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>uploading everyday
Hustlin' Taylor Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

taylor mid at best
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How do the wiggers keep ending up with these women
clout sharking trannies
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>they sent grindr dates to my dying grandma's house
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Bitty not posting here makes me sad
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Who is it?
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summer x letty crossover when?
kys fag
after three seasons, how would you rate jet casting skills? does he have a good eye or not?
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>dirt cleans your hands better than soap
based retards
Small amounts of money that seem big in a single payment because women are retarded, also her face is fucked
>fish wake up when I go to bed
>Fish go to bed when I knock off work
I suffer down under
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What did she mean by this?
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who goes in the square hole today?
Damn, she's well seasoned too? Sign me up.
sorry anon, you're too white
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We need him now more than ever
jet fully deserves everything he went through with summer for casting her just because he thought she'd be easy TTS/toy/simp bait
based Jimmy trauma dump
Vance wept
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what did we learn today /tv/?
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The tweet that ended Tayleigh's career
>SFX spam
Welp, guess that's enough for the night.
these whores want clout so bad. its like the onlyfans skank from s2. just desperate to milk simps so much so they fuck sam and crew.
turn off sfx ffs
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>summer x letty crossover
anon we're not ready
I had Jimmy fatigue, but now I have Jimmy EXHAUSTION
Summer stop posting yourself here you ugly hunchback. Trish won and you lost so get over it bitch.
Post pudgy trish now
One day, anon, you will learn the power of money and potential clout.
I will never in my life understand the mentality of a tts fx spammer
hahaha so funny jet
fuck off ariel
kys kike
do the wiggers not realize that the sfx aren't loud for the fish but keep the audience from hearing anything or do they not care
fuck this
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Guys listen, I'm going to need some cigarette deliveries to cover our tts outage.
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>loudest gay sound imaginable, the fish can barely hear it and they keep talking
Fucking this shit again
Ad girl for new NPC when????
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does anyone have the clip where tay admits she used meth?
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Never relax and avoid
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>cuddling with tay in her bunk and sneakily sliding your hands between her thighs and touching her while we watch the fire
>Trish won
the cheapest hooker award?
>i was sooooo emo guiz!!!
>"So it's like.. yeah, just like I was saying it's just like you know.. it's kinda fucked up you know me"
More Arby's. MORE!
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i think im gonna vomit
why does Tay hate her father?
struck out with Mauro and arguably Simmons (created content doe)
struck out with Brian, Sylvia clone, Summer, the asian chick, and they had to force TJ hard
you can just say "based"
wonder if they were Astros or Rangers fans
>SFX and TTS are the same price
Why the FUCK do people pick SFX
>comfy camping bonding hours
>gay sfx spam
>iron man
fake ass bitch
You arent missing anything
why do you have pictures of tayleigh when she was like 14 saved?
>I was stung...by a BEE!
I will never understand why anybody would spend any money on this. Best case scenario is someone chuckles at your TTS that cost you $30 to send.
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>SFX sounds to fuck with the audience, volume to the max, spare no expenses
Armenian cory gormedias
People unironically say Tay is alt
loud = funny xD
it's not like you'll be able to hear the tts over the earrape with the microphone right next to the speaker
>retards dont realize the fish can barely even hear the TTS and SFX
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you guys don't get it, the speaker is right next to the microphone because you are the real fish
guys its so loud lol this will fuck them up lol look chat is mad hahaha epic w
Thats cheating and soulless.
cuckbuddies are trying to dox her & jimmy over kentuckychad
I have pictures of Josie from when she was like 14 and looked like a dude saved
her father holds her accountable for her actions. tay hates that because it's never her fault bro
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so does jet do this because he hate fishtank viewers?
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>Hey Jet I just crashed that dirt bike you guys bought me and destroyed the town you guys laboriously built by hand in the forest for months. Hope that's cool.
>Anyway can I get paid now?
Tj eatin good
maybe we were the fish tank all along
ok Jordan, back to Popeyes since you're fired from KFC
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You tell me
it was probably easiest to put the speaker near the mic
>Season 1 duds
Damiel, Simmons
>Season 2 duds
JC, Brian, Trish, Meg, and like 90% of the freeloaders
Some tts are legendary like the 1 that asked jet if his music was purposefully bad.
>.... fuck off.... kill yourself
Man I love harsh noise. I don’t know what’s better, Tayleigh’s voice or feedback
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you want to fuck cumia's sloppy seconds?
satanic vibes
yo jimmy told letty about some DMs he got during their fight. what is he talking about?
She became alt after hitting puberty
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Glad we never got to see her in this outfit again thanks to Jimmy creeping her out
nigga it's already been done
Haha loud noise is funny. It's funny when the noise is loud. Did you hear the noise? It was hilarious it was loud and sounded funny.
I have no fucking idea how these people get the money to pay Jet.
She listens to green day and wears black, that's not alt
Letty's ex tried contacting Jimmy or some shit
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what phenotype is this?
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your tax dollars at work
cause he kicked her out of his house, probably because she refused to stop doing drugs and get a job
It's not that. They can adjust the levels if they want to. Camera man was radioing and telling them to adjust a few nights ago. They're just cunts and think its funny to flow out the viewers eardrums.
Tay is laughing at everything jimmy says now. Is she just desperate for a friend?
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SFX Mentality

kavaaa: ear rape is funny first time, gets unfunny, then gets really funny after prolonged listening
hi cuck buddy
its from july 2019. do the math. also you dont need to save pics to post them on 4chan newfag.

retarded faggot.
anything from that room turns out with satanic vibes
If you want a peek into the mind of an SFX spammer look at Cryokeen's twitter
anything happen today?
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damiel and cole were the best fish of their respective seasons
Their actual friends and talk to each other almost every day, schizo.
>hell yeah, back in high school!
Every story began like this, it was very sad
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Can I get a QRD on today's events? I didn't get a chance to watch at all.
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you like Goran slop, yes?
CryoKeen is fucking based
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be honest, do you miss this?
gay shit all day
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hey cole
damiel did like literally nothing though outside of that one chimp out over his shoes
People aren't clever at all. Some are genuinely good that stir the pot and create build up and result in fights.
80% is gay shit/tts spam
>tay being gone
Yeah, it's just trolling the viewer which is so epic.
i wld rape taylor
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She looks much better now that her lips aren't so swollen.
damiel doesnt even count as a fish he's part of the wigger crew they brought in cuz a fish dropped last second
>I need the hottest take you have
>no that's too hot
It’s the ending. And that is canon.
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>Can't hear anything
I guess I can go to bed early tonight, thanks Jet
and he still moggs Ella
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Tell me when the SFX stopped
>can’t leave show on all night because it makes loud noises
Uncomfy af
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he won
It fucking sucks I can't wear my headphones late because this shit is insanely loud. Dumbasses are giving themselves construction worker ears for free.
You hear that? Yeah, I played that sound effect. You could say I'm a pretty cool guy. The fish are about to break! Just 50 more dollars and I got them. Based, am I right?
>nostalgia for last week
some of y'all niggas really need to learn to enjoy the moment
Vile wench!
Avert your eyes from her abs and thigh gap!
thank goodness.
he stumbled into the 2.5 basecamp
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>still no campfire cooking lessons with jon
Not as good as the best fish of all time..
the stupid ass nigga award
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Jimmy lost, TWICE
Ear rape should only play when Jimmy starts talking.

can't stop shuffle dancing and circle gliding..
if jimmy wasn't on fishtank and wasn't a broke loser you know he would be sending ai sfx prompts like "nigger poop nipples"
I wish the best for him.
built for cumtributes
you just know she has a degradation fetish (all women do)
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>sfx spam
Time to tune out
Just reminding everyone tayleigh sold her nasty pussy for a $50 chicken plushy and methhead bisexual cock
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Final boss event revealed
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It ended on that day.
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and don't forget the kindhearted and loving CK
Ok, I'm finally gonna ask, who is this?
Jimmy just got a 3rd degree burn
yeah big fat fake tits and ass and its complete
joker folie à deux
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>Jimmy: on season 2.5
>Abi: sucking black cocks behind a dumpster in the middle of nowhere
Jimmy won.
Qrd on this meme?
Truly a sex goddess
man made horrors beyond my comprehension
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>hey jet we can’t hearing the fish and you’re damaging our eardrums
Production needs to find a way to get their paypig money without ruining the show with awful TTS
Yeah every now and then something funny comes through and gets an actual reaction but I think the constant retarded spam just causes them to tune it out as background noise.
Sleep tight
bitty needs to drop the lore about the gun charges, i was there on bant BITTY !!!!
Wait, that's Abi now? Bean bro better watch out I'm coming for her.
When alex stein told him he had "black stuff" by his balls and seriously told him to go to the doctors and get it looked at. Do you think chris ever got it looked at?
If his goal was to scare Tay and make her cry, yeah.
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My princess
i need tay pussy so bad rn
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Any chance he shows up before this is over?
It’s called not putting the mics and cameras directly next to each other
most of the fishes/loaders may say and do stupid things but at least they don't hide behind a mask like xavier when they do it. His shtick has gotten stale and gay.
Taylors weird ass was way more alt than Tayleigh has ever been
he's the duke i thought?
Don't we all?
imagine how retarded you have to be to do that in the first place
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Where’s chocolate ice cream man?
Cole quit.
His taint looks like Praetor Rykard's face on the divine serpent.
What a bunch of pussies. Jon got mogged by TJ too. Jimmy still hates him obviously.

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Not a chance but lets hope he streams one last time before dying (of alcohol abuse).
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Maybe she will let you suck Jordan's hiv+ cum out of her nasty pussy you cuck
shut up
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*cheats on you epic style*
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>its afraid
That's Josie.
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Bait used to be believable.
Anyone know who played this funny little character? It's hard to tell with the makeup
reminder that simmons was innocent
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You have three options...

Number one, you're gonna institutionalize me, that's alright, I've been institutionalized before. Eventually I'll get out. Number two, you can kill me. I guess, if you want. Number three, you could let me be a freeloader on your show, which is what I've been told my Remy and Shane... your audience wants that anyways. Now, if you don't let me back on your show, it makes less sense. So I hope you make the right choice.
the maw
coyotes in massachusetts?

are these zoomers serious?
Seething so much he had to clip and tweet about it
I think the speakers and mics being next to each is partially for the audience and to troll it. Lot of people donate thinking they are hugely trolling the fish because it’s so loud. But they’re clearly talking over it and we can only hear the shitty sfx
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Who the fuck was this?
it was cole
Also referencing Letty saying "He sent my nudes to my dying Grandfather" in S1
Jimmy literally thinks TJ is an actual furry instead of playing a character to make people laugh
go dilate bro
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>babe they sent grindr dates to my dying grandma's house
Doom 3 pinky
Don't spoil him.
abi looks like an alien and fucks fat beaners
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Production 100% reads these threads. I imagine they laugh and call us fags while SFX tortures us
imagine how insane s2 would've been if they kept JC and Summer. it would've been so different but so much better
there are
.......would (you)?
kys faggot
@JET do you think this is a game?
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yes there are coyotes in Massachusetts
I understand why cockbuddy made his grindr acct he was looking 4 sugardaddies i wld b looking 4 sugardaddies and sending them pics of me in a dress and with makeup if it got me out of a meth den
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He is by far the best person artistrically and ethically that Fishtank has ever had.
It doesn't torture me because I just stop watching.
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Its sad how pretty she is, her genes are darkened by her mental illness and she will never be free.
there are coyotes, bears, wolves, mountain lions and all other kinds of predators in MA
>Production 100% reads these threads
jet literally dumped the summer voicemails onto one of these threads and frank was posting here live on the show as he was mindbreaking the taytriots
Jimmys mentallity is the same as the people that say "brian got cucked" when jet paid trish to kiss cole when they werent even dating. Why would brian care at all?
tasteless twat
lowly lesbian
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Shut up faggot
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>dundun dundundun dun dundunna dugga dugga
boomers cannot stop outing themselves as worm brained
>no one complaining about the cameras
>everyone is shitposting
makes you think
Not to mention all the times I read suggestions in these and all the sudden the next day they are implemented
For some reason I read this in Odenkirk's voice from Nobody
effortlessly kino
coyotes have been traveling more north over the years. they started getting spotted here in NJ a few years back. i wouldn't be surprised if they're in MA by now
going 2 slf suck and cum in my own mouth brb
joyless jew
gooning to veiny nigger cocks
ok, i stand corrected

I thought there were fuck all east of the mississippi

Do you actually see and hear them or do they just sort of pass through rarely?
enough about Jimmy
nigga we all stopped watching when sfx started
Me and that oc Anon are connected
this is why I never bought a season pass
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>enough about Jimmy
where can i get this from?
Coyotes are in MA but they're not a threat to humans whatsoever. People always assume they're wolf-sized and not 30lb fox dogs.
Are you retarded? They are all over the place and i live near boston. Seen a few huge ones the size of german shepards wander through my backyard
Yotes are everywhere now, even in affluent suburbs
They're not everywhere but they're around, in certain areas you hear them all through the summer mostly. Gotta watch out for bears more.
Where are his balls?
I can recognise a butthole, two vaginas, a lower naval and belly, but no balls or penis.

Or have I misinterpreted the photo and he's facing the camera?
She fucked a nigger.
alright i'm sorry I will accept the reality of masshole song dogs
i'm bck ~ my cummy wuz yello
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if jet reads this he should follow my advice and huff more, it will let the creative juices flow and free him
Tayleigh fucks fans if they pay her 50$ yet spit on and criticized Jackie 4 having an OF
They should all be forced to do what TJ did. Make these fuckers dress up and do goofy shit instead of halfassedly larping and begrudgingly engaging in bits.
fuck i need to see these two servicing a black dick at the same time

they HATE white bois
kill tay
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Little Tikes Art Desk Swivel Chair
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We have Moosen too.
Im sayin her face is pretty, her actions are what fmakes her ugly and undesireable
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How's today rank for you all so far, top or bottom 50%, and why?
its astounding just how many autistic people are on here who cant understand when someone is joking
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It's unironically a result of wolf populations shrinking and human populations sprawling all over the place
i dnt think tay deserves this much h8...
Thank you all for participating!
I hope ya'll had fun this season, I know we all did.
We're going offline for now, but we will see you for season 3.
Get ready.
Big things are planned!
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summer would kill a baby to be Sam's onahole so your post is kind of retarded
>"but downt know if TJ ate bweakfast today"
Id probably tune out due to second hand embarrassment but id still like them to do this so jimmy has to be a "groomed furry"
>Show is better in every way when watched through clips on YouTube
So happy I didn't buy a season pass
There are also mountain lions, though state officials repeatedly deny their existence.
Is THAT the fucking plural for moose????
summer hates colored people now

Meant for guy in last thread but it went off page 10 before I could post:

Idk, I think it’d be fun if the cast was more “with it”, if the guys were not all betas and would maybe compete with eachother.

I have a 20 page document detailing my idea for a fantasy themed season, using the season 2 house layout as a guide. I’d add more rules and a schedule of challenges with punishments for the loser and rewards for the winner. I have an entire DnD campaign set up for 2 teams, as well as character builds for the fish and miniature model designs for their characters. Viewers could buy their DnD characters items in the game to make them OP, and if your character survives the DnD game, you get immunity from elimination challenges.

I have an entire challenge written for team selection and fun mini games where fish can earn things like potions and gold.

If they added more structure to the show (like they did in season 2.5 after I recommended it in season 2) I think it’d be better.

I also wrote a similar game thing for Magic the gathering, which I’m sure jet read and inspired the yugioh, but my mtg idea had, again, more structure and rules, so contestants and viewers could tell wtf was going on, and would also see “good cards” and how they were traded between players and affected winners and elimination.
bottom because they haven't kicked off Gayleigh yet
>content is happening in B2
>*paypig shuts camera down*
I married a white woman whose last boyfriend was a black guy. Apparently my dick is bigger than his. Am I supposed to care? She's very cool. We play Gauntlet Legends together.
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can I get paid now?
the show is better when you watch it with this thread
I heard there were Foxen in the forest too
>pay 60 bucks for 18 cameras
>only 2 work
>both offline
We are reaching Goranian levels like never before.
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remember when that dyke tayleigh called herself a femcel infront of octavious
why is she fucking methheads lol
Guys, the fish have had a rough first week. We're ordering pizza and letting them have access to phones for a bit.
Fishtank is healing
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huff more Jet it will unlock your mind for season 3 i believe in you and the crew XXXX
>marrying a coalburner
>"Am I supposed to care?"
>he brings up dick size which implies he thinks we care because of the Jewish BBC meme and not because we're talking about a disgusting stinking shit colored ape
it's over for you
You can't do that
4chan doesn't like it
She got tricked into dating a girl for a few years; she’s not gay
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No retard, the plural is Meese
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Brilliant I should of learned this growing up in Montana, but the education system there ain't all that good eh-yuck
What if Channing just came parachuting in from the fucking sky? Wouldn't that be supremely kino?
>aryan pussy destroyed by bbc
>later tells beta bux she's racist
god thats hot
3 frames per second
>Jordan stated before he would do anything to get on S3
>Pays $50 dollars to hookup with Tayleigh
>She stops streaming for a month to go fuck him
>Jordan starts Twitter space and destroys any support for Tay going into 2.5 after it's found our they're dating
>gets doxxed and gay dudes sent to his house
>Tayleigh admits he has no job (can't even keep his KFC job) and wants her and him to work on S3
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you directly support this goblin
Kek Jon smacked a spandex deers ass today. If Sam asked him to dress up like a cat to win he'd do it and it would also be funny. Jimmy and Tay and Vance would all ruin the bit
yeah same thing happened with me but sucking dick for a few years instead, thank God I'm not gay anymore
I like when it stutters like this. The audio time-stretching and octave shuffling is kinda cool
he almost pulled his quad doing that
Bingo status?
>Tayleigh admits he has no job (can't even keep his KFC job)
they called his work though
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¡Ay, caramba!
>"i don't want to fix someone, i need a guy who's put together"
>shacks up with a gay junkie working at KFC living in his grandma's house and goes on a month long meth bender before going on 2.5
>Jon smacked a spandex deers ass
A what?
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Yeah, I love Jet. Just wish he would fix his stream so I could enjoy his show.
Every single MDE fishtank girl is black property
>disgusting stinking shit colored ape
There is no difference between this and a 4chan user who posts in ftl threads. We are all spiritually niggers if you like it or not
>all cams down
>stream is cut
>speed of the thread slows to a snails pace
Sorry, Jet fell asleep on the keyboard and crashed everything. We're fixing it right now
Wtf, she thinks they'd have her on as production?
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still mad about Jimmy's jew bit huh
sorry I OWNED you... I'm going to keep doing it! YOU have been TROLLED!
we all are wiggers in these threads
>wants her and him to work on S3
the fact that she believes she'll be let anywhere near the behind the scenes of any future fishtank project is psychotic levels of delusion.
i think jimmy has said the same thing which is strange.
that's all women, especially ugly failed normie women who get their first taste of attention and popularity
Active shooter on the premises, likely a deranged fan
She's got to spread her cheeks into the camera. And Taylor. And Bex. And Creature. And Minion. And Trish. And Letty. And Blacksmith's Wife. And Tai.
What do you think we’re missing hearing from Vance right now?
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god damn the troll known as anonymous
lmfao yea timmy ur dick is definitely bigger. women dont lie
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He chased down a guy in a spandex deer costume and then smacked his ass victoriously
Abi was basedjaking earlier on stream that Sam liked her tweet and she said she hoped he watched her stream lmao
tayleigh said she wants to throw bone to embarrass tj . she is such a hateful bitch , everyone has moved on with the past but both her and jimmy are pure vile cunts
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anyone on YT doing daily recaps or interesting clips?
Especially after she assaulted a member of production lmao
Yeah, there's no fucking way they're going to want to deal with her bullshit after this season. She's way more trouble than it's worth. Besides, the only S2 fish that realistically have any chance of a S3 production job are Brian and Trish.
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I can't believe the police haven't showed up yet and there hasn't been fanboys sneak onto the property
there are no interesting clips
i was raped
Jimmy has a much higher chance of being invited back than tay. At least sam enjoys making him say and do stupid shit. Tay is actively antifun. Imagine working the cameras in the basement next to her pouty face and terrible jokes
We'll get him next time.
she what
sorry guys me and bex were fooling around and knocked over the modem, it will be back soon
thank God I can finally go jack off to my afternoon shit po- I mean, regular porn
Also I refuse to email jet to get him to hire me because I know he is screenshotting all my posts and scrolling madly through the account names trying to piece together the clues I have left him to my identity. Jet, if you want to hire me, you’re going to have to work a little harder than that *chuckles*

Hey I have another idea you can steal for the show, you could turn the whole thing off… OH WAIT you already did that, all out of ideas?! Bahahahaha not so easy when you can’t milk my gemposts, is it?
he also teabagg him
I hope this deranged fan goes for tj and taylor
holy shit KWAB is this real?
same. tayleigh too.
>Nobody is gonna believe I'm crazy
Oh that makes sense then. Thought he smacked one of the girls ass but that would be getting spammed every thread
I'm honestly surprised nobody has snuck onto the property.
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I love this qt high-elf
My name isn't Timmy and my wife resents me for my dick size. I think I might be gay because I can make her cum multiple times in a row but can only cum when I fuck her in the butt
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I have reason to believe operatives from the infamous hacker organization known as "TRULLSEC" have hacked the feeds after their representative Mikhail was eliminated in a humiliating fashion
Damn, Jet. You really got me good you silly billy.
Taylor had a medical emergency, she sprained her wrist from Jimmy's weapon
bloodthirsty bitch
fraudulent freak
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>not a groomer btw
im going to sleep if i miss a goblin attack im gonna lose my cool
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and Jon
All true. She let her bf destroy her entire fan base and she thinks she has a chance to join the wigger crew lmao. Now she has nothing.
TJ groomed 29 year old Jimmy.
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>season 3.
When is that anyway.
Yeah it unironically is
maddened minge
useless pink pecker can't even touch the walls of the pussy gaped by black guys fucking hot
The deranged Tayriots are ddosing jet's servers
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>Yeah, there's no fucking way they're going to want to deal with her bullshit after this season. She's way more trouble than it's worth.

Jimmy creates content at least, Tayleigh just has breakdowns
Although like someone here said, Jimmy is much better when he's being himself instead of trying to be funny
She's absolutely not getting anywhere near them after this then, not worth the trouble, Jimmy might still have a chance Sam seems to like him a lot.
End of August iirc
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>jon calling anyone gay
>jimmy and tay still seething
A B for condensed recaps with voice over

Big Think Broadcasts for longer recaps with less voice over and more clips

Fishtank clips for full length clips with no editing
Take her to bucky
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he probably doesn't have silver bullets
jewish jimmy was funny
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incestuous inyenzi
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>Summer and Taylor is BBC only
>Abi is mexican only

Jimmy is ugly, disgusting, and evil. He should never be let near a fishtank production again.
>her enire fanbase hinged on the small chance she would laugh at their donation message and fuck them.
They were all pathetic worms but im sure jet is happy that a bunch of lonely simps will be looking for a new chudwife in s3
>Jordan stated before he would do anything to get on S3
so he was using her for both clout AND pussy? lmao
Abi in panty hose, short shorts, long sleeve, and converse makes me so fucking HARD.
things that are not funny:

jimmy doing impressions
dilate and seethe
Dew Cube
this but tj
Lmao she did all that just to make Q jealous?
Insider here. They are keeping the streams off because a heavily intoxicated Cole drove his truck through Schitty.
Tayleigh 50$ fuck a fan contest, slide her some meth and you'll get 10% off
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Did FT get DDoS'd because of Rabbi Jimmy?
I unironically mog her gay boyfriend but I have too much self respect to buy a plushie and take a video thanking her. It could have been me.
I touch all of the pussy walls also I thought everyone wants to make fun of me for thinking you all have Jewish BBC derangement and this is what you faggots have to offer??? Disgusting
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so what?
taht it?
stream down for 2nite?
no messages on the global chat?
stop gooning
That werewolf transformation was one of the funniest bits this season and TJ willing to do it shows why he deserved to win s2.
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He’s not evil. I wish he’d accept losing s2 and the reasons for it because it makes things really gay.
I'm back. been a day. has tay been extra fucking cringe?
>small chance she would laugh at their donation message and fuck them
>small chance
>jimmy doing impressions
Oh? And you want to shack up with her smoking meth for a month?
Wait so did she fuck Jon I dont know who this Zain feller is
>some deranged shooter fan dresses in a recreation of Jet's Mikhail outfit
>has a real .40 pistol with the tip spraypainted orange
>wanders into some RP scenario before production realizes what's happening
>doesn't say anything
>points the gun at TJ who does his autistic wolf acting clawing in his direction
>Jon goes "yew gonna need siwva buwwets fo dat, dats faiw awPee bwo"
>deranged fan pulls the trigger once then twice pumping two very real live rounds into TJ's chest
>everyone is stunned from the whip crack of two gunshots bursting in the air
>some scream and panic others get hyperfocused, Taylor freaks out and grabs TJ before being shot three times herself
>Vance flees while Jon and Xavier heroically attempt to disarm the gunman who fires blindly in Tayleigh's direction
>Jon takes a bullet to the stomach in the struggle
>Scott pisses himself
jet and crew are notorious for their lack of transparency in moments like this
jon is funny
now that fishtank season 2.5 has ended, would letting Tayleigh leave on day 6 have saved it, production did pretty good this season it was more the contestants fault
oy vey
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I will be doing an emergency remote viewing session to see what’s going on in the forest. Will report back when finished.
based. thanks, bro.
id do it but i dont trust her to keep her pussy clean
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Thank you.
Not really but I would have fucked her. Now my eyes are opened to how ugly she really is
I think Jimmy as a producer could actually work.
I'm sure the wiggers could extrapolate a few decent ideas from his Looney Tunes brain. Just gotta limit his screentime to prevent any prolonged Jimmy yap sessions.
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>only paid for $45 for a custom beanie
I was so close
You act like she fucked every fan, you faggots are just seething one of you actually did. Every single one of you had it in mind to try and fuck her but once someone does shes worthless to you. Absolute retards
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so that one anon was right. he has been draping a flag over himself and it wasnt just his shirt
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The ADL strikes again. :(
Shit guys Jet has gone i to hiding and Sam is on his way. He sounded pissed and jet ran like his life was in risk. Pray for me.
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>Scott pisses himself
Cams are down because Summer drove into the middle of the camp attempting to run people over but she crashed into a tree and fell out. Unfortunately she fell onto Jet's dick and was raped. After that first rape, it was open season and the rest of production started raping her. They were so busy raping her they didn't realise the cams had already gone down because of how incompetent production is.
Anyway that's why the cams are down.
There only interest in Jimmy is exploiting his mental disabilities. They will press him about S2 again before this is over
I could beat the breaks off this retard
Jordan, KFC called they need you back they are short staffed bro
ifunny pulled the plug because of jimmy's rants
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why did you make it taylor you bastard
it’s both
Cockbuddy showed up and they had too shut the cameras down
Reports from the group chat saying Vance was crying
at least jimmy didnt want to watch his mom get fucked by a horse
Tayleigh fucks a fan for $50 (plus shipping).
Letty will absolutely NOT fuck a fan (she is too pure).
Clout Goblins.

You've been redpilled on a new species of woman. They hop cocks to climb the social ladder.
in fishtank in general so much of the potential for enjoyment comes from the cast itself and tayleigh has managed to drag down the show with her mere presence it's honestly insane. she doesn't even really do much but she manages to suck the energy out of every interesting moment that she's present for
Vance saw everything happening from a distance. It was so grotesque and shocking it immobilised him. All he could do was cry.
oh nm i see her walking in the back now
>once someone does shes worthless to you
well yeah dude everybody can want the last piece of chewing gum but the moment someone's put it in their mouth and chewed it nobody fucking wants that gum anymore except deranged fucking weirdos that are more into swallowing some other dude's chewed up spit covered gum than the actual gum itself
I thought Jon doing the jew impression was actually really funny. I was a certified Jon hater from S1 all the way until around day 3-4 of 2.5. I think he has this whole RP thing nailed.
>Just gotta limit his screentime to prevent any prolonged Jimmy yap sessions.
That and the exponential increase in chances of injury every second he remains on camera
he was literally raped lmao
A B recaps are garbage and bias

Fuck that pajeet landwhale
Vance started crying and it made the router wet
looks like a pack of roaming massachusetts coyotes chewed throw their camera cables
>Fuck that pajeet landwhale
Redpill me on this
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leak from downy cam, jimmy finally snapped
are all cams down on the site too?
sup, tay. guess they took the streams down to give you fish your phones and some pizza.
anyway try to be a little more lively when the cams are back up
That retard would heem you
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i love chinese letty!
You're right. Lets dox and harass the person that got the piece of gum. Lets also hate the gum company for allowing that guy to eat their gum!
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Jimmy is only entertaining when he's having a breakdown
I dont know how you fags actuallly like this attention whore redditor
Did you actually get it
a lot of people could honestly lol, still like that retard though.
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Yeah, let's. I endorse this fully.
this movie sucked
No and I won't pay.
Look at him go
do you guys think someone will make an offbrand fishtank with used up nolifers like Tay that goes even more hardcore? maybe with meth fueled fuckfests filmed for OF or w/e. I'm thinking it will and we will see tay's prolapsed asshole
Based. If she tries to fulfill your order just fuck with her and then call her a whore or something
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>She's enduring this nightmare over deluding herself into thinking she and her bf will have spot on the S3 prod
Actually grim.
Filtered by a shot that doesn't make physical sense?
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>Because of this, constantly reading about myself online only pushed me further into a state of suicidal ideation or thoughts that since I have ruined my life so hard, the best option would be to die.

>It’s my fault for checking what people were saying about me, but I have never been in the public eye before and felt very overwhelmed by it, along with reading hateful things about myself as a way to fuel my own negative self thoughts and suicide ideation.

She's here bros
She's here and she's been watching with us
Be nice to Summy!

Would you rim Tayleigh for a million dollars?
just shut the fuck up and deal with it queer
letty fucked fishtank cameraman
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So now that we're in agreement that Jimmy, Tay, and Vance should not have been invited back, who would you rather have in their place?
the movie filtered you man it’s ok
You could of have it all... my empire... of dirt
She'd just end up on ip2. No need to reinvent the wheel.
only if she didn't have HIV/serious disease
it was bad
you might just have bad taste
Then have her rim me 20.000 times?
Good for her desu. At least she tries to get help unlike Betty
wow can't believe how much Sam has gaslighted her about what has happened, he's truly devilish.
Trish, TJ, Pregnant Sylvia
>suiciding instead of pressing X in the top right corner

makes you think
go chase for tranny like your idol
>beans died for this
Cole, Nifty, Sober Dunye
TJ Trish Brian
don't they just do livestreams of getting drunk? don't follow it at all. think last I paid attention was when onlyusemeblade killed some dude by not calling an ambulance when he fell
Insider here. King Cobra JFS arrived, but accidentally spilled mead on our Windows 95 computer that the entire operation runs on. Ben confronted him to which he replied "It's no skin off my shoes".
nah that’s you
Cole, Octavius, Nifty
Could have*
Please stop doing this
capture that energy for when the cameras are back on
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Does she really believe she's gonna get hired to work on S3? That's insane if true
>its real
Ella, Bliccy and Delaney.
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2 questions /ft/:
Would Letty have been able to survive the conditions of S2?
Would the contestants of S2 have been able to survive Letty?
stop talking about Sam
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>Yeah it turns out our ISP is performing routine maintenance tonight
>The thing is we only have one and never got a backup for our 30 person+, hundreds of thousands of dollars production
>uhhh... can I get paid yet?
Nifty would have been fucking hilarious.
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She should find something better to do than let her try-hard low T boyfriend take pictures of her being filled with overpriced drinks at hipster bars. Maybe get off social media entirely. Maybe gain some weight and stop smoking weed and imagining they're a Powerpuff girl. There are so many options (including suicide)
>Sam pretends he doesn't know what MK-677 is
How do you respond if she does end up working on S3 without sounding mad?
I love summer, i feel bad she took everything so intensely. I hope she finds peace. I never meant any harm to her when i used the meme i never made her a laughingstock in my head. Poor girl. :(
Letty would destroy them
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At the time Taxcin had a respectable job with a celebrated underground indie art studio
Greenshark did another Taylor compilation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoDCfq3vxGA
she's a methzombie and if you've been around them ever then you'd not be surprised they'd have the most unrealistic beliefs about their future
That is literally a suicide note cloaked as a "I'm leaving the internet that's why you'll never hear from me again" note.
if there was a grand prize on the line she would have completely annihilated all of them
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Take care, Summy, I wish you the very best. You'll always be our angel.
why in tarnation would they hire her boyfriend
tay is obvious nontent and actually detrimental to the show with her bitchfits. jimmy on the other hand MAY still prove to be interesting if his mental continues to deteriorate, maybe he'll assault letty
She's a woman.
Tai, Jon, Letty, Bliccy and Delaney would have been truly neptunian. Xavier with this group…..
Yeah, she's only struggling now because it's partly an outdoors challenge. She can handle any social situation but can't deal with physical ones
JC, Summer, Oliver
Have Jimmy and Tayleigh realized the only reason they out of all the S2 cast was picked to go on was to just humiliate them further? Cole at least was smart enough to see through it and turn Jet down
kys summer you deranged mudshark
no way that random place in the woods has more than one ISP (at least that can handle that amount of bandwidth)
and they've been in a relationship for more than a year now
i've seen her post this almost word for word a dozen times at this point
only if shes clean which i doubt.
It's literally not going to happen lmao, you really think Sam wants to hire someone that assaulted Jan?
Cole, Cole and uh... Cole!
Someone quote me with a basedjak as 4chan doesn't let me upload images
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I didn't even know she was sick
wait the boyfriend she mentions is fucking taxcin? lmfaooooo
She has no other options. Streaming career over, nobody wants her shitty beanies
Isn't Starlink available everywhere by now?
Since the stream is down, why not play Jimmycraft?
She looked cute as shit today honestly. Her eye make up and the twin tails was 10/10
is it over?
speak for yourself faggot. The amount of seethe Tay and Jimmy create is amazing.
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>all that shit
no thanks
Tayleigh might be starting to realize it, Jimmy never will
its another late night earrapetank. I hope you guys didn't want to hear anything
das rite, that deformed nigga
fuck u leather man
This would’ve been so much fucking fun.
nah she's got a man and lives in las vegas now i think, she seems better off and happier but i haven't really been following her that closely

tbqh i think she'll probably come back on social media later on under a different name

I wish her the best, she knows she fucked up and sounds like she's making a genuine effort to get her illness under control.
I think she'll be back in some way, but hopefully she gets better at avoiding schizo-inducing internet shit the more she tries it.
Greg cried.
I'm watching vtubers instead
yes only if she hates it and calls me a creep
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JET. Strike 5.
Does reading angry posts increase the quality of the actual show for you?
it's actually way more likely to be the other way around
Someone in the merchant shop. I bet they just get the night off for pizza.
Tay can stay but Frank and Charleston must replace Jimmy and Vance.
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>oy vey goyim, I need your shekels for our vidyaslop, and if you don't buy it that's a hate crime and I'll sue you for six gorillion shekels
oh in that case I hope she DOES fucking kill herself
Jimmy will absolutely never realize that they don’t think he’s funny on his own and that he’s only funny when he’s throwing tantrums
She writes these every other week, it's not a big deal.
It's dawning on tayleigh, yes
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oh they're all going to bed
Scott was going around schitty looking for something just now.
>She can handle any social situation but can't deal with physical ones
She'd just have the bell run on her and it would be a boxing match, she'd get her ass heem'd by Tayleigh and she'd quit the show. Letty would NOT have survived S2, not even remotely close. It was way too violent for her. The beef bell dynamic just changed it so Letty antics would not have worked.


make jimmy and jon be the town retards and tayleigh could be a goblin
Women with BPD are a living punishment sent by God
If they really want to humiliate Tay, they should bring in his boyfriend and Q.
Greg has come a long way

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>Brian regularly comes up from the basement to recite cumtown bits to the fish and drain them of all their energy
I know he's doing well as an NPC this season but seriously wtf else could he possibly do as a crew member? People seem to be forgetting how horrible he was on s2. Even when he was walking around in the ghillie suit he was actively sucking the energy out of the house
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Sam loves Jimmy and wants him on the show as much as possible.
Letty already said that she would have quit the Cell pt 3. And there would be no basement to save her.
The final 4 had it harder than her.
time for sfx earrape
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She is in this thread
Jimmy is worth it all, Tayleigh is not. It's that simple. Jimmy is a TTS farmer. They have censored thousands of dollars worth of tts for tayleigh
jimmy was pretty worked up last night mumbling about how unfair the letty/taylor accusations were while anticipating a 3am vampire attack which is pretty telling
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especially the hot ones
will jimmy sniff and jerk off to his bedding that the creature laid on for hours
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>she really thought acting this way would get her hired to work on s3
He loves fatty too, my point still stands
I'm just talking in general. If you've kept tabs on them after season 2, you'd know that Tay is in denial while Jimmy becomes self-aware about it sometimes.
When will Jet realize that not letting the fish sleep properly just makes them more tired and boring during the day?
did we finally get a clip of tays conversation with letty? they talked about boyfriends and tj
I think he would do pretty well taking day shift and tard wrangling fish in the tank. He's also great with Ben and I'd imagine a brian, ben, and jet trio would be special.
Say what you want about Summy but her gooner bf is super freakin cool
We love you Summer.
maybe share camera duty with vance since therell be more handcam stuff
we read the manic messages on tumblr saying you were going to avoid social media as well, no one buys it

but we do believe that you were raped and Sam must be held to account
There is no proof Tayleigh actually got penetrated.
He could still come through and cameo as a character, but I wouldn't want him in the Vance or Josie roles. They should put Jimmy on the writing staff tho.
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Then today he played a game where he went around punching both of them with a huge smile on his face
Hi Summer! I'm sorry about your horrible mental illness that makes life worse for yourself and everyone else!
i fucked her in the ass because her pussy was ugly as fuck
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>brian, ben, and jet trio
Fishtank NEEDS Tacxin back
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>They should put Jimmy on the writing staff tho
nah her pussey is perfect
Haven’t really kept tabs on them, what have they said about it?
i missed all of today, qrd?
Jimmy and Fatty are both unironically hilarious.
They fucked after they did psychedelics together
God I want to behead her so badly
right 3rd from bottom is the chloe moretz pablo kmao
You can't expect someone like Jet to improve past pre-1800s management practices.
no longer living in fear
Vance functioned fine as a crew member and he's as nontent as ever this season. Jet is literally gay for Brian and he's one of the only people from S2 that could function as a crew member.
Image limit reached. Plz bake before thread split
Fucking retard
that's interesting because I want to fuck her prone bone her bubble butt
i feel like he legit made more content as a production member
The program works!
I bet Summer would show all the haters how'd fucking stupid and a bunch of losers they are if she started an OnlyFans. I'm talking real hardcore stuff too to make them regret ever being mean to her. Make them think if only they had been nice they could have had a cute Summer wife but now she's out of reach forevermore.
They released a video game called JimmyQuest or something where you run around a field looking for phones and punch npcs with Taylor and Abi’s faces on them. Jet brought out a steam deck so Jimmy could play it
If they took meth or mdma, they prob fucked liked rabbits... absolutely disgusting to imagine
She fucks fat spics and brownoids, cope.
jimmy is the show
nothing happened
Betty said they sign up a porno deal
but enough about jimmy
the bit where he out-franked frank was kino
Tayleigh has clearly started to realize that they just want to humiliate her
do we have baker?
with BLACKED.com
I'm not baking
fuck you jimmy cum-guzzling faggots
I have bake ready, what image for op?
>They should put Jimmy on the writing staff tho.
I love Jimmy but that would be fucking retarded
can someone give me a sharpie so so so so i can cross out the fresh blood and it would just say please suck? and remember when i had the flamethrower? i aint no homewrecker
meant more 2.5 and 2, 1 he had some great moments but 2 I feel like he had more presence then here.
new people keep showing up and others keep leaving and the population sign has never changed

cmon jet
just pick one you enormous nigger
summer related
new >>200822669
I dont feel bad for summer because she has a boyfriend and lives it in easy mode
what a fucking cunt female
>using your name so everyone who filters you wont see it
bravo useless nigger
The epic gaslight pranks. He is more concincing than jet vance or josie. He can run the morning and do stupid challenges
Jimbo thread, newfags.





As nontent as he was I think Vance was still BETTER in season 1. He needs a scenario to work with, this is too vague.

He was good as production in season 2. Had a few good gags, filmed well, straight-man nature benefited him breaking up fights.
It's odd that he seemed to do camera work so well in 2, then in 2.5 when director cam is so much more important they didn't have him do it again. Maybe they were just that desperate for competitors.
well my thread is up, whatever
This season showed that Brian is totally competent for production. He adds energy to it.
I like Tjaylor and Letty so make sure you chuds recycle thanks.
i didn't realize nd 4gor
jet better auction the creature's rags when the season is over
I really, really hope them breaking her gun on the tree caused it to finally set in that they hate her. That being said, that was pretty funny and I didn't think he was really going to do it.
>>200822615 Disgusting. Both their bodily fluids are tainted with drug paraphernalia.
migrate you dumb fucking niggers
>namefag thread
>dogshit fucking image
not using this trash fuck you faggot nigger

>he did it TWICE
xavier broke the restraining order spell tayleigh had cast upon him.
he is unleashed
im waiting to see which thread wins

you're overthinking it. he should just play himself in s2. a deadbeat doomer ex-fish that comes up from time to time and mopes about his life, drug addiction and how the wiggers still won't hire him
make me
First posted always wins no matter what. It's the law
i never watched it lol youre 23
eh i dont support people who grandstand
What does this even mean
after she showered yeah :/

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