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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Chinaman edition


>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms
>Would anyone here on KG be willing to do this however?
I've done it in multiplie times in the past, I see no reason not to do it again.
>Yes, but it's not like they would notice or be able to determine who it was.
Not really, in fact it would be rather trivial, specially if the link is obscure and has few clicks.
Good, I missed you guys
link the previous you double chinknigger
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Masterpiece, beautifully shot and very well acted. It's a film about faith and redeeming yourself. Anyone seen it?
What is it about these older films that give it that “look”?
Film stock? Color palette? Both?
>I see no reason not to do it again.
Well, that would be extremely cool if you could upload some untouched/remuxed (I guess not all discs have extras anyway) BDs of those titles, particularly Clémenti's films (I've also forgotten to mention that I'm quite interested in Black Zero's catalogue...).
>Not really, in fact it would be rather trivial, specially if the link is obscure and has few clicks.
Okay, I obviously don't know how snahp works. I just can't imagine snahp staff monitoring /film/ threads and even remember there was an anon here who shared some films from there.
KG doesn't allow remuxes and BDs get way less snatches than encodes
And you can see the snatch history for any torrent so anyone can see what anyone snatched ever. Anons who have uploaded megas snatched from KG have been recognized and nearly exposed in these threads (I'm anons). It should be a gentleman's agreement that we don't even hint that we know who snatches the kinos, but someone is always bound to be silly
this jewish granny is kinda based
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The Criterion Perfect Days is sold out at the B&N near me. I will have to drive 30 miles for it tomorrow. I am surprised it is not price matched on amazon.
>a7xfan (ass-clowns will say otherwise)
>dropout_gorro (their ringleader)
>petethecat (their retard punching bag)

Absolutely Not Discord Samefags (conclusive evidence has surfaced):
Speak for yourself, nobody exposed me yet... though I concede it would be trivial to do so, given how KG works. Not that KG mods would give two fucks about it.
>KG doesn't allow remuxes
Huh, how come?
>Anons who have uploaded megas snatched from KG have been recognized and nearly exposed in these threads
Yeah, I figured that KG (torrent trackers in general) is particularly risky. That's also why I was looking at snahp. But I wonder, is there any other DDL forum with rare/experimental stuff that is still public?
The Kid > City Lights
I don't care what anyone else says.
That list is close to ten years old now and that culture doesn't exist anymore. I only ever really care(d) for users with obscure shares anyways, like rockhyrax, theninthheart, parietines, twodeadmagpies and lyrical_nitrate.
Never seen it, but I'm intetested
The only problem with accounts like this is that they prioritize obscureness over the quality of the film (most of the time). One could decent recommendations outta them though like you mentioned.
It's extremely good, this and Marketa Lazarova feel like Slavic Kurosawa to me
That's the only reason I follow them, to find interesting looking films that might be good.
What are all the movies released in the last 14 years that made you laugh out loud?
I avoid modern comedies
Cherry Boys (2018)
The Virgin Psychics (2015)
Zebraman 2: Attack on Zebra City (2010)
Yes. Vlacil is amazing.
The universe is trying to do you a favor by preventing you wasting money on a shit film
Why is it bad?
99% of them- I laugh out loud at how shitty they are
Wenders stopped giving a fuck halfway through his career
City Lights is Chaplin's most overrated work. Both the Kid and Modern Times are better.
Can't remember them all, but Superbad is on the list.

NTA, but imo, it is overrated, but not at all bad. You might like it a lot, but for me it was just another slice of life, comfy kino. A 7.5/10.
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My favorite is the Gold Rush
Superbad came out in 2007 (God I feel old)
>Search: rape
>126 torrents
Any essential asian rape kino?
I avoid modern movies
Lol, I didn't even realize
ITT: Demoralization kino. Please explain the meaning and or logic behind Tristana's actions to me, thanks.
Copeterion redditors malding. Bravo, Svet!
>”explain it to me!”
How the fuck do these fanboys justify the numerous butcher jobs from Criterion?
Janet Gaynor is cute
you're cute
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Thanks anon, you too
Good morning, /film/
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>Bi Gan's uncle passes you the mic
your next move?
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More kino with miserable, envious main characters?
What's this? Looks great, can't even tell when it was made.
Sound and Fury
Technicolor was a magical thing.
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What's wrong with the Birkin family?
Porto das Caixas 1963
Color film stock had a fairly low dynamic range back then, which gave it a more contrasty look with punchier colors. The lighting is also hugely important.

Night River isn't Technicolor though. Japs never made a Technicolor film.
Raffaello Matarazzo is the king of melodramas.
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all garbage and the majority of those aren't even 2024 films
I hate movies.
reddit go home
Pictures of Ghosts is from 2023 thougbeit.
most of these are from 2023, i hate how people assemble those lists not by worldwide premiere but by local premiere
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What did you think of it?

>A Simple Story comes across as a document, as a clinical statement on reality. And I insist on the word “clinical.” Marcel Hanoun presents a film where the suspense does not come from the social aspect of the heroine’s misadventures, but rather from their pathological aspect. Marcel Hanoun’s originality is to have been able to not only describe a dramatic situation, but also to elaborate a woman’s character. That’s why I like this film. - JEAN-LUC GODARD
>I have not a drop of doubt that Marcel Hanoun is the most important and the most interesting French filmmaker since Bresson. - JONAS MEKAS
>Hanoun constructs the most elaborate, most rigorously controlled formal structure of any feature film thus far made. In my opinion, Hanoun has created one of the few genuine masterpieces in the entire history of cinema. - NOËL BURCH

Fuck Indiewire
>Night River isn't Technicolor though. Japs never made a Technicolor film.
Perhaps but it uses some older form of color process, maybe some nerd can tell us what it is.
No surrealism in this movie, if anything, it just has some dashes of symbolism. You didn't even see it.
Evil Does Not Exist is a 1/10
It's just regular color negative of the time. Daieicolor, which is basically just rebranded Eastmancolor.
I've not watched this, but L'Été was hot.
True, shame she wasn't in anything else.
>Michel Piccoli
Have you realised that he just appears in a fuckton of old movies by various renowned directors yet he isn't that well known?
I know him. In the biblical sense.
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This was gorgeously animated but similarly to their Van Gogh movie a bit too overblown in tone, and dramatically a bit too conventional. The ending also felt far-fetched, they really tried too hard to make a point that was already clear (although maybe it was like that in the book too idk).
What I found shocking is that it actually has ery mixed reception from American critics. I have read some reviews and it's just pure retardation. Especially comments about this movie being misogynistic. It couldn't be more feminist (and anti-white in general, rural traditional life le bad an all that) if it tried. Mutts are so fucking infantilized.
no safety regulations back then.
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What did I think of Millennium Mambo, /film/?
You wanted to place your tiny pecker on her succulent lips.
Nothing, because you didn't watch it.
My pecker isn't tiny!
You caught me. Anyway I need to know what I should think of it when I eventually watch it. Doesn't hurt to be prepared. Hell, if you guys tell me what to think of it, I might not even have to watch it.
You thought it was overrated shit
I thought we liked HHH? is /film/ a Yang general now?
>You caught me
lmao where did you get that idea? Especially with zoomer mambo, which is criterion Reddit tier babbys first foreign film look at me I’m special
we do. ignore the baiting sperg. HHH, Yang, and Tsai are all great
Didn't know the dude from WWE was into arthouse kino.
I've seen it a long time ago. So I'm not sure about its meaning, but Bunuel apparently had a thing for taking respectable women and making them in to whores. See Belle de Jour. Was it his way of criticizing and satirizing bourgeois morality or just his fetish. I dunno.

I've watched Ozu's Last Spring right after watching The Human Condition trilogy. Seeing all those smiling and carefree faces just doing everyday stuff in Tokyo after watching 9 hours of war brutalities was really refreshing. Even if the movie had an unhappy ending. I've loved it.
Late Spring*
It's the second best Ozu for me. Tokyo Story was very overrated. Tokyo Twilight is his best..
I feel Tristana was not really a whore though, more like just a bitch. I didn't understand why did she fuck Lope then hated him instantly after, same with all other men in the movie. It's kinda like a misandric movie in a way, her character has been one of the only times in my life where I've felt like hating feminine nature. I think the conversation she has with the priest says it better than I can explain; the priest says to her "you shouldn't hate Lope, she loves you and is a good man", and she answers him with "the more good a man is, the more I hate him", like wtf? What did Buñuel mean by this? I'm trying to make sense of the message of these words, trying to find a logic, a theory behind why some women are this way.
Triple H is certified /film/. Yang the fortune cookie salesman is no/film/.
How so? I didn't think it was as good as Drive My Car but still found it worthwhile.

He's right, ya know!
A Star is Born (1937)
They had colour film in 37?
Here and there, yeah. David O Selznick liked lavish technicolor productions. 2 years later he produced Gone With the Wind
I'll explain: the movie was on the path to being a 9 to 10 out of 10 BEFORE the ending. The ending trivialized the entire film and was probably one of the most forced moments in cinema that I remember ever seeing. I was just discussing this movie with my mom like half an hour ago; I said to her "you can get the best cake in the world, but if you take a shit over the cake, that shit is worth noting", well, same reasoning for this film. Last 15 minutes are a complete insult to kino and the audience
>They had colour film in 37?
/film/ everybody!
>I said to her "you can get the best cake in the world, but if you take a shit over the cake, that shit is worth noting"
I hope she slapped you in the face for being disrespectful to her using that language, then I hope she slammed a hammer into your wrist breaking numerous bones for making such a retarded, idiotic analogy. I’m sure she’s very embarrassed and ashamed of you and cries herself to sleep every night
Lol, I curse a lot ever since I was 6 years old and discovered the word "bitch". My parents don't care, neither do my teachers in Uni or my friends. I'd suggest to start using curse words yourself, I think it makes you look funnier / more badass
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>after watching The Human Condition trilogy.
Did you like it? I found it to be very moving and it's definitely one of my favorites. The third one is somehow in Letterboxd's top 10 movies of all time but I still think it's underrated as fuck. Outside of Japan it's fairly obscure for something so monumental, more people need to watch it. Especially Tatsuya Nakadai fans
I mean the most popular films of the 30s were in color
>My parents don't care, neither do my teachers in Uni or my friends
About you? Yes, that’s obvious.
About to see Solaris, what will I think of it?
You won't get it
A failure, as admitted from Tark himself.
But the cinematography is fucking baller.
You won't care a bit about the fat protagonist being sad about his non-character wife for the entire film and thus think the movie is trash.
gonna watch 2-4 kinos tonight boys and girls. give me your best wednesday night /film recs. i like
>boobs and waifus but not soft core or romance
>good cinematography, no DIY shaky cam bullshit
>plot driven not character driven
Solaris is cool, I wish there was more stuff like it
>The ending trivialized the entire film and was probably one of the most forced moments in cinema that I remember ever seeing.
I get where you're coming from, but the movie has a lot of tension building up to that point. It doesn't come out of nowhere. Movies that try and crowbar in some life or death drama that isn't warranted at all do exist though. Pic related.
Based on your likes:

Kill Bill
Django (60s film)
Plein soleil
I and most of the people in the theater felt it came from nowhere. I heard many people saying "that's it?" in absolute confusion when the ending came. I also saw the film with my mom and my brother and we all thought that the ending sucked and was incomprehensible. Since then, I've read about the meaning of the film and got some of the subtext, but I still feel that the execution was terrible.
cheers anon. i'm not a tarantino fan, seen django and have no desire to rewatch those. persona however is not the first time i've considered watching it, so tonight is the night.
Im getting into Bergman and so far Ive seen his most known films, like The 7th seal and Persona.
What Films of his should I watch next
I only like Django and Plein soleil from that film list, but I think all 4 are coherent with your like list.
I decided to watch some popular classics I still haven't watched. Why in the fuck are there so many versions of Apocalypse Now, should I just watch the theatrical one?
Skammen is the only one of his films that I've watched that has connected with me. I'd rec that one, then Virgin Spring. That one was a little better than what I've watched from him.
Extended has a lot more boobs, so that's good, but you also have to endure the pace-shattering french colonial scenes
I always watch theatrical cuts for everything just because I want to watch the OG versions first. I watched Redux for Apocalypse Now (unintentionally btw) and I thought it was great. Don't recommend theatrical cuts for LotR trilogy though, horrible editing and sequencing.
Cries and Whispers
Watched this one today, was good on a technical level. As usual with Bergman, I felt it was mid and unentertaining, but that's just me. A decent 7.5/10 all things considered.
>Virgin Spring
I saw that one and since I liked it and it wasnt so well known I wanted to know about some other "hidden gems". Thanks I will check that one out.
The ending filtered me
Why didn't he intervene when his girl was walking up to a wounded deer? Was she dead? If you're pushed to the point where you're ready to sacrifice your life, why choke out the one guy who seemed to have a genuine interest in learning about your world instead of going Ted K on the upper management?
The photography and score were both superb so I still enjoyed it. The long shot of the trees with that winding chord progression was insane.
Well, I dunno, I watched like 15 Bergman films and this is the only one that made me feel something. You can try The Silence (1963), it's pretty unique
Redux if you are not a pleb and like boobs.
Yeah, the ending was so bizarre. My brother said to me that all of what you wrote in the spoiler should be seen as a surrealistic montage, and I think he might be onto something; for example the deer looked totally fake, kinda like a puppet, but I still feel that if the director's intention was to make a last scene surrealistic montage, the execution was poor and the tonal contrast is too much as to feel smooth. I bet the movie will continue filtering people over the years, but it might get remembered in cult circles as either being underrated in the "people didn't get this at the time of its release" or "the ending is historically bad, but it's so bad that it's cult" kind of ways.
I sort of feel conflicted on that one. The theatrical version is obviously the one that became popular and beloved but Redux/director's cut is the more 'complete' one. Redux is also like 3,5 hours long jesus fuck. Okay I guess I'll watch Redux. I'm not from America and frankly don't know much about the Vietnam war but I'm really interested in how this film compares to The Deer Hunter
I find it interesting that we both feel like his movies are not that intriguing overall. I will continue to watch his ouvre, as I think that Skammen was legitimately great, but as of now I feel that he might be overrated or that I just don't get it. I feel that his works are very slow and boring, but not in a way that is interesting to me most of the time.
Still haven't watched it but I will. Yeah Bergman is just boring as fuck to me, his 90 minute films feel like they are twice as long. Not disrespecting him by any means but his cinema is just not my cup of tea. I just don't get why he is so popular because he feels like a filmmaker who is supposed to fiter a fuckton of people yet he gets almost Kubrick levels of praise
The Seasons in general is kino, so I'm very interested in his other stuff.
>His 90 minute films feel like they are twice as long.

I feel just the same. Persona feels so long for a 80 minute film... and it's just so meandering and abstract. I think I have discovered why I feel the way that I feel about him: it's because his films feel to me like they lack any kind of tonal differentiation from scene to scene and from feature to feature. In a way, I'd compare his films to drone music, after 40 mins or so you just kinda fall into a trance, but in music you can zone out and enjoy, while a film requires your full attention to be worth your time. Add to that that he didn't seem to have much of a sense of humor or awareness of how serious and morose his films come, and you have a recipe for some seriously hard to watch features on your hands. Lastly, a lot of authors amongs all kinds of art forms get a lot of praise from critics while the normal enthusiast feel not much from them, I've met a few people that criticize Dali's paintings for reasons that I've myself identified in me relating to his pictures, but the critics continue to suck his dick when much of his ouvre I'd characterize as lazy and irrelevant. Maybe the same happens to Bergman, idk.
Well he filtered the both of you so bow down
I'm gonna see if Tark can filter me one more time then
Looking for a foreign film which i don't know the name of, most likely from a scandinavian country, it could have been Danish, I have only seen one scene from it, the subject of the film was probably LGBT related since in that one clip i've seen there were two boys, teenagers probably, in bed, possibly engaging in mutual masturbation, no nudity of course, they were clothed, maybe covered by the duvet too, the camera moved from looking at them from the top downwards to their feet, as they were doing it, their feet, still in their socks, touched and rustled about together. The scene itself had dark colours, but it did not take place during the night. They could have been the a house located in the countryside, like a cottage. The film might be from the 2010's. Thank you.
The Virgin Spring
Have you watched Ikarie XB-1 aka Voyage to the End of the Universe?
>The Human Condition trilogy.

would you guys consider Human Condition trilogy to be among one of the best films you have ever seen?

I want to watch it but it is 9 hours long and the first hour and a half I saw seemed too detached and unengaging. I want to try rewatching it with a clearer head and better mindset, but I don't want to waste 9 hours if the whole film sort of feels like the first hour and a half.
>would you guys consider Human Condition trilogy to be among one of the best films you have ever seen?
Not even close.
No. The script is great, but I don't find Kobayashi's directorial style to be anywhere near interesting or effective enough to elevate the trilogy to that status.
>I don't find Kobayashi's directorial style to be anywhere near interesting or effective enough to elevate the trilogy to that status.

I think that was exactly my problem with it. It seems like a massive novel which I like, but it doesn't have the filmmaking craftsmanship to back it up which I feel it needed it just from the 90 minutes I watched.
I might skip out on it until I have seen absolutely everything else.

yeah figures.
Just finished Asako I and II what a great film. There is something about Asako feels very deep even though she is supposed to be a vacant face type girl. She also was an incredibly shitty person but for some reason wanted her to redeem herself and get her life back together.
Youre simping, but its only natural
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Is the before trilogy actually worth the time?
I hated boyhood btw.
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I need a suicidal Japanese gf
Can confirm, got filtered by Tark yet again, this time with Solaris. I'm declaring this guy a hack; there is no way that this film is even considered to be one of the best of all time. Execution is beyond amateur, even the coloring is so unappealing and ugly to look at. Kris' actor performance looks like he doesn't want to be there and doesn't give a fuck about the movie anyways, bressonian type shit. I only cared about some of the dialogue and atmosphere contained in the film but, other than that, this was a complete waste of my time. 3/10.
Are you the guy that only watched Mirror and Stalker before, right? Watch Andrei Rublev the day you're in the mood for a 3 hours epic, or just watch Ivan's Childhood. If none of these you find of your liking, then it's over (it's over.)
Solaris is his worst work imo.
Is Kluge the king of slop?
Yes I am. I'll watch everything by Tark, but I lost my hope with him today. I have no issue with watching long films, but he has the power to make a 2h45min film feel like a 5 hour one. I'd say it's over for me, Gallo time incoming.
Yes, but he should’ve never done the third
What was the point of this? We told you it was shit, even Tark said it was shit. You still watched it- and you thought it was shit.
…okay? No fucking shit it was a waste of time. We tried telling you.
I think you’re just literally fucking retarded, in which case I’m glad you’re filtered by his other films which are legitimate masterpieces- we don’t want retards in the Tark fangroup.
ngl if I was the cuck from the film I also would've taken Asako back.
The point of this was experiencing the shitness myself, to have my own opinions instead of just repeating what other people said to me. Solaris is considered one of the best films of all time by many, many people, they didn't care about Tark's opinion, or anyone else's for that matter.
>Solaris is considered one of the best films of all time by many, many people
>The point of this was experiencing the shitness myself, to have my own opinions instead of just repeating what other people said to me
What a deceitful statement. You obviously don’t do this for every film, so your logic falls apart.
“Oh it’s just for films that people say is one of the greatest”
I thought it didn’t matter what others thought? And you needed to experience it on your own? So you should also do this regardless of what others say for every single film in existence.
And obviously you don’t do this either. You’re a liar, a hypocrite, a piece of shit, and if I ever saw you in person I would beat the shit out of you. Sadly, not to “knock some sense” into you- it’s impossible to give any amount of sense to a completely braindead retard. No, I’d be doing it just to inflict physical pain onto you and create great feelings of pleasure for myself.
Anyone know where I can have sex with hot White Russian girls?

Voted number 81 film of all time on the RYM canon with 5872 votes atm. Impressive number.

>So you should also do this regardless of what others say for every single film in existence.

That's what I do within my limits: I always experience everything that interests me firsthand.
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French cinema to me so far is shit. They can do action pretty well, cinematography is quite good, but other than that, they just bore the audience with useless bullshit.
Even in French noir, you expect excitement, but 90% of it is so dry and casual, the dialogue is basically
>Did she pick up the flowers yesterday?
>No, it was too cold for flowers
>Ah, so she did not receive them?
>No, not this month, at least
>Ah, very well then.
>And your brother?
>Fine, yes, indeed. Like the old times.
>Ah yes, when the peaches were in bloom.
>Yes, yes, the peaches. And how in bloom they were.
>In bloom, yes. That is how I remember the peaches. Do you remember the peaches?
>Ah, yes. In bloom, as always.
>As always.
>Ah, yes.
And then 20% of the film where something happens is supposed to keep your interest
I have not and will not see any of these
You sound kind of retarded ngl.
And now?

I did like The Human Condition. If I had a complaint about it, it would be that it got too melodramatic at times with Kaji's goodness and anti-war stance. Like the time he got a slipper shoved down his throat by the veterans in the second movie. But not a major issue. I've seen people complain about the ending. But I thought the ending fit perfectly with the message of the movies. The trilogy is about the pointlessness of war and Kaji goes through all hell just too see his wife again, even killing people along the way, which even if necessary, he as a pacifist probably saw as a betrayal of his ideals in a way. And yet after all that he dies somewhere in the Siberian taiga hallucinating about his wife.

I disagree. Drone music is the equivalent of slow cinema like Jeanne Dielman. Persona is short and to the point. While it could be interpreted in different ways, its actually pretty straightforward. Both in structure and dialogue. I liked it a lot.
>RYM canon
You slapped yourself, now you look kinda retarded
White Russian as in the political movement? Probably somewhere in Western Europe in 1918.
for $65

>Gas fees occur for any transaction or attempted transaction on the blockchain. The amount will vary depending on a variety of factors such as how many people are using the network at that moment. We do not control gas prices, nor do we receive or profit from them, and we are not able to refund gas fees. You'll pay gas fees even if you weren't able to successfully purchase as they are non-refundable.
in english, doc?
i just watched the seventh seal today, fucking boring honestly
winter light is much better
It's good
>would you guys consider Human Condition trilogy to be among one of the best films you have ever seen?
No. It's good and moving, but not on that level. Harakiri on the other hand...
Why does this general dislike Solaris so much? The levitation scene is one of the best things ever filmed
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Please recommend some 30's movies.
I don't know, I think it's a classic. The only two Tark films that are complete dogshit for pseuds (yes I said the word but at least I didn't say pretentious) are Mirror and Sacrifice, the rest are great
The Bitter Tea of General Yen
La Chienne
City Girl
Drums Along the Mohawk
The Goddess
Humanity and Paper Balloons
An Inn in Tokyo
Judge Priest
Le Million
Les Misérables
Osaka Elegy
Queen Kelly
Salt for Svanetia
Sisters of the Gion
A Story of Floating Weeds
Tange Sazen and the Pot Worth a Million Ryo
Tokyo Chorus
Westfront 1918
The Whole Town's Talking
Any hyperlink kinos?
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Is this /film/?
of course. everything Sonic related is /film/
Thoughts on the tenant?
start with Doc's Kingdom
Solaris is great, as are all of Tark's films. The Steamroller and the Violin is the only film of his that I wouldn't say is a masterpiece, but it is still very good, especially for his first film
>student short
Shouldn't count. I agree with the rest, even Tarkovsky's 'weak' films are better than most others. And Nostalghia is underrated
Cool film, but Repulsion and Rosemary's Baby are the better parts of the apartment trilogy
I didn't find Harakiri that interesting, I bet there are better samurai films with the same theme.
What do you guys like about Tark? As I've said, I hate the guy's films with a passion, but I want to know what people see in him
>I bet there are better samurai films
There aren't
does /film/ like The Kino Corner?
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Some decent atmospheric thriller/neo-noir suggestions?
I watched Angel Heart a few days ago, and I liked it.
Possibly something pre-2000s, I don't usually like the look of modern ones.

Downloading The Conformist amt.
>slogging through Twin Peaks, constantly hear it gets great
>mfw FWWM is great
>mfw season 3 is great
god dammit. Why the hell is all of this buried behind hours of absolute dogshit?
Most of S2 is dogshit, I don't think Lynch was even involved for most of it because he fought with the studio about the killer's reveal or some shit.
That kwab Godard got mogged by Dreyer here.
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Dreyer ascetic theater
Yes, but he should've never done the first
Because the newfags here are utterly retarded.
That’s all the dumb fucks drinking hateraid about Bergman, Tark, and Godard
They’ll learn the errors of their ways. They’ll fucking learn. I’ll make them learn.
Make them learn anon.
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which way /film/?
The silent film
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Murnau is all you need
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Casablanca is the best pro-America propaganda I've ever seen. Easy 9.5/10, some cheesy, dated dialogue and melodrama hold it back from perfection. Also, why was Bogart consistently swagged out in every movie he ever appeared? Dude was dripping everytime lol
Murnau of course.
>some cheesy, dated dialogue and melodrama hold it back from perfection
That's atmosphere, that's what makes it perfection
If anyone wanted an update, I got the blu ray and I plan to watch it this weekend.
>all these niggers filtered by based Svankmajer, Sokurov, and Yuzna
I feel bad for you
All his films are structured the same and he rehashed the same scenes and feelings and it's Kino every time
I feel it wasn't atmospheric for me, just bad writing, but very minor in how it distracts from the film. Memorable one liners every 2 seconds, literally, with one or two cringy quotes in all of its runtime.
Hack. His comedies are dogshit and those pro-refugee propaganda films were just embarrassing. Fallen Leaves was just a shitty remake of Shadows in Paradise.
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No it's not, unless you're curious why they're so praised.
Watching them reveals a lot about the sort of people that rate them highly (minimal amount of trauma and tribulations, secure prosocial childhood)
They're the penultimate talky movies for people who don't read books and buy their outfits from H&M and Nike
please stop thinking Linklater is of any quality while you're ahead
I get the feel that Finns watch his films and think "lol aren't we just so autistic and quirky :)"
My Finnish friend says they all look like they're taking place in some alternate 1950s Finland timeline
>His comedies are dogshit
The sushi scene from The Other Side of Hope is kino.
Roy Andersson is much worse when it comes to remaking the same film over and over, but gets much less shit for it.
I will let everyone know if I regret it in a future thread.
do yuropoors really think that the US has no greenery?
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Svankmajer (kino) > Sokurov (underrated and kino) > Murnau (overrated)
Roy Andersson mogs Kaurismaki. Better formally and his films usually have some variety.
>every scene is a static eye-level fisheye lens shot
>good form
Watch Bresson.
The first 3 are all great and very different. Murnau is the classic gothic take, second best Murnau after Sunrise. Svankmajer is the most inventive, funny and surreal take, probably my favorite. Sokurov is pure schizophrenia, I think this one might filter lot of people.
>fisheye lens
Good thing you exposed you don't know what you're talking about in the first sentence, so I don't have to respond any further, thank you.
>gets btfo
>acts like a woman
Like clockwork.
I accept your concession.
>Better formally
how so?
>fisheye lens
>watch Bresson
More measured.
Shooting every scene identically hardly feels measured. More lazy than anything.
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Should I watch Perfect Days, Eating Raoul or Hot Millions (1968) tonight?
He just values consistency.
Someone like Ozu manages to be consistent without making it seem like the director was asleep on set.
Fair enough. Fuck Andersson.
*Smokes a nigarette*
It's time to veg out.
are there any /film/ tubers?
Hot pic, wish that was me getting ridden. Just watch Perfect Days bro, not my fave, but most relevant and memeable on /film/.
This one's my favorite
lel, wtf is this?
Name of films?
Second one is Branded to Kill (1967)
A Story of the Last Sun in the Days of the Bakamatsu Shogunate Era
Yeah but which story?
A Story of the Last Sun in the Days of the Bakamatsu Shogunate Era
WHO'S on first?
Mr. Grifter
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Where do you guys fall on Paul Schraeder's autism chart?
Unironically Tsai-Ming Liang for me. I don't know why he is outside Tark's ring, as I hate Tark and think he is way more challenging to watch and enjoy than Tsai, king of /film/.
We don't sign our posts here.
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>and think he is way more challenging to watch
Tarkovsky is about as entry-level as farthouse gets.
Yeah, IDK how he is outside the ring.
Tsai>>>>>>>>>Yang>>>>>>>>>>>>Triple H
What does the N stand for?
Exit level for me. Much more challenging than Tsai, and Tark's at the level of Maya Deren, whom I find much more interesting and infinitely more enjoyable.
Narrative films. Basically everything that likely plays in your local theater.
>Warhol listed twice
>Benning not being under Surveillance
I could go on. I think this isn't autism, this is retardation.
What do you mean?
Because: “that’s the point where he is no longer making cinema for a paying audience. He’s making it for institutions, for museums, and so forth.”
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>not for a paying audience
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled...
Destroy everything inside the ring and nothing of value would be lost.
>Italian Neorealism
Ivan's Childhood was relentlessly shallow. Beautiful and expert in every way except story, and I am a firm believer in the fact that dialogue is often superfluous in storytelling. The problem was he had nothing to say, and failed even to say that. Or perhaps he had something to say, and the censors excised it completely. Come at me, bros.
Formally incompetent.
Baby's first avant-garde.
Empty filmmaking designed to impress midwits with visual tricks, gimmicks, and vapid political and societal commentary. Proto-Reddit.
>Italian Neorealism
Emotionally dishonest rubbish.
Perfume commercial director.
I think it's a Yojimbo angle for me tonight, what am I in for?
>Perfume commercial director.

As he should be, amazing aesthetic.

>Formally incompetent.

Not always.

>Baby's first avant-garde.

Best avant-garde in the game by a long shot.


Bro never did a bad film.
>Best avant-garde in the game by a long shot.
>t. has seen less than a dozen non-Deren avant-garde films
I've seen some experimental myself. I liked Color of the Pomegranates, might be on Deren's tier tbf
>Baby's first avant-garde.
People who remain plotfags at their core love Deren because she still creates linear narratives, albeit absurd ones. Her works are safe and easy to watch for those who don't want anything too experimental.
I guess, but she's cool and was hot
how is baby's first avant-garde nothing of value? what will the baby be left with??
>t. embryo (future baby)
Teletubbies unironically avant-garde film, highly recommend it for babies. I grew up on it.
Double Suicide
Off-topic, you know what to do.
Misuse of spoiler tags, you know what to do.
>thread almost reaching bump limit
You know what to do.
Gonna take another three hours until bump limit at this rate.
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Rosenbaum in the summer


>amazing aesthetic
Film equivalent of one of those cheap wooden signs you buy at a department store that says “live laugh love” or whatever
>A Touch of Zen
>Raining in the Mountain
>Dragon Inn
>Legend in the Mountain
>The Fate of Lee Khan
>Come Drink With Me
>The Valiant Ones
>The Story of Sue San
Yes, those are all films by King Hu. Was there a point to this post?
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more srewballs!
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>when most of the film consists of actors acting
This is legitimately disgusting. Capitalism is a disease.
Good action films are truly the pinnacle of the craft
Yeah, Hardcore Henry, Crank: High Voltage, The Road Warrior and Fury Road are great kino
action movies are boring slop
>t. insecure redditor
t. discord tranny
ok slop artists
>t. an enemy of cinema
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enemy of slop, defender of kino.
>genre cinema? AHHHH I'M GOING INSANE
'avin the lads over for an action cinema night
Funny how the usual people always have a soijak folder...
Stagecoach, North by Northwest, Die Hard
OP says Chinaman edition. King Hu was the first Chinaman to win a western festival award!

Yes, that is a response to a post. Was there a point to this post?

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