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ugly thoughts edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

ben it up
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Elvis. Hendrix. Cobain. Laker Brady (from the valley).
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Good thread
Tay is a stinky whore
Does Tayleigh boof or inhale?
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Why does Tax have so many pictures with his tongue out? this is like the fifth one I've seen in these threads lmao
Scruffy princess face :)
i cower in the face of his horrifically deformed visage
I’m going to cuck otto and breed laney live on x.com
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Appreciate him while he's here because I don't think Fish Tank is ever topping this.
he's a lizard
non namefag thread >>200822703 >>200822703 >>200822703
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Sucking Trish's toes while she eats crunchy peanut butter straight from the jar with her finger, shirtless.
Damn, Letty gets to fuck THAT?!
this but jon
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i don't think they'll ever have a character as good as Xavier again unless Jan is on future seasons
We love benleaks here
tay is literally ruining this season because of her inability to work with the best thing to grace fishtank since bliccy
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trish delish
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SHERIFF BENS DOOMSDAY DREAM [HD] https://x.com/cryo2052/status/1808359655904891168

also JET/WES/MALEOK please , it says Day 7 still, its Day 8 in EST, come on guys lmao
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how does it feel to get demoted from Primary Wigger and replaced by Jet
Ok anon, are you better than summers bf? Be honest

The dream cast for a season.
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wheresd the goblens
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So how do you guys rate today?
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>we will never see Tayleigh or Jimmy again after the "lore reset"
i unironically shouted BASED at my monitor when xavier revealed the "scroll of undo restraining order"
fuck off and kys ariel
hes such a homo
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Didn't care for her in S2 but I am now a full blown taytriot. Anyone that can make 4cuck, der cord, and pajeets seethe this much is a hero. I don't even find her attractive, she's just based. Simple as.
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JIMMYCRAFT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNvrNy36W0c

Blacksmiths Wife Sings Evangelion in Japenese Perfectly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iOz_reRmTk
Unironically just breathed a sigh of relief
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>they sent grindr dates to my dying grandma's house
This nearly 40 year old guy hooking up with Summer after she had a month long breakdown chills me to the bones
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Sam needs to get more hookers (preferably asian) on here, but I am warming up to Minion.
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Djs oc was pretty funny so I'll give it a 7/10, Nothing will ever reach 10/10 like pic related and we have too accept it
Bliccy sharkposting better mean she’s coming back for a night. And they better put Tayleigh in the house for it.
>Jimmycraft released before joyride
low-res, like her appeal
>believing Jet won't keep relying on callback appeal
you're actually retarded
I’m not old and don’t have a bloated red alchie face that’s gotta count for something
>jimmycraft released before wp2
>you're overthinking it. he should just play himself in s2. a deadbeat doomer ex-fish that comes up from time to time and mopes about his life, drug addiction and how the wiggers still won't hire him
kek that's actually pretty good.
And he has to convince the fish he doesn't work for production despite clearly having access to the house at all times.
He could give them challenges but should avoid accompanying Jet or Sam when they're announcing some shit.
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yjk letty pegs him and slips him hrt
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where can i get this from?
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>Bliccy sharkposting better mean she’s coming back for a night.
trust the plan, sharks are in control
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sup keen
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muffin letty
(but not really because shes not even racist KEK)
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>Didn't care for her in S2 but I am now a full blown taytriot. Anyone that can make 4cuck, der cord, and pajeets seethe this much is a hero. I don't even find her attractive, she's just based. Simple as.
I liked her dork nature in the first week but watching all the seethe form around her here made me go full contrarian and fully support her just because I hate the faggots here.
I watched all of Season 1. I suffered through all of Season 2. I've been keeping up with Bloodgames.
Xavier is easily the best thing to come out of Fishtank ever, and at this point I only tune in whenever /ftl/ says he's doing something.
why do you have this edit? who do you think you’re fooling?
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>I suffered through all of Season 2
Season 2 was only bad after Jimmy got kicked off.
very gay post, sar
You're just a larping bantoid
First half of S2 was the best.
I wonder how hard they'll go on the fresh batch of fish if they're actually turbo normies and not autistic degenerates? Will they endure a Tayleigh or a Josie level of hassling?
Cryokeen seems like a cool guy. Would hang out with him and eat sandwiches
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I just hate josiepedos and TJ maxxers and take any opposition position to them out of spite.
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here comes the raccoon!
nobody asked
You're the most hateworthy of all however, so what are you on about?
The only reason they had to go hard on s2 was they were all fans. S3 will be s1 level hassling.
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I'm sorry, let me cleanse your palate...
>benleaks tranny cutter thread
Delete this
fangirled too hard doesn’t mean the show sucked, nigger
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he is. its the same faggot that always posts her with the danganronpa hat.
Season 3 should be two teams - casting agency normies and weird internet freaks. Two unchanging teams can increase tensions, offer better challenges and incentives for winning them, and it’ll just be funny to see freaks and normals interact
i only saw two clips of taylor today. did jimmy actually send her to the hospital for x-rays?
i wouldn't save edits of someone I didn't care for
If they're actually all clueless then they will have to all be handled with kidgloves for the first few weeks. I imagine it will be even slower than s1.
seethe trannies
>S1 fishes (including Jon) all agree together TJs oc was good
>Tayleigh and Jimmy interrupt them with some bullshit
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its just sitting chilling beside the merchant store right now, where duanye usually is
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Are we really gonna go through this whole season without a Bummy Buster appearance?
why do you all the josie and tj seethers read like they constantly get bullied?
Boiling fish
Been wanting this since Season 2 ended. We'll see what jet-meister decides tho....
TJ will be living rent free in their ugly thought plagued minds for the rest of their lives. Sad!
you’re spiritually trans which is just as bad
Letty was constantly having shit dumped on her and cigarettes ashed on her, definitely had it worse than most the S2 folx.
I wish damiel didn't end up going full flip and pissing off the wigger crew. He would've been good for the blood games
this nigga been on my mind
never goon but since you asked politely

What did he do to piss them off
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raccoon looks sad
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>spiritually trans
Not being funny
Send in the possum bros
i forget jimmy thinks tj and taylor’s relationship is fake
>how DARE they interrupt when someone mentioned TJ
If you enjoy Jimmy outside of him being gaslit into spazzing out. I think you might be retarded.
In his words he kept doing tough guy shit while living with Chris and it got him kicked out and excommunicated
>>Tayleigh and Jimmy interrupt them with some bullshit
The two fish that literally don't give a fuck because they know the whole thing was rigged and pointless? Wow. Its almost as if the S2 fish learned that taking any challenge seriously is a retarded waste of time. The S2 fish know the whole thing is stupid and pointless just like Tai.
kek does he? no way
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TJ sisters....our response?!
he was literally opening for Sam's standup like 2 weeks ago wtf are you talking about
I already know those, tockceaser has NOTHING but a dead OF leak and voidxway twitter is basically junk
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Taylor talks to Jimmy more than any S2 cast member, congratulations for believing literal fucking fake shit.
tai is not stupid and pointless dumb faggot, typical s2 fan
please raccoon, fuck with the cast iron pan
he literally just did this
This but unironically
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He interrupts everything it's annoying
good. his shit sucked anyways, faggot tranny.
So he was selling drugs
I'm sorry, I failed you
ok he's on the way now...
he's off!
Tai was the first person to realize that everything was fake and gay, the S2 adopted this mentality which is why they don't really give a fuck about anything in 2.5. Only the S1 fish are delusional enough to think production is seriously evaluating stuff fairly.
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Here you go
why is he not sticking his tongue out here
30 minute standup set doesn't equal a long period of time on a live stream. Also Sam doesn't run fishtank, the wiggers do, you fucking moron
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>they know the whole thing was rigged and pointless
why did they choose to go back then? kek oh wait i forgot they're retarded and delusional enough to believe that they'll get hired to work on the crew for s3 LMAO
>NOW I'm a full blown Taytriot
>has saved edits from month old streams

find a rope, you know what to do
The rigged narrative is such bullshit. All they had to do was not crack and do challenges. Jimmy sucked at both of those and Tayleigh fell through at the end for various reasons - none of which had to do with elements she didn’t help place on herself.
LMAOO jimmy fans are something else. taylor actively dislikes him btw just like every other female on the show, talking the most means nothing when she literally doesn't talk with anyone else from s2 and jimmy dms wordsalads to everyone
There’s a tumblr
They just want to impress Sam with their based red pilled humor
too deep in thought about complex mathematics i'm sure
he didn't piss anybody off he was their faggot wigger friend brought in to replace ella at the last minute. he sucked and I don't want to ever see him again
Tai is legit. This man opens up his home to complete strangers so they can practice standup.
dumb fuck nigger jimmy making the coon stand out of shot
feeding the racoon off camera
great job guys
zoomer sex symbol
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does anyone know if anyone was talking about the black hebrew israelites in season 2.5? im just curious because in the other seasons, someone brought it up
I miss S2 Week 1 so badly.
Sad she's such an indefensible sack of shit she can only be supported on a contrarian basis. One of the only humans I've seen who all hate is deserved. She lied and cheated and snaked to try to win fishtank. "ok she'll be cool off the show though". Then even her own simps despise her. going to be a walmart greeter then OD on fent. Good.
People misunderstood that statement because he’s a reply guy on twitter. They’re not discussing each other’s days regularly. He doesn’t know shit about her.
They gave this retard a hammer
>the whole thing was rigged and pointless?
Production rigged it to force Jimmy to throw that mallet at Abi
Tay and Jimmy are both insanely delusional people who are just lolcows for sam and the crew to milk
Taylor once told me that she thinks Jimmy is a loser.
what about Jon, Vance, and Letty?
Taylor told me she's in love with Jimmy
He said as much when he came back the second time during season 2 when confronted tj about the lubecooch stuff. I think it’s an unspoken assumption he has behind closed doors, so to speak.
you seriously think sam likes him but the wiggers don't? do you even know where damiel came from? he wasn't a real contestant to begin with
They're my babies
All the shit I've been talking about was mentioned by Damiel himself on Instagram like a month ago. If he has some deal with Sam to do stuff then that's cool but it seemed like whatever problems he has were with Chris Lynch and jet and all the other wigger retards
Creature lewds https://gofile.io/d/zNj3Sl
funny autists but overall good people
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Did he piss them off? He was just on the Matan Interview that sam did. If anything Damiel probably didnt do it because he'd the the idea of a larp fishtank would be gay.
nah he called her little red bouncy tits they must be best friends
Taylor told me that TJ won
luffmetender and search for those tumblr archive sites because a lot of shit gets deleted
Taylor once told me that TJ won but she loves Jimmy more
permanently linked forces of good
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I spoke with letty in my dream, im the guy who's mind linked with her. she says TJ won too
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What will Tacxin and Letty's children look like?
Damiel pressing Tay and Jimmy would have been kino
you can’t be serious
she was obviously so uncomfortable in the moment. It’s uncomfortable because it makes the show worse if she says anything to bring negative attention to it.
kek had no idea the cams came back on
Taylor told me she's an actress and she's actually married to a guy called "Gilbert"
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What did they mean by this?
>Damiel probably didnt do it because he'd the the idea of a larp fishtank would be gay.
There are literally pictures from not long ago of damiel fully dressed up at a ren faire. You faggots are so retarded it's unreal
Damielfags are beyond cringe. Bottom of the barrel tier
Remember when Jimmy made it a point to go to sleep early because he NEEDS his sleep? He's now snorting caffeine at 2 am
People in these threads love analyzing the minds of people they have not and will not ever meet, it’s insane
Taylor's furry WEGs are mostly cats...
Damiel rubbed Simmons harmonica in his unwiped asscrack
I think all you faggots care way more about show drama than the participants do
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what about when he took that picture of her? only a real friend would do that!
s2 was half a year ago m8 i'd think his opinion changed during that time
autism moment obvious joke
Jon is retarded, but he's surprisingly self-aware sometimes, still kind of a lolcow, but not exactly the type you love to hate
Letty is the piss queen and there's nothing to be milked from Vance
Taylor told me her bex and Letty are having a bubble bath and only me and bensleaks can watch because we’re in the girltalk Twitter group chat >:) also we’re at war with the TJfemcel chat because they’re a bunch of fat hoes.
Sup cryo?
Who do you want me to remote view in the spirit realm?
The real question is what will TJ and Taylors children look like, let alone the 50% chance plus of birth defects.
he finally realized there's no point in getting up early since the wiggers wake up a 1pm.
>strolls around outside your bunk at 2am yapping away in a fluorescent jacket and headlamp in your path
how do you respond
alright, you got my autistic ass
What am I wearing right now
Ben please, loved your posts from last thread btw it ended before I could reply to them and say that
Taylor told me she only dated tj to make Jimmy angry (she hates him)
Then why didnt he larp in the camping arc during s1?
>5'1 mom
>5'7 dad
they better only have daughters
Taylor just gave me head
turn 360 and walk away
Taylor just posted tits in the /bant/ thread
Kek, fuck your friendtank nigga. Hope the retard returns for future seasons just to piss you faggots off.
Why the fuck is Jimmy snorting caffeine at 2am
i got tomorrow off work so I got the next 4 days off boys
He was playing a character the whole time. I bet you thought it was real that he was having a baby too huh mush brain
lol gotta keep you on your toes
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fuck friendtank its lovetank
>Out of six, the final person left living and surviving outdoors will be declared the winner.

declared winner how? who is in the lead right now and what's the point system?
>goblin fishtoy costs 800$
Would be funny if Jimmy magic powder was stolen
>Taylor follows furry accounts on Instagram
>TJ dressed in wolf fursuit today
He was the best freeloader on the show, deal with it.
Abi told me she hates Taylor but then spent like an hour going on about how funny and cute TJ is and I was just like
>que? estoy gorda y hambrienta
Was his character "boring man"? He was worse than vance
oh look its tjs faggot cuck fanbase shitting up the thread again. tj lost (has brain damage) and is a pedophile.
You would think that but when I heard him describe Tj’s obvious joke oc as a “self-insert” it was obvious he still believes he’s a degenerate which wouldn’t make sense if he thought he was with Taylor.
>taylor follows furry acounts on instagram
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>it's real
erm...kinda unhinged...
where does it say that, i thought theres no winner? so jimmy is already eliminated since he's a vampiwuh?
Abi told me she got plastic surgery to look like bladee because she's a big drain gang fan
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anyone remember?
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Stay poor goyim
remember the incel video he made about trish kek
i meant jon
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22 year old woman
but she actually did get a boob job in may. thanks kefka.
Thats almost 1 full weeks of a fish salary.
muy bien
they mexican
>Was his character "boring man"?
Yes. He literally had to make up a boring lie because his reasons for leaving were even more boring (he was bored)
i drank for the first time, my life is going into the toilet
Pendleton genes are something else
human/wolf curs on goblin/imp curse female content is kino
fucks fan for $50
Jimmy has Down(ey) Syndrome
Welcome brother. It's all glorious downhill from here.
Ugly thoughts etc etc
>Taylor pitching TJ in furry costume to Jet as a "funny bit"
does anyone know taylors favorite drink
The baby thing is one thing, he was absolutely not a character when he got wasted off 3 beers (mixed with xanax) and told nonstop stories about high school and how cool he used to be.
Hes a shit actor and all the fake lines were obvious.
Did she really?
I don't remember her having big bazongas during S2 but they look massive in the pics I keep seeing in this thread.
TJ's cum
>Swamp tea
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God I would LOVE to dump a slimey smelly stringy goosey load of my sperm semen all over her face and watch it drip down her cheeks next to her nose and into her eyes then down her forehead that would be so hot
this but jon
Swamp tea (dish soap + water)
>Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you.

When is the game starting?
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i did this to myself, shes probably a psycho
Did jet ever get the 20 furries he posted about on instagram a few days ago?
I want the town to get overrun by furries doing degenerate stuff and shitting in the streets
TJ wasn’t technically wearing a furry suit, he was wearing a zentai suit. Get your facts straight.
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>waow it's so warm guis haha I'm not gay
Yes. Which she really didn’t need because TJ was liking her delicious flat chest photos in March and shit.
You're so fucking dumb you don't even know what point you're trying to make. Either way you faggots are trying to deny something that came from Damiel himself when he was whining on Instagram live about how his life was falling apart
Damaged DNA. Should not breed.
goblin incoming
That would just make Jimmy and Jon tardrage
2 weeks
i assume it's for a big fight with xavier now that tj got that costume
>damiel was playing a character
Im saying he wasn't, and he is just that gay and boring.
A couple made up lies isnt a character
He wanted out of the tank so he could get barred up
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Welcome to Goblin Watch brother

They realized that it would be too hard to do that so they decided on fish tank woods edition instead after about a day
jimmy would rage but change the g to p
>Pendleton Genes
>Toilet Meth
>Hate and Death
This dyke is an unholy concoction of ugliness
I remember my first time drinking. It felt like anything was possible.
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assigning people to websites is retarded. i saw somebody claim jon = 4chan yesterday

$50 Dollar Tay. Lot Lizards charge more.
I don't understand why they can't just create challenges that actually leads to something and elimination challenges that aren't BS. The rest of the day can just be their usual fishtank
i feel bad for the 4chan /ftl/ community when a /bant/ name fag isnt being shunned

im going to have to sleep on this
So when are they going to do viewer quests? There are 15 active and 1 week left. They could have made money with quests if they started on day 1.
Cool thanks for clearing that up, retard
Wow thoroughly mogged by Teej

>me and the goblin girl I got by being autistic
>someone paid 800$ for goblin
>other people ruining it by buying cigarettes and waking all the fish up before he comes
I love you /ftl/ :)
yikes they deleted the non name-fag thread
Good night I love you
what's happening right now?
goblin coming + late night cigs
big fan of the pirate pants
pretty sure cigs are fake. just to wake them all up before goblin
just some names jimmy read out haha. i couldnt help laughing
Are you guys really going to bed?
Jons quest to Cuck TJ failed yet again.
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Wheeling my wife into the thread
Ankles swollen
Third lunch, pre-dinner
Arby's on my mind
will someone have genuine beef with tj by the end of this?
Not possible
not me :)
probably not unless jimmy has a schizo moment
Oh yes
Very humorous
Why would they? He's an irrelevant background character
They need a Trish-centered challenge
love you feeder anon
He's an NPC. He doesn't have to entertain any of the contestant's bullshit or pretend to care about what they have to say.
Where were they posted then faggot? His IG has nothing
seems like he keeps getting brought up + involved with xavier plot now
Yellow, gay, pajamas, nighwear, striped details, white, socks that go up higher than ankles

Block, block, wants, small block, self interest, (hard nut to crack), I keep wanting to say “wood”, likes? Likes Taylor, dislikes Tayleigh, dislikes Jimmy, likes Jimmy, both, dislikes Vance, .. getting dislike barrage, seems he likes and dislikes these people, but is more giving about his dislikes. Approach from different angle, completely different view, big love bomb, reminds me of a Scorpio, very positive, and actual good outlook, positive feelings about self, cares about others but doesn’t want to show it, “I can’t help them” about contestants (he thinks they’re retarded), blooming amber and orange aura, nice clean positive energy, the number 2 (years?), little emerald, 6 years?. I fucked up here doing the numbers, and I’ll end it here, the last part says he’s gonna make or create 2 great things (at least, I didn’t get a full picture), the first will be bigger and ‘blooming’, and the second will be small, but well formed and valuable.

The beginning was also weird, Ben has defense mechanisms up, but seems pretty well on the inside, these mechanisms seem to be for “others safety” rather than his own emotional defensiveness, in his mind. Everyone has a dark side and I definitely saw ‘the attempt’ (but failure) of his dark side trying to use this defensive state to strengthen itself, meaning he’s got a pretty good hold on things.
He looks like a Swiss guard or something haha
guys I think I'm in love with Creature
what is this weird "cook my food" thing anyway
is it based on that dumb shit andrew tate said about cooking?
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is that the short or tall one
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The tall one.
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Josie making an appearance at s4.5 Fishtank All-Stars if Jet keeps collecting furries at this rate.
>Xavier interview on PKA
these fucks really cant understand he's just a character and not a real person
Hell yea thank you
doesn't take much for that guy huh
I feel like he's the NPC that has been least relevant so far
>asserts dominance and tells the cuck to make food
common Top J W
Also how did you learn how to do this? Anything you would recommend?
just plain wrong, he's been there for like 2 days and did more than half the npcs or even fish like vance
What about the greaser
The majority of the people watching this shit thinks Jan is joel haver or tobuscus or whatever
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When will Damius appear?
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bwo i hate da gobwin
I'd like to see the kind of women you find attractive if you consider her bogged
He was a friend of production and had no incentive to do anything
Xavier Ravenblood is real to me
>making jimmy get up
Unlikely, he'll just repeat his S2 arc and do nothing
the short one
that's minion retard
>pay 1000 dollars for a goblin
>no goblin
what did fishtank LIVE mean by this
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didn’t work at all thoughbeit
Future Forecasting Group on YT has really good starting resources and there’s a thread on /x/ sometimes (but I don’t post there)
>coughs violently for a minute
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gotta love the Jonster
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Coal quit. KWAB!
if jimmy snorted caffeine at 2am will he stay up all night
what happens if a fish just doesnt sleep and becomes catatonic
So close anon
Thanks for the recs, always been interested in this stuff but never really gone in depth looking into it
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>That's so much heckin content, anon!
Well the cuck didnt make food so thats that
what did tj do after they left? i remember them saying he'll watch the fire but i didn't see him after
Good lord, it's easy to forget just how bad Trish fucked her eyebrows up early s2 lmao
maybe jimmy will just do more everytime he gets sweepy
kek i like this tj, hope he does more bits as he's clearly getting more comfortable in his role
probably just went back to wherever he’s staying
imagine having a medical degree and being able to keep people alive even after the most horrendous accidents and then also you're a butcher and you happen to have josie tied up in your basement to torture and do as you please with for as long as you want lol thatd be fucked up.
lol yeah that was his "content". Kill yourself peter boring faggot.
>that's fair
fuck yes. i hope he dies on screen
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Wish she'd show off those cans more, but yes she's quite cute.
>too retarded to cook
poor kid
kek this (about jon)
Didn't he read some lore?
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Trvke, Mama Juju has seemed to have learned her lesson.
she looks so trashy i don't understand why i'm so drawn to her
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Damn, I hope this means she's going to start whoring herself out now.
This bitch is busted
Would you guys want a live soundtrack for S3?
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>Production is really going to have TJ participate like hes an actual contestant because of his retarded parasocial fanbase aren't they?
it does not appear to be in the cards
Is the goblin an actual threat or what's the point of it?
show me abi's big fake boobies
your trash belongs to the goblin
Jimmy has genuine adhd where caffine actually calms him
I don't think so, it's hard to have an engaging soundtrack when it's 8 retards in a house. The most it'd be used for is comfy background noise while everyone is just sitting around, or a warning for when Goldstriker is inbound
Well Jon should’ve got the jalapeños. Not TJ’s fault Jon’s brain is the way it is.
he will kill one of the contestants with a real knife
i think it can just fuck with their stuff pretty much uncontested. also tai fucking hates it
I asked last gen and nobody gave me a name, who is this?
>never watched S1
what a shame
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>Was invited back for S2.5
>Has effortlessly acted as he should in RP and is well liked
Yeah, no wonder Coalburners are mad. Keep gooning to niggerdick porn lol.
Doesn't she have some fat mexican boyfriend? The same big dude would appear in the background in alot of her posts
I want inside Creature's stinking holes.
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Abi's Abis
QRD on the past five hours? Checking in and it seems weirdly tense.
he's there to rape
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Cole lost so fucking hard, it isn't even funny
Hey guys, Bex here

What we thinking?
Yeah I'm thinking sex
smelling bex's armpits!
they need to give jimmy a fedora after that
"i hope the coyotes are drawn to his fluorescent jacket"
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yes! this is abi's bf
Last gen kek hi vt. Her name is abi
A huge spider just crawled across the Downs camera but i missed screencapping it in time
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It's time for some Blair witch shit to happen, Jet
god if only she knew she could do so much better (me)
Hey faggots, Frank here
what should my character be on 2.5?
>A huge spider just crawled across the Downs camera but i missed screencapping it in time

Jet really has changed everything, thank you
>Jimmy reflecting on the humiliation ritual in the Downs
boobies you can smell
that's a man
I think I see the spider in the upper left corner?
I think it's time for you to paint yourself green and go out there (wearing nothing else).
Oh there it is >>200824482
Cool spiderbro
wild boar that charges through the camp destroying everything while squealing
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This nigga is magnetizing pussy towards himself
jimmy putting up his boyfriend free girl attraction sign
what is wrong with him
he looks like he's bound to the chair by a spell
he's reflecting on him and Tay being brought in to be humiliated (again)
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Brian buddies can't stop dunking on coalniggers. It is what it is, toobz.
did production tell jimmy to do this or he's just that horny
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>Blood"games" turned into another big brother for autists
i want to be Bex's little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her Bex blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juies inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo Bex blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her Bexy hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her Bexy hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her Bex face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.
holy shit fire under jon's bed
Basecamp just caught on fire
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>two nights in a row of this
what the fuck is his problem
just that horny
he was in the downs for an hour last night too
horny and lonely (and raped)
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how depressed will he act in the morning?
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why would anyone ever tell jimmy to do this
someone tell me they have this, with the spider lowering itself halfway down the frame - it looked like a halloween store spider lol
Beaner lover.
The Werewolf
holy shit lol
Disgusting fake lips. I'd rather fuck the trashy one with big tits
who does he even think is going to come out and fuck him
Big (Gay) Bear
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Oh that's right, I guess I just never got a good look at her. Mallet/stair dance girl. Thanks.
La creatura
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>Over a hundred videos edited for Taylor since February
That’s a ride or die nigga
What is the funniest thing they could do to jimmy right now?
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>camp's burning down?
>not my problem
He's waiting for Slendy
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>Coal still not invited back like Brian was
Yeah, I'm thinking cope, seethe, and dilate, Coaltroon.
it's in the site clips
Pharmacist selling advil near the port o' potty
snorting caffeine in the evening and seething
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digits decides the spider's name
Send creature out and blueball him so he injures someone in rage
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>jimmy keeps saying he's attracted to creature
>they send her out to lay in his bed
>does nothing until she leaves
>asks production for sex in the woods at 3 am
Stupid fucking spider is so coddled.
kek when did he say he was attracted to her?
I wanna fuck that spider.
Her name is Viola
Anderson Silva
send greg
you skipped the part where she called him a stupid bitch
Over a hundred?
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Is that really fire under the bunk?

That is one big ass spider
The Utah Program fucked him up. And he had to hide from his abusive parents in the woods alot
first couple of days he kept mentioning duke's vampire and how his heart was taken
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>vibes immediately lowered when spider appears
That’s so unreasonably based
Tj in wolfsuit
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>Cole apparently was invited back but declined

Pretty based actually. Sounds like the real cope is coming from you lmao
who's the new hottie?
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>what do you mean that was the last rock !?
It's gonna trap bug letty in a web
I think Jimmy got told to go there for a meet up earlier
couldn't tell if that was in character or not lmfao
me when I make something up and then say it's "apparently true"
Jet should 100% leave a camera on and leave out a bunch of food so we can have a nature cam to watch when the fish are being boring. The shitposting that would bring would be fun for the threads
A few times over the last few days. At one point he blew a kiss at her from a distance. Then when he had to talk to her for a quest he turned into a nervous lil baby
Goblin King or Dragon hunting for virgins to bring back to his lair or a Sasquatch

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da gobwin wuined my mood
The Goblin bit might be the best they've done this season
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Cole was begging to be brought back before season two was even over
Did any of the fish who quit return for bloodgames?
you guys laugh all you want but this man has a 30+ bodycount, clearly he's doing something right which you wouldn't know about
Someone paid $1000 for this?
what happened today
jet needs to be in goblin form for the entirety of season 3
which day was the time last time tai something?
>Jimmy giving one of the end quest items to the goblin
isnt this that guy spencer
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What does it mean? But yeah she needs to come back for a day. She was the Xavier of S2, content mogging everyone including Jet which made him seethe.
Haha the goblin is the best! Shout out to jet!
is jet the goblin? I've missed quite a bit
I remember he was the mikael fag for whatever his name was
i want to see creature as goblin NOW
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Jimmy. Jimmy quit
it's jet you can tell by the rat tail
kek they're so sleepy
goblin sperg out
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$750 if they bought it all at once
whenever tayleigh speaks i'm in stitches this gal is too funny
Cole is quickly catching up to him
They're both mega chads
>are you jewish
And tayleigh ruins it once again. Unbelievable
coal is KWABOTY
Haha the goblin is the best! Shout out to jet!

[Copy and paste on /ftl/. Delete this tag before post]
1488 tayleigh
lmao jimbo
>oh no it's da green goblin
tai saying that with the most tired voice possible kek
letty is half asleep kek
I hate jews but tayleigh makes it seem lame i hate this dyke so much
>forced jewish jokes again right when tayleigh wakes up
>Tayleigh wakes up and asks the goblin if he’s a Jew
She needs another Nifty talk desu senpai.
>skills : aspergers
>he doesn’t wanna hug letty or jimmy
>tayleigh has been awake for 120 seconds and she's already talked about jews and how she was raped
might be a new fishtank record
nobody can deny autism is cole's superpower


>is he still here?
Tay being cringe, per usual
goblin should light a match and drop it on the gasoline puddle
i HATE that fucking beat BITCH
the scroll of judaism did absolutely nothing.
>University of Arkansas - Business major (2019-2026)
She needs to wear a shock collar or a cone of shame or a tunic or something to denote that she is being shamed (again)
Goblin wants Letty
Absolutely not. I can't believe how wrong everyone is in these threads this season
Goblin, Xavier, and Creature for S3
Letty using the scroll of judaism on themselves is more antisemitic than any of the tryhard stuff that Jimmy or Tay say for the cameras.
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Supposed to be his season
Ugly thoughts vs No thoughts

Annoying vs Boring
did someone pay for that goblin attack?
I don’t like the way tayleigh is speaking to the goblin. It’s incredibly condescending.
goblin is the pretty princess poster
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>Bagging boy
fucking kek
10000 tokens.
Worth the $800 + Tax + Tip :)
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I know anon
she's been extremely condescending since she got btfod by xavier, trying to mend her shattered ego






First time Tay is in first place undisputed - Why? Because she's given it her all this entire season. Others have mentally checked out, but Tay's still 100% in it, just like S2. Must be what Sgt. Pendleton taught her.
does jimmy return to his pussy quest now?
that's just how she talks
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Production should give Goblin a gun
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>It wasn't even the lady goblin either
Damn Jimmy is a horny nigha
have any of these people heard a jew speak before
>pay 850 dollars
>the goblin walks up and kicks a trash can over then talks with the fish for like 3 minutes and leaves
Paypigs need to buy another goblin attack
nice bait
That'll be one thousand dollars plus tip, goy
She spoke the same way on season 2 its not new lol
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she's so fucking rude, it's despicable. The goblin is letting her off easy
hey guys im just going to the downs haha to fuck a bitch lol yeah im just goin over there you know just over there to the downs by the way if you guys have got this then im gonna hit the downs and wait for sex lol hahaha yepo
Having to pay for something to actually happen is pretty grim
That was a pretty weak goblin attack, he needs to start shitting on the ground by where they’re sleeping, some real goblin type shit.
did vance even say a single word
>the goblin did not smash the phone
you had one job
gob it up
>68 IQ
Jimmy is owed sex
Can we have an actual sensitivity counselor do an education program on jimmy / tay? I want to see her run out in disgust when jimmy starts ranting about jews midway through the lesson
spider + web have been cleared
would you pay for that after you just saw the results
>Tayleigh speaks
I’m out guys
by female goblin
Why does the retard keep going down there?
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bex onlyfans
Dear God, please let a real bear maul Jimmy to death as he comically shouts “nigger” into his microphone thinking that it’s just Brian in the suit.
he's gay and raped
Jets a monster
i learned alot about jews today from him actually. where can I hear more about what he was saying?
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If i hear the goblin, i drop everything i'm doing and watch fishtank.live. simple as
he thinks a fan is going to appear and fuck him (no, really)
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he thinks that a "female fan" is going to appear in the woods to fuck him. i wish i was joking.
he thinks one of his fan girls will give him sex but all he has to do is offer Tay weed and she will suck him off
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reddit dot com
Is Bex single?
how did he come to this conclusion?
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>not watching fishtank
>hear the goblin
lmao what, who told him that? I've been watching all day
why does he think this?
not for long since i am her prime potential suiter
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Did he say that?
the king awaits one of his many toys
nobody told him this, he keeps saying to the camera "if there are any female fans watching i will be in the downs". he thinks they are watching right now waiting for a chance to have sex with him is my assumption.
some freakish combination of huffing fumes, childhood trauma, and bad genes
I've never been on that website which which board would discuss jews?
To be fair Jimmy is owed sex just like fatty
nobody even bothered to question or laugh at this btw
Humiliation ritual
>nobody told him this, he keeps saying to the camera "if there are any female fans watching i will be in the downs". he thinks they are watching right now waiting for a chance to have sex with him is my assumption.

The other night Jimmy mentioned waiting to see if the TTS is right, he was babbling about something
jesus christ is this fucking true? what the fuck kek
Not a fan as in "fan of the show"; he thinks that Creature will come
Yes. Almost word for word, except it was cringier. I think he said "any ladies." He told Jon to cover his ears when he said it.
bex theme song
apparently it works, he claims to have a body count of 35 lol
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How's this for a goblin attack
it's just one of his shticks, i doubt he came unprepared. remember his s2 list
so do they not have TTS on this camera?
this is pretty much the perfect time to have that shit
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Because that's what Jimmy said verbatim
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nerve gas
antisemitism used to be reserved for the elites. The riff raff ruin it. I've become less antisemitic bc of Tayleigh
They told him to do this as a bit right?
That's pretty retarded, even for Jimmy. He must be bricked up bad.
i hate da gobwin
lol wonder if creature found a manifesto in his bunk
Jimmy is finally going to lose his virginity and then all you fags will be sorry for laughing at him
Haha can you imagine if Bex, Creature and the Blacksmith's Wife had to share a bed? Imagine the smell haha
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yes, unfortunately.
i missed this, using TTS to gaslight jimmy into thinking that he will get sex might be the only good use of it this season.
apparently last night tts said there would be an attack at 3am
They should redo the S1 Fatty prostitute bit right now with Jimmy
A side effect of the utah program sadly
Creature slept in his bed today. She owes him sex now. He came to this conclusion himself.
I really would like to see wtf he does if they send her out there
The plot twist is that a female fan is actually going to make her way there.
biggest humiliation ritual in fishtank history kek
i wonder if we can figure out everything his list based on his behavior so far
>have snortable caffeine powder on you at all times and offer it to everyone
very telling that jimmy interprets this as him having sex
beastiality is illegal
sending creature accompanied by ben with a camera would probably be the funniest response
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That's what the teddy bear is there for. He can't take a hint even when it's right in front of his face.
if jimmy ever has sex it will involve an attack
i didn't know the blacksmith's wife sang shinji's anime song.
Its over
you jimmy haters are gonna be so gotten too when one of his female orbiters shows up and starts sucking and riding him FUCK OFF SEETHERS
they need to send her and make her give him blue balls he would torch the whole camp
the fucking "munts" shit he brings up to everyone is definitely on there
If this happens 85% the girls who have been on fishtank are at least opening one a fanhouse for bikini pictures. Betty will become a spiegler girl.
He has fucked over 35 women or things or whatever
Does he think all the NPCs are sleeping in the woods like they are?
She seems fun. I dont blame jimmy, i would spend every night out there
Dude sending out the handheld camera would be brutal lol
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He hasn't give up yet!
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ya she made a fool out of vance
Did Xavier dance to the bant song
Probably nothing. I don't think Jimmy knows how to do anything other than get raped by older hoarder men or get head from mauro.
>jimmy inviting the fine women folk
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hi jet
I miss the spider
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get annoyed about cooking
Jimmy already lost his virginity involuntarily in Utah
I've not kept up with this season who is the tummy girl
>Okay Jimmy....
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tax is honestly one of the ugliest people I've ever seen
The fact that Frank Hassle hasn't shown up dressed like a slasher villain late at night and chased after them with a chainsaw is highly disappointing. But then again, production probably don't even know how to remove a chain from a chainsaw, and Frank Hassle probably can only run 2 feet without being winded.
Send out Charleston White dressed up as the Creature
Minion. Dont look at her thigh gap
how so
the cummy tummy girl is bex
This is beyond retarded even for Jimmy
one step closer to rapetank
Just got back from my 6 hour goon sesh, why was Jimmy sitting The Downs for so long? Downey affinity?
if they bring him back is he gonna be even fatter or did will he get the ozempic treatment like fatty?
Haha, that's a really funny ironic post dude. (delete it, hurry)
is it?
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What a pigsty
He's waiting for sex
I'm crying. This nigga really waiting for some pussy in the downsssskdkds WTF
you wouldn't believe me if I told you
because he sang first but could barely even speak and then she completely crushed him and made him look stupid
One night of Dead by Daylight would be kino. They have to sneak around and do 5 objectives before sunrise while frank hunts them. He could never catch them in a real chase so the challenges would have to be hard
on the prowl
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There's many opportunities to do great bits like that, but they're creatively (and literally) bankrupt. The best you can hope for is that you get lucky and they steal one of your ideas.
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evening, do you guys miss me spamming josie s1 stuff and pretending to suffer mental breakdowns at this hour or nah? i feel like the tay openly enduring the throes of actual meth addiction with her gay bf arc ruined the novelty
Which member of the crew/cast would be the most likely to give Jimmy sex?
If i was jet why would i want you to spend less money? retard
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>pussy hunt
Creature duh
He's looking for goblin pussy.
The Goblin
Yea do the Josie thing, who cares
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What do they do when Jimmy returns to his bunk, and demands sex?
Will Jimmy rape someone soon?
Man I was rewatching some S2 clips earlier and he was so fucking fat compared to S1. No way he is surviving roaming around in the woods chasing people for long in that state. He was gassing just chasing people around the house.
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Jimmy is like a Route B version of Chris Chan. Just an absolutely delusional existence.
thoughts on today:
>jimmy will take bits to the point of unfunniness on his own, but the addition of jon can make them more humorous
>vance and increasingly tai need to be pushed somehow to be interesting, as they're both falling into a bit of a rut
>i like letty a lot more now and retroactively appreciate what she brought up s1, it's the right amount of shitstirring without necessarily being a cunt
>tayleigh is quite unfunny when trying to be funny and a lot of her entertainment comes from interactions with others (Xavier, though not so much now).
>npcs are all god tier, sad to see evil kevin go as I find him genuinely funny at times
>tj is genuinely funny when comfortable, which can't as a shock. I liked him in s2, but he was never funny. The bit setup by Xavier and subsequent disagreement with Jon was held up by him, and was again, surprisingly funny. I'd like to see more of him acting like a passive aggressive dickhead to the survivors.
>sam seems to be genuinely having fun
>retard wakes you up just to tell you good night
I would lose it
poor jimdog
You. He's gonna rape you
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same approach to dating as well
jimmy needs a WANT WOMAN shirt
I hope creature feels bad tomorrow for ignoring jimmy's call. She owes him sex
Kek. Hes just sad the pussy didnt come to him in the downs he needed to say something to someone.
Frank hassle is done

He can only do his thing to people smaller than him in the tank because he needs to get reallg physical to hassle now, which is admitting failure really
Damn... Sam got to her... Wouldn't surprise me if they find her buried in the woods

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