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Bastards and mongrels edition.

Previously on /got/hotd/…>>201921104
Fuck the greens and fuck white people
All niggers must die
Total nigger death
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>ulf when dragon
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It would be funny if in Dunk some random characters would talk about dance and spoil the ending.
weird how they keep making these male characters based
i thought they hated men?
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Blackwood archers, on site and in position. Marking all targets listed under designations "Greens", "Brackens", and "Andal heretics".
>your mother is a-
>...damn, this strong boy is alright
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WINDS OF WINTER waiting room. Tell me anon, what are you most excited to see in Winds?
Whatever is going on with Brienne and Jaime with Lady Stoneheart
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>watching the series
>skipping all the Rhaenyra scenes
>series becomes 90% more enjoyable
Stop. It's not coming out. Not until the lardass keels overs and dies so that a more competent writer can finish the job. But at that point, 20 odd years after the last book, would you really care?
he was so based, rip
I think fatso might finish it on his deathbed, but Dream is something we Will never see
>would you really care?
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If Rhaena tried to claim the dragons and they wouldn't accept her, why didn't they burn her alive too?
She looks pretty burned to me
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>s2 is a cuckwood humiliation ritual
I genuinely think Jaime might not come back from that interaction. Like what else is going to happen, a trial by combat?
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because they had the order of the dragonstamers to stop the dragon from eating her maybe? you know the guys who said they wont help with putting andal subhumans on dragons
>the cliffhanger of the season is going to be Daemon's ugly nigger daughter claiming sheepstealer, something that absolutely no one wants or cares about
Just cancel the show already.
Jon Snow remaining dead, because resurrection is stupid and this shit shouldn't revolve around him.
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>Being a beard for her gay husbando while she has a loving bf who gets brutally murdered by opposition
Why are incels like this? She literally did nothing wrong
>But muh heckin bast-
Bohoo, every king has and had them
I think he'll come back but he'll be more Ghost than man. Also we won't get any other POV chapters from him, only from Melisandre observing him
Yep, that's keyed.
based. its not her fault her gay husband couldn't have children with her
Fuck off with this shit.
shes supposed to be a bratty white tomboy fan favorite, like a more intelligent targ looking bad poosey. another victim of the velaryon race swapping
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Remember, if you are on Team Black, you are on the side of:
>s1 Bracucks humiliation
>s2 Cuckwood humiliation

shes a whore. a far better queen, margery did the morally right thing in a similar situation, she went to renly and told him shes ok with him being gay but he must impregnate her somehow so they can have a legitimate heir. imagine if she just fucked some random chad in the camp and then tried to pass off her mutt kid as renly's lol. rhaerhae is a gigaslut
Yep, just forget about the 6000 dead smallfolk during the coronation and the MASS RAPE of Bracken villagers
I am on the side of #teamMen
I want all the foids in the show to be exterminated.
If you want to discuss politics go to /pol/.
the smallfolk deserve it
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I'm kinda down for this one, boys are hot.
>shes ok with him being gay but he must impregnate her somehow so they can have a legitimate heir.
Did you just admit to being a retarded speedwatcher? Rhaenyra literally tried this
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my boyfriend!
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>Hurr my gay husband couldn't nut
This is retarded anyway you square it but it's ultimately GRRM's fault because he thinks all gay men are infertile.
how it started
>hahaha chaosh is a ladder, im the biggest mashtermind in the realm
how it went
>shansha please im begging you, please i love you dont let your ninja sister kill m-ACK
I wouldn’t call the dance of the dragons a war of feminism against patriarchy, I’d consider it a war of traditional Andal feudalism vs Valyrian absolutism.
Otto Hightower is the stereotypical Andal aristocrat. Believes in a clear succession system (Agnatic-Cognatic Primogeniture) and the following of the laws above all.

Whilst team Black are Valyrian absolutists. They believe that the Targaryen King is the absolute authority and can even choose their own heir in spite of tradition and customs.
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>She should have done x
>She did try x
>Hurr it's retarded anyway grrms fault
I accept your concession, seething greencel.
D&D really fucked up Littlefinger's story. If GRRM changes anything, it should be how all that went down.
those smallfolk were racists and sexists, they attended aegon's coronation, its like attending a trump rally
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Theater guy, needs short hair for most roles and it's easier to work with.
kek that tv looks shitty
cute fingers
He's still cute, I can live with it. Too bad he's dead in hotd tho
gay man had kids all the time in human hsitory, its a common thing. if youre a noble or aristocrat in every civilization it was expected of you to further your line even if you were gay. he couldnt coom insider her a few times? its nonsensical. i dont care if its the fat cuck or the showrunners who came up with this but thats not how it works. she cant be a saint who gave laenor every chance but he just couldnt nut because that would literally never happen, end of. not to mention how many men find their wives disgusting and they can still impregnate them. roose bolton plapped the shit out of his fat slampig frey wife
Take your meds. The writers pussed out by making Laenor present at all. He and Rhaenyra should have been at each other throats from the beginning because of how Joffrey died. Instead we got maudlin speeches about how Rhaenyra respected his lifestyle lol. The idea that Laenor just so happens to be both gay and infertile is utterly retarded.
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I hate this bug eyed bitch
she is ok
Genuinely being stupid
I remember being hyped for this in 2010. It's never coming out, and the last book will never get written either because GRRM is too fat and old to survive another 20 years in order to finish it.
The tomboy is Baela, who has short hair in the books. but you are right otherwise.
>this is what they took from you
So if it came out this year, you wouldn't read it? And be honest.
(Book) It's likely the marriage was never consummated because Rhaenyra was disgusted that Laenor fucked boys. But there is no way Hollywood is going to make a gay character a pedophile so they had to make up some bullshit about him being infertile.
>seduces sansa after the meeting in s8
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Cute and canon!
>Hurr durr gay men are infertile
I'd read it, but it wont come out before GRRM dies. They might have someone finish it and release it for him.
He's clearly going to resolve the whole plot using magic tree based time travel anyway.
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Sweet Robin got hot after he unlatched from the titty
Outside of Aegon the Conqueror, are there any other kings from history that Westerosi society idolizes?
1) you are a roastie
2) you obviously never read F&B
When do they say he's infertile...? He and Rhae try to fuck, he can't coom, they stop trying.
>Simped for Rhaenyra
>Simped for Daemon
>Cucked by Daemon
Blackwoods are such fucking losers lmao
Humanity lost a big man
>How are babby formed?
Underage b&
baelor the blessed? at least the smallfolk loved him
Probably a few of the good pre-Conquest ones in certain regions. I can't imagine anyone missing the Hoares, but the Durrandons didn't seem all bad.
Is this why GRRM refuses to attend the writing room?
Actually what the fuck are you talking about. Are you trolling? If so I dont get it
>get a bj from his bf
>on the brink of cooming
>put in inside rhaenyra
>impregnate her
i hate how they portrayed dragon claiming in the show.
>say Rhaena almost died trying to claim one (was it Vermithor?)
>show that dragons either roast people who they deem not worthy and utterly submissive for worthy people
CONdal is a hack
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Are they ever going to address Rhaenyra's mongrel genocide?
What's behind the fat man's Blackwood favouritism?
Yeah that's what Margery suggests they do in GoT.
Obviously it's possible but like, the characters just didn't do that. Is that really so hard to understand?
>but the Durrandons didn't seem all bad.

They intermarried into the Baratheons.
Unlike ratcatchers no one will miss them. Not even the tavern keepers, Ulf will just order for Silverwing instead.
The most realistic part about the world is how the smallfolk are useless shitters and need literal magic to do anything of note.
>Westeros, a society that understands how to prevent conception with an abortive tonic somehow doesn't understand that babies come from sperm in vagina
You are genuinely very low IQ.
GRRM deserves to seethe. Blackwoods vs Brackens is cartoonishly one-sided and I hate "Designated Good Guy House"
Same reason I hate the Starks. Is there ever one "bad" Stark?
It seems so uncharacteristic of him too. Lannisters have heroes and villains, same with Baratheons and Targaryens. Hell there's even a decent Bolton in Dunk and Egg right?
Catelyn Tully doesn't count as a Stark
So. Based. Must. Kneel.
Dragonlord! Dragonlord! Dragonlord!
one Realm! one God! one King!
Stannis! Stannis! Stannis!
>what are you most excited to see
It come out
>Muh book
Cope and seethe greencels, we're discussing the show here. If you wanna talk about the book: >>>/lit/
>he can't coom, they stop trying.
Why do you think they stop trying? BECAUSE he can't coom with her. Last (you) you're getting, now begone
>Is there ever one "bad" Stark?
All of them so far. Ned and Robb died like retards, Sansa is stupid, Arya is a Sue, and Catelyn is a mute murderzombie.
Absolutely based.
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Odds the Nightlamp theory comes true? I give it a 50/50
uhm ok? what does that mean, they didnt do that so now we can cirticize their actions
>aemond could have saved aegon instead of taoobaing him but he just didnt do that ok? stop talking about it
think about it from the velaryon perspective, they survived da doom (6 million valyrians died) and now their bloodline should end and lose thier lands because laenor and rhaerhae couldnt do this simple thing? how selfish can someone be
Every single one of these. Also checked.
Didn’t one of them marry an Other and have to be put down?
Jahaerys is the most popular after the conqueror

Baelor amongst the small folk and religious, Daerron among the young high born men
> CTRL + F
> "taooba"
> 0 results
This general is dead
I thought you were the other retard ITT who literally doesn't get what's being discussed
Yes Rhaenyra is a dumbass for having kids with Harwin, at least Cersei ruined it on purpose
hack writers.
they didn't make Alyn have a go at claiming a dragon because they will draw too much attention to the retardation.
Alyn got some burns from trying in the book.
>the order of the dragonstamers to stop the dragon from eating her maybe?
like they stopped it from roasting the Darklyn Kingsguard?
stop trying to justify hack writing.
Brackens are absolutely bitchmade, fuck them
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>fraud brother
>fraud prince
>fraud king
>fraud lawful neutral
>fraud lighter bringer
>fraud azor ahai
Didn't they say it went horribly and she was nearly killed? I might be confusing her with one of the many other characters with similar names, appearance, and screentime.
By the way, except for the Manderlys, who is gonna be on Stannis side of the lords who is hiding in Winterfell?
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>laenor im not a woman, im a they/them nonbinary individual. bigot
>Is there ever one "bad" Stark?
Cregan stark is pretty bad.
he ignored Rhaenyra's summons to war to avoid being roasted then claimed he's all honorable 'n' shiet
ROOSE the GOLDEN GOOSE will prevail again just like he did in the show.

>BoltonChads when Stannis’ army gets completely destroyed and Stannis gets tortured in the crypts of the Dreadfort for the rest of the Winds of Winter
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It’s been a disappointing thread and stressful thread so far, I don’t want to give it a TAOOBA. I’m glad I didn’t waste an Aemond for the thread pic.
he downloads 480p webrips
>base your entire life around bullshitting about your Targ blood
>turns out it’s actually true
What's next for Otto?
Ulf has a charisma that no one else in the show has. Actually looks like a fun bloke
She tries really hard to not be seen as attractive, classic toff anti socialism
And he's Scottish.
he already said that his version of littlefinger wouldnt pimp sansa out to the boltons, so there is hope. if the book ever comes out
>By the way, except for the Manderlys, who is gonna be on Stannis side of the lords who is hiding in Winterfell?

In Winterfell? House Poole due to Ramsay raping Jeyne Poole, idk.

In the books, Stannis helps liberate Deepwood Motte, so House Glover and the houses around that area would side with Stannis.

Stannis would probably appoint Rickon Stark as Warden of the North and Lord of Winterfell once Davos gets him on that one island.
I mean, you don’t need to be a Targ to ride a dragon
He was the main guy from Phoneshop
>ROOSE the GOLDEN GOOSE will prevail again just like he did in the show.
No, Battle of the Bastards is 100% a D&D invention. It's sole purpose was giving Stannis' Northern storyline to Kit Harrington to shill him for Emmy / Oscar baiting scenes.
idk, it seems very reasonable but gurm likes to have hidden armies swoop in to decide battles.
maybe the wildlings from the wall will reach Stannis when the battle is being fought.
>In Winterfell?
Yeah because Freys (?) have been dying in the books in Winterfell right, is that just the Manderlys or are they working with other houses?
>In the books, Stannis helps liberate Deepwood Motte, so House Glover and the houses around that area would side with Stannis.
That makes sense
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The Umbers (Mors and Hother are probably in contact) definitely.
The Ryswells and Dustin will probably not really care. Same with the other smaller houses like Flint and Cerwyn.
Some Freys could defect, most likely with Big Walder as their leader.
The real question is who gets the Dreadfort after Boltons fall? Maybe the Free Folk that sided with Stannis?
Reek is lord of the Dreadfort
The Dreadfort will be razed to the ground
Doubt it. Why waste a perfectly good fort?
It's full of Dread
>Some Freys could defect, most likely with Big Walder as their leader.

I could see that and alot of houses powdering their wings wondering how this would turn out. Boltons falling meaning the North is completely united, while the south is divided between the Greyjoys, Lannisters, Faegon, Tyrells, Bortherhood without banners, Martells and the Eyrie.
Could Melissandre be alive during the time of the Dance?
Crashing this realm, with no survivors
ngl, i look away at all her scenes because she's so fucking ugly.
i look away at Baela scenes too.
>Could Melissandre be alive during the time of the Dance?

She's been alive since the Doom
Are you ready for TOTAL GREENCEL OBLITERATION in the next episode?
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>It's full of Dread
Also Dillane hated playing Stannis
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Ask any bracken bitch how that Blackwood dick taste?
The way she uglies herself up is kind of weird. She can be androgynous, it's nothing new. Not every woman has to dress like an e-thot. The nonbinary shit is pure retardation, though.
I actually think they'll have him as an advisor/mentor to Daeron. Rhys Ifans is too good to waste, having Otto killed so soon.
>What's next for Otto?
Grabbing every cat in every constituent regions of the Seven Kingdom.
Helaena will btfo the blacks
She'll be Aegon the Conqueror reborn
More like she’s been alive since the Coom
i'd like to see alicent and her hightower chud children dead.
>Also Dillane hated playing Stannis

Yea he literally said "I have no idea why my character is doing this, this makes no sense", which is how I feel most of the actors felt playing their characters. I wonder how long their NDAs last for before they can really start leaking the absolute madness of D&D.
>male tullies
>female tullies
crazy bitches
is there such dichotomy in other hosues?
If only the showrunners gave her more than 10 minutes screen time a season.
Why do they have Gwayne leaving King's Landing again? He should die soon in King's Landing when it falls to the Blacks
Him and Paddy were like the only two actors with any real weight (Smith is just hamming and memeing)
This is all I can see when I see her hotd character. Pretty grim.
Also generally it seems like the original got had a cast you could have a pint with, whereas the cast of hotd all look like they'd hate me.
Why is that?
Which is what made him such a great Stannis
>Why do they have Gwayne leaving King's Landing again? He should die soon in King's Landing when it falls to the Blacks
They changing everything, Otto and Gwayne won't die in King's Landing.
>vhagar + dreamfyre + tessarion combined with helaena dragon prediting where to strike at what time
blackcels...just surrender before its too late
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What the fuck did this mean? It literally reads like a Stephen King excerpt or something.
I think Melisandre's past is going to get weird - maybe she was a slave from Gogos or something?
Because he is the only Hightower that's likeable outside of maybe Otto.
there should be other Boltons, right?
cousins, distant relatives, Domeric is secretly alive and shiet.
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I should rewatch Little Nicky for this nigga.
Did he say that over anything particular (like the final battle, or burning Shireen) or the whole Northern campaign
>cousins, distant relatives, Domeric is secretly alive and shiet.
Oh shit your right.
>Otto and Gwayne won't die in King's Landing.
unthinkably based condal and hess. i mean its logical from a show perspective, otto has one of the best actors and gwayne is becoming a fangirl favorite
Because criston needs to interact with someone also gwayne is cool
They'll build a new castle in its place called the Dreamfort
Consider the following:
>Rhaena or whatever her name is tracks down the sheepstealer dragon
>Its already been a claimed by a mysterious ambiguously brown tomboy
I wonder who will die in their place though. Someone has to die at such an important event right? Otherwise the show will lose any tension it has left.
Basically season 5, I can't remember the exact content of the commentary, but season 5 bullshit in general.

Basically wanted D&D wanted Dillane to emote with a powerful face in front of an army and than in front of Brienne and D&D are gushing in the commentary: look at these performances these faces. Literally all the changes from book to show can be boiled down to: we changes the characters based on the performance of the actor.
Burning Mill? Offscreen
Red Fork? Offscreen
Honeywine? Offscreen
Bloody Ben? Cut
Pate of Longleaf? Cut
Maelor? Cut
Nettles? Cut
There was one from ancient history who took over a keep on the wall for his own, the Nightfort, took a female Other to wife, and became an evil necromancer.

Also Robb was pretty retarded by the end. Not bad exactly, but got too proud and started shitting on his oaths. Not even his naïve but honorable father would condone that.
just not autismfu...
>I wonder who will die in their place though.

I think Orwyle and Jasper Wylde might die, both are being built up into semi-important Greens, so we will care when they die.
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We won.
>Burning Mill? Offscreen
And that is bad, why?
>Red Fork? Offscreen
They might show it next episode in part?
>Honeywine? Offscreen
Will happen in season 3 when they introduce Daeron
>Bloody Ben? Cut
Not necessarily, again he might be introduced in season 3
>Pate of Longleaf? Cut
Same as Ben
>Maelor? Cut
>Nettles? Cut
Most likely.
I’ll give Dillane this thought. Those faces he made in season 5 were iconic. Truly the epitome of ‘FML, let’s get this over with’
Cannibal? Cut
He doesn’t want to be Aemond’s Hand?
I stopped watching after ep6
notice how all the Daeron posting is now gone after his dragon was finally revealed.
it was mostly HBO shills.
If GoT was made 20 years ago Freddie Fox could have played a very good Joffery
This one sucks. They could have had a kino scene of someone absolutely falling in claiming him
>I’ll give Dillane this thought. Those faces he made in season 5 were iconic. Truly the epitome of ‘FML, let’s get this over with’
I agree, I just wish the context and writing wasn't shit. Could have been good faces to give during a Battle of the Ice, where Stannis sends his cavalry to the attack Boltons from the rear
Yes. The 94 people of this general are an extremely important demographic to shill to. We are that special.
Don't forget:
>Black Aly
>Red Kraken
Gets namedropped but won't appear on-screen
>Brothel queens
>Gaemon Palehair
It's just normal domspiral posters who doompost about everything and then never speak about it when it's proven/shown that the doom wasn't real. It's a 4chan staple.
I agree and unironically don't like either Nedd or Robb, though I understand why they did the things they did. Robb not wanting to have a bastard due to how he saw Cat treat Jon is kino. I do like Sean Bean though.
I'm kind of a Sansa defender. At the end of the day, she's just a teenage girl.
Arya is GRRMs' wife's favorite. I've accepted the fact that she'll be OP.

Was he a Stark? I know he was a former Night's Watch guy, but I tend to disregard their houses once they take the Blacked

Did they not make it? Not even after the main events are finished?
Gaemon palehair the one socialist king of westeros won't be cut
I'm worried about Trystane though
Ah that’s ok, prior to that his actions made sense
I liked his shrug at Blackwater “thousands”
I think he’s implied to be a Stark, put down by his own family, and condemned to having his name obliterated
>Did they not make it? Not even after the main events are finished?
oh fuck.
sorry for spoiling...
they make it after the end and boss everyone around because they have the biggest army.
They might merge Gaemon and Trystane into one character. Would be more streamlined.
4chan incels idea that the fbi, cia, mossad, hollywood studios, big game developers etc. have teams to shill their things and ideas on this website and spend considerable amoutns of money on it is one of the funniest things ever
heh Gaymon
As if the tuboautists here need to be convinced to watch their show
kino desu
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i'll never forgive hbo
What is the point of Daemon's dreams? Is it that he regrets not taking the throne? Is he regretting how he treated his brother?
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How can you post on here with zero pulse?
Definitely gay
Easy way to develop his character and have him confront his demons
Reminder Mysaria lied about her past.
who cares shes hot
She's not cut. Rhaena will track down sheepstealel and discover it's already been claimed by someone else. Lots of drama, especially when Daemon gets involved. Trust me I'm in the writers room
Isn’t one the author of the account of the dance of dragons? It would be retarded to kill him
She’s mid
They’re setting him up for his big fall in the season finale.

But yes, he regrets the way he treated his brother and is finally learning that he’s unworthy to rule.
>The only two black girls in the Vale meet by coincidence
I mean, evidence is mounting to suggest that, yes.
>finally i'll get my own drago-
>its been claimed by a hotter black girl
she cant catch a break
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>t. you
They could beanwash her and make her actually hot
She needs to catch a Tyroshi scout's crossbow bolt to the neck.
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>Bastards and mongrels edition
How awkward will it be that dinner? I can only imagine the tension here.
Melanin is drawn to melanin
IT'S OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>forced to dine with smallfolk
Rhaenyra loves smallfolk, something greencels never could
>jace keeps throwing bones on the floor and says "fetch, mongler" every time
Count the silverware.
Fishfeed bros next week we eat.
my boy Jace better behave here...
aegon loves the smallfolk
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Crabbros how will we feast on all this?
The fact that they are all related in some way, makes this cute, it's just a happy family dinner.
>Okay everyone, whatever you do make sure that if you are to die it’s in epic dragon on dragon combat and not to some random shit skin with a crossbow!
I was baffled by how retard the reaction to Rhaenyra yesterday...Rhaenyra did not kill anyone , she asked them to try . she said you could die , these people most of them were living in extreme poverty. they had a lotto ticket and took a chance. i dont like Rhaenyra that much but be for real
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>blackwash a bunch of book canon whites
>possibly cut a book canon brownoid
For what purpose
Will Rhaenyra ask Ulf and Hugh their parentage like she did Addam? What would her reaction be when she realises they do actually have legitimate claims to the throne depending on how shit goes down?
Quota was met.
The people they are pandering to don’t know the actual nigger was cut.
It was really badly organized. Instead of having them try one by one, like it happens in the books and how these things are traditionally done, she bafflingly has them approach as a mob to get roasted all at once. It’s retarded no matter how you justify it.
>just cram them all on the balcony at once lol
>hope the first guy doesn't fuck this up, that could go badly
yeah, it's fucking retarded. Not to mention, realistically the whole lot should have just been napalmed in one blast.
>try one by one
aint no body got time for that
She should ask and then she'll realise her mistake, these men can easily be a huge threat for her because they also have a claim.
Vermithor also didn’t give a shit about people trying to claim him in the book. I assume we got what went down here so they could save money by not having the Cannibal wreck some idiots.
the writers thought it would be a cool scene chud
I miss Vaemond
>she bafflingly has them approach as a mob to get roasted all at once
She didn't asked them to approach Vermithor at once, they could at least queue up and take turn to try. It wasn't her fault they can't stay queued, come on now
>s4 finals
>nettles rides in on cannibal and btfos all the remaining targshits
there will be lots of seething from a specific prince here but maybe he'll keep it cool
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we know, Helaena
How pissed will Aemond be if he finds out he now has three nuncles with big angry dragons gunning for him?
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imagine him saying the mongrel line with that autism haircut...would've been peak kino
I kinda miss how autistic he used to look
he was smiling from the seven heavens as vermithor killed all those BASTARDS
>so hugh, tell me about your parentage
>my mother was a targaryen princess... and a whore
>didn't know we had something in common t.jace
It's out BOYSSSS
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>please queue in an orderly line and wait your tu-AAHHHHHHHHH
Vaemond’s ghost whispers the prophecy into Hugh’s ear.
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How can you smile with only half a mouth?
Oscar Tully has balls. Called Daemon a prince right to his face
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loved his incel haircut
unironically this, both of them have whore mothers and they are bastards, I don't see why they can't get along
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>the mongrel is eating his fillet with the bread fork
Oscar Tully is channeling some serious Lady Lyanna Mormont energy
>in a better world vaemond rides vermithor and they hunt whores and targ and velaryon bastards all over westeros
Apparently Alicent tries to sacrifice herself or kings landing to Rhaenyra in Dragonstone to save Helaena. Aemond will lead her to her death otherwise and she and Alicent are terrified of him.
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Can book readers spoil me on if we're getting a cool Aemond sword fight? I want cool Aemond
It would be really easy actually. Just show the first person to try get blasted, cut to Rhany staring on intensely from the balcony. Then she walks back into the chamber and calls for the next one while all the claimants look fearful. Cut away to the next scene with Daemon or whatever. Then when it gets back around to Dragonstone you just show the successful Dragonseed prevail in a dramatic scene after walking past a shitload of burnt corpses and bones.
>he doesn't know
yeah the tully guys are based but then they produce batshit crazy women like cate and lysa
I'm bracing myself for them ruining Jace even more, fuck YOU writers you can never make me hate Jace.
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oh no no no

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Aemond doesn’t have any sword fights in the book, unless you count beheading countless Strongs at Harrenhal in a blind rage. I hope they utilise Ewan’s stage combat skills and add something though.
This episode was quiet interesting, I’m glad I've picked up on the more religious undertones of Rhaenyra’s reasoning. The episode is littered with themes of religion, from Rhaenyra saying the claiming of Seasmoke to be an act of the gods, to the dragon keepers calling Rhaenyra’s action blasphemous and essentially naming her a heretic. In the bts Condal describes the process of claiming Vermithor as an almost ritualistic sacrifice, and Emma D’arcy (Rhaenyra’s actor) talks about her character taking a turn to spiritual fanaticism. I absolutely love the direction they are taking with this character and I can’t wait to see what they have planned next season.
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his look changed so much lol
I loved S1 Jace too though
she is tokenism.
>"It was very important for Miguel and I to create a show that was not another bunch of white people on the screen," Condal told EW. "We wanted to find a way to put diversity in the show, but we didn't want to do it in a way that felt like it was an afterthought or, worse, tokenism."
I get your point but what else are they going to do? Will they make him an asshole on that dinner scene? Will he say more slurs? I'm curious what else they can probably do to ruin the character even more.
You anons clearly got her attention wrong. Don't let Rhaenyra fool you. She saw this as a way of gaining dragonriders while eliminating a large number of possible rivals to her son's claim. While else bring them all out at the same time? And seeing Ulf ride over King's Landing will attract more bastards to the slaughter.
Same. He also looked a bit younger back then, he's more mature now.
>noo i wont ride my big fucking dragon we'll just give up kl instead
god i hate women
Just making him be an asshole to the dragonseeds would do it, or acting like he can do better than them in order to make his death look like his own fault for showing off with his smaller dragon, when in the book he had to go lead them because no one else would have.
Cat is fine
The Tully lore is basically filled with generations skipped of talent. Oscar's dad Elmo (died of bad water) was apparently a huge step down from Grover, who was vigorous while young but much less so later in life when he should have retired but couldn't. Oscar and Kermit (especially Kermit) did a lot to restore Tully glory and prestige after the Dance, noted as being the house high point of the past three generations.
>make his death look like his own fault
jfc this better not happen
Jace's mongrelphobia and classism made me love him
It's in the Emma interview, she deliberately chooses her religious fervor and divine right over any care for Jace and his claim. Because "she will always choose herself" apparently. Never thought book Rhaenyra would end up a better person than show Rhaenyra but here we are.
>R.R. Martin universe
>rape, torture and murder all day erry day
>>>oh no!!! he hates commoners!
She’s an autist who can’t ride anon. She will be a liability at most. Dreamfyre on her own might help somewhat though.
don't forget his lesbophobia
Kidnapping Tyrion was a retarded idea
They absolutely will do it and mock him for it, they already did it with Luke the "bully" who attacked poor Aemond first and Aemond didn't want to kill him but Vhagar just reacted to Arrax so what can you do also the war was Luke's fault in the first place. They WILL do it to Jace too so fuck them.
>manlet hypocrite
truly one of us
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The only thing more a waste of skin than a dyke is a vegan. - Prince Jacerys Velaryon
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Gotta do what you gotta do. Helaena's continued existence and happiness is non-negotiable senpai.
Why are there so many bastards in King's Landing in the first place? I think there like 20 who came on the ships. Did the princes really fuck that much?
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>capturing the man you legitimately thought tried to kill your own son to face the kings justice is retarded
>dreamfyre without a rider is more useful than with helaena


King's landing is a shithole anyway
I didn't watch a single episode of this.
I'm better than you :)
strong words
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>Did the princes really fuck that much?
Jace will make a toast
I love Helaena but it’s true. Dreamfyre would still put up a fight on her own, and she will under different circumstances.
>ned, you should only trust my childhood orbiter the schizo incel littlefinger, hes our guy in kl
>also ill kidnap tyrion and take him to my insane sister, hope you wont get into trouble for that
Dreamfyre's life must be pretty boring since Helaena got pregnant. Chained to a wall in the pit must be quite dull
Ironically bastard Dragonriders was originally book-Jace’s idea. Weird that they made the bastard a mongrel-hater in the show.
>the white racist prince is sitting next to the dark skinned mongrel
kek it's going to be interesting
I don’t think she’s ever ridden her in show canon, just claimed her.
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If he's going to be a dick to anyone I hope it's at least in an entertaining way.
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>trust my childhood orbiter that was so in love with me that he challenged BRANNDON FUCKING STARK FOR ME
>kidnap tyrion and take him to my sister
She hasn't seen her since the end of the rebellion and has no idea how crazy Lysa has become.
>taking prisoner the son of one of the major lords of the realm with only schizo dribble from your incel stalker as evidence
He's not a hater. I feel like he’s voicing his own insecurities about who he is. He is a Strong but he isn’t. He is a Velaryon but he isn’t. He is a Targaryen but he isn’t. And this whole war happened because his own people have been pointing fingers at him calling him bastard and questioning his right to the throne. The only thing that made him feel more legitimate was that he had a dragon and now there’s more bastards with dragons like him that could feel more entitled to the throne.
I saw that some people on the internet are angry at him but i think they don’t understand where he is coming from
Post images pls to fill the thread
I imagine something like this desu
Jace would probably mock Addam for having dark hair (like him it's also self hate) instead of the dark skin. Jace only cares about hair colour because skin doesn't matter on this show anyway.
It makes sense. Having actual Valyrian-looking bastards with bigger dragons than him and his brother makes him stand out as less Targaryen.
Hugh could easily do a Maegor if Jace were to be king. Vermax stands no chance against Vermithor.
Mind you he meant to recruit at Dragonstone where dragonseeds are treated differently and are mostly loyal to Rhaenyra. Recruiting among the average KL residents is fucking stupid.
>the guy I legitimately think tried to kill you, son?
>no, I didn't try and take him to jail his dad is rich you understand right?
Amazing how you are a bigger pussy than an actual girl.
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girl, what are you even trying to say? you also seem to forget that cat released jaime, rob's most important and influential prisoner, and trusted him based on his word lmao
It's also that book Jace was in charge of everything at that time and no one questioned him, he wasn't Rhaenyra's pet to be kept at Dragonstone and kept out of the loop of important news and having to sneak off to do the one war-related thing. Show Jace is in a completely different spot stuck with a Mary Sue protagonist in a world where objecting to anything she does is a sin.
I understand the reasoning for it, I just kind of feel like his sudden insecurity comes out of left field. I guess it’s an angle on the character that gurm never considered, just kind of wish they’d built it up more if that’s the direction they decided to take the show.
House of kyphosis
Also a show thing since book Rhaenys had dark hair.
I still don't understand. Who was this, if not Nettles? Was this in the episode?
She was just an extra anon, I’m sure if you watched the episode slow enough you would be able to spot her in the background.
>show Nettles died in the Vermithor massacre and Sheepstealer wasn't there
> the war was Luke's fault
this but unironically
Luke did NOTHING wrong ever in his life. Hell, Jace and Baela were more to blame for that, or Aemond, or Rhaenyra for telling Jace to help Baela and Rhaena, or Cole for not doing his fucking job that night etc.
>let us raise our cups to these dragon riders all handsome, wise…mutt
its all Cole's fault. fuck that nigga.
Lysa was crazy since childhood
>luke dindu nussin wrong he a good boy
>Ewan’s stage combat skills
I thought he learnt it on Uthred son of Uthred show
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He did, that’s just what it’s called even if it’s for the screen and not the stage.
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God, I hope this is true.
I'm fine with spoilers, I just don't remember everything.
Do they make it before or after Ulf and Hugh betray the blacks?
Don’t all the red priestesses start as slaves?
Fucking hell.
Anyone got the clip of him vaulting into the saddle? That was impressive.
more specifically, after Aegon II sits the throne after Rhaenyra dies.
the winter wolves arrive before the main host and do some fighting.
I’ll get it for you when I’m free and post it in the gen.

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