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HOH: Angela
POV: Lisa
NOMS: Matt, Kenney, Kimo

Upgraded: Makensy (America's Veto), Quinn (Deepfake HoH)
Downgraded: Chelsea, Cedric
Previous: >>201618326
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oh, they're up
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3D ainsley > 2D ainsley, sorry AIcels
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huge head or tiny body?
can i get a qrd on who is based
Anyone else extremely annoyed by the feed switches this year?
Tucker is /ourguy/
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They seem so much worse than they used to be. Extremely frequent and at the worst possible times.
feeds back

>leah talking
the mak is vertical
you WILL eat Lisa’s glitter
they are still hugging kek
tucker thinks mak has been hitting on him?
Really? Didn't really like him in the first 3 episodes, seemed over the top but in a bad way, but maybe will grow on me. Does twitter hate him? If so then thats a good sign.
apparently leah called lisa a dogface
tuckerbros lets suit up
guys thursday eps are moved up to 8pm starting this week

wed eps also moving to 8pm starting next week

sunday will remain at 9pm
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He looks like max payne
Angela is a CBS plant, and the hoh was rigged for her to make a crazy first week.
i dunno people are saying cbs is getting clips deleted off twitter. theres only a clip of post confrontation
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you WILL watch Rig Brother and you WILL like it
google when you're home lol
tkor mak
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looking through my bb folder and I had this saved, with a filename no less. Must have been something funny he was seething about but don't remember the context at all.
his mom was berating him cause they both were first out in the pressure cooker
>No rewinds
>CBS striking bb clips
What does this mean?
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This season is ruined. The next three people out will be Matt,Kenny Lisa boring
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lisa has more hair growth under one armpit than the other
matt is winning ai arena chud
There used to be a director at my corporation that looked and behaved like Lisa. Everyone hated her and she was included in a massive round of layoffs recently. She would send me emails that were practically essays when a couple sentences would suffice. She had these two lackeys that I could tell she coached to act like her because they would call me all the time to help them, and accuse me of problems not caused by our software but user error or some other teams error, but it would be impossible to convince them otherwise.
leah is actually the slut that people said america was last season kek
hes doing his praying tattoo!
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nice that shit was on too late
she will fuck 2-3 dudes from this season guaranteed
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i dont think any of leahs friends signed waivers whenever she talks about them feeds switch
Previously on Big Brother

The house was abuzz with drama as alliances began to shift and secret deals were made. Tiffany and Xavier solidified their final two pact, but little did they know, Hannah was eavesdropping and plotting her own game-changing moves.

In a shocking twist, the Power of Veto competition saw Derek F. pulling out a surprising win, sending shockwaves through the house. With the power in his hands, he had to decide whether to shake up the nominations or keep the status quo.

Meanwhile, tensions flared between Alyssa and Kyland, culminating in a heated argument that left the house divided. The backyard was a battlefield as houseguests picked sides, each plotting their own path to victory.

At the eviction ceremony, the house was left stunned as Julie announced a double eviction, throwing everyone’s strategy into chaos. Alliances were tested, betrayals were revealed, and by the end of the night, two houseguests were sent packing, leaving everyone questioning who they can truly trust.

Who will emerge as the new Head of Household? And how will the remaining houseguests navigate the ever-shifting alliances and treacherous waters of the Big Brother house? Find out tonight, on Big Brother!
and they succeeded because it was great
yeah he looks like a lot of celebrities
>Matt or Kenny going home

Not based at all
damn lisa is based for that
kenney isn't even playing the game
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stealing brooklyn away from her husband
chelsie n-bombing it up
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chelsie confessions™ everyday around 11am

shit talking tucker for putting a booger on his pants
booger mentioned
girls talking about leah's ass
>matt is winning the arena
>kenney sucks and is checked out for days now
What race is this?
mak putting on leahs bikini
why does tuck hate lisa so much?
they're just like me fr
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wip version of bbviewer is up
no quality options yet which sucks but better audio panning
have you been watching? shes annoying as fuck
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makini makini makini
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until they fix that horrible quality, gonna stick with pluto
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its going to be a good day

she is chasing leah around the unicorn room now
shes going to fingerblast leah
Her voice is really annoying she has a raspy smokers voice at 22
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Who said what about it? I need to know
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you mean like shelby? thats fair
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her pussy is literally like right there
mak was saying she has a good size booty and wishes she could have hers and how she watched her bouncing around in the yard and nobody else noticed and tkor kept mhmming
Chelsie booty alert
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Socrates nigga
It’s odd to me that Cam has had so many relationship problems and seems to put up with them for way too long. He literally said he’s been cheated on multiple times and he still takes the girl back. He can’t get a new woman?
>tkor kept mhmming
kek I’m surprised because T’Kor seems like such a prude about everything
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doing gods work anon. wish you had better rez though
you just know she’s tight
damn, so close to the perfect loop
What happened when she caught her?
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had to compress it a bit, they really need to raise the webm size limit, here’s a shorter version
This place has the same problem as /hoc/
yo can we get some outside feeds grodner
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pootard made some dumb strategic error talking and his mom mildly rebuked him so he stormed out
then proceeded to sulk like a child in bed until mommy came and comforted him lmao, pic related
they accidentally rubbed pussies together
I swear the cameras are trying to hide Chelsie’s booty from us
I love big mak’s little boobies
i hope we get another pressure cooker this year
Everything in tomorrow’s episode is gonna feel like it happened a month ago
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Fellas, just want to say I love you guys. I don't have any friends and feeling really low tonight but it always makes me happy to see this general being active.
Love you too, anon. Seems like it’ll be a fun season
this is going to be one of those houses where episode only casuals will have no idea what is going on 3/4 of the time
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love you brother
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love you too bb
my colitis has flared so the season starting right now was perfect to help keep me distracted and have some social engagement, it's always one of my favorite parts of the summer
Yeah, I’m getting that impression too. Also they’ll like different houseguests than the feeders. A few show watchers I know can’t stand Tucker for example

Who wants to tell him?
Tucker barely appeared in the shows so far
Exactly, I feel like you need to sit and listen to him rant for awhile before you start to like the guy. It’ll be interesting how the edit works him
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Feel the love homie, what other community on here has good compassion at 3am on a weekday? We here.
leah looking cute
omg imagine if he has leah pov cam rn
>be fatfuck
>almost cast on this season
>could have fucked/showmanced leah
it's so over bros
>quinn doing tuckers back sunscreen
switching genders after getting CAM'd I see
>if we had

foot degenerates...
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Actually made me a bit tearyeyed.
bog mommy looks good from the corner cam across the room
leah is a footfag
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if only i had x-ray vision
can someone fucking knock out t'kor
im sick of her disgusting accent
brutal domination
Did you eat your glitter today /bb/?
Hopefully this AI arena shit doesn't stifle game talk on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
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>p-please lisa... no more.... my stomach hurts
got my moonwater next to me right now
I don't think it usually will, this eviction is weird in that kenney is practically begging to be sent home even as matt is the biggest target up right now
im so glad no footfag capped leah rubbing maks feet
Good afternoon fellow vibe curators
Finally got around to checking out that Traitors show because Dan was on it, holy fuck is that the most retarded show I have ever seen. Every roundtable they are screaming about "wheres the proof" and shit, but nothing the killer does is made public, so by sheer virtue of how the show is set up, its impossible for anyone to have proof.
she has good posture too
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love you too buddy
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Love you queen
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we're letting you in the bombsquad anon
goddammit pluto cam 2 was on ads and i couldnt cap mak diigging her kini out of her ass
brooklyn marriage sounds like the type where it might last another 10-15 years then she'll have enough of her husbands bullshit and divorce him
kinda feel bad for her it feels like she's in sunk cost mode essentially
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Agreed, it seemed fundamentally flawed as a game and it was corny as fuck. I stopped watching after Dan left.
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Getting caps this year feels like you have rare images
mak is going to eat that entire bag of cookies by herself
hopefully once bbviewer 2.0 is out capfags won't be in such a pinch
trying to fatten herself up for leah
cedric is so tired of hearing leah talk
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it's just fly by capping and the videos for the select cam are 20 seconds ahead of the stream giving you a view onto what's coming up so just got to get the timing down
quality is still shit but the bbviewer beta linked earlier allows for flashback
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4K live feeds when
I feel like someone might freak out on her or tell her to shut up at some point and Leah will start bawling. She’s the type of girl that doesn’t even realize how much she talks
jfc lisa and leah never stop talking
Why is Tucker always making weird faces? Dude seems incredibly desperate for attention. And on that subject I have noticed all the zoomer players constantly being hams for the camera like as a game is being explained while the older contestants just sit there listening
forced to listen to either leah talk about getting hit on or lisa talk about "life"

someone poke angela with a stick or get tucker back on the balcony for a meltdown or something
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it's in the works I called it in to the grod production is on it
it's insane how self absorbed she is
why's MJ walking around with her ass out in front of everyone
dumb whore
because she loves us
>button boy switched to angela cam talk
i-is he in the thread?
are calgarytards shitting up /bb/ now?
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could barely see them to be fair
is she "confirming" that she knows lisa has the power? angela get in there and confront her ass
i'll be surprised if production doesnt tell mak to not wear that bikini again
need to see those pink nips
"Leah is alright until she opens her mouth"
kek Leah heard someone say this in school?
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who is Angela shit talking right now? Leah?
kek her nickname was LEAHTARD
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>when you realize you told a schizo that will go down in flames within the next few weeks that you have a power
lisa. she is convinced she has the power
she's still going kek
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meme magic
Angela is convinced Lisa has the power even though she and Quinn were in the same entrance group.
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Will he be forced to use it if she’s put up?
>Weds episode 8pm
>Thurs episode 8pm
>Sun episode 9pm

God I love how bitchy she seems
leah yaps way too damn much
kind of person that waits for you to stop talking so she can say something or talks over you. not cute
US version is so fucking bad.
He has an Imdb page
The game is retarded, even if you get all the traitors they'll just add new ones so the game doesn't end early, your best bet is to do fuck all and just lay low to the very end and flip a coin to hopefully the traitor out.

Best of just making an alliance with people you like so one of you can definitely win.

Theyd be better off doing a replica of the genius where these reality contestants just come in once a week and compete in a brainy social thing where they can lie and bs people
Rubina side boob
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why were leah and lisa hugging in the bathroom
are they playing the AI arena today?
lisa onto tucker bullshitting convos for gameplay
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>Leah in pigtails
what a whore
i think its live during the eviction ep
oh wow. seems kinda rushed but i guess everyone will know by that time who they are voting out depending on who is up there
I think lisa was talking about joseph not tucker, but in the context of joseph walking in to her talking to tucker
so the usual sketchiness about joseph
What exactly is it?
Just adding that this upcoming episode (Wed) is still going to be aired the usual time
earlier this morning when tucker left the hoh she looked at the cameras and said she doesnt trust him and that he is basically full of shit
i have no idea. but if its on the live eviction episode. it has to be something super quick. so puzzle type game most likely
>Tue 12:25 PM PT Makensy: You like massaging? Leah: These two thumbs have paid for everything in my life for the past 5 years in my relationship.

>Tue 12:24 PM PT Leah is massaging Makensy’s feet. Leah: I can’t wait to get into feet. I’m a foot person. You can tell a lot by looking at someone’s feet.
once matt leaves, leah and big mack are fucking
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based lesbian showmance
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leah putting quinns hair into ponys
Damn my thumbs bend like that too
poor dude is lost in the pussymist for a succubus
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quinn reminds me of this guy
When will it be /ourguy/s turn?
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she can probably give the best angry handjob on earth
cam and cedric discussing valeryia and targaryens
Cam was wrong & Cedric was right & Cam basically blew him off. Cedric looked so pissed, I seethe in your place son.
No one gives those
wonder if cedric posts in hotd threads
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Literally so hot
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they're talking about how great paramount+ is
Looks like a taller Keri Russell in Eight Days a Week
totally organic, chud
apprently tuckers grandpa owned a cattle ranch and it got sold off after he died. the new owners took all the old furniture and tossed it in a big hole and built a deck over it
>tucker: fuck those guys
>feeds cut
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damn thats mad disrespectful yo
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damn that's sad
backyard cams are comfykino
he spunked in his shorts
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they are going to convince him to crossdress 100%
>multiple hgs were on dr phil
production plant bullshit
shutup turner
well it is a 'show'
Production has shown themselves to be so incompetent over the years that I give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn’t know Angela and Brooklyn are actors
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while it's cool we might get more blindsides because of the ai arena, we now have all this dead time from veto ceremony to live show since no one knows who to campaign against or make deals with or who the final noms will be, etc so they're just sitting around waiting
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yeah, why not do the comp on tuesday and then fold it into the wednesday episode?
veto ceremony should go back to mondays at least starting next week and theres no guarantee this new twist will last the entire season
I can guarantee it won’t last the entire season
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i just capped your post
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leah such a cute!
she is going to be fun to watch the second she touches the block
what could lisa and mak be talking about over there
>multiple hgs were on dr phil
>they're all crazy

casting this year needs a raise!
cedric thinks cherry blossom trees produce cherries
Why would you still consume this trash when Fishtank exists now? Do none of you have any self control? Why support something that isnt for you?
how many times can you hear the same TTS and watch the same paypig deliveries and them all yell at the potato cams and failed bits
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ive watched bb before so im not worried about being wrong
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>he watches fishtank
I can't be convinced that any fan of Sam Hyde isn't a massive fucking loser
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why the fuck would you watch a shittier version of The Real World?
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>cams going to miami
>ask leah for a good mexican spot
tbf all hispanic food is just called mexican in alot of the states
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she nearly flashed some vag
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there are way more webms of the female hgs doing absolutely nothing than usual. are there newfag coomers or what
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I watch both. If there’s people living in a house with 24/7 cams then I am watching.
Fish tank will die when idubbbz does his own version with famous YouTubers. It starts in October and then no one will talk about Sam Hyde failed project again.
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of the capfags willing to jump through the hoops to cap are you seriously shocked the coomers would be overrepresented?
you need a hobby
cam be into game of thrones
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stupid sexy flatboard
im not surprised that theyre a higher percentage of the caps but i am surprised by the higher volume. i dont even bother hovering the webms anymore because everytime its just someone wandering around doing nothing.
Caps and webms will be trouble until feeds get sorted
Only the coomers are so determined
Nah you do
part of it is there also hasn't been a ton to cap outside of it that's webm worthy desu
coomers push technological advances
its completely indefensible to spend my summers watching bb live feeds so i truly cant imagine the depths of despair it takes to watch the other, shittier feeds shows and then post about them in /bb/
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I'll tell you one thing and I'm not ashamed to say it, my estimation of cam as a man just fucking plummeted
there's a high volume of coomer webms because the feeds are dull as FUCK today
you are not required to post webms of women standing around doing nothing
nah it’s pretty based actually to do things you like
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yeah as opposed to previous seasons
I’ll never understand people who complain about caps
Will bb ever cast a woman with a waist?
yep i said that nobody has ever posted pointless coomer webms before and this is the first season its ever happened. you completely understand me.
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as for webms, if you non coomers see something, point it out
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i liked the webms of creepy joe
the midget is ugly
matt flirting with big bird
>mak: i think an accent would get annoying
>tkor sitting across from here on the couch
tbf its impossible to know if tkor has an accent or a dick in her mouth
hopefully they get some alcohol tonight to spice things up
contribute something yourself or stfu
when is the next episode?
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i post caps all the time. some of mine have even been reposted in this very thread
my caps have timestamps
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my caps have aura
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i use the random filename generator but the file names on my hard drive have timestamps too
dogface in a bikini
tomorrow 9pm

thursday 8pm live eviction
Tucker and the bog talking it up about how the food could be better
um I like butts
for me its legs but nobody has particularly nice ones this season
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ermmm are those butts? YUM
since that one guy complained im probably going to increase my coomer caps
there was no doubt in my mind it would flare up some autism
Most of my caps are of kenzy
File: lisa lotion motion.webm (3.94 MB, 960x540)
3.94 MB
3.94 MB WEBM
how much they love fingerfucking
Haven’t been able to watch the feeds yet. Anything of note happen or has it been boring today?
I don't know if I've posted these already but here are more caps
the worst day of feeds since they started
rubina calling matt and mak toxic
What is running Kimo the wrong way where he’s going to have to be fake towards someone now?

Sounds like he and Rubina are wanting Makensy out right after Matt
yet they still keep cutting them, they did shill paramount however
Probably because of the reset last night and everyone is basically in a good mood
They're feeling left out getting jelly or something

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