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>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.

https://pastebin.com/raw/MkxawPjr (embed)



>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D (embed)

>Thread template if needed
https://pastebin.com/raw/yeSLgsLE (embed)

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit

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>Season starts, Sam is super into it and audience is positive
>Jet quickly runs out of ideas over the course of the first week and multiple mood-killing incidents happen
>Sam gets pissy because of his bipolar disorder, hates all the fish and torture is ramped up <---- (YOU ARE HERE)
>All long-term plans, scheduling or rules are thrown out the window amidst a depressing content drought
>Season ends on a high with an uplifting large-scale finale Sam comes up with with ideas from Twitter
>Spreads in your path
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Finally I've been waiting over a year for the return of Sam x Letty kino
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post goblins
just let jimmy perform his beautiful lyrical comedical genuis prose for two weeks. the audience will love it
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i hate da goblins
>the little ballsack
Why is Fatty upset?
Autism mood swings.
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I told you that the spirit of Gormedios would bring great injury to one of the contestants. I have not seen a vampiric spirit this powerful manifest before.

I was concerned when the Initiative Group symbol caused an Ankh sesh to come to an abrupt end. Usually I can maintain a sesh for ~30 minutes, but this sigil was hungry for energy. Nevertheless, I continued to charge the sigil during season 2, for the lulz. Gormedios has completely drained TJ of all his loosh, this, combined with the energy from viewers and fellow Jump Team 3 members, has empowered Gormedios beyond a memeable thoughtform. He has reached injurious feedeing level of vampire spirit.

Now we know why Sam called off the shift and canceled the Initiative group, it’s because of the influence of Gormedios. Luckily, Jump Team 3 [redacted] and were able to make a smaller shift [around the time of the beginning of season 2.5]. We are approaching final decent, but the entity known as Gormedios has emerged and made the shift as well, this is unexpected and all initiates must be vigilant and on watch.

God bless us all and protect us, in the name of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for my sins, and was resurrected from death, I pray, Amen.
Someone upload the Jimmy game, i'm not paying
Jon actually seems jealous kek
he was raped (actually)
I bought the Jimmy game, twice. Worth every penny.
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I just took a nap and had a dream about an upcoming season of fishtank
I'm going to write down what I remember, because it was fucking kino, but to be honest I'm already starting to forget parts, so i will embelish it with what I think was there, even if I am unsure. It also felt like a .5 season, and it inculded many of the current fish, so I'm assuming that's just because what I know. In reality this would probably be after the "lore reset" and be season 4.5 or something with all new fish
>season 4.5
>massive larp event
>rent out a large ranch house with 3 floors including a basement
>everyone dressed in wild west attire, more concise than the "fantasy" schtick they've got going now
>each main fish is a "gang" (weren't directly called that) leader and start in territories
>subfish all choose their allegiances
>show begins with them choosing immediately within 1m. They weren't told before hand what's happening
>different gangs get different colors and their fingers are painted to show allegiances
>me personally (I was in this) sprinted and valulted over a couch past jet to get to the basement. (I don't remember for sure but I think that was jon's gang)
>the games begin and the fist gang to claim all territories (top floor, first floor, multiple outside bases) wins
>only action I remember is first floor gang (letty) coming down to attack us. I grabbed her leg and tried to pull her down the stairs from the side
>scene suddenly changes and we're all outside now. It's a large group so it may have been an alliance between my gang and another
>all of us standing around with our fake guns and bows and stuff
>real, actual rancher, who is the neighbor and not part of the show comes out and stands around with a bow and arrow. Idk why
>the last thing I remember is I started kneeling infront of him and EVERYONE else started kneeling, too. Something like 30 larper retards all kneeling in front of this actual rancher who had no idea what was going on
>wake up
Rate it, bros
Make sure you put "ftl" in the OP so everyone who doesn't want to see your cancer can filter it.

>t. everyone who got here before 2016
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>gristlelick: it wasnt tj, the sus porn lubecooch account was made in like 2005 or some shit
>modest_mauser.: yeah, that's what i thought, gristle
>mr_west420: jimmy only watches ethical pornography involving hentai or dogs
>modest_mauser.: yeah, nothing but the most ethical rape and zoophilia for jimmy
flowchat is SO fucking gay



for me the worst part is the hypocrisy
take her to bucky
This is now #1622
It's only 5 dollars guys, come on
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There we go.
Keeping Jezza's (pbuh) work alive.
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Based Bitty calling out Tayleigh for her laziness
have you really been seething for 6 months, anon
This season is one long string of the best bits of fishtank. Jimmycraft has sent my sides into orbit
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POV: you're Betty one week from now.
what happened to being so distraught about spraining taylor's wrist that he was suicide baiting
go dilate faggot
begging this hard is legit pathetic
literally no one cares
Just block remove the chat ublock, bro. It's gay.
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tj is a pedo. keep him away from kids.
I'll buy it if they add Xavier mode and it plays like DMC with a style meter

Magically he stopped caring as soon as he got his swinging sword back
>>season 4.5
very optimistic about fishtank's future I see
you pasted this from the previous thread
why do you care so much, get a job
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It's a real shame...
>I made her cum
>the dog, that is
10/10, no notes
What a pathetic thing to type out and post jesus christ man
And instead of dogs, he fucks anime girls
TJ doesn’t care what they think. He’s playing a furry, it’s over.
Fuck off, simp faggot. They're both worthless.
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xayleigh = based
>Jet is actually this desperate for money
trust the plain homie its a worked shoot shell be back
Would they be upset if I flooded the #fishtanklive tag with a bunch of shameless fan service?
Been just posting normal updates
>newfag reply
Thanks for the confirmation.
>Piss-stained beanies.
No, thank you.
>so desperate for money that he's producing quality content
>man I feel so bad
>I don't hurt women
>grinning with maniacal delight as he locks into playing a woman beating simulator designed specifically for him
someone please webm why jons leg is like that I don't want to watch this shitty "show"
I bet Jimmy aggressively points at girls while fucking them
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were here
crazy how that works it must be an actual magic sword
the chat in flowstreams sure does, and so do you

why do you care it was reposted and need to defend TJ? are you one of taylor's friends?
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I'll say it again but this retard is thinking of the reddit account with the alternative spelling literal wormbrained memory
go to Letty cam
>t. phoneposter
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watched a recap and I have no idea why tay got upset at this, does she hate Qanon trump group or what?
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I walk this lonely road
the only one that i have ever known
jimmy never fucked a girl
xes a very angry newfag!
Fix your ISO
keep seething troon
Fool me once...
Sam's voice in the game saying "I'm not proud of you" and "the only good place for you is dead in a box" is going to eventually cause a Jimmy breakdown.
I've noticed the more Jon and Tai there is the more jolly and humorous the show is and the more Tay and Jimmy there is the show becomes fucked, ugly, and nihilistic
She needs to re-evaluate a lot first
she's unironically suffering meth withdrawal, she admitted this yesterday or the day before.
>fake gaslight: tj is loobcooch
>real & proven: jimmy was a tranny chaser on /soc/

remember this before indulging in propaganda
Q is her stalker. stalker said he would do anything to meet her including make his way onto fishtank. this put fear into tay
Every single thing Betty does is some desperate ploy for attention
Make sure you let everyone your emotional state, ma'am.
Guys we haven't even made half of our money back. I don't know how I'm going to pay for all of these people. I'm so fucked.
If someone made a game like that featuring me it would have ruined my day
Jimmy has fucked 35 girls.
Jon and Letty Pillowtalk kino back on the menu
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Have le chud gang figured out that Sam is making fun of them yet
there’s s reason they only pushed one of them on the show for content
best fishtank couple <3
Wrong Q
These aren't mutually exclusive.
Both are true.
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my dream was better bitch
>be playing weird gta sa mod
>suddently its real life and im barricading inside an abandoned warehouse with vance and letty
>die cause hard difficulty and trying to micro manage s1 morons
>restart cause its a game even though im moving on my own inside it
>repeat until my headache wakes me up
the OG
Jon sulking away from camp, I think he actually feels hurt he didn't get his own game
Nope neither have their fans
Status update on the Fatty situation? I can’t take anymore of Jimmy gameplay
He never said he would anything to meet her, tay is just stupid
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Just steal more gold and silver from the contestants.
loobcooch cope
did these niggas make a shitty video game for this one bit?
>69 says nice on it! Screenshot that!
he truly is Reddit Jimmy
Have tj and Taylor returned?
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Tuesday night, 9:04 pm fishtank time.
Why are you here?
errm they made a shitty game about jimmy though?? he’s wholesome chungus
Jon and Letty
the only good place for jimmy is in a box and dead
Yes. This season is 10x more high effort than the previously ones and that's a good sign.
Videogame was made because 2.5 has bankrupted jet and he needs money
You can buy the game for 5 bucks on itch.io
Letty and Jon r so cute
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seethe troon
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she needs to channel one of our memes in this challenge to try to win brownie points
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Another flop day in the tank? What's the verdict?
hol up
gayest thing to ever come out of fishtank
>back to Florida, bitch
needs mallet hidden weapon
>have a taste of the forbidden fruit latta
Wtf I thought vance was le heckin wholesome reddit chungus?
what would a Jon game look like?
truth hurts, uggo
wild all the other fish and staff are chilling in the house. why would they do that to vance lol
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Going to LJS what should I get
you are a satan worshipper, I pray for your soul, anon
Jon and Letty are gonna fuck
you are hate and death
i dont believe you
fish :)
dilate RIGHT NOW
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Letty cam if you want to avoid the Jimmy AIDSfest
How badly is Abi going to seethe from this?
gay sex simulator
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TJsisters, our response?
vance is probably the most redpilled of all of them, he's just quiet.
They have a day off for a date
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Don't be sleeping on Lettycam. This will be important for when Jon starts calling her a slut on twitter in a week.
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did you buy the game yet?
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you are fake and gay
the seethe to "hate and death" is insane, you just know it's hitting too close to home for some
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this, where are they?
>You "win"
Do you think Jimmy got horny seeing TJ in a furry costume?
go to bucky
Will Cole be forgotten by Fishtank? He's one of the most popular fish yet has been basically blacklisted by the wiggers and sam.
>die in dream
Yours was indeed better, anon
This one fake and Jimmy only fucks dogs
twice, seethe about it
no, you're just a faggot
Shout out Bic Flame?
Abi should be the final boss
She attacks with a hammer, Jimmy steals it from her and kills her with it
S1 chemo on Jon cam
Requesting a QRD since the start of the baby challenge thanks
temper temper, anon!
you literally made that up
that aryan goblin is sex
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yeah he kept tripping over his own words whenever he talked to him
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You should love Betty
>bicflame actually worked on the game
jet is posting and lurking here currently
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>assemble the army
And none of them consented!!
>Season ends on a high with an uplifting large-scale finale Sam comes up with with ideas from Twitter
This did not happen on season 2.
>Jimmy shouting out the end credits
He was not blacklisted. He was invited back andw as supposed to be the sniper but be backed out. He confirmed this himself. He talks to us pretty frequently on /bant/
Josie but good
So which one of you will upload the game file somewhere so we can all play it for free
unironically yes. he kept talking about how his vampire shirt was see through too
What did Letty do
can someone gimme a qrd on what happened to jon's leg? i can only catch a little bit of the streams live. only day i really caught live was day 1 and have just been watching recaps
Then he's a stuck up trust fundie faggot. Fuck Cole.
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its hard to do a jimmy impression
swamp olympics was that exactly
cope troon
No-one loves her and that shall remain the status quo
total bitty love
I love Betty
>quest to formulate characters
>on Day 8
>this was necessary
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Vance is 100% a covert autist. He used to browse /mu/ and was an mde oldhead.
kill yourself

hes always been that way. spoiled little rich pussy bitch.
stop that reddit posting
I have autism and certain fake accents make me sperg and Letties fucking accent and fatties fucking accent and jimmies fucking fake jew accent make me want to hurt something like a wall
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He won
Running too fast.
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the funniest thing is that no one gives a fuck that jimmy was a tranny chaser, literally no one cares, meanwhile if any other contestant was found to be guilty of that it would be over. I wonder why that is
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the libtard losers POV
remember when Jon said homosexuality wasn't a sin
Are either of you black?
Because their e-daddy is also a tranny chaser
It's hilarious to hear Jimmy casually talk about fucking dogs and beating women.

many people love and respect betty
>you have to fuck all the dogs before you kill all the women
official Prima guide
Fuck off Ariel
Letty getting him to admit he was a /mu/ser was one of the best parts of s1. He unironically has never recovered since then
because his fans (you) also engage in it
simple really
What race is this? Poo or SEAsian?
>don't worry Tay, I've got your back

Simping Jimmy's simping harder than usual today.
George Foreman looking hoe, she lucky her hair straight perms like that or Jimmy might mistake her for a dawg.
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Imagine being so autistic you can't even comprehend someone can enjoy watching someone without wanting to be them or even liking them.
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Jimmy is now RPing as a playtester
What are the odds that jimmycraft isnt a cryptominer?
We're going to bring that Q guy out as a final boss so tayleigh can redeem herself, it's going to be kino yall
Stupid nigger, he was supposed to be in Tai's role. Notice how Tai is the only actual contestant this season to not have been a former contestant.
pedo phenotype
He tore his hamstring, then hurt it further by climbing a tree, then possibly got bit by a spider, and has been injuring it even further by not getting medical attention and refusing to rest it.
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u new?
sub saharan mix
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Why was Fatty upset at forcibly undressed? Its not like he has any dignity left.
Yeah haha imagine being an imageboard autist lol
In my opinion, this is the best face anyone has made this season. Other than Tayleigh jimfacing of course.
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it turns his wife on
Josie if she actually exuded even the slightest amount of sex appeal
Jet it up !
so do i fuck the dogs first before i beat the women?
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>effortlessly makes nonwhite jimmypedos seethe
he tore a hamstring running and then got shot with an airsoft pellet or something
there's a hole there and nobody is exactly sure where it came from
why don't they just get vance drunk? surely its just a severe lack of self confidence mixed with introversion right?
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Lock the fuck in.
we don’t sign our posts here
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Looks black maybe with a bit of hispanic
good point. she is very fortunate with her hair
any caps on in game abi or taylor?
I'm confused to we like cole or hate cole
because he was going after adults. tj likes children. theyre both fucked up degenerates though.
I was surprised he even cared. There's tons of footage of him being naked on the show if you combine season 1 and 2.
Why don't they just get everyone drunk. We've been suggesting that since day 1
You've been doing this shit all day every day for like a week now. At a certain point your really need to ask yourself if you could spend your time doing better things.
This has made me want to play skryrim and yugioh
Gimmy won today
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anyone else with a high paying job, wife, and kids still desperately want to go on the show? total monkey paw.
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this is the webm I meant to post
take your meds
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Cole is King
native american
Didn't he have some made up religion centered around nudism?
3 gay guys in these threads love him, everyone else hates those gay guys and doesn't care about cole
cope he is a cuck who had a gf with #blm in her bio
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Reminder the biggest jimmysimp is literally a black dude who has a chirping smoke alarm
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he is the leader of the MDE incel movement
And I get a SOLID QRD for today?
I've seen bits and pieces but it really felt like nothing was happening
cole is a pussy quitter.
>achievements 41/41
oh shit another TJ transformation???
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She looks like every Indian waitress that's ever served me. You people need to get out more, or at all, even.
Yummy Trish
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Like who you want idiot. The last person I'm going to let tell me who to back is anyone who uses this general
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holy fuck
>its another tell story time bit
I do agree this is the best possible outcome for my owm personal amusement that aside jan is onscreen I have much more important matters to attend to tata...
i missed the first week of s2 so i barely even remember cole, was he worth the hype or are people being weird
you can just say nigger
I'm guessing Tayleigh wins this.
>Xavier cutscene
fuck yeh nigga
Very concerning anons.

Cowboy hats, anyone see any other strange Hats in dreams about fishtank?
Dont ever fuck a bisexual bitch! Ever!!!!
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Today, I will remind them.
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state's evidence exhibit A for the inevitable trial
The Nigger That Sold Out Jimmy Downey
i hope she pisses and bleeds in mine. I'd order 10!
he was funny and cucked brian which meant he towered over the other fish apart from jimmy
one of the best posts ive seen on here
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The true end of this season is the day Tayleigh left and everyone celebrated and had a great time. This is now purgatory
she's actually the lead developer of jimmycraft
we gotta get abi reaction
>or are people being weird
that one, it's just a bunch of obsessed discord faggots
Would eat with pleasure.
>providence called Wuhan
Worse version of A Tribe Called Quest?
wins what?
Somebody in these woods has AIDS
s1 vance drunk hitting on the confessional cam was great
No, Cole is a huge fag and I’d have to assume his “fans” are being ironic if they were so gay and obnoxious about it.
i like him but i dont really bring him up unless mentioned. and if i say i like him some retard goes COLE QUIT. Or gets really extremely hostile for saying I liked cole. Theres also someone who routinely posts cole and says >assemble the army in order to make fun of cole and cole supporters.
at least cole wasn't a tranny chaser
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Roger Roger
Net Up
jesus lol
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She's probably cost them a lot of time and money having to monitor her TTS/SFX whenever it's all, having to ban people, people doing charge backs. And she wouldn't even play their stupid game with the Xavier stuff. They absolutely hate her guts now.
just give Tai the medal
>train robbing for dummies
finally tai is being funny again
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>"Can I see your pussy ;D"
If that doesn't work just post them here or in bant. At least it would be appreciated.
Tai kino
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Cole 45 revolvers ghostin
I can only assume they're avoiding it to prevent someone from getting drunk and hurting themselves considering they're in the woods and they've got shit thrown about everywhere.

Maybe on the 4th they'll get them drunk
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Someone who isn't banned please tell Abi how to use a .zip file

do you think jimmy would leave if she did?
Why is this so funny to me?
i hated letty during s1, but honestly tay during s2 and here has been so coddled. letty gained mad respect when she stopped jimbo in his tracks by namedropping herself desu
Tai lore is a fuckin' banger
Rumors are this is Tais sister
Movie about Tai the Gunslinger when?
colesisters.... do we really?
I think tai is gonna win the lore contest without even hearing from the others
what a stupid cunt. hate women.
>six bullets for each dead family member
I mean really the only people you have to worry about when it comes to alcohol are Jon and Jimmy.
be real with me niggas, are jimmy and tay going to fuck?
GOOD NEWS: Vance is doing something for the first time
I remember trust its a shame what potential is kneeled on due to being in your own mind 24/7 oh well
trish delish my favorite fish
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>Gunslinger Tai killed JFK and Epstein
deepest lore
he's been charging his ki all day
>that would be most kino indeed

here comes the content king with his mead menance
Yes and you control the action
nah this show is the highlight of his life
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okay but can you do pic related in the game?
>Plain bagel Vance is talking
brb taking a nap
Same nigger
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For the SECOND time
How we feelin about the Mead Menace?
vance with jimmy’s lack of shame would be unstoppable
At this point it is for Tayleigh too.
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She will hate it then when she finds out everyone says it's funny she'll say she likes it and it's cool.
>that would be most kino indeed, yes
wtf is that how cringey I sound when I say "kino" IRL?
she has her cockbuddy and jimmy is a friendzoned white knight bitch
whiny whorebag
I told you guys Abi is built for ryona
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pic rel has been living rent free as vivid as ever in my head ever since the time i first posted about it
can this fit in to any schizo theories i still don't fucking get it but it feels like something important
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Why the fuck would you say kino irl
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Goodnight I hate TJ he did not have a character arc he was pushed through by the producers and was one of the most boring contestants and was way too docile and him winning was one of the results of s2 failing. Taylor is only with him for clout because she is a whore party girl and dropped him the second the wiggers invited her back to 2.5 and as I type this she is getting railed by one of the wiggers while teejay is at home. You know it's true. TJ also didn't win any fight in s2. Redditors and twitter faggots only began to like him when sam and co started pushing him on his fake character arc because mde is a cult and everyone always parrots what sam says and does.
Vance aka the Mead Menace rides around a fire breathing steed and it crashed in Schitty?
haha so true its incredibly unfortunate
Fishtank dreams are wild man. This show does something to my brain chemistry.
I literally do it all the time
because I'm based, I say "based" IRL too
are all christcucks this retarded?
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Jimmy and Tayleigh
Do zoomers really not know how to open zip files?
you posted this in the last thread, goodnight anon
Yeah for real. He was there for 9 fucking days and still has fags posting about him
now that the dust has settled; which was more neptunian, the garage or attic?
Do you have friends
They wish.
Jimmy is 100% gay
Him and Mauro were hanging out randomly together months ago
I miss her
So fucking much
The vampiohws need to be extinglished.
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this she's build like a washboard
>Taylor is only with him for clout because she is a whore party girl and dropped him the second the wiggers invited her back to 2.5 and as I type this she is getting railed by one of the wiggers while teejay is at home. You know it's true.
Anon this part of the pasta is completely outdated and needs updating.
don't you fucking insult kimberly wexler like that
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the attic was squandered potential
attic until they gave up and used it as an extra room to dump trash in
literally what the FUCK is this bitch talking about
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it's actually become a field of research in comsci in the last 2 years or so, re-adding "friction points" to software
>basically it's gotten so easy that the zoomers don't have to try to do anything, and so only understand the most basic tasks
Tell Sam to sell another Porsche that old jew
Garage was actually sp00py. It was the place where the veil was weakest between the tank and reality
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I like to watch Fishtank.
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I have frens, they live in my puter
i know letty is retarded but come on. did she not understand it was supposed to be about herself?
>Letty puts hair over her googlly eye for the camera

Letty with her domination fetish coming out again
>letty writes a romance novel
tayleighs story is going to be the ultimate in cringe
Abi is playing the Jimmy game lol
Dude what happened to him
doesn't look like it
Why not just post the video with her and the girls with a table of poppers? Weak nigga
>still would
Those aren't real friends
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technically they said make a character OC not necessarily yourself she will say
apparently not lol
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>86 weeks ago
How deep does it go?
mormon niggers
jimmy never threw a hammer
Anyone have the zip for Jimmycraft? i dont wamma pay for thaf shit
I though Letty was supposed to be le boy brain smart.
The coyote is getting revenge on jimbo for all the dogs he's fucked.
so letty just wrote xavier
>competition turns into letty confessing her fetishes
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She wasn't in that video thoughbeit
Letty won
Is this before or after he went crazy
Letty is just describing her wet dream
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friends are just enemies who don't have the guts to kill you
It's worse that we're talking about cole instead of bloodgames kek
Every time I come to this goddamn website
Pretty much lol
>Nina did a pandering perverted fanfic instead of giving her character a background
>Someone that never does or says anything
You can tell Letty spends 16 hours a day talking only to insane boys on discord.
Tais story was the only good one.
Women can't help but project their psychosexual fantasies eh
I thought you guys said this bitch was hot???
Letty is a pedophile for writing that shit
Lol here we go with the Jimmy lore dump
it's $5 nigga, support the culture
and the viewers eat it up. so easy to pander to these faggots no wonder Sam is able to make millions grifting his fanbase
disgusting devil
why doesn't she just get it fixed
It's an AI generated image of him lol. That said, Jimmy was raped. By Mormons.
Jimmy fucking sucks. I prefer Letty's creative writing exercise to Jimmy's gay real life trauma dump
NGL I actually liked Vance's Mead Menace who rides a fire-breathing steed
>I logged on to 4chan dot org and now I'm surrounded by stupid assholes
I know a girl who looks like this that really likes metal
tai won
Jimmy revealing that he has a completely delusional view of himself again
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>Jimmy medic lore
Wow I can't believe Medic Jimmy was also raped by Mormons
He does not possess a creative mind

>how do i skip this cut scene
Jimmy's real life is crazier than any movie.
jimmy chemo
nice try Jew Neptroon
Oh here we go
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vampires coming
Ofc as always
>xavier has been given the ok to go in on tayleigh
>your native tongue
>only facial expressions without words
>that seems to be your favorite way to communicate
i fucking love xavier bros
Xavier is a genius
Fuck her, anon
funny ass shit inbound
>Trish came to shitty because she got lost on her way to Arby's
that one wins
friend tank is so fucking lame. these people suck
not even close
That's what I've been saying. His grip came loose when he was doing a test swing in the air. It's her fault she was in the flight path of the self propelled hammer
Lmao the Trish Arby's TTS messages coming out of nowhere always crack me up
this is kino chudgangbros
I fucking hate ellen page
don't be a bigot, anon
>naming real places
because you have no taste
I'm gonna mute while she talks, let me know what she says
terrible rp, unfunny, boring, waste of time tayleigh please get her off the show already...
What did you see?

Jimmy will have a struggle ahead, though his fate is still open, he may fight and survive, or give up and be consumed.
Why are all these OCs born on Earth?
>3 fish think their lore is just their own personal life
>1 fish thinks their lore is a random OC
Tai and Vance win by understanding the assignment
i will fucking die 4 chudgang chudgang is so cozy bros
>my face explodes
What did she mean by this?
Letty and vance had the best OCs
Once again prooving s1 fish mog s2 fish
>troubles and tribulations

its TRIALS and tribulations. why do people claim she is smart
tay needs to put aside her pride and realise jimmy is her soulmate
I fucking love winona ryder in girl interrupted
people asking for her pronouns and being unsure if she was trans when they met her in season 2 was one of the funniest parts
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>I was raped
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we literally can kill anyone one of you
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Jimmy plagiarizing Hotline Miami was unexpected
tay needs to do more funny faces
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Tay talking makes me want to kill somebody, this is the worst shit I've ever heard in my life.
Tay's is the best by far. also the hatred for her has completely overshadowed the Letty hate and made her irrelevant
i'm fucking crying laughing she's so funny and based

BASEDleigh much?
spurned jeets mad at xayleigh lmao
chudgang W chudgang4lyfe
goth bitch
She is way too pretty for the wiggers
i want to die
>neither of the chuds made a hedgehog for their OC
Surprising tbqh
Don't Look At the Camera Challenge.
Only Tayleigh will participate in this one.
oh magic 8 ball, will jimmy attack a woman on 2.5
>Jon was normal until he got bit by a radioactive retard
this is how it really happened
was it?
badass lil chudette
i hate tay but her OC was bretty gud
my parents just walked in and asked me what's so funny. wish tay wouldn't make us laugh so hard
: |
oh TJ does have a phone i thought i heard him get a text from taylor kek
Spend the five dollars you fucking faggot, or leave
>Human the Man
DJ is going to mog these fools
>nigga reading it off his phone

>reading phone
Fuck off TJ someone break his rib again
>(silly long name) but they call me (normal name)
holy cringe
this tbqh, every word was worse than the last one
finally something good
oh great gotta listen to the pedo faggot stutter
you can really tell xavier is the guy who edited the frank hassle videos that were actually funny
Ok, NOW this is an OC
Rumor is that's jet's girlfriend.
this is the only reason TJ showed up
this is already better than tayleigh's oc (which was really bad and i hate xir)
no one cares faggot tj go back in the house and write some more fan fiction about fucking your own children
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I like describing Season 1's vibe as ethereal and dreamlike, the imagery of the white house always had an unnerving yet familiar, welcoming tone. I think this surrealism is what made it so successful initially, so much so that watching the fish do literally nothing all day was extremely entertaining because of that strange energy. A lot of clips from the first season went viral on other social media sites because it gave the impression of peering into another reality.

Season 2 is more like found footage of a cult, which is kind of what they were going for. It felt much more real but in the way that like, a snuff film is real. Rather than eeriness, the house was full-on scary and almost demonic. When you watched the season you could almost imagine a murder taking place on-camera at any given moment.

Harvesting the energy of the tank is the secret sauce to mainline fishtank and I'm excited for what Season 3 brings.
this is just the plot of devilman crybaby
>TJcels will still say this is better than Tay
TJ is pretty mid, but leagues better than Tay
post the pool video idc.
Godlike OC desu
i made my parents watch tay compilations so they would understand why i needed their visa lol
Tj just won
thats not liquid cole
this i love that cat
I already forgot what she said
frank status?
I thought he was dating female cole
not a high bar
it is bc this was stolen from an actual idiot's oc
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Jan wrote this for him
my cooch is lubed
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holy based deadbeat son
I think her former simps are the ones seething now
effortless TJ W
TJ won
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE RELICS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
A COUP occurred and the HUNTERS have slain FATIUS. This death was NON CANON. Yesterday, the kingdom held an ELECTION, the new KING was chosen. XAVIER is now KING.

>Daily Quests:
The SOLDIER has been granted a RESTRAINING ORDER against XAVIER.
The PALADIN has been slain, and has become a VAMPIRE. He has also learned XAVIERS true name!

The crew has ordered an ABOVE GROUND POOL. The pool will be used for something called the ‘BLOODBATH’ and, sources tell me, will be full of water dyed red.
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Now THIS is OC
TJ won the challenge
Why did season 2 feel so dark and atmospheric? It stands out from Season 1 and 2.5. It feels like how this song sounds.
could actually see tj on production after this. just make him do ben rants
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TJ fucking w
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Cynthia the best waifu
>ywn bury your dick in creature asshole while she's high as fuck
why live
this is why TJ won S2 btw
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dead niga
Most effort from a non contestant.
TJ won.
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stfu fucking faggots
remember how fucking nervous TJ was when he was telling his story in season 2? this is a huge improvement
hah easy tay win gunpowder blood soulbound weaponry most expressive im paying jet $50,000 now
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Speaking of Cole how bad do you think he's coping right now?
common TJ W
Thank you TJ for making me laugh
hope he makes fun of tayleigh
TJ is slept on
his extremely long joke for the stand-up competition was funnier than sam's set
jimmy didnt even listen to TJs story he was just rage stoking the fire the entire time lmao
He still stutters like an idiot when he's not reading off his phone
When did TJ get funnier
enough pity wins for TJ
True. I don't know why she's with him.
the fish all really pale next to Xavier
tj's OC made me laugh and that's better than anyone else's bullshit
S1 also benefitted from the minimalist decoration and house layout. It never felt too busy and allowed the fish to always be the center of attention, along with the open floor downstairs making sure the fish generally congregated in one space and gave the audience clear sightlines. They were all essentially forced to be in each other's space 24/7.
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all you need to stop being a stuttering retard aspie is a script to read from, daily blowjobs from an e-girl and $50,000 for nothing
That's Taylor's dyke goth friend mary
what a big headed freak
so true cynthia deserves better
Why are there so many Vance dick riders?
>Xavier reading his backstory while the vampires attack
>TJ not in the cast
>wins the 500 dollars anyway
TJ is decently good at creative writing but he cannot follow through in person this is a repeat of his comedy challenge entry all over again hope that nigga overcomes it someday
anyone got a qrd on what happened after sam turned up and jimmy talked like a jew?
>Vampire attack during his 72 page read of his backstory
kino time
Again, Cole drank the vodka. Cole is the gray piece. Cole is in his bathtub in Arkansas scrolling /tv/. Cole has a beautiful girlfriend who looks just like JC. Cole is happy and he does NOT watch porn.
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Cole won. Teej got the pity prize
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/our guys/
Just focus on Xavier I don't care about the attack
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this is what Xavier's reading btw
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where can i get something like this?
I need it to happen just to shit on Tay
i actually want to hear this xavierkino
it's all the erp
there's still time for him to make the call
there aren't
it's a running "gag" that all the polls this season have a huge amount of votes for the unpopular option as soon as they open
milking the paypigs I guess
He just needs soem practice, but he could he a GREAT bentype
wtf someone explain this further, that forest is pretty fuckin weird
kek tai thanking the vampires for visiting them
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Jon mogging the fuck out of TJ
Xavier is NOT gay
>he could he a GREAT bentype
Interesting angle, I could see that.
>TJ won the poll
is he the most liked contestant in fishtank history?
Benji without the name
TJ won
based Jon
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>Ok no, I don't care about who won, say thank you
Fucking kek based Jon
>the fish can't get any of the items
they're never going to win
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TJ won is canon
they gave them a challenge to make character OC and a backstory and made fun of tayleigh for not RP'ing she called it lame.
they gave Jimmy a unity assetflip shitgame on the steamdeck where jimmy fucks dogs and punches women and shilled it for awhile while he beat it.
TJmaxxers we literally CANNOT stop winning
xavier knows
>Lubcooch did something
the most botted by Taylor's irl friends and cucked fans
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This is a fully factual post.
imagine jimmy saying anything like that
TJ will be in season 3.
Hopefully Xavier and Jon will be in too.
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Just checked

TJ Won
i wonder if TJ wrote that himself. It was actually funny.
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>Jimmy has built a new weapon
and Jimmy
clash of the titans
>bullying TJ into giving up his money
Rare Xavier L
thanks, that jimmy shit sounds like funny
Amazing moment, this is actually for the artist guys
John looks like a fucking drill sergeant lmao
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>the artist guys
damn, I missed this so much
you know he did he acted it too well
It sounded EXACTLY like a 14yo's oc
it's not his money he's on production lmfao
I love how Jon didn't give a fuck about the contest and only cared about making sure TJ said thank you
TJ admits he has a “demon mode”, the revelation of the trick. This is unexpected and his loosh seems completely restored. Was Gormedios deceived, could this demon be the one who prevented the shift?

The reaction from the crowd, telling. They’ve fallen for a simple glamour spell, showing what normies they are.

A tangled web I see, much fate to be seen.
*like a funny bit
fucking retard
They should put whoever is playing Xavier in as a plant, unmasked out of character
No thanks
>isn't part of the cast
>comes in anyway
>easily wins
>gives away the prize because he doesn't need it anyway
first the blacksmith's wife singing now this
>They get attacked while Xavier shares his story
>Keeps reading
conceptually, and at first, it was a good bit. in practice it kinda just boiled down to jimmy playing on a steam deck for like 45 minutes
I literally write funnier copypastas regularly just to fuck around. Lowest hanging basic bitch fruit excuse for "comedy". It gets so tiresome seeing people cheer on mediocrity, literally anyone could write the shit he wrote and we don't even know he even wrote it himself considering he's literally half retarded.
why is jon raging at TJ?
why does jimmy have a sword lol does he not realize why they have padded swords
TJ won. TJ has "cool guy" status via Jon. TJ fucks Taylor.
Jimmy gets told via video game "the only good place for him is dead in a box" and "I'm not proud of you."
What should we do tomorrow to make Xayleigh more entertaining
he's feeling insecure around him
What's with the Xavier hate on TTS
>Mogs TJ

I think you mean BASED
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every day until you like it, faggot
change her class to succubus
It is insane how hard Xavier is carrying S2.5. He's outdoing even Sam and Fatty.
TJ vs. Jon is the kino we deserve
because he's based
She's cursed and can only communicate with facial expressions.
>Jon mogging DJ
Post one if it's so funny
TJ actually alpha male-ing Jon
>arguing about jalapenos
God, this really is the true battle of the retards
clash of the titans
TJ is being a cocky little faggot because Xavier wrote baby's first OC parody for him.
Need more TJ and Jon interactions
why doesn't jet just fire goran already?
Cause TJs a fucking freeloader
Invite her ex-gf and meth head bf on the show
hes a spastic retard who needs to be the center of attention
Quest to not look at camera.
More teasing from the NPCs if you're not going to let negative TTS through.
whoop his faggot ass john.
stop filtering tts
I though Jon wasn't supposed to be walking around?
Also because he was fucking Taylor for the past couple hours.
yep. dont forget all his irl faggot friends that post pics of him from high school here.
do NOT look at minion she is in a cloud of smoke and has no thigh gap DO NOT LOOK AT IT
this is how jon meets people
Jon is gonna fight TJ even with his gimp leg and he's break that twinks skull open
sam had to show up to make sure TJ and Jon didn't destroy the whole forest with their battle
I don't know if TJ realizes that he can't win an argument with Jon because Jon will just start yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH" over anything he says for as long as it takes for TJ to give up
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just have her on screen and millions of jeets lose their minds. it's entertaining enough
Because he needs attention and Xavier was giving it all to TJ
He could do it. Just send him up and tell him to start bullshitting a story to a fish. It doesn't even have to go anywhere, just keep them stuck there as he forces them to listen like he did that time he was talking about missing Taylor to Oliver while he was trying to sleep lmao.
TJ definitely wrote that himself
Jon won't care about sodaman
>sam had to show up
where? in that cloud of smoke?
why are tj fans such fucking cucks?

tj can always win
Scott has negative charisma.
I dont think Jon knows about the lubecooch stuff but if he did it would be a funny disaster
shame, from what I saw today, it's been a drag
you’re so mad lol
they are trannies and twitter users
He isn't, but he's too retarded to take care of himself. He even went into a full sprint run earlier even though it was hurting him. The combination of his retard pain tolerance and the fact he said he is on painkillers is keeping him from resting his leg like he should.
Redpill me on Xavier’s backstory - why does he wear the mask?
... Yeah
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Sam is still here?!?!?! I though he would have gone home to the hapa babies by this point
Is The Duke Sam Hyde?
>Sam is not the final boss
>Frank is not the secret 2nd final boss that teases S3
>sodaman's been captured
with this character's death etc.
It’s Taylor’s friends and sister posting the cuck shit.
He's a sped
I hope Jon tard rages at TJ hard and makes all the redditfags here seethe
The Evil Spirit of Mauro Cano
shut the fuck up dallas or whatever FAS cunt white trash name taylor's sister has
man TJ really makes the tay cucks seethe
he's human now :>P
Fuck with her more. Let TTS through. Stop banning people
They're literally from r.eddit and think Fishtank is some LOTR story of good (TJ) vs evil (Jimmy)

meanwhile most normal people are just here to laugh
I made a joke and you people seethe at anomalous trannies from other websites. Draw your own conclusions.
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He remembers what Tay trvthnuked him with and refuses to be Sam's lolcow any longer.
The S3 house is a literal mansion so unless they double the amount of fish or close off half the house it's going to fucking suck watching the fish seclude themselves.
>Sam keeping him Jewish because he knows it tortures the viewers
Liquid Cole is like a chekov's gun that'll pay off in season 3 maybe even 4
jimmy really tryin to act like he's dukes duo killin my boner and fun
only when he does nothing (99% of the time )
living vicariously because he makes them think the sperg gets the cute girl
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Jimmy lost
Who was he really? What was Liquid Coles endgame? He is by far the most mysterious fishtank character.
Making an entire game as a bit is kino and shows the show as a whole is improving. Why hate?
just his presence has you enraged
Cope, TJ is evil and you will regret ever defending that little worm. We won't forget.
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Jon gonna end up like that nigga that won season one of Big Brother
make her spread her asscheeks
anyone have any clips of what happened with fatty?
Jimmy needs to brush him up on the lore
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bring fatty back NOW
Permanent Jewish Jimmy
Hum no its his fans cornballs
Or I won't care while a random sperg from an internet show lives rent free in your brain.
Did fatty actually walk off the show? lmao
it's Cole
>what happened to your boulder goy
bro lol
Liquid Cole is Fishtank's biggest mystery, but no one seems to acknowledge it
He’ll be back tomorrow
of course not
he says he wants to have children and molest them. who else would say such a thing
Eventually they'll realize bigger isn't necessarily better. Theoretically, giving people more space and privacy encourages them to strategize and play social games, but realistically I think it just makes it harder for the audience to keep track of what's going on, discourages interaction, and forces production to involve themselves more.
He lives rent free in yours, thats why you defend him. Cope bastard.
he's the heart and soul of this whole show. fatty is the key to all of this.
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>Cope, TJ is evil and you will regret ever defending that little worm. We won't forget.
kek common Jimmy W
watching Basecamp and sending TTS too DJ
i wanna suck jon's cock
After seasons of walking around naked and making people uncomfortable, when someone actually wants it to happen he realized it was actually humiliating
hes been acting super casual to sam all season
we really really need jewish jimmy for the REST of the show
somebody based
just like b1 again
letty looks so weird at night under the cam light
who is we? you're an anonymous poster, faggot.
jimmy is kino. fuck all y'all.
Keep laugh pjfag, you'll know it when it comes. We won't forget.
i take back what i said, it's now become funny but in an ironic capacity
>Eventually they'll realize bigger isn't necessarily better. Theoretically, giving people more space and privacy encourages them to strategize and play social games, but realistically I think it just makes it harder for the audience to keep track of what's going on, discourages interaction, and forces production to involve themselves more.
Bigger houses are fucking spooky in the down hours. It will be good for seeing how possessed these people get.
you'd have 2 b a retard 2 find jimmy being jewish funny
Jewish Reddit Joker Jimmy is his most powerful form yet
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Jimmy went on some shit I'd never heard before I want a video breaking it all down bit by bit
i hate when wp sketches are referenced it's fucking really cringe
I don't care, I laugh at internet show. Its not my job to investigate contestants. You seem to care an awful lot tho, why dont you do something about it?
TJ still making all of you seethe

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Yeah right, can't believe Green shark gets to hit this...
who said that, jimmy?
Benleaks is always right
It's so lame and pandering
if only one of the arena cams were working we could watch this from top down

nice job jet
t. jewish tranny
TayTay mogs this whore.
TTS in Vance voice
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str8 fax
perhaps I will
Never defended him, I made a single joke about him and got spammed by people shouting tranny and pedo. I think you people might be deranged.
the twitter video editor is fucking her sister?
god damn
Nigga what, qrd?
He’s just going to smoke
Sam was blanking on what to say to Vance when a TTS dropped that in Vance voice
>I hate Jimmy so I must spam about TJ every single thread

Please stop, noone cares about your mental schizo battle
youre a literal tranny. kill yourself benleaks.
You're not funny and nobody has ever thought of you as so.
rent free pj defender
>you'd have 2 b a retard
you already are
They're about to kill off DJ
tender little tummy
>It's a Sam Pretends To Be Straight episode
Real answer is that they were Jet's girlfriend and it was the placeholder for the ID photos, Cole probably sent in his selfie last... which is what they want you to think given the season 2 behind the scenes video EXCEPT Liquid Cole has a Scorpio star sign and is said to live in Texas, two details not shared by any other fish which fucking means it was intentional because why would they design an ID card for a Scorpio and pick Austin Texas if there were no other Scorpios and nobody else was from Texas
Good I hope you do. Its unhealthy to just obsess over people anon, do something and get it over with.
fuck no
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I like minion’s tender tummy
let's see it jerkoff
sam seems like he's having fun this season.
hopefully s3 doesn't shit on this momentum
Jackie died so minion could fly
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tickle minion tummy
>Mehra: If you were a girl, would you fuck Sam Hyde for money?
>would YOU/
>Mehra: Thousand of dollars and the opportunity to follow him around and get screamed at like Creature? Yes
this person has said they're a woman before btw
>Mehra: tfw not hot enough to be sam's creature :( wait that sounded really wrong

clout chasing whores just discussing hypergamy in flowstream chat rn, this subhuman is a regular in there too see them all the time
Does girls like when u are mean to them? I thought you are supposed to be nice?
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it won't
Anon explain at some point pls. Been playing dark souls PtD recently. Shit's getting spooky.
letty = pretty
actual 4chan posters you fucking tourist pjfag
You got mogged by a retarded guy having a girlfriend while you seethe on image boards all day. It's over for you mein nigger, this is it.
new bread retards
only if they already like you
>Jon is doing a Jewish accent now

Oh brother.
goyim style
I've always wondered why women like it when you're mean to them. Is it an evolutionary thing? Can someone explain the science behind it?
I recognize that bulge
Ethan is green shark? I thought green shark was just a married dude that was obsessed with Taylor. The story makes more sense if that were true
what's her @ on insta i need to coom to her tender tummy
baker is asleep
Letty wants to be minion so bad
>Jon wants to be Jewish too now
Now we're talking
I'll be invisibo
Jon copies whatever accent he heard last. Its a retard mimicry thing
i'm working on it right now
Rate my fish tier list
Tai > Jon > Letty > Jimmy > Vance >>>>Tayleigh
if that guy really has nothing to live for he could literally just find and kill TJ AND taylor and then kill himself and he would have officially "won" you shouldn't taunt these people it's dangerous
Production have never acknowledged xer, there is an actual conspiracy no meme
PJ has never mogged anyone, I could kick his ass. Fuck you
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Yeah it's true
i've been on this website for literally 3 months faggot... try again
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sam making that 95lb girl push the bike
They still have Jon walking and fighting with swords
did anything happen today
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New England forests, not even once
>me when I bait
soda man likes being bent over
ive been here since s2 newfag
That doesn't mean Ethan is Green shark
kek Jimmy just going straight to save soda man
Switch Jimmy and Vance and perfect
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We must come together to defeat these demons.

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Ethan or green shark is Taylor sister’s husband (Dallas). He’s a neet who does music and tried to stream. He got Taylor on fishtank. He helped launch her streaming career and manages it a bit. He lurks.
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When Scott was handing out a Jocko BJJ belt in Season 2 was the nail in the coffin for him. I know there's anons here that know what I'm talking about.
If i see Scott on the streets, I'm gonna do him.
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Do they have skinwalkers there

but we still cant use it

fucking jet
>I'm invisibol
I'm invisibol
>I'm invisibol
I'm invisibol
>I'm invisibol
I'm invisibol
>I'm invisibol
I'm invisibol
Tai came on strong but has been weaker lately

No one will ever see this post where I admit to being gay.

what is dallas @>>200815990
>New England forests, not even once
I was the guy he was responding to
I live in LI, been over all over NY
This region of the world in the wilderness is beyond strange
Gonna have to watch with a closer eye
What is Ethan’s twitch then?
Ethan definitely isn't shark, they've both been in her twitch chat talking to each other
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Jon giving Letty the invisible hat to protect her is cute!
I live in the town that Lovecraft based The Dunwich Horror off of. We have worse than that.
so is the Duke a good guy or a bad guy?
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Oh yeah, the ones in New England are themed a little different than the ones out west, but they exist, and are fucking terrifying.

The ones in New England are less feral than their western counterparts, and more prone to talking, infiltrating groups, and mimicking humans in your presence, as opposed to from a distance.
I don't think they even know.
I've never read Lovecraft, I'll have to check that out
based, this. we hate you TJourists
>stream cuts out
>Jimmy: I'm gonna sue for antisemitism
got back just in time
Interesting, thanks for the response
You're not wrong there, but those types tend to be very docile irl which is why their frustrations are aired out on anon image boards.
don't ever ask me "why do you like Jimmy?"
Brought to you by iFunny!
Jon is too respectful of her cause he likes her
I've met similar canadian girls, she's a total average, but she is very funny and has been a cool player, was more of a bitch in s1 when she had to win something
Jon should tap it silently
who has the lore on the gun charges with betty about her ex or current boyfriend ?
Me, it was a black guy (shocking)
>I've met similar canadian girls, she's a total average
Damn, I need to meet one myself.
>TJ admits he has a “demon mode"
Is this Jimmy's photo?
>using fish to project their racism and antisemitism
who is she? how do i lick her tender

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