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Weirwood Gurm edition

Previous >>201885439
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Realm's Delight
ritualposters trying to get in early are gunna freak..
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Some people doubted /ourboy/ would show up
>show bullshit also lol at being bullied by kids years younger than you

Women don't know how to write men.
Horrible show basically bridget jones dairy with dragons
Team Black stay winning
A bit late but IT'S OUT NOW
love this show, it's basically bridget jones diary with dragons
>They actually made Tessarion royal blue
Based, was worried they'd mute it
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I'm sorry I was 6 seconds too late to defeat them... I've failed the realm
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This post is dedicated to Myrcella the Beautiful of the House Baratheon, the first of Her Name, Rightful Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.
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Nettles claims sheepstealer by feeding him sheep.
This is also how the Valyrians originally claimed Dragons first.

>Valyrians were originally a civilization of humble shepherds who discovered dragons in the Fourteen Flames, a ring of volcanoes on the Valyrian peninsula.
>time to show these fucking riverlords who's the boss
Oh nonono F&B trusters...i dont see Rhaenyra I.
It is possible? That our divine source of absolute infallible canonicity mad had been just a commercial stunt for shill HOTD?
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Cute and canon!
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>of the House Baratheon
Jace and Aegon are the least masculine males I've ever seen in a historical war epic. You can tell they're written by women.
I'm so sad they're going to have to wait until 2026 to see the consequences of her actions
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TAOOBA (with haste).
i want the pile of strong so bad bros
prob next season though
Aemond fighting old people, cripples, children and women in 1v1 duels will be kino
If they were meant to win the Warrior would grant them strength, afterall.
I hate what they've done to my boy Aegon.
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Friendly reminder that only Targaryens can ride Dragaryons
Isn't season 3 coming next year? I assumed the reason this one took 2 years is because they didn't know season 1 was going to be a success after the shit show of GoT season 8
He literally let to guilttrip himself into this gamble. So in the end, character means nothing, you need to be a targ boy.
>even reddit liberals and normies dislike mysaria
what went so wrong
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i realised suddenly today that i want nothing more than to writhe about in the mud with a sexy large woman
Why does Aegon II not get a moniker? "The Burned" or "Rat friend" are right there
no they're still discussing when to start filming it
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He could've survived. They didn't show him dying.
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Nope. Their production team and logistics are just so bad they need two full years to do everything
(and the fact they have to do most sets on CGI insteaf of using real life locations like GOT did)
targs are dragon lords, its logical they evolved to be short twinks. aegon wasnt a super duelist, he just btfod everyone with dragons. maybe you can criticize jace because hes supposed to be half strong but whatever
What was this bullshit? Either get naked or fuck off.
>Isn't season 3 coming next year
Doubt it. Large cast ,CGI heavy, we're nearly in August. Early 2026 would be my guess assuming everything goes right.
He died just outside Winterfell
He was revived when the Night King cast his resurrection spell
trust the plan
It’s either the end of this year or early next year for the beginning of filming isn’t it?
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He's a good actor and the directors do a good job
t. have had spinal surgery and surgeries on my left leg/foot
incorrect but still kek'd
Lapsed fan here. Read all AsoIaF and ToDaE stories. Watched GoT and fell off during season 5, just recently got caught up. Is HotD worth watching or should I just read Fire and Blood?
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>nettles replaced by the fetal alcohol syndrome negress
>she just walks away from the group of people leaving for the boats
>literally no one notices or cares
bravo showrunners truly this show is adding such great depth and humanity to the writing bravo
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Would you still support the same team if the characters were genderswapped?
Bal'a dash malanore, sister
>discovered dragons in the Fourteen Flames
The Valyrians literally created dragons by combining Firewyrms + Wyverns though
heh, I had a belf mage. good times
bros is Jace a virgin or a chad? i mean he mogs all the greens and is easy on the eyes but is he fucking around or ?
They're kids. They're fine, especially Jace. How isn't he masculine? And you forgot Joffrey and Tommen?
They make the producers of Stranger Things look fast.
2-3 years until The Dark Forest from the chinks
2 years for the next 8 episodes of filler for this show until we start getting battles in season 25 in the years 3249

literally what the fuck am I going to do after next week
F&B is better and maybe like 10% of the show is good
Just Read Fire and Blood. It's ambiguous enough to enjoy. This show tries to hard with it's writer's self inserts. At least GRRM has the self hatred to make flawed and interesting characters.
>literally no one notices or cares
Pretty much her character.
people actually thought this lmao
No, Oscar is though
re read the books
thats what I do between episodes
>Highly insicure despite his gigachad face because it reminds him of his bastard status and thus hate watching himself in the mirror
A mix, but more on the virgin side
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His relationship with Baela is weird, can't tell for sure what's going on.
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>Show kept focusing on Hugh every episode because he was a future dragonrider
only a matter of time now
What was that even supposed to be? Mandatory boring Alicent sulking scene?
Vermi is fucking huge
Get a comfy coding job so you can decomaxxx your place and computergear for max comfy until the next season
look at this turbo gigachad Aryan ubermensch side profile and you tell me
Fire and Blood it's fucking shit. Just a yet unnecessary retcon. Stick to the main books

F&B fanatics are pretty much as bad as muslims with their Quran at this point. They think this commercial stunt for HOTD is somehow more canonicall than the main books
Jace is supposed to be 15 in the book and 16 on the show so obviously a virgin.
I think they wanted to make us think she was going to kill herself but no one cares and then she didn't so it's just completely pointless lol
you don't do anything but consume grrm sloppa? sad existence
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>woman shows true colors rating a man entirely by if/who they fuck regardless of their qualities
Watching Aemond run for his life was so satisfying lol. But then big ups to Vaegar for wanting all the smoke still.
So the new dragon riders are:.... a dark guy we've seen in a few scenes, and two random fat guys we've seen in 1 or 2 scene each before, wow, such characterization...
Why is HBO so obsessed with turning the free cities into Jack Sparrow?
so what was up with the Queen of the Veil does she have it out for Rhea?

tf was up with the wild dragon?
Well according to Mushroom though...
I've already done that.
I'm coding right now, anon! look at me go.
The best part of this scene is that he doesn't even look like a reptile from the side at first. He literally juts out his head to make himself look like a fucking lizard, and not in a cool draconic sense either.
>hey think this commercial stunt for HOTD is somehow more canonicall than the main books
What the fuck are you on about retard ESL.
logically they should have trained first and then baited him into attacking one dragon and jumped him with all of them
I think this was the first time weve seen a dragon eating people whole. brutal
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>ruins your kino
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and chinksloppa, like I said
Genuinely such a horrid fucking actor
She felt frauded by Rhaenyra because she asked for a dragon to guard the Vale and yet received instead a nog teen and a three bastard kids with a lizard-sided dragon
>15 in the book and 16 on the show so obviously a virgin

look at this virg lmfao
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thats my wife you are talking about
>the bran of hotd
There might be good news for those of you who want Maelor/want Helaena to stay alive for as long as possible. There are whispers than Helaena refuses to fly Dreamfyre because she’s pregnant and that’s why Aemond gets angry and grabs her.
depends, book Jace may have had some action depending on the source lol
We do the same
She looks so hot in some scenes and then looks barely 6/10 in others it's weird
I rarely see an actress whose looks changes this hard, even with unflattering angles/lighting/etc
He was burned and it bit him once or twice before gulping him down, don't push your fetish here
>Speaks French-Jamaican accented English in your path
>Have more screentime than Haelaena, Sunfyre, Dreamfyre, Vermax and Jace combined

Joffrey is supposed to be this pathetic, bastard king and he feels more masculine than Jace.

Jace is supposed to be the Jon Snow of his side and he's a fucking weak loser. Shorter than his own mom, whines about his wife overshadowing him, cries about his bastardism, isn't the least bit intimidating, witty and tough.
Can relate. He shouldve instead kept melisandre as his cocksleeve in the dungeon
i hate her accent
but makes sense that a WHORE would serve under the WHORE of dragonstone
If he is a bastard born in the crownlands, shouldn't his last name be Crown?
Jow Snow, at least its actor, is as intimidating as a small wet dog. If it wasn't for the scene where he woops the other wall rookies' ass, no one would think he's strong
>supposed to be Jon Snow
>short, whines, cries about his bastardry and isn't the least bit intimidating, witty and tough
Sounds like they nailed it
her mother was the whore of lys
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Are you the coding anon that normally makes the threads? Do you want to take back the reins I should go to bed soon.
i think hotd is just a big redpill on whores. like, you can have differences with your family, brothers or friends but the main thing is you should never trust a whore
People can meme on bandicoot all day but I await my love Jon Roxton to chad until death
book Jace and book Jon are both much better
finally get to watch the new episode. Overall one of my personal favorites episodes of HOD so far. This proves that you don't need action packed scenes to create something magical. But anybody else feel this season was affected by the strike? Just seems like this season was written for 10 or more episodes? Feels like we are just building towards something that needs 2-3 more episodes, not one. I don’t understand why this couldn’t have been an entire season of the show? Condal seemed so completely uninterested in why the dragons chose these guys but like, imagine a show where we track six or seven small folk, get their backstories, come to really care about them, and then see each of them try to claim a dragon. We got a little time with Hugh and Ulf but not enough to want to see them succeed. They both have compelling narratives. Hugh is willing to sacrifice everything if it means his family will be better off for such an all or nothing gamble. Ulf has that kinda charm to him that screams "this guy is in over his head", with his self doubts about himself. I like how Vermithor and Silverwing embody the personalities of their new riders.
My lord Hand (Hugh is my king)
Bastardry is reserved to the nobility, poor fags are essentially all bastards.
Fuck ritualposters
Kit Harrington is 1000x more masculine than Jace's acor lol
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Watching Black Sails for the first time and Max reminds me of Mysaria
Hindsight is 20/20. At the time it was reasonable enough to speculate that Brienne was taken aback that Stannis wasn't a snivelling coward and at the last second swung her sword into the tree above his head, leaving him bleeding out rather than actively murdering him.
One is strong and stern with a commanding aura around it that shows such ferocity and anger in such a limited time while the other, interestingly, conveys a more playful demeanor that seems more eager to have fun and enjoy the thrills. And we (at least book readers) knew immediately that Hugh and Ulf were gonna be the ones to do it, because they’re the ones we’d been following. The small folk who died, who cares? The implications surrounding Targaryen power and the stuff with the dragon keepers was cool. It just felt so rushed cramming all of this into one episode, but the ideas were way more interesting than like 80% of season 1. The scene with Aegon struggling to walk got me.. I'm not saying it because I'm Team Green, but man you just have to feel sorry for Aegon at this point but again he's a rapist. Oscar Tully with balls of Valyrian steel. He walked Daemon right into his web with Willem Blackwood’s execution… had that planned perfectly & left him absolutely no choice. That scene felt like peak Game of Thrones, Oscar not only earned the respect of his bannermen but also managed to completely outplay Daemon at the same time. that ending shot with the three dragons and Rgaenyra eyeing Aemond down is one of my favorite shots of this series. The finale will be insane. Daeron and Tessarion showing up with the Hightower army after all that teasing since Episode 1. The Starks crossing the Twins. Cole and Gywane "beef". Daemon finally getting his army. Possibly a battle shown. There is so much that's about to happen - just enjoy it before we will have to wait 2 years
I'd fuck cute and canon poster (tenderly)
i don't even like jace like that but jace is better looking than him
Nothing happened this season
>2 years
>Alicent literally just camping
Hmm. I got the opposite message. That you are safer with a whore who will take your coin than any brother.
Especially when she's also your psychologist.
no lol writers strike destroyed all momentum
Rhaenyra tilting her head be like:Are you scared lil Aemond?
no, he was dead, it was always very clear
Waters is the name given to Crownland bastards
It's not about looks, Jon Snow was just a lot tougher than Jace from the outset. So was Robb. Men in GoT were cast and written like men.
F&B is kind of shit, I don't think you'll lose anything if you read the wiki instead.
>he's a rapist
Most telling sign that this is a reddit post.
Really GRRM is redpilled as fuck in how the root cause of 90% of problems is women. It's actually mind boggling lmao.
She was perfect in season 1 when she was just a useless rape sock.
I miss the old Alicent, straight from the 'Go Alicent
Chop up the soul Alicent, set on her goals Alicent
I hate the new Alicent, the bad mood Alicent
The always rude Alicent, spaz in the news Alicent
do you skips season 1??
Dude, Jon spent the first 4 fucking seasons being exactly what you describe. He didn't become Captain America until S5.
While show Jon is a mope and lame, book Jon is an emo entitled twat. Never understood the like for him. Listening tk the audio book of GoT before bed lately and I've been enjoying the Tyrion chapters I guess.
Also Cat is in unredeemable cunt and Ned is too dumb to live
Aegon's actor has a huge head that doesn't fit with his small body.
Kit Harrington has normal fucking proportions, even though he's a short guy. Jace's actor looks like a bobblehead of lord farquad.
Why do you think Rhaenyra expressing her stance means the show's creators are endorsing her?

Nobody approved of the food ships, everyone on her table doubts her, her own son doubts her, Daemon doubts her and acts autonomously. Now she just scorched a bunch of her relatives whilst she watched on like a psychopath.

Unless you're talking about her scene with Mysaria which was clearly just to emphasise how badly she wishes she was a man (specifically Daemon) and goes for Daemon's ex-lover.

So far most of what she has done is short-sighted, and the worst is yet to come in terms of her behavior
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He isn't red-pilled at all, he's a fucking anti-war feminist hippie boomer that never served.
He's a good author that wrote engaging novels focusing on power structures, sexism and inequality but don't let the violence and medieval fantasy fool you, he likely voted for Bernie.
can't have things happen and expect to run for 5 seasons
Jon chapters are all about everyone else around him being kino and interesting. Halfhand, Mance, Edd, Stannis, even sneedgritte.
He scouted her castle and now knows everything. Now he can't be ambushed. Another powerful move from Aemond.
>He's a good author
(not true by the way)
is new man riding dragons now yeah?
keep telling yourself that, boy
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Epic Queen of the Dragons moment very danny coded
>he likely voted for Bernie.
I misread that as Brienne. He'd vote for Brienne too.
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>These people are..
>What? Courageous

Jeez hbo did you really have to?
you're supposed to hate the council, Jace and Daemon for disobeying her
Alicent if she was Viserys' daughter and not Otto's
Vhagar was also sleepy from a nap. Not the best time to fight. Aemond knew that. Masterclass in dragonriding. START DOING THIS.
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>tfw it's a mysaria scene

thoughts on the fact that Filippinos and Spics should be genocided? :)
What I want to know is who the fuck told her to do that funny accent? She doesn't speak like that in real life.
take a shot every time Rhaenyra scowls at the camera at the end of an episode then proceeds not to do anything
As cucked as that is it shows how much deep distain he has for women. He's a perfect example of deeply women hating men obsessed with pussy they do or say anything. But his deeper thoughts and grand message say a lot more than his facade. But he's still a faggot
that's not halaena
No, read everything again. Redditors love Aegon but "can't" support him because of that ridiculous non-canonical rape of some servant girl.
he ran like a little bitch and will die crying and begging for his life
>Daemon for disobeying her
NTA but I am constantly reminded how.....ignorant for a gentler word a lot of people are when it comes to metaphor and subtley. Daemon's arch is about how his failings are failings and his fans act like they arent. If a character doesnt just always stay a badass 24/7 then his character is being ruined or they cant understand whats happening. I have liked Daemon's arc
>Author masculated by a fictional character he created
Other examples in litterature/TV fiction?
In Septon Barth's Dragons, Wyrms, and Wyverns, he speculated that the bloodmages of Valyria used wyvern stock to create dragons. Though the bloodmages were alleged to have experimented mightily with their unnatural arts, this claim is considered far-fetched by most maesters, among them Maester Vanyon's Against the Unnatural contains certain proofs of dragons having existed in Westeros even in the earliest of days, before Valyria rose to be a power.

mayhaps a long time ago some advanced people bioengineered Dragons, that civilization collapsed, dragons spread around planetos, Valyrians tamed Dragons and took credit for their creation.
it's the white walkers marching on the wall all over again.
Fair enough. I haven't read the series since college (2014ish) so it's been a bit. The Dany chapters are also more enjoyable then i remember even if she's annoyinng. The guy doing the audio book resding I'm listening to also reads Illyrio with a french accent which makes me lul
The writers are retarded libs that think all men are evil sexists, they want you to hate everyone for disagreeing with Rhaenyra.
>but "can't" support him because of that ridiculous non-canonical rape of some servant girl.
plus you know the whole killing 100 people and being an evil usurper and all
ajajajjaja, to be fair, i am reading the first book and the first scene of him with sansa can be seen in a "sweet" way
anon they are sffg fans...every male character has to be a anime tier badass or its not fun at all for them.
the subtlety is that condal and hess hate daemon and the fact that he had lots of fans so they wanted to make him look dumb
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*saves the seven kingdoms*
he dies going out like a based king
He was not born in Westeros. His mother moved to Lys and eventually Volantis to get away from Jaherys
in retrospect Jace is 100% correct and Raenyra's faction will pay for it
He's a incel. He dosent distrust women as a whole for their sex (the redpilled take). He just seethe because he likely wasnt allowed to have unpaid sex from them before he became rich and famous (the incel take)
I adore the revelation that Saera was Hugh’s mother. It makes it all the more powerful that it was one of the unwanted bastard sons of the unwanted “whore” daughter that ends up claiming Jaehaerys’ dragon, almost like she’s still finding ways to slight her father many years on from beyond the grave slayyyyyyyyy
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I'm getting more and more confused about what the rules are for claiming dragons. Can someone explain to me why Silverwing claimed Ulf, the stupid, illiterate, cowardly, drunken sot? Does she just feel bad for him or something?
Odds we see Daeron and/or Otto next episode?
>who can know the heart of a dragon
that's literally it
It's true and it bothers me
>Then Hugh proves his grandfather was right in not trusting Saera's line when he tries to usurp the Targaryens

Thanks to confirming once more than Jaehaerys was truly the best king
No it doesn't, what are you tal--->>201887438
What was the photographer thinking?
Guarantee this Italian cutie would have gone nude last night.
he looks like tom felton but worse...
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begging and pleading like a "based king" that was never based nor a king
what the fuck she does that on purpose? i assumed its her real accent and she cant help herself
I think Otto is basically confirmed
still no idea on Daeron. I'm doubting it but the Tessarion shot gives you hope.
Marry rhaenyra
Fuck alicent
Kill the asian lady
Reddit bait.
Remember Rhaenys killing hundreds of small folk in the dragon pit, Daemon murdering his wife and Rhaenyra having a Velaryon servant murdered so that her husband could go be gay emperor in Essos?
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>watching her son starting the branch line House Whorefyre with Jaehaerys with from heaven
Obviously in the show he does it because he sees that Rhaenyra is also too busy to help the smallfolk
He did not beg, or plead.
He struggled with his seatbelt.
Our king was concerned with safety.
His only failure was unending vigilance.
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>Marry rhaenyra
Scene was so retarded. I am gonna run around and hide from the fire, here looksee, a stone lets hide, ooh he is coming, run, eey mr dragon i am right here. can you hear my shout, yeah you will obey me. Who the fuck writes this slop? Anticlimactic from the get go.
>Marry an untrustful whore with not a single lawful progeny
>Fuck a woman proved to be boring and acting like a corpse in bed

You are right on the last one
Condal claims it's because he "showed deference" like if they'd shoved the rest of the people pissing themselves in front of Silverwing it'd probably have gone a lot better.
Daeron isn't canon
she actually sounds normal and good in behind the scenes. They just do the "bad actor accent" for who knows what reason.
You speak very good English for a Brazilian
btw Saera could still be alive in Lys
Very distracting. He should swolemax.
The baratheons have some magical shit going on with their bloodline because of chad Durrandon demigod genetics so they all come out black haired, completely mogging out all their inferior targshit genes.
it's funny in these how rhaenyra always looks the same. i presume THEY would be happy about that.
the only thing anyone remembers about the dragon pit is Rhaenys NOT ending the war then and there

you losers need to stop pretending that civilian casualties matter in GOTD, it's like The Boys or Invincible
>Let us repay outrage with outrage
it's war criming time
Aegon ii's actor should wear a fat bodysuit next season for maximum accuracy and faithfulness to the books
man she ugly
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All I wanted from this show was fatgon and chubby whore standing off on dragonstone. And I'll never get it.
imagine if there had been ratcatchers in the dragonpit, though
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Best girl just can't stop winning
rhaenyra should also be "stout waisted". i'm sure THEY would support that. but she has not committed to the Method.
>watch Preston's post-episode stream
>he's seething at how retarded the writing is
Rhaenyra doesn't commit war crimes everything she does is justified
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this but completely unironically
skip every scene
Martin confirmed the genetics of his word dosent work like in real life. Some bloodlines like the Baratheons and the Lannisters always have the same hair color, despite marrying randomly people each generation
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She wanted his dick
I just don't get why J wouldn't let her marry Beesbury. What was he planning to do with her? Marry her off to some other random nobody house instead? What difference does that make
It's Aemond that says that
he's starting to realize he must taooba, and with haste.
If the imaginary ratcatchers supported the greens then they got what they deserve
>Daemon and the Riverlords was pretty cool
>Ulf (and Hugh) WIN. Joyride was neat
Am I the only one? Becuz I really really think that Addam is Laenor. Face-changing magic exists in this world, and if you were a Westerosi exile, trying to fake your death, seeking out a way to change your face would be a good idea. But Laenor must feel guilty abandoning his family, so he has returned to them as close as he can safely get, by posing as his half-brother's full-brother. He feels bad leaving his father without a son, which is why he presses so hard to have Alyn acknowledged (while also declining to push for his own acknowledgement, because he knows he needs to keep his distance). Seasmoke is happy to let his rider carry on this facade, but as soon as a new rider tries to claim him, he knows that now is the time that he needs to return to his true rider.
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What did Aemond burn here?
She looks like she's going to kill you in your sleep
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>she has not committed to the Method.
I know just the right producer for this show. I'll give him a call
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the way you know she sucks is she's quite good looking. she has to really suck as a character/actor to override her looks.
>she's quite good looking
Olympic Village
it'll all be worth it when get mysaria being whipped naked through the city
they definitely 100% won't cut that
>I just don't get why J wouldn't let her marry Beesbury
Didn't she lose her virginity in an orgy with Beesbury and his friends? She was a wild slut, it's not like she just wanted to elope with a lover.
probably some innocent villagers homes with their children inside
Jacaerys being upset about "commoners" riding dragons is declaring defeat prematurely. Maintaining control is about setting narratives. It should be trivial to say that these riders are proof of Jacaerys right to rule. It is a statement that a targaryen is a targaryen and the dragons know their own. It's also silly how he states that dragons are his only proof of lineage. No one doubts his mother is targaryen. And if this political movement is meant to legitimize women as rulers than this too can be used towards their aims.
I'm still pissed Aegon doesn't have a mustache.
the producers saw Mysaria's performance and said "let's give her a bigger role"
jodelle ferland lookin ass
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I don't think there characters on the show who hate themselves more than Jace does. He probably doesn't even look at himself in the mirror.
This was confirmed years ago, when GRRM pulled a Rowling and said in an interview that Nettles also had Targaryen blood in her.
Not just a bigger role let's make her a love interest!
What do they eat? I'm fucking sick of Westeros just being Irish wasteland.
the true answer is even worse which is that it makes it makes the lesbian writers and actors wet to think about dyking out so they try to put it in the show as much as they can for their own reasons
It's coomers writing the show, but women so even worse.
Why couldn't he just dye his hair though? Simple question.
lel. i wonder how many 18 year old GoT nerdettes GRRM has banged. from that post, i bet he sees himself as sam tarly.
Him and Aegon should write to each other it'd be like a mens suicide prevention group
Just a sidebar, through game of thrones and now
Hot D. All you hear the lords do is talking honor, and what is usurper. But all the lords lack honor. It haven't crossed their minds one bit that they all swore an oath to accept rhaenyra as their queen but sitting on their hands making excuses now that it time to honor that oath. They should not have to be asked or convinced to take up arms against the greens. If they were honorable the oath they took binds them to over throwing the usurpers.
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>the quadruple thickness privacy swimming gown is ready, your grace
>Implying he didnt do that in countries where the legal age goes down up to 13 years old, like Mexico that is right under his ass
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can beaners afford HBO?
Vaemond's words still ringing in his ears after all these years.
If women wrote the show we'd have a lot more rape. Woman writers fucking love rape, it's unsettling.
>read fantasy book written by woman
>main character chases down a woman and rapes her, very detailed description of blood on his cock and semen dripping from her bloody pussy
Were they trying to bait her into going nude without explicitly asking or something?
And she just refused them
Otherwise I can't really make sense of what they were going for. If it was some tits, then it suddenly all makes sense.
Jace definitely browses /pol/ and gets suicidal after reading brown hair/brown eyes threads
they made the dragon sniffing very obvious this episode
they always be sniffin
damn he's literally me
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Season 1 Jace used to cope about this because he had to be a good big brother and make Luke feel better but now he doesn't have to pretend anymore.
Apparently he banged a lot of fans at conventions when he was much younger.
Lesbian writers anon. Otherwise yes.
The best writers are liberals, sorry to tell ya.
Considering most of the blacks supporters seems to be favela dwellers, they somehow can

Yea they like rape scenes as long the rapist is the men they lust over and he loves them so much he cannot controll himself. Only in this specific case
He knows he's a bastard and still attacks others for telling the truth. I don't feel sorry for him at all.
are you calling gayrm a good writer??
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>did you think I would have dark hair
This is so retarded. I don't know why Americans are like this. Why can't they just acknowledge his legal father is a black man with white hair? Why don't they just mention his lack of black skin? Why focus on his hair? It's ridiculous.
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>paying to moving pictures on your screen
By modern standards, every good writer before 2000 is a right-wing extremist nazi
latinos got excited during the blood and cheese scene unironically
I miss older brother Jace :(
>Born with a godlike gigachad/prettyboy combo face (too bad about the short height to)
>Still hates to watch himself in the mirror because it reminds him of being the son of a whore
A cruel joke from the gods, poor Jace
Don't worry, helaemond rape scene is coming.
I only say that because you beanbags only pay for DVDs from trunks and bazaars. You couldn't even use putlocker if your life depended on it.
Jace literally explained why he has to hate them. Because he cant argue his claim against his younger brothers and even sisters. It made total sense for him.
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you know what's up
anyone got screenshots of aegon screaming
They were hoping for the dinner scene from Sicario.
Actors, too
That's why when you watch them behind the scenes they are emotional and it's cringe and it repulses right wingers
But this gives them insight into emotion and how characters might respond or behave thus increasing the depth of their acting

The right knows we suck at art. We should handle the economy and geo politics and you guys can handle playing pretend. k?
They probably took the scene word for word from the book and forgot to update it for their slight changes
And still looks down on smallfolk as mongrels. The cognitive dissonance of this bozo. She also needs dragons to win or he's never even going to have a chance at sitting the throne. Spoiler: he won't. They've somehow managed to write the Blacks to be almost as unlikable as Greens.
>>Still hates to watch himself in the mirror because it reminds him of being the son of a whore
literally me
I hope they did it in front of aegon
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I can save him.
Being liberal/marxi adjacent is correlated with higher IQ and just having a more open-minded, better understanding of the world, which leads to better art.
Sounds hot. What book?
that's sad... suddenly I'm getting feels about characters I didn't even care before but I feel bad for Jace now
He should give up his claim. And kill himself.
any ao3 fanfic
lol that cope image. My sides. even has a chocolate diamond that were viewed as trash until retards got gaslit.
It's because Book Jon reacts realistically to his situation, and his entitlement is curbed very early, and isn't anywhere near as ridiculous as the entitlement of most other characters.
That's one of the many reasons why the entire Riverlands saga is very poorly written, but this thread and the wider internet have been filled with new fans who don't care about the common sense of the already established world and are just willing to let a billion bad writing choices slide.
Pretty sure it's the spiteful feminist showrunners that are decreeing no more female lead nudity. I vaguely remember alicents actress having to nag them to even get one of her PG rated sex scenes done
>306 replies, 71 images
kys yourself
>t. "i have zero moorish ancestry, actually"
Can't remember, I was 9 when I read it. Bunch of demi-gods rule this steam-punk renaissance world being invaded by giant beetles.
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You have my attention
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>Rat dogo teams up with dragon to burn out every last rat in Kings Landing
So, what happens if a Baratheon and a Lannister have kids? Too bad we never got to see it.
I don't get the point of these "generals"...

>Oy v3y! Lets talk about a TV show.

All these generals are made by marketing teams for said movie/show. Example: HotD, The Boys, Furiosoa, Dune 2

Who pays people to spam these?
This is the most retarded post so far in all these threads
It's not a weiner or same sex relationship so they can't show it (jews)
Is there a point where a chiseled jaw becomes maladaptive? Does it correlate with a small pre-frontal cortex?
He hates his retarded bobblehead head
adam is laenors brother
the lake scene with alicent was a huge missed opportunity. these cunts read the books, with GRRM's clear fetish for booba, and ignored all of that part of it.

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