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Last thread actually reached the bump limit, so why not continue?

Previous: >>200786390
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>op wants SG-1 thread without goold, hooters and tokra
>thread devolves into goold, hooters and tokra

Has OP secretly tricked us into posting goold, hooters and tokra?
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Ba'aldria = Best Girl
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Goa'uld are agender and assume the gender identity of their host.
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>implying you wouldn't
Sad that he didn't get a cameo later on. Doesn't even matter if he couldn't or even wouldn't want to help.
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>goa'uld favours male hosts for thousands of years
>gets into a female host once
>dresses like a total slut
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>abandon false gods
>immediately embrace new false gods
Democracy is hard.
You'd think eventually we would have figured out you can just insert western liberal democracy into a culture and expect it to work. If the Whig History sham doesnt work with Earth people how was it ever supposed to work with ayyy lmaos?
His problem was navelgazing. He didn't spend time around humans or at least Tok'ra or some other advanced people.
Totally would.
To me it seemed like they didn't really have preferences, aside from being a different sex from their mate.
As a kid I was always terrified of gray aliens until seeing them be cool bros on Stargate SG-1. Now I think they're kind of neat.
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What episode is this supposed to be from? I just did a rewatch and this doesn't ring a bell.
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The Defiant One, S1E12, a marooned Wraith plays hide and seek with Shep
was vala right? do mitchell and jackson really look similar?
I want Mommy Osiris to choke and step on me.
Yes. Not similar enough that I ever noticed on my own, but similar enough that when you put them together and point it out I laugh and can't unsee it.
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Wish i had a pair of these sunnies
>mfw you can see the whole film crew in his sunglasses
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based goold poster
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>offworld gape detected

To be fair, they were pretty much gods.
Go home, Prior.
Yeah I feel like they were arguing semantics at that point.
>There are no gods
>Here are these two group who have god like power.
The only thing I can think of when I hear this is Peep Show.
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Did anyone post that Nirrti webm last thread?

It was always one with a fucked up aspect ratio, so I made a new one and haven't posted it much.
Ba'al is too based.
Michael Shanks aged so poorly. Goddam, bet he was smoking darts every second he was off camera
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I got something else for that. might feel a slight tickle
I love this episode
I hate this episode
false gods.
pulling off magic tricks doesn't make one a god.
why were non-human ayys so rare in Stargate?
Where where all the humans in complex makeup or the puppet monsters?
They weren't really all THAT uncommon. It felt like every season had a couple different ones even if you don't count the Goa'uld or Asgard.
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The in universe explanation is that almost all the planets with stargates that had life were human derivatives placed their either by the ancients, or by the goa'uld and jaffa to power their empire. The real life explanation is elaborate makeup and puppetwork requires certain types of people and a lot of money and effort and not everybody has the opportunity to use the masters at the Jim Henson Company like Farscape did.
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Who was the best girl?
Hathor a cute.
Janet, killing her off was such a waste.
Shanks aged poorly.
RDA aged REALLY poorly.
Judge aged poorly and grew some gay-lookin cornrows.
Tapping... actually aged pretty well.
why u gotta post spoilers bro
you've had twenty years, anon
Daniel dies
>Tapping... actually aged pretty well.
Daniel dies... again
compared to the other three? have you seen anderson lately - he looks like a homeless man as played by james may.
Yeah he looks bad but he already looked aged in the 90s. I saw that show that Tapping was in....was she a detective or something? Fuck, she aged so badly man....was such a fucking shame
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She's a certified GILF with a smile as cute as ever.
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>Hi I'm Michael Shanks, and you should join the AARP
Don't enter threads for 20 year old shows if you don't want spoilers. Finish the show and then join the threads.
I wish Ba'al was a bigger part of the later series, or even forced to work with/join SG-1 for some reason. Like Spike in Buffy.
Would have gotten old quickly
In that episode where the Stargate was spawning AU clones of SG-1, I wish one of the teams had James Spader & Kurt Russell as Daniel & Jack as a cameo.

How so?
>Those are the Ba'als?
>More like dots, really.
Not only that, but he likes to talk about cats. No doubt he has toxoplasmosis. In other words, Daniel is a goold now.
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I would love to be with her....if I was a similar age to her, and we had been together from when she was young and hot

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