone please have a clip of jimmy shooting himself in the mouth, with sound, please?
Betty is my bby gurl
incel alert!
not a josie-fag at all, but she IS undeniably cute, and i do not mind josieposting one bit. tj-taylor posting is cringe.
>1 minute apart
Based benleaks I knew you were behind the racebaiting
Where was her stimming when she graduated from S1? You're just a dope, plain and simple. By the way, where's your girlfriend? I got one, how are you doing?
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BETTY IS CUTE AND VERY INTERESTING! (I do wish she'd get more lewd, but that's just for me. i'd say it's good for her not to, but she still does it anyways..)
Betty is a disgusting cryptid
Blow your brains out, you pathetic autist
If you could be on Fishtank S2.5, would you rather be cast or crew?

Assume you won't get doxxed
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>Faked autism in S1
>IQ of a 3rd grader. Fucked up all of the bits she was in charge of for S2
enough IQ to capitalize on her popularity from the show and launch a successful youtube career with zero drama( refer to tayleigh if you want to see actual low IQ)
>Ugly depressive face without make up on
extremely cute, exotic beauty, everyone who met her says she's even cuter in person than on cameras
>Zero talent, outside of making autists gigglesquee at her toddler humor
probably one of the only actually funny girls on earth

and she looks even better without makeup
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I don't like the new skinny chris. There's something not right about him.
nigger dick sucking whore
I would be a fish, the fish this season are all either boring or failrp
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She stims basically whenever she's talking to someone, including on s2. The idea that she stopped doing this is seether headcanon.
got 3 instagram models under my table sucking on my 25 cm dong right now actually
>Medically Induced Gooning
Disgusting creature
Read absolutely none of that, and I'm serious. Get a serious relationship, you desperate namefag.
>I-I want to get some dopamine from being reconginized on the 4chans!
Christ, I genuinely wished your parents did the smartest thing on the planet and just scraped you into a bin at 2 weeks conception.
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devastating trvke!
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Josie after faking autism and walking away with the grand prize
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Meant for:

But the same applies to all simps. Genuinely kill your fucking selves, you carbon wasters.
betty should get ass and tit implants and become a real goon mommy
i just jim faced to this post
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>gets owned
>i-i didn't even read it f-fuck you
>shaking so hard with anger he doesn't even see who he is replying to
lmao at your life homo

Crew would be fun as fuck

>Chilling with Bex, Taylor, Xavier and Ben
>Hanging with the fish behind the scenes
>Get to spend 2 weeks in a comfy forest in the summer but with more comfort than the fish

Only major drawbacks
>May have to deal with Jon/Jimmy/Tayleigh freaking out
>Having to take orders from Jet Neptune and listen to his half baked ideas as he walks around, pants still shit-caked from last night's whippet sesh
I'm actually /ftl/ famous you faggot, show some respect. You'll never be popular on /bant/, sad!
Her body is perfect stay away from her
You mean that my only lot in life is to ironically simp for some wastrel ugly cunt, just so I can get some kind of niche validation from an anonymous image forum?! Thank you mommy and daddy for producing the nullity that is me! Can I blow my fucking head off with a sawed off shotgun already?!
now this would be comedy
I miss watching fatty sleep...
What was his channel?
Where's my real relationships and the chance to stick my pee pee into a real woman? I wouldn't fucking know! I'm a complete and total loser!
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someone is having a little meltdown
Easy now. This is a pretty tight nit community.
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Remove that name before posting or I WILL contact my lawyers
Nyehehehehe, let me hide behind irony! Hopefully, this guy is legit mad and I'm toying with him, rather than him being hung over and bored of no personality autists! The Benleaks way!
Benleaks has plenty of male suitors waiting in line, actually.
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Taylor should not allow Letty to be around TJ while he's alone
foul insectoid succubus, destroyer of autistic men
Where's your girlfriend, Benleaks? Nyeheheheheheheehehehe, Josie.jpg! Nyeheheheehehehehehee
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You are being mean and I do not want to talk to you until you've cooled off
I am trans and homosexual actually
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another cuck buckbroken by this magnificent spruce
How many posters here are /bant/ refugees?
receive forceful anal and oral copulation from 17 men over the span of 8 hours.
bant supremacy. it's just dead (betty and josie fag) hours rn
Not many, this is just a slow hour so their resident attention whores have an opportunity whore for attention.
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Let me be real with you: you realize you have absolutely zero personality, right? I'm sure the /bant/ autists give you courage, because they're personality absent too, but you're an absolute dud. I hope your irony drenched "humor" gets you laid with some middling femcel who is just as mediocre as you, and the both of you can proceed to clog up the planet with even more inconsequential mouth breathers. I really wish you were the poster child of a unique eugenics campaign, because you really suck shit.
>even the polak tayfaggot turned on tayleigh
lmao, are there any tayjeets left on /bant/?
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lmfao fr this lil nigga mus b on sumb cuz tf laughingcryingemoji
jimmy after he attracts the ire of bant
This, benleaks needs correction
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I thought this was supposed to be friendtank. 2 weeks of larping and a nice send off before starting season 3 with a bunch of people that are unaware of fishtank and mde but the vibes are... extremly grim
i wonder what Jet feels whenever Tay and Jon go at it or yesterday with Jimmy and Letty
meant for
the cannacuck might as well be the last standing gaytriot
kek no way
Why does Tayleigh always laugh at shit that no one else finds funny and so rarely laughs when the group finds something funny? Is it an autism thing?
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malding about anonymous people on the internet is not a personality
lil nigga got dat vegeta hairline skullemoji barber fucked my man up!!
Neither did tay
What do you mean? I have lots of personality! NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHE
if by "third worlder" you mean an inhabitant of the United States of America then yeah, i think most everyone here is a third worlder clownworld shithole USA inhabitant. this isn't the 50s anymore, USA is a dump
shut up
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u r autistic and fat. I love Josie
She's not like other girls
Jollysisters, report in
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ong G my, crying laughingcryingemoji nigga lookin like he reached unk status back in 09 and he just holdin on laughingcryingemoji skullemoji skullemoji skullemoji
stop sexualizing me
I suck cocks and my dad is pretty gay. Correlation?
you follow me on twitter can i get some pussy PLEASE
i hate trans niggers
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>guys i have a gf, guys guys i have a gf, guys someone touched my peepee
>did i tell you i have a gf guys
>he doesn't even have a gf lol, unlike me!
embarrassing desu
it was kino
Even though it's a bb gun, this kind pic will get you permanently blacklisted from any range.
we would NEVER sexualize your tight pristine holes that you are always so eager to constantly show us bitty
did u get a clip of el duende?
yo can we get a webm of black mage broomstick nigga? nigga was so fire!
I was watching a clip recap and Letty was crying? Wasn't she bullying Jimmy not even hours before lol
wud you sexualize mine?
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I am trans
when are you gonna post your sweet bussy?
i luv tayleigh
Its insane that these retards can't just have fun and enjoy their LARP summer camp. Why is everyone so serious about everything and taking things so personally? There's nothing at stake!
its been wild seeing Jimmy slowly slip further and further into insanity every day and seeing Tayleigh's life ruined in real time. Just from hearing some of their whispers it seems like they no longer trust production and think they brought them back just to fuck with them.
Why don't you streamsnipe s2.5, channing
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Does anything ever happen before 11am?
I just took a huge Josie. Christ, it fucking reeked.
onlyfanz coming soon hehe
>go back on the "get fucked with" show
tayleigh even had the privilege of her gay cuck fanboys warning her that this is exactly what would happen.
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alright buddy it was funny at first but please delete my name from the field now
>it seems like they no longer trust production and think they brought them back just to fuck with them.

Wait why would you ever think otherwise? Did they not get it the first time they had to humiliate themselves for weeks for the pleasure of a sick demented village rapist?
is anyone actually still watching? I gave up like 3 days in
There's no way these goobers actually "win" right? They're probably going to have to be gifted a ton of potions today just so they can survive another night.
ok sorry bud
The first several days were certified friendtank. Strong shift in Tay and Jimmy's vibe happened over the Q joke and them teasing bringing back Abi.
i just read the thread. actually watching it is cancer with the constant technical difficulties and ear rape
Strong shift in vibes after two lighthearted OBVIOUS jabs in their direction. What a couple histrionic retards.
FACT: Benfreaks is a tranny.
FACT: Benfreaks goons to BLACKED.
FACT: Benfreaks will never have sex (with a woman).
FACT: Benfreaks will also never BE a woman.
FACT: Association with Benfreaks means that all of the above verified facts also apply to you.
i'm just glad my love tayleigh is back
sex with preggo Sylvia
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she took tay into the woods to talk about how jimmy scared her. jimmy came over with completely dead eyes and letty asked for an apology for bringing up her revenge porn earlier. instead of apologize, jimmy immediately conflated the revenge porn with the personalized mormon rape program he suffered in season 2. this was when letty backed down and walked away crying. unclear whether it was a pure letty ploy, or she was actually rattled, or both. jimmy was seething about the bad optics of it all night. this was made worse when jet came to level him up, but also took his sword whip away because he sprained taylor's wrist with it. seething turned to malding. he started saying he was suicidal, pretended to shoot himself, then walked off to the woods alone (everyone ignored him). he stayed up until 3am in the downs, supposedly because he thought a TTS about a 3am attack was legit, but he spent that time mumbling about his malding thoughts to the camera.
They're competing for a spot on S3. Whether that constitutes a "win" is subjective
im gooning my girl penis rn heheh
all trvthnvkes
>There's nothing at stake!
There's a main prize and eliminations will start soon.
they said no eliminations
No lol
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Fact check: only one of these things is true
why dont these stupid niggers open their eyes before noon
They never actually said that did they? It was just some shit Dunyaye said on twitter once. I can't imagine any of these people would be asked to come back as a fish again.
legitimately, what is her nationality?
you're crazy if you think tai isn't coming back every season
let the fishy wishies sleepy weep
If Sam follows his pattern, then season 3 will have all new fish.
Typical Letty, playing the victim. Thanks for the informed recap, anon.
I know Tai will for sure be back as a freeloader. I just can't imagine any of these people will be used as fish competing for the grand prize again.
it’s gooning to blacked isn’t it
trve desu
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>doesn't even bother posting a josie image while impersonating me
fail rp
Jimmy's mormon PTSD is just as valid as Nina's Jeremy PTSD. He said he didn't want to talk about it and she kept needling him. Maybe she shouldn't have kept fucking with someone who could launch nukes at her.
i'm a faggot because my father molested me
Yep, that’s why he likes Cole so much
are the vibes still fucked because of tay's presence
heard that jawn is back but is it really worth tuning back in
that makes sense. did she ever say that herself?
do you wnt 2 see my gock?
I don't really think that they are the same, because Letty's shit was brought on all by herself, whereas Jimmy didn't really have control over it.
All hail our content king
>Letty's shit was brought on all by herself,
she didn't ask for her nudes to be spread all over the internet you fucking braindead faggot
filling benjis femboy tummy full of your gross dick seed!
In context, the difference is that Jimmy constantly talks about his, uses it as an excuse for anything and everything he can think of, and in fact refuses NOT to bring it up. Letty, for her part, stays quiet about the Jeremy situation and doesn't use it as a cudgel to get what she wants. Jimmy is acting like a BPD retard and Letty, the actual girl with BPD, is being relatively reasonable. Terrible look for Jimmy
of course not, love
I dislike her too but you people who say shit like this come off as unhinged incels. Jon is the one they all hate.
Yeah multiple times. She even made a joke about mexicans last stream and said it's okay because she's mexican. She's also an injun tho
yes pwease mommy desu
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New bird alert! Running list of birds I've heard in the background:

>Chipping Sparrow
>Pine Warbler
>American Robin
>Northern Cardinal
>Black-capped Chickadee
>Tufted Titmouse
>Red-Bellied Woodpecker
>Carolina Wren
>Eastern Wood-Pewee
>Wild Turkey
>American Crow (CAWWWW)
>Blue Jay
>White-breasted Nuthatch
>Red-eyed Vireo
>American Goldfinch
>Eastern Towhee
>Wood Thrush
>Song Sparrow
>Prairie Warbler
they all can't even bring themselves to hate him lol, apart from tay, ugly dyke
pummelling a massive pozzed load up benji's colon
Letty is a crybully. Always has been.
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jo z
stop fucking giving the /bant/ niggers attention you dumbfucks
based birdchad (even tho i don't know what any of those mean)
we need Nifty and pair her up with Tayleigh for few days
Nigga, Letty was 100 percent asking for it by sleeping with that mental case Tommy or whoever and taunting Jeremy about it through live video. She wasn't some innocent angel.
Yeah, but the main reason she keeps quiet is that it's highly embarrassing, not because she's well-adjusted and healed her trauma. I agree with you about Jimmy's constant trauma dumps, though.
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pretty pretty queen
Jealous? This is the only (you) you're getting btw
So is Jimmy
She kind of did lol
Nobody forced her to take pictures of herself naked
Most based post in the entire thread
wild randy
>Letty was 100 percent asking for it by sleeping with that mental case
You are fucking braindead lil nigga
has betty killed herself yet?
i support couples sending each other nudes
Sending nudes to your bf/gf is normal. Posting those nudes on porn sites out of spite is not.
Is production ever going to learn that if they continue to work with "mentally ill" (i.e. childish and underdeveloped) retards, coddling them when they act out is exactly the wrong way to respond? How is it that Tay attacked an NPC, who was in-character, tried to destroy a major element of the show in the process, and now she gets to act as if SHE was the one wronged? How is it that Jimmy, who was initially specifically not allowed to use weapons because he has DEMONSTRATED issues with controlling himself in the past, was allowed to use weapons until he went too far with them multiple times, got one taken away, and now gets to also act like he is being wronged? These are childish tantrums and they're the result of production refusing to enforce rules. And they aren't making the show better.
Letty, shouldn't you be sleeping and getting ready for today's events?
i like letty but you have to be braindead to think it's a good idea to make pornography of yourself, someone who asks that of you doesn't actually love you and it's only a matter of time before it becomes public.
>Sending nudes to your bf/gf is normal. Posting those nudes on porn sites out of spite is not.
this is why jet needs benleaks on season 3
you should expect the second if you do the first 2bh.
>it's only a matter of time before it becomes public.
no. you just have terminal /b/ brain. most nudes are not posted online publicly without consent.
>t. never had a girlfriend in his life
Stop talking about and replying to benfreaks you retards he gets off on it
No, but I'll make sure to finish the job.
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>does it wook good?
this is true
samefag. get a job for christ sake
>relationship always last and never end with one side being sour about it
unless you are 100% sure you are going to marry the person in question you should consider your nudes being leaked as a good possibility, yes.
and even then more than half the marriages end up in divorce.
>reply posted within a minute
try again!
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I wish there was a way to make my name password protected somehow so people knew it was really me
im gooning to the thoughts of him gooning over all the attention tho
no one fucking cares if its you or not. no one gives a shit about what you have to say. fucking die already.
I know when it’s you
i'm sooo bloated rn :/ farting so much fck my lyfe
I have never in my life considered posting my exes nudes on cam sites using their real names and idk anyone who has either. The worst you should reasonably expect from your ex is they'll keep the nudes and fap to them, maybe show their friends or something, but what Jeremy did is a whole different level
are you a woman?
She took a risk and got burned, oh well. Should've waited till marriage
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only real ones do
tsmt. you niggers are porn-addicted halfwits.
you will never marry
Yeah, but the whole Nina thing was discord zoomers being discord zoomers from all sides. It's a whole different breed of animal.
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Can someone post greggs bunny fursona gain?
Now that the dust has settled, who was he talking to in this moment? His shadow?
Does bant always come into the thread when the fish are asleep
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There we go
No, the worst you should expect is that your ex will kill you. You should not have sex with random people and expect nothing bad to happen.
If you asked a bantfag if they would have Tayleigh shit into their mouth, they would ask for seconds and a napkin.
you have to account for women's right to getting coddled.
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I know these comments are meant to make me uncomfy but fyi I’m literally pan lol
I'm going to posit an imaginary situation;
What if Tayleigh was actually a well-adjusted sperg, was well-behaved and was taking care of herself like Ella ? (Fixing thus her beat appearance and cunt personality)
I bet she would be rated #1. This wasted potential makes me sad.
I am married thank you
Dude, nobody gives a flying fucking about Ella
kek I know that bottle that is a handle of the cheapest vodka liquor stores sell and that glass next to it is full of purely it
>well i personally would never do something like that
damn fuck i guess i was wrong then
this is actually the real benleaks btw
I mean the worst you should reasonably expect regarding sending nudes. The point is it's not Letty's fault her ex is a psycho
they meant to get you in heat bby boy :3
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post this cat
99% of people would never do something like that
the wall
its insane too me how pretty much all of /ftl2/ still go out of their way to defend her and justify everything she did.
absolute cuckold behavior
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extremely doubtful that there are any people defending her still. She's been proven a complete loser beyond a doubt.
is that Barton's
Why did this happen
mum wants to know why I didn't clean my room today what do I say?
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Love that cat
>its insane too me how pretty much all of /ftl2/ still go out of their way to defend her and justify everything she did.
retard nigger. everyone in bant hates her. weird fucking larp you have here
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tay was a cunt who couldn't handle the tranny bants the first couple of days of s2 and she never stopped being a cunt
You were busy sucking me off
educate her on neurodivergency and how you're actually incapable of cleaning ur room in a timely manner
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I would teebeeatch
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she needs some self awareness>>200787414
seethe harder while simping for this beat dyke cunt
bant niggers are truly the lowest of the low
That Tayleigh Manifesto shit was not only disappointing but it was the most faggotry-ridden thing I've ever read.
the fuck are you on about?
Kill yourself, bant cuck
he’s not defending her he’s saying no1 in bant is defending her
tsmt, but many were deceiving themselves and developed a headcanon that she was merely a punished housewife they needed to nurture and take care of.
S2.5 crashed this to the ground and now she's universally perceived as a dyke cunt.
Fun fact: There's nothing wrong with eating a double cheeseburger for breakfast
>everyone in bant hates her.
you are fucked in the cranium, fat nigger
It did suck and it wasn't even really a manifesto
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>get cucked by frank
>get cucked by jordan
>openly mocked by her
>still simp and defend her
bant niggers not even once
why you souting at me? no souting at me no good man.
Where's your beanie that you paid for, you fat fucking cuck?
what is this, Sam's breakup letter to his 15 year old girlfriend
Do you think Jet will ever be a serious producer/director?
go back to your containment thread methead
>>still simp and defend her
no one is doing this
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No1 in /bant/ is simping for her anymore wtf are you on about?
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Bant niggas wake up thinking about Tay and go to bed thinking about Tay. She won.
this is the funniest thing charls has ever done and will ever do
There's just too many cucks in this thread right now. I got to cool off.
bant hours are grim, all the cucks spill over here to defend their dyke wife.
no one here likes her here bantcucks go back to your containment.
>the real benleaks would never figure out how to tripfag
>using the same 2 Josie images from a year ago
you are fooling no one
what weird false flag is this
there are approximately zero. you are illiterate and low IQ
>t. cuck who hasn't seen the inside of a shower in weeks
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dumb turkey ass nigger
So pretty and perfect
Main character of season 2, 2.5 and the upcoming 3.
no I literally want to have sex with you
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akshelly, i showered this morning
I dont like Tayleigh but I dont like hearing her cry :/
You did nothing of the sort, cuck
post this cat!
you have your own dedicated containment thread to simp for this dyke cunt, its not our fault you killed it by driving everyone away from it by being obsessed unhinged schizos and doxing her mom. stop coming here you are not welcomed.
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Letty did nothing wrong and Josie won, sry chuds!
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cole cole cole i love cole oh yes i do cole my baby boy
wonder what this fella is up to right now
nice gif
watching some BLACKED
show me 3 posts of people simping
>wonder what this fella is up to right now
back to your containment cu*k
>doxing her mom
anyone has gregs and xavier's drunk interaction today
Did Letty just fucking shart? Did anybody else hear that?
don't care cu*k
you have to go back
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this is the only person still actively simping for tay
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evryy1 in thhsis thrsesd ks a fgagtot
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It is actually me, but I’m taking the trip off for now cause it’s kinda lame. will save it for silly billy use later tho
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>censoring cuck
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I do not care that Cole watches Blacked
Cucks lol
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oh no I posted uncropped by accident
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i don't think that anyone does, its just funny to make fun of
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No, I am the only person still actively simping for tay
I'm going to be real with you: we need plushies.
post on twitter so ik it's real bby
nice post, FAGGOT!!!!
most active /ftl/ posters likely have much more deranged fetishes
t. active /ftl/ poster
I do and I think it's based
the @ is lowkey a power play because you have to ctrl+f its pretty funny
i choose to believe that cole is a paying subscriber to blacked
Calm down sis, Summer doesn't like big meanies
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Any Tayleigh updates?
We don't talk about Gayleigh around these parts anymore
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post your favorite Josies below
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here's the best rundown
They were based though fuck amerikkka
still beat
still cringe
still a dyke
still has no fans
still jimfacing
still lost s2
still kwaboty
week 1 tayleigh playing the character of a wholesome texan girl only to reveal herself as a narcissistic 1488 sociopath... lol
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will do bb
not Josies, please listen to me
Holy Reddit
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all fucking /bant/posters and kiwifaggots must fucking hang
still beat
still cringe
still a dyke
still defended at all costs by /ftl2/
still jimfacing
still lost s2
still kwaboty
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>Simp for me, you fucking oinkers
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all josies are my favorite :)
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/bant/posters are the chads and kiwi niggers are the basedjaks actually
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I just can't stop loving her
why are you slandering /ftl2/ like this, they’re literally responsible for the new wave of Tay hate by finding out about Jordan.
the average age of /bant/posters is like 35, fucking GRIM
besides the taysimps who are all still apologetically simp for her and claim she did nothing wrong
>If feces were a person
That's all of them though
you forgive ex-tayjeets?
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>most notorious /ftl2/ poster is 19 years old
nice fanfiction
there are non
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Who else had a hard time watching everyone gang up on jon? Literally bullying a retarded man who was actually in the right this time
I fucking hate junkie dyke tay and her boring lapdop vance
She's cute now and I totally would
BUT she will hit the wall harder than a political dissident's remote controlled Tesla
i was sad
>tayleigh took advantage of 19 years old meth addict
ewww gross that's basically borderline pedophilia.
she probably used all her winnings money to get drugs and used them as a way to lure him in.
she's sick.
yea plac and Q are 19 but everyone else is like 40
s2 fish/tay ruining it the same way they ruined season 2
i will always love her and she will always be beautiful to me
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im barely 28 but okay
>BUT she will hit the wall harder
too late she already did >>200788138
It ended up being kino since we got Vampire Jon. Vance, Letty and Tai were right to plot to murder Jon because the retard fucked them over in the election.
Can go fuck herself since she did it out of spite but the other fish were just playing the game.
he's a bad sport, and a selfish retard, and he had it coming
but at the same time, I think it's likely that this sort of thing happened to him a lot when he was a boy, and him being excluded from the game by the other kids all over again hurt me a little
WHO ELSE /GOON/ for Creature?
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My precious navajo princess!
>Can go fuck herself since she did it out of spite but the other fish were just playing the game.
what game? its co-op
He didn't fuck them over in the election. They fucked themselves over multiple times. You are more retarded than Jon, congratulations!
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no one like her
you're the israeli larping as benleaks
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she gets prettier every day. I can't wait till she's 40
>what game?
the game where individual party members can betway their party and swear allegiance to the evil final boss?
Josie posting should be an instant ban. She isn't in this season not even as an NPC she doesn't deserve the spotlight
>the other fish were just playing the game
The game was cooperation. Congrats, by shitting on their teammate they strengthened the vamps.
FACT: you should be embarrassed if you're posting here and above the age of 20
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did i also shit in your pants by any chance?
why does it matter if she wants them to be public
She was getting with mentally ill Discord weirdos, getting off on the attention they were giving her, and intentionally fucking with them to drive them crazy. I don't feel much sympathy for her.
Vampire Jon is pretty kino. Can't wait to see what happens today
Yeah Sam isn't the evil final boss of his own game, it's the wacky comic relief weeb vampire that can't do anything anymore because Tayliegh can scream him away. Who was also fucked because Jon had secured them his secret name before this even happened and who will clearly cuck to the party whenever because that's his job as heel. Definitely the final boss and they should worry about.
gently stroking benjis leaking catboi girl cock while telling him he's daddies good boy!
you can't get an is from an ought, retard
>She was getting with mentally ill Discord weirdos
>intentionally fucking with them to drive them crazy.
They were already crazy and beyond help like the current cast (with Tai being the exception).
Then why didn't Jon cooperate with them and go with the strategy his other party members were pursuing? Are they just supposed to do whatever he wants? "I do everything for them team" isn't really compelling when your actions are pissing your teammates off.
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brother she's gonna be a rough lookin' 40 im telling you right now
>that pic
hottie alert
>she wants them to be public
That's why she immediately got them all removed from google as soon as she was able to right?
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Hi Q
do you guys think Vampire Jon will use Xavier to kill Duke?
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based, zoomer chuds run this shit
Because he pursued the same quest a different way and succeeded did not mean he wasn't cooperating with them. The only one who was pissed at him was Tay and it's not because he worked with the Vampires. I'm pretty sure Vance was as in it as he was because he thought it was a production but to get Jon to leave for the hospital, Vance couldn't have thoughts of his own or actually do anything otherwise.
Why did pussy you last out of the fight last Saturday
>Jon had secured them his secret name
They're going to do a bit where Jon can't invoke his secret name because he can't pronounce it correctly due to his speech impediment and general retardation. Write this down.
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sex with ______
Probably. Sure is a shame his team turned on him, imagine if he could share it with people who can talk! (He probably will anyway because even betrayed and a vampire, Jon will default to helping the team)
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We Lve Jsioe
Jon is unironically the worst type of person to RP with
I wasn't talking about Xavier
but more to the point, what you're not understanding here, is that this is a game where individual party members have the power to betray the group
consequently, the group need to have the capacity to defend themselves against the traitor
and that's what happened
you see how it's more complicated than just "co-op"?
Weird way of spelling Tayleigh
>Y...Y...Yan Wandowskee?
That would require him to coherently convey the name to other people
I am in love with Tayleigh

QRD on this betty lore
unironically completely forgot entirely about this leak
Kill yourself
Sam's character is gonna be the Lich King "Uhhh yeah so this dude is actually controlling the vampires keeping them from running rampant so he's actually not evil"
imagine not enjoying watching Jon finally throwing himself into the RP and having fun with it
insane how an 80 IQ retard is more effective than Tay
Yes and they don't have the capacity to defend against a traitor because they are too retarded to even understand what a traitor is. They killed Jon because Tay was salty and Vance thought production said so. Jon did more for the group than most of them, and probably still will as a vampire.
>I'm pretty sure Vance was as in it as he was because he thought it was a production but to get Jon to leave for the hospital, Vance couldn't have thoughts of his own or actually do anything otherwise.
It WAS Vance's idea. He suggested it immediately after the election to Tai and Letty. "Vance doesn't have original thoughts" is a meme.
season 3?
If it was that sudden Vance definitely didn't come up with it and production told him this was going to be the play ahead of time. I'd believe TJ having initiative before Vance. It's not a meme when they only thing he's done so far is almost fail to shoot a retard in the back.
they do have the capacity within the game rules
that's why jet left the decision about pvp up to the party, rather than making it a rule
why they killed jon doesn't even matter, only that in doing so, they were playing the game within the rules of the game
it's not, like you claim, purely "co-op"
the party turning on specific members, for whatever reason, is an intended part of the game
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what am i missing or getting wrong here?
why is the thread dead? why aren't the fish doing anything? I need to be entertained, fix this jet
Usually when people say "I would let her ruin my life" they mean a hot woman who will key their car. Not a meth head who will accuse you of rape after an argument.
Anon until someone says "production told me to do it" all we know is that the fish came up with it themselves.
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they should get one of these for fatty
who hasn't had a few run ins here and there with meth?
He who is without sin cast the first stone
Wait I thing we got lost somewhere and your arguments for someone else. I never argued they shouldn't have the ability to pvp, only that their decision was retarded and poorly thought out. I only mentioned co-op once to say that Jon was actually cooperating with them just in his own way.
Thanks, it's good to be based
So the fish were told by Xavier to get the 5 items to create a shrine that would make the duke invulnerable. Yet Xavier already 3/5 of the items anyways and the fish have to earn the items for some reason.

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