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People somehow bitch about this or that new disney TV show "breaking" star wars lore when it was broken 43 years ago.

There is no reason why every planet shouldn't have hundreds or thousands of Ion Cannons, or why every large ship shouldn't just be an ion cannon with a hyperdrive
It's a plot (device) weapon
This is why intelligent people prefer star trek. Star wars is for children and semiliterate adults.
This wasn't even effective to defend the base in the one time it was depicted.
It could keep 2 capital class ships stunned at a time.

If a spaceship fleet was ion cannon ships, you would need minimal DPS ships to win
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you don't need a large ship
It's the entire reason they had to land walkers. If they had put those things on ships instead the imperials would be unable to use large vessels in any battle.
Why didn't they just shoot the land walkers with ion cannons?
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The Ion Cannon doesn't just outright destroy ships. It disables them. It is a defensive weapon, which adds to the "Rebels are the good guys" theme.
Because of this, it feels like it belongs in the world.
IDK we don't see more of them, but I'm sure there is a reason and it's not relevant to the current plight of our heroes.
Contrast this with the bombers, which deploy weapons of destruction to kill, maim, and destroy. Add to this the retarded deployment of the weapons, and you get people asking questions.
the best part about star wars is the idea of having a gang of explorers/traders cruising the galaxy in a medium sized ship, big enough to have some space for walking around and have some amenities. that would be very comfy. it was so fucking stupid how that one guy in one of the recent shows travelled the galaxy in a fighter. where does he piss?
star destroyers and big rebel ships have a lot of ion cannons
droid flagship in og filonislop was one huge ion cannon
y-wings used ion torpedoes in rogue one
In a bottle then lands on a planet to empty it out the window
Why didn't they take ion cannons to the battle of Endor? It would have made taking out the death star a cake walk. The entire meta in star wars should be based around disabling ships with ion cannons.
Din forgot to insure his ship, put all his shit in it, got ganked and had to go farm in a rookiee ship.
I don't know who that is
Why didn't the rebels just have more ships and troops than the Empire? smdh.
>The entire meta in star wars should be based around disabling ships with ion cannons.
You're making a huge leap here. We have no idea how effective the ion cannons would be in a pitched battle.
Why didn't the rebellion just make millions of DOUBLE star destroyers and use this fleet to kick imperial ass all over the galaxy, actually, why didn't the rebels build their own death star BUT with a giant ion cannon instead of a laser??

never understood why people bitch about the slow bombers in tlj starwars has always taken inspiration from ww2
I prefer Babylon 5 to both
They land the walkers because the rebels have a shield generator
>why didn't the rebels build their own death star BUT with a giant ion cannon instead of a laser??
yeah seriously.
Death Stars should be the meta in the Star Wars universe
Maybe they're too expensive for mass production. E.g. modern fighter jets are ridiculously expensive, more planes are better but any military is going to be limited by economics.
>Just get more ion cannons?
>Do we look like the fucking Trade Federation to you?
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if a shield generator can stop an orbital bombardment

why don't they put the shield gen from episode V on every ship, making them immune to damage
If the US government decided to install missile silos in every major city, what do you think would happen? There would be massive disapproval, democrats would freak out, arguments that the money could have been used for welfare programs, anti-war protests, etc.

It's not unrealistic at all. People are stupid.
kill yourself videogame nigger
There's no reason why Coruscant couldn't afford a few million Ion cannons to defend themselves, say during the Battle of Coruscant
Palptatine/Sidious wanted to get caught so a very specific chain of events could happen leading Anakin to killing Dooku
and getting a nudge down the dark side.

So he probably turned them off and blamed budget cuts.
Range, accuracy and effect is far superior to the pew pew stuff you see in the space battles, it's reasonable to assume they would kick ass. There has to a damn good in-movie reason for these things to only exist on that planet, or it breaks the lore instantly.
What a poor argument. The rebels obviously can't make star destroyers, because they don't have any, but they can make ion cannons, because they have them.
Snoke? He's an ion cannon
Where is that thing's engine?
so I wookiepedia'd it and the Ion cannon cost <1M credits to build

A class I star destroyer cost 150M credits
Rebel capital shops also cost 50-160M credits

The meta is obvious
>There has to a damn good in-movie reason for these things to only exist on that planet, or it breaks the lore instantly.
What lore does it break? The addition of the Ion Cannon doesn't break anything in ESB.
every planet should have a few hundred at least to defend themselves considering they are worth 300M credits in battle and only cost 1M
luke flew his xwing from hoth to dagohbah to bespin and presumably wherever else he wanted to go through out the original trilogy
>the OT was actually bad so Disney Wars is fine
Daring today aren't we
It's the same shit as the hyperspace ram, it's too overpowered compared to what we normally see and impossible to explain why it isn't the standard weapon for everything.
I think we agree, let me elaborate.
Lore is not broken by the addition of the cannon in ESB.
It's broken by the prequels which don't explain why they aren't used for planetary defense anywhere.
Of course it's easy enough to head cannon (kek) but the fact that the movies don't address it is indicative of a lack of attention to detail.
how does it aim? does the ball rotate over a socket, like a shoulder bone? anyway they put it next to a mountain so half of the sky is out of its field anyway hahaha
They are completely different for reasons of scale and theme.
The hyperspace ram is an offensive attack that completely destroys the enemy fleet.
The Ion Cannon is a weapon for plucky underdogs that just barely allows them to escape with no possibility of destroying the enemy.
Both are technically broken, but the hyperspace ram sticks out like a sore thumb because it doesn't blend in with the general power level of everything else.
Also to completely cover a planet you have to put guns on each one of these points with a cannon or else the enemy can land millions of troops in a blindspot and engage you on the ground after traveling a bit like in Episode 1. Because you're on a spinning ball with no control over its facing.
how do you know they make them? maybe they bought it?
I always assumed that it was already on Both, abandoned, and the rebels repaired it.
if they ever address the Ion Cannon, I think they will just say "The Empire was used to subduing populations, not fighting actual interplanetary wars. Also, here's a lego model of the new "Anti-Ion-cannon class star destroyer that they didn't use because the rebels dont control planets" you can buy for $700
nimbys exist in star wars. checkmate.
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*Babylon 5
know your place Star Tranny
no one tell OP
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a sphere is the least optimized shape to transport places.
Ion cannons can be used offensively, there's no reason you couldn't strap one to a ship, except fanwank. Theme also has nothing to do with it because the rebels have no problem killing their enemies in near every other situation.

Stop obsessing over the seasoning. The meat and potatoes is always the story and the main attraction. The world and lore is the seasoning that adds different flavor to bring out the meat and potatoes. You're sitting here opening a bottle of pepper and complaining about a couple of granules of salt in it. New star wars (post Lucas) is a plate full of salt, pepper, Tony Chachere's, and 13 new flavors of McCormick on top of a burnt piece of Zebra ass.
I'm both ANH and ESB every rebel action is a defensive action. So adding the ion cannon in ESB doesn't break shit.
It's the later movies that break stuff by not accounting for it.
>use Ion cannon to shoot ships directly in your flight path
why not just fly around to literally anywhere else and avoid the ships?
death trap
>I'm both ANH and ESB every rebel action is a defensive action
That's because the story starts in a state of total domination under the empire. It has nothing to do with some theme of the rebels only acting defensively because "that's what good guys do."
>that can't be a theme of the story because it was written to have that theme!!!
It's a fantasy story about good vs. evil.
It is not military sci fi ala Babylon 5 or Starship Troopers.
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ironically it has an ion engine
>actually that's not irony
fuck off
>ion cannons run stupidly hot so you can only use them on ice planets

Anyone else need some clean up writing assistance?
star wars isnt real
I like it. It doesn't make sense but it feels Star Warsy.
>lets have these huge, slow, and ill-protected bombers replace our more nimble and effective y-wings
what the fuck were they thinking
space is already colder than ice planets.
that was filoni's original pitch for the EU ship called Ghosts with Ashla. ol' george had a bone to pick with the EU after the release of those movies where he felt betrayed by his most loyal fans.
The ion cannons work by ionizing air
Goddamn, Disney shills are dumb.
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>The ion cannons work by ionizing air
that sounds incredibly environmentally friendly and gay
Maybe the heat they generate makes them unusable on anything but an ice planet
the planets we do see are remote. hoth has an entire power generator the size of a small city powering the shield and ion cannon.

geonosis is also protected by theatre shields, necessitating a land invasion and had their planetary guns knocked out at the start of the fighting
star destroyers project their power, like carriers. they are faster and carry ships that are faster
lmao even
>small city

Ok, even better. Only way to hide the heat signature of your Nigger Disabler 5000 is an ice planet.
How do the ion engines work then?
how did it shoot out of the atmosphere and into space
tactical reasons is that a dumb little turret gun doesn't move.

okay, you managed to stun two ships for a while.
they'll run away, come back and hit the exact place you were.

also the gun cant shoot if the planetary shield is up.
ground based fix artillery has longer ranges and power output than even the largest capital ships.
its the reason they made the death star in the first place. why mount an ion cannon and not a giant turbolaser that is probably more effective?
the rebels rely on having ONE giant ion cannon, when the empire or any system that's well of financially would have dozens of these mixed systems of ion cannons and turbolasers in the case of invasion. all of the prequel planets are either too remote (tatooine) or unprepared for attack (coruscant) and reliant on massive fleets to protect them in orbit
>Ones a bounty hunter that had multiple carbonite bounties on board.

>the other just need to get from point a to b

Kys you Mongoloid retard
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they used it to buy them time to evacuate. if it were a pitched defence, obviously there would be dozens of these things working in tandem to defend the planet. the rebels only have one and the empire has more ships than anyone.
bro that installation is the size of what, three or four x-wings
in a setting with ships that are multiple miles long
that fucker could be put on any fleet ship we see in the series easily
I like your anal
>"It was always retarded! Why do you care?"
Why do you care, jizz-for-brains?
The whole point of the Rebellion is that they're a poor guerilla army who uses crappy second-hand weapons as best as they can. An ion cannon that gets overwhelemed by too many targets is exactly the kind of weaponry I would expect guerillas to have.
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much larger actually, and its still connected to the larger power generator and the shield complex. it's the size of a small city.
turbolasers fire little 'shots' because dedicated beam weapons draw too much power from main reactors, even for ships that are miles long. they also can't breach shields. this is why there are ground invasion scenes in this franchise and they don't just obliterate everything from orbit.
>size of a small city
good thing there are ships ALSO the size of a small city
and one the size of a small nation
trivial to make a ship built around this weapon.

and actually the reason orbital bombardment doesn't work is because of shields and not cannon emplacements though. And especially for this one, a healthy dose of plot-itis not resulting in a counter battery on the firing location from orbit when they had to deactivate the shields to fire it.
>They even made the power source purple like the Malevolence.
they don't have to deactivate the shield completely to fire the ion cannon. imperial scanners aren't sophisticated enough to determine minute changes in energy shields. same thing happens to the rebels when they attack the second death star.
the ground artillery will always have the power to break the shield because its not powering the engines, systems and shields of a capital ship and they usually have their own dedicated power.
it's a matter of economics.
My city ship with conventional weapons will be more cost effective than your city ship with an ion cannon.
capital ships don't need to power engines in a planetary siege, nor much of anything else if they just divert power to it. The death star sure can fit an entire planet destroying laser and super shielding, systems, engines, etc, with a gorillion more lasers on it.

But I am sure that a mere space taser could not possibly be made to fly in a much smaller package
Well, until they fight and your city ship loses its shields and explodes because shields are literally the only thing that matter for capital ship warfare.
but I was able to build 3 ships because they are cheaper. The other two clobber you.
the other two are incapable of breaking the shields because you didn't invest in shield breaking technology sorry
if for some reason my mass turbo laser fire can't overwhelm your shields, I launch the shield penetrating torpedoes.
>capital ships don't need to power engines in a planetary siege, nor much of anything else if they just divert power to it.
they still won't have enough power to break dedicated planetary shields.
>The death star sure can fit an entire planet destroying laser and super shielding, systems, engines, etc, with a gorillion more lasers on it.
the death star was gigantic and the entire plot revolves around the rebels blowing it up because it is the one thing that could fuck up shields from space, as was it's purpose.
god i wish they still made star wars with space ships at war... in the stars...
and so if the deathstar can break planet shields in its size package
a star destroyer can't equip a gun to blow out the shields of any ship smaller than it because?
it can? why equip shitty ion cannons when you can just blast anything away with turbolasers or if they're slippery fuckers, just send out the TIE squadrons or missile boats with ion cannons equipped for that mission.
the death star is just on a different level than star destroyers, with more than "double the firepower of the entire imperial starfleet"
I wish they made a single new (actually new) fighter and walker design for the sequel trilogy too but oh fucking well
>buh we made gorilla atat
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what's criminal is that they had all the prequel concept artists work on the sequels, but the producers just wanted sterile designs. it wasn't a lack of talent, but a lack of vision.
half the reason that worked is that it was a surprise.
Why isn't the whole galaxy just a big gun?

Could just be that Ion cannons are toxic af and leak radiation like a mo-fo and that's why the only one we ever see is constructed on a nearly lifeless ice potato.

Tie Fighters have ion engines (Twin Ion Engine) and those guys can't fly them without their protective gear covering them head to foot. So maybe it's just a dirty technology, but effective enough to deploy under certain conditions.

>What is ionising radiation? | ARPANSA
>Ionising radiation is radiation that has enough energy to break electrons from atoms and change their chemical composition. Learn about the three types of ionising radiation (alpha, beta and gamma) and how they can affect living tissue at different doses.

Yeah, this sounds pretty rank and anti-life.
I jerk off to the AT-TE so much. At least the prequels envisioned a different era even if so much else about them sucked. God I hate the sterile creative bankruptcy of the new era.
>I jerk off to the AT-TE so much.

* yeah, look at the model in op. It's the only weapon we ever really see covered ion those kinds of heavy metal plates like that. Only the DS turbo cannons and Rebel turrets on the ground in the Hoth battle are remotely similar, and they look more like regular cowling/housing.

That thing is basically a huge ball of metal plating with the end of the gun barrel sticking out of it.
same reason living beings can't use droideka shields without getting raped by super cancer
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>living beings can't use droideka shields without getting raped
Stfu. gungans being damn near primitive had figured out shield generators. So don't assume humans didn't have access to them either.
try and fucking stop me, dumb frog poster
Cool, have fun jerking it to a inanimate object, maybe >>>/rk9/ would be more your speed or even >>>/trash/?
In Star Wars: Galaxies you could use Personal Shield Generators, Droideka, or Old Republic shield generators.

The issue is shield generators in Star Wars only deflect energy based weapons. Kinetic weapons bypass this entirely.
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very cool
>least autistic frogposter
learn what exaggeration is
most planets are so poor after the century of constant grinding war, they either cant afford to build or maintain the defense batteries they have. the Hutt garden worlds could blast a deathstar out of the sky. coruscant has either nothing or enough guns to kill god aimed at the skies.
>implying he doesn't understand sarcasm

Sorry your autisic or w/e
Ion even know what's officially cannon anymore
they are barely on the level of droideka shields and the naboo had better developed uses for the plasma from the planet core. the wookiees were also engineering masters but they didn't all use personal shields
blasters over time became more efficient and negated the use of shields that required either a giant power pack or expendable charge packs that were also cumbersome and rare. which is why most armies don't equip them in a frontline role.
>Range, accuracy and effect is far superior to the pew pew stuff
It doesn't destroy stuff, just disables it for a bit. Combat in Star Wars is generally not about disabling your opponents, it's about killing them.
>inb4 just pew pew it once it's ion cannoned
Power requirements are too high, you gotta choose one or the other
Just because the rebellion had one, doesn’t mean they can get an endless supply of them, you also don’t know what happens to the star destroyer afterwards, it might have ended up just being an inconvenience, plus the rebels lose that gun to the empire. Your question is really juvenile. It’s like asking why every plane isn’t a SR-71 blackbird, if it was such a fast plane? Why not just make every plane a blackbird. Or to dumb down your question further, why don’t we just print more money, and hand it out to everyone, so nobody is poor. You are retarded anon, shut the fuck up so we don’t have to read your retarded drivel ever again.
Carlos get the fuck out.
Just have supporting ships that follow the ion equipped ones. It's dead simple.
I just love the hustle and bustle of a planetwide city with 2 trillion inhabitants. Eww, an ion cannon?
As rebels maybe they don't have the resources of the entire galaxy. As i remember they always had to move and hide because they would not survive a full Empire assault.
Why not just gave rockets on the small bombs and saturate a target with huge salvos?
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>He doesn’t know the lore
Slow firing, massively energy consuming, hard targeting, easily deflected with shields or turning left so it’s not a direct hit
>The reason the star destroyers dropping out of space too close was so bad was so the rebels could fire an opening salvo before they had unloaded their invasion forces.
Which is why the AT-ATs were dropped so far away from the power station who shielded themselves from orbital bombardment.

Normie fags fuck off.
>This is why intelligent people prefer star trek
Absolutely. Star Trek is the exact opposite to Star Wars and brilliant in comparison. While Star Wars tries to build a grandiose setting where multiple factions of varying hierarchical complexity do politics and plot against each other, Star Trek parts from a very simple premise: life in a spaceship. That simple difference makes the former an inevitable narrative disaster while the latter enjoys an infinite set of possible stories and lores.
Maybe they were only invented after the prequels?
Because we need Le Epic Space Battle On The Ice World. Same reason all the weapons are nerfed to Hell and back. The Imperial Walkers are as hilariously overpowers as the Mechs in Battletech. For some reason the leg armor is too strong to be blown apart by gun emplacements or tanks or anti mech land mines, or missiles or bombs from aircraft, etc. But Physics is Le Hard so nobody ever writes convincing sci fi. Note how once the walkers are tripped by the cables they are suddenly super vulnerable because the Empire needs to take some losses for the battle to be more exciting and special effects are expensive. The ice planet planes didn't dive bomb the walkers? I guess they couldn't fly that high in the cold or some bullshit. And where are the rest of the capital ship sized weapons? Only the Death Star has one.
The movies addressing it would be awkward as fuck, nerd. The movies should be telling a story not a lore dump to solve plot holes. Save that for the EU if it’s such a burning demand with in the fandom to answer. It’s the Lucas way.
> Note how once the walkers are tripped by the cables they are suddenly super vulnerable because the Empire needs to take some losses for the battle to be more exciting and special effects are expensive
Wrong again fuckos.
The AT-AT is easily killed after it trips because it falls forward and exposes the top.
They’re lightly armored on top because what the fuck is going to attack the top of a 70 foot tall tank blasting the fuck out of you and almost impervious to heavy cannon fire and speeder mounted blasters? Even the snow speeders were more of a hover vehicle that couldn’t achieve significant altitude with out the aid of a snow bank to act as a ramp which is why they weren’t flying above the AT-ATs for an aerial bombardment,
>what the fuck is going to attack the top of a 70 foot tall tank
An X-Wing. Or Y-Wing, A-Wing or B-Wing.
Yes, let’s take our only escape vessels to get off planet in a direct firefight with imperial forces and risk being stranded where our options are tortured by Vader to death in a warm cozy detention cell, or freeze to death in seconds assuming you’re not Wampa shit.
the top being unarmored is an extremely retarded cope. the back sure but the top?
i think an x-wing zaps one in the neck on hoth
The spindly legs on those surrealist contraptions would be blown off in one shot and you know it. Or if the rebels couldn't afford artillery because somebody blew all the money on the ion cannon, it would have made sense but still been really lame. Maybe if the special effects budget had been sufficient we could have seen more than a few surrealist contraptions coming at the base. Say a few dozen. Then they could have the ground space artillery blow up a few or tear the legs off of some before the others overwhelm the base. But SFX costs money and time so they have to draw the battle out with fewer objects on screen and jarringly unrealistic toughness of skeletal frames.
It’s no different than tanks now. Heavily armored on all four sides, and the bottom, but to save weight they didn’t fully up armor the turret.

It’s why the Javeline launchers are so effective in Ukraine. You tag the target with the eye piece, telling the missile where to go, you launch the missile and it jumps out and up and takes an arch to drop right on top of the Russian T-92s and explode. Its facts. Not cope.
>Maybe if the special effects budget had been sufficient we could have seen more than a few surrealist contraptions coming at the base. Say a few dozen. Then they could have the ground space artillery blow up a few or tear the legs off of some before the others overwhelm the base.

You mean like this? (2:00)

Being constrained by contemporary technology, is not the same as being constrained by plot devices.
Maybe ion cannons are like patriot batteries in that they’re everywhere but also scarce.
it was in the middle of the core worlds protected by the entire republic fleet, or so they thought. good thing palpatine arranged the whole thing while the republic fleet was gone and had the security toned down
>hoth cross-section
I've never seen this one before, there are other cross-section books?
But surely AT-ATs aren't designed ONLY for situations where speeders are a the sole opposition?
There's different ones in the various "Art of" books.
incredibly atutistic thread
>The reason the star destroyers dropping out of space too close was so bad was so the rebels could fire an opening salvo before they had unloaded their invasion forces.

the empire had no idea the rebels had a giant ion cannon hidden in the shield. they just knew they had a shield from energy signals being picked up and the holovids of the generators. they wanted to catch the rebels before they deployed the shield so they could avoid a costly ground assault.
George Lucas never cared about lore or about logic in his movies the Star Wars movies were just made to sell toys
because they were smart enough to send more than one armoured transport at a time. the grounding effect of the walkers being planted might mean the ion effects might not work the same way they do a ship in space.
I though some of the armor plating was knocked off by the force of the fall, and that's why they're vulnerable. Did I remember wrong?
>And where are the rest of the capital ship sized weapons? Only the Death Star has one.
most GCW-era capital ships don't have the power for superlasers or any other type of sustained beam weapon.
the AT-ATs also have unarmoured vents in the top cabin that the rebels try to shoot several times in the movie.
if your theory is so infallible, then why didn't heavy merchandising start until 83' with ROTJ you stupid fucker? most of this shit was designed by former boeing engineers and aeronautical blueprint designers that were hired to start ILM. there was a weight that they made to everything so you could see it once and extrapolate the information and make up all kinds of scenarios in your head inside of this fictional universe. god you reductionists are so fucking retarded
because the setting has shown their are bombers that move much faster while still being effective, and taking inspiration does not mean you copy every aspect (made worse by the fact WW2 bombers moved far faster than those shits in TLJ)
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yeah there's ones for all the vehicles and another series for all the locations.

>This range is on the order of the distance to the horizon for a terrestrial planet. The higher one stands, the greater the distance to the horizon, since the line of sight passes over and around more of the planet's curvature. If the planet Hoth 6 is the same size as Earth, the view across a flat battlefield would extend up to about 16km for a viewer in a walker cockpit.

>16km range and 40 troops onboard with speeders and light walker support
Can I learn this power?
>He doesn’t know the lore
the power cells on an ion cannon have to be super cold at all times otherwise they will explode. that’s why it only works on an ice planet. ez
You see the plating bounce, not fall off.
>the shield is strong enough to withstand any bombardment
meaning the were planning on shooting it from space, thus sparing the ground assault. they had no idea about the ion cannon because there was no energy signals and the one ion cannon only works if the enemy doesn't know about it during the one or two volleys it can get off before its captured by the empire. the rebels probably couldn't hit anything smaller than a star destroyer anyways, let alone a dozen landing barges.
He was a known sympathizer who kept fucking up. That’s why he was too close and sabotaged the ground assault. Having the barrier up means they couldn’t fire through it either with the ion cannon.

>uhmmmm, akschually guys, according to wookipedia, an ion blaster can only generate phosphorising beams when combined with the energising crystal of planet Tamaris, which was revealed in issue #961a of Amazing Star Wars, which is cannon by the way, so you can stop arguing, I mean it's frankly embarassing
>umm actually my character can just hyperspace ram so none of this matters okay??? now watch OUR NEW SHOW!!!!
That’s the fucking point of Star Wars EU. Explain the potholes. Not create sub content that you have to buy everything to follow and understand what happens in the movie.
that's why it was important to wipe it out. it makes it for writers who have no talent to add shitty written stories to a once great franchise
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I've been trying to write a space opera universe for a while now and one of the key points is that spaceships are pointless for battle because massive surface-to-orbit cannons are everywhere. the idea is every occupied world is a fortress-planet that's shielded by energy/ray shields and also sometimes physical shields in the form of a massive outer shell for very important locations like Earth.

if any ship shows up or aliens try to send an asteroid our way, it immediately gets blown to bits by a thousand shells fired at once.
Nah. Adapt it, technology shifts slowly and subtly in Star Wars. Some of it is used in a far off corner that is forgotten and the. rediscovered or redeveloped as it’s scavenged 1000 years later, or it’s an impossible to recreate jury rigged component like the Falcons souped up thrusters. You can absolutely work with in the constraints of Star Wars technology for the simple fact it’s specifically not about hard science. It’s F’n magic that requires no Trek like fake technobabble about depolarizing the quantum nebulizers and crossing the Transverse processes. Buck Rodgers operated in the same principle too.

Lucas would always make movies with the rule of cool in mind. And leave it to the nerds to make sense of what he was portraying.
Wouldn’t it be cheaper and faster to just have orbital weapons capable of swiveling around to the direction of the threat instead of planet based rotation?

A protective Dyson sphere sounds very interesting thiugh.
I had a similar idea where fixed planetary defenses were winning the arms war for thousands of years which turned planets into highly autonomous de facto and later de jure Feudal holdings. But my story was set at the end of that era where ship's mobile firepower had technologically eclipsed static defenses and the feudal empire was in the process of being overthrown by a sort of Trade Company(s) (in the early modern sense like the VoC/EIC) intent on globalhomoing the galaxy.
>It’s F’n magic
the in-universe explanation for why technology stagnates for like, the entirety of the decades covered by the EU is that nobody in the galaxy actually understands any of their technology, it's just lost tech from the Rakatan empire. there's enough left over and they know how to duplicate it, so they can maintain their standard of living, but they don't actually know how any of it works.
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>Absolutely. Star Trek is the exact opposite to Star Wars and brilliant in comparison. While Star Wars tries to build a grandiose setting where multiple factions of varying hierarchical complexity do politics and plot against each other, Star Trek parts from a very simple premise: life in a spaceship.
The Borg wiped out a fleet of 40 Federation ships without breaking a sweat. But somehow the Enterprise alone was able to hold them off long enough for Data and Worf to fly in on a shuttlecraft, beam aboard, kidnap Locutus/Picard, beam back, and then Locutus uploads the sleep code to get rid of them. Star Trek is full of stupid shit for the sake of drama too, I love it but come on now.

Also TNG and DS9 were full of factions doing politics and plotting against each other. Hell in the middle of the Dominion War there's almost a civil war on Earth where that one dickhead admiral almost launches a military coup before Sisko stops him.
barring magic (Space elevators) it will always be more effective to build multiple times X objects on earth than build less objects in space
by effective I meant cheaper*
Death stars are for babies
>The Borg card
I know, but look how deep into the series they fell into those plot complications. All the earlier works are simple adventures and fighting monsters with a philosophical undertone. Even in TNG the plot revolves much more around the complexity of being an intelligent civilization than "le good vs le bad" as in Star Wars
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why put them on the ground. Halo had MAC cannon platforms orbiting the most important planets which makes more sense.
Shore batteries exist so obviously battleships were never a thing! This is the dumbest arguement I've ever heard, there is absolutely nothing special about the ion cannon, omg a big gun disabled a ship, it's not like the ships in star wars aren't already brimming with big cannons! This is not the same as the hyper space ram which just makes any vessel over a certain size nonviable. They should have just made it so Holdo was a force user(she's already from the other feminist witch planet) and have her be guided to Snoke by his overwhelming force presence, therefore implying the feat is not easily replicate by anyone.
I don't watch either of these franchises seriously, but from what I've gathered from a few movies isn't the Starfleet only possible because humans have somehow all agreed to be GoodGuys and cooperate so they can go be space explorers?

The whole premise of Star Trek is based on an extremely optimistic view of humanity (again I have not watched more than like 2 of the most recent movies), which makes it harder to take seriously for me.
Basically a lost/regressed tech if you follow old EU. Back in kotor days you could slap on wrist mounted vambrace sized personal shields. By the OT the tech has been mostly lost and one or two companies still makes them. But now they're big and belt mounted.
If you're trying to fight a planet in a Missile Command / nuBSG / Expanse type way where you're intercepting fire with fire, then the planet and its extremely numerous planetside defensive systems have a natural advantage on winning any battle of attrition with all but the most theoretically massive fleets. If you have 100 canons on Earth to every 1 they've managed to put in orbit (at greater expense) you could dedicate 90 cannons to defensive intercepting fire and 10 to offensive fire and there's really nothing the invading fleet can do to win a fight in orbit.
I really wanna get into Stellaris but I have no idea what I'm doing as soon as the game starts. I did the tutorial and have no idea what I learned
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>So you're telling me this country has satellite weaponry, self-driving cars, and the most powerful military in the world but a third of the country lives in borderline poverty?
>Why don't they just use drones to airdrop food around the cities?
>Sounds like nonsensical worldbuilding to me.
nta but things got bad that people fought with spears and bows and the republic was just the core worlds a 1000 years before TPM. Things got that bad. Stuff like Hyperlane routes getting discontinued, planets getting lost and re-discovered, or how it wasn't possible to create ships that were the size of the swtor's star destroyers are some examples of tech regression.
Not from a bidet
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Correct. Comfy pirate or free merchant vibe on a galaxy scale. Don’t get lost in the details.
Don’t download dorky fake semantics based on nothing, at least be a real nerd and look at real semantics.
it also doesnt make sense that people are poor and have the means of interstellar travel at the same time in star wars
Wow an egg. Shit design
redpill me on ion cannon. what makes them different than regular lasers?
I’m not reading the whole thread but all capital ships and many fighter craft do have ion cannons equipped. The one on Hoth was just very large. Shields do block ion blasts so the effectiveness of the ion canon shots are rated against the strength of the remaining shields available in the target. The one on Hoth can one-shot a Star Destroyer because it is stationary and drawing power from a large generator. One equipped on a capital ship will be lower output based on the specs of the craft powering it.
Yeah, pretty much all these shows hand wave acehcing orbit fuel.
The enitre premise of starwars breaks down if it’s uneconomical for a single fighter ship to have hyper drive to cruise around hoping systems like it’s going down the block.
Star freak is only slightly heavier on the power restrictions, but once you build a warp drive it’s shown as pretty much limitless power for decades or even longer,, except when they need weak crystals to be a plot device.
Regular laser can destroy a physical object like a ship, but needs a great deal of power to get passed shields and destroy a larger object.
Ion cannons can't destroy a physical object, but can temporarily disrupt the internal functioning of the internal systems of a ship using less energy.

Basically it was a plot driven way for the rebels to reliably evacuate while the planet was blockaded, but not have enough power to just win the battle outright.
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In zero gravity with no wind resistance a sphere is the most optimal shape to build.
So like an EMP, then?
Who cares.
>isn't the Starfleet only possible because humans have somehow all agreed to be GoodGuys and cooperate so they can go be space explorers?
Not exactly. IIRC in Star Trek canon there was a WWIII in the 2050s and in the aftermath the surviving countries formed a world government and 200+ years later you've got a unified earth exploring the galaxy. It sounds ridiculous. But if you went back 200+ years to Europe at the height of the Napoleonic Wars, and told them that in the future the great powers of Europe share either a common currency, a military alliance, or both, they would have told you that was ridiculous too
Ion cannons can't disable shields instantly. They need to barrage the ships.
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>not playing the STAR WARS total conversion mod
shit you got a point, I hadn't thought of it that way. Even go back 100 years the concept of something like the UN (ineffective as it is, but still) seems unfeasible. Same with the EU if you'd ask a frenchman in 1920.
>in 200 years France and England will have not fought a war against eachother for 100 years, most of the continent is a democracy or republic like the United States, half of the continent is a loose union with a common currency being rolled out.
Various european tongues of "You are a mad devil"
>Also a bloody war just finished boiling over in the balkans
Various European tongues of "Nevermind he's telling the truth"
Because the planet side power plant and shield generator already have a combined size larger than most capital ships.
Thrusters aren't engines, anon. Should still have an engine to power those thrusters and the rest of the ship.
>"Drop" bombs
>In outer space
>a third of the country lives in borderline poverty
which is a middle class life of luxury in europe if you're not brown, but yes
>There is no reason why every battalion shouldn't have hundreds or thousands of Tiger Tanks, or why every soldier shouldn't just be a Tiger Tank
I'd die for Trump, I'd spill blood for Trump. He is my king, my emperor, my AR-15 with illegal armor piercing ammunition serves only Trump.

Once Trump gets back in we can finally begin the Great Work. The cleansing. I will kill for thee, mighty King.

All non whites into the concentration camps.
please do not redeem the bombay doors saar
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"Shoooot Herrrr!"
>This is why intelligent people prefer star trek. Star wars is for children and semiliterate adults.
whereas the holodeck is completely realistic and smart and mature
star trek is the most boring bland sci fi ever made, shit is so fucking ugly
star trek THE NEXT GENERATION AND ANYTHING BY RDMOORE is the most boring bland sci fi ever made, shit is so fucking ugly

If Sins of a Solar Empire is anything to go by, ion canons need to recharge for a while between shots and the stun effect doesn't actually last that long.
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i mean, disable cannons is more believable than this
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>Goal is to wipe the rebels out
>They have capital ships which, within canon, have basic laser weapons the power of several nukes over per shot
>They don't just sit 20,000km from the planet and fire their capital ship sized lasers at the entire planet for a few hours and turn it into a smouldering lump of shattered magma

At least in 40K they address this by actually just doing this, unless the planet has some kind of value like an STC fragment or it being a valuable hive city planet or manufacturing hub that is worth capturing.
It's literally
Its probably expensive to build and maintain. The rebels built one but couldn't build more. Most of the time a planet is not on an active war footing so they don't build one. The rebels were highly militarized and always prepared to go to war. The purpose of the ion cannon was basically to buy them enough time to escape, and as such it is just to try to prevent landings nearby the base such that the Empire would need to land further away and then try to approach with the AT-ATs.
Coruscant would need to defend its entire surface area where as the rebels only needed to defend the space immediately around their base on Hoth. The Rebels only needed one where as Coruscant might need millions. Planets are big.
You can't radiate heat in space though because there is nothing to take the heat off the object so while the object will gradually cool down to near 0K it will take quite a while to do so, meaning that if you are generating heat you can quite quickly overheat while in face due to the slow rate of cooling from not having air to radiate heat. Space ships need to have special radiators to help cool down by maximizing surface area.
Star DRECK is boring drivel for midwits. Star Wars (at its best) is light entertainment that anyone can enjoy, smart or dumb.

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