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Time Warp edition
prev: >>201613917
First. As usual.
i liked repo: the genetic opera no matter what anybody says
I liked Shock Treatment no matter what anybody says
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Ghostbusters 2 is such a fun movie. Visually it's creative, the jokes land and the overall message is uplifting. I love it.
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Her TCM movie wasn't that good. I think it had a few violent scenes that made it a little better but overall, the movie was lacking substance. It is a welcome addition to the franchise due to entertainment and seeing kills and Leatherface, but over it is just weak.
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First for The Brave Little Toaster
You fucking monster
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How does Japan do everything better?
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Is this the sequel to Audition?
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>safe heaven is destroyed because some emotional retard left their infected loved one enter there or went out to get them
>bonus points: it's their girlfriend or son/daughter

The kills were fun but I did feel it was unbearably slow in some parts, considering it's just the killer slowly walking.
And there's a big difference between something like Freddy or Art walking since it would be still somewhat amusing, to just some lumbering retard that does nothing
jesus fucking christ with the fucking reddit boomer generals
just learn to post retards
So anybody know what's the status of Toxic Avenger remake? What the hell Is taking so long to release?
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sexier/more beautiful women, kinkier/more graphic sexual content/nudity in their films, less politically correct crap, more insane gore, wilder creativity/ideas, spookier atmosphere in their ghost films, etc.
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Daddario looks fine, get a hold of yourself.
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less feminism. 0 feminism
How does she look fine lol.
Should have been it's own thing. Didn't need to have bizzaro Brad and Janet they coulda been any couple
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It’s stuck in distribution hell unfortunately. I’ve been looking forward to it myself
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There was no way she would still look like left nowadays desu
Frankly if she aged naturally you would still be using her as a wall meme
Longlegs was anti-Christian as hell.
This girl was okay in the Sharknado series. She is okay to look at.
Longlegs, I tried to hype myself up and literally did not even watch 1 trailer for 5 months. Saw the movie and it is just whatever. The black fbi character, his wife and black child in the end was the nail in the coffin.
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I’m not even a boomer, my seething friend. Everybody knows the Time Warp
Anyone see the new Beetlejuice trailer? The dialogue feels so forced. The sentences run on for too long from Jenna Ortega. Sounds so unnatural.
If that’s the case, why do you always feel the need to share this information with /hor/? No one here gives a shit about it.
i'm going to watch The Hole in the Ground (2019)

I will report back with my verdict
Not him but know redditors like you hate it. Go browse around the internet, many many girls deny the wall is even real. let's talk horror.
what movie
Yes, considering any horror below 4 rating on IMDB means it's not worth watching at all and chances are it's irredemeemable trash even.
Above 4 is fair game, above 8 means it's probably some thriller being masqueraded as horror, so also nice to avoid.
is it? i remember that scene and the woman doesn’t even look familiar.
Maybe I mixed it up, but there is a scene where she is staring at the wall as if she is going to solve anything.
It's The Breach 2022>>201656485
Are you ready to see Amy Adams turn into a dog in Nightbitch?
Damn, look at her, she is only 52. How is she going to get casted for anything. Big yikes.
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It kinda was its own thing given all the recasting but I agree. The issue was the producers tried making Shocky a cult hit right out the gate by only holding midnight weekend showings and it backfired massively since Rocky was at peak cult status during that time. It didn’t matter how good it actually was unfortunately.
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Does she have Parkinson's? Why is her hand like that?
Little nell was so hot
Actresses are aging so poorly, Hollywood is really going to have to think about the upcoming productions. That Jenna Ortega girl looks very different now than during the making of Bettlejuice 2.
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Like this one? Her pseudo horror movie wasn't even that good. I keep forgetting it was her in the Witch though.
Fuck yeah she was
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This her? She's alright.
It is hilarious, both these girls are younger than me but they are washed up af.
mammario is still hot, desu
fuck buccal fat doctors
What's this from?
I'm watching the new Candyman. It's funny as fuck how this guy is getting annoying white people murdered.
Just had to hop on mid movie to share with your friends on 4chan
Is that Fiddy?
I pretty much only watch slasher movies
What did y'all think of The Watchers?

It's the first horror movie in a while (for me) that had a pretty deep meaning behind it, which is due to it being based on a book of course.

I thought the director and Dakota did really well.
I've been pretty disappointed with the horror movies I've watched lately but this one is pretty enjoyable so far.
No it's Morpheus.
What are your favorites?
so unpleasant to look at.
I thought it would be one note and amateur so I spoiled it.
Is that deep meaning worth giving it a go or does knowing what the Watchers are ruin it?
>does knowing what the Watchers are ruin it?
no, it's a good atmospheric movie either way.
I don't know whether everyone will get the deeper meaning even after watching it, but I really enjoyed it.
I've already mentioned them a lot in these threads recently. Best not to repeat myself. But I'm on a rewatch streak to reevaluate the ones I remember liking. Then I'm going to make a list of slasher movies I think are the "best" and try to examine what the common elements are, figure out what makes them work.
Ghoulies 3: Ghoulies Go To College is a straight up sophomoric horror comedy. I liked it way better than the other two but it's not for everyone.
Haven't seen 4 yet.
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I could have fixed her, bros :(
Yeah, its a fun watch on its own merits. Its only crime was being the sequel to a real kino movie.
wow that was dogshit 2/10
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>spookier atmosphere in their ghost films
Even if its not that scary, I find the atmosphere and ideas from this movie really comfy. Something about 60-90s Japan media does it for me.
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Cool. I'll give it a shot then. The forest setting definitely seems cool and I'm sure it'll have some cool scares. I just wish it was Elle instead of Dakota.

>Common elements
Godspeed, anon. I've always had a hunch that the virginal final girl thing in slashers might've been overblown. Maybe your analysis will shed some light on it or help identify when slashers started to get moralistic?
>I just wish it was Elle instead of Dakota.
>Godspeed, anon. I've always had a hunch that the virginal final girl thing in slashers might've been overblown. Maybe your analysis will shed some light on it or help identify when slashers started to get moralistic?
I don't even need to begin my analysis to comment on this. I mean, the analysis will be better once I finish my rewatches, but I already have thoughts. Carpenter is already on record stating the obvious, the druggies and sex-havers died in Halloween because when you're high or nude/having sex you're more vulnerable. The subtext was completely unintentional. Then Friday the 13th ripped off Halloween and in Friday the 13th, as you know, the "sex = death" thing is actual text but it's in a very specific context. Jason died because kids were having sex so of course Pamela has a complex about it, especially if you take into account Betsy Palmer's headcanon that Pamela was a bit of a Jesus freak like Margaret White and only ever had sex once.

Then every other slasher movie just wanted to rip off Halloween and Friday the 13th so those "themes" were incorporated completely unconsciously. And then there's the general fact that many protagonists you see in fiction are going to be underdogs by default so they remain "relatable". How many non-slasher non-horror movies have you seen that have slutty or even just curvaceous women as a lead that's treated with dignity and respect? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? It's a general issue and acting like its exclusive to slashers, or horror as a whole, is patently absurd. And, yes, its probably extremely overblown. This "rule" wasn't solidified until Scream definitively claimed it was in 1996. And then in 2011 the idea was pushed heavily again by Cabin in the Woods. But I'm sure the whole thing is mostly meme and conjecture.
Even black folks didn't like this movie
Cute Italian gal.
So the LongLegs hype has died down now huh. What's next?
>Those legs
>That blonde(?) high ponytail
There are two Korean horror movies out on my stream sites but they are cam rips.
>a pretty deep meaning behind it
huh. what exactly are you talking about?
I interpreted it as "the watchers" are people like us, watching the outside word, but not participating in it.
ahh, (((the watchers)))
The Ugly Guys and what else?
no, not (((the watchers)))
the watchers
Not everything has to be "elevated" nonsense anon, I didn't get that feeling at all. I think the movie really was just about fairies considering it was trying to go off old timey vibes
yeah welll, you are dumb if that's all you got from it
Okay anon lol
nta, but you're not really good at getting your point across
>people like us, watching the outside word, but not participating in it
Is that really the deeper meaning you got from all of this? Basically what was already spelled out in the movie but with literal people instead of fairies?
If not, then you really should elaborate
The one about the tunnel and monster dogs. It has some major Korean movie stars in it. It's a big production. And I think there is also a Korean horror movie about haunted airplanes.
this is /tv/ and I don't need to be articulate.
Project Silence. And Airplane 1971.
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more j-ff tonight
>Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi! File 04: The Truth! Hanako-san in the Toilet
Yeah wasn't great. There's been a bunch of recentish "oh no my kid is turning evil" films that have sucked.
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Cuckoo, Trap, and Romulus hype
are these good?
I miss this lil nig like you wouldn't believe.
they're by the director of Occult and Noroi. If you liked them (particularly Occult), then it's more of that. Each one is a stand alone ghost hunt.
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also you can find them all here full translated
The time jump made no sense if it was present day she was supposed to be in her 40s or so
Sweet, thanks. I don't think I've watched either of those. I'll check them out.
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I have some questions about this movie. Were the spooky blind lady and her Stand good guys? Or just less bad guys? I couldn't tell if she wanted to murder the innocent, qt new girlfriend. That would've been evil right? Also, do hospitals really have a whole stable of violent murderers? Can you go to a random one and find psycho killer cannibal men just hanging around? Is there a violent killer cannibal right now in the basement of my local hospital? It's scary to think about. Shouldn't that be rare? Finally, who delivered the taco bell box at the end? Was it delivered beyond the grave? Why does taco bell boy kill? Why is he angry? Good movie though, it's fun to watch while eating pizza.
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Just watched Demon Wind (1990). It was kind of bad but I liked it, it had some decent creatures and some qts. Weird at times but pretty comfy. Also, there's the proto Sam and Dean Winchester in it.
i think she was trying to scare the shit out of the new gf so she’d never return and dump the guy. it was a psych hospital i think so yeah probably a bunch of crazies. i believe the blind lady sent the package to be delivered at a later date as a contingency plan,
is this the anon i told to watch these last week? how are you liking them?
Thanks bro. Scaring the gf and timed delivery makes sense. The hospital thing is freaking me out though. I've never met a violent cannibal. A lot of hospitals include psych places along with regular stuff. What if I go to the hospital for a routine exam and there's a violent cannibal guy on another floor? That's fucked up. I don't want to think there's too many killer cannibals out there. Not just cannibals, the psycho hitman male nurse too!
The whole movie was weird but it went uncharted territories of weird when the main character merged souls with his girlfriend and turned into one of those kung fu aliens from Bablyon 5 to fight Satan.
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Yeah they're fun, the simple but spooky visual effects work well. He's got a formula that works better than a lot of other found footage I've seen.
Make sure to report the Pissman's posts from earlier. Jannies banned him last time we all reported him and we were free for days.
Yes report, Redditors.
nice glad you’re enjoying, yeah he has FF down. i had mentioned a google sheet with all of kōji’s movies and subtitles even for japan only released but it no longer works unfortunately. glad you found them. i still need to watch the movie that came out last year, the “world” one.
Unnecessary comma, but I agree. Report the ESL redditor known as "Pissman." He's an obnoxious faggot who needs to go back.
Make sure to turn this general into low T beta soi cuck fest.
Haven't seen it since I was a kid. Need to rewatch.
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someone posted this pic in the last thread and it really brought back memories from a kid. I miss ooze bros, TMNT, Ghostbusters, Toxic Avenger.
It's one reason I'm looking forward to the Street Trash remake, I need more melt.
The fucking bath scene traumatised me as a kid who used to have to bathe every weekend.
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that, and the painting
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That and the guy that got stabbed in the eye and then changed into younger and younger versions of himself until he became a dove. I also liked the two magicians guys, it's a bummer that they died so soon.
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It's funny how in the Ghostbusters game they kept the painting and it still contains Vigo's soul in it, but by now all the guy can do is taunt you and say ominous shit.
Anthology horror, found footage and extreme horror movies may get low ratings for wrong reasons despite being very good. Now, if a slasher, drama/horror or paranormal horror gets rating below 4, it's very bad.
damn that actually looks like a comfy game
>used to have to bathe every weekend.
So you were the smelly kid in your class, huh?
It's insane how Sophie Turner looks older than Isabelle Adjani even though Isabelle could be Sophie's grandmother. Fucking bong genes, man. Isabelle still makes my dick hard, and she is almost 70.
The movie does not have enough Tony Todd.
Looks like it's not for me. My ADHD ass can barely sit through the first episode. Nothing really happens and spooks are your usual nip 'woman with long hair'. Atmosphere is comfy, but it lacks something to keep me entertained. Also, shouldn't be more than 30 minutes long. That would also fit well into pseudo documentary TV-show style.
Are the rest of the episodes same as the first one?
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Little Nell?
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Looks fine to me. Love her crazy eyes. Would make sweet raw love to her.
Weekend bath used to be normal here in bongland. Everyone showers these days though.
Yeah I can see that. They should be shorter but it's kind of comfy slice of life Japan stuff as well. And yes the episodes are very similar.
I recommend Occult instead if you find a day where you want to sit through one. It actually has a real ending too.
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she's still got it
>According to Little Nell, if she wasn't going to be allowed to show headlights, she was going to show caboose instead, and her part in "Look What I Did to My Id" even talks about her high hems as she tears a few inches off the bottom.
>Columbia flashing her nipple was Campbell's own idea. O'Brien had always assumed it was accidental until Quinn told him in the commentary that Campbell would practice it in their trailer.
God bless her
It kind of gets better towards the end. The last few seconds are legit spooky. I'll try the second one.

>kind of comfy slice of life Japan stuff as well.
That I appreciate, the weather in the first movie is my favourite and somehow the amateur filming on a simple digital camera helps with immersion, I can almost feel the smell of the wet asphalt or ground and trees in the park and fresh cold air of the early spring/winter, kek
If you don't bench at least 2 plate, shut the fuck up
>when the main character merged souls with his girlfriend and turned into one of those kung fu aliens from Bablyon 5 to fight Satan.
sup /hor/
4th visit here, every advice was fucking great
any good sexy hor kino that I probably haven't watched yet? Anything goes
Frankenhooker, or Night of the Demons
Friday the 13th Part V
Let's go for the first one
You (or somebody else) already recommended the 2nd. It was a very fun watch for sure.
Probably already seen but I'll grab it as well thanks anon;
I don't feel so good..
How it feels when you've got a lash stuck in your eye and can't get it out.
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Do I have to watch Rocky Horror Show first? haven't seen it.
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Holy fuck, how didn't this movie succsneed at the box office? This was so fucking kino. My w/hor/e used to be Meg Tilly from Psycho II but that's changed.
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too gross for them. check out Excision if you like tard wives.
If that movie is too gross for you then you're a huge pussy. Also, thanks for the recommendation, I'll put it on the list.
Lost souls is better than you think
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>Friday the 13th Part V
That one had a hardcore porno director in charge (Danny Steinmann), in his own words he didn't care about the gore or the scares, he only cared about the sex scenes
I remember that the DVD extras for the 2009 remake movie had the directors talking about how they were inspired by the early Friday The 13th movies to show as much naked girls as possible and that "if the movie doesn't have nudity it isn't a real Friday the 13th movie", I wonder if the next movie (assuming it ever gets made) is going to have any naked bitches at all now that WB fully owns the IP
Another 5-6 hours left until I can get back to regularly posting. Have a couple new webms.
erotic thriller from the 90s often delve into horror territory
check out Audition and Eyes Wide Shut
>is going to have any naked bitches at all now that WB fully owns the IP
You're never going to see nudity in a horror movie again.
Female nudity you mean, male seems to be fair game on any series or movie for some reason
For that one anon.
It's out.

>Horror.in.the.High.Desert.3. Firewatch.2024.AMZN.WEB-DL.mp4
>Horror.in.the.High.Desert.3. Firewatch.2024.AMZN.WEB-DL.mp4
>Horror.in.the.High.Desert.3. Firewatch.2024.AMZN.WEB-DL.mp4
Why would anyone do that? MKV is the superior container and it's not even close.

Can't find that torrent on anything so I assume just cabal trackers at the moment.
Public trackers, actually.
Here's a magnet

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What is the single best 1930s horrorkino?
There are several recent movies with female nudity: Suitable Flesh, X, Midsommar, The Lodge, Pope's Exorcist etc. Also some seminudity in Immaculate
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What do you guys think of the ending to Kolobos? Does it stick the landing or does the twist come off as silly?
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I didn't like the movie
https://youtu.be/aY6DnZYR7pE?si=-ZxiZS3D45W7OtLp Horror is inherently queer, chuds!
in this movie was Olga's mother some kind of revenant or was she secretly never dead and just playing schizo games
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Nope, it’s not required viewing at all. They share the same director, writers, producer, composer, plus a few cast members return. However the two are only similar in passing, except Shock Treatment doesn’t have any gay undertones.

Based Little Nell lovers
I didn’t like it at first either but I think it ended up being a fairly decent horror-comedy even with the ridiculous twist at the end. I’m pretty sure the terrible acting in the first half was intentional/meta in some way given one of the blonde girls was an actor playing an actor. Maybe Kolobosanon can give more insight on what they were going for exactly
Ahhhhhhhhh! I shouldn't have clicked the spoilers too spookys
That anon just spams the same ahit about it and never goes into explanation. Lake Mungo shill did the same thing.
This is a Honeypot, isn't it? Shit gets 77% done and then stops, refuses to connect to anyone. Seems sketchy as all fuck.
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Checked. 70s/80s Annie Potts was ridiculously cute.
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If that's true then why are there so few lesbian vampire movies? Seriously. There's a few lesbian werewolf movies but hardly any lesbian vampire movies. It makes no sense when you consider Carmilla was one of the originals so vampire girls lusting after maidens should be way more popular. It's a travesty.
Watched 3 horror movies:

>Guys At Parties Like It
100% feminist bullshit. Other than the funny first couple minutes, it's incredibly shit. Only a feminist could find this good. Fuck this movie.
>Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II
Finally watched this and all I got was a shitty version of Carrie. Takes forever to get into the horror stuff and I don't care about some massive whore that's mad she was killed. Only good part was with the two naked women. Wouldn't watch again.
>Boys In The Trees
This was really good teen horror. The 3rd act gets dark and sad. Can recommend if you want a teen horror movie about not wanting to grow up or be left behind.
Very nice forearm hair.
I watched Ghostbusters as a kid and always thought she looked like an old librarian. Then I watched it twenty years later and want to fuck the shit out of her.
There was a fat, smelly kid in high-school that joined the football team. The stereotypical popular quarterback kid told him "you can either be fat or smelly. You can't be both", and he quit the team.
>filtered by Prom Night II
>Likes some gay ass shit like "Boys in the Trees"
Stop being gay
you fucking suck, man
She's also hot as fuck in Jubilee
No, I just didn't like the movie. Not everyone will share the same opinion as you do, accept that fact and learn to disagree like an adult, not a child that insults the other.
>why are there so few lesbian vampire movies?

60+ is far from few
Recommend me some fun 80's horror movies. Yesterday watched The Blob and loved it. Even better if you guys have some charts or tierlists for funbad movies.
Also, I watched 3 more horror movies I forgot to mention in my other post:

>Terrifier 2
It made me shit and piss and cum and puke while watching it. I've never been this disturbed by a movie before. I'm terrified of how far Mr. Leone will go with Terrifier 3. I don't even know how to feel about this, it made me feel more disturbed than that time I saw a grandma raping a leprechaun in the bathroom of the capital city kinoplex when I went to watch The Pope's Exorcist.
>Buck Breaking
A horrifying yet true story, similar to Schindler's List. It should be watched by everyone, so that they understand how awful racism truly is.
>The Thing (1982)
Overrated garbage. I don't fucking care about some stupid monster, this is dumb shlock. It feels sort of homophobic too. I mean, a movie with zero women, yet not a single gay sex scene? No important messages either. Just garbage for males with toxic masculinity.
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Yeah I called him out on it recently and he replied with something like “many people post Kolobos” lol. Sometimes I enjoy taking the piss by misnaming filenames just to amuse myself but I can’t imagine being in nonstop shitpost mode.

Based and forearm hair-pilled.
You're a sad person if you need to impersonate someone because they disagree with you about a movie. You clearly the mentality of a 12 year old girl.
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First for New Mutants
Stop trying to impersonate me just because you didn't like my review. Grow up and act like an adult.
>no u reply
Yep, you lost. Thanks for admitting you have the mind of a 12 year old girl. I accept your concession. Filtered. Now be a good retard and reply to me, I'll never see it. I know you can't resist, you're already typing.
>He's the fucking "Keep replying I won't see it" schizo
Lmao, that explains why you're so gay
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>Fun 80s movies
Try "From Beyond". It's a Lovecraft inspired story about a scientist creating a machine that lets people see beyond reality. Something immediately goes wrong, his head goes bye bye, and his assistant gets locked in an insane asylum. The blonde doctor in this pic is convinced the assistant is innocent so she takes the assistant plus a big burly cop to reactivate the machine. Things go poorly from there.
The creature effects are great (think budget Thing or Beetlejuice) and the machine makes the blonde scientist super into submissive BDSM play. What more could you want?
Good old days before woman waxed themselves into plastic mannequins.
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Epilepsy warning.
Suspiria (1977) - best horror movie of all time.
Suspiria (2018) - worst horror movie of all time.
Simple as.
You can't "explain" Kolobos
you Experience it
More like Jew Pootants.
this dude never performed cunnilingus!
> his head goes bye bye
Like... a.... ginger... bread... man...
Gordon/Yuzna were too kino
Full length, good quality upload of Abigail currently on YouTube.
I'm not a technologically challenged zoomer, thank you very much.
I'm finally back from my 3 day ban
I'm a boomer who is not technologically challenged, either. And I'll still take convenience and ease of access any day.
Lmao why does he use that phrase specifically though?
rec something with cute gilfs
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The Manor (2021)
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New Terrifier 3 poster
The trailer looked good
Needlessly profane. Shan't be paying to watch it any longer, torrent it is
>Recommend me some fun 80's horror movies
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
Humanoids from the Deep
Return of the Living Dead
Chopping Mall
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This anon gets it. Smooth pussy is more fun to eat.
What are some other "reverse slashers" where a hero goes around brutally murdering the bad guys?
>i spit on your grave
>the toxic avenger
>you're next (kind of a modern example)
>getting throat cancer from HPV pussy
Get a load of this beta cuck simp
I was almost gonna watch this for Anya, but then I realized that it's a Marvel movie. Won't be watching.
Art is the gift that keeps on giving.
You're all a bunch of spooky motherfuckers who love horror, but what about other genres? Give me your favorite horror movie(s) and also favorites from other genres.
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>Suspiria (1977) - best horror movie of all time.
>Suspiria (2018) - worst horror movie of all time.
An incredibly sensible post and one I can agree with. When will the general public realize Suspeeeeria is one of the greatest films of all time? Almost everything else simply pales in comparison.
Some of my top horror movies
>the texas chain saw massacre
>henry: portrait of a serial killer
Some of my favorite non-horror movies
>taxi driver
>the wizard of oz
>who framed roger rabbit
I don't watch non-horror nearly as often.
Mah virgin boy, there's a vaccine for it, but you shouldn't be licking random sex partners outside relationship anyway. But actually you are right, since you live in the pajeet land you shouldn't be licking anyone's pussy there.
Which spider-man, aren't there like 3 different ones now?
Love Suspiria but avoided the remake because it doesn't seem like a movie I'd enjoy, and that one anon obsessed with it made the movie sound pretty boring and gay.
I'd rather be a retard than a homosexual.
>he still trusts vaccines after the covid vax
You're a special kind of stupid
Are there any other movies named just "Spider-Man"? I think the others have subtitles.
I'm referring to the first Sam Raimi movie.
>noo i can't have sex because it kills me
You're a special kind of coward
I thought there was the two other ones, I didn't know if they had more to the title. I don't watch many superhero movies. Pretty sure I saw more pre-2000 ones than I have post-2000.
To be fair, it's not a part of the MCU at all. Nor is it even really tied to that whole X-Men universe. I'm not going to sit here and say that it was spectacular or anything but I was a huge New Mutants fan growing up (it was the first title I had a complete run collection); especially Bill Sienkiewicz's run with Chris Claremont and this movie is an adaptation of one of their most famous storylines. And they did a fairly decent job adapting it.
I watch the Raimi Spidey movies but besides that yeah I prefer pre-2000s. Richard Donner's Superman, Burton's Batman films, Batman '66, TMNT 1990. Much better than that MCU shit.
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It’s a good mix of both and the director’s other films follow the same pattern unfortunately. I wish that one guy was obsessed with the original instead like me because the remake just doesn’t cut it. Outside of Mia Goth and Tilda Swinton, it desperately needed a better cast and script.
Tragedy Girls kind of. They are hardly heroes since they kill a whole lot of innocent people, but they are protagonists and the movie has another slasher villain.
that movie pissed me off so bad
they didn't go nearly far enough making the main girls into psycho killers, it's like they held back a lot trying to also make them the good guys?
can't recall the ending v clearly but i remember thinking it was some of the stupidest shit:/
Bodies Bodies Bodies on the other hand is brilliant and loads of fun, though technically even less of a legit horror movie:/
That was pretty good for a nu-horror comedy.
I'm a fan of Tragedy Girls, and Brianna Hildebrand is incredibly cute.
I don't think they held back. After all they killed everyone in the school at the end and were happy when saw the crying dad. That's quite psychopathic. They were protagonists, but I don't think that the movie made them the good guys (or rather the good girls).
>Bodies Bodies Bodies on the other hand is brilliant and loads of fun
Come on now.
I liked it, it's barely horror but as a "horror"/comedy it was good
what's not to like about a movie with a bunch of stupid awful rich teens losing electricity and internet for one night and going insane and killing each other
I liked Bodies Bodies Bodies too. The twist at the ending made the movie.
original is overrated. nowhere close to Argento's best. nu one actually did quite well given its more modern sensibilities.
>original is overrated. nowhere close to Argento's best
Strongly disagree.
Thought the twist was obvious from a mile away but that sorta just made it better
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Allie and Allison Kay (professional wrestlers) started a horror podcast

Allie has also been in a few bit roles in horror films.
I met Allie at a bar the other night, she was clearly 100% sober but kept trying really hard to act like she was super drunk or like someone had slipped something into her drink and the bartender at one point just cut her off mid sentence and was like 'bro you've drank water all night wtf u acting drunk rn?' and she bascially just left...
anyway when I was on the subway back home this crazy bitch was in the same car and she was still doing it, like stumbling around all over and kept saying
"ooops I drank too much haha" and acting like she was about to throw up but it was clear it was just forced dry heaves
I can understand Suspiria not being your favorite Argento flick but it’s definitely one of his best. If anything, Deep Red and Phenomena are both overrated.
Forgot to mention that she even pissed on my shoes, I got up and moved seats as soon as I noticed that was just pissing right there in the center of the floor and it was getting everywhere; I asked her wtf she's doing and she was all ;"Oops lol guess I just drank 2 much!" and I straight up told her "no, you were just drinking waters everyone knows you are stone cold sober bitch" and she just tried to crank it up to 11 and started like singing really bad and slurring her speech super obviously on purpose and literally followed me out of the subway and I had to find a fucking cop and she still wouldn't chill and leave us alone until the cops back up came (this was in NY and they had mounted patrol cops at the time) and she was like falling all over the horse and the cop kept telling her
"Ma'm! I need you to leave my horse alone please!" but she would not stop writhing all over the poor thing and like grabbing for its dick and the horse was clearly terrified
such a fucking crazy woman, I'm honestly surprised I got home safe that night
let's be real, argento himself is fucking overrated.
I liked both movies. Great soundtracks.
I'd like to wrestle with her, if you know what I mean.
>favourite horror
The Invisible Man 1933
Hellraiser 1987
A Nightmare on Elm Street 1984
Peeping Tom
The Lost Boys
The Evil Dead 1981

>favourite non-horror
North by Northwest
Under the Silver Lake
Donnie Darko
Spider-Man 2

Even some of my favourite non-horror movies contain elements of horror
Unfathomably based. Still one of, if not the best acting performances I've seen, by Dall and the GOAT Stewart.
I disagree, Suspiria is my favorite horror film and I’m not the only one according to this thread. Personally I think Argento fell off after Opera but other anons will cite Trauma or Stendhal Syndrome.
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Does anybody have a horror movie or psycho thriller/horror that will leave me jaw dropped and seriously thinking about my life? One of those that did that to me was Jacobs Ladder and i dont know if that makes me a faggot or a redditor which is pretty much the same anyways but yeah
also i really liked The Chaser
also that scene in picrel is extremely kino do you agree?
why are her boobs so big?
Have you seen Videodrome?
So what do you think of the meta/reality TV angle they were going for in Kolobos? Do you have a favorite scene or character? I’m genuinely curious since I watched it recently and it’s lived in your head rent-free for years now.
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If he hasn’t yet he definitely should.
Certified Jimmy Stewart kino
No but its on my watchlist since a pretty long time
I might just say fuck it and watch it now but now thinking about it i am pretty done from the wagecage had a 12 hour shift ... i might need some easy 80s slasher i don't know yet. I don't want to ruin a classic like that by falling asleep.
>Does anybody have a horror movie or psycho thriller/horror that will leave me jaw dropped and seriously thinking about my life?
Schindler's List
Buck Breaking
Gayniggers from Outerspace
Tongues Untied
Pulp Fiction
Michael Bay's Skibidi Toilet
Stanley Kubrick's The Moon Landing
Troll 2
Halloween: Resurrection
X, Pearl, and MaXXXine
The Pope's Exorcist
Terrifier 2
American Psycho 2: All American Girl
Swallow (2019)
Jason takes Manhattan
Jacob's Ladder (2019)
Candyman (2021)
Zack Snyder's Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice: Ultimate Edition
The Simpsons season 11 episode 5
The Dark Knight Rises
Get Out
Brokeback Mountain
The Emoji Movie
The Bee Movie
Shrek 1 and 2
Inglourious Bastards
The Devil's Rejects
The Spongebob Squarepants movie
I hope Linetrap is living their best life, being chubby and deformed.
Watch Videodrome if you're feeling up to it, watch The Mutilator if you want a fun slasher.
Old Dakota fanning isn't good for my mental health

Why didn't anyone teach these women tai chi or meditation or sunblock wushu fuck.
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I don't know about jaw dropping but here are some pretty offbeat horror/thriller/serial killer movies

Wait Until Dark (1967)
The Road Builder / The Night Digger (1971)
Altered States (1980)
The Clairvoyant (1982)
Next of Kin (1982)
Pieces (1982)
The Initiation (1984)
The Caller (1987)
Heart of Midnight (1988)
Jack's Back (1988)
Intimate Stranger (1991)
The Cell (2000)

Pic related is probably the most novel
>The Dark Knight Rises
>Get Out
>Shrek 2
These aren't horror
You forgot a few:
>Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
>Silent Hill: Revelation (2012)
>Scary Movie 5 (2013)
>Ouija (2014)
>The Bye Bye Man (2017)
>The Snowman (2017)
>Slender Man (2018)
>Truth or Dare (2018)
>The Boogeyman (2023)
>Night Swim (2024)
>Tarot (2024)
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>Serial killer movies
I recommend Henry, Angst, Maniac, Deranged, The Driller Killer, Leslie Vernon, Murder-Set-Pieces, The New York Ripper, Touch of Death, Schramm, Sombre, Peeping Tom, Man Bites Dog, The House that Jack Built, Don't Go in the House, and American Psycho
Halloween: Resurrection is already on there thoughever
Halloween 2
Halloween 3
Halloween 4
Halloween 5
Halloween 6
Halloween H20
Halloween Resurrection
Halloween 2007
Halloween 2009
Halloween 2018
Halloween Kills
Halloween Ends
Halloweentown 2
Halloweentown High
The Blair With Project
Mean Girls
Trick 'r Treat
>the bye bye man
>the snowman
>slender man
>the boogeyman
I'm going to say it........Dario Argento makes fucking awesome movies and he's literally the best horror director ever
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Jason Takes Manhattan is my favorite of all time and probably the best horror movie in general of all time so i dont know if thats a toll list or genuine
Nightmare Beach is up there too
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Based. If I make the next thread it’s gonna be Argento edition bitttccchhhhh
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thank you
I will watch the mutilator now and videodrome on the weekend

also what do you guys think about my 22 Haloweenlist?
Jaws The Revenge
American Beauty
Copper Mountain
Godzilla vs Megalon
The Patterson-Gimlin Film
Hotel for Dogs
The Zapruder Film
Shrek the Third
Jack and Jill
Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo
>The Black Cauldron (1985)
>I will watch the mutilator now and videodrome on the weekend
Based, enjoy.
Also I approve of your list, very good.
>The Witches of Eastwick (roastiemovie)
Kek you aren’t even wrong but it’s a quintessential witch flick.
Agreed, it was a very nice movie, great effects
>Something about 60-90s Japan media does it for me
For me, it's 60s kaiju films.
They just are.
i will now watch your slop
It was better than I expected. Honestly, the first two acts were good fun. Obviously, I knew what the first "twist" was going into it because of the marketing but that didn't seem to affect the quality of storytelling. Movie kind of mailed in the ending though. Which is whatever - I wasn't expecting much anyway. Great acting, decent premise, great deaths: overall decent watch. I purposefully didn't see this in the theater and I don't regret that decision because it would have been underwhelming. Having seen it now, and knowing what to expect, I'd love to see it in the theaters.
she looks just like my older sister but with big tits
the snowman was the unexpected comedy of the year. it’s like the director was playing a joke on everyone involved in the movie. it’s so retarded it’s hilarious.
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When I was a child, I thought like a child, and believed RHPS to be the best.

Now that I am a man, I accept the truth that is POTP
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After enough wheelin’ and dealin’, I’m glad you’ve seen the light.
Side note, when the hell did Google get such great taste?
if you like bewilderingly incompetent horror give Dream House (2011) a spin
Youthful enthusiasm revels in the indulgence of RHPS

Wisdom gained through age commiserates with the divine tragedy of POTP

Also, BEEF.
night of the living dead has ended, dawn of the dead is here
Spoiler? It’s a horror general
George Romero's "Twilight of the Dead" when?
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Beef did NOT deserve it but I liked the strobe effects. You should see a Phantom shadowcast if possible, I saw one for the 50th anniversary and wish I got footage from it.
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>Watching Slumber Party Massacre
>Realize that the mom of the main girl is hotter than her
Based fellow haglover
saw the fly finally and can see why it was so hyped up... practical effects were comparable to the thing
have you seen the dead zone yet? cronenberg's first, walken and sheen are in it
Gimme spooky detective story
I love how the ending pulled absolutely no punches. Shit made me sad man
i literally don't know who you think i am i'm just another Kolo-fan (that's what we all call ourselves btw) Kolo-posting about my fav movie :/
beef is what Tim Curry should have been in RHPS
What’s something modern to watch that I haven’t seen before?
>Suitable Flesh
Lol. You can't be serious.
i've seen that it was meh
>except Shock Treatment doesn’t have any gay undertones.
It does a little bit. Just a tiny bit.
Lol I’m not sure who exactly you think you’re fooling. You must be playing a long con to get everyone to watch Kolobos or something because you never want to actually discuss it. Personally, I thought it was funny how similar the shower kill scene was to the first kill in Suspiria. The screaming, the banging on the door… even the music sounds the same!
Elaborate? Meanwhile i’m gonna make a new thread

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