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Every time I make a Stargate SG-1 thread it ends up being spammed to P4C-970 and back with GOOLD memes, Lieutenant Hooters webms and that Tok'Ra bitch. Can we, FOR ONCE, discuss the show please? Just once?
Is the series any good, wife and I watched the movie last night and liked it, just wondering if it's worth the hassle of torrenting it since it's not streaming.
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>Can we, FOR ONCE, discuss the show please? Just once?
It ended over 15 years ago, what's left to discuss.
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>the hassle of torrenting
Zog propaganda. I tried to watch it after you faggots praised it to high heaven. Literally the first episode a girlboss character makes a speech about her reproductive organs and claims she did crucial work even though she wasn't even in the movie.
Also the main character was recast, and instead of a badass commando guy he's a quipping marvel faggot.
What even is this gay shit? It's like a current day show made in the 90s. I dropped it right away.
The last episode is literally called unending.
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>Google "Lieutenant Hooters"
>First result is a Stargate Wiki link to "Vanessa James"
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>it's true
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I streamed it all from Prime Video at no extra charge. But yes, I'd say it's worth watching whether online or through torrent. If you torrent it, just know the first couple episodes have some nudity while the rest of the series has none at all. If you stream it the nudity is edited out to make those episodes more in line with the rest of the series.
A few early episodes are very skippable but otherwise it's a consistently good show.
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The great debate.
Sha'uri or Sha're?
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Go back to your cave Saddam.
unrealistic show
first of all ignore the fact that there's no such thing as a wormhole device that can transport you to different planets
that doesn't even make sense it's so unrealistic
also the real sticking point is the misrepresentation of the USAF
for instance, Jack O'Neil is too high a rank to go on the missions he does
it would be likely that Jack would never go in the stargate himself but rather command many factions
usually in the USAF, a colonel has many hundreds or thousands of people under their command
not one enlisted and two civilians
it would be more realistic that Jack would be a major and his team would be much larger consisting mainly of a few captains and first and second lieutenants
also it would be unlikely that general Hammond would be present on the base as often as he is and in fact he would more likely be in Washington or operating elsewhere
>first of all ignore the fact that there's no such thing as a wormhole device that can transport you to different planets
No evidence for this.
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Amazon reboot in the works.
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What do you want to talk about then?
>the single most important exploratory venture in the entire US military
>literal galactic exploration and alien encounters with apocalyptic consequences
>they couldn't spare a Colonel and a Major General to oversee the thing
This isn't just another airbase or something lol.
If anything it's less believable that they'd leave only a two-star General in charge of the SGC. Hammond is presented with diplomatic and military problems that he needs to make important decisions over very quickly. Trying to do that from Washington would take too long and leaving such decisions to a lower ranked officer wouldn't be appropriate.

Realistically they should have a senior envoy for the US President on hand at all times.
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bruh, lookit this dood
I'm on the penultimate episode of season 3 and I would love to discuss it. Here are some recent thoughts:
>Samantha Carter being unmarried and not in a relationship is the most unrealistic aspect of the show. "Muh Jolinar" is a bad excuse.
>Daniel Jackson seems to be getting less screen time and becoming less plot relevant, which is a shame because I like his character.
>"Shades of Grey" was unbelievable from the start because we as an audience know O'Neill wouldn't just wake up with a different worldview. And would it have been so bad to bring his crew into the fold? He knows he could trust them. Reminded me of one of those shitty Star Trek episodes where a morally righteous character does a bunch of unscrupulous things instead of just explaining the situation
>The Dom DeLuise episode was not only the worst SG1 episode so far, but possibly one of the worst science fiction episodes I have ever seen in my life. I'm all for goofy fun, but holy fuck what a misfire
>Do the SG teams actually live at the SGC? We see occasional glimpses of Daniel and Jack's homes but only when they """quit""" or """retire"""
>>Samantha Carter being unmarried and not in a relationship is the most unrealistic aspect of the show. "Muh Jolinar" is a bad excuse.
There are several episodes that explain she went full in to her militairy carreer because of daddy issues.
>>Daniel Jackson seems to be getting less screen time and becoming less plot relevant, which is a shame because I like his character.
Later on it becomes the daniel show, dont get used to it.
>>"Shades of Grey" was unbelievable from the start because we as an audience know O'Neill wouldn't just wake up with a different worldview. And would it have been so bad to bring his crew into the fold? He knows he could trust them. Reminded me of one of those shitty Star Trek episodes where a morally righteous character does a bunch of unscrupulous things instead of just explaining the situation
The tolan and asgard only wanted him to defect.
>>The Dom DeLuise episode was not only the worst SG1 episode so far, but possibly one of the worst science fiction episodes I have ever seen in my life. I'm all for goofy fun, but holy fuck what a misfire
what one was that again?
>>Do the SG teams actually live at the SGC? We see occasional glimpses of Daniel and Jack's homes but only when they """quit""" or """retire"""
They all live off base and we see most of their homes at one point, even tealc has a appartment.
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Colonel Sheppard is even more unrealistic.
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>directed by Christopher Judge
Those honkers are bonkers.
>what one was that again?
The one where dom in the form of an escaped AI or some shit gets uploaded to their brains and he functions as a human bonzai buddy for their entire lives instead of just their pc desktop while they all try to figure out the most ethical way to deal with him.
I think it's the one where he plays a spook that only the main cast can see and hear. NTA, but he's right. It's fucking retarded lol.
And not plastic, hard to believe.


In hindsight, christopher judge should never have been allowed anywhere near creative.
>Literally the first episode a girlboss character makes a speech about her reproductive organs and claims she did crucial work even though she wasn't even in the movie.
I never saw that as girlbossing so much as it was exposing her insecurities. She comes in expecting to be talked down to for being a woman and ends up butting heads with O'Neill over it while O'Neill has more legitimate complaints/concerns that have nothing to do with sexism and it catches Carter off-guard. She always seemed like she was meant to be unlikable at first, and then she chills out with the insecure feminist routine and starts getting along better with everyone. It's all handled in a much more nuanced way than any modern media.
>Written by Christopher Judge
Sounds right, it's been a while since I've done a watchthrough. For the record I don't think the dom as a bonzai buddy episode is the worst of the run but it's not far behind.
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what did she mean by this
Vulcans in pon farr are drawn to stargates like moths to a flame
Something really funny about a black guy giving his character white girlfriends whenever he has the opportunity.
>where the white bitches at!!
>Literally the first episode a girlboss character makes a speech about her reproductive organs
Just 1st episode weirdness
Even the actress herself thinks that line was cringe as fuck and the show literally makes fun of it later on
>unscheduled neuron activation
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holy fuck giwtwm
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Not even a debate, the original.
Insane, I remember her in SGU and it was clear the director wanted her running down hallways as much as possible.
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>spits in your mouth
Who ever tought it was a good idea for the female goaulds to lust over jonas, was retarded.
stargate is literally an anti saddam psyop
it's so obvious now
I really enjoyed the actor who played Jonas, all his episodes were great.
Take a good look at this post Anons, This is your brain on /pol/.
How the fuck do these people enjoy anything is beyond me.
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they got close
I really wish she had gotten more screentime.
>anon, I am about to slip off. Use your hand to firmly hold my ass.
She came a long way.
Still would. Very gilfy.
Goa'uld are genderless bro only the host's body matters :^)
>tfw chopped up by Seth and left to rot for millennia only to wake up troon
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*makes plane noises*
What happens if you fuck the Goa'uld symbiote instead of the host?
Just rewatched this episode. While sci-fi it’s shit. The only consequential thing from it is that Carter cuts her hand which leads to 1969.
I really like this episode. Very comfortable putting it in the top 10.
Is this pasta or actual autism?
Those post just keep the thread alive

Make a effort post and you will get effort post back, but it is an old show we have all effort posted our thoughts before so don’t expect us to do it for your amusement unprompted
They're pretty singleminded so it'd probably just crawl up your dickhole and take you over that way.
Everyone else agreed with him though
sucking on those must give you a taste of of paradise
No one did.
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Are you more of a science fan or a fiction fan?
>Carter has the most obvious sexual tension with Daniel, building up more and more over 3 seasons
>season 4 starts and suddenly O'Neill and Carter are secretly madly in love with each other but can never admit their feelings due to protocol
>Carter and Daniel instantly stop interacting with each other closely
Did they get some Carter/O'Neill fanfic shippers on the writing staff in season 4? I got so much whiplash from the change in direction of all these characters' relationships.
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Jesus. You forget about the talent on TV back then.. take me back I hate what the industry has become today.
Daniel’s actor is an insufferable cunt. Even Teal’cs actor stopped being friends with him. He probably called Amanda a dyke.
>Daniel’s actor is an insufferable cunt.
Ah, shit, I had no idea. I guess that does explain some things.
it really does say something that 70% of posters on this board are blatant coomery, 20% forced memes and 10% actual discussion
i actually did like this show but the overarching plot they try to do never holds up
like it is just trouble with badguy of the season and then in the end they pull something out of their ass to resolve that one and replace it with a new, bigger badder guy
qrd on the drama or somewhere I can read more? I always had the impression that everyone got along well on set, they have a level of chemistry that's hard to fake.
>impression that everyone got along well
Do you remember when Daniel, one of if not THE main character, wasnt on the show for a while?
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He got paid to do this
>like it is just trouble with badguy of the season and then in the end they pull something out of their ass to resolve that one and replace it with a new, bigger badder guy
It's not so bad in the earlier seasons, they keep it mostly believable and reasonable. It becomes a much more pronounced problem in the later seasons with shit like Anubis and the Ori and how Daniel Ex Machina swoops in to save the day with literal god magic constantly. The show is really carried by its characters and individual concept episodes, but since the show is over there's not a whole lot to discuss there since there's not any new character drama unfolding to talk about.
Holy shit.
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Is it against regulation to cuddle with your subordinates? What if it's really cold and she's super sleepy?
Yeah, but he also kept guest starring somewhat regularly so I never assumed it was because people hated him.
Jesus christ. I bet her tits drive other women insane.
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>it's my sidearm, I swear
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My understanding was he got confused and thought he was a real actor instead of a cartoon character. He left to try and pursue his art, failed, and came back home. Also apparently he slept with everyone.
When did he buff up? It felt so weird because one season he was the geek and the next catching up to Teal'c
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those things could start wars
>he got to marry the new sexpot doctor
Lucky fucker.
>mfw she's probably talking to her dad in this scene
Take it down a notch.
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He hated playing a nerd and seethed that he only got cast because he looked like James Spader. He kept trying to get himself written out of the show, hence
>Daniel Jackson seems to be getting less screen time and becoming less plot relevant
He phones it in around S4/5. His solo career went nowhere and he had to beg to be let back on which sucks because Jonas is far superior.
RDA also wanted to quit for ages but that was for family reasons and he wasn't a little bitch about it. Tapping and Judge knew they were onto a steady paycheck so always put in the effort.
the other thing that really sucks is how much they rely on "wow we have X problem, which Y has knowledge of how to solve but they are gatekeeping us"
and then o'neil has all of the knowledge put in his head or daniel ascends or whatever and then proceeds to gatekeep himself for a while, then all of their knowledge is sucked out at the end of the episode
i guess it is just the reality of a show that 90% of the scenarios have to be created and then resolved in a single episode or two so if you miss an episode you aren't completely lost
but it really restrains the kind of stories they can tell
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Their daughter too
But what about Amanda?
Dr. Lam has no off-switch, not even for her dad.
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What do you call a quarter hapa? A quarpa? A haproon?
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if you love the movie youll like the series or visa versa
>he got confused and thought he was a real actor instead of a cartoon character

Man, what a bitch. But that does explain a lot about how much focus he got in the last couple seasons and how they changed his character.
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Why is every Stargate doctor, even Beckett, an unrepentant slut?
Coming straight from the movie, he's already way more built in S1 than Spader was. I assumed he was doing a lot of physical labor on Abydos.
You have to keep the theme going.
s-shes an architect!
Why has there been more Stargate threads than normal recently? Is something brewing or are they trying to reignite something?
4ch hivemind rewatches this show constantly since it ended two decades ago
He was a general ass, left during the Jonas season and then was made the main guy when RDJ decided to soft retire. He was best friends with Chris Judge but they had a falling out due to a bad real estate deal. As far as I know everyone from the show knew he was a diva cunt.
I'm not OP but I recently started watching Stargate for the first time and I've been making threads about it lately because of that, and I think other people have started watching and wanting to talk about it, too. I just finished all of SG-1 (including the movies) and I'm on season 2 of Attlantis at the moment.
Tatiana isn’t too bad either. Love or hate Shanks, he produced fine ass daughters.
Yeah its a great series, watched it far too much, I'll go back to it eventually. However in a similar vein I've been watching Supernatural which is comfy too and you can tell because its from the same period.
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Every other scifi franchise has been raped beyond salvation, Stargate is the last one standing. You can thank Emmerich for being a total spazz wanting to do a direct 94 sequel and killing off all potential new tv shows. Of course Amazon has it now but they probably don't think it has enough brand recognition to be worth pursuing.
Did he even do anything to merit acting like a diva? I've only ever seen him in Stargate and looking at IMDB before that he just did random guest roles on TV shows and some cheesy TV romance movie. It's not like he was even a big deal before he got on Stargate, was he?
>I've been watching Supernatural which is comfy too and you can tell because its from the same period.
It really was such a good era of TV that I didn't appreciate nearly enough when it was around. Supernatural is great, even in the bad seasons (post-season 5) it has so many fun individual episodes and it's just entertaining to watch.
>You can thank Emmerich for being a total spazz wanting to do a direct 94 sequel and killing off all potential new tv shows.
Didn't that all get repurposed into the finale episodes of season 7?
>Supernatural is great, even in the bad seasons (post-season 5)
I keep hearing about S5. Maybe I'll stop at that point, seems comfy at the moment.
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I enjoy a good chunk of post-5 stuff. But the "story" is finished at 5.
Basically what happened is that at some point the creator of the show made a plan to get the show to a certain ending by season 5, and he did it successfully, but then the show was so popular the network decided to keep it going for like 10 more seasons. The result is that seasons 1-5 mostly feel like a coherent self-contained story with a decently satisfying ending, and then seasons 6 and on start to feel like they're trying a bit too hard to keep it going after it's done. There are still some comfy episodes and fun concepts but it never reaches the heights of those first 5 seasons and feels a bit fanfiction-y.
Same. Hated the way he was removed and especially the pity episode where he came back for the last time. And I initially disliked the character when he was introduced.
Well I already know that the director quits and someone else keeps the show going, so is that the S5 point? Kinda makes sense.
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Yeah no shit. It was approved by the US air force. Air force officers acted as consultants. It always made them look good.
It had a heckin' diverse cast, too.

You dropped this.
Yup, at the end of season 5 the creator leaves the show and a new showrunner steps in. From there it's a bit of a revolving door of new showrunners every couple seasons.
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They were spinning their wheels after kililng Apophis (again), every other villain was a total jobber and/or charisma vacuum. Then they fell into the trap of having to constantly one-up the threat with more and more powerful ships and weapons. It's kind of silly when Anubis beats the Asgard and Earth is wide open to attack but nothing happens because the Goold are totally busy with other stuff, honest.
its a lame sitcom with the thinnest science fiction elements possible. there's nothing to "discuss."
>It had a heckin' diverse cast, too.
It had one token black in the main cast for all 10 seasons. And him being black is never actually treated as an important part of his character and he's never elevated due to his race, he's just another member of the team with his own flaws.
>but they probably don't think it has enough brand recognition to be worth pursuing.
I really hope it stays this way.
no, IIRC he hated the TV show and had no involvement in it
Kind of makes me curious as to what his vision of continuing the story would be, without the retcons that were implemented to make the TV show work.
Teal'c was cooler with the goold sheen. Don't know how he thought the facial hair was a good idea
The episode where he killed 80 men single handedly was fantastic
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>mfw the SGC discovers Russia has a gate program because the Russian teams keep leaving cigarettes and milk cartons everywhere
Imo the first season has too many filler episodes
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Independence Day was meant to be Stargate 2, with a Mayan theme. I expect Emmerich recycled a few concepts to use in 10,000 BC and 2012. It would have been kino and you could still have had a tv show afterwards.
Is it difficult to keep a jew dick in your mouth all day?
everything has already been discussed hundreds of times
Independence Day was just generic aliens though, it would have never worked out for a TV show.
The many following episodes where he consistently jobbed to teams of 3-5 aboriginals weren't precisely because of that. Typical SG fare, however: create something cool and then flounder pathetically trying to get around its very existence.
A Serpent Guard, a Horus Guard and a Setesh Guard meet on a neutral planet. It is a tense moment. The Serpent Guard's eyes glow, the Horus Guard's beak glistens, the Setesh Guard's... nose drips.
But Jack had all the SG teams under his command. He wasn't just the leader of SG-1, he was a colonel in order to establish a chain of command when multiple SG teams joined forces.

As for the fact that wormholes don't exist, y-yes you are completely right. That is so unrealistic. I am definitely not a Tok'ra spy living amongst humans...
why would the tok'ra spy on their allies?
Yes it's really good. I just got done with season one and only caught a handful when I was a kid, so not even going off pure nostalgia copium. Just a fun and comfy show.
All countries spy on their allies.
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now I get why you fags keep talking about this show
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Now that the dust has settled I think we can all agree Jack was way out of line.
Not really, SGU is the worst of the three shows. I was able to tolerate all of the bad episodes and general progressing retardation in the other two but I just flat out dropped SGU at the end of its S1.
Because the Tok'ra are massive cunts. This is well-established.
But we don't?
It's not fair bros. Daniel could have saved the universe from the replicators with his dick
>tfw ywn hatefuck a big titty tok'ra bitch into sharing valuable intel with earth
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>And yet you eat meat?
Why did this feel so damn venomous and why did it never get addressed?
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>it's a reused SG-1 script episode
They also lost their first mission which was supposed to be conquering a planet in a 2 week operation.
Fucking hothead this guy
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Hahahaha imagine being her first prime lol omg just imagine.
The movie and the series aren't that similar, but close enough. Like TNG vs the original series. And yes like TNG it takes a bit to get going, with there being some entirely skippable episodes.
I heard they removed the internal reproductive organs line from some later releases. What do they do about all the later episodes that reference it to make fun of it?
I’ve never watched a single second of Stargate or entered a single Stargate thread but the autism described in OP made me laugh in the way that the /dbs/ infantile schizobabble makes me laugh, or late 00’s /f/.
That's not even close to being the worst episode in the series, much less all of sci-fi.
see >>200788315

The overarching plot is good until season 6, and the power creep is probably the most well done I've ever seen.
It's not until Anubis that things get silly and it all goes to hell when the Ori and the Ancients become major players in everything.
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>it all goes to hell when the Ori and the Ancients become major players in everything
*literally becomes Jesus Christ in your path*
>Literally the first episode a girlboss character makes a speech about her reproductive organs and claims she did crucial work even though she wasn't even in the movie.
Did you miss the part where she then gets beaten by a guy who forcibly takes her as his wife just a few minutes later on
Nothing, of course.
If you're lucky you already have a copy of the originals, if you don't.
Well, sorry bud.
Nah, ascended are numerous enough and not omnipotent. Still him flipping back and forth between here and there is annoying and they even joke about it in the show.
I pity anyone who sees the edited version and then has no clue what those jokes later on are about.
Removing Sha'rays bush was unforgivable
The whole
cycle got really tiresome. It was okay-ish the first time he came back, but he did that shit like 3 times.
Hopefully someone still runs torrents with the badwrong old versions. For posterity's sake, obviously.
people don't want to admit it, but this is where stargate peaked
>The episode where he killed 80 men single handedly was fantastic
I enjoyed the recurring concept that Earthers were far more competent at battle tactics than everyone else because they'd been spending the last 6,000 holed up in their own isolated little backwater killing each other over and over again in blissful ignorance of the rest of the galaxy.

Meanwhile everyone else was too busy serving the Goa'uld or hiding from the wraith in-between getting culled to actually git gud.
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>It's a /tv/ writes an episode episode
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I recently downloaded a decent quality torrent that's fully uncensored, so the originals are still floating around.
Dr Ruoooohhhhdny McKay.
The show was "supposed" to end after 5 seasons but it was very successful for the CW so they begged for more episodes. The showrunner let them, but he left, and the quality of further seasons varies wildly.

There's a lot that's worth watching in the later seasons but there's also a lot of crap. They're more of a "browse and go for episodes that sound interesting" type deal.
>worst episode
isnt it pretty widely acknowledged that the mongol episode is the worst one?
Mongol episode is plausible for worst of the season, but it is FAR from being the worst in S1 to S8, let alone further.
the one where they gave a guy a handgun?
Among other things, yes.
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we could have have nudity in every episode goddammit
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>watch Stargate on Amazon
>it has a feature that shows the names of on-screen actors when you pause
>2-3 times per episode find myself pausing to get a name and search up nudes
carter tried to rape oniel, not daniel when she went monke.
Don't bother, slashfags are so delusional they might as well be living in an alternate reality.
I don't recall her seeking him out so much as he was just nearby when she started getting horny.
>isnt it pretty widely acknowledged that the mongol episode is the worst one?
On this site maybe, but in general probably not. That episode's heavy handedness is bad, it negatively affects the tone for sure. But the story is actually pretty good, and it shows a lot about how SG-1 and the SGC learn to approach later missions.

It's probably the worst of season 1 and one of the worse episodes of the show in general but it has nothing on ashy aliens doing interpretive dance.
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anon this is advanced stage coomerism
>be scientist
>make cunnybot
>make it call you "father/daddy"
>cunnybot makes mini robots that spit acid, the fuck?
>mini bots destroy your entire planet and spread out in the universe and almost wipe out everything.

All because a dude was too much of a nerd to talk to real woman he mad a sexbot instead.
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I have no problem with a highly trained American woman, using advanced combat techniques developed over millennia, defeating some stinky, drunken Chinaman in physical combat.
Based anon, carry on.
It's not my fault...
its the only episode rated below 6 on imdb
I'm amazed that i havent been banned yet for posting that.
parker lewis deserved better. he should have at least had some sort of spin off
people who hate naked aliens probably think move along home and if wishes were horses are bad ds9 episodes

aka they are redditor plebs with bad taste
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i just think beau bridges is a cool guy even though hammond is still the best
>They all live off base and we see most of their homes at one point, even tealc has a appartment.

There is a barracks on the base, and Teal'c lived on-base for quite some time before the SGC agreed to let him have an apartment (which considering the shit he got into topside was probably a bad decision).
Post some more images. I love Star Trek.
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>mini robots that spit acid, the fuck?
At some point they mentioned that his planet was taken over by the ori and i tought we would have a episode where SG1 need to help him take back the planet, but we didnt even have that.
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Emancipation (the Mongol episode) is the worst ranked episode on IMDB. Even worse than the clip shows. It's also the only episode below 6/10 with a 5.9/10

One False Step (the naked mushroom people episode) is the 7th worst episode but is still 6.7/10.
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This dude was good at playing a asshole.
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what was his problem?
i kinda miss the posting for hot tok'ra tits guy
>what was his problem?
Replicators, mostly.
Thor saved sg1 a shitload of times, the least they could do is help him a couple of times.
Still hate what they did with the asgard in the end
>lol we give up, we are going to kill ourselfs.
>it's rated worse than the clip shows
He never said that.
Since the Asgard gave them almost all the know-how to build their ships in the first place it seems fair they were entitled to use them when needed lel
i really dont like that they gave all their awesome tech to the humans and then the ship just gets destroyed like 5 minutes later
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What about sweaty brown jaffa pussy?
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Falling viable birth rates.
This has been the norm in SG-1 the show since they finally started noticing all the tech lying around and trying to use it in some way. For a very long time.

still kinda mad they threw away the first nanite chick and instead made an evil nanite sam. that was a waste of a cutie
>Raise son
>Teach him how to be an adult
>>Hey son, now that you're 40 and a successful corporate such-and-such, I need all your money.
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They should have brought him in as General in S8, would have given more time to develop his character and also avoid the embarrassing fat Jack cringe.
I'm still mad that O'Neill wasn't there to say good-bye to Thor. Like what the fuck, man? I bet O'Neill would have even had a funny comment about how Thor asked permission to board for the first time ever in that last episode.
They should never have killed of the asgard anyway, instead maybe something like "we are going in a collective hibernation until the problem is solved" if they really wanted the asgard out of the way, the suicide plot instead was retarded.
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>220 posts
>no one has hallowed the Ori
Don't make me punish you haha
Looks like the pedo's have found the thread.
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I still don't understand how they suffered genetic degradation.

Presumably they had some kind of genetic template that they used to keep creating new bodies. And so each clone should be exactly the same as the one before.

The only way it makes sense is if they were creating clones of clones and kept repeating the process without keeping the info on the originals. Which would be pretty fucking retarded.
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Adria, go to your room!
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did daniel fuck his wife's daughter?
>The only way it makes sense is if they were creating clones of clones and kept repeating the process without keeping the info on the originals. Which would be pretty fucking retarded.
By the point they released what they had done they most likely were already too far gone.
>his wife
>even the most advanced race in the galaxy couldn't find a solution to the W*men Question
She was daniel's slampiece, nothing more.
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>as a matter of fact it does say colonel on my uniform
Vala, I know that's you. Stop telling people you're my wife.
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what made o'neill think teal'c had an apostrophe in his name?
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Gotta say I hate the trope of apostrophes in fantasy/scifi names. If it's a transliteration from an alien language into English THERE WOULD BE NO FUCKING APOSTROPHE. See Tolkein who autistically invented entire fictional languages and precisely zero of the hundreds of named characters from non human races have apostrophes in their names.
they saved the ship though. did you not watch the whole episode? having the entire knowledge base of the asgard is a plot point going forward too.
What made O'Neill think he had 2 L's in his own name?
he gave himself a personal promotion after he got over his suicidal tendencies
>Every time I
You should stop making Stargate threads since you're so bad at it
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>O'Neill, with two L's
>O'Neil is dead. I am... O'Neill.
It's the "technology bad" narrative that was sometimes found in contemporary and older sci-fi. I'm not going to start (or join) a crusade for either, despite having preferences, but at least have the decency to properly flesh out your preachings.
Stargate went really overboard with the apostrophes.
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Most tv/movie scifi writers are retards. They come up with a problem-resolution concept for an episode but don't think it through. Like the iris, every motherfucker that is even halfway advanced should have one, or some kind of equivalent. It would be better to keep the Asgard and other elder races at a distance with at little contact as possible.
>says two L's
>holds up three fingers

What did they mean by this?
It's a subtle hint that he's actually O'Neilll.
Is he supposed to be naked like that?
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I liked shepard.
Never understood the hate, sure, he was no o'neill, but still.
I'm near the beginning of S2 and so far I feel like Atlantis is kind of just SG-1 but lesser. I don't mind it, none of the characters except Rodney bug me or anything, but I feel like it needs to develop its own identity.
>I liked shepard.
me too, didnt know people didnt
Well you obviously didn't see stargate origins. In case you are curious just don't it is an abortion of a story. I suspect they made it to retain right to the franchise...god knows what they will do next
There are people out there who hated shepard, but they are about as rare as people who actually liked teyla.

I hate how stargate atlantis went too fast from "we are alone and need to find ways to survive" to massive spacebattles.
Atlantis lost me when they brought on Carter (who contributes nothing) and every other episode was about Michael returning (somehow) and doing shit to Teyla, her baby, and her MUH PEEPIL
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He's kino. I don't like Ferris wheels though. Pretty lame to be honest.

Punished shepard was a cool idea.
Funny this actor looked similar to my mothers ex...also a complete asshole
>stargate origins
>hey all this made up inconsequential bullshit happened and then everyone's memory was wiped afterward so as not to disrupt the canon
I hate this type of utterly pointless storytelling.
Reminder that the show writers of SG1&atlantis&universe pitched a new stargate show to amazon that would tie in to the old stargate shows.
But amazon wanted a reboot instead.
So dont expect any of the old actors to show up in the new stargate show.
Or the show being any good, amazon is going to make it woke as fuck, expect jafa life matters and shit
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The problem with Shepherd and Farscape man is they were both played like ONeil mini-mes, instead of having a more distinct style. Shep got more time and his character developed, I did like the not so open secret that he was actually very intelligent. O'Neill on the other hand started off fairly smart (being into astronomy etc) and ended up as zombie simpsons tier Homer.
It took my second watch to like Atlantis, I was majorly annoyed when they killed off Robert Patrick in the pilot. It was awesome with him being a hardass, again a totally different character from wacky Macguyver which would have been cool. Now I find around 50% of SG-1 virtually unwatchable, almost entirely due to RDA's boomer humor.
Funny because atlantis is kinda shit in the first season. From S2 onward they get rid of Ford (thank fuck) and Ronan comes in. Teyla gets less screen time but better development and the dynamic between Sheppard and Mc'Kay gets really good
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>So dont expect any of the old actors to show up in the new stargate show.
Is it too much to ask for General Carter and President O'Neill?
It was a show aimed at boomers, so yeah, they pumped that part of oniell up a lot in later seasons.

I liked season 1, but yeah, fuck ford and teyla.
i always asumed the actress that played teyla was the fucktoy of somebody high up at the production house that owned stargate back then.

Anon, it's for the best, just look at the corpses they draged on the screen in star trek picard.
Actors that old only do damage to the iconic characters they played in the past.
Why did Teyla get pregnant from someone other than Shepard?
Between late series SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe, the Stargate continuity was a bit of a mess by the end. The introduction of ZPM's in particular was not good for the shows.
I can definitely see why Amazon (if they're even still interested in the Stargate IP) would want a reboot instead. If I were them I'd make a sequel to the movie and start from there.
>I still don't understand how they suffered genetic degradation
They are supposed to be grays. And grays are us from a failed future timeline where we accepted transhumanism. Thats why they say the show was soft disclosure.
Early Atlantis is much better with attention to detail and is more serious sci-fi. If you came for SG-1 tier drama versus details kind of deal then no surprise you see it as a lesser.
And characters do develop and quite a lot so it only gets better for you.

What's wrong with Teyla?
And it actually is plausible that they'd be developing very quickly considering where they went to.

True. But at least the show has a good ending.
They could do a alternate universe.
That way you can do a reboot and reintroduce things from the old show as you go.
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>Anon, it's for the best
I know
>So dont expect any of the old actors to show up in the new stargate show.
Well, you could have the other characters refer to them all the time. Maybe get them on the phone once in a while.
>What's wrong with Teyla?
Horrible character and shitty actress.
The entire alien amazonian warrior woman of the team thing she had going sucked.
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>shitty actress
They were all extremely wooden to me until the later half of S1 or thereabouts.
>The entire alien amazonian warrior woman of the team thing she had going sucked.
Strange, my first thoughts of the character are "voice of reason" and "local guide".
>Atlantis episodes where they have nothing to do but explore the city
These were comfy/great and they should've done more.
And i really lost all intrest with all the micheal being obsessed with teyla episodes.
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>television and film?
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>My people
>My people
>My people
IKR Shepard was their 2nd chance of acually doing parody of Kirk. One dick inseminating half he galaxy
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It's like Ancient women could smell the ATA gene in him. Bitches were crazy for the Sheppard.
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>I'm pregnant
And those where they actually get to explore other worlds instead of more wraith, more Genii, more fucking Kolya who is totally not a supervillain that gets away with anything as long as a writer deems it necessary.

Would be strange if she suddenly didn't care after they got hit by the wraith early on, in graphic detail. Also while it definitely overstays its welcome it ends like midway into S2, with a few mentions later.
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Great episode.
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In X Files, Skinner murders Major Samantha Carter (hooker)
>they still put tealc's symbol on his head.
lol, as if we would not know it was him if they did not do that.
Atlantis feels like a great place to live, granted that you've got rid of all of Janus's death traps. I think it's also down to the set design and the fact that the ocean and sunlight are always coming through the windows.
My God, thats just ridiculous.
And the new foothold situation every other week.

Who is that, daniel?
>o'neill help me!
Who is this?
Major Samantha Carters sister
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Eva Habermann from Lexx, she has a shower scene where she shows bobs
I watched SG-1 1st season on rewind, and beginning of last season out of curiosity after your OPs
Overall I found it aesthetically unpleasing and not comfy
Ship interior looks like warehouse
Camo everywhere is cheap and not comfy
Acting is strange, it looks like they don't care about anything at all
That is my impression
yeah 1st season had a budget of about 4 dollars
I think the alternate universe well has been too poisoned by capeshit at this point.
It would still make sense for Tapping to show up. Maybe not even as Sam Carter, but just some politician as an homage to the old show.

Judge also still looks OK and could probably do a Bra'tac 2.0 thing. Hell, Tony Amendola still looks good enough to be Bra'tac 1.0. He's looked 70 since he was 40.
>I watched SG-1 1st season on rewind
Try watching it on normal play, it makes a lot more sense that way.
>Try watching it on normal play, it makes a lot more sense that way.
based not-being-retarded-and-watching-things correctly enjoyer
>There was that time Colonel O'Neill was invisible.
For me its when he goes back to high school in a younger clone body, in full possession of his memories and 50 years of experience, and bangs a bunch of freshman.
yeah, that one was kind of fucked up.
Freshman girls would be easy prey for clone jack.
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My estimation of Rodney McKay as a man just fucken plummeted.
based as fuck desu
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>O'Neill clone would be 35 years old now
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>My name Dr. Rodney McKay and I'm the smartest person...JOHN WHERE'S JOHN?
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He was a good friend, Arthur.
Who had to replace his adult diapers?
God i hope it was ronan.
It's fantastic.
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>I wanted a ZPM but I compromised, I used a portable naquadah reactor instead
Best Atlantis episode. Followed by worst Atlantis episode.
The best pair to ever be filmed.
You are literally retarded. Daniel even explains that the alpha male would get all of the women in that same episode.
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>In light of recent humiliations, it is an honor to be joined by true Jaffa. And not faggot ass, corn holing shol'va like married my cousin!
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>So dont expect any of the old actors to show up in the new stargate show.
They're all 60+ at this point. Why would you want that? And what would justify that in the logic of the universe? The only way I could see those characters being used is if the series was animated. Which as far as I'm concerned is the best way to handle it and what I would prefer
So it's just because he's the leader and not because her actual human side is in love with him. I think that supports my point that it's not an indication of feelings between the characters.
Kavanaugh did almost nothing wrong though.
Kavanaugh was emblematic of the reason I never liked Atlantis. Has tons of characters who are correct and are doing the right things but are nonetheless insufferable to watch. McKay yelling all the time killed it for me.
>Which would be pretty fucking retarded.
He fucked up bad on midway.
How? He literally stopped himself from giving out the access codes by fainting.
He tripped the self destruct like a retard.
Oh right, I had forgotten about that.
I'm glad that I "almost" in my original post, so it still stands.
4chan didnt always have webms, newfag
I know, and that still doesn't explain the retarded filename, retard.
It's a gif someone converted to webm without changing the filename.

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