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HOH: Angela
POV: Lisa
NOMS: Matt, Kenney, Kimo

Upgraded: Makensy (America's Veto), Quinn (Deepfake HoH)
Downgraded: Cedric, Chelsie

previously on /bb/: >>201701838
My speedos are soaked in piss.
first for kendawg lets go
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Tuck 4 HoH
Liz 4 Slop
Angela 4 Veto
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this group needs the pressure cooker
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It's too early to summon such powerful demons
T’Kor fakes her accent, right? Sometimes it’s like she forgets to use it and then two minutes later she’s like WOT
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we got this just stay boston strong
For some reason I think if Tuck wins HOH it’ll be the week Quinn uses his power. I could see it being lame like that
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it says hes 6'1" on some model site but he doesnt seem that tall
kyle was not a good player. a good player rebukes michael and calls a house meeting to call him out on his BS and turns it on him. instead he just shutdown and basically quit
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He lost a few inches due to posture
matt wins ai arena
kenney evicted

tucker hoh
quinn deepfake hoh nominates matt, lisa, brooklyn

lisa wins veto
mak uses america veto on matt

quinn df renoms rubina
america renoms joseph

brooke wins ai arena

joey finito
yea right turner instantly believes michael right when he told him because he is a retard
Angela is 1000% getting nominated with America's veto, dumbfuck casuals are calling for her to be expelled.
oh really? even though shes an old mama?

thats fair
wed aug 28 episode is 2 hours
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i wonder what ainsley is doing right now
feeds back
chelsie calling for tucker hoh while he tweezes his nose hairs on another cam
>cedric got that chocolate in him but no rhythm
Why Tucker?
her edit guarantees the casuals will put her up for america's veto assuming she's not on the block already
I'm curious who the next option would be though, lisa?
>what day is it, thursday?

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What do ypu guys want/expect out of tpnight's episode?
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Does anyone have any good caps from the pressure cooker?
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to see the REDACTED fight between Angela and Lisa and for Matt to lose the comp and go home
to not see the fight; Matt to win a physical comp tailor made for him; Kenney goes home
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>google Audrey from BB17 because I wanted to get a picture to post in this thread about how its been 9 years since they had a tranny on the show so bb casting must be blackpilled on them after her being a complete nutcase
>Horrified by the top result being a reddit thread congratulating her for becoming a mother
>many comments stating how pretty and beautiful she is

I don't go on reddit but something tells me people don't compliment how pretty biological girls look on there.
Prayers for the kid she adopted.
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i should've made a folder dedicated to the pressure cooker. all my shit is all over the place
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He just brokedown immediately because he was trying to make tiktok and social media his career, maybe be one of those people they put on every other season of the challenge, and now, especially if he shows no remorse like you suggested, its all over.
Still makes me seethe cuz he didn't do anything wrong, and there was a clip of Michael saying something similar.
crazy eyes to win the comp and then HOH
I agree with everything in this post. It’s almost surely going to go down this way
kenny is worthless at least if matt stays it causes more shit in the house
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didnt watch last episode, do the HGs know there is a safety comp before the eviction tonight?
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Matty staying is best for the show, for feeds, for the game, everything
Yes. They guarantee Kimo to stay regardless who wins.
Angelas gets too keep a target too.
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matt staying forces everyone to show cards with winning HoH. its truly the only option. sweet kenny k must die for the house to live. it is the only way
Ironically enough probably not for MJ
People tend to like her when she’s separated from Matt but they’ve been tied together the whole week
I wonder if production will sweep that Lisa/Angela fight under the rug. I want to know why there were so many feed cuts.
It never happened if none of the feedfags or showfags saw it happen
If Lisa wins HoH and noms Angela. They'll put like a 30 second flashback of Angela calling her tinkerbell.
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checking our search history
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look at meme!
If youre white and someone implies youre racist, trying to defend yourself just looks worse to wokes. But kyle couldve dragged michael down with him by accusing him of something more racist. It doesnt have to be true because they assume the worst of whites anyway
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why would he have to show remorse? like you said he didnt do anything wrong
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fish with no brb? wtf
was wondering that myself, getting pretty late. probably going to go to pets
sneak peak of ai comp tonight

>literal malware link
So it's a 2 min comp running around and seeing who appears the most. Maybe feeds don't need much downtime for it.
the feeds will be down for the live ep. the comp is during said live ep
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It’s happening during the live episode
their not doing it right now though? i thought it was going to be live and sort of be a rush like a double eviction is
they better show angela vs lisa tonight
no they are not doing it rn. feeds always go down around this time on eviction days and will remain down till after the west coast airs. so after 9pm BBT
At this point I’m wondering if there will be enough time. Kimo tried talking about it like three times last night and every time the feeds went down.
Makensy nip slip

It's airing early today
Tucker might have overplayed his hand a little bit with Leah last night. He kept saying how Makensy and Matt have already said I love you to eachother but also that Makensy was coming on to him. He was basically implying Makensy would cheat on Matt for him
OHHH like >>201731165 double eviction RIGHT
Wonder if they'll give them more time to meetup to sort the votes before Julie makes them seat.
yes from 8pm to 9pm on the west coast where the house is so 9pm BBT

was really hoping it was mole brapping
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meant for
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Did they say they wanted to show each HOH comp this year too? Sounds like a jam packed episode if so. No chance they’ll show the Lisa Angela fight
What fight? There was no fight. Check the feeds and the show. There are, however, rumors that angela jokingly called lisa tinkerbell. But these are just rumors as the mics and cameras did not pick that up either.
someone should try to make ai bbcomics for the bb26 HGs
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>tfw we'll never be able to relive last years /bb/
Angela confirmed she called Lisa a bitch and Quinn somehow got involved and was crying. Kimo also said that it “wasn’t going to make the edit”
I'm getting my lol on I'll cool it
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going through my bb25 folder and found this
have we truly fallen so far that one woman calling another woman a 'bitch' is too far?
bb10 keesha weeps
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watching ryry leave again would be tough
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class act
What am I looking at? Looks like hairy boobs but that's impossible for a woman.
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why does streamable keep some links up but nukes others?
Not cool bro
izzy's fat hairy armpit
Anyone of the three can win this. Although Matt hasn't done a comp yet so idk about his skills
I think Kimo's got this. On paper Kenney should be good at recognition because he works undercover for the DEA but I've never seen anything more than retardation from him.
Matt's just too self absorbed and airheaded
>undercover for the DEA
can see him blending in effortlessly with the cartels
Is this show any good? I use to watch it? I remember when that Dan guy won it and when those two guys got to the end by lying to everybody. One of them was some kind of doctor.
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He mostly works tail end going after dealers in the Boston area. Although now what with his face on national television saying he's an undercover cop?
Former undercover cop

The only fun thing Kenney has done this week was when he was getting grilled about his food trucks and did a pretty damn good job making it believable
Yeah because the schizos on twitter made a huge ass deal about it last year. Probably why they got rid of the rewind too
Pretty funny. You have a good since of humor. Also, there's like 18 of them I find pretty attractive. Top two rows are solid.
For me it's AFP Cameron
what happened to BBO?
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This has to be a small sample size or something, right? It’s insane
Mama Schizo is going next week
The America vote thing is pretty fucked up if it’s used tonight because half of the houseguests have barely gotten any screen time. Like America would realistically only put up Angela so it’s kind of a rigged twist
I'm trying to see the silver lining in Kenney staying, maybe he'll do some undercover shenenigans if he wins HoH
he had kid or something? that might be the other anon
americas veto can only be used at veto ceremony right?
I only was down for him staying because that would mean Matt is gone, but now I just kind of want Kenney gone because he doesn’t bring shit to the game. The week the entire house agrees he’s the target will be the most boring shit ever because he won’t campaign
Or worse yet no one targets him at all and he ghosts his way into final 5
Maybe, I’m not sure how it works but I’d imagine they’d want to do it live. Either way show-only watchers still barely know any of the house
>most sane houseguest
His presence will be good to help mellow out the houseguests when they find need for a stable interaction.
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>most sane houseguest
>willing to go home for some kid he’s known for a week that would never do the same for him
If anything T’Kor is coming off as the most sane, but maybe not if her accent is fake
what does the percent mean though
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the episode starting at 8 tonight is fucking up my entire routine

it gets used at the veto ceremony so they have time to let america vote on the replacement. the time to use it this week is over. mak has 3 weeks left to use it
Popularity amongst random show watchers
why the fuck is cam at the top lmao he hasnt done a single thing or said anything to make him stand out at all
you know why
oh shit. i thought it was 9pm tonight. i gotta get my snacks!
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i legit cant stop farting, i'm so nervous for matt bros ;__;
A large portion of the demographic for this show has a fetish for their daughters finding, dating, and making kids with the good black people in an effort to keep the desirable african genes in the gene pool while sending the undesireable african genes back to another african for a reroll.
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same desu. need him to win the AI rumble
He's gonna choke hard at the comp. Those eyes aint gonna save him.
>1 hour show
>ai comp
>julie interview
>hoh comp
my prediction matt fails to hit his buzzer before the 2 min mark
I know it's objectively the worst outcome for fun feeds, but I'd enjoy watching the casuals go berserk at him getting evicted.
where are people getting that all hoh comps are live this year?
8 pm eviction episode feels weird
no way they’re including hoh comp, guessing we won’t even know till after midnight
I just had a pizza pie and I’m ready to watch my program.
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Wait does that mean the west coast episode air earlier too and if so does that mean earlier time for feeds to come back?
I assume so but it also depends on the HOH comp too
yes, 8pm west coast. feeds at 9pm if they arent still doing an hoh
Pulled pork sandwich from a local BBQ joint in one of the core BBQ cities and a weed refresh. Let's get this eviction going.
feeds coming back during season has never mattered based on the west coast episode, its only the premiere/first night of feeds
they could do the AI comp in the smaller room as a solo timed thing and have the HoH setup in the backyard already for them to start right after the episode ends
Haven't watched bb since all stars 2. Have there been any seasons that I've missed that are worth going back to watch? How's the cast and gimmick for this season so far?
lol yes it does. they almost never come back before the west coast finishes unless the hoh comp is live.
Ere we go
Are the Jokers HG Ratings really low this year? Feels like 3.5 is soooo low for the best player on first week.
julie looking
julie lookin good
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i'm in the minority and thought 25 was great especially with the feeds, but it absolutely ran out of steam. this season has been pretty promising so far. the feeds have had some wild moments so far
>was that a threat?
>tells everyone she practically assaulted her
Anglea OWNS Matt
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twitter tards trying their hardest this season to paint Matt like he’s fucking Jack or something and deserves the way Angela is acting
God I hate this fat Karen. I hope she dies from a crap attack.
jesus christ this is a long ass recap
>The Collective is coming for me
Brooklyn and julie are bog bots
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t. Mama's boy

if those mascots were anyone but 2 buddies they would have had to wear those costumes in the house all week
i really hope she continues to have meltdowns and her paranoia only grows when she's no longer HoH. i wonder how many sleepless nights she'll have without power
is matt staying if he loses the comp?
she is bog sister
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only if Kenney wins
he goes if kimo wins too
She’s not going to have any hair left after week 8
What? Are you retarded?
Kenney is such a cuck simping for a guy half his age that doesn't think twice about him
chemo is such a fag
>in three months
>in three months
>in three months
Does Matt know feeds are fucked?
makensy is GAY GAY GAY
yes. got a problem?
theres clips of all the talks and fights she had with matt
DR lighting looks different this year
I do not think Matt is going to run the table and become the winner of Big Brother 26
stop casting retards are are ok with going home
the only HGs that watched the feeds flashbacks after their eviction are Jason Roy and ScOTT
Kuck Kenney
No, sorry anon.
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Who are /bb/'s faves?
Kenny gonna put the money in Matt's pocket
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the tuckmeister
ryry watched live
cedric DRs can be all-time bad what is he even doing in there
slow down zoomerboy
>21 years old
>marine corps veteran
Matt's gonna be the Frank/Cam of the season
cam has zero game. he is going to do whatever chelsie tells him to do
>i've got cedric
wut is he even voting?
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Big Mak
Kenbro, tucker, big mak
Matt bros we gonna stay
you can join the marines and any US military at age 17
second melty incoming?
how are they gonna fit all this in the ep?
alyssas farts
>white guy coining an alliance named the Barbershop
might as well call yourselves the Backyard Niggaz
l o l
incoherent zoomer noises
i don't think it makes sense to cut matt right away, mainly because he will always be someone's #1 target. ideally i'd want to keep matt and angela around so they go at war with each other
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i dont know but im hyped to see the melty
there’s a third melty too that they’ll probably never show since they cut the feeds anytime somebody mentions it
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feels good to be a matt chad rn. whole house is backin us
the ai comp has a 2 minute timer. its going to go quick
oh I thought they were talking about that one
forgot about the kenny melty
fatt/ryry vibes here
I was going to say it seems like some of them don't really know how awful of a player he is, but we are in the aftermath of Jag Bains winning Big Brother after getting evicted unanimously
showmance cringe
Goddamit I hate chads so much
>slowly by slowly

thanks sis
Am I the only person who thinks T'Kor has the same exact mannerisms as Claire? This is like when you're a black quarterback and they just try to compare you to one of the other black quarterbacks
boston strong bros....
Mj explicitly said she wanted to avoid that the other night lmao
Kenny enjoyed making Angela seethe kek
aw, its the kenny angela spat. booooooooooooo
Angela OWNS Kenney the Kuck
Quinn would make a great woman
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what a pathetic bald bitch. burn in hell you boston piece of shit
>matt will never be your son
Blue lives matta
yeah i would have tried to go after kimo. it's clear he's in a better spot socially than matt and kenney, and kenney is a quitter with no fight in him so it's easy to keep him around
shes right what a dumbfuck thing to say
Why the thread so slow for a week one eviction
cops are so gay
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>no leah in the episode yet
bb24 killed /bb/
everyone thinks it's airing an hour later prob
we cant see the IP count so we dont know if we lost anyone
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I cant watch, somebody quote me when its over
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matt got this
Insider here, Matt won the test run so Grodner changed the rules
that jimmy dean griddle cake thing looks fucking disgusting. how do you freeze pancakes and cheese
i'll just ping you in the discord
why would grodner want her showmancebait beefcake out?
whats the discord? ill join if theres no trannies
>implying Grodner doesn't want Matt to stay
>watch what the fish are up to
bro it's a discord
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>no trannies
He was rude to Grodner when they met for the first time and she has a vendetta against him.
wait when did they remove that? i didn't even notice. wondered how many people here were shitposting with me in /ftl/. i am hoping angela has a summer style melty
we like trannies here
sex with Ainsley's voice
please post the discord wtfff
Matt FTW
that's a crapshoot
looks like it
its been quite a while. they cant sell ads when people can see how few IPs are posting
>schizocore comp
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This competition is such TV. CBS is washed.
the soundtrack bops
what happens if none of them buzz in under 2min?
>matt doesnt realize there is only 2 minutes
cop bros we're finito
it's so over
they are actually in the goon cave
Ainsley deletes them
Matt bros….
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Fuck this faggot
>straight guys can't count
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did you get maks?
crazy eyes on suicide watch
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>You look lonely, I can fix that
Matt is going. Sad, I was hoping Angela Anaconda would lose her shit if he stayed just so she could make an even bigger dumbass of herself.
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i need one of these for my wall in my room
They chose who they want a showmance with
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Matt a confirmed FLOP. Will never have a real showmance with Mak. And will always be known as crazy eyes forever. Yikes
Sorry ladies we lost :(
ken might go full cuck here and tell them to vote him out
So, Kenney is falling in his sword and ask to be voted out over Matt right?
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Probably but it won’t matter
mattbro I...
oops i thought this shit was on at 9
He gonna see Mak suck Cam's dick on feeds from his mom's basement
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need leahbot
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Kenny gettin sum Mak succ too once matt is gone
da fuck
>that fish cut
jesus christ
Why'd it randomly pan to the fish tank? Then again, looking at Angela's face is horrifying enough.
Leah crying for Kimo
Matt was a fucking bust. Jocks can't win.
holy fuck. that celebration. matt should know he is dead by that
uhhh Barbershop alliance members are acting really well...
Happy for Kimo fr
im going to start doubling my cap posts of her now. you dun goofed
religious southern mama boys ... we lost
Angela definitely said “fuck yeah”
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matt bros im gonna hurl
lol this sucks
did they expect that they would frantically campaign 1 on 1 last minute
>one week in the house
>yalllses are family to me
will never understand this
based angela
>he's been like a father figure to me
as in he's been absent the whole time?
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>chad jock is first out
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>julie: this is the time where you pull people aside to campaign to them
Kenney think he going home kek
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the "I don't want to be here" float game strat is gonna make Kenney the BB26 winner
>big mak finna cry
its so fucking over...
Kenney gonna win 26 for his boy Matt
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MJ is gorgeous
angela is such a bitch lol
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Matt’s speech reminded me of this guy
god I hope based Tuck fucks MJ tonight
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Matt should stay
MJ hates niggers, you lose
gonna need grodball to save matt
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damn, t'kor looking milky
Holy shit an actual split house
the rest of the votes are gonna be against matt. they always do this where the first couple are back and forth before commercial
I never said it would be consensual
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wtf why arent they all voting the same
there's def gonna be a battleback right mattbros?
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wow, 2-2, it's so close
mak x tuk 4 fuk
buddies hate matt
MJ will finally be interesting to watch now that she won't be up Matt's ass all the time.
Half the world runs on Quickbooks
so leah will vote out kenny, anyone else?
i wish they would put someone from the challenge on big brother
Johnny would do great on BB
We don't need Cirie part 2 with someone who can win comps.
cause i like some of the characters. some of the girls are hot and the guys are hotheads
CT would run the house
just make The Challenge have live feeds
Not so fast
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3 dumb white chicks on the outs
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>Cam voting to evict another big guy

a bad game move 4u
ugh i thought it was at 8
another shit season. cant wait to drop this once jury starts
>quinn is a corystan
Quinn is the Reddit candidate
kek wtf jose
>beat you to zach
oh great quinn is an americory stan

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would you get ejected for saying "Hi, Julie, what the fuck are you wearing? This is disgusting!"
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>we're not gonna let this be like every other big brother season
>votes with the house
Fucking Angela Anaconda
.>what up senpai
joseph is a secret buddy
What does that mean? Straight white guys go home is the new meta
Matt doing a Lost in Translation with Mak
He thought he had to wait for the next person
yeah its so dumb the meatheads almost never win. what bichie did it once in the last 10 years?
did he hug Angela?
She? You mean he.
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and to think at one point he talked angela into keeping him off the block but then he just couldn't shut the fuck up
Public shaming and immediate eviction
>showmance gone
Grodner gonna have a fit
Dubs and they announce a battle back
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We should all try to push Matt for AFP
Could get sympathy from the Angels situation, plus it would be based to have a pre juror get it, especially a first boot
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>still waiting
It's her fault for making AI comp mental
I’d unironically love one for this cast
leah is going to be the first white girl to get blacked live in the bb house
in addition to shoutouts, is complimenting how julie looks tonight gonna become the new annoying thing that every single person has to do now before they vote
fuck that faggot
Tucker could have one with Rubina or T’Kor but I think T’Kor has a boyfriend back home

Leah could have one with anyone
Jackson, Cody, Xavier and Jag are basically the same player with decent social game and great comp skills
t. non-racist who sees past skin color
Matt brought it on himself. He could have been fine if he wasn't shit at the game.
>doesn’t remember April and Ollie
Back when they actually put sex on feeds
Julie wearing ethnic earings
>my stereotype
the retarded jock stereotype?
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Kenney is going to be dragged to the end isn't he?
jag is not the meathead stereotype
Isn't Matt a hapa?
4chan told me they were all incels
Amanda and Mcrae
The predetermined showmances are tucker/t'koor and a threemance between big mak/leah/joseph
god i hope so
>Julie not going light on Matt
4chan was right. He got NO pussy in the house.
I like live feeds but that would inevitably get all the entertaining players cancelled and alcohol banned because redditfags would constantly complain over anything fun happening like they already do with bb feeds
please give us feeds
>my mom is asian and you're asian isn't that profound?
that fucking sucked
im not 100 years old why would i rememember
Julie wants to bang him so badly
fuck I wanted to see Tucker making fun of Matt in his goodbye message
the west coast was a mistake
Jag was helped out by being Sikh, I think even people here took like a week to figure out he had muscles. Actually a great casting pick overall, and Matt was too.

What were those thots doing
>wanna do it together?
Would Julie have said this if Matt wasn't Chad?
julie is only into rapists
your mom not having an abortion was a mistake
Mak and Leah
>We're doing this for Matt, she's going down
Holy based
ratings are gonna go down to .00001 now that matt is gone
(matt last year, not matt this year)
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>Go to start the episode
>It just finished
What the FUACK
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OOO yeah show is starting
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>we're doing this for matt
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she won
wish matt stayed but only like another 2 weeks since he was feeds cancer with button boy always putting all 4 cams on him + Mak or him + kenny
I fucking love when Leah makes that face. She does it when she laughs really hard and when she cries
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could've had a whole summer with his sexy legs glistening in the sun but no
i made the same mistake sadly
Based loyal hoes.
I didn't think Leah even liked him that much lol
Same reason I dropped out last year, they cut the attractive people first
she's just faking it for MJ
not watching a lot but leah seems like a bit of a poser, kind of BB21 Kat-ish
i think its more of the fact that everyone probably lied to her about keeping matt. and no one informed lisa they were voting matt out either. both leah and lisa would've flipped their vote if they had known.
Direct to bible study until you learn to love one another
>taking out an old woman
how brave
She just got left out of the 1st vote. And she's said on feeds multiple times she loves Matt.
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>Old woman
I think you mean deranged hippo Karen.
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though this started at 9 ET
she says she's only 50 but i don't buy that
Joseph standing in the hallway was funny
The glowfrens gave me the hour later slot so it's starting for me now
Leaving them out of the vote was super stupid for how people want to rope them into alliances
yup. you can consider the tkor quinn lisa leah alliance dead now
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Where are the results of yesterday's power rankings?
feeds when
bread baker
after 9pm bbt at the earliest
probably 9-10 pm if its a quick HoH that they are doing. much later if its involved
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thanks bros

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