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Best dragon edition
prev >>200798982
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Cute and canon!
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I just want to see the fookin Cannibal.
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Why didn't Frodo just jump into his Subaru Forester and drive to Mordor? It's fantasy so anything is possible.
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This fucker is already more likeable than every person in Team Black combined
its kind of crazy how fast he made criston cole scenes bearable
they couldn't have picked an uglier actor for daemon
He's going to take advantage of Criston Cole's purity just like all the other highborn.
Reposting since this'd be buried in the old thread:
It's the Homelander effect. In The Boys TV show, they make Homelander an evil chad, whilst making the protagonists to be morally righteous douche nozzles who are lame bums. Even Butcher who was once a rough and tough son of a bitch has gotten soft. It doesn't help either that Homelander himself is genuinely sympathetic, as he was just a lab rat who was groomed and raised to be a hero by completely uncaring sociopaths that were willing to leave him in an oven to test out how durable he is to extreme temperatures.

This has caused the fandom to shift towards liking Homelander even more than the good guys, which has caused seething from Eric Kripke, the showrunner.

I think Aegon might not exactly be as popular, depending on how much screentime he gets, because Homelander appears more than Aegon throughout their respective shows, but even still, the show doesn't make Rhaenyra badass enough to cheer for. Daemon at least isn't a pussy and is willing to fuck shit up though.
predict how violent his death will be
>This fucker is already more likeable than every person in Team Green combined
You are mixing up likeable and entertaining. No one besides Daemon on team Balck knows how to banter, therefore they are boring. The secret of TV writing is that the audience loves charismatic pricks in spite of the writers' intentions.
Nyra wearing armor into battle when?
>Otto will never interact with his son on screen because the show writers can't have Team Green interacting unless it revolves Alicent for some reason

I need to find another series to watch, I think I'm wasting my time with this fuckery.
I gave up hope on this show after he died
How is she so black despite only having one black grandparent? And even he is from a mostly white family
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>There the demons dwell, up there. Fire and blood, blood and fire. This is their city. If you would make it yours, first you must destroy them. If you would cleanse yourself of sin, first you must bathe in dragon's blood. For only blood can quench the fires of hell.
im not fucking around this time around with you /tv/ and your quest to ruin any good tv show or movies. leave FROM Severance HODT and the Boys alone
Good idea, go away.
We can only hope, anon.
what if cannibal impregnated grey ghost haha that would be crazy haha
he's gonna fuck Criston too?
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>Leave Sheepstealer to me cuh
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Because the casting is retarded, they get niggerer and niggerer by the minute, they want black girls ridding dragons
Because the BMW 380ti has optional heated seats and we're living in a post-science/post-biology world.
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KINSLAYER! Get in here! We're telling BOAR stories.
moondancer is a she-dragon
Goddamn these threads move fast. You love to see it.
GET OUT AND TAKE YOU foolery with you
Daemon got cucked
for me it’s silverwing. I want to protect her.
nice so you can fuck it?
Episode 8
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The window…
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i know the meme is that black doesnt crack
but Corlys actor looks much younger without the beard and wig
/tv/ moved on from aemond's dick shot pretty fast.
the seed is strong
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>only part of the show I'll watch is the slaughter of the dragonpit
when is it going to happen season 3?
>looks younger without stark white dreads and beard
imagine that
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>hurr name Rhaena heir of Driftmark
Rhaenys seems to have forgotten that Daemon is Rhaena's father and ultimately he gets to decide who she marries. She wants to keep the peace but she can't let this explosive matter go.
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I like Baela
There isn't much to talk about
The audience has no clue who Baela and Rhaena are supposed to be. They're just some random Velaryons hanging out with Rhaenyra.
>nipples on breastplates

pls be real
the normies like them because they part of rhaenyras le quirky nontraditional family i.e. three sets of children from 3 different marriages. and one set as the result of rhaenyra whoring around.
Friendly reminder that the whole Dance is orchestrated so Bloodraven becomes Protector of the Realm.
Baela literally calls Daemon her father in episode 2, stop trying to undermine their roles because you're openly racist
She looks like the type of black girl who shops at American Eagle and enjoys longboarding and going to Coachella with her white boyfriend.
shes gonna need to wear that into my bed
I have to admit I thought they were Corey's and Rhaenys' daughters. Daemon never interacted with them. Just like I didn't know why Helaena was talking to blond boys in Season 1 and thought they were Alicent's kids. This show makes it hard to follow who is related to who
Chill, anon, it’s just nobody knows who the character is or cares about her.
>Ah yes the audience who have trouble differentiating names like Aegon, Aemond, and Daemon totally caught onto some throw away dialogue where a clearly black woman claimed a very White man was her father
they swarthed the show up longdick style
Is that why Kripke himself and all the social networks of the Boys have been promoting Homelander for 4 seasons, putting him on their avatars and dedicating most of their posts to pictures and memes of Homelander? They're not stupid and they know who the main engine of the show is. Just like Superman is the main face of DC.
not hotd related but can some bookfag give me the tl:dr on the three eyed raven? I read somewhere that he's actually trying to gain power through bran is this true?
Why did that anon say Emma Darcy will never do a nude scene? This is HBO. It's customary to show tits.
This. Even SNL and Dave Chapelle thought they were Corlys's daughters.
Problem with Baela and Rhaena is showrunners don't give them time and stuck with "bullying" story for Aemond and his TRAGEDY. When they get time audience loves them.
Because enbies are a protected class in Anglo society the same way that Hindus worship cows.
He will use Bran do fulfill his main function, killing blackfyre shits, a fucking blackfyre is pretending he is a targ to steal the throne.
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Yeah, I'm confused as well. I know halflings will sometimes lean more towards looking like one of their parents, but she legit looks more like she's 100% black when she should look more like pic related, especially considering that her mother was actually lightskinned in appearance.

Although I guess I kinda get it... There's likely not gonna be a lot of mixed female actors to choose from.
In this general, Daemon Blackfyre is a hero!
Why do you fags still watch this when it's full of nigs and troons? Do you value your time so little?
cant believe shes marrying bryan kohberger
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After season 3, what's next for his career?
What's an enbie?
this hasn't been the case for years now, anon. tits are bad and exploitative and feeding into the male gaze. you will get dicks and male ass only. maybe a glimpse of a titty obscured by other things in the frame.
imagine if they casted 3/4 white light skinned girls who actually looked like they could be daemon’s daughters, with hair more like Zendaya than straight up dreads.
blackfyres run this joint!
He basically rules the world through Bran if you go by the show ending. He’s the real Protector of the Realm, and his surveillance state under Daeron is based.
>You are a disgusting nigger pleb, ser Criston
>The mere fact that a swarty dornish nigger scum like was nominated Hand of the King bring shame to us all, ser Criston

Okay what the FUCK was his problem?
It's when a straight woman needs attention so she puts on ugly clothes and makes people use boutique pronouns.
>A Jewess marrying a Jew.
Many such cases.
people thought he was Bloodraven but it’s more likely he’s just a host for 3ER, which seems to be an entity connected to the weirwoods that coordinates the remaining COTF. probably has a vaguely anti-human agenda.
Daemon Blackfyre will kill bloodraven.
Daemon blackfyre will cuck bloodraven.
We worship daemon blackfyre.
I am not Bittersteel.
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Baela is liked by the audience when she gets screen time. Not sure Helaena has ever been this high in rankings (though both sides love her).
For the same reason Jon Snow looks like Ned even though he's half Targ. Genetics in ASOIAF is like that, ya racist.
He won't be saying this when he will lick his sister's juices from Criston's cock.
Cast* it’s cast you fucking midwit ESL. Casted is not a word.
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>Later, singers would tell of how she thrice lifted Vermithor’s wing with her nose, as if to make him fly again, but this is most like a fable.
This part always makes me sad
The "Criston is so visibly swarthy that everyone comments on it" in-show meme is kind of ridiculous when you consider
1) Alicent has nearly the same coloring
2) black Velaryons
totally different situation though
Babby speak for "non binary".
You can't be serious
>"...I'm not actual that swarth-"
>*raises finger*
>"I'll stop you right there Ser Criston, you are in fact the darkest nigger I have ever seen. You are such a black brother of the night the Nights Watch wouldnt even have to issue you a cloak. Truly, even summer Islanders pale in comparison to your abyssal complexion Ser Criston Coal."
Sirius Black or Regulus Black in the upcoming Harry Potter HBO show.
This poll does not reflect reality. Daemon is the most popular character and Matt has the highest billing in the show.
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I'm speechless, is this some sort of joke?
Do normalfaggots REALLY?
if I made a cytube and threw on some lore videos would anyone want to watch with me
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no it ain't
>Alicent has nearly the same coloring
Are you colorblind
>I read somewhere that he's actually trying to gain power through bran is this true?
Just some tinfoil theory, people are always trying to invent convoluted theories.
Alicent's actress is welsh: basically the briton native niggers. Even the Romans noticed the tribes in that area of the arcipelago were so unusually swarty they must had come originally from Spain
Crazy how Olivia Cock used to be ugly but with the make up and her recent fame she looks decent now.
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I love when grammar bots think they understand language better but actually have 0 clue how it’s used. it’s an irregular verb and guess what happens to those over time? they get regularized. guarantee you that you do the same thing with other verbs which you were never aware of their archaic irregular forms.
now find a way to say something vaguely relevant instead of just doubling down and screeching ESL ESL ESL over and over. I dare you, find it in you to summon a thought.
i'm not saying all of the fan theories are correct, but george clearly has some sort of eldritch battle between the children of the forest and lovecraftian old gods forming the backdrop for the worlds lore.
This is poll after each episode among those who watched. Naturally, Rhaenyra will always be first, Daemon second. Between two, the majority will always choose Rhaenyra. But who is third and below is interesting.
Bloodraven is the most evil person in westeros
he's the type of actor they get for either Disney live action films or capeshit Marvel or DC
You're overestimating importance of this show. Outside fandom, people don't care deeply about things.
yeah, actually it is. you’re talking about racial features vs hair/eyes. never mind they Jon is described as physically similar to Rhaegar in build, never mind that rhaegar had recent Blackwood ancestry, think about the fact that baela and rhaena are 3/4 Targ. like I said, not comparable.
AHAHA, okay guys, so Rhaenyra wasn't there to broker peace, no, she was there because the doubt about Viserys changing his mind in the last minute was holding her back and now she can be assured that Alicent was just stupid and she can now start the war with her mind at ease. wow.
they would call me the saddle sniffer
what's your gimic?
They aren't from Spain. All of the Atlantic coast was settled by bell beaker/corded ware people. They have a similar origin in central Europe but the meme that "black Irish" came from Spain in not true. DNA studies shows that Welsh are the Whitest niggas on the planet.
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Why is Aegon like this?
>all these lives staked on siding with rhaenyra and depending on her to be smart and protect herself as well as all of them
>I don’t care I just want to know if my daddy loved me
I get that they’re blind to her flaws, but how they can not see that as even a little selfish?
But how the fuck can anyone think Rhaenys or Baela are more entertaining than Aegon
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>Bloodraven is the most *effective* person in Westeros
There are no gods. Bloodraven is not some kind of psycho hungry power guy that is manipulating Bran to steal his body and become an immortal god.
The lord of light definitely exists
But again this is George's fantasy genetics. Like how Robert's black hair will always win out no matter what. Also talking about racial differences when Baela is pure Valyrian... again it's fantasy
>bloodraven is the most *reddit* character ever
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id like to suck on those breast plates, if my fellow lords and noblemen can fathom what im laying down
Call me a fool but I don't believe he's evil. He's just seizing opportunities that present themselves before him.
Lord of light is azor ahais souls corrupted by the outer gods and imprisoned within the Weirwood net
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>doubt about Viserys changing his mind in the last minute was holding her back
So happy for her! Now she knows Viserys chose her! Finally reason for war!
KEK holy shit i love Gwayne now
Aemond looks like gollum, he completely lost his badass factor after these naked fanservice scenes- note none of the hot female actresses in this show will ever get their tits or ass out ever again
Opportunity Makes the Thief
You'd be shocked by how simple-minded and malleable normies are.
wow thats literally me
Lots of people think aemond is even more badass now you’re just a weird insecure incel
you’re conflating the book with the show though, so which canon are you basing it on? in the show there’s racial differences, and on top of that? Show-Velaryon features win out.
In the book? Targ features win out already with Laena, and are reinforced with daemon. Laena and Laenor look like typical Targs, neither having the Velaryon blue that corlys had, nor the Baratheon black that Rhaenys did. in the case of the books, Baratheon did not win out, nor Velaryon. in the show they’re blacker than their mother, which makes no sense.
To be fair the actor asked to be nude
Otton is not more evil than any of the blacks
women on twitter want to fuck aemond. they mocked his penis for like 5 minutes out of impulse now they want to suck on it. cope.
Real fan service would be seeing Jace's butt.
He reminds me of Rickety Cricket when he was the British troop in ASOIAF.
Aegon and jace naked fight scene when? battle of the bubble butts.
he's literally the most moral and sane character
Sounds more like that's your own desire
Can confirm. My gf is in love with aemond
Pretty typical Trump supporter archetype. >Hardship? Time to end the world!
‘Tis true but he can’t stop winning
Who these people lol? He's pathetic and whines all the time, I don't even know who can respect him after this mommy kink.No real reason to act like this, he just being teased by kids younger than him. That's all that happened to him.
save the world*
>you’re conflating the book with the show though
hmmmm i do tend to do that

>in the show they’re blacker than their mother, which makes no sense.
okay you got me there
Aemond is built like a fucking greek statue. do zoomers unironically laugh uncontrollably at ever flaccid dick they see on greek statues too?
fuck yes with clear view of his hole
How far up your own ass do you have to be to go back and worth on this supposed problem in the writers room and have to shoehorn in a retarded scene like this so you can let your main character stop sulking?
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? Dude did everything to avoid the war.
He isn't responsible for his retarded daugther and her stupid childs.
Aegon II is a better king that Robert the idiot, Joffrey the sadist and Rhaenyra the harlot
This is retarded, is just bad casting, that is it, woke retards make a casting call for mixed actors. The characters are Valyrian in the book, that is their race, they arent caucasoids, they are their own fire albino elf breed. Not niggers, HBO just wanted black people riding dragons but were afraid of accusations they only cast "light skins"
They also think that if you don't take steroids you are gollum
They are insane
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>It's not small! IT'S NOT!!!
Idk whats places you’re hanging around but I’ve seen tons of aemond thirst all over the internet
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People laughed at Matt Smith's awful dancing despite being ripped and he didn't show the world his small penis.
Why is Tom looking at Ewan's cock so intensely.
Until season 2. Now people are just confused
on the rare chance actors ever don’t wear prosthetics, they get fluffed, but like 99% of the time these days is prosthetics which are more made to be flattering. since had neither, people are shocked.
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My smart big head daughter.
>Now people are just confused
Just because you are confused about your sexuality doesn't mean everybody else is
yea anon that’s the point I was making originally, so you’re not disagreeing with me.
Get her ass
I looked forward to these generals for 2 years but the show's godawful creative decisions have completely put me off. I'll be back for the finale or when Sunfyre finally eats, until then this show can go fuck itself.
Thumbnail literally looks like a FTM troon. I bet Emma is jealous of his physique.
boring replies no one cares about
he should try gay hardcore porn
Nah I mean his nude scene specifically. They say he’s built like an elf or Griffith or a Greek statue, ethereal beauty. They glaze his abs and lean build. The phrase “hanging big dong” has been used often. Literally the only people shitting on him are hardcore team black harpies and Mexican incels
Glynn-carney is the most cock hungry twink bottom on tv today. Hes probably aggressively blown all the male cast.
Man he was ugly but he had presence now after this...idk
And just like The boys, HBO just showing dick all the time but no tits or female ass
I hate this gay generation
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We House of Souls now
That's because he's dancing like a retard, it became a meme, nobody is laughing at him specifically, just at the stupidity of the scene
Being my husband
This looks like an adult wig on a child.
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>yfw the worst is yet to come
I do not care about Aemond or CRISTON COLE. They are whores. Nothing more.
daemons souls*
You see, you see? That's what I'm talking about! Daemon Blackfyre was the rightful heir and he got robbed! Everybody knows that!
Why? What happens to her?
stop being gay
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Show her to doctors. Maybe she's not that smart
Ugly dancing > showing off your small penis
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She will save her and the thread of prophecy will be restored
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Why is there a random asian guy in all european army?
>varys gets mocked as the Clubfoot for having a limp
>criston gets mocked as a Dornishman for being slightly swarthy
>Nobody says a SINGLE word about black velaryons. Not even so much as an insinuation
The selective reality these people live in is honestly kind of scary. They've managed to compartmentalize their field of view in real time.
gets peaked right out of a tower into spikes below the castle.
He doesn't even acknowledge her existence.
Would have to see erect to judge
But anyway, nobody is memeing his scene like the morbius one was, you are mounting a theater in your head about a parallel reality that is not happening
There are like, 2 twitter posts about him being very skinny and that's it
HBO had a diversity quota to fill. Same reason Mysaria is Asian for no reason at all and Ulf's wife is a stinky poojeeta.
he is the chink in the armor.
Rhaenyra gets to introduce her children to Viserys, many scenes with her kids, sex scene with Daemon, etc
but Aegon gets nothing.

I'm seething.
Lel remind me of his fate again?
>3 scenes morning Lucerys

>Helaena gets a shitty scene about Alicent having sex with cole and a terrible funeral
The femanons who thirst over Aegon, Aemond and Jace are here again. Nobody is safe.
taken from Yi Ti as a slave, when he was a child now he proudly serves a westerosi house
you literally aren't eligible for major award shows like the emmys if you dont fit certain metrics of diversity
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>daemons souls*
Oh shit, lmao
You've already thought about it more than the showrunners that cast him.
It's anti bastard discrimination is what it is!
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>Ulf's wife is a stinky poojeeta.
Thats Hugh the hammers wife you are talking about
>or Griffith
Yeah, like Griffith "after". People laugh at him.
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You can just Google "Matt Smith nudes" to see for yourself
it really is Daemon Souls because you skulk through a moldy castle and then get cryptic dialogue from a loser who complains about the state of his domicile.
Rhaenys murdering thousands of peasants will never get brought up isn't it
Nobodies laughing at him outside youre stinky Brazilian team black orgy Pedro
if they had purple eyes and accurate casting, ie she looked Lysene which is basically Valyrian, who would be the right actress to play her?
That's a non sequitor to what I said
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Stuff like this just takes me out. I sound racist but yes Dragons are more believable than a all european army having some random asian guy in plate armour. Even more silly with the black nobles with perfect English accents.
I'm seething, why can't people see how badly treated Team Green is.
At least the Lannisters had plenty of interactions and development
I'm sorry but Disney is not looking for While male actors at this time
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>The border stones, whatever happened there
You're coping. I just checked twitter and all I found was "STOP BODY SHAMING WAAARGHH"
Nah that scene was the polar bear of HOTD. Added for no reason but the cringe self-indulgence of the showrunners. Just be grateful they didn't also kill a named character during it.
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kek'd n checked
>all I found is people defending him
Yep, thanks for confirming what we've been telling you
He's half Stark though. Presumably, all Starks are half Stark and half some other family
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Griffith before was a dicklet
Critics praised Aegon's actor for this season
what zigger made this trash??

> Aemond balls deep (not that far desu) in Haelena
> Aegon comes in
> Aemond turns to the cameras and winks
> "I guess your moniker will be Dragoncuck now"
> Ser Crispin comes out for a breather from under Alicent's gown
> "uh, that happened"
> the kingsguards high five each other
> Otto Hightower comes in
> "that's GOTTA hurt!"
> Helaena stares at Aegon with autistic shock. "He fertilized the Egg."
> Mushroom appears and says "stuck her with the pointy end"
> Corlys enters the scene: "wassup crackas"
> Rhaenyra leans in wearing a Weirwoodtree Costume
>"Looks like my Half-Brother will be a Half-Nuncle soon!"
> Baela pops out: "oh massa dem Green bucks be hollerin' fo a breakin'!"
> Alyn and Addam from the corridor: "we too are in this episode"
He's really fucking good, the scene in the council after the murder is just brilliant
Defending from what? If twitter defended you with "stop bodyshaming" it means you ugly. Sorry for truth.
Anon, the got map is like Europe, South America, Africa and Asia compressed to the size of Europe, why the fuck wouldn't people of different ethnicities show up at random places
Right, the majority of normal people are calling out a small portion of faggot shit skinned Brazilian niggers who are coping and seething that aemond has a large fanbase and women want to fuck him
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>mfw Aemond gets crowned Prince Regent with kino music, beheads all of Aegon's frat bros and rules king's landing with an iron fist but audiences just keep laughing about his baby dick...

>russian Jason Stan
I swear this was some belarussian Foid who had a crush on the Actor.
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Making pine cone soup truly makes you smarter.
Aura Gone
stinky brazilians, you were already told
Overrated. It's good, but he was praised as if it was something special. It just flopped (compared to expectations).
I thought you were all joking about his height but it's real. Harry is extremely small.
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Sounds like you're mad. No one wants fuck this.
He's good compared to Emma D'Arcy, who is a snoozefest.
her sons are BASTARDS
King Nog is quite tall.
This. She looks pathetic all the time
Her sons…ARE WHORES.
And she….is a BASTARD.
>100% Targaryen blood
When will greencels stop coping?
Maybe. But after reviews I expected more. It was ordinary (for me).
how tall?
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That's a bad angle, but pic rel is definetly not a bad body, even if a little bit skinny
It's written in her script. It's not about acting.
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They are /ourgirls/
If you want to Ignore reality that’s your prerogative
Being a bastard is not even about blood, so even if you were right about the 100% thing you would still be fucking wrong
Do you know what bastard means you fucking idiot? It means they're born out of wedlock. Not that they're not Targaryen. Her sons are bastards, cope
>Defending a whore
How blacuck of you
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Why this photo not full???
rumour has it that he's 1.60 cm (5 feet and 3 inches)
Those who dare oppose us must not be in possession of their mental faculties
Joffrey Baratheon begs to differ
Doesn't matter much when his character exists just to look pathetic.
Rhaenyra definitely has AIDS with all the men she's been fucking
that's my wife's height
Because I don't save men's cocks on my computer
He said in an interview that he was 5'6" on a good day
>Born out of wedlock
>Literally false statements
Hahahaha the cope continues
Jon will have white hair upon being rezzed which will highlight his targ features such as eyes so dark purple that they look black
Let’s be real no man over 5’8” has accomplished anything noteworthy
But you saved this photo... and cut off its small parts...
The cope is yours. Rhaenyra is a lying whore
Just let the Hillary voters cope, they need it
And replaced it with the original, I literally do not have a single cock saved from any actor on my pc
I don't like to be browsing my got folder and suddendly seeing a dick, it greatly displeases me
Gonna be so funny seeing all of you greencels die of seethe in S4
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imagine being a toddler twin and playing with your autistic twin every day for as long as you remember and then suddenly one day they are gone.
I unironically love Aegon
I want to fuck her so bad bros
I'm a woman and I am taller than him
Is Rhaenyra Daemons pupept?
You’d still get on your knees and suck him
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Poor little coping black
Joffrey was 120% Lannister
>die of seethe
Just like rhaenyra
team black don''t care about rhanerya, we're daemonbros
the only explanation I've heard that didn't sound absolutely retarded was that they made the velaryons niggers so that people could tell the houses apart and sell that rhaenyra was cucking her husband since otherwise every cunt in the red keep would be in a blonde wig
>Greencels literally can't comprehend it's not about rhaenyra but about maintaining a pure Targaryen line
The irony has no bounds
Me too I wish I was his friend/kingsguard
You promised Aemond would do cool shit so when?
Does that edgy eyepatch still mean anything?
at least she is pretty
>Austistic twin
How was little Jaehaerys autistic?
>but about maintaining a pure Targaryen line
If the blacks won easily a half strong would be on the throne thougheveralbeit
Does Ryan Condal get confused when he watches Japanese or Korean shows and all the people have black hair and dark eyes?
Ok? I only care about Aegon killing rhaenyra so I guess we’ll both be happy
I like that no Targ/Valyrian will ever have purple eyes because EMILIA CLARKE the fat cunt didn't want to wear contacts
>so when?
When he goes gamer mode
Relatively soon
literally never
you have to remember that this is for an american audience
You know how the series ends right?
>I want to fuck THEN so bad bros
be respectful anon
episode 4-7 we'll get aemond kino. in the finale him and cole will get KWAB'd though when Nyra takes the throne
House of the dragon? Yes
She will never take the throne
>in the finale him and cole will get KWAB'd though when Nyra takes the throne
But that's when the best part of Aemond starts, when he realizes the riverlands do not deserve their continued existence as a kingdom
yes, homosexuality is a disgusting perversion. seek help
No, the super special magic bloodline
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dont forget the Lukesisters
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How come Aemond didn't burn Riverrun?
How come none of the cool castles get burned like Harrenhal in a war won by dragons?
Did george stop to think for 3 minutes about this detail?
Idk, the books aren't finished yet?
In the book he was normal but just had some extra toes and fingers. Jaehaera was the autist. Maelor was normal.
>I'm totally not a woman
>anyway let's take selfieeeees :P
Is this more of her being "surprisingly good at portraying a woman"?
>Maelor was normal
As normal as any Targaryen can be i suppose
And they never will. The show ending is canon to the house of the dragonverse, Targaryens were a fluke red herring nothing and dany dies like a bitch amounting to nothing. So much for your epic Targaryen savior bloodline
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Do you think there would be pushback if a Northern lord (me) tried to marry a Lady from the Summer Isles?
this isn't about a war won by dragons this is about a war that effectively kills all the dragons
Luke objectively the most normal from them
So the blood purity is not assured since a green girl marries the black king
By the time of rahegar only like 2% of targ blood is still blood, we don't need to wait for the books to end to know this "purity" thing was an utter failure
>The show ending is canon
This is who you're arguing with on this board lmao
Okay but why did aemond not burn riverrun, or why did Daemon not burn the bracken castle
a compact executive saloon with an 8-litre (dunno what t stands for) petrol engine?

would be quite a sight
This. I can't feel hype for a show when I know the prophecy they keep teasing amounts to nothing
You fear me for I would ravage your ass
To the house of dragon hbouniverse, yes the show ending is objectively canon and there’s nothing you can do about it
Why do w*men overwhelmingly support the blacks?
how do blackcels cope with the fact that there is never another female targaryen named rhaenyra? what do you think that implies about how she is perceived?
rhaenyra is an entitled cunt who takes no responsibility for her actions and yaaas queens her way through two marriages and lies about the father of her children. she is pure distilled modern woman in fantasy form.
She is literally not in the list of targaryen rulers
History will decide her claim was illegitimate and Aegon II was the true king
need to have sweet gentle sex with Jacaerys
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It’s gonna be even worse in the show when they retcon jaehaera to survive and the blacks can’t even have their bloodline cope anymore lmao almost feel a little bad for them, I thought it was fair as it was
because that is what the writers want you to do, and women aren't are "media literate" as they think
It's because of her? She's supposed to do as they say
In the current age you should be mindlessly worshipping women. If you aren’t head over heels about rhaenyra just by virtue of her existing then the past 15 years of programming didn’t work on you, and you are therefore a threat
I'm pretty sure they decided it looked like shit on screen after trying
I'm doubtful there'd be any controversy for minor lords.

Gonna be honest bro, most northerners probably just care more about surviving the winter than anything else. Not even joking, their winters are hella harsh, like fucking mini-ice ages.

If you're a Stark? You would absolutely royally piss someone off. Not the lowborn northerners, but the highborns, definitely. Even when Tyrion married a simple lowborn westerosi girl, his father was pissed the fuck off over it and had her gangraped.

There seems to be a certain expectation for the top dog houses such as the Starks, Lannisters, Baratheons, etc, to marry mainly only other highborns.
her sons are MANLETS
If it was anything like those terrible contacts that were used in the witcher tv show, it was the right choice.
Normies call Aegon the worst names as if he killed someone or was Ramsay-tier
He never did anything wrong
Let the general die so I can stop wasting time this show fucking sucks anyway why do I stick around
Fellas... is it womanly to take photos of yourself?
He did a rape and he does watch his bastards fight one another to death in fighting pits
Because you have no other friends besides us
That's not a general
True true
>"It was very important for Miguel and I to create a show that was not another bunch of white people on the screen," Condal told EW. "We wanted to find a way to put diversity in the show, but we didn't want to do it in a way that felt like it was an afterthought or, worse, tokenism."
>we didn’t want a mostly white cast in a European inspired fantasy world
see >>200807881
CONdal is a hack
i don't really care about it being a European history fantasy.
they changed character's race and ruined the lore instead of adding lore accurate ones and inventing plots for them.
like summer islanders mercenaries or some shit.
Imagine the writers of Shogun saying the same thing about having "a bunch of yellow people on screen"?
Is this the general?
No, give me 5 mins and I bake the actual general
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We don't know if those things are true
Based Miguel making Condal feel white guilt and make this cucked ass change and then leaving the show a year after
>300 seconds
Ah yes another b@n evading chad
Alys River is gonna be cringe I know it
The actress has a jawline and she can't fucking walk in a womanly way. And she thinks staring menacingly is good acting
I keep my promises




they always find the ugliest niggers ever, like atleast get some cute ones.

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