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Bex edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit

Previous: >>200809329
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First for Goblin
Good evening, I hate Tayleigh
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letty stfu and do something bitch
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brown legs
Xavier summon me an anime girl
I wanna suck Jon's fat cock
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>letty fatty torture hour
>tayleigh is coddled forever
i hate these retards production jet .
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When she streams again you will all come crawling back.
He looks like Geralt wearing the wolf mask
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Creature is NOT disgusting
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oo ee oo aa aa ting tang walla walla bing bang
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The day really peaked at this moment and has been downhill ever since.
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I miss bullying letty and her powering through it
beat dyke
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>I can conjur any anime girl I wish to do whatever fortnite dance I want
everything that comes out of Xavier's mouth is a priceless gem
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Bex fucking won
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Disgusting thigh gap
Fatty looks so cool with that mask
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The Creature?
You faggots kill me. Shitting on Christianity has been LE EDGY bullshit for 50+ years of comedy but the minute that changes you have a fit about it. I bet you think George Carlin is a top tier comedian. EAT SHIT.
nasty whore
>Spreads in your path
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Love and Life
Hate and Death
Guys remember how earlier today Xav called Tay a dumb bitch in front of everyone ?

That was too mean imo
you don't understand what season 2ers went through bro.....
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>Season starts, Sam is super into it, audience is positive
>Jet quickly runs out of ideas over the course of the first week and multiple mood-killing incidents happen
>Sam gets pissy because of his bipolar disorder, hates all the fish and torture is ramped up <---- (YOU ARE HERE)
>All long-term plans, scheduling or rules are thrown out the window amidst a depressing content drought
>Season ends on a high with an uplifting large-scale finale Sam comes up with with ideas from Twitter
good thoughts
evil thoughts
go back to /bant/ faggot
When Sam made fun of Tay and told her to shout 1488 more he was making fun of you all and you didn't even realize it. Chuds please stop watching
It looks exactly like that mask kek
>disgusting tranny
malevolent methhead
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The first gyatt
It was really based, that dumb fucking cunt burned the ears and tail meant for his Asian girlfriend!
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>Letty flips torture Letty hour into torture Fatty hour
>Letty femdom
>fatty thinks he has a girlfriend waiting for him outside the tank
>Xavier can materialize big titty anime girls at will

How can one man be so based
campfire cuddles with the apprentice
>you will all
So the same 10 dudes?
>Pauses RP
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too mean brother blud is 39
Fatty, buddy....
You told yourself you wouldn't
tj is an evil pedophile
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>please stop watching
>Dommy Mommy Letty
Letty looks so much like a bipedal insect it's unreal
friendship with josie ended
God I wish Letty would neuter me.
>no nudity rule from iFunny
sponsorship status?
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>"tay take off chris' shoes."
>"Let da dawgs breafe."
it's the little things
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Is simmons the most forgotten fish?
I won’t blame Sam for this. This is all on letty.
extremely on point
oh nice we finally get to see it up close
>jimmy with the slight antisemitism
can we get a mod sit please!
And she eats dust!
idk man the fatty naked thing has been done twice already. If he doesn't want to do it don't force him, it's weird.
>you can see fatty’s penis now cause of the weight loss
hahaha that srs never gets old
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>letty raises an actual axe towards fatty's genitals
>muh media literacy
Nigga shut the fuck up. It's not that deep
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she won
>retarded faggot never watched the podcasts
Here's your (You)
You are the punchline anon. Sorry if you're cretinous mind doesn't understand high brow humor
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Poor Chris. Sam really is a monster.
This summer camp is dedicated to him anon
Jimmy is actually pretty good at dodging this
She was missing for days. Did the wiggers....
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what is fatty bummed about now? i muted it for like 10 min
TO ALL THE TOURIST HOES HERE (basically every woman here)
kek good get the fuck out of here fatty
How much did they pay this old hag to be on the show?
sounds like reddit speak to me
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Reminder that Tayleigh sold her pussy and destroyed her fan base for $50 from a 20yo bisexual stoner who lives with his grandma and can't even keep a fast food job.

Literally less than what an actual Backpage prostitute charges. It's funny how she's so anti-OF when Jordan's probably going to make her start doing it to pay for their drugs.
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post full pic if its a nude, small collection growing currently
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Captain applebottom will forgive repent now.
i wish i was in bant during the chimpout i could have stopped it
streets are saying this
>Letty looking directly forward stating she feels guilty with a smirk
She's genuinely evil.
Letty looks so pretty..
he can never get married now because he exposed himself on fishtank season 2.5
fatty bros...
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Bloodthirsty Bitch.
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>Season ends on a high with an uplifting large-scale finale Sam comes up with with ideas from Twitter

You mean /ftl/ lol
you dream big anon
Sam loves Chris.
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wait I went to go get food
Why did Chris take off his clothes/ why is he upset and Letty guilty?
Jon is the only fish that hasn't disappointed their father today.
What’s your last name, anon?
god i cant wait
the neptunian formula will be studied in film classes for decades to come
Google the phrase "Nina volyanska nude cam"
You're welcome
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sam gave up
vance wept
ifunny sponsored
Of course Jimmy knows about which dogs go into heat

Letty femdommed him too hard
When did fatty get nude?
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the only reason im still watching is that im waiting for someone to call out jimmy, but it never ever happens
meth bitch
just add it to the tab.
letty owes fatty a lifetime at this point
Fish tank is now a chud free zone. Peace and love
I'm going to make her streams unwatchable like I have done before :) I have over 10 streamlabs and will just keep making more
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Squish the bug!
She won't, but if she does I'll be there to watch the trainwreck.
>Jewish Reddit Joker Jimmy
A most powerful form.
I turn away for 30 seconds and I miss it. What happened to Fatty?
Yoooo he said six gorillion
she's unironically gonna come back to a stream of 5 people
because he has yet to lie
she looks better than the real tayleigh
5 minutes ago
Nina should feel guilty.
fatty was raped
jimmy putting on a masterclass in anti-comedy
No one ever calls him out
Jon came to her defense and got him to drop his pants.
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If it ain't broke, don't fix it
>letty will never soft dom you
those eyes hypnotize me
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>please stop watching
imagine getting a blowjob, looking down and seeing this
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Vibes obliterated while the king rests
tabbed back in is jimmy still doing this fucking bit
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>how many shekels
kek based Jimmy
didnt want to get nekkid but they made him. then told him he didnt have to and could leave if he wanted.
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Tay is for physical bits this shit is LAME
why the fuck did letty make chris naked???
letty made him go nude, he didnt want to

after a bit of awkwardness he pulls his pants back up and slugs away all sad
Nah. Her first stream back will be huge just from people wanting to unload hate on her.
He's pissed that Letty won't neuter him
fatty 100% deserved it
he wasn't really it was entirely about trying to fuck with letty and her turning it around into soft/hard femdomming fatty making him get naked and holding an axe to his balls and jimmy only just started doing it again

good timing doofus
Original character. They're gonna make them do furry personas, essentially
Because she's a bad person.
She's a rapist
letty clipped his nuts off
>waiting until halfway through the show for them to make their characters
sam and xavier were already trying to get her to rub him all over for the humiliation ritual
Jimmy unironically has no idea what he's talking about and doesn't research anything. "Actually there were only a million jews in Germany so the holocaust is fake" THEY WERE MOSTLY FROM POLAND AND OTHER COUNTRIES JIMMY he doesn't even have a fucking basic grasp on World War 2 and yet he skips right to the conspiracy theories what an actual low iq moron
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thats the freakin jewish money based kek
>RP challenge for OC
kek based, ya gotta love the Jimster
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Night Crew Check in
Lmao them just swarming Tay
Why didn't they do this from the start?
She is way too hot for the wigger crew
Xavier actually making them do something that should have been done a week ago
josie is ugly and lame
hahahah that's an awesome and comedic face that tay is doing
Wait what is the competition?
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thanks for the damage control, rabbi
Who can make the best OC
Sam and Xavier have way too much fun with this shit lmao
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remember when everybody thought josie was trans in season 1
So Jet fucked up the show for a week and now Sam comes back with rules and makes them make a back story.
Tay's doing the weirded out face! Don't we love it when she does that the moment they attempt to involve her in anything?! Isn't she just the best?!

God she fucking sucks, why even be there if you're gonna act like you're above it.
I am the omnijudge
Anyone got a QRD? I've been watching all day and it's so shit I've forgot.
>one upping judging
Because if she was going to be forced to be harassed by Fatty she had to chop off her nuts so he won't run off.
Every fucking time.
/r/ing greg groomer image
>I will judge as master and commander
>Yes yes, quite a good film it was
I love Xavier so fucking much
>Letty's Jewish face when Sam mentioned 500 real dollars
It never fails
>xavier referencing master and commander
Money getting Letty horny.
Make a backstory for your RP character.
Aka shit that should have happened on day 1.
they make an RP character of themselves with stories, stats, background, maybe a character accent or voice, etc and try to be the coolest and least gay
I know. I'm being facetious
I still think that
Xavier and Sam are quite a duo.
why does Letty evil look make my pp hard
shoot jimmy
If jewish jimmy doesnt win the money somehow then he is failing rp
can we rp kill jimmy already
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my OTP
Jimmy is literally what you look and sound like btw
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why dont they ever fuck with jimmy?
Tayleigh is beyond bad at this game
was tay gonna cry? :<
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>Targeted individual
Jimmy ruining the bit
jimmy really doesnt understand
letty will do anything for money except get a job
why does tayleigh come on the show and then not play along with anything at all ever? she seems annoyed to be there even before she walked off crying
Is anyone checking up on fatty? :/
this is nothing bro early S2 jimbo was biblical
does jimmy think he's funny when he tacks on some dumb shit to someone else's bit?
I already shot him with my based ray but it had no effect, he was already too based.
get fucked tay
Jimmy was begging for The Dukes approval so bad with that jewish bit
>erm well that just happened
Thats not nice he broke Tayleigh's gun
Based Sam destroying Tay's gun
Who will be cold steel the hedgehog
>the silence after jimmy destroys another bit
very nice
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Only if you're a chud. Normal folx aren't like that
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this, but unironically
>Fucking with Tayleigh
tayliegh mogged
jimmy mogged
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Bliccy update
Xavier and Sam bouncing off each other is pretty good.
I've never heard a Jewish person actually say goyim
Jimmy is such a fucking simp
because Jimmy is the whole show
i Love Betty now wtf
they need a dedicated tard wrangler to come covertly remove him whenever there's a big going on.
bliccy is effortlessly cool
whats going on?
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I miss a day and now the have the Big Poppa Pump in camp?
Classic Beyblad-kata
Tay get fucked, Sam reads the threads he knows you're a stupid bitch
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The season two contestants truly do suck. They're only good here as NPC's.
Bliccy pls save us
based sam breaking her toy because she's being a negative anti-RP seething bitch
Tayleigh has fallen so far, oh my goodness
they don't say it in from of goyim
It was great until Jimmy butted his fat ass in
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Jimmy and Tayleigh
cool sharks
Goyim is plural btw jimmy is saying it wrong
Tay is so shook she only whispers now fucking kek beat dyke bitch is done for.
the true queen of the tank
dont insult denji and asa like that chudcuck
>simping Jimmy simping
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I know, that's why we love him. Whereas any glimpse of your reflection fills you with suicidal dismorphia.
most season 1 suck too. its really just letty and jon that are acceptable at times
>beyblade kata

based lmao
what did they do to tayleigh i wasnt paying attention?
reminder that sam already didn't like tayleigh
i'm sure her attacking jan because she's a fucking retard doesn't help at all
I can't imagine they're doing these things behind our backs
So chris got his feelings hurt by being forced to be naked fat fuck for the 1000th time and walked off?

I mean that's kind of based disobeying Sam, even if it was pointless and he's still a public joke.
based beyblade chad
They say gentile instead.
tryhard bitch "i'm not like the other girls"
/ftl/ only likes her because all of the other fishtank girls are on drugs or have been blacked
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DO NOT insult my beloved Asa by comparing her to Tayleigh
he does it to himself
i cant believe she said "this sounds lame" after the challenge to make OC
just kick her already
theyre both just as neurotic and retarded
>a twianglwe is da stwongest shape
you missed jon dominating the show, physically and mentally
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satanic post
He's been nude so much on this show it doesn't even faze me anymore.
Jimmy and tayleigh
Anyone clipped the fatty bit? I want to see that fat annoying fuck waddling off all sad after being sexually harassed
he didnt disobey, sam just told him he could walk off
>/ftl/ only likes her because all of the other fishtank girls are on drugs or have been blacked
What a terrible reason to think she's better.
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The three most important members of MDE
theyre genuises and more genuine and nonbackstabbers like the dyke
Betty taking over Tay's business
Just out the camera on Xavier and never move it
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mfw i'm scaring the hoes
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>assemble the army
xavier is cringe
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>sam comes back
>tayleigh coddling stops
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My nigga Xavier moving like voldo
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Tbh all they need to do is bring in Frank now and we should be good for about three days before he fucks off for a few weeks to take pills and jerk off
Jon and Letty (literally)
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mommy bliccy <3
She’s like Vance. They think they’re too smart and above everyone else to try.
Glad they're fucking with Tay. She ruins every bit.
i like her because she has big tits
They look too healthy
She's so helpful, just another of the reasons why we love betty
They really do, it's nice to see Sam having fun. It's a good sign for S3.
Jimmy's gonna visit Tay and she'll wake up to him standing over her furiously masturbating.
Why is it the Jimmy and Tayleigh show right now? They suck.
Jimmy has been steadily growing in power all day, he's quickly approaching Gimmy status
How long until Tay cries to production again?
there are many jimmys in here
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the day started with him going off on the npc's because they were t-posing on him and he didn't get it. Jontent hasn't stopped
Idk man he's literally mentally retarded and he's trying to improve himself, demonstrated by his weight loss (whilst everyone else has gained).
Watching a literally retarded guy basically get sexually abused is a little much for me.
Watching Sam and Xavier and Jew Jimmy together feels like I am disassociating amd having a psychotic episode
....and jimmy (jons the one with the camara)

Jimbo is the Adam of this trio
>because all of the other fishtank girls are on drugs or have been blacked
>implying Bliccy is not on drugs and hasn’t been blacked
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He is literally wrong about the most basic details of WW2, if he can't even put together that the jews were from poland- one of the key details from WW2 then he shouldn't be jumping to completely illogical conspiracies that make no sense when you think about them for 2 seconds. Jimmy isn't even bringing up any counter-evidence he's just making factually illogical arguments and nobody is there to call it out
did jimmy just refer to tayleigh as a chuddette
she knows she has no artistic talent
>Tags Dogs
thanks ifunny
Every time Jimmy and Tay are on screen, everybody should be asking "Why are they still alive?"
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>Basking shark
I wish she'd going basking shark mode on my cock.
haha i got this reference because i am a cumtown fan
Why is fatty so low energy this season?
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>*owl laughs in your presence*
Let Creature piss in your bed, Jimmy
I don't spend my time memorizing jewish facts so definitely not
creature funnier than jimmy in 30 seconds than he's been for the past 90 minutes
Simping Jonny
I'm mostly asking "why am I still alive?"
what was the jimmycraft link they posted?
that's her original role
Broke her gun
respect the gimmick

no but really
>Jimmy not wanting Creature to piss in his bed
Ok, he's officially the biggest faggot in Fishtank history.
I think even if Ben and Detective Brian talked near Jimmy about how lame and cringe it would be to make a Jew character for the OC, jimmy would still do it
jimmy let her pee in your mouth! LET CREATURE PISS IN YOUR MOUTH
>jimmy "OY VEY GOYIMS" in your path
you are brian
because he has to be around letty
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He's literally me
Jimmy better leave Creature alone
Yoo I saw that guy on squid game
"Bliccy" is a bit. She's actually a brilliant women.
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Guess who’s been here the whole time
bliccy is the best
Absolutely based jon
some gay game you have to pay money for
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She's /ourbimbo/
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Hopefully this will be Tayleigh by the end of this season
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>Today is Evaluation day
>Keyword: Value
>Do you have any?
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She's so perfect, bros
reminder that jimmy is so charismatic that he's been able to convince over 30 women to have sex with him.
They put some faggot woman on the bed to say shit and fuck like a cool boy wow faggot whore
Shut the fuck up Tay you fucking NIGGER
Tay already building another victimhood case because Sam dares interact with her
>Instead of asking for permission
>ask for forgiveness
That went hard Jon, holy shit.
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how did this chud cutie mindbreak so many grown men?
Creature is so hot bros what do I do I’m in love
he's operating on a normal caloric intake.
>tayleigh complaining that somehow got glass in her hand
many people are saying this
ok they are trolling us keeping tayleigh here, possibly to reduce hatred at production, she no longer exists to me anymore
uh oh tayleigh is saying she's hurt now
kek that's true, that did happen
Fatty's on Ozempic, he can barely eat so he has zero energy.
This is how he should be feeling 24/7
can someone send bliccy our retards
>creature will never lay in your bed half asleep sniffing markers
why live
true fans know jon has already been there
multiple times
im talking about it cause Adam keeps buying Tai ciggies it might be him
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vance diligently on his way to do nothing
You got it backwards
What will The Queen think of these latest developments?
Sam broke character and told him he didn't have to do it, dummy
>better jossie
Probably because he kind of has a life now and has self respect again
creature back in town
Jon on a roll today
It's weird to see it called what it is. But you're right.
>Jimmy doing unsolicited, shitty Chinese accent
>now he's doing an unsolicited, shitty Jewish accent
this might be the worst he's ever been
Lawsuit Letty > Tattletale Tayleigh
holy shit I genuinely forgot he existed
why samefag over some bbc whore?
I wouldn't click fucking anything in this thread if you don't already know what it is
this place is like a flame to a moth for mentally ill people who hate you, hate sam, hate all people
>what was the jimmycraft link they posted?
IP harvester at the very least
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>mind breaks the mindbreaker
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Did you not see his primo content with Mr Chocolate Ice Cream??
It's peculiar she decided to sleep in Jimmy's bed when Jon's was available
Another Jimmy W
guarantee production never tells jimmy to stop the jewish voice to see how long he goes
I gather she's a crack whore from what I saw of her on s2.
It must be a meme or guys with really shit taste
He won.
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>jimmy is STILL talking like a jew
she has such nice strong legs. Notice the cankles. Im not complaining. Cankles are great when a girl is young
dunno. It's strange. all the camera has to do is be in her general direction and it's endless seething
Is that the first time you heard that
Jimmy has a talent for killing bits.
OK this made me laugh hard. Hahahaha
kek ya gotta love him
she literally took a selfie with jon while your redditor scares girls with his cringe rants
Trash. There's cute brown women all over the world. There's only one Josie.
>Wandering around giggling to herself
I need an insane homeless gf
>he doesn't know
why are they messing with tay? i mean its funny but she has a legit case of them raping her in s2. arent they worried she will sue out of revenge and anger?
patricians are watching the Letty cam rn
I am sick of Chris by his 3rd day, and all his usual bits are stale to me. I think they should send him away and bring him back for a short time around the finale. He's just lazy filler for the show at this point and they lean on him too much.
come on man you know he'll do it forever
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fuck how could i forget
Lol they rejected my TTS calling Vance a coward last night. Coddletank
by the end of season 2 he didn't wanna do it. pretty sure sam even told him no more naked fatty at some point
Who officially gets credit? Q and Plac? Did Norway chip in? I was on vacation when it all blew up.
coping imagining how much meth she'll be able to afford afterwards
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She wasn’t raped nigger
if you don't like Jimmy you should just go watch something else, this show isn't for you
She’s playing a character. It’s crazy people can’t see it
she went to the show that fucks with people stop being a bitch like her
He was cursed to do it
Why do you fuckers complain without even watching
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>we live in a world where reddit is more redpilled than 4chan
She's been the main character for 7 months and counting. Endless threads of 800 posts just about her. It's actually insane.
Took a nap and had a dream about the next season
Did I miss anything
Jon's been all up in that stinky creature tho.
it didn't happen bro, there were no extermination camps sorry you're too indoctrinated to respond to logic
it’s fucking modelo time
Better than Josie
they got her drunk and pressured her kiss frank. thats a slam dunk case for any respectable lawyer.
I've been here since Dolanposting.

The faggot zoom-zooms are extremely recognizable.
does meadow win
Jon and Jimmy literally have the exact same beliefs and politics except Jon is 10x as reddit because he's just more of a standard conservative. Jimmy is actually alt right and avant garde
plz shit on me, brown mommy
It's all Q. tay had to leave for a day because she truly believed that xavier was Q.
that's wild, i feel like vance could take most negative tts
Letty looks so cute today.
>why are they messing with tay?
nice bait
appealed to their repressed homosexuality
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I'm watching letty cam
maybe you should stay there
he's right, you know
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I told you that the spirit of Gormedios would bring great injury to one of the contestants. I have not seen a vampiric spirit this powerful manifest before.

I was concerned when the Initiative Group symbol caused an Ankh sesh to come to an abrupt end. Usually I can maintain a sesh for ~30 minutes, but this sigil was hungry for energy. Nevertheless, I continued to charge the sigil during season 2, for the lulz. Gormedios has completely drained TJ of all his loosh, this, combined with the energy from viewers and fellow Jump Team 3 members, has empowered Gormedios beyond a memeable thoughtform. He has reached injurious feedeing level of vampire spirit.

Now we know why Sam called off the shift and canceled the Initiative group, it’s because of the influence of Gormedios. Luckily, Jump Team 3 [redacted] and were able to make a smaller shift [around the time of the beginning of season 2.5]. We are approaching final decent, but the entity known as Gormedios has emerged and made the shift as well, this is unexpected and all initiates must be vigilant and on watch.

God bless us all and protect us, in the name of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for my sins, and was resurrected from death, I pray, Amen.
Guys can I get a QRD since the baby quest challenge? I only saw the beginning and am now watching. Thanks
Literally just cracked a modelo two minutes ago cheers brother
lmao that Vance tts
Q set it off plac sent the gay guys to his grandmother's house norway summed it all up on daily tayleigh.
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When I dream of Trish's pubes I imagine they're 3 inches long.
Dude, check her Instagram out. She’s been on some kind of drug bender since 2016
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>Jimmy is actually alt right and avant garde
it's literally the jidf anon
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Frank won
>main character f
main lolcow*
fuck off sodaman
were full nigger
you missed jimmy's 20 minute no-laugh jew rant
show me the logic
He was not cursed with the Chinese accent originally. He was just doing it on his own because Letty was cursed with it and he thinks he's funny with an accent. The only reason he was cursed with a Jewish accent is because Sam wanted him to stop talking in a Chinese accent.
it never happened, though you deserve it. gtkrwn you kosher quad waster
nah she shaves it bare
when will they let teej drink again
Summer is so fuckable
Because she's been a bummer ever she's gotten back.
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What suggestions should I TTS Letty for her "OC"?
There's bitches like the all over the place.
a future for white retardeds too
Hell yeah redpilled and based am I right hyperborianbros?
>Better than Josie

The last remaining taytriot samefag. Grim
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where are they
How do you feel about the fact that Jimmy will most likely return for every season of Fishtank?
She broke character several times last season. There’s articles about her from the last few years in tech magazines
Lmao if that’s what you call rape you’re a kissless virgin
found the jew
tell me where the all over place is
Niggers simping for a filthy nigger dick sucking whore
Take your meds
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>dream about the next season
What did you see?
We must know, it is of utmost importance.
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>Goran's face after she trained with them in the woods for a month (5 days. She went to drop acid and suck cock with Jordie the other three weeks)
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Poop Nigga??
Any glowniggers watching?
planet nontent
yes it's a shame she went dark on social media about a week ago
A new meme has been born
Henceforth she will be known as Bosie
She didnt want to get her filth on Jons bed, his leg is already rotting
i'd be happy because he's cringekino
You're an idiot. It's a character. She's a high tier women with a good job.
letty showing her journal her cam
It makes me feel like I'm not going to watch fishtank anymore
Most of the zoomers have been here since dolan posting you fucking low iq 30+ year old loser
Get a job fucking loser faggot neet vrigin
disgustang swut.
When they made Letty pretend she liked him in season 1 it fucked him up
I gotta say I underestimated Plac. I knew Q was a serial killer in training, I knew Norway's dedication to archiving, but I thought Plac was just a simp cuckposter.
id eat jon's cum from her asshole
You guys realize that we're supposed to laugh at the fish right? They aren't supposed to be funny themselves or be "in on the joke"
Seeing them be pathetic is the point
You know how jews are making up stories about horrific atrocities committed by hamas right now? They did the same shit about NatSoc Germany.
As long as she's happy and in a good place then I'm glad for her.
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So tonight is really just the tay and jimmy show huh. See you all tomorrow
I love:

blacksmith's wife
Go outside.
Bosie Wosie
Heckin kino content just like season 2
>She's a high tier women with a good job.
You sound like an Indian. Any proof?
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wrong TJ has done well with the role he was given

much better than tay jimmy and vance
remove betty and that's a respectable list
If you see him online tell him Mexico wants to talk to him
>night time
>ISO levels are still fucked beyond belief on the handicam
thanks production
Why do old people act like grizzled war veterans smoking a cig in the corner of a bar about posting on 4chan
I think autists don't get the concept of laughing at someone. They think everyone should be a stand-up comedian to be funny
Did you see the Hat?
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letty cam is fine
why do boomers think it's cool to brag about using tranime incel website in your 30's lol
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Tag yourself.
Something's gonna happen at the arena tonight. Soda Man just told Letty not to go to the arena
their actually playing it rn kek
Jimmy isn't going to see any residuals from this, is he?
are zoomer chicks too poor to buy bras?
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They made a Jimmycraft game
fuck respectability
Date night >:)
sodaman told letty to not go to the arena. they are setting something up
>no Tay

Poverty list
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Since they were six years old you stupid fucking nigger?
Posting online is the only thing they have in their lives lol
Jet stop doing drugs you fucking loser your show is bleeding money
Yeah he did good someone else was hacking shit too but plac set it off.
okay prove it, just saying this is not what logic is
>Jimmy video game
>it's real
>Before you lay 8 unfucked dolls
Anything to back that up? I thought the Tech shit was just a meme. She did show her boba and vegan on attic cam though so I guess she’s a bit retarded
Jimmy is the main character
bex has perfect small tits that are better left uncaged
>do not bring up the mallet
>it was extremely traumatic for em
no problemo
Jimmy is really raping that dog (in jimmycraft)
>You sound like an Indian.
It's not might fault you struggle with a perfectly normal sentence, sir. Find her real name and look it up yourself.
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I'm Xavier, the cool guy of my group.
>letting him use your Steam deck
It’s funny because the memes from the “newfag” era are still universally accepted as funny and good, and the memes from the “oldfag” era seem kinda Reddit now, but back then it was a different time.
kek based reference fren
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Found the seething jelly zoomers.
Lets say if you had a chance to date summer and fuck her would you do it?
>okay prove it
I just did.
here's your com98 bro
thanx b
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>their game can't even work right
i'd for sure stick it in a few times. Girls like her fuck like hellcats.
>Jimmy immediately breaks the game
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bosie so cute
>Jimmy immediately finds a bug

Nice one Jet.
>being proud of how long he's been here as a loser virgin neet shut in
lmao kwab
I'm so jelly that I'm not 40 and posting on 4chan lmao you sure got me
>shilling their shitty meme game
>it glitches out
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>Lets say if you had a chance to date summer and fuck her would you do it?

She has age regression issues and does anal

Come on... seriously? She's the least likeable on the show and she's only getting worse.
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she won
she has nice fucking legs, man
disgusting devil
remember how traumatic the abigail situation was yesterday?
Main character POV
so... yes?
>It's not might fault you struggle with a perfectly normal sentence, sir.
You’re 100% Indian, “sir”
I'd rape this slut at gunpoint and she'd like it.
Jimmy bwoke the official Fishtank video game(tm)
No she'd accuse me of rape and harass everyone I know.
I stopped watching during the jew voice. Why the fuck is jimmy playing a steam deck?
Bosie is a perfect princess!!
Yep this goes in my cringe compo
You'll never have a job your mom can brag to her friends about. You'll never start a family.
I can’t remember her full name, I’m sure it’s in the history of my home computer from last season. Articles like “upcoming women in tech”. When she first did that dating show with fatty she broke character several times and tried really hard to drop references and build a character. And during s2 did the same thing. She had a blog somewhere that made it more obvious.
Yeah I fucked up. The rest still applies.
built for spitroasting
They're shilling their new scam videogame because they're low on funds
wtf jet said its kino i gotta buy it now
>kino game
I feel pandered to
Jimmy humiliation game fucking kek
>this amazing KINO game

fuck you jet you arent kino and your sorry shit isnt kino stop using our terms
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she was molested in the past and has rape fantasies
Yes I am seething because I'm not you, the 30 year old with no wife or social life arguing with teenagers that in fact THEY are the losers. I'm super jealous I wish I could trade places with you.
>have to pay money
Okay, actually seething.
Games fun lmfao it’s like slender
does jimmy not realize this entire game is just mocking him
im gonna just pirate jimmycraft
there are several 105 pound women after you
He does it because it baits responses like this, retard.
Kino has been normie tier for years now.
Bex is like 31
So link me something anon? Or a full name so I can check it out
Who's going to buy the game and upload it for free?
imagine 14 year old summer (she's a trans man at this age)
stop giving them money
>there are several 105 lb women out there out for your blood
made me kek
>jimmy having self-awareness
I hope none of you retards buy a $5 abandonware for a grift
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>game about raping dogs
artist guys? are you memorizing this?
you cant mock jimmy unless youre a female
I can't believe Cole has only half of Jimmy's body count. I guess they're just irresistible to women.
Another dog FUCKED
She made it into the fishtank videogame. I kneel.
>Jimmycraft is released before joyride
I'm just having fun on the computer you're trying to gain street cred for looking at more posts than I have that's awesome man happy for you lmfao
>talking to your future selves
If you're here it's over already
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Most boomers (30 yrs+) have lead poisoning and literal brain worms, look it up. You just have to disregard.
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>$5 for a 30 minute unity asset flip
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Betty love!
>jimmycraft is released before world peace 2
>does jimmy not realize
Quest idea:
Be entertaining.
they dont look anything like taylor or abi
it's called having a sense of humor about yourself, you wouldn't understand
Yet none of them stick around... curious.
Jimmy loves his game!
I'm quite sure he does but he's taking it in stride.
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ill buy jimmycraft if it has steam trading cards
eating ass is worth it
I will when it's on Steam
jimmy's brain is currently flooding with dopamine after 7 days of no videogames
this is his celebration of life
She's way too hot for jet and the wiggers
Her face just screams "face fuck"
Does Jimmy see any money from this game or was he a dumbass and let them have everything?
>literal brain worms
quick rundown?
I know water quality used to be a lot worse but I'm not aware of this one
Total Betty love
It’s $5 you fucking kike it’s a funny joke
this hurts
>beating up Abi in a game

I'm going to buy it
This latter half of the day is has been complete shit so far. Hopefully it gets interesting soon.
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Yeah, I'm thinking I'm going to make Vance cry.
actually I'm gay and currently dating my future husband maybe if I were straight you would be correct
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kek, chatters asking for a 3D taylor model
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>last night
>jimmy throws a pity party and says he wants to kill himself because he sprained taylor's wrist
>jimmy plays a game where he kills taylor with a wide smile on his face
whoever bought the game post caps of in game abi and taylor pls
>punching Abi into oblivion
it's all I ever wanted in a video game
>fucking the dogs heals you
Everyone signed contracts that allows MDE to use every aspect of their likeness in any media. Jimmy won't get a dime.
Are you black?
jimmy has a power that many wish they had, unable to feel any shame or embarrassment
All the fish already sold away there likeness in the contract.
they have full rights to all contestants. the S1 contract leaks showed this
hope daddy sam sees this bwo
>jimmycraft is real
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To be honest I just made that up
almost like video games arent real life
if you pay any amount of money for this, you deserve the wall
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>somehow i've killed three women and fucked 3 dogs
Good to see you enjoying yourself Jimbo
no steam no buy
All my normie friends say kino now, and even some of their other friends I don't really hang out with.
All contestants have signed away their entire lives. Jimmy gets nothing other than to be publicly humiliated on all future projects.
That's literally the only thing he has that I wish I had
All Fish Tank contestants sign away all rights to their image and likeness in perpetuity.
Good thing you're not building me up as some hideous strawman in your head then, kid.
The true end of this season is the day Tayleigh left and everyone celebrated and had a great time. This is now purgatory.
It’s ok if you’re hard up for $5 kek
How did they not include Mormons, clown face paint, and hoarderman is beyond me
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Damn it I was hoping for boomer blackmail
>beating up Abi and fucking dogs in a video game
How many Game Awards will it win?
Don't forget abi was traumatizing for him too and you can't ask why he lost lol
abi should be planking all over the game. they dont even know their own lore
it's called not being a bitch, look it up Sam. Also not paying for this shit asset copy paste
happy jimmy <3
is this what ben's walks with jimmy were leading up to?
lol there's still plenty, don't worry
>All the fish already sold away there likeness in the contract.
For a year after the "episodic format releases" so they had until August 2025 to do this, but it only works when you can fuck with Jimmy on camera with it.
Gigabased and trvepilled.
you can tell this is a filler day where they just planned what to do next and bought costumes and such
remember when jimmy wanted to kill himself last night because he said he hates hurting people
damn it seems kind of hard the abi and taylor models can swarm you
>this is Barron Trump and I approve of Jimmycraft
GOTY confirmed
She's way too cute for wiggertank
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You will never play Jet Neptroon's steam deck with cigarettes in both hands and gunk it the fuck up.
Why even live
you really do see sam as your fuckin e-daddy, thats pretty pathetic
>merchant hoarderman
>clown face paint skin/power up
>Mormon enemies
Shit writes itself
would be funny if hoarderman is included and jimmy makes a comment that confirms the allegations from last night
>Jimmy playing a game about himself
This is the weirdest masturbation I've ever seen
Are white trash and black people the only first worlders still chain smoking cigs these days?
Reminder she gets unbanned some time tonight and will surely shit up these threads again
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fuck this
what's her @
Smoking is back millennial scum.
Would you not?
black people arent 1st worlders
is she too retarded to reset her IP?
>"DONT YOU EVER!" voice line
no, artists and hipsters as well
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I'm sure some poor sorry son of a bitch downloaded and paid for this game
The Jimmycraft speedrunning community should be interesting
women arent good at computers
Artist guys too
even single asian person i've met smokes at least 2 packs a day
Jimmy will never be funny or entertaining, jet and sam are just using him as their personal jester they can make freak out for easy content
Based if he uploads a torrent of it
This is kind of in poor taste. I hope at least Jimmy sees some money from this (he won't)
it's pretty fucking great
you wouldnt play mario if you mario?
europeans still smoke
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So are they just gonna film him playing this for the next hour?
He'll get 100% of the $0
What the fuck is going on lmao. Why does Jimmy have a steam deck?
>This is kind of in poor taste
First time watching the show?
now type that without dilating
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buy an ad wigger kikes
asians smoke a shit load
feel free to switch to the Jon or Letty cam if you want to watch something that's actually interesting
Why wouldn’t you just pay the $5 though, it goes towards making more fishtank
you know mario was a real guy. he was a contractor/developer who built the nintendo USA hq and they made the character after him. he def played
A jester is by definition funny and entertaining
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>Jimmy sees some money from this
Excuse me?
Everyone I know who smokes only does it while out drinking. I doubt the fish even smoke at home.
wow, very gay
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why not?
they made a Jimmycraft game where he fucks dogs and punches Abi
Why wasn't the first comment a marky post
History repeats itself.
Can you guys buy JimmyCraft
>it goes towards making more fishtank
If "Jet's whippets" are "making more fishtank", I don't want to give money to making more fishtank.
>still no mega download
What's wrong with you Jews?
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>gristlelick: it wasnt tj, the sus porn lubecooch account was made in like 2005 or some shit
>modest_mauser.: yeah, that's what i thought, gristle
>mr_west420: jimmy only watches ethical pornography involving hentai or dogs
>modest_mauser.: yeah, nothing but the most ethical rape and zoophilia for jimmy
flowchat is SO fucking gay


Thank you, Tayleigh!
The only best part about the "game" is telling Jimmy the only good place for him is "dead in a box".
I live in an apartment so I smoke in my bathroom with the fan on. I do drugs in there too like nick rekieta
I just found out anon. Real name Alessandra Figueroa-Nielsen. But why tf would she play a retarded character if she’s succesful in tech. I get it with people like Tay and Letty showing up for FishTank because they have nothing going on in life but if you’re a successful woman especially in the tech branche, one of the highest paid branches of this time, why would you go on fishtank and show your tits and pussy lips lmao
they doing tricks on it fr fr
>being too poor for $5
i heard that too kek
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Why don't you tell them that in the flowstream chat?
yep made in 2020 like all his other accounts. ignore pjpedos.
>flowchat is SO fucking gay
That Mauser guy was offended by Jimmy denying the Holocaust and then when half the rest of the chat started to side with Jimmy he was all
>Just hiding my powerlevel h-hahah...
I wish I could hide it without fullscreening
Anon just fell out of a time portal
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I just took a nap and had a dream about an upcoming season of fishtank
I'm going to write down what I remember, because it was fucking kino, but to be honest I'm already starting to forget parts, so i will embelish it with what I think was there, even if I am unsure. It also felt like a .5 season, and it inculded many of the current fish, so I'm assuming that's just because what I know. In reality this would probably be after the "lore reset" and be season 4.5 or something with all new fish
>season 4.5
>massive larp event
>rent out a large ranch house with 3 floors including a basement
>everyone dressed in wild west attire, more concise than the "fantasy" schtick they've got going now
>each main fish is a "gang" (weren't directly called that) leader and start in territories
>subfish all choose their allegiances
>show begins with them choosing immediately within 1m. They weren't told before hand what's happening
>different gangs get different colors and their fingers are painted to show allegiances
>me personally (I was in this) sprinted and valulted over a couch past jet to get to the basement. (I don't remember for sure but I think that was jon's gang)
>the games begin and the fist gang to claim all territories (top floor, first floor, multiple outside bases) wins
>only action I remember is first floor gang (letty) coming down to attack us. I grabbed her leg and tried to pull her down the stairs from the side
>scene suddenly changes and we're all outside now. It's a large group so it may have been an alliance between my gang and another
>all of us standing around with our fake guns and bows and stuff
>real, actual rancher, who is the neighbor and not part of the show comes out and stands around with a bow and arrow. Idk why
>the last thing I remember is I started kneeling infront of him and EVERYONE else started kneeling, too. Something like 30 larper retards all kneeling in front of this actual rancher who had no idea what was going on
>wake up
Rate it, bros
dude just watch jimmycraft
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Goodnight I hate TJ he did not have a character arc he was pushed through by the producers and was one of the most boring contestants and was way too docile and him winning was one of the results of s2 failing. Taylor is only with him for clout because she is a whore party girl and dropped him the second the wiggers invited her back to 2.5 and as I type this she is getting railed by one of the wiggers while teejay is at home. You know it's true. TJ also didn't win any fight in s2. Redditors and twitter faggots only began to like him when sam and co started pushing him on his fake character arc because mde is a cult and everyone always parrots what sam says and does.
calm down
because the registration requires you to link a discord or twitch or some retarded faggot shit
Do you have a balldo as well?
if you make anything on itch.io you can choose to make it be like: suggested price: $5 (optional) and free download if people skip it
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rent free faggot. we chilling there. keep seething tho.
We got Xavier and Duke at the same time and the fish did nothing with it.
Jon is excused since he actually has had good character development earlier and is severely injured.
evil thoughts
Lmao Jon wanting to watch Jimmy beat up women
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based jon wants to see woman beating
are steam decks good? looks pretty neat
is it me or is Jon trying to do Xavier and Duke's accent
This is actually true
he had a brother luigi mario
no idea
>Beat aww the women!
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>beat ALL the women
because it's funny
There was one guy defending Boden during the debate stream too kek
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They need to cast a guy with his personality for season 3
They're just portable Linux computers. So if you want that yeah they're fine.
Sam raped at the season 1 after party and I don't want to talk about it because I think he might do it again please help.
kek Jon loves it
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xayleigh is growing on me
i once bought a switch to play zelda but i dont really like it unless i connect it to the monitor & controller sucks, only ever used it when power went out. steam deck is just a way better switch.
There is dark niggerdry at work in the tank
They're really okay. They have a lot of limitations. Mostly the battery and lower resolution screen.
But it can play a lot well enough.
Better devices out there, but it's a nice all-rounder.
They should cast Jon on Smiling Friends
that guy is thinking of the reddit account with the alternatively spelled username these niggas can't remember shit!
didn't he post in the general around the same time he posted that image to twitter?
zach stole his style of comedy from jimmy. he told us about this in season 2
No balldos or hot mistresses either unfortunately
They're cool
Fuck off jordan
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Painkiller Jon is undefeated
>Jon JUST noticed the tts voices
i hope her head explodes in a freak accident
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BFF's forever :3
No, retard. The publisher can set a minimum price. It's $5 minimum for jimmycraft.
Wtf is wrong with this Indian lmao
vile cunt
sorry to hear that
I don't know who that is
based jon
Jon is fucking based.
>the beating females is a W tho
kek Jon
>I wanna see Jimmy beat females
>If the game was just beating females I would buy it
Jon rules as usual
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Dude the I went down the lubecooch rabbit hole. I went and dug up his friends reddit accounts and deleted posts to see if the usernames and timestamps matched Twitter and other shit.
It's real. It's all real. The jimmy dog connection is all projection from tj fans.
It is what it is. Some people don't care tj is into that sick shit. But they can't deny it isn't true unless they are just lying.
I love mine. I have an OG model and use it basically weekly. Lately I've been replaying Kingdom Hearts on it. Very comfy. It runs pretty much any non modern AAA game on it really well.

you need to go back
It was this one
Julien and some of our Joyride guys worked on this it's actually mad fun go buy it to support
>Jimmy playing jimmycraft for the past 30 minutes
‘‘twas fun today gentlemen. See you tomorrow
yeah they CAN if they want to
but the wiggers are jews setting it to $5 you need to pay for a piece of shit joke game. and im saying they should set it to free or suggested $5
Real endorsement rankings:
1. Jon
2. Tai
3. Vance
4. Letty
5. Jimmy
6. Tayleigh
he's going to be playing it in his bunk at 3am
why don’t any of you actually post this instead of lying about it?
Such a gay thing to seethe about lmao. Brokie.
jimmy knows but he's depressed and just wants to have fun it's quite sad actually
Bro the way he responded when it was first mentioned in S2 should have been enough proof that he’s a sick weirdo with a mommy fetish. He did bag Taylor though so at least he got that going for him
he's fucking the blonde and your not, simple as, anon
are you the guy who was making ai videos of tj kissing children last night?
shut up jet fix your fucking cameras bitch you're a jew
never watched this goyslop, how is it?
Damn, I misunderstood you. I was the retard all along, sorry saar. I love you saar.
The only people who bring this up are virgins themselves who just can't get over the fact that people have sex, even if they exaggerate the numbers
It's probably causes cancer same as his zippy water
For real
fix the god damn ISO level
Sam's voice in the game saying "I'm not proud of you" and "the only good place for you is dead in a box" is going to eventually eat Jimmy alive.
get well soon. hope it's not terminal
Is this going to be the stream for the rest of the night? Just Jimmy gaming? Wtf jet
It's not in perpetuity. It's only for like 3 years iirc
Jimmy is gay. He's only been with men. Cole is still a virgin.
probably the only non zogged cartoon on air right now. pretty funny.
Someone buy the game and upload it here so they stop shilling it.
Letty and Jon comfy time again
Not gonna lie, former TJ voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching TJ crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the babysitter codes.
Stockholm Syndrome
They’re probably fixing the Fatty situation and convincing him to stay so this buys some time for the crew
kill yourself
goyslorp game with AI voices
Don't sign contracts, their phonetic language their definitions you will be fucked.
Zoomers may not know about President Clinton's hurrdurr "depends on what YOUR definition of IS, IS" situation.
>DNSL mentioned
Settle down, ok
I don't think it's ai, it sounds like sam and jet.
>planned what to do next
you can't be serious
jimmy said he never said those phrases
Yeah but it sounds like Jet doing an impression of Jimmy.
JIMMYCRAFT VIDEO FOOTAGE: https://x.com/cryo2052/status/1808305868750086315


CHINESE LETTY, JON RUNS FULL SPEED ON FUCKED LEG: https://x.com/cryo2052/status/1808300210898325943
Thank you Cryo, very cool.
fuck off you faggot
jon and letty are the fuckin' best
>they can't deny it isn't true
TJseethers are ESL niggers as ever
>t. actual virgin
I'm not and I don't need to make up a ridiculous number either I've only been with 3 women
mario was his first name

Stop replying to yourself
> i can tell by your reactions
tayleigh was wrong every time she used that line
long dry spells is regaining virgin status
No U
Somebody buy it and put it on archive.org

Don't to forget to post it in the Sam Hyde thread in /t/
do you guys at production actually hate jimmy
>Goodnight I hate TJ he did not have a character arc he was pushed through by the producers and was one of the most boring contestants and was way too docile and him winning was one of the results of s2 failing. Taylor is only with him for clout because she is a whore party girl and dropped him the second the wiggers invited her back to 2.5 and as I type this she is getting railed by one of the wiggers while teejay is at home. You know it's true. TJ also didn't win any fight in s2. Redditors and twitter faggots only began to like him when sam and co started pushing him on his fake character arc because mde is a cult and everyone always parrots what sam says and does.
Thanks for this. It sounds accurate imo. I remember him surviving Jimmy. But now I understand why Jimmy's autism targeted that fruitcake. I think MDE made the right decisions so far tho. They keep a few targets around for true exposure at the end of it. People like Tayleigh are going to get broken and deserve it for being absolutely devoid of existence.
>He was just doing it on his own because Letty was cursed with it and he thinks he's funny with an accent
No, Tayleigh was cursed with it as well and they made her pass the curse to someone else, she chose Jimmy
yeah you're right, Sam gave TJ 50k and a girlfriend as a giant ruse to expose him for coomer comments he made on rule34
he brings us money and says le nigger so yeah
the fact that bottom middle hastn happened is insane
Sam is a massive coomer pervert himself, even if it the TJ thing were true they'd basically just be brothers in arms.
keep huffing you are nearly there.
Can I have $3000
I wish
Maybe then I would actually be motivated to get another gf
Is Jimmy off his meds?

I tune in today and he's non stop talking about Jews
Moreso than normal

Will he get violent?
Tay did it in the first hour of Jon's arrival telling him that if he was going to react to the TTS calling him gay it would just make it worse. He shouted back but he listened.
Probably, they just made him play the kill women and fuck dogs game for about an hour.
Kek so you're mad that a sperg has had more sex than you

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