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>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

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Previous >>200784553
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Taytriots...... /ourgirl/ is officially the least-endorsed contestant..
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first for nifty
you think she will return to streaming? even if she does good numbers, she definitely gained a lot more haters. if you think it was bad before, imagine how much worse it will be now.
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>Vance being the most endorsed
certified grim
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Vance and Tai are based as shit, you just don't get it
How did Jon huwt his lewg? Just an airsoft pellet?
>insta replies to the bake
wtf why did i have to bake? i mean i guess its cool cuz i can make a taylor OP but damn you some lazy bastards.
She needs to fucking leave if she's going to actively neuter anything related to Xavier, the objectively best part of the season.
I would've endorsed Vance, but he was late, so I endorsed Letty
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You're the bread boy now bitch
Truly this
>why did i have to bake?
i charge for my labor
he slipped in the mud when it was raining. everyone saysbit was when he fell from the tree but nah
I would've but it would have been very low effort.
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So the west has really fallen...
jon says he was running really fast and tore something in his leg
jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj stupid whore dumb cunt bitch jjjjjjj

QRD on this betty lore ?
whats the sarm goblins max bench?
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I like when they're playing death games in the rain while the ghost of Hitler speaks through the TTS.

This is what it means to be free. This is Fishtank.
If Jimmy really is 190lb at 6'0" he must be like 135 pounds lean mass. But those stats are probably mostly bullshit.
Disliking any of the S1 fish is midwit-tier
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all it took was a week of jontent and a week of nontent from tay and the endorsements barely changed. Much like s2 it seems that people just pick their fav early on and never look back
They have Letty, Jon and Tai to choose from
It said he was 190lb in season 2 which was believable, he must be decently over 200 now.
There is no worse quality sleep than "just five more minutes," fighting against your systems getting primed, blood pumping, bladder aching, stomach growling, imagining all of the stuff you have to do, seeing those five minutes tick away in futility.
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Betty is like an evil version of Letty if Letty wasn't already jewish so the truly evil version.
Theory abound, but some say Letty's cabal pushed Betty harder and harder into porn (classic jewish trick) to get her into the deepest depths of it, BBC. This was done because Letty knew the fans overall prefer Betty to Letty, thus the jewes assured her spot for eternity, whilst sweet sweet betty got sent to eternal hell
they should reset every day, maybe something happens to the winner or the loser. something that drives traffic to the actual site and doesn't cost $199 to partake in
i'm pretty sure he hurt his leg chasing the bear, because that was when the limp actually started
>delays the alarm clock by 5 more minutes
sweet bliss
real letty is the truly evil one
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And? I'd still choose Vance. Or Jon.
I think I see a blue and green so its 180x5, so his 1 rep max is exactly 2pl8
meds now
somebody made it up newfag.
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i miss her so much lads
The appeal of Vance is so normie-encoded that it completely eludes me. For as unpopular as Jon is, he's the one that makes a lot of the show when Xavier is away and now that Tai has sort of checked out.
someone please post the josie goonfuel pmv I'm starting early today
>Gormedeous: Goldstriker Origins https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx2oEv_yU2606VFhx3UpPdYcLG1ZGiAmhl?si=nfIJSse0SrF3FfBq
If they reset it, I'd say they could use it for determining who levels but that would very quickly lead to one person getting level 15 and the rest nothing. Plus Goran just likes that it's an arbitrary decision he gets to make.
>letty still 24

damn she hasn't aged since season 1, maybe she's actually 29 now and her names Nina.
Letty was 23 in s1
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does this even matter? I wish it did
The appeal is that we don't get the appeal. We are not normies, none of us gets it, that's why we back him.
i think endorsements are free but this is a good idea that people brought up in s2 and i doubt they'll ever implement
Endorse Jon till Vance decides to stop trying to please production and actually start having and doing fun. He can’t be allowed to coast like this.
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devastating. Poor Betty
yeah shit like top person getting money would lead to the same guy winning every time. it would have to be done intelligently. sometimes middle person decides, sometimes loser, sometimes winner. for this to then work they would have to hide the votes somehow untill voting is done, which i wonder would defeat the point.
Nope, doesn't matter at all. Also I think Jimmy took and his the crown and Jon has 3 of the exodia pieces.Jimmy also has a special rock I think.
>Born in 2000
>23 last year
>29 this year
God Bex’s panties get to have the best life. I know this is undress ai but imagine being a thing like that. Ypu spend your days firmly plastered against her sweaty asscrack and pussy. Imagine her bending down and getting something and how much that thing rides up her ass…
If she was wet or had discharge how it pools into the fabric…every fart passes through you…...how close you get to be to her flat tum
God being a pair of Bex thongs would be the best thing in the world…..
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I wish I could endorse both but no
Betty deserved so much more. I HATE THAT GOD DAMN JEW LETTY
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>it's real
holy shit
I feel like Tay underestimates how popular character Xavier is and overestimates how popular she herself is
who is this nigger and why is he getting all of the pussy now? first the fucking hot blond and now the jew?
Yeah, fishtank audience just lends itself more to locking in on one person and ignoring the rest so that shit doesn't work. Id like an anti-endorsment tho, just in the hopes it can be used to further shit on Tay.
letty is so powerful
there's that clicking sound again
Prince of Fishtank
it's called based wavelength, you wouldn't get it
Tough but fair. I respect the loyalty.
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There was a goblin girl last night? I fell asleep who was it
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absolutely. this is the most egregious shit. xavier and jon RP'd off camera for hours yesterday while the director focused on Tay, which is fucking insane
Classic jewish trick
>Prey eyes
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anybody notice a major vibe shift since tays return?
>2 for 99!
>2 for 99!
>2 for 99!
>2 for 99!
Here is his vampire rap from when he was still funny
Thigh Gap-pire. Unfortunately not Taylor
it looked like the minion
I busted the BIGGEST nut over that green goddess
You forget that the people watching are in the Fishtank too
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>Jimmy this leaf blower is now a flamethrower
yeah it's gotten better
why is damiel there but not on fishtank?
Jimmy has amazing skill of turning pretend weapons into actual threats.
it's depressing..
Nice try meth-head. Go back to surfing Grindr.
this kid is such a faggot and i don't understand how anyone likes him
his schtick was funny one time
He should play the Shitty homeless guy and he can be high the entire time in a bush
does anyone have a webm of this
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Tayleigh should be slaughtered.
>hunter eyes
>red hair
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share it on bant ;3
Jon Xavier and DJ party adventures would have been great kino. I hate that dyke like you couldn't believe. I hope Q haunts her forever.
Yes I do dress like a girl and get plowed by muscular men via grindr and I do love Tay but that does NOT mean I use meth.
easily the most entertaining thing he’s done thus far
amazing how we go from the best day with fun and good vibes to an absolutely horrible day the second tay gets back. from the get go she was bitching at jon and calling him a faggot then seething the entire day and conspiring to kill jon instead of doing quests. brought the entire mood down and somehow Jon manages to be better at her at RP, a literal stumbling retard who cant even talk. what a colossal mistake it was to bring her back.
I can't believe Jon has so few endorsements
Paypigs are such fags
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a yung hyde classic fosho
give dj a fire potion first
I've noticed all the S1 fish have incredibly loyal fans. Ultimately, you either "get it" or you don't.
well why the fuck did they have to dothe whole fucking Q shit you niggers? do toy faggots really think she cares? she knows these fuckers are fucking evil.
Idk what the psychology is around the goblin but they genuinely seem to lose their mind whenever he arrives/leaves. No other NPCs elicit any real reaction but the goblin mogs
They should have made DJ's bit that he's mute swordsman so he'd have to just do his weird facial expressions the whole time.
Fuck you, Neptune, for nerfing Jimmy. His rope sword was kino.
she has pristine holes and LOVES to show them off. that's about it. and yeah yeah she likes to gash her arms sometimes and sew them back up herself with crude tools but whatever man cmon you act like you ain't never done some shit like that what are you a saint? pfft whatever
He’s funny af
>Jon Xavier and DJ party adventures would have been great kino.
We still have a few days left. Against all odds they might salvage the situation so we can have the first few days back
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>Jimmy higher than Letty
all is right in the world
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>gets one-guy'd
>five minutes later Letty goes after Jimmy for "real life drama"
Jet pls
>kneel on the floor
>your in the shot, sit in the ground
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it still hurts, bros
He moved to mumbai
his balls were really aching for a while with that one huh
Jon's back?
I still remember him doing the fit check in front of the living room cam while Mauro and Silvia were fighting with Jon just behind him. It was surreal.
newsfag can't into triforce
If they did we wouldn't have gotten this oscar worthy performance
Make it right, anon.
Slaughter her like an animal.
im an avid jet hater but he gave him the proper most deserving response
entertaining? no, cringe. kino? absolutely! cringekino of the highest order
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>season is explicitly about roleplaying
>Complains about watching roleplaying

mdefags, ladies and gentlemen...
Jet cooked him here though
benleaks fucks beautiful* dogs
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for me it was when jimmy was witnessing tj and taylor talking about their love for each other
Betty should've killed herself as soon as s1 ended. That was her peak, she was loved, the jew magic hadn't had its effect yet. So sad.
Yon's a vampyr now
Haha yes, that too
Wait give me a rundown
Is Xavier actually gone now because of Tayleigh? I was out for this bit yesterday
Jon forgot the part about actually lifting the weight after you put it on the bar
>"owntie me ive been stabbd :DD"
Betty is Jewish
No, but any time he shows up she just spergs out with Jet's backing and he has to leave
No but they have a "restraining order" and every time he shows up she yells about it making it impossible for him to RP properly.
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Between Jimbo and #jontent we've been eating good this season
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>Jon lying there staring at the bar
It's over.
Yes, Xavier has actually been stalking Tayleigh for a while now (off show). The producers thought it'd be funny to make her stalker into a character, he outed himself, she freaked out, now they gotta kick him out. He's easily the best character, that's what they didn't think through. Ofcourse he would be the best, only the best would obsess over the goddes that is Tayleigh
No but he can’t be around her and the plot line between them was axed. Thank you, Tayleigh.
I understand keeping talent happy but there's no talent there.
Are the two members of chudgang actually just a pair of low-IQ mentally ill dysgenic niggers who need to be put down?
No but Xavier has "restriction order" and Tay tells him to leave every time he comes around so we just have to enjoy Tay basedjacking at the camera instead.
how long is it gonna take jim to bring up his flamethrower incident from yesterday?
Did they just not straight up tell her that Xavier is a MDE guy? Does this retard still think he's Q?
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He already got his revenge
You know he’s not actually the guy he’s pretending to be right? I could see how the facts might get mixed up.
They're pulling out all the stops to keep the worst fish on for some reason, I can't make sense of it. She doesn't even make Letty tier hate money
Xavier is not Q
he isnt gone. they probably told her he wasnt Q offscreen and they are doing this lame restraining order bit whenever he is close to her that she sucks at selling. its fine because she was a terrible RPer with Xavier anyways and ruined pretty much every bit with him but the real issue is that she managed to suck the energy out of the show immediately upon return. like yesterday, jon and xavier were talking to each other but off camera and the director was focused on tay. so even when she isnt actively shitting up the RP, she somehow still manages to fuck it all up.
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>single handedly ruins your fishtank kino
>witnessing tj and taylor talking about their love for each other
clip? when was this? what was said? qrd of their love declaration?
Honestly he should it was epic
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Tuesday morning, 10:55 am Fishtank time. Why are you here?
jimmy is terrified of reprisal now
expect cringe fake apology
My cope is that they are keeping her for a worst punishment later. Reality is Jet probably likes her and thinks she's great and should have won season 2 with Brian.
Apparently Jan keeps the costume on and stays alone in his room and doesn't break character, I wouldn't be surprised if behind the scenes he's just refusing to tell her who he is which makes it even funnier. He was making fun of her yesterday too by telling Jon he was "going to send gay men to his house"
Let me assure you:
Xavier is Q

I hope she leaves asap.
camera man asked tj what he loved about tayler, then he asked taylor what she loved about tj. then it cut to jimmy watching it all looking like psychotic lunatic
God she needs rape corrected. And not loving rape with aftercare. Violent angry rape. So she can stop whining about her uncle sniffing her panties that one time or whatever the fuck.
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How many times will we go through this?
I hope he just spergs out and rapes her or something. Maybe bash her head in.
>turns out all she is good at is being an evil nasty cunt
kek she cant crochet cant stream cant be likeable cant work cant finish school

how do you become such a nasty person in life and its amazing that she still managed to get somebody to fuck her

girls truly have life in easy mode
>Sits around staring at the camera, crying and talking about her meth addiction
Boy is she fun to watch
oh was that not kevin who asked that? or was this another thing? shit, i missed it. whatd they say?
she had childhood trauma you asshole
My 16 daughter went out with some friends to downtown LA last night and I’ve been up since yesterday watching and waiting. Haven’t heard a callback yet or text so I’m basically stuck watching my favorite internet show till then! Bliss.
The best role Tayleigh could have had was being one of the cronies following the Duke around that he yells at.
She just doesn't belong in the spotlight, even as a villain she would have been annoying.
not sure if he is sleeping or mentally preparing to max out his bench
are you gonna masturbate to the clip?
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Tayleigh and Xavier powerfucked all day that time that thing happened. Then they continued.
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>My 16 daughter went out with some friends to downtown LA last night and I’ve been up since yesterday watching and waiting. Haven’t heard a callback yet or text so I’m basically stuck watching my favorite internet show till then! Bliss.
i hope betty doesnt kill herself
i enjoy watching her get slam dunked on more than i enjoy the larping tbf
They just need to make her Creature and give the real Creature some storyline where she breaks free since Jimmy tamed her and all is fixed. Imagine a silent Tay having to follow the Duke around while he yells insults at her
yeah, now give it to me
bro shes been getting fucked a lot of years even when she was younger
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>Lives forever rent free in tays head
>Cost jet millions of dollars by destroying the xayleigh plot
>Destroys tays streaming career
what the fuck was his problem?
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the best role tayleigh could have after returning from her KWAB moment was to be milked for humiliation TTS's.
yet jet decided to coddle her to the max to the point where it actively ruins the show.
what is he thinking?
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Jesus Christ a daughter in LA, prayers be with you.
To think, I mocked him once.
I kneel, Q.
Try this again in perfect English.
he is feeling guilt. as he should.
Who's the guy spotting Jon?
she won't not if i have anything to say about it.
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go take care of your daughter
imaging spending 16 years of working your ass off and doing your best just so some black gorilla nigger has a sex toy to cum in
I have this above my head on the bunk bed I share with my 6 yo son.
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Xavier should pick up the storyline with Jimmy instead. Need to see this guy try to act like some chuuni
all the actual fish are TERRIBLE at roleplay i'm so fucking mad. they're obsessed with being le ironic and sarcastic and can't let that slip for a few minutes to embrace acting like theater kids which is the fucking point of the show.

Sam is great because he's a cringe artsy kid at heart and that's admirable. Jimmy does his stupid fucking autistic reddit voice and is sarcastic, Tayleigh has to make faces, Tai clearly thinks it's all cringe and fuck so he has to be in "telling a joke" mode 24/7, Vance can't show emotion, Letty thinks she's above it all and Greg is too awkward to embrace the roleplay to his full potential because he's like the special needs kid who was invited to a sleepover

Jet why the FUCK did you pick all the most cynical, sarcastic, ironic fish for this season you are a fool my friend
When will Jimmy let go?
what kind of disgusting parent are you? holy shit get the fuck up and take care of your child. You disgust me. Knowing I'm watching alongside the types of you is horrible.
Betty is literally jewish. Letty isn't.
what a larping faggot he won't do shit
Imagine paying for this season. I'd be embarrassed. The cameras don't work or aren't focused on the action and when they are you can't hear the players over Wes' spam AI slop SFX (or the director switches away from the cameraman.
She's getting gangbanged by older blacks asians and mexicans man...
For some reason Jon is the best at RP
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Cole is a fag now but he would've been killer at this
Not if I fuck my daughter first.
>Betty is literally jewish. Letty isn't.
Letty is a jew no matter if she was not born a jew.
Betty was based no matter if she was born a jew (now she's ruined and her jew nature blossomed thanks to letty and her chuds)
trips don't lie. Xavier and Sodaman have all these great ideas and no one is competent enough to execute them
Has Jon been told that being a biblethumper and an unholy undead are kinda incompatible?
>For some reason Jon is the best at RP
Jon has been drugged up for days now. Every time the drugs wear off he goes right back to just shouting at everyone.
>Betty was based no matter if she was born a jew
Betty was never based. You're delusional.
I don't think any of the fish wouldnt have this problem. TJ would probably be the best if he wasn't actually mentally retarded.
>wah wah my dad put his three inches world into me when I was a kid waah wahhh
fucking Tayleigh like get over it dyke
Realistically would you let me date your daughter
>Betty was based
fuck off simp faggot
>do nothing after nightfall
>still sleep till noon

Fuck these people. Have the vampires attack them now
Betty was always like this
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The true stars of the show
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>RP mogs all the fish
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How are they not awake? I get they were up late last night but I would've caved in to the TTS at this point
Bitty rocks
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She was instructed to do so while she was gone. The restraining order idea was engineered by Sam. He's afraid of being outshined by Xavier.
she's schizophrenic and autistic. deadly combination
Yet you don't speak of Lord Jon...
13 years for your slut daughter.
what kind of asians? Probably not the more successful types I’m guessing like phillipinos or something?
Hey guys today is a rest and relaxation day for the fish. Ben and I are letting em sleep in and having pizza brought in for lunch and a street taco truck for dinner.
Bloodgames will be back up tomorrow.
why did this make me hard...
>He's afraid of being outshined by Xavier.
Wouldn't surprise me. I remember when Nick was getting more views on his house streams than Sam's sit at the computer streams he got all bitchy
>How are they not awake? I get they were up late last night but I would've caved in to the TTS at this point
They had SFX blasting at them the entire night. All of the fish are immune to noise waking them up after their stints on the show.
I think my ex wife would be pissed sorry
vance appeals to the NPCs viewing fishtank that need someone to identify as
The TTSs are 100x louder to the camera than them, not to mention they have immunity to it at this point. The sounds of birds is more likely to wake them up.
Because you realize that lolita pussy is >>>>
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>if you're not a goofy unemployed weirdo then you're an NPC
Jon doesn't fuck swuts
Let them sleep in and tell them they missed out on a timed quest that would have awarded them an item to help defeat the duke
Hey guys, Bex here

What we thinking?
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Damn. Your ex wife is such a CUNT.
Peterphiles cannot stop winning, seriously. All the NPCs are better at roleplay except Evil Kevin probably lol. I go back and forth on if I like Brian or not because like when I rewatch Season 2 clips he comes off as an unironic full blown sociopath but he also has that a charm about him.
Take your pants off and walk around bottomless
Can you blame him?
Camp attack, steal their unsecured guns and weapons
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my king
I still don't get the point of Evil Kevin
>oh I'm kinda a normal guy who acts drunk sometimes and does a indian accent
Xavier called him out for being boring yesterday and that was the funniest thing Evil Kevin has been a part of
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They don't need to RP the whole time, they are being filmed 24/7 plus it would be boring if they always stayed in character and were never their true selves but they almost NEVER roleplay.
The only person that does it is, funnily enough, Jon. He spends time just being himself and at other times he understands that he has to be in character.
I wish they'd try more.
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Hey Bex
I have an idea but I'd prefer to tell you in private. Mind coming over to my house, alone?
facts bro
Anyone know if Tayleigh ships her crochet to India?
He's the best thing about this season and we're actively being cucked out of content by the dyke. I'm sure it's a bit, but it's fucking retarded. If it isn't a bit, and they didn't deny or confirm his identity, then get this cunt off the show.
They already lost almost everything to the goblin raid last night because Jimmy couldn't cast his thuum.
they should have that "duende" character that appears in the morning holding a staff to come at night with a flashlight and just roam around not interacting but maybe try and get them to chase him and if one of them starts to go after him to shoo him away he should drop a silver coin and keep dropping silver intermittently as long as they keep chasing until they catch him and if they manage to catch him before he reaches a certain area, they'll get some gold
yes sar no cost it free shipping to calcutta yes
Yeah but they don’t even try with the NPCs. I think people would be happy if they did that at least.
I hope they do a bunch of questing today, that's my favorite part. hopefully sodaman can write a few quests with multiple steps.
imagine making this
There is absolutely no way the fish "win" right? They're constantly losing items, are all down to 2 health or less, are down a party member, and are too retarded to fix any of it. I'm sure Jet will send them some health potions just to keep production going, but they're so retarded there's no way this actually finishes in whatever a win would be.
Simmons would've unironically excelled at this, he's an autistic theater kid and the reactions from the other fish would've been tremendous.
He couldn't even come up with a character for himself how could he come up with boys?
Their best bet is unitonically a Xavier win that he hands to them.
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So since Jons back have the vibes been restored yet?
Kind of but we need Xavier back. Vibes won't fully be restored until Tay leaves.
I'm guessing they just put out a bunch of ads for craigslist vampires, Jet saw the guy's interview and thought he was such a boring normie that it would be funny to make him roleplay. Then he and Ben watched the audition over and over while drunk and eating chinese food until one of them was like "yo what if we just called him evil kevin that would be mad funny"

I know how the mind of Jet Neptune works
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my Duke fanart :)
one of the funniest characters in the MDE'verse
Despite Tay doing her best to kill it, they have recovered slightly. If it wasnt for the retarded sfx spam directly into the mic for two hours, the S1 vampire hangout would have probably been retarded but comfy.
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Fuck is this?
very sick
no. tay is a blackhole of vibes.
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who wouldn't tho let's be real
Cool as fuck
S1 *campfire hangout. Even Vance was kind of participating.
They're awake :)
>jimmy was raped every day of his life
Yeah that looked chill, was too tired to stay for all of it, saw a 2 hour clip of it on youtube but there's no way I'm watching all of that.
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Very nice, is this the inspiration of the colors?
>Letty telling them all about her dream
I fucking hate when people do this like anyone's interested in a made up story that happened in their head
I saw a couple of anons in a couple of threads say that jimmy brought a knife and is hiding it. idk if that's true but this nigga crazy regardless
I will fuck this creature too. I will rise to Jon's occasion.
Good shit Pedro!
xavier may be low energy from the dyke, but the nigga at half power still mogs everyone when he calls them out
I miss Sylvia
I love that she was just a fat hoodrat type girl and owned it. Still love the idea to wear a “Bitch” hat. I feel like the entire S1 cast was great in retrospect. I forgot meg and jc even existed from s2
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When Taylor isn't on screen, the fish should be asking themselves where's Taylor
>"like honestly, I turned it into an actual flamethrower."
>"well the faggot rules say I can't have weapons"
>"ahh, duke did you see me recreate Auschwitz last night? well you see, I had to create a diversion because my team mates couldn't just give the raccoon a snack. retards!"
You were in my dream last night. You raped me
aw hellyeah bro this shit goes hella hard
Who do you think he is talking to here?
Sylvia is far and away one of the most likable fish, she's cool and surprisingly normal for how she dresses
They really are faggot rules. That rope sword was kino and Jimmy was really the only entertaining person to watch in battle. At one point last night someone dove at him and he straight up heemed them. It was kino.
Don't bother, only like 10 minutes has actual audio. The rest is loud screeching from retards who think noises are funny.
i hate that the meta of every season is to gang up on the contestant that produces the most content.

it's always within the contestant's interests to be bland inoffensive pieces of shit
i need more taylor
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no. jon still was pushing for items but tay's vindictiveness tried to ruin, nobody has even figured out that the goblin is the tool they need to take the crystal from xavier.

they are also too retarded to understand xavier is a route to victory, not a defeat
I want taylor. Why can't I have her? holy shit
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Where is she
good shit xavier goated
I sure hope precious Taylor's wittle baby wist will be okay. Thanks for cucking the vampire slaying content you bug eyed bitch.
Vance has some awesome drum solos in his head while sitting in that chair of his everyday
thanks boys!

Yes and no! I knew I had to work with green because of the kawasaki, but I did see that image on here and It's likely it influenced me. Also a bunch of screen grabs from Vampire hunter D, where the moon is also lime green.
>jimmy and letty are buddies now
Wrong Tay you fat ugly nasty idiot.
The most entertaining contestant is often the most annoying if you're actually having to deal with them in person. Even production was getting sick of Jon's shit.
I live vicariously via Jimmy. I love Jimmy
always Love a traditional piece. good shit man
Sylvia would have been great cringe kino in 2.5. Would get mogged by Letty and counter Tay in white trashiness but would be still be more likable. Shame anon had to knock her up.
Even when he's gone. Shinji is in our hearts.
maybe that retard shouldnt try harming women kek

i hope he goes to jail and that anon wasnt bluffing about holding evidence of his crimes
he brought it up
keep simping for a girl who is openly fucking another guy and follows him around like a puppy. You're a cuck.
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>she's cool and surprisingly normal for how she dresses
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there are no coincidences
>Still dresses like a fat mime
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Tradwifing it up
And yet it always fails on the end as the most resilient dog pile survivors (and those immune because simp-bucks like Josie) win. Letty lost and Tay was repeatedly humiliated as she should be.
True, yeah but I hope she enjoys motherhood. Hoping her the best!
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A message for Taylor
>you will never have goth nun sylvia assisting in quests with the gang
Missed opportunity
TJ is harmless. He sits in the corner while I fuck Taylor. I really like him a lot.
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Happens consistently. Cole mogging everyone while getting donations was the most satisfying. The hardest one to watch was yesterday.
Jon says he sleeps 3 h a day and doesn't get tired ever.
Jon stashed a knife away and Jimmy found it and kept it all night yesterday
Brian already confiscated it
Abi was the one who broke it you fucking retard…..unless you autistically watch this show hours a day do not post here.
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A friend of Jon's is a friend of mine
>I'm sure Jet will send them some health potions just to keep production going
He said that he wouldn't be helping and that if the fish wipe early, the show ends.
But this is also the same guy who said "I'm not interfering this season" during S2, so he'll probably coddle the fuck out of them.
damn, great shot
they ehould fuck
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They need him now more than ever.
Vampiyuwws do not need sweep
That had the potential to be really funny until Jet told him he could just sit there forever. He was obviously coming back as a vampire either way so they should have just let the fish kill him.

I actually ended up feeling sorry for him even though he's an annoying little shit. His argument made sense and you could tell he was actually hurt by Vance betraying him.
>don't that pictuw wook dusty
thanks for the update
That pic is from before Abi even showed up you double retard, shut up.
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hell yeah brother
He's already interfered though. Jimmy died once and they changed the rules so he could survive. If they don't interfere this shit is ending TONIGHT because they're so low on health and nerfed. No way they did all of the work setting this up just for it to end a week early.
Yeah he's been bringing up Vance Everytime he talks about it so you know he takes that personally lol. He knew Letty would eventually, he clued in that Jimmy is a crazy spergs and Tayliegh is an unlikeable dyke, but he never expected it from Vance.
This is Gimmy's and Gon's world and the fish just get the privilege to live in it
I can’t stand Greg he’s so fucking annoying in a non entertaining way. I want Letty to call him out for always farting and stinking
>they all sit around and refuse to do quests which is exactly why xavier won the election (NPCs don't care for them)
>they still haven't done anything about the duke and think they can't trust xavier
his argument absolutely made sense, and he was just playing to win.

vance's "argument" was just "we need to kill him to get back the crown" even though that didn't even make sense, and he never explained how that would work. plus he was blindsided by friendly fire, because he explicitly made a point that it was off and they voted on it to remain off

all in all just kind of shitty, and it was clear it was vance doing whatever and tay being a spiteful cunt
the betrayal didnt really make any sense other than tay being mad over personal shit
the best part is jon came in, explained why he did it, then xavier followed up, explained how they could still win, explained how the goblin could steal the fucking thing from him, and they still double downed on killing jon
>Jimmy starts yapping before he's even fully awake
Vance's shit read to me like he thought production wanted him to do it to get Jon out and to a doctor. Also S2 for the cahntent memes.
It was personal to all of them. They're collectively all annoyed as shit at him at this point. When they were talking about it the only person who dissented was Jimmy and that was only because he thought they needed Jon to be able to win.
how come jon is the smartest now?
or was he always?
You replied that the phone that abi destroyed was a message for Taylor. That makes no sense.
You then are doubling down and making some unrelated comment about when the picture was taken. You are stupid and either even dumber than I thought or are just spineless and wont admit to your mistake.
Fuck off you stupid retarded fuck.
jimmy ain't nothin if not a yapper
always was
Is Jon in Oxy? Are they making sure he's shitting? He's retarded he'd probably just think it's cool that he hasn't shat in days
animal brain
rare Jet W
Opiate form Jon is the most powerful fish in fishtank history
>"Fuck is this?" implicitly asking a question about the picture of Jimmy holding a message
>answer that it's a message for Taylor
>retard thinks it's about the phone
Kill yourself, you illiterate fuck.
Good morning ftl I love you
You expect Jet and Ben to make sure another grown man is shitting?
i rest easy knowing tay is going to get so much shit outside when bloodgames is over

good she is utterly unlikeable and such a black void of charisma
You are fucking autistic it was clear that the phone had nothing to do with those replies it’s all referring to Jimmy’s stupid written down threats
It was bizarre to watch ac
This guy he's replying to is retarded. It's the rp season.
I'd expect they'd make sure a retard is shitting
anything happen this morning?
You're mad because you're autistic and is too focused on the "rules", which is absurd to expect any resemblance of competence from a Fishtank original production. Just see it as a nonstop 15 day long improv by performed non actors and the bad taste in your mouth will go away.
lame and i like him
His leg straight up looks like he has necrosis and they still haven't made him quit yet. I'm 100% certain they aren't checking his shitting habits lol
IQ bell curve is real
>You will never wake up to the Blacksmith's Wife's cheery disposition
It isn't fucking fair.
Oh, my bad
>letty is showering
nu-MDE fans, everyone
So after they lost almost everything in the raid last night, do they realize how desperately they need Jon? He's probably in the most powerful position between having Xavier's name, mod powers, all his weapons and being able to actually RP so he has the most NPC allys.
He always was but the bar is pretty low.
greg farted
btw I think Tai would have won if Jimmy was there to vote, because then the creature would've have also voted for Tai because Jimmy tamed her
now the creature just voted for Xavier
You're definitely right but that's the typical dynamics on reality television, people just wanna witness chaos, misery and drama
>do they realize how desperately they need Jon?
they don't even listen to Xavier when he guides them again and again and again...
I soifaced at this
good work anon, you should do more
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what does bitty smell like?
what drama will Letty start next? i'm excite
Even then it would have been a Tai without Mauro. What they needed to do was fucking quests instead of sit around and nothing like it's season 2 some more.
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letty is using her feminine wiles to manipulate him
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Has this guy done anything since he got there?
It’s pretty clear that production was forcing a Xavier win based off cutting the quests early. Jimmy leaving due to Letty just made the land slide even bigger. The vote was 9 to 13 it wasn’t as close as the initial count.
whoa! calm down dude!!
>What they needed to do was fucking quests
I agree
Tay returned and she did zero quests, just sat at the basecamp emoing
i think it's pretty clear to him and everyone that Brian took his job for season 3
Excrement and glitter

backstabbed Jon
ya gotta love the jimster
Sex with /ftl/
Season 2.5 and it's NPC's has made me think they should fill Season 3's house with NPC's too
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The nutshack and bummy buster tts was gold. he was mostly unintentionally funny. I don't care, i miss the goofy chigga and he needs to make some appearance again
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Somehow being debatably the dumbest one there with Tay
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It's not about roleplaying being part of the rules, it's that the fish are too stuck up their own asses to be cringey which in and of itself is cringe. Sam being so into the Duke character is fun to watch, it's endearing. Brian's roleplay is endearing, Xavier's roleplay is endearing, TJ's roleplay is endearing. All the fish are basically in "Erm that just happened" mode all the time and it's extremely corny because they're not as cool as they think they are- all think they're above it. Put on silly voices and lose the hubris.
I can't stop thinking about Taylor's severe injury. It was absolutely gut-wrenching to see her in such pain, and I can't shake off the worry about what will happen next. What's even more concerning is that it seems like TJ isn't doing anything about it. I mean, this is a serious injury and it's like he's just brushing it off. It's really frustrating to watch someone in need of help and not getting the attention and care they deserve. I couldn't even sleep last night, thinking about how Taylor must be feeling and what their future on the show looks like. It's heartbreaking to see an NPC go through something so traumatic and not get the support they need. I'm really worried that this injury might lead to the cancellation of this season. It's not just about the show at this point, it's about Taylor's well-being and recovery. I hope the producers and the team take this seriously and provide the necessary help and care. Fingers crossed that Taylor gets the support they need and that the show can continue without further complications.
Piss, cat piss, kfc, black guy b.o.
actually you might be right
it sure makes more drama but fuck I wished they were actually roleplaying or even doing something
pig fucked her discord mod lmfaooooooo
You should go to the set and confront Jimmy
Very much yes. They need people to push things to happen and are just there to watch while the contestants decide to do fuckall. Plus they can get all their gay cameos in this way.
the difference being that most drama in tv reality shows drama is usually contained to a conflict of interest. Not some group of faggots that wishes e-celeb gossip tier shit talking wanting the staff to senpai the flames within and outside the confines of the show.
hey leave her alone
deserved, vance has no personality or creativity
They need to call a meeting and read this post to them verbatim
just saw the clip of when jimmy argued with letty yesterday - i hated her during season 1 but jesus jimmy is such a little bitch
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They both probably laughed about it before Taylor forced TJ into more sex for the night.
All the fish fucking suck, especially Tay. Except for Jon, and I hated Jon at first. I totally agree with you and I think most viewers do too.
>start a fight with a retard
>expect retard to not play his trump card against you
he seems like a nice guy but yeah
she's pregnant? did the anon from here do it?
Watch the NPC's for funny interactions etc and watch the fish for torture porn, the perfect middle ground between friendtank and hellhouse
I think it’s pretty clear that TJ is still a virgin.
it was her discord mod
There was a TTS with vance voice when he was in camp moping about something that said: "yo where is vance? I think he would be a great addition to this season" I thought it was pretty funny but didn't clip it
huh? he's literally just bitching out the entire time acting like he had such a hard time, maybe you're talking about a different clip
Is that the sex with Sylvia guy, if he didn't knock her up there really is no justice or good in this world.
The moment you, as a man, let a woman (that you've known for a week) get you that upset in an argument is the moment you lose and come off as a huge pussy
TJ is mentally a virgin, he's not into the sex and just makes his usual faces while she does things or looks off into the distance thinking about hanging out with Brian. But the lust goblin takes what she wants.
i hope we get more Tayleigh screaming restraining order and killing the vibe it was so funny yesterday
exactly, this dude is nearly 30, what the fuck
I'm talking about when he repeatedly said he didn't want to talk about the mallet incident and then finally alluded to her revenge porn to make her shut the fuck up.
don't know. he's from new zealand
>Director cam still on Tayleigh lying in bed
why is it like this
you guys are weird
can’t y’all just post when something happens in the show and not think like this?
28 actual age, 48 physical age, 12 mental age
I think she has also stopped showering
so who revived jon now that he's back and walking around free to do so.
Why would he not want to talk about the mallet incident when all of his graphics/twitter pic/photoshoots/etc reference it?
they want you too care about tayleigh even though the show was better with her gone
>Blacksmiths Wife initiated combat with the punching bag
She's breaking her conditioning
whats the point of giving them cameras to wear if they've not worked for most of the show?
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>"Brian is the key to all this, if we get Brian working, 'cause he's a funnier character than we've ever had in the Fishtank." - Goran Lukash
production needs their sleepy time please undrstand
wouldn't mind restraining her order if you know what I mean ;)
the duke
schitty cam pick up any audio challenge: difficulty impossible
And she didn't shut up and name dropped herself to take the wind out of those sails. So he went back to crying about how hard S2 was (despite being kicked out before it got bad) and how he knew so much secret information.
nobody, Vance and Tay didn't say PVP so it never counted
ever since tay came back, the npcs have started to wander to the basecamp
>So, yeah... I guess I'm on fishtank now. There are vampires now? There are vampires now. There's a creepy guy? There's a creepy guy. There's- they're right behind me right? Yep, they're right behind me. Because that's a thing I guess...
Wear a condom, her boyfriend has a grindr account.
he's a vampire now, they bite him.
he clearly didnt bust his ass
It's criminal that the Blacksmith's Wife is doing all this shit and the only shots I can get are from miles away in shitty quality
Tai should start shooting at the Blacksmith's face.
please stop coddling tay
piss and rubber (from the black dildo)
>No but he can’t be around her and the plot line between them was axed. Thank you, Tayleigh
Wait I thought her discomfort with Xavier was a bit. It isn't?
Sylvia is more attractive than Tayleigh, Meg, JC, and Letty
It's pretty clear its a bit. She's usually laughing when she's shouting "RESTRAINING ORDER". People on here are just autistic.
I think it was real at first but now she's making it a (lame and shitty and arguably show ruining) bit
Is she more attractive than sissy Simmons?
I think about this a lot because I was 20 yo and throat fucking my 16yo girlfriend after school in her bedroom while her parents were sitting on the living room after work lol.
Good times
its obviously a bit but it still kills RP but thats not something new for tay
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No, but it's close.
when does this end? this sunday?
She genuinely believed he was her stalker at first. The only reason she's treating it like a bit now is because she finally realized he isn't a 19 year old computer science major (no shit Sherlock)
The 8th or the 9th.
Next rp should be sanatorium themed
Two factions: patients and the leader vs nurses and the doctor
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>Who wants to let me shoot them in the back for one silver
Tayleigh you dumb ho
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24/7 reality show where everyone has a camera on day 7:
Poll: Which one gets a pov camera today?
you just like to go pigging
It's an easy mistake to make when you're a schizophrenic dyke having meth withdrawals in the woods.
>blacksmiths wife at camp
she wants sexo
Had mean TTS for him rejected
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She's trying to provoke him into flipping out and assaulting her and he didn't. I don't see any other point in why production wants her to do it except to try to provoke him to the point of kicking him off. In that case, why bring him on in the first place. He was behaving before that, but they had to go and fuck it all up and now there's actual animosity between them. She's "scared" of the violent retard all of the sudden. Why provoke the violent retard then?

Just the wiggers shooting themselves in the foot per usual. They're shit testing all the fish so I'm expecting them to bring up Vance's ex-girlfriend soon. If they don't, then what the fuck is the point of what they're doing?
>*bat form*
>dey fly now!?
>yep... they fly now
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>Be female
>Fat, ratchet, coalburner, whore
>Sell body online, low value human being
>Swooped off her feet and brought across the world free of charge
>Given easy life in a nice country, all expenses paid
>Still get to make side money whoring yourself out, all while pregnant
>This is the gender that supposedly has it harder
Great idea not putting mics near the places where people hangout in schitty.
remember when people were like
>no no no she isnt actually a cunt, that was just for the show bro. she is actually a very sweet innocent hard working autist!
>Disliking any of the S1 fish is midwit-tier
what a moron
Letty is a fucking worthless retarded vindictive witch
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can we get some more creature wins
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Jon picking a fight with PKA.
Cope faggot. That dude has fucked way more horses than you ever will. More horses for TJ.
I was one of those people, I was wrong.
what happened ?
She didn't eat the bread, this is what happened
Jimmy kept smacking people with his improvised flail and this was the result
>It appears that Jon doesn’t know how to RP
>Jon: okay well let’s fight faggot
(she was one of the vampires last night)
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smewwa foweva <3 :3
So she got a bruise while playing an improvised game where it requires light contact?
God she's so fucking perfect i want to impregnate her forever holyshit i must how much do i need to pay her???

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