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>Best dragon thread

Prev >>201825402
>carries the black plot
nothin' personnel, daemo
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King Jacaerys Targaryen First of His Name
Daemon was cool In S1
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she comes
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>Sunfyre has less than a minute of screentime, even less with Aegon, in the entire 2 seasons before he gets wounded
>Sunfyre wasn't at Aegons coronation instead the dragon budget was spent on Melys/Rhaenys girlboss bullshit
These fucking showrunners man
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>quickly to dragonstone my queen, let me escort you to safety
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What the fuck, is this guy Slenderman or something?
I'm impressed at how they're managing to piss off every single part of the fandom other than Rhaelicents.
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>Do you know what the realm is? It's the thousand blades of Aegon's enemies, a story we agree to tell each other over and over, until we forget that it's a lie.

What did he mean by this?
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Cute and canon!
>"Conspiring with green loyalists"?! WHAT "GREEN LOYALISTS"?! THE FUCKING GODSWOOD?!
>Daemon talking to the Riverlords
That the realm is a thousand blades of Aegon's enemies, a story we agree to tell each other over and over, until we forget that it's a lie.
who else is going to be in hotd from this movie's cast
It’s literally just Littlefinger rationalizing why it’s ok to be a duplicitous, manipulative piece of shit that gets millions of innocent people killed with his schemes
>Aemond betrays his brother (show canon only)
>Aegon is rapist (show canon only)
>Rhaenyra is peace maker
>Daemon is incompetent
>Jace is mewing 24/7
>Baela has cringe lines
>Rhaena is boring
>Alicent most boring character
I wonder why...
>Jesus no no no Simon, the Old Gods were talking about the Blackwoods they weren't talking about me
Rupert Friend, Jason Isaacs, and Paul Ready would be great. Steve Buscemi would be great playing a Frey.
>Show's logic: man bad woman good
>i was mindbroken by catelyn so much i became an evil scheming mastermind
>Jason Isaacs
they made an entire show about how rhaenyra and alicent want to fuck each other but sadly all these evil men are forcing them to fight and making them look bad
you can't even try to make that work without character assassinating everyone especially rhaenyra and alicent themselves
Who even wants this other than Sara Hess and maybe Condal? TG likes Aegon and/or Aemond and objects to show only changes that make them look bad, TB is full of complaints about Rhaenyra not fighting and being too passive, Daemon and Jace being treated poorly by the narrative, the Mysaria kiss being out of place etc. It's only specifically Rhaenicent fans or "Rhaenyra le saintly peacemaker" fans (which are usually also Alicent fans) who are ok with this.
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>s2 e8
>battle of the guller is TEASED
>taking of kl is TEASED
>its TEASED that the war is getting serious.. in the next season!
wow, at least we'll get some helaemond kino but i dont think its sexual (yet, thats right aegoncucks, its just a matter of time)
Roose Bros… things aren’t looking good for us

>Tywin dies
>Lannister’s are taking major L’s and won’t offer support to the north
>Stannis invades the North
>Our plan to trick Stannis to attack the dreadfort gets foiled Jon Snow
>Stannis gets an army of 5,000 men
>The Freys and the Manderlys are out their throat (Manderlys are actively conspiring against us)
>Our plan for the Karstarks to betray Stannis gets foiled by Theon.

It’s so over…. Why would Stannis lose the battle on the ice if he’s getting all this sudden good luck?
And they haven't even started filming S3 apparently, they start this fall or next year. Will anyone still care by that point?
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first for The Vale
Azor Theon
If we have to wait another 2 years for the next season, then HOTD is finished.
If Stannis indeed burns Shireen in books, he needs to lose the battle against Boltons. He needs to be in very desperate situation to do that.
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he...DOESN'T COME....
fuck me i have a weakness on slender necks...
I’m certain he will win the battle on the ice. If he was going to lose, why did George write it so that Stannis discovers the Karstark plot? Giving him this major advantage doesn’t make sense if he’s just going to lose. Also the fact that Stannis’ plan hasn’t been revealed is basically writing 101 that he’s going to win.
I think episode 8 will be the last time Helaena and Aemond will ever interact. He will likely leave for Harrenhal after listening to her prophetic dream. Having season 3 open with the brutality of Aemond in Harrenhal would be a good and shocking opening.
I unironically made an Aegon Edit that cuts Aegon being a rapist child fighting pedophile to watch with my girlfriend
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How does this make you feel?
But what pushes him to burn Shireen then? Unless George has changed his mind, it'll be Stannis who gives the order to do so and not Melisandre acting on her own.
Maybe stopping the others
I doubt it'll be to stop a blizzard
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>12 year old Oscar Tully enters the room
I find her extremely sexy and I don't understand why.
>Looks at you
>Tilts her head
>Walks up to you
>Gets on top
>lifts her dress
>sits down
>pees on you
>refuses to elaborate further
Whatever Mother wants
i hope they change helaenas fate and give her a happy ending bros... shes so cute
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you can not kill a dream
Fuck that, brothel queens and spiky suicide are what she deserves, simp
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Imagine if they cut all of Daemons Harrenhal stuff or at least cut it down to five minutes and replaced it with Helaena bug catching adventures + weaving her dreams
The show the people want.
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Helaena can't be around the show people really want
Delete this post
Sure she could, her softness could contrast the war and she could dream of death and give kino prophecies
Helaena should always be around
And when she's not, characters should be asking, "Where's Helaena?"
Holy crap what a manjaw!!! Is she Tarzan's sister?
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Realm's Delight.
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Maegor's teats
I hope they have loving make up sex
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They won't
Rhaenyra is a dyke whore she’s never had sex for anything but pleasure
>helaemond in the finale
How much longer do we have to wait for this? Hate this nigga like you wouldn't believe.
The shitwoods must answer.
>aaaagh please nuncle I never should have doubted your cause please forgive me nooooo-ACK!
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>shine, kisama!
>n-nani??? masaka!
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Imagine trying to be the new coca cola but all you end up being is diet coke left open so it has no carbonation. That's Aemond.
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>i don't remember anything
Was it trauma from battle, milk of the poppy or was he just scared on Aemond?
>you'll never be a kl smallfolk guy entering the brothel after a hard day
>you'll never meet helaena there who asks you to rescue her
>you'll never sneak her out using your celever plan
>you'll never run away together to live happily in the free cities
its not fair, not fair at all bros
>just scared on Aemond
new episode when
>Nuncle.. you have given me a worthy death.. I kneel...
he says with Dark Sister through his eye
She lets him hit cause he's goofy.
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>Hottest actor in HOTD
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We ready to be back, crab-bros?
at least aemonds got eyebrows
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>Hightower Aegon
Funny how he looks better either with really light hair or darker hair but looks weird with his actual haircolour.
He looks like Alicent
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Lannister Aemond
Bro be looking like Alexander the great.
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soon bros, shes just playing hard to get
He looked very cute in this interview. I like the jumper.
Phia said she sends Tom NSFW fanart of their characters
I’fe literally never seen that before, wtf is she sending him
Must have drawn it herself.
I've seen a few, including a threesome between helaena, aegon and aemond. Poor daeron gets left out
>“The whole preproduction period was designed to make him as unattractive and as vile as possible… But, it’s great to meet people who are passionate about it.” - Tom
S1 Aegon was supposed to be ugly guys
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They failed, he looks like a depressed wet cat
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I remember after S1 i didnt understand what his fangirls saw in him (other than the coronation scene) because this is all I saw
he was (is) though
>For example, if I told you "Kill all the smallfolk", it wouldn't matter how you felt about it...
>haha guys imagine if we all dressed up as our characters and banged haha that'd be so crazy lol imagine if ur got in ur burnt outfit tom lol n ewan u had your eye patch n u guys eiffel towered me lmao xD xD
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All their fanart looks like this
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i dont know who made this, but you are pretty based anon
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They failed
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>No, not to serve as Hand, you taooba.
Gross. Rhaenyra should kill Alicent.
yes, hes azor ahai. yes, his sword is real
Probably the Season finale of Season 3.
they gunna push it S4 for sure
For all the images about these two actors together i thought Cregan would have more than 3 minutes of screen time this season
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You're not looking in the right places.
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>cute and canon
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Who is the artist
Wtf will Aemond do for all of Season 3, burn the Riverlands?
I mean S3 will probably have Gullet, fall of KL, a couple more battles, God's Eye would end up in S4 or so like 5 years from now.
He will appear in next episode. According to leaks, Cregan will lead the greybeards
plow Helaena at Harrenhall
He'll get the same Harrenhal arc as Daemon with PARALLELS every fucking episode.
He'll go through his own schizo arc along gwayne and criston
Nah, they are not spending 20 minutes of each episode on him. Instead we will get more Alicent crying and bitching at Daeron.
Why is it called the small council? What's the large council?
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King Jace, actually.
Red hair is recessive so it makes sense that Aegon has silver hair. But it doesn't make sense that Rhaenys had silver hair instead of black.
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I don't think we have to wait that long between seasons. Filming for S3 will start this year and scripts for S4 are already being written.
hes going to have a very intense sexual relationship with healena after he executes alys for practicing illegal witchcraft.
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Why didn’t they crown Helaena like the books
Condom hates women
Episode was directed by le feminist Hess
you're right and you should say it
end of
That better be Marge
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Just Melys bs that even the show retcons
I could have saved Aegon.
Attractive face is much more important than height.
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>alicent is a deeply religious hightower woman
>shes happy to marry his son and his daughter and watch them make incest kids
This but unironically
doctrine of exceptionalism
the high septon agreed, don't bother him about it
It is true and it's not an opinion. Statistically women choose men based on their face, attitude and THEN height, social status etc.
Yeah, I always wondered how the various non Valyrian spouses felt about marrying incest children or have their children marry each other. Disregarding custom, duty, exceptionalism, etc, it must have been very weird.
On the book it was Viserys’ idea not hers
She was very much against it
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Hate how we never got anything to indicate that Helaena and Aegon care about each other in any capacity
In the show, they don't.
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Well it’s a shame
To women height >face.
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I think GRRM skipping the S3 writing sessions is sign enough that he already sees this adaption as another fuckup. He seems particularly more excited D&E. If you read his blog he was absolutely livid about them using the four-legged dragon flag, almost as though he was hinting at this being another failed project.
Don't worry, Matt Smith is still fucking women, no need to be upset like that because anons here have a preference for someone who isn't him.
Yet for some reason he keeps selling his stories to HBO.
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Good evening anons! A quick reminder that her children are BASTARDS and she is a whore. Thank you and enjoy the thread.
>people unironically like Aegon

Why? He has no personality besides being a manchildren playboy

At least Joffrey was interesting
>If you read his blog he was absolutely livid about them using the four-legged dragon flag, almost as though he was hinting at this being another failed project.
To me that was mostly expressing his frustrations with the show while not directly attacking it (I don't think he can).

GRRM is literally retarded though. He has enough power now to demand veto on his contract to any change of his book adaptations he doesn't want like Rowling has. He needs to fire his advisors or something because it's insane he doesn't have one now.
I get the feeling that he sold HotD and D&E around the same time, and on a surface level, the first season of HotD seemed relatively faithful. It almost feels like the writers waited for GRRM to leave the room and started writing S2 in a hurry
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Why doesn't he ask for control over how the adaptations are done?
t. tv business brainlet
isnt it strange that they barely even interacted even when their son died? its so obvious that theres something going on between helaena and aemond, theres no other logical explanation
His advisors just probably see him as a paypig to bleed like Viserys
fat and lazy probably
It's something studios did to fuck over David Lynch's Dune. They probably faithfully followed his instruction and filmed the stuff he felt was necessary, then during the final cut they just stabbed Lynch/GRRM in the gut
I get the feeling that he's a hack and the ending of game of thrones was all his ideas.
Of course, because height > face.
yes thats the point. male anons prefer jace, but female fans prefer daemon. for gays face>height, for women height>face
They don't care about each other in the book either.
> theres no other logical explanation
It’s pretty simple, the show doesn’t put importance on the green kids interacting with each other because other than Aegon and Aemond it’s irrelevant to the story they want to tell. They will kill Helaena off as soon as they can.
based knower
I think GRIM is just fat, lazy cocksucker with mediocre books who constantly latches onto projects like a parasite with chronocal inability to finish anything.
Aegon cared enough to listen to her advice
>for women height>face
Having an interesting face is more important than height, but I would still prefer for a guy to be my height at least (170cm).
Gay hands typed this
It flew over my head that Rhaena and Baela are Daemon’s biological children
I feel like Sapochnick wanted to make Aegon V/ Naerys / Aemon parallel. But then he left and it was scrapped.
Well, chronocal isn't a word so maybe you and GRRM have something in common as hack writers
He does have control. He pretends not to do so when it turns out to be shit, like later season GoT he can seem blameless and people will still buy his shitty books and generate interest in another adaptation of another half finished piece of shit from the mind of George RR Martin. It's a pretty good scam.
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plap plap plap
>for women height>face
Absolutely not in my experience. So long as you're not shorter than a woman (and even then sometimes), face always trumps height. It's like this for everyone. It's genetically wired on us to pick people who have healthy traits and a good, symmetrical face means better genetical offsprings.
They used to sleep together until B&C happened and they stopped
They must’ve had something wish the show explored what it feels to he 2 targ siblings getting married
yeah but i mean in universe explanation (dont know the incel nerd expression for it)
Why do they keep doing this? Just adapt the characters as they are, don't project other characters onto them. Imagine if they did adapt A4's era and then you get a repeat of this with only the tiniest changes. Retards.

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