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Argento edition
prev: >>201653498
give me something to watch commander
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She's in Phantom of the Paradise too
Constantly posting her only makes anons think you jerk off to her every night.
gonna watch We Go On (2016) fo tonite
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who says i don't
Watching Insidious rn, man this movie sucks until the last 20 minutes
it's time to admit insidious 1 is a good movie
It's not bad. What makes this movie hard to watch is those unnecessary stingers
insidious is a solid movie. Great jump scares and tension and plot and actors and a great director. Great start to 2010s. James wan might the IT director the 2010s.
I get Sinister and Insidious mixed up all the time.
Sinister's home movies were awesome.
Wan's films mostly work due to their transparency, in that all they're supposed to be is spooky jump scare horror and they really lean into that. for mostly better than worse
Tell us if it's good.
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>times you accidentally fell in love watching an old movie
It’s ridiculous but I’m still obsessed with Jess. I’ve never fallen so hard for an actress in my fucking life.

Harperposting is a thing whether you like it or not, anon. It just took me (a Harper’s freak) posting her all year for it to catch on
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>Harperposting is a thing whether you like it or not, anon

harperposting is a lifestyle, a based one for sure
Sinister goes to absolute dogshit near the end
It starts great but ruins itself horribly
>I get Sinister and Insidious mixed up all the time.
Same but I haven't seen either of them.
I know one of them has Darth Maul and the other has Slipknot.
>spooky jump scare horror
You make that sound easy. You and I have probably seen enough horror movies to know while there are lots of enjoyable ones, there are those that stand above the rest. Insidious does stand above most horror films. Top 20 percent of them? Top ten? That is very above average. And it is not just jump scare horror, he created a very smooth movie. Everything feels just perfect in that movie.
I prefer Nellposting.
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What are some Jessian and/or Harperesque quinoas?
>Same but I haven't seen either of them.
Why are you here?
>Same but I haven't seen either of them.
These are the people in /hor/. People who have not seen Insidious or Sinister and are discussion horror films with you lol.
Bros it’s actually pretty good
But those are both Cumhouse trash
Why would that matter when the person hasn't seen either film lol
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My kino playlist for this weekend with my grill
There was a time in the early 2010s when blumhouse meant a serious horror film.
Because I watch horror movies. 2010s supernatural Blumhouse jumpscare stuff isn't a subgenre that I watch.
Fuck off ESL.
Hell yeah bro, enjoy
Just looked at the timestamps and realized I responded to a samefag.
Dumb ESL needs to kill himself now
t. anon who made the post I'm replying to now
What does /hor/ think about the Maxxxine trilogy? I thought X was ok, but haven't watched the sequels.
Longlegs wasn't terrible and if you say it was you don't watch enough crap
It was just fine, decent even. We all wanted it to be great
I'm a Kinski man myself. To The Devil A Daughter, Cat People, the list goes on. That being said Harperbro is my boy and I'll always bump his threads if I'm on.
Lmao you need to watch more movies.
Good take, I agree
>It was just fine, decent even. We all wanted it to be great
Are there any anons who really liked it?
If the best review is
>it was okay...
then probably won't check it out anytime soon. It'll go on the non-priority watchlist of movies I'll watch in 10 years.
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ESL, this is /tv/ where we appreciate movies from all nationalities. Way to show you don't have a broad range of movies under your belt.
>where we appreciate movies from all nationalities
Retard, who are you replying to? The post you replied to didn't say anything about that.
The scares and atmosphere were 10/10, the script was a 5/10, maybe even a 4/10
I'd give it a 7/10 with a good recommendation
>the script was a 5/10, maybe even a 4/10
>I'd give it a 7/10 with a good recommendation
I'll move it up in watch-priority as long as the script isn't bad because
>it's full of obnoxious quippy dialogue
>it has too much slow filler dialogue about drama that isn't related to the horror plot
I'm fine with a simple/underdone plot/script as long as it's not making me roll my eyes.
No the tone is all around very appropriate aside from one weird moment at the very end, and they never expect you to give a shit about the personal drama between these characters in a way that doesn't relate to people dying, which I appreciated.
The problem is just that the story doesn't come together in a way that works, and the writer is trying to convince you that everything makes sense when you can instantly tell that you're seeing an early draft of a story that needed a lot more polishing up. Writer directors have this issue very, very often.
Appreciate the breakdown, thanks.
I'll watch it eventually. Haven't seen much horror from the past 2 years anyway, so guess I'll watch Longlegs when I get around to that.
>The problem is just that the story doesn't come together in a way that works, and the writer is trying to convince you that everything makes sense when you can instantly tell that you're seeing an early draft of a story that needed a lot more polishing up. Writer directors have this issue very, very often.
Too bad it isn't better, a lot of people were excited for it and I've seen very mixed things since release.
If I enjoy the style of the film then I'll be able to look past the writing problems.
Female main protagonist and her diversity hire African male boss.
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The trilogy has some cool concepts but the reviews didn't really sell me on it. I'll get around to them eventually but it's not going to be anytime soon.. On top of that, I don't really like Mia Goth's no eyebrows look. Real shame too because I really dig freckles.
Mia needs to follow her destiny and star in an Aileen Wuornos movie.
>cool concepts
The main cast has all the dei checklists. The characters in X are just unlikeable. I watched like the first 5 mins of the movie and turned it off. Might try to watch it again, but nothing that is Mexican or brown to me will ever equate quality or worth it to me.
>nothing that is Mexican or brown to me will ever equate quality or worth it to me.
sorry about your mental illness/brainwashing/lack of taste
>sorry about your mental illness/brainwashing/lack of taste
Until brown people, their home countries are respectable, they are not respectable.
No one looks at a Mexican and go "oo quality." lol. When you visit Mexican resorts, you get warnings to not leave the resort area. lmao. Hearing Jenna Ortega speak English feels so weird. She has all the hallmarks of a dumb Latina female but in films, she is speaking coherent full sentences lol. So I watched her interviews and its like she has to try so hard to even speak normally. Those 75 IQ Mexican IQ genes lol.
/pol/ has fucking broken your brain
To continue, I think brown people come from jungles and really hot climates. Those climates make people not think and lazy to keep cool. And they are violent too, barely a highly functional race. I saw Curandero and it is clear Mexicans are barely functional. Functional races dont attack tourist areas.
Pissman, you're literally brown. You're the exact kind of creature you're complaining about.
Please stop bringing your retarded third world mental illness into this general. Go back to your kind.
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Thanks dude, hope you watch some solid horror
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It is indeed my friend. Studies I just pulled out my ass show one’s life is immediately improved once introduced to the films of cult actress-singer Jessica Harper.
Rewatching F13 Part 2 because I rewatched the first one last October.
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By Nellposting I hope you meant Little Nellposting and not that chick from The First Omen. I liked it but she can’t compare to picrel
I like Alice's messy hair in this intro. Too bad she's about to get Jason'd.
100% certain the director’s favorite movie is Suspiria. Those that have seen both know exactly what I’m talking about
>anon thinks that girl looks better than me??
Kolobos is one of the worst movies I've ever seen
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Even besides the theme it's obvious the director was an Italian horror fan.
Need to watch more movies then.
she has very thin eye brows
naturally. she’s a natural blonde and doesn’t dye them when she dyes her hair dark.
She thinks that will make out stand out.
>scott dancing with muffin
Lmao this movie is so funny. The humor in the F13 movies is underrated.
Same here man. I always enjoy seeing Kinski threads and bump if I catch one on the catalog.
>make out stand out
Roastie jeet man moment
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Get back with me when she can tap dance, look sexy and sing like Betty Boop all at the same time.
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Anyone know anything about this?
Jeet Man is allergic to speaking actual English.
Going to continue blogposting because I had to pause to go to the bathroom anyway.
One of the best jokes is that the first movie has the "goofball" character Ned, and then Part 2 has a character with the same role named Ted.
He also loves samefagging and going on irrelevant tirades for some reason.
>what would he be like today?
>some kind of out of control psychopath?
>a frightened retard?
Damn Ginny. You can't be calling Jason that, it's ableist.
Movie where he burns women in his house
Don't Go in the House?
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He did nothing wrong
My wife wants to watch X and Maxxxine since we liked Pearl but I dont want her to watch BBC cuck propaganda. What do I do?
Pearl makes it incredibly clear that cucking that dude was a bad choice. Hardly would call that pro bbc cuck
Watch May instead, she might like it if she liked Pearl.
It's Blumpkinhouse, retard
Just lie and say you’ve already seen them and they aren’t worth watching. Or just be honest with her, no one here gives a shit
Yes, I had a copy where the title card called it the burning, makes more sense than the actual the burning
I saw the devil is badass, but it's another one of those that feels a lot more like a thriller than a horror
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How many of you watched Allie's video?
How many of you just went looking for her lewds instead?
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Wtf are you talking about?
Look at her boobs. Look at the fucking, roundness, of her boobies.
Now look at my cock.
See how hard it is?
Now think how soft her boobs are, and compare it to how hard my cock is.
Complete opposites, competing for attention.
Competing for your attention.
Who wins?
>doesn't like return of the living dead
Ok retard. Your opinions aren't valid when you have taste that shitty, please don't post again.
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She's beautiful, but how could you jerk off to her?
Based original content.
I watch almost nothing but crap and Longlegs was garbage. Just watch Cure instead.
>how could you jerk off to her
By moving my foreskin back and forth repeatedly and fast.
Who /horhor/ here? (horny horror).
Saw Oddity tonight. Little slow at the start but was pretty decent. Would have been better if we didn't have some dumb kids behind us talking the whole time though.
I might actually watch it because I kinda sorta like My Demon Lover.
Horror is the horniest genre. Especially Italian horror, the guys making those were pervs (this is a good thing.)
Return of the Living Dead is awful. What the hell is wrong with you?
This post might be worse than any post that negro piss man has made. Quite an accomplishment.
Shut the fuck up retard. You're bringing the intelligence of the general down with your terrible opinions.
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>Return of the Living Dead is awful. What the hell is wrong with you?
>negro piss man
Horror movies are best when you're talking to the screen
>watch out ginny, jason's right behind you!
I do enjoy calling characters stupid idiots when they do something stupid and idiotic.
>Ohhhh, you better not go in that house...
>Hey, why don't you go in that house?...
>Ohhhh, you're fucked now, BITCH
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Top F13fus
I've seen them both and can't remember which is which. You are correct with the Darth Maul and Slipknot comparison. Don't bother watching them because they are both objectively shit.
The 2nd one.
Ah, you are him. That explains.
what in god's name is this
X is just weird cuck shit, it's an unintenional comedy imo
That's Pissman. Tbh I can't tell if he's the same as the current Pissman shitting up our threads or not, but he's the original Pissman.
I watched X and disliked it, but I thought the alligator kill was kino and the idea that it was shot in the style of a 70s horror movie was pretty cool at first. Besides that and a naked Mia Goth, the movie has nothing of value.
We might be on the sequel, Negro Man 2: Cult Of The Piss
Do you guys think House of 1000 Fucking Corpses or Devil's Fucking Rejects is better?
Different genres of horror, but I prefer Devil's Rejects, then House Of 1000 Corpses, and finally 3 From Hell.
>Different genres of horror
Yeah that's why I can't figure out which I like better. House of 1000 Corpses is Texas Chainsaw/Spider Baby, Devil's Rejects reminded me of Last House on the Left.
Need to rewatch House sometime.
House peaks out higher for me. I just love the ending. Rejects is more consistent.
Rejects has the most memorable ending with them driving to their supposed demise until 3 From Hell came out. Plus, I love Tiny showing up. I wish he lived, needed more of him in the trilogy.
Both movies had pretty kino endings.
Very confused how the plot of 3 From Hell will go.
3 From Hell turned out better than it should have given the very quick rewrite it needed, do to Haig's health tanking.
Didn't know that, but it makes sense. I know it had a way smaller budget.
Wtf is this real???
I'll keep the troubled production in mind when I check it out.
be sure to do that you fuck faggot
Hey Rob.
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Annie didn’t deserve it :(
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Didn't even know if she was a good counselor or not. Could have at least waited a bit.
True. That webm also loops surprisingly well.
It's kinda funny that the first (new) counselor that Pamela kills is the girl who seems like she actually wants to take the job seriously.
Damn, it does. Annie is stuck in an eternal loop of throat-slitting.
>I Know What You Did Last Summer sequel announced
>passing of the torch just like with new Scream movies
>not written by Williamson
It's like they learned nothing.
Kino name please?
I went and saw Longlegs today. Strange film, but I liked it. Definitely not for everyone. One thing I didn't understand was why that one chick in the mental hospital survived her massacre though.
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Vampire Girl vs Frankenstein Girl, it's by the same guy that made Tokyo Gore Police.
You will tell me the worst horror you've seen, but pitch it to me as if it's the best movie you've seen.
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for me it's Isabelle Adjani posters
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and Viy / Natalya Varley posters

my people
Horror kinos with big-booty Asian girls?
>big booty
Anon, that's a unicorn, even western actresses are rare to have a big booty.
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Any good shark/adrift at sea movies like The Reef or Open Water? Seen a bunch but wondering if I've missed any
did you catch 47 Meters Down? it's worth a watch.
Know of it but never saw it. I'll check it out.
It's decent. Has a sequel too but never got around to seeing it.
Multiple of those kind of shark films this year too
>No Way Up
>Deep Water
>The Last Breath
>Something in the Water
unsure if any will be good. there's Under Paris as well, though that's more Jaws style.
>house of 1000 corpses
That's a fairly small amount of corpses for an average-sized house, I'd say?
Not in this economy.
>no Nalley horror movie either about a crazy forest tribe or supernatural spirits hacking off people's heads
Make it FF and it would be kino as fuck
The Shallows (the one with Blake Lively)
Watched Terrifier 2 yesterday and it was shit, the tommy gun scene was hilarious but after that the movie flopped. Too much yapping and the ending was retarded. Probably not gonna watch part 3
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The WEBDLs out rn are all hardcoded with korean subtitles right?
vod release date is july 30
Tin foil man ruined the flick
I personally sleep wrapped up in tin foil. Have to keep people from both stealing my thoughts and implanting thoughts into my mind while I'm asleep.
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Why not both?
>he doesn't know about the aluminium worms
Based sissy representation
Nice try lizard aliens, mossad, interdimensional femboy, or whatever you are. I'm not falling for your tactics.
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you're right
>interdimensional femboy,
ok you got me i'm a gay wizard stuck in a lesbian vampire's body, but tbf they doubled security at the hospitals lately so I gotta branch out
>gay wizard
>in a lesbian vampire's body
So would it be gay to fuck you?
Nice. Idk ask the quantum scientists who worked on The Fly, all I did was volunteer
>We need to know if the monster was wearing a skirt at the time
Funny enough, variations apply to other things. For example: we need to know if the guy yelled allah akbar at the time of the killing
>we need to know if the guy yelled allah akbar at the time of the killing
That's just what cannibal butchers do to cover their "pig" meat processing scam, I've seen a documentary on the subject
Can't forget what the police ask before every assault involving a black person and others, "did the other person say the n-word?"
That just cops looking for an excuse to say nigger, not a cannibalism movie though
>you now remember The Green Inferno when the tribe woman breaks the girl's hymen with her finger
Pearl is Kino. It's got a weird "Wizard of Oz" vibe woven into it, and it's great to see Mia Goth come completely unglued as the film goes on. Haven't seen XXX yet, sounds like it's the most disappointing of the 3 though
Well put, anon. If the marketing for the movie weren't so misleading, it would have been such a let down
based thanks
No problem. Hope you like it.
Have 3 FF movies lined up for tomorrow

>End Of Watch
NOT horror, but will probably be great.
>They Are Watching
Plot sounds edgy & misinformed as all fuck, but hoping for the best.
>Witches' Well
I know nothing about this except it's FF, and it has a shockingly low 1.9/10 on IMDB. So here's hoping it's not complete shit.
Not that anon but I could never, I think so highly of her it would feel wrong on an instinctual level.
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Don't do drugs or Angela will torch you alive.
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what the fuck am i in for? also, thanks yify!
It has been a long time since I've seen it, but do remember liking it.
>Real shame too because I really dig freckles.
My man.
Freckles + Braces are the best. Wish I was a Chad, so I could get a woman with freckles that would wear cosmetic braces.
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Checked. The actress in Stopmotion looks Harperesque based on the trailer but I bailed on seeing it in theaters for whatever reason
I once said that about my first crush, but it changed as soon as I hit puberty.
What I'm saying is, grow up.
Recommend me some good Italian horror movies that aren't directed by Argento/Fulci/Bava/Soavi because I have seen all of their films.
Is that both Bavas? If not, A Blade in the Dark/La casa con la scala nel buio
Yep I've seen the films of both Bavas.
for as big as the French film industry is, why do they so rarely make horror films?
You tell me to snap out of it but I’ve felt things for her I never felt toward my ex-girlfriends. I don’t expect you to relate
How about Avati?
I've never seen his movies. Which ones do you recommend?
You've probably seen Macabre because it's with Bava jr but he's also The House with Laughing Windows and Zeder
If you haven't seen The House with Laughing Windows you should definitely watch that
I'll check it out, thanks
Why are these threads allowed outside of October? Do something about it. NOW
>nurse anal log
wtf lol?
All the Colors of the Dark
Castle of Blood
The Fifth Cord
Footprints on the Moon
The House With Laughing Windows
The Long Hair of Death
The Perfume of the Lady in Black
The Possessed
A Quiet Place in the Country
The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh
What Have They Done to Your Daughter?
What Have You Done to Solange?
Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key
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It’s an inside joke anon, you have to watch Shock Treatment to get it.
Can you trim this down to one or two movies? Don't have time for alla that.
Thanks, also this faggot >>201723470 is not me
that move was awesome
what are some horror kinos with nurses?
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>here’s that ugly freckled femcel no one would take to prom
where'd you get those recommendations, the nigger store? lol
Nurse 3D
Who are you talking to, schizo?
The void apparently.
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Extending this from the Saw thread from earlier: favorite Saw waifu?
I was just brainstorming
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oh noooo it's a 30kg heroin twink with a rope!11

how horrifying
You haven't even seen it, sit the fuck down
I thought Insidious was pretty unsettling
I saw the second one and legitimately had no idea it was a prequel to something. I liked it. Is the first one good?
Watching in a violent nature (taking a break to post) it's probably the best flick I've seen in 5 years or more. You can check it out with a Shudder subscription
>taking a break from a movie that's like 90mins long
lol zoom zoom
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what moobie?
Dario Argento's The Stendhal Syndrome
It's kino
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Smash or pass?
gay tattoos and crazy stretchmark action around stomach
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Do people actually like Argento and other Italian horror shit or do they just think it makes them look intelligent? I've never really understood.
>do they just think it makes them look intelligent?
kek what?
>Do they just think it makes them look intelligent?
You're confusing Italian horror fans with Arthouse horror fans, anon.
I think Italian horror fans were the OG fart sniffers, to be fair.
Italian horror is literally shlock though. How the fuck are Fulci movies for fart sniffers?
Italian horror is actually fun, arthouse slop is boring.
Nobody watches Italian horror to appear intelligent. If anything, you sacrifice any illusion of intelligence when you watch Italian horror. It's a sacrifice some of us are willing to make.
https://youtu.be/FvSIJ-9Z8HY?si=eLdXpOvhES2i5eJ7 :(
I think there's a stereotype of them which combines a lot of hipster traits (you wouldn't know it, it's in a different language, some other genre autism you get from any niche group) like the giallo fan with the stuffed in the fridge gag from Scream.
I think among horror fans though if you said you were a Fulci fan, they probably wouldn't assume you even like all of giallo. They'd just start talking to you about zombies.
Argento fans have a lot of overlap with people who like theatrics though, so what's probably originating the stereotype is the type of person who also would mention Fellini (you wouldn't get it) and wears a scarf and mentions the two weeks in Europe they had five years ago every moment, so they don't necessarily watch a lot of Argento movies, they just know to name drop him. It's like how you get a lot of kids deeply into Oasis now (no mom not because of the TV show) who have no clue who Blur are but also love Gorillaz. Argento happens to be the one that's best known to people who want to pretend they know something others don't. Fulci never gets anything besides sometimes zombies as recognition in comparison
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Is the Poopyfarter 3 trailer out already?
Supreme candybar disrespector
You WILL piss, You WILL shit, You WILL cum, and you WILL puke while watching this
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The christmas tree glasses are cute and funny desu
Poopyfarter is so fucking cringe, can't wait to see it in theatres.
We shittin good capitalcitybros.
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Art in da Hood would be a lot more fun
for the niggas
Wtf man, they've been making classics every year since the mid of 90s, sometimes multiple ones per year. They've even made their own subgenre of horror, New French Extremity.
what're the best French horrors from the last couple years? I've only ever fucked with Japan and Italy for foreign stuff
Seen High Tension, was okay and Climax, was p. good but not great
>Enjoy watching a movie
>Sitting through the credits
>They have a "Covid-19 rep" listed
Why do they ruin everything?
Just watched this a few years ago, was incredibly based and good. I think it's on Shudder if you subscribe.
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how can you possibly be this sensitive
it's 2024 come join us, you don't have to be like this anymore
The Swarm, Meandre
Titane, Barbaque
Red Rooms
Under The Paris
>upcoming this year
The Soul Eater, Deep Dark

2000 is best decade for french horror though. You should watch Martyrs and Inside.
It's free on tubi. Adam Greem can't make bad horror movies.
Just seent the jack in the box rises, probably up there deep for best horrer of 2024
Forgot Pandemonium (2023)
Hold up. Are there actually people on /hor/ who DON'T sniff their own farts??
At night in bed I deliberately dutch oven myself if I have to make a stinky.
He's a true fan of the genre, which definitely helps. He also has a band he sings for. Not my cup of tea genre wise.
Frozen was ducking fantastic.
It's raining where I live, what movie should I watch tonight?
The Fog.
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The Old Dark House
Not everybody signed up their mind away for globohomo shit
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You come off like you personally think you’re above Argento/giallo in general.
>go to Tubi
>search Bigfoot
>have months worth of movies to watch
Even if you just watch the horror ones, you still have a lot of movies to watch. Most will probably be shit, but still. When people say "I've seen everything", they're just retarded.
Yeah, but when they say 'everything' it's implied there a certain threshold of quality
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I saw Green Inferno and the Evil Dead remake back-to-back after hooking up with some chick during college and I can’t separate the two. They’re both very watchable but I only checked Green Inferno out after the poster reminded me of that tongue-cutting scene at the end of Saló
t. Tubi shill
No, everything by its definition implies everything.
You guys should check out Primer, it's the most intelligent movie of the last couple decades.
t. filtered retard
If you are retarded, maybe. Language is inherently nuanced, things have different meanings depending on countless contexts.
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I tried watching it once but I had no clue what they were even talking about
>no, don't call me out, let me shill in peace
Not a shill but you should look into Shudder, they're doing really great stuff. Creep Show ruled.
>Please watch my abysmal garbage
And "quality" is 100% subjective, so it's reasonable to suggest they watch everything, as only they will know after watching if the movie is "quality".
explain why
Great fucking film, a huge cinema tragedy that they massacred my boy Shane depriving the world of more kino like Primer and Upstream Color.
Bald from Penny Arcade shilled it back in the day.
Strawman. Filtered.
What happened to him? Another autistic young man caught up in woman trouble?
>107 results

No doubt on the qualification of quality itself, but this watch everything strategy can only feasibly be useful if someone goes for quests like "watch all bigfoot movies" or "watch all tomato movies", otherwise it's just empty completionism and you'd have to suffer through endless dreck.
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oh yeah, that guy from that thing
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>Italian horror is actually fun, arthouse slop is boring.
Well put. I wanna repeat this to every person that prefers bottom over top
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Freezer chick looked too good for the scene to be scary.
I've only seen the first Saw, should I marathon all of them?
I'd say go for it. It's a corny, over the top soap opera with blood and gore. It's a good time.
Will do, appreciate your guidance.
nta, but what are the best 2000s French horror films, excluding the obvious like High Tension, Martyrs, and Inside?
Part of life is suffering through endless dreck, might as well be for a good reason for once. Completionism isn't empty, as you never know if you'll like the next one or not. I hated Fear Street, but liked the next two. I'm still going to watch the new Smile movie, even though I didn't like the first.
>See Bigfoot movie
>Watch Bigfoot movie
Simple as. Pseuds will never understand.
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The Piano Teacher. It was a horror for me anyways…
nta, but Frontier(s) is another must watch from that extreme french wave era.
>tfw my program labeled The Last Exorcism 1 & 2 as being from France
Sometimes I have to babysit the fucker because it pulls the weirdest data.
>my program
Who? Your boyfriend? lol
The program I use for movie & tv cataloging.
Primer was based. Upstream Color was too much fluff. I threw it on and it couldn't even hold my attention. Something about a guy in office clothes and some chick reciting poetry to each other throughout the whole movie.
Do you still torrent movies or do you use the streaming sites now? I've become zoomer pilled and don't really care about the worse quality and just check whatever site isn't shut down.
No need to be coy, dude, we all suck cocks here
Your boyfriend? hehehe
Torrent everything I can. If it's not on torrents but on Tubi, I'll download it from there. Rarely I'll grab something from a DDL site if the file is small enough.
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First reply determines what the next edition will be.
Got filtered. Keep replying, I'll never see it.
I only torrent. It helps if you are on many private trackers, but even then, it's inevitable to get autistic about quality after you experience true 1080p or 2160p, not downgraded low bitrate stuff.
Chinese edition
First: it has to be free.
Second: whatever requires the least amount of finger strokes/time to get the movie playing.
nta, but if you have a good upscaler & sit the appropriate distance away, the quality of even 480p isn't that bad. Sure everything will be far less sharp, but it's not bad by any means.
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>public trackers literally don't have most obscure horror movies, and if they do, it's shit quality or has no seeders
>I'm not autistic enough for private trackers
>Piracy streaming services are shit quality and you can't download them
Why the fuck is it so hard to watch horror movies?
lol, you're THAT schizo? lmao, even
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So it is written, so it shall be done.
torrenting since the PS2 days
It's not only for horror, it's hell out there for arthouse, classics or actually anything that isn't a recent blockbuster or 0-day releases
My mom yelled at my because she got an email from our ISP when I torrented something, don't remember what it was. So I don't torrent anymore.
get a vpn
pussy. should have fucked her to teach her not to talk back to you
How many boosters?
I thought they couldn't have spoopy stuff in China?
as long as there's no skeltons it's fine.
Paying for a VPN so I can pirate kinda defeats the point. I'll just have to wait for her to pass away so I can torrent again unmolested.
>there are people who simp for this
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Suspiria 2018 would’ve been kino if she’d starred in it instead

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