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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Dreyer's mise-en-scene edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Previous: >>201551714
Really shitty font replacement. Get skilled, tard
What is the meaning of this meme?
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Be honest guys, is this film worth my time? Unironic responses only please
>all opinions or memes posted all the time are forced by the same autists for years
It's unironically more artistic and formally interesting than most films that pass as "arthouse" nowadays.
Your time isn't worth much, thougheverbeit
Yes. Bay would be held to a much higher regard if he just kept on making smaller scale films such as this.
It's not about the font. It's about telling a joke. Jeez man.
Carl Th. Dreyer has many films whose scenery show superlative simplicity.
One Baykino is worth a thousand Dumont joints.
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Just needs a woman's touch!
This movie I just watched: War and Peace pt 1 directed by Sergei Bondarchuk I think is one of the most stunningly directed movies I've ever seen
>I think is one of the most stunningly directed movies I've ever seen
What are the best Cat movies of all time?
are white women actually like this?
The Cat in the Hat
wow, glad I'm dating a Latina.
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Je t'aime, je t'aime
thanks for the recs, anon
It is truly epic in scale, I didn't know the backstory because I just had it on my watch list but the novel is huge, and appearantly the Soviets threw everything into this movie.

But I was hooked from the beginning, there's a lot of really nicely shot scenes and it's just whizzing by with so many characters but it all holds together really well, there's a lot of I thought innovative camerawork and editing and then it leads into enormous battlefield scenes

I've never read the novel that it is based on and this is only.part 1 but I was so impressed that I had to come and post about it
Thanks. I'll check it out. I've only seen the American version with Audrey Hepburn and that was pretty bad with very flat direction.
I'm unhappy. You make me angry. Kys
Fighting online will only make you worse. Go get some sun, breath fresh air.
I just j'accused my pants.
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what to watch?
Watch A Lullaby to the Sorrowful Mystery and Heimat at the same time.
Husbands And Wives, Allen's best from the 90's
Lol funny you say that, last woman I was with was a latina and when i had first went into her room she had piles of dirty clothes lining her floor, bowls of unfinished moldy cereal in the corner of her room and cat hairs matted into the carpet.
Anyone who was raised spoiled and never had to clean up after themselves will be like this. But I do believe white women are the most likely to grow up spoiled this way.
My GF 100% is
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Someone posted about this in a previous thread, good movie thank you
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My kino lair
I didnt like how the big scruffy guy was throwing the cats around :(

is there a good ratio of cat to people screentime?
what type of latina was she, there are lots of differences based on the type of latina...

most white women I see look like spoiled brats

find yourself a good black girlfriend who will serve you
No, but there are cats and actual good jokes about cats.
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based. this is mine
>A post-apocalyptic story about a rich family, surviving two decades after the world ended, living in a salt mine converted into a luxurious home. The earth around them has apparently been destroyed, but their 13-year-old son, born in the bunker, has never seen the outside world. There is a maid, with whom the son has his only honest relationship. There is also a doctor, and a butler. Unspoken blame over leaving loved ones behind looms over this family, hollowing out whatever intimacy they once shared. Suddenly, a young girl appears at the entrance of the bunker, the balance of the family is threatened.
Looks forced and gay

Very nice, but that roof isn't looking good
juden detected
>smacks lips
>DAS RITE reich
Ok, I'll take your suggestion, begrudgingly
Name of the Rose is cool too
Ozu/Mizoguchi > Kurosawa

not really a hot take, but ...
Kurosawa >>>>>>>> don't care, the other Jap directors can fight for his crumbs of talent and glory
My man Kuro never made a bad film
based The Most Beautiful appreciator
I've seldom seen a more homoerotic image
>wartime films
>I Live in Fear
>The Lower Depths
>Rhapsody in August
I mean, the other 20 something films are great and some of them are legit masterpieces so it's still impressive to say the least. People only say that Kurosawa isn't the best because he is the most popular. Seriously he is hard to beat
>>201594616 #
>I just watched This Gun For Hire.
>It was basically beta bux alpha fux the movie.
>Alpha hitman almost kills a woman and only stop because witnesses show up, but that doesn't matter because she later finds out the psycho likes cats and he can't be all bad. After listening to his sob story she convinces herself that she can fix him and gives a bug kiss on the cheek. (If it was made after 1942 and after the hayes code, you can bet we would get a graphic sex scene with a bbc and the fucked up thing is it wouldn't even be contrary to the original filmmakers' vision.
>I haven't the read the book so i don't know, but in the movie, the real irredeemables are an elderly rich man and a fat rich man and they get to die as villians because they give her the ick.
>The in movie justification is that they sold chemicals to the Japanese, but upon further inspection the director is named Greene. Wikipedia doesn't name him as Jewish but he's a passionate communist who worked with the communists in Cuba. I'm sure he had no problems with Julias and Ethyl Rosenberg giving Russia Nukes. So the whole movie falls flat for me.
>I only watched it because Columbo said it was a good Alan Ladd movie in the last episode I watched.

>>201601162 #
>Youre mistaking the author of the book (Graham Greene, catholic and former british spy; although friend of Kim Philby, Greene never was accused of treason) with the director (Frank Tuttle, who used to be a communist until he ratted his friends to Macarthy)
>or maybe you're joking, and Im just being autistic
Honest mistake. All things considered I don't feel too off the mark.
If I was a Youtuber I would have double checked all that but for a casual effort post I feel I made my point
Bro was legit talented. No other mainstream dude ever made something similar with his career, only ones close are Marty, Welles and Kubrick
>Rhapsody in August
One of his best.
Kubrick maybe but Scorsese and Welles are nowhere near as close. I'd say Visconti but he isn't really that mainstream
Ozu > Kubrick > Mizoguchi > Kurosawa = Welles > Marty
Me > Ozu > Kubrick > Mizoguchi > Kurosawa = Welles > Marty
>Kubrick > Mizoguchi
i dunno I feel like they could have been equal but I find myself rewatching Kubrick way more than Mizu
I love Human Condition and Kwaidan so much that Kobayashi is the best for me after Kurosawa even though I haven't seen any of his other films. Oh, Harakiri I've seen of course but I didn't like it. I guess I need to watch Samurai Rebellion next
Most of his filmography is shit. No wonder anyone only talks about the films you mentioned.
Oh, that sux
Lol, what you enjoy watching most isn't a criteria of value. Kubrick is levels and levels below Kurosawa, Ozu and Mizoguchi, and is only better than most other American directors, like Welles and Scorsese. Kubrick is not at all in the top ranking of world cinema, and Japan has much higher highs.
Look it's the guy who's in most of the popular Kiyoshi Kurosawa fiilms
>Kubrick is levels and levels below Kurosawa, Ozu and Mizoguchi
How so?
Neither did Kubrick or Welles.
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Japanese just sounds really cool.
His wartime film is fine for what it is, I Live in Fear was mediocre compared to every other Kurosawa film but not 'bad', and I still enjoyed The Lower Depths.

His real worst movie is Dodes'ka-den. That was straight up awful, I was surprised at just how bad it was, and somehow he even messed up the colours because he thought he had to overcompensate for them to be visible, despite making the film at a time when colour film had been around for DECADES. It's the only Kurosawa film that is below mediocre, that is, actually bad.
>His real worst movie is Dodes'ka-den.
Hard disagree.
>he even messed up the colours
Harder disagree.
I've seen most of his work but Haven't seen Rhapsody in August and I live in Fear. The Lower Depths is a great fucking movie though, (remake of a great Jean Renoir movie as well) and so is The men Who Thread on Tiger's tail.
He painted everything a much brighter and more vibrant colour because he thought the film wouldn't pick up the colour otherwise, so the result is just an obviously painted set that looks garish rather than beautiful. I only cared about the autistic boy's story, he was at least funny, but every other story was so slow, laboured and just morose, even if there were specks of interest.
Dode'kaden is fucking great, man.
I hate Dr. Strangelove but it's just my opinion but Full Metal Jacket is just objectively bad. Also I don't know if it counts but Fear and Desire but I doubt a lot of people have seen it
Wat, I liked it. Also I think Sion Sono said it was his favorite movie or something so it has SOME fans at least
Whoever recommended The Immortal Story a few threads back, thank you. Beautiful film.
>because he thought the film wouldn't pick up the colour otherwise
>(remake of a great Jean Renoir movie as well)
Both are based on a Russian play by Gorky, anon
Kurosawa's preference of bright, bold colors is due to his love of Van Gogh. The sets looking painterly and the colors being like that is entirely deliberate. Looks gorgeous to me. Probably my favorite film of the 70s visually.
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>and Japan has much higher highs.
I agree with that. But Kubrick's prowess cannot be denied. He gets a bad rap because he is popular with normies and film bros.
Oooh that was me! I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's oddly unknown coming from such a huge director.
Honestly the only movie of his that I found kind of boring and didn't finish was The Idiot. iirc Kurosawa even admitted it was a failure in his autobiography.
>Kurosawa even admitted it was a failure in his autobiography.
thats too bad I was really excited for that one because it has both Toshiro and Setsuko Hara
The Idiot was ruined when the studio forced Kurosawa to cut 90 minutes out of it. That footage is now forever lost.
isnt that shit already like 3 hours long. Nigga coulda just written a book.
>isnt that shit already like 3 hours long.
Almost, yeah. Kurosawa originally filmed pretty much the entirety of the novel. The released version is hacked to pieces, it doesn't work at all.
Yeah, I don't even want to waste time replying to people like the anon who said FMA is objectively bad ROFL and LMAO.
Something about the pacing seemed off. I only watched the first 20 minutes or so though.
It worked for 7 Samurai.
I like the idea of novelizing incomplete films that are based on books, but I'm afraid it might need even more levels of redundancy.
Kubrick is literally one of my favorite filmmakers. FMJ is his only legitimate stinker
Yeah while we are at it that shit sucks too
I don't know I liked the idiot. They say it's cut heavily but it's still almost 3 hours long
They all belong to a much higher, more formal standard of cinema. Despite the fact that Kurosawa is often criticised for being 'Hollywood', he is in fact much less commercial than Kubrick. I know, people like to bring up Kubrick's explorations in arthouse style, and they also like to bring up his formal descent from older masters, but it's still all in the form of a "movie" wrapped in scare quotes. It's a step below the "art" of Kurosawa or Ozu. In Japan a movie could be both commercial and art, but not so in Hollywood.
Honestly I'm not that impressed by Kubrick. He just puts together many impressive technical details, but his individual style is rather bland and insignificant. There's a reason filmbros latch onto him, because to evaluate his films all they have to say is 'look! look! the frame is symmetrical!', it's very basic.
what movie is this?
>Kubrick is literally one of my favorite filmmakers. FMJ is his only legitimate stinker
>Yeah while we are at it that shit sucks too
You are tripping. FMA is one of his best. It is like a proper adaptation of Catch-22 in spirit mainly. It is a genuinely funny film while also being one of the most anti military industrial complex films of all time. All the while it is one of the most low key films that best deals with anti asian racism while not being as stupid and in your face about it like the current woke film wave.
It unfortunately is his most popular film so there is a lot of bad takes and juvenile discussion around it.
Rent a Cat (2012)

>but not so in Hollywood
Filmmakers from Hollywood like Hitchcock are literally the reason that whole arthouse auteur shit is a thing. Seriously you wouldn't be thinking in terms of 'commercial vs arthouse' if it wasn't for a bunch of French guys reviewing Hitchcock and Wylder films
>It unfortunately is his most popular film so there is a lot of bad takes and juvenile discussion around it.
Kubrick's most popular are The Shining and Clockwork Orange. The former is forever destined to be called 'the most overrated horror film of all time' because of that, yeah
I always got an impression of stronger formal vision from Kubrick's films than Kurosawa's. The multi-camera style that Kurosawa started to use from the mid-1950s onwards lessened the intentionality of his camerawork. The precursor of multi-cam blockbuster shoots of today. Using several cameras simultaneously also forced him to shoot almost exclusively with telephoto lenses even in situations where they wouldn't have necessarily been the ideal choice.
>But not so in Hollywood
Didn't he move to England in the 70's because he was fed up with the whole Hollywood system?
And the simple fact that is that Hitchcock, artistically speaking, is a very commercial director. That he also working perfectly within commercial forms and imposed his own style does not contradict this. Those French pseuds had a culture that actually had non commercial art in the commercial sphere, but they still don't have a clue about the value of art. If the only standard for being a great artist was being an auteur, that is, having a unique vision for anything, then we wouldn't have any values in art at all.

>Filmmakers from Hollywood like Hitchcock are literally the reason that whole arthouse auteur shit is a thing
That's ridiculous. The whole French New Wave would have existed, with the same principles, and it would have had just the same effect even if it took decades longer for people to appreciate Hitchcock as an 'auteur'. Besides, the idea is so simple it was already implicit in many people's judgement of cinema since the beginning.
His artistic origins were in Hollywood. He still wanted to make a "good movie". What he disliked about working in Hollywood was the lack of personal freedom, practical concerns, and leaving Hollywood did nothing to change the nature of his films.
Yeah directors like Kubrick and David Lean were like James Cameron but their films are still timeless classics
He moved to England after Spartacus I think. Lolita is a Bri'ish film
I think Kurosawa knew what he was doing well enough for the multiple cameras to be put in the right places and angled according to cinematic perfection. And what he got was better performances from the actors. I think it gave his movies a radically greater potential, in the editing room, while still having structure to the extra pool of film, unlike the total mess of footage that famously had to be sorted by Coppola in making Apocalypse Now, and which detracted from a larger formal conception. Improvisation has good results, but improvisation on its own can't make up for a formal design. I mean, just look at all the brilliant images from The Bad Sleep Well, which Kubrick never approaches in his camerawork. Kubrick may have had a strong sense of framing, but as an artist he is infinitely lower, he just did not have the vision to match Kurosawa. If Kubrick jumps from a wide shot to a face, he is not concerned with the beauty of the actors performance, he is concerned with the explanatory role of the camera in a "movie", again, wrapped in scare quotes. Cinema has slowly transitioned by a proper artform into moribund "cinema culture".
Both Ozu and Mizoguchi mog Kurosawa on the formal level. The older he got, the more Kurosawa's style just became about shooting typical coverage with multiple cameras at the same time. A wide shot, medium shots, and closeups; the same basic multicam setup for nearly every scene. Rinse and repeat. Although at least he always retained a great eye for framing.
I think Lean is much greater than Kubrick, but I do agree with you that Kubrick still made timeless films. I certainly don't dislike him.
>dude, x mogs y frfr
LMAO, the state of /film/
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DAMN Kurosawa's movies are beautiful.
>The older he got, the more Kurosawa's style just became about shooting typical coverage with multiple cameras at the same time
Could be said for majority of filmmakers
>le commercial film bad because it has wide appeal
>le fixed surveillance camera bullshit that nobody watches good
If the general public went through hipster lobotomy and became experimental slop fart sniffers overnight this whole general would turn into Marvel connoisseurs arguing about how capeshit is the new highbrow cinema.
>If Kubrick jumps from a wide shot to a face, he is not concerned with the beauty of the actors performance
Maybe it's due to cultural roots, but I much prefer the performances that Kubrick got from his actors, rather than the more over-the-top Noh/Kabuki-inspired acting you see in Kurosawa's films. According to Kubrick himself, his notoriously large amounts of takes were in pursuit of great performances. Saying that he wasn't concerned with the beauty of performances seems baseless to me. There are very touching moments in many of his films.
Not really. The multicam coverage style isn't that popular outside of Hollywood blockbusters that can easily afford to do it.
Reading through your posts made me want to watch some filmbro stuff anons. I've never actually watched Magnolia, it's 3 hours long. Is it worth it?
Its his best 90s film so yes watch it.
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Kurosawa often used four cameras. That's nothing. You need to run at least eight cameras simultaneously to be a true master.
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I kneel.
I didn't say Kubrick wasn't concerned with the beauty or value of performances. I was describing the logic behind his direction, which is a separate thing from the handling of the actors as a coach. Also I don't see how Kurosawa's actors were inspired by Noh/Kabucki, that just seems like a baseless assumption about cultural background, and if you look at most of Kurosawa's actors, they started their acting careers in film, implying a Western conception of realism, or were prominent in Western theatre. I find Toshiro Mifune's performances more beautiful and enthralling than any performance in a Kubrick film. Although Jack Nicholson was a great actor and excelled by his own talents rather than Kubrick's direction. Kubrick got perfect acting, just as he got perfect sets, and as he got perfect camerawork, but none of this has to do with searching for artistic perfection; Kubrick already had his artistic vision; it is a searching for technical perfection. I still stand by what I said about how Kubrick's artistic vision, more commercial, conceives of the role of the actor. Kurosawa was more theatrical, in the best sense of the word, to mean more concerned with great performances, rather than performances which serve a role.
Alright, I'll watch it
These shots look terrible. Amateur at best.
yeah no shit its supposed to be a comfy film with cute cats in it you dumb nigger.
>Also I don't see how Kurosawa's actors were inspired by Noh/Kabucki, that just seems like a baseless assumption about cultural background
Kurosawa has cited Noh as an inspiration for the performances of his films several times. You can find quotes from the books Akira Kurosawa: Interviews and The Warrior's Cinema. The Noh influence is quite noticeable as well, especially when comparing to other Japanese directors of the time.
This is /film/, not your personal garbage depository. Go celebrate caturday with your fellow redditors.
this isn't also supposed to be a depository for quorra level counselling for retards trying to pick up their broken lives by going to shitty law schools but here we are.
yeah, even the makeup for Washizu, Lady Asaji, and the ghosts in Throne of Blood was deliberately inspired by Noh. Kurosawa was always a huge lover of Noh in particular
I can scroll past and ignore dumb posts which make up 99% of the posting on 4chan, but images from bad and unrelated movies pollute the general visually and this is a general about a mostly if not entirely visual medium.
Cats are what turn a film into a /film/
Based (but obvious) post
>I'm mentally childish an can't ignore pictures and that's you people's fault!
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oh come on don't you got anything good
Finally some real goddamn cinema.
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>the missing link between Dreyer and Argento
These are specific performances with a specific throwback in mind. But someone like Toshiro Mifune was an all natural actor and simply relied on his own abilities, which makes his acting thoroughly cinematic.
Fuck is this?
Mifune could deliver more naturalistic performances when he was working with other directors, but that's not what Kurosawa was ever looking to get out of him. Only someone on the spectrum would deny the theatricality of the performances in Kurosawa's films.
I don't know but I want to have sex with the lead actress.
Kurosawa was always interested in utlizing Noh-inspired acting in his films though. Read the books I mentioned. He was even working on a documentary about Noh in the 80s, but he abandoned the project when starting to work on Ran.
film chads can you help me id a jap movie that i cant remember

its sort of an art movie about a girl in school being bullied, she takes photos of another girl, she get tied up and dragged in the woods, and the ending scene is her on a train going somewhere
its a recent movie (past 4 years maybe)
>classical theater and films: le bad
>experimental marxist deconstruction and subversion of classical narrative for masturbatory purposes: le good
>t. /film/
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true/film/: maximalist rococo onanist cinema: Good
Yes. And not just the white ones.
based Riso Amaro appreciator
Never seen a more overrated faggot director. Enjoyed by the same types who inhale slice of life slop anime where nothing ever happens and the girls won't stop crying.
>find yourself a good black girlfriend who will serve you
only do this if you aren't white.
I would say only do it if you ARE white. If you are Asian man then pick white girlfriend. Mexican guy can also have black girl. But nigman stay poor and untouched, rotting behind jail cells.
Hate plot.
Hate acting.

Simple as.

Traditional Asian aesthetics to calm your frayed nerves and restore your sense of refined beauty.
lmao, pleb kiddo got filtered
>slice of life slop anime where nothing ever happens and the girls won't stop crying
Name 10
Dragon Ball Z
One Piece
Hajime no Ippo
Full Metal Alchemist
My Dress Up Darling
Hajime no Ippo
Welcome to the NHK
Fooly Cooly
You tried
Am I filtered if I think Last Temptation Of Christ sucked ass?
No, you're just repelled by christcuckery, as are most healthy people.
Off topic- everyone, you know what to do to this piece of fucking shit scum bag
Anime is /film/ thoughever
Is there a single filmmaker that has surpassed Tarkovsky at what he does?
Scorsese is off topic
Anyone got a link or know where to watch the 1983 Film version of to the lighthouse ?
French New Wave is an illusion. It's about sentiment rather than style or craft. Get over yourselves you schmucks.
How many times will I have to hear about French New Wave? SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY.
Lick my gooch monsieur
>It's about sentiment rather than style or craft
I’ll play Satan’s Promoter- so what if it is? You’re still a filtered little kiddo, regardless
How can I be filtered by something I understand better than you and enjoy watching? Now Taiwanese New Wave -- that's some real kino!
Christcuckery and bad poetry?
You're a retarded newfag with piss poor reading comprehension.
>godard films
>have to understand history, philosophy, politics, filmmaking,meta filmmaking, and filmcriticism
>OMG every frame is like a PAINTING bro. You canHANG ON THE WALL!! Check out this still frame!! It's so based!
Imagine unironically making this argument as if Godard is some kind of gatekeeper of mystical filmmaking knowledge. You are the dead center of the bell curve.

You want real layers? Watch Solaris, Persona, Eyes Wide Shut, Embrace of the Serpent, Mulholland Drive.
Back to r/truefilm.
I hate reddit's voting system.
I would ask why did you thought it sucked, it's one of Marty's best, to be honest.
Which are the layers of Solaris? Serious question
NTA but It is a sci-fi film that uses more elements of magical realism than sci-fi, since Tark fashions himself more of a poet.
Where is the magical realism in the film? For me it just felt like a trancelike film
the midget running out of the room. The levitation. Other atmospheric elements.
Idk, I think those were mostly surreal elements within a sci-fi frame. The movie is not realistic in any way, and my understanding of magical realism implies that it is magical thinking applied to a realist infrastructure, something which Solaris lacks imo
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The goat is BACK. Get ready /tv/.
I'm watching it. Joker 1 was a nice Taxi Driver rip off and Gaga is sexy.
yeah perhaps, I haven't seen Solaris in over a decade but I remember loving it.
Does having a French title make a capeshit qualified for /film/?
Joker won the Golden Lion at Venice, so it's certified /film/.
Arthouse movie. If it had been released by Marty back in 1975 it would be /film/
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What are some /films/ that are for chaste patricians?
Belle de Jour
I wish brothels like the one in belle de jour existed in real life.
Meaning? Beautiful girls? Weird fetishes? Outlandish clients?
Because he would have made it good.
Being real, Joker was good. 7.5/10 Hollywood movie, just like Barbie. Worse than Poor Things though, 8/10.
>Beautiful girls?
this. modern brothels all cater to lower class peasants. Real patrician brothels like the one in belle de jour dont exist anymore because whores just want money. And none of them are as pretty as catherine deneuve.
Dominus vobiscum
>Whores just want money.

It was always that way, brother in Christ. Also, many brothels have beyond agoga girls nowadays, maybe even more than before, due to plastic surgery being so common nowadays.

t. ex john in Latin America. Based latinas here
How do you churn these numbers out? What makes a film have .5 more or less than the next one?
An 8/10 movie makes me shoot 8 ropes
A 7.5/10 movie makes me shoot 7 ropes and a tiny little squirt as a finale
Technical aspects and personal liking. I always speak from my opinion, I don't really care about what's supposed to be right when rating, but I do know about objective aspects of filmmaking that I take into account when rating kino. I'm a mix of objective and subjective, though obviously any rating is always a primarily subjective criteria.

In the case of Joker and Barbie, both films are entertaining and aesthetic, with great use of filmography, atmosphere and worldbuilding. They lag in the deepness, meaning side of kino, since both films are very simple plotwise and thematically speaking, but they accomplish an above average rating for a mainstream film. Poor Things for example, is filled with meaning and layers, many of them remiting to occult and obscure subjects, something which makes the film more interesting and academic imo, and the technical aspects such as camera work, acting, etc, are better overall in Poor Things than in Barbie or Joker, but some parts of Poor Things, such as the part where Bella wants to help the poor and unprivileged, seem rushed and superficial, so the film loses points in that regard.
Thank you for your honest thoughts and effortposting.
No problem, thanks for reading
i want to fuck hot classy eurpeans like in the movie a latina just wont do.
Go to Vegas, they have everything there
No, no racemixing.
where in vegas for the bitches?
That is a search you have to do for yourself, but I'll give you a hint: search for brothels and escorts in Vegas. Easy to find, solid shit there
>due to plastic surgery being so common nowadays
Amazing, really wonderful; how lucky we are.
Jesus Christ the new no/film/ populated by castrated low IQ plebeian mutts is horrible.
Welcome to hell
Just finished yet another kino
I’d give anything to go back, even to 2020, atleast the shitposting was actually funny then
Truly pleb central.
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>over three fucking hours
The first one was an hour shorter and it was tough to get through but definitely worth watching. I just don't know if I can go through it again for that long.
>MC constantly flip flops between being a weak cuck and violent "I'm gonna burn everything" autist
>"finally I know what God wants" *changes mind 5 minutes later*
>promises he's gonna destroy the temple but then blueballs everyone
>he's happily married to magdalene but then she dies for no reason??
>and then he forgets her and gets it on with two sisters, what the fuck
Scorcese literally got offered to direct it and refused it because he hates fucking superhero movies.
It's on Yotube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUXPJR22Vcs&t=136s
Huh, never knew this existed. Might give it a watch.
Are you literally a 70 IQ or is this bait?
Yes I am 70 IQ , now tell me why I got filtered
70 IQ people couldn't even read or type, that's a handler-needed situation.
Bunny Lake is Missing. Found it by searching for missing persons films. didn't really like it
I can't believe someone was autistic enough to make a video like this and that there are people tasteless enough to save it
This is the internet, everyone with a different opinion is 70 IQ
Venice lineup incoming

Refn out of competition
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Cuaron and Sorogoyen have tv shows, out of competition ofc
>it was all le dream
Copout as fuck
You can also scroll past those, retard.
Lav Díaz, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Kitano, Korine, Claude Lelouch, Marco Bellochio, Alice Rohrwacher out of competition
Didn't even know Lelouch was still alive
>one good director
shut it down
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reposting with good format

In competition

>And Their Children After Them; Zoran and Ludovic Boukherma (France))
>April; Dea Kulumbegashvili (Georgia)
>Babygirl; Halina Reijn (United States)
>Battlefield; Gianni Amelio (Italy)
>The Brutalist; Brady Corbet (United States, United Kingdom, Hungary)
>Diva Futura; Giulia Louise Steigerwalt (Italy)
>I’m Still Here; Walter Salles (Brazil, France)
>Joker: Folie à Deux; Todd Phillips (United States)
>Kill the Jockey; Luis Ortega (Argentina)
>Love(Kjaerlighet); Dag Johan Haugerud (Norway)
>Maria; Pablo Larrain (United States, Greece, Italy)
>The Order; Justin Kurzel (United States)
>Queer; Luca Guadagnino (Italy)
>The Quiet Son (Jouer Avec le Feu); Delphine and Muriel Coulin (France)
>The Room Next Door; Pedro Almodovar; Spain)
>Sicilian Letters(Iddu); Fabio Grassadonia and Antonio Piazza (Italy)
>Trois Amies; Emmanuel Mouret (France)
>Vermiglio; Maura Delpero (Italy)
Good on you for effortposting.

Interested on Corbet, Kurzel and Almodóvar.
Also semi-interested on Salles, Larrain, Joker 2 and Queer.
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Brendan Gleeson in this? damn nigga

he recently made the third part of the A Man and a Woman with Tringtignant and Anouk Aimee before they dieded
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Wang Bing is in competition too
Toddy P please make some true kino
Edginess getting even more mainstream. The counterculture is ever more right-wing.
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and Stranger Eyes

damn ching chong ping pong filmmakers
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Servilio, easy on the makeup
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I guess this year they wont have Zelensky asking for more money
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/ourguy/ is gonna save the year again
How many Youth movies is he gonna make
There's one at Locarno too
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>I'm once again here, asking for gibs to beat up Putler
>The men Who Thread on Tiger's tail
What do we think of Hisayaasu Sato here?
What the fuck is wrong with 8.5/10
>he doesnt rate in imaginary numbers
0.2 - j0.6 ngmi
Schwartzman makes me laugh, I'm in
>Cloud – Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Another one? We're eating good KKchads.
>watching films released in current year
enjoy your state backed psyops
>Out of Competition – Fiction

“Beetlejuice Beetlejuice” (dir. Tim Burton)
“L’orto Americano” (dir. Pupi Avati)
“Il Tempo Che Ci Vuole” (dir. Francesca Comencini)
“Phantosmia” (dir. Lav Diaz)
“Maldoror” (dir. Fabrice Du Welz)
“Broken Rage” (dir. Takeshi Kitano)
“Baby Invasion” (dir. Harmony Korine)
“Cloud” (dir. Kiyoshi Kurosawa)
“Finalement” (dir. Claude Lelouch)
“Wolfs” (dir. Jon Watts)

>Out of Competition – Non-Fiction
“Apocalypse in the Tropics” (dir. Petra Costa)
“Bestiari, Erbari, Lapidari” (dir. Massimo D’anolfi, Martina Parenti)
“Why War” (dir. Amos Gitai)
“2073” (dir. Asif Kapadia)
“One to One: John & Yoko” (dir. Kevin Macdonald, Sam Rice-Edwards)
“Separated” (dir. Errol Morris)
“Israel Palestine on Swedish TV 1958-1989” (dir. Goran Hugo Olsson)
“Russians at War” (dir. Anastasia Trofimova)
“Things We Said Today” (dir. Andrei Ujica)
“Songs of Slow Burning Earth” (dir. Olha Zhurba)
“Riefenstahl” (dir. Andres Veiel)
“Disclaimer” (dir. Alfonso Cuarón, seven episodes)
I liked his movie about the gay guys obsessed with Pasolini's Salo VHS.
Love Kedi and shilled it here years ago. Cutest turf war ever put on film.
did you learn anything spectacular about sneeds immigrating to the states?
go back to your pure abstract fields, mathboy
What’s the point of this? Why have a 24 hour live setup for a trailer?
any third reich /film/s?
Riefenstahl and that's about it
Most films since their inception have had progressive and even homosexual characters or themes (exploring their sexuality is at the core of every artists' creation, even the cis ones), because they're a transgressive format by nature. You'd be hard pressed to find a true chud movie that isn't a pile of flaming garbage that everyone will forget 20 years hence.
We're eating good again, Martelbros
Kys, tranny freak
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uNPZKJqbE8 propaganda
>No arguments
I accept your concession naziboy
I watched parts of his film where a guy bites off a girl's nipple
Larks on a String, a great Menzel film
why did Joaquin agree to do this bullshit again. I thought he was better than that.
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>music by burial
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lighting up the first doob of the day, ponder which kino to watch tonight
>3:30 hours of corbet
no thanks
How does this retard keep getting money to shit out this garbage?
My pleasure.
Will watch this for Corbet’s pure dedication if nothing else: the whole cast dropped out and Covid almost cancelled the thing but he finally managed to get it made. Respect.
Decisions based around policy is what determines if something is cancelled, not whatever it is your claiming almost cancelled the thing. How many mRNAs have you got?
He liked playing Arthur Fleck
Zack Synder's Justice League
That warrants spending 3 and a half hours watching a movie by a director's that hasn't made anything of significance?
It's no Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice (Ultimate Edition)
See how magic this intriguing stuff of different opinions go? For me he has made, so I'm obviously interested in his new work.
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Just found out Losey also made another film with Delon. The bad reviews made me want to watch it.
this looks great
fun fact: Trotsky's assassin is Vitorio de Sica's brother in law
It's deeply dull, and completely irrelevant as far as an examination of Trotsky or his death goes. Not a Losey fan myself.
You're just wrong. No problem with that, not everyone can have good taste!
This famed humbleness of your kind goes always in hand with the inability to understand different tastes.
Now now, no need to cry.
Time for another mRNA, but this time try pfizer.
Only 2 more weeks before all the vaxxed, successful and decent people fall dead and the filthy, cowardly and murderous unvaxxed incels inherit the Earth, just you wait!
Baking a new one.


>Oh no I got BTFO, what can I do??
>why, of course! I'll just sperg out hard and they'll forget about it
that's not even me faggot

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