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Hoeflation was already so bad in 1997 that a literal god was considered equal in value to a used up roastie 10 years his senior.
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Hercules is a self-insert fantasy for manchildren so don't pretend that you don't want prime Greek milf (28 is middle age back then)

I feel like Hercules on bench monday. (145lbs, 3 sets, 8reps)
Simping was always a problem. If guys aren't aware of how their horniness works or how women operate they can easily be manipulated by them or the people using them.
She'd be nice for sex assuming she didn't have any nasty surprises waiting from her years of experience but that's it.
Her voice makes my heart melt and my dick diamonds
28y is the new 18y
I'm going to take some time to better myself. But I'm going to also take this time to also learn to identify quality characteristics so I pick better people to be around. especially in my romantic partner
she isn't fat and that's all it takes now
That's why you not only have men nowadays intentionally kept from knowing but they're fed propaganda starting as children about how these women are turbo virtuous victims even if they're actually the meanest whores. It makes manipulation much easier for the women and the subhuman creatures using them as the tools they are.
god shut up you fucking kids arent even havingg sex anymore and you wanna sit here and complain about the people from 1997 having sex at least they were. thats where all this frustration is comingg from isnt it little broccoli hair wigger faggot?
If having sex by itself meant all that much why are all the people who did it still mostly fat miserable losers and faggots? Uh oh stinky.
If you think about relationships in terms of value you should fix your heart. Not everything is transactional. Romance isn't a business.
If value didn't matter everyone would be perfectly fine fucking fugly blobs. If relationships were transactional, if there was actual expected give and take, men would be better off. "Love" and "romance" are used as weapons to excuse bad behavior. Actual love involves care which is lacking from these people anyway. Not only are they using it for manipulation but they don't even know what it means or care much about the ones they're manipulating.
>omg I LOVE you but I'm going to justify treating you like shit and giving you less using that LOVE
>teehee aren't you glad this isn't transactional and I don't owe you shit but you owe me the world
>isn't this so genuine and great
>goddess bless feminism
Such an obvious meme
wtf shes 10 years older???
I see all these zoomer women who are having psychotic breakdowns over having to work and pay taxes and saying they'd rather be housewives. Oh, wow, so staying at home all day and doing some housework and then sitting on your ass all day while your husband works his ass off for you instead is....better and easier? my god..
Don't talk like an imbecile wigger zoomer. Self respect and maturity please.
Women age worse than men
Why are older women so hot bros...
You ever been with a zoomer 18yo? They're fucking obnoxious
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