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Pouty Pannochka edition
prev: >>201730027
First for rarelust again
I watch Viy for she
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First for Van Helsing
Fourth for Viy:
>114 FF movies seen
>108 FF horror movies seen
>1081 horror movies seen
Get on my level of autism
>being a tripfag
>failing this hard
Gib FF horror chart/list and I'll try?
hell yeah
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Viy is on YouTube, restored & subbed:
He does that shit every thread lmao
sounds like a porn site
1000 horror movies isnt that autistic, i’ve watched 400 just in the last few years.
I don't watch only new movies every day, and I watch all genres. Plus I watch tv shows and anime as well. If I watched only horror movies every day, I can get roughly 600-1000 new movies in a year.
Some MAJOR titles missing here (none bigger than Lake Mungo) while some bottom of the barrel is included
I accept all autistic FF horror charts/lists
You're welcome, spooky fren. Hope you like a few of them.
>still stuck on 77.0%

I don't claim to have seen all FF movies, although I'm working on it and would to see as many as possible.
>Lake Mungo
I've seen it and it's boring. If you like it, that's great, I'm glad. My chart is just those that I've seen and liked. My opinion is my own and won't be the same as everyone else.
The HITHD 3 torrent? I'm 99% sure it's a honeypot. Nobody has proof that it's on private trackers, usenet, or scene DDL sites. Nobody can seem to get past 77%, and it's in MP4 while the scene rules require it to be MKV. It screams a fucking honeypot just asking for an ISP letter/email.
>ISP letter/email

that's cuck country behavior
Would you prefer the torrent be a trojan, keylogger, miner, etc.? That's the alternative.

Could be, but I'm pretty sure movie is legit, 77% is enough to preview the file.
Sorry there, I thought it was an official general chart, not a personal one
No, we can't agree on anything as a whole, except maybe [REC] being one of the best.
Which of those are good?
I liked them all, that's why I rec them.
Ok, but which ones did you like the most? I want to watch something before heading to bed, and I'd prefer it be quality.
Not him but: The Bay, Occult, The Last Exorcism, The Houses October Built, Murder Death Koreatown, Troll Hunter, [REC], [REC]2, Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum, The Conspiracy, The Blair Witch Project, Phoenix Forgotten, Leaving D.C., Grave Encounters, Hell House LLC, Dashcam, Creep, Afflicted, Cloverfield

Some are pretty divisive though, so it depends on the person to be filtered or not
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Thanks anon, guess The Bay it is.
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1° Jessica Harper/Sissy Spacek
3° Little Nell
4° Jamie Lee Curtis
5° Shelley Duvall
6° Vera Farmiga
7° Gina Phillips
8° Sigourney Weaver
9° Shawnee Smith
10° Kate Beckinsale
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some gnarly effects in this
oh, of course
The Bay is good. The Conspiracy is probably my favorite. I'm a huge conspiracy theory Chad.
Good names, but moot definitely doesn't belong
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patrician OP
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...a documentary on Romero's worst movie?
I'm in.
I don't like documentaries of any kind
Can't believe it's finally happenin'
If you manually execute an executable file in the folder of a movie torrent, that's entirely on you.
>77% is enough to preview the file.
Not if the header is missing (the very first *piece* of the torrent, sometimes two). A video file without pieces in the middle or even in the end (asterisk here) is playable and seekable, but a video file without a header is a useless heap of 1s and 0s.
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>1° Jessica Harper
Say no more, I don’t think /tv/ could handle a list so unequivocally based.
You're missing out on a LOT of great movies
who was posting those excerpts on slasher movies? is that a book or article and what's its name?
You can just embed it in the movie file so when you play it, you're fucked and don't even know it.
I never liked his manga. They just seemed weird for the sake of being weird. Even the earlier movie adaptation of Uzumaki was bad and made no sense.
I don't consider documentaries to be movies. They're also always slanted in a specific direction, contain wrong information, take a lot of liberties, etc.
Well, it's a point of view. But believe me, you're missing out
I'll take your word for it, but that's fine, I have thousands of movies to watch instead.
And what exactly will *RUN* your malicious code?
That's called an exploit, which isn't a thing "for video files" as a category and cannot be. It is possible to craft a highly specific exploit for, let's say, Media Player Classic of a specific Version, so that when a maliciously manipulated video file is run, it makes MPC do something unintended that runs actual malicious code on your machine. However, you'd need to actually tailor this exploit to the very specific software and version of it, which just isn't realistic at all with the assorted zoo of video players that end users use. It would also be an extremely valuable exploit that you could sell for a fuckload of money to private buyers who will use it to target a very particular VIP user / machine which is hard to infect with more sane methods. No one is wasting an immensely valuable exploit like this on a bunch of people who want to download the latest movie. It will be magnitudes cheaper to make a directly malicious movie.mkv.exe with a Media Player icon which encrypts their hard drive and asks for BTC.
>I don't consider documentaries to be movies.
That's because you're retarded. You seem to base the whole concept of docs on stuff like An Inconvenient Truth and Bowling for Columbine, which is absurd.
Name 10 good documentaries
>wall of text
This is 4chan nobody reads all that. You're clearly new.
The true best waifus are women that were in one single horror movie and have zero other significant career roles, and you only get to experience them in that one single movie.

For me, it’s Sharon from Basket Case.
Oh look a person that can't accept people having different views than their own so they resort to personal insults. You'll grow up and be an adult one day I hope.
>Somebody insulted me on 4chan!? AHHHH HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!!!!!
go watch Pumping Iron and come back to us and admit you were wrong, and then we will give you more recommendations.
>4 lines
> wall of text
Twitter refugee?
Yep you're new
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It's an essay called "Her Body, Himself: Gender in the Slasher Film" by Carol J. Clover. I think it was reprinted in "Men, Women, and Chainsaws" but I haven't been able to find an online copy to confirm. It definitely has some interesting ideas, and if you go off the citations, you can find a nice list of horror movies made before 1992.
I got a real kick out of the part where the author calls out Joe Bob Briggs.
Tik tok tier acting
The Fire Within
Gates of Heaven
Cartel Land
Hoop Dreams
The Battle Over Citizen Kane
Africa Addio
Man On Wire
The Imposter
For me it's Pumping Iron II: The Women
Sounds pozzed as fuck.
>can't even understand what a documentary is
>I'm le heckin' adult
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>The Omicron Killer
>Attacked by vicious thugs, left severely wounded and hospitalized, a serial killer known as The Omicron Killer vows vengeance as he embarks on a new reign of terror.
Are you ready for covid serial killer horror? Which one of you fuckers will be dumb enough to watch this movie so nobody else has to?
If you're wondering why he's so retarded, he's the "keep responding I won't see it" faggot
Not only it is by itself, but it's that kind of material that built the foundations for the woke world of today.
Enjoy your propaganda bullshit made by jews
>everyone I don't like is the same guy
I'm doing that too, you're Negro Piss Man.
>Keeps using the same insults and phrases in every posts
>People recognize him
>"wow, how do they recognize me!?"
Maybe don't do the whole "grow up, act like a adult" thing every time?
>You're negro piss man
My grammar is not bad enough to be him, and I haven't mentioned any strange fetishes, therefore I cannot be him.
You've been found out Negro Piss Man. Just accept it.
Someone who got his education through /pol/? No wonder those posts, then.
Nobody likes you Negro Piss Man. Go away already.
>Too mad to think of any counter arguments
>Starts shitposting
I accept your concession, or as you would say, "filtered, keep replying, I won't see it! Grow up and act like an adult next time!"
Just leave already Negro Piss Man. You're derailing the thread.
>desperately trying to use the convenient general boogeyman to pretend he wasn't btfo and is now shaking
>Shouts "negro piss man" at posts that don't even feature anything that actual pissman would post
What you're doing here is throwing around that name randomly, so that it loses it's meaning. This makes me suspect you are the pissman yourself, though you're spelling is too good to be him, so I will assume you're just angry because I called you out.
Be careful, he might filter your posts and never see them
You'll never fool me Negro Piss Man.
I'm glad it's finally coming out. Uzumaki has some fun chapters, and towards the end, it really went bonkers. In particular, I can't wait to see the mosquito chapter get animated. Everyone loves some bloody hospital horror.
wtf are you guise talking about
The "keep replying I won't see it / grow up" schizo was called out, and now he's sperging out.
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Adjani Alert!
Nobody cares Negro Piss Man
Do the japs not have enough money to make an adaption like this or are they just lacking creativity? Or both?
It's made by the Japanese
They have the money but not for a relatively niche creator like Ito, their consoomer flavour of the month escapist slop makes them far more money He’s more popular in the West which is why they threw an actual budget + manpower at his work vs the japs did with that awful Junji Ito Collection show.
The Japanese literally makes the show. Can you people not understand that? The voice cast is Japanese. The writer is Japanese. The director is Japanese.
I don’t think you understand how this works.

There are Japanese people working on it but it’s a USA/Japan co-production. It’s being bankrolled by American money for an American audience which is why the production value is so high.
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Not as fun as /rho/ - Rhodes General
Who funds it doesn't matter when the entire cast is voiced by Japanese and all the episodes are written and directed by Japanese. If Japan funded an American movie that had an all American cast and staff, would it be a Japanese movie?
The anon asked about financials though? It’s a financial discussion in the first place.
What are some good less known movies about humans having to hide from invading deadly creatures? I just watched this and I liked what the movie was going for but the movie itself kind of sucked.
Didn't even attempt to answer the question. Really fucking sad and telling.
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Calls him out on what?Being the lessest Elvira clone?
Asides from the fact i never understood the appeal of his show myself
>le cowboi man+ scared flims =win receipt
i can't imagine what sin he may have commited since the show itself ,though thematically jarring, was the most milquetoast shit i've ever seen.
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based Rhodes
I know this is a very long shot, but I figure I should at least try asking here, as I can't find it while trying to search the web.

I'm looking for a movie name (most likely horror) and all I can say about the movie is a scene from a webm I saw someone post here a while back.

It shows a woman who trips / falls down and the ground / grass swallows her up instantly, and there's a cat who sees it all happens.

Anyone have any idea what movie it could be?
He genuinely wasn’t even in the wrong, the scientists were fucking retards and the doctor was a lunatic. If anything he was just let down by his own men. The monkey farm would have ran smoothly if they’d stop fucking around and listen to Rhodesey.
Movies planned for tomorrow morning, my FF kick continues:

>Project Alamanac
Not horror, just a FF sci-fi movie. Never heard of it before.
>Skinwalker Ranch
FF sci-fi horror. No clue what it's about.
FF horror movie that just came out. No fucking clue what it's about.
The exciting Argento cut or the comfy Romero cut, which way, /hor/?
Both, but Romero's first
That’s obviously not negro piss man.
Call me when there’s a /susp/ general.
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oh shit it's actually happening. It's probably like the pyramids where thousands died to make it.
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For me it's this one chick who was in Combat Shock for a single scene, no lines. She rides up while he's in line for the unemployment office and silently offers him a new life of freedom away from his pointless hell life. But he has a kid and a wife, he knows he can't take it.
Love her lines in basket case as well.
>What's in the basket? Easter Eggs?
>Which one of you fuckers will be dumb enough to watch this movie so nobody else has to?
>Bai Ling

I can be your champion.
Those fucking trip 9s. You're already a champion with those. You'd be taking one for the team if you actually watch the movie. I might do it at a later date if nobody else does anytime soon.
Did coolduder direct this
me on the top right
My body is ready. But I can't find anything but cam rips and a $2.99 rental on Prime. I don't think I'm champion enough to allow myself to spend $2.99 on The Omicron Killer.
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>only counselor that actually loves children and cares about them, would definitely have saved Jason and was too pure to be fucking instead of watching him
>murders her anyway
wtf was pamela’s problem
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Annie is the reverse of the "asshole victims" cliche that some later slashers loved (F13 2009 is one), the movie keeps on reinforcing how nice she is just to abruptly kill her off early before her story has even gone anywhere. Pretty "mean spirited" as some anons call it.
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no thanks
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god damnit can't these hacks just leave it alone
Based news. In A Violent Nature was a fantastic breath of fresh air, easily my favorite horror of the year. If it's from the same director, I'm definitely looking forward to it.
The kills were nice.
The many scenes of the killer just autistically walking were not.
Also has a very unsatisfying conclusion, the final girl just... runs, which I suppose is at least realistic even if the killer is supernatural.unless you are that anon who think they all hallucinated being killed by some monstrous bear
Modern slashers are just slop now because they’re made by people who only ever watch slasher movies. The best horror filmmakers are ones with influences outside the genre.
I'm not as enthusiastic as you, but I liked it enough. It's a divisive film by all the reactions I've seen and read in the horror communities and also by the public at large.
The people who hated it seem to not get why the ones who loved it do so, rather than the contrary.
I don't think that's true either. you can tell when a horror film despises the genre itself and is just some outsiders attempt at molesting and mocking traditional concepts.
I finally watched The Final Nightmare. Am I alright if I think it's the best Nightmare on Elm Street movie?
It's the first one I have any memory of watching.
Maybe I was expecting something incredibly bad. But it's definitely better than New Nightmare. Even from a “meta” standpoint.

The only problem is the editing. The movie clearly wanted to be longer.
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Anything Romero I'm in.
Thanks, anon. The "phallocentric" thing was really pissing me off too. I use blue to highlight bullshit. Nobody actually watches slasher films and thinks "the weapon is the killer's penis and he is symbolically fucking his victims".
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>But it's definitely better than New Nightmare
I never got the appeal of New Nightmare.
It removes one of the strongest features of the franchise, the very fast pacing with Freddy constantly killing victims.
In New Nightmare I can only fucking recall the babysitter death and that's literally at 1h+, besides the dream sequence at the very beginning.
Rest of the movie is just Heather acting like a schizo, I suppose it's good for Heather wanking at least.
>Am I alright if I think it's the best Nightmare on Elm Street movie?
Sure, its fine.
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for me, it's Ebola
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139th for Deep Blue Sea
It's just movie critic wank.
Like how King Kong can't just be a big ape killing people, it has to be an allegory for Capitalism/Imperialism or whatever.
Or the whole bibles about sex being le bad in slashers and how final girls are virgins and whatever when the reality is they're final girls mostly because they were "pure" and moral and that's the classic heroine/more appealing than some random roastie surviving, or that the female victims are some wank about woman hate when in reality is female victims turn the core audience on more, the end.
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Deep Blue Sea 3 is actually fun.
Cheesy sure but the setting is fine, it doesn't take itself seriously like a fun 90s monster romp, and the underwater shark effects are surprinsingly good, not so much outside of it
Yeah, it's all bullshit, but the crazies are in power
The sad thing is that King Kong actually does has themes, that these people will ignore in order to pretend that it's about racism and imperialism.
They try to look so deep into things that aren't there that they ignore what the movie is actually telling and showing them.
Missed a word.
Missed a very sexy get too
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It's over.
>Nobody actually watches slasher films and thinks "the weapon is the killer's penis and he is symbolically fucking his victims"
Being a guro lover is suffering.
Me talking to my 5'11 friend
>It's just movie critic wank.
>Like how King Kong can't just be a big ape killing people, it has to be an allegory for Capitalism/Imperialism or whatever.
Wouldn't necessarily put that on the same level. I think King Kong being about imperialism is intentional subtext. Carol J. Clover is applying psychoanalysis which is literally "let's just make shit up".
>when the reality is they're final girls mostly because they were "pure" and moral and that's the classic heroine
This essay, originally published in 1987, is where the term "final girl" originates. And at some point she even acknowledges that it's bullshit and the characterization of final girls corresponds to the generic classic hero, but she's so far up Freud's (and her own) ass that she continues on with the absurd sexual/gender bullshit. It's baffling she watched as many slasher movies as she has and came to the conclusions she did. Talking to even one actual horror fan would've set her straight.
Fine by me. It's my third favorite behind the original and Dream Warriors
You deserve to suffer.
You're gonna turn him on.
Lol. Not exactly a slasher but there you go.
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The imagery is kinda there in some posters
I'm aware, Body Double is one of my favorite movies and I love this scene. I also know about that one scene in TCM2 and the Driller Killer in Slumber Party Massacre. But these are not the majority. Most films don't make this blatant connection and I don't think most audiences do either.

>The imagery is kinda there in some posters
The posters for all the Slumber Party Massacre movies, yes.
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the chad slasher stance
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I’m gonna say it guys… I think she aged gracefully and I wish nothing but the best for her.
Russians/Soviet had other horror movies too ya know.

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Watch Argento and Fulci movies, you might like them
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>most extreme shocking terrifying film of all time
>no nudity
whose fault is this?
Haтaлья Bлaдимиpoвнa Bapлeй
A globalist-feminist explicitly anti-men neo-puritan society
Name seven (good) examples.
Dropped Shudder last year. Probably will pick it up for one month in October.
>me in the back
>most extreme shocking terrifying film of all time
Was this false hype created purely as a marketing ploy? I watched Terrifier 1 & 2, even All Hollow's Eve and none of it made me even a little squeamish. Kind of hate the direction 2 took the plot in.
I want to follow up by saying I actually enjoy the series in general. It had some great humor.
the thing I liked most about AHE/Terrifier was the lack of backstory/motive from Art. really felt like it was dunking on other films that struggle to do the basics right.
I get that it would be hard to maintain, but yeah T2 had too much packed into it.
Precisely. I am still hopeful for Terrifier 3, partially because I'm a sucker for a decent Christmas themed horror flick.
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Would've enjoyed this a lot more if they had killed off the ugly mutt early on
>directed by Caitlin Cronenberg
I'm good
I want to FUCK ____
Art The Clown
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Cringe general.
There are worse, though
should I watch stir of echoes
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go git em cuz
I unironically liked that film
And the cuz scene too
Damion Leone, or whatever the director's name is, made a comment that T3 is going to be more like the Terrifier. God I hope so. The atmosphere was way better and the "plot" followed the victims rather than Art, which makes for a more sp00ky story.

Nothing in T2 topped the unsettling feeling many would get watching this scene for the first time:
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What am I for?
Splice(2009) by Vincenzo Natali
a fleshlight filled with needles
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Soviet Phoebe Cates
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This! >>201780359 anon look up Natalya Varley
I remember thinking it sucked.
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>watching new shitty shark movie Last Breath so you don't have too
>shark only appears at 49m
Into the trash
Anyways, the setting at least is unique as they're exploring the ruins of a WW2 sub
Effects are subpar CGI BUT the murky waters do wonders at hiding it so it's not syfy tier of loathsomeness
Dunno about the characters since I literally skipped ~40m of the movie as it basically was just them talking, roasties acting stupid as usual though
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>Blow Out
>Dressed to Kill
I can see why De Palma married her.
A lot of shark films this year.
>No Way Up
>Deep Water
>The Last Breath
>Something in the Water
>Under Paris
the last breath was kinda the one I was hoping would be good.
You'd think they'd wait until next year for Jaws' 50th.
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No Way Up I found rather underwhelming, since they aren't stuck on a plane, rather just the flooded butt of the plane which I find very boring and small.
Under Paris was very fun though, especially the parts where it fully allowed itself to be 100% monster schlockino, the ending came out of nowhere though, and felt wasteful not to have a true last sequence set during flooded Paris.
Didn't watch Deep Water or Something in the Water assuming they're released already, but will keep them in mind.
Anyways, I'm still watching Last Breath. It's just that the fact the shark only stars appearing at 49 really pisses me off, miss me with shark movies that are more about people talking than the shark.
Especially since nowadays the women are mostly bogged so it's not like I can at least derive some pleasure from watching them before the sharks savages them.
Please just give me something to watch.
It's got some stuff on there I haven't heard of or seen yet. I appreciate it at least bringing some new stuff to the table.
The Lawnmower Man
Brokeback Mountain
Buck Breaking
Halloween: Resurrection
Slender Man
3 From Hell
Get Out
Weird sex scene with that creature who looks like Catwoman from the show Gotham. This movie sucks though.
>Weird sex scene with that creature who looks like Catwoman
Yeah it got overshadowed by Sixth Sense but it's a fun watch
Cocaine Bear
Listen to the soundtrack too. If you're a zoomoid/late millennial, the music was composed by the same guy who did the Fairly Oddparents music
I always thought Guy Moon was a weird name
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>“Phoebe Cates is of Russian Jewish descent.”
I don’t think Natalya would’ve been out of place playing Phoebe’s quirky Soviet mom in Gremlins or something
now wait just a cotton pickin second
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halloween reboot idea: michael is a serial rapist this time
The only person I knew who had Moon as a last name was a native guy
All slasher villains are already rapists
>Natalya Varley
That movie was shit
she cute
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Post some good ideas for double-features, even better if they fit the summer atmosphere
>Slaughterhouse - Maniac
>The Stuff - Street Trash
>The Hills Have Eyes (2006) - Wrong Turn
>Splinter + The Ruins
>Haunt + Escape Room
>YellowBrickRoad + Pontypool
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Is it me or do the soifags in this thread still have the 80's cock lodged in their throats lol.
Scream + Scary Movie
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Any other movies like the vvitch set inna haunted woods? Rec me some woods movie
>brand new wiring for house
>don't turn on the lights for some reason

It's interesting how this of all movies ended up being a semi-successful series.
Because they're good FF movies and the series as a whole has a more consistent plot than most series.
didn't work cuz ghosts
Only up on DDL sites and paid streaming. So it takes about 23 hours to download on a free DDL download. Yes, I'm retarded enough to wait to take one for the team.
Some street cat just screamed and startled me. Fucking cats man, always scaring people.
Write your final wishes while you still can brother.
The Blob 1988 + Return of the Living Dead
Jaws + Grizzly (summer double feature)
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer + Maniac
Pieces + Don't Open Till Christmas
Godzilla + The Beast From 20000 Fathoms
Sleepaway Camp + Dressed to Kill
>Basket Case - Brain Damage
>Re-Animator - Dead Alive
>The Hills Have Eyes Have Eyes (1977) - Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
It's an omen
>Critical reception for Grizzly in 1976 was extremely negative
first time I've read that wording in the Reception section
The Blair Witch Project
The Endless
The Ritual
The Evil Dead
Dead End
I imagine they didn't like it because it's very blatantly a Jawsploitation film. Fun movie though. Stars Christopher George aka the cool cop dude from Pieces, and it's got a real bear.
Nah, it's unsalvageable.
The pressure from being mediocre director while her dad and brother produce quality work of art is going to drive her nuts.
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alright gonna watch The Boxers Omen. HIIII-YAAAAH!!
The movie would be a LOT more entertaining.
Realistically speaking WAY more horror movie villains should be rapists, since rape is far more common than murder among violent criminals.
Session 9 + Grave Encounters for some mental asylum kino, though sadly nothing scratches this itch of "movie version of Outlast"
Why is picrel is damn good?
I've watched it like four or five times in the last couple of years and I enjoy the hell out of it every time. It's not even remotely scary but it's just so fun and entertaining and well-paced, and Sam Neil is a delight.
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If Sam Neill wasn't known firstly for Jurassic Park I think he'd be thought of as a horror icon. Event Horizon, Possession, In the Mouth Of Madness, Omen III etc.
I regularly do a double feature of In the Mouth of Madness and Event Horizon. Two true 90s horror kinos.
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have you seen Dead End (2003)? that always comes to mind because of the driving scenes in Mouth of Madness. also not a scary but quite fun film, and Ray Wise is another actor you love to see.
>though sadly nothing scratches this itch of "movie version of Outlast"
The real spooky part of Outlast is being trapped with all the crazy people. The asylum setting movies are good but they don't fully capture it, I agree.
Something like The Sadness or Shivers in an asylum would be kino. Tbh they should do an Outlast film, I'd watch it.
Yeah I think a lot of the fear of Outlast is being in control and having to do everything yourself. If you just watch it it's not too scary, it's only when you play it yourself it's fucking terrifying.
I haven't seen it but I'll check it out, thanks anon
Definitely. Having to push yourself to move forward even though you know someone could be hiding around the corner. Watching is a more passive experience so you don't get as tense.
The Nightmare is cool. It's basically mixture of anthology horror and documentary. People tell about their sleep paralysis experiences and nightmares and they are visualized as mini horror movies. It's on tubi.
In A Violent Nature literally has influences outside the genre.

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