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Kato the Goth Footslut for Plushies edition


>Season 2 ""episodes"" are TRASH, watch them for free here:

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Previous Thread: >>201709525
has betty killed herself yet?
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Is there some kind of contract that protects production from legal action if a contestant kills themselves?
If so they should make betty sign it and let her do it live will all attention on her like she's always wanted.
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I want a latina gf so bad.
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Kato and Cleh
If someone killed themselves outside of the show, production wouldn't be considered liable anyway. Her window of opportunity was like the first month of "cyberbullying" from the show.
This late in, it wouldn't be taken seriously.
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Abi and Claire should consider doing this
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Abi and Claire should do this with my cum.
Could they have a couple of cats in the bitchtank without it becoming another animal abuse fiasco?
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> was happily married 3 week ago
> now contestant in a sam hyde/jet neptune internet show
> in the middle of a divorce (per her own admission)
> quit her job
> has gotten into multiple physical and verbal altercations
> multiple indecent exposure incidents
> has gotten physical with a married man on camera (100% a bit, but still incredibly weird)
> has said nigger a bunch of times
> loves the emoji movie

seriously, what is wrong with her? did she hit her head of something? she's even more of a fuckup than claire and that's telling something as the latter has admitted to drinking hand sanitizer and getting high on otc pharmaceuticals.
>the tank is already filthy and reeks of girl BO and pussy and period stank including from two big fat ogresses (one being a negro), let's add the smell of cat piss
She's hitting middle age (for a latina)
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I can fix her.
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Abi can fix Claire
meltingface is such a bad look
we can tell who has an evil soul by which persons belongings the cat pees on, cats can sense evilness (it will be abi 100%)
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jet you retard I swear to god if you let some chat attentionwhore on and just let her be obnoxious without degrading her, like another fucking leah... for fucks sake jet... JETTTTTT
Betty-esque in her self destruction.

I wonder if they'd get along?
her twitter is a damning archive of one direction fangirlism from 2013/14
if she's cool, she can be another oddbod
if she sucks, she can go in the science lab with the other failures
They could just have litter boxes and make the fish empty them. They've made them do more disgusting and humiliating things than that many times before.
so when she was like 14? she hasn't changed online aliases and accounts since?
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not possible but she can ease claire's passage into death and draw her life out a little longer
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yeah bet she'll be great
>another oddbodd
they already have trish if they need someone to just fill cameratime
>just her full fucking name
dude zoomers are so fucked facebook absolutely fucked them in the ass man back in MYYYY day it said at the top of the MSN messenger client "never share your real name online"

facebook made everyone go retarded with opsec and subsequent generations never recovered
Wow she already looked BUSTED at 14

Kato is a freak I want to suck her toes and tongue her ass and pussy
Erm I love claire
The more I watch of the Season 2 "episodes" the more I realized how much production fucked up by putting Cole to the test every day, he was the only one who could actually be entertaining outside of scripted challenges and bits but they felt the need to go overboard with him despite that?
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how do i get a gf like claire?
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i got time for this nigga no lie
Huh so the cheeks aren't from fat loss and probably not from braces either, brutal
Be a drug dealer I guess.
>putting Cole to the test every day
It is completely unsurprising to me that a person like Cole, with the attitude and mannerisms that he had, would be the chosen punching bag of a production team consisting entirely of wiggers, led by a wigger who grew up poor to meth parents.
Who is snoring?
What are the odds sam has completely bailed on bitchtank and we don't see him again until season 3?
One of the fat disasters.
Fatto dingo
>tfw sam couldnt save him
So which of the girls has brapped so far?
will season 3 have better challenges?
>save him
he literally tried to humiliate him coles last day when both him and scott went full force punches on him with running starts (not gym bullies by the way, they hate those guys).
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>abi did nothing wrong, it was only a toy pho--ACK!
Your mum
is this really her? what the fuck happened
how is jimmy this fucking retarded
Past experience with the seasons seems to point toward no, probably not.
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and what are you doing anon?
10 years of life.
Jimmy truly is fucked in the head.
>only got 30 years
zany bits
LMAO what kind of retard would believe he was able to get real phone calls on that thing??
I think Shadi sharted at one point when she was reaching under Haley's bed.
its not about being believed. its about advancing the culture with weird gags
It sounds like Claire farted right after she entered the bathroom before she took a piss (and didn't wash her hands) before going to sleep today (like an hour or two ago, couldn't find a clip, only of the sound of her pissing and of her leaving without washing her hands)
based fart/piss monitor
Claire you WILL sleep with me in my bunk tonight or ELSE!
Sugar daddy websites.
You don't understand, it was for 100% guaranteed hilarious skits. He was angry on behalf of us because we were robbed of all that brilliant comedy.
The fact he thought this would be a good bit. The fact he thought that saying this would make him look like less of a deranged psycho and people would think "oh ok yeah fair I understand why you attacked Abi over a plastic toy phone now". I cant believe he is real, how is he this stupid
The closet.
My face.
In an hour.
DON'T say no.
I caught it literally by accident I'm not into fart/scat stuff but I was wearing headphones and was curious if I'd be able to hear her pissing.

I just felt I should share with Anon an instance of a potential Claire fart nonetheless...
KEK, uncanny af
Has betty posted any good new naked pics on Brian's discord? I can't jack off to her but I like to stay current.
>and didn't wash her hands
Why didn't she wash her hands? Beat dyke Tayleigh's the same way
no judgement here. whenever fish take a midnight tinkle i follow them to eavesdrop and speculate on their digestive health
Fuck off back to /bant/, you nigger
No, I don't think I will.
Has it been Kato making whimpering/moaning sounds the whole night? Just saw her active and heard a hint of it as she repositioned.
When the fuck are the full S2 episodes going live?
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This is just him coping after the fact, but what he's talking about was doing a Hotline Miami bit, with the "call from his employers". He did it during bloodgames when pretended to get a call on that flip phone from 50 blessings, the people behind everything in the games. It's probably a part of some shit from his gay discord manifesto.
Do we hear them piss from the makeup room cam? I can't believe I'm only thinking of this now
yes but only when the other bitches are asleep
kiwi faggot
Why would you even care? You saw how season 1's episodes turned out and what a dull shit show season 2 became.
I heard them a moment ago too, it's kinda cute if anything, Kato top 3 girl for me.
Normal Latina.
abi and claire deserve each other. also lol at shitty fingers tayleigh
That last post with Tayleigh is actually nasty lol.
s2 was great and it fits the episode format more than s1
Hold off on that, Kato being so willing to show her feet off for the sexual gratification of viewers does not bode well for her prospects in the future. Major risk of becoming a whore
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whatever could you mean
She literally came in wearing a dog chain, dead on arrival.
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sex with claire
I'm bored and want something to watch without having to skim shitty youtube clips
She showed them on purpose? She already said said she would poop for the right price, are you surprised about her being a whore
Question for the virgins watching bitchtank: has this mini season taught you how much of an appalling meme women are?
it seems tay's words in s2 were: "i don't have to because I don't touch my penis like a guys does, because I don't have a penis. I'm only touching the toilet paper"
and delaney and nifty apparently also do not wash their hands after shitting
They aren't made, they only have edits on the Fishtank site. They're only committed to doing full episodes now after the paypigs got pissed that they only got edits.
You'd suck shit logs from Sam's bright red distended baboon ass hole if he stamped a fishtank logo on his ass cheek, wouldn't you?
no, i need a claire-women
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yes. i now refuse to chase any woman who is not both ethereally beautiful and a stone cold autist
She openly said she wanted to be a streamer. Did you see how she was dancing? She's like 80% of the way to whoredom already.
Why are these degenerates so unhygienic? Should they be euthanized?
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>mfw the darkness comes
yeah cause the average guy is so much better kek
I can fix them
Fuck off faggot.
come on now. compare spencer vs zoltar or oddbod vs shawn to shadi vs haley or letty vs claire
At least Nifty makes sense the other two don't have an excuse.
is that a problem buddy?
A bit. Something about the way they interact with each other makes me sick to my stomach. Like that feeling when you've eaten too much candy, except all these cunts are generally boring.
Australian fat bitch and kiwifarms/twitter orbiter hasn't met Sam yet, I'm hoping it's intentional since they both just applied to sit around and meet their idols.
No, sorry if my post came across as kink shaming, I didn't mean it that way. Can't wait to hear more of your vertical bar ttses.
Is there a name for the mental illness where you put undeserved sanctity on inanimate objects
I'm not looking to waifu any of these girls they're all whores they're on fishtank my guy.
Ironically a person like that is often called a "hoarder"
Jimmycord you unironically like this guy?
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>KiwiFarms thread
>they're pearl cluching and still concerned about that Temple lady and how Jet pushed reddit and heckin' evil 4chan on her!!
Jesus christ
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>kiwifarms mentioned yesterday in IG live
>abi says "i haven't looked at kiwifarms in MONTHS"
who will be the most successful contestant after bitchtank is over?
who will be the least successful besides claire?
It's even worse because these women come prefucked from their dumpster fire households inhabited by broken families full of druggies and niggerbangers. If there's a pattern to them is that they're all on the run or in dire need of the attention a normie female would get
They're all gonna fall off hard. Dead in the water immediately.
>kato socials
twitter and instagram are private
kek, it's going to be revealed that they're all farmers at this point. I mean, even production's favorite boy Jimmy has an account albeit an abandoned one.
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when the "goth" girl entered, shadi asked her about the leash, goth girl answered, they (production) told me to wear it.
It only took 20 seconds.
abi gets a bump in twitch viewers
shadi kalei and leah become marginally more clouted orbiters
nobody really wins out
jimmy must have real genetic aspergers, he walks and talks exactly as a genuine sperg
in watching abi in bitchtank and rewatching cole in s2 i'm slowly coming to the realization i may have aspergers
Haley will be succesful for a while but will make the same mistakes as Tayleigh
If your not a retard and know about fishtank you will at least glance at it. Only morons like Jon have legitimately probably never looked at it because he probably couldnt find the fishtank thread unless it was linked to him
>If your not a retard
beautifully put
gross bitch
>jimmy must have real genetic aspergers
no, Jimmy is just retarded and childish.
People with aspergers are actually cool.
Nah, there did actually exist Taytriots for a good while there, she had a real fanbase of people who rooted for her and there was "post this cute cat" and "my beautiful chudwife" posting constantly. Haley has no fanbase, nobody likes her
kiwi sounds like terminal loserdom, why would I care to even glance at it?
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Abi would fit right in
Haley will probably go into hiding after this. She gets very little interest from simps, and she's not really interesting either.
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i hope she starts posting here when claire comes home and reveals herself
send in Chris from Mr. Beast
>People with aspergers are actually cool
She would be perfect for actual fishtank with how retarded and unhinged she is, they wasted her on bitchtank.
Cleh yeah
>I know the type because if I was a 21 year old girl I'd be acting personality wise in front of all those cameras with a similar story except I'm not a 21 year old girl
>People in front of cameras man
>if you're paranoid of who you are and
>how you're perceived
>and you got voices in your head
>and you can hear people and their intentions whilst not moving their mouths
>and you got a strong religious upbringing
>but you still like getting pissed
>around people that give you those kind of vibes
>and you're good at reading the room
>but you're ignant
>Yeah I'd be doing it like the Cleh way

TL;DR That's why she humiliates herself
abi and claire will move in together and lead successful lives as twitch streamers
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>when claire comes home and reveals herself
>no, Jimmy is just retarded and childish.
>People with aspergers are actually cool.
this is so so so so wrong
you don't know genuine spergs if you don't see the obvious in his face body demeanor speech
that's why I give jimmy a handicap in judgement over a lot of what he does
spergs can be perfectly functional and "cool" but there will be moments their autism takes over where it is no longer cool
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Is today Cleh's birthday?
GFE for $200/h kinda vibe
>That's why she humiliates herself
No the reason she humiliates herself is because she's getting black out drunk.
working wishful theory is she's a stealth /ftl/ poster
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The legit only two I can see having even an smidgen of success is Abi and Jules.
Abi because she's not bad to look at, plus has the whole cute autism going for her so if she starts streaming right as she's outta of the tank and keep acting like how she's been she'll get paypiggies to support her. And Jules also is kinda cute in her own way and she's the ultimate clout chaser, just by attaching herself to everything and everyone will eventually garnered some form of success but at what cost and all that.
is claire a legit femcel? could she have lurked crystalcafe?
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Based Abi
Do you not know about Claudia’s propensity for shooting fat globs of phlegm up from her throat and esophagus into her mouth and out onto the surface of an asshole with a HHHHHAAWWWK-TUAH motion before pressing her beaklike proboscis nose into the ring of the sphincter
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it's time to stop posting
i really hope abi manages to find some success on twitch after bitchtank, but I don't think she will.
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>when the Darkness comes...


she has a bf. she's not going to make it as a streamer. its over for her before it even begun. this is her tragedy.
Wait for season 3
she's too aloof-autistic to ever get huge, but she seemed to imply yesterday that she earns enough from it to pay her bills, so with whatever viewer bump she gets from her bitchtank showing (which will be substantial if claire does end up collabing) i'm sure she'll be fine long enough to meet and marry me before she turns 30
Never, ever stop posting
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>Why is production running damage control for Scott the rapist by swinging the vote in his favor?
the "did they fuck in the bathroom" poll was at 90% "yes" 15 seconds in when it mysteriously reversed completely to 90% "no", which must have been at least a 1000 token swing in under a second.
why did you crop out abi laughing
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She should have stayed fat. Her OZEMPIC FACE is cursed af.
many are saying this
That was aperture, he was clearing his waifus name.
please stop posting this scott noone thinks its funny
She's already been streaming. She's had attention since her run on season 2. She's just not a conventionally good streamer. She might change her ways and become better, some of her ps2 closet sessions where she was talking to tts were an improvement, but I doubt it.

Just watch her past streams on twitch, you'll see how little of a fuck she gives about being interesting and easy to watch.
she looked the same at 14...... >>201712844
I do because he copied my post from the previous thread, which i fully endorse.
Thats not ozempic, thats years of shitty vegan diet making her look like 40yo
You can tell she is with all of her white lies and references. In fact she is the greatest fish to ever do it, should’ve been on one of the mainline seasons of the series. She could’ve won it all. Her strategy of orderly chaos is similar to Letty’s but more subtle and refined. Lies like claiming words recited from her theater kid days are her new poetry, that she has an inflation fetish, and little quirky traits like eating paper, all a smokescreen for the greater plan she is devising. Certainly she can work up a nice fat globule of phlegm and hock it up to an asshole before going in there nosefirst up in that thang. She’ll be the one we all remember the one we don’t forget.
>she seemed to imply yesterday that she earns enough from it to pay her bills

She doesn't even have 20 viewers most streams, and completely ignores chat 95% of the time so I find that very hard to believe.
You can have a boyfriend and be a streamer. Taylor doesn't have a problem. I doubt Trish or Letty really would either. Tayleigh is like a 20 point case study of how to completely fuck up.
which two bitches would you like to see again on S3 as freeloaders, I would pick Abi & Claire
what she said was more like "it keeps me afloat" so its probably more just a contribution, but 10 paypigs out of 20 can do a lot
Scott is /ourSensei/ and he DID not have sex and cheat on his wife with that gorgeous Latina, he could if he wanted to but he's too badass to cheat.
Taylor is an extreme case because she wouldn't have a single viewer if TJ wasn't her boyfriend.
abi's stream is a comfy autistic hangout and i like that she has "free" TTS (only costs channel points that build up automatically by watching)
You're talking to some of the biggest simps on the internet. They're hopeless
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Shadi and drunk Claire
jennifer and leah content duo
she didnt mean it in a financial way, it was more like its something to do with her time instead of going crazy
anyone have the gif of Juliana with neon tiddies
oh. thats even more based then. just doing it for funsies like creature
Juliana = boring
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Why not just ask for your $600 back or better yet learn how to read a contract
>just doing it for funsies like creature
lmao isn't she seething every time because nobody donates?
That's provably untrue.

I don't find her interesting myself but plenty of people are in love with her voice and she goes hard with chat interaction.
You're mistaken, they are virgins but more importantly they are trannies. They are loving this and self inserting, even shipping.
Creepy motherfuckers.
Atleast creature talks with the chat
>demanding a phone call
I used to think them being broke was a joke but if they're hounding her for $600 they must be hard up.
What strike are we on now?
leah and juliana should be permanently locked in the cell across seasons doing endless science experiments and when the regular season's cell begins the fish should just coexist with them as the experiments continue
>That's provably untrue.
The only way to prove it untrue would be for her to break up with him and see how her streaming works out.
Letty was doing good streaming despite everyone knowing about her and tacx. they even did a stream together. granted the s1 hype could have been a big factor
abi talks to chat sometimes but is usually voicing her stream of consciousness. you may be too neurotypical to get it, like the bitchtank girls who assume she's an insincere bully
NTA but the point being... as a streamer it's your job to interact with chat. I mean, if you want to be remotely successful.
Only if they never get to meet anyone in production besides maybe Chip just to avoid more tayleigh style basedfacing.
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the fuck is going on with her fingers. Thumb and pinky seem to be normal size, but the other three are fucking long.
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they need to get Ape Escape 2 or 3 in there
Claire would be great as the new chip who turns up drunk as fuck late at night requesting cigarettes and repetitively asking if oddbod is really gone.
letty has a ton of dyke followers and femcel bitch followers and her personality naturally lends to her fanbase being a bunch of cucks happy to watch her stream with her boyfriend
>voicing your thoughts
>not neurotypical behavior
if you were TA you may have understood that we were talking about abi streaming for fun rather than success
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women who are pretty and can talk well have an infinite money glitch opportunity
instead they'd rather be lazy neets
you'll figure out how perspective works soon anon
and if they ever have a fat white female fish she has to ask if she's oddbod's girlfriend
>women who are pretty and can talk well have an infinite money glitch opportunity
Claire is neither of those
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i can fix her
No, it's provably untrue because she star5ed streaming before tj had even left the tank and hooked up with him. She didn't even discuss him at all her first few weeks of streams and still had a growing viewership. Like I said, I don't see the appeal but people like her and want to watch her streams, that's the reality.
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It's Jets PS2 chipped? He could burn some of the bootleg game collections to a disc, they are mostly shorter arcadey games and fighting games, perfect for that settings
claire is plain and not particularly well spoken
what she has is dark insidious antimaterial sexual energy and the worst (best) psycho proclivities of a manic depressive trainwreck
You realize Meg had a succesful stream right after she left too right?
Letty is retarded
Jet lied
Spiritual sex therapists died
This is clearly a man. You guys aren't escaping the autism allegations with all this facial blindness.
creature's streaming career crashed in record time, shouldn't have stolen props and did that inflatable pool stream where she smoked weed with niggers.
thats cuz it was 5 minutes into the show and she was doing interviews with the other day 1 quitting KWABs
I thought she was part of the MDE crew
who knew hiring your 90iq perma-NEET fucktoy as a secretary could backfire
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>what she has is dark insidious antimaterial sexual energy
favorite kind of girl
she deserves redemption
or immolation, either or
letty is a fuck up who got Cole kicked off season 2
its crazy to me some guys think watching female streamers who are single because they can pretend they have a chance with her is somehow a win over watching someone just because you find them fun regardless of if they are in a relationship or not
what does it matter if someone you are watching just to kill time has a bf/gf?
drunk Mediterranean mom sleep posture
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>women who are pretty and can talk well have an infinite money glitch opportunity
incels have the same attitude towards women than niggers have towards whytpeepo
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>Hello Nina!
it's happened a lot lately, I feel like they have a button that just switches the poll results whenever they want
Femcels don't work that way.
They're inhibited. They act like Abi but without the autism and directness. They have the exact same behaviour around the 1% of men they're attracted to and 99% of men they think should be castrated and sent to jail and they blame the world for not noticing this difference.
Most of all they would rather live in an iron maiden of their own judgemental attitude than ever suffer 1 second of slight humiliation.

Claire is not that type. She told Oddbod she loved him on like night 2 or 3 and is up for anything no matter how humiliating, probably because it's humiliating. Claire is a mess, mess girls get turned out constantly.

Abi would actually benefit from some kind of streamer-camp by the boys. But it would be more like training on basic psychology and audience engagement.
Actually maybe the wiggers shouldn't be responsible for teaching that.
Letty is a retard but I still don't understand why you need that much preparation and supplies for a talk about masturbation that you routinely give. It should just be a partial refund at worst for having scheduled something and having it cancelled but that's also more on her for having such a shit way of doing business. Not even a form to fill out, just some bullshit messages.
what a shocker that girls like to be humiliated
It's literally just a scam/prostitution service and letty fell for it.
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I knew it was over when people stopped flooding the thread with her pics, how many viewers was she getting anyway?
I like her and find her funny and all but cleh isnt neither of those and is a trainwreck, man, you are just simping
They did ask for it back but she apparently has a no refund policy for short notice since she 'already started the work'. I think she should've just refunded anyway but fuck them for instantly announcing she was a scammer to a bunch of retarded viewers.
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>uh oh! hehe! can i get paid now?
it's not thinking you have a chance it's not wanting to be confronted with the fact you have none and look at the guy who is fucking her and who is getting his condoms subsidized from the retards dumb enough to give her money
>I think she should've just refunded anyway
why would she do that with a clear "no refunds" policy?
Streaming is easy money until the bantniggers drive across the country to visit you or start sending gays to your grandma's house. Its not exactly free money, there is a catch.
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are you watching them play games or eat or whatever or are you watching them get dicked down by their bf?
>drunk Mediterranean mom sleep posture
imagine meeting claire in 50ad in the hills of italy and you're an oddbod like furry monk pilgrim from england
HOT ROMANTIC SEXOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Sinji is going to turn up?
Because her business is unprofessional as hell by only having messages and no formal paperwork or anything. And because full no refunds is a generally shit policy when all you do is Skype in to say vaginas are magic and masturbation is great.
if she's fucking streaming WITH her boyfriend or telling stories about her boyfriend or mentioning her boyfriend I might as well be watching her get fucked by him it's all the same road we're going down

how are you so mentally fucked to not understand this?
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Abi watching over Claire
>takes your 650 dollars for doing nothing whatsoever
>refuses to stop elaborating
this and the scott beef are funnier than 90% of bitchtank
letty doing the content heavylifting for fishtank as always
never, he realized he got fucked by Jet and Sam
the whole idea is to find retard viewers and contestants to exploit
Would all of the Africans in the world be sad if Betty died?
>happily married
You don’t know that and by the looks of it it’s the opposite picture
>Abi is the last thing she sees before she heads toward the light (died in her sleep from complications of alcohol abuse, lingering concussion and heart complications caused from years of abusing artificial meth)
Did the Scott V Letty beef start when Scott made fun of her revenge porn on stream in front of Letty or did it start before that
>a clear "no refunds" policy
that shit doesn't matter, just like those signs businesses put up that say "no liability"
you can't just dictate that. jet can do a chargeback and she can't do shit about it
Go watch taylors first streams, dummy.
Why would "no refunds" be a shitty policy, seems like a good way to make more money?
And who cares about being professional it's the equivalent of selling stuff on facebook marketplace.
how is Letty the villain of all 3 seasons
>happily married 3 week ago
going solely by the account SHE gave she has resented her husband and hated her brother in law for years because she's literally living the Wine Party sketch from World Peace
> the bantniggers drive across the country to visit you

That never happened
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>be letty
>be addicted to drugs
>get unlimited drugs from wigger crew
>high all the time while working
>lose fishtank $600 because you're high
>jet can do a chargeback and she can't do shit about it
so why didn't he just do that and call it a day? Also it's barely even a business.
there isn't a beef, it's just letty pretending to be pissy as a bit and scott trying to awkwardly play along
>drive across the country to visit you
is this what people actually believe happened?
Letty was pissed off at Scott all through 2.5 too, retard.
>it's not wanting to be confronted with the fact you have none
but why? you dont know any of these people lol why are you in love with them
who the hell sleeps like this? She even sleeps narcissistically.
The brother in law called her a fat mexican bitch years but it all intensified as she lost her fat and started feeling like she had options last fall.
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taylor built her fanbase with a month+ of 3am streams talking about her work, casinos, drinking, her life
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are you sure, because in the cell, before bitchtank had started Letty said to Scott "Ever since I said I don't like you, you have tried to one-up and get back at me"
Scott just went quiet after that.
Are you telling me Letty is just acting?
You tell us, you're the one watching female streamers when you could do literally anything else with your time.
how are you so mentally fucked that you develop all this parasocial shit in your head
Me under the blanket
Mid twenties by the way
You are talking to a transgender, anon.
'Scott the rapist' is the most kino bit this show has ever produced, you guys are seriously pathetic to not understand it. It's funny because it DIDN'T happen, get it!?
Scott was being a dick to her through out 2.5.
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Why is she so stupid and inept?
Because it will eventually lead to bad press and shit you don't want to deal with like exactly what's going on now. If you don't have an actually good reason to have no refunds (actual supplies and preparations you have to do or a very packed schedule of customers) then it's just asking for shit from retarded customers.
And it's not exactly about professionalism, a more official contract or form gives you more recourse to actually enforce a no refund policy or any other shit you want. Jet can just do what >>201714962 said and just shit talk her business, and because it was just a bunch of retarded messages that constituted the agreement, she basically can't do fuck all about it.
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It did happen and Scott will burn in hell
no one is watching female streamers for their skills in games or even necessarily their comedic abilities, if they're "comedic" it's in the sense they're cute (abi clearly applies here), if you're watching a female streamer on some level you want to fuck her 99.9% of the time just like males with female friends, there are no significant noteworthy amounts of males with female friends they don't want more from on some level

cope myopic normalfaggot (and closet cuck)
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Why is he so fat, retarded, and lacking in self-awareness?
I only watched one creature stream when betty raided her at the end of her last one, she had about 30 viewers before betty raided and she was waaaaay too high. Like completely smoked out of her gourd. It was funny to see for 3 minutes then I closed it, most of Betty's viewers had already bailed by that point.

I don't hate creature/mary and wish her the best but weed makes streamers dull as fuck 99 times out of 100.
never had to work for anything because of her body and promiscuity and thus never gained any intrinsic motivation
>get you rabid fans as a personal army to attack them
Jet never left /r9k/, did he?
hope jet deducts what she lost from her pay. Letty needs re-humbling
Brain damage from losing too many fights against mystery meats
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because she is a devilish trickster
I watch her streams quite regularly, and I think she's pretty entertaining a lot of the time. She showed a bit of it raging at Smuggler's Run, or freaking out trying to write down the GTA cheats bring sent by TTS
>because she is a devilish trickster
she is worth it all if we get more yellow jew witch hat scenes
scott finally being clowned on and made a lulcow by the wiggers 2.7 seasons in is absolute kino indeed, real slow burn stuff nobody would have bitched about the gay boxing/karate shit and his blackhole of charisma if they had known it would lead to them ruining his marriage by convincing him he can go on the show and sexually exploit female contestants like they do, because it's just that easy

"... you know he a freaky ass nigga right?"
This guy loves /pol/
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Letty five months ago says to Scott "I don't like you"
and now Scott has, for five months, been passive aggressive towards Letty.
what a sad potbellied nigger, Cole was right!
Shouldn't that mudshark fuck off and stop trying to insert herself into everything Fishtank related?
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>I was scammed my entire life
Make the call, Jet
Pay? Pretty sure she's getting paid in Chick-fil-A and weed.
Remember all the dumbfucks totally convinced after 2.5 that letty would be an amazing asset to production and bring tons of creative bits?

Just goes to show a lot of ftl posters have no idea what they're talking about.
>lose fishtank $600 because you're high
also earned fishtank all the money the show made during season 1 because without it would have flopped after jon left
he went back to turning tricks in japan and is earning it the hard way. he is never going to be on fishtank again.
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She's like B***y but good
Why would they even hire Letty when they have Bex?
Why isn't there a Bex cam?
it is pretty crazy that they didn't pay their #2 contestant in the most gruelling season a single dime more than he got from challenges
betty is a stick bug comparatively
Letty is just the face anon. Bex is the brains behind the scenes
Letty might be articulate and has well formed mind, but she's a fucking NEET with no work ethic, drive, and spent the last year getting high with a Z-list wigger. This is a shock to no one.
the first months of her streams were definitely bolstered by people curious about fishtank and TJ but the people left over now are there for her.
What's more crazy is how they so blatantly stole the win from tayleigh just because they couldn't think up a better bit than a shitty slap fight so couldn't have another man vs woman.
didn't like her either, but it was flagrant.
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Betty is so based
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The biggest problem of Fishtank since the beginning has been unprofessional and incompetent crew members. They really need to find and hold on to good ones. I can't see Letty lasting long.

They should have made it clear to her from the beginning that while her discord princess antics are greatly appreciated when she is a contestant, it is unacceptable to bring that drama to the production side of things. That kind of conduct will cause grief. It's like putting sand in the engine oil. Though i wouldn't mind not seeing Scott ever again..

I want Bex cam to finally prove the main reason Jet hired her was because he wanted an on-set Mommy
He didn't deserve it after trying to leave multiple times
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if that's not the case then what did she mean by this
They need one more producer at Ben and Jet's level who check them when the production dogpiling of a particularly entertaining fish goes overboard and they need to redirect their energy before the fun gets ruined. It's always just because they have no better ideas how to fuck with someone else
How'd they steal the win from Tay? She fucking sucked in the swamp Olympics?
unironically too much high THC weed throughout her teens til present.
>you're the one watching female streamers
i dont, im just commenting on what people here who watch them say and do, like tayleigh fans having a collective meltdown after she had sex with some guy
>be CLEH
>have an inflation fetish
The plot thickens
Betty had that Oklahoma meth head drive to her and get as far as her state, she only avoided him because he only had her old address but was trying to call her and drunk schizoposting every half an hour.

QnAnon was all set to drive to Texas and was going to try and engineer an "accidental" meeting with Tay around her neighborhood and was only stopped when he told other bant anons in threads and they snitched him out to Tay on stream.

Those are just 2 that I know about, god knows what the "josie is a prostitute" disgruntled discord uninvited guy gets up to or what kind of new freaks letty has probably attracted. It's not a mentally well fanbase at all.
July 5th
Haley is lying, big surprise
letty legit doesnt like him in general, its beyond the send nudes joke
A collective, continuing, 24/7 meltdown I might add. lmao
The Swamp Olympics themselves serve the biggest strongest and healthiest male contestant but Tayleigh still deserved the loss for being Tayleigh.
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claire wants to be filled
beautiful virgin woman
>QnAnon was all set to drive to Texas
you actually believe this, lmao, gullible much?
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now that the dust has settled, what was it that made Jimmy choose Kaley?
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The crew really needs a "ideas guy".
Someone who can come up with better ideas than "I dunno.. larp".
There's over 20 years of Survivor challenges they can directly lift from that would work even inside a house and yet the best idea the wiggers can come up with sometimes is "Build a cardboard fort!". It's sad.
He had the flu and a 102 fever
>canon cutscene time
I don't disagree that tayleigh sucks, but she definitely deserved it much, much more than LubeCooche.
They're retarded. Q himself is a bit.
Everybody involved with that is a retard.
Letty, Jet, and the gypsy.
Especially Letty for giving the gypsy the full amount without her agreeing to anything.

NEET's. It's half upfront then the rest when the job is done.
Half/half is to protect you from the faggot just taking the money and running like what the gypsy did.
they need someone who is good at improvisation, since that's 70% of Fishtank.
its so infuriating too you dont even need to be good or creative just know the history of reality tv shows and straight up copy them would help them so much
I don't think it was stolen, and I don't really care who won because I think all of the final 3 kind of sucked. Here are some things people could point to for rigging
>First challenge worth multiple points was a dance contest (TJ easy W)
>MDE lore challenge Tay won was negative points
>Trish was meddling on behalf of TJ (rest of production had no idea)
>Some people could cope about physical challenges
I don't think they stole anything. It was just poorly planned. Even if they did rig the competitions for the planned ending, I don't really care. The show doesn't have firm rules anyway. If they had firm rules for the competitions and then rigged it, yeah that would be annoying.
Q does not have a drivers license
Homeless junkie with superficial and bad taste in women, I would have creamed my pants if abi spilled her heart out about her childhood to me.
>Betty had that Oklahoma meth head drive to her and get as far as her state, she only avoided him because he only had her old address but was trying to call her and drunk schizoposting every half an hour.
this whole ordeal made her wet. she's only disappointed that it wasn't a nigger methhead instead. this also didn't happen and is a lie.
They won't accept ideas. If they did this show would be way more hit than miss

The frustrating thing is Jet is obviously a very intelligent guy but it doesn't come through in Fishtank for some reason
>ideas than "I dunno.. larp".
Or ideas like "uhhh you gotta guess what's up my asshole" we got like 4 of those in a row yesterday
I’ve already sent her $650+tip to cover for this debacle. My princess can do no wrong :)
Ben is good but they need someone else to take over when he needs his kratom + weed breaks.
>Shadi won because he wanted to fuck her
>Claire and Haley next because he thought they were attainable
>Kalei and Abi last because they remind him of girls that bullied him
>QnAnon was all set to drive to Texas and was going to try and engineer an "accidental" meeting with Tay
This never happened lol
The problem was Tayleigh made everybody hate her. Tayleigh tends to do this often, it seems.
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Jimmytards will look at webm related and tell you
>Yep, she's the villain
I don't understand why they dropped the 'fish and sharks' concept going from a successful S1 to S2. It's like they realized they accidentally did something sincerely and immediately drowned it in irony as fast as possible.
She has zero ass, why is this white bitch twerking lmao?
>left over
Anon, she's steadily grown her fanbase from day one. She's improved her viewership numbers by quite a lot, she's not just barely hanging on.
I liked tayleigh in S2, until she started crying over Jimmy getting kicked off, I died of cringe that day and I'm currently stuck in limbo as a ghost.
Because they needed more people in production for that and Sam wanted a new car with the investor money.
Jimmycord our response?
Lmao here's your (you).
Yeah, she fucked up and that is her fault. No disagreement there. There problem is there are TJ fans who think the Swamp Olympics were 100% fair and impartial and Tay fans who think it was completely rigged. It was somewhere in the middle and it really didn't matter.
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You can thank the S2 cast and now everyone in Bitchtank for ruining this one. In S2 when they all realized they were MDE fans of the show, a Shark came up to throw trash and they all started cheering. If they're all fans they're just gonna clap like seals and act like a bunch of marks.
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What a stupid fucking bitch
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yeah, sure, TJ helped, but she also did have a lot of fans herself on the show, and anyone checking in for fishtank/tj updates usually stayed to listen to unrelated stuff for hours because it was good.
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Character Analysis:
Haley - She is cringe but easily the most well adjusted person there. Seems like she got fucked by her husband, married young, etc.

Shadi - Literally 85 IQ. Doesn't realize her saying "make content" and other shit about the show makes her look retarded

Claire - COVID/family fucked her up but she could recover if she got over herself. She needs to realize 21 is young. Honestly I think she is trolling like 40% of the time as her strategy

Abbi - Didn't watch season 2 but i hated her shy autist act. But I have come to realize she is a great observer. She called Shadi out last night after not getting attention on get real challenge. Respect.

Leah - Reddit

Juliana - Honestly seems like a decent head on her shoulders although she's a bit boring

Kato - Not much know, average goth gamer chick. Cheated on her long term bf. cringe

Shadi is by far the most evil and retarded there.
Those might be the only options, Shadi is literally a Chris clone
Was that before or after she destroyed all her belongings like a schizo retard to own the other girls for messing with her stuff?
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if you're ever going on fishtank, just pretend, don't say "production told me to", you fucking retards!
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>I mean fuck, if you're even a little bit mean to me or ignore my advances that means you raped my sister and you have to die, no homo
It was just shittily planned. I think they actually didn't want TJ to win because they seemed pretty bummed they couldn't even rig some BS for Shinju at the end. Also Trish seems fair since TJ had stood up for and befriended her from the beginning while Tay always let her get rolled over by the dumb gay bus. That one was just built up karma.
after reading a recap of last night, Shadi seems like a real bitch
who the fuck likes her?
that was before, when Jimmy got kicked for assaulting Abi.

Man, where the fuck did it all go wrong for Cole?
Tells you all you should know.
I think most of the paying audience would've been happy with them pulling the rug on everything and giving the win to Greg at that point.
Goran you stupid fuck, activate tts and sfx in the bitchtank
2.5 was so good
take me back to summer 2024 bros
when he went to the strawberry fields
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This would be the genuine pro move is pretend not to know who Sam, MDE or the show in general. Look at what happened to the fat Aussie and Kiwifarmer, they've been locked in the Cell all day.
Also try to interact with TTS every chance you get rather than react to it. All the best Fish have talked to TTS like it's chat.
bro... lol

I don't blame you for not hanging out in the bant threads but if only you knew how bad things really are.

Go read the josie threads and tell me these are well people who aren't creepy fixated weirdos.
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crazy the best girl on the show is a 9/10 autist raised by her grandparents whose only real flaw is... maybe being a coalburner/fucking a mexican ogre oh boy yeah those are pretty bad actually

we truly live in the kali yuga

this show is satanic by the way it solely exists to blackpill and demoralize you
Regardless of who they wanted to win between TJ and Shinji, I think they already were hoping for that final boxing match. I understand why Trish did it and her meddling would not have made a difference in the final tally. If she had not told Shinji to go after Tay, it would have been slightly closer in the end for more drama. And I agree, Tay fucked herself.
>Abi takes care of CLEH all the time
>Cleh: "Yeah I won't fall for it, she's trying to get ME kicked"
What a cruel fate
That's what I meant by drowning it in irony, they specifically chose fans and completely trashed the concept on purpose. I don't think they ever planned to use sharks in S2 because none of the fishtoys played into it anymore. I can't blame the cast for that because they were chosen on purpose, Jet abandoned the successful premise before the season had even started.
I've been to Q's spaces. He's a bit.
*sun rises over schitty*
She's low IQ and obnoxious, but her intuition was on the right track that Haley was playing a bigger role in her marriage falling apart than she was claiming.
they're locked in the cell all day because fat aussie is annoying and fucking sucks her entire personality is "did you naur about australia.../I'm a sylvia orbiter redditor" and juli's entire personality is modern day tabloids (kiwifarms).
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You're like AB but based.
Scott, you have to help Haley win this, she might be a beat boring bitch but the rest of them are pure unadulterated evil
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people like thiccimoto on youtube. aka literally drug addicted coomers. that fat retard was noddin off on stream. had to switch to the actual website because he wouldnt shut the fuck up
>pretend not to know who Sam, MDE or the show in general.
This sounds good in theory but the only people who got treated like shit early on in S2 were Cole and JC who either didn't know anything or were unimpressed by production.
I'm a big believer in Sam's philosophy and way and life, to the point I try to make art every day. Fishtank has never sat with me though, why does he make a show that seemingly exists to exploit retards? Doesn't seem like the kind of thing he'd do
Alas, we gather once again to witness whores and their doomed search for glory
There was nothing inherently unfair about any of the challenges. Tay didn’t even try for a good deal of them and figured she could pay to win with TJ’s stolen chips.
I'm liking Abi more and more.
Perhaps it was just travel ot driving then. The point still stands he's an autistic narcissist who thought his best shot at dating was going across country and staging a meet with Tay. You saw how freaked out Tay got in season 2.5 when she thought Xavier could have been him.

Some girls are not cut out for streaming and all it entails.
ur getting ur life advice from a comedian? sure he has good advice but you need to take what he says case by case you mong
Juliana said nigger in QnAnon's spaces, but won't say nigger on bitchtank, what's the big idea!?
it's more jet's gig
sam comes in as the boss character then leaves
production told me to post in this thread
I'd rather date a girl who was in a relationship with a fat ogre than someone who dated a 6'3 alpha white guy, for obvious reasons.
latinx w
Trish calling him SinG almost the entire 6 weeks underrated
>why does he make a show that seemingly exists to exploit retards?
for money/expansion of the MDE audience
That’s fucking gay in reality and was only funny as an idea. I’m assuming you’re one of those people that believed that though.
I don't think he's a good manager of workers, or good at consistently recognizing and picking the right staff for jobs. He's a throw shit at the wall until something sticks kind of guy.
sams "advice" is a trojan horse to get gymcels to watch and subscribe and also to get jews from the top to trickle down economics him for dancing hard enough
her fat mexican bf is a car guy and she's an autist that likes shiny moving things. Its not her fault. the white guys in her area are probably all on meth and fuck latinas so she didn't have many options. sad state of affairs. She should have had a cool white gay guy gamer bf just a couple decades ago.
>Anon attaches himself to something that hurts him
>latinx w
you mean
>hawaiian w
They did talk about having a "bad ending" in S2 with no prize after S1, and seeing how awful it was the last quarter of S2 it was the perfect opportunity for it.
This is why Jan should takeover
More like relieved. Tales of the malevolent, spider-like creature 'Be'twey' are used to stop children from playing in the jungle at night in some rural parts of Africa.
I think Shadi is pretty funny but she's similar to Sylvia including the stuff you mentioned, feels like she's so angry now because she's jealous of Claire and Abi being friendly.
I say Hailey and flush the toilet.
leah has TRUNDLED out of bed to use the toilet. i will NOT be monitoring her bathroom activity
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this is the end of the communist reality btw, it is satanic
Your simp tendency shows. Haley is scum, you should've added that. Shadi is a retarded nigger, she is not evil. Plus, it's great to see her call Haley a pathetic whore.
I hope Shadi reads this anon.
> i will NOT be monitoring her bathroom activity
Thank you.
>she is not evil.
>tries to own haley as she's crying about being divorced because she called her fat 4 days ago
This was the funniest part of the night, everyone pretending to be in shock after Haley said nigger but later that night the retard Juliana asks what everyone's favorite slur word is, someone even said nigger lmao, this show is making me hate women so fucking much
shadi is evil that's the character arc she picked for the show.
look at the people they select for, how they treat them but especially the ones they treat poorly, the things they do now and in season 2, jet's history as an insane bitter r9k incel, etc.
Jan would make them larp. There needs to be more.
fat negresses are always evil and like to kill children
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juliana is cute
nigga im married and watch this show with my wife and she agrees. any well adjusted person in a long term healthy relationship can see Haley got fucked. I am also from the south and know the whole rich family retard son working for dad archtype. and its NEVER EVER a decent person.

why do you think Haley has a bunch of supporters? Jet even said Haley is popular among people with jobs
Has anyone showed their bare feet in bitchtank ?
you do realize she's "divorced" (separated as of the show) because she fucked scott on the show, right?
What games have been played so far? Only saw a clip of San Andreas. Are any of the girls good?
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>Haley - ... most well adjusted person there
Not even close. She starts fights at the drop of a pin, latches on to every guy that so much as walks in the room, and tries to play up her CC degree and 60k/year job as her having made it.
>Claire - COVID/family fucked her up
She doesn't have any real problems. I knew many girls just like her in college; they were sheltered and considered uncool in high school so once they get away from their parents they act out for attention in every way they can,
She really is shy and autistic. It seems like an act because she exaggerates it on purpose, both as a therapeutic thing and because she knows that's what her fans want to see.
I doubt her and her boyfriend have sex on a regular basis. She seems like the kind to be grossed out by sex which is why she is fine dating ugly spics and niggers (because she won't give it up to them anyway), She said before that she only has 2 bodies
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Haley cheated on her husband while on fishtank, you and your wife are both retarded niggers like shadi
Yeah I’ve read all the explanations but it’s retarded, do you not understand that?
I think they need someone calmer and a bit older and therefore has a better snese of people from experience, not derived from internet memes (obviously not Sam who is a psycho)
Someone level headed like Cowboy but who is more authoritative than him.
Really, Jan is that guy but I don't think he'd want to get involved as much.

>It's like they realized they accidentally did something sincerely and immediately drowned it in irony as fast as possible.
You might be right there
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>shadi is evil that's the character arc she picked for the show.
Not at first but last night she sure did and I still don't know what triggered it beyond "for content".
production drama > fish drama
the most well adjusted person in bitchtank is abi
Kato, last night.

nigga you are retarded. it was so overly acted the fact you think they fucked is wild. take an autism test
thanks for feeding taxcin more drugs
>nina is more retarded and unprofessional than a schizo sexual healing mtf snake oil seller
They get fed, a temporary roof over their heads, get paid a little and for laughs and an impression that will not go beyond a couple of days, and hell if they are good people they throw them a bone like they did with Dave, the show is cruel, but Satanic is a fucking stretch, as for the actual fish, they know what they are signing in for and some of the actual fish are NOT good people.
Sometimes I forget how retarded bant is.
>Jet even said Haley is popular among people with jobs
in what universe does jet know such detailed information about demographics of the show
remember when jet said season 2.5 was 'precise and clinical'
I didn't say fucked. It's clear she probably blew him. We've got evidence the married couple started fighting whilst Haley was on the tank, not before. She isn't divorced yet.
post it then. yes she is separated. divorce takes awhile but you wouldnt know that because you are braindead
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Also Shadi but I don't think anyone has a screenshot of that. I honestly wonder how they can endure wearing socks for so long; I doubt they hesitate wearing sandals out in public. I wonder if in 50 or so years having bare feet out will become as obscene as showing your nipples. Food for thought
Why are you people so staunch about defending a whore?
I liked Cole and still do but to be fair Cole was relentlessly shitting on production, just non stop. They deserved it and it was funny, but if your goal is to win and remain in good standing with the wiggers you should keep that to a minimum.
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it's really pathetic that Jimmy had as a condition for him joining 2.5 that Abi would NOT be there.
wtf is wrong with him
Legitimately, what's right with him?
His shit is all retarded.
Not why he was kicked, it was because of Letty.
Pretty feet I hope Claire shows hers too
Anon the point is that none of them are good people, the BEST of them is a fucking coalburner manhater. The ones they orchestrate and elevate to be inspiring or heartwarming and call "America's sweethearts" and unironically get people to believe this narrative with are a terminal gooner pedophile furry, spineless brainless sex pervert and a former casino whore that they used clout and $50,000 in winnings to turn into a couple.

It is patently cynical and ultimately satanic all the way through.
The fishtoys were a cluster fuck because they rushed the season so they didn't even have plushies ordered and josie was too retarded to be a shark. I don't know how the disorganization and ineptitude of s2 seems to have been memoryholed so quickly.
Anon, no one cares what an incel has to say.
It's a tale as old as time.
You'll sputter out leaving nothing behind.
No legacy, no impact, just an overall waste of oxygen.
>married at 18
>normal life with traditional elements

retard. i've literally never seen anyone simp over haley in a sexual way. she is wrecking the tank making everyone mad. great contestant
Claire called her bf a 30-year old loser and was thinking about actually ending the relationship.
Is she playing 5-D chess
hope this bitch gets caught in a mouse trap
Her antics are appreciated whether she's a contestant or production. Period.
>Legitimately, what's right with him?
he's got obvious genetic aspergers so he does deserve a legit handicap, but one of the wiggers should have pushed him on the no abi clause that he's been aspergers and needs to come to terms with he's being beyond retarded at that moment
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Reminder, Haley is a lying whore, hope she makes it to the end so we can witness just how vile she can get
In fairness I remember Abi didn't leave it in Fishtank and started getting mad at anyone who even talked to Jimmy.
Im talking about why Cole was so hated by production and why they fucked with him so much.
Seeeethe more. TJ won and Taylor won. They are good people and will live a better life than you based purely on the fact they aren't on 4chan.
Anon, quit encouraging people to commit mass shootings. That's what you're doing right now you fucking sick piece of shit. Stirring the pot.
You do realise that finalising a divorce takes up to two years depending on the state right?
but enough about me
How is it retarded? Use your words.
She should actually because he does seem like a 30 year old loser.
lubecooch goes to worse places than 4chan
seems like none of you watched her and Scott. Sure, she can think acting like a slut is a funny joke that doesn't make her a slut, it still does (and does not show those 'traditional elements' at all)
oddbod needs to come back
funny straight andy warhol man
He is a loser for dating this retard
Since S1 Scott was always a dick to Letty, but he was kind of a nobody back then so no one cared. He continued to talk shit on twitter but just small petty shit. After S1 ended he showed up to a Sylvia & Jon stream where Jon, being the retard that he is, mentioned that Scott had fucked Letty in the basement as an attempt to "gaslight" the audience, and Scott played along with it. Wasn't the first time for Scott since a similar rumor was spread about him fucking Sylvia around the time she got eliminated. Fast forward about a year later since Letty had kind of disappeared, only being mildly active on x/insta, Scott went live with "Fishtank Feud" stream where the infamous "Send nudes challenge" comment was made. During the Bloodgames Scott would continue to be a dick to Letty in all of their interactions even though Letty at first wasn't being mean to him. It was during the Bloodgames that Letty got fed up with Scott and started to make it clear she didn't like him, but it was her comment after the Bloodgames in the cell(2.75) that really got to Scott and has escalated to where we are right now.
it's an r9k show
80% of stuff on this show is a bit
Juliana's existence in the bitchtank is just one long series of quirky ironic poses for Instagram to grow her twitch channel and etsy store. She's on there as an obnoxious superman with clear premeditated financial goals. 2 big strikes. She introduced herself as a cosplayer ffs.
Yeah, it'll take a while since they just separated now that she cheated on him with scott >>201715283
>admits to being molested as a kid
he's a gay man fucking obese women because he really wants a large man.
Yeah, I'm sure schizo Jimmy and his army of doxxing discord orbiters did absolutely nothing to provoke Abi whatsoever.
this is super retarded. he was in the midst of a long rant about s1 and production being lazy, says "nina" instead of letty and everyone decides for no reason that it was THAT and ONLY that what caused him to get kicked kek
Hey guys Bex here

What should I wear today?
In America it is. White women rarely show them off anymore :(
Something hide your fucked up malformed breasts please.
ankle boots, yoga pants, a frilly bra and that leather jacket from yesterday morning
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>leave it in Fishtank
It's funny that you say that because Jimmy isn't even able to distinguish between Fishtank and real life. I'm sure you'll remember that in 2.5 he tried multiple times to put doxing into play when he was being fucked with / was in a bad mood.
so when do they finally kiss?
A burka
Bex i love you
Please wear a skirt with no panties
he was making a joke about her having a bunch of whales willing to spend big on her
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Jimmy did nothing wrong, only pathetic simp faggots think otherwise.
nah she's alright.
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>I hope Claire shows hers
She walked around barefoot once, she had black polish nails.
is there a cure to paranoia other than drugs making you a zombie?
Allegations: beat
Jimmy: beat
Tayliegh: Extra beat
Shinji: beat
Your ass: mad
It's ok anon, you can just accept he's better than you without all this coping and sneeding.
micro bikini
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Something like top left
He did assault his sisters friend with scissors (she was like 14)
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it'd be more based if she always hated him for being an unfunny, nontent fag. That's why I don't like him, he's there to hold the pads, he shouldn't open his cock sucking mouth.
This is bant's dumbest retcon and biggest cope. I know when I'm trolling, I autistically take a picture of a "do it for her" Tay poster with post-it notes of constantly updated bant IDs for months.
You guys realise that it's possible for Letty to dislike Scott while simultaneously playing it up for the cameras and make a bit out of it, right?
It was a fun highlight on a particularly slow day.
This desu
I hate leah so much it's unreal
Jon admitted to pouring hot liquid over a younger family member, must be retard thing.
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Jimmy succeeded on his redemption arc
A bullet to the head
Hope Abi leaves soon so her freakish tranny simps stop commenting
>Doesn't seem like the kind of thing he'd do
No, its exactly what he's been doing for quite a while now. The bar his targets need to clear just gets lower and lower each time. He has a sadistic bully streak and he might pretend he doesn't and show kindness to people who work for him, but he does variations of sadistic bullying every time.
>has a healthy contempt for women
>dating a fag hag rave DJ
>keeps his body trim and tight with long beautiful hair
I think you are right.
She's also a feminist at heart no matter how hard she tries to hide to so it's no surprise she got legit mad at Scott taking advantage of a super fan who would never say no to his "bits" even if she didn't want to.
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TTS: Hey Haley, I slept with your sister. This is Robin by the way.

instant seethe
hope she sees this bro
Alex Schultz could probably fill that role exceptionally well, but he's been relegated to being Nick's TTS.
I agree with everything else you said, but there is no way that TJ has successfully defended himself against the lubecooch accusations. 1 TTS message came through about horses and he ran straight for the basement.
Yeah I had gotten in several arguments with him between threads. Guy was not a bit. Extremely autistic and narcissistic. Lots of idealism and unrealistic understandings of the world.
jimmy wasnt beat, he was raped his entire life
bitch had it coming
Dress like Chi-Chi in Dragon Ball. Not DBZ, Dragon Ball.
If someone hurled a mallet at me and didn't even take responsibility about it I wouldn't let it slide either.
It's pretty clear at this point that Jet doesn't want anyone around to bark orders and get shit moving, to the detriment of the show.
Jummer chads rise up
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>he fell for the "begging for acceptance after acting inappropriately" phases of the narcissist psycho cycle
Big mistake
i dont believe this settled jimbos matters with tj, he’ll still act like a faggot towards him
He's a bit and everyone thought he was a bit. That's why Tayleigh called him multiple times on her stream for content and listened to his voicemails live and why Julianna, Taylor, Scott, Jimmy, Cole and others had no problem talking to him on his spaces or on their streams.
By Mormons! Mormons I tell you!
This is the ultimate proof of Haley's lies.
Ultimate Haley simp destruction.
The original "Do it for her" QnAnon and the red mask Twitterspace Q are two separate people
god abi you fucking angel

tell that fat fucking hog to shut the fuck up

how fucking inconsiderate can you be

"um ackshully it's morning"

yeah and maybe you noticed, since you were literally fucking there last night, that everybody went to bed 4 hours ago... EXCEPT ABI, who tried to go to bed 6 hours ago and made an effort of fucking doing so

even in spite of your fucking telling OTHERS to shut up and go to sleep, you stayed up an additional 2 hours yourself being loud and chatting away

now you fucking wake up just fine because your sleep is all fucked around anyway from traveling from your shithole dictatorship of cuckdoldry to be an ugly gross sylvia orbiting hog on the epic fishtank
>Trying to hide it
Proof? Or do you just mean he isn't sucking his dick 24/7?
>Vance slightly teases Jimmy about the creature situation
>"You want me to doxx your loved ones faggot???"
I'd get over it that's showbiz.
It's a good bit.
classic jimbo. gets slightly annoyed and goes for the nuclear option. hes gonna kill someone one day
Jimmy seethers just can’t accept that everyone loves him no matter what
>1 TTS message came through about horses and he ran straight for the basement
that's just not true, at that point he was receiving lubecooch and horsecock tts for 2 or 3 days and he didn't even react
She was an open feminist in season 1, now she's doing the "I just want a man to take care of me" act because that's what the viewers want to hear.
Hope she sees this bro
>I know when I'm trolling, I autistically take a picture of a "do it for her" Tay poster with post-it notes of constantly updated bant IDs for months.
I'm not convinced either way, but people have gone further to troll in the past, especially if they get as much attention as Q did.
It's sad at this point. They must really need someone to punch down on.
That wasn't what happened, as has been explained since the beginning of this lubecooch accusation. TJ felt he lost to Brian and was the next one out because Brian stole all his chips. The TTS that came through did say something about horses but the context of the message was Brian already beat you. This is the part that bothered TJ, as he's said since that very incident happened and hasn't waivered or contradicted in anyway. Even while drunk and pressured by Hassle.
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>pathetic simp faggots
That's what you are though. Even worse because you simp for retard man-child.
>hes gonna kill someone one day
he's going to kill a woman some day*
If you've ever posted in /bant/ you shouldn't be allowed to post in any other board
They were censoring the hell out of it for awhile. That is probably the main reason people think it is real.
I'm not posting that to glaze abi I'm posting it because I hate leah that much and that interaction was just an example of why

fat fucking disgusting cunts are horrible people inside and out
Responsibility for
not really. when she streamed she openly said the the only political label she is comfortable with is "feminist". dont know where you are getting your take from
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We love our Jimbo here, don't we folks?
I asked a thread ago. No good answers.
It seems like mild schizophrenia AND mild autism AND some mystery illness (not bipolar because his cycles are too quick)
He doesn't know what reality is and has delusions about people conspiring against him or others.
He doesn't understand subtle social cues, irony, or that he's a lolcow.
He has wild mood swings between self flagellating victim that the world magically hates and then God's chosen sadist who feels it's his right to punish wrongdoers (of things like animal and child abuse, which he's no joke done)

Yes but Nina was the straw the broke the camel's back/excuse used.
Not worse actually
I would say Jon or Tay, but even that’s getting tiring
lubecooch is absolutely unequivocally undeniably fucking real you dishonest retard
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>do a "bit" where I commit armed robbery of a bank
>but I don't take any of the money, because it's a bit
>when the police arrest me, I get really incredulous and angry, because I didn't even really rob the bank, because I didn't take any of the money, because it was a bit
>sure, I wanted them to THINK I took the money, because it's a bit
>but I didn't, because it's a bit
Who's the least evil of these bitches?
>when she streamed she openly said the the only political label she is comfortable with is "feminist"
so exactly what I'm saying?
The funniest part is that dreadlocked nigger who feeds him info is incompetent. The only dox which Jimmy has gotten right is "Nina," which everyone knows by now
>feminist approaches her 30's
>tones down the feminism because she's tired of being "independent" wants to find a man to take care of her
many, many, many such cases
Name one good quality in Jimmy that is not "makes X seethe"
unironically julianna
>you dishonest retard
but enough about yourself
wrong, she specifically told jet and sam to kick him after throwing a bitch fit as usual and gloated about it afterwards
The police won't arrest you because you stole money, it's because you were armed in a place were you can't be armed.
Are you always this retarded, anon?
thats not trying to hide it
A good punching bag
if they were censoring it then good on production, that's what i would do. you'd have to be a complete retard to let your contestant be baselessly called a pedo in front of thousands of people
but they let that happen later anyway they don't care, remember ben coming to camp in s2.5 and just calling greg a pedo groomer
cope harder beta simp cuck lol
He yells nigger.
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A lot worse actually.
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friendtank always win
Least seething bantfag
He's a convenient fall guy.
She's toned it down right now, retard, her stream was a fucking year ago.
all the proof is out there, everyone who's actually looked at it knows, you can literally still see the account on rule34.xxx and the date it was made and compare that with other receipts and it's fucking clear fucking evidence it's him and he has never refuted it
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>cope harder beta simp cuck lol
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I like Jon, but where's the lie?
>does mental gymnastics to defend jimmy trying to assault women because he responds to her twitter messages
she could be the most evil of them all.
Except they let anyone else be called whatever you want and only censor things that contestants ask for
Jet was the one that sent the money
It's crazy, I've seen him get mad over toy phones, and dumb shit like fantasy larps, and now video games. How does he react to something really annoying? Like getting hassled by your boss at work, he drives too, he must have road rage out the ass.

anyone make a collage of fishtank merch wearers?
damn so the accounts were made like a year apart.. solid evidence LMAO
He doesn't stutter.
I hate him.
Good voice.
when hoarderman backchats him he backhands him
Update on Jon’s hamstring?
>someone who bought a Fish Tank T-shirt is a dysgenic retard
surely you, a bitch tank simp, are more more handsome than that fellow
>he must have road rage out the ass.
well he is the most molested man in history so
>letty told them
ridiculous lmao. anyone that thinks that letty has that kind of influence is just retarded
>she was in chat
when she deactivated she said it wasnt her. it was jet talking to himself. dont ask for proof, i just know
2.5 ended weeks ago, the cell/bitchtank are a separate thing they improvised to keep the cash flow going
That does it then, I'm getting myself a Juliana wife
he's not a homewrecker
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I feel bad for Jon because at first he really thought he found a friend in Jimmy, and then Jimmy freaked out at him the moment the others in the group started excluding Jon.
>Letty has made every season more entertaining
>Even the ones where she's not even there
so TJ didn't ask them to censor it then, since it was spammed throughout the season
>you'd have to be a complete retard to let your contestant be baselessly called a pedo in front of thousands of people
well, considering that happened to Simmons in season 1 and it was made a spectacle...

and the most sanctimonious and righteous and made to look like a no-nonsense pedo punisher of the bunch was the guy who groomed, sodomized, and wrote love letters to a 15 year old urging her to leave her parents
I think he is similar to a kid I knew growing up. Very violent kid. Like Jimmy, but an athlete. Didn't see him for years, but when I did he was like a zombie. Completely stable, but lifeless behind his eyes. Whatever medication he was on kept him that way.

I think Jimmy just doesn't take his meds correctly.
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he knows who his friends are
Yeah, probably Julianna. Claire seems bitchy but I don't sense her being evil. Haley tries too hard and is fake, but doesn't seem evil to me. The rest are totally capable of being evil.
>she toned it down
no, she hasnt. why are so rude?
reminder Haley is justified. imagine being married to such a weak man

He didnt mean to hurt him he was just defending himself Hoarderman attacked him first
I doubt haley and scott did anything, but for a woman who was going through a divorce I.e. separated but still legally married it was a boneheaded thing to do, and will not have improved her situation and was needlessly antagonistic toward her husband. Not a high iq play at all.
>people still think jimmy had a redemeption
his favorite freeloader was alex stein and they ended up hating each other, he burns every bridge.
What about the /biz/raelis who temporarily lost their board and colonised bant? We controlled that dumpster fire of a board for at least a week.
But it was censored for awhile, which is why people think it is real.
i got back to my computer just as abi came out of the toilet. this is the LAST time i will allow such a failure to occur.
delusional tranny headcanon
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>dont ask for proof, i just know
After the bloodgames in the cell she mentioned that she didn't have access to her Fishtank account and of the members of production asked if she would like the info to her account.

The Letty comments about Cole was Jet.
We all have our slip-ups, soldier. Carry on.
We all saw 2.5, jimmy.
Jimmy defending himself from hoarderman is very grim when you remember he claimed self defence right after the mallet incident
>video games
Are you talking about the Zelda thing? Is there a clip of this out yet
And there was a reddit account with the same name as well but it was old, having the same name doesn't mean anything. If he had anything tied to it, like some kind of email than yeah I'd believe it.
jimmy's a faggot, his fans are faggots
Makes me laugh
only because you were avoiding seeing your own grizzled reflection
when will you fags accept that the trannies like Jimmy? He has a bunch of trans people sending him nudes trying to get with him and shit, also a bunch of gay twinks. He is, for some reason, what they want. They are not the ones making these narratives.
clip probably doesn't exist, he ended stream and privated the vod within like a minute
The reality is his anger is controlled, because he only ever acts out on defenseless things and people.
He was submissive around Dunye despite him being incredibly fucking annoying because Dunye, a faggot queen, could beat the shit out of him.
Every man who is stronger than him he is conveniently tolerant and understanding and controlled around.

TJ was an interesting case: people genuinely thought Tayleigh would be a good boxing match for him but then he nearly killed her because he is fundamentally a man.
So for Jimbo's boxing match with TJ he cried for an hour trying to dodge the fight, then deliberately dived.
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jimmyseethers in shambles, as always
they’re both still friends. and keep in mind, Jimmy was the only person that inform Jon about Tay and treacherous worm Vance plot to assassinate Jon.
Jimmy freaked out at jon because jon sought to exert his authority, as staff knew he would at every opportunity, to make Jimmy dance on command for TJ "I have a hot girlfriend and won 50k" Lubecooch, who he still resents, which is sure to be a lot of cognitive dissonance, desperately wishing he was in TJ's position while also hating Taylor. That's why they got in the first fight, he wouldn't let himself be made the submissive by Jon (Jon also sought to make him the submissive with physicality by taking away his gun because he was breaking rules and also being "unsafe with it", so akin to 5150ing him).

Later Jimmy already seething with resent over the earlier stuff, as well as being publicly cucked in a humiliation ritual by Jon, saw Jon chanting "invisibo invisibo" sitting in a lawn chair while Jimmy was made to do all the work and a dam broke so he attacked him.

This is the comprehensive true to my knowledge 100% accurate psychology of Jimmy attacking Jon.
Don't be hate and death, 'lil bro. Choose life and love :)
Jet's hubris and lack of creativity will be his undoing.
>Unlike some other states, North Carolina only allows for no-fault divorce, which requires at least one year of separation.

>North Carolina law presumes that an equal (50/50) division of marital property is “equitable,” or fair. However, the law provides for many factors that allow for an unequal distribution of property, in situations where an equal division would not be fair.

>In almost all cases, adultery has absolutely no bearing on a judge’s decision regarding the division of marital property. The only exception being if your or your spouse’s affair affected the finances of the marriage. For example, a judge will likely take into consideration if thousands of dollars of marital assets were spent (or significant debt accumulated) on expensive hotel rooms, gifts, or vacations for the spouse’s paramour.
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these girls have had about 4 hours of sleep. check em
>overly dramatic for no reason
Jimmy, is that you?
He likes trannies and they in turn like him, what's the issue?
save your gay fantasies for the discord, faggot
That's not definitive proof of anything. There hasn't been any concrete proof whatsoever that it wasn't her on her Fishtank account gloating about Cole's exit/being kicked. It seems far more likely she backtracked once she realised how angry people were, went on Twitter to deny she had anything to do with then deactivated.
Thing is, if Jimmy takes his meds, he's fucked. If he's not unmedicated, he'll just be a trauma dumping, unfunny retard. Which isn't a huge change, but he'll have zero chance of being interesting, he's a lolcow, his fans did that.
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Nah, I'm just being honest, that faggot is into trannies and femboys, he also got fucked a lot in Utah camp.
Was 2.5 the last time we'll see Alex Stein? He must've been shook by Mauro markyposting and decided it isn't worth risking his political shill career.
Abi just took the plushie of the new girl and hid it under her bed
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i don't think people think that because it makes no sense, unless you believe it then i'd like to hear your reasoning. the same day /tv/ found out about the r34 account lubecooch tts was sent to the tank, and even jet sent a lubecooch tts the next day, meaning they were up to date with /tv/ happenings and well aware what anons were saying. btw during that time tj wasn't in the basement and had no time to even discuss censoring anything, and didn't even react to mentions of weird porn until they became very explicit later on and he figured out what's going on
so if some tts were declined then i expect they just didn't let hardcore ones through so anons wouldn't slander him for no reason. which they unleashed later anyway so whatever
Why is Jimmy here crying, anyways?
kek you got the whole 'cord laughin' at this one, in between dilations
Oh boy
Jimmy is genuinely gay though? Are you gay?
>his political shill career
How much of a career do you think Stein has to lose?
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diabolical thalmor agent
Leah is dressed as the dining area in a 1990s Taco Bell.
She does, she said she doesn’t like him because he’s unfunny and annoying
Nothing wrong with being a faggot. That's half of the MDE fanbase, Sam included.
Doesn't he have like 5k viewers each stream?
abi just looked into the B cam
Wut? He lives for that shit.
nah you are
I think so. I like him more than Crowder
No, you're just a retard who wants to believe his own delusions. Letty wasn't involved with S2 in any way. She hadn't tweeted about anything Fishtank related or had been involved in any streams and wasn't even active in the site itself prior to the Cole bs. You just want to blame Letty instead of Sam & Jet for their fuck up.
Sam isn't going to fuck you, tranny.
She always wanted a man to take care of her, she was never an independent girl boss feminist
I remember him in season 1 telling people to ease off her in twitter spaces and saying her confessionals were funny. I honestly don't think he disliked her until maybe recently, he's just autistic and bad at negging
and for being a blockheaded beady eyed ginger who inserts himself into everything
Yeah true, his shutting down submitting voice is crazy, he even did that shit to Frank on that Twitter space where got called "dangerously delusional".
The same shit when Vance confronted him about trying to reveal his gf's name, he totally shut down.

I'm just surprised he hasn't ran over some old bitch for taking too long crossing the road.
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good morning
lets say it was her (i dont believe so)
this only means that she initially went along with jet's jokes in chat
do people really think that the wiggers were warned by fucking letty that her real name better not be said out loud or else? that they'd kick their most popular fish over letty being upset? its just retarded
I tried posting pretty tame TTS about horses similar to "Jimmy fucks dogs" just to mess with him and it was censored before they starting letting them through. I have no idea if it is real, but I would say it is probably not. I just wanted to fuck with all of the contestants and it was odd that this was censored. Had they never been censored, I doubt it would have gained as much traction.
Abi just quit. It's over.
why did abi leave the room? D:
The fish drama is boring as fuck/nonexistent so Letty is picking up the slack
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gotcha, yea possibly
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it's so over
Not heard of pingasbomb on /soc/?
Pack it up, simps
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Abisisters what the fuck just happened....
Abi is taking a shower, no more smelly pits
>Jimmy freaked out at jon because jon sought to exert his authority
Right, but Jimmy only had the courage to lash out like that because he felt that the public sentiment was with him. By the way, Jon seeking to exert his authority over Jimmy in this instance was reminding him to actually follow the rules of a LARP game.
you just reminded me of jimmy debating on ringing the bell on duanyay for hours the night of the furniture challenge
yes, and we've always been at war with Eastasia
I'm not a tranny, but it's clear that more than half of MDE's fan base are genuine faggots, including Sam Hyde. so why the big fuss?
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It's over
a bunch of TTS came through in the early hours with the words "cube loach" and it really rattled her. could be anything
Clabi-bros its over...
Oh no, /biz/ without the jeets is beyond based, and the "tax policy" threads make me kek big time, I would most definitely give them a pass. I'm not a regular over there, wasn't aware of what you speak of.
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>tfw my lover left without even saying goodbye
He already said Nina days ago, it’s a non issue and anyone who thinks that’s why he got kicked is retarded
I've heard you obsessing about it every day of your pathetic life.
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All the real MDE fans hate sam and his trannychasing ways.
Cleh suicide imminent
They are delusional or are just baiting for (you)'s. Letty was Nina posting in her streams way before S2. Cole had mentioned her name the night they all admitted to being fans without any repercussions, but for some reason on the day he got kicked they all just immoderate believe it's because he said someone's name? Literal fucking retards.
Abi must just be showering I refuse to believe.
What do you think about it though? You shut down when it's brought up.
What does this even mean
>He must've been shook by Mauro markyposting and decided it isn't worth risking his political shill career.
The most recent tweet on his TL is about Fishtank so I doubt it
I'm not the other person you were replying to so I don't think she actually "made the call" or threw any bitch fit to get him kicked. I think that was just production's call and Cole did end up apologising for it before leaving so it's all rather meaningless. It was probably her however that was gloating about him leaving and she backed off as soon as she realised how annoyed the fans were.
go dilate faggots
good for her the show fucking sucks lol
Jet... activate sfx and tts, teach these bitches what happens when you don't go early to bed (he won't do it he's a fag)
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She cheated on Abi last night cuddle hugging Leah
Not even close to true. He got grilled for hours with horse comments and about his social media the day before new years while sitting in the bunk. Not even saying that's evidence one way or the other but this is a fake talking point
yes but it's the context of the rules that are very important, namely emasculating TJ dance and the further sense of emasculation by "dudebro retawd" Jon attempting to take his toy gun by force because he's been deemed by said wetawd to be unfit to carry it. Emasculation, castration. Notice how Jon doesn't actually even manage to get the gun from Jimmy, Jimmy is holding on to that thing with his life. It's essentially his manhood that Jon is trying to take away in that instance after already making a big show of trying to make him dance for a person that represents everything he resents and has been denied, social acceptance, emotional acceptance romantic love, financial security as an adult.
Should have kicked her yesterday
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>Hailey poorly half singing to 214 viewers from her padded cell
She's reaching Tayleigh levels of sad
Truth nuke
She's more popular now than she's ever been, it's probably a wiser thing to just quit now and go home and stream than Jet forcing you to start fights with the others to make you look bad just so he can stroke his mangled penis in the basement.
put down your phone and read a book for once, zoom zoom
Anon no one reads gay fantasy books except gays.
Thanks for being a good housewife.
Make actual arguments instead of gay Reddit quips referencing your favorite media
Imagine believing that someone posting on the relationship advice reddit is being truthful and telling the full story
Alex Stein won my respect being the only person in camp to tease Jimmy about what a bizarre spectacle the fight was because he just hugged himself while getting punched with a retarded expression. Didn't he even needle him about how all he achieved was winning a poll
Stop making us zoomers look bad in front of the big kids. Pick up the book 1984 by George Orwell and read it. You will spend the entire time panicking and thinking “holy shit this is exactly like modern society, what the fuck this nigger even predicted autocorrect and hate speech laws”
I’ve read it, it’s garbage

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