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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

WTF was his problem edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Previous: >>201458540
>WTF was his problem edition
He's a spiteful modern man.
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wb /film/
I'm watching L'eclisse from the that trilogy.
Pic only a bit related, needs to rewatch that one soon
Sauce on the pic?
The Antonioni movie with Delon
Mr. Klein, Kafkaesque kino
I've already seen L'eclisse.

Thanks for the rec. Delon has been in so many kinos, I think I've seen more of his movies than any other actor.
I'm on a marathon of his films again. Both the arthouse and genre movie types from him are pleasant to watch.
I also found out the biography of this writer/director, absolutely insane: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Giovanni
He wrote Le Trou, Le deuxième souffle directed by Melville and directed Delon in a few movies.
Best Delon role is low key Baron de Charlus in Schlondroff’s wonderful filmed fairy tale because it most properly captures his histrionic and pompous persona with the only difference Delon being straight.
Saw Citizen Kane yesterday, it's terrific! 9/10, ahead of the game by a few decades desu
I liked Farewell Friend with him and Charles Bronson. Also his mafia film Tony Arzenta.
They botched it, didn't they?
It's good, but it's no TOUCH OF EVIL (1958).
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That's certainly a highlight of his roles in the 80s/90s. He didn't appear in much "arty" movies in this period.
Kek, that was insane. I didn't think collaborationists were able to have their past forgotten. Very interesting. I'll check out his films.

I feel like I should read Proust before I watch it.
>Farewell Friend
I'll probably watch this one tonight. Thanks.
I love it because I saw the film while reading the book and because the character is a histrionic, flamboyant douchebag. He IS Delon so to me the role fits. Jeremy Irons on the other hand isn’t Jewish enough for his role.
So, are you actually called Gregory? I know ancient greek lol
He directed Delon in 3 movies: Deux hommes dans la ville with Jean Gabin, Comme un boomerang and Le gitan. I like them, 70's crime movies with some depressing notes
I should watch it next, thanks.
Is it the only Proust adaptation on the screen?
Beyond kino.
These all sound like kino, and are exactly why I love Delon's films. THANK YOU!

If you're interested in something hilariously typical of the 60s, and at times visually quite good and also wacky, see Delon's The Girl on a Motorcycle.
Tony Arzenta is decent but the ending makes him look retarded.
Yes, shit indeed.
Sounds great. This is what True Detective season 1 aspired to be

You're welcome. Girl on a Motorcycle seems to be wackier than I thought. The only English Delon movie I've seen is Once a Thief, I also liked it.
I've hardly seen any 70's crime movies that has a favorable ending for the main character. Funny how 80's movies totally changed the tone. Hollywood led such trends and French/Italian cinema also followed them.
It's the same theme as in a lot of those Italian movies. He's the last of the "honorable" mafia killers, and he pays the price for it
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What should I watch after this? I thought it was a masterpiece. I have already seen Solaris and disliked it. I was thinking between Nostalghia or Mirror, but am open to others.
You should watch Dead Man's Letters. As for Tarkovsky himself, it's best to watch him chronologically imo
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I watched The Hunger. Is it /film/?
gay perfume commercial

the wrong Scott died
Offbeat independent movies count, I guess.
Is this thread related to the infinite chan /film/? I remember it was the only reason I browsed to that site, but then the board was dead and the users scattered away
Nah CK is better.
Who’s the most intelligent (American) Hollywood director?

Not necessarily as an artist. I mean intellectually.

I finally got around to watching Last Year at Marienbad. Having previously read some of Robbe-Grillet's work, I sort of knew what to expect, but it still blew me away because I didn't realize those moves were possible in the medium.

What I love about Robbe-Grillet is how he treats the audience as his equal, as a counterparty that isn't just forced to accept what he puts down, but to engage with it and, with some effort, disprove it. In the film, I think of the guy introducing the Nim game as an author standin. As a viewer, we're invited to play an intellectual game with him, but as soon as we accept to play, it is understood that we have already lost. Similarly, once the female protagonist accepts the deluge of contextual information provided to her about last year, she has lost, because it allows for an assertion F(x). As long as x hasn't been defined, there is no harm in entertaining F(x), but as F grows larger and larger, it eventually becomes impossible to not get to x, which is the sexual act at the center of the film.

That's a common Robbe-Grillet move (see also Le Voyeur) - he'll trap the audience by putting down walls where they are just about acceptable, and over time close down the space further and further. The only way out is going into a different dimension. In Marienbad, the female protagonist attempts to do just that by moving from the past (which ground she has already ceded) to the future. In the Nim game, that's the inversion from moving second to moving first. However, just like we're shown, you can lose with imperfect play even if you start the advantageous position.

I dunno, probably this board is the wrong place to write about it. All I know is that I will watch my next films differently and with more of a view to the actual arguments they make, rather than purely aesthetically.
Never thought about this, but I like Scorsese's knowledge of cinema. Kubrick is great technical-wise
Oooh, you should see The Trial and The Immortal Story next!
The unofficial trilogy of Kafka on the screen: Mr. Klein, The Trial and After Hours
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Wish we got an adaptation of Kafka on the Shore.
I've never liked Murakami unfortunately
Good reviews are always welcome. Do you have a letterboxd account or something? I like reading other people's interpretation of movies, unfortunately letterboxd's top reviews are ridden with retarded one liners or dumb woketards nitpicking on the irrelevant stuff
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This was good but the ending was weak

Recommend me similar kinos
I can see that. Kafka and Wind Up Bird Chronicle have bad endings. But his short stories are much better than his novels. If you aren't totally turned off by him, I can recommend Scheherazade as his best work.
Imdb user reviews?
What is the definitive Welles film guys? I had only seen The Third Man when I was a kid and then I saw Kane yesterday and found out that he was actually that guy, I used to think that the movie for some reason would be overrated, but I don't see it that way now. Kane is not perfect, but it is a damn good film. Is there something like an european or asian Welles in your opinion?
best Welles for me is Chimes at Midnight

>Is this thread related to the infinite chan /film/?

yes, tony scott is /film/
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>watch movie from the 1930s
>everything looks great, except for the godawful green screen whenever they're driving a car
Why did boomers do this? Metropolis, a silent film with fucking robots in it, hold up 100% visually, but 1930s Hollywood couldn't figure out cars.
I bet L'Immagine Ritrovata is involved.
>green screen
My guy it's a projector. They couldn't film scene while being in traffic back in the black and white days since they weren't able to tell if the light was red of green.
I feel the same way desu
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Cheaper and easier to record with a green screen, total control over the shot, etc.
Just ordered the Adventures of Captain Marvel from Kino Lorber. What am I in for?
rear-projection is kino thoughbeit
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Uhh... Guys? It it over for me?
It's saying you have good taste.
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Mektoub 2 ever coming? Any news?
>some anons watching classics like Citizen Kane, Marienbad, L'Eclisse and Stalker for the first time
I'm kinda in the same boat because I just finished pic related and it was great
Kubrick was always just a pleb with a curiosity for culture. Griffith was a real man of culture.
>supposedly the leading bresson specialist
>doesn't get color bresson
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I feel like this is the best scene I have ever seen in movies.
Why are people impressed by Welles digging a hole for a shot (something already accomplished by Dreyer in Joan of Arc), but not Griffith riding a balloon in the early 1900s for the Babylon set
It's okay.
Fuck why there are there so many fucking niggers walking around my apartment I am unsettled.
I've never seen anyone be impressed by HOW Welles achieved his shots. But I've seen many people express how impressed they were with the scale of Intolerance.
Any /films/ that feel like this?
Could have used another 3 or 4 stock exchange scenes
Mirror, then Nostalghia, then Sacrifice
Just move out of whatever thirdie country you're in, bro.
They were the best part of the movie. Very energetic and captivating, almost a poetic condemnation of the market, but it stops short of condemnation to retain its objectivity.
Good, I missed you guys
not that hot nigga, its nice and breezy here in Cali Cali California.
I have heard people say Sacrifice should be the last one you watch. Do you agree with that sentiment.

I always liked that when driving behind the train, the car gets stuck in a weird position on the track for a few moments. I didn't think they were going to make it.
Why do some versions have the piss filter at the beginning, while others just do B&W?
>WTF was his problem
He didn't hook up with an 18 year old Italian actress in over half an hour and he was getting jittery
I think the sepia filter was the intended one.
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>tfw you want to buy stuff on the Kino Lorber sale, but not enough for free shipping
I like owning physical things so multinational corporations can't take it away from me.
What were you thinking of getting? I'll buy them for you.
Pirated files on a hard drive are just as physical as files on a disc.
I was going to buy Nostalghia and the Adventures of Captain Marvel, but I am just going to add Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) to get the free shipping and call it a day. Thanks for asking though anon.
Any Ozu fans here?
I've only watched Late Spring. Should I jump to Tokyo Story or watch Early Summer first?
>Any Ozu fans here?
You're new here, huh.
>Should I jump to Tokyo Story or watch Early Summer first?
Doesn't matter, but might as well watch Early Summer because it came out first.
I like the discs for the extras

Melville-Delon movie Un flic from Kino Lorber seems to have an interesting extra documentary
Hitchcock, as a non-American Hollywood director.
what, do teevee hate ozu?
Early Summer is his masterpiece. Tokyo Story is good but Early Summer has the most heart.
Yeah, that sounds like shit. Easy skip for me. Thank you for the advice.
Sir, this is /film/.
yeah, /film/, a general on /tv/. in fact, it only exists because it's on a high-traffic board.
Sir, this is the bottom of a well.
Terrence Malick
/film/sisters, we've been exposed :(
>he doesn't know
perfume merchant
Where can I see all of Ebert’s commentary without spending money?
christopher plummer pls go
Caress Muhdick
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Always the same memes, the same shitposting, the same pavlovian replies

>/film/'s greatest nightmare... the r9k overseer algorithm
u first
Reminder that they will take over everything and there is nothing you can do. No Canon for you.
Will cinema ever reach the artistic heights of literature or music? Seems unlikely desu.
Benadryl abuse?
I'm not sure if I'm just going insane and seeing things, but I swear ABBAs Mamma Mia videoclip references Persona from Bergman
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Citizen Kane was the last movie I watched before deciding to change my life for the better. I was literally gonna an hero today, sisters. In a way, Kane gave me the strength I needed to make an effort. Thanks, Orson Welles
you truly are a citizen kane
Well, if "bookish.bailee" said it, then it's settled
What is sad is you can find countless posts like this on reddit who mean it completely unironically.
The church of Cinema saves yet another soul
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its common sense among serious readers but fwiw I own a ton of physical books
>no, you can't be open and honest and have actual meaningful and useful experiences with cinema, you HAVE to be an above-it-all cynical cunt about everything
lmao, yet another case of Criterion destroying Tarkovsky's baller cinematography
Do you think someone there just hates him? They have something against Russia?
It's semi ironic for me, I was really desperate and I actually watched Kane while feeling intensely suicidal after years of extreme pain, but I realized via other persons that I still can save myself, I just have to shed my pride. Which in itself is ironic because Kane is a movie about how a man's pride got the better of him and, ultimately, ended his life and happiness. I was going that way, but I had no choice and no money, so I guess I'll save myself. I can't an hero, don't have the guts to do it
You can have positive emotional experiences with cinema, but if a piece of media 'saved your life' then I just don't know what to say to you.
Im starting to just buy 4K releases of films that are my favorites/I know I'll watch repeatedly. Not worth keeping large 4K files on my harddrive when I could just have a disc sitting on a shelf instead. There are also usually sales, pre-order discounts, etc. It's not that bad and not too often.
As always, you people place the blame in the wrong place. Criterion doesn't choose any of the piss filters.
I know I'm a retarded faggot for taking so long to see this, but finally watched it and goddamn what a great fucking film. The camerawork, specifically the lighting and use of fill/shadow in nearly every scene, is fucking jaw dropping. The scene where she runs next to the train is transcendent.
I've already seen Yo Cuba and ofcourse that film is legendary, but Cranes tops it. I even have a bias against melodramatic war films and it overcame it.
I'll be watching Letter Never Sent soon, but are any of his other films also worth watching? I'm assuming Red Tent is a massive piece of shit from the looks of it.
well he died while making it, so sure
Music is the lowest art.
start with his sound B&W and work chronologically from there, then go back and watch all his early silents
>I like the discs for the extras
You can pirate those as well if you're on the right sites.
Didn't like this one. The story was too silly and the camerawork was too wacky.
Certainly the most limited one. So I might agree based on that.
Y'all need to listen to more music. Kino is my fave art form, but music is second, paitings are third for me. All art is based, really, altough I dislike seeing live theatre for some reason
I've listened to plenty of music. I get the least out of it by far.
You need more. Music starts at 5000 thousand albums listened
>starts at 5000
So does Cinema
What the fuck, I am mightily struggling to reach 1500. How the hell do you people find the time and stamina to watch (or listen) to so much stuff?
Okay, what now?

It's more of a matter of age.
>mightily struggling to reach 1500
fucking pathetic
I don't have enough space to store the full bluray, also downloading them just to rip the extras and then deleting takes too much effort and seems like a dick move.
But I must admit I like the physical copies too, artwork, booklets and all that. Too bad blurays are so overpriced everywhere
I think cinema is comparable to literature in terms of expression. It's just more difficult to make a great film, so we don't get to enjoy them as much
I'm 31 and I've never had a job. :D
Just watch them chronologically, Tarkovsky made 7 films...
Salt for Svanetia
Happy accidents
I didnt get they were supposed to be gangsters until I read the wikipedia summary lol

I mean, it has all those
>honey please let's change our lifes
scenes which dont make sense, because all their "gangster" behaviour is wearing hats and playing billiard
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Schrader lookin good here
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>he hasn't seen a single Mollenberg kino
Why do you hate Finnish cinema, anon?
Stallone, he's got 160+ IQ
I liked his old movies, but I can't bring myself to watch his newer ones like First Reformed because of their extreme woke politics
Can't sympathize with the mentally ill
>extreme woke politics
Woke people absolutely hate him though, he was a liberal in the 1970s which is a literal fascist in the current climate
Now go watch First Reformed, it's a movie about people who try to stop global warming by suicide bombing
>i wasn't able to make the long-lasting architecture I wanted to, so I don't think you should be able to practice the forms either
It's the same way with the transitory love he feels.
Grillet's directional efforts are also good.
Can anybody tell me if this exists on the private tracker circuit already? A lot of people have reviewed it but looks like most have seen it irl at some festival. Title is The Stranger And The Fog (1974)
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Found these on an old HD, probably from around 2014-2016 era /film/

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this has been posted here plenty of times over the last four years. I can almost guarantee your other 4 charts have as well
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tranny discords don't have it yet, but there are people asking for it
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Audiobooks are great tools for patricians who read multiple novels per week and use audiobooks as a cooldown between.
For me, The Lady from Shanghai saved my life, I can now be an hero.
>>/film/ literature
that's a lot of books. any recommendations for an introduction to film type of read?
Mein Kampf
for the longest time I thought top right was Tokyo Drifter, some anon fooled me years ago.
I've read the synopsis of it on wiki bro, I can't sympathize with that mentally ill activist character
What is your legitimate argument against them?
She's a woman
Very effeminate reaction
read the filename a medieval arthouse and was really confused
No, your argument against audiobooks.
It doesn't. https://letterboxd.com/nd/list/karagarga-kg-unfilled-requests-complete-1/
Not him, but I just like physical books. I used to have an e-book and stopped using it. Besides I consider reading to be an active thing vs. listening which seems passive. I want to heed to my inner voice while reading, pause and actively picture and imagine whatever I just read, I don't want a voice actor or celebrity™ susurrating and talking in my ears.
Why did he do it bros?
He just loved opera, okay?
Atrocious argument made by an ignorant Instagram whore. Oral tradition used to be a communal activity and often a teaching and learning experience. Jamming headphones into your ears while you stuff dildos up your ass for your onlyfans bookclub has nothing to do with it.
are ozufags subtitle readers? for me the lack of any kinetic action makes his films unwatchable. mizoguchi never treats his viewists as theater play listeners.
You seem very threatened by Women.
Mizoguchi is a bum next to Ozu.
Mizoguchi is vastly overrated in general. Another perfume commercial filmmaker shielded by the canon.
I hate you and your retarded posts
You seem to be a retard who gets his opinions from social medias
good counterargument and not samefagging
I see that this thread has been overtaken by a paranoid schizophrenic with a psychosis centered around perfume commercials
Sad. Many such cases!
Opera stans are just that powerful. K-poop stans could never.
>They imagine, that if they lived during Christ's time, they wouldn't have done what the others did.

For me, it's the church painter scene.
>chistcuck slop
Get lost, tranny
Tfw the making-of documentary is better than the main feature.
Anyone got non-potato quality?
Maybe some Kiyoshi Kurosawa films for the sense of shifting reality? Haven’t read any Murakami for a long time and probably won’t go back to him but the one I really liked was South of the Border, West of the Sun because it dispensed with the weirdness.
thats because kpop stans are teenage white girls with yellow fever.
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sup guys. can I sit with y'all?
I saw Cure, which certainly had a Murakami vibe but I didn't really love the film as a whole and I've heard its his best film.

I actually read South of the Border West of the Sun the other day. Personally, my least favorite of his so far since I find the magical realism and mystery stuff to be his main draw.
However I told another anon earlier that I think his short stories are his best work, and the long form novels of his usually have underwhelming endings.
I personally would love to see an adaptation of Kafka on the Shore that just focuses on the guy who talks to cats solving mysteries.
Do whatever you want, retard.

La Grande Bellezza > Eyes Wide Shut > Ikiru >>> Out Of Africa (but the music is fantastic)
As long as you support trans rights sure.
thanks pal.
I have a soft spot in my heart for adventure/travel epics. there aren't that many and I love how much time Out of Africa spends ruminating on romance in a foreign land. Redford is a stud as always, and Streep was great in it. I loved the slower pace and vast amounts of introspection set in such a stunning landscape. I don't understand why so many people consider it straight up "boring."
if you truly feel trapped in your God-given body and making that kind of change will give you happiness in this life, then go for it. but don't do it just because you think it'll be a quick fix to your boredom or unhappiness. it's got a bit too much of "fad pressure" for my liking
yeah i remember being 16 years old

You're not a /kino/ unless you've simped for the love of your life for 5 years and developed a brutal opiate addiction after getting rejected, only to end up in some buddhist co-operative and realizing how gay that is, and getting back on track and getting a law degree so you can work some clerk government job and watching movies on the off-time.
opinion discarded
what is the fastest way of getting a law degree?
I've had a rougher life than that, but I am on my way to law school at 32 after a previous life in which I almost became a U.S. Congressman before my psychotic ex-girlfriend accused me of doing something I never did and I had to endure a two-year criminal trial.
life is unpredictable and unyielding. just keep swimming, anons.
2.5 years (summers included) at some tier 3 school, Saul Goodman style
if you live in NYC, a tier 3 is actually viable because of how gargantuan the legal market is. anywhere else, it would be a lot tougher to land a role at even a mid-sized firm with a six-figure starting salary
I live in California but I'm sure that's just as good since this state worships criminals.
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It's the journey not the destination.
Out of Africa is awful. how could this possibly be one of your favorite films unless those are the only four films you've seen?
are you sure you didn't mean to reply to the Murakami posters.
yeah, California, DC, Boston, Chicago are the other big markets (not necessarily in that order). it all depends on what you want to do. the only people I've heard of getting into "Big Law" through a tier 3 are people that went to tier 3s local to the NYC market

please see: >>201592013
People have wildly different tastes, it's that simple. There are people who are fans of The Room or Plan 9 from Outer Space.
I asked about this film some months ago. There's a restoration in the makings.
I don't have big aspirations I just need something that will pay me enough for a decent girl to marry me.
that's a great goal, anon. what is your target salary and what sort of work/life balance are you seeking? I'm sure you can make at least $50k/yr. in your first year, but don't forget about those beefy law school loans.
>I have a soft spot in my heart for adventure/travel epics
then watch actual good ones
how bad are the loans for a tier 3? I don't mind 50k a year to start but I'm hoping to at least crack 100k at some point.
I'm open to recommendations. Lawrence of Arabia is on the list, of course. I'm hoping that my first watch can be in 70mm in a theater
was it a false rape charge?
loans are all pretty shit but schools do offer scholarships; these are primarily based on your LSAT score (which is no longer mandatory as of 2025) and undergrad cv, though i'm sure other factors are considered. assuming you get no financial assistance, you can expect to owe more than $100k no matter where you go. i would be shocked if you're unable to crack $100k in your life, though that is quite modest for California, anon.

if you're very serious about this, I recommend 7sage as an LSAT prep course. it is about $69/mo. but the curriculum is really great. I've also heard good things about Powerscore and LSAT Demon.
no, but it was a violent felony charge and carried a mandatory minimum prison sentence of X years which the judge would have had no discretion to mitigate if I had been found guilty on that count.
it was good but not that good
>/film/ posters are criminals now
Things are looking up
Thank you for the advice anon. I eventually want to get out of California and maybe move to Minnesota or something, I honestly hate this state.
damn. and a prison sentence also means that you couldn't get a good job in the future
shouldn't have stuck your dick in crazies
ain't that the truth. unfortunately, sometimes we try to get too involved to help others and we also focus on our idealized version of the person rather than who they actually are, ignoring the screaming red flags. or so it was in my case. luckily, I received a favorable result but did not get out without any scratches.
plan carefully, anon. you'll never get the years back and starting over later is always harder.
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Watching this later, what am I in for?
All you need to watch are the last 5 minutes.
Glad you were able to get out of it at least. At this stage I'm just looking for something realistic and stable for the long life ahead, no more romantic idealization shit

Also, I notice a female lead is always utilized in films that want to portray sensibility, vulnerability, alienation etc. Is there any film with men in such roles?
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thanks, anon.

if you commit to law, I recommend doing your research on the best-paying specializations. here is a very good resource to start with: google picrel and download the pdf

ERISA is a particularly lucrative niche that also offers a great work-life balance
Mysterious Skin
All About Lily Chou Chou
A Brighter Summer Day
The Fire Within (highly recommend it, it is THE "sensibility, vulnerability, alienation" film with a male lead)
Haven’t seen Fire Within but thanks for reminding me, it popped up on youtube recently.
A Louis Malle blu-ray set got released here but went out of print quickly and I missed it.
Thanks. I've seen Mysterious Skin. Looks like I should binge the whole filmography of Maurice Ronet, been wanting to do that
If you can get a 161+ on the LSAT, you can get full tuition scholarships to decent schools. T14 is a meme route at this point. No reason to go unless you want to be a corporate slave for big bucks.
I just watched This Gun For Hire.
It was basically beta bux alpha fux the movie.
Alpha hitman almost kills a woman and only stop because witnesses show up, but that doesn't matter because she later finds out the psycho likes cats and he can't be all bad. After listening to his sob story she convinces herself that she can fix him and gives a bug kiss on the cheek. (If it was made after 1942 and after the hayes code, you can bet we would get a graphic sex scene with a bbc and the fucked up thing is it wouldn't even be contrary to the original filmmakers' vision.
I haven't the read the book so i don't know, but in the movie, the real irredeemables are an elderly rich man and a fat rich man and they get to die as villians because they give her the ick.
The in movie justification is that they sold chemicals to the Japanese, but upon further inspection the director is named Greene. Wikipedia doesn't name him as Jewish but he's a passionate communist who worked with the communists in Cuba. I'm sure he had no problems with Julias and Ethyl Rosenberg giving Russia Nukes. So the whole movie falls flat for me.

I only watched it because Columbo said it was a good Alan Ladd movie in the last episode I watched.
>Columbo said it was a good Alan Ladd movie
Based Columbo, as usual
One of the best films ever made
can anyone explain to me why french new wave is so revered on this website. i've seen like 6-7 films and they're fine but i don't understand why everyone treats them like divine gifts from the heavens. my favorite so far has been le cercle rouge
>mutts talking about law schools for 50 posts
truly the worst posters on /film/.

>le cercle rouge
Not even a FNW film you utter mongrel.
why not
Not made by a FNW director, retard.
dumb nigger
NTA, but it's a completely different genre / movement. Cercle rouge it's just Polar film, no characteristics of the french new wave filmmakers such as Godard, etc, just a french adaptation of US noir tropes.
why do you have to be an fnw director to use fnw techniques. that's like saying sean baker can't be considered a part of the dogme95 movement even though he started off with low budget, amateur actors, natural lighting, minimal setup, etc.
how about the long takes and incongruous cutting?
Don't listen to them. French New Wave is whatever you want it to be. French New Wave is an illusion.
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no certificate of authenticity no dogme95
>How about the long takes and incongruous cutting?

I think that's textbook Polar. FNW is more like formal experimentation with then novel editing techniques (jumpcuts, etc.), narrative structuring (prolepsis, analepsis, etc.) and general deconstruction of usual movie tropes. Polar is like a more artsy noir type film with some french-isms added imo.
One of the worst films from the french new wave.
kek can you imagine unironically stressing over this
thank you for the explanation. i will look into it more

do you think FNW is the best film style? for me, Kubrick >>>>>>>>>>> all. I also love Zulawski's camerawork
We need a FNW edit of this with the names in the /film/ shitpost style like GODard and a slow cinema one where the background design has Tsai wearing a crown.
Yang > Tsai
>Do you think FNW is the best film style?

Not really, though what I've seen is all mostly decent. Godard made a few very good films. My favorite style / movement from what I've seen is Taiwanese New Wave. I feel that most of my favorite films came from there, specially from Edward Yang.

>for me, Kubrick >all. I also love Zulawski's camerawork.

I like Kubrick and Eyes Wide Shut is one of my favorite films, but I feel that he's slightly overrated as a whole. Some of his films like The Shining and Lolita I feel have some aspects which could have been better, and even in Full Metal Jacket I see a mix of good and bad things happening at once. I still don't think that he made a bad movie (from what I've seen), but Lolita got really close.

I don't really like Zulawski's work at all, altough I've only seen 2 films by him. When I see his entire filmography I will formulate my criteria of him, but as of now, I can say that I hate his works, not gonna lie to you.
A hundred percent.
>Taiwanese New Wave
based. I also really like the current Chinese arthouse/poetic style. stuff like An Elephant Sitting Still, A Long Day's Journey Into Night -- it's marvelous. truly brings poetry back into film.

which Zulawskis have you seen? the camerawork in moments of paranoia in Possession is exceptional.
>A Long Day's Journey Into Night

I have yet to see any of the chinese films which you mentioned. I have them on my HDD but I've been entertained watching italian and french films in the meantime.

I've seen Possession and The Devil.
Bi Gan is a titan.
would you agree that Bi Gan and other Chinese filmmakers of that ilk are unironically the most SOVLFUL in today's world of cinema?
Recommend a kino which on YouTube, I can't torrent anymore as I think BT have capped my speed. I am going to purchase an assault rifle and lay waste to their offices on Thursday
no, but they do make great films
I've got just the film for you big guy
screencapped just in case
I was joking about going postal. Please just recommend kino thank you very much
Just watch The Fire Within, some anon posted the link in this thread
Seen it. 4/5. I must say I am a seasoned kino consoomer so no need the real shit

What did you mean by this?
I don't have an easy way to know what films are or aren't on youtube, so here's one of the only things I've got saved on there
Thank you kind sirs your tastes seem sublime, much respect
YouTube is just about the worst site you can use to watch kino, and should only be used as an absolute last resort
mosfilm is on youtube, you can find soviet kinos there
in the worst quality available
they have 4k restorations
Is this also going to feature some 3D gimmick? I've been holding him up until I get proper VR gear to watch his stuff.
but enough about mutts
Certified retard
He is a gimmicky garbage man. Only praised because of meme gimmicky techniques (already mastered by Sokurov long before).
This is also my favorite.
I like the ending scene
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what would you recommend to someone with this taste?
Sonatine, it's in ok.ru
La Grande Illusion
He should give recs to me. I know not one of those films
That's a self-solving problem then, "he" already did
What are some other self-solving problems, lads?
>La Grande Illusion
seen it already. great film
what kind of films do you like?
>What kind of films do you like?

B-movies, horror films, exploitation, taiwanese new wave, some arthouse, gangster films, Hollywood slop, John Hugues comedies, some westerns.

Favorite kino related people: Kubrick, Von Trier, Polanski, Marty, Tarantino (not necessarily for his films, but rather his persona and movie knowledge), Lynch, Antonioni, Fellini, Pasolini, Nic Cage, Keanu Reeves.
from that list you'd probably like Pepe le Moko and Dangerous Encounters of the First Kind
Saw The Long Goodbye yesterday, that Altman fella knew whats up
Grindhouse is trashy. I look down on you if you like it.
Grindhouse is only for the initiated. I think you just got filtered
Low t. faggot

imposter senorita booty and beans
this nigga eatin beans
Someone make the new thread
Surprised to see the Antonioni support in this thread, /film/ usually shits on him
That being said, also been a shitload of absolutely braindead fucking retarded opinions in this thread, so I don’t know what to make of it
Don't worry, I'm making the new one.
Who shits on Antonioni lmao? Dude has always been seen as one of the GOATs by the critics, and his movies are not even controversial in any way on film circles. He's one of my faves btw
Retards on /film/ do. People will shit on everything and everybody here, it's like a special olympics sport
Dont, I posted his gangster movie >>201584016 and it's not worthy

he directs it like a homo
wait a second...

He makes lots of travellings in Dragnet Girl, including very weird camera movements where he rotates around a teapot in an empty room then focus on a far away door, from where a character enters the room
Youre mistaking the author of the book (Graham Greene, catholic and former british spy; although friend of Kim Philby, Greene never was accused of treason) with the director (Frank Tuttle, who used to be a communist until he ratted his friends to Macarthy)

or maybe you're joking, and Im just being autistic
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Great taste. Here's a small variety of films that aren't in any of the /film/ charts and aren't more commonly known works by directors you're sure to be aware of.
Maciste (1915)
Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
The Adventure of Denchu-Kozo
based /film/ newfriend
>La Grande Bellezza >
Yeah, get triggered I like a film you don't

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