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Making a real thread with haste edition.

Real previous thread >>>201873928
Usurping cunt thread >>>201875372
I'd rather have this beautiful thread.
I'm refusing to watch this shit.
C'mon guys , who's with me !
This, but ironically.
Gay show for women
We will keep it bumped and fill it up, then the anon who made the Chadmire thread can make the new one to post in that thread.
I just can't get past those ridiculous white wigs.
any hot female tits in this episode?
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gotta love the ulfster baby ya just gotta
Helaena's. Didn't show it yet but maybe in future episodes?
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I guess the stealth buff wore off. I guess chest wounds from Meraxes already healed and didn't put her out of commission.
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> I guess the stealth buff wore off
She can only use it in green surroundings.
So they merged Nettles with the other chick that's disappointing. They completely cut out the one character who could be black.
I like the change, it makes Rhaena more interesting.
The shot in the trailer of the Cannibal with all the green flame and shit is fucking awesome and just makes me question why they didn’t do coloured dragon clan all along.
He’s cut isn’t he? It’s Tessarion in the trailer.
Cyclop faggot gtfo
Fuck nettles
If Glidus and AltShitX shove half of this week’s Dragon Time behind a paywall again I’m gonna be trouble
why doesn't she use octocamo
Best ep of the season so far! Truly looking forward to watching Alt Shift X take on the themes of internalized patriarchy and misogyny in this week’s ep. It’s nice to have a representative voice analyzing the show. And not to mention he’s super hysterical too (love his accent!).
Is Sunfyre fucking dead? What's up with that plotline
dragons have 4 legs. these goofy 2 legged wyverns are reddit
Nope, you’ll see him next season.
Daemon is a little bitch now getting cucked by a zoomer how can anyone take him seriously
I hate this show. Wish they just cancelled it instead of dragging it out like this.
That's what I figured (I've read the book) but I'm pretty sure a character literally said "he's dead".
Are they just making it so the surprise will catch more people off-guard?
>internalized mizogony and patriarchy
Its kinda funny how fat man get these pledditors around him writing about underage girls lol
>Order of Dragonkeepers fucked off

uh ok? Good riddance
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Team green btfo, the blacks literally CANT lose now!
that's the point, it's revenge for daemon fans liking him last season
it won't even be him bringing her an army, she'll go there with the dragonseeds and make him obey her
it will be made clear that only rhaenyra and mysaria and those two guys ever did anything, daemon and jace were useless which subverts your expectations since they did everything in the book
He is way too big for that horse.
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>invite a few dozen peasants to your Island castle, promising them a better life
>lock them all in a room with a giant dragon and watch them all get incinerated/trampled/eaten alive from the balcony
>lose like 10 guards in the exchange as well
What do these dragon jannies even do
its funny how they all team black even though daemon groomed and fucked his 15 year old niece
They straight up named dropped the cannibal though, and it was black.
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i do wonder if you’re getting enough sleep, anon
yeah because they wont participate in putting subhuman andals on dragons
19 in the show
exactly Condal+hess could've cut them off from the show and no one will care or notice
>Rickard Thorne
>No Maelor
What are they doing?
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I love this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe
she was definitely not 19 in the show when he took her to the brothel
I can see the writers with the button pressing meme:
>let Jace recruit the dragonseeds like in the book to blame Jace for getting innocent people killed
>steal Jace recruiting the dragonseeds and make Jace against it and make killing innocent people be fine actually
Whitewashing Rhaenyra is hard work.
It really doesn't make sense for Aemond to be in the Red Keep at all. He's the main dragon rider for his side of the war, he should be around Vhagar like 24/7. Doesn't mean he can't be in charge, but the small council and court should be coming to him out in the field or the dragon pit or whereever and not the other way around.
yes she was, in ep1 she is 14 and in ep3 she is 18-19
I realized I'd had Hugh and Ulf mixed up the entire time because they look so similar but Ulf the White has darker hair and Hugh has mostly white hair, why did they do this?
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>i want a new son. we could call him...maelor
Alicent will send Haelaena away with rickard to escort her to safety because aemond wants her to fight on dragon back and will be cut down by a mob on the way
Fuck the writers they always gotta pussify strong charamistic characters like Daemeon into moody faggots. Though I do find the scenario of a lord spending his days gathering allies while combating treachery for an upcoming battle in a dilapidated haunted castle kino. His whole arc was my favriote so far.
It's so silly they have no early warning system like lookouts and signals, Blacks could have taken the city by now even with the smaller dragons.
One is massive with a beard and a low voice, the other is a skeevy little guy with a smile who drinks. I think you might just be retarded.
Wait why would Rhaenyra want to inform Aemond about her getting new ridden dragons? Wouldn't a surprise all-out-attack better?
Saera hated Jaehaerys, she would be so disappointed
yeah he should escort everyone around like a servant. he should go with HASTE right??
I wish they would make good show and Rhaenyra was herself from books, lol
>Heckin homophobia since she tell that Laenor would feel better With hwr underage siblings
>Bastard hater
>dont give a single fuck heckin woman rights
>Is actually the most pious person from dance (she made Strong boys swear to holy book of faith of 7, and raised them thiw way too, Jace tried convert fucking Stark lol)
>dont give fuck about plebs (like everyone other)
>already obviously too heavy to be able to fly with those wings
>let's add even more body weight
>"Get it? Maelor like Maegor heh"
Goddamn this season is such a fucking dissapointment
so hugh grew up in some whorehouse in bravos or some shit?
Did you watch the episode? She doesn't want any more dragon battles, she just wants to demoralize them so badly that they surrender and peacefully end the war.
arent they trying to bait Aemond during that scene? Seems to me they are.
Protect them from maesters
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why isn't she naked?
I can see this happening, Rickard has to have been introduced for a reason this episode.
In a Lyseni pleasure garden, probably
>watch episode 7
>fast forward to 49:30
>miss nothing
His mom was apparently Saera Targaryen, daughter of King Jaehaerys. But she apparently was allowed to be a whore LMAO
shes trad and religious
He had a pretty cool outfit this episode
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thats why you make them skinnier and more serpentine
It would genuinely be really hard to make a show that has normie appeal with both sides being led by brutish, bloodthirsty assholes like in the book. normies have to like at least one of the characters to keep watching.
but they're fine with Rhae's bastards to get their own? I can't imagine the Order are stupid enough to think they are legitimate
most of that is false though, she likely fucked Laena, only cared about bastards in her paranoia phase after Jace died and the converting Stark was pretty clearly bullshit and even Mushroom made more sense
why can't I see her nipples through this this layer of cloth?
Have you read the book?
>"They turned our daughter into a whore!"
>"She always was."
Jaehaerys fuckin hates her
If his mother is Saera which the actor for Hugh seems to confirm then he was probably born in either Lys or Volantis since thats where his whore mother worked. Though in the books she had three of her bastard sons press their claim during the great council when Visers was chosen to succeed Jaehaerys. It's not impossible though that she may have worked as a prostitute in Kings Landing before her father found and sent her away to Essos.
categorizing dragons as wyverns is peak reddit, anon
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Helaenanons if she does die in the next episode will you stay to shitpost with us? I don’t want you to go.
If Jaeherys had his way she’d be a silent sister
no I did not read Fire and Blood
I'm a poser who reads the wiki
Rhaenrya's bastards are at least half targ and raised as royalty. They just don't want smelly smallfolk near the dragons.
They're her children and closer to being culturally Valyrian than randos off the street. Though the whole thing is a show invention and no one had a problem with any of this in the book, mind you if you had to explain it book Jace had max charisma and would have smoothed over any issues and it was his idea.
fair kek
but if you like reading at all you should really read ASOIAF. GoT made me rage read it and now it's my favorite series
This. Stopped last season when they had nigger Valeryans. Why can't niggers make their own legends, myths, and characters?
obviously yes, especially with how this episode explicitly showed how long it takes aemond to get to his dragon for a counter. A full attack with 5 dragons could have nuked the city by the time he got on his gay little horse. It's just dumb writing in order to be able to do a shot of bitch queen looking smug in front of 3 dragons to tease the next episode
people liked Tony Soprano
the writers fucking suck
More goy slop. The masses are so pathetic and easily controlled by the latest bread and circuses. Stream our slop goyim pay no attention to Israel!
Why are you in this thread then retard
> Instead of hiding within the Seven Kingdoms, however, Saera had found passage on a ship at Oldtown, which had brought her to Lys. There, she took service at a pleasure garden, still clad as a novice of the Faith, pretending to be a godsworn maiden for the patrons to despoil. This news reached the court half a year after Saera's escape from Oldtown. When Alysanne wept, saying the Lyseni had turned Saera into a whore, Jaehaerys proclaimed that she had always been one.
what you need to ask is, does it make Rhaenyra look "cool" for 5 seconds? yes it does, so you should like it
no I read ASOIAF, two times actually. It's by far my favourite book series.
I just never bothered with the boring historian-like F&B. I tried it but realised I knew most of what will happen (Aegon's conquest is kinda boring). MIght retry it, I guess.
>people liked Tony Soprano
that's a show with absolute toppest of top tier writing and acting, it's a very risky proposition otherwise. sopranos also could never be made today.
To shit on goy slop. Go fuck yourself pedo.
Lmao, Just erase her being fat and give some actually pretty actress and no one would give a fuck
hell even Jace and Baela on their tiny dragons could have roasted Aemond by the time he got to Vhagar
it's so stupid
Get a hobby or kys
Hugh's mother was the slut targaryen?
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Are we getting the punished Aegon arc in S3 or S4?
No, it was the septa.
why is everyone so miserble in this show? Wheres the humour?
yes. and his father was BEESBURY beesburybros... we are so back.
Funnily enough the most boring part by far is the Dance (which only starts halfway through the book). The stuff from Conquest - Jaehareys is rich world building and cool characters.
The Dance is just "so these guys fought here, then here, then there..."
Also if you haven't read Dunk n Egg, that's really good imo and more like the main series
>Uughhhh stuff who actually made her fun and interesting is le false because... Uuhh... IT JUST IS AND HECKIN PROPAGANDA EVEN IF IT MADE HER LOOK GOOD, OKAY???????? albeit she was heckin lesbian too!!!!
I don't know what punished is suppose to be but he is going to be there all fucked.
>put some randoms on dragons
>vhagar, caraxes and syrax die in battle
>suddenly two lowborn bastards have the biggest dragons and can take over the realm
how fuckign selfish can someone be? i get that she wants to win but wasnt it to fulfill muh targ prophecy and whatnot? suddenly she puts the entire targ disnasty in danger for her selfish desires. its shameful
>Also if you haven't read Dunk n Egg, that's really good imo and more like the main series
yeah, I've heard it's fun
What does Vhagar do all day?
Why did the black guy hide his lineage from Rhaenyra? He knows he's Corlys bastard and Corlys knows himself. So why the secrecy?
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Why is she always pouting :(
Kingdom would be better off with King Hugh than with Aegon III and his moronic whelps
big reptiles sleep all day hunt for 2 hours and go back to sleeping
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Who was in the wrong here?
how are we going to have the gullet next episode when Aegon's dragon is still too small for even a child to ride?
nap like the geriatric lizard she is
total girlboss ending
Jace. Rhaenyra is based for (almost) laughing at him
I tried lads but this show is treadfully boring. The new season of rings of power unironically looks better.
I listened to the Harry Lloyd audiobook of the dunk & egg novels over the past few weeks on my way to work and they are super comfy. His reading is great and most of his voices are varied enough to keep it entertaining. Highly recommended.
Nah, he's the one that's going to be doing the fucking.
I think it's because the Dance was kind of set in stone before George even came with the concept of the story. So the trajectory had to be in a specific way in order to match his pre-notes about it in ASOIAF.
>Make a whore of yourself
>Get shittone of aids
>Die from it
“When you took Harwin Strong into your bed, did you think I might favor him or did it not cross your mind?”
will do, anon, will do
We wuz dragon riderz n' sheeit! Das rite' muhfuggan dragons be lit yo.
>nuke the city

that's actually retarded, anon.
Rhaenrya. She's setting Jace up for another dance, like the fucking retard she is
Both of them read like cardboard cutouts that aren't consistent with their previous actions, I can't take any character seriously anymore.
Where has Aegons ear gone?
have they cast daeron?
Why is he black?
They should fuck each other already
>he's the one that's going to be doing the fucking.
Not really but I get the fan coping like that balwin mask meme
Jew writers.
the ratcatchers' ghosts stole it during the night
I cant tell if shes a good actress or not. She has the same expression in every scene.
Jace is kinda racist, calling that black guy a mongral.
Why did they make the turncloaks of Tumbleton likeable? They're total shit in the books and now in the show I'm actually rooting for them...
LMAO gtfo jeff besos
you mean Cooke
>just bee yourself
>score a targaryen princess
beesburychads we won
He literally wrecks almost the entire black faction by himself. Stop coping. Baldwin is a good shout for Aegon's character though, never even thought about it.
dis is tru veri saar
Because they want Rhaenyra to get the credit for the dragonseeds instead of Jace, so they can't be bad guys, so Jace will have to be blamed for them turning and they and Rhaenyra did nothing wrong.
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>cut Samwell Blackwood
>cut Elmo Tully
>combine Kermit and Oscar Tully into a single character
>don't show the Battle of the Burning Mill
>create an entirely new character - Willem Blackwood - as a vehicle for the Blackwood-Bracken feud
>turn him into Daemon's henchman and have them get up to bad shit in the Riverlands to convince the Tullys and their banners to join the war in earnest
>kill your show-only Blackwood insert off anyway to end the two page storyline you invented and stretched out over an entire season

This could have been accomplished in two episodes tops. It's literally already written down for them. Samwell is killed by Amos Bracken at the Burning Mill, and the Blackwoods are out for blood. Meanwhile Grover Tully's grandson, Elmo throws his lot - and that of his vassals - in with the Blacks because Grover is old as fuck and basically dead anyway, so nobody cares. This entire season has been so completely inconsequential it's astounding.
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Did you see those battles in the trailer? House of dragon is dull chracters talking for 110mins being miserble then some cgi dragon farts in the air.
she fucked him over, its like when she sent luke, the 10 year old boy to deliver a shitty demanding letter to one of the biggest hardasses in the realm (who cant even read)
jace was. face the facts some rando tamed a dragon already and it would be retarded for her to just ignore that which already happened.
Why do dragons on this show make the exact same sound as my belly?
i think they are actually setting rhaenyra up to be a moron. remember they rugpulled muh stronk woman dany after like 7 seasons
>He literally wrecks almost the entire black faction by himself.
Not really.

>Stop coping
I'm not the one pretending he destroy the blacks.
Based Targaryen pure blood doesn't want diversity, equity, inclusion shitting on his entire bloodline. #TeamJaecerys
Do you guys actually think this show is good or just to happy to see more ASOIAF stuff?
why was she wearing red? i've honestly never been able to read the targ outfits in this series
It may just be that they want to subvert your expectations and make the Blackwoods the villains because George likes them, yes it's stupid because they don't understand how these people would actually interact and that executing this guy would work out poorly.
>pure blood
Such Strong words...
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>“The book is the book, the film is the film,” they will tell you, as if they were saying something profound. Then they make the story their own.
>They never make it better, though. Nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand, they make it worse.
>Targaryen pure blood
he's quite a Strong boy too
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this nigga
>but did you see our cgi?

i started watching it because theres nothing goin on and i have to watch something. i didnt even like got that much to be honest. but you have to watch and shitpost about something, otherwise what? fucking anarchy
That is the point of the entire show faggot.
battle next episode? yes or no?
Its typical modern television. Its mid but they throw money at the screen so now its prestigue.
> just to happy to see more ASOIAF stuff
me and anon are from the same weirwood branch
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she cute
>george malding because the blackwoods are for once not depicted as the good guys

Daemon's sister is a whore hahahahaha
>riverlords are now discount notherners who value the old ways and respect weirwood trees
The riverlands storyline this season with Daemon wandering around having spooky dreams for 5 fucking episodes is probably the worst thing the show has done.
first season was greater than GoT ever was, second could've been much more but WB is financially fucked
You're in a house of dragoin threas, you already have shit taste. Its rings of power levels of bad but worse because no hot sexy elf killing orcs.
He's right.
Different showrunners, they just want peaceful saint Rhaenyra and to end it with her and Alicent who should have been together but the evil men didn't let them. Look at how Alicent got a scar exactly like how she gave one to Rhaenyra thus proving they are now the same. It's going there and every character anyone likes will be destroyed for it.
True enough
What type of shows do you like? Crime? Esoteric? Fantasy? Historical? Plenty of shows to watch.
>bloody ben repalced by oscar tully
>lord blackwood executed as a criminal
>blackwoods portrayed as assholes, looters and rapists
total shitwood defeat
He doesn't have any sisters retard, Hugh's mom is his aunt
What did this guy do wrong?
She was always described as a whore in the books. The show just added that one of her bastards is Hugh.
The first season was surprisingly decent, but the second has been an absolute, meandering mess. Seven episodes and exactly two things of consequence have happened - Aegon being burned and the Dragonseeds being recruited. It's not even strictly a "any deviation from the books is bad" situation - even though it overwhelmingly has been - so much as the show's tone and characterization of its players has been so wildly inconsistent .
You make a Strong point.
The showrunners make the Blackwoods the bad guys because George made them the good guys. They are, and I never say this, actual hacks.
Ok what was the point of the scene with the black girl in the vale? Wasn't it just the same thing as last week?
They keep doing this to every character in the book, it's on purpose because they hate the book and George and the actual characters.
>control dragon with sticks
>if it doesn't work: kys
Do they do it for free?
The wild dragon in the Vale is probably Sheepstealer.
Yes because the showrunner is incapable of condensing storylines into 1-3 episodes and insists on having all plot lines run simultaneously over the entire season. The riverlands story should be 2-3 episodes at most. Rhaena arriving in the vale and finding out about Sheepstealer and claiming him should be 1-2 episodes at most.
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>dragon jannies
>fuck subhuman bastards
>t. bastard
jacebros i kneel, i was wrong about this lil guy
im ok with this, maybe it's cause Vermithor chose the son of Saera as his rider, and Saera was on Jaehaery's mind wishing she were there by his side on his deathbed
they just had jace call out her retardation with foreshadowing of the dragonseeds betrayal. they are going to rugpull her into being a retarded monster by the end of it.
he hates his mothers new gf too
Seems like this show has completely died off. Hardly any threads and I haven’t heard anyone discuss it in real life since the first episode. First season people seemed a lot more engaged. Shoe seems horrible from what I’ve read
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Rhaena is apparently taking the place of Nettles in the show, and she's off to find her dragon, Sheepstealer.

This is exceptionally retarded of course, but such is the state of the show.
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Johanna...my beloved
Why is there anishit on my screen?
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where could one realistically find an autistic gf?
Daemon is gonna fuck his daughter too? What a hound dog.
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kek'd at this still but this was genuinely a good scene
AI can make this possible, we deserve it.
he really does look his age
We have known that for months anon.
Does Alicent have a no-nudity clause or what. What the fuck was that gown in the water
It's only 3 am m'lord
yeah no shit it's retarded to nuke the city ala S8, I'm saying that they would have had plenty of time to reduce the entire place to ash before a counterattack. So more than enough time to take out pretty much all defensive positions, KL isn't that big relative to a dragon and 5 would make very short work of things. Not to mention the entire green army is out goofing around in the riverlands so I highly doubt there would be much resistance after breaking initial defenses
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>daemon humiliation ritual
>blackwood humiliation ritual
tranime Fire Emblem AI slop
They made them likable because they'll blame Jace for them turning. Rhaenyra will never be made to look bad.
Why did Alys Rivers turn into a goat?
she likes to live deliciously
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anyone who says Daemon didn't age is a blind retard
probably at some irl game convention, or at a chess or tabletop game tournament.
But most autistic girls stay at home
a burkini, she's converting to islam
He looks very Strong here
they should give aemond a moustache and have him twirl it after he does some evil deeds
im ok with this cuz i think its for time's sake. if it went by the books wed have a montage of dragon seeds being melted, although that couldve been quite kino.

wish they didnt steal the idea from jace tho
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>here's your Mediterranean climate bro
with haste
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Do you think he hates himself when he looks at the mirror and see the resemblance with his real father who obviously is not Laenor Velaryon?
save bong men from the cure of ageing terribly
nah id totally watch two awful groups murder each others kids until theres only like 4 left alive
>Oh no poor me, my real father was a strong tall gigachad who dearly loved me and my mother, and not a mutt queer who left me behind to gallavant across the Narrow Sea with is boy-lover.
Well, at least team BLACKed has one enjoyable character.
Home invasion tips?
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i like this dragon so much bros
Larys should take Jace under his wing and be a good uncle.
which one is this?
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>These "people" are NIGGERS
>they'll blame Jace for them turning
no lmao
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Yes. It's self hate. He made it clear when he talked about Harwin.
based Jace. He's Team Green spiritually.
he just wants targaryen looks, hes literally like a polchud that has brown hair and eyes and wants to be blonde blue eyed
why would bro be upset? He gets the N word pass without having to actually be a subhuman himself. If anyone questions him on it he can kill them for treason just for suggesting he isn't actually half black. "mongrel" is just the way the show softens it, you know he's droppin the hard r constantly
the crownlands are inbetween the stormlands and the vale/riverlands
the reach is also green and the most fertile lands, and stretch further south than the crownlands
your pic is believable
or are you just talking about the fog?
he is so pathetic, no wonder Rhae gave up on him and luke
pre time skip was on par with s1 & s2
You know they will, that's why they have him be against it. If they were going to be evil traitors that would make Rhaenyra bad for getting them, so to both give Rhaenyra credit AND make her blameless for them turning AND make them likable they will blame Jace at every point and then kill him so that it's his own fault. Basically like they did to Aegon getting burned but worse.
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wasnt the actress an onlyfans whore?
and in the same epsidoe two guys with those traits come in and claim bigger and older dragons
It never began for Strongbros
well to be fair being a purple eyed blonde incest baby is basically the best way to hold onto the throne (historically)
goat milk innit
no. he dies next episode and when the dragonseeds turn he will be proven right. rhaenyra will have helaena and alicent gangraped in a brothel until they are pregnant.
I think he hates the situation he's in because he just wants to be dutiful and honorable but he has to work with what he has which is Rhaenyra's actions being a constant problem for him and his brothers.
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lol nope, rhaenyra will be a saint and jace bad and stupid because that's all that hess and condal can write
Wait you never told me Ser Criston speaks French: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYG01detlCg
>Was completely in the right
>gets brutally murdered for daring to question this injustice
>normies cheer like npcs
Wow, and when I thought I couldn't hate him more!
he's french
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I told you niggas Daeron would show up, but no one believed me
Doesn't the Dance take place during Winter?
hes truly our guy. if the velaryons were white and rhaerhae was fat i'd be team black
Can't wait to see how they ruin him. Cole's bastard? Turns into a complete psycho? A huge wimp? All of the above?
Parly yes
>Frankel was born at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in West London to English actor Mark Frankel and Italian-French advertising executive Caroline Besson. His paternal grandmother was from a Jewish family from Iraq and India, and his paternal grandfather's family were Jewish emigrants from Russia and Poland to London's East End.
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literally thought he was pakistani lol
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I still don't understand why blackfags like this ship so much
Everything you think a stableboy would do, but religious.
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also have to consider that normies are cheering for a black man dying when he was just trying to save his blood and culture from being hijacked by whites
twitter is full of black women, its not hard to connect the dots
this is all what we're gonna see of him. They'll these this in a montage at the end of the episode. Same with the Northerners at the Twins and the Triarchy fleet sailing.
Finale is a set-up episode
They've already described him as good and kind-hearted, so let's be honest - he's probably gonna be a nigger. Can't have a white man do anything.
You have no idea how many women self-insert as Baela because they want to fuck him. No idea at all.
thats serena williams
I like Jace and I just wanted him to be happy, at least Baela was nice to him and they were getting along
he really flew to fleabottom to show his niggas his new ride
I want to fuck Jace too
>tessarion actually looks good and not as a gray shitstain like most of the dragons
yeah im thinking based
zoomer teens love race-mixing
if they ever have a gf, it would be an Indian or black zoomette, maybe an Asian if they get lucky
are you a black woman?
kek this shit was based, straight boolin' on king's landing with a dragon and his unwashed ass of weeks
Nope I'm a white guy
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Be loyal. Fuck the Tullys and fuck the Targs if being beheaded is the price for doing one's duty. Just another reason why Sevenshitters are heathens and can't be trusted.

We'll get ours back. Chuckle while you can.
who would have thought that empowered twitter black women would self insert as baela and lust after a manlet white boy lol
How is Bran gonna make an heir?
Chadfire anon are you doing the next thread?
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I liked it better when they were trying to balance them against each other as both being right as much as wrong. They veered too far.
Honestly making the Blackedwoods the annoying cunts for once and making the Blackwood-Bracken dynamic more interesting is the one change in the show I can actually get behind. George's bias to the Blackwoods is just too much.
literally be loyal to Daemon and Rhaenyra
I don't think they are all of them black though, they're just women regardless their race.
Checked! Blessed thread
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So /got/hotd/ are you ready for even for pozzed shit?
Ahem, FUCK THE GREENS ON GOD FR FR. That is all.
total hightower death
Poor Tyland
get buck broken by a tully kid, lil bro.
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Cope and seethe.
This is justice for GURM wanking over blackwoods for decades.
it's not Tyland in the mud, right?
so now greencels think the writers are based
>supporting cowardly suicidal terrorist
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I am the god of tits and trips.
He's a good man. Why does Condal hate him?
>implying it's white males making those tweets
How does Condals cock taste? hotd is NOT canon, you WILL submit to bbw (big black wood)
Brackchads and blacksharts are both team black.
It is. This is probably him treating with the Triarchy and their troon leader
I saw trailer 2 times but didn't saw any black dragon with green fire in trailer.
this. its justice for all the shitwood dicksucking
>muh bloody ben
>muh bloodraven
GreenCHADS, I think the Otto = Hobert Hightower theory is true. He's going to be Daeron's mentor in season 3
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Nice One (1) and a half (0.5) dragons you got there, greencel.
>supporting diet Daemon
>when we have real Daemon
How do you fuck up this badly?
God's willing.
The Blackwoods should be hardcore, though, they've been surviving religious persecution in enemy territory for a thousand years, surrounded. They're like a militant Buddhist enclave in the middle of Shi'a Islamic Iran.
don't tell greencels that
Punished Tyland will get his redemption arc when he safeguards Viserys in Essos.
Blackchads revere the Old (real) Gods. The Seven are retarded, and so is anyone following them
>trying to use book logic for the show

It’s just an Easter egg anon
targs lost
The Lannisters burn your castle down, Amos. Brackens lose even when they win.
I'm Amerindian and would kill for 30 minutes slurping his juicy Bastard cock
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The trees see you, brother
Both houses should be badass. The problem is George more often than not depicts Blackwoods as the noble heroes while the Brackens as the evil snakes. By giving complexity to their rivalry the show has done a good change.
Post pics of the shotadom scene
I never understood this, the only Brakens you meet in the main series seem pretty chill.
Did we even see them in GOT? I can't remember.
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The """old gods""" are a bunch of midgets and bran jerking off to rape scenes from a tree.
By main series I meant ASOIAF, I honestly don't remember if theyre in the show. Jaime hangs out with some of them
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>a fucking tree
sounds based
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Is it time for a crab bread?
In the books, the Brackens are portrayed as cartoonishly slimy with only the Wyls and Boltons beating them for treachery. The Freys are given less terrible treatment than the Brackens
reminder Rhaenyra sided with this guy in mocking the Blackwood guy that Daemon now killed for swearing loyalty to her
Look after dragons, try to keep dragons in control while new Targ try to claim them, teach new Targs how to ride, keeping them calm and good at Dragonspit & Dragonts stone...
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The children deserved it
poor Willem. he did nothing wrong.
Yeah by main series I meant the books. I don't remember them being portrayed that badly, and the Blackwoods you meet seem a little dickish as well
I hope we see otto again.
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Fuck, I should have done a crabfeeder one. I panicked and picked beesbury.
Yeah, we see Jonos Bracken making a mess of things and getting blueballed by Jaime. This is after he turns cloak to the Lannisters after the Red Wedding.
They kind of forgot Dragonstone was meant to be actually inhabited, with infrastructure and population supporting the fortress, instead of just a rock in the middle of nowhere with a small dock, so they have to post ads in KL, which gives the game away immediately and makes it ridiculous the greens wouldn't try the same approach and shut down the blacks 'one good handmaiden' operation immediately.
Not a bookfag, so I was shocked the show let this schlubby white dude succeed when he was being built up to get torched/eaten, especially after he was mean to a female server last episode.
He’s gonna be a faggot
Yes but you see, that wouldn't be stunning nor brave. Perhaps you need another heckingly awesome lesbian makeout scene to see the light, my brother in Christ, Buddha and the Baby Mary?
Oh my god, anon, you can't just ask people why they're black.
In the book she wears purples and other colours, you don't think everyone just wears their house/team colours, right? That's some power rangers shit.
Jace, of course. Why should Rhaneyra ever be written as being in the wrong, you silly chauvinist?
God Karen you are so stupid
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So he could just fly out to dragonstone at any point. Explain why he didn't just burn the blockade.
ummmmm sweetie its because greens hate the smallfolk
In a world full of magic and dragons why would any of them give a fuck about some throne. Just makes no sense story wise.

Thats why they added that white walker bullshit. Otherwise who cares I have a big dragon and everyone fears and worships me anyway.

Anyway its just another nonsense scene because dragons make everything irrelevant.
I wouldn’t complain about a quick snippet of Honeywine just being Daeron torching some shit.
Because Vhagar is the one thing stopping Rhaenyra from just swooping in and taking Kings Landing, which is exactly what happens when he goes after Daemon only to find an empty Harrenhall.
What's stopping Aemond from swooping and retaking Kings Landing after burning the fleet
>A stable relationship with a white man from a good background who has prospects in life

Why indeed
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The authors barely hidden fetish
Job Hiring:
Dragon Riders (2 Vacant)
You may visit at Dragonstone for a screening.

Yeah, Silverwing's designs is absolute kino
Don't worry, they're only building him up so they can tear him down later
But Anon, if you were qualified (aka, a bastard) would you have tried?
If I have nothing to lose, then yes.

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