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Boxer’s Omen edition
prev: >>201696082
First for Rarelust
First for Yellowbrick Road
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Best Saw waifus?
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For me, it's this lady

any other choices?
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Odd movie, but I liked it. The one girl just jumping to her death was funny and the less painful of the bunch.
Plenty! Those are just mine.
Holy shit it's almost like a real beast.
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Use rarelust
Slow download speeds but they have lots of kino. You can download from there with no VPN
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China CGI is always numba 1
What's some more Hong Kong kino? Have seen Riki-Oh, The Seventh Curse, Mr Vampire and Encounters of the Spooky Kind. The two first were my favorites
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When will this heatwave EEEEEEEEEEND?
nta, but
>Men Behind The Sun
>The Eye
>Dream Home
You can also try Binding Souls, but I didn't like that. There's also the very weird Out Of The Dark, which shtick got boring for me.
Never it seems. Got a week or two of 80s to low 90s. Now it's going to jump to the mid 90s+ again. I just want my comfy fall temps back.
Which one of you faggots is shilling a paid subscription service?
It's literally free, retard
If you ain't watching Bigfoot movies you ain't living.
Based except they only have the English dub of Der Fan for some reason.
Amanda is a top psychofu.
Rarelust is a piracy site for old movies and stuff. Download speeds are slow as hell (maybe there's a sub that fixes that) but you can use it for free.
Don't talk to her like that?!
You might be one of them other dudes. But a guy like me sees pic related and immediately closes the window and comes to /hor/ to bitch about some faggot trying to get me to sign up for a paid subscription service.
There's a download for free option, namefag retard
I just downloaded Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
You should request the original version, as Rarelust takes requests
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Any good pirate horrors out there?
Ghost ships are badass.
I liked The Fog, but it was really held up by the atmosphere. Everything else just wasn't anything special.
Not pirates but Ghost Ship is pretty much the most kino horror movie of all time, I believe you can watch it by signing up to Shudder.
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>namefag retard
aww, did baby get upset? is baby so new he doesn't understand what a tripcode is?
How do I do that? An email?
I'll look into it. Good suggestion.
The eye is Taiwanese
The Eye is HK, it was made by HK directors and the dominate language is Cantonese.
first thing that came to mind
Has there ever been one single tripfag who wasn't a flaming retarded faggot?
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Tripcode is still namefagging, and it's still attention seeking. Also, nice KnowYourMeme image, normalfag friend
Just scroll down on the bottom of the movie's page and there should be a comment option in which you can leave request. See picrel
That Garlic dude is nowhere near the worst poster in here so I can't hate him even with the occasional faggotry. At least he posts on topic.
Gay cartoon shit.
Worst faggots on /hor/
>Cocklodge man
>"Keep replying I won't see it" man
>Garlic man
>Gross Out/Suspiria 2018 man
>"Stop posting outside of October" man
>tripcode is still namefagging
You simply don't understand the difference between the two and how different boards have different capabilities that necessitate the difference between the two terms. Welcome to 4chan, newfriend.
And why would I not be attention seeking? You don't want to be noticed or engaged with? You're weak. And fuck yeah I'm a normalfag. The fuck you gonna do about it? You pussies got butthurt about some playful banter. Get rekt.
4chan is rapidly dying. Anon, tripfag, namefag... it won't matter in the end. We are living through the twilight years. We're obsolete like BBS.
you forgot "please use rarelust" man
If the first one is Slopcave guy then I like him. He's watched movies I've rec'd.
Garlic fag doesn't realize why he gets disproportionately trolled, anyone that trips or names deserves everything they get
What was that horror short on YouTube with the guy that goes into an abandoned mine with his dog?
You sound incredibly mad, you are also trying too hard. Chill out
No, Cocklodge man is the "keep that '80s cock lodged in your throat" dude
That dude seems cool. He actually watches movies. I still don't know how with all those LEDs blinding him, but whatever.

Who are the best? It better be me.
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Tripfags love generals, the perfect place for them to try and ruin
>No, Cocklodge man is the "keep that '80s cock lodged in your throat" dude
Oh yeah he's a total faggot. Posts nonstop gay fantasies "as a joke."
He literally admitted he was gay twice, not even as a joke he just admitted to it. He posted gay porn of Jesus once too.
Are you a bad enough dude to rank these ORIGINAL horror movies from best to worst?!

>Truth or Dare 2018
>Truth or Dare 2017
>Truth or Dare 2013
>Truth or Dare 2012
>Truth or Dare 1986
Explains a lot.
Has Pissman admitted to being gay yet?
Are any of the 2010s ones worth watching?
I know the 80s one is done by the guy who made Killing Spree, which was pretty awesome.
I've only seen 2018 and it was absolute shit. DO NOT watch it. There's also a Truth Or Dare 2020 from SK, but it's a short romance drama.
Goddamn, the blackcoats daughter is ass
Ben Shapiro likes that movie. Nuff said!
Nah, you're ass. That film is semi-kino and Perkins is solid.
I know one of you fuckers knows what I'm talking about, pls respond I can't find it.
Oh yes, there are at least 5 other Truth or Dare movies that aren't horror.
Some dumb fuckin retard on here was calling it a 10/10. Movies ass
I'll reply so more anons notice it, but I have no clue. Hope you find it.
Maybe try other search engines if Google and Youtube search aren't finding it. Google is so ass now.
The pissman once did go on a rant about how he thinks Jews want men to date "roasties", and how every "roastie" is "a whore who fucks dogs and blacks and hits the wall and drinks cum". He then said something about how it's "based gays vs simp straights like freddy vs Jason in /hor/", whatever that was supposed to mean.
So basically, yeah. He literally did admit he watches interracial porn once too, it was around the time he first started spamming here.
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>When anon keeps handing you W's and all you have to do is sit back and watch
What are some horror movies you had already seen that you watched again because you completely forgot about them?

For me, it's Severance, right now. I can't believe I remember it, it must have been over 15 years ago at least, because I don't have it on any of my backlog HDDs.
Thanks, I eventually found the link to it on some old forum. Cheers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrwODmfvSdg
I completely forget Tourist Trap. I've watched it 3 times like it's new and I love it every time
I don't remember most things older than a year or two, alcoholism has it's perks.
I can't tell girls with that haircut apart. Until just now, I thought the girl from Battle Angel Alita (Rosa Salazar) was in Truth or Dare because of that goofy big eye effect. Turns out the girl from ToD was Lucy Hale.
This general attracts some weird fags.
The first time I watched April Fools Day I was hammered, and then the next day I watched it sober and it was basically like watching something I've never seen before.
Nice, glad you found it.
I'll give it a watch since it's so short.
Rob Zombie is so fucking cool and all his haters are pussy faggots. I fucking love Rob Zombie and all his movies and music. His wife is a great fucking actress too.
Also, his Halloween is much fucking better than John Carpenters one.
I found out it also had a blog to go with it, was probably trying to do some Ted the Caver type stuff. Didn't know that part. Thanks Mojave Underground forum from 2013.

Just a creepypasta that never caught on I guess.
Here's your (You), Robert
I recommend wipfilms too, and effedupmovies if you're fine with streaming instead of downloading
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That's interesting.
Finished watching it and looking through the comments, people pointing out there are hidden eyes in the darkness throughout the vid.
Not sure what happened at the end though. Some people saying it's something that killed the dog, some people saying it is the dog. Took a screencap of it and imo it looks like the dog. Maybe the blog will explain it.
Based Rob.
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Recently watched the Terrifier films. Ngl Art is sort of cute out of context
In Terrifier 2 I got nervous during the mass shooting part because I was in a theater in America.
He's a silly guy.
Did you watch All Hallow's Eve too? Art is in it and it's by the same director, but Art has a different actor.
We doing youtube horror ARG recs now?

The OG, based off of the LonelyGirl15 channel:

And the GOAT:

Damn shame the pandemic fucked up I Am Sophie. Really was on track to being one of the best original content to come out of YouTube across all genres.
I saw an interview where James Gunn said that Uzumaki was one of his influences on Slither.
Sophie thing looks cool, I'll check it out later.
You constantly make good and useful posts, thanks. Yet using a trip offsets your quality scale, but if you want the extra attention, okay
Favorite Rob Zombie movie? The Haunted World of El Superbeasto holds a special place in my heart but 31 was batshit in a good way. No other battle royale-style movie has a nazi midget as a serious threat.
If we're talking Youtube horror, I liked Local 58 because I love Candle Cove.
Speaking of Candle Cove, I know that Channel Zero show isn't a direct adaptation but how much does it tie into the creepypasta? Are things like the Skin Taker in it?
Fair, I get mild anxiety going to the cinema in general and I'm not even american

I have not, but I'll get around to it!
It really is and requires little knowledge outside of the videos on the channel. Might be worthwhile to check out the Leon Lush video that's referenced and finding out a little bit about what type of YouTuber he is just for context. Really it was just organic (so Leon swears) cross marketing.

Cassie is Watching is probably only engaging if you're willing to do a deep dive into internet history and lore. For starters, I believe some of the videos have been deleted. It was a horror ARG offshoot based off of one of the first "fake" YouTube vlog accounts, LonelyGirl15. LG15 legitimately blew up for it's time back in 2006, a mere year after YouTube's creation. After it was revealed to be "fake," the actress got huge promotional appearances on traditional media such as the Jay Leno show. Something like that was unheard of not only for YouTube at the time but any type of "celebrity" who got their fame from the internet. Cassie is Watching fizzled rather quickly but was revolutionary for it's time because it utilized YouTube and Second Life to create legit ARG. I was there following it live when it happened and people legit located the site from the pond bag drop and retrieved the bag, reporting back with what was inside it. You can't imagine how absolutely bonkers something like this was back in 2006. This type of thing was next level back then.
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Will there ever be another big international controversy horror movie?
The likes of Cannibal Holocaust for example
I can't recall anything recent besides A Serbian Movie and that's what, 20 years ago?
I'm not really sure what an ARG is but someone posted this a few weeks back https://www.youtube.com/@pro9ramQ and it's great. Very reminiscent of Noroi
>I have not, but I'll get around to it!
It's even lower budget but I enjoyed it. It's an anthology movie, two of the segments are about Art and one of them is about a different monster.
Don't think so. Cannibal Holocaust was before the Internet, and A Serbian Film was before the Big Boom of social media in 10s. Nowadays, filmmakers are (generally) too pussified to do anything actually controversial not simply edgy. And if it was fake stuff, it'd get debunked fast; and if it was real it get cancelled and shunned even faster.
>and one of them is about a different monster
With Art inserted majorly on the storyline anywaysIt's also easily the best segment, more cohesive and less gratuitous
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Poopyfarter 3 might make some (minor) waves at least if Leone is chad enough to have multiple gory and torture tier child deathkino scenes.
I doubt he will have the balls to make something like bedroom or saw scene with a kid though, probably just gonna be a slightly gory death
I'd rank the segments 3 > 2 > 1
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3 > 1 > 2
And I actually like how the alien looks in 2
Chonkier art is also more intimidating like the classic slasher villains
Need to watch more of his movies. Only seen House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects.
They've been slacking off lately and churning out a lot of slop. Anything just over an hour tends to be crap and look it.
>japanese poster
Kojima posted the Terrifier 3 poster on twitter lol.
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Damn, Kojambo posts like 30+ per day, I had to scroll a lot to find it and it's from yesterday
also, the butthurt comments there kek
You guys ever suck cock for cum?
i wouldn't bother with 3 from Hell. kind of tarnishes the legacy of the first two
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If you're up for something comfy and goofy, check out his take on the Munsters. It's got a lot of charm and heart for a Netflix-tier movie. I almost wished he made a whole series out of it by the time the credits rolled.
Only if it's from a fellow werewolf bro
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Horror recs for this feel?
Has anyone done a B&W version yet?
what movie is this
>he's beginning to sloppost
Cabin guy has some competition.
Street Trash
Taeter Burger
Fair the amount of page space authors have to give to why the lothario vampire cannot catch or give anyone AIDS or syphilis is hilarious
>Taeter Burger
There are some gay vampire movies
Will watch either Lords of Salem or his first Halloween next.
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>67 days until Oct 1
The only half way decent part of that was Daniel Roebuck. The rest was utter shite.
He's playing Santa in Terrifier 3.
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Checked and Jesspilled
Well shit I might just have to see it now.
For me, he’ll be cool if he ever explains why he loves blackedcoat’s daughter so much. He constantly spergs out and I don’t like tripfags as it is
someone recommend something underrated and unknown

no schlock
brainlet here, can someone explain the ending to me please? why are they trees in hell?
Amanda as a wife
That bimbo Jill for fucking
And honestly, I could forgive him for lashing out at me like a child just for asking a simple question but he’s a fucking tripfag on an Bruneian baccarat board so like the other guy said, he’s an incredibly easy target.
>no schlock
You're gay
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Anyone find any good horror series on YouTube lately? I enjoyed Angel Hare, but I don't think it really counts as horror.
Indeed, but expecting self-awareness or classic definitions of sanity from tripfags is kind of paradoxical
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All this chat about YouTube ARGs gave me the initiative to finally watch AshVLOGS:

Got this rec'd in a great ARG retrospective vid on YT that, for the life of me, I can't find now that I really wanted to link in one of my last posts.

As for AshVLOGs: quite a slow burn and a bit underwhelming. I think you're supposed to have followed along on other sites and dug into some of the clues to have the story make sense. Having just watched the YT vids there really is no resolution nor even a climax. It was made in the late 10s but it's clearly a throwback to early YouTube culture and 00s internet/media culture in general. It also feels like a natural intermediary point between Cassie Is Watching and I Am Sophie. It obviously took a lot from the synthesis of LonelyGirl15/Cassie is Watching and clearly inspired a lot of what came from I Am Sophie.

Also, watching this made me think about the changing affect of authenticity on YouTube. I don't think anyone could be convinced about the authenticity of the setup to a web series like this anymore. YouTube is really not about being a platform for personal, authentic expression like it once had the potential to be. The first video of I Am Sophie succeeded because it purported to be some incredibly rich girl's masturbatorial self indulgence. And it succeeded in that for just a single video. Any earnest, sincere feeling vlog making it into my feed or catching my attention in this day and age is clearly either a sub 100 view video YT is serving me randomly or obviously a setup for something bigger from a legit art project with a good marketing team or a higher profile company laying down grassroots bones for an inevitable reveal. It's a shame.
finna watch Altered (2006) fo tnite
Yeah, everything looks too clean and sterile when ARGs try to imitate a format from the past like early 2000s YouTube vlogging.
I just realized that if the hatchet movies were released today they would be considered pozzed by today's standards (Victor Crowley was born from a black man and white man), the first movie has a black, asian guy, and a jew, etc.
A masterpiece of femaleness in her early prime, what's hard to get?
Oh, you mean the film, the horror, the plot? I don't care.
Why is everyone besides the bug professor such an asshole to Jennifer in this movie
some Connor O'Malley vids count I think, in a post-modern media psychosis kind of Lynchian adultswim horror
I'm honestly surprised that most of it still seems to be working.
Cabin Fever is actually pretty bad and virtually not rewatchable.
it was better than dogshit but worse than good

the best alien hor movie is still Dark Skies
Did you watch the remake?
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picked up the blu-ray for cheap today
I like the character designs
Showed this movie in a stream not knowing anything about it and one of my friends threw up during the scene where the bali sorcerers create a woman from a crocodile
Wrong. And I defended you earlier.
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The sister is hot. Coomer design.
this, 2 is near irredeemable gar-bage. why are horror movies so colorful and pastel-y now? tara gives me a nostalgia boner like nothing else. for 2016 she was pure 07-13 scene slut
yeah technically the one chick in poopyfarter 2 was like 17 or whatever. people called her bedroom scene a snuff film, but it wasnt on the level of outrage of cannibal or a serbian film. i think that was leone's subversion/twist in 2. in 1 it was no final girl. in 2 its pretty legit violence against kids. honestly i found it to be hacky compared to 1, and i dont think thats a line that should be crossed in horror movies
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>it miniseries
tim curry is second to none, best pennywise
>it ch1/2
skarsgard is pretty good too, literally everything else is better, ending still shit
any questions?
>why are horror movies so colorful and pastel-y now
They aren't. Terrifier 2 is colorful because it's an homage to older horror movies.
Also that anon was not talking about Terrifier 2. He's talking about All Hallow's Eve.
Not the titty twister!
jesus fucking christ my bad. still thats a horrible opinion. terrifier 2 is terrible. old horror movies dont have that poppy pastelly color palette, and the 80s fantasy thing was so sloppily forced in. everyone saying:
>your father (who brutally killed himself) would have loved to see you wear his booby lady character costume :)
and they are. evil dead rise wasnt completely awful, but it had a similar weird color palette. not exactly the same, but it was weird
>old horror movies dont have that poppy pastelly color palette
Except they did.
Evil Dead Rise looks dull compared to Evil Dead 2.
You fags pay for TezFiles?
Just do the free download while you're sleeping.
Underrated slashers? Trying to decide what to watch.
What have you seen and what mood are you in?
youve gotta be shitting me. all new movies have those weird poppy colors. it looks tacky compared to the late 80s early90s where it worked and was executed better, and it was always in sharp contrast to smokey dull backgrounds and other scenes. its especially bad in stranger things. it always looks like a cheap rip off, and its out of place with the visual clarity of todays cameras. it sticks out like a sore thumb and its very different to color in that very specific era of slashers or especially different to how it was used earlier say suspiria
>What have you seen
Most of the big ones.
>what mood are you in?
Not something as dark as Maniac. 70s-2000s.
All the boys love mandy lane
Alright, I'll watch this. Thanks.
In that case
>The Toolbox Murders
>Don't Go in the House
>Cheerleader Camp
>Hell High
>Death Spa
>Silent Madness
>Sweet Sixteen
>He Knows You're Alone
Will watch something from this list next, thanks.
You won't guess the ending
You're welcome. I excluded Tourist Trap and Alice Sweet Alice because I assume you've already seen them, right?
We'll see.
Yeah I have. I'll decide what one I'll watch next when I'm done watching Mandy Lane. I've seen Don't Go in the House and Cheerleader Camp. I've seen the Toolbox Murders remake too but not the original.
The Toolbox Murders is probably the best in that list you haven't seen. Followed by Curtains and Sweet Sixteen. The rest are worth a watch too though.
Considering how hot pastels were in the 80's it's a miracle the most horror movies usually opted for was the occasional neon palette. There might be some more thrillerish movies that go that way though.
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I give credit to zombie for the sheer coomer nature of El Superbeasto
I remember loving it, the idea is great.
the sequels as well are pretty fun. cabin fever patient zero has a bunch of zombi 2 style stuff.
Got any good "tits and a scream" recommendations? The more phallic the weapon, the better.
It’s called “knowing your audience”
Anything made by Full Moon
I just watched Slumber Party Massacre 3 it was so bad
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ok, onto Senritsu File 05 - "True Story of the Ghost of Yotsua"
I might actually watch The Boxers Omen tomorrow though as someone had already recommended to me in the past.
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hey kōji bro, have a favorite so far? i keep seeing the boxer’s omen on my watchlist i’ll give it a watch tomorrow as well.
seems to be getting good reviews. is it supposed to be out on streaming soon?
I'm actually really surprised by how consistent they've been... maybe the Slit Mouth Woman. Made me want to buy a security camera so I can see what weird shit happens outside my door.
A week and still not finding a Horror in the High Desert 3 torrent wtf.
yeah crazy how much went into the series since each file is basically a full length movie.
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obviously Amanda.
second maybe the real estate chick from Saw V
I don't have high hopes for this. The book was extremely forgettable.
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>Her Body, Himself
>Gender in the Slasher Film
Hot damn. This one's a gold mine for finding older horror movies. That line about "Stevie, Marti, Terry, Laurie, Stretch, Will, Joey, Max" in particular has enough meat to keep a guy busy all night. I can't wait to give this a full read.
kind of odd given it's on amazon prime
Yeah, I admittedly don't recognize some of those names. Terry, Will, Joey, Max, and Stevie. Though Terry sounds familiar. Wouldn't be surprised if I saw these movies and just didn't remember their names. I feel like Terry may be Friday 5, but probably not.

And it's definitely an interesting read, but I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. The "male names" thing fees a bit like cherry picking imo. In the Nightmare series alone we have Nancy, Kristen, and Alice. The first Friday is also "Alice". In Terror Train and Prom Night, JLC is "Alana" and "Kim". Slumber Party Massacre has Trish. And Sally Hardesty is arguably the first Final Girl. I guess "Jess" from Black Christmas could be ambiguous.
Okay no I was thinking of Terri from Part 2. I have no idea who "Terry" is.
>haven't posted in /hor/ since November
>decide to check it out
>namefag attention whore shitting up the thread
This is why a year round general is a bad idea
Insanely boring movie and the pieces of shit were apparently aware of how trash it is, so they put that super loud sound scene in the middle of it, just to hurt my ears.
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protip one month I said fuck it and paid for a sub. got 2TB (about 700 movies) of legit rare kino in high quality during. Haven't even come close to watching it all.
Yeah it's nice to have a genre general all the time for the recs and discussions, but the inevitable downsides like what you mentioned really are awful
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how come this went by without much discussion. finally hitting theaters here for like 2 days next week in my backwater theater so will see it then.
Which of these should I watch next?

>Body Bags
>Train (2008)
for a second I thought you meant The Midnight Meat Train (2008)
watch Martyrs
It's pretty bad. Loved Pearl, hated X. It's in-between.
people generally love Martyrs, but it's an intense watch. Body Bags is just good goofy Tales from the Crypt style fun, think it was intended as a pilot for HBO.
>The Midnight Meat Train (2008)
Nope, watched that one long ago, I'm down on the last drops of train horror movies, just picked up that (probable) slop because it was initially supposed to be a remake of Terror Train.
The general opinion (before the torrent's up, at least) seems to be:
X: Bad and degenerate
Pearl: Good
Maxxine: Meh

The one solid thing throughout are Goth's performances
Ah. Guess it didn't evoke much to talk about then. Ti West is oddly hit or miss in general. really like The Innkeepers though.
I heard Goth doesn't get her tits out, which is sad because she's basically the only horror actress doing it any more.
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they're all instantly jealous of her beauty.
What's that "game of death" movie with the porn actress and the plot that ended up being all for nothing in the end?
Would You Rather, Sasha Grey was in it
Does she take her clothes off in it?
It would take you ten seconds to find hundreds of videos of her eating ass, sucking dicks, and licking toilets
Your question is asinine and shouldn't be allowed to live
>Jordan Peele Rebooting Prank Show ‘Scare Tactics’ For USA Network
my question still stands.
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>will be finally able to render my own horror movie
based tech
It's a huge departure from the first two movies in that its actually entertaining and watchable, which is not what fans wanted.
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Do you think Jennifer Connelly is aware of Clock Tower?
that's a lot of potatoes
for an irishman
Holy fuck please be true.
>tripfaggot is a Peele fan
Didn't see that one coming
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name a bigger chainsaw. I'll wait.
>Billy Idol's the truth, man...
Big Gus
Watched 3 FF movies, but only 2 were horror. I'll include the other because why not

>End Of Watch
Not a horror movie, and breaks FF all the fucking time. Still a great movie for anyone that likes crime thrillers with some nice comedy moments.
>They Are Watching
This is either just good enough or doesn't do enough. I'm conflicted. There's some nice banter comedy, but also the main is a dumbass. It's dragged at in the beginning too, so could have been shorten here and there. It also breaks FF at the end because it just doesn't make sense to think it's FF without the dude seeing a camera right in his fucking face in a smallish room with the lights on.
>Witches' Well
This movie is fucking terrible. Incredibly boring and 90% of it is just a woman talking. Even at an hour runtime, this is far too long.
Yeah, End of Watch is one of the best FFs ever

>Witches' Well
>This movie is fucking terrible.
Should have trusted that 1.9 was true
>Should have trusted that 1.9 was true
I go in completely blind, don't want to be influenced. It definitely deserved that 1.9/10 though. It might actually be worse and more boring than Night (2019) and that's a real accomplishment.
>Train to Busan (8/10)
It surprised me how fast zombies turn, good action, tense moments, cgi only was cartoons in some instances but it was made with taste.
The cute pregnant women could've done something else at the end though, she was smarter before when she wlusws the newspapers.
>exhuma (7/10)
Interesting movie, very original lore at least to me as a westerner.
Though I wonder if sometimes Koreans push their own stuff too much, like there's only one food scene and it's BBQ in one of those electric devices, do they really eat that all day?
Also when they scream when they find the tomb saying "the tomb has been opened", do Koreans actually do that or is the movie just pushing some new folklore they pretend they always did? I don't know but in some Korean movies this is the impression that I get, that they are making up new folklore while everyone pretends they always did that.
The samurai was cool, reminded me of metal gear v, also I enjoy the nationalistic aspect, not many ghost movies have such a big history around it unless it's the end of the world. I like that the danger is a whole country instead of a town, but not the whole world. Makes the story feel bigger. Also quite wholesome.
>Hausu 1977 (6/10)
Original to be sure, very colorful and probably a must watch for that alone.
But really they didn't know how to end it and some of the effects are awful, like they are badly cut.
>late night with the devil (8/10)
A nice surprise too, but I didn't like that hypnosis trick.
>tfw watched all the main Argento, Fulci, Bava, Soavi films

é finita…… feelsbadman who else is left in italian horror
Reminder that this guy is the "keep replying I won't see it" schizo
Nobody cares dude at least he posts about horror. What do you do besides bitch about other people.
I post about horror all the time, I just felt like pointing out a faggot that you, for some reason, want to defend.
You aren't posting about horror now you're just derailing the thread by bitching. If he posts about horror that's all that matters. Post about horror or fuck off.
I don't think it's out here til next month? Or else I missed some shit being busy. Iirc it and Cuckoo are next month here

Lamberto AND Mario?

Sergio Martino is pretty good (Torso, All the Colors, Your Vice...)
>look up about any movie regarding streaming
>instant link to fuckng Apple
>they don't even have the movie but it's an advertisment about having similar movies
FUCK YOU apple. Holy shit they need to die already.
...I meant in cinemas
It doesn't matter. You could search for "[movie] where to watch" and Apple comes up. It's gay as fuck.
Ty anon will watch

Yep. I actually enjoyed Lamberto’s movies more than Mario’s. Demons is one of the best “drunk halloween party” movies ever.
imagine being that actor at that moment
>ok, now craw yourserf with the store prop hands and pretend they're arive
Eyeball is my fave from Lenzi
I have posted about horror multiple times ITT and will continue to do so. I just felt like making fun of a faggot who decides to filter replies that hurt his feelings.
Alone in the Dark is pretty good and underrated. The 1982 one, not the shitty video game adaptation.
Psycho 2 and 3 are surprisingly good, ignore the fourth one
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So after all these years, I finally watched this, because I was in the mood for something extreme. Well my expectations were certainly subverted (in a good way). I expected some plotless cheap splatter slop, that would be too stupid (yet entertaining) to be truely disturbing, but it was something more like a NFE movie. It's a well acted movie with unique plot, good production values, good cinematography and memorable sound design. The characters are well written and get time to get developed. It's a slow burn. First 50 minutes are basically drama, that set up the situation and characters. There's also warm moments of empathy, that the main protagonist spends with his family. This is what makes the movie disturbing and tragic when it suddenly delves into the deep end of horror, unlike the usual extreme horror that's nihilistic from the start.

Gore effects themselves are well done and the genre-flip doesn't feel forced or stupid, because the movie has been gradually building towards it. It's certainly a disturbing a movie, and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who feels that Terrifier or Martyrs are too much. Then I'd advice you to never watch it, because the movie doesn't hold back at all. But I surely would recommend it folks that want to watch something extreme, disturbing and shocking, that still has good production and certain depth in it.
Which ones are your favorites?
Eh, filtering replies is better than having to see a ton of non-horror posts. Would you rather this be filled with politics or NPM where you can simply filter them all out?
He doesn't just filter non-horror stuff, anything that is even remotely rude or anyone disagreeing with him gets filtered, even when it's horror movie related.
Have you seen Beyond the Darkness and The House with Laughing Windows yet?
As long as people post about horror IDGAF what else they do. Why are you so mad what he chooses to do when he still posts about horror? You sound just as soft as he is.
>X: Bad and degenerate
>Pearl: Good
>Maxxine: Meh
Where is the X in Pearl
Where is the 2 in Aliens?
It's implied by the plural
Where's the 4 in Scream?
>The House with Laughing Windows
My favorite giallo
Top kino
What? Are you him yourself or something? I literally just made one post about him and you decided to drag the discussion on, as my reply seemingly made you annoyed.
Martyrs, as long as it's the 2008 version
>He doesn't know about Alien 2: On Earth
scared the shit out of me as a kid. i had nightmares for weeks
I was about to say yes but then I realised I was thinking about Beyond the Door. Ovidio Assonitis made some great schlock.

Argento is my favourite. I’ve watched all of his movies and have seen Tenebre 10 times now. I thought Deep Red was dogshit though so i guess i’m a contrarian. Didn’t really like much of Bava’s stuff, it’s a little old fashioned for me (the oldest italian horror I like is Il Demonio) but I love Fulci’s Zombi 2 and City of the Living Dead. I think Michele Soavi is incredibly underrated. Even though he didn’t make many horror movies, all of them are very good.

Really, when it comes to Italian horror, it’s all good, because even their slop has satisfying gore/aesthetic sensibilities.
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>phallocentric psychoanalytical lens
yawn, 1993 called and wants its thesis back.
got a Mega folder of non-fiction horror writing, help yourself. I recommend the Wiley-Blackwell 'Companion'
if there's a book you're looking for I'll see about grabbing it
>Beyond the Door
I actually haven't heard of that one, thanks for the recommendation. I recommend you check out Beyond the Darkness since you haven't seen it, it's pretty kino
>Really, when it comes to Italian horror, it’s all good, because even their slop has satisfying gore/aesthetic sensibilities.
I think Italian horror is the best type of horror honestly. When I can't find something to watch, I always just put on some Italian kino, because as you said, even their slop has good aspects to it.
/hor/ used to be the best thing on 4chan during october, i wonder how the year round aspect of it is gonna affect it this spooky season when everyone comes from all over the site to post here for a month.
I might have to do that too. They have lots of horror kino that I can't find on public trackers. Their movie quality is pretty good too despite being low file sizes.
>>Train (2008)
>"Screw you you uncircumcised fuck!"
Do Amerigolems really?
4chan is not a person retard
>Local 58
For me, it’s the presidential address encouraging mass suicide.
The only thing I could think of would be something that was explicitly racial or political that went against current media narratives on those topics, think if /pol/ made a horror movie lol.
Unlikely. We don’t live in the puritanical video nasty days anymore. Sex isn’t controversial anymore, violence isn’t controversial anymore. What can you do to make people upset anymore? Except for baby related stuff which is why A Serbian Film and Inside are the last controversial horror movies.
Based exposer of the filtering faggot
>violence isn't controversial anymore
Tradlarpers still seethe about horror movie violence. They were seething extremely hard over Terrifier 2 and are already doing it for Terrifier 3
Probably something from Troma, which is also what the inside of your toilet is going to look like when you wake up tomorrow.
Why do her bug powers become irrelevant for the second half of the film. They only come back right at the end
True. But not on the level of grabbing all the discussion or reception.
The film is set in an alternate reality where the Nazis won WW2 and as such european people became really hard and cruel under Nazi rule. Donald Pleasance is a bong and Jennifer is american so they’re the only nice ones in the movie.
>political that went against current media narratives on those topics
That's Nefarious from the last year. It only seethed the hardcore leftists though, and was quite succesful movie for broader horror audience.
Watched another 2 FF movies, one wasn't horror:

>The Vatican Exorcisms
This was pretty boring. One of the exorcism was just a woman screaming like some Karen does. The last one is literally just a contortionist doing their thing for what seems like 10 minutes.
>The Essex Boys Tapes
Not horror and incredibly shit. Just a bunch of British guys cursing and being retarded. Maybe if I knew the real story behind it, I'd care, but I don't.

All in all, struck out pretty hard today, other than End Of Watch. Tomorrow is another day though and another chance at 3 new movies.
Watched another 2 FF movies, one wasn't horror:

>The Vatican Exorcisms
This was pretty boring. One of the exorcism was just a woman screaming like some Karen does. The last one is literally just a contortionist doing their thing for what seems like 10 minutes.
>The Essex Boys Tapes
Not horror and incredibly shit. Just a bunch of British guys cursing and being retarded. Maybe if I knew the real story behind it, I'd care, but I don't.

All in aIl, struck out pretty hard today, other than End Of Watch. Tomorrow is another day though and another chance at 3 new movies.
>Watched another 2 FF movies, one wasn't horror:
>>The Vatican Exorcisms
>This was pretty boring. One of the exorcism was just a woman screaming Iike some Karen does. The last one is literally just a contortionist doing their thing for what seems like 10 minutes.
>>The Essex Boys Tapes
>Not horror and incredibly shit. Just a bunch of British guys cursing and being retarded. Maybe if I knew the real story behind it, I'd care, but I don't.
>All in aIl, struck out pretty hard today, other than End Of Watch. Tomorrow is another day though and another chance at 3 new movies.
The Hunt pissed off both sides. Run Hide Fight also pissed off the leftist media.
Cannibal Holocaust was controversial because of real animal violence. Movie like that would be illegal to make nowadays. Serbian Film was controversial, because of depictions of child abuse. It would be almost impossible to make another movie like that, that would cause the same level of controversy, because it's already been done. It would just be a cheap imitation. Also torture porn is not a trend anymore, and Serbian Film had it's "mainstream success", because of movies like Saw and Hostel. It was the deepest end of the "torture porn" genre. Then the mainstream success of the genre died, because you couldn't go more extreme than that.
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Why did he pose like this?
>Cannibal Holocaust was controversial because of real animal violence
At the time, it was controversial for a lot more than that, thoughever
Yes but nobody is retarded enough in 2024 to actually think people got murdered for a horror movie
He zesty
People still believe all those made up "deep/dark web" shit. You'd be surprised just how gullible people are. The last 4 years should have taught you that.
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does /hor/ approve of this tee?
Yet 'The Cockfighter' with Warren Oates gets no love. He takes a rooster from a guy's hands, chops it's head off, and tosses it to the side. And there's definitely real cock fighting in the movie.
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Get this shirt instead
Also in PG&BTK many heads get blown up. Peckinpah sure hated roosters, chickens, hens, etc.
Forgot about that too, shit was gnarly. Even the scorpion and ants scene in Wild Bunch couldn't be done today.
Sorry, what movie(s) are you referring to?
Pat Garret & Billy the Kid
Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid, an excellent Western by Sam Peckinpah, starring James Coburn and Kris Kristofferson from 1973. It just got a massive 3-version release from Criterion.
Does anyone know where I can watch horror in the high desert 3 now that it's finally out?
Buy/Rent from Amazon. There was a torrent for it, but pretty sure it was a honeypot.
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I thought it was boring and the killer is literally a fucking incel teen, not even someone cool
>Slumber Party Massacre
>Slumber Party Massacre II
>Slumber Party Massacre III
>That shitty remake movie
>Sorority House Massacre
>Sorority House Massacre II
>Hard to Die: Sorority House Massacre III
This franchise has more entries than I thought it did
To think she would go on to shit on Depp's bed.

If anything, it's a cautionary tale about how women are evil and will get guys to do their bidding while not caring about them one bit.
Longlegs on VOD when, /hor/bros? I'm excited
>the killer is not fully masculine
the killer in most slasher movies is still the tall, lumbering, imposing masked Jason clone
It's an obviously masculine figure, with even the Scream series having obvious fit young men portraying Ghostface when he's meant to be female
Have you not seen it?
Fuck, guess I'll wait then
Well, no. That's why I'm asking
Leatherface is a literal sissy who wears makeup and performs the domestic role of a woman, Jason is a child mentally.
Wasn't he just a silent lumberman in the original as well, and only later with 2+ did he become a mumbling retardo?
>Jason is a child mentally.
I can't think of that ever coming into play though
It's a tough wait. I check a couple of times a day to see if it has been released. Going to marathon all 3 for maximum comfy.
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>was controversial because of real animal violence
Frankly I recently saw one of the jaw clones from the early 80s that has a porn bent and was quite surprised by a scene where they hunt sharks, probably because I'm 100% those were real hunters hunting real bull sharks underwater so the footage was pristine and put 99% other shark movies to shame, and it wasn't stock footage tier shit
Made it even more intense as well because of how real (and it was real) it looked
Stu and Billy are generally considered homoerotic, and slashers have a lot of trannies and women built in to their core. Even then you have to rule out ones where it's daddy issues (Peeping Tom) or emasculation (Tenebre)
Leatherface wears makeup and makes retard noises in the original too.
>Stu and Billy are generally considered homoerotic
Both had gfs that they fucked. That shit is just made up by retards who want to inject their perverted lifestyle into everything.
It's why girls like them so much. It's not faggots drawing fan art and writing slash fic, that is always women.
And Billy literally only fucks her because it's revenge and fits into the rules of horror, like that hillbilly in Deliverance might not be gay but will fuck you in the ass
Women like anyone that is attractive. They also write gay fanfic and draw gay fanfic of all kinds of male celebrities that are clearly straight/married/have kids/etc. Are you telling me that ALL attractive guys are actually gay? How fucking retarded are you?
>Billy literally only fucks her because it's revenge
He was clearly always trying to fuck her and she was doing other things with him prior. Dude just had mommy issues. Weird that you immediately skip over Stu, it's almost like it doesn't fit your argument, so you don't talk about it. Try to not be so fucking transparent.
>No, we can't let popular consensus decide what's homoerotic
Nobody cares about your weird hang ups
>Going to marathon all 3 for maximum comfy.
Sounds like a good time.
>disregards everything because he can't rebut a single thing
You're one sad person. Be an adult and just admit you're wrong.
Yes and Leopold and Loeb were just good friends
There's nothing in the film that hints at them being gay. Fuck off back to Letterboxd
Red herring. Man, you people really are fucking stupid and can't rebut a single thing without fallacies. Try again, this time put every one of that single digit IQ into it.
Amanda and it's not even close
Guess I’ll do the honors again. Hope you guys like witch flicks
Williamson is on record saying he's based them on Leopold and Loeb, and that Billy and Stu's relationship is about "gay survival". Pick a screenwriter who isn't gay writing queer coded characters next time you want a hill to die on
I like witch tits
He never said it was about "gay survival" and you can't find a quote by him that does. Some gay jew wrote that, it wasn't a quote from Williamson. The fact you didn't supply any evidence shows that you're wrong. Keep trying, keep failing.
Literally anyone can Google it and see you're wrong
Opinions on the WNUF sequel?
You still haven't provided any evidence. Burden of proof is on you to prove the claim. I'm still waiting. Keep trying, keep failing.
I got trips I don't need proof
Clearly the biggest dumbest retard on 4chan. Next time just be a man and admit when you're wrong. One day you'll stop being an edgy 12 year-old faggot.

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