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More bees edition

Previous >>>201877036
the seven are abrahamic as it gets
hopefully dead
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Look at this dude LMAO
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Blackwoodbros, where did it all go wrong?
in retrospect they meant the audience to cheer for the Bracken guy like Rhaenyra did, that's really fucked
Honestly the show is degrading in quality for each episode but the dragons are still easily the best part of the show. All of them having distinct sounds and looks is great. Shame about the rest.
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He’s very handsome, thanks for showing me. TAOOBA.
sadly they will certainly ruin God's Eye too, they're allergic to people liking Daemon so they will change it so that Aemond wins or something
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wtf shes so pretty
That's because the writer is a women. Laugh at the manlet trying to get the girl! He fought back? WHAT A MONSTER INCEL
The same thing happened with GoT where they killed off too many good actors and whats left is bad writing and uninteresting characters
After seeing how they treat the black woods it’s pure cope to think they’ll give the daemonfags what they want. This scene isn’t happening
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>The Red Keep is being consumed by rats
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she is a qtpie
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>give the daemonfags what they want
It's what the realm wants.
Gullet next episode or what?
yeah I think they'll ruin every cool scene if they can't change it and give it to Rhaenyra
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So they're 100% giving him Hobert Hightower's role as mentor to Daeron during his campaign
Nah that's gonna be first half of S3. Fall of Kings Landing and setup for the Gullet is the finale.
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>No matter how major a writer it is, no matter how great the book, there always seems to be someone on hand who thinks he can do better, eager to take the story and “improve” on it. “The book is the book, the film is the film,” they will tell you, as if they were saying something profound. Then they make the story their own.
>They never make it better, though. Nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand, they make it worse.
He warned us.
>Saera's bastard son born from her whoring ends up claiming her daddy's dragon
Based slut owning her chud dad from beyond the grave
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Many such cases.

For those curious, Kieran Burton on the left is 5'10" tall

I think next season. Probably a scene of the Lannister going to the triarchy.

Butchers ball next episode. Possibly taking of KL
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Why is he so pretty?
But the fall happens after the battle, no?
Should have just had her poisoned. I don't care what the Fleetwood Mac tune said, Sara's and anyone with a name that sounds like "Sara" cannot be trusted and are all whores meant to shame lineages with the basest depravities.
>Butchers ball next episode
Huh?? That would be way to early to happen
God, I want them to spit roast me
Ummm no
They are changing the order in the show. Apparently it was a decision on HBOs part to limit this season to 8 episodes to save on budget. There are so many major battles ahead that they moved it to S3.

Not that anon but yeah. I don’t think it matters that much though.
The seven are only vaguely abrahamic in aesthetic the actual religion is nowhere close though, it’s a weird worship of the divine human through anthomorohizing nature with archetypes and a fixation on the number 7 thing
Alternate universe where Sarah isn't a lesbo but a raging degen fujo.
Imagine the character humiliations
Don't think any of the dragonseeds are Saera's. In Fire and Blood, it's established that her bastards already tried to claim the throne during the Great Council of 101. I would presume somebody would recognize them
You people are genuinely mentally ill

Yeah but I think next episode is a big riverlands battle and Cole’s death will be the big finale thing. Also Oscar Tully is probably gonna be the one to kill him
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They put Gurms face in the Harrenhal weirwood.
>There are so many major battles ahead that they moved it to S3.
I no longer believe them when they say shit like that.
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Stay away from my whores! And >>201881694 Lancel, bring me more WINE!
Kin slaying is a worse sin than the most degenerate thing that Saera could ever do.
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Damn, imagine how great she would be if the woke mind virus didn't exist.
Based, since they won't let him near the writers room.
No, they didn't. The Bracken was obviously the bully in that scene. Rhaenyra chuckling at the Bracken's jokes is not meant to be portrayed as unambiguously good. She's being snooty and flippant in that scene, showing her impatience with affairs of state.
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>noo i wont ride my dragon, i'd rather they take the defenseless city, capture us and send me to the brothel
ride the cocksucking motherfucking dragon
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His actual hair is short right
The actor who plays Hugh confirmed that the targaryen princess he was alluding to is Saera. In the books she is shown not working as a prostitute in kings landing but she was slutting around before leaving for Essos so i guess the show had her give birth to Hugh before leaving.
Does her chugging moon tea every morning count?
He has purple eyes irl. Cool.
>”im starting to like this one”
After bullying the Blackwood. She’s speaking plainly here
I love the ticker on the bottom of this. Top kek.
I doubt it as well. S3 will have Gullet for sure, maybe Butchers Ball and Tumbleton as the major battles. The rest will be either off screen or very limited battles.
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I hope not. Way too gorgeous for that.
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>forced to watch how his favorite House gets btfo
He deserves it.
you are meant to laugh at "the princess has a dragon you dumb cunt"
you are meant to cheer when the same guy gets killed this episode
they really had it in for him or blackwoods in general because george likes them
which makes it dumber when you're supposed to think riverlanders believe in the old gods when that's the blackwood thing
That's fucking retarded. Saera is a whore but she's a smart whore. What's next? Vaegon the Dragonless gets a dragon? Aegon the Uncrowned gets crowned?
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>the way Silverwing pokes Ulf and then immediately submits
uhh I guess a dragon is fine too.
Yes, Rhaenyra is. As I said, she is being impatient and flippant with affairs of state. The purpose of the scene is to show the seeds of her flaws, along with introducing the Bracken/Blackwood feud.
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He looks kind of like Richard in that pic
It's just proof that THE SEED IS STRONG
Why not? He wrote great episodes of GoT.
Nah, that's equivalent to taking the morning pill. Even a religious woman like Alicent does it without second thought.
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>tfw mommys a whore
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Realm's Delight
how is this already compressed lol
I feel bad for Jace
He wasn't even allowed to mourn his true dad
Christian. Didn't GRRM say it's one god but with seven aspects because the dumb believers don't understand otherwise?
he is a prince, he should suck it up
This has NOT been a good season for both Daemonbros and Aegonlads.
>Larys is Aegon's only friend
It hasn't been good to Aegon for the whole series
Because otto wasn't allowed to bring 100 cats like in the book, depriving us of kino.
>anyones friend
Nigga doesn't even have the common curtesy to give a reach around.
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Why the fuck would anyone worship the Seven when there's religions with demonstrable power and fucking drug trees EVERYWHERE
Yeah that was really sad, honestly the more I think about it most of the kids in this were treated like shit by their parents and would have been better off just leaving, see Aegon. At least in the show, in the book Rhaenyra seemed to care way more about them.
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scorpion kino coming in
Wrong. This season is gold for Aegon chads they completely redeemed the writing from season 1
>worshipping green midget hivemind instead of the divine human
Slave nigger
>midget perverts have hivemind trees everywhere
>chads kill them all and chop the trees
>northern weirdos want to fuck the midgets
>don't cut down the trees
Fast-forward and you have "old gods" in the north, and zero midget influence in the south.
Why did the vargo hoat goat appear again this episode? Is it actually be of significance?
I'd shit my pants t b h
Where was the divine human when the dragonlords came?
>t-they converted to the faith!
Lol. Maegor turned the Faith into his bitch, and they weren't a political entity until Cersei unwisely took the leash off.
I guess it's pretty much confirmed Otto will take Hobert's place.
Oscarbros, our status?
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NTA and I’m not an Aegonposter but this season has been great for Aegon in regards to his popularity and the writing for his character. Having Aemond TAOOBA him does not negate that he’s a sympathetic and interesting character this season.
Ok, but what does the Seven get you? Rhollor gives you resurrections, Old Gods give you warging, both give you pre-cognition.
The Seven gets you fear of the Stranger
God I want a dragon gf
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>Chad Ewan asks to show his pecker because he felt it would improve the scene
>Cunt Alicent's actress doesn't get naked for her swim at the lake
What a slacker.
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>the triarchy are ruled by trannies

The Seven gave the Andals the strength to conquer the First Men and the Children of the Forest, clearly the power of the Old Gods isn't all that. The North not being conquered is simply due to its extremely hostile weather conditions and massive size
"Free" Cities just means Thailand.
>clearly the power of the Old Gods isn't all that
They broke a massive chunk of land into islands with a spell
They couldn’t afford to pay for her nudity with the budget cuts.
Even the drowned god seems to have some sort of power to help the iron islanders become the best sailors. The faith of the seven is truly the worst religion.
More like the steel and sheer numbers. The Andals were simply too militarily advanced to halt. Probably by even a larger gap than that between the Anglo-Saxons and the Normans circa 1066.
Is that real history or is it just a cultural legend to explain the existence of the stepstones?
Are their maesters specialised in cock chops??
It gets you a functional society. Otherwise you get inbreds, mutants, midget perverts, satanists, suicidal rapists, etc.
Yeah, canonically the First Men were still using bronze weapons while the Andals had iron/steel
Every manner of body mod is readily available, for the right price.
Would /ss/
I would be very surprised if it weren't real, the history doesn't make sense without a land-bridge to connect Essos and Westeros. But no, it's not confirmed
>what does the seven give you
Courage. Wisdom. Strength. Morals. Etc
Aegon really should've just taken Sunfyre and fled Kings Landing and all that autism
unwashed andal dogs really think they invented morality and culture
Maybe it's Racallio Ryndoon
And the Others are going to wipe out humans because of what they did to the Children. Humans are retarded when it comes to playing the long game.
They need to feature more Alicent feet scenes again
It's a lifespan issue, I guess.
Be beloved Lucerys should had fucked off to bumfuck nowhere with Arrax and ignore his whore mom's orders
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can't run away from his own autism
They are combining Lohar and Ryndoon into just Lohar and changing Lohar into a woman(male).
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That's where the Old Gods come in - the acorn remembers the tree, the tree remembers the acorn.
Humanity's only hope lies with Bloodraven/3EC/Bran, who are with the Children.
Man I want Winds to come out.
>The reason that both the Andals and Rhoynar moved to Westeros is because they were fleeing the Valyrians
The main characters of the world
i think if vaemond was alive he'd be proud of jace
>hates bastards
>calls his mother out for her whorish behavior on a daily basis
yeah hes a white guy but inside hes a real velaryon nigga
When did Oscar become such a fucking gigachad?
Jace too really, and Joff while we're at it. Just let the crazy people kill each other with dragons and chill somewhere, they can even rekindle their old friendship.
Greens don't have spare dragons
>Aegon suddenly became 70 years old
And chivalry, and knighthood, and the feudal system Westeros still uses, and modern battle tactics, and educational facilities, and science, and technology
_summons cthulu to kill you_
Nothing personnel, kid
They could had founded a dragon riding merc company and make fat cash, siring bastards left and right and having adventures across the world
Oh weird, the wiki already knows this as true.
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>Tyland getting manhandled by a tranny
it's Lannistover
Why would they do this?
I'm not the type to sperg out over this stuff, but this one honestly makes me mad. Thorn is a fucking weirdo freak
Stormcloud is too small to carry Aegon and also survive getting smacked by a scorpion just long enough to get him to safety.
Tylands life is worse than reeks
.. So still a dude? Kek
Will Helaena ride dreamfyre? I fucking hope so since they are changing the books anyway gimme me some autistic wife action
>Courage. Wisdom. Strength. Morals.
Lord of Light prevents the doomsday event, though. All that shit is moot if magic zombies show up and destroy the continent.
It doesn’t matter anyway as he was just defeated by Oscar Tully.
>Rats has overflown the red keep, making it dirty.

Ratcatcher bros… we take another L
Fake and gay
Why did Larys tell Orwyle Aegon needs to git gud now because he won't have time later? What does he know?
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I wait patiently for Punished Aegon
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Emmabros how are we doing?
>Aegon's ratcatcher genocide
>Rhaenyra's dragonseed genocide
Mayhaps otto was right
He just heard about Blacks having new dragon riders, he told that guy it's irrelevant but he knows it means KL will be taken and he wants to get Aegon out but not tell Aemond.
I would genuinely prefer if they keep him alive, changing what happens to him entirely, and since he’s had virtually zero screen time this season, I’m honestly inclined to believe they might do this.
There's a war on.
I actually hope they stretch the fight out. I want them to clash swords and have a real fight before dragon kamikaze.
Darksister clashing against Blackfyre as it had in the past and will happen in the next civil war
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The victory belongs to Tessarion.
Are we getting a full battle? It has to end with a Black tragedy. We all know it does. Condal has to keep team black angry during the hiatus.
Helaena is either a complete starfish in bed, or a spastic chimp who howls like a wounded animal when she's being penetrated, there's no in-between
they need a character the audience knows in the Hightower plotline, otherwise most normies won't care about Daeron's story

cope, BlackedWood
I want to see daeron so badly
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So with Hobert officially dead in the show, who is going to get this kino ass death? My money is on Otto
a lot of TB is already angry over them ruining Jace and Daemon
gay writers will never give us the answer
>Sharako's gender has been changed to female and she is portrayed by Abigail Thorn
I can't tell if this is a purposeful ironic joke from the wiki-editor or not.
Same reason Kermit and Oscar got rolled into one character.
Never sacrifice sure footing for a killing stroke!" - Ra's al Ghul

Now you know why Daemon dies, needlessly.
Did Aemond have Blackfyre in the book? I can't imagine how they recovered it for it to be given to Daemon Blackfyre later
Maybe she had the twins through magic autismo parthenogenesis
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he comes...
So Daeron will show up this season? Strange, since none of the leaks picked this up.
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>This is the inconspicuous spy i was telling you about.
FFS looks like one of those YugiOh images with yugi being the only character drawn while the other are almost stick figures
Otto 100%. Rhys is too good to be wasted.
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Why did he not burn the blockade
The Dragons were divebombing towards the water rapidly, Daemon and Aemond were dead either way, Daemon just made sure he got the satisfaction of killing Aemond first

Prob just gonna show the dragon and no closeup of Daeron
Probably just getting a distant shot of a faceless rider on Tessarion. And they cast him proper for S3 instead. It's like in season 1 of GoT when Jaqen H'ghar was technically in season 1 but he had a hood over his head so they saved casting him for season 2.
>The stand user hides in plain sight, he could be anyone
>The stand user:
What? They just straight up aren’t killing Cole this season. I don’t care who does the deed as long as it includes I’LL HAVE NO SONGS ABOUT HOW BRAVE YOU DIED KINGMAKER
Nope but it’s an acceptable change. They recovered Dark Sister from his skull, so let them recover the dagger and Blackfyre from his belt too
Why is he called Sheepstealer?
Wrong hair color
He rapes sheep.
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So when do the dragons start to dance?
Why, was Lady Caswell a brunette?
I’m not even interested on what happened in the episode, bros, it may be over for me.
They recover Darksister from it’s resting place of being lodged in his eye socket.
vhagar finna hit the griddy ong
Why is Silverwing so hot?
nigga don't be weird
This lad needs more lads.
It's what Aegon wanted to do but the show portrayed him as a retard

He really doesn’t have anything left to do. And if Cole is killed off + KL gets taken…blackcels will be riding high going into next season.
he cute
she's a slut
she gave her wings to the first guy she saw
Call me old school valryian, i fuck a dragon
So Hugh lost the loli…
where's elmo?
Fucking kino episode, on a par with Rook's Rest for me. I can see where all the CGI budget went after the Sowing of the Seeds. That Jace/Nyra scene was excellent, I'm glad the writers decided to acknowledge the big bastard baseborn elephant in the room.
How many times is Ulf gonna fuck Silverwing
She wants it
her smile is so cute
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so apparently this episode was the "second big moment" after rook's rest, so no gullet or taking of KL. these faggots have all the time in the world to waste on ultra slow "ONE PERFECT SHOT" bullshit and they'll drag the shit out of everything in this rinkydink book as long as they possibly can. they want this show to run until 2030.

How the fuck did a direct sibling of the king end up in a brothel during peacetime? What tf did she do?
Same, the show is just shit and I hate what they're doing to most of the book characters.
He's welsh
be better
Okay I see the vision, Oscarfags, we really do need The Lads.
In the book she has a huge fight with her parents and runs away to Essos where she becomes a whore. In the show it's basically ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>The Lads
It’s amazing how much better these skanks look on the show than irl
Ever heard of the holy trinity; the father, the son and the holy ghost?
*direct daughter

Jaehearys "fuck them kids" the Wise
can't imagine them having Ben after what they've done to the Blackwoods
So I can ride a dragon too?
yeah m8
With nettles and westerling
I hate it when pervert writers sell the idea of whore life as empowering and liberating
…The Lad.
Yes; your grandmother's grandmother's grandmother saw a dragon once.
I am about to binge Season 2 Episode 7, wish me luck.
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I love Ser Simon
Saera Targaryen was a massive whore or as they like to call it on Twitter “a epic girl boss”
Step on their egg and they'll give you dragon-blowies
I'm this close to commissioning degen art of this lil lad
I'm not even sure what GRRM was trying to do with the entire Jaehaerys&co storyline because it's a complete mess. I assumed Saera became a whore because she literally had no choice after running away but apparently he thinks it's empowering, as you said.
was your grandparent a king?
She’s a massive whore who uses boys as playthings. After watching one of her fuckboys get belted by Jaehaerys himself in a trial by combat she eventually fucks off to Essos instead of enduring her own punishment.
It’s not really like that
>but apparently he thinks it's empowering,
anon, he is a fat hippie
How is it empowering? George makes a point of Saera being a total sociopathic cunt
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can't believe tavern targaryen wasn't killed off for comedic effect
yeah i dont get why normies dont like him & daemon or the hallucinating kino
The way Daemon just had to stand there and take it from a child.
The Trinity aren't different beings, they're different persons who are the same being/nature
>You can't say the m-word, Jace
Women performed d hundreds of duties and trades in ye older times but writers of his kind don't consider them sexy enough to write about
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David Benioff kinda forgot about the archer in the Brotherhood Without Banners.
Saera becoming rich whore isn’t empowering, it’s tragic for both Saera and Jaehaerys, incredibly stubborn people
So just like The Seven then.
I'm the sense that she managed to make fat cash from it and earn power.
Frankly I blame her parents for her early childhood because they obviously didn't know what to do with their kids after Baelon/Alyssa and they just kind of neglected them.
so when can aegon sit back on sunfyre? we need more dragons, time to start pulling your weight bro
I like jace now.
>Where was the divine human when the dragonlords came?
Where are the dragonlords now? Where were the demons of Valyria when the Warrior himself manifested and struck down the stinking beast Syrax?
But that's just realistic for her character and the world. You think she was happy in that position?
She killed millions….
Jaehaerys’s favorite seemed to be Saera but I’m blanking on why that was the case
Yeah, I’m beginning to doubt it which fucking sucks.
>Cunt Alicent's actress doesn't get naked for her swim at the lake
This ruined the episode
If teenage Saera had no other choice than selling her body to survive despite having the education and skills of a high born lady then this pretty much cements the theory that lil Vizzy III definitely sold his asshole to survive and keep Dany fed
Kind of annoying that she's, what, the third or so Westerosi noblewoman who starts off as a whore in Essos and then becomes great shit. Just write something different, George.
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I would ride a dragon for she
This. Fuck that.
Who are the other ones?
I think you're thinking of him mistaking Alicent for Saera on his deathbed, but I think that was his regret and guilt talking. I think Aemon or most definitely Baelon were his favourites.
He really did care for Dany after all
same, was hoping for at least brief scenes of the lads and sabitha/aly but i don't think they can do it if they hate the blackwoods this much
No one has bigger balls than Hugh
Greens are gonna go into losing mode for a bit, sorry bro. They give us some of the Black's riders later because George accidentally made them too OP
I mean he'd had easily pimped Dany out for easy money. The bar is bellow the ground but this says a lot about him, specially as a male
I meant his favorite daughter/child after his first girl and boys, basically his favorite of the second batch, wasn’t it about liking her rebellious and headstrong nature or was that another kid?
She was just a stubborn ratbag until yet found out she was a massive whore and tried to suggest she could just have three husbands like Maegor. That comparison is what really pissed him off.
Lynesse Hightower, Johanna Swann
>Johanna was enslaved when she was fifteen, but her stingy uncle, Lord Swann, refused to ransom her. After being sold to a pillow house, Johanna became a celebrated courtesan known as the Black Swan, the eventual ruler of Lys in all but name
>Lynesse is now Tregar's chief concubine; even his wife goes in fear of her
Writing women starting business other than selling pussy isn't sexy anon
Honestly when you put it like that, the whore was kind of based
Jon Roxton does
So just to make sure, the Tully boy was playing Daemon on their first meeting right?
Living this way must be so tiresome. Constantly having to dress a certain way and act in ways that doesn't reveal her womanhood
Post proof
Why the fuck is it so boring?
All they do in the show is just talking and nothing ever happens. There are no jokes, no quips, just plain boring crap nobody wants to hear.
It's like sitting and listening to women talk.

Hollywood is truly dying. When the old boomers, scorseses, finchers etc. will be dead cinema would be gone.
I mean yeah it's similar but
>Just write something different, George.
let's be fucking serious lol
huh? not really. androgynous fashion/style isn't new, like at all.
Does this archetype of the empowered whore acquiring political power and influence hold any water In actual history or it's a jerk off fantasy?
>No hot lesbo action
wow wtf?
maybe George is an unreliable narrator like Mushroom
Man the amount of locations they show is sparse compared to GoT. It gets boring quick. The low budget is holding back the show.
To add to that, even then he only really took issue with her constantly running away from punishment. If she just took the initial punishment that was coming on the chin he’d have gotten over it.
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It's crazy how the female descendants of a very lucrative pirate lover of Aegon IV became courtesans all the way to the current story instead of continuing their mother's job. Also funny if you compare them to Coryls's bastards.
I wouldn't be surprised if the lesbian kiss is never expanded upon or mentioned again. It was one of Sarah Hess' spur-of-the-moment ideas.
what this show needs is funny joss whedon style quipping and a bigger budget for more cg stuff and explosions

The latter. George is a simp for the convention sluts that have pretended to be interested in him sexually over the years.
Empress Theodora worked in a brothel
lots of dragon scenes - great episode
few dragon scenes - shit episode
it really is that simple
this character/actor is so fucking annoying. im currently reading the book and am just up to dance of the dragons. i hope she gets killed.
George's AGP fetish
you would think saera would have no problem taking what's coming on the chin
See: Chinese dynasties, ref: Wu Zetian
Daeron pours a cup of wine on his head
George imagines himself as a whore??
Wasn’t a big fan of this episode. Sure the Vermithax scene was good, but the rest? I was bored as shit
I hope she gets raped by another woman
Did Ulf literally grand theft dragon Silverwing?
Not just Christian, but specifically Catholic. The Seven is supposed to remind you of the Trinity worship plus the cult of Mother Mary.
>get a dragon
>fly immediately to the one place in westeros where a dragon might get killed

why this nigga so dumb?
nvm he just flew randomly over king landing and back
i thought he was gonna park it on kings landing and join his mates on the tavern
Silvering has an abortion fetish and got horny when Ulf stepped on her eggs. The are husband and wife now.
i like nipples
He's a drunkard street rat
The fuck are you talking about, Aegon has turned into an actual (and surprisingly sympathetic) character this season. As for Daemon, watching him having to confront situations where he can’t just kill somebody or run away like he had been doing his whole life is pretty interesting.
Alicent even brings it up in the last episode, when she asks her bro if he thinks the court fucked up her kids or whether it was her.
It seems incredibly forced is what I mean. I know that it's been a style since the 80s, but it seems so tiresome to have to dress in gender ambiguous clothing instead of dressing herself in ways that would fall more naturally on her
>Velaryon bastard scared Targaryen bastards will steal his rightful claim

Not so fun is it Jace?
Apparently i need to rewatch season 1 again after the last episode because i forgot so many key details from season 1
>but it seems so tiresome to have to dress in gender ambiguous clothing
it really isn't. have you gone outside in the past decade?
Otto is always right. He was right about Daemon, he was right to tardwrangle Viserys, he was right about everything.
I live on the country side so im not exposed to hordes of weirdos everyday, but even when I travel to the capital (which i do a lot) i dont see people dressing like this
After they spend so much time introducing the character?
do you live in the middle east or something
Norway. The gayest country in the world
book jace wasn't
my condolences...
She is one of the few good character in this show And she doesn't wanna go to battle because she has kids to look after so she doesn't wanna die in battle field on her dragon like her brothers.
Get on the dragon shinji
'Smart', 'Whore'. Very strange words to put together.
That's very retarded writhing.
Norway is beautiful especially the countryside. What region?
Being a whore literally save her life though, considering she was the only Jaehaerys daughter who survived him.
Trøndelag. It's mountainous and lush here
Obviously because he steals sheeps.
Is silverwing a girl?
Why did limp dude go to kingslanding
There's a strong correlation between having those tiny gremlin teeth and being either a tranny or a homosexual.
Yes, she’s Vermithor’s main bitch.
Because only the greens are retarded enough to tolerate his scheming

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