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the unworthy edition
prev >>201642440
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This post is dedicated to Myrcella the Beautiful of the House Baratheon, the first of Her Name, Rightful Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.
petition to bring back monke in every single episode
Only a fool would face the dothraki on an open field.
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I'm gonna say it.
Trippy GOT flashforward when where Rhaenera meets her future descendant?

SEX WITH _____ ???
you'll get the non binary with the miserable face and like it
Since dothraki arent armored horse archers like mongols, any Westerosi army would rinse them in open field.
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I am the blood of the dragon.
ur mom
actually i quite like emma d'arcy's face. it's not as nice as milly's but that's an impossible standard to hold anyone to.
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Cute and canon!
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Full scene, thread lightly.
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do you think they would have progressed to tribbing if they hadn't been interrupted
>heavy shields
>heavy cavalry
dothraki BTFO on an open field
and that's not even getting into how they know absolutely zero siegecraft unlike the mongols
We gonna see punished Viserys next episode?
>Full scene
seems to lack the part where they're vigorously licking and rubbing each other and squirting all over the chamber
Reminder Sonoya Mizuno has nude scenes out there and her body is literally perfect,
*Ahem* A TOAST!
Oh no he's gonna do it.
all the banned anons who didn't post here for a while
>Have son
>Don't marry him to your daughter/heir to prevent bs
>get civil war
Was he retarded? Are targs all retarded?
It's hilarious how this would be perceived if it were a male Rhaenyra
Is Rhanerya legitimately a "leader" or just a puppet of various lords?
>Was he retarded? Are targs all retarded?
yes and yes
>Was he retarded? Are targs all retarded?
The Others were secretly controlling him in order to cause this conflict.
You claimed HOTD s2 has better dialog than classic films, and claimed you have 145 IQ and then disappeared without giving a single example of said dialogues. You are now either going to give me those examples or run away from me again. Fight for your life or be forever BTFO in front of a live audience of this thread.

You have 5 minutes. The entire thread is waiting. Come at me nigger.
>Are targs all retarded?
The only dynasty in our world that practiced this level of incest for as long as the Targs the Ptolemies were quiet inbred, homicidal and retarded towards the end with one notable exception so yeah probably.
Hopefully this means she will avoid using a body double in her walk of atonement. Even though she dies halfway through it.
Actually I think you'll find it was Bloodraven
Surely Rhaenery would be too old? She was, what 17 when Aegon was born
What notable exception would that be? Cleopatra was pretty homicidal
Post it. I have severe doubts.
I thought they can't screw GOT style because this time there is written material from the beginning to the end but i was wrong wasn't i?
Were the Ptolemies esp retarded towards the end? And could their misrule actually be attributed to their inbreeding? A better example would be the Hapsburg Charles II of Spain, who was just too retarded to live, and too retarded to die. He was a nothing of a ruler and failed to leave heirs
Do you not want a big titty mommy gf? Aegon would be balls deep in that targussy 24/7. Let Aemond fuck his weirdo sister they're both autists they can talk about roblox or whatever.
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>slutty waist... omega slick... HOW DARE THEY!
True but she wasn't retarded about it so I give her more of a pass than everyone from Ptolemy III onwards
>claimed HOTD s2 has better dialog than classic films
gross misrepresentation and/or oversimplification of what I actually wrote, but nice try, retard
>claimed you have 145 IQ
like I told you, I got it tested by Mensa on location, but keep seething about it
>then disappeared
believe it or not, but some of us have this thing called "a life"
>without giving a single example of said dialogues
>give me those examples
I've already told you why I'm not going to spoonfeed you that
if you had approached this with some humility in the first place instead of putting your utterly retarded midwittery on full display, I'd have been happy to oblige
I've already told you that though, but your reading comprehension is evidently not very good
feel free to read the transcripts
there were three ways to avoid conflict over succession
>don't remarry
>remarry but don't marry a major house with resources to support their claim
>remarry but disinherit rhaenyra in favor of a male heir once you have one
viserys was simply retarded because he wanted teenage puss
Could he have married an older woman?
That's what I thought. Run bitch.
>only Targaryens can fly dragons
According to fucking who?
The break apart is too funny
>viserys was simply retarded because he wanted teenage puss

Still retarded .
He is da King, he could swim in teen pussy if he wants to, there was no need to merry one.
sure, would've made pregnancy less likely. instead he married the most fertile candidate possible (4 kids before turning 20), belonging to the second or third most powerful house in the realm controlling the center of religion and sciences. and three fucking sons. holy fuck viserys was dumb.
>He is da King, he could swim in teen pussy if he wants to, there was no need to merry one.
It took until Bobby B to figure that out
>obnoxiously display dumbassery and shriek for someone to spoonfeed you just so you can immediately try shutting it down in adversarial and contrarian fashion
>autistic screeching ensues
hilariously predictable
probably the funniest part about midwits is how they're so much like automatons
he should've imported a 14yo virgin lyseni who looked like aemma.
According to the idea you don't just give your familial flying nukes to just fucking anyone Jace
I wouldn't say literally perfect - she's a little on the skinny side, but pretty damn hot
It is genuinely retarded for Aemond and Aegon to antagonise Jace and Luke when at the time they have every impression that Rheanery will inherit and likely see them severely punished
Are you going to keep backpedaling from me and trying to run away without losing face or are you going to give me those examples of the great dialogues in HOTD s2? Are you going to try to back up any of your claims? No you are not, because if you try to be specific, you know I will rape you with facts and logic, just like I raped you with facts and logic earlier.
>gross misrepresentation and/or oversimplification of what I actually wrote, but nice try, retard
I dare you to re-emphasize what you wrote, because I will hold you up to scrutinity if you try to move goalposts, you will already have lost. Go and try it.
I just checked and it's a shapeless skeleton with no tits, ass or hips and ugly brownoid nipples. The absolute state of that anon's taste.
>severely punished
>when they have two adult dragons
you mean pissing themselves like incontinent retards?
Pretty sure Lena has done nudity before and we still got her head poorly CGI'd onto a body double
fire the writer and the director of this episode. that whole scene was one of the worst in the entire franchise.
Blood and Cheese
>Aemond and Aegon to antagonise Jace and Luke

You rewriting history, it was Aegon, Jace and Luke antagonizing Aemond, like with the fucking pig.
I just found out some new things. Daeron's plot planned for the next few seasons may include someone we know from the blacks.

Sara Hess is a fan of the character has ideas I like for the Hightower house and a certain character that makes modern Hightowers have silver hair.
she has no ass
He DARES to summon ME!
"With haste"?
>Sara Hess is a fan of the character
Gay Daeron confirmed
She was preggers at the time I think
When they were kids (and really grow thicker skin)! The dinner was absolutely the Green boys doing for no good reason
even more hilarious when midwits try using words they don't actually know the meaning of
>are you going to give me those examples of the great dialogues in HOTD s2?
your reading comprehension is really poor, huh?
let me quote myself verbatim:
>I've already told you why I'm not going to spoonfeed you that
>if you had approached this with some humility in the first place instead of putting your utterly retarded midwittery on full display, I'd have been happy to oblige
>I've already told you that though, but your reading comprehension is evidently not very good
>feel free to read the transcripts
let's see if you can get your brain to remain active and alert as you read through these few short sentences
>Are you going to try to back up any of your claims?
already totally destroyed all the stupid nonsense you were talking about the other day, and in the previous thread I only pointed out how great the scenes at Harrenhal are and how they have a Lynchian feel to them, something lots of other connoisseurs of cinema have already recognized as well
>you know I will rape you with facts and logic
literally just proved exactly what I wrote above
man, I'm laughing so hard right now, midwits just can't help but literally do exactly what you describe them as doing, it's like there's exactly zero self-awareness present in their minds
>"he's kind"
they're going to make him the biggest faggot we've seen on the show thus far

and we had laenor
khal drogo got to fuck prime dany but died from an infection wound. was it worth it?

Spoiled young boys act retarded and don't consider the consequences, it's perfectly normal.
I can't say with total certainty yet but maybe Daeron lives at the end of the dance? He is a bastard and could be legitimized as Hightower.
Run from me nigger just like you already did.
random list of reasons I think this season is really mid
>no fun characters (e.g., Oberyn, Robert Baratheon, Tyrion or even Viserys)
>zero plot progression with Daemon at Harrenhal for 4 episodes
>characters often talk like robots, e.g., they refer to each other by title or themselves in third person even when its a close 1-on-1 meeting
>sick of the ship dockyard scenes. Did we have a single interesting moment next to this ship
>some landscapes look a bit video gamey. This was also a problem in the later seasons of GOT
>scenes are on average rather short. Hardly a single interesting monologue in the entire show
>Sara Hess is a fan of the character has ideas I like for the Hightower house and a certain character that makes modern Hightowers have silver hair.
Did Daeron get on the "let's cuck Ormund Hightower" train too or what?
see: >>201647045
>The dinner was absolutely the Green boys doing for no good reason
Luke laughed first when the pig came out for dinner. Hence he shot the first shot.
we getting benji or alysanne next ep with the riverlord gathering or just permanently stuck with this single blackwood dud
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i want this frog bong to be casted as rhaenys targaryen
>really grow thicker skin!
>waahh stop being meanies to my strong boys :(
luke is a pile of dragon shit and jake is going to be a pincushion for crossbow bolts.
I just watched that scene. When the pig came on the table Luke chuckled and Aemond looked at him. Then Luke fucking SMIRKED while looking directly into Aemonds eyes. He was a smug little cunt who got what he deserved.
Pink dread has to be the tamest shit ever. No way anyone can be turned into a school shooter from this wee bit of banter.
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Haha, is that the girl from Fallout? She actually looks quite good there. Those eyes are ridiculous though, how do eyes even get that big?
what a weak comeback, i thought you had 145 IQ?

nothing will change the fact that you ran from me after being raped, and you're currently trying to run from me a 2nd time.

provide the examples, or be forever BTFO in front of a live audience.
"Millions must fry"
aemond can apparently. couldn't even handle aegon laughing at him being curled up on a milf like an infant
You're looking pathetic bro
Go ahead and call me a samefag
>what a weak comeback
not really, it was actually quite a great summary of your hilarious stupidity
>thought you had 145 IQ?
still correct, yes
>provide the examples
so even after quoting myself verbatim you still couldn't manage to get yourself through a few simple sentences, huh?
well, I guess it was my fault for expecting too much
>She actually looks quite good there.
What are you, gay or something?
i have huge eyes as well. it's genetic. i came out the womb unable to shut my eyes so i was just looking around like "what the fuck".

if we had kids they would definitely be ayyy lmaos
alicent wasn't fucking cole 16 years ago, it doesn't even make any sense
only homo here is you
You made the claims in front of a live audience, now provide proof of your claims in front of a live audience.

Otherwise, you have been raped.
Nah, but she doesn't look as good in Fallout. Probably the haircut and the jumpsuit.
Are you a grill at least? If you're a guy and have huge eyes it's going to look even weirder, lol.
They are going to make him marry Rhaena right?
Why does Gwayne look so retarded this episode?
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All me btw
>daemon isn't posthumously only cucked by the hightowers, but in fact the targtowers
>jaehaera won't die in the show
it's getting funnier and funnier
see: >>201647045
>keeps doing exactly this over and over and expects the result to be anything other than him autistically screeching at his screen
She looks uncanny, like live action Alita.
Martell imposter
>it doesn't even make any sense
That's hardly going to stop HotD writers
>If you're a guy and have huge eyes it's going to look even weirder, lol.
some girls like it for some reason.
Condal and Sara don't care about ages or timeline. They have literally said "to hell with temporal consistency". They consider it a useless constraint
daeron and gaeron the gay emperors of oldtown
i need her to so bad
You have been reduced to a state of a broken record like a true rape victim you are. You are scared of me and giving me specifics or making any claims because you know I will rape you with facts and logic like I already have.

You have been raped, over and over and have nothing left but repeating yourself like a broken record.
The situation was already completely unsalvageable after Aemond lost his eye
>raped, over and over and have nothing left but repeating yourself like a broken record.
Why is he suck a hack?
>I will rape you with facts and logic
literally just proving my point over and over again
still absolutely hilarious
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It all comes down to Viserys' fault
I love penises.
he doesn't have the balls to shoot down sara's awful, lesbianized ideas
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I too would commit incest for Him.
Shut the fuck up and kill yourself midwit faggot. God these reddit colony threads fucking suck dick
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oh hey, it's bunnies :3 i forgot my password for my old trip so i'm just anon now. this is my first day on /tv/ in over a year, can't believe we're in a thread at the same time.
My theory is that he started out with a masculine creative urge and vision of adapting it as close to the original story as possible, but after the success of the first one he probably got stuck in the trappings of affluence, eating more and having more sex, both of which lowering his testosterone and him ultimately getting hijacked by femininity and females around him influencing the story into the current shitshow. Hard to see any other explanation.
Shame she got bolt ons

Ashara DAYNE?
I think he means Rhaena marrying Daeron instead of the random Hightower from canon.
>midwit trying to autistically screech "midwit" back at the guy making fun of his retardation
You have made a claim that HOTD s2 has better dialog than the classics, you made this claim in front of a live audience.

You attempted to make an excuse to not give proof of your claims by providing examples because you are scared, and are trying to run from me while saving face, but sadly this is not going to happen because you made the mistake of challenging me again, when you could have been a good little rape victim and left well enough alone.

You are stuck in this argument with me until you come to the realization that you cannot win against my logic and facts, and be forced to reckon with your status as a rape victim in front of a live audience.
Slit your fucking wrists open you worthless autist
at least he hadn't to watch his kid die
>claims I'm a broken record
>literally just copy-pastes the same autistic screeching like a broken record
do you even realize that you're walking slapstick comedy for people like me to laugh at?
Fuck you. They're seriously going to make him a legitimized Hightower bastard? Well that means maybe he'll inherit Oldtown and it's not so bad for Daeron.
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>Hodor means 'hold the door'
he would definitely rape that witch to death
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we’ve been wandering where you went
welcome back!
why hadn’t you come to the gen?
>you worthless autist
ah, I see the problem now, you're replying to the wrong person
here's the post you were intending to reply to: >>201648009
I don't believe he's said a single word except for "Yes" and "Sorry" throughout the entire creative process
You are really not as smart as you think you are and that is a tough place to be
Bran. Tommen. Brommen. It's canonical.
Good little rape victim. You have stopped trying to defend yourself, you are realizing you have been raped.
I'm actually exactly as smart as I think I am
it's in fact one of the hallmarks of intelligent people to accurately assess their own cognitive abilities
you, on the other hand, are almost certainly not as smart as you think you are
stop embarrassing yourself anon
Welle, if indeed Daeron and Rhaena marry, that means that finally the white genes won over the niger genes.
Karl Tanner. Fookin legend in gin alley. Drank wine from the skull of Jeor Mormont. Dishonorably cut down by the coward Jon Snow.
Oops you accidentally capitalized your first sentence and gave up faggot detached gimmick
thanks for continuing to prove my point, midwit
keep seeing >>201647045 for reference
midwits like that can't help it, they rabidly froth at the mouth when getting mocked for being stupid
I concede. I wish I could suck your cock like a godd lil sissy I am.
>you accidentally capitalized your first sentence and gave up faggot detached gimmick
the word "I" is always preferable to capitalize in writing
man, did you really not notice that that was the first word?
I'm literally dying of laughter, you just keep outdoing yourself in terms of stupidity
She's freaky looking. Definitely not Targ material
sorry am I the only one that thinks hotd s2 is severely underperforming compared to got s2? it's just been
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you niggas really hurt my feelings
trying to be less mentally ill and hyperfixated on things overall, i made a concerted effort to stay away til now kek. hope you're doing good, i see gwayne is your new husbando. it's still jace for me :3
You cannot reconcile with the fact that you are too scared to give me any example, because I will tear it down with facts and logic and leave you in a worse state than you already are, rape victim.
Underperforming is not the word you're looking for
I don't believe you. Tell me something only the real Bunnies would know. For instance, the real bunnies has a thing for cute twinks wearing a specific type of garment. What garment is it?
>keeps proving the same point over and over in the exact same way
literal bot
see: >>201647045
Do targs not style themselves as kings of valyria?
loincloths duh
This will only stop when you either give me an argument I can tear down with my facts and logic which are superior to yours, or you will realize it's futile, and accept you have been raped.
>fuck rhaenyra
>fuck nuncle
>fuck all strongs (including that toad larys)
>fuck blacks
>fuck aegon (hes a bully)
>fuck mother (shes disrespectful)
>fuck lannisters (they are also disrespectful)
>fuck smallfolk (except ratcatchers)
>fuck jocks
>fuck chads
>fuck roasties
Valyria didn't have kings. It was a Rome-style republic.
>Do targs not style themselves as kings of valyria?

They never were, they were bottom tier dragonlords at best.
>autistic record keeps scratching
see: >>201647045
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Seven Hells, it's really you. Welcome back, m'lord
You can't run from me, I will hunt you down.
>doesn't fuck Helena
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lel thats good, he is but also aegon and jace i just post them all lmao
>it's still jace for me
and luke?
why would I ever "run" from walking slapstick comedy like you?
your level of dimwit is probably some of the funniest entertainment around
Is Larys married?
Because you are replying to me despite knowing I have won, and you are trying to run from me while saving face. I have made changes to my 4chanX that will help me find your posts in the coming threads, I will find you and start this battery all over again when I see you.

You can't run or hide from me.
Larys isn't real. Go back and watch, no character ever actually interacts with him. It's a Tyler Durden situation. Preston thought that's what Alys Rivers was, but Preston is a huge idiot
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Emma said that they improvised the romance, so they probably started unbuttoning when the director told the guy to come in so they wouldn't lose the puritan audience.
I'm only replying to you to remind you that you're still doing the exact same thing I highlighted here over and over again: >>201647045
I'd be more than happy to keep doing that until the end of days, midwits like you really are that entertaining
thank you and well met, lord arrax (i presume?)
i wish they'd made aegon look more fucked up, he still looks pretty qt on his sickbed. i wanted him to be extremely disfigured. he's been the best part of this season for me, that and jace's curls of course. luke 4ever but he's absent... until we get the inevitable elliot grihault cameo as part of daemon's tortured harrenhal hallucinations... jk haha...unless...?
>the fires at Harrenhale was an accident the whole time
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Holy shit, you're right. I just went back and watched the entire series and no one but Alicent ever talks to Larys. My mind is FUCKED
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>>fuck smallfolk (except ratcatchers)
Kek. Too bad the one person you'll never fuck is Helaena
>No Nettles
Are they they trying to prevent us from seeing Rhaenyra call her a nigger and for her head
I know who you are and I recognize your posting style now. You will be traumatized by this.
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>bullied and harassed by this
Shotadom is based
there's no other reason for her being cut
who was aemond calling a toad last episode? an empty seat?
it's not exactly hard to recognize someone as intelligent as me, we do stand out
enjoy continuing to autistically screech for our entertainment
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WTF are these LEAKS? Please tell me it's fake. Rhaenyra using her son's bastardy against him in their conversation? This can't be real.
Anon they've turned a cruel sex trafficker/pimp into the queens poor lesbian lover
What do you expect
Aemond peaked as a 10 year old, it was all downhill from there. Is there any character like this?
jace continues his streak of based episodes
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Aye, ser. The band's back together. The tripfaggots always prevail in the end.
sounds dumb as fuck, they're not THAT stupid
Luke because he fucking died right afterwards lmao
Imagine being forced to marry your siblings and have kids with them. Gross.
Kek, the only thing that could top this is if he retorts by calling her a WHORE.
But it'll be still somehow spinned into making her look heroic because rhaenyra is NEVER wrong.
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who knows how will he end up, punished aegon needs to be a whole other vibe

elliot is so big now, he towers jace, idk if that would work lel
>b-but mom
>shut up jace youre a bastard and your moms a whore
unthinkably based kween
>jace homophobic
>strongarms (heh) the freys
>calls his mom out for being stupid
>plots to usurp her
i may have underestimated this bastard.
Giving away the one weapon that keeps your family in charge to anyone who asks. How can you genuinly make someone that stupid?
what is /hotd/ House motto?
His poker face is impossible to break
What's next, rhaenyra trooning out one of her younger sons
Much is true but they are not leaks, they are literally things you see in the trailers. You have to be visually impaired not to have seen all that stuff with the promos.
I have highlighted "harrenhall" and "hallucination" and "dialog" and I will find you and rape you every time I find your posting style, but I suspect you will stop using that posting style because every time you think of making a post with your style, you will remember how you were raped in front of a live audience.
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>I'mmmmm... ACTiiing..
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Will Rhaenyra be based if she calls her son a bastard?
Joffrey did it better
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i miss s1 Rhaenyra
there's not really much you can do with shitty diversity hire writing and directing.
Lukebros... I wanted them to talk about him but not like this...
He's a method actor
you might want to actually spell Harrenhal correctly, and hopefully your script isn't case-sensitive, since Harrenhal is a proper noun
but yeah, like I said, if you have to go through all of that just to recognize me you're really just proving further what a midwit you are, people like me are very easy to recognize even without any such tools
but whatever floats your boat, I'll be enjoying your autistic screeching, cheers
Reclaiming misogynistic slurs is empowering now. Maybe she'll start calling herself whore queen unironically kek
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where is phiabro though :(
they’ll CGI de-age him like a disney+ star wars show and the effect will be so uncanny and offputting that the spell will finally be broken and we’ll be FREE. how are you liking the season overall? i’m not a complete doomer about it, liked eps 3 & 4 but it’s missing that je ne sais quoi from s1.
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There might be some small redemption. But it will never top Vaemonds.
Ho. Ly. Shit. I cannot believe someone posted that. I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight. I know this is 4chan, but... Fuck, man.
Gripping and pinching his belly fat...
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I feel you anon
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I make fun of him but he's still by far the most fun character to watch in this shitshow since he's just playing an over the top anime villain
Look at those supple breasts
That actually sounds great. With that and the slap from this episode, are we starting to see the beginnings of Rhaenyra's Maegor with teats arc? She's been written that way from the beginning, I don't see how they'd deviate from it without destroying the entire story.
>hes a BASTARD
Nyras idea wouldnt be the worst if it wasnt for hanging posters literally in King's Landing is she retarded? Doesnt fucking matter if small folk are all rabble rabble in there. Greens can easily find out and go searching for bastards in KL and pay them off before going
that godsdamn orange hoodie…
absolute nadir of the fandom
Reminder that Sara Hess doesn't like Jace so there's a big possibility that those leaks are real.
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>he's still by far the most fun character to watch in this shitshow since he's just playing an over the top anime villain
How can Jace or Aegon even compete.
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What was it anon
>Hightowers, Lannisters, Velaryons
>All alleged to be the richest at one point in time in-universe
which is actually the case?
You won't be able to reconcile with the fact that you tried to run from me while saving face, only to be raped and quietly running away.
>Sara Hess doesn't like Jace
>makes him the funniest character
is she dumb
Feeling them while he's too weak to fight back...
>keeps doing the exact same thing over and over
sad and hilarious at the same time
see: >>201647045
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He's not been back. I think Blood & Cheese broke him
Try to quietly run from me now, I will find you next thread. And the next. And the next.
>and we’ll be FREe
It has to be some bladerunner tier shit and I'll nut so hard I'll enter coma
>Gargon Qoherys, Lord of Harrenhal, was infamously known as "Gargon the Guest" for inviting himself to weddings throughout his holdings to invoke his lordly right of first night with the brides as frequently as possible. The despised Gargon was eventually murdered at the beginning of the rule of Aenys I Targaryen by the rebel Harren the Red. Gargon bled to death after Harren cut off his genitals and fed them to dogs. Harren was only able to get to Gargon due to the actions of a servant at Harrenhal whose daughter Gargon had "honored" at her wedding.[6
I can't say it. People will go try and find it, and some will succeed. I cannot live with that on my conscience
keep autistically screeching in the exact way I outlined and predicted in the very beginning: >>201647045
Pweease anon
Was it gore?? Or just spoilery shit
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phiabro posts once in a while, but yeah hes not here that much :(

i kind of lost hope about the season last sunday, that kiss… idk bro, felt very off
hopefully they get back on track with these two eps
Squeezing and pinching eggys mantits!!!
>you just so you can immediately try shutting it down in adversarial and contrarian fashion
in other words, being too scared to attempt to argue against my facts and logic, knowing you will be raped
Aemond claiming Vhagar pretty much set things off right? I can't imagine the Greens staking their claim if they didn't have Vhagar on their sad. It gave them a fighting chance.
poor phiabro. he was a gentle and beloved soul. and now his watch is ended.
in other words, desperately asking to be spoonfed just to have something to latch onto and pretend to "destroy" and "rape" (you've really got some serious mental issues, not uncommong for midwits like you)
Okay, but I'm going to spoiler tag it. it was a webm of the Grifter. It's been a long time since I've seen it posted. Thank God I know what it is so I didn't watch the whole thing. I honestly feel like I'm going to throw up just remembering it. Christ, bro. It's been years, but every time I see that thumbnail... I wish I could forget
yes and thats why he should be king not shitgon
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I want to say, I'm a fan of Black and Daemon in particular, but what the writers are doing is just killing the show. The same thing happens from episode to episode, as if the script was written by a neural network. What is Martin looking at? Why is the book canon being raped like this, he's the producer and can influence, can't he? I'm scared to wait for the third season, I feel like I'm just going to quit watching it, except for God's Eye. It's a damn sad.
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There's so much tension between them this season. What's next, a rape scene?
Was he a namefag too? There were plenty Phiafans.
You really scared of presenting your arguments, because you know I have the upper hand. I guess you at least recognize that with your 2000 IQ, but unfortuantely that still means I win and command this argument, because you have no claim I can't swat down wtih hard logic and fact.
This lad has not been played by the same actor in two consecutive scenes. Joffrey Velaryon has been played by more actors than James Bond.
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>jace know they will betray them
>she calls him a bastard
there is no way this is real lmao
>Jace thinks back to the advice his uncle gave him at dinner that day and knows there's only one thing to do..
Daemon not looking at the tapestries set things off
>presenting your arguments
I already wrecked all your dumb drivel
see: >>201647296
>you at least recognize that with your 2000 IQ
that's cute, the midwit thinks my IQ of 145 is so high that he has to exaggerate it to pretend like it's not true
could anything be more midwit than that?
not a namefag but you could recognize his phia posts with all his phia dreams

he was the queen of love and beauty poster
He was the blood of the dragon, but now his fire has gone out :(

No, but he had a specific posting style so you could always tell who he was
Sarah would kill two birds with a stone like that, firmly cementing Jace as MUH EVIL man who doesn't support and takes mommy seriously and the audience gets to blow a fat load
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>he was the queen of love and beauty poster
Kek I made this edit originally which he used to ritualpost. Can I sub in for him? Some of those phia dream posts were probably mine as well.
>watching for a new HOTD episode
>ask Ryan Condal if the next scene is kino or coal
>he doesnt understand
>I pull out illustrated diagram explaing what is kino and what is coal
>he laughs and says "it's a good scene sir"
>watch the scene
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I bet Aegon would enjoy it. The rape would be beautiful.
Missionary? Doggy? Mating press??
I don't think you're watching the episode with ryan.
Refusing to give an answer in face of opponent's arguments is an answer in its own right.

>see: >>201647296
Your continued refusal to give an answer in the face of my arguments speaks for itself. You are unable.
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It's his revenge for her having favourites and not giving him an stillborn dragon baby girl
I recognize you, the jace tranny. Hopefully you will kill yourself soon.
your autistic screeching for something to cling to so you can pretend to "rape" isn't an "argument"
but I guess it's tough for a true midwit like you to see the difference
His tits are bigger than Alicent's
new thread

Being unable to answer your opponents argument, and when being prompted further as you give refusals, doesn't let you get out of your predicament, no matter what you try to decry it as.
Get to the bump limit first
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Honestly, I thought this was gratuitous. If we don't get a scene of Jace kissing Cregan to balance it out, I'm going to unsub.
>unable to answer your opponents argument
like I said, I already destroyed any argument you had
see: >>201647296
screeching to be spoonfed something you can pretend to "rape" isn't an "argument"
nice try, though
Refusing to further provide example to your claims which you made in front of public audience, while continuing said behavior, is not a way out for you, sadly.

You will have to give proof of the claims you made in front of me, there is no other escaping for you.
Psychotic. I am a straight man who has never jerked off to the bastard.
The first season of GOT is properly depressing them watching it back. Knowing its the last time the Starks are properly happy and the last time they'll all be alive and in the same place. Watching the show the first time round you're waiting what's left of them to find each other and reunite. Watching it all back a second time round you know that never happens.
me saying "no" to your autistic screeching for something you can pretend to "rape" really triggers you, doesn't it?
let me guess, you lacked a solid father figure growing up?
mommy said "yes" a bit too much, eh?
Bran would be proud
Vhaegar being Laena’s dragon in the first place made no sense
Now look who is screeching.

You cannot escape this predicament. You made public claims in front of a live audience, now you have to back up those claims in front of a live audience.
Because of Sean Bean kino
cute, trying to paint me providing some much-needed psychological analysis of a midwit like you as screeching, parroting me
well, you know what they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
I'm flattered, anon
lmao get on it anon
Let's continue in the next thread >>201650039
gets ignored all the time
>I do nothing all day except autistically post in these threads, so I'm sure smartanon doesn't have anything better to do either!
you really are precious
Starks kinda deserve it
no, that's retarded
Bran definitely did. Little shit. Its weird to think theirs and the Lannister line ends with the show. If Sansa and Arya have kids, they'll get their dads name, Jon's will be Targaryens and Bran will never reproduce. Similarly Tyrion has no kids and no wife.
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Pretty good.
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what's his name?
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Emmanuel D'arcy

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