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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Olivia de Havilland edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Previous: >>201600511
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Yang clears Tsai
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>Hands up, you will marry me and have sex with me or I'll kill you
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there is still time to write the kino of you dreams
Yang was in the fortune cookie business. He made movies for western boomers who bought into the ancient Chinese secret, wise incense burners, feng shui, the gong hits and all that phony wrapped-in-fortune-cookie wisdom and confucian aphorisms. Right place at the right time. Yang props up his street sage table while at the same time his always intended audience began thinking the myths were being validated before their eyes, the east asian takeover, economy miracles, Made In _____.

His film Confucian Confusion (if the title wasn't enough to tip you off) is a confession and a portent of Yang's intent to be orientalist export product. He was a GRIFTER. Made just in time for the first generation of Taiwanese-Americans. Taipei Story, his first great effort (relatively speaking), dreams of going to the US. You should've taken Yang at face value on that one and understood that was always his goal. He studied in the US and lived in a Beverly Hills mansion until his death, only flying to Taiwan to shoot movies there. Dishonest filmmaking to its core.
Didn't read, won't read. Yang is clear.
Why would someone ruin his life for this hag, she literally looks like a romanian grocery clerk from a shop around the corner.
Is it really not possible to do Brakhage-like manipulations on digital?
>He studied in the US and lived in a Beverly Hills mansion until his death, only flying to Taiwan to shoot movies there.
Yep. He's only a step away from McDonald's arthouse.
It's another medium, really. You can do similar stuff but it won't be as human as intervention on actual film reel, let's say.
Well obviously you can't physically scratch or paint on digital like you can on film frames. Both digital and film have things you can't do with the other.
It must really hurt that you force some meme label FOR YEARS and still no one but you uses it

>nah, I don't care
>Confucian Confusion
That's only the English title RETARD.
We really need a /lgbt/+/film/ general to filter the scum.
I unironically believe so with all my heart. How hard could it really be?
Yang lived in the US and spoke English. No doubt he selected the title.
I really can't finish French movie.
Serious question, are you brown?
which essential american flimcore must be watched? like Billy Wilder
Serious question, are you gay?
Nicholas Ray
Monte Hellman
Sunset Boulevard
Treasure of the Sierra Madre
White Heat
It was kinda obvious, but I still had to ask. Don't bother to reply because I won't.
Indeed it was obvious you were a fag, you're kind has to spread your deviancy and hatred for women everywhere you go.

Also good picks.
John Huston
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Ma che bella donna!
All Ladies Do It (1992)
Are people who watch films more likely to fall for government psyops than those who don't, or does it depend on the type of film, maybe even genre, that determines the susceptibility to the underlying message in its program?
The guy reclining on the bed behind her is gorgeous, he has such luscious lips.
I'd say it's the opposite. At least people who actually engage with the movies instead of passively watching, so maybe a very small percentage of all viewers.
How badly do you want to get into women's pants? After all, isn’t that what it’s all about?
All the main films from the big guys at least: Ford, Hawks, Welles, Wyler, American Hitchcock, Griffith, Keaton, Chaplin, Lloyd, Lubitsch, Borzage, Berkeley, Capra, Sirk, Selznick, Kazan, Huston, Coppola, Mann, Ray, Boetticher, Zinnemann, De Palma, Scorsese, Spielberg, Peckinpah, Friedkin, Allen, Malick, Lumet, Demme, Bogdanovich and many, many more
Sir this is /film/, not /amerislop/.
literally who?
>maybe even genre, that determines the susceptibility to the underlying message in its program?
Yes. Someone who mostly watches avant-garde is likely a very different person from someone who loves films with partial government funding, be that Top Gun Maverick or Chinese blockbusters.
Gladly I'm not mentally ill like you are and hopefully I was replying to someone who also isn't.
/hor/ is on the other tab
This general gives off very bad vibes
Chinese blockbusters are /film/
The heckin vibes are off
Great scene
Funny, I was considering cropping him out of the picture, but I’m glad I didn’t because you liked him.
thanks ChatGPT
Not as badly as my desire to redeem myself and earn respect
So much this, there's an undercurrent of anti-trans sentiment that just throw the vibrations off.
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>So much this, there's an undercurrent of anti-trans sentiment that just throw the vibrations off.
And misogyny!
She's beautiful, thank you for posting her alongside a greentext of my post.
Transgenderism is just another form of misogyny.
ChatGPT wouldn't mention Borzage
ChatGPT would remember many more names than me
Hating transwoman is the same as hating bio woman.
Ew, fucking faggots
You're a misogynist and probably a pedophile as well, kindly throw yourself off the nearest tall building.
Can a correlation be drawn between people who watch movies regularly and the uptake of mRNA? Are people who like Corbet, for instance, more likely to take government products?
That's pure projection on your part and you know it, and I shan't oblige with your demands for suicide and instead wish upon you to acquire an open and tolerant mind.
what's the connection here
>someone disagrees with you
>now you need to seethe for hours and shitpost desperately, even going the /pol/ route looking for attention
/film/ gets the most insane people, truly
I'll never be tolerant of your child mutilating fetish cult and I wish the worst for all of you.
Since when has /film/ become infested with trannies and lawyers?
Movies are avenues for influencing attitudes, and thus behaviors. More generally, they can be used as propaganda to suggest ideologies which are in line with government policies.
But enough about you "centrist"-kun
“The Room Next Door” (dir. Pedro Almodóvar)
“Campo di Battaglia” (dir. Gianni Amelio)
“Leurs Enfants Apres Eux” (dir. L Boukherma, Z Boukherma)
“The Brutalist” (dir. Brady Corbet)
“The Quiet Son” (dir. Delphine Coulin, Muriel Coulin)
“Vermiglio” (dir. Maura Delpero)
“Iddu (Sicilian Letters)” (dir. Fabio Grassadonia, Antonio Piazza)
“Queer” (dir. Luca Guadagnino)
“Love” (dir. Dag Johan Daugerud)
“April” (dir. Dea Kulumbegashvili)
“The Order” (dir. Justin Kurzel)
“Maria” (dir. Pablo Larraín)
“Trois Amies” (dir. Emmanuel Mouret)
“Kill the Jockey” (dir. Luis Ortega)
“Joker: Folie à Deux” (dir. Todd Phillips)
“Babygirl” (dir. Halina Reijn)
“I’m Still Here” (dir. Walter Salles)
“Diva Futura” (dir. Giulia Louise Steigerwalt)
“Harvest” (dir. Athina Rachel Tsangari)
“Youth – Homecoming” (dir. Wang Bing)
“Stranger Eyes” (dir. Yeo Siew Hua)

>Out of Competition – Fiction
“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” (dir. Tim Burton)
“L’orto Americano” (dir. Pupi Avati)
“Il Tempo Che Ci Vuole” (dir. Francesca Comencini)
“Phantosmia” (dir. Lav Diaz)
“Maldoror” (dir. Fabrice Du Welz)
“Broken Rage” (dir. Takeshi Kitano)
“Baby Invasion” (dir. Harmony Korine)
“Cloud” (dir. Kiyoshi Kurosawa)
“Finalement” (dir. Claude Lelouch)
“Wolfs” (dir. J Watts)

>Out of Competition – Non-Fiction
“Apocalypse in the Tropics” (dir. Petra Costa)
“Bestiari, Erbari, Lapidari” (dir. M D’anolfi, M Parenti)
“Why War” (dir. Amos Gitai)
“2073” (dir. Asif Kapadia)
“One to One: John & Yoko” (dir. Kevin Macdonald, Sam Rice-Edwards)
“Separated” (dir. Errol Morris)
“Israel Palestine on Swedish TV 1958-1989” (dir. Goran Olsson)
“Russians at War” (dir. Anastasia Trofimova)
“Things We Said Today” (dir. Andrei Ujica)
“Songs of Slow Burning Earth” (dir. O Zhurba)
“Riefenstahl” (dir. Andres Veiel)
“Disclaimer” (dir. Alfonso Cuarón)
TIFF getting announced soon.
american hours
>watching films from current year
most zoomers got the clot show, and they watch less movies than any other generation today. I don't think movies really matter that much in the grand scheme of things. Social media is a thousand times more powerful tool of influence.
t. darkielover
>luv traps
>'ate trans"women"
>simple as
>I love eating shit
>I hate eating diarrhea
That's you
just say nigger, you faggot redditor. also nigger or not, you can't deny that Symbiopsychotaxiplasm is one of the greatest American films ever made
instead of tunneling on it being caused by one thing, why not focus on a more reasonable explanation? such as it being the cause of a multitude of things which contribute to a person's behavior. i bet a capeshit fan is more likely to have given in to government coercion than someone who only watches 20th century nippon films.
>someone who only watches 20th century nippon films.
This person doesn't exist
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wrong. there is a very big difference between someone like this and the 'MA'AM"s that occupy discords and twitter
I've watched everything by Lynch except Twin Peaks.
>there is a very big difference between someone like this and the 'MA'AM"s that occupy discords and twitter
They're both men and you're gay if you find them attractive.
That's someone's son.
>Out of Competition (Series)
Disclaimer, dir: Alfonso Cuaron
The New Years, dir: Rodrigo Sorogoyen Del Amo, Sandra Romero, David Martín De Los Santos
Families Like Ours, dir: Thomas Vinterberg
M: Son of the Century, dir: Joe Wright

Nonostante, dir: Valerio Mastandrea
Quiet Life, dir: Alexandros Avranas
Mon Inséparable, dir: Anne-Sophie Bailly
Aïcha, dir: Mehdi Barsaoui
Happy Holidays, dir: Scandar Copti
Familia, dir: Francesco Costabile
One of Those Days When Hemme Dies, dir: Murat Firatoglu
Familiar Touch, dir: Sarah Friedland
Marco, dirs: Jon Garano, Aitor Arregi
Carissa, dirs: Jason Jacobs, Devon Delmar
Wishing on a Star, dir: Peter Kerekes
Mistress Dispeller, dir: Elizabeth Lo
The New Year that Never Came, dir: Bogdan Muresanu
Pooja, Sir, dir: Deepak Rauniyar
Of Dogs and Men, dir: Dani Rosenberg
Pavements, dir: Alex Ross Perry
Happyend, dir: Neo Sora
L’Attachement, dir: Carine Tardieu
Diciannove, dir: Giovanni Tortorici
even all his shorts? he's got some stinkers. go watch Twin Peaks now. comfy show
that's why it's based
I'm not attracted to men that look like men, just men that look like women. which is still gay, yes, but I feel it's less gay than someone who is attracted to someone like this
and that's a good thing
>it's less gay
Gay means you are attracted to other men. Whether they wear a dress or a suit doesn't come into it.
We should cut EU public funding for experimental garbage that nobody watches.
Just put "subversive" anywhere in the movie description and have some gay shit going on that nobody cares about but a clique of elite fartsniffers and you collect taxes from the EU public.
I already agreed that it's gay, and I can see you're not going to accept my point, so no more responses after this. but would you really say that a man who likes getting pegged or his ass eaten out by a woman is not gayer than someone who just fucks women, even if they are all technically straight actions? there are different levels of straight or gay
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If you were forced to have sex with one of these people which would you choose?
False dilemma, both are freaks.
Agreed that public funding should be cut entirely, but one does not get any public funds if they're actually experimental. Publically funded films are all formally safe trash with government-approved messaging. Possibly the least artistic form of filmmaking there is, even lower than capeshit.
Buck for sure, she's a woman
You're a fucking idiot.
gun to your head, you must choose to fuck one of them or you will die
Triggered morons don't know that the film business was not a respectable profession for beautiful society girls or even beautiful girls of any class because they were whores and untraditional in most of the cases. That is why you this ugly Ukrainian origin golem made up with 10 pounds of powder and cream and 500 watts of brute lights to make her more "appear" prettier using soft lens and smoke. All of these women drank smoke heavily.
If things have come to that point, death is the most honorable choice
forced to choose between two selections, yes also i watched imamura's ballad of narayama last week
So If you're attracted to transwomen that look like pic related ... you're straight ? Boy, I have news for you ... you're gay.
You have to pick one or you and everyone you loves burns in hell for eternity
I'm not attracted to ugly hairy women with mental issues, sorry.
Haha you would fuck that you a gay ass nigga lmao
Then I’ll purposely not pick either >:)
Trannies ITT revealing just how regressive, homophobic, and sexist their entire ideology is.
I've asked this question probably 300 times over many many years on this website and it's basically a law now that if someone doesn't want to answer that means they pick Bailey... Out of the people I got to answer after pestering for many posts they always pick Bailey. It's obviously the less gay choice
homophobia and sexism is based thoughbeit
She's a woman, the other woman looking man has a dick, therefore, if I fuck him, I'd be gay. Checkmate atheist.
Bailey is gay because he has a dick, Buck's pussy is top notch
I just want everyone I know to suffer for eternity including myself
>summerfags shitflinging /pol/ & /leftypol/ arguments again
can we just get back to discussing films? what have you been watching recently, anons?
Yi Yi is still the best film ever made
This guy is a tranny coping
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Even this cat?
The Crying Game
The Danish Girl
Breakfast On Pluto
A Fantastic Woman
I'm watching X (2022) then Pearl (2022) later. Gonna watch Maxxxine tomorrow in my local kinoplex.
I love this. It's like Come and see in feudal Russia.
I purposely don’t love the cat so it’s spared
I prefer A Brighter Summer Day
lmao @ u, tastelet
Filmed theater. Anti-cinema. Actor worship.
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/film/, what do we think about Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga? It's unpopular and flopped amongst normies so maybe it's worth considering as a hidden gem.
Off-topic, you know what to do.
Doesn't fly, I think, your typical /film/er can't into genre cinema
Plenty of slop flops all the time. That doesn't mean anything by itself.
Good insight. Rarely do we have questions that challenge the normative operations here at /film/. The short and sweet of it is, yes. Absolutely. The more DEI the better.
Not your personal army
Horrible argument
It's a statement, not an argument, you ESL fool.
Wouldn’t that make it a horrible argument then? A cup is a horrible car.

Checkmate, retard
If you want to report something, go ahead and do that. But your dreams of wannabe janny deadstop at your end.
an arguement could also be a premise, an idea, something prompting an intial statement
>Wouldn’t that make it a horrible argument then?
>A cup is a horrible car.
No, it's not any sort of a car. Take some English classes.
>/film/'s dullest ghoul gets upset by being called ESL
How about some satire films from the last decade?
>can’t interpret ideas or concepts
>can’t think philosophically
You’re worse than ESL- you’re literally retarded
The Crowded Train 1957 by ichikawa
>throws around words like 'philosophically' to cover for his lack of education
Many such cases.
Where is offtopic dude when we need him? This thread sucks
That's not how linguistics work tho
/film/ sucks, and actually has always been shit even when it wasn't as bad as it now
Found this really boring, I really liked City of Pirates and Love Torn in Dreams so its a shame.
>Found this really boring
>you were warned
Oh noes, not le warnerino! Get bent, janny
The kid couldnt act for shit and the surrealist/magical elements felt really hollow. Didn't care about anything that happened
B word stopped reading right there opinion immediately discarded
Boring post
how would you know the subject is a word without having first seen its content?
Based, you btfo of that faggot, he doesn't have an answer for this
he got got
San Sebastian clears this line-up just by the virtua of having new Serra there.
If your OOC line-up looks better than your comp you're in trouble. I'm interested in Wang Bing and I will check out the new Guadagnino due to the source material.
Ok film, that's about it. Better than most mainstream slop though.
Watch Three Crowns of a Sailor
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Has anyone seen this? Any thoughts?
Left is a woman. You said it.
>Has anyone seen this?
Yes, there was plenty of discussion about it earlier this year.
>Any thoughts?
A dizzying, dazzling feat of social critique. A maddeningly radical Godard-meets-Harmony Korine Romanian masterpiece. Wild, hilarious and cryptically profound.
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Speaking of trannies https://x.com/Matty_Ixnay/status/1815758915986166191
Okay, Matty.
Mamma mia!
Mamma mia!
The fuck has this general become? Why are 90% of posters acting like fucking morons? Wtf, fuck you, I don't want to talk to you anymore. Cunts
Settle down sis, are you on your period or something?
Is it just me or do movies from the early 30s have a severe lack of soundtrack? It's like they leaned so hard into synchronized dialogue they thought music was unnecessary
Bresson is one of the only filmmakers who really understood music in film and used it well.
Modern-day directors could learn from them. Most filmmakers use music in such obvious and generic ways that many film scores often become unintentionally comical.
Then these filmmakers understood cinema, films should have no narrative, actors and preferably no music or sounds as well, all of it denatures the true meaning, intention and purity of the captured images.
>out of competition looks more interesting
Venice is just advertisement for Hollywood at this point
only ones I'm even slightly interested in
oh and Diaz, I missed him
Thought this fag retired already.
I'm becoming a sociopath slowly but surely; I've had enough of this world, movies for this feel?
Purple Noon
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Joe Pesci in Goodfellas and Casino?
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Dead Calm

Watch more De Palma. Master of Kino.
>new Rohrwacher stars Leos Carax
>more De Palma
Already seen that and his later films are crap.
Fuck off you fucking miserable cunt.
Want weirder? The new Guadagnino stars Lisandro Alonso and David Lowery.
Femme Fatale is kino you FUCK
Is this a certified humiliation ritual?
schifo Guadamerdino
Have seen all 3

I'll check it out
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What are some good musicals?
His last good film lmao.
Moses und Aron
Yes, and it's a fantastic one. Pity he didn't retire on that high note.
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More 'interesting' than good or bad, like all Straub-Huillet.
Actually, often they managed to not even be interesting, those dirty commies.
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I liked Passion and Domino.
>More 'interesting' than good or bad
This is how all art should be viewed. There is no such thing as “good” or “bad”.

Hopefully, you’ll all come around to this fact. If not- back to capeshit for the lot of you, ranking and numbering art as GOOD or BAD experiences, whatever the fuck that delusional naivety even means
But you're a dumb faggot.
Stop trying so hard
straubidi huillet
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Thank you kind sir!
Joker is literally certified /film/ at this point.
I didn't even know a contraption like this existed, quality doesn't look too bad even.
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based, but I prefer the calculator
What about audio?
film is a VISUAL medium
It's an AUDIOvisual medium, sweetie.
wrong. audio is worthless
I like Stanwyck as an actress, but she never would've gotten her foot in the door if she had started a decade later than she did. Ditto a lot of other 30s actresses. De Havilland debuting in 1935's Captain Blood is when the beauty standards started to change for the better.
Ohhh the 8 halves
What's the best /film/?
afuny ting ahpend on the ay to the form
Doc's Kingdom
Bullseye opinion.
And no bigger case of an 'odd' beauty from the Hollywood's Golden Age than Bette Davis.
It's film, not filmusic or filmears
true cinema should be forbidden to have any audio at all
You can have your true cinema, just mute everything, fucking retarded faggot
It's not worthless, you're retarded.

Most film has audio in the same strip.
Dumb and low iq, you can't even fathom how the process itself of capturing audio negatively influences the filmmaking
After you.
Explain it, smarty-pants.
Nuh uh.
>look how different I am mom, they can't get how special my ideas are
Too late.
Too early.
you have to approach filming and locations in a different manner than if you cared only about the visuals themselves, that's self-evident
That's what I wanted you to think.
Somehow, /film/ always manages to get worse...
Somehow, /film/ always manages to get worse...
Somehow, a fag made a double post
You are self-evidently retarded.
Not an argument.
Somehow, you're retarded and should lurk moar.
You're too retarded to warrant any more replies. Have a last (You).
>There will be blood
>The Master
Of course it is. You base your arguments on self-evidency. And I say your arguments show that you are, by the same criterion, retarded.
Ok let me explain it to you and the rest of the Marvel crowd in low IQ babby speech
>oh noes we cannot film in this placerino, there's too much noiserino and peoplerino won't be capable of understanding muh PLOTERINO and hear the voices of the ACTERINOS oh noes instead of capturing this interesting visuals let's go somewhere else!
Also Punch-Drunk Love, Boogie Nights and Licorice Pizza.
Also Hard Eight, Magnolia and Phantom Thread.
Using your 'normal' posts or your attempt at satire, you manage to fail all the same, since the the idea itself is stupid. Your understanding of art is primitive and limited.
Inherent Vice >
im watching Costner's Horizon and this shit is really good
what the fuck were people complaining about? yes,it's a bit cliched and not every plotline is as interesting, but every idiot who said "this should be a miniseries" is retarded through and through
this has the grammar of an epic, not a tv show
Pynchon is unadaptable to satisfaction, really
all that mattered was bringing the characters to life and in the flesh in a fun and complex way, which the film did and I don't even like PTA that much but he knew exactly how to adapt Pynchon. Joaquin Phoenix, Brolin, and Joanna Newsom were brilliant.
the only real complain I can think of is that all the women are too beautiful
I argumentatively crushed you into speechlessness and ad hominems, you're just an embarrassing little fellow.
So confidently wrong. You can film in the placerino because most of the time it's a controlled environmentarino and if it's not there are these things called microphonerinos.
>we're discussing costnerslop now
/film/ has fallen
No one will stop you from believing your own retardation, no.
>controlled environmentarino
My point exactly, have fun with your audio musical slop produced in greenscreen cubes.
i do not agree that the ones you stated are essential viewing besides Phantom thread. they're PTA-completionist viewing at most
I didn't include Phantom thread since it's not an "American" story or setting although I do like it a lot.

I forgot to include (this)

being unable to divorce the adaptee from a whole film production of its own is peak midwit.
it's Pynchon's source material, but try to realize that it's a script adaptation for the big screen, not a visualization of a book
why not? I am and I will
>Agreed that public funding should be cut entirely
Because I'm a fascist and I don't want my taxes to fund marxist movies
You have to be trolling. A controlled environment doesn't have to be a studio sound stage retard.
Does the baker want to watch experimental films? Does the milkman? Does the housemaid? Does the Uber driver?
Exactly, it's a cinema against the common man and woman, a cinema for people divorced of the world, a cinema for the blind and deaf.
Watched High Sierra (1941). Was this really a done thing in the USA that a 42-year old man would ask a 16-year old girl living with her parents to marry after having barely met her a few times? Don't think I've seen that trope before
I wan't my tax money going to important things, and not shitty films.
The mightiness of the 2024 fascist, to shitpost on 4chan!
The Travelling Players
The mightiness of the 2024 marxist, to drink champagne and suckle on public funding while the people starve!
kek, I'm not a marxist, I'm just a normal person not sucked up on crazy ideologies
People with no convictions just get ignored until they aren't.
The following is a test:
Adolf Hitler
Hitler Adolf
Ad Olf Hit Ler
The painter?
iirc the guy who directed Robocop (Dutch guy) moved to Hollywood because he was sick and tired of conforming to all the dumb rules you have to follow when you get public funding. (which is the only way to make a picture in West Europe) Things like: make socially relevant picture, include feminist theme, explore x subject etc... the only pictures worth seeing from my country are ones directed by Foreigners with foreign funding. Which is kind of sad.
The writer and philosopher?
Nowadays, Hitler is actually overrated as a painter
The architectural genius?
Brutality in Stone (1961) dir. Alexander Kluge
the nigger?
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Kino movie about cute animal, winner winner chicken dinner
Off-topic, you know what to do.
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ay watchu doin you fookin arse I will fook you oop nuka.
Greatest cinematic achievement of the 2010s
Somebody please kill the le off-topic know what to do fag
Animals are forbidden on /film/, euthanize this critter and throw it into the furnace.
This isn’t me- I first posted the “off topic- everyone, you know what to do” and I just want everyone in the thread to know what I didn’t post that in this instance. I’m very selective and very precise when I post it, and it’s always correct.
This person is a liar and a fake and doesn’t know what true cinema is, and for those reasons- everyone, you know what to do.
Off-topic everyone, you know what to do.
300 posts- everyone, you know what to do
What's so funny?
>I'll have y'all know I'm very exclusive on my shitposting, so respect me
Sometimes this place still surprises me
>tries to improve the thread by calling out when people post off topic
>is labeled shitposting
You newfaggots are absolutely fucking braindead retarded
That you take yourself and this place so seriously only makes it even funnier, or pathetic depending on the point of view
>300 posts
>more than 100 are from me alone
When I don't spend my day shitposting here, this general either crawls to a stop or simple dies
>simple dies
Maybe you should follow the thread


You're not improving anything you pathetic wannabe janny
File: w4hos.jpg (89 KB, 767x1024)
89 KB
You act tough, but you need me desperately
yes its certainly up there
Back to your grave, Old Schwurhand.
>I've asked this question probably 300 times over many many years on this website
Maybe it's time to get some help.
That's such an odd competition lineup. Is Wang Bing taking the Golden Lion?

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