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of the night edition
prev >>201634077
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You post this in every thread. You post it early. It repulses me. Are you unemployed?

It's going to happen off screen. It does not involve two women talking or dragons. It's going to happen off screen.

I'm gooning to your hope and I'm going to climax to your despair. Keep posting you deluded Autist cunt.

Screenshot this. I comes.
Darkstar vs Daemon vs Aemond
Who wins?
Is that fucking Darkstar? The only person in all of Westeros who is edgier then Aemond
I mean I don't even like those spammers, but now I want to post it too.
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DarkStar its actually a descendant of Aemond. Just like the Whents and the GOT era Starks
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>The dragon when you try to ride it
George's favourite
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any cultures in ASOIAF circumcise?
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He comes....
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>You will never live in Oldtown
How the hell was this built?
If only he'd been the youngest
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AS THE REGENT LORD (not of Quel’Thalas tho, despite my elven apparence), THESE SHALL BE MY FIRST EDICTS:

Bottom to top would be my guess.
Brandon the Builder was just that good
Is Rhaenyra gonna munch the carpet?
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I'm still too sleepy to post in this thread
>edgier then Aemond
Aemond have actuall edgelord feats. All we know about Darkstar is tha he's emo and failed to murder a young girl
I love these Ratcathers memes
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Cute and canon!
molesting a drunk aegon
bro that nigga built the wall and you ask how he built this tower
Isn't that the guy who unironically said "I am the Night"?
inb4 Alys will fuck Daemon instead
Not only yes but the show will act like this was morally correct and smart.
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>I'm surrounded by Cannisters...
And they will be right.
Remainder that Daenerys has been shitting herself somewhere in Essos for more then 13 fucking years.
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he's one of the least annoying ritual posters while you type like a redditor and reposted this because you got ignored last thread which is very cringe
hope that helps
Methinks the ratings will prove otherwise and this show will be remembered like GOT Season 6-8 and they will kill all future GOT projects.
Betting she's still thirsty, too
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How can she slap?
Who tf is brandon the builder?
Literally lost tech
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Daenerys is dead bro, D&D finished the story. George will die to a surfeit of lampreys a rich man nonetheless.
I need an animated show
No one cares about ratings in a system where chuds get a vote.
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she will
He build two of the World Wonders in ASOIAF on top of Winterfell and Storm's End. He's on a whole different level


I'll be posting in every single thead until the event does not happen. I will continue to type like a Redditor.

I'm stroking my flaccid circumcised redditor cock as we speak?


I comes.
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Dunk and Egg has begun filming so we'll probably see the first season of it but it might kill the Conqueror's show
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>that gigachad gigachin
Makes me laugh everytime.
Wonder if it's real or movie-magic prosthetic.
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then go make one dumbass
The more she drank... the more she shat...
Those dragonkeepers are pretty kino. That guy cutting his own throat.
The guy who built almost all the big shit, like the Wall. Probably did it with magic.
A legendary figure to whom the Westerosians attribute various constructions. There may be some truth in the legend, but you shouldn't believe everything you hear.
why are house built right next to the water?
Probably more like slaves
They're apparently fanatics, probably the same people that have hereditary positions and believe the dragons are gods.
He also looks like a IRL recreation of some blood elf hunter you could randomly met in WoW circa 2007. Incredible phisonomy
ive unironically been learning blender and 3d animation to make a short demo of something in universe. maybe valyria vs. the rhoynar with a cameo from nymeria. maybe doom of valyria. maybe summer isles shit based on everything we know about it

idk it's a little passion project. i still suck though, like im not very good yet
If you watch The Last Kingdom you can see him turn from babyface to Chin.
gotta toss the poop somewhere, anon
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Daeronchads, status?
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The earliest Stark mythic ancestor we know off. Apparently loved to build shit for payment as a hobby and built most of biggest landmarks of Westeros, like the Wall, the Hightower, Storm's End
Then he pulled an Arya and sailed with his fleet to explore what's west of Westeros, never to return
Barristan Selmy!!!!!
My first thought when seeing him in the Aemond costume. Ewan Mitchell is going to be the go-to 'elf' actor in Hollywood for most of his career now
You will NOT disrespect Helaena like that or I will come to your house and break your knees
Whatever it is women swoon.
Condal said that they made their own dagger from dragonglass during their training, a sort of ritual similar to the Jedi making their own lightsaber. It would be nice to find out more about them.
he's gonna be a redhead bastard of Cole just cause
I always liked Lorthemar. Shame he doesn’t do much besides eat purple pussy
The show's mistreatment of him makes people forget that Criston Cole is canonically the greatest fighter alive in Westeros during the Dance. In the show, Harwyn sucker punches Cole and kicks his ass, in the book, Cole beats up Harwyn so badly that they change his nickname from 'Breakbones' to 'Brokenbones'
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Step aside peasants
This is cope
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Thriving, flourishing, in my lane
>Pyromaniac femcel schiz with a savior complex
>Prophecy-obsessed lunatic, groomer and likely rapist
>Violent Depressed abuser

>Kinslayer powehungry with a god complex (and from Harrenhal onward schizo too)
>Spoiled whore that uses her position of power to force sexual advances on her subjects
>Indolent moron that destroyed 80 years of peace and his own family over the ghost of a wife he himself killed

Yea two impressive trios you got lmao
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What class would Aemond play?
>suffer well
dh is somehow edgier than dk.
Okay lads, a question for you:
How can a show about a war of dragons with so much explicit sexing, vulgar language, graphic violence, incest, crazy characters, guts and blood be SO BORING?
How many more seasons?
>The Last Kingdom
Such a great show. Everyone should be watching that instead of HOT-GARBAGE.
I bet there are anons ITT who haven't seen it.
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>When you get caught in the whore house
Its boring because women are boring
The edgiest class for melee edgelords, Death Knight (Warlock if he was of the caster edgelord flavor)
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so is the show basically just a backdrop for Hess' and Condal's fanfic?
DK edge is listening to death metal and having skull decorations in your house
DH edge is self harm and intentionally disappointing your parents
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always has been
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This guy at first seems like a comic relief, but after a few scenes he is quite Kino, the only character that seems good and honorable to me.
>The edgiest class for melee edgelords, Death Knight
No bro dhs are the edgiest now.
>over 40, but still fertile somehow
>looks young
>MASSIVE milky titties that make a young handsome prince fall in love with her
>magic witchy spells for her super speshul bloodline
>handsome husbando kills evil nasty bully family for her
Did GRRM write this for some lonely middle aged woman?
Andals are just built different
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>Tfw no Aemond vision of his first visit to mommywhore at 13
shame Sarah isnt a shotafag
that we know of
Barba Bolton should have been queen
Yes. See Martin passive-aggressive blogpost of few weeks ago when he talked about TV writers and producers taking someone's else story to wrap it under their own ideas instead of making up their own stories.
And yet, as autistic as he is, somehow the change that made him seethe the most was a rather minor one for the book purists: cutting Maelor
He's probably a boomer who hasn't played since Cata
he is like 20
>WoW post WOTLK
Nobody cares lmao. It's a nu-WoW class
Varys Larys
Littlefinger Clubfoot
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TV Alys is the antimatter version. What were they thinking? And she butchered the, You will die here, line.
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earthbending or some shit IDK
kek, never saw it that way,
Makes you wonder how would the story change (tone-wise) if Gurm was a woman in an alternate universe
>Zoomer pretending to playing WoW
No zoomer born from 2000 onwards ever played seriously any MMOs. Its a millennial genre
aemond is only going to want to fuck her after she tells him she was messing with daemon
His scene with Alicent last episode was one of the highlights for me.
>named the episode where the peasants sperg out and murder guards "smallfolk"

Did they do this scene purely to show that they deserve to die
This whole mess could've been wrapped up in, like, 12 maaaaybe 15 if we're feeling generous, but instead it's going to get stretched like me missus pantaloons for 4 seasons of barely anything happening. Don't think I can stomach it, lads. Sorry. I feel like I'm failing you. I'm sorry.
young aemond was so cute
never thought i'd fall myself loving the aids ridden Lyseni whore Vissy theory but here I am.
very clearly wasn't as bad as episode 5, but okay. breaking point. i get it.
yep, it was obvious when they changed rhaenyra and alicent's ages and made them le heckin childhood friends
Samwell would be Samantha and instead of fat pink mast it would be thick pink slit
they are setting the foundation of rhaenyras return and the future riots/the storming
I don’t really get the Maiden’s Day Ball because why the fuck did random Houses like the Boltons think they had a chance of marrying the king? If the Starks weren’t even really considered for royal marriages what chance did they think they had? You can sort of get the Peake marriage because he was basically offering to make his House extinct and have all his lands subsumed into the Crown. Realistically, Aegon was only ever going to marry someone of Valyrian or Targ blood.
I'm usually mocks normalfags for their attention spawn that need constant battles and visual stimulations to not get bored. But in this case, they are right.
The plot is barebone, and the dialogs mediocre. After so much buildup, having a single battle on-screen (rather minor too) feels like having waited two years for nothing.

GOT could get away with a single battle for season because of it's impressive plot and great dialogue (before season 5). HOTD dont.
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>Ulf is going to claim Silverwing while drunk
is this true????
Are they? Mysaria controls the smallfolk apparently now.
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he's not conventionally handsome but there is just something about him.
also both actors pulled the uwu mouth pretty well.
martin can make that change if he wants, but it would kill the franchise.

danyfags would murder him themselves
why couldn't Aegon 2 just eat his turnips?
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Barba Bolton was objectively the best choice, she cared about her people
Fuck Daenaera and fuck gurrms weird fetishes
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Still hopefully not liking the worst theory in ASOIAF
She always did but still.
I mean the episode was boring but what's the reason for this
The best choice was just to not change the original lore and have Jaehaera survive and having kids
if only because i've never heard a story about a preteen dad/ very young boy playing the role of a father to a little girl
Isn't Fatman credited as a creator of this show unlike GoT? I thought he actually had say in it this time?
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>im putting together a team….you in?
I think it was originally established that Aegon III had married a Velaryon so Jaehaera needed to die. Also that it would’ve made the Blackfyre rebellions an extension of the Green vs Black conflict.
fat pink mast
No he had no role in HOTD unlike early GOT, where he directed and wrote some episodes, and even made himself some non-book scenes (like the Twin introduction one)
>blackfyre shits
no ty
What’s the theory?
what other characters would be women if fat fuck was a woman?
>Also that it would’ve made the Blackfyre rebellions an extension of the Green vs Black conflict
And thus making it much more meaningful, as well as making the Dany v fAegon upcoming war truly the Second Dance
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Why is Team Black so fucking BASED, bros?
>Bittersteel and Brynden on the same team
Might as well put Rhaegar and Bobby B in there too
Did you post the wrong picture?
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It was also established that Daeron I was married and that Jaehaerys and Alysanne had a son named Aeryn. The latter was even published. The BF rebellions being an extension except not really of the G vs B conflict is actually more interesting and more ironic.
>wears makeup looking like a faggot irl
was Mysaria also a brothel owner in the books or Am I mixing up characters?
I wont be surprised of Sarah manages to make what would essentially be a sex trafficker a strong female character if so
Wtf I'm a blackcel now
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Yeah she was worse. She literally gave young girls for daemon to rape
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What's next for her?
is there a white edit, I need it
Aeryn sounds better than Vaegon
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she did this in the show too. offered to bring daemon a silver haired maiden. she's literally a pimp
Cute picture
I’m going to breed that bitch with dogs on goggoggos
hopefully death
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>Depends.... what's in it for us?
I want to quit this show, they keep showing Team Green as the bad guys when it was never GRRMartin's goal.
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the liberal push to portray madams as empowered/kind women out of ALL the other professions/trades women held in the past has always be sketchy to me.
Also the actress looks vaguely Amerindian to me
>dying for your wife's son, who is also your wife's other husband's wife's son
you know that actors are forced to wear weird things for photoshoots, right? It doesn't mean they're fags
>Rhaegar and Bobby B
in another timeline they would've been good friends
false flag
The girl has big breasts
fAegon being the combination of a bunch of dispossessed bloodlines would be cool (Green + Blackfyre + Brightflame + Saera?)
>sucks a rubber dick for a photoshoot
>im straight I swear! Im just comfortable with my sexuality!
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is she caraxes sister?
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Hopefully they wont change him for like the third time
A man wouldn't let that happen in the first place
incase you didn't get it, xhe's making fun of the tranny's clout chasing attempt
She's Japanese
That and the term "sex workers".
I just think it would’ve been tiring if the Green vs Black conflict lasted almost 200 years.
That's not true. He is co-creator and executive producer of HotD
What are they going to do with this character? She's so creepy.
s2 is looking like itll crash and burn like shogun/three body problem
hopefully mommy milking
beady dark brown eyes look freaky on pale/blonde women, jesus
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she's half, her mother is Argentinian-British and her father is Japanese

half-Asians look strange sometimes. Lewis Tan for example.
I was going to say she looked like a spic mixed with jap

damn im good
Maybe some lewd stuff with one of Rhaenyra's boys
aegon has bad taste
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>Emma (Rhaenyra) who is non binary/queer always compliments him in interviews and keeps calling him beautiful.

>Bethany (Baela) who is gay is basically his best friend these two spend lots of time together and she always compliments him.

>Phoebe (Rhaena) who is non binary/queer said in an interview that she's not a morning person but she always smiles when she sees Harry because she loves him a lot.

Here's the interview btw:

>Emily (young Alicent) who is non binary/gay is a childhood friend of his and she also loves him and compliments him.

I really want to know this guy's secret because it's really hard to make women like you and especially those who are LGBTQ. He's definitely doing something right.
The whole setting is post apocalyptic
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>cutting Maelor
Isn't he in? Helena's youngest child. I don't recall her having more than 3 in the book.
Imagine reproducing with a Latin American. I'm gonna vomit.

And dont forget originally Jahaerys's wife was the only daughter of Maegor I. He changed a lot of stuff in the Targaryen history, sometimes causing some conflicts with the proper lore established in the books.
Hell, Daemon Targaryen isnt even mentioned a single time in the proper ASOIAF books, despite his apparent status of legendary figure (Aemond is mentioned a lot instead). He was created in the Rogue Prince short story
In Aegons defense, she is VERY rapeable

Not that shes that pretty, but has the vulnerability and softness that you just want to seize. A young maid like her is likely illiterate, and knows nothing of the world outside washing dishes and fetching cups of wine.

A dumb, incapable, pitiful little creature, but also soft and warm. Laughably easy to physically and mentally dominate into utter submission.
>it's really hard to make women like you and especially those who are LGBTQ.
it is really not if you're a normal and nice person, which the kid looks like he is
A mere formal title to claim the show have canonicity / greenlight for any change. In GOT he had actually a lot of power, both in directing some episodes and helping with the casting
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Well I only write code but if I was going to do that I'd first set up their relationship ahead of time before Lyman died. Just a scene where Lyman is proud of Alan and one where Alan says he misses his grandpa or is excited by a gift he received from him. That's it. Then tie that plothole for how Alan found out in the first place. You can do whatever you want with how he reacts but make it clear that he's disobeying his liege lord whom he by default owes his loyalty to, so just a pre war scene where he does the proper courtesy towards Ormund is enough. Finally, the reveal that Lyman is a that dead and not just locked away in the Red Keep. Some sort of reaction like pic related is what I'd imagine. Maybe have some pre established dickhead character reveal it to him, someone like Jon Roxton but you have to write him well too.
The show writers don't care about logical, fill in the gaps writing. They want to self insert at every opportunity.
You know too much about a celebrity, have sex
Muzzies are using their accounts only to downvote stuff their imam doesn't like.
It's not about taste, he's constantly drunk. He barely remembers what she looks like.
He genuinely looks like a good guy. I don't know why this is a surprise to some of you. Just because they're actors, it doesn't mean they're allw creeps who think about raping their costars.
He didn't direct a single GoT episode. He wrote 4
>I really want to know this guy's secret because it's really hard to make women like you and especially those who are LGBTQ
Go outside
How come so many female actors are "non-binary" now? Are they just chasing clout among zoomers?
Still more than he actually ever did with HOTD. His role in the show is merely cerimonial
>female actors
Filter by country: Saudi Arabia
He's not, only Jaehaerys and Jaehaera have been seen or mentioned
it's just a fancy way of saying they're bisexual but they hate like 90% men
this guy has no acting roles outside of christopher nolan's and HBO's works. he obviously has millionaire parents buying him into roles.
nigga this is a setting with dragons, a thousand foot tall wall of ice and literal magic and you ask how a reasonably big lighthouse was possible
The threads are slow because everyone realized this show is shit. KEK
And yet you'll keep watching every episode and post in every thread
Fair enough. To me they're separated by enough time and circumstances to be very different parts of a long saga of in-family fighting.
At least we're not Rangz
Well, at least they show plenty of tits
When is GRRM going to finally release TWoW? Seriously what the fuck.
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uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhh
The ideal identity (if he is a fake) in the books is that he is a descendant of Bittersteel + Calla Blackfyre + Aerion Brightflame. But it’s confirmed Bittersteel had no children and the Brightflames are probably an abandoned plotpoint with Maegor perhaps dying at Summerhall (despite the fact he has a superior claim to the mainline Targs). I guess he could be a descendant of one of Aerion’s Lyseni bastards.
A lesbian kiss is not tits
you're retarded. bobby b was a star of the football team gigachad, rhaegar played a fucking harp and then read a book that he misinterpreted to mean he was a prophesized warrior and decided that meant he needed to begin training with the blade
in another timeline robert would have shoved rhaegar into a locker
New leaks just dropped

Calling your episode "Smallfolk" is just lazy and stupid
>he didn't see the sticky on /lit/
Um, anon, you might want to sit down
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>biggest adventurer and sailor until Euron comes along
>never shown to be either adventurous or sailing the seas
The mention of Rhea Royce this episode makes me wonder what happened to her uncle who was trying to make sure Daemon was held responsible for her murder. Did the writers just forget about him?
>Jahaerys's wife was the only daughter of Maegor I
That would have been genuinely neat instead of his retarded scorched earth policy when it comes to the losers. And yeah, it's funny now how you have famous and infamous people like Daemon, Corlys, Rhaenys etc who are never once mentioned in the main series despite being the most feared, respected, whatever.
tl;dr version?
Link to the sticky? I can't find it.
They're making an animated series of his voyages.
Blatant lies
>The winter wolves arrive at the Twins
>Cregan Stark is marching with them.
Why do you know so much about the sexuality of the girls? Are you upset because you can't fuck them?
what a weird post
It’s because this week retards have started making threads outwith the general
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>They are really turning Jace "evil" (IE calling out his whore mom for the westerosi equivalent of the USA gifting random nukes to random countries to fight China)
Lol. Lmao. Kek even
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>and their mom is a tranny lesbo
why arent shotafags going crazy about him? too old? too ugly?
This reminds me of that 4chan fake leakers leaks
Qrd? I'm not on the Muskwagon.
he's absolutely right. the "really hard to make women like you" is exactly what a 30+ creep would say
Wasn't that his idea in ep5?
Weird head
As far as i remember these are the only HOTD characters with a relevant mention in the main books, likely before Martin re-wrote the entire civil war:
>Aegon II
>Aegon III dragonsbane
>250 posts in 1.5 hours
but yeah the show really needs to pick up in these last 2 episodes
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They're still angry he's supposed to be three shotas.
I thought that was Jace for a second.
>captcha UGAY
bro we are ladgods not faggots like the llukefans
He wanted to give a try to trusted nobles loyal to them, not litterally randoms they didnt know (still a stupid idea, but Rhaenyra's idea is even stupidier)
it's not like these girls are underaged.
I only remember the first four, also the Erryk twins and Addam.
My friend has seen House of the Dragon season 2 episode 7 and told me most of what happens in it so I decided to make a separate account to tell those of you who want to know what happens in it. If this thread gains too much traction, I might take it down just in case.
Episode 7 opens with the scene where Rhaenyra confronts Addam. She is being very hostile toward him while he tries to explain that Seasmoke came after him. She asks him if he has Targaryen ancestry and he tells her that he doesn't. This changes everything for her.
They both fly to Dragonstone. Jace sees them arrive. He tries to confront Rhaenyra about leaving and asks who Addam is, but Rhaenyra snaps at him and leaves him hanging.
In King's Landing, Alicent is reeling from the riots. She complains to Larys that everything she has done and every sacrifice she has made being for nothing.
At the small council, Aemond is pissed about the riots. They know it was Rhaenyra's plan. Aemond wants to end the war as quickly as possible. They have received a raven telling them that Daeron has taken his first flight on Tessarion. This means that he can be useful against Rhaenyra's forces.
At Harrenhal, Daemon has a vision of himself sitting on the throne. He starts arguing with himself and realizes that he never wanted the throne. When he wakes up, Oscar Tully has arrived at Harrenhal. Daemon goes to greet him.
Oscar has seen the mess Daemon has made of the Riverlands and now aims to clean up for him.
At Dragonstone, Rhaenyra speaks to Mysaria about Addam. She is desperate for dragonriders. They send Elinda to hang up posters in King's Landing calling for anyone who dares to try to claim a dragon. Because of Addam, Rhaenyra is now under the belief that you don't need Targaryen blood to become a dragonrider.
Alicent has left the Red Keep and is wandering around in the fields.
Episode 7 opens with the scene where Rhaenyra confronts Addam. She is being very hostile toward him while he tries to explain that Seasmoke came after him. She asks him if he has Targaryen ancestry and he tells her that he doesn't. This changes everything for her.

They both fly to Dragonstone. Jace sees them arrive. He tries to confront Rhaenyra about leaving and asks who Addam is, but Rhaenyra snaps at him and leaves him hanging.

In King's Landing, Alicent is reeling from the riots. She complains to Larys that everything she has done and every sacrifice she has made being for nothing.

At the small council, Aemond is pissed about the riots. They know it was Rhaenyra's plan. Aemond wants to end the war as quickly as possible. They have received a raven telling them that Daeron has taken his first flight on Tessarion. This means that he can be useful against

Rhaenyra's forces. At Harrenhal, Daemon has a vision of himself sitting on the throne. He starts arguing with himself and realizes that he never wanted the throne. When he wakes up, Oscar Tully has arrived at Harrenhal. Daemon goes to greet him.

Oscar has seen the mess Daemon has made of the Riverlands and now aims to clean up for him.

At Dragonstone, Rhaenyra speaks to Mysaria about Addam. She is desperate for dragonriders. They send Elinda to hang up posters in King's Landing calling for anyone who dares to try to claim a dragon. Because of Addam, Rhaenyra is now under the belief that you don't need

Targaryen blood to become a dragonrider.

Alicent has left the Red Keep and is wandering around in the fields.

People in King's Landing take notice of the posters. Hugh and Ulf are among them. Hugh's wife is against it, but he talks her into going to Dragonstone. The people of King's Landing find ways to sneak out with Elina and Mysaria's accomplices's help.
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His head is fine.
Actually it would've been easier to do it from the top to the bottom, since the builders wouldn't have had to climb as far to reach the top. Sort of like with the Egyptians and the pyramids.
mentioned multiple times as Vhagar's last rider, and for the murder of Lucerys
Mentioned as an example of famous past HOTK, altought not directly stated to be related to the actuall Dance Civil war
This is one of the more reasonable buildings anon. Also it's built on top of a fused stone fort thing that was made by dragon magic long before anyone admits dragons existed.
What if Aemond/Aegon arrived at Harrenhal first and demanded Riverlords to swear fealty?
People in King's Landing take notice of the posters. Hugh and Ulf are among them. Hugh's wife is against it, but he talks her into going to Dragonstone. The people of King's Landing find ways to sneak out with Elina and Mysaria's accomplices's help.
Aemond goes to see Aegon again. Aegon is sleeping and Aemond puts a substance into one of his drinks- probably to keep him weak and subdued.
Oscar Tully is trying to deal with the riverlords with Daemon's help. They're still mad at Daemon, but Oscar slowly wins some of them over.
Corlys goes to see Alyn again and it becomes clear that he is being considered as his heir.
On Dragonstone, people are arriving to try to claim dragons. Jace takes notice of it and goes to confront Rhaenyra about it. Jace thinks it's foolish to give anyone a chance for many reasons. They have an explosive argument where they both say extremely hurtful things to each other.
Rhaena is being escorted from the Vale and toward the Gay Abandon alongside Aegon and Viserys when she hears Sheepstealer. She walks toward the sound and stumbles upon him. She then proceeds to claim him.
Rhaenyra gathers the people who have come to Dragonstone and summons Vermithor. She explains the risks to them. However, multiple people fail. When it's Hugh's turn, he succeeds, proving Rhaenyra right.
Ulf manages to claim Silverwing while drunk and it's apparently one of thw funniest scenes in the entire show.
Corlys arrives back at Dragonstone and is informed about Rhaenyra's plans. He disagrees and thinks it's a bad idea to let just anyone claim these dragons.
The winter wolves arrive at the Twins, where they are given passage. Cregan Stark is marching with them. An army is finally coming together in Harrenhal. Daemon is overseeing it. He speaks to Alys, who tries to make a move on him.
Aemond goes to see Aegon again. Aegon is sleeping and Aemond puts a substance into one of his drinks- probably to keep him weak and subdued.

Oscar Tully is trying to deal with the riverlords with Daemon's help. They're still mad at Daemon, but Oscar slowly wins some of them over.

Corlys goes to see Alyn again and it becomes clear that he is being considered as his heir.

On Dragonstone, people are arriving to try to claim dragons. Jace takes notice of it and goes to confront Rhaenyra about it. Jace thinks it's foolish to give anyone a chance for many reasons. They have an explosive argument where they both say extremely hurtful

things to each other.

Rhaena is being escorted from the Vale and toward the Gay Abandon alongside Aegon and Viserys when she hears Sheepstealer. She walks toward the sound and stumbles upon him. She then proceeds to claim him.

Rhaenyra gathers the people who have come to Dragonstone and summons Vermithor. She explains the risks to them. However, multiple people fail. When it's Hugh's turn, he succeeds, proving Rhaenyra right.

Ulf manages to claim Silverwing while drunk and it's apparently one of thw funniest scenes in the entire show.

Corlys arrives back at Dragonstone and is informed about Rhaenyra's plans. He disagrees and thinks it's a bad idea to let just anyone claim these dragons.

The winter wolves arrive at the Twins, where they are given passage. Cregan Stark is marching with them. An army is finally coming together in Harrenhal. Daemon is overseeing it. He speaks to Alys, who tries to make a move on him.

Aemond rides out to meet with the Lannister army. Alicent puts on a white dress. She watches Aegon and then Helaena from outside their rooms. She then goes out to a lake and tries to drown herself.
>Aemond goes to see Aegon again. Aegon is sleeping and Aemond puts a substance into one of his drinks- probably to keep him weak and subdued.
Sweetsleep bros we won
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What happens with this scene, tho?
The war would had won then.
Aemond rides out to meet with the Lannister army. Alicent puts on a white dress. She watches Aegon and then Helaena from outside their rooms. She then goes out to a lake and tries to drown herself.
On Dragonstone, Corlys finds Jace before he can leave for Harrenhal to get Daemon. They agree that Rhaenyra is making too many mistakes and that the two of them might need to conspire together against her if it comes to it.
The episode ends with Rhaenyra walking out of the dragonpit with Baela, her new dragonseeds and her queenguard following her. She is ready for actual war.
Worse like everything related to that white worm the show will simply reward them ignoring how bad of an idea that was.
>At Harrenhal, Daemon has a vision of himself
Ah, all right, I totally forgot about them. Also I was mistaken, it was Alyn, not Addam.
Your posting reeks of a tranny
Hm... I thought about Milk of poppy
This. Fucking hell. This should have been a one-episode thing.
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Cregan coming to save his bf is wholesome
That self deletion was great. In my head they all have that cyromonial dagger just in case.
Fucking gay
TroonRyna's death will make me cum in real life
All of this could've been derived from the trailer.
Oscar is fucking ugly. Shota is a CUTE young boy, not any fugly lad.
>Picrel and his baby brother are peak shotas
>She asks him if he has Targaryen ancestry and he tells her that he doesn't. This changes everything for her.
oh my fucking god man this would change nothing if she just asked him who his father was
But is she a whore?!?
So Alys was in Harrenhall for a while and just sending Daemon dreams/hallucinations of her?

idk what to think of this yet, but at least we know she's real now.
Daemyra sisters i don't feel so good...
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He respects Emma's pronouns. That's enough for everyone to like him.

>"I love THEM. THEY are the most beautiful PERSON inside and out and THEY are like an off-sceen PARENT to me as well and I love THEM. I will keep in touch with THEM for the rest of my life."

But he already drinks milk of poppy so why would Aemond add it there ? It's 100% a sweetsleep
She's actually stupid enough to just take him at his word, even though he's clearly lying.
oh my god anon give it up already. zoomers don't care about this shit as much as you do.
when will Aemond make him drink his Almond nut milk

full line:

>they are bastards
>and their mom is a troonlesbo whore
Whose 'they'?
Sometimes you could even forget that they aren't a woman
Do Alyn & Addam know they are Corlys' bastards?
>He respects Emma's pronouns. That's enough for everyone to like him.
No one likes a spineless sellout to crazies.
>hanging up posters
Do the greens just not notice? Doesn’t larys have spies??
You are on 4chan, you should have known that enbys trigger this place.
Ehh, is it?
still waiting for Benji
Their 'they'.
>who is = who's
is it true that one of Rhaenyras sons got /ss/'d?
>S1 E10: Rhaenyra looks angrily at the camera, she is ready for war
>S2 E4: After Rhaenyra has confirmed that there is no peaceful solution, she is now actually ready for war
>S2 E7: Rhaenyra is now really ready for war
hopefully oscar will execute his uncle
By now, definitely, they even spoke of it last episode when Alyn was shaving off his silver hair.
>They send Elinda to hang up posters in King's Landing calling for anyone who dares to try to claim a dragon. Because

so why don't the greens send 'fake' smallfolk to sneak onto Dragonstone as pretend wannabe dragonriders and go assassinate Rhaenyra?
Fuck you, Brackenshit
his parents are some millionaires that afford to buy their faggot son roles in christopher nolan's and HBO's films with no prior acting experience, he's prime kikewood exec diddling material, the kikes probably get paid while the fag's parents watch and jerk off to their son eating kike ass
You are so fucking weird
Who is their of they?
>sneak onto Dragonstone through a blockade
fuck you nigga I want benji not this nigga
Them over there's 'they'.
lukes actors parents are also in the film industry, nepotism is fucked up
how do you think the smallfolk are getting to dragonstone for dragon claiming tryouts?
>They send Elinda to hang up posters in King's Landing calling for anyone who dares to try to claim a dragon.
Peasants don't know how to read
Are the writers retarded?
Then how does she get the dragonseeds to Dragonstone? Flies into KL and then back?
>his parents are some millionaires
He's right. And you are acting like a nigger
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Why not both? Max Blackwoods is best.
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Genuinely surprised that fat fuck hasnt been accussed of any sexual misconduct ala Gailman..for now
They remembered that Borros Baratheon is illiterate. There's no fucking way they'd have an oversight that the smallfolk are not.
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prestige tv actor material!
I haven't figured that part out. I just know if the plan is to sneak it'll probably fail.
What about Alicent?
Why isn't Larys sending assassins to Dragonstone that way?
what about the rest of the cast? did you search them up too?
there's no way to tell if a smallfolk coming to be a dragonseed is pro-blacks or pro-greens though, that's why the leaks also mention Corlys grilling her for this idea because it IS retarded
They're waiting for him to drop WoW, he can't write in jail or while at trial or while cancelled
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didnt know about him
He was notorious for shacking up with one chick for 29 years before marrying her, he's not Gore Vidal.
>They're waiting for him to drop WoW
He's more likely to drop dead.
child actors are a dime a dozen and most of then are bad. It's not really a surprise that when there's so much demand for child actors, it's the wealthy and children of famous actors that get roles
>they dont know about the cabal
>keep calling it "nepotism"
hee hee hee
nope, just the guy that the blackcel fag keeps posting ITT, but considering how the woman producer's/directors' resume consists of netflix 2nd screen slop i have no doubt most of the cast is there because they paid their way in or were nepo hires
Nope. Use this for quick researches https://asearchoficeandfire.com/
Viserys via older Lyseni whore.
So far only Cole has tried that.
why do you care though?
what exactly decides who gets diddled and who doesnt? If I was a rich fuck I wouldnt let my kid get raped for what I assume Its pocket money for them unless they're actually middle class/poor .
Something tells me the Percy jackson blond kid has definitively been bad touched
Alicent is not a main character in the book? How?
but borros baratheon is le bad
Now look up the kids from GoT. It's not that unusual
There's no imagery of her fucking dudes so it would be more boring than it is on the show
it's a war of dragons and she doesn't have one
is there any recent actor with a genuine poorfag background like in the olde Hollywood days?? none??
he walled so fucking hard, a shame
A new thread mayhaps?
Freddie Fox who plays Gwayne is a nepo baby. His parents are actors.
No. Like most old industries, eventually it gets overun by nepo babies and people who were born into families already involved on it
For a show that they claimed is about feminism they forgot about Helaena's bond with her dragon and made her a housewife
because when something is low quality, the reasons why that is are key
I knew about the bearloli being a nepo baby but she was not half bad as an actor. That said I don't think jace's actor is terrible either, not that either of them really stand out as performers. I'm more inclined to blame the production+writing staff on why the quality is so inconsistent
they also forgot about her dreams
Emily (young Alicent), Elliot (Luke) and Harry (Jace) all have the same manager.
Doubling down on the worthlessness of the retard is a bold, brave move.
>she was not half bad as an actor
have you seen tlou? she's trash
She's married to Aegon and she's still fertile. Plus she's autistic
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I miss him
And her personality
Only girls care about celebrities
he cute
>have you seen tlou
>she's trash
the brown woman spymaster actor in HOTD is trash, the nepo baby religious homeschooled nepobaby actor just exists and doesn't ruin scenes actively
Why has based bookartbro stopped making threads

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