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Season finale promo: https://youtube.com/watch?v=sTAXt2yPfek
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/\ PEAKE /\
>more fake leaks debunked
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What did we think Jace this episode
Halaenamaniacs..... I'm afraid
What do dragons in this world do when they’re not being ridden? Do they just sort of poke around a bit? Like, what were Silverwing and Kobayashi doing before they got claimed this episode?
Alyssa my Targaryen whore wife.
she didn't fly so good...
This season was mid ..
>silverwing picks the first drunk loser she sees
how the hell did rhaena fail to claim her?
Cannibal is as big as Barlerion and you can't convince me othersie.
he's a fag
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Having read the last few threads, I have to conclude that some of you are legit stupid. Not retarded but simple and stupid. How is it so fucking hard to understand what happens in every single episode, this isn't complicated
making eggs
Broke: The Dance diminished Targaryen power because all the dragons died.

Woke: The Dance diminished Targaryen power because all the bastards died.
>Let's bring out the first dragon
>You can't leave btw
She wants it that bad huh?
Silverwing has a soft spot for broken things.
When did they show Hugh's daughter dying? He said his ill daughter died but I don't remember there being any scenes with her actual death.
He was right.
He's racist
he's a racist
I guess like most reptiles they just stay in one place and sporadically move a little to eat
she only attempted seasmoke according to this episode
Biggest chad dragon, dumbest male dragon, LET'S GOOOOOOOOO
The dragon handlers did something to fuck it up.
What if the Targ's power is magically linked to the amount of Targ blood in the world?
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They didn't. She just snapped between episodes lmao
is he though or it's just wishful thinking for you
What's the point of Alicent now?
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>“When the hammer shall fall upon the dragon, a new king shall arise, and none shall stand before him.”
I kneel
Probably was sober.
>t. Seething blackcel
>What if the Targ's power is magically linked to the amount of Targ blood in the world?
>Melissandre said her magic is strong around the wall but she was also around Jon
You're into something anon.
we get to laugh at her downward spiral
This episode had RUSHED all over. First getting into King Landing, then spreading the dragonrider call, then exfiltrating the people and THEN sending a literal WHO to Kings Landing to bait Aemond with NO TRAINING WHATSOVER. I mean it's genuinely felt forced as fuck.
It was very nice seeing the dragons and the bait at the end was fun but holy fuck the pace was all over.
In the riot scene at the city gates the daughter was filmed and she was grey and stiff. I assumed she died then.
My king
Justice for Quicksilver
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Where is Celtigar?
I think Rhaena is cute

Don't @ me
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Is this /ourguy/?
This show sucks, I feel like a retard for defending it for 2 years.

That was the worst 3 episode streak of anything I've seen for a long time. The pacing of this episode was ridiculous
thanks for making the post again so no one can agree with you again
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he was having so much fun
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He is a prophet
Rhaenyra didn’t send Ulf you retard.
absolutely based and the stuff of kings
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Why don't they just poison Aemond
Pure fucking KINO. I love this dude.
whats going on here? is that balerion? who is he munching?
what is it about Targaryen women and being whores?
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I like that you could see Rhaenyra walking into this scene at the top
Yes, both him and Hugh are giga based
>t. Lucerys from the afterlife
He's a pussy that will keep taking orders from the big bully: Hugh. Or maybe not, we will see.
Dungeon sex scene
Feels hood to see liars getting dicked down whenever the new episodes aired
Why did Daemon make his mommy cum and squirt and writhe with his tongue?
Corlys said the Velaryons are not dragonlords, although valyrian in blood. Maybe the Varyons were of a freedman population in which there were valyrians mutts with every other race they took slaves from but the original valyrians, from which the dragonlords spawned, were white?(all this in the show, of course)
What exactly was the point of wasting time on Alicent's pleasant forest trip this episode
>Bastard realizes something
I kek'ed
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What is the other 0.1%?
Is this about Hugh?
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He humbled himself and understood the truth.
all women are whores
The blacks are introducing DEI
Suicidal camping trips.
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cuz he's based
I can't believe no one felt that.
Aegonbros how are we doing
It was pleasant and so is her ass
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>a drunk with illusions of grandeur with a power fantasy being gifted a golden ticket to fame and riches without any sort of effort

Gee I wonder why he resonates with certain type of 4chins
Stannis has probably as much Targ blood or close to it as Jon does, his grandmother was Rhaelle Targaryen.

The wall is just a magical structure in general, Melisandre calls it one of the "hinges of the world" and says there are powerful spells sealed in the ice that give her strength
Don't worry it's out of character for Aemond to hurt her, she will be safe in his arms. Farewell, Helaemond sex soon before he fly to Harrenhal
Yeah and the shitposter was here trying to bait people but he was just ignored.
So we could see her take another bath yet not seeing her tits, again.
They are going for the reddit audience. Wasting time on pointless scenes = deep atmospheric character development
Dragons will kill their own children. They're no better than wild animals.
Didn't read the book, who?
This is legit retarded lmfao. The entire season has been nothing but the exact same scenes playing over and over again and they couldn't take a few minutes away from Alicent doing nothing or Rhaenyra saying the same lines over and over again to include his daughter's death. Actually unbelievable. It made me feel like I had actually skipped an episode or something and I lost a bunch of time going back checking what the fuck did I miss.
*blocks your path*
*dies of greyscale*
Mommyfucking is based
Jace would lick Rhaenyras cunt much better than that insipid hapa whore
>build up to this shit for like 3 episodes
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>In HotD it seems all the Velaryons are black, and if the Velaryons are all black, then Jaehaerys' mother (Alyssa Velaryon) was black and Aegon's mother (Valaena Velaryon) was black, the why are all their direct descendants white?
Really good episode
That gown should've been fuckin see-through when she was in the water. I bet they CGI'd her nipples out
t. whining greensissies
I won't lie
this episode restored my faith
but I'm sure somehow the finale will ruin it again
>don't want to ridden by a literal mouth-breather but the funny drunk guy
Do you blame it?
All that buildup was for boring dogshit. We had 5 scenes of Alicent doing nothing, and the only payoff was the dragonseeds.
Including your mom
least delusional helaemond shipper
if silverwing is so chill, why not try to claim her first, instead of the biggest baddest one
No they are just not dragon lords like the targs, one of the weakest dragonlord families from valyria
When's Hugh and Ulf fucking shit up?
Jon is a super targ
One of the heads from the prophecy
I feel like Rhaenyra riding the ugliest dragon in the history of the show hurts her claim tbqh
How many dragons would a major Valyrian house have?
Martin has a fetish for killing off spare Targs in comical fashion, he makes it into an artform. Pretty much every Targaryen gets toasted in one particular event that happens like 40 years before GOT
Probably not until next season sadly
Silverwing is racist
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All this death and suffering so these two chucklefucks can host an all-night rager at Winterfell with dragons and some evil gay snowman 170 years later. Fuck I hate George Martin for being a lazy fatass. It's literally all for nothing Rhaenyra!
2028, go it
He's still here? I mean the fake leakers, guess he didn't get enough attention yet
Maelor can still exist
quite possible she's also very hard to call
other anons saying that vermithor being claimed first helped could be onto something
After everyone else and their dragons are dead. No joke
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felt bad for him, and he’s right, but i dont know how i feel about him potentially dying next episode while mad at nyra, seems a bit to gimmicky
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>Blacksissies are unoriginal
Nothing new there.
Faaarkkk bros are we never gonna get to see sexy little alyssa no more?
I forgot helly is older than aemond
So she's right up his alley

>Jace would lick Rhaenyras cunt much better than that insipid hapa whore
It never ceases to disappoint me that ASOIAF fans get so worked up over "prophecy" when the story itself clearly warns many times that prophecies are lies that will lead you astray. GRRM has made his thoughts on prophecies as a narrative instrument very clear.
i can't recall if i am making this up or if it was mentioned in side material, but something like 20+ for the larger dragonlord families.
I'm going to sleep because I have to wake up in four hours to code a bunch of stuff. Try to keep the new threads with more than one link to previous threads and add charisma by stating whats your edition all about, that way we can maintain new threads HANDSOME, WISE and STRONG.
there were forty dragonlord families in Valyria and hundreds of dragons between them
>We will end the war with no further bloodshed by giving sentient nukes to randos we don't know anything about.
Is Rhaenyra retarded? Someone explain to me how this makes any sense?
so he can be killed?
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Rhaenyra sis we won
Daeron in one week bros
>Army of bastards
The Targeryans were on the path to ruin soon as this Rhaenyra was born. Even if she won the war her bastard son would've been fucked if some lowborns with the equivalents of medieval nukes were running around. The Targaryens would've been overthrown much earlier than by Robert.
Built to be locked and exploited in a brothel
get a hobby anon
Except when they come true with startling accuracy like Cersei's. The entire point is that the prophecy will have some truth to it, not that it's entirely infallible, and that it's more like a curse that destroys those trying to fulfill or avoid it and uses them as a means to fulfill itself.
He is still here pretending he has s3 leaks.
So Hugh is actually a targ, and Ulf is just some shitter that got lucky?
Such is our plight watching this kind of slop.
They won't have the balls to show a mob tear a screaming toddler apart limb from limb
I can't wait for mayhapsening
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Goodnight sweet prince. Thank you for your service.
Blacksissies, our cope?!?
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Why do you keep posting this? Does it bother you that women like him more than they like you?
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>Jacaerys: “When you took Harwin Strong to bed did you not think I would favour him?”
Just appreciate her beauty goddamint
Aegon will perform Dragon Communion by eating Sunfyre's heart, thus transforming himself into a dragon and eating Rhaenyra
>he finally discovered a belt
I'm so proud
Ulf is Baelon's bastard
Rickard Thorne was introduced for no reason at all. Haelena gets Maelor's fate, Rickard tries to save her. It's verified
I'd like to know just from the director's pov

Is she wearing like 3 white bras or something
>saera actually did raise her bastard children with love
jaehaerys BTFO
They both are. Ulf never said he wasn't one, he just seemed scared of the dragons and didn't want to die.
What the fuck happened?
Boys belong to their moms
It is known
The blacks win, so blow it out our ass
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Do the dragons have any kind of society outside of what their riders command? Dogs and horses will group up and form a hierarchy without people around, what do dragons do in their own?
So does dragon riding require skill or what?
is not a bad thing to think but now she clearly has the upper hand and is very likely one or both of them die fighting vaghar. that's the entire point.
Based lol
Wonder why he didn't just go to reddit because they would eat all his blackpill "leaks" and probably would gave him the attention he seeks as well
stop, we’d already have casting news or confirmation, he’s not showing up yet
wtf do all the female leads have a non-nude clause in their contracts in this show?
>Let's me give two dragons more powerful than the ones controlled by me and my son to two total fucking random
>Jace seething about bastard's "purity" when he's a Mutt himself and not the fact they gave Vhagar 2.0 to some faggit instead of themselves

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Where are the slags? Where are the tits?
I miss D&D. GODS I was cooming then.
What choice does she have? They have to counter Vhagar without exposing her or Jace too much. It comes back to bite her in the ass of course.
Ulf is Daemon and Visery's brother you dumb fucking retard lol do you guys even watch this show
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honestly the best line so far, showmakers have balls of steel to put it in
Aemond is so lucky bros...
ulf seems like he's just a coward and the leaker is a retard that didn't understand that
why do you keep posting this? No one cares about the fags on twitter you’re seething about
Nothing happened. Barth was a devil worshiper who murdered Aerea in an evil sex ritual and then concocted the story to cover his tracks
He posted his leaks on the green reddit but the real leakers said it was bullshit.
Aegon would never refer to the smallfolk in such terms
We can't show that on screen, it's not a dick after all
Mommyson shippers eating so good rn
Company you keep Blackfag
>some drunk guy boasting in a bar
>yeah -hic- I-I'm totally one of them... Tragrayeuns
they seem to "marry"; vermithor and silverwing's riders were husband and wife, and they basically are too. they don't seem to raise their youth though. dragons eating other dragons seems rare enough that its notable for one dragon to do it, the cannibal
Jace won't die but he'll get amnesia and end up as a male whore in a brothel. You heard it here first.
I don't think a coward would have the balls to face dragons anon


The dragon bows to the kraken
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Just look at what other reptiles do,no sure why you are comparing them to mammals
anon? he was running away
Hugh who happens to have the second larger Dragon, after the larger one Vhagar and Aemond die he is unstopable.
he should be the protagonist in a future The Crow remake
too many schizos samefagging ITT i'm out
I didn't read the leaks so don't know what you mean.
Yeah... He prefers to rape them instead, what a lad, amirite?
good god what a turbofaggot. no wonder he hangs out with the troons.
He's realizing just how fucked he is. He looks nothing like a Targaryen. The only reason anyone accepts him as a royal is the fact he can ride a dragon. If any whore's son can be a dragonrider, Jace is nobody.
He was running away because the dragon was breathing nukes
Anon are you dumb
>sauron sloppy seconds
The greens outlive the blacks and for all purposes win except the meme army that cleans up afterwards, then history writes Rhaenyra as a dumb bitch. It's about dignity, Daemon wins against Aemond, Aegon wins against Rhaenyra.
>muh male heir side dubbaU even though the greens blood passes too.
Aegon is merciful
so where is cannibal?
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gods, my king was strong then
We'd reach soul levels that shouldn't be possible, you know Miyazaki is in George's ear about it
I read the leaks and I know what that anon means
Because we've never domesticated a reptile.
>retarded amnesiac Jace being fucked by ugly randos for free
If only Sarah was a degen fujo too
That's subjective
Didn't the leaks say Alicent's lake scene was a suicide attempt? She just went for a swim kek
The Greens lost. It's ok, anon.
hugh was fine
I think you are on to something, especially considering all the peasants trying to grab her at the funeral… they do like to foreshadow deaths.
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Whole lot of words for a cope
If hair dye existed this wouldn't be a problem
What are you jealous about, aegonsis?
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This is your Rhaenyra now
leakers are retarded
He was running away too
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I miss otto...
Damn, good point
I wish for total targshit death and the greens fucking style kill Rhaenyra. I don't know what cope you're smoking.
In the books it wasn't whether he's bastard or nit, this is just the show being retarded
I am very jealous that I don't get to hang out with two ugly niggers and a nonbinary :(((((
I don’t claim a team you loser, I like different characters.
>he is unstopable.
Like what? is he going to betray Rhaenyra or something
>In the books it wasn't whether he's bastard or nit
I don't think you read fire and blood
I love what they did with him. He looks like a Dark Souls boss.
Plenty of targs later on didn't have the typical valyrian looks (like baelor breakspear and his children or rhaenys, daughter of rhaegar)
its probably a sea monkey using a picture of a gook kpop woman anon
I’d be going crazy if I was Jace. The only reason they’re in this position in the first place is because Rhaenyra is so fucking indecisive with every other choice; but she’s sure about this one. He’s gotta feel like there’s a gas leak or something.
there's no way this isn't going to go poorly
Are Hugh and Ulf good actors? I don't think I've seen them before
So now random bums can claim dragons? Is that how it was in the original story by Martin?
In other brighter screenshot you could see that that he was bulging in his pant, probably gonna have the sex scene following the scene in the screenshot
why is this place so reddit holy shit, go get some pussy, incel lol
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Best episode of the season
so rhaenyra was truly the father
Who’s taking over making the threads now that anons gone to sleep?, we should just designate one person to do it for the next few hours.
why the conspiracy to uglify dragons? Vermithor looks kind of fitting, but Silverwing should be fuckin beautiful. god i love silverwing
yeah and they all had problems
They're not random, they're Targaryen bastards.
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Just spams your aegon like always...no need to seethe this much, "sis".
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Imagine if he had a dragon.
Why didn't Larys Strong pick up someone was going around town hiring Targ Bastards to go on a boat and think something was up about that?
Baelor was beloved by everyone iirc. A shame about the kinslaying
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Tessarion.....my beloved....
Rhaenyra rides the ugliest fucking dragon on the show.
Pics or it didn't happen
> bulging in his pant
Good morning sir.
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Scene with Jace calling his fellow illegitimate bastard kin mongrels when they have silver hair and ride better dragons was funny
>random bums
>show goes out of its way to show them with tacky white haired wigs
>every other character either is a bastard or has bastards
diagnosis: retardation
prognosis: terminal
Caraxes exists
The coolest dragon is dead.
Stop! My Penis Can Only Get So Erect!
>wHaT wOuLd YoU hAvE mE dO?!?!?!?
agreed, but the book never really described Syrax's appearance. Silverwing was one of the ones described, yet they gotta make her look ugly for some reason. been a problem since GoT when rhaegal and viserion were both muddy colored and ugly.
>Leprosy King Viserys, the Dragoncock Progenitor
Caraxes exists
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He would be too based for this world
You know that most of his intels were just a bunch of made up lies? Like when he told aegon that the people were talking about how Aemond and Alicent wanted him out leading the attack when he wearing his armor and aegon believe that like an idiot
>aegon is told he will never be able to walk again
>two episodes later he is able to walk
You can dress him up too but that costs extra
The only one I've seen that looked good was the black girl's when she dive bombed Cole and gwayne.
caraxes isn't ugly, it's cool and weird looking
I swear Rhaenyra even gives him a look like
>cmon now
She looks blue. Good.
The adaption we should have gotten instead. Fuck dragons.
jeancucks was also a seething aegonfags...what a pottery
AEMOND: Halaena! Now’s the time, attack!

>Smash cut to Halaena stumbling around in the grass next to Dreamfyre looking for crickets.
he looks dumb as fuck
spinoff with jace as a plucky, naive male whore in flea bottom? i'd watch
Good morning Rajdeep!
I feel Luke would had taken it in stride unlike his bro,
If he were alive anyways
Shout out to all the supposed bastards who don't have silver hair but decided to show up. They were probably the first to burn, but they sure are brave.
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so does your mother
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shut and have some fun with it
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I miss season one(1)
Besides Olivia Cooke looking pretty floating on water, what's the point of the scene tho?
He ended up being right about that though, his source was a lie. And telling the king to avoid battle was also good advice.
All of that fat whores sons should had been sold to cheap brothels from the get go
what delusional cope. Luke was way more arrogant and hotheaded than Jace. lol
>a drunk with illusions of grandeur with a power fantasy being gifted a golden ticket to fame and riches without any sort of effort
Enough about Rhaenyra wanting to be queen
You keep using that word without knowing what it means. Leave faggot
well yes and
Syrax is just to stubby and stunted looking. He looks like he has dragon Down syndrome
As long as she continues to fuck Mysaria I do not care
ummmmm girlboss.
>helaena will ride dreamfyre into battle and dreamfyre will get killed
>this is what causes her complete breakdown
No one's talking about how Daemon got humiliated by a literal child. Just totally dominated.
Preparation for the special episode: Brothel Queens!
Who? I just saved that because it was funny
He’ll put little Maelor in her
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dark souls version
? where
>He looks like he has dragon Down syndrome
this but caraxes
Jace is a FAGGOT
And his simps are roasties.
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I'm actually the usual nonces weren't all over him thank the Gods
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>Fuck the assize and fuck you
what did he mean by that
That was the best scene of the episode but everyone loves FAGons too much I guess.
unironically that costume is peak
So what's going to happen at the end of this season? Blacks take King's Landing?
They really did their best to destroy his character when the dragonseeds were his plan in the book. Hess must really really fucking hate him.
Impeccable casting desu
If you haven't noticed, we don't talk about good things here
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It was very satisfying.
I wouldn't be able to watch without cooming at every scene and self-inserting as those ugly fat guys who would rape him
Silverwing couldn’t relax
>hey let's just throw away our main egg-laying dragons to the meatgrinder
>what could go wrong?
makes way less sense than the original death for dreamfyre.
what is the payoff to the shit with rhaena supposed to be? just build up for the cannibal? is that dragon even really that important enough to the plot to bother with all of this build up? feel like it could've been handled with one line before its introduction like 'we have reports of that wild dragon causing trouble near the island again' or whatever
Aemonds actor is just as big of a fag as jaces seethy. In fact most actors are pretty gay.
Because he's ugly
So we actually getting to see Dreamfrye next episode
wow this episode was fucking garbage
It's not funny and it's cringe
he looks normal
Alysanne was a boring rider and she wanted someone cool
>Caption was Vermithor relaxes
I keked
There is that one guy that had a pet 18 foot saltwater croc that he lived with and swam with. I think the croc's name was Pocho.
Holy shit, they keeping brothel queens scenes? Was it too late to apply for extras in that scenes?
It was probably drugged and without its tooth
If the Dragon Cock gets a painwalk to the throne it will be 9/11 for blackcels
Rape fodder for Aemond
Cannibal is irrelevant unless they change things.
Best scene?! Nah we don't do that here we only lust upon crippled and niggers
nice to get SOME characterization for him. kind of a weird way to play it though since obviously the audience is supposed to think he was being an asshole here but in the end he'll be proven right
Hugh was the Irish cop in that HBO Warrior show
It apparently got shot in the head and he nursed it back to health. They lived together for 23 years until it died of old age.
Yes, he is. I just think he manages to keep the closet shut on scene.
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It's been a long while, Rhaenyra.
Long and hard didst thou fight, Realm’s Delight. Spurned by the oaths of men.
Be assured, the Iron Throne resteth close at hand.
Alas, I am returned. To be granted Alicent sexo once more.
Upon my name as Viserys Targaryen, the first of his name!
That's his own fault for hatching an egg instead of throwing it out of his crib and going for a big boy dragon.
He is indeed handsome, wise and Strong
So it was retarded? Lmao
It probably saw him at its mother or something
There's always something funky going on with wild animals domesticated like that
Never relax
Why does Rhaenyra always look like she's either struggling to finish a shit, or just had a satisfying one? Emma D'Arcy's facial acting is shockingly bad.
I agree with your wholeheartedly. The dragon rider speech was acceptable, but it was her flying high on delivery. It's usually so shitty. The beach scene made me want to die
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I love dragons and I hate n
yeah honestly all this says is that Rhaenys should've had black hair in the show because it's not like Baratheon black hair genetics is ever a major point in the main story and also could've been an additional dig against Rhaenys' claim over Viserys
the seed is strong..
It's not cannibal, it's sheepstealer. Nettles doesn't exist in the show.
> Curse you, Rhaenyra! I hereby vow! You will rue this day! Behold, a true Targ Warrior! And I, Aegon! Your fear made flesh! Solid of blubber you might be, foul whore … But I will riddle with holes your rotund hide! With a hail of harpoons! With every last drop of my being!
who are they?
Kek. Saved.

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